Lexico Practice Tests For Nec 2 [PDF]

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Test 41 1. The boy who was caught _____ candy or little toys many times but was never punished by his mother grew up to be a thief. A snitching B burgling C ransacking D pilfering 2. Some students attempted to _____ the teacher while the others prepared the surprise birthday party for her. A stall B haul C swathe D wane 3. Adam has no right to _____ his position on how much our class should donate, that is our internal affair. A hammer out B screen out C stake out D take out 4. Getting into the third round of 2022 World Cup is a real _____ for the Vietnam national team. A coup B deed C epic D crusade 5. The four-week circuit _____ will come into force tomorrow with the closure of pubs, bars, restaurants and non-essential shops. A breaker B spell C respite D span 6. The old owners of the homestay are extremely hospitable and whenever I travel to Dalat, I know there will always be a _____ welcome awaiting me. A. princely B. heart-rending C. profound D. abstruse 7. School ends at 5 so my only choice is to _____ a chocolate bar on my way to my extra Math class, which starts only 10’ later. A. rattle through B. scarf down C. romp through D. scuff down 8. Having performed excellently in the Quidditch match, Ron _____ his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd. A blazed up B clocked up C plunged in D basked in 9. The image of peace and prosperity appearing on TV is rather _____ and does not reflect the actual situation of the city. A factious B factitive C factive D factional 10. Of course we all love a better quality fridge, but for a low-income family like us, it’s better to cut your _____ according to your cloth. A cloak B coat C clothes D gloves 11. There are many problems that laws don’t intervene and it totally rests with the moral _____ of each individual to prevent wrongdoings. A fibre B anchor C rigidity D latitude 12. My boyfriend refused to climb up the treetop with me because he doesn’t have a _____ for heights. A heart B head C soul D foot


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. I have received many warnings about my studies recently and was threatened to be grounded by my parents, another low grade this time will be _____ to me. A the last straw B the final nail in the coffin C the parting shot D the drop in the bucket 14. I thought willpower was enough to take me to the finish line, but when my muscles got sore and my body was exhausted, I knew I had _____. A hit the deck B hit the sack C hit the wall D hit the roof 15. He was brought up in an educated family but hanging out with the street children has turned him into a(n) _____ young man with bad manners. A uncouth B profane C impious D stoic Word form 1. The police had been on _____ in our neighborhood for a week to collect evidence before they arrested the drug dealer. (STAKE) 2. Meeting the first girl he loved after 8 years, old feelings _____ in the heart of the married man. (FACE) 3. I later put my shoes back on because shells and gravel made walking _____ on the beach uncomfortable for me. (FOOT) 4. Although the technique seems simple compared to those of modern days, paper produced by Cai Lun was considered _____ at that time. (GROUND) 5. The German recycling system provides a _____ against which schemes in other nations can be measured. (BENCH)



Test 42 1. As courageous as he seems to be, Falstaff is nothing but a _____ coward who would flee first in the face of threat. A stoic B spineless C deviant D shrewd 2. The game turned into a _____ when Harry caught the golden snitch, with the Gryffindor winning by 180 to 40. A rout B shutout C fit D bash 3. “Under the hawthorn” is a(n) _____ tale of pure young love set during the Cultural Revolution that has brought many people to tears. A amorous B poignant C mordant D doting 4. When the school year ends and I won’t have to meet my annoying deskmate again, I will definitely tell her the _____! A Ps and Qs B home truth C good grief D nuts and bolts 5. I had an ambition of getting the First prize in the National Contest, but I knew it was just a _____ in the sky. A pig B star C buffalo D pie 6. After having a whale of a time at my wedding yesterday, my colleague was looking a little _____ when he came to work this morning. A around the bend B in a fog C off his trolley D green around the gills 7. Temporarily, the number of COVID-19 cases has ceased to increase, but I can see more problems _____. A carrying the day B coming down the pike C arriving on the scene D drifting with the tide 8. The authority seems powerless to _____ of violence across the city after the new law was implemented. A beat the air B hold the fire C stem the tide D step off the curb 9. The small-scale demonstration later escalated into a _____ battle with the police, involving more than 800 protesters and causing serious traffic congestion across the city. A pitched B racked C heaped D scrap 10. What this government is doing to its female citizens is clearly gender discrimination under the _____ of religion. A gown B coat C cape D cloak 11. In the system of constitutional monarchy, the Queen may have privilege but she has no real political _____. A loft B swathe C clout D nought 3

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 12. The needs of today's children cannot be met by the traditional _____ of education we’re using, in which emphasis is placed solely on theoretical knowledge. A prototype B paradigm C emblem D epitome 13. Newspapers _____ tributes to Professor Albus Dumbledore after his heroic sacrifice in the battle against the evils. A bristled with B hedged in C plucked at D talked into 14. My parents thought the costs of the trip would only remain in their calculations, but unexpected additional expenses later _____ their budget. A drank in B gobbled up C harped on D copped out 15. Scout decided that her brother Jem needed some time to _____ after a terrible night so she tried to keep some distance from him. A cry off B drill down C come off D simmer down Word form 1. Many gun shops offer _____ services on the premises for customers to buy, custom and fix right at the shop. (GUN) 2. The science fair is an annual event of this school and is regarded as a(n) _____ of their scientific superiority. (SHOW) 3. With so many areas of ancient _____ being cut down, many rare species are put under threat of habitat loss and extinction. (WOOD) 4. My children always take pride in their grandmother, who is a(n) _____ of the Vietnam People’s Navy with lots of old stories to tell. (SERVICE) 5. My whole family has agreed on the living room design but wood _____ is still something that requires consideration due to its cost. (FLOOR)



Test 43 1. It is high time we canceled our marketing campaign as it hasn’t helped to _____ in sales for months. A move the needle B beat the drum C tip the scales D change tack 2. I'm not surprised that Tina showed up with purple hair today—she loves _____ with her hair color. A kicking the bucket B getting the ball rolling C drawing straws D ringing the changes 3. I think I will _____, it is unacceptable for a student to hold a racist attitude towards his teacher. A tell him a thing or two B pick his moment C tick off on his fingers D get his brain in gear 4. He is a careful guy who will always get his _____ in a row before he starts doing anything. A dogs B chickens C ducks D kids 5. After the seventh time Ally came late to work, the teacher lost her patient and hauled him over _____. A the fire B woods C boiling water D the coals 6. The green protest is expected to _____ steam after the minister allows the construction of a shopping center in place of the park. A pick up B take up C carve up D clock up 7. It is hard to understand what led to a prejudicial attitude and _____ hatred of women in a person brought up in a progressive family like him. A foul B obnoxious C pathological D innocuous 8. With a record of 22000 flying hours, Callaghan proved to be an _____ and shrewd pilot for these storms. A inimitable B imperturbable C impermeable D unshakeable 9. In this story, the criminal is depicted as a person with a genius mind and a _____ pleasure in watching others suffer. A ascetic B dexterous C stoic D perverted 10. The view from the top of LangBiang was so breathtaking that we just stood there _____ the scenery. A bristling up in B breaking inC drilling in D drinking in 11. I think you had better spend some time to _____ certain factors before applying for that position, the deadline is still far away A mull over B bowl over C sleep over D boil over 5

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 12. Recent inconsiderate statements Mr. Key made in the public are believed to be _____ to the cooperation between our company and the DYC. A innocuous B prejudicial C vacuous D sinister 13. As coincidental as the first time they met each other, that actually was also part of her scheme to _____ this rich guy. A snarf B snark C snarl D snare 14. As a public figure, whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest, I have gradually become _____ to criticism and scrutiny. A impermeable B impertinentC impervious D imperious 15. My aunt is clearly bathing in the reflected _____ of her son’s outstanding performance and enviable achievements in the National Contest. A glow B glory C fame D splendor Word form 1. The second time the player was shown the yellow card for his _____ actions during the game, he was dismissed from the field. (SPORT) 2. The prevalence of illegal drug _____ in the Philippines is lower than the global average, partly thanks to strict drug policies in this country. (TRAFFIC) 3. I think hibiscus will do poorly as a _____, given the fact that it is native to tropical regions and adores full sun. (PLANT) 4. Imported coffee is having a difficult time trying to find a _____ in the Vietnamese market Vietnam. (FOOT) 5. I don’t have the _____ to stay on a diet so the only way for me to lose weight is exercising. (POWER)



Test 44 1. There is no _____ that will help you lose weight without effort, the only way is to exercise and follow a diet. A smoking gun B silver bullet C straight arrow D golden brick 2. Make sure you have researched your position thoroughly before the debate, you definitely don’t want to bring _____ to a gunfight. A a sword B a bow C a knife D an arrow 3. Baking a hundred cakes in two days is undeniably a _____ order, but I believe we will manage it with unity. A tall B high C huge D big 4. The runner was far ahead for most of the race, but at the end she won only _____ A larger than life B by a whisker C on the dot D a notch above 5. Large cities like New York are usually _____ when it comes to adopting new technology. A before the wind B beyond depth C above bendD ahead of the curve 6. Slowly, she shed the ideological and emotional _____ of her upbringing in her effort to become a more open and positive person. A backpack B package C baggage D luggage 7. Born in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, my father was so deeply influenced by the contemporary sociopolitical context that socialism has become a(n) _____ of faith with him. A realm B article C element D clause 8. Despite _____ efforts by our physiotherapists, my hamstring did not recover in time for the race. A staunch B valiant C intrepid D vigorous 9. The _____ of Skull and Bones, of which George H.W. Bush is a member, is a secret society founded at Yale University in 1832. A clique B order C assembly D stratum 10. Being the son of Howard Stark-a brilliant inventor, Tony had shown a natural _____ for mechanical engineering since a young age. A concord B rapport C affinity D preferment 11. Now that he realised he was losing the most important girl in his life, he dropped all _____ of dignity and rushed down the street after her. A semblance B vestige C inkling D portent 12. How sad it is to see with your own eyes the squalor and poverty that lay behind the glittering _____ of Dubai. A facade B antenna C masquerade D camouflage 7

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. I will remain in a holding _____ until the schedule is announced because I won’t be able to join in the trip if the contest takes place next month. A position B pattern C seat D fit 14. I realize it myself, without _____, that I really have an extraordinary talent for learning foreign languages! A autocracy B egocentricity C conceit D tyranny 15. He'd spent years _____ a rich aunt of his before she passed away, forcing him to find a job A figuring onB battening on C feeding on D egging on Word form 1. The image of peace and prosperity appearing on TV is rather _____ and does not reflect the actual situation of the city. (FACT) 2. When I was a child, I would always play shadow puppetry with my brother in the _____ house during a blackout. (CANDLE) 3. Becoming a volunteer at a nursing home has offered me great opportunities to strike up _____ friendships with many old people. (GENERATION) 4. _____ by the haze of alcohol, Mi resisted when A Su prevented her from going to the Spring festival instead of giving in as usual. (BOLD) 5. Most spiders _____ flies and other insects in their webs while come species like wolf spider or crab spider catch prey using their legs. (SNARE)



Test 45 1 I'm a little nervous about starting my graduate degree program, but I'm determined to _____ and give it a go. A jump off the deep end B jump the gun C drop off the radar D drop the ball 2. Negotiations went _____, but we did manage to reach an agreement on the contract by the deadline. A down to the short strokes B down for the count C down to the ground D down to the wire 3. I have to clean this mess up before 5:00 or I will be pushing up _____ when my mom gét home. A roses B lily C daisies D grasses 4. With your present ability, it will be a cold day in _____ when you can beat your brother in chess. A June B Spring C July D Summer 5. Believe me, in this ever-changing era, that ridiculous pants may be _____ for now but, before long, probably nobody will be wearing them. A on the ball B all the rage C piping hot D on point 6. While capital punishment has been abolished in many countries, drug trafficking still _____ the death penalty in Philippines. A carries B bears C holds D contains 7. Even when in the most severe state of his illness, he still _____ himself with rigid composure and great dignity of a proud soldier. A carried B sent C bore D forged 8. My boss is quite an adamant man, so when he has had a plan, he would _____ no interference or opposition. A staunch B brook C consign D contain 9. James Conrad was described as a(n) _____ explorer who would always be willing to venture into the most dangerous corners for new discoveries despite all the risks. A ardent B staunch C stalwart D audacious 10. Nothing could _____ the memory of that tragic night from the minds of Titanic survivors. A obliterate B deracinate C extinguisheD extort 11. I used to be my team’s treasure, but since my injury, I do realize I have become more of a _____ than an asset to them. A debit B culpability C liability D baggage 12. The _____ of the Slytherin house in Harry Potter was a snake and the house's colours were green and silver. 9

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A emblem B stature C calibre D motto 13. The portrayal of Professor Snape in Harry Potter will forever stand as a(n) _____ to actor Alan Rickman after he passes away. A epitaph B epitome C compendium D conceit 14. I know you have matters that trouble you but please _____ for heaven's sake Anthony, you are ruining the whole party! A buck up B sift out C blaze up D air out 15. Both his parents used to be out at work all day when he was small, hence his deep understanding of the lonesome and dangers of being a _____ child. A rag B self-supporting C boomerang D latchkey Word form 1. Don’t waste your _____ and fancy-free days because you won’t have as much freedom after marriage and parenthood. (FOOT) 2. I hope my clumsy wording and expression won’t prevent the teacher from recognizing my _____ gratitude to her. (HEART) 3. “A child called “it”” is a misery _____ written by Dave Pelzer, chronicling his story as the victim of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. (MEMORY) 4. You literally _____ your son by treating him as a failure for not attending university despite his business success. (CHANGE) 5. Parents should pay close attention to their children’s health because many respiratory symptoms can be the _____of asthma - a medical condition that makes breathing difficult.



Test 46 1. I eventually _____ to temptation and had a bar of chocolate at the seventh hour of my fast. A gave B yielded C flaunted D retired Key: B yield (v) = to stop resisting something/somebody; to agree to do something that you do not want to do 2. I used to take my health for granted until my body was seriously _____ by sickness. A blighted B amputated C battered D raved 3. That’s weird he didn’t agree to lend you his bike, isn’t he the type of person who would give you _____ off his back? A the coat B the shoes C the bag D the shirt 4. I had no idea they were planning to organize a party for my birthday, they must have kept it _____. A in deep water B in a lip lock C among the flowers D under the rose 5. I don’t really like Meg but it was a case of _____ when she was the only person I could ask at that time. A any Tom, Dick and Harry B any port in a storm C any fool could do D any shape or form 6. Since a large percentage of her students failed the exam, the teacher decided to give them a second bite at _____ by allowing them to take the test again. A the apple B the pie C the cherry D the olive 7. The graduates of this medical school are considered to be _____ in cardiology. A the icing on the cake B the big cheese C the cream of the crop D the captain of industry 8. The men turned to us, both _____ confident smiles on their faces and ready for the match. A smearing B wearing C clothing D masking 9. I decided to watch The hollow crown series of BBC because Tom Hiddleston was in it but the language of Shakespeare is largely _____ to me. A insatiable B unearthly C inscrutable D undulating 10. You had better prepare a more persuasive speech because you will have to _____ a large majority of your colleagues if you want to get the leadership. A freight B carry C swathe D impel 11. After watching “Capernaum”, a sombre feeling descended on me and got me _____ on the injustice of the world. A ruminating B snaring C instigating D sulking 11

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 12. Although humanity has long dreamt of exploring the mysterious galaxy, people believe it was the moon landing that really _____ a whole new era in space exploration. A elicited B precipitate C inaugurated D expedited 13. We can only put a stop to school violence should everyone stop being so negligent and realize the fact that this phenomenon actually _____ our ignorance. A prates on B snaps up C battens on D feeds off 14. I wish my girlfriend would just tell me what she wasn’t pleased about, she should know how much I am _____ by her silence, not knowing what went wrong. A beguiled B discomfited C fouled D mortified 15. Can you guys please stop arguing and work in _____ so that we can complete this daunting task a little bit faster? A concomitant B concoction C concert D conciliation Word form 1. Although Anna appeared positive, I can feel a(n) _____ of desperation in her speech. (TONE) 2. Chinese mythology contains many tales of animal _____ like huli jing, a fox spirit which can turn into a beautiful woman. (SHAPE) 3. Political conflict and foreign intervention led to the permanent _____ of the country. (MEMBER) 4. In Can Tho, there is a park named after Luu Huu Phuoc to _____ the musician whose birthplace is this city. (MEMORY) 5. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. (HEART)

Test 47 12

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. The Forbidden Forest, which borders the edges of the Hogwarts School, is a dark and _____ forest thick with mysterious creatures and lurking dangers. A brooding B crooked C dubious D gloomy 2. Because he started writing his term paper far too late, he is now behind the _____ ball. A last B ninth C eight D tenth 3. Don’t you think an employee with _____ like Henry will soon be promoted? A a song in his heart B a fire in his belly C kindred spirit D a soul of discretion 4. My daughter is a very confident girl and likes to express herself in public, unlike her brother, who is a _____. A bowl of cherry B top banana C ripe plum D shrinking violet 5. He is just a little child, please keep your _____ on and be patient with him. A hat B socks C belt D shirt 6. Next time if you happen to arrive somewhere in my _____ of the woods, do come round and have a meal with us. A neck B foot C head D leg 7. Although the _____ route I showed you is longer, it will actually take you a shorter time as you can avoid traffic jams during the rush hour. A exigent B deviant C protracted D devious 8. Although the famous singer dismissed the allegations as _____ and innuendo, police investigation has shown the opposite. A smudge B smears C amnesty D bedazzlement 9. Students, when you arrive at the theatre, remember that you must sit according to the seating _____ I showed you yesterday and whoever doesn’t follow will be disciplined! A plan B scheme C command D structure 10. The search for _____ between the two sides has appeared to be in vain as none of the two companies was willing to compromise. A moot point B the third way C middle ground D a safe passage 11. Marriage, though not the social imperative it once was, still stands for a major rite of _____ into adult life. A threshold B doorway C pathway D passage 12. Though it is still controversial regarding the character of the young actor, most people can’t deny he is worthy of his _____ success. A wildfire B phenomenal C aspiring D influential 13. The bullet, luckily, just _____ his shoulder, thanks to which his life A crouched B rasped C browsed D grazed


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 14. Those openly _____ their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible dignity of themselves. A eliciting B flaunting C reviling D exerting 15. I understand and would totally support you if you want to _____ of this toxic relationship. A sift out B bail out C churn out D blow out Word form 1 Her toes are severely _____ from years of pursuing a career in professional ballet. (SHAPE) 2 Teaching in mountainous areas is full of hardship but it is _____ to see the determination of the students. (HEART) 3 Mulan is a(n) _____ adaptation of the 1998 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, starring Liu Yifei in the title role. (LIVE) 4 The haughty employee _____ his hand when asking for a pay rise and was eventually given the sack. (PLAY) 5 Firefighters are working 12-hour shifts in extreme heat to battle devastating _____ in the northern forests. (FIRE)



Test 48 1. I goofed off for the first two years of college, but I turned into a real _____ once I realized the importance of my academic performance. A sly dog B study animal C eager beaver D war horse 2. I rarely take my kids to the library because he can be a bit of _____, running around and making a mess. A a bull in a china shop B a pig in mud C a bird in the hand D a duck in Arizona 3. I know you really want the promotion, but telling the boss about my personal problems was _____. A under the hatches B under thumb C below the belt D below par 4. Don’t worry, I am confident that Annie will manage to solve the quiz soon, she is as sharp as _____. A a blaze B a blade C a knife D a tack 5. Kids, please hold your _____, let’s sing the birthday song before we start eating the cake! A tatters B horses C brake D tongue 6. If you desire some practical lessons before your start-up, there are clear _____ to be drawn from the failure of these companies. A cheeks B chapters C morals D policies 7. His reasoning is based on the _____ that humans are innately good, which reflects his belief in Mencius. A premise B inception C surmise D conjecture 8. Although the matter was outside my _____ of responsibility, I still lent her a helping hand. A bound B orbit C sphere D hall 9. I don’t think the two directors would cooperate again in the second part, there was a real personality _____ between them. A disagreement B brawl C clash D discord 10. Although he was a talented artist, he lived a life _____ with financial worries. A pestered B beseeched C clasped D beset 11. When Tony came in class with his ridiculous costume, he was greeted with _____ of laughter. A clap B blasts C gales D rounds 12. I intended to petrify him by telling him there was a snake in his room but he didn't seem _____ concerned. A in least B at least C the least bitD leastways 13. The architecture chose a gentle colour scheme to create a relaxing _____ for the owner’s bedroom. 15

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A ambience B complex C palette D sentiment 14. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. A pulse B heartbeat C compass D avatar 15. While everybody else all _____ or the Shang-Shi premiere, director Chloe Zhao dressed casually in jeans and a loose-fitting top as if she was just dropping by. A gussied up B bobbed up C blazed up D bucked up Word form 1 If there is still time remaining after you have finished the test and gone over it, try to _____ your answers to avoid mistakes. (CHECK) 2 After graduating, I kept some books that are necessary for college and gave away the _____ (REMAIN) 3 My parents always deem my playful personality _____ of a high school teacher, who should be decent and serious. (FIT) 4 The journalists are regarded the _____ to the dictatorial government by publicly denouncing their selfish and cruel policies. (WEIGHT) 5 Although political changes affected the social position of a samurai, he still shows great _____ and decency of a noble family. (FINE)



Test 49 1. Our teacher said _____ after lunch was a good way to refresh ourselves and be more productive in the afternoon. A taking a dive B catching forty winks C hitting the deck D striking a chord 2. You must have been crazy to challenge John in chess, he is the state champion and he will _____ with you. A wipe the floor B carry the day C buy the farm D dress to the nines 3. There are 40 people coming to the party tonight, I need _____ to help me with the decoration and cooking. A all beer and skittles B all hands on deck C all ducks in a row D all mops and brooms 4. I will let the kids play in the living room so please make sure the floor will be as dry as _____ when you finish. A a bone B the air C sand D Africa 5. You should hire an engineer to check that used car before making the final decision or you may end up buying a _____ in a poke. A parrot B house C horse D pig 6. Harry and his friends spent hours in the library _____ through hundreds of heavy old books to find information about the Philosopher’s stone. A sifting B poring C sieving D meshing 7. After volunteering in the SOS village for the orphans in Ben Tre, I now understand how lucky it is to be able to live in the _____ of your family. A center B bliss C oasis D bosom 8. Marriage is a big and long-term gamble in which _____ is dubious in defiance of all oaths and promises. A jubilation B winnings C felicity D swoon 9. Returning home after a bad exam, I just wanted to sleep and _____ all the disappointment and worries. A bliss out B winnow out C blot out D clock out 10. The National Contest for the Gifted is an annual event in which students from all over Vietnam _____ their wits against each other. A hedge B pit C have D set pit your wits against somebody (=compete against someone using your intelligence or knowledge) 11. Despite his fame and talent, the well-known rock star’s reputation was seriously damaged by the _____ factor. A plague B smugness C haul D sleaze 17

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 12. Please tell Severus to come to my office should you see him, I need him to help me _____ the applications that have no chance of succeeding. A make out B sift out C leaf through D muddle through 13. As an inexperienced first-time traveller, I was _____ by a local vendor, who charged me $40 for a little souvenir fridge magnet. A ragged on B eaten away C ripped off D torn up 14. I don’t think congratulating someone on acing a test and adding that you have never expected that is a real praise but more like a _____! A faint praise B false note C two-handed comment D backhanded compliment 15. Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral _____. A magnet B anchor C compass D arrow Word form 1 Thanks to months of _____. research by the film producers, the enthronement ceremony of Qianlong in “The story of Ruyi” was highly commended for being historically accurate. (PAIN) 2 “Under the hawthorn tree” is a romantic movie with a lovely but tragic _____ (STORY) 3 The death of Bruno and Shmuel in “The boy in the striped pajamas” really tugs at your _____ (HEART) 4 Border _____ between the two countries is one of the issues that receive the most public attention. (LIMIT) 5 Following the release of Den Vau’s MV “Hide and Seek”, VTV24 made a _____ joke to advise against running away from COVID-19 isolation centres. (TOPIC)



Test 50 1. Not until the doctor confirms that my sister is _____ can the whole family stop worrying. A beyond the pale B out of the woods C on the round D in the zone 2. After the competition, my friends tried to _____ by teasing me about my failure. A bell my cat B go to the dogs C get my goats D shoot my bull 3. Only kids _____ when Tet comes because they don’t have so many things to do like adults. A keep their chins up B hit the hay C carry the day D have a ball 4. My younger brother keeps begging me to let him join our club’s party, but it is likely that he will feel like _____. A a fifth wheel B the fourth wall C an extra pair of hands D a gift horse 5. Work-life balance is the most important thing to me so I would never take that job for all the tea in _____. A Britain B England C Turkey D China 6. Large, black rain clouds _____ in the sky this morning, signalling an approaching storm. A glowered B scowled C ruptured D crouched 7. I don’t know what’s so interesting that my daughter always listens to this speaker with _____ attention whenever there is his show on TV. A blissful B rapt C spellbinding D griping 8. Despite his competency, the director was _____ after a conflict with his boss and was demoted to a low-level employee. A struck off B ratted out C toned down D crossed out 9. Eight months of lockdown were eight months I was _____ in the stifling tiny flat of mine in the city, unemployed and unable to go anywhere. A bricked up B clocked up C bottled up D cooped up 10. The well-reputed CEO _____ with £10,000 of the company's money last night and has come England’s most wanted man at the moment. A assailed B absconded C debunked D deflated 11. I thought I only liked the character Loki, but it turns out after that I like the actor himself as I can’t help _____ over photos of Tom Hiddleston. A drooling B slobbing C dredging D drizzling 12. The monument is a(n) _____ reminder of those who died in the catastrophic Sichuan earthquake 14 years ago. A poignant B affective C sardonic D pungent 19

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. The gentle colour _____ creates a relaxing ambience for the bedroom of my little daughter. A complexion B palette C structure D scheme 14. One special thing about Ron is that he never has a _____ plan - he just makes decisions as the need arises but still manages to ace any task given. A ground B base C foundation D post 15. He _____ with only 152 votes out of 300, which is not at all something to brag about compared with that of his predecessor. A tucked in B dragged by C scraped in D passed through Word form 1 When I first met your mother, I just thought she might be 40 or _____ because she looked so young. (THERE) 2 When demand for a product _____ its supply, the price of that product will increase. (STRIP) 3 His love for life and optimism gave him a _____ power to overcome what the doctors refer to as “an incurable disease. (NATURAL) 4 Fans do not know where the event was held because its location was _____ (CLOSE) 5 You may earn a six-figure salary from that job but your health will be the cost, it’s all swings and _____ (ROUND)



Test 51 1. I'm delighted that my children have such wonderful opportunities abroad, but I must say I feel sick as _____ at the thought of being separated from them for so long. A a duck B a lizard C a parrot D a turkey 2. Garry used to be the best player in our team, but he seems to have _____ after years dedicated to his business career. A gone cold turkey B lost his touch C blown off steam D had sticky fingers 3. What with the COVID-19 pandemic, my restaurant has been operating in the _____ for five consecutive months and is about to be shut down. A red B black C yellow D blue 4. Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer, my family has been _____ since all our money is poured into chemotherapy and medicines. A under the weather B living hand to mouth C sitting tight D down to Earth 5. We only have 15 minutes to finish sketching the general plan, please _____ and skip the chatter. A sail close to the wind B beat around the bush C hit the books D cut to the chase 6. With a _____ of insight, the detective realised exactly who committed this horrendous crime. A glare B spark C flash D blaze 7. The bull _____ its nostrils in anger when the torero provokes it with a big bright red flag. A flares B splays C rants D raves 8. The child _____ with delight at his teacher as he received the award. A gleamed B beamed C leered D primped 9. Don’t start writing until the idea has _____ in your mind to avoid making a mess of your essay, pay attention to the time though! A glowered B gelled C vacuumed D braced 10. Play areas for children are _____ all over the place. A springing up B growing upC whipping up D bouncing out 11. The candidate was criticised for _____ a group of people with racial prejudice in order to get more votes. A jostling for B clearing off C pandering to D horsing around 12. Watching “Twelve years a slave”, I was appalled by the fact that slaves could be whipped and hanged at the _____ of their masters. A whim B quake C whir D wince 13. My brother’s athletic career has been _____ by a serious ankle injury during training. 21

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A coiled B blenched C quailed D blighted 14. The defendant, who was convicted of rape, _____ his head in shame when facing his victim. A bent B hung C crouched D stooped 15. Your idol’s reputation is not something without _____, don’t forget about his drug abuse scandal! A blotch B blur C blemish D blister Word form 1 Some rituals that were important in the agrarian society of the past are now deemed _____ and discarded. (WORN) 2 _____ surgery, developed by Joseph Lister, is employed by many hospitals in modern days to prevent infection during and after surgery. (SEPTIC) 3 For anyone who is interested in Chinese history, this book is _____ for its detail and reliability. (RIVAL) 4 It was very disrespectful of you to speak _____ to your grandfather, even when he does know little about your problem. (HAND) 5 I have _____ five applicants for the second round, please contact and inform them of the interview schedule. (LIST)

Test 52 22

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. Nobody in this village doesn’t know that little boy has _____ but never has he been given a lesson. A sticky fingers B sore thumbs C a heavy hand D hidden fingers 2. Never underestimate your opponents no matter how good you are, they may always be able to give you a run for your _____. A medal B money C prize D race 3. Considering how often that car breaks down, I think I really bought _____ from the dealership. A a pig B a fish C a lemon D a mandarin 4. If you are so determined, then I can only wish you luck raising enough funds for the project—it's like _____. A selling ice to Eskimos B getting blood from a stone C pounding the pavement D moving heaven and earth 5. Mr. Chow is one of the principle _____ in this firm so you had better make a good impression on him if you want to be employed after the internship. A cash cows B church mouses C Jekylls and Hydes D movers and shakers 6. After a 5-hour long discussion, we finally managed to _____ a deal even though the profit division was not really ideal for us. A latch on B pluck at C patch up D fasten onto 7. I was to get off the bus at Ikea Brent Park but I fell asleep and _____ in Stop WH, which was 4.8 miles away! A fetched up B jollied up C banged about D mowed down 8. You won’t understand me until you grow up and have a family with children, dozens of concerns will _____ your attention. A jostle for B root for C muck up D pony up 9. The Fellowship of the Ring, a 2001 epic fantasy adventure film, is the first _____ in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. A parcel B installment C chapter D token 10. This movie _____ poorly at the Chinese box office, mainly due to many historical inaccuracies and seemingly slapdash references to Chinese culture. A reeled B staggered C fared D mowed 11. Because of the fierce storm, the rescue mission had to be _____ to avoid unnecessary loss of life. A aborted B absconded C banished D ruptured 12. As a person who believes in hard work, my father can’t _____ lazy and undisciplined people, including me. A console B concede C ramble D abide


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. By _____ consent, everyone in the club avoids mentioning the death of the seventh member. A joint B general C mutual D shared 14. Firemen secured the bus with ropes to stop it tumbling over the edge before escorting the _____ passengers to safety. A petrified B dreadful C curdled D stagey 15. Volunteers are being _____ to support the UN system's response during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A headhunted B solicited C accosted D seduced Word form 1 Amongst the many factors that _____ consumer choices, price and design have the most decisive role. (FORM) 2 Until now, still there are people who don’t believe in the _____ relationship between smoking and lung cancer. (CAUSE) 3 The flap of the envelope came _____ so the letter inside fell out somewhere along the way. (STUCK) 4 That the star had already been married is just a(n) _____ rumour of bloggers and shouldn’t be trusted. (SUBSTANCE) 5 Much of the financial support for people living in the flooded regions came from _____ of citizens from all over Vietnam. (BENEFIT)



Test 53 1. Factories are _____ to produce enough masks and protective clothing for health workers during the pandemic. A raising red flags B firing on all cylinders C raking over the ashes D packing heat 2. This scheme does have some problems but I think we can fix them instead of throwing the baby out with _____. A the bath water B the diaper C the old toys D the rubber duck 3. The epidemic has ruined my plan to _____ with my friends after the National High school Exam finishes. A put out feelers B queer the pitch C push the boat out D pull the plug 4. Now that I have to work closely with the infamously strict chief of the Finance department, I feel like I've caught a _____ by the tail. A tiger B lion C snake D crocodile 5. It is like _____ trying to wake our young son up every morning to go to school on time. A pulling your punches B pricking up ears C drawing your horns in D pulling teeth 6. You may find some drinks here that you’v never seen in Trung Nguyen because this store is just a Trung Nguyen _____, not the original. A bureau B ballot C franchise D brand 7. With his fame on the rise, Zhang was _____ to stand amongst the top idols of China when the scandal broke. A poised B nigh C adjacent D near 8. The star wanted to keep his _____ low-key, hence people knew nothing about donation until it was publicised. A munificence B chivalry C narcissism D impiousness 9. The athlete was _____ in defeat and praised his opponent's skill, for which he received a lot of praise. A abrasive B valiant C chivalrous D magnanimous 10. During this time of the year, streets in my city are usually _____ with Vietnam national flags to celebrate our Independence day. A bedecked B primped C garnished D prattled 11. Despite his repeated _____, nobody is convinced that the singer is totally innocent in this scandal. A disavowals B abnegation C ablutions D declamation 12. It’s important to obtain the best possible specimens, and COVID-19 nasal _____ testing that includes nucleic acid testing is the best option. 25

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A traces B jot C swab D remnant 13. By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to _____, hence the disbandment after their last concert. A wane B swaddle C lug D ramble 14. Thinking back, I'd better _____ some sunscreen, I really don’t dare to risk this sensitive skin of mine. A pore over B tint on C slap on D splash out 15. He had occasionally _____ the idea of starting his own business, but he had never actually done anything about it. A slept on B timed out C dallied with D lavished on Word form 1 Without that _____ dress, I would have never noticed you in the middle of hundreds of people going to the festival. (EYE) 2 Meeting her criminal father after ten years, the girl shows overtly _____ disregard for him. (CONTEMPT) 3 Clicking a link sent by a(n) _____ email may seriously threaten your data security. (SOLICIT) 4 _____ - the unfair treatment of people because they have a disability - is untenable in a progressive society today. (ABLE) 5 Cutlery is a(n) _____ term for knives, forks and spoons used for eating. (CATCH)

Test 54 26

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. If the pandemic does not ameliorate, our company will surely _____. A fall afoul B hit out of the park C go down the tubes D go under the knife 2. The business model you propose sounds amazing, but whether it might succeed in reality is where _____. A rubber meets the road B the shoe pinches C the puck is heading D hell freezes over 3. Jack, your passion won't help you afford a living in this big city, wake up and smell _____. A the tea B the coffee C the soda D the roses 4. John keeps himself so closed off that I've never understood the _____ of his thoughts. A rock bottom B bare bones C think tank D uncharted waters 5. There are a lot of opportunities out there, but I've got to put my foot on the _____. A pedal B gas C brake D field 6. The _____ language in your essay does nothing to address the problem but only unnecessarily lengthens the piece of writing and causes confusion for readers. A convoluted B elasticated C sentimentalD dowdy 7. The company's first _____ into the US market is considered somewhat venturesome for a firm of that scale. A outing B foray C incursion D pilgrimage 8. Despite not being Buddhists ourselves, it is hard to deny that this religion still _____ every aspect of our life either consciously or subconsciously. A ravels B assails C informs D apprises 9. The team played badly in the first half of the game but _____ in the second thanks to several changes in their tactics . A rebounded B rallied C revived D reignited 10. She was fired after having many decisions that are in _____ of the company regulations. A abdication B infraction C negligence D contravention 11. Loki’s _____ character reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow, a pirate who is also a mixture of amusement and mischief. A roguish B narcissistic C reticent D ravenous 12. Would it be too much of a(n) _____to ask you to pick my children up after school today? A tariff B onus C imposition D angst 13. Superficially, the mechanism of a camera is _____ to that of our eyes, yet there are still certain major differences in the way they record images. A homogeneous B kindred C correlative D analogous 14. His wife _____ a fortune over the years in a secret bank account and ran away with her young lover. 27

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A salted away B plugged away C mucked up D heaped up 15. If you keep _____ training like this, stop dreaming of cutting any weight and getting the job. A poring over B turning out C sacking off D ravelling out Word form 1. After being dismissed from school, Thomas Edison was _____ by his mother (SCHOOL) 2. The casino has long been suspected as a _____ channel for laundering money. (DOOR) 3. Annie looks so much like an Indian that it’s hard to believe this little girl is of Vietnamese _____. 4. _____ is a form of sustainable energy production, achieved by converting the kinetic energy of water into electrical or mechanical energy. (POWER) 5. Although same-sex love is gaining more social recognition, _____ relationship in our society remains heterosexual. (NORM)

Test 55 1. My uncle is a typical _____, he has never taken any medical courses but keeps doubting how doctors are treating COVID patients. A smart cookie B armchair critic C class act D pen pusher 28

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2. My grandmother is tough as _____— she lived through the Vietnam War and raised four kids all on her own after my grandfather’s sacrifice. A stone B leather C taws D scale 3. What’s the point in paying attention to a teacher who _____, you will never be able to keep up with his lecture. A talks the hind leg off a donkey B takes the rap C talks nineteen to the dozen D thinks on his feet 4. As my brother discovered the fact that I am in a relationship, I have to _____ to stop him from telling mom. A keep my distance B give the shirt off my back C collect his thoughts D grease his palm 5. We've been led up the _____ path about the position of our hotel - it's much farther from the beach than what the advertisement said! A rocky B mountain C garden D muddy 6. I wonder why he, instead of always trying to _____ himself with the boss, won’t try to improve himself and rely on his own capabilities to be promoted? A curry B ingratiate C flatter D charm 7. Racism, despite being rarely overt, is deeply _____ in professional and institutional practices. A engraved B inscribed C ingrained D incised 8. When I was a kid, I would usually _____ Oreo cookies in milk until they were a bit soft before I ate. A dunk B plunge C drench D douse 9. If you have an apple-shaped body, A-line coats or straight, knee-length trench styles will really _____ your figure. A commend B praise C flatter D compliment 10. She was determined not to be _____ into marriage before she became financially independent. A compelled B bludgeoned C urged D impelled 11. There’s a nasty flu _____ going round the school at the moment so parents please tell your kids to wear masks and pay attention to their health. A gale B scourge C plague D bug 12. Although it takes quite a bit of time at the beginning, once you have acquired the basic knowledge, a quick learner like you will surely _____. A forge ahead B plunge ahead C plough ahead D press ahead 13. Although Loki is usually thought to be the son of Odin, he in fact originally _____ the cold and dark realm of the Frost Giants. A bleeds from B hails from C veers from D springs from 14. I thought that my dog would be _____ intelligent, but it seems like a breed name doesn’t mean everything. 29

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A keenly B avidly C shrewdly D piercingly 15. People are watching _____ TV much less these days, preferring on-demand platforms like Netflix and Youtube. A striated B non-stop C beeline D linear Word form 1 The building of the castle for the Queen has placed tremendous pressure on the nation’s _____ (TAX) 2 His profound knowledge and significant contribution to the agriculture of Vietnam has made him a _____ scientist in this country. (WEIGHT) 3 Many hospitals are beginning to limit _____ stays during the pandemic to minimize risk of spreading COVID-19. (PATIENT) 4 Normally, Anna has already been pretty enough, but her appearance after putting on make-up last night really _____ me. (WITCH) 5 The Chernobyl disaster has turned a vast area of the city of Chernobyl into a lifeless nuclear _____ (LAND)

Test 56 1. If you don’t change this lifestyle of yours, you will get married _____. A when the sun is over the yardarm B when the dust settles C when push comes to shove D when hell freezes over 30

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2. You must live happily and get richer so that your ex-husband will _____ the day he divorced you. A seize B ruin C rue D name 3. He is regarded a gentleman by many people but I would not trust his as far as I can _____ him. A throw B jump C think D fly 4. His embarrassing secret is my _____ and I will reveal it to everybody if he dares to mock me in public. A ace in the hole B amber nectar C 110 proof D chin music 5. At the age 34, isn’t Yang Mi a bit _____ to play the role of a high school student in this movie? A down at heel B thin on the top C behind the times D long in the tooth 6. I have tried to persuade my father of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against infection but he remained _____ that he wouldn’t take it. A adamant B sordid C haggard D persevere 7. What’s so much to be surprised about, it’s still the usual _____ rock star tale of drugs and overdoses. A giddy B frivolous C squalid D sturdy 8. Born a Christian, he _____ elements of oriental mysticism from the years he spent in India. A engrossed B inherited C imbibed D solicited 9. The professor _____ the books looking for the information he needed in order to answer his students’ thorny questions. A seized B groped C gawked D perused 10. My daughter is a real animal lover, she _____ any form of cruelty towards animals and follows a vegetarian diet. A abstains B abhors C debars D desecrates 11. Certain passages were _____from the book after censorship due to inappropriate content. A decimated B excised C censured D coveted 12. This accident has _____ the traffic all day, I wish the forces could react quicklier. A stowed away B cordoned off C snarled up D towed away 13. I got emotional and couldn’t help _____ at the end of “Me before you”, a flight attendant even asked me if I was having some problems. A whining B snarling C bellowing D bawling 14. With an unsatisfactory year-end profit, it is likely that the rewards budget for our department will be _____ to minimum. A nipped off B pared down C branched off D wrapped up


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 15.The meeting began to get a bit out of control by the time the protesters reached the city centre so they were _____ by the police force before violence might happen. A hemmed inB sniped at C racked up D dusted down Word form 1 At the height of the pandemic all _____ classes were suspended. (PERSON) 2 My comrade, a young soldier, stood _____ and unafraid against the enemy - that image is something that I will never forget. _____ machine. (YIELD) 3 Due to staff shortage, our plan is still in the _____ stage, a week later than the schedule. (PRINT) 4 After getting out of prison, he turned over a new leaf and became a(n) _____ citizen in the community. (STAND) 5 _____ to his mother, he joined the secret intelligence agency of the Soviet Union. (KNOW)

Test 57 1. After losing the secret files of the company, Henry was soon _____. A out of the woods B in tatters C out on his ear D in earshot 32

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2. The mayor’s decision to build a new mall in the city center has received support across the _____. A board B pond C table D land 3. The disrespectful attitude of the president towards women has _____ among the country’s female population. A pushed the envelope B raised hackles C popped the cherry D screwed the pooch 4. It is no surprise that this story has _____ in our office after Daisy was told about it. A given a buzz B ridden high C done the rounds D rung the bell 5. You can tell her to stop smoking until you are _____ in the face, but she won’t change her habit. A red B grey C white D blue 6. Everyone can see that Andy is at _____ for the error but he won’t admit it and keeps putting the blame on his partner, such a shame! A blame B fault C guilt D charge 7. The immigrants from this country will not be given the right of _____in Britain when the new legislation comes into force. A abode B abbess C baptism D lodging 8. Not only my family but seemingly everybody tends to _____ their spending during this period of economic recession. A trim in B drag down C rein in D belt up 9. When someone brings up politics at a party, a casual conversation can quickly _____ into an ugly argument. A warp B coerce C wring D morph 10. Many people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic are starting to _____. A feel the pinch B feel up to the mark C live in clover D taste salt 11. The Prime Minister’s attempt to bring in new legislation was met by a _____ of criticism from the public. A sleet B hail C clash D bind 12. The abnormal surge in the record of robbery last month has urged the police force to _____ hard on street crime. A grind down B conk out C clamp down D boot out 13. The President has gotten used to being _____ by his political opponents whenever a new policy is proposed. A blasted off B ripped off C zonked out D sniped at 14. I have every right to _____ at unfair, and possibly illogical, situations — most because of the decisions of higher-ups. A rack and ruin B hem and haw C rant and rave D wax and wane 33

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 15. I can’t see why the teacher compliments Harry so much, his performance is basically nothing to _____ home about! A write B call C go D tell Word form 1. My whole class was caught _____ by the teacher’s spot check and many of us were punished for bringing phones to school. (FOOT) 2. I have replaced my old dartboard, which has the boring ordinary _____ pattern, with the one you gave me on my birthday. (CENTER) 3. Although the rumours about the comedian seem hard to believe, I think not all of them are _____ (FOUND) 4. That the teacher suddenly _____ on her promise to reward points for the project has rendered our efforts meaningless. (TRACK) 5. As a high school graduate, I am standing at the _____ of my life and I am fully aware of the importance of choosing the right major for college. (ROAD)

Test 58 1. After days, the police resorted to _____ tactics to break up the protest. A strong-arm B breakneck C hard-up D clawback 2. I give in! I will tell you everything you want to know, please call off _____. A the dogs B the tigers C the guns D the guards 34

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. She is a very sensitive girl so please _____. A treat her with kid gloves B bless her cotton socks C pull the wool over her eyes D go soft in her head 4. Sheila might not be smart, but she always gives _____ when she studies. A a hundred and one percent B a hundred and ten percent C hundredfold D twofold 5. There is currently a decline in sales, but don’t worry, it will _____ A come rain and shine B come out swinging C come down the pike D come out in the wash 6. That young man is _____ driving at that speed on icy roads at night. A betting the ranch B dicing with death C dancing on air D robbing the cradle 7. Exhausted after 4 periods, I was _____ at the back of the class when the teacher called my name. A drowsing B flaking C swooning D boozing 8. Ali thought he could cram 10 units in one day but in the end, he completely _____ in his English exam. A flaked out B mucked up C bucked up D bound over 9. I know how sad you feel missing your chance to visit Paris due to this pandemic, but I don’t think ____ like that may change anything. A hassling about B wittering about C expounding on D harping on 10. I didn’t know I was so good at learning languages until I _____ Spanish before my trip to Mexico. A hammered into B rabbited onC boned up on D crammed down 11. Every time we go to the shop, the kids _____ my mother to buy them candy but she never gives in for the sake of their health. A badger B interject C vitiate D peruse 12. All five men were _____from entering France for three years after being caught shoplifting expensive fashion items in a mall. A debauched B debarred C perverted D jettisoned 13. This used to be a toy store when I was still a kid, but several years ago they started selling dried fruit and nuts and other _____ products. A cogent B kindred C typical D cognate 14. When you grow up, become an adult, go through failures and betrayal, your life may have fewer parties and more quiet time to _____ on the meaning of life. A dilate B expatiate C admonish D cogitate 15. Coming home with a broken heart, he sank back on his pillow and fell into a _____, not noticing my talking to him. A rabbit warren B bottomless pit C brown study D manhole


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Word form 1 I did not really enjoy Parasite although it is a(n) _____ film, maybe it was simply not my cup of tea. (AWARD) 2 From Lung Cu to Ca Mau, I will buy a minivan to travel _____ immediately when this epidemic is over. (COUNTRY) 3 Whenever I give a speech, I can’t help feeling nervous _____ (HAND) 4 The police _____ the car and other personal property of the drug dealer. (POUND) 5 While _____ service does not generate revenue for a company, it has a role to play in retaining old customers post the sale of a product and attracting more customers. (SALE)

Test 59 1. It’s a(n) _____ that women are paid less than men for the same amount of work. A going concern B crying shame C onsite matter D splitting headache 2. I was very disappointed when I found out such a talented and reputable actor got involved in such _____ affairs. 36

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A rotting B gaudy C tawdry D shoddy 3. Teachers are usually made the _____ for students’ low grades. A scapegoats B brushwood C sideshow D tavern 4. If your deceased grandfather knew how you have squandered his fortune, he would _____. A be in a fit of pique B turn in his grave C walk like Rihanna D groan inwardly 5. Avoid saying the name of her gone mother, let sleeping _____ lie. A lions B dogs C cats D birds 6. Don’t panic when your child gets low grades, just _____ for a while and only interfere when necessary. A leave it at that B leave go C let it slip D let it ride 7. My mother didn’t let me learn Taekwondo at first, but I _____. A twisted her arm B broke her back C gave her the eye D chew her ear off 8. I was woken up at a(n) _____ hour in the morning by a strange noise in the garden. A ungodly B dismal C evil D earthly 9. In the past, comets were feared _____ of important historical events, including invasions and major disasters. A prophets B prescience C trailblazers D harbingers 10. The battle was aimed to overthrow the dictator’s sovereignty and establish a new democratic government - or at least, that was the _____ reason according to what they said. A convenient B ostensible C conspicuous D blatant 11. He claimed he had been _____ his job by jealous colleagues but we all knew it was just because of his ineptitude. A dragged from B dealt out ofC hounded out of D bashed down from 12. I can’t believe you really dared to _____ $400 for that BlackPink lightstick while having yet paid off your debts. A bunk downB plunk down C crack up D blast away 13. I never thought that a well-known actor would _____ endorsing low-quality products for money and totally trusted everything he said. A step up B stoop to C. batten on D dragoon into 14. She's an arrogant girl who is always getting into trouble for giving her teachers _____. A cheek B juice C tacks D tongue 15. Easter Monday in Buccoo Village, I was elbowing my way through ice-cream vans and _____ of people when I saw a weird little girl with red hair. A flocks B herds C hordes D shoals


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Word form 1 Tea is bitter in nature, but certain substances in high-quality tea may give it a sweet _____ that will gradually cover the initial bitterness. (TASTE) 2 As a gesture of _____, we agreed to do the work free of charge. (GOOD) 3 December 1948, the enemy launched a full-scale _____ on our capital, killing 387 000 civilians. (SLAUGHT) 4 The actor _____ the question by denying his relationship with the female internet celebrity. (STEP) 5 There is nothing to be proud of in showing a _____ attitude, you should really learn the value of discipline! (CONFORM)

Test 60 1. The amount of each ingredient put in your cake might differ a bit from the recipe, so it usually requires experience to have your cake done _____. A there and then B just the way C for good D to a turn 2. I was _____ after the three-hour test and only wanted to sleep when I got home. A done in B done away C done out D done with 3. Picasso _____ most of his paintings and sculptures to Spain and France. 38

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A bequeathedB bereaved C berated D entrusted 4. Tell the bullies that your father is a policeman, that will put the _____ up them. A chill B wind C fright D frostbite 5. After what she has contributed to the organization, she has finally obtained the recognition she _____ deserved. A utterly B truthfully C richly D merely 6. The reason I turned down that job is because sales assistants are often at the _____ end of verbal abuse from customers. A dead B receiving C pointed D far 7. My father said when he asked my mother out for a date, she kept him _____ for a week before making her decision. A hovering B floating C lurching D dangling 8. The dynamic environment in this school provides _____ ground for creativity and innovation. A arable B lucrative C fallow D fertile 9. After a trip to this so-called “violent” region, I realize this is barely a(n) _____ controversy surrounded by weak allegations made up by the media. A obnoxious B revolting C unsubstantiated D inauspicious 10. During the last years of the decade, when the Internet started to get more popular, many companies _____ the idea of putting advertisements online. A tripped up B latched onto C stooped to D tried on 11. It is reported that people living in areas under lockdown have to pay slightly more than the _____ for food and other necessities. A going rate B low level C tail end D even ground 12. My friend tried to create a perfect image of his class by boasting about their achievements but at the same time _____ their internal conflicts. A shoring up B closing on C glossing over D branching out 13. This company is one of the few firms to have _____ of a declining industry during this time of pandemic. A gone off the rails B cut their losses C cut corners D bucked the trend 14. The owner of the factory offered a compromise at the _____ hour to prevent a strike about to be launched by workers. A twenty third B eleventh C evil D small 15. The old security guard has been working here for so long that he has become _____ - it is hard to imagine our school without him one day. A the top of the tree B a living soul C part of the furniture D a cog in the machine Word form 39

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1 One of the most famous paintings of Chen Yifei is “Upland Wind”, a _____ drawing of a heavily clothed Tibetan family. (LIFE) 2 You can see the _____ of the victory on his face even half a month after the contest. (GLOW) 3 Using _____ steel in construction may help you save money at first but will end up costing you more when the building degrades. (GRADE) 4 There is nothing to worry about such a small problem, just relax and don’t _____ it! (THINK) 5 Looking at the number of typos in this article, I am sure you have skipped the _____ stage again. (READ)

Test 61 1. After months of training, the astronauts were eager to get the show _____. A to the stageB off the street C on the road D into light 2. Be careful with who you make friends with, your relationships can have a considerable _____ on your future. A weight B force C bearing D footing 3. A friend of mine is regarded by many people as a(n) _____ bachelor but he does not show much interest in marriage. A feasible B legal C delicate D eligible 40

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. The students were still able to cheat without being caught by the camera, _____ high-tech supervision. A so much for B very much of C thus be it D so it be 5. Without the Internet, I can’t imagine how _____ can speak up their opinions when many governments try to restrict free speech. A dissidents B protesters C proponents D debaters 6. Since many of Kris Wu’s fans have developed a tendency to _____ due to his perfect public image, his scandal came as a shock to them. A spare his feelings B follow his footsteps C put him on a pedestal D take him under their wings 7. Many people see supermarkets as great contributors to the economy of this area without realizing that they are _____ local stores. A tiding over B bringing out C forcing down D squeezing out 8. For some unknown reason, Tony seems to be an overly tidy person and always_____ keeping everything in his house well-organized. A ropes into B makes a point of C stoops low to D sets his sights on 9. My boss was about to _____ the meeting as everyone had all agreed on the plan when a new problem was raised. A draw in B take down C stop off D wind up 10. Frightened by the actors in the Halloween Haunted House, the little boy screamed his _____ off A head B heart C throat D soul 11. Reuniting after 10 years, my best friend, who is now a successful businessman, offered to _____ the drinks that night. A fork out B deal out C do up D spring for 12. Even when he does not have any justifiable reason for buying a car, my father still _____ on one last month. A splashed out B spilled out C bucketed down D poured down 13. Despite saying that gender is not important, Tony had made it _____ clear that he preferred having a baby boy. A painfully B unduly C abundantly D pure 14. Be realistic, your present Chinese level is not going to bring you a(n) _____ chance of getting a translation job. A oddly B boldly C briskly D earthly 15. People from tropical countries may like this kind of climate, but not farmers like me, my whole crop has been _____ by a late frost. A blasted B groped C hailed D brooded Word form 41

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1 The factory provides a real _____ for many unskilled rural women in poverty. (LIFE) 2 Undoubtedly, he was just inviting me as a(n) _____ because I didn’t receive any invitation cards was informed about the time only a day before the wedding. (THOUGHT) 3 Just because he is burning the midnight oil doesn’t mean that he is a(n) _____ student, he has been procrastinating for weeks. (INDUSTRY) 4 He is just trying to hide his wickedness under his _____ appearance by acting kind and courteous. (MAN) 5 Chaturanga, an ancient Indian strategy game, is commonly theorized to be the 1500year-old _____ of king chess. (RUN)

Test 62 1. I feel like I'm _____ when I have joined too many clubs and end up being snowed under tasks deadlines. A juggling frogs B chasing my tail C chickening out D getting ducks in a row 2. They are brothers, they can never fall out with each other for long and will _____ soon. A kiss and make up B get their goats C burst the bubble D break the ice 42

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. Hearing the news of my father's sudden death, I went weak in the _____ and could barely remain standing. A legs B heart C soul D knees 4. There have been a few times that I've nearly _____, but thinking of my responsibility to my daughter helps keep me sober. A faced the music B fallen off the wagon C given lip service D had a screw loose 5. The scene on the street this morning was like an action movie in real life with cops _____ of the bank robbers. A near the knuckle B close to the bone C hot on the heels D down at the heels 6. 30 years after graduation, the billionaire returned to his hometown and donated $20 million to his _____ - Chicago University. A alma mater B avant-garde C cul-de-sac D silhouette 7 We used to have a _____ childhood together in a poor but cozy family before everyone grew up and things started to go wrong. A blistering B opulent C doleful D blissful 8 All members had to take a solemn _____ never to reveal the secrets of the organization. A oath B motto C adage D maxim 9. The company has gained such a good reputation for the quality of its products that its name has become a _____ for excellence. A slogan B byword C cliché D dictum 10. He's had a lot of problems at work, fired twice and failing countless times, but he always seems to _____ pretty quickly. A back up B skip out C scrape through D bounce back 11. My teacher is usually very tolerant, but after the fifth time in the week Tony came late, she lost her patience and _____. A bawled him out B mopped him up C hashed him out D boiled him down 12. My lack of sleep, accompanied by the absolute silence in the library, makes me feel like I'm about to _____ any minute. A pass by B doze off C pull in D slope off 13 A huge fire _____ a food and beverage factory outside Bangladesh’s capital last night, killing at least 52 people. A tided over B smoked out C phased out D ripped through 14. The leaders of the organization were determined to _____ the traitor after their secret base had been discovered and attacked. A head off B knuckle down C smoke out D cop out


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 15. The blaze began Thursday night at the five-story factory in Rupganj, sending huge clouds of black smoke _____ into the sky. A hurling B forging C roaming D billowing Word form 1. People argue that the new term added to the Cybersecurity Law is almost _____ to censorship. (AMOUNT) 2. Animal diseases can potentially pass to humans at any animal-human _____ such as a zoo, farm or animal market. (FACE) 3. To prevent the outbreak of epidemics, if animals in your house have any signs of a _____ disease, please report to your local authority. (NOTICE) 4. People from infected areas must _____ their health status and contact tracing. (REPORT) 5. Many people might be _____ during the incubation period so we can never know who really doesn’t carry the virus. (SYMPTOM)

Test 63 1. Nobody is casting _____ on you, it’s just you misunderstanding everyone! A rebuke B censure C aspersions D condemnation 2. This relationship is unlikely to get anywhere - for one thing, they are both _____ and will never tolerate the others. A highly-strung B boisterous C rambunctious D stand-offish 3. It had been quite late but the party still had no sign of ending so we decided to take _____ leave and made our way home. A French B Greek C Spanish D Tokyo 44

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. Sadly, the young actor’s stardom ended up being _____ as he was quickly forgotten after his first movie. A feather in the cap B flash in the pan C sands of time D rack and ruin 5. When my car suddenly broke down in the middle of a forest at night, I felt like a _____ in the wild. A sitting duck B turned turtle C shag on a rock D boiling frog 6. Ever since Kyle became a teenager, he's turned into a real _____, and it's impossible to anticipate his mood at any given time. A X-factor B Vicar of Bray C Jumping Judas D Jekyll and Hyde 7. She is described as an elegant girl with brown eyes and a(n) _____ smile always on her face. A irksome B blushing C winsome D blistering 8. Sadly, I don’t have the discerning _____ necessary to fully enjoy such expensive dishes. A appetite B epitome C tongue D palate 9. If her accusations are false, she is making a lot of _____ remarks about a lot of people and will have to compensate quite a lot. A tarnished B spurious C irascible D slanderous 10. After the fraud scandal, the famous singer had to make great efforts to _____ his reputation. A reinforce B leverage C regenerate D salvage 11. Praying everyday is _____ on believers as a religious duty - thus, it has become an integral part in my daily routine. A enmeshed B heeded C enjoined D entitled 12. New policies have been implemented by the government with a view to _____ the ailing economy after the pandemic. A curling in B screwing up C knuckling down D shoring up 13. Don had been living _____ after winning the lottery before he found himself in arrears with his rent and later became homeless. A beyond his means B from hand to mouth C in arrears D on an even keel 14. After running 42km in the blistering heat of summer, Jasper _____ with exhaustion. A phased out B hashed out C keeled over D knuckled down 15. The professor could see that no one was listening to her boring lecture, but she _____ regardless. A ploughed on B sit through C stuck on D mulled over Word form 45

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. Peel the bananas and slice each _____ while waiting for the water to boil. (LONG) 2. Up to now, at least 37 people have been reported to be infected by the _____in South Korea at her church. (SPREAD) 3. Those who have been tested for the virus must _____ as they await their results. (QUARANTINE) 4. Antibiotics cannot be used to treat _____ infections because they don't kill viruses, only bacteria. (VIRUS) 5. The plane entered Chinese controlled _____ without permission and had to land immediately to prevent any unforeseen accidents. (SPACE)

Test 64 1. Despite strict regulations against _____ advertising, it can still be spotted everywhere from images that briefly flash in between frames of film to subtle messages in a song. A subsiding B sublingual C subliminal D telepathic 2. Something that I would really enjoy as a child was to watch the buffaloes _____ in the warerhole and rolling in the mud. A twitching B stalking C strolling D wallowing


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. A thousand thoughts _____ together inside my mind while I try to force myself to sleep every night! A trifle B jostle C fidget D twiddle 4. While the adults were overthinking the problem, little John came up with a _____ solution to the problem using the simple mind of a child. A clean B neat C makeshift D smooth 5. Liverpool had several opportunities to score but _____ their chances and lost the game in the end. A squanderedB abused C scattered D abolished 6. I saw my classmate cheating during the test, but it was nothing of my _____ so I kept my mouth shut in the end. A nose B skull C palm D cheek 7. Please follow the doctor's advice, he is in _____ earnest about the epidemic. A grave B sincere C deadly D pure 8. My mother _____ when she came back home this noon and found out I had forgotten to cook the rice. A brought the house down B hit the ceiling C had her blood boiled D hit the wall 9. Only when you see the hurricane season here will you know nature is comforting but can also be _____ A out for blood B uncharted waters C like getting blood out of a stone D red in tooth and claw 10. Hearing about my uncle's death last night, I felt somewhat relieved that he could now leave this _____ behind after 8 years struggling with cancer. A gift of the gab B vale of tears C donkey’s years D cat-and-dog life 11. Harry knows _____ well that he would receive punishment for this but he’s still determined to go ahead with his plan. A grim B dead C all D full 12. He was trying to _____ the complicated series of events that had led to this situation but still couldn’t see where the mistakes lied. A weasel out B crouch over C ravel out D bowl over 13. Twenty years serving the business as second in _____ to his father has helped him gain precious experience for his career. A authority B command C decree D junction 14. After graduating from law school, my father got a job in the local jury office and was responsible for _____ justice on the island. A interrogating B dispensing C waiving D legitimizing 15. It is unfair that he's been cheating his customers for years, and getting _____ away with it. A white B clean C straight D flat 47


Word form 1. The latest economic surveys are _____ as a result of the decline in world trade during the pandemic. (BEAT) 2. The recent factory closures and job losses are just a _____ of the recession that is to come. (TASTE) 3. Sarah didn’t do very well on the test, so when knowing her score was barely enough to pass, the expression on her face was _____ between disappointment and relief. (WAY) 4. The rainbow appears after the rain and looks just like a colorful giant _____ fan in the sky. (CIRCLE) 5. My team is submerged in deadlines so we do not have the _____ to take on new projects at the moment. (BAND)

Test 65 1. The authorities only sit in the _____ without knowing anything about the real desire of ordinary people. A ivory tower B cloud castle C air balloon D royal palace 2. Everyone loves these giant retail chains for their low prices, but few care that the local business owners are taken the _____ out of their mouth. A bread B egg C teeth D pudding


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. I can see you have been practicing very hard for the past 5 months so you totally deserve the _____, son! A gold plate B blue ribbonC silver spoon D red flag 4. I know your dream is to become a singer, but with your voice, please stop _____ and choose another major. A chasing the dragon B chasing rainbows C crying over spilt milk D holding the fort 5. John’s reaction showed that he was full of _____ after hearing that he was going to be a dad for the first time. A cakes B lemons C jellies D beans Key: D full of beans = to be full of energy and in high spirits 6. The detective pressed the doorbell and waited in the _____ for the front door to open. A perch B threshold C porch D ridge 7. Our diplomatic relationship with that country is rather tense at the moment and we are facing a(n) _____ threat of invasion. A prominent B imminent C auspicious D immediate 8. During French colonialism, many Vietnamese workers were on the _____ to object labour exploitation in factories and plantations. A dole queue B picket line C back benchD assembly line 9. Thinking of the test never fails to make my stomach _____ - waiting for the result is like torturing my soul. A flutter B paralyse C wail D relapse 10. Returning home and staying with your family during the holiday was so comfortable that I sometimes wish this could continue _____ forever. A unbroken B unbridled C unabridged D unabated 11. My insomnia is so serious that even the background _____ of the air-conditioning bothers my sleep. A din B thud C blare D hum 12. He has turned over a new leaf so will you please be kind enough to stop _____ his criminal record? A ruling out B ringing back C ramping upD raking up 13. From the way John is speaking, I suspect he is _____ another piece of cake for his girlfriend. A angling for B alluding to C sticking to D attesting to 14. After the test, John _____ hours everyday playing games as a way to compensate for his hard work over the past few months. A sinks in B slips up C idles away D ironing out


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 15. Just by a glance, everybody can realize John is _____ by his desirable results in the test. A captivated B intoxicated C aroused D extracted Word form 1 Ever since his girlfriend had to serve in the isolation area, he has always seemed _____ (CAST) 2 Many FMVs were produced using this web service, which allows people to create _____ of movies by combining scenes from various films. (MASH) 3 The conflict relating to border delineation between the two countries has led to the _____ of their diplomatic relation. (SEVER) 4 Mining and other industrial activities destroy this area and turn it into a desolate _____. (MOON) 5 Although tourists are attracted to Sapa because of the snow, residents there are actually afraid of this weather due to its harm to their _____, especially the buffaloes. (LIVE)

Test 66 1. Ms. Acogny took the liberty of introducing herself, for she, too, was a dancer of some _______. A. renown B. recognition C. dignity D. reputation 2. Nature is rational, simple and orderly, and it acts in accordance with _______ laws. A. ineluctable B. inscrutable C. immutableD. implausible 50

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. We suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she _______ and insisted on taking the train. A. bit her head off B. dug her heels in C. kept her chin up D. stuck her neck out 4. I apologized unreservedly for the offending remarks I had made but he turned a cold, _______ gaze on me. A. amphibianB. draconian C. mammalian D. reptilian 5. _______ journalism is a practice whereby monetary inducement is given to journalists to make them write a positive story or kill a negative story. A. Blue chamber B. Brown envelope C. Red letter D. White card 6. The employment secretary found himself _______ over recent job cuts. A. at the end of the line B. down the line C. in the pipeline D. on the firing line 7. When the cost was ________ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect. A. set against B. pit against C. counted against D. weighed up against 8. China's car market exploded in 2009, _______ an ailing global industry and relegating the U.S. to the second spot. A. propping up B. ticking over C. wading through D. forging ahead 9. Judges already have substantial latitude to limit _______ arguments that might mislead jurors; they could use it more often. A. intramural B. extramuralC. extraneous D. outbound 10. He doesn't like the job but he'll _______ until the work is done. A. cotton on B. harp on C. impinge on D. soldier on 11. Often the interviewer will need to _______ devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going. A. make B. act C. place D. play 12. Unfortunately, we ran out of time during tonight's show and had to _______ our musical guest off. A. sag B. write C. dust D. bump 13. It is a(n) _______ fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy. A. axiomatic B. pragmatic C. chromatic D. enigmatic 14. With the economy in the worst recession for thirty years, it was scarcely the most _______ time to start up a company. A. pernicious B. parsimonious C. precipitous D. propitious 15. That car must have set Joe _________ quite a bit; it’s top of the range. A. away B. back C. in D. down Word form 51

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. This is regarded by many as a _________ initiative that has failed to deliver its promises. (LAME) 2. On Wednesday night the UN issued its toughest _________ to date, demanding that all troops withdraw from the city. (ULTIMATE) 3. The balance of the pairs of opposites which comprise a square is the _________ of its perfection. (SIGN) 4. An early example of product _________ is in the 1949 movie Gun Crazy, where a Bulova clock is repeatedly shown in important scenes. (PLACE) 5. I just use a few basic and _________ symbols, for the most part just crossing out errors and inserting the correct version. (EXPLAIN)

Test 67 1. The decision to include Morris in the team was completely _______ when he scored three goals. A. extrapolated B. vindicated C. reverberated D. subjugated 2. Simon hasn’t got a job, and isn’t trying to get one. He just _________ his friends. A. meddles with B. sponges on C. tarts up D. sweeps along 3. Failing to stand a _________ state-run organization, Jimmy decided to switch job. A. symphonic B. monolithicC. gargantuan D. concordant 52

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. On Jan. 17, 1893, Hawaii's monarchy was overthrown as a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to _______. A. forsake B. abdicate C. desert D. cede 5. Although 83 he was still _______ and his death from pneumonia following a short hospital stay came as a shock. A. ebullient B. exuberant C. sprightly D. vivacious 6. If you never put oil into your car engine, one day it will __________. A. run off B. flake out C. shut down D. seize up 7. She learns to detach, to _______, from all earthly concepts and material objects, even bodily form. A. backbite B. impugn C. reprehend D. abnegate 8. We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to _______. A. carry all before them B. carry the can C. carry the ball D. carry the day 9. I don’t like to make friends with those who always ____ people _____ behind their backs. A. slag/off B. slap/around C. strike/out D. hate/on 10. The dress is perfect. Don't add anything to it at all. It would just be _______. A. going to seed B. smelling of roses C. pushing up the daisies D. gilding the lily 11. Government becomes no longer the servant of the people but in the thrall of big money, lobbyists and a media happy to live off its fancy leftovers in a ___________ of gossip and shallow speculation. A. feeding frenzy B. second wind C. fever pitch D. buffer zone 12. Not getting the promotion felt like a real kick in the _________ as I’d put in so much hard work for the company. A. head B. teeth C. back D. leg 13. Business leaders predict a hard year ahead with the economy _________. A. on the rocks B. on the cards C. in the black D. in the doldrums 14. Even though it’s still easy to _________ digital copy protection, most users can’t do it. A. outflank B. deflect C. circumvent D. oscillate 15. The proposal drew many negative comments as it _________ common sense. A. struck a hard bargain against B. reinvented the wheel of C. threw the book at D. flew in the face of Word form 1. Jean will look after Harry, I'm quite sure - she's a _________ for babies. (PUSH) 53

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2. Merchandise imports have expanded significantly faster than world trade in both real and _________ dollar values. (NAME) 3. He suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has occasionally experienced _________. (BLACK) 4. People say that the corpses of the sacred monks will be _________ due to their divine power. (COMPOSE) 5. An _________ is the one who uses statistics and mathematics to study, model and predict economic principles and outcomes. (ECONOMY)

Test 68 1. Everyone in the company detests getting close to him because he’s always trying to ______ the boss. A. suck up to B. cry out for C. pin down to D. fall over to 2. She treats smokers like the _______, as the worst people there are. A. scum of the earth B. bright spark C. live wire D. nasty piece of work 3. Being a fertile ground for film production, Los Angeles is ________ with would-be actors. A. bulging at the seams B. flying by the seat of its pants C. wearing the trousers D. burning a hole in its pocket 54

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. The economic and political ________ of the civil war in Ethiopia is still being felt. A. backfire B. backtrack C. backlash D. backwash 5. Her letter contained several outrageous _______ on her former colleagues. A. blots B. slurs C. stains D. drags 6. To apply for this position, each candidate has to submit a ________ photo besides other required documents. A. full-bodied B. full-scale C. full-length D. full-fledged 7. Although the task is basically a no-brainer, she’s making such a ________ weather of it. A. heavy B. weighty C. stormy D. rough 8. My boss is always having a _______ at me. He always seems to find something to criticise me for. A. gun B. dig C. pitch D. hit 9. The starter motor was _______ again, which got on my nerves. A. firing away B. playing up C. sounding out D. harping on 10. With a feeling of dark ______, I went home straight despite our plans to play football. A. intuition B. foreboding C. premonition D. herald 11. By the time the traffic jam cleared up, we were pretty _______. A. palmed off B. fobbed off C. browned off D. nodded off 12. Although he always gave the impression he was hard up, it was well known that he had a large amount of money stashed _________ in the bank. A. out B. back C. up D. away 13. It seems Richard did not wanted to wear that shirt so he spilled ketchup over it __________-on-purpose. A. accidentally B. unintentionally C. accidental D. unintentional 14. To save money for _______ purposes is altogether different from saving it for economical purposes. A. avaricious B. dolorous C. pugnacious D. ominous 15. I tried to _______out of the room so that nobody would see me go. A. strut B. scamper C. slither D. slink Word form 1. His explanation was wrapped up in so much technical _______ that I couldn't understand it. (VERB) 2. Most big companies usually have _______ so that the CEO can contact all directors of subsidiary companies. (CONFERENCE) 3. James was originally _______ but he decided to leave his wealthy family and then joined Team Rocket. (BLOOD)


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. Hikaru Nara is such a good and catchy song that I get _______ every time I listen to it. (GOOSE) 5. Oral disease, especially dental carries, is complicated and _______, and it often begins to develop during infancy. (FACTOR)

Test 69 1. A successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and _______ encroach on the Lea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities. A. inexorablyB. inextricably C. indubitably D. indomitably 2. Until this evening, Hannah is still ________ away at her unfinished report. A. hammering B. grinding C. whiling D. axing 3. It is a major _______ or social embarrassment to arrive at a party early or even on time. A. idée fixe B. hoi polloi C. avant garde D. faux pas because it is not socially correct


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. A _______ headache can occur for many reasons, from temporary causes, such as a hangover, to more severe or chronic forms of pain. A. beating B. drumming C. hammering D. throbbing 5. Today, Einstein is _______ as an intellectual colossus who bestrode the 20th century like no other. A. enchanted B. venerated C. armored D. enamored 6. Financial aid is being provided to the country _______ of the World Bank. A. under the auspices B. by the book C. on the blink D. at the hands 7. Whether there’s truth in it or not, I can’t stand that _______ “follow your heart”. A. old chestnut B. old soak C. old wives’ tale D. old money 8. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard this odd _________ of conversation on the bus. A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch 9. Because of the children involved, they want to resolve the court case as quickly and ________ as possible. A. grudgingly B. discerningly C. discreetly D. judiciously 10. The new movie’s plot has more holes than _________ cheese. A. Greek B. Italian C. Swiss D. French 11. The government has been _______ this issue for years, but the time has finally come for us to do something about it! A. pertaining to B. touching on C. delving into D. slurring over 12. Can you believe what they're making us do at work now? What a(n) _______. A. apple of discord B. can of worms C. load of cobblers D. spot of bother 13. It’s natural for students to worry about whether they will ________ or not at a new school. A. measure up B. sprout up C. show up D. dig up 14. Except for pasting the occasional coconut tree with small advertisements for acupuncture, the hippies have done little to _______ this beautiful spot. A. disfigure B. mutilate C. deface D. amputate 15. For many young people, driving cars at high speed seems to ________ a rather fatal fascination. A. reserve B. wield C. weave D. hold Word form 1. Once the news of the assassination of their beloved leader reached the public, ________ broke out in streets throughout the country. (DEMON)


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2. It was a ________ moment for Kousei when he realized he wouldn’t have been able to go on but for his friend’s sincere encouragement (LIGHT) 3. Practise good personal protection against mosquito bites to prevent ________ infections. (MOSQUITO) 4. Many new immigrants have not yet ________ fully into the new culture. (SIMILAR) 5. The externalist approach focuses on the way a belief is produced in order to assess its epistemic ________. (CREDIT)

Test 70 1. The road is packed with vehicles! That’s _______ at rush hour. A. a going concern B. a hue and cry C. part and parcel D. par for the course 2. Haiti's first elected president was _______ in a violent military coup . A. disbarred B. supplantedC. deposed D. subverted 3. You will have to learn to face up to a few _______, my boy, before it’s too late. A. home truths B. odd jobs C. second thoughts D. kid gloves 4. As soon as he read the letter, tears ________ in his eyes. A. soaked up B. welled up C. filled up D. tanked up


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 5. Incoherence, or word ________, refers to speech that is unconnected and conveys no meaning to the listener. A. salad B. blend C. roll D. soup 6. The case alleges that the company _______ female employees on opportunities for promotion. A. short-dated B. short-changed C. short-circuited D. short-handed 7. Poor Mary, all her colleagues teased her; she was the _______ of all their jokes. A. hubbub B. butt C. bulk D. brunt 8. The city has _______ on the storage building permit, arguing that may not be permissible under updated zoning requirements. A. derided B. taunted C. faltered D. reneged 9. Aircraft production continued to _______ at an agonizingly slow pace. A. bubble over B. bristle at C. plod along D. fawn over 10. Kim put my name down for a sponsored parachute jump but I _______ at the last moment. A. beavered away B. weaseled out C. chickened out D. clammed up 11. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more _______ house in a high-class residential area and had a more comfortable life. A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed 12. Thousands of people came out onto the streets to _______ their support for the democratic opposition party. A. adduce B. attest C. elicit D. accost 13. The Prime Minister exercised his _______ to decide when to call an election. A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation 14. Protein and B2 in soybean help to metabolize amino acids, which _______ the skin. A. rejuvenate B. recuperate C. overhaul D. reinvigorate 15. Never _______ feelings your friend or relative expresses, but point out realities and offer hope. A. dispel B. disparage C. dissipate D. dispatch Word form 1. We need to _______ the problem before we can understand its origin. (CONTEXT) 2. The secretary of state for Northern Ireland appeared on television to read a special _______ for detention without trial. (APOLOGIZE) 3. _______ organizational structures refer to companies with too many managers, which mean too many presidents, vice presidents and other mid-level managers between the president and the junior worker. (HEAVY)


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4. The ambassador was typically _______ when asked whether further sanctions would be introduced. (COMMIT) 5. No wonder then that data _______ – literally defined as the process of increasing the economic value of data – is becoming such an important and growing area for all businesses. (MONEY)




Test 41 1. The boy who was caught _____ candy or little toys many times but was never punished by his mother grew up to be a thief. 61

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A snitching B burgling C ransacking D pilfering Key: D pilfer (v) = to steal things of little value or in small quantities 2. Some students attempted to _____ the teacher while the others prepared the surprise birthday party for her. A stall B haul C swathe D wane Key: A stall (v) = to make somebody wait so that you have more time to do something 3. Adam has no right to _____ his position on how much our class should donate, that is our internal affair A hammer out B screen out C stake out D take out Key: C stake out = to state your opinion, position, etc. on something very clearly 4 Getting into the third round of 2022 World Cup is a real _____ for the Vietnam national team. A coup B deed C epic D crusade Key: A coup (n) = the fact of achieving something that was difficult to do 5. The four-week circuit _____ will come into force tomorrow with the closure of pubs, bars, restaurants and non-essential shops. A breaker B spell C respite D span Key: A circuit breaker (n) = a short period during which laws are in place to limit people's movements, especially to require most people to stay at home in order to stop the spread of disease 6. The old owners of the homestay are extremely hospitable and whenever I travel to Dalat, I know there will always be a _____ welcome awaiting me. A. princely B. heart-rending C. profound D. abstruse Key: A princely (adj) = impressive or generous 7. School ends at 5 so my only choice is to _____ a chocolate bar on my way to my extra Math class, which starts only 10’ later. A. rattle through B. scarf down C. romp through D. scuff down Key: B scarf down = to eat something very quickly 8. Having performed excellently in the Quidditch match, Ron _____ his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd. A blazed up B clocked up C plunged in D basked in Key: D


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO bask in something = to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention 9. The image of peace and prosperity appearing on TV is rather _____ and does not reflect the actual situation of the city. A factious B factitive C factive D factional Key: A factitious (adj) = not real but created deliberately and made to appear to be true 10. Of course we all love a better quality fridge, but for a low-income family like us, it’s better to cut your _____ according to your cloth. A cloak B coat C clothes D gloves Key: B cut your coat according to your cloth = to do only what you have enough money to do and no more 11. There are many problems that laws don’t intervene and it totally rests with the moral _____ of each individual to prevent wrongdoings. A fibre B anchor C rigidity D latitude Key: A moral fibre (n) = the inner strength to do what you believe to be right in difficult situations 12. My boyfriend refused to climb up the treetop with me because he doesn’t have a _____ for heights. A heart B head C soul D foot Key: B if somebody does not have a head for heights, they feel nervous and think they are going to fall when they look down from a high place 13. I have received many warnings about my studies recently and was threatened to be grounded by my parents, another low grade this time will be _____ to me. A the last straw B the final nail in the coffin C the parting shot D the drop in the bucket Key: B the final nail in the coffin = an event, decision, action, etc., that seals, confirms, or ultimately leads to the failure of a situation or event that has already begun to fail 14. I thought willpower was enough to take me to the finish line, but when my muscles got sore and my body was exhausted, I knew I had _____. A hit the deck B hit the sack C hit the wall D hit the roof Key: C hit the wall = to reach a point when you cannot continue or make any more progress 15. He was brought up in an educated family but hanging out with the street children has turned him into a(n) _____ young man with bad manners. 63

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A uncouth B profane C impious D stoic Key: A uncouth (adj = (of a person or their behaviour) rude or socially unacceptable Word form 1. The police had been on _____ in our neighborhood for a week to collect evidence before they arrested the drug dealer. (STAKE) 2. Meeting the first girl he loved after 8 years, old feelings _____ in the heart of the married man. (FACE) 3. I later put my shoes back on because shells and gravel made walking _____ on the beach uncomfortable for me. (FOOT) 4. Although the technique seems simple compared to those of modern days, paper produced by Cai Lun was considered _____ at that time. (GROUND) 5. The German recycling system provides a _____ against which schemes in other nations can be measured. (BENCH) 1 STAKEOUT (n) = a situation in which police watch a building secretly to find evidence of illegal activities 2 RESURFACED (v) = to appear again after disappearing 3 BAREFOOT (adv) = without shoes or stocking 4 GROUNDBREAKING (adj) = involves making new discoveries, using new methods 5 BENCHMARK (n) = something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with

Test 42 1. As courageous as he seems to be, Falstaff is nothing but a _____ coward who would flee first in the face of threat. A stoic B spineless C deviant D shrewd Key: B spineless (adj) = (of people) weak and easily frightened 2. The game turned into a _____ when Harry caught the golden snitch, with the Gryffindor winning by 180 to 40. A rout B shutout C fit D bash Key: A rout (n) = a situation in which somebody is defeated completely in a battle or competition 3. “Under the hawthorn” is a(n) _____ tale of pure young love set during the Cultural Revolution that has brought many people to tears. 64

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A amorous B poignant C mordant D doting Key: B poignant (adj) = having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that makes you feel sad 4. When the school year ends and I won’t have to meet my annoying deskmate again, I will definitely tell her the _____! A Ps and Qs B home truth C good grief D nuts and bolts Key: B home truth = a true but unpleasant fact about yourself that another person tells you 5. I had an ambition of getting the First prize in the National Contest, but I knew it was just a _____ in the sky. A pig B star C buffalo D pie Key: D a pie in the sky = something good that is unlikely to happen 6. After having a whale of a time at my wedding yesterday, my colleague was looking a little _____ when he came to work this morning. A around the bend B in a fog C off his trolley D green around the gills Key: D green around the gills = to look ill, as if going to vomit 7. Temporarily, the number of COVID-19 cases has ceased to increase, but I can see more problems _____. A carrying the day B coming down the pike C arriving on the scene D drifting with the tide Key: B come down the pike = to happen; to become easy to notice 8. The authority seems powerless to _____ of violence across the city after the new law was implemented. A beat the air B hold the fire C stem the tide D step off the curb Key: C stem the tide = stop something from increasing or continuing 9. The small-scale demonstration later escalated into a _____ battle with the police, involving more than 800 protesters and causing serious traffic congestion across the city. A pitched B racked C heaped D scrap Key: A pitched battle (n) = a fight that involves a large number of people 10. What this government is doing to its female citizens is clearly gender discrimination under the _____ of religion. A gown B coat C cape D cloak 65

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D cloak (n) = a thing that hides or covers somebody/something 11. In the system of constitutional monarchy, the Queen may have privilege but she has no real political _____. A loft B swathe C clout D nought Key: C clout (n) = power and influence 12. The needs of today's children cannot be met by the traditional _____ of education we’re using, in which emphasis is placed solely on theoretical knowledge. A prototype B paradigm C emblem D epitome Key: B paradigm (n) = a model of sth 13. Newspapers _____ tributes to Professor Albus Dumbledore after his heroic sacrifice in the battle against the evils. A bristled with B hedged in C plucked at D talked into Key: A bristle with = to have a large amount of something, or to be full of something 14. My parents thought the costs of the trip would only remain in their calculations, but unexpected additional expenses later _____ their budget. A drank in B gobbled up C harped on D copped out gobble up = to use something very quickly 15. Scout decided that her brother Jem needed some time to _____ after a terrible night so she tried to keep some distance from him. A cry off B drill down C come off D simmer down simmer down = to become calm after a period of anger or excitement Word form 1. Many gun shops offer _____ services on the premises for customers to buy, custom and fix right at the shop. (GUN) 2. The science fair is an annual event of this school and is regarded as a(n) _____ of their scientific superiority. (SHOW) 3. With so many areas of ancient _____ being cut down, many rare species are put under threat of habitat loss and extinction. (WOOD) 4. My children always take pride in their grandmother, who is a(n) _____ of the Vietnam People’s Navy with lots of old stories to tell. (SERVICE) 5. My whole family has agreed on the living room design but wood _____ is still something that requires consideration due to its cost. (FLOOR) 1 GUNSMITH (n) = a person who makes and repairs guns


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2 SHOWCASE (n) = an event that presents somebody’s abilities or the good qualities of something in an attractive way 3 WOODLAND (n) = an area of land that is covered with trees 4 EX-SERVICEWOMAN (n) = a woman who used to be in the army, navy 5 FLOORING (n) = material used to make the floor of a room

Test 43 1. It is high time we canceled our marketing campaign as it hasn’t helped to _____ in sales for months. A move the needle B beat the drum C tip the scales D change tack Key: A move the needle = to cause a noticeable change in something. 2. I'm not surprised that Tina showed up with purple hair today—she loves _____ with her hair color. A kicking the bucket B getting the ball rolling C drawing straws D ringing the changes Key: D ring the changes = to continually alter or change something 3. I think I will _____, it is unacceptable for a student to hold a racist attitude towards his teacher. A tell him a thing or two B pick his moment C tick off on his fingers D get his brain in gear Key: A tell sb a thing or two = to correct or confront someone about his, her, or their mistaken belief or incorrect point of view 4. He is a careful guy who will always get his _____ in a row before he starts doing anything. A dogs B chickens C ducks D kids Key: C get one's ducks in a row = to get everything well organized and under control 5. After the seventh time Ally came late to work, the teacher lost her patient and hauled him over _____. A the fire B woods C boiling water D the coals Key: D haul sb over the coals = to speak angrily to sb 6. The green protest is expected to _____ steam after the minister allows the construction of a shopping center in place of the park. A pick up B take up C carve up D clock up Key: A 67

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO pick up steam = to become gradually more powerful, active, etc 7. It is hard to understand what led to a prejudicial attitude and _____ hatred of women in a person brought up in a progressive family like him. A foul B obnoxious C pathological D innocuous Key: C pathological (adj) = not reasonable or sensible; impossible to control 8. With a record of 22000 flying hours, Callaghan proved to be an _____ and shrewd pilot for these storms. A inimitable B imperturbable C impermeable D unshakeable Key: B imperturbable (adj) = not easily upset or worried by a difficult situation; calm 9. In this story, the criminal is depicted as a person with a genius mind and a _____ pleasure in watching others suffer. A ascetic B dexterous C stoic D perverted Key: D perverted (adj) = not thought to be normal or acceptable by most people 10. The view from the top of LangBiang was so breathtaking that we just stood there _____ the scenery. A bristling up in B breaking inC drilling in D drinking in Key: D drink in = to look at or listen to something with great interest and pleasure 11. I think you had better spend some time to _____ certain factors before applying for that position, the deadline is still far away A mull over B bowl over C sleep over D boil over Key: A mull over = to spend time thinking carefully about a plan or proposal 12. Recent inconsiderate statements Mr. Key made in the public are believed to be _____ to the cooperation between our company and the DYC. A innocuous B prejudicial C vacuous D sinister Key: B prejudicial (adj) = harming or likely to harm somebody/something 13. As coincidental as the first time they met each other, that actually was also part of her scheme to _____ this rich guy. A snarf B snark C snarl D snare Key: D snare (v) = to catch something, especially an animal 14. As a public figure, whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest, I have gradually become _____ to criticism and scrutiny. A impermeable B impertinentC impervious D imperious Key: C 68

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO impervious (adj) = not affected or influenced by something 15. My aunt is clearly bathing in the reflected _____ of her son’s outstanding performance and enviable achievements in the National Contest. A glow B glory C fame D splendor Key: B reflected glory = respect or admiration that is given to someone, not because of what they are or what they have done, but because of what someone they know has done Word form 1. The second time the player was shown the yellow card for his _____ actions during the game, he was dismissed from the field. (SPORT) 2. The prevalence of illegal drug _____ in the Philippines is lower than the global average, partly thanks to strict drug policies in this country. (TRAFFIC) 3. I think hibiscus will do poorly as a _____, given the fact that it is native to tropical regions and adores full sun. (PLANT) 4. Imported coffee is having a difficult time trying to find a _____ in the Vietnamese market Vietnam. (FOOT) 5. I don’t have the _____ to stay on a diet so the only way for me to lose weight is exercising. (POWER) 1 UNSPORTING (adj) = not fair or generous in your behaviour or treatment of others, especially of an opponent in a game 2 TRAFFICKING (n) = the activity of buying and selling something illegally 3 HOUSEPLANT (n) = a plant that you keep indoors 4 FOOTHOLD (n) = a strong position in a business, profession, etc. from which somebody can make progress and achieve success 5 WILLPOWER (n) = the ability to control your own thoughts and the way in which you behave

Test 44 69

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. There is no _____ that will help you lose weight without effort, the only way is to exercise and follow a diet. A smoking gun B silver bullet C straight arrow D golden brick Key: B silver bullet = something that provides an immediate and extremely effective solution to a given problem or difficulty, especially one that is normally very complex or hard to resolve 2. Make sure you have researched your position thoroughly before the debate, you definitely don’t want to bring _____ to a gunfight. A a sword B a bow C a knife D an arrow Key: C bring a knife to a gunfight = to come poorly prepared or equipped for some task, goal, competition, or confrontation 3. Baking a hundred cakes in two days is undeniably a _____ order, but I believe we will manage it with unity. A tall B high C huge D big Key: A a tall order = a particularly difficult task to complete or accomplish 4. The runner was far ahead for most of the race, but at the end she won only _____ A larger than life B by a whisker C on the dot D a notch above Key: B by a whisker = by a very short distance 5. Large cities like New York are usually _____ when it comes to adopting new technology. A before the wind B beyond depth C above bendD ahead of the curve Key: D ahead of the curve = at the forefront of or leading in something, such as a developing situation, field of study or business, social development, etc 6. Slowly, she shed the ideological and emotional _____ of her upbringing in her effort to become a more open and positive person. A backpack B package C baggage D luggage Key: C baggage (n) = the beliefs and attitudes that somebody has as a result of their past experiences 7. Born in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, my father was so deeply influenced by the contemporary sociopolitical context that socialism has become a(n) _____ of faith with him. A realm B article C element D clause Key: B


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO article of faith (n) = something you believe very strongly, as if it were a religious belief 8. Despite _____ efforts by our physiotherapists, my hamstring did not recover in time for the race. A staunch B valiant C intrepid D vigorous Key: B valiant (adj) = very brave or determined, especially when things are difficult or the situation gives no cause for hope 9. The _____ of Skull and Bones, of which George H.W. Bush is a member, is a secret society founded at Yale University in 1832. A clique B order C assembly D stratum Key: B order (n) = a secret society 10. Being the son of Howard Stark-a brilliant inventor, Tony had shown a natural _____ for mechanical engineering since a young age. A concord B rapport C affinity D preferment Key: C affinity (n) = a strong feeling that you understand somebody/something and like them or it 11. Now that he realised he was losing the most important girl in his life, he dropped all _____ of dignity and rushed down the street after her. A semblance B vestige C inkling D portent Key: A semblance of sth = a situation in which something seems to exist although this may not, in fact, be the case 12. How sad it is to see with your own eyes the squalor and poverty that lay behind the glittering _____ of Dubai. A facade B antenna C masquerade D camouflage Key: A facade (n) = the way that somebody/something appears to be, which is different from the way somebody/something really is 13. I will remain in a holding _____ until the schedule is announced because I won’t be able to join in the trip if the contest takes place next month. A position B pattern C seat D fit Key: B a holding pattern = a situation in which you cannot act because you are waiting for the result of something: chờ đợi vì ko còn cách nào khác 14. I realize it myself, without _: ko hề tự phụ____, that I really have an extraordinary talent for learning foreign languages! 71

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A autocracy B egocentricity C conceit: tự phụ D tyranny Key: C conceit (n) = the fact of being too proud of yourself and what you do 15. He'd spent years _____ a rich aunt of his before she passed away, forcing him to find a job A figuring on B battening on C feeding on D egging on Key: B batten on = to live well by using other people’s money, etc batten on somebody (something) (nghĩa xấu) ăn bám

Word form 1. The image of peace and prosperity appearing on TV is rather _____ and does not reflect the actual situation of the city. (FACT) 2. When I was a child, I would always play shadow puppetry with my brother in the _____ house during a blackout. (CANDLE) 3. Becoming a volunteer at a nursing home has offered me great opportunities to strike up _____ friendships with many old people. (GENERATION) 4. _____ by the haze of alcohol, Mi resisted when A Su prevented her from going to the Spring festival instead of giving in as usual. (BOLD) 5. Most spiders _____ flies and other insects in their webs while come species like wolf spider or crab spider catch prey using their legs. (SNARE) 1 FACTITIOUS (adj) = not real but created deliberately and made to appear to be true: giả tạo 2 CANDLELIT (adj) = lit by candles 3 INTERGENERATIONAL (adj) = including or involving people of different generations or age groups xảy ra hoặc tồn tại giữa hai hoặc nhiều thế hệ 4 EMBOLDENED /im'bəʊldən/  embolden (v) = to make somebody feel braver or more confident làm cho bạo dạn hơn 5 ENSNARE (v) = to catch or get control of something or someone  /in'sneə[r]/  ensnare a rich husband săn bẫy được một ông chồng giàu có



Test 45 1 I'm a little nervous about starting my graduate degree program, but I'm determined to _____ and give it a go. A jump off the deep end khi được người khác giao cho 1 công việc khó khăn mà không có sự chuẩn bị gì cả

B jump the gun: hành động hấp tấp, không đúng lúc. C drop off the radar :  rời khỏi màn hình radar -> nghĩa là bị bỏ qua/bị lãng quên; bị che khuất/biến mất khỏi mắt công ...

D drop the ball: đánh rơi bóng. Trong các môn thể thao như quần vợt, khi vận động viên làm rơi quả bóng thì sẽ phạm lỗi và mất điểm. Vì thế, thành ngữ này có nghĩa là phạm phải một lỗi lầm nào đó hoặc bỏ lỡ một thứ gì đó, thường là do bất cẩn. Key: A jump off the deep end = to begin doing something very complex, overwhelming, or unfamiliar, especially suddenly and without guidance, assistance, or preparation 2. Negotiations went _____, but we did manage to reach an agreement on the contract by the deadline. A down to the short strokes nghĩa là trong giai đoạn cuối cùng hoặc sắp hoàn thành của công việc/tình thế khó khăn, lâu dài.

B down for the count Thành ngữ này phát xuất từ giới đấu quyền Anh . Khi một võ sĩ bị đánh ngã

gục trên sàn đấu thì trọng tài bắt đầu đếm từ 1 tới 10 để xem ông ta có đứng dậy nổi hay không. Nếu không thì ông ta thua. Vì thế, người Mỹ dùng Down for the count để chỉ việc hoàn toàn thua bại

C down to the ground  hoàn toàn thích hợp với ai nghĩa là tới phút cuối cùng, 

D down to the wire ó

Key: D down to the wire = until the last possible second. 3. I have to clean this mess up before 5:00 or I will be pushing up _____ when my mom gét home. A roses B lily C daisies D grasses Key: C push up daisies = die 4. With your present ability, it will be a cold day in _____ when you can beat your brother in chess. A June B Spring C July D Summer Key: C a cold day in July = impossible 5. Believe me, in this ever-changing era, that ridiculous pants may be _____ for now but, before long, probably nobody will be wearing them. A on the ball : nhanh chóng đã hiểu được chính xác điều gì đó, rất sẵn sàng cho một việc gì hoặc phản ứng một cách nhanh chóng (và chính xác) với tình huống đó. 73

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO B all the rage C piping hot D on point Key: B all the rage = very popular 6. While capital punishment has been abolished in many countries, drug trafficking still _____ the death penalty in Philippines. A carries B bears C holds D contains Key: A carry (v) = if a crime carries a particular punishment, that is the usual punishment for the crime 7. Even when in the most severe state of his illness, he still _____ himself with rigid composure sự bình tĩnh, sự điềm tĩnh and great dignity of a proud soldier. A carried B sent C bore D forged Key: C bear [+ oneself] (v) = to move, behave or act in a particular way 8. My boss is quite an adamant kiên quyết, cứng rắn man, so when he has had a plan, he would _____ no interference or opposition. A staunch B brook C consign D contain Key: B brook [+no sth] (v) = to not allow something 9. James Conrad was described as a(n) _____ explorer who would always be willing to venture into the most dangerous corners for new discoveries despite all the risks. A ardent B staunch C stalwart D audacious: táo bạo Key: D audacious (adj) = willing to take risks in order to achieve something. 10. Nothing could _____ the memory of that tragic night from the minds of Titanic survivors. A obliterate xóa, xóa sạch B deracinate: nhổ rễ, làm bật rễ C extinguish D extort Key: A obliterate (v) = to remove all signs of something, either by destroying or covering it completely 11. I used to be my team’s treasure, but since my injury, I do realize I have become more of a _____ than an asset to them. A debit B culpability C liability D baggage Key: C liability (n) = a person or thing that causes you a lot of problems trách nhiệm pháp lý, nghĩa vụ pháp lý liability for military service nghĩa vụ tòng quân


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO (khẩu ngữ) cái gây khó khăn trở ngại, cái của nợ because of his injury Jones was just a liability to the team vì bị thương Jones chỉ còn là một cái nợ đời cho cả đội

12. The _____ of the Slytherin house in Harry Potter was a snake and the house's colours were green and silver. A emblem /'embləm/ biểu hiệu B stature C calibre D motto Key: A emblem (n) = a design or picture that represents a country or an organization 13. The portrayal of Professor Snape in Harry Potter will forever stand as a(n) _____ to actor Alan Rickman after he passes away. A epitaph văn mộ chí B  /i'pitəmi/ epitome hình ảnh thu nhỏ C compendium /kəm'pendiəm/ /kəm'pendiəm/  D conceit Key: A epitaph (n) = something that is left to remind people of a particular person, a period of time or an event 14. I know you have matters that trouble you but please _____ for heaven's sake Anthony, you are ruining the whole party! A buck up B sift out C blaze up D air out Key: A buck up = to tell sb to cheer up buck [somebody] up (khẩu ngữ) làm cho ai phấn khởi hơn the good news bucked us all up tin vui đã làm cho tất cả chúng tôi phấn khởi lên buck up! things aren't as bad as you think hãy phấn khởi lên, sự việc không đến nổi tồi tệ như anh tưởng đâu

15. Both his parents used to be out at work all day when he was small, hence his deep understanding of the lonesome and dangers of being a _____ child. A rag B self-supporting C boomerang đòn bật lại, đòn gậy ông đập lưng ông D latchkey Key: D latchkey kid/child = a child who is at home alone after school because both parents are at work Word form


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. Don’t waste your _____ and fancy-free days because you won’t have as much freedom after marriage and parenthood. (FOOT) 2. I hope my clumsy wording and expression won’t prevent the teacher from recognizing my _____ gratitude to her. (HEART) 3. “A child called “it”” is a misery _____ written by Dave Pelzer, chronicling his story as the victim of one of the most severe child abuse cases in California history. (MEMORY) 4. You literally _____ your son by treating him as a failure for not attending university despite his business success. (CHANGE) 5. Parents should pay close attention to their children’s health because many respiratory symptoms can be the _____of asthma  /'æsmə/ bệnh hen, bệnh suyễn - a medical condition that makes breathing difficult.

 

1 FOOTLOOSE (adj) = free to go where you like or do what you want because you have no responsibilities hoàn toàn tự do, tha hồ bay nhảy footloose and fancy-free 2 HEARTFELT (adj) = sincere Tính từ

chân thành heartfelt gratitude lòng biết ơn chân thành

3 MEMOIR 'memwɑ:[r]/  (n) = an account written by somebody, especially somebody famous, about their life and experiences misery memoir = story of a person’s life, written by that person, in which the author describes unpleasant personal experiences, usually suffered during childhood, and how they recovered from them 4 SHORT-CHANGE (v) = to treat sb unfairly by not giving them what they have earned or deserve 5 FORERUNNER (n) = a sign of what is going to happen người mở đường; sự kiện mở đường



Test 46 1. I eventually _____ to temptation and had a bar of chocolate at the seventh hour of my fast. A gave B yielded C flaunted D retired Key: B yield (v) = to stop resisting something/somebody; to agree to do something that you do not want to do chịu nhường, chịu lép vế I yield to no one in my admiration for her work tôi chẳng chịu nhường (kém) ai trong việc ca tụng công việc của chị ta

2. I used to take my health for granted until my body was seriously _____ by sickness. A blighted B amputated C battered D raved Key: A blight (v) = to have a bad effect on something, especially by causing a lot of problems a life blighted by illness một cuộc đời bị tàn lụi vì bệnh hoạn

3. That’s weird he didn’t agree to lend you his bike, isn’t he the type of person who would give you _____ off his back? A the coat B the shoes C the bag D the shirt Key: D the shirt off one’s back = Anything or everything one owns or has to offer. Cởi áo trên lưng cho ai -> Thể hiện sự phóng khoáng và không vị kỷ; sẵn sàng hy sinh tất cả 

4. I had no idea they were planning to organize a party for my birthday, they must have kept it _____. A in deep water B in a lip lock C among the flowers D under the rose Key: D under the rose = privately 5. I don’t really like Meg but it was a case of _____ when she was the only person I could ask at that time. A any Tom, Dick and Harry B any port in a storm C any fool could do D any shape or form Key: B any port in a storm = any solution, however unappealing, is acceptable in times of trouble Thành ngữ "any port in a storm" mô tả một trạng thái tìm được điều mình đang cần trong điều kiện thiếu thốn, méo mó có còn hơn không, chết đuối vớ được cọc.

6. Since a large percentage of her students failed the exam, the teacher decided to give them a second bite at _____ by allowing them to take the test again. A the apple B the pie C the cherry D the olive 77

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: C a bite at the cherry = a chance or opportunity Another bite at the cherry: another opportunity to achieve something. (Cơ hội khác để đạt được điều gì đó) VD: It was your last bite at the cherry. (Đó đã là cơ hội cuối cùng của bạn rồi!)

7. The graduates of this medical school are considered to be _____ in cardiology. A the icing on the cake B the big cheese C the cream of the crop D the captain of industry người điều hành một cơ sở công nghiệp lớn.

Nghĩa đen của "the icing on the cake" là lớp kem phủ trên mặt bánh. Thành ngữ này được dùng với ý nghĩa là một điều may mắn đến sau một chuyện tốt lành nào đó

Key: C the cream of the crop = the best 8. The men turned to us, both _____ confident smiles on their faces and ready for the match. A smearing B wearing C clothing D masking Key: B wear (v) = to have a particular expression on your face 9. I decided to watch The hollow crown series of BBC because Tom Hiddleston was in it but the language of Shakespeare is largely _____ to me. A insatiable B unearthly C inscrutable D undulating gợn sóng, nhấp nhô

Key: C inscrutable (adj) = impossible to understand or interpret khó hiểu, bí hiểm an inscrutable smile cái cười khó hiểu

10. You had better prepare a more persuasive speech because you will have to _____ a large majority of your colleagues if you want to get the leadership. A freight B carry C swathe D impel Key: B carry (v) = to win the support or sympathy of somebody; to persuade people to accept your argument giành được sự ủng hộ (thiện cảm) của (ai) his moving speech was enough to carry the audience bài nói cảm động của ông đủ để giành được thiện cảm của cử tọa

11. After watching “Capernaum”, a sombre sẫm màu; u ám feeling descended on me and got me _____ on the injustice of the world. A ruminating B snaring C instigating khởi xướng; xúi giục D sulking: uất hận về việc gì 78

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: A ruminate (v) = to think deeply about something ngẫm nghĩ; nghiền ngẫm ruminate over past events ngẫm nghĩ về những việc đã qua

12. Although humanity has long dreamt of exploring the mysterious galaxy, people believe it was the moon landing that really _____ a whole new era in space exploration. A elicited B precipitate C inaugurated D expedited Key: C inaugurate (v) = /i'nɔ:gjʊreit/ to introduce a new public official or leader at a special ceremony [làm lễ] tấn phong inaugurate a President làm lễ tấn phong một vị tổng thống khai mạc mở đầu inaugurate an era mở đầu một kỷ nguyên

13. We can only put a stop to school violence should everyone stop being so negligent and realize the fact that this phenomenon actually _____ our ignorance. A prates on B snaps up C battens on D feeds off Key: D feed off = to become stronger because of something else 14. I wish my girlfriend would just tell me what she wasn’t pleased about, she should know how much I am _____ by her silence, not knowing what went wrong. A beguiled B discomfited C fouled D mortified làm mất thể diện, làm tủi nhục

Key: B discomfit (v) = to make somebody feel confused or embarrassed 15. Can you guys please stop arguing and work in _____ so that we can complete this daunting task a little bit faster? A concomitant B concoction C concert D conciliation Key: C in concert (with sb/sth) = (formal) working together with somebody/something Word form 1. Although Anna appeared positive, I can feel a(n) _____ of desperation in her speech. (TONE) 2. Chinese mythology contains many tales of animal _____ like huli jing, a fox spirit which can turn into a beautiful woman. (SHAPE) 79

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. Political conflict and foreign intervention led to the permanent _____ of the country. (MEMBER) 4. In Can Tho, there is a park named after Luu Huu Phuoc to _____ the musician whose birthplace is this city. (MEMORY) 5. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. (HEART) 1 UNDERTONE (n) = biểu hiện tế nhị a feeling, quality or meaning that is not expressed directly but can still be understood from what somebody says or does 2 SHAPE-SHIFTER (n) = a person or an animal that is able to change into other people, animals or things 3 DISMEMBERMENT (n) = the act or process of dividing a country, an organization, etc. into smaller parts sự chặt chân tay sự chia cắt (đất nước)

4 COMMEMORATE (v) = to remind people of an important event or person from the past with a special action or object 5 HEARTBEAT (n) = an important feature of something, that is responsible for making it what it is

Test 47 1. The Forbidden Forest, which borders the edges of the Hogwarts School, is a dark and _____ forest thick with mysterious creatures and lurking dangers. A brooding B crooked C dubious D gloomy Key: A brooding (adj) = mysterious and threatening 2. Because he started writing his term paper far too late, he is now behind the _____ ball. A last B ninth C eight D tenth Key: C behind the eight ball = in a difficult situation 3. Don’t you think an employee with _____ like Henry will soon be promoted? A a song in his heart B a fire in his belly C kindred spirit D a soul of discretion Key: B a fire in one’s belly = passion and determination 4. My daughter is a very confident girl and likes to express herself in public, unlike her brother, who is a _____. A bowl of cherry B top banana C ripe plum D shrinking violet 80

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D shrinking violet = a shy person 5. He is just a little child, please keep your _____ on and be patient with him. A hat B socks C belt D shirt Key: D keep your shirt on = not get angry 6. Next time if you happen to arrive somewhere in my _____ of the woods, do come round and have a meal with us. A neck B foot C head D leg Key: A neck of the woods = A neighborhood or nearby area; the area around where one lives. 7. Although the _____ route I showed you is longer, it will actually take you a shorter time as you can avoid traffic jams during the rush hour. A exigent B deviant C protracted D devious Key: D devious (adj) = a route or path that is not straight but has many changes in direction; not direct 8. Although the famous singer dismissed the allegations as _____ and innuendo, police investigation has shown the opposite. A smudge B smears C amnesty D bedazzlement Key: B smear (n) = a story that is not true about somebody that is intended to damage their reputation 9. Students, when you arrive at the theatre, remember that you must sit according to the seating _____ I showed you yesterday and whoever doesn’t follow will be disciplined! A plan B scheme C command D structure Key: A plan (n) = a detailed map of a building, town, etc. seating plan = A seating plan is a diagram or a set of written or spoken instructions that determines where people should take their seats. 10. The search for _____ between the two sides has appeared to be in vain as none of the two companies was willing to compromise. A moot point B the third way C middle ground D a safe passage Key: C middle ground (n) = a set of opinions, decisions, etc. that two or more groups who oppose each other can agree on; a position that is not extreme 11. Marriage, though not the social imperative it once was, still stands for a major rite of _____ into adult life. A threshold B doorway C pathway D passage 81

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D rite of passage (n) = a ceremony or an event that marks an important stage in somebody’s life 12. Though it is still controversial regarding the character of the young actor, most people can’t deny he is worthy of his _____ success. A wildfire B phenomenal C aspiring D influential Key: B phenomenal success = very great or impressive success 13. The bullet, luckily, just _____ his shoulder, thanks to which his life A crouched B rasped C browsed D grazed Key: D graze (v) = to break the surface of your skin 14. Those openly _____ their wealth show nothing but a shallow mind and a contemptible dignity of themselves. A eliciting B flaunting C reviling (criticise) D exerting Key: B flaunt (v) = to show something you are proud of to other people, in order to impress them 15. I understand and would totally support you if you want to _____ of this toxic relationship. A sift out B bail out C churn out D blow out Key: B bail out = to escape from a situation that you no longer want to be involved in Word form 1 Her toes are severely _____ from years of pursuing a career in professional ballet. (SHAPE) 2 Teaching in mountainous areas is full of hardship but it is _____ to see the determination of the students. (HEART) 3 Mulan is a(n) _____ adaptation of the 1998 Walt Disney Animation Studios film of the same name, starring Liu Yifei in the title role. (LIVE) 4 The haughty employee _____ his hand when asking for a pay rise and was eventually given the sack. (PLAY) 5 Firefighters are working 12-hour shifts in extreme heat to battle devastating _____ in the northern forests. (FIRE) 1 MISSHAPEN (adj) = with a shape that is not normal or natural 2 HEARTENING (adj) = making you feel hope 3 LIVE-ACTION (adj) = (of a film) using real people or animals, rather than drawings, models or computers 82

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4 OVERPLAYED overplay your hand = to behave too confidently because you think you are in a stronger position than you actually are 5 WILDFIRES = very big fires that spread quickly and burns natural areas like woods, forests and grassland

Test 48 1. I goofed off for the first two years of college, but I turned into a real _____ once I realized the importance of my academic performance. A sly dog B study animal C eager beaver D war horse Key: B study animal = someone who studies very hard or very often 2. I rarely take my kids to the library because he can be a bit of _____, running around and making a mess. A a bull in a china shop B a pig in mud C a bird in the hand D a duck in Arizona Key: A a bull in a china shop = a person who is careless, or who moves or acts in a rough way, in a place or situation where skill and care are needed 3. I know you really want the promotion, but telling the boss about my personal problems was _____. A under the hatches B under thumb C below the belt D below par Key: C below the belt = (of a remark) unfair or cruel 4. Don’t worry, I am confident that Annie will manage to solve the quiz soon, she is as sharp as _____. A a blaze B a blade C a knife D a tack Key: D as sharp as a tack = very witty, mentally acute 5. Kids, please hold your _____, let’s sing the birthday song before we start eating the cake! A tatters B horses C brake D tongue Key: B hold your horses = be calm and patient 6. If you desire some practical lessons before your start-up, there are clear _____ to be drawn from the failure of these companies. A cheeks B chapters C morals D policies Key: C moral (n) = a practical lesson that a story, an event or an experience teaches you 83

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 7. His reasoning is based on the _____ that humans are innately good, which reflects his belief in Mencius. A premise B inception C surmise D conjecture Key: A premise (n) = a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument 8. Although the matter was outside my _____ of responsibility, I still lent her a helping hand. A bound B orbit C sphere D hall Key: C sphere (n) = an area of activity, influence or interest; a particular section of society 9. I don’t think the two directors would cooperate again in the second part, there was a real personality _____ between them. A disagreement B brawl C clash D discord Key: C personality clash [collocation] = a situation in which two or more people have very different characters and are unable to have a good relationship with each other 10. Although he was a talented artist, he lived a life _____ with financial worries. A pestered B beseeched C clasped D beset Key: D beset (v) = to affect somebody/something in an unpleasant or harmful way 11. When Tony came in class with his ridiculous costume, he was greeted with _____ of laughter. A clap B blasts C gales D rounds Key: C gale(s) of laughter = the sound of people laughing very loudly 12. I intended to petrify him by telling him there was a snake in his room but he didn't seem _____ concerned. A in least B at least C the least bit D leastways Key: C 13. The architecture chose a gentle colour scheme to create a relaxing _____ for the owner’s bedroom. A ambience B complex C palette D sentiment Key: A ambience (n) = the character and atmosphere of a place 14. Unlike in the North, apricot blossoms are the _____ of Tet in the South of Vietnam. A pulse B heartbeat C compass D avatar Key: B


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO heartbeat (n) = an important feature of something, that is responsible for making it what it is 15. While everybody else all _____ or the Shang-Shi premiere, director Chloe Zhao dressed casually in jeans and a loose-fitting top as if she was just dropping by. A gussied up B bobbed up C blazed up D bucked up Key: A gussy up = to dress yourself in an attractive way; to make somebody/something more attractive, especially in a showy way Word form 1 If there is still time remaining after you have finished the test and gone over it, try to _____ your answers to avoid mistakes. (CHECK) double check 2 After graduating, I kept some books that are necessary for college and gave away the _____ (REMAIN) remainder 3 My parents always deem my playful personality _____ of a high school teacher, who should be decent and serious. (FIT) unbefitting of 4 The journalists are regarded the _____ to the dictatorial government by publicly denouncing their selfish and cruel policies. (WEIGHT) counterweught 5 Although political changes affected the social position of a samurai, he still shows great _____ and decency of a noble family. (FINE) refinement 1 DOUBLE-CHECK (v) = to check sth again/twice (There is no “recheck” in Oxford, Cambridge or Longman dictionary) 2 REMAINDER (n) = the people, things or time that remain 3 UNBEFITTING (adj) = not suitable or good enough for somebody/something 4 COUNTERWEIGHT (n) = a thing that has an equal but opposite effect to something else and can be used to limit the bad effects of something 5 REFINEMENT (n) = the state of having the sort of manners that are considered typical of a high social class



Test 49 1. Our teacher said _____ after lunch was a good way to refresh ourselves and be more productive in the afternoon. A taking a dive B catching forty winks C hitting the deck D striking a chord Key: B catch forty winks = have a short sleep during the day 2. You must have been crazy to challenge John in chess, he is the state champion and he will _____ with you. A wipe the floor B carry the day C buy the farm D dress to the nines Key: A wipe the floor with sb = to beat sb easily 3. There are 40 people coming to the party tonight, I need _____ to help me with the decoration and cooking. A all beer and skittles B all hands on deck C all ducks in a row D all mops and brooms Key: B all hands on deck = everyone helps or must help, especially in a difficult situation 4. I will let the kids play in the living room so please make sure the floor will be as dry as _____ when you finish. A a bone B the air C sand D Africa Key: A dry as a bone = very dry 5. You should hire an engineer to check that used car before making the final decision or you may end up buying a _____ in a poke. A parrot B house C horse D pig Key: D buy a pig in a poke = to buy something without inspecting it thoroughly, often with negative consequences. 6. Harry and his friends spent hours in the library _____ through hundreds of heavy old books to find information about the Philosopher’s stone. A sifting B poring C sieving D meshing Key: A sift (v) = to examine something very carefully in order to decide what is important or useful or to find something important 7. After volunteering in the SOS village for the orphans in Ben Tre, I now understand how lucky it is to be able to live in the _____ of your family. A center B bliss C oasis D bosom 86

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D bosom (n) = a situation in which you are with people who love and protect you 8. Marriage is a big and long-term gamble in which _____ is dubious in defiance of all oaths and promises. A jubilation B winnings C felicity D swoon Key: C felicity (n) = happiness jubilation (n) = a feeling of great happiness because of a success 9. Returning home after a bad exam, I just wanted to sleep and _____ all the disappointment and worries. A bliss out B winnow out C blot out D clock out Key: C blot out = to deliberately try to forget an unpleasant memory or thought 10. The National Contest for the Gifted is an annual event in which students from all over Vietnam _____ their wits against each other. A hedge B pit C have D set Key: B pit somebody/something against something = to test somebody or their strength, intelligence, etc. in a struggle or contest against somebody/something else pit your wits against somebody (=compete against someone using your intelligence or knowledge) 11. Despite his fame and talent, the well-known rock star’s reputation was seriously damaged by the _____ factor. A plague B smugness C haul D sleaze Key: D sleaze (n) = dishonest or immoral behaviour 12. Please tell Severus to come to my office should you see him, I need him to help me _____ the applications that have no chance of succeeding. A make out B sift out C leaf through D muddle through Key: B sift out = to separate something, usually something you do not want, from a group of things 13. As an inexperienced first-time traveller, I was _____ by a local vendor, who charged me $40 for a little souvenir fridge magnet. A ragged on B eaten away C ripped off D torn up Key: C rip off = to cheat somebody, by making them pay too much, by selling them something of poor quality, etc 14. I don’t think congratulating someone on acing a test and adding that you have never expected that is a real praise but more like a _____! 87

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A faint praise B false note C two-handed comment D backhanded compliment Key: D a backhanded compliment = a comment that seems to express approval but could also be understood as expressing a poor opinion of somebody/something 15. Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral _____. A magnet B anchor C compass D arrow Key: C moral compass = a natural feeling that makes people know what is right and wrong and how they should behave Word form 1 Thanks to months of _____. research by the film producers, the enthronement ceremony of Qianlong in “The story of Ruyi” was highly commended for being historically accurate. (PAIN) 2 “Under the hawthorn tree” is a romantic movie with a lovely but tragic _____ (STORY) 3 The death of Bruno and Shmuel in “The boy in the striped pajamas” really tugs at your _____ (HEART) 4 Border _____ between the two countries is one of the issues that receive the most public attention. (LIMIT) 5 Following the release of Den Vau’s MV “Hide and Seek”, VTV24 made a _____ joke to advise against running away from COVID-19 isolation centres. (TOPIC) 1 PAINSTAKING (adj) = done with a lot of care, effort and attention to detail 2 STORYLINE (n) = the basic story in a novel, play, film, etc 3 to tug at sb’s HEARTSTRINGS = to cause strong feelings of love or sympathy in somebody 4 DELIMITATION (n) = the process of deciding what the limits of something are 5 TOPICAL (adj) = connected with something that is happening or of interest at the present time



Test 50 1. Not until the doctor confirms that my sister is _____ can the whole family stop worrying. A beyond the pale : unacceptable B out of the woods C on the round D in the zone: nghĩa là rất vui vẻ, phấn khích vì vừa thực hiện điều gì rất kỹ năng, khéo léo và dễ dàng.

Key: B out of the woods = no longer in danger or dealing with a particular difficulty, though not entirely resolved. 2. After the competition, my friends tried to _____ by teasing me about my failure. A bell my cat Who bell the cat : who will undertake or agree to perform a risky, dangerous, or impossible job or task

B go to the dogs: chỉ mọi thứ ngày càng trở nên tệ hại, tệ hơn so với lúc trước, ngày càng sa đọa. C get my goats D shoot my bull: To chat or converse aimlessly or casually. Key: C get sb’s goat = to make sb annoyed or angry 3. Only kids _____ when Tet comes because they don’t have so many things to do like adults. A keep their chins upKhông được nản chí, Bạn hãy lạc quan lên, Không được thất vọng, Hãy lạc quan lên, Đừng nản chí nhé.

B hit the hay C carry the day be victorious or successful. D have a ball Key: D have a ball = have an enjoyable time 4. My younger brother keeps begging me to let him join our club’s party, but it is likely that he will feel like _____. A a fifth wheel Something unnecessary B the fourth wall an imaginary wall that separates the audience from the action of a stage play or film C an extra pair of hands; another person who can help you D a gift horse don't look a gift horse in the mouth Key: A a fifth wheel = an unwelcome or extra person 5. Work-life balance is the most important thing to me so I would never take that job for all the tea in _____. 89


B England

C Turkey

D China

would not do sth for all the tea in China = used to say that nothing could persuade you to do something 6. Large, black rain clouds _____ in the sky this morning, signalling an approaching storm. A glowered : trừng mắt nhìn B scowled; vẻ mặt cau có giận dữ C ruptured sự đứt, sự vỡ, sự rách, sự thủng D crouched: khom lưng thu mình lạ Key: A glower = looked likely to produce rain the glowering sky bầu trời trông vẻ đe dọa (với nhiều đám mây đen)

7. I don’t know what’s so interesting that my daughter always listens to this speaker with _____ attention whenever there is his show on TV. A blissful B rapt : say mê, mải mê C spellbinding: làm mê ly, hấp dẫn D griping: giữ chặt, nắm chặt Key: B rapt (adj) = so interested in one particular thing that you are not aware of anything else 8. Despite his competency, the director was _____ after a conflict with his boss and was demoted to a low-level employee. A struck off B ratted out C toned down D crossed out Key: A strike off = to remove a doctor, lawyer, etc. from an official list so that they are no longer allowed to work in that job 9. Eight months of lockdown were eight months I was _____ in the stifling tiny flat of mine in the city, unemployed and unable to go anywhere. A bricked up brick something in (up) xây gạch bít lại brick up a window xây bít cửa sổ

B clocked up C bottled up bottle something up không để lộ (tình cảm);kìm nén (cảm xúc) instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment thay vì bàn luận để giải quyết vấn đề, họ kìm nén tất cả nỗi giận dữ và bực bội của họ lại

D cooped up nhốt giam I've been cooped up indoors all day tôi bị nhốt trong nhà cả ngày


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D coop up = to keep a person or an animal inside a building or in a small space 10. The well-reputed CEO _____ with £10,000 of the company's money last night and has come England’s most wanted man at the moment. A assailed tấn công, dồn dập B absconded lẩn trốn, bỏ trốn C debunked bóc trần, vạch trần D deflated Key: B abscond (v) = to leave secretly and take with you something, especially money, that does not belong to you 11. I thought I only liked the character Loki, but it turns out after that I like the actor himself as I can’t help _____ over photos of Tom Hiddleston. A drooling nhỏ dãi, chãy nước dãi B slobbing người nhếch nhác; người lười biếng; người cục cằn C dredging máy nạo vét  D drizzling mưa bụi; mưa phùn Key: A drool (v) = to show in a silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire somebody/something very much 12. The monument is a(n) _____ reminder of those who died in the catastrophic Sichuan earthquake 14 years ago. A poignant thống thiết; xót xa B affective C sardonic chế giễu D pungent chua cay; cay độc (lời châm biếm…) Key: A poignant (adj) = having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that made you feel sad 13. The gentle colour _____ creates a relaxing ambience for the bedroom of my little daughter. A complexion B palette C structure D scheme Key: D scheme (n) = an ordered system or arrangement a colour scheme sự phối hợp màu sắc (cho hợp nhau trong một gian phòng)

colour scheme = the way in which colors are arranged, especially in the furniture and decoration of a room 14. One special thing about Ron is that he never has a _____ plan - he just makes decisions as the need arises but still manages to ace any task given. 91

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A ground B base C foundation D post Key: A ground plan (n) = a plan for future action 15. He _____ with only 152 votes out of 300, which is not at all something to brag about compared with that of his predecessor. A tucked in chén ngon lành B dragged by C scraped in scrape in; scrape into something chen chân vào một cách khó khăn she just scraped into university with the minimum qualifications cô ta vừa mới chen chân được vào trường đại học với mức điểm tối thiểu

D passed through Key: C scrape in = to manage to get a job, a position, a place at college, etc., but with difficulty Word form 1 When I first met your mother, I just thought she might be 40 or _____ because she looked so young. (THERE) 2 When demand for a product _____ its supply, the price of that product will increase. (STRIP) 3 His love for life and optimism gave him a _____ power to overcome what the doctors refer to as “an incurable disease. (NATURAL) 4 Fans do not know where the event was held because its location was _____ (CLOSE) 5 You may earn a six-figure salary from that job but your health will be the cost, it’s all swings and _____ (ROUND) swings and roundabouts (Anh, khẩu ngữ) vấn đề cân bằng được và mất higher earnings mean more tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts thu nhập cao hơn thì thuế nhiều hơn, cho nên đấy hoàn toàn là vấn đề cân bằng được và mất thôi

1 THEREABOUTS (adv) = used to say that a particular number, quantity, time, etc. is not exact: chừng đó 2 OUTSTRIPS (v) = to become larger, more important, etc. than sb/sth trội hơn; vượt quá (ai, cái gì)

3 PRETERNATURAL (adj) = that does not seem natural; that cannot be explained by natural laws 4 UNDISCLOSED (adj) = not made known or told to anyone không lộ, không bị tiết lộ; được giấu kín


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 5 ROUNDABOUTS (adj) = not done or said using the shortest, simplest or most direct way possible

Test 51 1. I'm delighted that my children have such wonderful opportunities abroad, but I must say I feel sick as _____ at the thought of being separated from them for so long. A a duck B a lizard C a parrot D a turkey Key: C as sick as a parrot = thoroughly displeased, disappointed, or dejected (about something) 2. Garry used to be the best player in our team, but he seems to have _____ after years dedicated to his business career. A gone cold turkey quết tâm bỏ được nó B lost his touch C blown off steam D had sticky fingers người có thói quen táy máy, hay ăn cắp vặt

Key: B lose your touch = to no longer be skilled in doing something 3. What with the COVID-19 pandemic, my restaurant has been operating in the _____ for five consecutive months and is about to be shut down. A red B black C yellow D blue Key: A in the red = to lose more money than you make. 4. Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer, my family has been _____ since all our money is poured into chemotherapy and medicines. A under the weather B living hand to mouth C sitting tight ngồi đợi một cách kiên nhẫn mà không gây ra tiếng động D down to Earth hực tế và có lý; khiêm tốn, không khoa trương Key: B live hand to mouth = be extremely poor 5. We only have 15 minutes to finish sketching the general plan, please _____ and skip the chatter. A sail close to the wind  to do something that is dangerous or that may be illegal or dishonest B beat around the bush C hit the books bắt tay vào nghiên cứu D cut to the chase Key: D cut to the chase = to talk about or deal with the important parts of a subject and not waste time with things that are not important 6. With a _____ of insight, the detective realised exactly who committed this horrendous crime. A glare B spark C flash D blaze 93

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO flash of inspiration/brilliance/insight/anger etcif someone has a flash of brilliance, anger etc, they suddenly have a clever idea or a particular feeling Key: C 7. The bull _____ its nostrils in anger when the torero provokes it with a big bright red flag. A flares B splays C rants D raves Key: A flare (v) = if a person or animal flares their nostrils lỗ mũi (=the openings at the end of the nose), or if their nostrils flare, their nostrils become wider because they are angry 8. The child _____ with delight at his teacher as he received the award. A gleamed tia sáng lóe lên; ánh phản chiếu B beamed C leered cái liếc mắt đểu cáng; cái liếc mắt dâm dật D primped sửa sang một cách cầu kỳ Key: B beam (v) = to have a big happy smile on your face 9. Don’t start writing until the idea has _____ in your mind to avoid making a mess of your essay, pay attention to the time though! A glowered đe dọa B gelled C vacuumed sự trống rỗng D braced Key: B gel (v) = (of an idea, a thought, a plan, etc.) to become clearer and more definite 10. Play areas for children are _____ all over the place A springing up B growing up C whipping up khơi dậy; kích động D bouncing out Key: A spring up = to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly 11. The candidate was criticised for _____ a group of people with racial prejudice in order to get more votes. A jostling for B clearing off C pandering to D horsing around cớt nhả ồn ào

Key: C pander to = to do what somebody wants, or try to please them, especially when this is not acceptable or reasonable tìm cách thỏa mãn (một thèm muốn thấp hèn); cố làm hài lòng (ai) newspapers pandering to the public love of scandal những tờ báo tìm cách thỏa mãn lòng quần chúng thích gây những vụ tai tiếng

12. Watching “Twelve years a slave”, I was appalled by the fact that slaves could be whipped and hanged at the _____ of their masters. A whim B quake C whir kêu vù vù, kêu vo vo D wince nhăn nhó; cau mày

Key: A whim (n) = a sudden wish to do or have something, especially when it is something unusual or unnecessary ý chợt nảy ra; ý thích bất chợt 94

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. My brother’s athletic career has been _____ by a serious ankle injury during training. A coiled quấn, cuộn B blenched chùn lại C quailed run sợ; nao núng D blighted làm tàn lụi Key: D blight (v) = to have a bad effect on something, especially by causing a lot of problems 14. The defendant, who was convicted of rape, _____ his head in shame when facing his victim. A bent B hung C crouched D stooped Key: B hang (v) = to bend or let something bend downwards hang your head in shame = to feel ashamed 15. Your idol’s reputation is not something without _____, don’t forget about his drug abuse scandal! A blotch vết, đốm (trên da, vải…) B blur cảnh mờ, dáng lờ mờ C blemish tỳ vết, vết nhơ D blister chỗ rộp Key: C blemish (n) = a fault in a person’s character Word form 1 Some rituals that were important in the agrarian society of the past are now deemed _____ and discarded. (WORN) OUTWORN 2 _____ surgery, developed by Joseph Lister, is employed by many hospitals in modern days to prevent infection during and after surgery. (SEPTIC) nhiễm khuẩn 3 For anyone who is interested in Chinese history, this book is _____ for its detail and reliability. (RIVAL) 4 It was very disrespectful of you to speak _____ to your grandfather, even when he does know little about your problem. (HAND) 5 I have _____ five applicants for the second round, please contact and inform them of the interview schedule. (LIST) shortlisted 1 OUTWORN (adj) = old-fashioned and no longer useful 2 ANTISEPTIC (adj) = very clean and free from bacteria 3 UNRIVALLED (adj) = better or greater than any other 4 OFFHANDEDLY (adv) = in a way that does not show much interest in sb/sth and is rude [một cách] quá tự nhiên 5 SHORTLISTED (v) = to put sb on a short list

Test 52 95

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. Nobody in this village doesn’t know that little boy has _____ but never has he been given a lesson. A sticky fingers B sore thumbs: quá nổi bật, khác biệt so với những người/môi trường xung quanh ...

C a heavy hand with too much force D hidden fingers Key: A sticky fingers = a tendency to steal 2. Never underestimate your opponents no matter how good you are, they may always be able to give you a run for your _____. A medal B money C prize D race Key: B give sb a run for their money = to be as good at something as someone is and therefore make them really work for their win có nghĩa là tạo nên một thách thức lớn cho đối thủ của mình.

3. Considering how often that car breaks down, I think I really bought _____ from the dealership. A a pig B a fish C a lemon D a mandarin Key: C buy a lemon = to buy something (usually a motor vehicle) that doesn’t work well and is therefore worthless. 4. If you are so determined, then I can only wish you luck raising enough funds for the project—it's like _____. A selling ice to Eskimos B getting blood from a stone C pounding the pavement D moving heaven and earth Key: B get blood from a stone = to do something that is very hard to accomplish 5. Mr. Chow is one of the principle _____ in this firm so you had better make a good impression on him if you want to be employed after the internship. A cash cows : gà đẻ trứng vàng B church mouses poor C Jekylls and Hydes Nói về sự hai mặt của con người, giữa tính tốt và xấu D movers and shakers Key: D movers and shakers = the people with power and influence in a particular area 6. After a 5-hour long discussion, we finally managed to _____ a deal even though the profit division was not really ideal for us. A latch on hiểu ra B pluck at kéo, giật C patch up D fasten onto Key: C patch up = to agree on something, especially after long discussions and even though the agreement is not exactly what everyone wants 96

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 7. I was to get off the bus at Ikea Brent Park but I fell asleep and _____ in Stop WH, which was 4.8 miles away! A fetched up B jollied up làm cho sáng sủa vui mắt (một nơi chốn) C banged about: chạy nhảy ầm ầm D mowed down tàn sát, làm chết như rạ Key: A fetch up = to arrive somewhere without planning to 8. You won’t understand me until you grow up and have a family with children, dozens of concerns will _____ your attention. A jostle for tranh giành B root for hết lòng ủng hộ C muck up làm bẩn D pony up Key: A jostle for = to compete strongly and with force for something 9. The Fellowship of the Ring, a 2001 epic fantasy adventure film, is the first _____ in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. A parcel B installment C chapter D token Key: B a short story in three instalments một truyện ngắn đăng làm ba kỳ

installment (n) = one of the parts of something, such as a show, that is experienced as part of a series over a period of time 10. This movie _____ poorly at the Chinese box office, mainly due to many historical inaccuracies and seemingly slapdash cẩu thả vội vàng references to Chinese culture. A reeled B staggered C fared tiến bộ; sống, làm ăn D mowed Key: C fare (v) = to be successful/unsuccessful in a particular situation 11. Because of the fierce storm, the rescue mission had to be _____ to avoid unnecessary loss of life. A aborted hủy B absconded lẩn trốn, bỏ trốn C banished đày đi, trục xuất

D ruptured sự đứt, sự vỡ, sự rách, sự thủng Key: A abort (v) = to end or cause something to end before it has been completed, especially because it is likely to fail 12. As a person who believes in hard work, my father can’t _____ lazy and undisciplined people, including me. A console an ủi B concede C ramble D abide Key: D


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO cannot/could not abide somebody/something to dislike somebody/something so much that you hate having to be with or deal with them 13. By _____ consent, everyone in the club avoids mentioning the death of the seventh member. A joint B general C mutual D shared Key: C to happen by mutual consent = to happen as the result of an agreement between the people or groups involved. 14. Firemen secured the bus with ropes to stop it tumbling over the edge before escorting the _____ passengers to safety. A petrified B dreadful C curdled D stagey Key: A petrify (v) = to make somebody feel extremely frightened 15. Volunteers are being _____ to support the UN system's response during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A headhunted B solicited C accosted D seduced Key: B solicit (v) = to ask somebody for something, such as support, money or information; to try to get something or persuade somebody to do something Word form 1 Amongst the many factors that _____ consumer choices, price and design have the most decisive role. (FORM) 2 Until now, still there are people who don’t believe in the _____ relationship between smoking and lung cancer. (CAUSE) 3 The flap of the envelope came _____ so the letter inside fell out somewhere along the way. (STUCK) 4 That the star had already been married is just a(n) _____ rumour of bloggers and shouldn’t be trusted. (SUBSTANCE) 5 Much of the financial support for people living in the flooded regions came from _____ of citizens from all over Vietnam. (BENEFIT) 1 INFORM (v) = to have an influence on sth 2 CAUSAL (adj) = connected with the relationship between two things, where one causes the other to happen 3 UNSTUCK (adj) = to become separated from something it was stuck or fastened to 4 UNSUBSTANTIATED (adj) = not proved to be true by evidence 5 BENEFACTIONS (n) = a gift, usually of money, that is given to a person or an organization in order to do good



Test 53 1. Factories are _____ to produce enough masks and protective clothing for health workers during the pandemic. A raising red flags B firing on all cylinders C raking over the ashes D packing heat Key: B firing on all cylinders = to be functioning or operating at the most desirable or greatest possible level of efficiency, speed, or productivity. 2. This scheme does have some problems but I think we can fix them instead of throwing the baby out with _____. A the bath water B the diaper C the old toys D the rubber duck Key: A throw the baby out with the bath water = to discard something valuable or important while disposing of something considered worthless 3. The epidemic has ruined my plan to _____ with my friends after the National High school Exam finishes. A put out feelers B queer the pitch C push the boat out D pull the plug Key: C push the boat out = spend a lot of money in order to celebrate something or have a very enjoyable time 4. Now that I have to work closely with the infamously strict chief of the Finance department, I feel like I've caught a _____ by the tail. A tiger B lion C snake D crocodile Key: A catch a tiger by the tail = to be involved with someone or something that is powerful and could become troublesome or threatening 5. It is like _____ trying to wake our young son up every morning to go to school on time. A pulling your punches B pricking up ears C drawing your horns in D pulling teeth Key: D like pulling teeth = used to say that it is very difficult to make somebody do something 6. You may find some drinks here that you’v never seen in Trung Nguyen because this store is just a Trung Nguyen _____, not the original. A bureau B ballot C franchise D brand Key: C franchise (n) = a business that has bought the right to sell the products and services of another company 99

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 7. With his fame on the rise, Zhang was _____ to stand amongst the top idols of China when the scandal broke. A poised B nigh C adjacent D near Key: A poised (adj) = completely ready for something or to do something 8. The star wanted to keep his _____ low-key, hence people knew nothing about donation until it was publicised. A munificence B chivalry C narcissism D impiousness Key: A munificence (n) = the quality of being extremely generous 9. The athlete was _____ in defeat and praised his opponent's skill, for which he received a lot of praise. A abrasive B valiant C chivalrous D magnanimous Key: D magnanimous (adj) = kind, generous and forgiving, especially towards an enemy or competitor 10. During this time of the year, streets in my city are usually _____ with Vietnam national flags to celebrate our Independence day. A bedecked B primped C garnished D prattled Key: A bedeck (v) = to decorate something/somebody with flowers, flags, precious stones, etc. 11. Despite his repeated _____, nobody is convinced that the singer is totally innocent in this scandal. A disavowals B abnegation C ablutions D declamation Key: A disavowal (n) = the act of stating publicly that you have no knowledge of something or that you are not responsible for something/somebody 12. It’s important to obtain the best possible specimens, and COVID-19 nasal _____ testing that includes nucleic acid testing is the best option. A traces B jot C swab D remnant Key: C swab (n) = a small amount of substance from a body that can be tested 13. By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to _____, hence the disbandment after their last concert. A wane B swaddle C lug D ramble Key: A wane (v) = to become gradually weaker or less important 14. Thinking back, I'd better _____ some sunscreen, I really don’t dare to risk this sensitive skin of mine. 100

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A pore over B tint on C slap on D splash out Key: C slap on = to spread something on a surface in a quick, careless way 15. He had occasionally _____ the idea of starting his own business, but he had never actually done anything about it. A slept on B timed out C dallied with D lavished on Key: C dally with = to consider or imagine an idea, subject, or plan, but not in a serious way Word form 1 Without that _____ dress, I would have never noticed you in the middle of hundreds of people going to the festival. (EYE) 2 Meeting her criminal father after ten years, the girl shows overtly _____ disregard for him. (CONTEMPT) 3 Clicking a link sent by a(n) _____ email may seriously threaten your data security. (SOLICIT) 4 _____ - the unfair treatment of people because they have a disability - is untenable in a progressive society today. (ABLE) 5 Cutlery is a(n) ___catch-all__ term for knives, forks and spoons used for eating. (CATCH) 1 EYE-CATCHING (adj) = (of a thing) immediately likely to attract attention because it is particularly interesting, bright or attractive 2 CONTEMPTUOUS (adj) = feeling or showing that you have no respect for somebody/something contemptible (adj) = not deserving any respect at all 3 UNSOLICITED (adj) = not asked for and sometimes not wanted 4 ABLEISM (n) = the unfair treatment of people because they have a disability 5 CATCH-ALL (adj) = including several different things without stating clearly what is included or not

Test 54 1. If the pandemic does not ameliorate, our company will surely _____. A fall afoul B hit out of the park C go down the tubes D go under the knife Key: C go down the tubes = to fail completely 2. The business model you propose sounds amazing, but whether it might succeed in reality is where _____. A rubber meets the road B the shoe pinches 101

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO C the puck is heading D hell freezes over Key: A where rubber meets the road = The point at which someone's or something's efforts, resolve, or viability are put to the test 3. Jack, your passion won't help you afford a living in this big city, wake up and smell _____. A the tea B the coffee C the soda D the roses Key: B wake up and smell the coffee = to tell sb to start to be more realistic and aware of what is happening around them 4. John keeps himself so closed off that I've never understood the _____ of his thoughts. A rock bottom B bare bones C think tank D uncharted waters Key: D uncharted waters = sth that has not been visited or investigated before 5. There are a lot of opportunities out there, but I've got to put my foot on the _____. A pedal B gas C brake D field Key: B put one’s foot on the gas = to do something more quickly or with more effort and determination 6. The _____ language in your essay does nothing to address the problem but only unnecessarily lengthens the piece of writing and causes confusion for readers. A convoluted B elasticated C sentimentalD dowdy Key: A convoluted (adj) = convoluted sentences, explanations, arguments, etc. are unreasonably long and difficult to understand 7. The company's first _____ into the US market is considered somewhat venturesome for a firm of that scale. A outing B foray C incursion D pilgrimage Key: B foray (n) = a short involvement in an activity, an area, or a market that is different from a person or company's usual one 8. Despite not being Buddhists ourselves, it is hard to deny that this religion still _____ every aspect of our life either consciously or subconsciously. A ravels B assails C informs D apprises Key: C inform (v) = to have an influence on something 9. The team played badly in the first half of the game but _____ in the second thanks to several changes in their tactics . A rebounded B rallied C revived D reignited Key: B 102

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO rally (v) = to return to a better condition 10. She was fired after having many decisions that are in _____ of the company regulations. A abdication B infraction C negligence D contravention Key: D contravention (n) = the fact of doing something that is not allowed by a law or rule 11. Loki’s _____ character reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow, a pirate who is also a mixture of amusement and mischief. A roguish B narcissistic C reticent D ravenous Key: A roguish (adj) = behaving in a way that is slightly bad or wrong, but that is not too serious 12. Would it be too much of a(n) _____to ask you to pick my children up after school today? A tariff B onus C imposition D angst Key: C imposition (n) = a situation in which someone expects another person to do something that they do not want to do or that is not convenient 13. Superficially, the mechanism of a camera is _____ to that of our eyes, yet there are still certain major differences in the way they record images. A homogeneous B kindred C correlative D analogous Key: D analogous (adj) = similar in some way to another thing or situation and therefore able to be compared with it 14. His wife _____ a fortune over the years in a secret bank account and ran away with her young lover. A salted away B plugged away C mucked up D heaped up Key: A salt away = to save something for the future, secretly and usually dishonestly 15. If you keep _____ training like this, stop dreaming of cutting any weight and getting the job. A poring over B turning out C sacking off D ravelling out Key: C sack off = to avoid or stop doing something bb Word form 1 After being dismissed from school, Thomas Edison was _____ by his mother (SCHOOL) 2 The casino has long been suspected as a __backdoor___ channel for laundering money. (DOOR) 103

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3 Annie looks so much like an Indian that it’s hard to believe this little girl is of Vietnamese _____. 4 _____ is a form of sustainable energy production, achieved by converting the kinetic energy of water into electrical or mechanical energy. (POWER) 5 Although same-sex love is gaining more social recognition, ___normative__ relationship in our society remains heterosexual. (NORM) 1 HOMESCHOOLED (v) = to teach a child at home rather than sending him or her to school 2 BACKDOOR (adj) = using indirect or secret means in order to achieve something 3 EXTRACTION (n) = having a particular family origin 4 HYDROPOWER (n) = the production of electricity by the force of fast moving water 5 NORMATIVE (adj) = of, relating to, or based on norms (“Normal” is not an acceptable answer for this question because using the word “normal” for heterosexual relationship also implies that same-sex relationship is not normal, which is synonymous with a disrespect for the LGBT community)

Test 55 1. My uncle is a typical _____, he has never taken any medical courses but keeps doubting how doctors are treating COVID patients. A smart cookie B armchair critic C class act D pen pusher Key: B armchair critic = One who speaks critically on topics one actually knows little to nothing about. 2. My grandmother is tough as _____— she lived through the Vietnam War and raised four kids all on her own after my grandfather’s sacrifice. A stone B leather C taws D scale Key: B as tough as leather = having great strength of body, mind, or will; not susceptible to sickness or injury. 3. What’s the point in paying attention to a teacher who _____, you will never be able to keep up with his lecture. A talks the hind leg off a donkey B takes the rap C talks nineteen to the dozen D thinks on his feet Key: C talk nineteen to the dozen = speak very quickly 4. As my brother discovered the fact that I am in a relationship, I have to _____ to stop him from telling mom. 104

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A keep my distance B give the shirt off my back C collect his thoughts D grease his palm Key: D grease sb’s palm = to secretly give someone money in order to persuade them to do something for you 5. We've been led up the _____ path about the position of our hotel - it's much farther from the beach than what the advertisement said! A rocky B mountain C garden D muddy Key: C lead sb up the garden path = to deceive sb 6. I wonder why he, instead of always trying to _____ himself with the boss, won’t try to improve himself and rely on his own capabilities to be promoted? A curry B ingratiate C flatter D charm Key: B ingratiate yourself with sb = to make sb like you by flattering them 7. Racism, despite being rarely overt, is deeply _____ in professional and institutional practices. A engraved B inscribed C ingrained D incised Key: C ingrain (v) = to establish something such as a belief so firmly that it is not likely to change 8. When I was a kid, I would usually _____ Oreo cookies in milk until they were a bit soft before I ate. A dunk B plunge C drench D douse Key: A dunk (v) = to put food quickly into liquid before eating it 9. If you have an apple-shaped body, A-line coats or straight, knee-length trench styles will really __flatter___ your figure. A commend B praise C flatter D compliment Key: C flatter (v) = to make somebody look attractive; to make somebody seem more attractive or better than they really are 10. She was determined not to be _____ into marriage before she became financially independent. A compelled B bludgeoned C urged D impelled Key: B bludgeon (v) = to force somebody to do something, especially by arguing with them 11. There’s a nasty flu _____ going round the school at the moment so parents please tell your kids to wear masks and pay attention to their health. A gale B scourge C plague D bug 105

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D bug (n) = an illness that is usually fairly mild but spreads easily from person to person 12. Although it takes quite a bit of time at the beginning, once you have acquired the basic knowledge, a quick learner like you will surely _____. A forge ahead B plunge ahead C plough ahead D press ahead Key: A forge ahead = to move forward quickly; to make a lot of progress quickly 13. Although Loki is usually thought to be the son of Odin, he in fact originally _____ the cold and dark realm of the Frost Giants. A bleeds from B hails from C veers from D springs from Key: B hail from = to come from or have been born in a particular place 14. I thought that my dog would be _____ intelligent, but it seems like a breed name doesn’t mean everything. A keenly B avidly C shrewdly D piercingly Key: A keenly (adv) = in a way that involves quick understanding 15. People are watching _____ TV much less these days, preferring on-demand platforms like Netflix and Youtube. A striated B non-stop C beeline D linear Key: D linear TV = broadcast and watched at regular times according to a schedule Word form 1 The building of the castle for the Queen has placed tremendous pressure on the nation’s _____ (TAX) 2 His profound knowledge and significant contribution to the agriculture of Vietnam has made him a _____ scientist in this country. (WEIGHT) 3 Many hospitals are beginning to limit _____ stays during the pandemic to minimize risk of spreading COVID-19. (PATIENT) 4 Normally, Anna has already been pretty enough, but her appearance after putting on make-up last night really _____ me. (WITCH) 5 The Chernobyl disaster has turned a vast area of the city of Chernobyl into a lifeless nuclear _____ (LAND) 1 TAXPAYERS (n) = people who pay tax to the government, especially on the money that they earn 2 HEAVYWEIGHT (n) = a very important person, organization or thing that influences others 3 INPATIENT (n) = a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment 106

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4 BEWITCHED (v) = to attract or impress somebody so much that they cannot think in a sensible way 5 WASTELAND (n) = an area of land that cannot be used or that is no longer used for building or growing things on

Test 56 1. If you don’t change this lifestyle of yours, you will get married _____. A when the sun is over the yardarm B when the dust settles C when push comes to shove D when hell freezes over Key: D when hell freezes over = never 2. You must live happily and get richer so that your ex-husband will _____ the day he divorced you. A seize B ruin C rue D name Key: C rue the day = to bitterly regret a point in time 3. He is regarded a gentleman by many people but I would not trust his as far as I can _____ him. A throw B jump C think D fly Key: A I wouldn't trust sb as far as I could throw them = something you say that means you do not trust someone at all 4. His embarrassing secret is my _____ and I will reveal it to everybody if he dares to mock me in public. A ace in the hole B amber nectar C 110 proof D chin music Key: A ace in the hole = a major advantage that one keeps hidden until an ideal time 5. At the age 34, isn’t Yang Mi a bit _____ to play the role of a high school student in this movie? A down at heel B thin on the top C behind the times D long in the tooth Key: D long in the tooth = a bit too old to do something 6. I have tried to persuade my father of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against infection but he remained _____ that he wouldn’t take it. A adamant B sordid C haggard D persevere Key: A adamant (adj) = determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about something 107

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 7. What’s so much to be surprised about, it’s still the usual _____ rock star tale of drugs and overdoses. A giddy B frivolous C squalid D sturdy Key: C squalid (adj) = (of situations or activities) involving low moral standards or dishonest behaviour 8. Born a Christian, he _____ elements of oriental mysticism from the years he spent in India. A engrossed B inherited C imbibed D solicited Key: C imbibe (v) = to receive and understand ideas or information 9. The professor _____ the books looking for the information he needed in order to answer his students’ thorny questions. A seized B groped C gawked D perused Key: D peruse (v) = to read something, especially in a careful way 10. My daughter is a real animal lover, she _____ any form of cruelty towards animals and follows a vegetarian diet. A abstains B abhors C debars D desecrates Key: B abhor (v) = to hate something, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especially for moral reasons 11. Certain passages were _____from the book after censorship due to inappropriate content. A decimated B excised C censured D coveted Key: B excise (v) = to remove sth 12. This accident has _____ the traffic all day, I wish the forces could react quicklier. A stowed away B cordoned off C snarled up D towed away Key: C snarl up = to involve somebody/something in a situation that stops their movement or progress 13. I got emotional and couldn’t help _____ at the end of “Me before you”, a flight attendant even asked me if I was having some problems. A whining B snarling C bellowing D bawling Key: D bawl (v) = to cry loudly 14. With an unsatisfactory year-end profit, it is likely that the rewards budget for our department will be _____ to minimum. A nipped off B pared down C branched off D wrapped up 108

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: B pare down = to reduce the amount, number, or size of something as much as you can 15.The meeting began to get a bit out of control by the time the protesters reached the city centre so they were _____ by the police force before violence might happen. A hemmed inB sniped at C racked up D dusted down Key: A hem in = to surround someone and prevent them from moving or doing what they want to do Word form 1 At the height of the pandemic all _____ classes were suspended. (PERSON) 2 My comrade, a young soldier, stood _____ and unafraid against the enemy - that image is something that I will never forget. _____ machine. (YIELD) 3 Due to staff shortage, our plan is still in the _____ stage, a week later than the schedule. (PRINT) 4 After getting out of prison, he turned over a new leaf and became a(n) _____ citizen in the community. (STAND) 5 _____ to his mother, he joined the secret intelligence agency of the Soviet Union. (KNOW) 1 IN-PERSON (adj) = (of an activity or event) taking place with people physically present together in the same place, not on the internet or by phone or video link 2 UNYIELDING (adj) = not easily influenced and they are unlikely to change their mind 3 BLUEPRINT (n) = a plan which shows what can be achieved and how it can be achieved 4 UPSTANDING (adj) = behaving in a good and moral way 5 UNBEKNOWN (adj) = without the person mentioned knowing

Test 57 1. After losing the secret files of the company, Henry was soon _____. A out of the woods B in tatters C out on his ear D in earshot Key: C be out on your ear = to be forced to leave a job or place, especially because you have done something wrong 2. The mayor’s decision to build a new mall in the city center has received support across the _____. A board B pond C table D land 109

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: A across the board = involving everyone or everything in a company, situation, group, etc 3. The disrespectful attitude of the president towards women has _____ among the country’s female population. A pushed the envelope B raised hackles C popped the cherry D screwed the pooch Key: B raise sb’s hackles = to greatly irritate, annoy, or aggravate one 4. It is no surprise that this story has _____ in our office after Daisy was told about it. A given a buzz B ridden high C done the rounds D rung the bell Key: C go/do the rounds = go from one person/place to another 5. You can tell her to stop smoking until you are _____ in the face, but she won’t change her habit. A red B grey C white D blue Key: D until you are blue in the face = If you say or shout something until you are blue in the face, you are wasting your efforts because you will get no results 6. Everyone can see that Andy is at _____ for the error but he won’t admit it and keeps putting the blame on his partner, such a shame! A blame B fault C guilt D charge Key: B at fault = wrong or to blame 7. The immigrants from this country will not be given the right of _____in Britain when the new legislation comes into force. A abode B abbess C baptism D lodging Key: A Having right of abode means you're allowed to live or work in a country without any immigration restrictions 8. Not only my family but seemingly everybody tends to _____ their spending during this period of economic recession. A trim in B drag down C rein in D belt up Key: C rein in = to start to control somebody/something more strictly 9. When someone brings up politics at a party, a casual conversation can quickly _____ into an ugly argument. A warp B coerce C wring D morph Key: D 110

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO morph [+into] (v) = to change, or make somebody/something change, into something different 10. Many people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic are starting to _____. A feel the pinch B feel up to the mark C live in clover D taste salt Key: A feel the pinch = to not have enough money 11. The Prime Minister’s attempt to bring in new legislation was met by a _____ of criticism from the public. A sleet B hail C clash D bind Key: B hail (n) = a large number or amount of something that is aimed at somebody in order to harm them 12. The abnormal surge in the record of robbery last month has urged the police force to _____ hard on street crime. A grind down B conk out C clamp down D boot out Key: C clamp down = to take strict action in order to prevent something, especially crime 13. The President has gotten used to being _____ by his political opponents whenever a new policy is proposed. A blasted off B ripped off C zonked out D sniped at Key: D snipe at = criticise 14. I have every right to _____ at unfair, and possibly illogical, situations — most because of the decisions of higher-ups. A rack and ruin B hem and haw C rant and rave D wax and wane Key: C rant and rave = to show that you are angry by shouting or complaining loudly 15. I can’t see why the teacher compliments Harry so much, his performance is basically nothing to _____ home about! A write B call C go D tell Key: A nothing to write home about = nothing special Word form 1. My whole class was caught _____ by the teacher’s spot check and many of us were punished for bringing phones to school. (FOOT) 2. I have replaced my old dartboard, which has the boring ordinary _____ pattern, with the one you gave me on my birthday. (CENTER)


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. Although the rumours about the comedian seem hard to believe, I think not all of them are _____ (FOUND) 4. That the teacher suddenly _____ on her promise to reward points for the project has rendered our efforts meaningless. (TRACK) 5. As a high school graduate, I am standing at the _____ of my life and I am fully aware of the importance of choosing the right major for college. (ROAD) 1 FLAT-FOOTED (adj) = not prepared for what is going to happen 2 CONCENTRIC (adj) = (of circles) having the same centre 3 UNFOUNDED/ILL-FOUNDED (adj) = not based on reason, truth, fact.... 4 BACKTRACKED (v) = to say that you did not mean something you said earlier or say that you have changed your opinion 5 CROSSROADS (n) = a place where two roads meet and cross each other

Test 58 1. After days, the police resorted to _____ tactics to break up the protest. A strong-arm B breakneck C hard-up D clawback Key: A a strong-arm tactic/method = a method or a type of behaviour that involves using force and threats to make people do what you want 2. I give in! I will tell you everything you want to know, please call off _____. A the dogs B the tigers C the guns D the guards Key: A call off the dogs = to tell someone to stop criticizing, attacking, or damaging another person 3. She is a very sensitive girl so please _____. A treat her with kid gloves B bless her cotton socks C pull the wool over her eyes D go soft in her head Key: A treat sb with kid gloves = to deal with somebody in a very careful way so that you do not offend or upset them 4. Sheila might not be smart, but she always gives _____ when she studies. A a hundred and one percent B a hundred and ten percent C hundredfold D twofold Key: B a hundred and ten percent = more than what seems to be the maximum 5. There is currently a decline in sales, but don’t worry, it will _____ A come rain and shine B come out swinging C come down the pike D come out in the wash 112

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D come out in the wash = used to tell someone that problems will be solved in the end 6. That young man is _____ driving at that speed on icy roads at night. A betting the ranch B dicing with death C dancing on air D robbing the cradle Key: B dice with death = to do something extremely dangerous and silly 7. Exhausted after 4 periods, I was _____ at the back of the class when the teacher called my name. A drowsing B flaking C swooning D boozing Key: A drowse (v) = to be in a light sleep or to feel as though you are almost asleep 8. Ali thought he could cram 10 units in one day but in the end, he completely _____ in his English exam. A flaked out B mucked up C bucked up D bound over Key: B muck up = to do something badly so that you fail to achieve what you wanted or hoped to achieve 9. I know how sad you feel missing your chance to visit Paris due to this pandemic, but I don’t think ____ like that may change anything. A hassling about B wittering about C expounding on D harping on Key: D harp on = to talk or complain about something many times 10. I didn’t know I was so good at learning languages until I _____ Spanish before my trip to Mexico. A hammered into B rabbited onC boned up on D crammed down Key: C bone up on = to learn as much as you can about a subject, because you need the knowledge 11. Every time we go to the shop, the kids _____ my mother to buy them candy but she never gives in for the sake of their health. A badger B interject C vitiate D peruse Key: A badger (v) = to put pressure on somebody by repeatedly asking them questions or asking them to do something 12. All five men were _____from entering France for three years after being caught shoplifting expensive fashion items in a mall. A debauched B debarred C perverted D jettisoned Key: B


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO debar (v) = to officially prevent somebody from doing something, joining something, etc. 13. This used to be a toy store when I was still a kid, but several years ago they started selling dried fruit and nuts and other _____ products. A cogent B kindred C typical D cognate Key: B kindred (adj) = similar/related 14. When you grow up, become an adult, go through failures and betrayal, your life may have fewer parties and more quiet time to _____ on the meaning of life. A dilate B expatiate C admonish D cogitate Key: D cogitate (v) = to think carefully and seriously about something 15. Coming home with a broken heart, he sank back on his pillow and fell into a _____, not noticing my talking to him. A rabbit warren B bottomless pit C brown study D manhole Key: C a brown study = a mood in which you are very involved in your own thoughts and not paying attention to anything else Word form 1 I did not really enjoy Parasite although it is a(n) _____ film, maybe it was simply not my cup of tea. (AWARD) 2 From Lung Cu to Ca Mau, I will buy a minivan to travel _____ immediately when this epidemic is over. (COUNTRY) 3 Whenever I give a speech, I can’t help feeling nervous _____ (HAND) 4 The police _____ the car and other personal property of the drug dealer. (POUND) 5 While _____ service does not generate revenue for a company, it has a role to play in retaining old customers post the sale of a product and attracting more customers. (SALE) 1 AWARD-WINNING (adj) = having won a prize 2 CROSS-COUNTRY (adv) = across the length of the country 3 BEFOREHAND (adv) = before sth else happens 4 IMPOUNDED (v) = (of the police, courts of law, etc.) to take something away from somebody, so that they cannot use it or because they have broken the law 5 AFTER-SALES (adj) = the fact of providing help to customers after they have bought a product, usually involving doing repairs that are needed or giving advice on how to use the product



Test 59 1. It’s a(n) _____ that women are paid less than men for the same amount of work. A going concern B crying shame C onsite matter D splitting headache Key: B it’s a crying shame = something that you say when you think a situation is wrong 2. I was very disappointed when I found out such a talented and reputable actor got involved in such _____ affairs. A rotting B gaudy C tawdry D shoddy Key: C tawdry (adj) = showing or having low moral standards 3. Teachers are usually made the _____ for students’ low grades. A scapegoats B brushwood C sideshow D tavern Key: A scapegoat (n) = a person who is blamed for something that someone else has done 4. If your deceased grandfather knew how you have squandered his fortune, he would _____. A be in a fit of pique B turn in his grave C walk like Rihanna D groan inwardly Key: B turn in his/her grave = (of a person who is dead) likely to be very shocked or angry 5. Avoid saying the name of her gone mother, let sleeping _____ lie. A lions B dogs C cats D birds Key: B let sleeping dogs lie = said to warn someone that they should not talk about a bad situation that most people have forgotten about 6. Don’t panic when your child gets low grades, just _____ for a while and only interfere when necessary. 115

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A leave it at that B leave go C let it slip D let it ride Key: D let it ride = to not take any action to stop something wrong or unpleasant, thinking that action may not be necessary or is not yet necessary 7. My mother didn’t let me learn Taekwondo at first, but I _____. A twisted her arm B broke her back C gave her the eye D chew her ear off Key: A twist sb's arm = to get someone to do what you want by making it very difficult for him or her to refuse 8. I was woken up at a(n) _____ hour in the morning by a strange noise in the garden. A ungodly B dismal C evil D earthly Key: A ungodly hour = very early or very late and therefore annoying 9. In the past, comets were feared _____ of important historical events, including invasions and major disasters. A prophets B prescience C trailblazers D harbingers Key: D harbinger = a sign that shows that something is going to happen soon, often something bad 10. The battle was aimed to overthrow the dictator’s sovereignty and establish a new democratic government - or at least, that was the _____ reason according to what they said. A convenient B ostensible C conspicuous D blatant Key: B ostensible (adj) = seeming or stated to be real or true, when this is perhaps not the case 11. He claimed he had been _____ his job by jealous colleagues but we all knew it was just because of his ineptitude. A dragged from B dealt out ofC hounded out of D bashed down from Key: C hound out of sth = to force somebody to leave a job or a place, especially by making their life difficult and unpleasant 12. I can’t believe you really dared to _____ $400 for that BlackPink lightstick while having yet paid off your debts. A bunk downB plunk down C crack up D blast away Key: B plunk down = to spend an amount of money on something 13. I never thought that a well-known actor would _____ endorsing low-quality products for money and totally trusted everything he said. A step up B stoop to C. batten on D dragoon into 116

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: B stoop to = to drop your moral standards to do something bad or unpleasant 14. She's an arrogant girl who is always getting into trouble for giving her teachers _____. A cheek B juice C tacks D tongue Key: A cheek (n) = talk or behaviour that people think is annoying, rude or not showing enough respect 15. Easter Monday in Buccoo Village, I was elbowing my way through ice-cream vans and _____ of people when I saw a weird little girl with red hair. A flocks B herds C hordes D shoals Key: C horde (n) = a large crowd of people Word form 1 Tea is bitter in nature, but certain substances in high-quality tea may give it a sweet _____ that will gradually cover the initial bitterness. (TASTE) 2 As a gesture of _____, we agreed to do the work free of charge. (GOOD) 3 December 1948, the enemy launched a full-scale _____ on our capital, killing 387 000 civilians. (SLAUGHT) 4 The actor _____ the question by denying his relationship with the female internet celebrity. (STEP) 5 There is nothing to be proud of in showing a _____ attitude, you should really learn the value of discipline! (CONFORM) 1 AFTERTASTE (n) = a taste (usually an unpleasant one) that stays in your mouth after you have eaten or drunk something 2 GOODWILL (n) = friendly or helpful feelings towards other people or countries 3 ONSLAUGHT (n) = a strong or violent attack 4 SIDESTEPPED (v) = to avoid answering a question or dealing with a problem 5 NONCONFORMIST (adj) = not following normal ways of thinking or behaving

Test 60 1. The amount of each ingredient put in your cake might differ a bit from the recipe, so it usually requires experience to have your cake done _____. A there and then B just the way C for good D to a turn Key: D cooked/ done to a turn = cooked for exactly the right amount of time 2. I was _____ after the three-hour test and only wanted to sleep when I got home. 117

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A done in B done away C done out D done with Key: A done in = very tired 3. Picasso _____ most of his paintings and sculptures to Spain and France. A bequeathedB bereaved C berated D entrusted Key: A bequeath (v) = to arrange for money or property to be given to somebody after your death 4. Tell the bullies that your father is a policeman, that will put the _____ up them. A chill B wind C fright D frostbite Key: B put the wind up sb = to make sb feel worried about their situation 5. After what she has contributed to the organization, she has finally obtained the recognition she _____ deserved. A utterly B truthfully C richly D merely Key: C richly (adv) = in a very special or valuable way, or in a way that is greater than usual 6. The reason I turned down that job is because sales assistants are often at the _____ end of verbal abuse from customers. A dead B receiving C pointed D far Key: B If you are at/on the receiving end of something unpleasant that someone does, you suffer because of it 7. My father said when he asked my mother out for a date, she kept him _____ for a week before making her decision. A hovering B floating C lurching D dangling Key: D keep sb dangling = to keep somebody in an uncertain state by not telling them something that they want to know 8. The dynamic environment in this school provides _____ ground for creativity and innovation. A arable B lucrative C fallow D fertile Key: D fertile (adj) = that produces good results; that encourages activity 9. After a trip to this so-called “violent” region, I realize this is barely a(n) _____ controversy surrounded by weak allegations made up by the media. A obnoxious B revolting C unsubstantiated D inauspicious Key: C unsubstantiated (adj) = not proved to be true by evidence


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 10. During the last years of the decade, when the Internet started to get more popular, many companies _____ the idea of putting advertisements online. A tripped up B latched onto C stooped to D tried on Key: B latch onto = to understand an idea or what somebody is saying 11. It is reported that people living in areas under lockdown have to pay slightly more than the _____ for food and other necessities. A going rate B low level C tail end D even ground Key: A the going rate = the usual amount of money paid for goods or services at a particular time 12. My friend tried to create a perfect image of his class by boasting about their achievements but at the same time _____ their internal conflicts. A shoring up B closing on C glossing over D branching out Key: C gloss over = to avoid talking about something unpleasant or embarrassing by not dealing with it in detail 13. This company is one of the few firms to have _____ of a declining industry during this time of pandemic. A gone off the rails B cut their losses C cut corners D bucked the trend Key: D buck the trend = to succeed in doing something, even though there is a general tendency for this not to happen 14. The owner of the factory offered a compromise at the _____ hour to prevent a strike about to be launched by workers. A twenty third B eleventh C evil D small Key: B at the eleventh hour = at the last possible moment; just in time 15. The old security guard has been working here for so long that he has become _____ - it is hard to imagine our school without him one day. A the top of the tree B a living soul C part of the furniture D a cog in the machine Key: C part of the furniture = sb has been somewhere for such a long time that it is hard to imagine that place without them. Word form 1 One of the most famous paintings of Chen Yifei is “Upland Wind”, a _____ drawing of a heavily clothed Tibetan family. (LIFE) 119

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 2 You can see the _____ of the victory on his face even half a month after the contest. (GLOW) 3 Using _____ steel in construction may help you save money at first but will end up costing you more when the building degrades. (GRADE) 4 There is nothing to worry about such a small problem, just relax and don’t _____ it! (THINK) 5 Looking at the number of typos in this article, I am sure you have skipped the _____ stage again. (READ) 1 LIFELIKE (adj) = exactly like a real person or thing 2 AFTERGLOW (n) = a pleasant feeling after a good experience 3 LOW-GRADE (adj) = of low quality 4 OVERTHINK (v) = to think about sth too much in a way that is not useful 5 PROOFREADING (n) = the process of finding and correcting mistakes in text before it is printed or put online

Test 61 1. After months of training, the astronauts were eager to get the show _____. A to the stageB off the street C on the road D into light Key: C get the show on the road = get sth started. 2. Be careful with who you make friends with, your relationships can have a considerable _____ on your future. A weight B force C bearing D footing Key: C have a bearing on sth = to have an influence on something or a relationship to something 3. A friend of mine is regarded by many people as a(n) _____ bachelor but he does not show much interest in marriage. A feasible B legal C delicate D eligible Key: D eligible (adj) = an eligible person is not married and is thought to be a suitable future marriage partner, especially because they are rich and attractive 4. The students were still able to cheat without being caught by the camera, _____ high-tech supervision. A so much for B very much of C thus be it D so it be Key: A If you say so much for a particular thing, you mean that it has not been successful or helpful. 120

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 5. Without the Internet, I can’t imagine how _____ can speak up their opinions when many governments try to restrict free speech. A dissidents B protesters C proponents D debaters Key: A dissident (n) = a person who publicly disagrees with and criticizes their government 6. Since many of Kris Wu’s fans have developed a tendency to _____ due to his perfect public image, his scandal came as a shock to them. A spare his feelings B follow his footsteps C put him on a pedestal D take him under their wings Key: C put sb on a pedestal = to admire or love someone so much that you believe they have no faults 7. Many people see supermarkets as great contributors to the economy of this area without realizing that they are _____ local stores. A tiding over B bringing out C forcing down D squeezing out Key: D squeeze out = to prevent somebody/something from continuing to do something or be in business 8. For some unknown reason, Tony seems to be an overly tidy person and always_____ keeping everything in his house well-organized. A ropes into B makes a point of C stoops low to D sets his sights on Key: B make a point of = to always do something or to take particular care to do something 9. My boss was about to _____ the meeting as everyone had all agreed on the plan when a new problem was raised. A draw in B take down C stop off D wind up Key: D wind up = to bring something such as a speech or meeting to an end 10. Frightened by the actors in the Halloween Haunted House, the little boy screamed his _____ off A head B heart C throat D soul Key: A scream your head off = to scream or yell very loudly and lengthily 11. Reuniting after 10 years, my best friend, who is now a successful businessman, offered to _____ the drinks that night. A fork out B deal out C do up D spring for Key: D spring for = to pay for or buy something, often for someone else


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 12. Even when he does not have any justifiable reason for buying a car, my father still _____ on one last month. A splashed out B spilled out C bucketed down D poured down Key: A splash out on sth = spend a lot of money on sth 13. Despite saying that gender is not important, Tony had made it _____ clear that he preferred having a baby boy. A painfully B unduly C abundantly D pure Key: C abundantly clear = very obvious 14. Be realistic, your present Chinese level is not going to bring you a(n) _____ chance of getting a translation job. A oddly B boldly C briskly D earthly Key: D earthly (adj) = (often used in questions and negatives for emphasis) possible 15. People from tropical countries may like this kind of climate, but not farmers like me, my whole crop has been _____ by a late frost. A blasted B groped C hailed D brooded Key: A blast (v) = to destroy something such as a plant with disease, cold, heat, etc. Word form 1 The factory provides a real _____ for many unskilled rural women in poverty. (LIFE) 2 Undoubtedly, he was just inviting me as a(n) _____ because I didn’t receive any invitation cards was informed about the time only a day before the wedding. (THOUGHT) 3 Just because he is burning the midnight oil doesn’t mean that he is a(n) _____ student, he has been procrastinating for weeks. (INDUSTRY) 4 He is just trying to hide his wickedness under his _____ appearance by acting kind and courteous. (MAN) 5 Chaturanga, an ancient Indian strategy game, is commonly theorized to be the 1500year-old _____ of king chess. (RUN) 1 LIFELINE (n) = something that is very important for somebody and that they depend on 2 AFTERTHOUGHT (n) = a thing that is thought of, said or added later, and is often not carefully planned 3 INDUSTRIOUS (adj) = hard-working


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 4 GENTLEMANLY (adj) = behaving very well and showing very good manners, like a gentleman 5 FORERUNNER (n) = a person or thing that came before and influenced somebody/something else that is similar

Test 62 1. I feel like I'm _____ when I have joined too many clubs and end up being snowed under tasks deadlines. A juggling frogs B chasing my tail C chickening out D getting ducks in a row Key: A juggle frogs = trying to deal with many different tasks at the same time and finding the situation difficult 2. They are brothers, they can never fall out with each other for long and will _____ soon. A kiss and make up B get their goats C burst the bubble D break the ice Key: A kiss and make up = to forgive sb and become friends again 3. Hearing the news of my father's sudden death, I went weak in the _____ and could barely remain standing. A legs B heart C soul D knees Key: D weak in the knees = unsteady or flustered due to a strong emotional reaction to someone or something. 4. There have been a few times that I've nearly _____, but thinking of my responsibility to my daughter helps keep me sober. A faced the music B fallen off the wagon C given lip service D had a screw loose Key: B fall off the wagon = to begin using alcohol (or another problem substance) after quitting 5. The scene on the street this morning was like an action movie in real life with cops _____ of the bank robbers. A near the knuckle B close to the bone C hot on the heels D down at the heels Key: C hot on the heels = following closely behind sb 6. 30 years after graduation, the billionaire returned to his hometown and donated $20 million to his _____ - Chicago University. 123

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A alma mater B avant-garde C cul-de-sac D silhouette Key: A alma mater = the school, college, or university that one attended or in which one has studied 7 We used to have a _____ childhood together in a poor but cozy family before everyone grew up and things started to go wrong. A blistering B opulent C doleful D blissful Key: D blissful (adj) = extremely happy 8 All members had to take a solemn _____ never to reveal the secrets of the organization. A oath B motto C adage D maxim Key: A oath (n) = a formal promise to do something or a formal statement that something is true 9. The company has gained such a good reputation for the quality of its products that its name has become a _____ for excellence. A slogan B byword C cliché D dictum Key: B byword (n) = a person or thing that is a well-known or typical example of a particular quality 10. He's had a lot of problems at work, fired twice and failing countless times, but he always seems to _____ pretty quickly. A back up B skip out C scrape through D bounce back Key: D bounce back = to become healthy, successful or confident again after being ill or having difficulties 11. My teacher is usually very tolerant, but after the fifth time in the week Tony came late, she lost her patience and _____. A bawled him out B mopped him up C hashed him out D boiled him down Key: A bawl out = to speak angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong 12. My lack of sleep, accompanied by the absolute silence in the library, makes me feel like I'm about to _____ any minute. A pass by B doze off C pull in D slope off Key: B doze off = fall asleep, especially during the day 13 A huge fire _____ a food and beverage factory outside Bangladesh’s capital last night, killing at least 52 people. 124

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A tided over B smoked out C phased out D ripped through Key: D rip through = to go very quickly and violently into or through somebody/something 14. The leaders of the organization were determined to _____ the traitor after their secret base had been discovered and attacked. A head off B knuckle down C smoke out D cop out Key: C smoke out = to take action to discover where somebody is hiding or to make a secret publicly known 15. The blaze began Thursday night at the five-story factory in Rupganj, sending huge clouds of black smoke _____ into the sky. A hurling B forging C roaming D billowing Key: D billow (v) = if smoke, cloud, etc. billows, it rises and moves in a large mass Word form 1. People argue that the new term added to the Cybersecurity Law is almost _____ to censorship. (AMOUNT) 2. Animal diseases can potentially pass to humans at any animal-human _____ such as a zoo, farm or animal market. (FACE) 3. To prevent the outbreak of epidemics, if animals in your house have any signs of a _____ disease, please report to your local authority. (NOTICE) 4. People from infected areas must _____ their health status and contact tracing. (REPORT) 5. Many people might be _____ during the incubation period so we can never know who really doesn’t carry the virus. (SYMPTOM) 1 TANTAMOUNT (adj) = having the same bad effect as something else 2 INTERFACE (n) = the point where two subjects, systems, etc. meet and affect each other 3 NOTIFIABLE (adj) = a notifiable disease or offence must be reported to public health or legal organizations 4 SELF-REPORT (v) = to give details about an aspect of your life, typically relating to your physical or mental condition 5 ASYMPTOMATIC (adj) = having no symptoms

Test 63 1. Nobody is casting _____ on you, it’s just you misunderstanding everyone! A rebuke B censure C aspersions D condemnation 125

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: C aspersions = an unkind remark or an unfair judgment 2. This relationship is unlikely to get anywhere - for one thing, they are both _____ and will never tolerate the others. A highly-strung B boisterous C rambunctious D stand-offish Key: A highly strung (adj) = easily upset 3. It had been quite late but the party still had no sign of ending so we decided to take _____ leave and made our way home. A French B Greek C Spanish D Tokyo Key: A take French leave = an absence or departure from some place or event without ceremony, permission, or announcement 4. Sadly, the young actor’s stardom ended up being _____ as he was quickly forgotten after his first movie. A feather in the cap B flash in the pan C sands of time D rack and ruin Key: B flash in the pan = a sudden success that lasts only a short time and is not likely to be repeated 5. When my car suddenly broke down in the middle of a forest at night, I felt like a _____ in the wild. A sitting duck B turned turtle C shag on a rock D boiling frog Key: A sitting duck = sth that is unprotected and vulnerable to an easy attack. 6. Ever since Kyle became a teenager, he's turned into a real _____, and it's impossible to anticipate his mood at any given time. A X-factor B Vicar of Bray C Jumping Judas D Jekyll and Hyde Key: D Jekyll and Hyde = A person whose personality drastically changes between good and bad. 7. She is described as an elegant girl with brown eyes and a(n) _____ smile always on her face. A irksome B blushing C winsome D blistering Key: C winsome (adj) = charming and attractive in a simple way 8. Sadly, I don’t have the discerning _____ necessary to fully enjoy such expensive dishes. A appetite B epitome C tongue D palate Key: D 126

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO palate = the ability to recognize and/or enjoy good food and drink 9. If her accusations are false, she is making a lot of _____ remarks about a lot of people and will have to compensate quite a lot. A tarnished B spurious C irascible D slanderous Key: D slanderous (adj) = (of a spoken statement) false, and intended to damage the good opinion people have of somebody 10. After the fraud scandal, the famous singer had to make great efforts to _____ his reputation. A reinforce B leverage C regenerate D salvage Key: D salvage (v) = to try to make a bad situation better 11. Praying everyday is _____ on believers as a religious duty - thus, it has become an integral part in my daily routine. A enmeshed B heeded C enjoined D entitled Key: C enjoin (v) = to order or strongly advise somebody to do something; to say that a particular action or quality is necessary 12. New policies have been implemented by the government with a view to _____ the ailing economy after the pandemic. A curling in B screwing up C knuckling down D shoring up Key: D shore up = to help to support something that is weak or going to fail 13. Don had been living _____ after winning the lottery before he found himself in arrears with his rent and later became homeless. A beyond his means B from hand to mouth C in arrears D on an even keel Key: A live beyond your means = spend more than you earn 14. After running 42km in the blistering heat of summer, Jasper _____ with exhaustion. A phased out B hashed out C keeled over D knuckled down Key: C keel over = to fall over suddenly 15. The professor could see that no one was listening to her boring lecture, but she _____ regardless. A ploughed on B sit through C stuck on D mulled over Key: A plough on = to continue doing something that is difficult or boring


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Word form 1. Peel the bananas and slice each _____ while waiting for the water to boil. (LONG) 2. Up to now, at least 37 people have been reported to be infected by the _____in South Korea at her church. (SPREAD) 3. Those who have been tested for the virus must _____ as they await their results. (QUARANTINE) 4. Antibiotics cannot be used to treat _____ infections because they don't kill viruses, only bacteria. (VIRUS) 5. The plane entered Chinese controlled _____ without permission and had to land immediately to prevent any unforeseen accidents. (SPACE)

1 LONGWAYS/LENGTHWISE/LENGTHWAYS (adv) = in the direction of the longest side 2 SUPERSPREADER (n) = a person with a disease who spreads it to a much larger number of people than average 3 SELF-QUARANTINE (v) = to keep yourself away from other people for a period of time if you think you may have a disease in order to prevent the disease from spreading 4 VIRAL (adj) = like or caused by a virus 5 AIRSPACE (n) = the part of the sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular country that is legally controlled by that country

Test 64 1. Despite strict regulations against _____ advertising, it can still be spotted everywhere from images that briefly flash in between frames of film to subtle messages in a song. A subsiding B sublingual C subliminal D telepathic Key: C subliminal (adj) = affecting your mind even though you are not aware of it 2. Something that I would really enjoy as a child was to watch the buffaloes _____ in the warerhole and rolling in the mud. A twitching B stalking C strolling D wallowing Key: D wallow (v) = (of large animals or people) to lie and roll about in water or mud, to keep cool or for pleasure 3. A thousand thoughts _____ together inside my mind while I try to force myself to sleep every night! A trifle B jostle C fidget D twiddle 128

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: B jostle (v) = to compete for something such as attention or a reward 4. While the adults were overthinking the problem, little John came up with a _____ solution to the problem using the simple mind of a child. A clean B neat C makeshift D smooth Key: B neat (adj) = simple but clever 5. Liverpool had several opportunities to score but _____ their chances and lost the game in the end. A squanderedB abused C scattered D abolished Key: A squander (v) = to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage 6. I saw my classmate cheating during the test, but it was nothing of my _____ so I kept my mouth shut in the end. A nose B skull C palm D cheek Key: A it is no skin of my nose = It is no or very little concern of mine; it poses no difficulty, threat, or risk to me. 7. Please follow the doctor's advice, he is in _____ earnest about the epidemic. A grave B sincere C deadly D pure Key: C in deadly earnest = completely serious 8. My mother _____ when she came back home this noon and found out I had forgotten to cook the rice. A brought the house down B hit the ceiling C had her blood boiled D hit the wall Key: B hit the ceiling = to become extremely angry 9. Only when you see the hurricane season here will you know nature is comforting but can also be _____ A out for blood B uncharted waters C like getting blood out of a stone D red in tooth and claw Key: D red in tooth and claw = behaving competitively or ruthlessly 10. Hearing about my uncle's death last night, I felt somewhat relieved that he could now leave this _____ behind after 8 years struggling with cancer. A gift of the gab B vale of tears C donkey’s years D cat-and-dog life Key: B 129

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO vale of tears = life or the world at large regarded as a source of sorrow, strife, or tragedy. 11. Harry knows _____ well that he would receive punishment for this but he’s still determined to go ahead with his plan. A grim B dead C all D full Key: D know full well = be definitely aware of sth, although they may behave as if they are not 12. He was trying to _____ the complicated series of events that had led to this situation but still couldn’t see where the mistakes lied. A weasel out B crouch over C ravel out D bowl over Key: C ravel out = to explain something that is difficult to understand or is mysterious; to become clearer or easier to understand 13. Twenty years serving the business as second in _____ to his father has helped him gain precious experience for his career. A authority B command C decree D junction Key: B second in command (n) = a person who has the second highest rank in a group and takes charge when the leader is not there 14. After graduating from law school, my father got a job in the local jury office and was responsible for _____ justice on the island. A interrogating B dispensing C waiving D legitimizing Key: B dispense (v) = to provide something, especially a service, for people 15. It is unfair that he's been cheating his customers for years, and getting _____ away with it. A white B clean C straight D flat Key: B clean (adv) = completely Word form 1. The latest economic surveys are _____ as a result of the decline in world trade during the pandemic. (BEAT) 2. The recent factory closures and job losses are just a _____ of the recession that is to come. (TASTE) 3. Sarah didn’t do very well on the test, so when knowing her score was barely enough to pass, the expression on her face was _____ between disappointment and relief. (WAY) 4. The rainbow appears after the rain and looks just like a colorful giant _____ fan in the sky. (CIRCLE) 130

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 5. My team is submerged in deadlines so we do not have the _____ to take on new projects at the moment. (BAND) 1 DOWNBEAT (adj) = depressing; not having much hope for the future 2 FORETASTE (n) = a small amount of a particular experience or situation that shows you what it will be like when the same thing happens on a larger scale in the future 3 MIDWAY (adv) = with some of the characteristics of one thing and some of another 4 SEMICIRCULAR (adj) = forming or having a shape like one half of a circle 5 BANDWIDTH (n) = the energy or capacity that you need to do something

Test 65 1. The authorities only sit in the _____ without knowing anything about the real desire of ordinary people. A ivory tower B cloud castle C air balloon D royal palace Key: A ivory tower = a place or situation where you are separated from the problems and practical aspects of normal life and therefore do not have to worry about or understand them 2. Everyone loves these giant retail chains for their low prices, but few care that the local business owners are taken the _____ out of their mouth. A bread B egg C teeth D pudding Key: A take the bread out of somebody’s mouth = to take away somebody’s job so that they are no longer able to earn enough money to live 3. I can see you have been practicing very hard for the past 5 months so you totally deserve the _____, son! A gold plate B blue ribbonC silver spoon D red flag Key: B blue ribbon = the highest prize in a competition or event 4. I know your dream is to become a singer, but with your voice, please stop _____ and choose another major. A chasing the dragon B chasing rainbows C crying over spilt milk D holding the fort Key: B chase rainbows = to try to get something that you can never have 5. John’s reaction showed that he was full of _____ after hearing that he was going to be a dad for the first time. A cakes B lemons C jellies D beans Key: D 131

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO full of beans = to be full of energy and in high spirits 6. The detective pressed the doorbell and waited in the _____ for the front door to open. A perch B threshold C porch D ridge Key: C porch (n) = a small area at the entrance to a building, such as a house or a church, that is covered by a roof and often has walls 7. Our diplomatic relationship with that country is rather tense at the moment and we are facing a(n) _____ threat of invasion. A prominent B imminent C auspicious D immediate Key: B imminent (adj) = (especially of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon 8. During French colonialism, many Vietnamese workers were on the _____ to object labour exploitation in factories and plantations. A dole queue B picket line C back benchD assembly line Key: B the picket line = a line of people picketing a business, organization, or institution 9. Thinking of the test never fails to make my stomach _____ - waiting for the result is like torturing my soul. A flutter B paralyse C wail D relapse Key: A If your heart or stomach flutters, you feel slightly uncomfortable because you are excited or nervous: 10. Returning home and staying with your family during the holiday was so comfortable that I sometimes wish this could continue _____ forever. A unbroken B unbridled C unabridged D unabated Key: A unbroken (adj) = not interrupted in any way 11. My insomnia is so serious that even the background _____ of the air-conditioning bothers my sleep. A din B thud C blare D hum Key: D hum (n) = a low continuous sound 12. He has turned over a new leaf so will you please be kind enough to stop _____ his criminal record? A ruling out B ringing back C ramping upD raking up Key: D rake up = to mention something unpleasant that happened in the past and that other people would like to forget


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 13. From the way John is speaking, I suspect he is _____ another piece of cake for his girlfriend. A angling for B alluding to C sticking to D attesting to Key: A angle for = to try to get sth or a particular response from somebody, without directly asking for what you want 14. After the test, John _____ hours everyday playing games as a way to compensate for his hard work over the past few months. A sinks in B slips up C idles away D ironing out Key: C idle away = waste time doing nothing much 15. Just by a glance, everybody can realize John is _____ by his desirable results in the test. A captivated B intoxicated C aroused D extracted Key: B intoxicate (v) = to make sb excited, happy, and slightly out of control Word form 1. Ever since his girlfriend had to serve in the isolation area, he has always seemed _____ (CAST) downcasr 2. Many FMVs were produced using this web service, which allows people to create _____ of movies by combining scenes from various films. (MASH) mash --ups 3. The conflict relating to border delineation between the two countries has led to the _____ of their diplomatic relation. (SEVER) serverance 4. Mining and other industrial activities destroy this area and turn it into a desolate _____. (MOON) moonscape 5. Although tourists are attracted to Sapa because of the snow, residents there are actually afraid of this weather due to its harm to their _____, especially the buffaloes. (LIVE) livestock 1 DOWNCAST (adj) = (of a person or an expression) sad or depressed 2 MASH-UPS (n) = a combination of elements from different sources used to create a new song, video, computer file, program, etc. 3 SEVERANCE (n) = the act of ending a connection or relationship 4 MOONSCAPE (n) = an area of land that is empty, with no trees, water, etc., and looks like the surface of the moon 5 LIVESTOCK (n) = animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens

Test 66 133

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 1. Ms. Acogny took the liberty of introducing herself, for she, too, was a dancer of some _______. A. renown B. recognition C. dignity D. reputation Key: A of renown = being known and admired by many people for some special quality or achievement 2. Nature is rational, simple and orderly, and it acts in accordance with _______ laws. A. ineluctable B. inscrutable C. immutableD. implausible Key. C immutable (adj) = that cannot be changed; that will never change 3. We suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she _______ and insisted on taking the train. A. bit her head off B. dug her heels in C. kept her chin up D. stuck her neck out Key: B dig your heels in = to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to do so 4. I apologized unreservedly for the offending remarks I had made but he turned a cold, _______ gaze on me. A. amphibianB. draconian C. mammalian D. reptilian Key: D reptilian (adj) = used to describe an unpleasantly strange and unfriendly person or type of behaviour 5. _______ journalism is a practice whereby monetary inducement is given to journalists to make them write a positive story or kill a negative story. A. Blue chamber B. Brown envelope C. Red letter D. White card Key: B Brown envelope journalism (BEJ) is a practice whereby monetary inducement is given to journalists to make them write a positive story or kill a negative story. The name is derived from cash inducements hidden in brown envelopes and given to journalists during press briefings 6. The employment secretary found himself _______ over recent job cuts. A. at the end of the line B. down the line C. in the pipeline D. on the firing line Key: D be in/on the firing line = to be in a position where people can criticize or blame you 7. When the cost was ________ the advantages, the scheme looked perfect. A. set against B. pit against C. counted against D. weighed up against 134

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: A set something (off) against something = to judge something by comparing good or positive qualities with bad or negative ones 8. China's car market exploded in 2009, _______ an ailing global industry and relegating the U.S. to the second spot. A. propping up B. ticking over C. wading through D. forging ahead Key: A prop up = to help something that is having difficulties 9. Judges already have substantial latitude to limit _______ arguments that might mislead jurors; they could use it more often. B. intramural B. extramuralC. extraneous D. outbound Key: C extraneous (adj) = not directly connected with the particular situation you are in or the subject you are dealing with 10. He doesn't like the job but he'll _______ until the work is done. A. cotton on B. harp on C. impinge on D. soldier on Key: D soldier on = to continue with what you are doing or trying to achieve, especially when this is difficult or unpleasant 11. Often the interviewer will need to _______ devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going. A. make B. act C. place D. play Key: D play devil's advocate = express an opinion that they do not really hold in order to encourage a discussion about a subject 12. Unfortunately, we ran out of time during tonight's show and had to _______ our musical guest off. A. sag B. write C. dust D. bump Key: D bump sb off = to unexpectedly remove someone from something, often a list or schedule 13. It is a(n) _______ fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy. A. axiomatic B. pragmatic C. chromatic D. enigmatic Key: A axiomatic = evident without proof or argument 14. With the economy in the worst recession for thirty years, it was scarcely the most _______ time to start up a company. A. pernicious B. parsimonious C. precipitous D. propitious Key: D propitious (adj) = likely to produce a successful result 135

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 15. That car must have set Joe _________ quite a bit; it’s top of the range. A. away B. back C. in D. down Key: B set somebody back something = to cost somebody a particular amount of money Word form 1. This is regarded by many as a _________ initiative that has failed to deliver its promises. (LAME) 2. On Wednesday night the UN issued its toughest _________ to date, demanding that all troops withdraw from the city. (ULTIMATE) 3. The balance of the pairs of opposites which comprise a square is the _________ of its perfection. (SIGN) 4. An early example of product _________ is in the 1949 movie Gun Crazy, where a Bulova clock is repeatedly shown in important scenes. (PLACE) 5. I just use a few basic and _________ symbols, for the most part just crossing out errors and inserting the correct version. (EXPLAIN) 1. LAME-DUCK (n) = one that is weak or that falls behind in ability or achievement 2. ULTIMATUM (n) = a threat in which a person or group of people are warned that if they do not do a particular thing, something unpleasant will happen to them 3. INSIGNIA (n) = an object or mark that shows that a person belongs to a particular organization or group, or has a particular rank 4. PLACEMENT (n) = the act of placing something in a particular position, or the position of something 5. SELF-EXPLANATORY (adj) = easily understood from the information already given and not needing further explanation:

Test 67 1. The decision to include Morris in the team was completely _______ when he scored three goals. A. extrapolated B. vindicated C. reverberated D. subjugated Key: B vindicate something (v) = to prove that something is true or that you were right to do something, especially when other people had a different opinion 2. Simon hasn’t got a job, and isn’t trying to get one. He just _________ his friends. A. meddles with B. sponges on C. tarts up D. sweeps along Key: B sponge on = to take advantage of someone else's generosity, charity, or hospitality in order to obtain something, typically money or food, as a handout 136

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 3. Failing to stand a _________ state-run organization, Jimmy decided to switch job. A. symphonic B. monolithicC. gargantuan D. concordant Key: B monolithic = used to describe single, very large organizations that are very slow to change and not interested in individual people 4. On Jan. 17, 1893, Hawaii's monarchy was overthrown as a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to _______. A. forsake B. abdicate C. desert D. cede Key: B abdicate (v) = to give up the position of being king, queen or emperor 5. Although 83 he was still _______ and his death from pneumonia following a short hospital stay came as a shock. A. ebullient B. exuberant C. sprightly D. vivacious Key: C sprightly (adj) = (especially of older people) full of life and energy 6. If you never put oil into your car engine, one day it will __________. A. run off B. flake out C. shut down D. seize up Key: D seize up = to stop being able to move or work in the normal way 7. She learns to detach, to _______, from all earthly concepts and material objects, even bodily form. A. backbite B. impugn C. reprehend D. abnegate Key: D abnegate = to not allow yourself to have something, especially something you like or want 8. We are a luxury restaurant and if people have a bad experience, we have to _______. A. carry all before them B. carry the can C. carry the ball D. carry the day Key: B carry the can = to take the blame or responsibility for something that is wrong or has not succeeded 9. I don’t like to make friends with those who always ____ people _____ behind their backs. A. slag/off B. slap/around C. strike/out D. hate/on Key: A slag sb off = to criticize someone or something in an unpleasant way 10. The dress is perfect. Don't add anything to it at all. It would just be _______. A. going to seed B. smelling of roses C. pushing up the daisies D. gilding the lily 137

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: D gild the lily = make unnecessary additions to what is already complete 11. Government becomes no longer the servant of the people but in the thrall of big money, lobbyists and a media happy to live off its fancy leftovers in a ___________ of gossip and shallow speculation. A. feeding frenzy B. second wind C. fever pitch D. buffer zone Key: A feeding frenzy = a situation in which people try to get as much as possible of something, for example information about an event, especially in an unpleasant way 12. Not getting the promotion felt like a real kick in the _________ as I’d put in so much hard work for the company. A. head B. teeth C. back D. leg Key: B If you describe the way someone treats you as a kick in the teeth, you mean that that person treats you badly and unfairly, especially at a time when you need their support 13. Business leaders predict a hard year ahead with the economy _________. A. on the rocks B. on the cards C. in the black D. in the doldrums Key: D If an economy or business is in the doldrums, nothing new is happening and it is not doing well 14. Even though it’s still easy to _________ digital copy protection, most users can’t do it. A. outflank B. deflect C. circumvent D. oscillate Key: C circumvent = to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule 15. The proposal drew many negative comments as it _________ common sense. A. struck a hard bargain against B. reinvented the wheel of C. threw the book at D. flew in the face of Key: D fly in the face of = to oppose or be the opposite of something that is usual or expected Word form 1. Jean will look after Harry, I'm quite sure - she's a _________ for babies. (PUSH) 2. Merchandise imports have expanded significantly faster than world trade in both real and _________ dollar values. (NAME) 3. He suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has occasionally experienced _________. (BLACK) 4. People say that the corpses of the sacred monks will be _________ due to their divine power. (COMPOSE) 138

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 5. An _________ is the one who uses statistics and mathematics to study, model and predict economic principles and outcomes. (ECONOMY) 1. PUSHOVER (n) = a person who is easy to persuade or influence 2. NOMINAL (adj) = being something in name only, and not in reality 3. BLACKOUTS BLACKOUT (n) = a temporary loss of consciousness, sight or memory 4. INDECOMPOSABLE (adj) = incapable of being decomposed 5. ECONOMETRICIAN (n) = someone who works with or studies econometrics

Test 68 1. Everyone in the company detests getting close to him because he’s always trying to ______ the boss. A. suck up to B. cry out for C. pin down to D. fall over to Key: A suck up to = to try to please somebody in authority by praising them too much, helping them, etc., in order to gain some advantage for yourself 2. She treats smokers like the _______, as the worst people there are. A. scum of the earth B. bright spark C. live wire D. nasty piece of work Key: A scum of the earth = the worst type of people that can be imagined 3. Being a fertile ground for film production, Los Angeles is ________ with would-be actors. A. bulging at the seams B. flying by the seat of its pants C. wearing the trousers D. burning a hole in its pocket Key: A be bursting/bulging at the seams (with something) = be very or too full (of something) 4. The economic and political ________ of the civil war in Ethiopia is still being felt. A. backfire B. backtrack C. backlash D. backwash Key: D backwash (n) = the unpleasant result of an event 5. Her letter contained several outrageous _______ on her former colleagues. A. blots B. slurs C. stains D. drags Key: B slur (n) = a remark that criticizes someone and is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation 139

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 6. To apply for this position, each candidate has to submit a ________ photo besides other required documents. A. full-bodied B. full-scale C. full-length D. full-fledged Key: C full-length (adj) = showing the whole of a person’s body 7. Although the task is basically a no-brainer, she’s making such a ________ weather of it. A. heavy B. weighty C. stormy D. rough Key: A If you say that someone is making heavy weather of a task, you are critical of them because they are doing it in an inefficient way and are making it seem more difficult than it really is. 8. My boss is always having a _______ at me. He always seems to find something to criticise me for. A. gun B. dig C. pitch D. hit Key: B have a dig at sb = to make a mocking, sarcastic, or insulting remark, gibe, or criticism at someone's or something's expense 9. The starter motor was _______ again, which got on my nerves. A. firing away B. playing up C. sounding out D. harping on Key: B If a machine plays up, it does not work as it should. 10. With a feeling of dark ______, I went home straight despite our plans to play football. A. intuition B. foreboding C. premonition D. herald Key: B foreboding (n) = a strong feeling that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen 11. By the time the traffic jam cleared up, we were pretty _______. A. palmed off B. fobbed off C. browned off D. nodded off Key: B fob off = to anger or irritate someone 12. Although he always gave the impression he was hard up, it was well known that he had a large amount of money stashed _________ in the bank. A. out B. back C. up D. away Key: D stash sth away = to hide something; to set something aside for use at a later time 13. It seems Richard did not wanted to wear that shirt so he spilled ketchup over it __________-on-purpose. A. accidentally B. unintentionally C. accidental D. unintentional 140

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO Key: A If you do something accidentally on purpose, you do it intentionally but pretend it happened by chance. 14. To save money for _______ purposes is altogether different from saving it for economical purposes. A. avaricious B. dolorous C. pugnacious D. ominous Key: A avaricious (adj) = showing an extremely strong wish to get or keep money or possessions 15. I tried to _______out of the room so that nobody would see me go. A. strut B. scamper C. slither D. slink Key: D slink (v) = to walk away from somewhere quietly so that you are not noticed Word form 1. His explanation was wrapped up in so much technical _______ that I couldn't understand it. (VERB) 2. Most big companies usually have ____teleconferences___ so that the CEO can contact all directors of subsidiary companies. (CONFERENCE) 3. James was originally _______ but he decided to leave his wealthy family and then joined Team Rocket. (BLOOD) 4. Hikaru Nara is such a good and catchy song that I get _______ every time I listen to it. (GOOSE) 5. Oral disease, especially dental carries, is complicated and ____multifactorial___, and it often begins to develop during infancy. (FACTOR) 1. VERBIAGE (n) = the use of too many words, or of more difficult words than are needed, to express an idea 2. TELECONFERENCES TELECONFERENCE (n) = a meeting involving people who are in different places, but who are connected by video and computers 3. BLUE-BLOODED (adj) = someone born into a family that belongs to the highest social class. 4. GOOSEBUMPS (n) = small raised areas that appear on the skin because of cold, fear, or excitement 5. MULTIFACTORIAL (adj) = having, involving, or produced by a variety of elements or causes



Test 69 1. A successful terminal at Stratford would inevitably and _______ encroach on the Lea Valley regional park and reduce leisure facilities. A. inexorablyB. inextricably C. indubitably D. indomitably Key: A inexorably (adv) = n a way that cannot be stopped or changed 2. Until this evening, Hannah is still ________ away at her unfinished report. A. hammering B. grinding C. whiling D. axing Key: B grind away = work or study hard 3. It is a major _______ or social embarrassment to arrive at a party early or even on time. A. idée fixe B. hoi polloi C. avant garde D. faux pas Key: D faux pas = an action or a remark that causes somebody to feel embarrassed because it is not socially correct 4. A _______ headache can occur for many reasons, from temporary causes, such as a hangover, to more severe or chronic forms of pain. A. beating B. drumming C. hammering D. throbbing Key: D An injury that's throbbing with pain pounds with regular beats 5. Today, Einstein is _______ as an intellectual colossus who bestrode the 20th century like no other. A. enchanted B. venerated C. armored D. enamored Key: B venerate = to have and show a lot of respect for somebody/something, especially somebody/something that is considered to be holy or very important 6. Financial aid is being provided to the country _______ of the World Bank. A. under the auspices B. by the book C. on the blink D. at the hands Key: A under the auspices = with the help and support of (someone or something) 7. Whether there’s truth in it or not, I can’t stand that _______ “follow your heart”. 142

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A. old chestnut B. old soak C. old wives’ tale D. old money Key: A old chestnut = an old joke or story that has been told so many times that it is no longer funny or interesting 8. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I accidentally heard this odd _________ of conversation on the bus. A. buzz B. hum C. snippet D. snatch Key: D snatch (n) = a very small part of a conversation or some music that you hear 9. Because of the children involved, they want to resolve the court case as quickly and ________ as possible. B. grudgingly B. discerningly C. discreetly D. judiciously Key: C discreetly (adv) = in a careful way, in order to keep something secret or to avoid causing difficulty for somebody or making them feel embarrassed 10. The new movie’s plot has more holes than _________ cheese. A. Greek B. Italian C. Swiss D. French Key: C If something has more holes than a Swiss cheese, it is incomplete, and lacks many parts. 11. The government has been _______ this issue for years, but the time has finally come for us to do something about it! A. pertaining to B. touching on C. delving into D. slurring over Key: D slur over = to discuss, treat, approach, or deal with something in a very superficial, careless, or evasive manner 12. Can you believe what they're making us do at work now? What a(n) _______. A. apple of discord B. can of worms C. load of cobblers D. spot of bother Key: C a load of (old) cobblers = a bunch of nonsense 13. It’s natural for students to worry about whether they will ________ or not at a new school. A. measure up B. sprout up C. show up D. dig up Key: A measure up = to be as good, successful, etc. as expected or needed 14. Except for pasting the occasional coconut tree with small advertisements for acupuncture, the hippies have done little to _______ this beautiful spot. A. disfigure B. mutilate C. deface D. amputate Key: A 143

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO disfigure = to damage the appearance of a person, thing or place 15. For many young people, driving cars at high speed seems to ________ a rather fatal fascination. A. reserve B. wield C. weave D. hold Key: D hold a fascination (collo) Word form 1. Once the news of the assassination of their beloved leader reached the public, ________ broke out in streets throughout the country. (DEMON) 2. It was a ________ moment for Kousei when he realized he wouldn’t have been able to go on but for his friend’s sincere encouragement (LIGHT) 3. Practise good personal protection against mosquito bites to prevent ________ infections. (MOSQUITO) 4. Many new immigrants have not yet ________ fully into the new culture. (SIMILAR) 5. The externalist approach focuses on the way a belief is produced in order to assess its epistemic ________. (CREDIT) 1. PANDEMONIUM (n) = a chaotic situation 2. LIGHT-BULB (n) LIGHT-BULB MOMENT = a moment of sudden realization, enlightenment, or inspiration 3. MOSQUITO-BORNE (adj) MOSQUITO-BORNE DISEASES = diseases spread by the bite of an infected mosquito 4. ASSIMILATED ASSIMILATE (v) = to become, or cause somebody to become, a part of a country or community rather than remaining in a separate group 5. CREDENTIALS CREDENTIAL (n) = a qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something



Test 70 1. The road is packed with vehicles! That’s _______ at rush hour. A. a going concern B. a hue and cry C. part and parcel D. par for the course Key: D If a type of behaviour, event, or situation is par for the course, it is not good but it is normal or as you would expect. 2. Haiti's first elected president was _______ in a violent military coup . A. disbarred B. supplantedC. deposed D. subverted Key: C depose = to remove someone important from a powerful position 3. You will have to learn to face up to a few _______, my boy, before it’s too late. A. home truths B. odd jobs C. second thoughts D. kid gloves Key: A home truths = a true but unpleasant fact about yourself that another person tells you 4. As soon as he read the letter, tears ________ in his eyes. A. soaked up B. welled up C. filled up D. tanked up Key: B well up = to gush or pour up and away from something 5. Incoherence, or word ________, refers to speech that is unconnected and conveys no meaning to the listener. A. salad B. blend C. roll D. soup Key: A word salad = a mixture of words or phrases that is confused and difficult to understand 6. The case alleges that the company _______ female employees on opportunities for promotion. A. short-dated B. short-changed C. short-circuited D. short-handed Key: B short-change (v) = to treat someone unfairly by giving them less than they deserve 7. Poor Mary, all her colleagues teased her; she was the _______ of all their jokes. A. hubbub B. butt C. bulk D. brunt Key: B be the butt of sth = to be the person or thing that other people often make jokes about


FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO 8. The city has _______ on the storage building permit, arguing that may not be permissible under updated zoning requirements. A. derided B. taunted C. faltered D. reneged Key: D renege (v) to break a promise, an agreement, etc 9. Aircraft production continued to _______ at an agonizingly slow pace. A. bubble over B. bristle at C. plod along D. fawn over Key: C plod along = to make very slow progress, especially with difficult or boring work 10. Kim put my name down for a sponsored parachute jump but I _______ at the last moment. A. beavered away B. weaseled out C. chickened out D. clammed up Key: C chicken out (of sth) = to decide not to do something because you are afraid 11. After winning the lottery, they moved into a more _______ house in a high-class residential area and had a more comfortable life. A. well-attended B. well-built C. well-appointed D. well-disposed Key: C well-appointed (adj) = having a good supply of comfortable or necessary furniture and attractive decorations 12. Thousands of people came out onto the streets to _______ their support for the democratic opposition party. A. adduce B. attest C. elicit D. accost Key: B attest (v) = to provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes 13. The Prime Minister exercised his _______ to decide when to call an election. A. licence B. autocracy C. prerogative D. dispensation Key: C prerogative (n) = a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right). 14. Protein and B2 in soybean help to metabolize amino acids, which _______ the skin. A. rejuvenate B. recuperate C. overhaul D. reinvigorate Key: A rejuvenate (v) = to make somebody/something look or feel younger, more lively or more modern 15. Never _______ feelings your friend or relative expresses, but point out realities and offer hope. 146

FACEBOOK FANPAGE: TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH NÂNG CAO A. dispel B. disparage C. dissipate D. dispatch Key: B disparage (v) = to suggest that somebody/something is not important or valuable Word form 1. We need to _______ the problem before we can understand its origin. (CONTEXT) 2. The secretary of state for Northern Ireland appeared on television to read a special _______ for detention without trial. (APOLOGIZE) 3. _______ organizational structures refer to companies with too many managers, which mean too many presidents, vice presidents and other mid-level managers between the president and the junior worker. (HEAVY) 4. The ambassador was typically _______ when asked whether further sanctions would be introduced. (COMMIT) 5. No wonder then that data _______ – literally defined as the process of increasing the economic value of data – is becoming such an important and growing area for all businesses. (MONEY) 1. CONTEXTUALIZE (v) = to consider something in relation to the situation in which it happens or exists 2. APOLOGIA (n) = a formal written defence of your own or somebody else’s actions or opinions 3. TOP-HEAVY (adj) = having too many senior staff compared to the number of workers 4. NONCOMMITTAL (adj) = not giving an opinion; not showing which side of an argument you agree with 5. MONETIZATION (n) = the act or process of earning money from something, especially a business or an asset (= something that a business owns)