BigBrightIdeas 4 Grammar Worksheets [PDF]

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CB Page 11

AB Page 112

Lesson 3

Past simple irregular verbs



Read, look and circle.

1 She had a picnic.

4 She saw a deer.

2 She wore a hat.

5 She didn’t wear a jacket.

3 She didn’t drink water.

6 She ate sandwiches.

Read and complete. Use the past simple of the verbs in the box. drink hot chocolate   ​wear boots   ​make a fire   ​sleep in a tent   ​find wood   ​ not catch a fish   ​not see wildlife   ​eat marshmallows My dad and I go camping every summer. Last year, we camped in the countryside. It was cold when we arrived so we

found wood


. Then we


At night, we

so we

. In the afternoon, it rained


to go for a walk. Deer and birds live in the wood,


but we



. The next day, Dad wanted to go fishing.


I waited for hours, but he



✘ 8

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so we walked back to the tent and by the fire.


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CB Page 14

Lesson 5

AB Page 112

Past simple questions and short answers


Read, look and answer Yes, I did or No, I didn’t. 1 Did you travel by helicopter? 2 Did you travel by ferry?

Yes, I did.


3 Did you travel by train? 4 Did you cycle to the beach? 5 Did you walk with a friend? 2

6 Did you travel by camper van? 3

6 5



Write questions. Then look at Mona’s holiday diary and answer.

My holiday diary, by Mona Monday





played Frisbee

went for a walk

collected shells

had an ice cream

explored rock pools

Did she go for a walk on Monday?


/ Monday?


/ Wednesday?


/ Thursday?


/ Friday?


/ Friday?

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No, she didn’t.


CB Page 21

Lesson 3

AB Page 113

Comparatives and superlatives of long adjectives


Read, look and write T (true) or F (false).

Book A

Book B

Book C

Price: £4

Price: £10

Price: £13

Published: 1995

Published: 1968

Published: 2019

Difficult?: ✔✔✔

Difficult?: ✔✔

Difficult?: ✔





1 Book C is the most boring.

5 Book B is more difficult than Book A.

2 Book B is the most expensive.

6 Book C is the most modern.

3 Book A is more old-fashioned than Book C.

7 Book A is the cheapest. 8 Book A is easier than Book C.

4 Book B is the most exciting.


Find and circle the mistakes. Correct the sentences. 1 2 3 4


This video game is the excitingest one I've got. This video game is the most exciting one I’ve got. Playing chess is most educational than playing video games. It's more expensiver to stay in a hotel than to go camping. I'm reading the more difficult book in the school library.

Complete. Use more or the most and the word in brackets. more realistic

1 (realistic) Our Planet is

than Aliens in Space.

2 (educational) This book about lions is that book about unicorns.

than person in my family.

3 (old-fashioned) Grandpa is 4 (expensive) That computer is

thing in the shop.

5 (difficult) I think science is

than English.

6 (exciting) Travelling by helicopter is Big Bright Ideas   Grammar Worksheets  

way to travel. PHOTOCOPIABLE

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CB Page 24

AB Page 113

Lesson 5

Describing ability with could and couldn̕t


Read and complete the chart with



Hello, I’m Jack! I’m nine years old now. Five years ago, I was four. When I was four, I couldn’t ride a horse and I couldn’t play the guitar. I could swim and I could do karate, but I couldn’t read comics.


Look at the chart in activity 1 and complete. do karate

1 When he was four, Jack could


2 When he was four, Jack couldn't



. or


Think and complete. Use could or couldn’t and phrases from the box. send emails   ​use the internet   ​write letters   ​ talk on the phone   ​send texts   ​watch TV

50 years ago, we could talk on the phone


but we


50 years ago, we


but we


50 years ago, we but we

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, .

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CB Page 31

Lesson 3

AB Page 114

be going to


Read, look and write the name.





1 I’m going to watch a video and go to a café. 2 I’m not going to watch a video. 3 I’m not going to look at the moon. 4 I’m going to watch a video and look at the moon. 5 I’m not going to go to a café. 6 I’m going to look at the moon and go to a café.


Look and write sentences. Use He’s / She’s going to and He / She isn’t going to. learn about planets   ​ make a sculpture   ​study stones   ​ visit the gift shop   ​copy a painting   ​go on a tour

✔ She’s going to make a sculpture.


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CB Page 34

AB Page 114

Lesson 5

must / mustn̕t (obligation)


Look and complete. Use You must or You mustn’t.

Museum rules


You mustn’t

run around.




listen to the guide.






Look and write sentences. Use You must or You mustn’t.

Our classroom rules 1 I don’t use my mobile phone. 2 I speak English in class. 3 I don’t shout. 4 I listen to the teacher. 5 I don’t run around. 6 I don’t eat. 7 I do my homework. 8 I tidy up my things.

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1 You mustn’t use your mobile phone. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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CB Page 45

Lesson 3

AB Page 115

Past simple with last


Read, look and match.

Last month


Last summer


Last weekend

Last week

1 When did she last play cards?


2 When did she last make cupcakes?

Last week.

3 When did she last play with friends?

Last weekend.

4 When did she last plant seeds?

Last month.

5 When did she last do origami?

Last summer.

Complete the questions with When, did or last. Then look and answer. Yesterday   ​Last year   ​Last month   ​Last winter   ​ Last week   ​Last summer

When did you last do these activities? Write the dates. Name: Jason Smith Today’s date: 17th August 2019

10th July 2018 16th August 2019 31st January 2019 12th August 2019

When did he last play table tennis? 1 Last week. 2 When

he last do judo?

3 When did he 4 When 5 6

skateboard? he

play chess?

did he

ice skate? he

25th October 2018 6th July 2019

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CB Page 48

AB Page 115

Lesson 5

Adverbs of manner


Correct the sentences. Use adverbs of manner. 1 He rode his slowly bike.

He rode his bike slowly.

2 She ate her breakfast quicker. 3 I played cards badder. 4 He did origami goodly. 5 She sang the song loud. 6 I whispered to my friend quietest.


Look and complete. Use phrases from the box and adverbs of manner. went through the tunnel   ​climbed the climbing wall   ​swung on the swing   ​ went down the slide   ​climbed the climbing frame   ​swung on the rope

quick He climbed the climbing frame quickly


slow He


bad I


happy He


good She


sad I


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CB Page 55

AB Page 116

Lesson 3

going to affirmative, negative and questions


Complete with What or Where and circle. Then look and tick ✔ or cross ✘.

✘ 1

is he going to do

go ?

are they going to do


go ?

He’s going to go to the cinema.

They’re going to make a sandcastle.

He isn’t going to go to the shopping centre.

They aren’t going to go for a walk.




are they going to do

go ?

is she going to do


They’re going to go to the swimming pool.

She’s going to plant seeds.

They aren’t going to go to school.

She isn’t going to watch TV.

go ?

Look and complete the questions and answers. What

are they going to


They’re going to

see horses and cows.

They aren’t going to

see elephants and giraffes.



go to the zoo. go to the farm.



eat noodles. eat sandwiches.

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CB Page 58

Lesson 5

AB Page 116

have to affirmative and negative


Read and write T (true) or F (false).

Dear Harry, I’ve got to work late tonight. Please can you feed the cat and clean your bedroom? Dad is going to make dinner and wash the dishes when he gets home. Don’t forget to do your homework! Love, Mum xxx 1 Harry’s mum has to work late tonight.


2 Harry has to make dinner. 3 Harry doesn’t have to wash the dishes. 4 Harry’s dad has to do his homework. 5 Harry has to feed the cat. 6 Harry doesn’t have to clean his bedroom.


Look and complete with I have to or I don’t have to and phrases from the box. help the vet   ​wash the zebras   ​feed the sea lions   ​ clean the cages   ​observe the chimpanzees

ZO WorO ld

I have to do a lot of things today! In the morning, ✔ 1 I have to observe the chimpanzees and

. In the afternoon,




– they’re not dirty!



– I did


that yesterday.

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CB Page 65

AB Page 117

Lesson 3

Relative clauses with where


Read and match. Then complete. 1 It’s the place where firefighters work.


2 It’s the place where you can find out about places to visit.

f i r e  s t a t i o n

3 It’s the place where people do physical activity, like basketball and tennis. 4 It’s the place where people keep their money. 5 It’s the place where adults go to learn things.








6 It’s the place where you can send letters or parcels.




s  c






Look and write sentences. Use phrases from the box.

we take the train   ​you can buy books   ​children go to learn things   ​we go when we’re ill   ​ you can study or read books   ​children play on the swings   ​people eat lunch or dinner 1 It’s the place where children go to learn things. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Big Bright Ideas   Grammar Worksheets  


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CB Page 68

AB Page 117

Lesson 5

Relative clauses with who


Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the sentences and write the jobs.  stunt person   ​cameraman   ​make-up artist   ​actor   ​director   ​ wardrobe assistant


1 He’s the person who film the actors. He’s the person who films the actors.

2 She’s the people who tells everybody what to do.

3 I’m the person where puts make-up on the actors.

4 He’s the person who look after the actors’ clothes.

5 She’s the place who does the dangerous parts of the film.

6 I’m the person which you see on screen at the cinema.


Read and complete. Then look and match. He’s / She’s the person who   ​It’s the place where a It’s the place where

we cook food.

b She’s the person who

cooks food.


helps us when we’re ill.


we go when we’re ill.


animals, like cows


and pigs, live. looks after animals,

f like cows and pigs.

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CB Page 79

AB Page 118

Lesson 3

Infinitive of purpose


Order the words to make questions. Then match. go



Why did you go to the greengrocer’s?


2 to













a To buy a new basketball. b To look for headache medicine.


3 the












c To try on new shoes for school.










5 ?







d To buy strawberries and potatoes. e To find out about holidays in Portugal.

Look and complete. Shopping list

Hi, I’m Flo! I went shopping today and this is my shopping list. Where did I go and why?

Buy bread Look for a new jigsaw Find a book about dinosaurs Buy flowers for Grandma Choose a magazine Buy toothpaste

1 She went to the

florist’s to buy flowers for Grandma



toy shop














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CB Page 82

AB Page 118

Lesson 5

Quantifiers much / many / a lot of


Read and draw. We’ve got four cartons of milk. We haven’t got much cheese. We’ve got a lot of eggs. We’ve got two cartons of orange juice. We haven’t got many carrots.


Look, read and circle. We’ve got ….

Recipe for dinner:

• 1 • 1 • 1 • 1 • 6

• 6 peppers • 2 jars of tomato sauce • 6 tins of tuna • 2 onions • 1 bag of flour


pepper jar of tomato sauce tin of tuna onion bags of flour

Hi, Henry. It’s Dad. I didn’t take my lists to the supermarket. Can you find them for me?

Henry: Oh, yes. They’re here on the table. Dad:

OK, thanks. How 1 many

much flour have we got?

Henry: Errm … we’ve got 2 a lot of Dad:

OK, great. How 3 many

Henry: We don’t need 4 two Dad:

And how 5 many

How 8 much

many tuna. We haven’t got 7 many

much tuna at

two jars of tomato sauce – only one more.

OK and what else do we need?

Henry: We need 10 a lot of Dad:

many onions. Buy one more.

many jars of tomato sauce do we need?

Henry: We don’t need 9 many Dad:

much onions do we need for dinner?

much tuna do we need?

Henry: We need 6 a lot of the moment. Dad:

much flour. Don’t buy flour.

one peppers.

OK. Thanks, Henry!

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CB Page 89

AB Page 119

Lesson 3

Present continuous vs present simple


Read, look and answer. ​sci-fi film   ​​cartoon   ​historical film

What do you usually watch? I usually watch historical films. What are you watching? I‘m watching a historical film.


What do you usually watch?

What do you usually watch?

What are you watching?

What are you watching?

Complete the questions. Then look and answer. Now


It’s Wednesday afternoon and I’m on holiday! Being on holiday is much more fun than being at home!

12 11 1 10 2 9 3 4 8 7 6 5

12 11 1 10 2 9 3 4 8 7 6 5

have dinner   ​ make a sandcastle    have a picnic   ​watch TV   ​brush his teeth   ​ do his homework   ​play Frisbee   ​ collect shells

12 11 1 10 2 9 3 4 8 7 6 5

12 11 1 10 2 9 3 4 8 7 6 5

1 It’s four o’clock. What is he doing What does he usually do

at four o’clock?

2 It’s five o’clock. What What

He usually does his homework.

at five o’clock? ? at six o’clock?

4 It’s seven o’clock. What What

He’s making a sandcastle.


3 It’s six o’clock. What What


? at seven o’clock?

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CB Page 92

Lesson 5

AB Page 119

Expressions of frequency


Read Hannah’s answers. Then look and write the questions. Summer



Four times a week.

Twice a week.


Three times a week.

Every day.


Every weekend.

Five times a week.



Six times a week.

1 How often do you wear socks in winter? 2 3 4 5 6


Hi, I’m Hannah. This is how often I wear different clothes in summer and in winter.

Every day. Every weekend. Twice a week. Three times a week. Five times a week. Never.

Complete the questions. Then look and answer. I did a technology survey at school. These are my answers.





every weekend   ​three times a week   ​ five times a week   ​every day








✔ ✔

How often does she send emails? She sends emails three times a week.





write letters?





✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ use the internet?

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send texts?

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Big Bright Ideas

Answer Key

Unit 1 Lesson 3

Unit 2 Lesson 5

1 Read, look and circle.

1 Read and complete the chart with








2 Read and complete. Use the past simple of the verbs in the box. 1  found wood 2  made a fire 3  drank hot chocolate 4  slept in a tent 5  didn’t catch a fish 6  wore boots 7  didn’t see wildlife 8  ate marshmallows

Unit 1 Lesson 5 1 Read, look and answer Yes, I did or No, I didn’t. 1  Yes, I did. ​2  No, I didn’t. ​3  No, I didn’t. ​4  Yes, I did. 5  Yes, I did. ​6  Yes, I did. 2 Write questions. Then look at Mona’s holiday diary and answer. 1  Did she go for a walk on Monday? No, she didn’t. 2  Did she collect shells on Wednesday? Yes, she did. 3  Did she have an ice cream on Thursday? Yes, she did. 4  Did she play Frisbee on Friday? No, she didn’t. 5  Did she explore rock pools on Friday? Yes, she did.

Unit 2 Lesson 3 1 Read, look and write T (true) or F (false). 1  T ​ 2  F ​ 3  T ​ 4  T ​ 5  F ​ 6  T ​ 7  T ​ 8  F

3 Think and complete. Use could or couldn’t and phrases from the box. 1 50 years ago, we could talk on the phone, but we couldn’t send texts. 2 50 years ago, we could write letters, but we couldn’t send emails. 3 50 years ago, we could watch TV, but we couldn’t use the internet.

Unit 3 Lesson 3 1 Read, look and write the name. 1  Lulu ​ 2  Suki ​ 3  Lulu ​ 4  Ivy ​ 5  Ivy ​ 6  Suki 2 Look and write sentences. Use He’s / She’s going to and He / She isn’t going to. 1 She’s going to make a sculpture. She isn’t going to go on a tour. She’s going to visit the gift stop. 2 He isn’t going to study stones. He isn’t going to copy a painting. He’s going to learn about planets.

Unit 3 Lesson 5

2 Find and circle the mistakes. Correct the sentences. 1  This video game is the most exciting one I’ve got. 2  Playing chess is more educational than playing video games. 3  It’s more expensive to stay in a hotel than to go camping. 4  I’m reading the most difficult book in the school library. 3 Complete. Use more or the most and the word in brackets. 1  more realistic 2  more educational 3  the most old-fashioned 4  the most expensive 5  more difficult 6  the most exciting

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2 Look at the chart in activity 1 and complete. 1 do karate, swim 2  play the guitar, ride a horse, read comics (in any order)

1 Look and complete. Use You must or You mustn’t. 1  You mustn’t run around. 2  You must listen to the guide. 3  You mustn’t touch. 4  You mustn’t shout. 5  You must whisper. 2 Look and write sentences. Use You must or You mustn’t. 1  You mustn’t use your mobile phone. 2  You must speak English in class. 3  You mustn’t shout. 4  You must listen to the teacher. 5  You mustn’t run around. 6  You mustn’t eat. 7  You must do your homework. 8  You must tidy up your things.


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Big Bright Ideas

Answer Key

Unit 4 Lesson 3

Unit 5 Lesson 5

1 Read, look and match. 1  Last weekend. ​2  Last month. ​3  Yesterday. 4  Last summer. ​5  Last week.

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). 1  T ​ 2  F ​ 3  T ​ 4  F ​ 5  T ​ 6  F

2 Complete the questions with When, did or last. Then look and answer. 1  When did he last play table tennis? Last week. 2  When did he last do judo? Last year. 3  When did he last skateboard? Last month. 4  When did he last play chess? Yesterday. 5  When did he last ice skate? Last winter. 6  When did he last surf? Last summer.

Unit 4 Lesson 5 1 Correct the sentences. Use adverbs of manner. 1  He rode his bike slowly. 2  She ate her breakfast quickly. 3  I played cards badly. 4  He did origami well. 5  She sang the song loudly. 6  I whispered to my friend quietly. 2 Look and complete. Use phrases from the box and adverbs of manner. 1  He climbed the climbing frame quickly. 2  He went through the tunnel slowly. 3  I swung on the rope badly. 4  He went down the slide happily. 5  She climbed the climbing wall well. 6  I swung on the swing sadly.

Unit 5 Lesson 3 1 Complete with What or Where and circle. Then look and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 1  Where is he going to go? a  ✘ ​ b  ✔ 2 What are they going to do? a  ✔ ​ b  ✘ 3 Where are they going to go? a  ✘ ​ b  ✔ 4 What is she going to do? a  ✘ ​ b  ✔ 2 Look and complete the questions and answers. 1 What are they going to see? They’re going to see horses and cows. They aren’t going to see elephants and giraffes. 2 Where are they going to go? They aren’t going to go to the zoo. They’re going to go to the farm. 3 What are they going to eat? They aren’t going to eat noodles. They’re going to eat sandwiches.

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2 Look and complete with I have to or I don’t have to and phrases from the box. 1  I have to observe the chimpanzees 2  I have to feed the sea lions 3  I have to help the vet 4  I don’t have to wash the zebras 5  I don’t have to clean the cages

Unit 6 Lesson 3 1 Read and match. Then complete. 1  b – fire station ​2  d – tourist office ​3  e – sports centre ​ 4  a – bank ​5  f – university ​6  c – post office 2 Look and write sentences. Use phrases from the box. 1  It’s the place where children go to learn things. 2  It’s the place where you can study or read books. 3  It’s the place where people eat lunch or dinner. 4  It’s the place where children play on the swings. 5  It’s the place where you can buy books. 6  It’s the place where we take the train. 7  It’s the place where we go when we’re ill.

Unit 6 Lesson 5 1 Find and circle the mistakes. Then correct the sentences and write the jobs. 1 He’s the person who films the actors. – cameraman 2 She’s the person who tells everybody what to do. – director 3 I’m the person who puts make-up on the actors. – make-up artist 4 He’s the person who looks after the actors’ clothes. – wardrobe assistant 5 She’s the person who does the dangerous parts of the film. – stunt person 6 I’m the person who you see on screen at the cinema. – actor 2 Read and complete. Then look and match. 1  b She’s the person who cooks food. 2  a It’s the place where we cook food. 3  c She’s the person who helps us when we’re ill. 4  d It’s the place where we go when we’re ill. 5  f He’s the person who looks after animals, like cows and pigs. 6  e It’s the place where animals, like cows and pigs, live.


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Big Bright Ideas

Answer Key

Unit 7 Lesson 3

Unit 8 Lesson 5

1 Order the words to make questions. Then match. 1  Why did you go to the greengrocer’s? – d 2  Why did you go to the department store? – c 3  Why did she go to the sports shop? – a 4  Why did he go to the travel agent’s? – e 5  Why did you go to the chemist’s? – b

1 Read Hannah’s answers. Then look and write the questions. 1  How often do you wear socks in winter? 2  How often do you wear jeans in summer? 3  How often do you wear a hat in winter? 4  How often do you wear socks in summer? 5  How often do you wear jeans in winter? 6  How often do you wear gloves in summer?

2 Look and complete. 1  She went to the florist’s to buy flowers for Grandma. 2  She went to the toy shop to look for a new jigsaw. 3  She went to the baker’s to buy bread. 4  She went to the newsagent’s to choose a magazine. 5  She went to the chemist’s to buy toothpaste. 6 She went to the bookshop to find a book about dinosaurs.

Unit 7 Lesson 5 1 Read and draw. Students draw a small piece of cheese, a lot of eggs, two cartons of orange juice and a few carrots.

2 Complete the questions. Then look and answer. 1 How often does she send emails? She sends emails three times a week. 2 How often does she write letters? She writes letters every weekend. 3 How often does she use the internet? She uses the internet five times a week. 4 How often does she send texts? She sends texts every day.

2 Look, read and circle. 1  much ​ 2  a lot of ​3  many ​ 4  many ​ 5  much ​ 6  a lot of ​7  much ​ 8  many ​ 9  many ​ 10  a lot of

Unit 8 Lesson 3 1 Read, look and answer. 1 I usually watch historical films. I’m watching a historical film. 2 I usually watch sci-fi films. I’m watching a sci-fi film. 3 I usually watch cartoons. I’m watching a cartoon. 2 Complete the questions. Then look and answer. 1 is he doing / does he usually do He’s making a sandcastle. He usually does his homework. 2 is he doing / does he usually do He’s collecting shells. He usually watches TV. 3 is he doing / does he usually do He’s having a picnic. He usually has dinner. 4 is he doing / does he usually do He’s playing Frisbee. He usually brushes his teeth.

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