Deal Do Fill Go Lie Play Reason [PDF]

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SECTION B. USE OF ENGLISH A. PHRASAL VERBS I. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs given and the practical WITH. deal do fill go lie part play reason 1. If there are any complaints, the manager will DEAL WITH them. 2. Shall I get those blue curtains? No. They don't really GO WITH the carpet. You need a lighter colour 3. Once Jonathan's got an idea, he wouldn't change his mind. I tried to REASON WITH: thuyết phụ c him but it was no use. 4. Julia wanted to sell their car but her husband was reluctant to PART WITH: bỏ đi, chia tay it. 5.  I'm really thirsty. I could DO WITH a long cool drink. 6. That woman from head office talks about ‘participation’ and ‘consultation’ but it doesn't mean anything. She's just PLAYING WITH: là m gì cho vui words. 7. The way he drives all over the road doesn't exactly FILL me WITH: mang lạ i cái gì nhiều nhiều cho ai confidence! 8. Who do you think is to blame for the accident? In my opinion the fault LIES WITH: là trá ch nhiệm củ a ai the council for not taking better precautions. Now do the same with these verbs confused deal disagree identify live meet side wrestle 9. It's my decision and whatever happens I'll have to LIVE WITH: chịu đự ng, gá nh chịu the consequences. 10. This little booklet DEALS WITH the problems of living abroad. 11.  While Louise was on her way to the meeting, she MET WITH: gặ p phả i, trả i qua an accident and had to be taken to hospital. 12. And you’re an engineer, aren’t you? No. I'm in marketing. I think you're CONFUSING me WITH = MISTAKE sb FOR my brother. 13.  I’ve decided to resign. I’ve spent the last 20 years WRESTLING WITH: xử lý nhữ ng việc khó the financial problems of this company and I've had enough of it! 14. We want the play to be as realistic as possible. The main character, for example, must be somebody the audience can easily IDENTIFY WITH. 15. Whenever there was a family dispute, her son agreed with her while her daughters used to SIDE WITH: theo phe her husband. 16.  I try never to eat anything with onion in as it always DISAGREES WITH: ko hợ p vớ i me. II. Match one half of the dialogue on the left with the other half on the right. Write your answers in the boxes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

E My car wouldn't start this morning. D Why doesn't Ted want to play with the other children?  H I think that new magazine is very childish! G Would Blake be interested in making some extra money? C I hear you were going to New Zealand. B Did the police manage to get anyone to talk about the fight? A Were they very hungry? F This maths homework is driving me crazy!

Now do the same with these dialogues

A. No, they weren't. They just picked at: ă n nhấ m nhá p their food and ate hardly anything. B. No, they didn't. It's going to be very difficult to get at the truth. C. Yes, I was offered a job there - so I leapt at: sẵ n sà ng đó n nhậ n, chộ p lấ y the opportunity to work “Down Under”. D. He's afraid they’ll laugh at his accent. E. You’d better get the garage to look at it, then. F. I know it's hard, but you must give it in = turn it in: nộ p bài. Don't give up now! G. I'm sure he'd jump at a chance. H. Well, it's not really for adults. It’s aimed more at the teenage Market.

9. D I think this is your coat. 10. F Why didn't you offer to help them repair dinner? 11. H How long was Ben unconscious? 12. A Shall I pour? 13. G Those customers have been waiting for ages! 14. B It's so difficult to get a clear answer from him! 15. E Why does Ann keep criticizing me all the time? 16. C And Judy here is in the final tomorrow.

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

Thanks - and help yourself to: tự lấ y sugar.  I know! He keeps getting side-tracked: lạc đề. I wish he'd stick to point. Well, let’s drink to: uố ng mừ ng her success, then. No. That one belongs to Mike. Mine’s grey. Don't let it get to: làm rầ u lò ng you. She does it to everyone. Just ignore her. Because when it comes to cooking, I'm totally useless. Could you see to: xử lý them? I'm really busy at the moment. It took him at least a quarter of an hour come to: hiểu, nhậ n thứ c đượ c.

III. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs given and the practical FOR. ask call enter go look make send stand 1. She's been LOOKING FOR a job for ages and she still hasn't found one. 2. So you’ve passed your exam. This CALLS FOR: đò i hỏ i phải có a celebration!  3. He hasn't decided which to buy but he'll probably GO FOR: chọ n the flat in the city center. 4. They were so hungry after their day out that they MADE FOR the nearest restaurant. 5. If the fever continues, I'll have to SEND FOR: gọ i đến the doctor. 6. If I were you, I wouldn’t mention her driving test. You'd be ASKING FOR trouble: muố n rắc rố i à ! 7.  I never dreamt I'd win when I ENTER FOR the competition! 8. What do the initials BBC STAND FOR? Now do the same with these verbs account call fall fish go hope mistake pay 9. I just hope you’ve got enough money with you to PAY FOR all this food! 10. The dog WENT FOR: tấ n cô ng, nhắ m và o his ankle and gave him a nasty bite. 11. People often MISTAKE me FOR my sister. We’ve got the same hair. 12.  I’d better start getting ready. He's going to CALL FOR = PICK UP: đó n me at six. 13. You could see she was FISHING FOR: tìm compliments by the way she kept talking about her dress. 14. How do you ACCOUNT FOR: giải thích his reaction?      - I couldn't understand it. 15.  I’d like you to tidy your room or is that too much to HOPE FOR? 16. How could I have FALLEN FOR: nghe theo such an obvious trick? I'm not easily taken in like that. IV. Match one half of the dialogue on the left with the other half on the right. Write your answers in the boxes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

D Why are you back living with your parents again? F What’s this new exercise video you’ve bought? E Any news of your sister?  B I'm leaving! I can’t work under these conditions any longer! C You’re French, aren’t you?  H I hope Mum doesn't find out I’ve been seeing Nigel.  A I'm off to the beach, then. G Why was Phil meaning off work for so long?

Now do the same with these dialogues

A. Take this hat with you. It’ll protect you from the Sun. B. Fine, but don't resign from this job until you've got another one to go to. C. No. I come from Belgium. D. I was behind with: chậm the rent so I was evicted from my flat. E. Yes. I finally heard from her last week. F. The exercises on it are for people who suffer from backache. G. He's still recovering from the accident. H. But your brother knows, and it’ll be hard to keep him from telling her.

9. G Do you think your parents would lend you the money? 10. F Are there any jobs going at the hotel? 11. H Do you like the new uniform? 12. A Shall I make that vegetable soup again? 13. C Why were you two boys fighting? 14. E Look at the snow on those Hills. 15. D What are they going to do with all the factory waste? 16. B Did you see the look on her father’s face?   

A. Please don’t. The whole house smells of cabbage last time you made it. B. I certainly did! He obviously didn't approve of that dress! C. He started it. He accused me of being a liar so I hit him. D. They want to dispose of it by dumping it in the sea. E. It reminds me of the time we went skiing in the Alps. F. Not at the moment. I'll let you know if I hear of any vacancies. G. Forget it. I wouldn’t dream of asking them for a loan. H. Well, the style’s all right but I don't think much of the colour.

B. IDIOMS I. Use foot or feet to complete the idiomatic expressions in these sentences: 1. People ask you the most unexpected questions in this job. You really have to think on your foot /feet: phả n ứ ng nhanh, nghĩ nhanh. 2. When I get home from work, the first thing I do is make a cup of tea, put my foot/feet up: gá c châ n, thư giã n and relax in front of the TV. 3. I'm having my flat decorated at the moment. They're supposed to finish it today but they've been dragging their foot/feet: làm mãi khô ng xong so it'll probably be Friday now. 4. You can't live with your parents forever, Victor. You're twenty-six. It's time you were standing on your own two foot/feet: độ c lậ p, khô ng dự a dẫm ai. 5. The French goalkeeper played brilliantly. He didn't put a foot/feet wrong: làm sai. 6. I don't mind my son going to discos and clubs but I had to put my foot /feet down: dù ng quyền lự c để ngă n lại when he started coming home as late as two or three in the morning. 7. I get on very well with my flatmate now but we got off on the wrong foot: bắ t đầ u mố i quan hệ 1 cá ch ko tố t /feet because she used to play her music so loud. It was fine after we talked about it. 8. I know you're on holiday, Martin, but you still need to help in the kitchen. I'm not going to wait on you hand and foot/: đi theo phụ c vụ , cung cấ p mọ i thứ feet the whole time. 9. I worked for thirteen hours yesterday. I was dead on my foot/feet: hết hơi when I got home. 10. I like the idea of having an office party, but who's going to foot/feet the bill? a. got cold feet c. landed on her feet e. set foot g. put my foot in it b. get itchy feet d. rushed off our feet f. find my feet h. keep your feet on the ground II. Put the following verbs into the dialogues below: 1. Have you had a busy day? You look exhausted. > Yes, it was the first day of the sale. We were D. bậ n kinh khủ ng 2. You've lived in lots of different countries, haven't you, Ian? > Yes, I can't stay in one place for too long. After about a year I B. ngứ a châ n, đi nhiều and I need to move on somewhere new. 3. Well, Andy, did you go out with Jill over the weekend? Did you ask her? > I wanted to phone her but I A at the last minute so I didn't. 4. Has your sister found a job yet? > Didn't I tell you? She's got a wonderful job in the city - company car, incentives, bonuses - she's really C. thà nh cô ng (vì may mắ n, khô ng cầ n nỗ lự c lắ m) 5. Oh dear, I think I've just G. làm gì đá ng xấ u hổ ! > Why? What have you done? I've just asked Jane about her holiday in Africa. > Oh, no! And you didn't know that the airline had gone bust! 6. So, you had a good time in Paris, then? > Yes, but I hope I never E in another art gallery! We spent hours walking round them because of the rain! 7. How's the new job going, Sam? > It's all very new. I think it'll take me a couple of weeks to F. bắ t đầ u quen dầ n, tự tin hơn

8. It's my first job, and they're giving me a company car! And the salary is twice what I expected. What do you think of that, then? > Just H: bình tĩnh , son! That's all I can say! change hands. live from hand to mouth have (got) your hands full get your hands on reject something out of hand have a big hand in something get out of hand have time on your hands III. Complete these dialogues using one of the above idioms 1. Let's go to that Greek restaurant we went to last year. It was nice. > It's a Chinese restaurant now. It CHANGED HANDS: đổ i chủ last September. 2. Is there any chance you could work on Saturday? Mark's still ill. > Normally I would, but I HAVE GOT MY HANDS FULL: bậ n tố i mắ t this weekend. I have to look after the children because Mary's visiting her parents. 3. Did you show your ideas to the rest of your department? > They didn't even bother to read them. They rejected them OUT OF HAND: ngay lậ p tứ c ! 4. I hope these drunks aren't going to cause trouble. > Don't worry. I'll call the police if THINGS/THEY GET OUT OF HAND 5. We're decorating the house. It's taking ages. > I could give you a hand. I've got a bit of TIME ON MY HAND at the moment. 6. How do you become a successful writer? Where do you get your ideas from? > I read very widely. In fact, I read everything I can GET MY HANDS ON: vớ đượ c 7. How are you managing since you lost your job? > We're just LIVING FROM HAND TO MOUTH: số ng khổ We aren't able to save anything, but we manage. 8. Thank you for organising such an excellent meeting. > Thank you, but don't forget Maria. She HAD/HAS A BIG HAND in: có liên quan all the planning as well. IV. Fill in each blank with an appropriate verb turn fell count know give take keep hand 1. That looks heavy. Let me GIVE you a hand. 2. I love it here. It's so peaceful. You can COUNT the number of cars you see here in a week on the fingers of one hand: rấ t ít. 3. Martin's one of those annoying people who can TURN their hand to: là m gì tố t dù trướ c đó chưa từ ng almost anything - sport, painting, music - he's good at everything. 4. This report is strictly confidential. If it FELL into the wrong hands: rơi và o tay kẻ xấu, we would all be in serious trouble. 5. I don't care if you know who did this to your car, you shouldn't deal with it yourself. Call the police. You can't TAKE the law into your own hands: tự trừ ng phạ t ai. 6. You might not like his style or methods but you've got to HAND it to: phải thừ a nhậ n ai giỏ i him - he's a brilliant salesman. 7. The problem with this company is communication. Half the time the right hand doesn't KNOW what the left hand: 1 cơ quan/ cô ng ty mà cá c bộ phậ n khô ng thố ng nhấ t vớ i nhau is doing. 8. I used to play squash three or four times a week, but I just don't have the time now. I still KEEP my hand in: làm thườ ng xuyên để duy trì phong độ by playing occasionally. V. Fill in each blank with an appropriate idiom a. It's my head that's on the block. b. A lot of it went right over my head. c. She's head and shoulders above the rest. d. I could do it standing on my head. e. I can't make head nor tail of it. f. Not off the top of my head. g. Two heads are better than one. h. He's got his head in the clouds. 1. Do you know Bill's phone number? > F. (khô ng phả i) từ trí nhớ củ a ai I've got it in my address book. 2. Sorry about the mistakes, but none of them was very serious. > That's easy for you to say, but A. put sb’s head on the block: làm gì xấu ả nh hưở ng danh tiếng củ a ai not yours! 3. He's a typical teenager. No sense of responsibility. He thinks he'll walk into a job. > I know H: mơ mộ ng hã o huyền most of the time.

4. Is it difficult to make a homepage or a website? > Not really. I've done so many now D. dễ dà ng (vì làm nhiều lầ n rồ i) 5. I've read the instruction booklet, but I couldn't understand it. > I've looked at it too, and E either! 6. Could you give me a hand with these month-end figures? > Good idea G! 7. Karen Smith is still top of the class this year, isn't she? > Yes C 8. I see you're reading Stephen King's new book. > I've just finished it. It's interesting but B. quá khó vớ i ai VI. Complete these sentences using the correct form of these verbs: put bury examine go keep screw roll laugh 1. I'm sure we can find a solution to this problem if we all PUT our heads: chung sứ c suy nghĩ together. 2. The first two years of running this business were very hard. We just about managed to KEEP our heads above water: cố gắ ng trá nh nhữ ng vấ n đề về tài chính. 3. This is a problem we have to face. We can't BURY our heads in the sand: lờ đi thự c tại khó khă n and hope it will go away. 4. If you think I'm going to lend you money again, you need your head EXAMINED: có vấ n đề đầ u ó c 5. The trouble with some politicians is, after a while power GOES to their heads: khiến ai kiêu ngạ o and they think they can do anything. 6. It's the funniest film I've seen for ages. I LAUGHED my head off: cườ i ko nhặ t đượ c mồ m. 7. When I find out who is responsible for this mistake, heads will ROLL: ai đó sẽ bị đuổ i việc 8. You don't need to worry about Marco travelling alone. He's only sixteen but he's got his head SCREWED on: biết cách cư xử , xử lý mọ i việc. He'll be OK. VII. Use these verbs to complete the following: lose set break take sank have 1. My heart SANK: cảm thấ y chá n nả n when I saw how much washing up there was in the kitchen. 2. My English teacher is awful. She corrects every little mistake I make and she gets very impatient if I don't know the answers. I'm starting to LOSE heart: mấ t tinh thầ n. 3. My sister's only six but she's SET her heart on: quyết tâ m becoming a ballet dancer. 4. I know you're disappointed but you can TAKE heart from: có thêm tự tin khi biết điều gì the fact that most people in Britain fail their driving test first time. 5. Simon asked if he could play the piano at the wedding. I know he's not very good but I didn't HAVE the heart to: có gan làm gì say no. 6. My car has finally come to the end of its life. I've had it for 20 years. It'll BREAK my heart to say goodbye to it. VIII. Fill in each blank with an appropriate idiom a. in my heart of hearts f. heart's in the right place h. heart's not in it b. close to my heart g. got a heart of gold i. learn things by heart c. had a change of heart e. best interests at heart j. heart-to-heart d. after my own heart 1. John, you're interested in Third World problems, aren't you? > Yes, it's a subject which has always been B: quan trọ ng, làm ai thấ y hứ ng thú 2. My mother is a great help to us. And she does so much for her neighbours as well. > Yes, people are always saying she's G 3. I've decided to give up my piano lessons. I just don't seem to be getting anywhere. > Well, there's no point continuing if your H: khô ng thích 4. So, the job in America came to nothing. Are you disappointed? > Not really A: từ sâ u thẳm trong tim = from the bottom of sb’s hearts I didn't really want to leave Britain. 5. Why are Tom and Julie going back to Australia? I thought they were going to stay for another six months. > That was the plan but they've C. thay đổ i thá i độ . They're homesick. 6. I don't know about you, but I find Terry difficult, to say the least! > Well, he can be a bit rude, but basically his F. vẫ n là ngườ i tố t dù có nhiều khiếm khuyết 7. What languages did you study at school? > Only French. It was so boring. We just had to I - verb tables and stuff like that.

8. I like most sports really - especially rugby. > Ah! A man D. có cù ng sở thích! I really love rugby! 9. Where's Lisa? She's not at her desk. > No, she's in David's office. They're having a J. châ n thà nh (talk) about her future. 10. I don't know if you realise how demanding you can be. > Yes, I know I'm tough, but please believe I have your E. muố n quan tâm giú p đỡ ai

Intro: - 2 câu đầ u: thừ a - other such - have a number of positive effects -> generate/ yield/ boost revenue which should be allocated/channeled to the development… Body paragraphs: Body 1: - Topic sentence: sai - câu 2: thừ a - However: thừ a - good abilities -> potentials - studies -> study Body 2: - Topic sentence: sai - Cả đoạ n sai vì khô ng liên quan gì đến chủ đề: dù ng $ thu từ lễ hộ i cho việc giú p ng nghèo Conclusion: - Chưa đủ thuyết phụ c two sides of a coin -> a double-edged sword