2 BAC. ENGLISH MODALS For Bac. Summary & Practice [PDF]

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Abi Bakr Elkadiri High School Student’s name :

I n str. Ab d el kari m Fo u l fo u la Class : ..................


Group : .......


A In the PRESENT: can + v


In the PAST :

can’t + v

could + v

- I can’t tell any funny jokes, but I can make people laugh


couldn’t + v

- I could write funny jokes when I was a kid, but I couldn’t tell them like a professional comedian would.

by impersonating celebrities. I’m a great impersonator.

- A : Can you play the piano ? - B : No, I can’t, but I can play other instruments.

- A : Could you ride motorbikes when you were a kid ? - B : No, I couldn’t. I was too young for that.


B In the PRESENT: should + v


In the PAST :

need to + v / shouldn’t + v

should have + past participle / shouldn’t have + pp

- Fan : Say, Echo, what does it take to be a successful comedian like you ?

- A : What’s the matter, friend ? You look awful today. - B : My tooth. It gave me a terrible pain yesterday,

- Stand-up Comedian : Well, first you should believe in yourself and talent. Second, you need to understand that

especially at work. - A : And what did you do about it ?

- B : Nothing at all. I Just took some rest after work. - A : Well, you should’ve seen a dentist. You shouldn’t have gone to work in the first place.

comedy isn’t just about making people laugh. Additionally, You shouldn’t use your sense of humor or comedy to offend other people.


Obligation / Nec essity or abs ence of it In the PRESENT:

In the PAST :

have to + v / must + v / needn’t + v / don’t have to +v

had to + v / didn’t have to + v / didn’t need to + v

- I had to apply for a visa to visit a friend of mine in

- You have to respect our rules and accept our conditions to join our comedy club.

the U.S.A last year.

- All baccalaureate candidates must turn off their phones

- People had to stay indoors during the first days of

off before entering the exam room.

coronavirus pandemic to limit the spread of the virus.

- You needn’t apply for a visa to visit Turkey; it’s a visa-

- I didn’t have to apply for a visa to visit Tunisia last year. It’s one of those visa-free countries.

free country.

- We didn’t need to speak any Chinese during our stay

- You don’t have to speak all the languages if you want to

in China. Our good English got us through.

travel the world. A good mastery of English is enough.



In the PRESENT: mustn’t + v


-A : Sir,you mustn’t smoke here. Look .. a “no-smoking zone”! -B : I’m sorry. I didn’t see the sign.

can’t + v -C : You can’t park here,Miss. It’s for staff only. -D : Oh. Really ? Sorry, I didn’t know that.



In the PRESENT: may + v / may not + v / can + v / can’t + v - Student : Sir, may I go to the restroom ?

- Son : Mom, my car is out of gas. Can I take my father’s car ?

- Teacher : Sure, you may go now.

- Mom : No,you can’t. You can take mine, but please drive safely.

Possibility / Proba bility


In the PAST :

may (might) + v / could + v

may (might) have + past participle / could’ve + p.p

- Salma : Are you coming to my birthday party tonight ?

-Boss : Where is my office key ? Have you seen it ?

- Kadim : Well, I’m not sure. I may come if I have time.

-Assistant : No. You may have forgotten it at home.

- Look ! There are clouds in the sky. It could rain any time.

-Boss : Probably .... Or I could’ve left it in the car.

Logical Conclus ion or Assu m ption



In the PAST :

must be + noun or adjective / can’t be + noun or adjective

must have been + noun or adjective

-Jack : Unbelievable ! That man has just spent a thousand

- Sara : Mr.Talbi didn’t show up for work yesterday. I’m very surprised ! - Ali : I know. He’s a devoted and punctual teacher. He must have been sick or something.

dollars on a drink. -Kyle : Really ? He must be a millionaire, then ! -Jack : He must be crazy, I assume !

- Sara : There must have been some good reason.

-Kyle : I agree; he can’t be a normal person.

PR A C TIC E : Fill in each blank with the correct modal from the lists. a



may have

have to

Your score : ............ / 20

must have



1. you …………………………………………….. bring your car tomorrow. My father is going to drive us there in his car. 2. I ……………………………………………….………. sleep last night because of the fever. I’m so exhausted right now. 3. As a Muslim, you ………………….…………………….. eat pork or drink alcohol. They’re strictly forbidden in Islam. 4. In Morocco, baccalaureate students ……………….................…………… get excellent grades to be accepted into medical school. 5. He’s got three fancy BMW cars and a private jet all to himself. His father …………………………………….. be a millionaire.




had to

have to




6. Here , take this money. Who knows ? You ………………………….……….……….. need it when you get there. 7. Layla wasn’t happy about yesterday’s test. It ……………..…………………..………….. have been too hard for her. 9. - A : I’m sorry, Miss , but you ……………………………………. bring your dog inside the building. - B : Why not ? - A : It’s strictly against the company’s policy. No animals are allowed in. 10. I really didn’t …………………….……..…………….. study that much for the test last week. I knew It was going to be so easy.





had to




11. - A : Are you going to play football with us this afternoon ? - B : No. I …………………………..……..…………. . I have sore muscles. 12. You ……………………………………… pack any warm clothes for the trip to Marrakech. It’s already pretty hot in there. 13. I …………………………………………….. use a dictionary in order to understand the text I read yesterday. It was too difficult. 14. - A : Did you lock the door ? - B : Oh! No ! I’m not sure really. I ………………………………………………………. have left it unlocked actually. 15. We ……………………………………….………. call his parents now. It’s an emergency !



need to


had to




16. - Brother : ……………………………………………. I use your computer ? - Sister : Yes, but not now. I’m using it to type in my report. 17. When I was a child I ………………………………………………. sing like a real professional. Everyone liked my singing. 18. I think you ………………………..……… buy a brand new cellphone. This one is outdated, and it’s not functioning properly. 19. - A : I really want to watch some movies this weekend , but my DVD player is down. I need to have it fixed as soon as possible. - B : You ………………………………………..……. borrow mine if you want. Just make sure you bring it back on Monday. - A : Oh ! I surely will. Thanks a lot. 20. I …………………………………………… not go with you to Sam’s birthday party tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do.