Activities in Class Unidad 5 [PDF]

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Activities in class

The Inconvenient Facts Scientists say that if we continue to bum fossil fuels in the way we do now, then in the future. there will be more storms and they will be more severe. There will also be more heat waves, more droughts, more rain-and therefore more floods, and more hurricanes. More everything When we bum fossil fuels (coal, oit and gas), we send carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases absorb and reflect heat from the Earth’s surface. If we go on producing them. Temperatures will go up several degrees. 6)As a result the ice and snow at the North and South Poles will melt and sea levels will rise, The sea will become more “acid” because CO? Is acidic. These changes will affect our eco-systems and our economies. They will also affect our water. our food, and even our health.

1. What are the connections between the photos? 

Maybe the connections between the photos is global warming.

GLOBAL WARMING QUIZ (EXAMEN DE CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL) 1 Which of these are fossil fuels? a) Coal b) oil c) gas 2. Which of these are greenhouse gases? a) Carbon dioxide (𝑪𝑶𝟐) b) Oxygen (O) c) Methane. (𝑪𝑯𝟒 ) 3 Which country produces the most greenhouse gases? a) China b) Russia c) the US 4. How many people die because of global warming every year? a) 1.500 b) 15.000 c) 150.000 5. How long does it take 𝐶𝑂2 to disappear from the atmosphere? a) 10 years b) 100 years c) 1.000 years 6. Which of these activities produce greenhouse gases? a) Driving b) cutting down trees c) Meat production 4) All of these words have something to do with the weather, except one. Do you know which one? Acid; degree; drought; flood; heat wave; hurricane; ice Mosquito; North Pole; snow; storm; temperature.

8) Read the report again and choose the correct answers. More than one answer may be correct. (Lea el informe nuevamente y elija las respuestas correctas. Más de una respuesta puede ser correcta.) 1. If we don’t reduce our use of fossil fuels, the weather will (Si no reducimos nuestro uso de combustibles fósiles, el clima) a) Get worse. b) Get better c) stay the same. ((((a) Empeora. b) Mejora c) permanece igual.) 2. There will be more (Habra mas) a) Hurricanes, b) droughts. c) Floods. ((((a) huracanes, b) sequías. c) Inundaciones.) 3. Burning fossil fuels produces. (La quema de combustibles fósiles produce.) a) Radiation. b) Greenhouse gases. c) Oxygen. 4. Changes in temperature will affect. (Los cambios de temperatura afectarán) a) Our health, b) our economy. c) Sea levels. ((((a) Nuestra salud, b) nuestra economía. c) Niveles del mar.) 5. Global warming means there will be more______in the future. (El calentamiento global significa que habrá más _____ en el futuro.) a) Mosquitoes b) fish c) malaria ((((a) Mosquitos b) peces c) malaria) GRAMAR 9) Complete the table with the correct form of the verbs. FIRST CONDITIONAL lf+ present tense, future tense Affirmative  if there ____is____ more rain, there__will be__more floods. (be / be) Negative It will is too late if we don’t act now. (be / not act) Questions  What will happen if we goes on like this? (happen / go on) 10) Look at the affirmative sentence in the grammar box and circle the correct words to complete the rule. We use the first conditional when we think something will definitely happen I may happen. 11. Underline examples of the first conditional in the report. (Subraye ejemplos del primer condicional en el informe.) 1 2. Write first conditional sentences. 1. The temperature / go up / there /will be more mosquitoes. If the temperature goes up, there will be more mosquitoes. 2. The oceans / get I warmer / a lot of fish / not survive. If the oceans get warmer, a lot of fish will not survive. 3. A lot of fish die / if / that happen. A lot of fish will die if that happens.. 4. We / act now I climate change / not be / so bad.

If we act now, climate change won't be so bad 5. A lot of people / die / if / climate change / continue. A lot of people will die if climate change continues.