Final Marketing Research Group 7 [PDF]

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Group members: Nguyễn Quang Lộc - 16071070 Hoàng Hương Uyên - 19071554 Trần Phương Dung - 18071054 Vũ Trí Dũng - 18071056 Hoàng Minh Anh - 18081009 Nguyễn Minh Anh - 18071025

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh


We hereby declare that the Graduation Project “Factors Affecting Vietnamese Students’ Intention To Rent Homestay” is the results of our own research and has never been published in any work of others. During the implementation process of this project, we have seriously taken research ethics; all findings of this projects are results of our own research and surveys; all references in this project are clearly cited according to regulations. We bear full responsibility for the fidelity of the number and data and other contents of my graduation project.

Hanoi, January 10, 2021


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh


ABSTRACT Homestay programme, which was introduced in 1988, has become the iconic rural tourism product highlighting cultural and traditional ways of life. The concept of homestay is whereby a tourist stays together with the host family and interacts with the local community for a reasonable charge. Due to the potential of homestay in providing additional income and employment within the community, more participants have become motivated and encouraged to run the homestay programme. This paper presents factors that affect customer’s intention in choosing homestay Research methodology using content analysis approach was adopted in analyzing the data. The study revealed the many aspects of the homestay industry in Vietnam especially in Hanoi. Keywords: homestay, customer intention, purchase intention.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Table of Contents LETTER OF DECLARATION........................................................................................................2 ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................................3 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................7 1.1.

Background and necessity of the research..............................................................................7


Necessity of the research.....................................................................................................................7


Tourism in the Vietnamese context.....................................................................................................7


Homestays in the Vietnamese context..............................................................................................10


Research Objective................................................................................................................12


Research Question................................................................................................................12


Research Scope.....................................................................................................................12


Research Outline...................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................14 2.1.

Related Definitions and Previous Researches of Renting Homestay Intention......................14






Social media marketing......................................................................................................................16


Service quality....................................................................................................................................17




Customer’s intention..........................................................................................................................20

2.3. 4


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................................................................23 3.1.

Research process...................................................................................................................23


Sampling and data collection................................................................................................24


Primary Data Collection......................................................................................................................25


Sample Size.........................................................................................................................................25


How to choose sample.......................................................................................................................25


Designing questionnaire........................................................................................................26


Data analysis procedure:.......................................................................................................29

CHAPTER 4: DATA PRESENTATIONS AND FINDINGS...............................................................31 4.1.

Data descriptive....................................................................................................................31




Independent Sample T-test...................................................................................................34


Reliability analysis.................................................................................................................35


Choosing homestay............................................................................................................................35










Regression analysis...............................................................................................................41

Chapter 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................................47



Result discussion and implications........................................................................................47


Limitations and future research direction.............................................................................47

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh References............................................................................................................................49 Appendix 1: Questionnaire questions....................................................................................51

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background and necessity of the research 1.1.1. Necessity of the research

Tourism is one of the potential industries for economic development in our country. In the past, travelers could only choose to rent a hotel. In such circumstances, the appearance of homestay can be considered as a turning point of the tourism industry because it not only offers many accommodation choices for tourists, but also contains a great potential for the industry travel. Today, because of the diversity of homestay types, there is inevitable business competition among homestays, and factors to attract customers have become a top concern. The purpose of this research is to find the factors that attract customers to a homestay and the main target in this research are students from seven different universities in Hanoi who concern about renting a homestay. 1.1.2. Tourism in the Vietnamese context

Travel is one of the activities that are loved by young people and also the hottest topic on social media since the beginning of the year due to the development of the trend of writing reviews (travel destinations, travel tips, ...) on social networks. Through YouNet Media analyzing travel trends of young people aged between 18 and 24 years old through discussions created by this target group


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

on social media through data collected by SocialHeat - Listening System and top social network analysis in Vietnam today. Analyzing the discussion of young people that mention why they like to travel, enjoying holidays, free time is the top reason for deciding to travel (26%). Besides this reason, there are some groups of reasons leading to travel needs of young people below: Travel demand comes from a desire to meet a certain emotion or need. In which there are specific identified needs such as: - Want to find joy, relieve stress (17%) - Want to explore and experience (11%) - Satisfy passions and hobbies (11%) - To improve ourselves (9%) Or simply to fill in a vague emotion like: - Because I like a certain place (6%) - Want to go alone (3%) Needs to improve and develop relationships, namely: - Want to enjoy time with friends and lover (16%) - Want to enjoy time with family (7%) Tourism demand comes from objective factors or external influences such as: - Decided to travel because you were inspired by reviews, recommend good places on social media (11%) 7

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- Wanting to travel is simply because friends invite, the whole group of friends go together, not necessarily because of the need to travel. Tourism is gradually becoming one of the indispensable "dishes" of a modern life. After stresses, fatigue, sadness or even just relaxing, everyone thinks about "carrying their backpack and going", finding a new, peaceful place to relieve stress in their lives. So, in which direction are today's young people "moving"? 1. Solo travel This can be said to be a quite popular tourism trend among young people today, especially for women. Women are becoming more and more independent and gaining a standing in society. Discovering new things for themselves is also a way for them to demonstrate their independence and strong spirit. They simply like to go alone, try to experience a series of independent days, self-explore, absorb the interesting and unique of the trip and especially focus more on relaxing moments for myself. Moreover, this can help to expand the exchange and connect with friends during each trip. 2. Experienced travel / backpacking For many people, the trips not only mean sightseeing, exploring or a place to learn about culture, but also a time for them to find a quiet, relaxing, relaxing place, get rid of the stressful fatigue of daily life.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

They are more interested in the experience of the trip. They don’t want to be constrained by the scheduled schedules from the travel agencies, many young people want to plan and arrange their own memorable trip. It can be long trips, through many different localities, or short camping trips but it is enough to experience the beautiful scenery from all roads of the country. 3. Self-sufficient travel In the modern technology development era like today, information is always updated fully, quickly and thoroughly. Therefore, many young people have planned their own trip, self-researched and prepared everything for their own memorable trip. This trend helps young people improve their autonomy and confidence in coping with difficulties on their journey to explore, moreover, they can also avoid service costs but still have a wonderful trip. Furthermore, many teenagers choose to find a beautiful homestay then have relaxing time with their friends. No need to go out much, they themselves create games or activities, cook meals to join together 4. Travel check in It is undeniable that the selected places are HOT tourist destinations, the first thing must be beautiful and attractive places. After that, the climate, cuisine, ... Age 4.0 is the era of today's technology, most of them use social networks and the spread is very strong. Many young people today are affected by shared hot spots and want to go there themselves to check-in. Keeping memories with poetic views, stay in beautiful homestay, delicious food, but the photos also need to be carefully


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

invested and a couple of reviews about the trip, they have received a lot of attention from the community of love travel 1.1.3. Homestays in the Vietnamese context All over the country, the homestay program is a form of alternative tourism in which tourists are given the opportunity to experience the way of life in a typical village with local community. The experiential nature of this form of tourism is becoming increasingly popular with foreign tourists. In contrast to mass tourism, the homestay program should preferably be low scale, low density, flexible and spontaneous. More importantly it should be owned and operated by the local communities so that the economic benefits go directly to them. As a form of Community Based Tourism, the homestay concept is currently well accepted as a rural development tool in Vietnam as well many Asian countries. The homestay program can enhance local quality of life through generation of income, support local culture, arts and crafts business, encourages restoration of local and historic sites, and foster nature conservation efforts through community education. A more systematic development of homestay will be crucial in creating a ‘new brand’ of tourist experience, showcasing the rural way of life, offering an affordable form of holiday that contains a high degree of cultural and educational elements. The selling point of the homestay program is not the physical entity of the village but more towards the total village experience, where the community and communal activities are strong influential factors. Over the past two years, the list of apartments for rent on Airbnb and HomeAway has grown by 452%. The whole country has up to 50,000 homestays are renting on online booking channels. Although the country has tens of thousands of homestays, the 10 largest markets, Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Quang Nam, Lam Dong, Vung Tau, Kien Giang, Quang Ninh and Thua Thien - Hue, account for 93%. of the total supply and 98% of the total homestay 10

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sales in the country. In which, homestay rental revenue per year in Ho Chi Minh City is more than 41.6 million USD, Da Nang 19.5 million USD, Hanoi is more than 13.3 million USD, Khanh Hoa 7.6 million USD …. AirDNA - the world's leading short-term

vacation rental data and analysis company - has an optimistic view of the homestay market in Vietnam, saying that the development of this service offers other things. Especially for tourists that traditional hotels cannot fully satisfy. In particular, there is a connection between local people and tourists to help visitors explore more deeply the local culture. 1.2. Research Objective The study aims to determine the factors influence VNU students to choose homestays while traveling in Vietnam. According to some research done before about this problem, there are some main factors affect customers’ considerations such as price, service quality, social media marketing and design. It is necessary to do a research to discover other aspects and understand more about customers’ favor of choosing their destination. 1.3. Research Question This study will answer the following questions: What are the main factors affecting VNU students’ intention to choose homestay in Vietnam? 1.4. Research Scope The study will gather data from 200 students currently studying Vietnam National University, aging from 18 to 25 in the Hanoi area. The time we gather data will be range from December 14, 2020 to December 27, 2020.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

1.5. Research Outline This thesis is divided into 5 chapters, as presented as follow: Chapter 1:

This part introduces briefly the research, research


objectives, research questions, and scope.

Chapter 2: Literature review Chapter 3: Research This chapter will describe the data collection and Methodology

analyzing process which are methods based on previous literature.

Chapter 4: Data

This chapter will describe data collected, and then show

presentation and

analysis results from SPSS software, version 20, and then


test the proposed hypothesis.

Chapter 5:

This chapter will answer the research questions, discuss

Discussions and

research findings as well as giving some suggestions or


any solutions to the found results, limitations, and further research direction.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Related Definitions and Previous Researches of Renting Homestay Intention According to Bird & Jelinek (1988), Intention refers to the state of mind which guides an individual’s attention, experiences and actions toward a specific object, goal or path. It has been hypothesized that the greater the level of intention, the more likely it is to take actions (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1977). The relationship between intention and behavior was examined by Ajzen and Madden (1985), in which class participation between students was recorded and students were asked to complete intentional measures. The results show that intention is really a important prediction of a behavior. Homestay is a term means staying in someone’s home. By definition, homestay is a popular form of hospitality and lodging whereby visitors share a residence with a local of the city to which they are traveling. Homestay gives opportunities for tourists to experience the way of life of the local people of a region or an area, can be in the city or in the countryside, along with the indigenous and traditional cultures within a comfortable homely setting (Boonratana, 2010; Kamisan, 2007). Amran (2010) explain further by defining homestay as a form of holiday itinerary which include the action of the tourist coming to stay with the family or rent the house of the family and interact with the local community. According to Wipada (2007), homestay is defined as a type of lodging that tourists share with the house owner or rent the house of the owner with the intention to learn culture and lifestyle from the homeowner who is willing to pass on and share their culture. It is very unique as this concept promotes interaction between host families and 13

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tourists and acting as a development tool to raise awareness on the cultural exchange and respect for the host’s culture (Jamilah, 2007). In general, homestay is pretty different compared to other types of accommodation such as a hotel, a motel or bed and breakfast places, which is normally only located in the city or suburban areas meanwhile the location of the homestay is normally situated in rural areas (Salamiah, 2011) where the local community is still practicing the traditional way of life and embracing strong, distinguish culture and traditional practices. In the circumstance of homestay, the product is not merely a rural tourism programme but it also is a strategy for local community development. With the active involvement of local residents fostering, understanding and cooperation in implementing activities in the area together with the better infrastructure, the growth of the homestay programme has enormous potential as an alternative tourism product to attract international and domestic tourists. Factors which affected customer’s intention are those which have direct influen ce on customer’s descision making process and in the homestay industry they can be price, service quality,design, appearance, location,social media marketing,etc (Vladan,2017).  2.2. Hypotheses 2.2.1. Price

When it comes to the business market, prices are everything. Prices are responsible (either partly or fully) for the decisions that consumers make. The price you set for a product or service has a very significant effect on how the consumer behaves and makes decision. Kotler and Keller (2012) defined price as something that can be measured which consists of several indicators, such as the affordable 14

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price, the fair price, discounted price, competitor price, and price suitability. If consumers believe that the price you’re charging is lower than competitors it could cause a major spike in sales. But if the price you set is significantly higher than expected, the response can be disappointing (Louise Balle, 2019). Most customer choose to buy due to the price of the product and for the homestay industry, sometimes the motto is “the lower the better” for those who do not have a special need for staying situation. However, there are customer with high demand for staying condition and willing to pay more in order to ensure that they will have excellent condition places due to the “price and quality relationship” (Shu Gan,1984). In order to satisfy the need of every customers is extremely difficult, it sure is a challenge for homestay owner as the industry is getting bigger than ever (Mcphil,2019).  H1: Price will positively influence on customer’s choice while choosing homestay. 2.2.2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing factor is a huge deal now that internet development is unstoppable, it can be understood as a step of promotion, a “system that allowing marketer to connect, cooperate with each other, interact and exploit collective intelligent crowd sourcing for marketing purposes” (Chikandiwa, Contogiannis, & Jembere, 2013). Advertisement is one of the effective tools of integrated marketing communication to emotionally motivate consumers to buy the products. It allows them to create strong relationship and lasting relationships through marketing communication elements. The most influencing theory in marketing and advertising research is attitude-towards-the-ad. The attitude that is formed towards 15

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the ad help in influencing consumer’s attitudes toward the brand until their purchase intent (Goldsmith and Lofferty, 2002). This is the gaps need to be investigated, how social media marketing can be useful for homestay business. Since social media have a great influence nowadays, there is such a high chance that customer chooses to rent a homestay because they saw tons of advertisement on social media and decided that they believe the specific excellent advertisements they saw. This way of making decision is called emotional response-decision. As emotional advertising is considered to be most effective tools, so that consumer ultimately gives emotional response to that product (Zain-Ul-Abideen,2011). This means that emotionally advertisement will have bigger influence on customer’s choices. Literally, social media is very important because it allow users to immediately obtain and share information. However, firm that have a good social marketing is no necessity means a guarantee of success so there still a lot of problem to face so the concept of social media is top topic for many business executives nowadays. To succeed, they need to understand what makes potential customers behave the way they do. Therefore, having good marketing can truly help homestay owner to make a different in this potential industry.  H2: Social media marketing has a significant influence on customer’s decisions. 2.2.3. Service quality

Talk about how service quality affects the customer’s choices of homestays, Team Trilyo wrote on “Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction In Ihe Hotel Industry”, that customer satisfaction is the internal feelings of every individual which may be satisfaction or dissatisfaction resulting from the assessment of 16

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services provided to an individual in context to customer’s anticipation by an organization. Hotels are continuously trying to improve the service just to satisfy their customer because higher customer satisfaction will lead towards customer loyalty. Research on this issue, Dr. Si Nguyen Van and Dr. Bang Nguyen Viet did a research named “ Factors effect on Tourist Loyalty: A Case Study of Homestay Tourism in Ben Tre”, they said that the constructs of service quality, tourist satisfaction, and tourist loyalty continued to receive much research attention in the field of tourism as providing high quality service and ensuring tourist satisfaction are recognized as important factors influencing the success of the tourism industries (Rajaratnam et al., 2014). Service quality is about consumers’ subjective judgment of a service provided by the provider, according to the gap between the customer’s expectations and their realistic perception of the service (Ivyanno & Nila, 2013). So that, homestay service quality refers to tourist satisfaction with services provided by the homestay owners or staff (Hu et al., 2012). From website, a research named “Do you know the factors affect guest experience?” (9 April 2018) showed that customers' generally come into hotels with certain pre-set ideas of how they should be treated. Most of the time, guests expect staff members to be helpful and friendly, as well as be knowledgeable about the area and attractions close by. Good service starts with your attitude and employee training. It is the responsibility of every member of the team to learn customer service skills that go above and beyond a guest's expectations. From interacting with the restaurant, housekeeping or checking out at the front desk, the aim is to deliver a consistent experience to all of your guest. Having a standardized way of interacting with guests will set consistency and help make expectations clear. However, consistency does not mean that every guest 17

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should get the same service. True service excellence requires personalization and making each customer feel as though there is no one else. According to Atilla Akbaba in Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: A Study in a business hotel in Turkey, the role of service quality in the success of hotel businesses cannot be denied. It is vital for the hotel managers to have a good understanding on what exactly the customers want. Identifying the specific expectations of customers, the dimensions of the service quality, and their relative importance for customers for each specific segment of hotel industry would definitely help managers in the challenge of improving the service quality.  H3: Service quality has a great influence on their choices of homestay. 2.2.4. Design

The design of each homestay is like the soul of that homestay because it is the only thing that attracts tourists to explore. According to an article that we found on Mathouse, a very important thing when running a homestay business is how to turn your homestay into a cozy, fun, friendly home is a question that any homestay owner wants to answer. Because only when visitors feel happy, comfortable, they intend to return or introduce to friends and acquaintances. Another important aspect to attract visitors is the unique design. The author of “How to attract customers when Homestay business services sprout like mushrooms?” states that there must be a lot of classic style homestay in Da Lat, but the classic homestay in Da Lat has a murmuring sound and wordless music to help sleep well every night is not much. Homestay has a strawberry garden in Da Lat, many places have but a room designed like a strawberry garden is a rare item? Use these strengths as a fulcrum to bring your homestay brand to more visitors. 18

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An article on Aci Home states that selection and identification of customers is the basis for planning construction design. It is necessary to choose a design style suitable for the age and tastes of the customer. Investors can choose the distinct concept of their homestay. Maybe following concepts such as green forests, sea, ... It is extremely important to divide many rooms for your homestay. Target groups such as groups, singles, couples ... need to ensure they are met. Keep a reputation and a name for your homestay.  H4: Design of a homestay has a significant influence on customer choice of homestay. 2.2.5. Customer’s intention

In a research How do guest choose a hotel, hotel products can be viewed as bundles of various attributes which directly influence choice and they may arouse the consumers’ purchase intentions and differentiate themselves from their competitors’ offers (Alpert, 1971). Important elements which create the competitive advantages of the hotel are: product, location, product offers and services, quality, price and reputation. Wuest et al. (1996) defined perceptions of hotel attributes as the degree to which travelers find various services important and to the customers’ satisfaction. Bull (1998) stresses the importance of location for product differentiation in the hospitality industry which produces “place-sensitive products”. In the marketing literature there is a rising level of importance placed upon hotel branding and brand is treated as part of the firm’s intangible asset value (O’Neill & Belfrage, 2005) which also has an important influence on consumer decision-making in choosing hotel. The results of the cluster analysis show that the first and the largest cluster includes the guests who choose a hotel based on the 19

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personal experience and recommendation of friends and tourist agencies. Before the final purchase, consumers evaluate various alternatives based on the informal information they have received. These guests can be identified as representatives of self and others’ opinion. Upon that, we can deduce that positive experiences are the key factor of a hotel’s success. The second most important segments of the guests are the ones who trust advertising. Marketing communication with attractive prices and hotel location is very important to them.... In the further research regarding consumer hotel choice, other factors should be included such as hotel category, quality, hotel brand, satisfaction, loyalty of guests, etc. 2.3. Summary In summary, there are many factors having been proven by previous studies over the world that affect customer’s decision of renting homestay. This research focuses on the factors which match with Vietnam current situation, and I propose these hypotheses: H1:

Price will positively influence on customer’s choice while choosing

homestay. H2: Social media marketing has a significant influence on customer’s decisions. H3: Customer service has a great influence on their choices of homestays H4: Design of a homestay has a significant influence on customer choice of homestay.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh








BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Research process Figure 4: Research process proposed by the author. Review the literature and

Summarize the related research

research for inspiration and

and literature then come up with

develop research.

the research.

Identify research objectives,

Finalize research objectives,

research scope, research model

research scope, research model

and methodology.

and methodology.

Identify research population,

Measurements in EI; and

sample and scale and

associated constructs in TPB &



Plan to do survey and develop

Proposed questionnaire and

questionnaire based on previous

survey plan



BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Advise with supervisors for

Updated questionnaire

finalizing the plan for survey and updating the questionnaire.

Run data on SPSS 20.

Final questionnaire

Collect data.

Analyze and interpret data by SPSS.

Research results, lessons, Conclusions and suggestions

limitations and future research direction

3.2. Sampling and data collection This study used primary data collected by the author for analyzing and obtaining results and give suggestions.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

3.2.1. Primary Data Collection

The primary data were collected to investigate factors affecting customer’s decision in choosing homestay, in which the data were collected in the following ways:  100 questionnaires were distributed online in Hanoi via google doc file.  The other 100 questionnaires were distributed in person for students of International School – Vietnam National University. 3.2.2. Sample Size

The proposed sample for this study is 200. Hair et al. (1998) proposed that the least amount of sample that is recommended is equal to the total variables in a questionnaire multiple by 5. This can be interpreted that each variable needs at least 5 respondents. This is the lowest limit for the number of respondents. Due to limited time and resources, this study will apply this for calculating the number of sample size. Considering this research is following quantitative approach, with the number of variables is 5 in total, the sample size is above: 5*37=185. Be aware of the response can be invalid due to the respondents’ limitation, the final sample number for distributing questionnaire is 185. 3.2.3. How to choose sample

Sampling method is convenient sampling. Since it is not possible to conduct the survey across Vietnam in every city, in this study, the chosen location is Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, where many of the largest universities in the country are concentrated. Sample selection is convenient for this study because of its limited


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

time and cost effectiveness. For the online survey, respondents were selected from Facebook friend list. For the offline survey, the survey subjects came from the International School - Hanoi National University, the students surveyed in this study came from 7 universities in Vietnam Nation University: International School, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Languages and International Studies, University of Engineering and Technology, University of Economics and Business, University of Education, University of Science. 3.3. Designing questionnaire The study measured customer’s decisions in choosing homestay based on a batch of 37 statements and questions relating to factor affecting customer’s choosing homestay intention. The measures of this research are obtained and modified based on similar ones from previous studies. Questionnaire was designed in English then translated to Vietnamese for Vietnamese respondents. After referencing from above literature, the questionnaire of this research was divided into two parts, with the following content:  Introduction part: includes the introduction and commitment.  Main part contains 37 measuring items for 5. following constructs:


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Construct  Price 


Cod Sources 

I usually compare the price of different  homestays

ing  P1  Kotler andKeller an

before making a rental decision.  I tend to choose homestay with lowerprice. Higher price will come along with betterhomestay 

dKusdiyah(2012).  P2    P3 

quality.  It is easy to find homestay with cheapprice.  P4  If the price is similar between a homestayand a hotel, P5    Social  media marketing 

Service quality 

I will choose to stay at ahomestay  I usually choose to rent a homestay because I saw

M1  (Zain-Ul-Abideen,

advertisements about it on socialmedia.  I believe in the advertisement that i saw on social

2011).  M2 

media. Homestay that has good social media marketing will


be my choice if i want to rentone.  I can find a lot of great deal while looking at the


advertisements on social media.  When a customer has a problem, excellenthomestay 

CS1 Reliability (ServQu

service will show a sincere interest in solving it   When the service servers promises to do

.1  al)  CS1

something by a certain time, it does so  .2  The homestay performs the service right the first time CS1 Employees of excellent homestay servicewill tell 

.3  CS2 Responsiveness (Se

customers exactly when service willbe performed  Employees of excellent homestay will give

.1  rvQual)  CS2

prompt service to customers.  .2  Employees of excellent banks will alwaysbe willing to  CS2 help customers.  Employees of excellent homestay willnever be too 

.3  CS2

busy to respond to customers’requests.  .4  Homestay’s physical facilities are visually appealing  CS3 Tangibles (ServQua Homestay has modern looking equipment.  27

.1  l)  CS3

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Homestay’s reception desk employees areneat 

.2  CS3

appearing.  Materials associated with the service (such

.3  CS3

as pamphlets or statements) are visually


appealing at homestay  Customer of excellent homestay service will feel safe  CS4 Assurance (ServQu in transactions  The behavior of employees in homestay instills

.1  al)  CS4

confidence in you.  Employees in homestay area consistently

.2  CS4

courteous with you.  Employees in homestay have the knowledge

.3  CS4

to answer your questions.  Excellent homestay service will have

.4  CS5 Empathy (ServQual

employees who give customers personal attention.  Excellent homestay will have operating

.1  )  CS5

hours convenient to all their customers.  Excellent homestay will have their

.2  CS5

customer’s best interests at heart  The employees of excellent homestay will

.3  CS5

understand the specific needs of theircustomers.  You expect staff members to be helpful and

.4  CS6 “Do youknow thefa

friendly, as well as be knowledgeable about Design   

ctors...”( 9April 201

the area and attractions close by  8)  I rent a homestay due to my first impressionof its desig D1  Zemke, D. M  V et n  Size of homestay is one of my concern  Light plays an important role in myexperience  The facade of the homestay attracted me to use its

al (2017, May 18th). D2  Hotel design, guest D3  D4  satisfaction  

service  ChoosingHom Factors which affected customer’s decisioncan

  CC Vladan, 2017 

estayintention  be price, service, appearance, location,social media ma 1 


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh rketing, etc  Homestay branding has an important influence on

CC Petra

consumer decision-making 

in choosing a homestay.  Marketing communication is an important factor in

ZabukovecBaruca(2 012)  

CC How do guests choosing homestay  3  choose a hotel?  Hotel category, quality, satisfaction, loyalty of guests CC   are factors that I think of when choosing homestay  4 

3.4. Data analysis procedure: For the purpose of this study, out team used the Statistical Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 22 to compute all the data gathered from the questionnaire. The techniques of analysis used in this study were descriptive (mean, standard deviation), T-Test, Correlation and Linear Regression to sum up the data collected. The questionnaires used are adopted from the questionnaires developed from past researches. In order to describe the sample characteristics in the data analysis report, demographic data (Section A) such as gender is included in the questionnaire. These data are structured in a range of response option, rather than seeking exact figures. In the subsequent sections, all the study variable scales are measured using Likert scale rated varying from 1 to 5 (highly disagree to highly agree). Price was constructed in five measurement items, social media marketing was constructed in four measurement items, service quality in twenty measurement items, design in four measurement items and customer’s choosing intention in four measurement items respectively.


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Descriptive Statistics of 156 Observations

Descriptive Statistics N P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 M4 CS1.1 CS1.2 CS1.3 CS2.1 CS2.2 CS2.3 CS2.4 CS3.1 CS3.2 CS3.3 CS3.4 CS4.1 CS4.2 CS4.4 CS5.1 CS5.2 CS5.3 CS5.4 CS6 D1 D2 D3 D4 CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 Gender


Minimum 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156 156

Maximum 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2

Mean 3.54 3.63 3.69 3.67 3.74 3.92 3.72 3.63 3.72 3.82 3.60 3.79 3.79 3.88 3.85 3.87 3.81 3.90 3.83 3.75 3.83 3.84 3.89 3.89 3.87 3.90 3.81 3.80 4.10 3.74 3.70 3.71 4.10 3.78 3.86 3.83 1.56

Std. Deviation 1.115 .844 .832 .924 .836 .865 .864 .836 .877 .846 .878 .827 .819 .860 .851 .809 .833 .813 .820 .877 .820 .831 .824 .808 .828 .844 .788 .815 .689 .826 .799 .977 .707 .767 .774 .881 .497

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Criteria Valid N (listwise)

156 156





A summary of the descriptive statistics is presented in table above. For each item the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation are taken into consideration. All 156 copies of the survey were distributed and collected online. Among 156 questionnaires, the received answered are screened to find out no invalid, and we received 156 valid answers. 4.2. Frequency The questionnaire was constructed on 38 questions in which 2 questions about demographics were ordinal and nominal scale and the other 36 questions were formulated in Likert scale, ranged from 1- totally disagree to 5-totally agree. The total number of responses was 156 in which none out of them were excluded due to its invalidity. As result, 156 responses were used for further analysis. Regarding the 2 demographic questions: gender and criteria of customer when choosing a homestay. The results of gender and criteria of students when choosing homestay were summarized in these table below. Table: Frequency of gender Gender Cumulative Valid

Male Femal e Total


Frequency 68 88 156

Percent Valid Percent 43.6 43.6 56.4 56.4 100.0


Percent 43.6 100.0

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

The sample of the survey in our research focuses on students of VNU. Base on the table above, we can see that among 156 students who participate in answering questionnaires, there is a different between male and female. To be more specific, the number of females answering the survey is higher than males with about 68 (43.6%) and 88 (56.4%) people respectively. Table: Frequency of criteria Criteria Cumulative Valid

Price Social Servic

Frequency 60 27 42

e Design Total

27 156

Percent Valid Percent 38.5 38.5 17.3 17.3 26.9 26.9 17.3 100.0

17.3 100.0

Percent 38.5 55.8 82.7 100.0

Looking at the table in more detail, we can see that the number of participants considering about price of a homestay after making decisions is highest with 60 (38.5%) respondents compared to social, service and design at about 27 (17.3%), 42 (26.9%) and 27 (17.3%) respondents respectively. Nowadays people want to find a homestay which is affordable after that they will care about other criteria such as service and design of that homestay.


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4.3. Independent Sample T-test From analysis of above, Price can be concerned as the most significant factors when choosing to rent a homestay. So, in this part, Independent t-Test was used to identify factor “price” especially P5 which is “If the price is similar between a homestay and a hotel, I will choose to stay at a homestay” according to gender. Base on the table below, the P- value (0.320) of the Levene’s Test for gender was more than 0.05 which indicates that the variance is not heterogeneous. Then we can see that the 2-tailed significance (0.238) is more than 0.05 suggests that there are no differences in both male and female in their decision of price when choosing homestay or hotel if the price is similar.

Levene's Test for Equality of

T-test for Equality of Means



Equal variances assumed P5




Equal variances not assumed

4.4. Reliability analysis 4.4.1. Choosing homestay Reliability Statistics 34



Sig. (2tailed)


Std. Error

Differen Differenc ce


95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower
















BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted





















The scale for a Choosing homestay consisted of 4 items CC1, CC2, CC3 and CC4 as coded above. From the table shows that Cronbach’s alpha of the Choosing homestay by 0.655 much higher than 0.6. Total corrected items are 0.449, 0.433, 0.396 and 0.471 all greater than 0.3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Choosing homestay is trustworthy and that all 4 items are accepted. The conclusion is that the Choosing homestay is to have 4 items.


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In conclusion, after making reliability analysis, scale remains four items: CC1, CC2, CC3 and CC4. 4.4.2. Design

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted





















The scale for a design consisted of 4 items d1, d2, d3 and d4 as coded above. From the table shows that Cronbach’s alpha of the Design by 0.581 much higher than 0.6.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Total corrected items are 0.327, 0.500, 0.355 and 393 all greater than 0.3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Design is trustworthy and that all 4 items are accepted. The conclusion is that the design is to have 4 items. In conclusion, after making reliability analysis, scale remains four items: D1, D2, D3 and D4.

4.4.3. Price Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted






















Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh P5





The scale for a design consisted of 5 items P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5 as coded above. From the table shows that Cronbach’s alpha of Price by 0.633 much higher than 0.6. Total corrected items are 0.370, 0.474, 0.427,0.422 and 0.384 all greater than 0.3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Price is trustworthy and that all 5 items are accepted. The conclusion is that the price is to have 5 items: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. In conclusion, after making reliability analysis, scale remains four items: P1, P2, P3 and P4.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

4.4.4. SCM Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted

Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted





















From the table shows that Cronbach’s alpha of the SCM by 0.646 much higher than 0.6. Total corrected items are 0.462, 0.472, 0.499, and 0.381 all greater than 0.3. Therefore, it can be concluded that the SCM is trustworthy and that all 4 items are accepted. The conclusion is that the SCM is to have 4 items: M1, M2, M3, M4. 39

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

In conclusion, after making reliability analysis, scale remains four items: M1, M2, M3 and M4.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

4.4.5. Choosing

Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items



Item-Total Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted

Scale Variance if Item Deleted




















































Corrected Item-Total Correlation

Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh CS3.4













































From the table shows that Cronbach’s alpha of the CS by 0.866 much higher than 0.6 Total corrected items are 0.354, 0.484, 0.403, 0.449, 0.434, 0.478, 0.520, 0.470, 0.472, 0.354, 0.458, 0.551, 0.495, 0.539, 0.518, 0.475,0.482,0.450 and 0.515 all greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concluded that the CS is trustworthy and that all 4 items are accepted The conclusion is that the SCM is to have 19 items.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

In conclusion, after making reliability analysis, scale remains nineteen items: CS1.1, CS1.2, CS1.3, CS2.1, CS2.2, CS2.3, CS2.4, CS3.1, CS3.2, CS3.3, CS3.4, CS4.1, CS4.2, CS4.3, CS4.4, CS5.1, CS5.2, CS5.3, CS5.4 and CS6 4.5. Regression analysis Pearson correlation statistic Correlations Price






Pearson Correlation






















.090 156


.000 156

.131 156

.132 156






.000 156

.000 156


.000 156

.000 156






.022 156

.131 156

.000 156


.000 156






Sig. (2-tailed)











Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).




BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Pearson Correlation between variable CUSTOMER’S RENTING INTENTION - CC and the other four components independent variables: PRICE, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING, SERVICE QUALITY, DESIGN, which presents all positive values. The results show that D, P and CS have a significant relationship with CC because their observed Pearson correlation is high (0.315, 0.301 and 0.391 respectively) while their significant level is low with p smaller than 0.05. It can be concluded that there is a positive linear relationship between dependent variable and 3 mentioned independent variables (D, P and CS). In addition, table also indicates that the correlation relations among three components is also strong with values of Pearson is more than 0.3, so it is necessary to check multi-collinearity situation through Variance inflation factor (VIF) value. Besides, correlation between SCM is quite small, with observed Pearson correlation are 0.127 (lower than 0.3), it can be concluded that there is no linear relationship between CC and SCM, then SCM would be eliminated from this model. Thus, hypothesis H3 are not supported

Collinearity Statistics Collinearity Statistics Component



1.111 1.125 1.302

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

It can be seen that all three values are very small (VIF < 2). So it can be said that Multicollinearity issue does not happen and regression analysis is suitable for the observed variables Regression Model Summaryb Model




R Square

Adjusted R Square


Std. Error of the Estimate



a. Predictors: (Constant), CS, Price, SCM, D b. Dependent Variable: CC

ANOVAa Model

Sum of Squares Regression



Mean Square















a. Dependent Variable: CC b. Predictors: (Constant), CS, Price, SCM, D

Coefficientsa Model

Unstandardized Coefficients B




Standardized Coefficients

Std. Error




















BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh D












a. Dependent Variable: CC

From Table Model Summary, Adjusted R-square value indicates that 17.6% of the variance in PI can be explained by four variables: P, SCM, D and CS. From coefficients presented in table above, component P and SCM shows the smallest value of coefficient at 0.072 and 0.071 with Sig = 0.86 and 0.346 > 0.05. Therefore, H1 and H3 are not supported which means it does not explain CC – choosing homestay intention in a reliable way. P and SCM are removed from model. Regression is checked the second time by running the test again. Result of the analysis is as following:

Regression analysis summary (2rd time) Model Summaryb Model




R Square

Adjusted R Square



a. Predictors: (Constant), CS, D b. Dependent Variable: CC



Std. Error of the Estimate .49745

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Model

Sum of Squares Regression



Mean Square















a. Dependent Variable: CC b. Predictors: (Constant), CS, D

Coefficientsa Model

Unstandardized Coefficients B (Constant)


Standardized Coefficients

Std. Error












Collinearity Statistics Tolerance













a. Dependent Variable: CC

From Table Model Summary, Adjusted R-square means that 18.2% of the variance in CC can be indicated by D and CS. A Sig. value of .000 in this case confirms that this variable is reliable to determine EI. Hypotheses H1 and H3 are supported. The relationships among constructs of entrepreneurial intention can be written as follows: CC = 0.212*D + 0.323*CS

Hypothesis tested results



BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

From above analysis, theoretical model was investigated and reconstructed with one dependent variable (Entrepreneurial Intention) and two independent variables (Entrepreneurial Desire, Entrepreneurial Confidence and Gender).

Hypotheses H1. Design of a homestay has a significant influence on

customer choice of homestay. H2: Service quality has a great influence on their

choices of homestay. H3. Social media marketing has a significant influence

on customer’s decisions, H4. Price will positively influence on customer’s choice

while choosing homestay.




Not Supported


Not Supported

BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Chapter 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1. Result discussion and implications The real aim of this research is to examine what predictors can have a significant impact on the choice of homestay intentions of Vietnamese students based on the Push and Pull Theory (Dann, 1997) and Maslow Model (1982). As precedent research has shown that, with only one model, the study does not represent all the factors that could affect the dependent variables (in this case, it is the intention of Vietnamese students to choose their homestays), I am therefore using a combination of the two theories mentioned above to deepen and reflect the real situation of the Vietnamese environment in recent years.

5.2. Limitations and future research direction In the first place, this study is attended only by IS-VNU students, so their views, attitudes, economic conditions and circumstances will vary from most other students in Vietnam. Future study on the same subject would have more representative findings if it maintains a distribution of numbers between students from different universities. Secondly, this study is performed only in one city of Vietnam, so that the findings do not reflect all the diversity of countries. Future research on the same subject should therefore broaden the scope of the survey to other major tourist cities in Vietnam, such as Ho Chi Minh City, Da Lat, Phu Quoc. Thirdly, the number of male students participating in the survey is very small, so the results on how different gender affects the intention to start a student business in this study are not persuasive enough. In order to enhance the accuracy of this


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variable, future researchers of the same subject should maintain a balance between the number of male and female students involved in the survey. Finally, due to insufficient time and resources, the number of respondents to this study is just marginally higher than the minimum appropriate amount. If future studies is to follow the same model, it is suggested that a broader range of participants be used.


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

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BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Appendix 1: Questionnaire questions Construct                             Items  Price 

I usually compare the price of different  homestays before making a rental decision.  I tend to choose homestay with lowerprice. Higher price will come along with betterhomestay quality.  It is easy to find homestay with cheapprice.  If the price is similar between a homestayand a hotel,


I will choose to stay at ahomestay  I usually choose to rent a homestay because I saw


advertisements about it on socialmedia.  marketing  I believe in the advertisement that i saw on social media. Homestay that has good social media marketing will be

Service quality 

my choice if i want to rentone.  I can find a lot of great deal while looking at the advertisements on social media.  When a customer has a problem, excellenthomestay service will show a sincere interest in solving it   When the service servers promises to do something by a certain time, it does so  The homestay performs the service right the first time Employees of excellent homestay servicewill tell customers exactly when service w illbe performed  Employees of excellent homestay will give prompt service to customers.  Employees of excellent banks will alwaysbe willing to help customers.  Employees of excellent homestay willnever be too  busy to respond to customers’requests.  Homestay’s physical facilities are visually appealing  Homestay has modern looking equipment.  Homestay’s reception desk employees areneat appearing.  Materials associated with the service (such as pamphlets or statements) are visually appealing at homestay  Customer of excellent homestay service will feel safe in transactions  The behavior of employees in homestay instills confidence in you.  Employees in homestay area consistently courteous with you. 


BSA3012 – Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh Employees in homestay have the knowledge to answer your questions.  Excellent homestay service will have employees who give customers personal attention.  Excellent homestay will have operating hours convenient to all their customers.  Excellent homestay will have their customer’s best interests at heart  The employees of excellent homestay will understand the specific needs of theircustomers.  You expect staff members to be helpful and friendly, as well as be knowledgeable about the area and attractions close by  Design    Choosing Homestay intention 

I rent a homestay due to my first impressionof its design  Size of homestay is one of my concern  Light plays an important role in myexperience  The facade of the homestay attracted me to use its service  Factors which affected customer’s decisioncan be price, service, appearance, location,social media marketing, etc  Homestay branding has an important influence on consumer decision-making in choosing a homestay.  Marketing communication is an important factor in choosing homestay  Hotel category, quality, satisfaction, loyalty of guests are factors that I think of when choosing homestay