Daldoss Microlift User Manual [PDF]

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The service lift



User’s Manual The service lift

First issue: 01/01/1995 Revision: March 2006 Text and lay-out: Microsoft® Word 2002 SP3 Dawings: Autodesk® Autocad

Produced by: Daldoss Elevetronic Text and lay-out: Matteo Moser

Copyright © Daldoss Elevetronic S.p.A. All rights reserved.

User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: U_ML_001 Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................2 2. WARRANTY ...................................................................................................................................................2 3. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................2 3.1 D.P.R. 29/05/1963, n. 1497 ...............................................................................................................2 3.2 Health and safety at work, D.P.R. 27/04/1955, n. 547 ......................................................................2 3.3 Electricity regulations contained in D.P.R. 29/05/1963, n. 1497 .......................................................3 4. HEALTH AND SAFETY..................................................................................................................................3 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................3 4.2 Safe access .......................................................................................................................................3 4.3 Safe working ......................................................................................................................................3 4.4 Rooms, working places and access ..................................................................................................3 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................................................4 5.1 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................4 5.2 Lift Control Stations ...........................................................................................................................4 5.3 Indicator Lights ..................................................................................................................................4 5.4 Lift Car ...............................................................................................................................................4 5.5 Door Operating ..................................................................................................................................4 5.6 Loading ..............................................................................................................................................4 5.7 Unloading...........................................................................................................................................5 6. MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................................................................5 7. LIFT CARE .....................................................................................................................................................6 7.1 Stainless Steel ...................................................................................................................................6 7.2 Car shelf ............................................................................................................................................6 7.3 Push Buttons .....................................................................................................................................6 7.4 Lift Pit.................................................................................................................................................6 8. EMERGENCY OPENING OF DOORS ..........................................................................................................6 9. EMERGENCY HANDWINDING .....................................................................................................................6

UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: 80/95/T Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

1. INTRODUCTION This User's Handbook, for newly installed SERVICE lifts, is to help provide a better understanding of your lift installation. Its aim is to ensure the owner/occupier of a building is aware of his/her statutory obligations, other provisions in the interests of health and safety, and to secure the protection afforded under the terms of the warranty. Though this lift is not suitable for transporting people, great care has been taken to ensure the safety of lift users and for this reason it is essential that any maintenance/service, repair or adjustments carried out are entrusted only to a competent person with the relevant expert knowledge. Such competent persons will have undergone an industry recognised programme of training on lift maintenance, and should have received appropriate training from the manufacturer in order to be familiar with the design of this particular equipment. Especially where safety might be affected it is important to ensure correct replacement parts are chosen. The original supplier/manufacturer cannot be held liable for any replacements of which they do not approve.

2. WARRANTY Any warranty provided by the supplier is conditional upon the lift receiving regular and appropriate maintenance/servicing. It covers the free replacement of parts proved defective for reasons of faulty material or workmanship during the warranty period. To ensure the continuance of satisfactory and safe operation the occupier/owner should arrange for the completed lift to receive regular maintenance/servicing by competent persons at such intervals as the type of equipment and intensity of operation demand. Such maintenance/service can be secured under an appropriate contract. The scope of the contract may be extended to cover not only regular servicing but also intermediate service calls, repairs and replacement of worn parts. In order to ensure the best possible performance from every new installation, and having regard for the adjustments that will be necessary during the first few months of operation, and in order not to prejudice the supply warranty, it is essential, and normal, for the lift supplier to be entrusted with the maintenance/servicing during the warranty period of a new lift. In the interest of safety and operating efficiency it is important that the building occupier ensures that the equipment is not misused and that unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter the lift well or gain access to the machine space. Attention should be paid to methods of ensuring that lifts are not overloaded. The above is only issued for guidance and this should be based on each Company's conditions of sale.

3. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Machinery Directive 98/37/EC, D.P.R. n. 162 30/04/99, circular 14/04/97 n. 157296 This requires every power-driven lift to be of good mechanical construction, adequate strength, be properly maintained/serviced, and thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in every period of 12 months. A report of the result of every such examination shall be prepared on the prescribed form and signed by the person carrying out the examination. 3.2 Health and safety at work, D.LGS. n. 626 12/09/94 in force after modifications of D.LGS. n. 242/96, D.LGS. n. 359/99, D.M. 12/11/99 and D.LGS. 66/00 n. 547 This imposes obligations such that similar standards shall be applied, as minimum requirements, to lifts installed in other places where persons work which are not subject to the specific legislative previsions described in (i).

UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: 80/95/T Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

3.3 Electromagnetic compatibility 89/336/EC, EC Directive 73/23 “LOW VOLTAGE” Considering all the existing electricity regulations, the D.P.R. 1497 place general requirements on the design, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment. The people concerned with installation and maintenance of electrical equipment must be aware of the appropriate safe working practice. It is important that adequate lighting and free work space is available around the lift control equipment access door. Generally, lift control equipment contains components and terminals operating at high voltage (greater than 50 volts). In order to commission and maintain/service the equipment, it is often necessary to work on the equipment live (power on); where live working cannot be avoided, then a system of work must be in place and two people may need to be present to minimise the risk of injury. Such systems of work should allow only persons who are competent to do so to work on or near exposed, live conductors.

4. HEALTH AND SAFETY 4.1 Introduction Both the building owner/occupier and servicing company have a shared responsibility for the Health and Safety at Work Act with regard to the provision of a safe working environment for those who might use the building for whatever reason. Compliance with the Act will be of importance in terms of the owner/occupier obtaining appropriate insurance. 4.2 Safe access It is essential that the machine and pulley rooms, or enclosures, should not be used for purposes other than lifts, nor contain cables or devices other than for the lift, nor be used to provide means of access to other parts of the building. It is important that access from the public way to the interior of rooms containing machines, associated equipment and pulleys, be convenient and safe throughout and without there being need to pass through private accommodation. The access route should be well illuminated. Door giving access to machine and pulley rooms should be secure against unauthorised access and it is essential that a permanent safety sign and warning notice be displayed on the outside of the machine room and pulley room doors, such notices to bear the minimum inscription.

4.3 Safe working The norm D.P.R. n. 162 30/04/99 states that the owner has to provide all the necessary means and support in order to allow the tests and the further inspections. Moreover, it is reminded that the owner has the responsibility to have the lift installation tested and maintained only by a competent person or specialised company. 4.4 Rooms, working places and access The D.LGS. n. 626 19/09/94 (italian implementation of 89/391/EC, 89/654/EC, 89/655/EC, 89/656/EC, 90/269/EC, 90/270/EC, 90/394/EC and 90/679/EC) and following modifications recommend that building owner/occupiers should provide suitable barriers and keep them available on site for use when required. Such barriers are required to protect persons other than those working on the lift at times when for maintenance/service, repair or examination it is necessary to open a landing door whilst the lift car is not at that landing. UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: 80/95/T Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Commissioning Turn main isolator switch to ON position. The position of the main switch is at the top level that the lift serves and is sited adjacent to the motor room. It should be labelled LIFT ISOLATOR 5.2 Lift Control Stations Control stations are provided at each landing entrance, comprising CALL/SEND buttons. A button is pressed to call or send the lift to a desired floor (constant pressure is not required on the button, a momentary push is sufficient). 5.3 Indicator Lights Each company should describe its own particular design, e.g. green indicator light illuminates when the lift car has arrived. 5.4 Lift Car No direct controls are fitted in the lift car.



5.5 Door Operating The landing shutters are mechanically locked in the closed position when the car is not present. Each landing shutter is provided with a handle. Opening it causes the counter balanced bottom leaf to open in unison. (Other types of doors are to be described accordingly)



When a car door is fitted it must be fully closed before the landing door. Open and close the landing shutters carefully. The contract working load is clearly marked inside the car. Do not overload the lift. It is unsafe to exceed the contract load. 5.6 Loading Use several journeys rather than one if this means overloading or overfilling the car. If the lift car jams it is almost without exception due to mis-use.



When loading the car you should: - Place the contents well clear of the front edge of the car. - Be sure not to load items that are physically larger than the depth of the car. Keep the clear opening free during shutter closing. - Take effective steps to stabilise object that may fall over or roll out during transit. You may wish to use a box to contain such items. - If your lift car is provided with a door ALWAYS close it fully before closing the landing shutters. - If the lift car jams in the shaft due to goods becoming trapped between the lift car and the inside of the shaft SWITCH OFF the lift immediately at the isolator and call in your local service engineer. Immediately report any malfunctioning which may occur. Where necessary the lift should be switched off at the isolator switch to prevent its further use until your service engineer has inspected the lift.

UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: 80/95/T Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

- Do not fool with or tamper with the lift - this may affect the operation of the lift and create a dangerous situation. - Do not use the lift in the event of a fire in the building unless specifically authorised to do so by a Fire Officer and close any landing shutters. - Do not enter the lift well (shaft) or pit under any circumstances. - Do not enter the lift well (shaft) area or climb on top of the car for cleaning or other purposes. - Do not attempt to enter the lift car.



- Do not in any circumstances attempt to ride in the lift. - Do not use the machine room as a store room. It should be kept exclusively for lift machinery. - The illumination around the entrance should be sufficient, i.e. a minimum of 50 lux. This must be maintained. 5.7 Unloading If you are unloading the car you should make sure you close all the shutters/doors once you have finished. Unless this is done the lift will not accept calls from another floor.

6. MAINTENANCE Information it is recommended be included for the owner in the instructions for safe use. 1) The planned maintenance is required in order to assure the correct and safe operation of the equipment and that this should be undertaken only by fully trained and competent personnel. 2) The owner or his representative should inform the maintenance company in the event any of the following should occur: a) the detection of any abnormal function e.g. incorrect stopping, noise etc. landing and car doors; b) before any modification work is carried out on the installation; c) of any condition for use different from that to which the original installation was supplied; 3) It should be noted that the owner has a responsibility under Health and Safety Regulations to ensure that the premises are safe and free from risk to health, so far as is practicable. 4) In addition to the examination and test that may be carried out by the maintenance company, and in the interests of trouble free operation, the owner, or his representative may undertake the following checks: (i) a visual check of the condition of the landing push buttons and indicators; (ii) an inspection of the landing entrances to ensure that these are clean and that there is no obstruction which might prevent closing in the locked position; iii) ensure the machine room doors are both closed and locked

UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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User’s Manual

Località Cirè 38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN) Italy

The service lift

Document Code: 80/95/T Revision: 02 Date: March 2006

7. LIFT CARE To keep a lift in working order it is important the owner/occupier ensures that the door tracks are kept clean and free from obstruction. It is also important only suitable cleaning agents are used on finishes such as the car, doors and door surrounds. 7.1 Stainless Steel All generally available cleaning chemicals will not harm the stainless steel with which the lift car and landing shutters are finished. Take care if using abrasive compounds or pads. To preserve the appearance of the grain, avoid heavy scouring and where possible follow the exiting direction of grain. Use a damp cloth for final cleaning to avoid water entering the shaft. If wished, a sterilising agent may be included. 7.2 Car shelf The shelf should be lifted out for cleaning. It is made from stainless steel and the methods outlined above apply. 7.3 Push Buttons The lift should be switched off at the isolator. A damp cloth, well wrung out, should be the most that is necessary to remove finger marks. Spirit based, or aromatic/solvent type, cleaners should not be used. NOTE The responsibility for providing information regarding suitable cleaning agents must rest with the manufacturer due to the wide range of architectural finishes currently available. 7.4 Lift Pit The lift pit should cleaned regularly to remove any debris/food which may have fallen from the lift car on to the floor. It will be drawn to your attention at your next service visit whether or not the pit required cleaning.

8. EMERGENCY OPENING OF DOORS The keys have been provided to unlock the landing door when the car is not present at the hatchway and should only be given to personnel who are trained in its use. The lift shaft is a hazardous area and should only be entered by a fully trained lift engineer.

9. EMERGENCY HANDWINDING This should only be carried out by a fully trained lift engineer.

UNI-EN ISO 9001 Certification N. 9102 DALD

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Daldoss Elevetronic SpA Italy • Località Cirè  Pergine Valsugana (Tn) Phone:     Fax:     

info@daldosscom wwwdaldosscom