Battle of Five Armies - Recosted Lists [PDF]

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Battle of Five Armies – Recalculated points for Warmaster

The Alliance of Elves, Dwarves, and Men Troop Elven infantry Elven Archers Dwarves Dwarven Archers Men of Laketown Laketown Archers Elven Cavalry Giant Eagles Giant Bear Wizard Hero General

Type Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Infantry Cavalry Monster Monster Wizard Hero Upgrade

Attack 3 2/1 3 2/1 3 2/1 3 2 6 +1 +1 +1

Hits 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 -

Armour 6+ 0 4+ 5+ 6+ 0 6+ 6+ 4+ -

Cmd 8 8 +1

Size 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

Points 50 45 110 80 45 30 80 70 125 90 80 +45

min/max -/2/4 1/-/1 1/-/2 -/2 -/1 -/1 0/1 -/2 1

Special *1 *1 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5

Special Rules 1. Elves have incredibly quick reactions making them exceptionally potent warriors. To represent this, Elves add +1 to their dice when rolling Attacks for shooting, and the first round of each combat engagement. They will therefore hit against enemies with a 3+ in the open, 4+ when defended, and 5+ if fortified. Note that this only applies in the first round of each combat, including those resulting from advances. It does not affect following rounds resulting from pursuits. 2. Giant Eagles are flying monsters. 3. Giant Bears represent Beorn the skinchanger but can also be any other powerful creatures such as Ents, the

Wolfhounds of Valinor, or other Bears. They cause terror. 4. Wizard. The Good army can only ever include one Wizard, regardless of the points level. There are two separate spell lists for the Wizard. If taken normally, the Wizard uses the Elven Mage spell list. If upgraded into the General, he uses the Wizard spell list. 5. General. One character must be nominated as the Army’s General. This character gains one extra Attack and Command, and their command range is increased to Battlefield wide. If the Wizard is chosen as the General, they also must use the Wizard spell list.

Wizard Spell List Fireball 5+ to cast – Range 30cm The Wizard hurls a ball of flames straight at his foes. The Wizard must have a clear line of sight to his target to cast this spell. The spell cannot be directed at a unit that is engaged in combat. The Fireball is worked out exactly like three ordinary shooting attacks, except that all targets count as having no armour. Hits inflected by a Fireball will cause drivebacks just like ordinary shooting.

Command 5+ to cast – Range 30cm The Wizard’s steady voice directs troops above the tumult of war. This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within range, regardless of whether the Wizard has line of sight or not. It cannot be cast on a unit that is engaged in combat. Once this spell is cast upon the unit, it can move immediately just as if it had received an order in the Command phase. Note that the spell affects only a single unit (it is not a Brigade order) and does not affect any characters joined to the unit.

Blast 5+ to cast – Combat only A blast of sorcerous energy strikes the Wizard’s foes. This spell can only be cast if the Wizard has joined a friendly unit engaged in combat. This spell can be cast upon any enemy unit that the friendly unit is touching. The Blast is worked out exactly like three ordinary shooting attacks, except that the target counts as having no armour. Hits inflicted by Blast are carried over into the Combat phase and are counted towards the combat results in the first round. Confound 6+ to cast – Range 60cm The wizard whispers magical words of doubt and dissension amongst the target, causing the foe to squabble amongst themselves. This spell can be cast on any enemy unit within range regardless of vision. If successful, the enemy unit becomes confused.

Elven Mage Spell List Back Vile Creatures 4+ to cast – Range 30cm The Foe quails before the might of the Elven host – scattering and losing the will to fight. The Wizard targets an unengaged enemy unit within line of sight. If successful, the target unit is not harmed, but is driven back 3d6cm at the end of the shooting phase as if it had taken three hits from shooting from the Elven Mage. If the unit also suffers hits from shooting, these are added on top of the Drive back rolls.

Shoot! 5+ to cast – Range 30cm Elven archers redouble their efforts as vigour and determination steel their worn limbs. This spell can be cast on an unengaged unit of Elven archers within range regardless of vision. The unit can shoot immediately regardless of whether it has already shot that turn. In effect, the unit can shoot twice this turn.

Terrifying Radiance 5+ to cast – Range 30cm The enemy are terrified by the glimmering radiance of the Elven warriors. This spell can be cast on an unengaged unit of elves within range, regardless of Line of sight. If successful, the unit causes terror for the next combat phase.

Conceal 6+ to cast – Range 30cm Mystical energies enshroud friends, concealing them amongst mist and shadows. This spell can be cast upon an unengaged unit of Elves within range, regardless of line of sight. The unit immediately increases its armour roll by 1 (6+ becomes 5+). If the target has no armour value, it now has a value of 6+. This last for the duration of the enemy’s following turn, and ends at the start of the Good players turn.

The Alliance of Wargs and Goblins Troop Goblins Goblin Guard Hill Trolls Warg Riders Wargs Spiders Bat Swarm Giant Dragon Goblin General Goblin Chieftain Mountain Goblin Shaman

Type Infantry Infantry Infantry Cavalry Cavalry Monster Monster Monster Monster General Hero

Attack 2/1 3 5 2/1 3 3 2 8 6/3 +2 +1

Hits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 6 -

Armour 0 6+ 5+ 6+ 0 6+ 0 5+ 4+ -

Cmd 9 8

Size 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

Points 30 45 100 60 60 70 60 150 350 125 80

min/max -/-/1 -/1 -/-/4 -/1 -/1 -/1 0/1 1 -/2

Special *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 -










Special Rules 1. Goblins have a 15cm shooting attack, to represent a mixture of different weapons within their ranks. 2. Hill Trolls are witless and hard to command creatures. When giving them commands, all command penalties for distance are doubled. So within 20cm, no penalty applies, at up to 40cm a -2, at up to 60cm a -4 etc. 3. Warg Riders have a range of 15cm. Warg Riders can shoot behind or to the side as well as to the front. Just measure the range from any stand edge, front, side, or rear. They can therefore shoot at enemy charging them from any direction. 4. Spiders of Mirkwood consider all forest and wooded terrain as open for movement, command, and visibility. Additionally, if a stand of spiders is wholly or partially within forested terrain, that stand gains a shooting attack that can only be used if the spiders are charged. This attack can be made in any direction, regardless of whether the spiders have visibility of their charger or not. It cannot be used to make shooting attacks in any other way. 5. Bat Swarms are flying monsters.

6. Giants represent the Stone Giants of Misty mountains, but can be used to represent other great evil creatures of Middle-earth, such as the Mûmakil. Giants must be given separate orders, they cannot be brigaded with other units, not even other Giants. If you attempt to give an order to a Giant and fail, you must take a Giant Goes Wild test to see what happens. Giants cause Terror. Giants are so large that they can charge fortified enemies on top of walls or ramparts, though they cannot pursue enemies over high linear objects or city walls. Giants have many hits (8) and can be wounded during battle. If a Giant has suffered 4-7 hits by the end of a Shooting phase or a Combat phase, he is deemed badly hurt. Once badly hurt, all the outstanding hits are discarded, and the Giant’s Hits and Attacks are halved for the rest of the battle (4 Attacks and 4 Hits). 7. The Dragon profile is meant to represent Smaug but could also be used to represent other drakes in Middle-earth, a Balrog like Durin’s Bane, or perhaps even a Nazgul on a fell beast. Regardless of what it represents, you may only ever include a single Dragon in your army regardless of points level.

The Dragon is a flying monster, and causes Terror. It also has a special shooting attack – a dragon like Smaug would breath fire, but a Balrog could be using its whip, or a Nazgul the Black breath. The shooting attack has a range of 20cm, and can be directed at one enemy unit in the normal manner, and has three attacks worked out just as if a unit was hit by normal shooting. Dragons have many hits (6) and can be wounded during battle. If a Dragon has suffered 3-5 hits by the end of a Shooting phase or a Combat phase, he is deemed badly hurt. Once badly hurt, all the outstanding hits are discarded, and the Dragon’s Hits and Attacks are halved for the rest of the battle (3 Attacks and 3 Hits). Note that this does not affect the Dragon’s shooting attacks.

Mountain Goblin Shaman Spell List Foul Frenzy 4+ to cast – Range 30cm The Goblin hordes are driven into a fury of bloodlust by the shaman’s dark chants. The Wizard must have a clear line of sight to his target to cast this spell. The spell can only be directed at a Goblin infantry, guard, or wolf rider unit that is engaged in combat. Every stand in the unit, including characters that have joined the unit, add a +1 to their attack value during the first round of the following combat phase.

Faster you dogs! 5+ to cast – Range 60cm The Shaman’s frantic yells force the cowardly goblin ranks forward against their will. This spell can be cast on any friendly unengaged unit of Goblin infantry, guards or Wolf riders within range, regardless of whether the Wizard has line of sight or not. It cannot be cast on a unit that is engaged in combat. If the spell is cast upon the unit, it can move immediately just as if it had received an order in the Command phase. The spell affects only a single unit (it is not a Brigade order) and characters that have joined the unit will not move with it.

Dark Swarm 5+ to cast – Range 30cm A swarm of dreaded bloodsucking bats and dark horrors swirl around the foe and feast upon the wounded. This spell can be cast on any enemy unit within range, regardless of whether the Wizard has line of sight or not or whether they are engaged or unengaged. The Dark swarm is worked out exactly like three ordinary shooting attacks. If the target is unengaged, hits count towards drive backs like ordinary shooting. If the target is engaged, the hits are carried over into the first combat phase and count towards the resolution of the first combat round.