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Homwork Translation Practice.

The guys have built a sled last fall. The Couch told them the idea and they’ve done it with enthusiasm. The sled could have been made only of wood but one of the guys brought the metal parts to be used on the sled.While they were working on the sled it started to snow and they were happy because they could try it right after it was done.This year we have a sled contest that will be held in February.

What was amazing thought and that made me think was that I could never live without his friendship , enithing that happened in my life , was the fact that he , with a care and a attention of a superior human , was afraid to subjugate me , like he wanted to tell me that he liked me but only if he knew that i was absolutely free. But , as I came to belive that the creature wich passed me was a woman, now it seems that the being wich drags me with her in the shadows is not a man. And in this point it seems that it will play the end that I presumed in the smallest details , and I am shure that it can’t be modify , because I can’t imagine that in the next two-three days we will find out what will happen to us , that we will find out what is in us beyond words and feelings

Exercise. Page 100-110

1) In the sentences below there are some mistakes in tense usage.Find them and correct them: I’ve phoned Justin at the office all morning, but I can’t find him. And we won’t see him tonight . By the time we get home he will leave. John expected to get a decent rise because he worked at the company for years. He knew he sold more cars in every year than his collegues. He sels cars all his life and knows what approach to adopt with every customer who came in. Did you see the Renoir exhibition? No. Where is it on? At the Academy. Iwas there twice. Inever saw most of the pictures. They were quite new to me. I’ll try and get round to see it . By the time you get round to it , it’ll finish. 2) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense: An Oxford amateur pilot was proclaimed a hero after his propeller flyed off in mod-air. The drama began at 2000 ft as Hugh Smallwood tooked his six-year-old son for a half-term treat in his single-engined Kokker light aircraft. He told the Oxford Review how he brought his plane down safely in a field after going through every pilot’s nightmare. “ Everything looked rosy as we turned home, but then I noticed the propeller disappeard . I reassured Max that we are okay, but then I doned what any pilot doned – we got into a glide and looked around for somewhere to land. I didn’t had any time to make a mayday call and spiraled down for the approach. Luckily the field was big enough”.

The cause of the mid-air mishap remains a mystery as Mr. Smallwood prepared a report for the Air Accident investigation Branch Advertising director Mr Smallwood owned the plane for seven years. The plane dated from the 1950s , but Mr. Smallwood had it serviced regularly and flyed perfectly. The propeller was found in the paddock of a nearly farm. Said Mr. Smallwood: “ I maked a forced landing before , but it’s unusual to have two in a lifetime. In a way I felt quite privileged”. 3) Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or the present perfect: Cuckoos don’t build nests. They use the nests of other birds. Hardly anyone wears a hat nowadays. I’m afraid I’ve broken one of your coffee cups. Don’t worry. I didn’t like that set anyway. My brother written several plays. I didn’t seen him for three years. Mary usually learns languages very quickly but she dosen’t seem able to learn modern Greek. He didn’t smoke for two weeks. He is trying to give up. I can’t go out because I didn’t finished my work. I written the letter but I can’t find a stamp. I won’t tell you my secret unless you promise not to tell anyone. The clock is slow.It isn’t slow , it stops. We missed the bus. Now we’ll have to walk. This book is about a man who deserted his family and goes to live on a Pacific island.

We walked ten kilometers. That boy eated seven ince creams. I wished that dog would lie down. He didn’t stop eating since he arrived. I pulled up 100 dandelions. I sleeped on every bed in this house and I don’t like any of them. This is hour itinerary. We left home on the 8th and arrived in Paris on the 9th , wee spended the day in Paris , and seted out that night for Venice. That sounded most interesting. You must tell me all abouth it when you come back. I rided all the horses in this stable. This story is about a boy who made friends with a snake wich he founded in his garden. Then he goes away but he didn’t forgot the snake and some years later he returned and looked for it. He found the snake who recognized its old friend and coild round him affectionetly. But , unfortunately , the snake is by now a full-grown boa-constrictor and its embrace kills the poor boy. I only heard frome him twice since he went away. I pumped up three tyres.Would you like to do the fourth? Who owns this umbrella? I don’t know. Every body uses it but nobody knows who owns it. 4) Fill the spaces in the following sentences by using “for” or “since” We’ve been fishing for two hours. I’ve been working in this office for a month.

They’ve been living in France since 1970. He has been in prison for a year. I’ve known that for a long time. That man has been standing there since six o’clock. She has driven the same care since 1975. Things have changed since I was a girl. The Kettle has been boiling for a quarter of an hour. The central heating has been on since October. He has been very ill for the last month. I’ve been using this machine for twelve years. We’ve been waiting for half an hour. He hasn’t spoken to me since the last committee meeting. Nobody has seen him sunce last week. He has been under water for half an hour. He has been Minister of Education since 1983. He hasn’t eaten anything for twenty-four hours. I’ve been trying to open this door for forty-five minutes. We’ve had terrible weather since the last month. 5) Choose the correct variant: My friends brought everything you see here. He changed very much since I last saw him. I asked him to lunch with us several times.

I see you haven’t done much. He will write only once since he went away. I want you to remember that I never asked you for anything before. We didn’t known each other long. I haven’t seen anything like this lately. Why are you laughing? He told me some very funny things. Did you find what you have been looking for? You haven’t said a word abouth your holiday,John. We haven’t seen each other for long. Neither Peter nor his friends have found the way to the chalet. Now that you came we can start working. Since you asked why I am doing this , I’ll tell you. “We won a great victory over our enemies”, the general said. When you finished using my mobile phone , pay the bill , please. They started building the house two years ago and haven’t finished it yet. You haven’t been to London, haven’t you? I haven’t spoken English since I was at school. I lived in this street for ten years. Ask him to come and see me when he has finished work. I think we’d better leave the restaurant as soon as we pay the bill. She was here a minute ago. You just missed her.

I assure you that once you see him you will like him. 6) Rephrase the following sentences in the Present Perfect Tense using the words given so that the original sense is preserved. I haven”t had a cigarette since five years. They haven’t had a concert since six months. You kept the books for too long. This is the best film he made. We haven’t seen in ages. Joe’s parents haven’t heard from him since 1989. So far we sold only antique furniture. They arrears my pay four months. Insert the cassette until touching the button. Never before we had such a difficult group of children. 7) Choose the correct variant: I always met you at the comer of the street. Usually he wakes up at seven. I never understood what he means. Mary often forgets to write her homework. Sometimes we hope that they return. She is a dancer.She dances at the opera. It is snowing is winter. Children enjoys playing in the sand.

Many old people live in this neighborhood. Architects made the plans of buildings. His father writes books for a living. I think that he is saying that the train leaves at 8 sharp. Cuckoss does not build nests. You like to eat chocolates, don’t you? Tom, like many of his friends, is hoping to be selected to go on the trip next week. Does anybody in these two classes know English? Don’t write until I tell you. It usually takes grandmother a long time to remember what she wants. This happens every four years as you are well aware. This is the last time we have seen you before we leave. 8) Transform the following sentences into equivalent sentences using the words given in parantheses: No they , don’t wear clothes. Ever called me stupid? We rarely have parties. Do I look like I’m liyng. Why not go for a walk. Remember to say hi to your mother for me. They hardly see each other. What is the price.

I forgot the name of the place. Do you feel the need for a drink ? 9) Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the Simple Present: The Morgan family lives in California. Mr. Morgan works as an airline pilot while Mrs. Morgan takes care of the household and the children. She wakes up early every day and prepears breakfast for everyone, while Mr. Morgan goes jogging in the park near their house. At 7:30 they eat a big breakfast.Then Mr.Morgan leaves for the airport.He usually goes to Pheonix, Arizona and comes home abouth 6 p.m. Meanwhile the children amuses themselves in the Kindergarten amd Mrs. Morgan goes shopping , prepeares the dinner, cuts the lawn, waders the flowers in the garden , and feed’s the dog.By the time her husband comes back home Mrs. Morgan is so tired that she finds it difficult to keep him company when he watches a late night show on television. 10)

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verb:

I work at Jackson Ltd. I’ve worked there since 1986 .Last week the manager asked me to see him if I have time .He was new so I wonderd what he’l be like . When I went to see him , he said “I’d like you to help me with a special project.I heard that you speak German” He said that a factory in Germany wanted a specialist for six months. “ tell me if you can go” .”I like a few days to think abouth it”.”All right. Here are the papers with all the details. Let me have them back after you read them”When I told my friends about it they all said it seems marvelous. I haven’t sayd yes yet. But next day I told the manager I wanted to go and he said “I hoped that you will agree. 11)

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the

following sentences:

He clearly had been listening to our conversation and I wondered how much he had heard. The student didn’t know what was being discussed at the last seminar since he left French and didn’t contact any of his colleagues. When the holiday will start you will be able to leave and take the children as well , though, by the time I solved my problems and solved yours , too. I don’t accept everything you say , but I agree winth you up to a point. Don’t be taken off by his charm. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He stood there gazing at them. He felt that he hated them with all his might. The wind keeps turning up the border of my hat. 12)

Give the definition of the category of tense.

A tense is a grammatical category that locates a situation in time, to indicate when the situation takes place. The tenses are past,present, and future. 13)

Enumerate at least three adverbs that occur with the Pas

Tens and use them in sentences of your own. When we were in school we used to learn more things than now. Last week we were at the beach. It happened a long time ago. 14)

Enumerate at least three adverbs that occure with the

Present Perfect Tense and use them in sentences of your own.

Have you ever been to Australia? We already have a goal keeper. Are you still playing socker?


Give the temporal representation of the sentences below;

indicate how RT and ET are specified. Mary won the prize last week. Mary won the prize last week. Mary speacks French. Mary has met the president before. Mary leaves tomorrow. 16)

Rewrite each sentence, such that it contains the word in

capitals and the meaning stays the same: When I realized that I had left my wallet home. What proposal that I don’t approve is his. 17)

Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets; then turn

the passage into reported speech. “When Ann joined our firm ten years ago” he said “she already worked in the same business and learned a lot about it” “For the first five years with us” he added , “she worked in the Sales Department , and worked there when I became Managing Director , but since then she worked as my personal assistant” .”I sincerely hope” he pointed out, “that she will work here until I retire. 18) same

Rephrase the following sentences so the meaning stays the

You are making too much noise! I’d rather you shut up because you are making to much noise! I didn’t know you were in town. I’d have given a call. I wish I knownd that you were in town I could’ve give you a call. My sister is getting married to a crook. I hope she will change her mind in time. If only my sister would change her mind she wouldn’t marry a crook. John is not in charge of this department , but he behaves like it. John behaves like he is in charge of this department.