Final Test 5 [PDF]

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READING TEST In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

PARTS Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Ms. Tillinghast has received several awards ------- her innovative ideas.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

away for often across

(A) (B) (C) (D)

102. Using proper techniques to------- items drastically reduces the risk of back injury.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

select lift damage attract

(A) (B) (C) (D)

shipments shipping shipment shipped

107. At Sloat Publishing, interns are assigned to a ------- of positions with increasing responsibility.

local locals locally localize

(A) (B) (C) (D)

104. Sinee's Catering is always ------- to deliver outstanding food to your special events .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

practice practicing practical practically

106. A record number of appliance------- came into the Port of Reece last month.

103. Restaurants in Rondale must follow all ------- health guidelines.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

105. A ------- way to support economic growth in Ludlow City is to shop at area businesses .

frequency length shortage series

108. The conference fee ------- admittance to more than twenty workshops and seminars.

ready skillful complete delicious

(A) (B) (C) (D)



include includes is included including

số nhiều

bị động động từ phụ

adv lower 11 5. Prices at Taylor City Books are ------than at other online bookstores.

109. Cabinetmaker Finley Orcheta uses the finest woodworking machines imported ------- Denmark.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

from against about before

116. The ------- of this workshop is to equip business leaders with the tools to make prudent financial decisions.

110. Senior hotel manager salaries differ ------by company, location, and experience.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

great greater greatly greatest

(A) (B) (C) (D)

111. Pantep, Inc., works ------- with customers to establish long-term partnerships.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

nearly workclosely/ collaboratively/ closely primarily/mainly +with recently newly work independently of

(A) (B) (C) (D)

far correctly highly much

(A) (B) (C) (D)

+Ns or

Whenever Although So that Among

11 9. Green Grocer customers should request assistance from staff instead of removing products from the top shelves -------.

after behind quite almost

(A) (B) (C) (D)

11 4. The poll shows how often company executives make financial decisions that are ------- by employee opinions.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

which other either each

118. ------- food critics recommend ZJ's Bistro as the best restaurant in the area, most local residents prefer Dree's Cafe.

113. Customers who submit payments ------March 10 will be charged a late fee.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

guide hướng dẫn kinh nghiệm experience mục đích aim solution

117. A marketing campaign was designed to target ------- of the three demographics we lứa tuổi identified .

11 2. Adalet Farm's unique method of irrigating vegetables has proved to be ------- effective.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

more significant significant significance significantly

ứng xử, hành động acted trained reminded nhắc nhở influenced

themselves their own them their

V+ cụm N+ đại từ phản thân

120. Skovent Products' sales revenue showed a ------- improvement at the end of last quarter.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

respective crowded marked diverse



TEST 5 141

121. Before work can begin at the construction site, the ------- permit applications must be processed .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

126. Any furniture purchased at Marty's Superstore throughout February will be delivered ------- five business days.

relevant relevantly relevance relevancies

(A) (B) (C) (D)

122. During negotiations, Mr. DuPont insisted that price ------- be implemented without delay.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

expectations institutions sensations reductions

123. After the team meeting next week, Ms. Li ------- whether the project deadline needs to be changed.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

to decide deciding will decide has decided

Until Because While Unless

(A) (B) (C) (D)


expired to expire will have expired expiring

129. Supervisors will not ------- approve time off for employees during peak operational months.

generalization generalize generally general

130. Toronto is one of three cities being ------- as the host for the next convention of the Global Society of Accountants.

(A) (B) (C) (D)


initially annually successfully inadvertently


(A) (B) (C) (D)

125. As the rental agreement with the Smith to V soon, the avai lable office Group is set ------space can be advertised.

emphatic emphasis emphasize emphasized

128. Even employees who ------- were not familiar with the new software program have found it easy to use.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

124. ------- the proposal for the Southside Library garden was incomplete and had an unclear timetable, it was rejected.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

127. The manager presented data on employee performance with ------- on measurable achievements .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

sự giảm giá

since between within above

found categorized known considered

PART6 Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following announcement.

We are pleased to announce that the installation of the new manufacturing equipment in our main plant has been completed. The new machines ------- work flow by allowing for flexibility in 131. production. With six mixing tanks of------- sizes, we expect to be able to fill a wider range of 132. orders, from small to very large. This ------- is an important way to ensure that Balm 133. Manufacturing continues to be a leader in the fragrance industry.

-1-34': . Jim Martel, who is organizing this effort, will contact each of you soon with details. 131. (A) (B) (C) (D)

have been improved were improving will improve improved

132. (A) (B) (C) (D)

varying varies vary variation

· 133. (A) (B) (C) (D)

proposal contract impression upgrade

134. (A) Supervisors completed a tour of the plant yesterday. (B) Unfortunately, the installation cost more than we had anticipated. (C) As you are aware, our industry is increasingly competitive. (D) All personnel must be trained on the new equipment by the end of the month .

Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo rằng việc lắp đặt thiết bị sản xuất mới tại nhà máy chính của chúng tôi đã hoàn thành. Máy móc mới ------dòng chảy hoạt động bằng cách cho phép linh hoạt trong sản xuất. Với sáu thùng trộn có kích thước -------, chúng tôi hy vọng có thể đáp ứng nhiều đơn hàng hơn, từ nhỏ đến rất lớn. Đây ------- là một cách quan trọng để đảm bảo Balm Manufacturing tiếp tục dẫn đầu trong ngành công nghiệp nước hoa ............ Jim Martel, người đang tổ chức nỗ lực này, sẽ liên hệ với từng của bạn sớm với thông tin chi tiết.

131. (A) đã được cải thiện(B) đã được cải thiện(C) sẽ cải thiện(D) được cải thiện 132. (A) thay đổi(B) thay đổi(C) khác nhau(D) biến thể· 133. (A) đề xuất(B) hợp đồng(C) ấn tượng(D) nâng cấp 134. (A) Người giám sát đã hoàn thành chuyến tham quan nhà máy ngày hôm qua. (B) Thật không may, chi phí cài đặt cao hơn chúng tôi đã dự đoán. (C) Như bạn đã biết, ngành công nghiệp của chúng ta ngày càng cạnh tranh. (D) Tất cả nhân viên phải được đào tạo về thiết bị mới vào cuối tháng GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ..


TEST 5 143

Questions 135-138 refer to the following Web page. Marketing your business can be confusing. Newspapers and magazines are ------- useful venues

135. for advertising. ------- , social media platforms have become even more critical marketing outlets. 136. Kate Wei Communications utilizes both traditional outlets and the latest communication platforms. ------- . In addition to exceptional print services, Kate Wei Communications has the

137. expertise to help you -

1-38_- your online presence. Why wait? Choose our award-winning firm to

strengthen your company's image today!

135. (A) (B) (C) (D)

still nowhere soon evenly

136. (A) (B) (C) (D)

As a result To demonstrate Otherwise However

137. (A) (B) (C) (D)

138. (A) (B) (C) (D)

optimal optimize optimization optimum

Tiếp thị doanh nghiệp của bạn có thể khó hiểu. Báo và tạp chí là ------- địa điểm hữu ích để quảng cáo. -------, các nền tảng truyền thông xã hội thậm chí còn trở Marketing professionals give conflicting thành những phương tiện tiếp thị quan trọng hơn. Kate Wei Communications sử dụng cả các cửa hàng truyền advice. thống và các nền tảng truyền thông mới nhất. -------. Traditional methods have the best Ngoài các dịch vụ in đặc biệt, Kate Wei impact. Communications có chuyên môn để giúp bạn ------ sự We will develop a diverse plan for your hiện diện trực tuyến của bạn. Tại sao chờ đợi? Hãy business. chọn công ty từng đoạt giải thưởng của chúng tôi để We have recently changed our terms of củng cố hình ảnh công ty của bạn ngay hôm nay! service.

135. (A) vẫn(B) không ở đâu(C) sớm(D) đồng đều 136. (A) Kết quả là(B) Để chứng minh(C) Mặt khác(D) Tuy nhiên 137. (A) Các chuyên gia tiếp thị đưa ra lời khuyên trái ngược nhau. (B) Các phương pháp truyền thống có tác động tốt nhất. (C) Chúng tôi sẽ phát triển một kế hoạch đa dạng cho doanh nghiệp của bạn. (D) Gần đây, chúng tôi đã thay đổi các điều khoản dịch vụ của mình 138. (A) tối ưu(B) tối ưu hóa(C) tối ưu hóa(D) tối ưu



Questions 139-142 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Emily Swanton From : Arnold Hansen Subject: Polton Farm Fair Date: June 2 This e-mail serves as a receipt for your registration ------- confirms your participation in the 139. Seventeenth Annual Polton County Farm Fair from July 14 to July 16. As a returning exhibitor, Swanton Farm Feed will be offered------- space at a discounted rate. 140. Please be aware of a new requirement when preparing your space. This year, all booths must be

1-41-: . Tables will be provided by the organizer, as in past

completely ready by 8 P.M. on July 13. years.

Thank you once again for your participation in our------- . 142.


Arnold Hansen, Assistant Coordinator Polton County Farm Fair

139. (A) (B) (C) (D)

whereas rather than in case and also

140. (A) (B) (C) (D)

rent rental rents renting

141. (A) This includes the removal of trash and packing materials. (B) The number of food vendors has increased in recent years. (C) The exact schedule will be announced later. (D) The Livestock Pavilion will be located next to the south exit.

142. (A) (B) (C) (D)

discovery survey event vote

Email này đóng vai trò như một biên nhận cho đăng ký của bạn ------- xác nhận việc bạn tham gia Hội chợ Nông trại Hạt Polton thường niên lần thứ mười bảy từ ngày 14 tháng 7 đến ngày 16 tháng 7. Với tư cách là một nhà triển lãm trở lại, Swanton Farm Feed sẽ được cung cấp --- ---- chỗ ở với mức chiết khấu. Vui lòng lưu ý một yêu cầu mới khi chuẩn bị không gian của bạn. Năm nay, tất cả các gian hàng phảihoàn toàn sẵn sàng trước 8 giờ tối. vào ngày 13 tháng 7. -------. Các bảng sẽ được cung cấp bởi ban tổ chức, như những năm trước.Một lần nữa cảm ơn bạn đã tham gia vào ------của chúng tôi.

139. (A) ngược lại(B) chứ không phải(C) trong trường hợp(D) và cả 140. (A) tiền thuê(B) cho thuê(C) tiền thuê(D) thuê 141. (A) Điều này bao gồm việc loại bỏ rác và vật liệu đóng gói. (B) Số lượng các nhà cung cấp thực phẩm đã tăng lên trong những năm gần đây.(C) Lịch trình chính xác sẽ được thông báo sau.(D) Gian hàng Chăn nuôi sẽ nằm cạnh lối ra phía nam. 142. (A) khám phá(B) khảo sát(C) sự kiện(D) bỏ phiếu GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ..


TEST 5 145

Questions 143-146 refer to the following article.

Sparkle Pro Enterprises Opens American Factory Worldwide News MANCHESTER (1 0 Aprii)-Sparkle Pro Enterprises, a leading Belgium-based -------of cleaning 143. products, is expanding its territory. The company has just opened its first plant in the United States, in Indianapolis. For more than forty years, Sparkle Pro has been making and distributing household and industrial cleaners to a wide range of vendors, including retail outlets and hotel

1-44: .

chains, throughout Europe. -

The Indianapolis facility will require the company to hire 300 additional employees ------- the end 145. of this year in order for it to achieve full capacity. According to Egan Bretz, the new director of North American operations, Sparkle Pro is confident that it will be able to train a large number of

- : in meeting these needs. 146

personnel quickly. Mr. Bretz expects no significant -

143. (A) (B) (C) (D)

produced producing producer produce

145. (A) by (B) despite (C) as (D) except

144. (A) Water-based cleaners have become more expensive. (B) The company's Web site lists all of its major vendors . (C) The hotels are conveniently located in most cities. (D) Other factory facilities were gradually sold.

146. (A) (B) (C) (D)

decrease challenges project candidates

Sparkle Pro Enterprises mở nhà máy ở Mỹ Tin tức trên toàn thế giới MANCHESTER (1 0 Aprii) -Sparkle Pro Enterprises, công ty sản xuất các sản phẩm tẩy rửa hàng đầu có trụ sở tại Bỉ -------, đang mở rộng lãnh thổ của mình. Công ty vừa mở nhà máy đầu tiên tại Hoa Kỳ, tại Indianapolis. Trong hơn bốn mươi năm, Sparkle Pro đã sản xuất và phân phối chất tẩy rửa gia dụng và công nghiệp cho nhiều nhà cung cấp, bao gồm các cửa hàng bán lẻ và chuỗi khách sạn, trên khắp châu Âu. ----- Cơ sở Indianapolis sẽ yêu cầu công ty thuê thêm 300 nhân viên ------- vào cuối năm nay để nó đạt được công suất tối đa. Theo Egan Bretz, tân giám đốc phụ trách hoạt động ở Bắc Mỹ, Sparkle Pro tự tin rằng sẽ có thể đào tạo một lượng lớn nhân sự một cách nhanh chóng. Ông Bretz hy vọng không có gì đáng kể ------- trong việc đáp ứng những nhu cầu này. 143. (A) được sản xuất(B) sản xuất(C) nhà sản xuất(D) sản xuất 144. (A) Chất tẩy rửa dựa trên nước đã trở nên đắt hơn.(B) Trang web của công ty liệt kê tất cả các nhà cung cấp chính của nó.(C) Các khách sạn nằm ở vị trí thuận tiện ở hầu hết các thành phố.(D) Các cơ sở nhà máy khác đã dần dần được bán. 145. (A) bởi(B) mặc dù(C) như(D) ngoại trừ 146. (A) giảm(B) thách thức(C) dự án(D) ứng cử viên 146


PART7 Directions:In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, e-mails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 147-148 refer to the following


Sales Lunch Workshop Attention sales associates! Are you new to CMG Direct Retail? Is your sales sheet looking a little short? Do you want to increase your commissions but can't seem to find new clients? Come to this month's lunch workshop, where Senior Sales Manager Chad Avakian will share his secrets for locating, securing, and expanding new accounts! Lunch is not provided, so be sure to pack something for yourself. After the meeting, a digital recording of the full presentation will be made available on the company's training Web site, so there's no need to bring a laptop for notes. Please RSVP to the training department at [email protected] to reserve your space.

147. What are attendees advised to bring to the meeting? (A) (B) (C) (D)

148. Who wil most likely benefit from the event? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Some food Sales sheets Registration forms A laptop computer

Senior sales managers Staff in the training department New clients of CMG Direct Retail Recently hired sales professionals

Hội thảo bán hàng ăn trưa Cộng tác viên bán hàng chú ý! Bạn là người mới sử dụng CMG Direct Retail? Bảng bán hàng của bạn trông hơi ngắn? Bạn muốn tăng hoa hồng của mình nhưng dường như không thể tìm được khách hàng mới? Hãy đến với hội thảo ăn trưa của tháng này, nơi Giám đốc bán hàng cấp cao Chad Avakian sẽ chia sẻ những bí quyết của mình để định vị, bảo mật và mở rộng tài khoản mới!Bữa trưa không được cung cấp, vì vậy hãy chắc chắn để chuẩn bị một cái gì đó cho mình. Sau cuộc họp, bản ghi âm kỹ thuật số của toàn bộ bài thuyết trình sẽ được công bố trên trang web đào tạo của công ty, vì vậy bạn không cần phải mang theo máy tính xách tay để ghi chép. Vui lòng RSVP cho bộ phận đào tạo tại địa chỉ [email protected] để giữ chỗ.

147. Những người tham dự được khuyên nên mang theo những gì đến cuộc họp? (A) Một số thức ăn(B) Tờ bán hàng(C) Các hình thức đăng ký(D) Một máy tính xách tay 148. Ai có nhiều khả năng sẽ được hưởng lợi từ sự kiện này? (A) Giám đốc bán hàng cấp cao(B) Nhân viên trong bộ phận đào tạo(C) Khách hàng mới của CMG Direct Retail (D) Các chuyên gia bán hàng được thuê gần đây






refer to the following online form.

~ .,. I


•--•• . --


Bywater and Sons Client Testimonial Please share your thoughts about the quality of our work at your home by submitting your name, e-mail address, and comments.

Name: Gina Tyler Email: [email protected] your review)

(this will not be posted with

Thank you for your excellent painting efficiently and priced as in the initial

work. It was completed quote. My home looks

as good as when it was new. I will plan to use your services again in the future, and I am happy to recommend you to anyone considering a remodeling project. -Gina

T. ...

149. What kind of business is Bywater and Sons? (A) (B) (C) (D)

contractor A property management A moving company A delivery service

150. What is indicated about e-mail addresses? (A) They will be used to send invoices.

(B) They will be kept private. (C) They will be stored in a company database. (D) They are necessary to receive a free price quote.

A renovation


Bywater and Sons Lời chứng thực của khách hàng Vui lòng chia sẻ suy nghĩ của bạn về chất lượng công việc của chúng tôi tại nhà bạn bằng cách gửi tên, địa chỉ e-mail và nhận xét của bạn. Tên: Gina Tyler Email: [email protected] (cái này sẽ không được đăng vớiĐánh giá của bạn) Cảm ơn bạn vì tác phẩm hội họa tuyệt vời của bạn. Nó đã được hoàn thành một cách hiệu quả và có giá như trong báo giá ban đầu. Ngôi nhà của tôi trông vẫn tốt như khi nó mới. Tôi sẽ có kế hoạch sử dụng lại dịch vụ của bạn trong tương lai và tôi rất vui được giới thiệu bạn với bất kỳ ai đang cân nhắc dự án tu sửa. 149. Bywater and Sons là loại hình kinh doanh nào? (A) Một nhà thầu cải tạo(B) Một văn phòng quản lý tài sản(C) Một công ty đang di chuyển(D) Một dịch vụ giao hàng 150. Điều gì được chỉ ra về địa chỉ e-mail? (A) Chúng sẽ được sử dụng để gửi hóa đơn.(B) Chúng sẽ được giữ kín.(C) Chúng sẽ được lưu trữ trong cơ sở dữ liệu của công ty.(D) Họ cần thiết để nhận được miễn phíbáo giá.





refer to the following online customer service chat.

Pryan Clothing (5:05 P.M.) Hello. Thank you for contacting Pryan Clothing. How may T help you today'


Marina Soler (5:06 P.M.) Hi. I have been Lrying LO purchase a pair of pams on your Web siLe-iLem #CP3984. But when I click on it, I keep getting an error message. Pryan Clothing (5:07 P.M.) I'm sorry about that. Let me see ifI can help you. I can order the item for you, and then e-mail you with confirmation of purchase. MarinaSoler (5:08 P.M.) I would appreciate that. Pryan Clothing (5:09 P.M.) What color and size would you like? MarinaSoler (5:09 P.M.) Size 10, in black. Pryan Clothing (5:10 P.M.) May I use the credit card number we have on file for you? MarinaSoler (5: 10 P.M.) Please. Pryan Clothing (5:12 P.M.) I have e-mailed you the order confirmation. Let us know if you have any other issues. MarinaSoler (5:13 P.M.) 1hank you so much.


152. At 5:08 P.M., what does Ms. Soler most likely mean when she writes, "I would appreciate that"?

151. Why does Ms. Soler contact Pryan Clothing? (A) She wants to return an item. (B) She is having trouble ordering. (C) She never received an order she purchased. (D) She has a complaint about customer service.

(A) She will accept the help being offered. (B) She has received her confirmation e-mail. (C) She would like to choose a different color. (D) She is thankful that the item is still on sale.




Questions 153-154 refer to the following article.

Bower Technical Institute to Host Guest Students (April 27)~According to a recent government report, the demand for diesel mechanics is expected to increase by 15 percent in the next ten years. There is a growing need for diesel mechanics in the construction, oil, and power industries. Most of the positions pay very well and only require a high school diploma and technical training. Bower Technical Institute in Centerville provides that training. On May 1, Bower Technical Institute invites you to be a guest student from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M. After a question-and-answer session about the profession, guest students will observe actual diesel mechanic classes that focus on power trains and engine management systems. Later, guest students can participate in hands-on sessions to experience some of the day-to-day tasks involved in the field. The event is free, but space is limited. Participants must have a high school diploma or equivalent credential. E-mail Taneisha Hill at [email protected] to reserve a spot.

154. What will guest students NOT be able to do at the event?

153. What is indicated about industries that rely on diesel mechanics?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) They have increased their profits by 15 percent. (B) They wil need more trained technicians. (C) Their workers are underpaid. (D) They are growing quickly in Centerville.



Ask questions about the field Attend free classes Take part in practice tasks Earn credit toward a diploma



refer to the following e-mail.

_F_r_o_m_: __ __.I ~Y_u_E_g~a_n_1_i


__.l I Accounting Staff _D_a_t_e_: __ __.I ,__A_L~1g~u_st_2_1



_S_u_b_,j._e_c_t_: _ ......11 Jonah's Departure Hello, Accounting Team, As you may have heard, Jonah Katzberg is leaving at the end of the month for a new job in Vancouver. I know that his workplace dedication and his sense of humor will be missed by all. Let's say goodbye and offer our best wishes at noon tomorrow in the conference room. Sandwiches, along with a cake and assorted beverages, will be served. We would like this to be a surprise, so please don't mention anything to Jonah. No one is expected to buy a gift, but do bring your best stories and, if you have any snapshots that really capture the times we shared together over the years, please forward them to me. I'm creating a short slideshow for us all to enjoy. Thanks, Yu Egami, Assistant



Manager of Accounting


What is suggested about Mr. Katzberg? (A) He is a well-liked colleague. (B) He is transferring to another department. (C) He is preparing a presentation. (0) He is not able to attend an event.


The word "capture" in paragraph 1, line 6, is closest in meaning to (A) (B) (C) (0)

gain represent conclude get control of

What does Mr. Egami ask team members to do? (A) (B) (C) (0)

Contribute to a gift purchase Keep a secret Prepare some food Pose for a group photo






refer to the following information.

Factory Staff: Break Times Full-time factory staff are entitled to three hreaks daily and are encouraged to use them. Please attend to any personal business during these break times. - [1] -. Those who work a full eight-hour shift may take a fifteen-minute break in the morning and another fifteen-minute break in the afternoon. Lunch breaks are 30 minutes long. There is a break area on the ground level that includes a kitchen and a staff lounge. - [2] -. Please note that the refrigerator is cleaned out every Friday evening, so be sure to take home any leftover food that you want to save. There are lockers in the staff lounge for storing personal items. - [3] -. Employees are welcome to use the restrooms adjacent to the staff lounge. - [4] -.


Where would the information most likely be found? (A) (B) (C) (D)


In In In In

160. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?

a product manual a sales department invoice an employee handbook a company press release

"This includes making phone calls, texting, and using social media." (A) (B) (C) (D)

What is indicated about the staff break area? (A) (B) (C) (D)

It It It It

has just been renovated. has several vending machines. is on the second floor. has a refrigerator.

• 152


[1] [2] [3] [4]

Questions 161-163

refer to the following article.

Saxal Paper Goods, Inc., Acquires Bear Industrial TORONTO (May 9)-Last month, Saxal Paper Goods, Inc. (SPG), located in Missassauga, announced that it had acquired Bear Industrial. The distributor of food packaging and paper products said the deal for Bear Industrial will help it establish a base in a new area as part of an initiative to expand as well as to break into sales of disposable food-service supplies. Bear Industrial serves many institutional settings in Quebec and the surrounding areas. "Bear Industrial is one of the oldest and most reputable distributors in Quebec, and we are thrilled to acquire such a fine


Why did SPG purchase Bear Industrial? (A) SPG needed to be closer to its suppliers. (B) SPG wished to expand its business in a different region. (C) Bear Industrial had more advanced manufacturing equipment. (D) Bear Industrial was going out of business.


company and expand into the region," President Arne Wellington told local reporters at a press conference. "We welcome Bear Industrial employees to SPG and look forward to working together for the benefit of all." He added that no workers are expected to lose their jobs as a result of the acquisition. "The Bear Industrial acquisition is a key step in SPG 's strategy to establish our company as one of Canada's leading providers of food packaging, paper products, and food-service disposables," Wellington said. "Our goal is to expand our geographic reach through partnerships with industryleading companies and operators."

163. According to the article, what will SPG likely do in the future? (A) Reduce staff (B) Relocate its headquarters to Quebec (C) Work with other companies similar to Bear Industrial (D) Appoint a new president

What is true about the products produced by Bear Industrial? (A) They are intended to be thrown away after use. (B) They are used in fine restaurants. (C) They are imported to Quebec. (D) They are undergoing redesign.




Questions 164-167

refer to the following text message chain.


• ••

Shari Shu [9:35 A.M.] Did you see the e-mail I sent you earlier? Our company has organized a company-wide donation drive next month. We will be collecting used computers and electronics for a nonprofit group. Jennifer Bech [9:37 A.M.] Yes, I saw it. Thanks for sharing. I can help circulate the information on social media if you'd like. Shari Shu [9:38 A.M.] That would be good. You're online a lot. Also, haven't you been in touch with the editor for the Yakima Daily News before? I'd like to contact the editor, but I can't find an address online. Jennifer Bech [9:39 A.M.] Yes, but it has been years. I think there's a new editor now. Let me check. Shari Shu [9:40 A.M.] We wrote a press release that we want to e-mail to various news outlets tomorrow. Jennifer Bech [9:44 A.M.] Yes, there's a new editor: Dale Korman. I don't have his e-mail address, but from the old contacts I have, it looks like they all use the same naming convention. I'd try [email protected]. That's my best guess.





What is Ms. Shu's company doing next month? (A) (B) (C) (D)

167. What does Ms. Bech indicate about Yakima Daily News staff members?

Making a charitable donation Offering a product discount Recruiting new employees Working with a business consultant

(A) Their e-mail addresses can be found on the editorial page. (B) Their e-mail addresses are likely structured the same way. (C) They often receive news tips from the public by e-mail. (D) They might not respond to e-mails in a timely manner.

165. What does Ms. Bech offer to do? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Find a venue Promote an event Locate a news article Contact a potential client

166. At 9:38 A.M., what does Ms. Shu most likely mean when she writes, "You're online a lot"? (A) An article will need more research. (B) A Web site could benefit from some revisions. (C) Ms. Bech is well suited for a task. (D) Ms. Bech may already be familiar with a company.






refer to the following article.

Ready, Set-Jamboree! NASSAU (20 June)-Every other year, Nassau is overrun by lovers of Afrobeat, a music style that fuses rhythms of the African dance tradition with jazz and funk music. The Fourth Biennial Afrobeat Jamboree, better known as "Afro jam," will run between 18 July and 22 July. - [l] -. Afrojam will feature musicians from around the globe, including Nigeria, the United Kingdom, and, of course, the Bahamas. Recent ticket sales indicate that this year's Afrojam will draw an even bigger crowd than it did two years ago, which explains the move to the Ashanti Amphitheatre. - [2] -. Additional details about the event are available at

Visitors to can also enjoy video clips featuring some of the greatest moments of the past, such as the surprise appearance of the world-famous Strawberry Jam, a favourite with many city residents.

-[3]-. This year's event offers a new feature: discounts on meals. Festival attendees need only to present their ticket stubs at participating restaurants to receive l 0 percent off their bill. The discount is only good on concert evenings. - [4] -. The organizers encourage local restaurateurs from across Nassau to consider getting involved. Those interested can call 555-0171 or complete an application at

168. What is NOT indicated about Afrojam?

170. What must festivalgoers discount?

(A) It takes place once every two years. (B) It has become more popular over time. (C) It has been organized three times before. (D) It is usually held in the Ashanti Amphitheatre.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Fill out a survey Show a concert ticket Contact the event organizers Visit the festival Web site

171. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?

169. What most likely is Strawberry Jam? (A) (B) (C) (D)

do to receive a

A ticket sales company A video streaming site A food establishment A musical group

"A complete list of food vendors will be posted on the event Web site by 15 July." (A) (B) (C) (D)



[1] [2] [3] [4]

Questions 172-175

refer to the following e-mail. E-Mail Message

To: From: Subject: Date: Attachment:

All staff Carol Yates CCS Conference l June lID Conference schedule

Dear Staff, The 12th annual conference of the Caribbean Culinary Society (CCS) will take place here in Jamaica from 16 to 20 July. I have received a request from Chef Regina Tufton, chair of the organising committee, to conduct two workshops. It is an honour to be invited by such an accomplished culinary expert, someone who is also the author of five cookbooks on Caribbean cuisine. More importantly, it is a wonderful opportunity for Yates Restaurant to showcase some of its award-winning delicacies. The first workshop will focus on cooking techniques inspired by French cuisine. As Assistant Chef Duane Munroe has distinguished himself in this regard, I have asked him to help me with this presentation. The second workshop will address the challenges and rewards of running a food establishment. Since Zavia Pinnock has been doing an outstanding job of managing our restaurant, I have requested her input on the topic. I encourage each of you to attend one or more conference sessions. Of course, the restaurant must remain open and be well staffed during the conference period. So that I can be sure that we have enough staff on hand during the period of the conference, please let me know by 21 June the day(s) and time(s) of the session(s) you wish to attend. For your convenience, a copy of the conference schedule is attached. Sincerely, Carol Yates


172. What is the purpose of the e-mail? (A) (B) (C) (D)

To To To To

establish an organization report on staff promotions announce participation in an event honor the recipients of an award

! rQJ

174. What is indicated about Mr. Munroe and Ms. Pinnock? (A) They improved some cooking techniques. (B) They once managed a restaurant together. (C) They have led workshops before. (D) They are skilled in their roles.

173. What is stated about Ms. Tufton? (A) She will be visiting Yates Restaurant in July. (B) She has written several recipe books. (C) She began her career in Jamaica. (D) She is presenting at a conference.

175. What are staff asked to do? (A) (B) (C) (D)

Submit some information Photocopy some material Help keep the restaurant clean Schedule a meeting with Ms. Yates


TEST 5 157



refer to the following e-mail and Web page.


_F_r_o_m_: __

__.l I




. . .11

Clay Crosby




_.I I

Baseball night

_S_u_b_.J._· e_c_t_: _


Clay, You may remember that we recently discussed ideas for an outing for the employees and their families. I think the best idea is to go to a baseball game. I have always enjoyed taking my family to see the Billington Buffaloes, our local team. You might have noticed that several of the photos in my office were taken at the stadium! And since I usually see other staff members at the games, I think this wi II appeal to most of our group. Could you please set this up for June 28? I believe it can all be done online if you prefer. By my calculations, we will need 45 tickets in total, but please double-check this number. Also, I would like food to be provided. Let's limit our cost to under $20 per person and make sure the seating is covered just in case the weather is poor. Please send me the details as soon as the tickets are purchased. Thanks, Hiroaki Yoneya, Associate Manager Western States Milling, Inc.


IT) Giá bán

Chỗ ngồi có mái che

Khu vực nhóm Group Areas

Công suất tối đa Maximum Capacity


Covered Seating

Home Run Pavilion

60 people

$ 17 per person


First Base Dugout Den

50 people

$19 per person


North Side Party Deck

60 people

$25 per person


50 people

$30 per person


Deluxe Suites


Group Ticket Policies