Exercise 1:give The Correct Form of The Words in Brackets. Write Your Answers in The Corresponding Numbered Boxes. (10 Points) [PDF]

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Ôn thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Anh và thi Học sinh giỏi môn tiếng anh Chuyên đề: Word Form- 2

Exercise 1:Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points) In an effort to escape from their hectic and (1. MATERIAL) city lives, more and more Northern Europeans are buying houses in rural areas of France, Spain, Italy and Greece. Some relocate permanently in search of a more meaningful existence. Those who cannot afford to give up their jobs seek a (2. THERAPY) _ respite from their stressful lifestyle by relaxing for a few weeks each year in their second home in the sun. However, many of those who relocate permanently find that life in the country is not as quiet and (3. EVENT) as they had anticipated. Aspects of village life which seemed delightfully (4. ATMOSPHERE) in the context of a twoweek holiday can grate on the nerves when you love with them on a daily basis. Recently a group of British residents in an Italian village took local farmers to court because they found the smell of the villagers’ pigs (5. TASTE) . In other cases, foreigners have complained to neighbors about the enthusiastic early-morning crowing of their cockerels, or to village priests about the regular tolling of church bells. (6. UNDERSTAND) , the local inhabitants are somewhat (7. RESENT) of these attitudes. They argue that the foreigners have an (8. REAL) view of what country life is like and that, since no one forced them to come and live in a village, they are being (9. CRITIC) _by now complaining about the (10. CONVENIENT) of rural life. Your answers:

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Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points) We often think of ourselves as living in a time of (1) (continue) technological change and development. We tend to believe that we are unique in history in dealing a constantly (2) (evolve) world of gadgets, devices and innovations. However, the end of the nineteenth century and the start of the twentieth was also a time that saw many (3) _ (revolt) changes. People had needed to show (4) (flexible) throughout the nineteenth century, as the effects of the industrial revolution meant constantly making (5) _ (adjust) to deal with changing working conditions. Towards the end of the century, though people had to become more (6) _ (adapt) than ever before. The typewriter (1983), the telephone (1876), the electric bulb (1879) and other (7) (influence) developments gave people the (8) (capable) to live and work in ways their grandparents couldn’t have imagined. Over the next 30 years, little remained (9) (alter) as the camera, the cinema, the phonograph all had an (10) (electric) effect on people and society Your answers: 1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

Đáp án:

Exercise 3: Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write

your answers in the spaces provided below. (10 points) New food labelling system The government may soon forcce restaurants to introduce a “traffic light” labelling system on menus to help slow down rising levels of (0. OBESE) . Agreen circle would show food is safe and (1. ADVICE) to eat, while amber foods should be eaten in moderation and red foods eaten occasionally. Supermarkets already (2. VOLUNTEER) follow a similar code, but minister believe a radical (3. EXTEND) of the system to restaurant chains is necessary. They intend to (4. HARD) government policies on public health as recent statistics show that two thirds of adults are (5. WEIGH) or worse, obese. Abroad, New York city has already forced restaurant chains to list calorie content on mennus, believing this will lead to a dramatic (6. REDUCE) in the number of people who are obesse or who suffer from diabetes. If the government here goes ahead with the “traffic light” system it will no doubt face considerable (7. RESIST)

from the food industry, which would be forced to spend money on (8. DATE) menus. This new system would also be (9. CONTROVERSY) for small restaurant chains because menus are (10. SEASON) and constantly change, and many dishes do not contain standardized levels of ingredients. Answers: 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Đáp án:

Exercise 4: Fill each gap of the following passage with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes. (10 pts) MEDITATION People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet meditation is a (1. STRAIGHT) ..................................... technique which merely involves sitting and resting the mind. In addition to its (2. SIMPLE)......................................., meditation offers powerful help in the battle against stress. Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation, when (3. TAKE) ..................................... in a principled way, can reduce hypertension which is related to stress in the body. Research has proved that certain types of meditation can (4. SUBSTANCE)..................................... decrease key stress symptoms such as anxiety and (5. IRRITATE) ..................................... . In fact, those who practise meditation with any (6. REGULAR).....................................see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in hospital. They are said to have more stamina, a happier (7. DISPOSE) ..................................... and even enjoy better relationships. When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal 'mantra' or word which you use every time you practise the technique and which is (8. SUPPOSE) ..................................... chosen according to your needs. Initial classes are taught individually but (9. SEQUENCE) ..................................... classes usually consist of a group of students and take place over a period of about four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a deeper state of (10.CONSCIOUS) ..................................... for twenty minutes a day. The rewards speak for themselves. Your answers 1. 6. 2.








Đáp án:

Exercise 5: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word

that fits in the space. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. THE MEANING OF DREAMS Until the early twentieth century, most scientists argued that dreams were nothing but a random jumble of completely (1. COMPREHEND)


remaining from the sensory accumulation of our daily lives. Since the idea that dreams















theories to explain the logic of dreams. The (4.BEWILDER)

nature of this logic reflects the primary

source of the dreams outside the tidy confines of the conscious mind. A dream can be a response to events in the outside world, or it can originate within, expressing aspects of the dreamer’s (5. SEAT) desires or (6. LIGHT) EXPECT)





unresolved emotions in the dreamer’s life. Not (7. , the contradictions implicit in these complex

processes are reflected in the syntax of dreams. Often (8.ENIGMA)

, halting

and fragmentary, the language of dreams can warp time, bringing together historical and contemporary figures. It can mix the familiar with the (9.


, and work fantastic transformations by its own brand of

magic. Scenes in dreams merge mysteriously into one another, as in certain movies. People or animals may fly or inanimate things may move independently and talk. It is out of such complex and contrary (10. HAPPEN)


meanings of dreams have to be teased. Your answers: 1.











PART FOUR: WRITING I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one: 1. My parents think that I should take a gap year after leaving school -> My parents would prefer…………………………………………………….. 2. Tony said: “Let me drive you to the airport tomorrow, Helen” ->Tom offered…………………………………………………………………….. 3. I only found out about the meeting when the office called me. -> Not until………………………………………………………………………… 4. Andy is a much better pianist than Joe ->Joe is nowhere…………………………………………………………………. 5. Despite the teacher’s clear instructions, many students didn’t perform the task well. ->Clearly……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. The patient made an amazing quick recovery from the operation -> That the patient made……………………………………………………………………………. 7. Brian is having a lot of trouble now because he lied to the police about the theft. ->Had……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. The celebrity would do anything to keep her life private. -> The celebrity would go………………………………………………………………………….. 9. Tim was always an optimist even when things were going wrong. -> Tim invariably looked……………………………………………………………………………. 10. When the girl was told about her failure, she broke down and cried. -> On………………………………………………………………………………………………….. II. Rewrite each of the sentences below in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one, using the word given in brackets. Do not change this word in any way. You must use no more than SIX words 1. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. (BREATH) -> Don’t………………………………………………………………….to your colleagues. 2. John is a bit too ill to go out.(UP) -> John doesn’t……………………………………………………………………. out. 3. The residents protested loudly against the closure of the local library.(ARMS) ->The residents were…………………………………………………………………...of the local library. 4. We found it absolutely astonishing that Manchester City lost in the final match(ABSOLUTE) -> To………………………………………………………………………………….lost in the final match 5. Harry made a very quick decision and he didnt think about the matter enough (WITHOUT) -> Harry made a very quick decision………………………………………..to the matter