English For Sale - Course Syllabus For English For Sale (Basic) [PDF]

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Syllabus for English for Sale (Basic) Course Teacher: CHANN Veasna Mobile Contact: 093 66 52 15/ 097 60 10 195 Email Address: [email protected]

Teaching time: 7:00-8:00AM Teaching hours: 3 hours/ week

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is aimed at anyone who works in sale, marketing and advertising. The book covers all the essential responsibilities of sale, marketing and advertising departments. There is particular emphasis on the relevant vocabulary and speaking skills needed to work efficiently in English. Telephoning, emailing, meetings, and presentations are practices, alongside the important specialist vocabulary relating to branding, marketing research, advertising rates, direct sale and marketing, and public relations. COURSE AIMS: At the end of the course, the students will be expected to: 1) actively involve in the learning processes, and 2) communicate with the clients effectively and fluently. Course Outline Week

Week 1 / 4hrs

Week 2 / 4hrs

Week 3 / 4hrs

Week 4 / 4hrs

Week 5 / 4hrs

Week 6 /

Content A. Introduction: Course expectation and orientation B. Greeting: informal / formal C. Introduction D. Vocabulary: 1. work and jobs/ 2. Ways of Working (pages: 10-13)


E. Telephone: Connecting / Messages / Wrong Number / Appointment F. Vocabulary: 48. Telephone 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 (pages: 104-111)

English for Marketing & Advertising Gore, S. (2007)

Quiz 1 1. Introduction to marketing and adverting: Jobs and responsibilities / Corporate Identity / Logos / Branding 2. Finding the customer: Market research / Customer profiles / Data collection / A telephone survey


Business Vocabulary in Use Part I Mascull, B. (2002)

Quiz 2 G. Meeting: Agenda / Interruptions / Agree and disagree / Any other business H. Vocabulary: 19. Buyers, sellers and the market (pages: 46-47) 3. Planning a marketing strategy: The marketing plan / The four Ps / Pricing and 1|Page


Week 7 / 4hrs

positioning strategies Quiz 3 I. Complaints, apologies and excuses: Make a complaint / Saying sorry / Accept an apology / Point out the positive side of a situation / Complain (informal) / Show annoyance Midterm examination

Week 8 / 4hrs

Week 9 / 4hrs

Week 10 / 4hrs

4. Creating ads: The AIDA model for advertising / Working with an ad agency / Advertising channels / Rate sheets Quiz 4 J. Instructions, explanations and advice: Asking for and giving directions / Show Understanding / Mae positive and negative comments K. Vocabulary: 22. Products and bands (pages: 52-53)

5. Marketing tools: Distribution channels / Types of discount / Types of retailer / Telemarketing / Direct marketing L. Vocabulary: 24. Place (pages: 56-57) Quiz 5

Week 11 / 4hrs

Week 12 / 4hrs

Week 13 / 4hrs

6. Presenting your public face: Public Relations / Websites as a marketing tool / Sponsoring / Effective press releases M. Presentations: Opening / Body / Questions / tips N. Vocabulary: 59. Presentation 1 & 2 & 3 (pages: 126-131) Quiz 6 & Reflection Paper due 7. Marketing through trade fairs: Giveaways / Organizing events/ Attending a trade fair O. Vocabulary: 54. Meeting 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 (pages: 116-123) Final examination

**This schedule is subject to change.



Students are expected to show consistent efforts in learning and to actively involve in various discussion and presentation sessions.

All assignments and their due dates are clearly indicated in the course outline above, so late submission will not be accepted.

All work submitted for this class must be your own. Copying or representing the work of anyone else (in print, from the internet, from another student, etc.) as your own is plagiarism and cheating. This is unacceptable in this class so no doubt you will get zero for it.

Those who are absent more than a week (four hours) will automatically FAIL the course.


Attendance and Class Participation


6 Quizzes


Midterm examination


Reflection Paper


Final examination



Percentage Points



86 – 100



80 – 85


Very Good

70 – 79



65 – 69



60 – 64



Below 60



*** Resources Gore, S. (2007). English for Marketing & Advertising. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mascull, B. (2002). Business Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 3|Page