D. Climate C. Regulation: Sample Final Test EN04 Duration: 60 Minutes [PDF]

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SAMPLE FINAL TEST EN04 Duration: 60 minutes

I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

STRESS AND PRONUNCIATION ( 10 points) A. Which word has a different stress pattern? A. language B. cuisine A. architecture B. ceremony A. experience B. executive A. authoritative B. enthusiastic A. handwriting B. appearance

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

B. Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others? A. adaptable B. analytical C. ambitious A. protectionism B. relationship C. deficit A. institution B. situation C. decisive A. surplus B. product C. drug A. visited B. distorted C. needed

II. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. III. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

C. culture C. efficiency C. regulation C. probationary C. performance

D. climate D. hierarchy D. behavior D. competitiveness D. connection D. astrological D. ceremony D. liberalise D. upturn D. stopped

GRAMMAR (10 points) Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence. In the United States, you _____ make a lot of small talk. Americans usually like to get down to business quickly. A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. have to D. must We’ll continue _____ an attractive discount so long as you agree _____ by bank transfer. A. to offer/pay B. offer/to pay C. offer/pay D. to offer/to pay If we _____ an association of producers, we _____ a better price for our coffee. A. will join/will get B. will join/would get C. joined/would get D. joined/will get The Dorfmann hotel, _____ is situated 30 km outside Vienna, charges US$ l,400 per person. A. that B. who C. it D. which Don’t be a fool! You _____ your money overnight if you _____ it in that firm. A. will lose/ invested B. would lose/ invest C. will lose/ invest D. lose/ invest The ability to motivate people is one of the greatest assets _____ a leader can possess. A. whose B. that C. who D. where I think we should stop _____ in the New York Times. They’re far too expensive. A. advertise B. to advertise C. advertising D. to advertising Tourists _____ go anywhere near military bases, especially when carrying a camera. It’s forbidden. A. mustn’t B. can C. don’t have to D. should We _____ surprised to hear that our top sales person _____ expensive gifts to some important customers. A. had been/offered B. were/had offered C. had been/had offered D. were/offered Sharon Embley _____ working as Deputy Marketing Manager for Fleur de Lys Cosmetics three years ago. A. starts B. has started C. started D. had started VOCABULARY (20 points) Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence. Sometimes it doesn't really matter if you don't know the culture. You just need to maintain a good-natured attitude and go _____ the flow. A. out B. in C. over D. with In many countries, people make a comment about the weather to _____ the ice and start a conversation. A. make B. break C. take D. cut  When you apply for a job, you can ask your previous employer for a _____. A. resume B. headhunter C. reference D. candidate Banks were recently accused of ______, as apparently female staff are often paid 20% less than their male counterparts. A. animal testing B. sex discrimination C. counterfeit goods D. price fixing The successful applicants will be required to take a ______ period of six months, during which time their suitability for the post will be assessed. A. peak B. testing C. psychometric D. probationary _____ with colleagues is sometimes a good way to learn about what is happening in different departments. A. Dealing B. Negotiating C. Socialising D. Fighting

27. He’s very good at pointing out problems with people and systems in the company. He’s often ______, but this helps make improvements. A. critical B. conservative C. diffident D. cautious 28. A former senior tax executive at a City investment bank has been jailed for four years for tax ______ involving almost £1.9m of company money. A. fraud B. crime C. rates D. cuts 29. Our rival's summer collection has items so similar to our own new design that we think this might be a case of ________. A. insider trading B. industrial espionage C. money laundering D. environmental pollution 30. As a team leader, Marta was extremely ______. She always seemed to know what goals we would be able to achieve and which tasks would be beyond our abilities. A. assertive B. ruthless C. laid-back D. realistic IV.

READING (40 points) Part 1: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following passage. (20 points) CHILD LABOUR The (31) ______ voices of working children can be heard the world over and India is no exception. The Indian government itself in its most recent account estimated that 12.6 million children under the age of 14 are at work in various (32) ______ including hazardous ones. Child workers are engaged primarily in agriculture and allied activities in rural areas. Also, surveys report child appearances in a variety of industries and informal sector activities in the urban areas. Garment units, embroidery units are now increasingly in news for (33) ______ child labour laws. The most (34) ________ form of child labour includes child prostitution and forced and bonded labour, which is found in some parts of the country. The situation of girl child labourers in the country would call for particular (35) ________. Children today often labour under extremely dangerous conditions, handling poisonous chemicals, inhaling noxious fumes, hauling excessive weights. They are usually (36) ________, underfed and underpaid- if they are paid at all. They work hard so that their families can (37) ________. The Constitution of India and successive governments have (38) ________ elimination of child labour and promoted universalisation of education. This task is not easy. The (39) ________ of child labour orientation programme must be measured by real change in the situation of children or by the number of projects funded and networks created. (40) ________ Kailash Satyarthi, chairperson of the Global March Against Child Labour, has put it, ‘The real measure of success is the difference being made in the lives of vulnerable children.’ (adapted from childlineindia.org.in) 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

A. careful A. occupations A. damaging A. ethical A. attention A. overworked A. remain A. aimed A. consequence A. Providing

B. hopeful B. occasions B. training B. excellent B. ignorance B. overcharged B. survive B. targeted B. competitiveness B. Due to

C. painful C. chances C. violating C. exploitative C. development C. overacted C. last C. intended C. discrimination C. Because of

D. useful D. careers D. observing D. exclusive D. understanding D. overturned D. continue D. focused D. effectiveness D. As

Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question (10 points). Importance of Intercultural Communication in Business By Zachary Fenell, eHow Contributor Culture encompasses a particular social groups accepted beliefs and behaviors. An increase in international business, caused by more efficient transportation and advanced communication technology, has led to an increased need for effective intercultural communication, also called global communication. Effective intercultural communication helps to eliminate communication obstacles like language barriers and stereotypes from international business. Effective global communication can be achieved through learning about other cultures and implementing communication strategies such as reflective listening and being open-minded. The need for effective intercultural communication can be found in all aspects of a business, from internal communication to marketing and advertising. Effective global communication allows workers from different cultures to work together as a group. Additionally, poor translations in marketing and advertising can lead to poor sales internationally. Not practicing effective intercultural communication can lead to accidentally offending another individual. According to the Diplo Foundation, an organization dedicated to improving diplomacy between cultures, the consequences for such an accident can range from an embarrassing moment to the collapse of an entire business deal. 41. What other term for intercultural communication is mentioned in the text? A. efficient transportation B. advanced communication technology C. global communication D. international business 42. How can people acquire successful intercultural communication? A. eliminating stereotypes from international business

B. learning about language barriers C. being an absent-minded person D. using strategies to communicate 43. What aspect needs effective communication in multicultural environment? A. communicating internally B. working together as a group C. interpreting poorly D. marketing and advertising internationally 44. What is NOT mentioned as the result of ineffective intercultural communication? A. upsetting someone by accident B. getting better diplomacy between cultures C. creating an embarrassing moment D. destroying a deal 45. The word “obstacles” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______. A. advantages B. chances C. changes D. problems Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question (10 point). Companies always try to find good leaders. Good leaders often make good decisions that can make money. They also work hard to keep workers happy by listening and helping out. At the same time, companies try to remove people who are bad leaders. This is because companies with bad leaders often have big problems. Bad leaders make mistakes that can cost lots of money. They also might do something that hurts the company’s image. There are several indicators of a bad leader. Bad leaders are often scared to take chances. They are content to just keep doing what a company has already been doing for many years. People get bored at their jobs doing the same thing all the time.  Customers get tired of the same old product. Another business will make more money by sometimes taking a risk and doing something fresh. Another sign of a bad leader is that they have problems with communication. When leaders can’t convey their own ideas in e-mails or in a meeting, the company is in big trouble. Poor communication can really harm a company. Also, leaders who can’t or won’t listen to their workers can also create problems. Most workers know their jobs very well. Their ideas are often valuable. If a leader won’t consider them, he might miss a chance to improve the company. Finally, bad leaders don’t want to take responsibility when things go wrong. They blame their workers or other people on their team. Also, bad leaders take all of the praise when things go well. They do not thank their employees for doing a good job. This can hurt people’s feelings. Workers can become bitter and quit their jobs. It takes time and money for the company to find new workers. (adapted from dreamreader.net) 46. Which of the following is mentioned in the text? A. Companies attempt to identify bad leaders and fire them. B. It is impossible to recognize bad leaders from the beginning. C. It takes companies lots of money to identify bad leaders. D. New workers are plentiful for companies to recruit. 47. According to the text, which of the following is NOT a problem of bad leaders? A. They find it hart to express their own ideas in emails or in a meeting. B. They are afraid of taking chances. C. They don’t want to take responsibility when things go wrong. D. They don’t accept praises when things go well. 48. The word “bitter” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _______. A. confused and worried B. angry and unhappy C. moved and embarrased D. enthusiastic and cheerful 49. According to the text, a good leader is described as _______. A. someone who knows his job very well. B. someone who hires new workers for the company. C. someone who leads the company through troubles. D. someone who listens and helps workers to keep them happy. 50. What would be the best title for the text? A. Poor communication B. Taking responsibility C. Happy workers D. Bad leaders


BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. Choose the most appropriate option (A, B, C, or D) for each of the blanks below.(10 points) 51. Supplier: If you order this week, we’ll give you a bigger discount. Buyer: _____________ A. I think we’ve covered everything. B. What do you have in mind? C. We’d like to reach a deal with you today. D. I’d like to think about it. 52. Cindy: I was wondering if you could give me a little more information. Li Ping: _____________ A. Just to get this clear. B. What do you need to know? C. I think that’s everything. D. I look forward to getting your email. 53. M: Help yourself to some prawn salad. N: _____________

A. Yes, of course. I’ll do that straight away. B. Wow! Congratulations! C. Not for me, thanks. I’m not keen on seafood. D. I’d love to but I’m afraid I have a prior engagement. 54. Jane: Aren’t you coming to breakfast with us? Peter: _____________ A. He’s right over there. B. That’s no problem. C. Sorry, but I have an appointment with the doctor. D. Help yourself. 55. Mary: Why don’t we talk about the details on Monday? Daisy: _____________ A. Ok, we won’t do that. B. I’ll arrange for Tom to meet us. C. The next thing to do is fix up a meeting. D. We need to discuss them sooner.

ANSWER SHEET Student’s full name: ______________________________________Student’s code: ___________________ Blacken one letter (A, B, C or D) for the answer you choose 1. Ⓐ 2. Ⓐ 3. Ⓐ 4. Ⓐ 5. Ⓐ 6. Ⓐ 7. Ⓐ 8. Ⓐ




9. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 10. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

11. Ⓐ 12. Ⓐ 13. Ⓐ 14. Ⓐ 15. Ⓐ 16. Ⓐ 17. Ⓐ 18. Ⓐ




19. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 20. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

21. Ⓐ 22. Ⓐ 23. Ⓐ 24. Ⓐ 25. Ⓐ 26. Ⓐ 27. Ⓐ 28. Ⓐ




29. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 30. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

31. Ⓐ 32. Ⓐ 33. Ⓐ 34. Ⓐ 35. Ⓐ 36. Ⓐ 37. Ⓐ 38. Ⓐ




39. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 40. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ

41. Ⓐ 42. Ⓐ 43. Ⓐ 44. Ⓐ 45. Ⓐ 46. Ⓐ 47. Ⓐ 48. Ⓐ




49. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 50. Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ 51. Ⓐ 52. Ⓐ 53. Ⓐ 54. Ⓐ 55. Ⓐ