The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life  [PDF]

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The Meaning of Your Variable Holistic Analysis Fundamentals Maia Mechanics Advanced Imaging

Ra Uru Hu

Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training


The Meaning of Your Variable is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

Cover/Mau Cattaneo Transcribed/Patricia Dreffin Balentine Proofed/Carol Freedman & Becky Markley Layout/Becky Markley The original course illustrations are used in this book.

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The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to The Meaning Of Your Variable ................................................... v

Lesson One ........................................................................................ 1 Introduction to Variable ................................................................................. 1 Transformation in Awareness ........................................................................ 1 Variable is about Cognition ........................................................................... 2 Cognition is Built Step-by-Step ..................................................................... 3 Variable is about Evolution ........................................................................... 4 Strategic Seven-Centered Beings .................................................................. 5 We are an Interregnum ................................................................................ 5 Transitional Profiles ..................................................................................... 6 Surrendering to the Form Principle ................................................................ 7 Step One: Digestion .................................................................................... 7 Left-Brain is Active ...................................................................................... 8 Right-Brain is Passive .................................................................................. 8 Feeding your Brain Correctly......................................................................... 9 Step Two: Environment ............................................................................... 9 Learning How to See ................................................................................. 10 Step Three: Perspective ............................................................................. 12 Humanity is Coming to an End .................................................................... 13 The Evolutionary Movement: Two Different Directions ................................... 14 The Nine-Centered Human Future ............................................................... 14 The Left Zone ........................................................................................... 15 The Relationship between the Left and the Right ........................................... 16 The Left Personality ................................................................................... 16 The Right Personality ................................................................................. 17 The Idiot Savant ....................................................................................... 17 Liberating the Right Being .......................................................................... 18 The Intersection ........................................................................................ 18 Step Four: Awareness ................................................................................ 19 The Beauty of Unique Awareness ................................................................ 19 The End of the Cross of Planning Cycle ........................................................ 20 Expressing True Outer Authority ................................................................. 20

Lecture Two..................................................................................... 21 The Left Variables ....................................................................................... 21 The Population Factor ................................................................................ 21 The PLL/DLL Variable ................................................................................. 23 The PLL/DLR Variable ................................................................................ 25 The PLR/DLL Variable ................................................................................ 27 The Left-Hand Side of the Intersection ......................................................... 29

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

The PLR/DLR Variable ................................................................................ 29 The PLR/DRL Variable ................................................................................ 31 Busy Fingers, Quiet Mind ............................................................................ 32 The PLL/DRL Variable ................................................................................ 33 The PLR/DRR Variable ................................................................................ 35 The PLL/DRR Variable ................................................................................ 37 Each Variable Provides Valued Awareness to the Whole .................................. 39

Lecture Three .................................................................................. 41 The Right Variables ..................................................................................... 41 The PRR/DLL Variable ................................................................................ 42 The PRL/DLL Variable ................................................................................ 46 The PRR/DLR Variable ................................................................................ 48 The Intersection ........................................................................................ 50 The PRL/DLR Variable ................................................................................ 50 The PRL/DRL Variable ................................................................................ 52 The PRR/DRL Variable ................................................................................ 53 The PRL/DRR Variable ................................................................................ 54 The PRR/DRR Variable ............................................................................... 57 Navigating Correctly .................................................................................. 58


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable Table of Contents

Introduction to The Meaning Of Your Variable This special three-day program, taught by Ra Uru Hu in June of 2009, was open to all. The program was both course and clinic, and the participant’s Variables were used within a master Variable grid. Variable is to Awareness what Type is to Form. In this book you can discover how your Variable is important and what its meaning can be for you in living your life correctly. Ra explains each of the 16 Variable configurations in terms of its combination of brain, environment, perspective and mind. This is a transcript of the course taught by Ra Uru Hu. The original illustrations are included throughout the book. ~

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lesson One Introduction to Variable Hello and welcome to all of you and welcome to what is going to be the Variable experience. I’m certainly glad to see that there is enthusiasm out there for Variable. I think Variable is one of the most extraordinary things that has arisen out of work in Human Design. I’ll give you an idea of what I’m going to do over the next couple of days. Today I’m going to give you a general introduction to Variable and the way in which it works, how it works in terms of what it really is, all about and its relationship to evolution and its relationship to each and every one of us. Tomorrow and Thursday, for those of you who have submitted birth data, I’m going to take the data from your individual charts and incorporate them into special grids so I can be able to give you a guide to the way in which Variable impacts you and impacts you directly in your life.

Transformation in Awareness So, without any further ado, let's begin the story. Variable is something that in many ways had to wait for its time in order to be introduced. Those of you who have come into Human Design know that Human Design is rooted in something that is very basic and very simple. That is, it is rooted in decision making. It is rooted in decision making in terms of the way in which the form principle is going to operate. If the form principle is operating correctly in this life, slowly but surely everything else will operate correctly. Everything about form principle is about honoring what are those zones within you, based on your Strategy and Authority, that are going to give you the possibility of being able to make decisions that are going to enhance your process. But just being able to go through this Strategy and Authority experiment, that in and of itself, is only the beginning of what is in fact quite an extraordinary journey. For most of the years I've been working in Human Design my basic work

The Meaning of Your Variable is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

has just been trying to get people to break through on the surface, to give up on depending on the mind to make decisions for you, the mind that is really going to end up just doing nothing but distorting your life, and trying to get human beings to orient themselves to where their true authority lies somewhere within their design. But this is not really what the end goal is of this knowledge. The mechanics of Human Design are really extraordinary. The moment you begin to operate correctly within the form is the moment you open up the door to something that's even more incredible. You open up the door to the possibility of the transformation of awareness. After all, most human beings who have any kind of spiritual direction in their life, what they’ve really been looking for is that transformation in awareness, what some have called things like enlightenment or awakening or whatever the case may be. Human Design is wonderful in the sense that none of these things, in essence, are actually special. They are natural. They are things that everyone has a right to. Everyone has a right to be able to operate correctly in this life. Everyone has a right to be able to attain what I refer to as “passenger consciousness.” That is, pure awareness. And the pure awareness that is demonstrated through outer authority, the way in which we communicate with each other.

Variable is about Cognition Variable brings us something that is very different. It's not about form. It is about something else. It is about cognition. If you look here at this illustration, you’ll see these four triangles [circled in red]. This triangle represents what is called Tone. All of the information about Variable and the way in which Variable operates, all of this began with my work in elaborating on the substructure, the infrastructure that is below each line. That is, the Colors, the Tones and the Bases. It is Tone that is the most extraordinary. These arrows here that are part of what is definable now as Variable, you see these arrows and you know we're talking about Variable. These arrows are directly related to Tone. Tone is an incredible thing. I can give you sort of a very simple illustration [next page], if you imagine that this here is a crystal of consciousness and here is a neutrino that's firing along, when that neutrino hits the crystal of consciousness you have a frequency. It’s called an entry frequency. This frequency is what we refer to

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

as Base. And you can see the Bases here [marked by red tics]. The Bases are listed in these little boxes. When that neutrino is inside the crystal, this is when something truly special takes place. This is where Tone is. And this is the inner architecture and is the architecture of cognition. In other words, everything about Variable, what you are looking at in terms of these arrows, is that each and every one of these arrows is about the cognitive process. It’s not about your form principle, per se. cognitive potential when you can be correct.

It is about the

And when we have an exit frequency, that is, when the neutrino passes through the crystal and exits out of the crystal, what we get then is Color. It is Color that is grabbed by the Magnetic Monopole and it is through Color that we are aligned together in this juxtaposition that we call our holistic life.

Cognition is Built Step-by-Step What we're looking at here in Variable is the possibility for cognition, and cognition is built step-by-step. When you enter into the experiment of your Strategy and Authority, that’s when you're actually beginning your process. It is, though, just a catalyst. And when I say “just,” don't misunderstand me. The vast majority of human beings never get past the surface, never ever, ever get past the surface and the surface is deeply homogenized. So, the moment anyone can dabble with or truly enter into Strategy and Authority is really a remarkable thing, because this is where the surface gets shattered. The moment that surface is shattered, there are many, many things that are possible. What we're looking at here is that step-by-step, because each of these Variables, each of these aspects, has a value and they are a progression in the way in which we develop.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

So, for example, when we are looking here at the very first key, when we’re looking at the Design Sun and the Design Earth, in AI [Advanced Imaging], in this form of calculation, what we get to see is not only the gate and the line, but we get to see everything else.


Color Tone

We get to see the Color. We get to see the Tone. We get to see the Bases. And in this particular case, what we’re looking at specifically is the Tone and the way in which the Tone influences us in moving us either in one direction or moving us in another. In other words, either moving us to the Left or moving us to the Right.

Variable is about Evolution Now, I’m going to take a step ahead for a second. I’ll come back to this illustration [above], because Variable is all about evolution. It's all about our evolution. Basically what you're looking at is the Variable grid. And in looking at the Variable grid, you can see that there are 16 possible combinations, 16 possible combinations of either the Left-ness or the Right-ness, the Left-ness or the Right-ness of the Sun/Earth's or the Nodes, both Design and Personality. If we take that a step further, this line up here [top of diagonal red line] you can see that everything is Left; Left, Left, Left, Left, everything pointed to the Left [upper left corner box]. And you can see down at the bottom here that everything is pointed to the Right; all-Right; Right, Right, Right, Right [lower right corner]. This line that’s moving from the all-Left to the all-Right is our evolutionary direction. Now, let’s think about that evolutionary direction in terms of the development of the nine-centered being. The ninecentered being came into existence in 1781 coincidental with the discovery of Ura-

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

nus. Prior to the nine-centered being, we had the seven-centered being, the socalled human modern man Cro-Magnon. Prior to that we had Neanderthal, we had a five-centered being. Now, the seven-centered being has dominated the world. It has been dominating the world for tens of thousands of years until 1781, until there was an evolutionary movement to what is us, that is, the nine-centered being. The seven-centered being was entirely Left. They were entirely Left and had no potential for Right-ness. As a matter of fact, the only species in our family tree, historically, that was Right was Neanderthal. And they were not capable of being Left.

Strategic Seven-Centered Beings So, let’s think about this Left-ness and this Right-ness. The seven-centered being that was in existence until 1781—actually the last seven-centered being was born just before the discovery of Uranus and they would've lived 80 or 90 years, well into the 1800s, the late 1800s until the last seven-centered being left. The sevencentered being brought strategic thinking. It is the way in which human beings were able to dominate the planet. They were able to dominate the planet through the development of strategic organization. This strategic thinking, in other words, this ability to be able to focus our binary vision, to be able to organize the way in which we look at the world led to the power and the development of the Left-oriented mind, the strategic mind. Everything about our history, everything about our moralities, and everything about our philosophies are rooted in seven-centered consciousness.

We are an Interregnum There is no true active and alive nine-centered consciousness yet. It was only in 1987 with the arrival of the Human Design system that the reality of the nine-centered being and its particular importance began to emerge. The thing that makes us special is that we are neither Left nor Right, that we are an interregnum. We are an interregnum moving away from the past that was all-Left and moving towards a future that will be all-Right, moving towards the by-product of the transformation and mutation

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

of the Solar Plexus system that’s going to lead to the emergence of all-Right beings that are known as Raves, which has nothing really in essence to do with us. You'll also see that there is another line here and this is a line that's also a very important image [to the left, purple line from the center to the upper right corner.] It is a line that moves as well towards the future. Perhaps you can see it best in this next image [below]. In other words, here's the all-Left block of the past [left center] and it’s moving us forward in two directions. It’s moving us towards the all-Rightness of the nine-centered Rave, and it’s moving us towards what we are and the continuation of what we are into the future, the nine-centered Human.

Transitional Profiles Now, if we go back a step, there’s something to grasp. If there are any one of you— and I'm sure there are many of you who have a transitional profile—a 1/4, 2/5, 3/6, 4/1, 5/2, or a 6/3—you can never be in this zone [lower left]. And those of you who have transitional profiles, the thing that is so extraordinary about your transitional profile is that you are the ones who hold together the whole spiral of mutative development in life. There are no transitional profiles here because this quadrant is out of the flow. When we get later on in this lecture, I will give you some insight into what that actually means. But, it’s something to understand. We are in a very specific flow in which the real direction of the program is moving from this Left-ness to this Right-ness. Everything else, including this zone up here [upper right] is not in the program's interest. Human Design came into the world to make it possible for us to be able to live our complete and full potential before there is no opportunity left. This is the beauty of what this knowledge represents. It represents an opportunity for each and every one of you now to fulfill the possibility of what it is to be human. The fact of the matter is that most people think there are all these incarnative possibilities, and there are all these things going on. The reality is that most human beings who are alive in the world today have never incarnated before and will never incarnate again. Now, this has to do with dying, death and the bardo in the way in which we leave this plane. But the

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

reality is that for most human beings, this is the only shot you're ever going to get. The only shot you're going to get to be able to live out the possibility and the beauty of what it is to be us. And it is something that is really extraordinary.

Surrendering to the Form Principle So, let's begin. Let’s look at this and see what these values mean. The first thing, when we’re looking only here on the Design side, the Design side is really the Grail, if you will. If you get the body right, everything else can fall into place. If you don't get the body right, forget it. I have been working with form principle for 25 years. It is what my life is all about. It is about trying to get human beings to actually surrender to the form principle, not for the purposes of the form itself, but for the possibility of being able to experience passenger consciousness, because if you don't surrender to this form, if you don't operate correctly in this form, then you're going to be stuck in the mind trip, and the mind trip is never going to allow you to fulfill your possibilities, ever. It is not for the mind to decide what it is for you to do in this life. It isn’t. Now, mind is beautiful, but it's beautiful only as outer authority, not as inner authority, not as decision maker. But it's not enough just to simply enter into the experiment. It's not. The fact of the matter is that all of us were born conditioned, all of us were raised conditioned, and all of us have been deeply homogenized in our lives. It means that there is enormous responsibility and a burden, in a sense, to be able to unload all of that, cleanse ourselves of all of that conditioning.

Step One: Digestion One of the most important things you can do to cleanse that conditioning is here. It has to do with your brain. This first step here is all about your brain system. The Design Sun/Earth represents your brain system. It is the brain, literally, that is in charge of the life. The quality of your brain system, the way in which your brain

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

operates, this is something that is so fundamentally important. which your brain operates is totally dependent on digestion.

And the way in

This is the area that opens up to what, in the IHDS, we train people in Primary Health System, PHS. Primary Health System begins with an understanding that for every human being, in order to differentiate needs, to align themselves to what is correct digestion, that digestion is everything. If you do not take sustenance into your body correctly, you cannot have a brain system that will support transformation or awareness. You will not. And one of the things about anyone who is truly entered into this process is that if you do not become radical in this process, you won’t have enough time to be able to get to that place where you can enjoy the beauty of what your unique awareness can be. It takes time. It takes seven years to change the cellular value in your vehicle. One of the things that helps enormously is if you follow the correct digestion. That digestion, because it's going to bring exactly the right nourishment into your vehicle, that nourishment is going to go directly to those areas in your brain system that need to be nurtured in order to be able to bring out your differentiation. Only then, when your brain system begins to differentiate, do you begin to differentiate. And obviously, there is either a Left-ness or a Right-ness to it.

Left-Brain is Active Let’s think about what that means. In the simplest terms, the Left is about active. The Right is about passive. So you can either have an active brain, or you can have a passive brain. If you have an active brain, it is a brain that needs to be busy; it is a brain that needs to be stimulated. And if you have an active brain, it is so important that you feed it correctly, because an active brain is going to demand perfect nutrition. If you give it the right nutrition, that active brain is going to be very healthy and is going to function well.

Right-Brain is Passive Now, the active brain, as I said is very busy. The receptive brain or the passive brain is not. The passive brain is not intended to be busy. It's not. It’s not intended

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

to be overwhelmed with stimulation so that it ends up being very active and very focused and honing in on things. The passive brain is much more relaxed and it's much more relaxed because its role is different. Its role is not to actively pursue something. Its role is to passively receive and store, which is very different. Now, think about what that means in terms of your diet. If you're not following the correct dietary regimen, it means that you're not going to be able to support these unique brain functions. If your brain’s system is not operating correctly, ultimately it is not possible for your mind to be able to take full advantage of whatever potential there is for you.

Feeding your Brain Correctly So, it begins with food, and it's not about what you eat. It is about the conditions and circumstances in which you take sustenance into your body. If you really want to find your way to awareness, you have to start with what you put into your body. You have to start with how you feed your brain. It is the most important thing you will ever do in this knowledge, when it's correct for you, is to enter into your PHS and begin this process of refining your brain system. Most people have what I call ‘fat brain.’ It’s been fed incorrectly and that means those areas in you that are areas for your unique cognition, that unique cognition is simply not functioning. The unique cognition for this person is they are an outer vision person. That's what the Tone says [tone 3 circled]. Here is somebody whose brain system is supported by an acute capacity to be able to look out on the world. But if it's not nourished correctly, that’s not going to be there.

Step Two: Environment The second step is environment. We are either active or passive, observed or observer in our environment. The environment is so important, because it is your environment that establishes what is called your storyline. It’s what you’re really dropped into. It’s the life you’re here to live. If you're dealing with somebody like this, as an example, who has a Left Tonal influence here in their environment, then that means they are here to be active in their environment. Think about it. Let's say you’re designed to be active

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

in your environment and you go into an environment and all you can do is yawn and all you want to do is lie down. You know right away that this is the worst possible place for you. It’s the worst possible place. And your environment just isn't about being in a unique place simply for your own benefit. Your environment is the bedrock of the way in which you connect to the world around you. Your environment establishes whether you're going to have long-term health in this life, the quality of your life, the quality of your relationships. If you're in the right environment, you're going to attract forces that are correct for you. If you're in the right environment, you are not going to meet resistance. Environment becomes something that is so very special. And just like diet, there are six different dietary regimens broken into either their Left-ness or their Right-ness. And there are six different environments broken into their Left-ness and their Right-ness. Everyone has a unique environment. That environment is there to nurture you. So let's say you have an active theme, as this being does, an active environmental theme. It means the environment that encourages you to be active is the environment that is going to be the healthiest for you. It also means that in that active environment, in the busyness of that environment, that's not only when you're going to be healthiest, but when you're going to meet the right people, when you’re going to have the right interactions, and where your long-term well-being is going to be established.

Learning How to See But even more, when you're in the right environment, you can begin to learn how to see. Most human beings don't see. They don’t. In order to see according to who you are, you have to be in the right place. You have to be in the right place with a healthy brain, because that's what it’s about. Cognition isn't about learning. It’s not about learning. Cognition is simply about putting yourself in the right circumstances for life, those circumstances that truly reflect what your differentiated self is. The only thing that's important for human beings now, for those who have a chance to wake up, is their uniqueness. It’s what Human Design is about. Human Design is the antithesis of homogenization. It's not about them. It’s only about you. And it's only about you developing your uniqueness, your pure uniqueness. And that uniqueness is something that is absolutely essential. When I look at the Variable grid, I think back to Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu was a great seven-centered being at the beginning of seven-centered consciousness. What he recognized was that mind was going to destroy humanity. It was going to lead it down a terrible path. What we’re looking at here is our potential, our natural order. We all have a place in this natural order. This represents here, all of this represents the consciousness field. And the con-

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

sciousness field is rooted in one thing. It's rooted in the possibility of correct outer authority. If you look at the homogenized world, bring two people together in the homogenized world, bring them together to talk to each other and you'll hear nothing but lies; nothing. Just lies, because the moment the mind is both inner and outer authority, it will always lie; always, always, always lie. And what you get is homogenized consciousness. You get the dullness of the homogenized world we live in, and the deep limitation on what's available in that homogenized world. Yet, in this classroom, in this environment, is the possibility of more unique awareness that is demonstrated any day on this planet. There are four or five basic thoughts that rule this planet, concepts that rule this planet. It’s a joke. Each and every one of you carry within you the possibility of unique outer authority, that unique outer authority based on your differentiation expresses something potentially that nobody else can or could ever express. It’s what this knowledge is here to support. It’s what I wait for in this very, very dull and boring world. I wait for the voices of outer authority, unique outer authority, because that's the possibility, that is what's here. It begins with something very simple. It begins with understanding that if your body is correct, if you feed yourself correctly, nourish yourself correctly, if you place yourself in an environment that is nurturing for you, because what PHS does for the inside, your environment does for the outside. You’re nourishing your life by being in the correct environment. And in nourishing your life, you open yourself up to the beginning of something really spectacular. We're all endowed with Personality crystals of consciousness. They are something very special. They are more or less eternal. As a matter of fact, they are quite alien because they are dark matter material. It the Personality crystal you carry that is the essence you have carried, the essence of that unique potential of consciousness that has been here in the biverse for billions and billions and billions of years waiting for that possibility of being able to be an instrument of awareness. The Design side is one thing. When the form is correct, anything is possible. Strategy and Authority, correct digestion in the correct environment and suddenly the eyes open up and one is able to see. Just as there are six different dietary regimens and six different environments, there are six different views [transformation 3], the way we're designed to see. Each and every one of us has a unique gift, a unique, perceptive quality. But if you're not in the right environment, then you're not going to

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

see what you’re there to see. It's only when you begin to see correctly that you begin to lay the foundation for awareness and awakening. And this seeing, just as environment and digestion, is determined by the Tone. The same thing is true here in terms of the Left-ness and the Right-ness of its relationship to what we call perspective.

Step Three: Perspective In this particular case, you can see that there is a Right perspective [circled right arrow]. It is the difference between being focused, which is Left, and peripheral, which is Right. This is a view that is extraordinary. The Right is something that is emerging. It’s new. It came into the world in 1781. It has been a long time since it's been here. And this is a new spiral. When we are looking at Right-ness, please understand that half of humanity carries Personality Right-ness. And yet they've all been conditioned, enslaved and homogenized by Left thinking. Oh, all of you who are Right who went to school, trained to be strategic, trained to develop strategic systems, none of which are healthy for you, none of which will work for you, none of which will lead to the basis of your transcendent awareness. This is somebody who has a peripheral view. That peripheral view means they take in everything. This is what the Right is all about. The Right is about taking in. We had a mutation take place here in the Ajna Center. It’s here in the Ajna, this mutation, a line drawn through the center of it. On one side the Left-ness of being focused and strategic, on the other side, the Right-ness of being peripheral, peripheral and receptive. This peripheral vision is so extraordinary. Think about the difference between Left and Right when it comes to seeing. If you have Left vision, then you see something, you see a focus. You look out at a scene in front of you

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

and your eye focuses on something specific. You find that focus, you frame it. What you’re going to focus on is going to be dependent on what the Color is. In this case it's a focus on power. Who's got it, who doesn't. In the peripheral sense, you can see that at every possible level because you take it all in. If this were Left, it would be very, very, very focused. You have two people and they’re standing in front of a typical tourist venue looking out; one’s Right and one’s Left. The Left only sees an aspect, maybe it's a waterfall they focus on, maybe it's a certain tree, maybe it is a bird flying by. But Right will take in everything. This capacity here, to be able to see, is determined by this. It’s not determined by your mind. It’s determined by your body being correct in the correct place. When your body is correct, when it’s fed correctly, when you're in the right place, you begin to see. And you begin to see according to what your nature is. I will take you through the various combinations so that you will see this in relationship to yourself. After all, there are 16 different variations that we have. This seeing becomes very nuanced. It is operating through gates and lines and bases and tones and colors. By the time we get down to the analysis of all the minutia, you have this incredible differentiated being. This is what it's all about, to finally be able to demonstrate the extraordinariness of what it is to be here. I look out in the world around me; this is a very, very sad world, isn’t it? It is full of so much pain and suffering. I read an article the other day that for the first time there are one billion people on this planet who go hungry every day. There are one billion—most people can't even count that. It’s just so huge a number; one billion human beings with not enough to eat. We live in a world of horrendous violence. We live in a world that has no regard for the sanctity of the spirit. It’s a homogenized world.

Humanity is Coming to an End Humanity is coming to an end. There is no great support out there for humanity. Everything about evolution is pointing towards something quite different. We are an interregnum. We are being used. We are being used by the program to facilitate the birth of something that will be different than us and will bypass us. I'm not interested in that. I'm interested in you. I'm interested in me. I'm interested in the beauty of what it is to be human, nine-centered human, how incredible it can be, how easy, in a sense, it can be when one is correct. When you lay that foundation of perspective, it opens the door, finally, to true awareness. Your awareness, not somebody else's awareness, not packaged awareness, not taught awareness, not homogenized concepts, but the purity of what it is for you, the way in which you interpret life, the way in which the life force moves through you, the way in which you see and interpret that, because everything about the Variable grid is about trying to establish a new consciousness field, a ninecentered awareness field.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

The Evolutionary Movement: Two Different Directions So, let's take a look at this mechanism. Here we have the evolutionary movement. Let me explain this. Most people have heard this about 2027 and the mutation of the Solar Plexus system, particularly the mutation taking place in the histidine codon in the 55th gate and the 49th gate. The advent of the Rave, the Rave is coming. It's going to begin arriving in this world after 2027. None of you on the surface would ever want to be such a thing. As a matter of fact, these Rave children, as they emerge in the world, their most likely destination is to be placed in hospitals and to stay there. They will appear to be deeply autistic. They will have certain things that in relationship to what we consider normal, would certainly not reflect normality to us. Everything about the Rave is that the Rave is emerging to be able to be part of a new kind of consciousness program, a consciousness program that is based on Penta. Penta is a trans-auric form. It's a trans-auric form that each and every one of us has to deal with. We’re all born into Pentas and into families. A Penta is an auric form that emerges when there are three to five people together in an auric grouping. The Rave that's coming will give entirely of itself to a conscious Penta. In other words, there will be no more uniqueness. Those who are going to emerge will have no interest in uniqueness. Uniqueness will mean nothing to them. They are nothing like us.

The Nine-Centered Human Future There is another line. It's here, this line [diagonal up to top right]. Where this is moving towards what is the Rave future [diagonal to lower right corner and lower four squares], this is the nine-centered human future [diagonal to upper right corner and upper 4 squares]. There are two roads ahead, just as Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon lived side by side for tens of thousands of years, and we will not have such a line of time. According to the Voice there are 1300 years left. In these 1300 years, we will have the slow emergence of the Rave and the slow dying off of humans; two lines. And you can see that this area here (lower left) is totally out of the flow. It is out of the flow.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

And those who are a part of this box [upper left four squares ], and those who are a part of this box [lower right four squares] are those who are able to be part of the potential reproduction of those eventual Raves that will emerge after 2027. So, we have an evolutionary program that is pointing us in two different directions. Yet those directions have nothing to do with what we experience ourselves within our Variable configuration. This is just a larger framework to understand where all of this is going. What we end up with is three things that we have to deal with on a personal level. And this is what I'm going to work with you tomorrow and the day after, in which I will take your information, apply it into the grid so that you can see it and give you insights into each of these particular zones.

The Left Zone This is the Left zone. And it’s a Left zone that is divided into two parts. It is the Left that is moving towards the future [top 3 squares, red arrow], and it is the Left that is stepping out of time [bottom 3 squares]. Those that are born into these Variable zones are not interested in all of this. As a matter of fact, for those who are homogenized, who are born with these kinds of Variables, these are people that feel incredibly out of touch. It seems like the world is racing away from them. It seems like they're never really going to be able to fit into the world.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

And those that come into this zone are the pure strategic ones [all of the boxes]. And they are the pure strategic ones in the nine-centered human sense. If we don't have strategy, we don't have survival. This is my Variable here. I’m a DLL/PLR. And everything about my work is to prepare for the survival of those that will be here, those that will be there, and those that are here [arrows pointing upper right, lower right and left]. And that can only be done one way. And you know that way. It’s right in the phrase itself: Strategy and Authority.

The Relationship between the Left and the Right It is one of the great curiosities of Variable that the all-Left and the all-Right are the most dependent on Strategy and Authority to save them in this life. The more Right you are, if you don't have a Strategy and Authority to protect you, you’re lost, because your very Right-ness cannot save you, because it doesn't know how. So, there is a need for Left-ness and a need for Left-ness that will provide for those that are Right and cannot protect themselves. The Left and the Right has something very beautiful in terms of their intrinsic relationship to the other. It is the Right that will store everything. It is the Left that knows how to use it. It is the Left and Right together, truly together that form the most essential bond for our future. This medium, the joy of this medium where I have this opportunity to be able to reach out and talk to all of you in all the different places that you’re in the world today, don't imagine that all of this is going to last very long, because it isn't. By the time we get 30 or 40 years into the next cycle, all of this will collapse and disappear. It will just be gone.

The Left Personality And the great storehouse of knowledge isn't Left-ness. It isn't. It's all this Rightness, because it is the Right with its gift of receptivity, with its peripheral capacities that literally are the walking libraries of Alexandria; the miracle of Right-ness. You

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

have a Left person and a Right person and they're looking at something. Again, think about that. The Left person has a very, very narrow focus. It does not take in all the information. And their narrow focus may be suitable in the moment, but in the next moment, it may not be suitable that all. And then they’re in the dark, because they don't remember what else was there. They’re only locked into their focus.

The Right Personality But, the Right being, with their peripheral receptivity take in vast, vast, vast amounts of information. They just don’t know how to use it, because they're not designed to have access to it. Think about the Right child in a classroom. Think about any of these. If you look here, you'll see that every single one of these Personalities, the Sun/Earth Personalities, they’re allRight. So, think about this child in a classroom. I have a son who has a Right Personality. My advice to him was always the same: pay attention in class, never study. He gets remarkable results. Pay attention in class, never study. This is what life is about if you’re Right. Pay attention, don't study, and don’t focus. Just pay attention; be there, just be there. And in being there, you take it all in. That child in the classroom takes it all in. Come exam time, they don’t have to study. They simply need to react to whatever the question is.

The Idiot Savant The best way to understand Right-ness is to take the example of the idiot savant. There is a classic one in Boulder, Colorado. He's read all the books in the library; all

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

of them. He doesn't read them he scans them. You can go up to them and you can say I need to find something on aerodynamics written by this guy in 1923. He’ll start quoting it. He’ll tell you where the book is, he’ll tell you what page your reference is on. Now, obviously in the idiot savant, there is a dilemma because there are other aspects of their life that don’t function properly because there is damage in their system. And I only use that as an example so you have a sense of how profound Right-ness can be because it's taking everything in. But these beings who have been Right ever since 1781 have been held under the thumb of Left-ness, deprived of the potential of seeing the beauty of who they are.

Liberating the Right Being Most people who are Right, who are Right Personalities, their whole experience from being schooled and all of these things, which are deeply strategic things, it's been painful for them. Painful for them to try to remember things, painful for them to try to look and focus on things, forcing themselves to do is something that’s so unhealthy and then of course, they end up deeply, deeply homogenized and messed up. So much of the work of Rave Psychology is about liberating the Right being; not only liberating them, but giving them finally a chance to see as they stand in front of the mirror, the beauty of what it is to be them. Right-ness has this deep potential for creativity. It just waits for it to be drawn out. It goes back to environment. If you're in the right place, you’re with the right people. If you’re with the right people and you're Right, they will draw from you. You’re the well. You may not know how to be strategic, but that's not your responsibility. And it's about time you stopped worrying about being strategic, because it's not your responsibility. You're here to be gloriously receptive.

The Intersection You notice that there is this space here on both sides. It’s called the intersection. It’s where the themes of Left-ness and Right-ness meet. This is perhaps the most difficult place in the entire Variable mat. And the most difficult expression of it is here and here [PRL/DLR and PLR/DRL]. Here is where we have the convergence of the Left-ness and the Right-ness coming together. It is here that we have all kinds of problems, both physical and mental. We have

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture One Introduction to Variable

brain problems—dyslexia, dysphasia, all kinds of things. All of that is simply rooted in this crashing together of the Left and the Right in ignorance, because it is ignorance that brings the pain.

Step Four: Awareness It’s here. It all begins with your body. Everything about Human Design begins with the body; everything. This is not about anything other than understanding that we are deeply, deeply, deeply limited by our forms. If you treat the vehicle correctly, if you feed it correctly, if you align it to the environment that is correct for it, that’s how you transform your life. That’s how you begin to open up all of these incredible possibilities that are there in you to display this extraordinary outer authority that is your right. And not to be homogenized in that, but to be able to come to grips with and recognize that regardless of what your Variable is, that if you're following your Strategy and Authority, if you're eating correctly, if you're in the Right-environment that you will have the right perspective and develop the awareness that will transform your life. There is no other way. Oh yes, there are all these nuances that are there. There's no question about it. I’ll take you through so you can see clearly the difference in the way it works for somebody that has three parts Right here and a Left there, or three Lefts there and a Right here, and all these little combinations. But it doesn't matter what it is. What matters is, are you correct in the way in which you deal with your form. Mind is the killer. You cannot deal with your Left-ness or your Right-ness as a concept. It doesn't work. It doesn’t. The mind is not capable of that. The beauty of all of this, it’s always been the same in Design. The basic things about Human Design are always simple. They’re simple. Strategy and Authority is simple. There’s nothing simpler than “respond or inform or wait for the invitation or wait out the cycle of the Moon.” There’s nothing simpler than those themes. Yet, you know it’s not easy, but it’s simple.

The Beauty of Unique Awareness If you want to transform your awareness, if you want to live what is correct for you, step-by-step, the formulas are there. There is no mystery; none. No mystery at all. It's all laid out. What is correct for you, what is your correct dietary regimen, what is your correct environment, what is the way you are intended to see and the distractions that affect you, the way in which you are intended to be motivated so you can actually watch it, all that is just so simple, because then when the form is correct, then all of this is possible; this beauty of the unique awareness.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

Until we get to express our unique outer authority, we can never claim our place, our true place. We are deeply, deeply, deeply special beings. We nine-centered humans, we’re extraordinary. We carry all the “this” and the “that,” we are the past and the future and we are the present. We are incredibly complex and at the same time unbelievably simple. And it begins with your form. I’ve spent all of these years hammering away: “Strategy and Authority,” and all of that stuff. But it's only for one thing: to liberate passenger consciousness, to liberate your passenger consciousness.

The End of the Cross of Planning Cycle We have a cycle coming to the end, the Cross of Planning. In 2027 we enter into a totally different world. There will be a shock wave that will go across this planet that will last decades, because the basic tenets of the way in which we have operated in this Cross of Planning era since 1615 are all going to come crashing down. Humanity is no longer going to have this 40/37 to look after it, to nurture it, to give it the right bargains, to look after the poor, to care for the other, all those things. We’re looking at a world that is going to be dog-eat-dog and deeply individual. There’s not a lot of time between now and then. There isn’t. And it takes time to go through this process. Seven years to clean yourself cellularly. It is just something to grasp. It takes time. But the most important thing you're ever going to do is to honor who you are, is to open up the possibility that you can truly differentiate, that you can shed all of that conditioning and homogenization that has distorted your possibility on this plane. There’s nothing like you. There will never ever be anything like you again, ever. This is it. It's worth whatever it takes you to.

Expressing True Outer Authority Human Design is antisocial in a funny sort of way. It says, if you're going to be correct, you’ve got to live in your own aura, you’ve got to sleep in your own aura, you’ve got to eat uniquely, you’ve got to be in your environment. You have to fulfill your potential, your uniqueness. It takes discipline. It takes courage. It takes time. But oh, is it ever worth it because at the end of the road, all we’re here for is for the possibility to express true outer authority. Most human beings never know what that means until they're dead. And that's not a joke. Every human being has the potential of bardo stages when they die. It's only then that they realize, oh my goodness. Because it's only then that they meet the passenger, the crystal, that they get to see his unique perspective, this unique filtering of it. Don’t wait until you’re dead. It’s not much of a reward; now, now, now. All-Right, I hope you enjoyed that. All of you, thank you for participating. It's wonderful to see you all here. Until tomorrow, bye for now. ~

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables Alright, hello everyone; nice to see you all and welcome. As you can see I have already added most names to this grid. Some people I’ve not added because I did not have their charts and some people prefer anonymity, which is fine with me. But for those charts that were submitted and that I received, I have posted them all here [names removed]. I’m going to work today from the Left. And tomorrow I’m going to work from the Right; just to give you an idea of where I go from. So, let's get moving because there is a great deal of material for me to cover so that each one of you has a sense of this.

The Population Factor I want to give you something rather interesting here. The first thing that I really want you to notice before I get going is that this block here and this block over here (upper right and lower left quadrants marked with red boxes), in terms of population statistics, there are far fewer human beings born in this zone (red boxes) than in this zone (purple boxes). As a matter of fact, the number of human beings born in this zone (purple boxes) is almost double the number of human beings born in that one (red boxes). So, there is also a population factor that is deeply involved in this.

The Meaning of Your Variable is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

It’s one of the things that you can see most clearly here in this particular area, you can see that in this area there are no transitional profiles (lower left quadrant) and it is an area with very, very low population density. You can see in this area that even within our select group there's far less activity in this zone, the zone that is in essence outside of the flow, than there is in any of the other zones. But these two areas (upper right and lower left quadrants) are particularly low in population. That is, the evolutionary program, the reproductive incarnative program is all oriented towards this area (upper left quadrant) moving into this area (lower right quadrant.) So, there is much more population in those zones. I'm going to work, as I said, beginning on the Left and working through various segments of it in order to give each and every one of you an opportunity to have at least a framework for understanding the way in which you can take advantage of your Variable and the way Variable works in your life. I'm going to begin here (upper left corner) first of all with the very first and the most extreme of Left-ness.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

The PLL/DLL Variable Here you can see that we are dealing with Left and Left and Left and Left. Everything about this is Left. Now, one of the things to keep in mind, because I'm going to mention it often a as I’m moving through in this process is that when you're looking at the arrows that are above, you’re looking at the Sun/Earths. In other words, you're looking at Profile; you’re looking at Incarnation Cross. You're looking at the relationship between mind and brain; mind over here [Personality Sun, black arrow], brain over there [Design Sun, red arrow]. When you're looking at a lower angle, at the lower arrows, what you're looking at is literally your life. In other words, what you're looking at here is the Nodal configuration and the Nodal configuration literally is what you drop into when you incarnate. In fact, this above drops into this below; that is, the mind/brain system being dropped into the life, being dropped into the direction of that particular life. Here you can see that you're dealing with a Left-mind, a Left-brain and you're dealing with a Left life, a Left environment, a Left perspective, a Left Nodal phenomena. Everything about the Left as we understand it is that this is about the strategic. But there’s a dilemma here for these beings. Because you are so Left, it means that the only way in which you're going to be able to fulfill yourself in this life is if you have a specific focus. Now, most human beings who are incorrect, most human beings who are not-self, who are all-Left, they’re going to feel totally out of place if they don't find a focus in their life, because the focus means everything to them. If you're an all-Left being, the only way in which you can fulfill your potential is if you do have that focus. And the only way in which you're going to get to that focus is that you get to that focus through your Strategy and through your Authority because there is no other way. But if you don't have that focus, if you miss that focus—and of course, this is one of the great dilemmas of life... If you think about all the beings that are going to be born quad Left, all-Left, the vast majority of those human beings are going to be not-self, they’re going to be homogenized. They’re going to be operating out of the not-self mind, the not-self

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

mind decision making process. And the things that they're going to focus on in life, they can’t help but be focused, are going to be determined by the way in which their mind works. So, their mind is going to dictate to them what they should pay attention to, what they should be focused on. But, the moment that their mind is controlling what they're going to be focused on is the moment that they totally step away from their nature; totally, because this is an extreme. It's as extreme to the Left as we get in this whole configuration and structure. And for them, everything is about the perfection of their focus. It is one of the ironies—I mentioned it yesterday—that the two Variables that are absolutely deeply, deeply, deeply dependent on Strategy and Authority are the two extremes for different reasons. Yet for each of them the ability to be able to make the correct decision about what to engage with is everything. And here, when you're dealing with all this Left-ness, all of this focus, that if the focus is not in the right place, then they’re lost, gone. The whole life process, everything gets missed. It's never too late. After all, most human beings who enter into Human Design don't enter in as children. They enter in somewhere in the middle of their life. And the reality is that you have to go through quite a deconditioning process in order to get yourself to that place where you're capable of making correct decisions. But for these beings who are all-Left, without that focus, and that focus is everything, without that focus there is no way to fulfill the potential in their life; no way, because everything demands that pure strategic focus. This is a great gift, but it's only great gift if you're focusing on the right thing. It's only a great gift if all of that strategic power is honed to something that is correct for you. Now, it doesn't mean that it can only be one thing. But what it does mean is that whatever you're going to focus on, that that focusing has to be a byproduct of your Strategy and Authority. If you’re a Generator, it’s something you’ve got to respond to. If you’re a Projector, it’s something that you're waiting for that invitation to focus on that. But you have to see very clearly, without the focus, without the correct focus, you missed the boat. You don’t want to do that. You don't want to miss that opportunity. Remember something; you’re in line in the evolutionary process. This is the starting point of the evolutionary movement. And because it’s the starting point of the evolutionary movement, the things that are focused on here are of enormous value to others along the way. Only when that focus is something that is pure and correct, that out of that pure strategic focus comes a depth of awareness, a very specific, a very honed depth of awareness.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

So all-Left, the only thing that matters is that you have your focus. It means that there is a need for intensity in your process. There is a need to deeply, deeply, deeply dig into those things that are correct for you to dig into: Strategy and Authority.

The PLL/DLR Variable If we go below, you can see that we have Left and Left and Left, but we have a Right-environment. And that Right-environment is going to change things. You've got a Left-mind and a Left-brain working together. But this Left-brain has to operate in a laid-back environment. Remember that when you're looking at this arrow here, this lower left-hand arrow, you're always looking at something that is a reflection of the way in which you operate within an environment. And at the simplest level, whether you are going to be active or passive in that environment. Now, this demands passivity in the environment. In other words, this is somebody who in the Right-environment is not going to be physically active, because the moment that you get into strong physical activity, the moment that your environment is pushing you to do things and rush around and get things done and all of that, boy are you ever in the wrong place, and is it ever going to affect your well-being. The only way in which you can find your focus, because after all you’re three parts Left, the only way in which you can find a your focus is when you are truly relaxed. It is one of the most important words that you can associate with the Right-environment, an environment that doesn't put you under pressure, an environment that doesn't create anxiety and the need for movement and action and all of these things. You can see that the keynoting here is the Observer. It is the Observer in the sense that you allow everything in your environment to move around you, but you take advantage of what you see. You’re not here to be active physically. This is not about an environment in which you go into the environment and all of a sudden you’re full of activity and there are all kinds of stuff. This is not for you. As a matter of fact, the more active you are in an environment, the less healthy that environment is for you.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

It is one of the most important things about understanding the Right-environment, and I say Right in the context of this arrow. That is, the Right-environment, the passive environment, the Observer environment. Being Left as you are, you have to see that there is something very different in the life flow. You've got this very Leftbrain/mind combination and yet there's something new about your life. And when I say “new,” the Right is always representing the future. The Left is always connected to the past. There is a part of you environmentally that is ready to move into the future, but that future for you demands that there is no tension in your environment, you’re relaxed in your environment, that you're comfortable in that environment, that you don't feel under pressure in that environment. Now, of course it all goes back to a number of things. It goes back obviously to Strategy and Authority. But it's also very important for you to grasp that when you find out what your specific environment is, remember that there are six different environments nuanced to either Left or Right, that it is that environmental place that you need to experiment with, you need to see what it's like to take this physical pressure off you, because once that physical pressure is taken away, that's the moment that your perception begins to open up. You finally get to see. When you're busy, you don't see. When you're active, you don't see. And not only that, the more active you are, the more difficulties you're going to have with the people that you meet. In the Right-environment, when you are not anxious, when you're not active, in that environment when you're laid back, when you’re relaxed in your environment, that's where you have the most satisfying interactions with other human beings. And it’s also the bedrock of your ability to be able to develop your particular and unique focused perception. This arrow combination here—environment leading to view, leading to perspective—if you're not in the right environment and if you're not being Right in that environment, then you are not going to be able to see. And if you can’t see, your conceptualizing is going to be distorted. So, there is a lot of pressure on you to be strategic and to be focused. But remember, all of that can only work for you when your physical environment, when you in your environment are not active, not anxious, not cranked up, not worked up. It’s one of those things to experiment with because we have many environments in which we use, we have many spaces that we use in life—the home environment, the office environment, the social environments, favorite restaurants, it goes on and on and on. One of the things to discover, regardless of what your Variable is, is that either your environment is there to bring out activity in you or it’s to bring out passivity in you. And it’s a very easy thing for you to experiment with that and to be able to discover which environments are correct for you and which environments are not. It’s one of the most important investigations that you can get into.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

The PLR/DLL Variable You can see over here that we’ve got quite a crowd. As a matter of fact, this is the most crowded Variable. The interesting thing about that is that when you're seeing other people in association with your Variable, you're fundamentally on the same fractal. So there is a very strong connection to beings that are there on your fractal. I don't think that it's surprising given that I am the person that was given this knowledge that there would be a lot of people on my fractal. I think it's only natural. But, it's very interesting to see that in this grouping in this class, that this happens to be the most populated of the Variables. When you're looking at this Variable you can see that we're dealing with a Left-brain, we’re dealing with a Left-mind, we’re dealing with a Left environment, an active environment, but what's different here is that you're dealing with a Right perspective. Now, basically what this means is that these are strategic beings who see things that other people don't see. They don't see things in the strategic way at all. As a matter of fact, they have no focused perception. What they get to see is a periphery of things. Often these people are thought to be a little weird by others, because they do see things that other people don't see. And they can't necessarily substantiate the things that they see that other people don't see. This is part of what peripheral vision is all about. The most incredible thing about peripheral vision is that when we're looking out from this Variable we're taking in everything, which means that we are capable because we are so Left and because we have a Left-mind, we’re actually capable of focusing on an element that we get to see through the peripheral vision. What these beings will see in their pure Left-ness, we see something they cannot see. They’re going to have a focused view. They're going to have a focused perception. But because this is peripheral, it changes the way in which the focus operates. The focus gets derived out of the periphery. And it means the unexpected can show up. It means that you get to see things that others don't see. And one has to be very careful about letting people know that you see things that they don't see, because if you can't substantiate it, you can end up with a lot of problems. You can end up with social difficulty in that.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

Obviously, being able to see what others don't see is also part of the preparation for that future. It is not a coincidence that this is my Variable. And that despite the fact that I am so deeply strategic and bring you Strategy and Authority, despite that, I have a very peripheral perspective, the ability to see these things that others don't see. And because there is a strategic mind behind that, there is the ability ultimately to be able to articulate it, to be able to describe it, to be able to share it with others. Now, it doesn't mean that that seeing what other people don't see has to be particularly mystical. It’s simply a view that is broad enough that it provides the strategic mind with all kinds of things that it can focus on. But again, it goes back to the same thing. It goes back to the Strategy and Authority. Without Strategy and Authority, without being able to take in the right nutrition in your life, without being in the correct environment, there's no way this is going to work. I've been living in the correct environment most of my life, part of that being serendipity. And being in the right environment and being somebody who is deeply involved, obviously, in this whole process, the correctness of my vehicle, the correctness of my environment, in that my environment nurtures my activity. I’m somebody that consciously works about 10 to 12 hours every single day in the work that I do. Activity, by the way, doesn't necessarily mean only physical activity. It is about environments that nurture activity. The moment I go into an environment and I start yawning I know I'm in trouble. The moment I go to environment and all I want to do is lie down, I know I'm in trouble, because everything about the nature of who I am demands, or who we are, demands that I am active in my environment and that activity leads to my peripheral capacity to see, and out of that the ability to strategically be able to point it out. So here, in this upper grouping [PLL/DLL, PLR/DLL, PLL/DLR, see above]., what we have are the elements that are involved in this movement forward And this movement forward in terms of the evolutionary movement, but more than that, strategically these three provide essential information for the future. My work, as an example, is in providing the foundation for mechanical Strategy and Authority so that we can operate successfully in the future, so that we can operate in a future in which the background frequency will no longer support us. Each and every being in each of these Variables, when they are correct, add an essential ingredient to the consciousness field that is for the benefit of all of us as we move into the future.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

The Left-Hand Side of the Intersection The PLR/DLR Variable This is the Left-hand side of the intersection. The intersection itself is a place where there are a number of inherent dilemmas. Let's begin with the top. If we begin with this Variable, the DLR/PLR, you can see right away that you have a brain/mind system that is Left and you have a life that is Right. Now, what that literally means is that—think about it this way--you’ve got an old brain/mind being dropped into a brand-new life. And what often happens in this is that there is a lot of difficulty in trying to get this Left-ness of the brain/mind to accept the Right-ness of its life. Now, this can lead to things like dyslexia, as an example. As a matter of fact, I've seen that in upwards of 20 or 30 examples that I have. This is something in which there is a fundamental discomfort between the Left-ness of the brain/mind system being dropped into what is inherently a brand-new Right life. And you can see that this Rightness—again, this is part of the quadrant that is highly populated and moving towards the future. Now, that future is the Right-ness. The Right life is very different. It is passive and it is peripheral. In other words, it requires an environment in which it will not be active, in which it is going to be very, very relaxed in that environment in which there's not going to be basic tensions that demand levels of activity, that that environment is going to be deeply nurturing. But you have to see that, at the same time, there is a conflict because the brain/mind is so active. The brain is constantly working and working and working and working. And the mind wants to deal with all of that. And yet, because of this, this high activity brain, that it's trying to influence, as not-self, it’s trying to influence the life itself. The assumption is if all of this is active up here, I’ve got to be active down here. Well, it’s not the case. And the more there is a resistance to the way in which this Right-ness flows, the more dilemmas that arise in the way in which one conceptualizes. What is so important here is this relationship. When it comes to the intersection, PHS is the cure. I have no illusions about where people are going to go on their journey. I really don’t. I am not empathic in that. If I were, I would probably go

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

mad because most human beings just simply can't even see the truth when it's placed in front of them. It is not an easy thing to take this journey all the way, but it is really something to grasp about the nature of the dilemmas that can arise here in this intersection when one is not correct. The most important thing here is the dietary regimen. The dietary regimen is a way in which the Left-ness of the brain system can be aligned to the Right-ness of its life, because after all, this active brain is intended to be active because of this. In other words, think about somebody who is in the Right-environment and you could actually watch them, you've got a view on them so you can see them, it looks like nothing is going on. It looks like they are very still in a way; it looks like they're not really sort of looking at anything necessarily. And yet, this is where their greatest power comes from. You could call them the thinkers, this kind of pondering, ruminating. This way in stillness so much can be seen. These are beings who need to stop. They need to stop running. They need to stay still. Every time they stay still it opens up all the possibilities of their creative awareness. To be Right is inherently creative. This is the Observer. In the stillness there is so much to see. And in the stillness there is this vast periphery. It is only then that this active mind really can work. It needs to work through this. If the life is active, this is not going to be healthy. It's going to create problems in relationships. There are going to be all kinds of dilemmas that arise out of this. And the only way in which these beings truly are going to be healthy is when they are physically correct in terms of the way in which they take food into their system because they need to align their brain to their environment. Now, in the work that I do at the deeper levels of PHS, it is very important to understand that the Design Nodes themselves have a special relationship to the brain system. There are two different kinds of Nodes. One is called the Link Node; one is called the Prime Node. It's the Prime Node that aligns the brain system to the environment. When the brain system is aligned to the environment, that’s the moment that all of this becomes a flow. You can see there is this potential for all of this to actually move in a way like a spiral. And it is this spiral that is so important to these beings, because when there is a confrontation between their Left-ness and their Right-ness, this is the moment that brings deep discomfort and illness into their life. Anyone who is alive in the intersection, they are the beings that are most at risk of having dilemmas in

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

terms of the way in which their brain system operates, and dilemmas in terms of their physical well-being. This is a case here where there is an enormous susceptibility to physical problems, to physical ailments if the brain system is not in line and operating correctly in relationship to the Right-ness of the life. So, one of the things to notice whenever you see anyone who has this kind of Variable, particularly children, that the most important thing for these children is not any kind of intellectual discussion about the nature of this. It's about feeding them correctly, because this is the thing that is going to make the biggest difference to these beings in their life; the biggest difference.

The PLR/DRL Variable Now, when we get to this side we have something else, because we are dealing with a quadrant that is out of the flow. And not only is it out of the flow, but you can see that it is out of the flow and there is an inherent dilemma here in the way it operates. When you're looking above, you can see that there is an alignment in the way in which the lower arrows operate and the way in which the upper arrows operate. They’re operating together, they’re operating in alignment with each other, but here there is conflict. They are either facing each other or they’re turning away. Now, this zone here is one in which there can be a number of problems in terms of the way in which Left and Right sides of the brain work. So you can end up with people that have problems with Left and Right-brain coordination, and being able to orient themselves correctly in terms of Left and Right-brain. And again, this is one of those places where it’s so important to pay attention to diet because diet is something that will make a difference. Anybody in the intersection, anybody that's in these four blocks, PHS is a must. It’s a must, and particularly when you're dealing with children, because otherwise you’re going to have all kinds of developmental problems. You're going to have problems in the way in which they think. You're going to have problems physically. And most of that can be ameliorated with having the right nutrition. Nutrition in this area is really everything. If you're not familiar with what your PHS is, do find out, because in this zone it is something that can bring tremendous relief in terms of the way in which you can operate in this life. Here, what we're dealing with is that, first of all, this is the first

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

time that we're seeing a Right-brain. And a Right-brain is passive. It's passive. The Right-brain is not intended to be active. It's not. In other words, the way in which this brain works is that it's not a brain that's here to be placed under strategic pressure to focus on things. It’s one of the great of dilemmas here. The passive brain absorbs; that’s its work. It absorbs. It doesn’t process, it absorbs. It takes in. It doesn't focus. It doesn't try to do things with what it’s taking in. It just takes in.

Busy Fingers, Quiet Mind And because of the complexity that is here in this Variable, it becomes essential, aside from the obvious, the Strategy and Authority, to grasp something. Here is somebody who needs to be active in their environment. They need to be active. And this is one of those examples where—what is the old wives’ saying about busy fingers, quiet mind—this is busy fingers, quiet mind. Keep a quiet mind, stay busy. It’s so important for these beings, because the moment that you're not actively involved in your process, that's the moment that pressure is placed on this brain system to become active, to become what it is not. So, this is one of those things in which proper dietary regimen, which is going to ameliorate the problems inherent in this configuration, is going to make it much easier for this being to have the kind of brain system that can absorb while it’s being active. Now, think about what that actually means. Think about somebody that’s doing one of these repetitive tasks, whatever it happens to be. While they're doing that repetitive task and they are physically involved in that, their brain system is taking in enormous amounts of information; enormous amounts of information. This is what they're all about. And it's not about what they're doing related to the information they are taking in or processing; it's not. They’re busy and active, and while they're busy and active, that’s when this can do its work, when it can take in what is necessary. And it's only out of that activity that out of that arises that peripheral perspective. In other words, that activity opens up the possibility of seeing, and in that correct seeing, the opportunity to focus on something mentally as a concept. As you can see, this is very convoluted. It is very complex. And the only way in which these beings are going to be healthy begins with: number one Strategy and Authority. For them it is essential. It is also essential that you experiment with your PHS. Those of you that are here in this Variable, please understand that this is one of the most important steps you can take in your life. Now, that's not something that you do under pressure because I say so. It's something that has to be correct for you. It’s something that you enter into according to

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

whatever your Strategy and Authority is. But it's something to understand about you and what you need in order to create a healthy environment for yourself and a way in which you can fulfill the potential that is here. This quadrant carries essential continuity from the past, an essential continuity that's part of the human process that moves into the future, something we will look at tomorrow. And yet, those that are in the intersection are caught in this confluence that can be so difficult for them. PHS; take the right nutrition into your body. That right nutrition will allow you to relax into what it means to just be active and not have the activity related to what it is that you’re mentally processing. This is the kind of thing where you're working on one thing because you need to be busy. You need to have that busyness in your environment and yet, that busyness isn't the point, but it’s the healthiest thing that you're going to be able to do. And while you're being busy with something, that's when you see. Not only is that when you see, that's when you can finally get to a place in which you can express what is a very, very profound outer authority. So, if you're in the intersection, PHS is something truly to explore because it is something that is definitely going to benefit you. This is particularly important for children; please understand that. It’s particularly important for children, because these areas can end up being very, very difficult for kids, whether it is dyslexia, whether it is problems with Left-brain/Right-brain coordination, these are areas in which children can feel very, very uncomfortable and really end up not being able to fulfill even the basics of being able to operate in a way in which they're going to feel comfortable in this life. These are children that need to be looked after in the most profound way. And it begins with food. If you heal the brain, anything is possible.

The PLL/DRL Variable You can see that when we get to this quadrant that we have a low population, we have fewer beings involved. You can see that in this group—there are over 80 people involved in this group, I think I have about 70 names in the chart layouts here—you can see that we have a case where in two of these Variables, that there are only two. So, again, this is a very low population area. So, let's begin here with the DRL/PLL and you can see here that we have Left, Left, Left and we’ve got a Right-brain. Now, this particular Variable is actually one in which one can operate quite comfortably. And quite comfortably in the sense that the thing about these beings is that again, as I discussed when we were looking over here, we’re dealing with a passive brain system. We’re dealing with a brain system that is not intended to be placed under pressure. It is simply receptive. It is simply taking things in.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

And when you have a brain that works like that, it's very important not to put pressure on your life on the mental plane. This is not the point. It’s not about putting pressure on yourself. It's not about forcing your mind to do things. It’s not about trying to process things. It’s about relaxing into an active life. It’s your life that's important here. In this particular Variable, it’s the life that is everything. You need to have your active focused life. It’s out of that active focused life that you're going to be healthy. It means there are those things that the environment for you is a place that nurtures your activity; busy, busy, busy. For some beings, being busy is more important than thinking. Doing the right thing is more important than thinking about the right thing. Doing the thing is everything, to be there, to be involved, to be active, and at the same time taking the pressure off of the brain system, because you don't have to put it under pressure. As a matter of fact, that busyness of yours is going to enhance your capacity to take advantage of your Right-brain and all of the things that it is able to take in, because it is; it’s taking in an enormous amount, but it's taking it in in a passive way. There is no way in which this brain is looking for specific stimulation. It isn’t. And the very strategic thought that can come out as a concept is a strategic thought that arises out of the active life. It just does. Now, the thing that’s so interesting about having a Right-brain with a Left-mind is that the Left-mind is able to tap into all kinds of things. Again the Right-mind is a cornucopia. It carries so many things. That Right-brain is a housing for a vast, vast, vast collection of input that’s been going on throughout the life. And when one is correct, when one is busy, when one isn't trying to intellectualize one’s way—it’s about really just letting go into the life itself. Out of that comes the potential for strategic awareness and a strategic awareness that taps into the depth of this brain system. But again, if you have a Right-brain and you've got a Left life, the only thing that's going to keep that brain calm, the only thing that is going to keep that brain healthy is PHS. I keep on repeating this, but it's one of the most phenomenal things in the knowledge. Deconditioning is something that is so incredibly enhanced by PHS; being able to take the right nutrition into your system means that you're feeding those aspects of your nature that are your pure differentiation. It opens up the possibility for you to really be able to fulfill the potential of your cognitive awareness.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

And after all, these arrows are all about cognition. It’s ultimately about what is the result, what is the awareness that finally is expressed as an outer authority. This is all about being busy. It’s not about thinking. It's about allowing thought to emerge out of the busyness, out of the activity.

The PLR/DRR Variable When we go over here, we see because we're dealing with a great deal of Rightness. Now, this can be very difficult. And it can be very difficult because you've got a Right-brain and you have a Right-environment and a Right perspective, and then you've got this mind that wants to focus and wants to be strategic. Now think about the basic tenets in Human Design. Human Design says that if you're not correct, if you're not operating out of Strategy and Authority, then your life is dictated by your mind. It’s just dictated by your mind. And your mind is always telling you what to do. And because the mind is strategic here in this example, the not-self who is in this Variable, their mind is going to drive them into the ground, literally. And this is not what they are about. It isn’t. This combination of the Right/Right, this is a whole new kind of life. This is the receptive life, this is the Observer life, this is the peripheral life. And the only way that this is going to work is if one is being nurtured both inside and outside. You nurture yourself on the inside through your dietary regimen. You nurture yourself on the outside by being correct in terms of your environment. This is all about being relaxed in this process. No pressure. No pressure at the activity level, no pressure at the brain level. Most human beings in the modern life, when you say things like that, they sort of shake their head. “How is that possible? What do you mean?” But the homogenized world is so far away from the essence of what they are; so far away. It's not like nothing is going to go on in these lives. But when you’re correct, you discover the nature of your life. You discover that you have a certain frequency. Here we’re looking at the beginnings of the dominance of Right frequency. And remember the thing about the Right, the Right is here to take in and take in and take in because it's waiting for that moment for the other to call on it.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

Here is a classic example. Remember that Right-ness, what we're moving towards in an evolutionary sense, the Right-ness we're moving towards is a Right-ness that abandons identity and self, abandons individuality, gives itself up to a higher order of consciousness. Again, we’re not Raves. So that's not what we’re about. But, you have to see that for a being like this, or anyone who is in such a Variable, that with all this Right-ness, that you cannot be for yourself your own solution. The things that are going to be important for you, the way in which you deal with the other, the depth of your relationship to the other is the other calling out the depth of your Right-ness. The moment the depth of this Right-ness is called out, the outer authority can express it strategically. This is a being that is taking in and taking in and taking it. Most beings who have a dominance of Right-ness have no idea how deep and profound they are; none. As deep and profound as one gets; but, because it’s Right-ness, because it is a passive brain, because it is not standing there saying, “Hey I got this, I got this for you; grab this, this is terrific.” It doesn’t do that. It just takes in and it just takes in and just takes in. And it waits. It waits for the social interaction. The more Right you are, the more important your relationships are. It is those relationships that draw the pure water from your well, because the more Right-ness you have, the more that is your metaphor. You are a well. You are carrying all of this extraordinary information relative to your Design. And yet you yourself have no access to it. You don't. You have to wait for it to be called out. When you're looking at these lower arrows, they’re actually called the Independent Variable. When you're looking at these lower arrows, what they truly represent is your social dynamic in life. It is here in the Rightenvironment that you meet the right beings. If you're in the Right-environment and you are correct in that environment, you're going to meet those beings who are going to draw from your well and you Independent Variable are going to be able to then express strategically and in a focused way what they need. You can be of enormous service to others. Yet, the only way that you're going to be of that service is if you're not trying to be like them, constantly putting pressure on yourself, and constantly looking for those things. You've got a Left-mind with a Right-brain. You can read the same book 20 times. You don't remember that you read it. You can just go back and do it again. And you can end up being in a situation where you really don't think that you're holding things, storing things, that you have a lower

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

sense of the level of your particular intelligence, all of that. So many beings who carry Right-ness are so uncomfortable in this life because out of ignorance they'd never had a chance to see their beauty and their depth. Nor have they had that opportunity in operating correctly be able to share that depth and the beauty that is there.

The PLL/DRR Variable And finally today we come to this lower left-hand corner, the extreme of this end. Now, you can see here that there is a fundamental tension in this. No longer do we have any kind of sense of alignment other than in the vertical sense; we have vertical alignment. We have a Right/Right Design side and we have a Left/Left Personality side. The passive brain and the passive environment, again, this goes back to how important the vehicle is. I'm somebody who was always intelligent. I always thought that the mind, all of these things, the same way that most people did, the importance of it, and this and that. The reality is that most human beings are so far away from even the most minimal expression of their potential. And it all has to do with the body. And in order to be able to deal with such an opposing Variable as this is, this very, very deep difference between the body and the Personality. You can basically look at it this way. You got a brand-new body, and you’ve got an old-fashioned Personality, because that’s really what is. You’ve got this brand-new body and you’ve this old Personality. And this old Personality, if you're not correct, if you're not aware, it doesn't know what to do with this, doesn’t know what to do with this new body, this body that says, oh, just to be able to just fall into the beauty of what this is at the form level. Again, it goes back to the basics of form principle. In order to be able to operate correctly in this life, your vehicle has to be correct. And it's not just a matter of, “Okay I'm following my Strategy and Authority.” That's the key. It's the catalyst. For most human beings who are going to meet Design, for the 500 or 600 people every day who go to the Newcomer Center, that's going to be the thing that's most important for them. And hopefully out of those beings that arrive every day that they're going to be those beings that will experiment with their Strategy and Authority. And if they do that long enough—

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

seven years—they will go through a cellular transformation, it will change slowly the awareness in their process. But, that’s just the surface way. You don't have a lot of time. Life goes by really quick. And these are processes that do take time. If you’re here, in fact, if you're anywhere in this grid (lower left quadrant), if you truly want to get to that place where you can express what is uniquely profoundly beautiful about you, it's got to be in the body, because it's the only place where you can give yourself that platform to be able to express the inherent value that is there in your Personality, but it begins with the body. And this is a classic configuration, because here there's enormous pressure on getting the body right because if you don't, this Personality is going to drive you crazy, because all it’s going to want is, “let's get active.” All it’s going to want is putting pressure on the brain, putting pressure on the body to get active, to focus just like the mind is focused, to focus just like the perception is focused, to get all that going. And it’s the other way around. It is the stillness and the specialness of this form that makes it possible for these two to live together. It’s not an easy marriage here. These are not soul mates. This is confrontational if you’re not correct. In the notself world, those who have come in in this quadrant—and remember, they are only foundation profiles in this quadrant and low population numbers. These beings that come in here tend to be left by the wayside. They do. They have social problems, they have dietary problems, and they have brain/mind problems, all kinds of things. The only way to ameliorate that, because the fact of the matter is that one does not have to suffer here, that it’s not like these are, “Oh, gee, you’ve got that. It's more difficult than this,” or whatever. It's not like that. Everything can be a horror. Everything can be a horror if you're not correct. And when you're dealing with these kinds of considerations and when you’re dealing in this zone, if you want to get past the obvious, if you want to get to that place where you can be fulfilled, it begins with your body at the deepest, deepest level. So the body, PHS, environment, are things that are so important. They’re important for all of you. As you'll see as we move to the Right, obviously, the better you can look after your brain and your physical life, the more successful you are going to be in fulfilling the potential that is there. Written comment: Could all PASSIVE brains read and see the same things again and again with a fresh experience and a new way?

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Two The Left Variables

Ra: And yes, it’s true that you can go over and over again and each time can be a unique experience, that's true, too. But it’s still the same thing. It's about the phenomena itself, how one deals with that, how one relates to that. The body is the key. Only when you get the body right can you move forward. It doesn’t matter where you are; the body has to be right. It doesn’t matter what kind of brain system you have, it doesn’t matter what kind of mind you have, doesn’t matter what you see, all these things. What matters is that you're correct. And that correctness, if you're interested in awareness, because this is what this is about, if you're interested in awareness, then the form principle has to be perfected. Once that form principle is perfected, this passive brain, this passive environment can then find its focus. And out of that focus it can offer an outer authority that is truly unusual, an outer authority that has an insight, a deep insight into the nature of the new body, of the new brain, of the new life, of the new form, seen from a strategic perspective. In that comes great wisdom, the potential for great wisdom, wisdom that is necessary, a continuity between the strategic past and the receptive future.

Each Variable Provides Valued Awareness to the Whole What you get to see in Variable is that we are all instruments in the consciousness field; all of us. Each and every Variable when it operates correctly, provides information, provides valued awareness to the whole, to the all. It is after all, the natural order of cognition. This is where it all is, all the possibilities. And all of these possibilities once differentiated, go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into the nuanced differentiation of each being. It can be such a beautiful thing. In the world that we live in we do not have these pure expressions of outer authority arising out of these various configurations. We have a homogenized world. We have a homogenized world in which the beauty and the truth of what we can share with each other is hidden. The secret is in the body. Honor the form principle. If you honor the form principle, you have a chance to meet passenger consciousness and to exalt in that. Alright, well, I hope you all enjoyed that. And tomorrow, for those of you on the Right, it will be your turn. And I’ll see you all then. So until then, do take care; bye for now. ~

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables Hello and welcome to all of you. Before I get into all the Right-ness today, I want to show you something here in the graph. You’ll notice something; I talked about the fact that we can look at the way in which the Variable grid is laid out and we can look at it in terms of an evolutionary movement, that evolutionary movement that has its main trajectory in this direction, this diagonal. Yet at the same time, there is actually a point in which it goes in two directions. The two directions, and we're going to look at them today, the two directions that are on the right-hand side of the Variable grid. One that continues the fundamental human process and the other that is moving towards the complete Rave process. And the way in which you can really distinguish this is if you look here, you'll see that each and every one of the Variables that are above [circled], that each and every one of these Variables has a Leftbrain. That Left-brain keeps them in line with what is the human or the continuation of the human process, one that has been going on from the time that we moved out of seven-centeredness into our nine-centered reality in 1781.

The Meaning of Your Variable is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

But if you look at the zone below, you'll see that everything here is Right-brain [lower four blocks]. Not only is everything here Right-brain, but we’ll also see that it is Right-minded as well. This makes an enormous difference in terms of the way in which this Variable grouping functions, this quadrant, in relationship to this quadrant above. The Left-brain keeps one aligned to the tradition of what it is to be human and strategic. The Rightbrain moves one directly into the direction of the new evolutionary movement.

The PRR/DLL Variable So, let's step into our three-part grid, and we are going to begin in the corner. When you are looking at the Left-brain, the thing about the Left-brain is that the Left-brain needs to be active. This is the whole thing about being strategic. Everything about being strategic is that you have a brain that likes stimulation and likes to focus on stimulation. But not only focus on stimulation, you can see here very clearly that if we look, we’ve got a divide here. We have a divide between the Design, which is Left oriented, and the Personality which is entirely Right oriented. In other words, you've got an old body and a brand-new Personality. Or, a body that is in line with the traditional human process, but at the same time, the way in which the Personality is going to operate is in relationship to that Rightness and that Right-ness is very different. One of the things to grasp about this whole side of the grid is that most of these beings, and when I say most, 99.99.99% of these beings have been deeply, deeply homogenized by the strategic in their life. It began with their parents training them strategically. It began with the school system

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

that trained them strategically; all that putting enormous pressure on them to step away from what is their natural Personality and to develop an artificial Personality, an artificial strategic Personality. When anything having to do with Design, regardless of the sophistication of the topic that we deal with, everything about you being okay begins with understanding that if you don't operate correctly in terms of your form principle, that is, Strategy and Authority, then you're going to run into deep dilemmas on this side of the grid because of the way in which the world operates. The homogenized world operates as if it were still seven-centered. You know that by the way in which you can look around the world around you and you will see that everything is fundamentally strategic, everything is strategic. Everything about the way in which life is organized is still organized on the strategic infrastructure that we inherited from the seven-centered being. As a matter of fact, even more frightening than that is that the seven-centered philosophies, the seven-centered religions, the seven-centered spirituality, in all of those seven-centered phenomena, we’re still practicing all of those things. And when I say “we,” I’m simply referring to the world at large. If you take a look at the world, you'll see that if you look for example at the nature of fundamentalism in the world, regardless of where it comes from, whether it comes from Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, whatever kind of fundamentalism you want to point to, remember something about it, these are seven-centered religions. They’re seven-centered. They’re deeply strategic. They are there to be able to create a hierarchy where there are those above who control those below. And it’s not about God. It's about power structures. Everything about the nature of the sevencentered being was rooted in the development of power structures. Power structures that were able to organize humanity and control them at the same time. We are still living densely in a world in which strategic control is everything. We’re still leading in a world in which there is a hierarchical structure, and a hierarchical structure that is determined by your strategic capacity. If you go to school and you were Right-minded like these beings or any of you that I'm going to be looking at today, think about the dilemma that you have. The Right-mind is not a strategic mind. Remember that it is your mind here; this is your Personality Sun/Earth. This is where you conceptualize. The conceptualizing process for a Right being is about taking things in only. It isn't about analyzing them. It isn't about strategically trying to figure out what they’ve taken in and what's of value in what they have taken in, because that's not what their job is. That is a strategic process. And yet the moment that you entered into school was the moment that everybody that you had to deal with and everything that you had to learn was thrown at you strategically. You were taught to strategically deal with information. You were taught to study. You were taught to focus. How many of you who are Right-minded have heard over and over and over again in your life from your parents when you were growing up, “Focus, pay attention. Look at that, work it out,” all those things.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

And yet, it is so important to understand that the Right-minded being is something else. And of course, one of the dilemmas that we have today is that this knowledge is relatively new. It's been in the world 23 years. This is only the beginning of trying to orient the Right beings to what can be successful for them so that they can fulfill what is their potential without being under this enormous pressure. I mentioned the other day my son who is Right-minded and having to literally train him, re-train him in terms of not being caught up in the way in which strategic education is fostered on children, because the Right-mind is a totally different mind. It’s a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing when it is liberated from trying to always be strategic. So, the first thing that we have to look at when we're looking at this situation here is that despite the fact that you've got a Left body that has an active Left-brain that needs to be in an active environment, remember that. It’s very important for this Variable that they have an environment that nurtures their activity level. But it nurtures their activity level not for them to focus on that, but for them to be absorbed in it. Busyness is an incredible thing. If you look at the definitions in Design that are oppositions in the wheel, there are three of them. And they're all very powerful: the 43/23, the 40/37. But the 20/34 is the original, the pure Manifesting Generator. The 20/34 is the bedrock of survival in life. It’s part of integration. And the 20/34, in of itself, is just about busyness; be busy, busy, busy, busy. The dilemma for most human beings is that they don't know what to be busy with because they don't know how to make a decision. And if you don't know how to make a decision, if you don't know what to enter into, then you cannot get that energy that you need to be involved in what is correct for you so that you can take advantage of it. Think about this Variable. If this active brain, and this being is active in their environment, it doesn't matter what they're doing. It does not matter what they're doing. What they're doing is not the point. This is strategic thinking. The strategic thought is ‘what you do defines you.’ But if you’re Right, what you do does not define you. What you do takes up the energy necessary to fulfill the simple functions of life itself. It doesn't matter what this being is busy about. And when I say that, understand that whatever they’re busy about, they can only be busy about it in relationship to their Strategy and Authority. So it will be correct for them, but it doesn't define them. Let me give you the example. This is somebody whose Strategy and Authority can get them into brick laying, laying one brick on top of another, building walls, as an example. From the outside, from the strategic point of view, it’s not very impressive. Because if you look that strategically, well, if that's what defines you, if you're bricklayer, what can

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

you be? And yet, the reality is that for these beings the activity is not what defines them, the activity liberates their capacity to be receptive, to be peripheral. So, while they are doing the activity, whatever that activity happens to be, they are taking in an enormous amount of information. Their view becomes transcendent. Their view goes out to the deep periphery. And not only does it go out to that, but the way in which they conceptualize is receptive as well. In other words, they are taking in and processing an enormous amount of stimuli. You have no idea what's there. The moment that these beings are correct, and the moment that they’re correct within their own environment, that's the moment that they're going to have those forces enter into their life and draw from them the beauty that is stored in here. And it has nothing to do with the brick laying; nothing. One of the most important things to understand about Right-ness is that Right-ness cannot be assessed or classified according to the way in which the strategic world looks at things. For the being who is Right-minded, it does not matter what they do. What they do does not define them. What they do, according to their Strategy and Authority, will allow them to maintain their viability on this plane, to feed themselves, to have a job, whatever the case may be. But it's not about having that job or the job or the best job or the best promotion or all that strategic stuff. It has nothing to do with that. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as what you’re doing is correct. What matters is that, in that correct doing, you are liberated to take in peripherally. The only thing that matters then is who, who, who is in your life. I've been talking about who's in your life to people forever, because of course this is what it's all about. If you are operating correctly, if you're in the right environment, then you're going to be able to have those beings in your life. They will not care about this. They will seek out this, because this is where the power is, this is where the gift is, because you’re a storehouse of information. Now again, you have to operate correctly. And of course, part of that operating correctly just isn't a matter of Strategy and Authority. As I stressed yesterday, if you want to take this process to the limit, if you want to discover the potential within yourself for truly transcendent awareness, then step-by-step you have to radically embrace each of the aspects of transformation. It begins with dietary regimen and dietary regimen leading to the correct environment. This being in being active correctly, in not trying to use your mind to determine the value of your activity, but just allowing the activity to be there, out of

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

that comes all the creativity. I've mentioned this quite often. It is Right-ness that brings creativity. This is the deepest, deepest capacity that we have in terms of our evolved brain for creative thought. There is so much creative depth that is there in the Right, but most of it is always lost. It’s lost because these beings are overwhelmed by the society around them that demands that they be strategic. They go up to this person and they say “how can you settle for that kind of the job? How come you’re doing this kind of work? How come you're busy with this thing when you could be this or that or the other?” Imagine this pressure in the way in which it distorts children, because only in the last 20 years has it even been possible to recognize who these beings are. And they’ve been around since 1781, deeply, deeply, deeply conditioned.

The PRL/DLL Variable Alright, let’s move over here. Again, you can see we have the same phenomena. In other words, we’ve got a Left-brain in a Left environment, so we have the need for a brain that is stimulated in its activity. But that stimulation in its activity also has its Left perspective. So this is somebody that when they are active and when their brain system is correct in their active environment, they get to be very, very focused. These are beings who see specific things that nobody else can see. Very, very specific things, but, they don't tell anybody. They’ve got a Right-mind. There's nobody to tell. On this side (circled in blue) they take in a huge amount of information. On this side[circled in red], it's very focused. And yet, they're both Right-minded. It's not like they can stand there and say, “Oh gee, look, I’ve got this,” because it’s not the point. It isn't. The moment you have a Rightmind is the moment you have to see that the worst thing that you could do is try to conceptualize with it. It’s not what it's about. It isn’t. It’s for taking in. It's prana. It’s this breathing in. The breathing out is relative to your relationship to the other, always. There is no breathing out until the other calls that out.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

Think about the way in which this evolutionary process is moving. It is moving toward something that's going to emerge after 2027, the all-Right Rave. The allRight Rave is going to give of itself entirely. It will have no identity, no personal identity, no need for one, no need to define itself in any way whatsoever, only its openness and readiness to give of itself to a larger consciousness. Now of course, we’re not Raves, regardless of whether you're up here or down here. We’re not Raves. We are just simply part of an evolutionary movement and we all have these unique configurations relative to our Variable. But the more Right you are, the closer you are to being helpless, true helplessness, the helplessness in which who you are as a being cannot be defined by you. It’s defined by your relationship to the other. We’re not alone. It’s not what it's about. The Right being who's moving towards this giving of itself, that the only way you're going to realize your gift is when somebody taps into it. All of you who are Rightminded know that. You know that people can come up to you in your life and they will ask you something and out of nowhere it’s there. That you can bring things out of yourself. You don't know where they come from. And those things that come out of yourself are deeply valuable to the other. Because this is what you are about. And whether it is about being deeply specific, as we have in this Variable where there is this focus that arises out of this activity, or whether it is peripheral in the way in which there is a broad perspective that arises out of this activity, because of the Right-mindedness, there is nothing to do but wait. Wait for the embrace. We’re all here to wait. Everybody's here to wait. It doesn’t matter who you are, we’re all here waiting. We’re all here waiting particularly from the Right side; we’re waiting for those interactions that are going to release the depth that is within us. If you are not correct, if you're not operating according to your Strategy and Authority, then you cannot be in the activity that's going to lead either to this deeply focused or peripheral perspective that offers the other a richness that they can tap into. And it's not like you're just here to serve. Please understand that. The fact is that if you're operating correctly according to your Strategy and Authority you have your way on this plane. But you're also a deep resource for the other. And that other that taps into you, what they receive from you, they also have to give you something in return. Most of it is called respect. There’s nothing more difficult than the Right-minded being in trying to establish the integrity of its nature in a world that is so dominated by strategic thought.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

The PRR/DLR Variable Now here we come to the last remnant, if you will, of the Left-ness. We’ve got a Left-brain in an entirely Right process. Now again, whenever you see a Left-brain with a Rightenvironment, the most important thing to remember is that the only way that you can deal with this in a healthy way is through your PHS. This is a difficult configuration. We looked at a number of them yesterday. When you have Left-brain with a Rightenvironment, then you need to have your brain properly nourished so that it doesn't run in a way that is detrimental to your health. Again, this goes back to understanding how important dietary regimen is. It is through dietary regimen that you truly can heal the brain system. Not only heal it, but heal it in the sense that the nutrition you take in finally gets to go to those places that are correct for you. This arrow (active), as I mentioned when we began, is defined by the Tones that you have, whether your Tonal infrastructure, that Tonal architecture that is the cognitive architecture, whether that architecture is on the Left or on the Right, that architecture is a sensory system. Each and every one of us has a unique sensory system that is nourished by our brain. And only when we are operating correctly in terms of the way in which we take sustenance into our body, only then are we going to refine and enhance the potential of our cognitive process. I've been very privileged, I've had a lot of very bright students all of these years, but I always realized that there was a limitation. And the limitation was the relative lack of full potential being accessible to them from their brain system. Because the moment that you're operating correctly according to the way in which you take in nutrition is the moment you begin to work to refine and hone in on what is your sensory capacity. The sensory capacity that is here, what sense that is, that sense that is the perfection for this being, when that is correct, that becomes the key to this entire process. So whenever we're dealing with a Left-brain and we’re dealing with the Right-environment, PHS become something that is an essential to get into it as soon as one is ready for that. Again, I want caution you. My job is not to homogenize people, obviously. The work that I do in this life is to try to provide human beings with the chance to truly be unique. I keep on stressing these things—dietary regimen, environment. This is not about mental decision making. It’s not about saying, “Oh gee, well, I should do that.” It isn’t about that.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

I'm giving you information. It’s not about telling you what to do. It’s about understanding that if you are going to enter into your dietary regimen it has to be correct. If you’re a Projector, you've got to be invited into that. If you're a Generator, it’s something you've got to respond to. Whatever it is, if you’re a Reflector, you’re going to need your cycle of the Moon. There are all of these things to grasp. This is not about just saying, “Okay, this is what I’m going to do,” because it isn’t going to work. It’s about being correct and being correct at every level of this. If you are ready for it, if it is correct for you, this is the thing to do. But only when it is correct for you. So this combination of the Left-brain and the Right-environment, the dietary regimen is something that will allow you to be able to comfortably fit into what is the beginning of a deeply, deeply Right life. It’s very Right. This set of bottom arrows known as the Independent Variable is where your storyline emerges. This is where your life unfolds. You’re life begins to unfold only when you're in the correct environment and you have the correct perspective. This is not somebody Independent Variable - Storyline who is here to be active, active, active like these (circled below in black.) This is somebody that’s here to be relaxed. If you have a Left-brain and you’ve got a Right-environment, only when that brain is correct, will it settle for you being nonactive in the environment, because it is this whole relaxed, laid-back—this is not about being anxious, constantly being under pressure to do things. Again, it goes back to Strategy and Authority. It is the central wonder of this knowledge. Because what Strategy and Authority does is that it frees you from your mind interfering. We each have unique ways in which we will bring material into our lives. No nine-centered being is designed to be hungry or poor. Truly, that’s a seven-centered phenomenon. It has nothing to do with us. The nine-centered being is not here to be concerned about survival. They’re here to be concerned about awareness. You can only stop being concerned about survival if you stop using your mind to try to control everything. It's not your mind that’s putting material into your life. You’re a bio-form living on a material plane. Your Strategy and Authority is there to take the pressure and anxiety away from you so that you don't have to be concerned with the material. Somebody like this particular Variable, it's only Strategy and Authority that is going to give you those things that are correct for you to be involved in. They’re not going to put you in situations—your Strategy and Authority—that is going to be in conflict with your Variable.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

But psychologically, there's so much pressure in the strategic world to succeed in the way in which the strategic world thinks success should arrive, the status of this and that and the other. This is not what you’re about. There is enormous profundity here. But what you do on the material plane, what you do to maintain yourself in this life is not about what your awareness is about, it isn’t. They’re not connected. If you're all-Left, what to do is who you are. Your focus is who you are. I know. Look at me, Mr. Left. My focus is who I am. I’m Mr. Human Design. This is what I do. This is my focus. But you have to understand something about Right-ness. What you would do isn't necessarily what you're about what. What you do is a platform for you to take in a vast array of stimuli, potentially for the benefit of many.

The Intersection The intersection. But this side of the intersection is different from what we looked at yesterday. Remember yesterday, we looked at the dilemmas of the potentials of dyslexia, of Left/Right-brain dilemmas in terms of coordinating them. This is very different. First of all, this (lower left quadrant) being out of the flow, this being entirely on the Left side, here we’re dealing with this convergence, this intersection on the Right side. And in dealing with it on the Right side, the first thing is to look at the above, this divide between what is the human direction (pointing to the upper right corner.) and, in that case, the Rave direction (pointing to the lower right corner.) If we look at the human direction, we see that we have the Left-brain. Here is where the divide is between the Left and the Right. This is where the real shift takes place.

The PRL/DLR Variable So here we have the Left-brain, and as you can see, we have a Right-environment that leads to a Left focus that opens up to a Right receptivity. Now, that's a mirror of what we saw down here on the other side. But again, this is out of the flow [next page, lower left quadrant]. And in this case, it can create real problems with those beings who are unable to coordinate Left and Right-brain functions.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

When we come over here to this upper side on the Right, it is different in the way it works. Now, I caution you, this is about correctness. What this looks like in the not-self is not something that is necessarily healthy, because what it looks like in the not-self, because of the Left-ness that is here both in terms of the Left-brain and the Left perspective, given that we live in a strategically dominated world, these are beings who tend to be deeply strategic in the way in which they try to live their life. In other words, they are under enormous pressure to be strategic beings. They tend to be beings who can be studying deeply, can end up being deeply focused on the strategic side and at the same time have that collapse around them. It also means that they can have a lot of problems in the way in which the brain system operates. After all, you have a Left-brain with a Right-mind. And that Leftbrain/Right-mind combination can always lead to dilemmas if one is not correct. What happens to most of these people in the not-self is that they totally ignore their Right-ness. They ignore it. And they end up ignoring it at their peril. They tend to be success-oriented only to have them collapse around them. The moment that happens, there can be a tremendous backlash. There’s a certain twisting in this. The key, as always, is to see that if you've got a Left-brain and you’re in a Right-environment, the most important thing you're going to do is eat right. It changes everything. The most incredible thing about this particular Variable is that it’s one that can demonstrate almost immediately the power of PHS in somebody's life, almost immediately, because this is the thing that is healing, to be able to put that Left-brain at ease with its environment. These are the kinds of beings, that when they finally enter into things correctly and they nourish themselves correctly, they can finally focus on those things that are correct for them to focus on. There is an extraordinary brilliance that can be in their level of focus. The only dilemma that remains in that is the fact that they have a receptive mind. And because they have a receptive mind, these are the kinds of beings who are only fulfilled, only get recognized in their ability to share what they have taken in with others. This is a teaching class, this capacity to be able to release deeply focused information and to release it to others. But it begins here. The moment you're dealing with that Left-brain in the Right-environment, the brain system has to be healthy, it has to be nurtured correctly, and its sensory system has to be acute. And then that

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

full potential is there. These are beings who are here truly to focus. They’re here to see very specific things. These are not people who are here to be all over the place. They're here to have their field of interest, their field of study, whatever the case may be. They’re not here to multitask. They’re not here to be into all kinds of things. Through their Strategy and Authority, through the way in which their awareness develops, they fine-tune and hone in on whatever that subject is that is correct for them. That is where their richness is, and of course, the creative potential to be able to express it. Again, that goes back to their relationships. Anyone who carries Right-mind, it is your relationships that are going to make the difference. It is your Strategy and Authority that is going to align you to situations that are going to permit the depth that is there in you to come out. The most dangerous thing for the Right being is to be alone.

The PRL/DRL Variable Then we take the step. We begin the process of entering into the pure Right-ness of the future. And it’s not pure Right/Right right away. You can see that. We’re in the intersection. And here what you can see is the first example of Rightbrain, Right-mind. This is a totally receptive awareness system. Yet, it’s dropped into a Left oriented life, a life of activity and focus. Now, this is difficult. And it can lead to many dilemmas. Again, this is one of those situations where what you do is not the point. But you have to be there doing it in order for everything else to work. This is an act of focused life. And it doesn't matter, again, please grasp this, because if you think strategically, it sounds ridiculous, but these are not strategic beings. And they’re not intended to be, in any way, conditioned by the strategic world. What you do in your activity simply allows you to survive on this plane. You need your activity. You need your focus, but it's quite different from what, in fact, you’re processing. Again, the relationship between what you do and where your awareness is at are very, very separate things. But it is this activity level that’s so important. And you notice this is a reverse here. This is not the active brain in the passive environment; this is the passive brain in the active environment. The brain isn't about getting involved. It's not that what you're doing at the active level needs your brain to process things. It doesn't.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

It’s like oh, I don’t know, operating a spinning wheel, driving screws into whatever, the automatic function things, the kinds of repetitive work, whatever it is, cleaning, you name it, whatever it is, any kind of repetitive activity. It’s is not the activity that determines who you are and what you could offer the world. It isn’t. The only thing that's important is that whatever that activity is, you entered into it correctly as yourself. That’s the point. You enter into it correctly as yourself. And then you allow this Right-brain/Right-mind to do its work. And its work is taking things in, deeply, deeply. It’s the beauty of it.

The PRR/DRL Variable Now we come into the final corner of the Right-ness and we begin here with the three parts Right. You can see the three parts Right. We have a Rightbrain, we have a Right-mind, and we have a Right perspective. The only thing that is Left is the activity level; the environment needs to bring out activity— busy fingers, busy hands busy doing stuff. It’s very similar to this over here (below, orange star PRL/DRL.) The only difference is that rather than this [Personality Node] being Left, that it is Right, so you have this broad peripheral perspective that arises. But again, the moment that you have Left in the environment, it means that you need to be active, but the activity, in and of itself, is not the point. It’s the most important thing to understand if you’re Right: Don't get caught in the strategic game that what you do is who you are. Do not measure yourself that way. You do so at your own peril. It is not the point. And it doesn't mean that if you have this, that you're only going to do banal things, and blah, blah, blah, all that. Remember, whatever it is that you do, you do according to your Strategy and Authority. Depending on your design, depending on what's there is going to be the kind of activity that is suitable for you. Yet, the thing to recognize is that those activities, those things where you are just keeping busy in your environment, this is what nurtures the profundity that is there in you. There is no depth over here. There isn’t. There’s focus. There’s focus on this side. It’s strategic. It’s all about having a strategic mind. It’s all about focusing

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

on things. This is not what this is about. This is more profound. It’s deeper, it’s broader, and it’s richer. It's the future. When you're looking at Right-ness, one of the things to grasp about Tonal architecture is that Tonal architecture to the Right is bringing in the capacity in the sensory sense to take in information at the most sensitive and deepest levels. But, it’s not about trying to figure out what that is. It’s about allowing it to flow out of you when it's correct. It's about realizing that you are not somebody who has to worry about what you have in that box of yours. It is rich. It is full of things. You don't have to go looking for that. You simply need to maintain what is the correct activity for you. And as long as you maintain that activity, the richness that is there is going to come out. Again, think about Right-ness as a social creative process. Again, I reference that to teaching. It’s a classic example. This is an example in which the depth within you is being called on. You take the example of, in this Variable, a Generator. You can’t have a more perfect combination of a Generator with this Variable, there to respond and release the depth. So you respond to an activity and through that activity you get to release all of that depth that is there. It’s the beauty of what it isto be Right. And of course, the moment that a being who is both Right-brained and Right-minded is operating correctly, there is no limit to the depth that is there. There is no limit. It’s simply determined by what their environment leads to in terms of perspective. Remember, if you're in the Right-environment, you get to see what you're intended to see. Everyone has a different potential for the way in which they are designed to see the world and ultimately translate that into outer authority. This is what Variable is all about. That you and I, those of us that can move through this process, can share genuine outer authority, unique individual truth, and a unique individual truth that is not there to be challenged. You don’t have to agree with it. It is each being’s right to express the purity of their outer authority. This is something that arises out of this correctness. There is an enormous depth in this Variable. But the activity has to be correct. It goes back to Strategy and Authority. It goes to dietary regimen. It goes to being environmentally correct, all the basic things that are there that are necessary in order to be able to reach that place in which you can experience passenger consciousness, that you can experience being able to express your potential for awareness, which is quite extraordinary when you get to that place.

The PRL/DRR Variable Here you can see (next page) that we have the Right-brain and the Right-mind, and you can see that it is in a Right-environment. Now these are often beings who have a lot of problems. They have a lot of problems simply because if they're not following their Strategy and Authority, they seem listless. They seem to have great

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

difficulty in being able to really get into things, to really be a part of things. It can be very, very difficult for them to find the right energy to do just about anything, because here in this lower section we’re dealing with a tremendous power of that Right-ness because we're dealing with an all-Right body. So, we’re dealing with a brand-new bio-form. We’re dealing with the all-Right body. We’re dealing with an all-Right body with a Rightmind. The only thing that is Left here is this focus. And because this is a Right-brain in a Right-environment, because these are beings that are not here to be active, they're not, they need to survive. They end up being so deeply conditioned. They end up being forced to chase around on the material plane. They end up struggling in their life with the material plane. And again, it goes back to the basics of Human Design. The basics of Human Design is Strategy and Authority. If you enter into things correctly, then you will get to live out what is correct for you. There is no other way. And for those beings who have a Right-brain, who have the Rightenvironment, if they don't have a Strategy and Authority, they’re lost. Because we all need to have some way in which we maintain ourselves on this plane. What happens to these beings is that they end up being very, very dependent on others. They end up being dependent on others to fulfill their potential in this life, but not in a healthy way. And it's not the way it's intended to be at all. There's obviously tremendous creativity that is here in these beings. This Right-ness is a deep, deep gift. Yet, these are not Raves. It's not like they're going to be part of a conscious penta and they don't have to worry anymore about looking after themselves. They’re humans. We all have to survive; we all have to survive with dignity. Again remember, the nine-centered being is not here to struggle on the material plane at all. And the more Right you are, the more important it is to understand that the only thing that's going to protect you is Strategy and Authority because it's the only thing that can guarantee you, based on your design, that what you're entering into is the right thing for you. But it's also something else, it's about understanding that the more Right you are, the greater the demand on you to heal, to align yourself to what is correct for you. And that alignment begins with dietary regimen. Again PHS is something that is so

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

profoundly important for the development of transcendent awareness. If you don't treat your brain system correctly, there is no way that you can fulfill yourself on this plane. There just isn’t. Now, these beings have something unique in them, because they’re not all-Right. They have this focus. And this focus is something special because it's the way that they see. And it's only when they can be correct in this new form, again Strategy and Authority will protect them, and when they’re correct in that form, that's when they get their special vision. These are beings that can be filled with visions, and filled with visions that carry the same specific thematic. The dilemma is that most of them are so deeply unhealthy. Most of them have never been operating correctly in their life, are part of the homogenized world. And what happens with their visions is that they become distorted in relationship to the homogenization. They end up being alienated by others; they end up being rejected by others. Remember when we were looking at the Left and we were looking above, the exact opposite, that is, up here you have three parts Left, this is my Variable (PLR/DLR,) you have three parts Left and one Right. Remember my comment yesterday. These are people who see things that other people don't see. These are people who have visions that nobody else has, but if you're not correct, then you either become the crazy ones and the crazy ones have lives that are really painful deeply, deeply, deeply painful. Strategy and Authority, dietary regimen—is the language that I am most comfortable with, I don't like the language of healing. I think healing is a seven-centered word. I like alignment. We’re here to align ourselves as nine-centered beings. We’re really very, very unique as these interregnums. And the most important thing is that you align yourself to your form principle. If you treat your form correctly, you will be deeply rewarded in this life. And the further Right you are, the more essential that is that you grasp this, that you stop being lost in the strategic world, that you begin to take on the mantle of your true beauty, to be Right and to be that exalted creative force that is Right. We need to see and know the purity of the vision. When it's correct, that's an extraordinary outer authority.

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Lecture Three The Right Variables

The PRR/DRR Variable Finally, we come to the all-Right. And obviously the all-Right is something very special. It's so deeply special. Obviously, it's allRight. Every single aspect of it is Right. Now, this is deeply creative. It is about as deeply creative as one can imagine a being can be, but it is creative without any structuring. It's all-Right. And the only structuring that’s going to emerge is a structuring that comes by bringing an outside Strategy and Authority in to determine the right direction for these beings. And it truly is about determining their direction, whatever it is that their Strategy and Authority brings them to, they will bring their creative depth to that. But the only way that they are going to survive is by Strategy and Authority, because without it, they're going to be deeply, deeply dependent on others. This can be the most deeply dependent of all Variables; deeply dependent. The need for others to be able to bring the support mechanisms necessary for them to be able to survive on this plane, and this is not what they’re about. It’s not necessary. They don’t have to look for that. Depending on their nature, depending on their design, they are here in whatever that configuration is according to their Strategy and Authority to enter into those functions that are correct for them. As long as they're doing that, their creative depth is something that is going to emerge. I made the comment at the very beginning that there is this deep irony about the relationship between the all-Left and the all-Right. They’re so dependent on Strategy and Authority. They are so dependent on Strategy and Authority. For the all-Left, it is the Strategy and Authority that will give them the perfected focus, because if they don't have the right focus, everything is lost. And for the all-Right, the Strategy and Authority brings them the capacity to function on their own in this life. My work is to bring into each being’s life who is ready, the power of their own authority. It doesn't matter whether you’re Left or Right or whatever combination you have of Left or Right, that without your own authority, there is no potential for differentiation and uniqueness. To be all-Right is not a

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life A Digital Book for Students

handicap, but it can be an enormous burden to a not-self being, because they’re lost, constantly being forced to be strategic in a way that they do not know how to be strategic. It ends up creating all kinds of problems in their life. It can create physical problems, mental problems, you name it. And it’s so simple to bypass that. I've been working for years and years teaching this knowledge. And it’s really something to understand. It doesn't matter how profound the concepts are. It doesn't matter where we go in the mechanics. It all begins with the same thing. It begins with Strategy and Authority. It begins with liberating yourself from the not-self mind. It does not know what is correct for you. It can't. In the extreme of the all-Right, only here can you see how profound Strategy and Authority really is. It gives these beings a way to navigate on this plane, and a way to navigate on this plane so that they can be involved in those things that are correct for them that allow them to be able to release all of this creative depth that is there within them. In that, you have something that is so extraordinary.

Navigating Correctly But it goes back to the same thing. It goes back to what I've been talking about all of these years now. Very simple: We're not here to be guided by our minds. It is not what we are about. Each and every one of us has a way in which we can navigate on this plane. It is about navigation. Each decision that you make is navigation. When you navigate correctly, when you navigate according to your own authority, it doesn't matter what your configuration is, it doesn't matter what Variable you're from. It doesn't matter at all. It will all unfold the way it should. The curse is the mind. It’s always the curse. It stands in the way. Well, I hope you all enjoyed that. It certainly was an interesting journey over these days. I want to thank all of you for participating. I hope that that has been helpful for you in your process. Remember that you can come back, those of you who have not recorded this, if you come back in about an hour this will be posted in the resource area of the class so that you can pick up today's lecture and the various illustrations. I wish you all well. And thank you for participating. And until next time, all of you, you take care.

~ The End of The Meaning of Your Variable in Life ~

The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation


Advanced Mechanics III is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation