Decision Tree For Halal Ingredient Assessment [PDF]

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1 Is the material supported with any Halal certificate ? No

Yes Recognised & valid Halal Certificate

2 Is the material made of any haram animal/ khamar/ human parts/ najees as stated in the Al Quran/ Hadith/ Fatwa Consencus/ Halal Standards/ Official Circulars? No

Yes Haram Change material & supplier

3 Is the material made of or contain of halal animal? No

Yes 2a. Does the animal base material contain any non halal animal/khamar/human parts/ najees as stated in the Quran/Hadith/Fatwa Consencus/ Halal Standard/ Official Circulars? No

Yes Haram Change material and Supplier

2b. Is the animal base material is fresh egg / fresh milk/ fresh aquatic animal with no further process? No Non Critical Point No documentation for proof of halal


4 Is the material made or contain plant material? No

Yes 3a. Any process to the plant material? No Non Critical Point No document for proof of halal required


5 Is the material made of or contain microbial cultivation? No

Yes 4a. Does the microbial cultivation is from Khamar Processing? Yes Haram Change Material/ Supplier

No Critical Point Recognised & valid Halal Certification

6 Does the material made of or contain mining mineral? No

Yes Non critical Point Product Specification & Detail Process Flow

7 Does the material made of or contain any synthetic material ? No

Yes 6a. Is the synthetic material organic? No Non critical Point Product Specification & Detail Process Flow


8 Is there any additives or processing aids involved?

No Non Critical Point Product Specification + Detail Process Flow



Does the additives or processing aids material made of or contain any non halal animal/khamar/human parts/ najees as stated in the Quran/Hadith/Fatwa Consencus/ Halal Standard/ Official Circulars? No

Yes Haram Change material and Supplier

10 Is the additives made of material from halal animal and slaughtered according to the shariah law? No

Yes Critical Point Recognised & Valid Halal Certificate

11 Is the additives made from plant base? No

Yes 10a. Is the additives containing any animal/ industrial alcohol/microorganism/ synthetic (organic)? No Non Critical Point

Yes Recognised & valid Halal Certificate

Product Specification & Detailed Process Flow 12 Is the additives made of mining mineral? No

Yes 11a. Does the mineral contain any animal base material? No Non Critical Point Product Specification & Detail Process Flow

Yes Recognised & Valid halal certificate

13 Is the additives made of synthetics? Yes 12a No Non Critical Point Product Specification & Detail Process Flow

Is the synthetic from organic sources? Yes 12a. Does the synthetic additive contain additives? No Non critical Point Product Specification & Detail Process Flow

Yes Critical Point Recognised & Valid halal certificate