English For Bac 2021 [PDF]

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2021 ‫مراجعة شامةل دلروس اللغة الإجنلزيية وفق الإطار املرجعي‬ - ‫ مجيع املسال‬-

Your way to success

Abdelghafour Raquibi [email protected]

Vocabulary Grammar Functions Writing

Exercises Answer Key National Exams Exam Specifications

Abdelghafour Raquibi [email protected]

+212691968526 English

Edition 2021





‫‪About This Book‬‬

‫يجمع هذا الكتاب ‪ booklet‬ملخصات دروس اللغة اإلنجليزية المقررة في االمتحان الوطني للبكالوريا وفق اإلطار المرجعي‬ ‫‪ .2020‬وهو نتاج عمل شخصي‪ ،‬غير أن بعض التمارين واألمثلة الواردة فيه مأخوذة من االنترنت ومن مصادر أخرى‪ .‬كما‬ ‫أن بعض التمارين منتقاة من االمتحانات الوطنية السابقة‪ ،‬وذلك بغية التعود على نوعية األسئلة التي تطرح عادة في االمتحان‬ ‫وكذا طريقة طرحها‪.‬‬ ‫ينقسم الكتاب إلى األقسام التالية‪:‬‬ ‫❖ ‪Vocabulary‬‬ ‫❖ ‪Grammar‬‬ ‫❖ ‪Functions‬‬ ‫❖ ‪Writing‬‬

‫وكل قسم يحتو ي على ملخص كل درس ثم تمارين لتقوية الفهم ولالختبار‪ .‬بعض التمارين مرفقة بعناصر اإلجابة‪ .‬ويكفي النقر‬ ‫على هذا الرمز‬

‫الذي يكون بجانب التمرين‪ ،‬لينقلك إلى صفحة عناصر اإلجابة ‪.Answer Key‬‬

‫بعض الدروس مشروحة بالفيديو‪ ،‬أمامها رمز‬

‫‪ ،‬انقر عليه لمشاهدة الفيديو‪.‬‬

‫إضافة إلى ذلك يمكن الولج إلى تمارين تفاعلية على شبكة األنترنت‪ ،‬وذلك من خالل النقر على ‪Inetractive exercise‬‬

‫وختاما‪ ،‬أتمنى أن يساعدك هذا الكتاب في اإلعداد الجيد لالمتحان وأبرأ إلى هللا من كل من استعمله أو أي جزء منه للغش أو‬ ‫محاولة الغش‪.‬‬ ‫ال تنسونا من صالح دعائكم‪.‬‬

‫وهللا ولي التوفيق‬

‫ لمادة اللغة اإلنجليزية‬2021 ‫الدروس المقررة في االمتحان الوطني‬ – ‫– وفق اإلطار المرجعي‬ Vocabulary ▪ Gifts of Youth ▪ Humor ▪ Women and Power ▪ Cultural Issues and Values ▪ Citizenship ➢ Phrasal Verbs ➢ Suffixes and Prefixes ➢ Collocations …

Grammar ▪


Functions ▪ Making and Responding to

Simple Present Requests Present Continuous ▪ Complaining and Responding Simple Past Past Continuous to Complaints Present Perfect Past Perfect ▪ Apologizing Simple Future Future Perfect ▪ Asking for And Giving Advice

▪ Reported Speech ▪ Modals

▪ Expressing and Asking for Opinion

▪ Passive Voice

▪ Agreeing and Disagreeing

▪ Relative Pronouns

▪ Making and Responding to

▪ Linking Words: - Addition - Concession - Contrast - Purpose - Cause and effect


▪ Making, Accepting, and Declining Invitations

Writing ▪ Developing a topic sentence ▪ Writing a paragraph ▪ Completing a paragraph ▪ Writing an article ▪ Writing an email ▪ Telling a story ➢ Genres: Narrative, Descriptive Persuasive Expository

Noun Adventure Ambition Audacity Creativity Energy Enthusiasm Gift Imagination Innovation Motivation Optimism

Adjective Adventurous Ambitious Audacious Creative Energetic Enthusiastic Gifted Imaginative Innovative Motivated Optimistic

Noun Passion Patience skill Respect Responsibility Self-confidence Sociability Strength Talent Vigor (vigour) Vitality

‫مغامر‬ ‫طموح‬ ‫جريء‬ ‫مبدع‬ ‫نشيط‬ ‫متحمس‬ ‫موهوب‬ ‫واسع الخيال‬ ‫مبتكر‬ ‫متحفز‬ ‫متفائل‬

Adjective Passionate Patient Skilful (skillful) Respectable Responsible Self-confident Sociable Strong Talented Vigorous Vital

‫شغوف‬ ‫صبور‬ ‫ماهر‬ ‫محترم‬ ‫مسؤول‬ ‫واثق من نفسه‬ ‫اجتماعي‬ ‫قوي‬ ‫ماهر‬ ‫قوي‬ ‫حيوي‬

Exercise Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. Jawad is (passion) …………………………………………………………………. about computers. 2. My grandpa is 90, but he is still full of (vigorous) ………………………………………. and vitality. 3. We are all (responsibility) …………………………………...………………….. for our environment. 4. He does his work with energy and (enthusiastic) ………………………………………………………

Nouns Amusement Entertainment Humour Laughter Silliness

‫تسلية‬ ‫ترفيه‬ ‫فكاهة‬ ‫ضحك‬ ‫سخافة‬

Adjectives Amusing/ amused Entertaining/ entertaining Humorous Laughable Silly

Positive Emotions Joy ‫الفرح‬ Delight ‫البهجة‬ Cheerfulness ‫المرح‬ Vivacity ‫الحيوية‬ satisfaction ‫الرضا‬

Negative Emotions Anger ‫الغضب‬ Despair ‫اليأس‬ Loneliness ‫الوحدة‬ Frustration ‫اإلحباط‬ worry ‫القلق‬

Exercise A. Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations.

1- …………

1. Tell

A. of humour

2. Do

B. fun of someone

3. Make

C. a joke

4. Burst

D. into laughter

5. A sense

E. an impression

2- …………

English for Bac

3- …………


4- …………

Abdelghafour Raquibi

5- …………

B. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions from the list.

1. Bassou is my favorite ……………………… A. humour B. comedian

C. funny

2. The film you are watching is so …………………………. A. boring B. bored

C. boredom

3. She was …………………………… and depressed A. frustration B. frustrating

C. frustrated

4. …………………. is the best medicine. A. laughter

C. laughable

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Equality polygamy Emancipation Independence Marginalization literacy

B. laugh

‫المساواة‬ ‫تعدد الزوجات‬ ‫التحرر‬ ‫االستقاللية‬ ‫التهميش‬ ‫معرفة القراءة والكتابة‬

Gender )‫النوع (ذكر أو أنثى‬ Sexual harassment ‫التحرش الجنسي‬ Equal pay ‫المساواة في األجور‬

A. B. C. D. E. F.

inequality Monogamy enslavement Dependence empowerment illiteracy

‫الالمساواة‬ ‫الزواج من امرأة واحدة‬ ‫العبودية‬ ‫االتكال‬ ‫التمكين‬ ‫األمية‬

Domestic violence/ abuse ‫العنف المنزلي‬ Patriarchal society )‫مجتمع أبوي (ذكوري‬ Women’s rights ‫حقوق المرأة‬

Exercise Match the words with the corresponding definitions. 1. Feminism ‫الحركة النسوية‬ 2. Sexism ‫التمييز على أساس الجنس‬ 3. Inferiority complex ‫ مركب نقص‬/‫عقدة‬ 4. International women’s day ‫اليوم العالمي للمرأة‬ 5. Equity ‫اإلنصاف‬ 1- ………

2- ………

English for Bac

A. a feeling that you are less important, intelligent, or skillful than other people. and a lack of self-esteem. B. the quality of being fair and impartial. C. A movement which advocates women’s rights. D. prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. E. An occasion celebrated by women’s groups on March 8. 3- ………


4- ………

Abdelghafour Raquibi

5- ………

1) Match the words with the corresponding antonyms.

1- ………

1. Tolerance ‫التسامح‬

A. Conflict

2. Altruism ‫اإليثار‬

B. Selfishness

3. Equity ‫العدل‬

C. Intolerance

4. Coexistence ‫التعايش‬

D. Injustice

5. Cooperation ‫التعاون‬

E. Individuality

2- ………

3- ………

4- ………

5- ………

2) Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations. 1. Moral

A. good

2. Cultural

B. diversity

3. Common

C. Education

4. Global

D. citizenship

5. Culture

E. obligations

6. Civic

F. shock

1- …… 2- ……

3- …… 4- ……

5- …… 6- ……

3) Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions from the list: ▪ Values ‫قيم‬

▪ Initiative ‫مبادرة‬

▪ Stereotype ‫صورة نمطية‬

▪ Racism ‫عنصرية‬

▪ Citizenship ‫المواطنة‬

▪ Community

▪ Customs ‫تقاليد‬

▪ Prejudice ‫تمييز‬

a) ………………………………..………………. is the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country. b) ……………………………………..….. is a fixed idea or image about a society or group, which is often not true. c) What do you think of the ………………..………………………………. and traditions of a Moroccan wedding?

Rights ‫الحقوق‬ Right to life, liberty, and security of person. To have a job Freedom of expression. Food and shelter for all. The right to education.

English for Bac

Responsibilities ‫الواجبات‬ To respect the rules and laws Participate in your local community. contribute to the defense of the Country and of its territorial integrity. Protect the environment Pay taxes


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Provide the appropriate word for each of the following definitions. (from the list) Lobby ‫لوبي‬ Censorship ‫الرقابة‬ Charity ‫مؤسسة خيرية‬ 1. 2. 3. 4.

NGO = Non-governmental organization ‫منظمة غير حكومية‬ Globalization ‫العولمة‬ Citizen ‫مواطن‬ Human rights ‫حقوق االنسان‬ Volunteering ‫التطوع‬ Trade union ‫النقابات‬ Voting ‫التصويت‬

………………………………… : ………………………………… : ………………………………… : ………………………………… :

The control of what can be said, written or published. offering something you don’t have to do, for free. organizations formed by workers to protect their rights and interests. A person who belongs to a country and has rights and duties.

🔵 Pandemic ‫جائحة‬

🔵 Contagious ‫معدي‬

🔵 Infection ‫عدوى‬

🔵 Diagnosis ‫فحص‬

🔵 Quarantine ‫الحجر‬

🔵 Disease ‫مرض‬

🔵 Self-quarantine. ‫حجر صحي ذاتي‬

🔵 Herd Immunity ‫مناعة القطيع‬

🔵 Morbidity rate. ‫معدل انتشار المرض‬

🔵 Incubation Period ‫مدة الحضانة‬

🔵 Mortality rate. ‫معدل الوفيات‬

🔵 Isolation ‫العزل‬

🔵 Social Distancing. ‫التباعد االجتماعي‬

🔵 Mask )‫قناع (كمامة‬

🔵 Closure. ‫إغالق‬

🔵 Symptoms ‫أعراض‬

🔵 Outbreak. ‫ تفشي المرض‬- ‫اندالع‬

🔵 Fever. ‫حمى‬

🔵 Lockdown. ‫ غلق‬- ‫حظر تجول‬

🔵 Cough. ‫ سعال‬- ‫كحة‬

🔵 Partial lockdown. - ‫حظر جزئي‬

🔵 Hand sanitizing. ‫تعقيم األيدي‬

🔵 Nation-wide lockdown.‫ حظر شامل‬-

🔵 Tested positive ‫نتيجة تحليله إيجابية‬

🔵 Lifting the lockdown. ‫رفع الحظر‬

🔵 Tested negative ‫نتيجة تحليله سلبية‬

🔵 Easing the lockdown. ‫تخفيف الحظر‬

🔵 Vaccine ‫لقاح‬

🔵 Lockdown extension. ‫تمديد الحظر‬

🔵 sneeze ‫يعطس‬

🔵 School closures. ‫غلق المدارس‬

🔵 Sanitizer ‫معقم‬

🔵 Distance learning ‫التعليم عن بعد‬

🔵 Treatment ‫عالج‬

🔵 Ban gatherings. ‫حظر التجمعات‬

🔵 Prevention is better than cure. ‫الوقاية خير من العالج‬

🔵 confirmed case ‫حالة مؤكدة‬

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Phrasal verbs Apply for Ask in Back up

Meaning request Invite (sb into your home) 1) To support or encourage 2) To make a copy Break down cease to work correctly. Bring about cause Bring up 1) raise (a child) 2) mention a topic Calm down Become calm Carry on Continue/ go on Check in To register (hotel, airport) Check out Pay bill and leave (a hotel) Cheer up Feel or make sb happier Come across Find or meet by chance Cut down To reduce Do over Do sth again Dress up To wear Drop in To visit sb unexpectedly. Eat out Eat outside (restaurant) Eat up eat all of something Fill in To complete (a form) Find out To discover (information) Give up 1) Stop 2) surrender Go through experience something Hand in To submit (homework) Hand out To distribute Jot down write something quickly Keep up (with) Continue/go at same speed Lock out Prevent from entering Log in/ log out Sign in/ sing out Long for To want sth very much Look after take care of Look for search Look forward to to feel excited about sth that is going to happen: Look up look for information/ word in a book … Make up to invent a story Pass away die Pass out Faint, be unconscious Put off postpone Put out extinguish a fire … Put up Accommodate Put up with tolerate, bear or support Run into to start to have a problem Set up start a business etc. Show up To be present leave furtively and stealthily Sneak out Sump up Summarize Take off 1) Remove clothes 2) Leave the ground Take up start doing sth new(hobby) Turn down 1) decrease volume 2) refuse Watch out Be careful

English for Bac

Translation ‫يقدم طلبا‬ ‫يدعو‬ ‫) يدعم‬1 ‫) ينسخ‬2 ‫تعطل‬ ‫ يحدث‬،‫يسبب‬ )‫يربي (طفال‬ ‫يفتح أو يثير موضوعا‬ ‫ يهدأ‬،‫يهدئ‬ ‫يواصل‬ ‫مغادرة الفندق‬ ‫يبتهج‬ ‫ يلتقي صدفة‬،‫يصادف‬ ‫يقلل‬ ‫يعيد فعل شيء‬ ‫يرتدي زيا‬ ‫يزور‬ ‫يأكل خارج المنزل‬ ‫يمل‬ ‫يكتشف‬ ‫يتوقف عن – يتخلى‬ ‫يستسلم‬ ‫يسلم‬ ‫يوزع‬ )‫يكتب (بعجالة‬ ‫تسجيل الدخول الخروج‬ ‫يريد شيئا بشدة‬ ‫يعتني‬ ‫يبحث‬ ‫يتطلع إلى‬ ‫يبحث عن كلمة أو‬ ... ‫معلومة في كتاب‬ ‫يختلق‬ ‫يموت‬ ‫ يفقد وعيه‬،‫يغمي عليه‬ ‫يؤجل‬ ... ‫ شمعة‬،‫يطفئ نارا‬ ‫استضاف‬ ‫يتحمل )تصرف‬ ‫يقيم – ينشئ‬

Example He applied for a scholarship for next semester. Haven't I asked you into our new house before? I'll back you up if they don't believe you. You should back up your files onto a memory stick. My computer broke down yesterday. New technology has brought about social changes. ▪ Badr was brought up by his aunt. ▪ Don’t bring up that topic at the meeting. Calm down and tell us what’s going on. Carry on the good work! When you arrive at a hotel, you check in ; and when you want to leave you check out. You can always cheer up Sarah when she is sad. She came across some old photos in a drawer. I’ve to cut down on the amount of sweets I eat. Please do over this report and make it more concise. You need to dress up for our wedding tonight. Drop in whenever you want—I'll be home all day. Let's eat out tonight—I don't feel like cooking. Come on. Eat up your potatoes. You have to fill in the form before e-mailing it. We’ll never find out the truth about what happened. ▪ You must give up smoking. It’s harmful ▪ Don’t give up! You can do it. She's been going through a bad time recently. Please hand in your papers before Friday. The teacher handed out the test papers. I'll just jot down the address for you. It’s so hard to keep up with technology. He locked him out of the house after an argument. Log in to Facebook and then log out. I'm longing for news of him. women who stay at home to look after children. I’m looking for Jim. Have you seen him? I'm looking forward to the weekend. I look forward to hearing from you. Look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary. He made up some excuse about being sick. Hassan 2 passed away in 1999. I was hit on the head and passed out. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It took firefighters 3 hours to put the blaze out. I didn’t go to a hotel, some friends put me up. I'm too tired to put up with any nonsense The bank ran into financial difficulties. We set up an English club in our school. Why didn’t you show up for class today?

‫يخرج خلسة‬ ‫ يلخص‬To sum up, pollution is our responsibility. ‫ ▪ يخلع‬Take your shoes off before entering the mosque. )‫ ▪ تقلع (الطائرة‬The plane has just taken off. They've taken up golf. ‫) يخفض الصوت‬1 The TV is too loud, please turn the volume down. ‫) يرفض‬2 How could you turn down such a fantastic job? ‫ انتبه‬Watch out for thieves round here.


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Other phrasal verbs: pick up, let out, take out, write down, speak up, let in, pull out, stay out, come out, knock out

Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle (preposition or adverb) or, sometimes, two particles. The particle often changes the meaning of the verb: I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone) They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel) SEPARABLE VS INSEPARABLE: phrasal verbs can be separable (the verb and particle can be apart or together) or non-separable (the verb and particle cannot be separated) ❖ Separable: Kamal took off his jacket - Kamal took his jacket off. separable phrasal verbs MUST be separated when you use a pronoun: Kamal took it off (Kamal took off it.) ❖ Non-separable: he got off the bus (but we can’t say: he got the buss off)

Exercises ❖ Click here for Inetractive exercise 1) Complete the sentences using the right phrasal verb from the following: do without, look forward to, run out, put up with a) b) c) d)

I …………………………………………... seeing my friends again. I'm afraid; we have …………………..……………… of apple juice. Will an orange juice do? His mother can't …………………… his terrible behavior anymore. I just cannot …………………………..…………… my mobile. I always keep it with me.

2) Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle: down - in - on- off- For - up- away a) I don't know where my book is. I must look ………….…..….. it. b) Fill ……………………. the form, please. c) If you don't know this word, you can look it ..……… in a dictionary d) When you enter the house, take ……. your shoes and put ……….. your slippers. 3) Write the appropriate phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets. a) b) c) d)

Somebody has to ……………………………………. the baby. (Take care of) She wants to ……………………………………….……... the truth? (Discover) The firemen ……………………………………………… the fire. (Extinguish). Why don't you …………………………………...……………… ? (Take a seat)

4) fill the gaps with an appropriate phrasal verb: turn down – put off – switch on – make up – carry on – take off – hand in– hand outstand for – come across – bring about – look up – look after – apply for – put up- pick up

a) b) c) d) e)

The students started doing the test after the teacher…….…………………………….………the papers. When students find difficult words, they have can………………..……them…………...in a dictionary. What does NGO………………………………………….……..? It’s Non-Governmental Organisations. My uncle Brahim…………………….……………..American accent when he was working in the USA. Don’t believe what he says. She likes to …………………………………………………………..stories.

5) fill the gaps with an appropriate phrasal verb. a) I am …………………..………….our trip to France. We’re leaving next month. b) coping with c) looking forward to a) bringing about

b) Bill proposed to marry Sue but she …………………………….his proposal. a) broke down b) turned down c) calmed down

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Noun Suffixes Suffix Nouns Emancipate- organize- globalize- repudiateEmancipation- organization- globalization- repudiation-tion AssistdiffergovernignoreresistconferAssistance- difference- governance- ignorance- resistance-ance depend- dominate- exist, prominent conference- dependence- dominance- existence, prominence -ence Terror- feminine- criticize- sex- race Terrorism- feminism- criticism- sexism- racism -ism Unity- activity- inferiority- equality- responsibility -ity/-ty Unite- active- inferior- equal- responsibleRequireimprovemanageemploy Requirement- improvement- management- employment -ment Rich- kind- happy- useful Richness- kindness- happiness- usefulness -ness Free- king- bored- wise Freedom- kingdom- boredom- wisdom -dom Child- man- neighbor Childhood- manhood- neighborhood -hood Friendrelationmemberleader Friendship- relationship- membership- leadership -ship Teacher- writer- director -er/-or Teach- write- direct Other noun suffixes: -ry (ministry), -sion (decision), - age (marriage), –al (refusal)

Adjective Suffixes Suffix

Adjectives center, nation, option, profession central, national, optional, professional -al differ, depend, excel different, dependent, excellent -ent Attract, imagine, attractive, imaginative, -ive Continue, danger, fame continuous, dangerous, famous -ous beauty, peace, care, power beautiful, peaceful, careful, powerful -ful job, home, care, thought jobless, homeless, careless, thoughtless -less drink, count, renew, responsibility drinkable, countable, renewable, responsible -able/ible Islam, history, romance, economy, hero Islamic, historic, romantic, economic, heroic -ic Britain- child- girl British, childish, girlish -ish Revolution, second, volunteer Revolutionary, secondary, voluntary -ary Other adjective suffixes: -y (cloudy – rainy) , -ly (daily, monthly) , -en (golden, broken), -ory (compulsory)

Verb Suffixes Suffix -ate -en -ify -ise/-ize

Active- calculation, celebration Wide- short- strength- threat Simple- beauty- diverse Modern-summary- apology

Verbs Activate-calculate- celebrate Widen- shorten- strengthen- threaten Simplify- beautify- diversify- justify- clarify Modernize- summarize- apologize

Adverb Suffixes Suffix Adverbs Quick- easy- normal- kind Quickly- easily- normally- kindly -ly Other adverb suffixes: -wise (clockwise, edgewise, otherwise); -ward(s) (downwards, upwards)

Prefixes Prefix Un-In-IrIl-Im-Dis-


Meaning Not do the opposite Wrongly/ badly By oneself By oneself Before After Against In favor of / for Too much/ Not enough/little

Example Unhappy – incomplete – irregular Illiterate – impossible - Disagree Deselect – Deactivate Mislead - misuse Automatic - autograph Self-confident, self -educated Prehistoric – pre-teach Postpone – post-war Antivirus – antibiotic Pro-abortion – proslavery Over-crowded – over-populated Underpaid – underdeveloped

English for Bac


Prefix super NonExReSubCoBiOutSemiMultiMono-

Meaning more than, above Not Former Do again Under Together Two More than Half Many One

Abdelghafour Raquibi

Example superpower, superman Non-governmental ex-president – ex-wife Reread – return- rewrite Sub-title - subway Co-existence – co-manage Bicycle – bilingual Outweigh – outnumber Semi-final – semi-circular Multimedia Monologue - monolingual

Gifts of youth Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1. passionate 2. vigour

3. responsible

4. enthusiasm

Humour: A. Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations. 1- C 2- E 3- B 4- D B. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions from the list. B. comedian C. frustrated A. boring A. laughter

5- A

Women and Power: Match the words with the corresponding definitions 1- C 2- D 3- A

4- E


4- A

5- E

Culture 1) Match the words with the corresponding antonyms. 1- C

2- B

3- D

2) Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations. 1- E 3- A 5- F 2- B 4- D 6-C 3) Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions from the list a) Citizenship b) Stereotype

c) Customs

Citizenship Provide the appropriate word for each of the following definitions. (from the list) 1. Censorship 2. Volunteering 3. Trade Union

4. Citizen

Phrasal Verbs 1) Complete the sentences using the right phrasal verb from the following: b) run out c) put up with a) look forward to

d) do without

2) Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particle: down - in - on- off- For - up- away a) look for b) Fill in c) look up d) take off /put on 3) Write the appropriate phrasal verbs according to their meanings in brackets. a) Look after b) Find out c) Put out

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

d) Sit down

Tense Simple Present


Form A N Q

I work. I don’t work. Do I work?

A I am working. Present N I am not working. Continuous

He works. He doesn’t work. Does he work?

Repeated/regular action in the present General validity Actions happening one after the other Action currently taking place Action limited to a particular timeframe Already planned future action


Am I working?

He is working. He isn’t working. Is he working?

Simple Past


I worked. I didn’t work. Did I work?

He worked. He didn’t work. Did he work?

Past continuous


I was working. I wasn’t working. Was I working

We were working. We weren’t working. were we working?

Present Perfect


I have worked. I haven’t worked. Have I worked?

He has worked. He hasn’t worked. Has he worked?

Past Perfect


I had worked. I hadn’t worked. Had I worked?

He had worked. He hadn’t worked.. Had he worked?

Simple Future (Will)


I will work. I won’t work. Will I work?

He will work. He won’t work. Will he work?

Future Perfect


I will have worked. He will have worked. Action that will have been completed by a I won’t have worked. He won’t have worked future time Will I have worked? Will he have worked? A= Affirmative – N= Negative – Q= Question (interrogative)


A single or repeated action in the past Actions happening one after the other A new action that interrupts an action that was already taking place Emphasis on the process of an action taking place in the past Multiple actions taking place at the same time An action that was taking place when interrupted by a new action The result is emphasised Action that lasts to the present moment Action that has just been completed Completed action with influence on the present An action that has never/once/more than once taken place up to the time of speaking Action taking place before a certain time in the past Emphasises only the fact that something took place before a certain point in the past Events in the future that cannot be influenced Spontaneous decision Suppositions about the future

Key words always, every …, normally seldom, sometimes, usually at the moment, just, just now, Listen! Look!, now, right now yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday

while, as long as

already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

already, just, never, not yet, once, until that day in a year, next …, tomorrow By+ time (by Monday …), in a week

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form or tense

last year I (not work) ………………..……… hard enough in English and my marks (not be) ………………..……… very good. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ………………..……… me to a language course in London. It (be) ………………..……… great and I think I (learn) ………………..……… a lot. While I (do) ………………..……… the language course, I met lots of young people from all over the world. At the moment I (revise) ………………..……… English grammar. And I (already/ begin) ………………..……… to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I think I (study) one unit every week.

a) “It’s the best novel I (read /ever) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !” Antonio told the teacher. b) By this time next week, Younes (join) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the summer camp in Ifrane. c) “(you/visit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Louvre Museum when you were in Paris last summer?” d) Amine (work) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as an engineer before he emigrated to Canada. e) The officer ordered the driver (stop) ………………….. and get out of the car.


Retrieved from https://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/tenses/overview

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Simple Kamal: “I am happy.” Present Continuous. Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple

Past Simple Kamal said (that) he was happy.

“Badr is having lunch with his parents.” “We have been to France three times.” “My brother has been working very hard.” “I bought a new car.”

Past Continuous “It was raining earlier.” Past Perfect

“The play had started.”

Past Perfect Continuous

“I had been writing my CV”


I will come and see you soon.

I can swim under water for two minutes. Must All tickets must be bought in advance. Shall What shall we do about it? May May I go out? Can

Past Continuous. Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous

He said that Badr was having lunch with his parents. He said (that) they had been to France three times. He said his brother had been working very hard. He told me that he had bought a new car. He said that it had been raining earlier.

NO TENSE CHANGE He said that the paly had started. Past Perfect NO TENSE CHANGE Continuous He said (that) he had been writing his CV. Past Perfect


He said he would come and see me soon.


He said he could swim under water for two minutes.

Had To He said that all tickets had to be bought in advance. Should He asked what we should do about it. Might He asked if he might go out.

Direct Speech Now Today/ Tonight Here This These Tomorrow Yesterday

Reported Speech

Direct Speech

then that day/ that day there that Those the following day /the next day /the day after

I / you (subject) we / you (subject) me / you (object) us / you (object)

she / he they him / her Them

my / your mine / yours our / your ours / yours

his / her his / hers their theirs

Next (week)

the following week/ the week after

Last (week) Ago (2 days) ago

the previous week /the week before before (2 days) before

the previous day /the day before

Reported Speech

❖ Click here for Interactive Exercise

Exercises Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. 1. “Someone is following me now.” Najat told me ➢Najat told me that …………………………………….……………………………………………………………………… 2. “I will have to write to your parents this week.” ➢She explained that ………………………………………….…………………………...…………………………………… 3. “I know we don’t have enough money today.” ➢She stated that ………………………………………………...……………………………...……………………………… 4. “I have been learning German this year.” ➢She said ……………………………………………..……………………………..………………………………………… 5. “I must finish this report by five o’clock.” ➢He said that ……………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi


Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Reporting verb+ object+ infinitive (to+ verb / not to+ verb) “ Open the door !” the officer ordered the man. The officer ordered the man to open the door. “ Keep away from negative people,” my coach told me. My coach told me to keep away from negative people. “ Don’t eat any more junk food,” the doctor advised my brother. The doctor advised my brother not to eat any more junk food. “ Never walk alone at night” the mother warned her daughter. The mother warned her daughter not to walk alone at night. “ Please keep the noise down,” the lady downstairs asked us. The lady downstairs asked us to keep the noise down. Reporting verbs : ordered, warned, told, advised, asked, reminded, encouraged, commanded, begged, promised … Reporting verb+ infinitive (to+ verb / not to+ verb) “ I will buy you a new computer soon ,” my father promised. My father promised to buy me a new computer soon. “Would you like me to fix your car?” the mechanic said The mechanic offered to fix my car. Reporting verbs: agreed – decided - offered – promised – refused – threatened … Reporting verb +(preposition)+ gerund “I didn’t steal the bike” Mark told the police Mark denied stealing the bike. “why don’t we go to Ourika.” Omar said Omar suggested going to Ourika. “I’m sorry I’m late” Hind apologized Hind apologized for being late. Reporting verbs: apologized for, insisted on, suggested, recommended, denied, REPORTING QUESTIONS



Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Reporting verb+ (object) + if + sentence (Subject+ verb) “Are you a student?” He asked me. “Do you live here?” She wanted to know. “Is she coming to the party tonight?” Her friend asked me. “Are you Moroccan or Algerian?” They asked him. “Did you do your homework last night?” Ali wanted to know “Have you seen my keys?” The boss asked the secretary. “Can you swim now?” He wanted to know. “Will you stay with me tomorrow please?” She asked me.

He asked me if I was a student. He wanted to know if I lived there. Her friend asked me if she was coming to the party that night. They asked him if he was Moroccan or Algerian. Ali wanted to know if I had done my homework the night before. The boss asked the secretary if she had seen his keys. He wanted to know if I could swim then. She asked me if I would stay with her the following day.

Reporting verb+ (object) + question word + sentence (Subject+ verb) “Where does she live?” The old man wanted to know “What did you eat for dinner yesterday?” He asked them. “When are you leaving?” She wanted to know. “Why is the baby crying?” The old woman was wondering. “ How have you managed to finish on time ? ” they wondered Reporting verbs: asked, wanted to know, wondered

The old man wanted to know where she lived. He asked them what they had eaten for dinner the day before. She wanted to know when I was leaving. The old woman was wondering why the baby was crying. They wondered how I had managed to finish on time.

Exercises Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. ( From Baccalaureate national exams) “Don’t worry about the medical tests” The nurse told the patient ……………………… “Can you show me how to use the tablet, please?” Tom asked. Tom asked me…………………………………………… “Where can I find a French dictionary?” Tim asked. Tim asked the librarian ……………………………………… “When did you see the victim?” The victim asked the witness The detective wanted to know …………………………… “I will move to another town” Narjiss said Narjiss told her neighbor that ……………………………… “you did well in the competition” the coach said The coach told the swimmers ……………………………….. “I have already read that novel” Rebecca said Rebecca said ………………………………………………. “I will take her suggestion into consideration” Jack said Jack promised …………………………………………… 1. “Put your hands up!” The policeman ordered them.

1. "I saw Maria in the supermarket yesterday," Amal said

2. "How did you spend your last holiday?" She asked him.

2. "We've lived here for three years,” Anas and Nada said

3. “Don’t open that box,” the father warned his son.

3. "I will bring you tea, " the waiter told the clients.

4. "When will we take the exam? " The students wondered.

4. "Jenny can't speak French," Pierre says.

5. “Don’t leave your luggage here,” she reminded her.

5. "I need your car tomorrow," he told me .

6. “Do you want tea or coffee? " My friend asked me.

6. "My mother made this cake, " Imane said .

7. “Did you go to school yesterday? " Youssra asked Aya.

7. "I'm feeling bored today, ” David complained

8. "Where is the train station? " A tourist wanted to know.

8. "The criminal has run away, ” the police officer stated.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi



Obligation ‫اإللزام‬

▪ Must ▪ Have to*

Prohibition ‫المنع‬

▪ Mustn’t ▪ Can’t

Lack of obligation ‫عدم اإللزام‬ Ability ‫القدرة‬ Inability ‫عدم القدرة‬

▪ Don’t have to* ▪ Needn’t ▪ Can ▪ Can’t (cannot)

Advice ‫النصيحة‬

▪ Should ▪ Ought to ▪ Had better

Possibility ‫إمكانية‬ Probability ‫احتمالية‬

▪ Might /May ▪ Can /could

Examples ▪ You must respect your parents. ▪ A Muslim has to fast during Ramadan. ▪ You mustn’t eat in the classroom. ▪ Muslims can’t drink alcohol. He doesn’t have to hurry. We’ve plenty of time. Birds can fly.

Past Had to Couldn’t Weren’t allowed to

Didn’t have to could

Elephants can’t fly.


Ali: I’m sick. What should I do? Najib: you ought to see a doctor. Hamza: you’d better hurry up. It might rain later. Take an umbrella. You’ve just had lunch. You can’t be hungry.

Should have (+ pp**)

Examples I had to wear a uniform when I was a student. In the past, women couldn’t vote. You didn’t have to buy the tickets. The show was free. When I was 9, I could run. Jihan couldn’t speak English when she was seven. Son: I got a bad mark. Father: You should’ve prepared well for the exam.

I haven’t received your letter. It might have got lost. Jim couldn’t have taken Can’t have+pp Deduction(Impossibility) ▪ Can’t your camera as he wasn’t Couldn’t have )‫استنتاج (االستحالة‬ there. Samir has a Ferrari. He must Our teacher was absent. He Must have Deduction(certainty) ▪ Must be rich. must have been sick. (+pp) )‫استنتاج (اليقين‬ ▪ Can I use your phone? ▪ Can * Have to (and its negative “don’t have to”) is Permission ▪ May I borrow your dictionary? not a modal verb. ▪ May ‫اإلذن‬ ▪ Can /Could ▪ Could you help me, please? Making requests ** +pp = modal + have + past participle ▪ Would /will ▪ Will you marry me? ‫الطلب‬ ❖ modal verbs never change (we don’t add –s –ed or –ing to them): He might come. Preference ‫ ▪ التفضيل‬Would rather I’d rather stay here than go out. ❖ Modal verbs + Bare infinitive ▪ shall What shall we do this weekend? Suggestion ‫اإلقتراح‬ Might have (+ pp)

Exercises A) complete with the appropriate modals from the table. 1. As a Muslim, you ……………………………….. eat pork or drink alcohol. 2. ………………….. I use your laptop to do some research? 3. Moroccans ……………………….. get a visa to go to Turkey. It’s not necessary. 4. My wife and I ………………….. travel to USA next year. We are really not sure. B) Underline the mistake and correct it D. We don’t must throw rubbish here.

A. You should to revise you lessons.

E. Do you can play chess?

B. Students must doing their homework.

F.We don’t must throw rubbish here.

C. Najwa could speaks 5 languages.

Modals in National Exams: C) Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the lists A. We ……………………………take the bus to the stadium; we can go on foot. (need to- need- needn’t). (Bac 2016) B. “You ……...……………………….………give up smoking; your heart is too weak”. (can- may- must). (Bac 2016) C. You ………......…….buy a ticket for the match; I have got two invitations. (wouldn’t- can’t- needn’t). (BAC 2017) D. I can’t find my phone. I ……………………………...……….have left it at home. (Might- will- need). (Bac 2017)

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

ACTIVE Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Will Going To


Ali writes books. Ali wrote books. Ali is writing books. Ali was writing books. Ali has written books. Ali had written books. Ali will write books. Ali is going to write books.

Books are written by Ali. Books were written by Ali. Books are being written by Ali. Books were being written by Ali. Books have been written by Ali. Books had been written by Ali. Books will be written by Ali. Books are going to be written by Ali.

Passive voice with modals (modal+ be + past participle) Should Must should May

Ali should write books. People must respect the law. He can’t open the bottle. The team may win a prize.

Books should be written by Ali. The law must be respected by people. The bottle can’t be opened (by him). A prize may be won (by the team).

Ali writes books. Books are written (by Ali) (passive Voice): ‫( الى المبني للمجهول‬active voice) ‫لكي نحول جملة من المبني للمعلوم‬ )books ‫) (الذي هو‬Object( ‫ نبدأ بالمفعول به‬-1 )are ‫ في المضارع أيضا‬be ‫ في المضارع وبالتالي‬writes ( .‫ في نفس زمن الفعل الذي عندنا في الجملة األصلية‬to be ‫ نضع الفعل‬-2 )write

written ( ‫ للفعل األساسي في الجملة‬past participle ‫ نكتب صيغة الــ‬-3

Exercises Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice. a) He told the children a beautiful story. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. b) They showed me the new computer yesterday. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. c) They will open the new sports centre soon. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. d) Andrew hasn't cut the grass yet. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. e) Sue didn’t ask the waiter to bring some water. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. f) A boy delivers our newspaper every morning. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. g) The company has published an interesting book. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Cause Linking word ▪ because ▪ as ▪ since +Sentence (Subject+ verb…)

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

because of due to owing to thanks to + Noun phrase

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Effect Example

Linking word

− I stayed at home because it was raining. − Because it was raining, I stayed at home. − He may need some help as he’s new. − Since I was tired, I slept so early. − I stayed at home because of the rain. − I stayed at home because of the fact that it was raining. − We were able to feed everybody thanks to your generous donation.

▪ so ▪ therefore, ▪ consequently, ▪ as a result, ▪ as a consequence, ▪ thus, ▪ hence, ▪ this is why ▪ for this reason ▪ because of this

result from − Success results from hard work. − Global warming is caused by pollution. be caused by −One cause of underdevelopment is the cause of… is … the reason for … is … illiteracy. one cause of … is …

Example − It was raining, so I stayed at home. − It was raining; therefore, I stayed home. − There was a lot of traffic; thus, we were late. − She worked hard. As a result, she had good grades. − She's just found out she failed her exams, hence her bad mood.

▪ cause − Smoking causes many health problems. ▪ result in − Hard work results in success. ▪ leads to ▪ the result of … is … − Hard work leads to success.

− High unemployment is a result of the recession.

Exercises 1) circle the correct linking word 1. Amanda was absent because / because of her illness. 2. As/ Owing to Lucy was very tired, she went to bed early. 3. We were hungry, so/ due to we stopped at a restaurant. 4. The player broke his leg. Therefore, / since he can’t play. 2) Complete with the appropriate item from the table 1. Schools were shut ……….…….…………………..…… a heavy snow storm. 2. Ali missed the bus ………………………………………………he woke up late. 3. It was very cold ……………….…………………… we closed the windows. 4. His bad mood ……………………………………….. the loss of his daughter.

3) Join the pairs of sentences with the linking words given. 1. Tom and his wife needed money. they decided to work over time (because) ……………………...………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… 2. The kid was audacious. The kid got a medal. (thanks to) ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………..………………………… 3. The student cheated in the exam. the teacher punished her (therefore) ……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………...…………………… 4. We can’t go out. The weather is bad. (due to) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He exercised regularly. He didn't want to be overweight. (since) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Linking words ‫رغم أن‬

Example Tom is rich. He is unhappy.


▪ Although Tom is rich, he is unhappy. / Tom is unhappy although he is rich.

Even though

▪ Even though Tom is rich, he is unhappy.


▪ Though Tom is rich , he is unhappy.


Tom is rich, but he is unhappy.


▪ Tom is rich. However, he is unhappy/ Tom is rich; However, he is unhappy


▪ the path was dark, yet I found my way.


▪ It’s a difficult race. Nevertheless, 1,000 runners participate every year.


▪ The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.


▪ The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. ‫بالرغم من‬

The weather was bad. We went on a picnic to Imlil.

Despite + noun / phrase

▪ Despite the bad weather, we went on a picnic to Imlil.

In spite of + noun/ phrase

▪ We went on a picnic to Imlil in spite of the bad weather.

Despite the fact that

▪ We went on a picnic to Imlil despite the fact that the weather was bad.

In spite of the fact that

▪ She was good at physics in spite of the fact that she found it boring. ▪ In spite of the fact that he studied very hard, he still didn’t pass the exam.

• On the contrary, ‫ • على العكس‬What you did wasn't a good thing; on the contrary it was a huge mistake. • Whereas ‫بينما – في حين‬

• The old system was complicated whereas the new system is really very simple.

• on the one hand ... on the

• On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm

other hand

doing at the moment.

1) Rewrite the following using the given linking words a) The marks are high. The students’ level is low. Although……………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………… b) It was dark. He managed to find the keys. Despite……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………….. c) He got up early. He arrived late to school. ……………………………………………….…………………………. . However, ………………………………..…………………………………………………………………. d) Tim is in good shape. He doesn’t exercise a lot. ……………………………………………………………….…………………..…… . Nevertheless,……………………………………….……………………………………. e) Samira was sad. She kept smiling and having fun. ……………………………………………………………….……….in spite of………………………………………………………….…………..…………………………………. 2) Join the pairs of sentences with the linking words given. a) Learning English will help you in your career. It will help you learn about other cultures. (in addition) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b) We took the train. We didn’t arrive on time. (although ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c) The salary wasn’t great. I took the job. (yet ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Function Addition

Linking Words in addition, /additionally furthermore / moreover,

‫اإلضافة‬ Cause ‫السبب‬

Effect/ Result ‫النتيجة‬

Contrast and Concession ‫االستدراك‬ ‫والتناقض‬

also / too/ as well Because / as/ since Because of /due to /owing to Thanks to Therefore / consequently, as a result, thus/ hence, this is why for this reason, Although /Even though but However, / Nevertheless, Nonetheless Still / Yet Despite / In spite of Despite the fact that In spite of the fact that On the contrary/ conversely / In contrast Whereas/ while on the one hand ... on the other hand

Sequencing ‫التسلسل‬


Concluding ‫الختم والتلخيص‬ Explaining And giving examples ‫الشرح والتفسير‬ ‫وإعطاء االمثلة‬

First /, second /, third firstly, secondly, thirdly To begin with / First of all Next/ then/ after that Last/ Lastly/ Finally Last but not least In conclusion To sum up/ in brief In a nutshell, generally speaking, For example For instance Like / Such as Namely in other words, / to put it differently, that is to say

English for Bac

Translation ‫إضافة إلى ذلك‬ ‫عالوة على ذلك‬ ‫أيضا‬ ‫ألن‬ ‫بسبب‬ ‫بفضل‬ ‫وبناء عليه‬ ‫ونتيجة لذلك‬ ‫وبالتالي‬ ‫لذلك‬ ‫لهذا السبب‬ ‫رغم أن‬ ‫لكن‬ ‫ومع ذلك‬

‫ رغم‬/ ‫بالرغم من‬

‫ في‬/‫على العكس‬ ‫المقابل‬

‫بينما – في حين‬ ‫ ومن‬... ‫من جهة‬ ‫جهة أخرى‬ ..‫ ثالتا‬،‫ ثانيا‬،‫أوال‬

‫ بادئ ذي بدْء‬/‫بداية‬ ‫ بعد ذلك‬،‫ثم‬ ‫أخيرا‬ ً ‫أخيرا ً وليس آخرا‬ ‫ختاما‬ ‫خالصة‬

‫عموما‬ ‫على سبيل المثال‬ ‫على سبيل المثال‬ ‫مثل‬ ‫تحديدا‬ ‫بعبارة أخرى‬

Example sentences Computers are cheaper nowadays; furthermore, they are lighter. I'm cold, and I'm also hungry and tired. I stayed at home because it was raining. I stayed at home because of the rain. Thanks to this treatment, her condition has improved. It was raining, therefore I stayed at home. She worked hard. As a result, she had good grades. There was a lot of traffic; thus, we were late. She's just found out she failed her exams, hence her bad mood. even though he is rich, he lives in a small house. “He works hard, but he doesn’t earn much.” The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon. It was raining, yet we went for a walk. In spite of the rain, we went for a walk. We went for a walk despite the rain. We went for walk despite the fact that it was raining. The risk of infection hasn’t diminished. on the contrary, it has increased. Life in the city is fast, whereas life in the countryside is slow. Laptops are convenient; on the other hand, they can be expensive. Firstly, you should exercise regularly. Secondly, you need to cut down on fast food. Thirdly, you have to see a doctor regularly. Last but not least, you should have a balanced diet.

To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem… In a nutshell, we are all responsible for the protection of environment. Many countries, for example/ such as Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes. “There are 2 problems: namely, the cost and the time.” He was economical with the truth; in other words, he lied. I’ll deal with the second point first, that is to say the change to the club’s rules.

‫ أي‬/‫هذا يعني‬


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Purpose ‫الغاية‬ Emphasis ‫التوكيد‬

Comparison ‫المقارنة‬

In order to / so as to In order not to/ so as not to So that

‫ لكي‬/‫من أجل‬ ‫لكي ال‬ ‫لكي‬

as a matter of fact, / in fact Undoubtedly Particularly / in particular Especially

‫في الحقيقة‬ ‫بدون شك‬ ‫خصوصا‬ ‫خاصة‬ ‫وبالمثل‬ ‫على حد السواء‬ ‫بنفس الطريقة‬ ‫على نفس المنوال‬

Similarly, / likewise equally in the same way, by the same token,

He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance. I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her. I've reorganized my files so that I can easily find them. It's not that difficult. As a matter of fact, it's quite easy. Undoubtedly, this topic is very important. I love coffee, in particular ones from Brazil The car is quite small, especially if you have children. Alex enjoys telling jokes; in the same way/similarly, his son adores funny stories. Tajin was delicious. Likewise, the salad was yummy. Teenagers should be more respectful; by the same token, parents should be more understanding.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Technology has many advantages and disadvantages, too. To begin with, technology has made our life easier and more luxurious. In other words, it helps us save more time and effort. For example, robots and machines will accomplish our daily work or tasks perfectly and in no time. Also, great inventions, such as the telephone, computers, the television, and the Internet have made communication easier and better. In addition, we can use these inventions to learn about world news and events as soon as they happen. Consequently, the world has become a small village. Additionally, technology is good for our economy. Nowadays, big and small companies use technology to improve the quality of their products or services. Certainly, technology is always a good thing as long as we use it wisely. However, people shouldn’t be over-dependent on it. That’s to say, we mustn’t rely on robots and machines to accomplish our work all the time because this will cause many people to lose their jobs. Furthermore, it can make many people, especially children, take up the bad habit of being lazy. Besides, Internet addiction is one of the negative outcomes of modern technology. Perhaps, we can say that technology is a double-edged sword; unless it is used carefully, it can be harmful and destructive. In conclusion, we need to make full use of the advantages of technology, but we should be aware of its disadvantages, too.

Useful expressions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

English Nobody can deny that There is no doubt that It’s crystal clear that It goes without saying that We have to take into consideration To shed light on In view of/in light of I’d like to point out that to some extent all things considered Some people think that Everyone agrees that

French 1. On ne peut pas nier que 2. Il est indubitable que/ Il ne fait aucun doute que 3. Il est clair comme de l'eau de roche que 4. Cela va sans dire que 5. Il faut prendre en considération 6. Faire la lumière sur 7. Au vu de/ À la lumière de 8. J’aimerais faire remarquer que 9. Dans une certaine mesure 10. Tout bien considéré 11. Il y en a qui pensent que 12. Tout le monde s'accorde à penser que

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Arabic ‫ ال أحد يستطيع أن ينكر أن‬.1 ‫ ال شك ان‬.2 ‫ من الواضح أن‬.3 ‫ من البديهي أن‬.4 ‫ يجب أن نأخذ بعين االعتبار‬.5 ‫ لتسليط الضوء على‬.6 ‫ على ضوء‬.7 ‫ أود أن أشير إلى أن‬.8 ‫ إلى حد ما‬.9 ‫ باعتبار كل هذا‬.10 ‫ يعتقد بعض الناس أن‬.11 ‫ يتفق الكل أن‬.12

Exercises ❖ Click here for Interactive Exercise A. Read the sentences and choose the appropriate linking word.

1. Some people are poor,…………they are happy. D. but E. because

F. as a result

2. They robbed a bank ……………a post office. D. for example E. however

F. as well as

3. They get up early ………….not to be late for work. A. so B. in order

C. in addition

4. Kids like playing games ……………………………… PUBG and Free Fire. A. thus B. because

C. such as

5. ………………Suzan lives next door, we rarely see each other. A. Although B. Due to

C. Moreover

B. Join the sentences using the expressions suggested.

Example: The match was postponed. The weather was bad. (due to) The match was postponed due to bad weather. 1. The house is too small. it’s far away from the center. (moreover) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Peter is wealthy. He does not give alms to the poor. (although) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Fouad is good at math. He is also good at physics (not only …but also) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. He was seriously ill. He refused to see a doctor. (despite) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..… 5. Her father wants her to be a businesswoman. Her mother wants her to be a doctor. (whereas) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Many people learn computer skills. They want to get better jobs. (so as to) (BAC 2012) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. The old man was very rich. The young girl refused to marry him. (however) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… C. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. 1. Mr. Parker was poor; however, he managed to educate his kids well. (BAC 2010) Despite………………………….., ………………………………………………………….…….…..

2. Taha Hussein was blind. Yet, he wrote a lot of books. (Bac 2015) Although. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Despite being an expert, Jim couldn’t recover his files from his hard disk. (BAC 2016) Although Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

The police arrested the man. The man stole my bike. The police arrested the man who stole my bike. Relative Clause

Main Clause Relative pronoun ▪ ▪

I am reading a book. The book is about Finance. I am reading a book which is about finance. Relative pronouns


Example sentences


This is the man who gave me the present.


The boy who we met is coming to visit.




People (Object)

The boy whom we met is coming to visit.



I’m reading the book which you gave me.



He’s a man whose opinion I respect. The house whose door is painted red is ours.



Abtih is the school where I study.



Ramadan is the moth when Muslims fast.

Exercises 1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list [National Exam, 2008] Who- whom- whose- which- where- when The United Nations ……………was established soon after the Second World War is an organization ………..….goals are to solve conflicts among nations and keep peace in the world. 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list [National Exam,2009] Where- which- who- whom- whose Many Moroccan immigrants …………………….. live abroad would like to return to Morocco………….. they can invest their money. They have promising projects …………… will certainly help to improve the local economy. 3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list [National exam, 2013] Which- whose- whom - The doctor …………………………………you met yesterday was my classmate.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Tenses last year I (not work) didn’t work hard enough in English and my marks (not be) weren’t very good. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) sent me to a language course in London. It (be) was great and I think I (learn) learnt a lot. while I (do) was doing the language course, I met lots of young people from all over the world. At the moment I (revise) am revising English grammar. And I (already/ begin) have already begun to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I think I (study) will study one unit every week. a) b) c) d) e)

“It’s the best novel I (read /ever) have ever read !” Antonio told the teacher. By this time next week, Younes (join) will have joined the summer camp in Ifrane. “(you/visit) Did you visit the Louvre Museum when you were in Paris last summer?” Amine (work) had worked as an engineer before he emigrated to Canada. The officer ordered the driver (stop) to stop and get out of the car.

Reported Speech 1. “Don’t worry about the medical tests” ➢ The nurse told the patient not to worry about the medical tests. 2. “Can you show me how to use the tablet, please?” Tom asked. ➢ Tom asked me to show him how to use the tablet. 3. “Where can I find a French dictionary?” Tim asked. ➢ Tim asked the librarian where he could find a French dictionary. 4. “When did you see the victim?” The victim asked the witness ➢ The detective wanted to know when the witness had seen the victim. 5. “I will move to another town” Narjiss said ➢ Narjiss told her neighbor that she would move to another town. 6. “you did well in the competition” the coach said ➢ The coach told the swimmers that they had done well in the competition. 7. “I have already read that novel” Rebecca said ➢ Rebecca said that she had already read that novel. 8. “I will take her suggestion into consideration” Jack said ➢ Jack promised to take her suggestion into consideration. ➢ Jack promised that he would take her suggestion into consideration.

Modals Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the lists a) b) c) d)

We needn’t take the bus to the stadium; we can go on foot. (need to- need- needn’t). (Bac 2016) “You must give up smoking; your heart is too weak”. (can- may- must). (Bac 2016) You needn’t buy a ticket for the match; I have got two invitations. (wouldn’t- can’t- needn’t). (BAC 2017) I can’t find my phone. I might have left it at home. (Might- will- need). (Bac 2017)

Passive Voice a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

The children were told a beautiful story. The new computer was shown to me yesterday. / I was shown the new computer yesterday. The new sport centre will be opened soon. The grass hasn't been cut by Andrew yet. The waiter wasn’t asked to bring some water. Our newspaper is delivered by a boy every morning. An interesting book has been published by the company.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Linking Words D. Join the sentences using the expressions suggested. 1. The house is too small. it’s far away from the center. (moreover) ➢ The house is too small. Moreover, it’s far away from the center. 2. Peter is wealthy. He does not give alms to the poor. (although) ➢ Although Peter is wealthy, he does not give alms to the poor. 3. Fouad is good at math. He is also good at physics (not only …but also) ➢ Not only is Fouad good at math, but he is also good at physics. ➢ Hicham is not only good at math, but he is also good at physics. 4. He was seriously ill. He refused to see a doctor. (despite) ➢ Despite being seriously ill, he refused to see a doctor. ➢ Despite the fact that he was seriously ill, he refused to see a doctor. 5. Many people learn computer skills. They want to get better jobs. (so as to) (BAC 2012) ➢ Many people learn computer skills so as to get better jobs. 6. The old man was very rich. The young girl refused to marry him. (however) ➢ The old man was very rich. However, the young girl refused to marry him.

Relative Pronouns Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list ❖ The United Nations which was established soon after the Second World War is an organization whose goals are to solve conflicts among nations and keep peace in the world. ❖ Many Moroccan immigrants who live abroad would like to return to Morocco where they can invest their money. They have promising projects which will certainly help to improve the local economy.

❖ The doctor who / whom you met yesterday was my classmate.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Making a request

Accepting a request

Declining a request

Can you open the door, please?


Sorry, but….

Could you help me with this exercise, please?

Yes, of course!

I am sorry, but…..

Would you carry this bag for me, please?

I’d be glad to.

I'm afraid I can't.

Will you be my friend?


I’d like to, but …

I wonder if you could lend me your car?

With pleasure.

Do you mind sharing your Wi-Fi with us?

No, I don’t mind.

Would you mind staying with us?

Not at all.

Yes, I do.


Accepting a complaint

Declining a complaint

I have a complaint to make, … I’m sorry to say this, but …… Sorry to bother you, but …. I’m afraid I have to complain about … Excuse me, there’s a problem with ….

I’m sorry, that will never happen again. I’m awfully sorry, I promise we won’t make the same mistake again. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I apologize, we’ll see how we can fix it.

I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about it. We’re sorry, but that’s not our fault.


Accepting an apology

I am really sorry about …. I am terribly/ awfully sorry … Please, forgive me for …. I apologize for ……….. Please accept my sincere apologies for ...

That’s ok! Don’t worry about it. No problem It’s all right! You don’t have to apologize.

Asking for Advice

Giving Advice

What should I do?

You should …./ you shouldn’t …

What ought I to do?

You ought to …

What do you advise me to do?

I advise you to …

What’s your advice for me?

My advice for you is ….

What would you do if you were me?

If I were you, I would …

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Asking for opinion ‫السؤال عن الرأي‬

Giving opinion ‫إبداء الرأي‬

What’s your opinion on …? What do you think about …? What’s your point of view? How do you feel about …? Have you got any thoughts on this? Do you think that ….?

I think ... In my opinion, … From my point of view.. It seems to me… The way I see it … If you ask me, I think …

Agreeing ‫الموافقة‬

Disagreeing ‫المعارضة‬

I agree with …. I completely agree with … That’s absolutely right. That’s so true. I can’t agree more.

Suggesting Let’s play a game. How about reading a book? Why don’t we go to the malls? I suggest we stay home.

I disagree with … I’m not sure I agree with … That’s not always true. That’s wrong. I don’t think so.

Accepting a suggestion That’s a good idea. That sounds great. Yes, I’d love to. Why not?

Making Invitiations

Accepting an invitation

Would you like to go to the Oukaimden tomorrow? Would you be interested in going to the stadium next Sunday? Do you feel like going for a walk? I would like you to have lunch with us tomorrow. How about joining me for a walk? I invite you to have breakfast with me tomorrow morning.

I'd love to, thanks. That's very kind of you, thanks. I’ll be glad to do so. Thanks, I’d like that very much. Many thanks for your kind invitation. I’ll join you. Sure. Thank you. With pleasure!

English for Bac


Declining a suggestion No, I’d rather not. I’m not sure about that. I don’t feel like it. I’d love to, but …

Declining an invitation I'm really sorry, but I've got something else on. I really don't think I can - I'm supposed to be doing something else. Thanks for your invitation but I’m busy. I’m afraid I am busy tomorrow. Sorry, I’d love to but I have an appointment. I really don’t think I can, sorry. That’s very kind of you, but I can’t accept your invitation.

Abdelghafour Raquibi

Exercises 1. Match each statement with the appropriate function.

Expressions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. ……... 2. ……...


“You ought to think twice before changing your job.” “I’m sorry I stepped on your school bag.” Would you explain this lesson for me, please? “I’m afraid I don’t share your view.” “What should I do to learn English?” Sorry to bother you, but the Wi-Fi is not working. “Let’s go skateboarding this afternoon.” To my mind, Covid-19 is not a hoax. What is your view on social distancing? Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal! 3. ……... 4. ……...

5. ……... 6. ……...

A. Making a request B. Suggestion C. Asking for advice D. Giving opinion E. Disagreeing F. Apologizing G. Giving advice H. Accepting apology I. Complaining J. Asking for opinion 7. ……... 9. ……... 8. ……... 10. ……...

2. Write appropriate responses to the following situations. 1. Reading books is better than watching movies. You (express your opinion): ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Your friend can’t decide whether to buy a tablet or a laptop. You (give advice): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Complete the following exchange appropriately.

How do you feel about distance learning?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

English for Bac

……………………………………… ……………………………………….. ...........................................


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Abdelghafour Raquibi

A good paragraph should follow the same basic rules of structure:

Topic Sentence: it introduces the topic of your paragraph. It gives the reader an idea what the paragraph will be about. .‫ بحيث يكون القارئ فكرة عن محتوى الفقرة بمجرد قراءته لهذه الجملة‬.‫ غير أنها تتكون من جملة واحدة تقدم فيها موضوع الفقرة‬،‫هي بمثابة مقدمة لفقرتك‬

Supporting Sentences: Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 ….

These sentences develop your topic sentence by giving mora information and details. You can explain your ideas, state your arguments, give examples to support ideas ..etc. ‫ هنا أيضا يمكنك شرح أفكارك أو‬.‫ وذلك بإعطاء المزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل‬،‫هذه الجمل تدعم فكرة الفقرة الرئيسة‬ .‫الخ‬... ‫عرض حججك أو تدعيم أفكارك بأمثلة‬

Concluding Sentence: It concludes your paragraph and briefly summarizes the information you discussed. It also functions as a transition to the following paragraph (if you are writing more than one paragraph) ‫ كما أنها يمكن أن تمهد للفقرة الموالية (إن‬.‫ أو تركز فيها على فكرة محورية فيها‬،‫هذه الجملة الختامية تلخص فيها بشكل مقتضب المعلومات الواردة في فقرتك‬ )‫كان مطلوبا منك ان تكتب أكثر من فقرة‬ .

Technology has many advantages. To begin with, technology has made our life easier and more luxurious. In other words, it helps us save more time and effort. For example, robots and machines will accomplish our daily work or tasks perfectly and in no time. Also, great inventions, such as the telephone, computers, the television, and the Internet have made communication easier and better. In addition, we can use these inventions to learn about world news and events as soon as they happen. Consequently, the world has become a small village. Additionally, technology is good for our economy. Nowadays, big and small companies use technology to improve the quality of their products or services. In brief, advantages of technology are too many to count.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Introduction: Introduce the topic (in general, no details): you can give a definition, ask questions … Body: Paragraph 1*: • Start your paragraph with a topic sentence • Supporting sentences (explain your ideas, give examples …) • Concluding sentence Conclusion: summarize, give your opinion, advice … * Don’t forget to use appropriate linking words to make your paragraphs coherent and cohesive. *You can have as many paragraphs as needed.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Starting the e-mail

•Dear Sir/Madam, [formal for someone you don’t know] •Dear (Mr. Lotfi), [formal] •Hi (Amanda), [informal] •Hi, [informal]

Opening the e-mail

•I hope you’re well and (that you enjoyed your holiday). •I hope that everything is going well. •How’s it going? (informal) •Thanks for your letter/email/card/note …. •It was great to hear from you. •Sorry it’s taken so long to write (+ give a reason) •I'm writing to...

Closing / signing off

•I look forward to seeing you next week. •I look forward to hearing from you soon. •Speak soon / write soon. (informal)

Saying goodbye

•Yours sincerely, (formal – if you know the person, or have used the person’s name) •Yours faithfully, (formal – if you don’t know the person, or haven’t used the person’s name) •Kind regards, / Best regards, / Regards, (formal) •Best wishes, / All the best, / Yours, (semi-formal) •Bye, / Cheers, (informal)

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

Begin by setting the scene: Time: when? Place: where? You can briefly describe the place People: Who was there? How many? … Weather: what was the weather like? Senses/ feelings: what could you hear, smell. How did you fell Develop the story: what happened? Put the events in chronological order. Conclusion: your feeling at the end. Moral of the story … ❖ Use appropriate tenses: usually past simple and past continuous. ❖ Check spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

A memorable day in my life2 I will never forget the day when my little sister was born. It was about 1:00 a.m. and everybody had gone to bed. I was 5years old then and I was sleeping in my bed. All of a sudden, I heard my mother shouting. I immediately got out of bed and opened my bedroom door. I saw my father talking on the phone while my mom was walking across the living room. He asked my elder brother to get the car out of the garage. When my father saw me, he told me it was ok and asked me to go back to bed. After that, they all left and I stayed with my cousin who was visiting us that day. At around 3:00 a.m., my dad called to say that I had a little sister! I was very happy! On the next day, we went to see them in hospital. When I entered the room, I saw my mother lying on the bed and smiling. She put her hand on my head and hugged me. She then pointed to my little sister who was sleeping soundly in a cradle by the bedside. I bent over and kissed her. She was really cute!


Taken from a worksheet. Writer unknown

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

-‫االمتحان الوطني لمادة اللغة اإلنجليزية – وفق اإلطار المرجعي‬ :‫ هذه تفاصيلها‬.‫ أقسام‬3 ‫يتكون االمتحان الوطني لمادة اللغة اإلنجليزية من‬

Comprehension (15/40) Language




Vocabulary (4 points)

Grammar (7 points)

Functions (4 points) :‫وفيما يلي األسئلة التي تطرح في كل قسم‬

Comprehension .‫ كل أسئلة هذا القسم يجاب عنها اعتمادا على النص‬.‫يتضمن هذا القسم نص وأسئلة للفهم‬

❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

: ‫الفهم‬

Answer these questions. Are these statements true or false? Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones. Are these statements true or false? Justify. Are these statements true or false? Tick (√) the right box. Choose the best title for the passage. Choose the right answer from the list given. Complete the following sentences with information from the text. Fill in the blanks with words, phrases, or expressions from the text. Fill in the chart with the right information from the text. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that mean the same as Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that mean the opposite of Match each idea with the corresponding paragraph. Match the word(s)/phrase(s) or expression(s) with the right explanation(s) according to the text. Pick out from the text a sentence or a phrase which shows that: Put the following ideas/ arguments/ sentences/ events ...in the correct order in which they appear in the text. ❖ Tick (√) the questions that the passage answers. ❖ What do the underlined words in the text refer to? ❖ What is the writer’s opinion/ attitude/ purpose ...?

Language ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Complete the following dialogue(s) appropriately Choose the right answer. Correct the errors in these sentences. There is one error in each sentence. Correct the underlined mistake(s) Fill in the gaps with appropriate collocations. Fill in the gaps with appropriate phrasal verbs Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions from the list Fill in the gaps with appropriate words or expressions Give an appropriate definition to each of the following words Give the correct forms of the words in brackets. Join the pairs of sentences with the linking words given. Match each expression with its appropriate function. Match the exchange(s) with the appropriate function(s). Match the words that go together to make appropriate collocations. Match the words with the corresponding definitions/ synonyms/ antonyms. Provide the appropriate word for each of the following definitions.

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Put the following exchanges in the correct order Put the following words/phrases/sentences in the correct order. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense. Replace each underlined verb with an appropriate phrasal verb. Replace each underlined verb with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list. Replace the underlined words with appropriate synonyms Rewrite the sentences as indicated. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. There are ... Errors in this paragraph. Correct them. Tick (ѵ) the correct sentence (s). What does each sentence express? Write an appropriate response to the following situation(s).


Scoring criteria ‫معايير التنقيط‬

Relevance to the task((s) Appropriate paragraphing and organisation Appropriateness and variety of vocabulary Accurate use of grammar Accurate use of Mechanics (Spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

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Abdelghafour Raquibi

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Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

English for Bac


Abdelghafour Raquibi

[email protected] +212691968526 English Galaxy