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Caterpillar Electronic Technician Customer User's Manual

Caterpillar Inc. Software License Agreement



TITLE: Title to this PROGRAM belongs to, and at all times shall remain the property of, Caterpillar Inc., Peoria, Illinois, USA and/or its subsidiaries (CATERPILLAR), and is protected by copyright. By agreeing to this License Agreement, you do not become the owner of the PROGRAM or acquire any rights therein other than those specifically granted below. Use of the PROGRAM by anyone not a Licensed User is strictly prohibited. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO LICENSE: The PROGRAM includes protection mechanisms to prevent use of the PROGRAM until you become registered as a Licensed User and that prevent the use of certain functions of the PROGRAM without the appropriate password. Your rights to use the PROGRAM are subject to your payment of all fees, your registration as a Licensed User on a Designated CPU, and our delivery of an appropriate password to you to enable you to use the PROGRAM on the Designated CPU. As used herein, “Designated CPU” means the computer having the CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN serial number entered on the “ET License” program screen in the PROGRAM. CATERPILLAR limits access to and use of certain functions of the PROGRAM to only authorized Caterpillar and TEPS dealers, as CATERPILLAR, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate, and no rights to obtain passwords is granted to you herein. Your rights to use the PROGRAM is also conditioned upon your assent to the terms and conditions of this License. THE PROGRAM REQUIRES THAT YOU ASSENT TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY CLICKING ON THE “I AGREE” BUTTON DURING PROGRAM INSTALLATION. DOING SO, INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF AND AGREEMENT TO BE BOUND BY THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

LICENSE: You may: a. Use the PROGRAM only on the Designated CPU. Transfer of the PROGRAM to another computer must be accomplished in the manner set forth in the “Caterpillar Service Tool Software/Getting Started” booklet. b. Make a backup copy of the PROGRAM to support your use on the Designated CPU. Each backup diskette must include a reproduction of the copyright notice and other notices or legends as contained on the original PROGRAM and PROGRAM CD-ROM label(s). You may not: a. Transfer this License or otherwise provide or disclose the PROGRAM or any copy thereof to third parties; b. Grant sublicenses, leases, or other rights in the PROGRAM to third parties; c Export or reexport the PROGRAM without the appropriate United States and/or foreign government license(s); d. Decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the PROGRAM or allow others to do the same; or e. Obtain or seek to obtain a PASSWORD to which you are not entitled or share any PASSWORDS obtained from CATERPILLAR with others. RESTRICTED PROGRAM FUNCTIONS: Certain functions of the PROGRAM ARE LIMITED TO USE BY ONLY CATERPILLAR AND TEPS DEALERS AND OTHER AUTHORIZED USERS and require the entry of specific PASSWORDS in order to access such functions. Caterpillar Dealers, TEPS Dealers and those specifically authorized by Caterpillar Inc. to use such functions must obtain the PASSWORDS in the manner set forth in Caterpillar’s Level 3 Factory Password System. Unless you are authorized and provided with an appropriate password(s) by Caterpillar, access or use of such functions is prohibited and IMMEDIATELY TERMINATES YOUR LICENSE to use the PROGRAM. LIMITED WARRANTIES: CATERPILLAR warrants that it is the sole owner of the PROGRAM or has full power and authority to grant the rights herein granted without the consent of any other party, and that the PROGRAM is delivered free of the rightful claim of any third party by way of infringement or the like. For a period of ninety (90) days from your acceptance of this Agreement, CATERPILLAR also warrants that the media on which the PROGRAM is furnished will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. If a defect appears during the limited warranty period, you may return

the media for free replacement. However, CATERPILLAR does not warrant that the PROGRAM will meet your requirements or that operation of the PROGRAM will be uninterrupted or error-free. EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTIES DESCRIBED ABOVE, `THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION OF THIS PROGRAM TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION, USE, AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THIS PROGRAM. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY: In no event will CATERPILLAR be liable to you, in law or equity, for any special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of your use of the PROGRAM. Except for the warranty against infringement, you agree that regardless of the form of any claim you may have, CATERPILLAR's liability will not exceed the license fee you paid for your rights to use the PROGRAM. TERM: This Agreement is effective until terminated as hereinafter provided. The license granted herein will automatically terminate without further action of CATERPILLAR if you fail to comply with the restrictions as recited herein. These restrictions are for the benefit of CATERPILLAR and/or applicable licensors of the copies thereof. CATERPILLAR may also terminate this License at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice to you. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by either returning the PROGRAM together with all copies thereof to CATERPILLAR or by destroying the same. Upon termination all of your rights to use PROGRAM shall cease and any further use by you is strictly prohibited. GENERAL: This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois, United States of America. This Agreement may be modified only in a writing signed by the duly authorized representatives of CATERPILLAR. No action may be brought for any breach of warranty more than one year following the expiration of the warranty period. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU FURTHER AGREE THAT IT


Table of Contents APPLICATION OVERVIEW..................................................................1-1 UNDERSTANDING THE CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN SCREEN1-2 MENU ITEMS ......................................................................................1-4 TOOL ICONS.......................................................................................1-6 FILE DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS.............................................2-1 CREATING A NEW FILE .......................................................................2-2 OPENING A FILE .................................................................................2-3 CLOSING A FILE .................................................................................2-4 FILE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................2-5 File Operations: New.................................................................2-8 Open................................................................2-9 Delete ............................................................2-10 Rename.........................................................2-11 Export ............................................................2-12 Import ............................................................2-14 Doc Operations: Open.............................................................2-16 Print ..............................................................2-19 Copy .............................................................2-20 Delete ...........................................................2-21 Move.............................................................2-22 Rename........................................................2-23 Edit Description ............................................2-24 Export ...........................................................2-25 Import ...........................................................2-27 PRINT SETUP ...................................................................................2-29 EXITING CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ...............................2-31 DIAGNOSTICS DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS............................3-1 ACTIVE DIAGNOSTIC CODES ...............................................................3-2 LOGGED DIAGNOSTIC CODES .............................................................3-8 DIAGNOSTIC TESTS ..........................................................................3-11 Auto Retarder Test ..................................................................3-12 Cylinder Cutout Test (CAT Data Link).....................................3-16 Cylinder Cutout Test: 3126B (On Highway Truck) ..................3-22 Cylinder Cutout Test: C-10/C-12/C-15/C-16/3406E/3176B (OnHighway Truck) 3176B/3176C/3196/3406E (Marine) Challenger 75 and 85........................................................3-31 Cylinder Cutout Test (797 Tandem Engine)............................3-40 End Line Relief Test ................................................................3-47 Engine Speed Test..................................................................3-53

Implement Hydraulic Service Mode Test ................................3-57 Injection Actuation Pressure Test............................................3-61 Injector Solenoid Test (ATA) ...................................................3-67 Injector Solenoid Test (CAT Data Link)...................................3-73 Main Implement Relief Test.....................................................3-78 Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test ...........................................3-83 Misfire Detection Test..............................................................3-89 Override Parameters Test .......................................................3-95 Power Shift Pressure Test.....................................................3-100 Special Tests .........................................................................3-104 System Troubleshooting Settings..........................................3-109 Traction Aid Brake Test.........................................................3-113 Transmission Stall Test .........................................................3-120 Other Diagnostic Tests..........................................................3-126 EVENTS .........................................................................................3-127 Active Event Codes ...............................................................3-128 Logged Events Codes ...........................................................3-130 Critical Events........................................................................3-135 Shift Count Matrix ..................................................................3-138 Counters ................................................................................3-141 RESET VIDS EVENT LIST ...............................................................3-144 INPUT TROUBLESHOOTING ..............................................................3-145 INFORMATION DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS ...........................4-1 STATUS .............................................................................................4-2 ECM SUMMARY ...............................................................................4-14 CURRENT TOTALS ............................................................................4-16 HISTORY ..........................................................................................4-19 Rating History ..........................................................................4-20 Parameter Change History......................................................4-22 DATA LOGGER .................................................................................4-24 Data Log Recorder ..................................................................4-25 Data Log Viewer ......................................................................4-35 SEA TRIAL TRANSIENT DATA LOG RECORDER ...................................4-45 REAL TIME GRAPHING ......................................................................4-56 TRIP OR JOB SEGMENT.....................................................................4-68 TRIP OR JOB HISTOGRAM .................................................................4-71 CUSTOM DATA .................................................................................4-77 TRIP/JOB/DRIVER RESET..................................................................4-81 SERVICE DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS.....................................5-1 CONFIGURATION ................................................................................5-2 Entering Customer Passwords..................................................5-8 COPY CONFIGURATION .....................................................................5-10 Fleet Configuration ..................................................................5-13 ECM Replacement ..................................................................5-20

MONITORING SYSTEM.......................................................................5-26 MONITORING SYSTEM WITH PARAMETER SECURITY ...........................5-30 PARAMETER LOCKOUT .....................................................................5-34 TOOL CONFIGURATION .....................................................................5-37 Tool List Screen.......................................................................5-38 Tool Configuration Screen.......................................................5-42 OPERATOR SETTINGS.......................................................................5-46 SECURITY MANAGEMENT ..................................................................5-50 MACHINE SECURITY SYSTEM UNINSTALL ...........................................5-57 MAINTENANCE INDICATOR ................................................................5-61 ECM DATE/TIME .............................................................................5-64 CALIBRATION STATUS.......................................................................5-68 CALIBRATIONS .................................................................................5-70 Articulation Position Calibration...............................................5-71 Articulation Sensor Calibration ................................................5-73 Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration................................5-77 Extended Service Coverage Calibration .................................5-81 Hitch Sensors Calibration........................................................5-82 Hitch Valve Calibration ............................................................5-85 Injector Codes Calibration .......................................................5-87 Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations .............................................5-90 Monitor Throttle (Position) Sensor Calibration ........................5-99 Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration ...........................5-101 Pressure Sensor Calibration .................................................5-103 Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration ..............................5-105 Pump Pressure Sensors Calibrations ...................................5-110 Rack Sensor Calibration........................................................5-117 Ripper Position Calibration....................................................5-119 Throttle Calibration ................................................................5-121 Timing Calibration: 3406B/3406C ................................................. i Timing Calibration: 3176B/3406E/3500/C-10/C-12/C-15/ C-16/3116 HEUI/3126.....................................................5-126 Other Calibrations .................................................................5-128 SERVICE PROCEDURE ....................................................................5-138 Governor Gain .......................................................................5-139 Air Fuel Ratio Tuning.............................................................5-144 Dyno Mode Test ....................................................................5-149 DRIVER REWARD ...........................................................................5-155 UTILITIES DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS....................................6-1 SNAPSHOT VIEWER ............................................................................6-2 SNAPSHOT RECORDER .....................................................................6-16 DATA LINK DROP-DOWN FUNCTIONS .............................................7-1 SELECTING THE ECM.........................................................................7-2 CONNECTING CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN .........................7-3

DISCONNECTING CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ....................7-4 SETTINGS DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS...................................8-1 CUSTOMIZING THE TOOLBAR...............................................................8-2 CUSTOMIZING THE FUNCTION KEYS ....................................................8-5 SETTING PREFERENCES .....................................................................8-7 Setting Communication Preferences.........................................8-8 Setting Regional Preferences..................................................8-11 Setting Confirmation Preferences ...........................................8-13 CHANGING THE TOOLBAR VIEW ........................................................8-15 LICENSING CATERPILLAR ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ...........................8-16 HELP DROP-DOWN MENU FUNCTIONS ...........................................9-1 ET TRAINER ......................................................................................9-2 ABOUT ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN ........................................................9-5 APPENDIX……………………………………..………………………….10-1 NAVIGATION SHORTCUTS .................................................................10-1 COMMA SEPARATED VALUE ..............................................................10-5 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ....................................................................10-10 INDEX..................................................................................................11-1

Application Overview About Caterpillar Electronic Technician Caterpillar Electronic Technician (Cat ET) is a service tool designed to run on a personal computer (PC) under Microsoft Windows . With Cat ET you can display the status of a group of parameters (temperatures, pressures, etc.) simultaneously, view and clear active and logged diagnostics, or display the current configuration of an Electronic Control Module (ECM). Cat ET can perform these as well as many other tasks, such as: • • • • • • • •

Display parameter status View and clear diagnostics View events where irregularities occurred and were logged by the ECM View and change configuration of the ECM Perform diagnostic tests Perform calibrations View Trip information through Trip Summary, Histograms and Custom reports Print reports and diagnostic results

For some subscriptions of Caterpillar Electronic Technician, additional programs have been included with the Cat ET program. Caterpillar Electronic Technician is designed to communicate with the ECMs through a communication data link. Caterpillar Electronic Technician allows you to obtain data, analyze it, and then diagnose existing and potential problems.

About Caterpillar Electronic Technician Documentation All Caterpillar Electronic Technician documentation assumes the user has some Microsoftâ Windows experience. If this does not describe you, please take some time to acquaint yourself with Windows 95, 98, or NT before installing Caterpillar Electronic Technician. The data and menus that are displayed in the illustrations of this manual may be different from the data and menus that you have displayed in Caterpillar Electronic Technician. The reason for this is that the data depends on the Electronic Control Module (ECM) that Caterpillar Electronic Technician has targeted as the current ECM.


Section 1

Understanding the Caterpillar Electronic Technician Screen Title bar Menu bar

Toolbar Cat ET function screen

Status Bar

Illustration 1-1: Caterpillar Electronic Technician main screen

Overview Parts of Caterpillar Electronic Technician screen are: Title bar

The bar at the across the top of the application, displays the application name.

Control menu

The icon in the upper left corner of the Title Bar, allows you to manipulate the Cat ET window.

Minimize button

Located in the upper right corner of the Title Bar, allows you to minimize Cat ET.

Maximize button

Located in the upper right corner of the Title Bar, allows you to fill Cat ET to the entire screen. After Cat ET is maximized, the Restore button displays.


Restore button

Located in the upper right corner of the Title Bar, allows you to return Cat ET to its normal size. After Cat ET is maximized, the Section Restore button displays. 1

Close button

Located in the upper right corner of the Title Bar, allows you to exit Cat ET.

Menu bar

Located under the title bar, this area displays the menu names in Cat ET.


Located under the menu bar, this area displays push-buttons, when selected display a Cat ET function.

Cat ET function screen Located below the toolbar, this area displays the Cat ET functions. Status bar

Located at the bottom, Cat ET status bar has three sections. The left section displays explanations or instructions for using Cat ET. The middle section indicates if a file within file management is Open. If there is no file open, this area is blank. The right section displays the ECM connected to Cat ET.


Menu Items Overview The Caterpillar Electronic Technician Software main screen consists of eight drop-down menus. The functions available depend on the application and the specific software installed on your ECM.

Illustration 1-2: Caterpillar Electronic Technician Menu Items

When Cat ET does not have a data link connection, the following menu functions are available (Refer to Illustration 1-2): File

New… Open… Close File Management… Print Setup… Exit


Data Logger/Data Log Viewer


Copy Configuration


Snapshot Viewer

Data Link



Custom Preferences… View License ET


Contents Using Help ET Trainer About Electronic Technician


Illustration 1-3: Caterpillar Electronic Technician Menu Items

When Cat ET does have a data link connection, the following menu functions are also available (Refer to Illustration 1-3): Diagnostics Note: The Display of the Diagnostics menu item depends on the application and the software installed on your ECM.


Section 1

Tool Icons Overview The toolbar allows quick access to the different Caterpillar Electronic Technician functions and displays below the menu bar. You can hide or change the size of this tool, or you can customize the toolbar.

Illustration 1-4: Caterpillar Electronic Technician Toolbar in default

The icons available are: Status Active Diagnostic Codes Logged Diagnostic Codes Logged Event Codes ECM Summary Configuration Connect Disconnect Enable ET Trainer Disable ET Trainer Exit the application


Display help contents Section 1

Active Event Codes



File Drop-Down Menu Functions

Section 2

Illustration 2-1: File drop-down menu

Overview The File drop-down menu functions provide you with easy methods for grouping, creating, saving, viewing, and retrieving multiple documents related to a maintenance activity or group of activities. The Caterpillar Electronic Technician File menu eliminates the need to work directly with DOS files. A Cat ET file is similar to the concept of a physical file folder containing various documents about a specific activity. It is used as a place to store reports or documents printed (via the Print to File option) throughout the system. A document is stored in the file. There are three types of documents in Cat ET. They are Print Report, Fleet Configuration, and Snapshot Documents. The functions available under the File drop-down menu are: • • • • • •

New Open Close File Management Print Setup Exit


Creating a New File

Illustration 2-2: New File dialog box

Purpose The New File function allows you to create a new file that is empty and ready for storage of documents.

Instructions To create a new file: Step 1

Select New... from the File menu. The New File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-2).

Step 2

Enter (up to 40 characters) the file name in the New File text box. The name cannot be the same as any existing file name.

Step 3

Press “OK” to save the new file name. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to create a new file.

Note: Notice the words “File Open” are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Cat ET window. Creating a new file opens that new file. The words stay there until a file is closed.


Opening a File

Section 2

Illustration 2-3: Open File dialog box

Purpose The Open File function allows you to open an existing file so you may print to that file when in Cat ET. Any changes made while the file is open are saved to that file.

Instructions To open a file: Step 1

Select Open... from the File menu. The Open File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-3).

Step 2

Highlight the file you want to open from the Files list box. Open

Press the “Open” push-button to open the file. Only one file can be opened at a time.

New File

Press “New File” to create a new file within the Open File dialog box.


Press “Cancel” to exit the Open File dialog box without opening a file.

The file you selected is now ready to store documents. Any documents that are “printed to file” go into the file you just opened. Note: Notice the words “File Open” are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Cat ET window. The words stay there until a file is closed.


Closing a File Purpose The Close File function allows you to close an open file.

Instructions To close an open file: 

Select Close from the File menu.

Note: The Close function is disabled until a file is open.


File Management

Section 2

Illustration 2-4: File Management dialog box

Purpose File Management allows you to manage your Cat ET files on your PC.

Instructions To use the File Management:  Select File Management... from the File menu. The File Management dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-4).

Screen Layout The File Management dialog box has the following areas: File Open

This line shows what file, if any, is currently open.


The Files list box displays the file names created from a PC.


The Document list box displays the documents for a specific file. Highlighting a file name displays the documents stored in that file. 2-5

Document Type

There are three types of documents stored in the Documents list. They are Fleet Configuration, Print Report, and Snapshot Documents. You can specify which type of document you want to display or select “All Documents.”


Highlighting a document shows its description. This description is entered when the document is saved.

File Operations

Press this push-button to display the File Operations pop-up menu. You can also display this menu by pressing the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box. The operations available are:


Doc Operations

Press this push-button to display the Doc (Document) Operations pop-up menu. You can also display this menu by pressing the right mouse button with the pointer in the Document list box. The operations available are:

Section 2


Press the “Close” push-button to exit the File Management dialog box. You return to the last active screen.


File Operations: New

Illustration 2-5: New File dialog box

Purpose The New operation in File Management works the same as the New function from the File menu. It allows you to create a new file that is empty and ready for storage of documents. A maximum of forty characters is allowed for the name of the new file. Spaces can be entered as part of the file name.

Instructions To create a new file within File Management: Step 1

Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select New... from the menu. The New File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-5).

Step 3

Enter (up to 40 characters) the file name in the New File text box. The name cannot be the same as any existing file name.

Step 4

Press “OK” to save the new file name. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to create a new file.

Note: Notice the word “File Open” are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Cat ET window. Creating a new file opens that new file. The words stay there until a file is closed.


File Operations: Open Purpose Opening a file from the File Management dialog box works the same as when you open a file from the File menu. It opens a file to allow you to print to that file when in Cat ET. Any changes made while the Section file is open are saved to that file. 2

Instructions To open a file within File Management: Step 1

Highlight the file you want to open from the Files list box. Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select Open from the menu. The file you selected is now ready to store documents. Any documents that are “printed to file” go into the file you just opened.

Note: Notice the words “File Open” are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Cat ET window. The words stay there until a file is closed.


File Operations: Delete Purpose The Delete operation allows you to delete a file.

Instructions To delete a file: You must first delete all documents in a file before deleting that file. Once all of the documents are deleted, the following steps can be performed. Step 1

Highlight the file that you want to delete from the Files list box. Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select Delete from the menu. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-6).

Illustration 2-6: “Are you sure...” message box

Step 3

Press “Yes” if you want to delete the file or “No” if you do not want to delete the file.


File Operations: Rename

Section 2 Illustration 2-7: Rename File dialog box

Purpose The Rename operation allows you to change the name of a file.

Instructions To rename a file: Step 1

Highlight the file that you want to rename from the Files list box. Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select Rename... from the menu. The Rename File dialog box is displayed, with the old file name shown (Refer to Illustration 2-7).

Step 3

Enter (up to 40 characters) the new file name in the Enter New File Name text box. The new name cannot be the same as any existing file name.

Step 4

Press “OK” to save the new file name. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to rename the file.


File Operations: Export

Illustration 2-8: Export to File dialog box

Purpose The Export operation allows you to save a Cat ET file on another disk drive.

Instructions To export a file: Step 1

Highlight the file that you want to export from the Files list box. Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Note: To highlight multiple files to export, you can use the Keyboard Shortcuts. See the Appendix for an explanation. Step 2

Select Export... from the menu. The Export to file dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-8). This dialog box is the standard File Open/File Save dialog box.

Step 3

In the Export to File dialog box, select the location you want to export the file to. Etexe is the default destination. The Save as type drop-down list displays only Cat ET files. Only Cat ET files (*.ET) can be used to export a file.


Step 4

Type the name of the file, you want to export, in the File name text box.

Note: The export name is a new file name to save a Cat ET file on your PC hard disk drive or floppy disk. It is a separate name from the file name you gave it in Cat ET. Step 5

Press “Save” to export the file to the specified disk file. The “File export is complete” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-9). Press “OK.”

Illustration 2-9: File export is complete message box

Press “Cancel” to exit the Export to File dialog box without exporting a file. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. Note: You may get an error message box if the file does not export completely. This message box informs you of the problem.


Section 2

File Operations: Import

Illustration 2-10: Import from File dialog box

Purpose The Import operation allows you to import and read a saved disk file for use by Cat ET.

Instructions To import a file: Step 1

Press the “File Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select Import... from the menu. The Import from File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-10). This dialog box is the standard File Open/File Save dialog box.

Step 3

Select the file type from the Files of Type drop-down list. The extension you choose is displayed in the Look in text box. Only Cat ET files (*.ET) can be used to import a file.

Step 4

In the Import from File dialog box, select the location from where the file to be imported is located. All the files, in the file type you have specified, are displayed in the Look in text box.


Step 5

Highlight the file you want to import. The name is displayed in the File name text box. Press “Open” to import the document from the specified disk file. Press “Cancel” to exit the Import from File dialog box without importing a file. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance. OR-Double click on the file you want to import, in the Look in Section 2 text box.

Step 6

The “File import is complete” dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-11). Press “OK.”

Illustration 2-11: File import is complete message box

Note: The import/export file name is part of the operating system. This name is not displayed in the File Name list box. The File name originally given to the file in Cat ET is displayed in the Files list box. If this file is already located in the Files list box, you are asked to assign it a new name.


Doc Operations: Open Purpose The Open operation allows you to open a document. Opening a document has different results depending on what kind of document you have highlighted. Print Report

Opening a Print Report displays the Print Preview screen.

Fleet Configuraton Opening a Fleet Configuration displays the document in the Fleet Configuration screen. Snapshot Viewer

Opening a Snapshot Viewer displays the document in the Snapshot Viewer screen.

Instructions To open a Print Report document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Highlight the Print Report document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Open from the menu. The Print Preview screen for that document is displayed.

OR-Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Double click on the Print Report document in the Documents list box.

Step 3

The “Do you wish…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” to display the Print Preview screen for that document or “No” to exit the open document operation.


To open a Fleet Configuration document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Highlight the Fleet Configuration document in the Section Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” 2 push-button or press the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Open from the menu. “Loading file…” progress bar is displayed. The Fleet Configuration message box is then displayed, with information about the particular file and document. Press “OK.” The Fleet Configuration screen is displayed.

OR-Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Double click on the Fleet Configuration document in the Documents list box.

Step 3

The “Do you wish…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes.” to display the “Loading file…” progress bar or “No” to exit the open document operation.

Step 4

The Fleet Configuration message box is then displayed, with information about the particular file and document. Press “OK.” The Fleet Configuration screen is displayed.

Note: For more information about loading a Fleet Configuration from a file see “Loading Data from a File,” section 5, page 21. To open a Snapshot Viewer: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Highlight the Snapshot Viewer document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the 2-17

pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed. Step 3

Select Open from the menu. The Select Group dialog box is displayed.

OR-Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to open is located.

Step 2

Double click on the Snapshot Viewer document in the Documents list box.

Step 3

The “Do you wish…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” to display the Select Group dialog box or “No” to exit the open document operation.

Note: For more information see “Snapshot Viewer,” section 6, page 2.


Doc Operations: Print Purpose The Print operation allows you to print the Print Report documents to the printer. Note: You cannot print Fleet Configuration or Viewer documents within File Management.


Instructions To print a document within File Management: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to print is located.

Step 2

Highlight the Print Report document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Print from the menu. The “‘Print to Printer’ is complete” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-12). Press “OK.”

Illustration 2-12: Printing message box


Section 2

Doc Operations: Copy

Illustration 2-13: Copy Document dialog box

Purpose The Copy operation allows you to make a copy of a document within the same file.

Instructions To copy a document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to copy is located.

Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Copy... from the menu. The Copy Document dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-13) with the current document name displayed in the Current Document Name text box.

Step 4

Enter the new document name in the New Document Name text box.

Note: The New Document Name text box cannot be left blank and it cannot have the same name as an existing document name. Step 5

Press “OK” to copy the document with a new name. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to copy the document.


Doc Operations: Delete Purpose The Delete operation allows you to delete a document.


Section 2

To delete a document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to delete is located.

Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Note: To highlight multiple documents to delete, you can use the Keyboard Shortcuts. See the Appendix for an explanation. Step 3

Select Delete from the menu. The document is deleted.


Doc Operations: Move

Illustration 2-14: Move Document to Another File dialog box

Purpose The Move operation allows you to move a document from one file to another file.

Instructions To move a document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to move is located.

Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Move... from the menu. The Move Document to Another File dialog box is displayed with the current file name displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-14).

Step 4

Select the file that you want to move the document to, from the “To File” drop-down list. You cannot select the file in which the document is currently located.

Step 5

Press “OK” to move the document to another file. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to move the document.


Doc Operations: Rename

Section 2 Illustration 2-15: Rename Document dialog box

Purpose The Rename... operation allows you to change the name of the document.

Instructions To rename a document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to rename is located.

Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Rename… from the menu. The Rename Document dialog box is displayed, with the old document name shown (Refer to Illustration 2-15).

Step 4

Enter (up to 40 characters) the file name in the Enter New Document Name text box. The new name cannot be the same as any existing document name.

Step 5

Press “OK” to save the new document name. Press “Cancel” if you do not want to rename the document.


Doc Operations: Edit Description

Illustration 2-16: Edit Description dialog box

Purpose The Edit Description operation allows you to edit the document description.

Instructions To edit a document's description: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to edit is located.

Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 3

Select Edit Description... from the menu. The Edit Document Description dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-16).

Step 4

Edit the description of the document in text box.

Step 5

Press “OK” to accept the edited description. Press “Cancel” to if you do not want to edit the description.


Doc Operations: Export

Section 2

Illustration 2-17: Export to File dialog box

Purpose The Export operation allows you to save a Cat ET document as a disk file, for use in other applications. For example, you can save the document as an Excel file, then open it up in the Excel application for viewing or editing. Depending on type of document you have selected (Print Report, Fleet Configuration, or Snapshot Document), you may select a different type of file to export. Below, Table 2-1 illustrates the documents and extensions that they can have. Type of Document Print Document Fleet Configuration Snapshot Document

Type of File Extension Cat ET Document (*.ET) Excel Files (*.XLS) Lotus 123 File (*.WK1) Cat ET Document (*.ET) Cat ET Document (*.ET)

Table 2-1: Document vs. File Extension

Instructions To export a document: Step 1

Highlight the file in the Files list box where the document you want to export is located.


Step 2

Highlight the document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Documents list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Note: To highlight multiple documents to export, you can use the Keyboard Shortcuts. See the Appendix for an explanation. Step 3

Select Export... from the menu. The Export to File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-17). This dialog box is the standard File Open/File Save dialog box.

Step 4

In the Export to File dialog box, select the location you want to export the document to. Etexe is the default destination.

Step 5

Select the file type from the Save as type drop-down list.

Step 6

Type the name of the document, you want to export, in the File name text box.

Note: The export name is a new file name to save a Cat ET file on your PC hard disk drive or floppy disk. It is a separate name from the file name you gave it in Cat ET. Step 7

Press “Save” to export the document to the specified disk file. The “File export is complete” message box is displayed. Press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the Export to File dialog box without exporting a document. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance.

Note: You may get an error message box if the file does not export completely. This message box informs you of the problem.


Doc Operations: Import

Section 2

Illustration 2-18: Import from File dialog box

Purpose The Import operation allows you to import and read a saved disk file for use by Cat ET.

Instructions To import a document: Step 1

Highlight a document in the Documents list box. Press the “Doc Operations” push-button or push the right mouse button with the pointer in the Files list box area. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Step 2

Select Import... from the menu. The Import from File dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-18). This dialog box is the standard File Open/File Save dialog box.

Step 3

Select the file type from the File of type drop-down list. The extension that you choose is displayed in the File Name text box.

Step 4

In the Import from Files dialog box, select the location from where the document to be imported is located. All the documents, in the file type that you have specified, are displayed in the text box under the Look in text box.


Step 5

Highlight the document you want to import from this list box. The name displays in the File name text box.

Step 6

Press “Open” to import the document from the specified disk file. The “File import is complete” dialog box is displayed. Press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the Import from File dialog box without importing a document. Press “Help” to open online help for assistance.

Note: The import/export file name is part of the operating system. This name is not displayed in the File Name list box. The File name originally given to the file in Cat ET is displayed in the Files list box. If this file is already located in the Files list box, you are asked to assign it a new name.


Print Setup

Section 2

Illustration 2-19: An example of a Print Setup dialog box

Purpose The Print Setup function displays one of the standard Print Setup dialog boxes, which allows you to select or change the default printer. Changing the default printer in this dialog box affects the default printer for all other applications, including Caterpillar Electronic Technician.

Instructions To make changes to the printer setup: Step 1

Select Print Setup... from the File menu. The Print Setup dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-19).

Step 2

If you want to print to the default printer that has been setup in your operating system, press the “Default Printer” radio button. The current default printer is listed under the Default Printer option. See your PC or printer manual for information concerning printers. If you want to print to a different printer press the “Specific Printer” radio button. Select the printer from the Specific Printer drop-down list. Only the printers that have been set up in your operating system are displayed in this list.


Step 3

Press the radio button for the desired paper orientation. Portrait: height is greater than the width. Landscape: width is greater than the height.

Step 4

Select the paper size to be used from the Size drop-down list. The drop-down list contains all the paper size choices for the selected printer.

Step 5

Select the paper source to be used from the Source drop-down list. The drop-down list contains all the paper source options available for the selected printer.

Step 6

If you need to make additional technical changes to the printing environment for the selected printer, press the “Options” push-button. The Advanced Document Properties dialog box is displayed. For information on how to modify the printer environment, consult your PC or printer manuals. Within the Advanced Properties dialog box, there is another “More Options” push-button. Pressing this takes you to the More Options dialog box.

Note: To connect a printer to a network, press the “Network…” push-button. The Connect to Printer dialog box is displayed. The “Network…” push-button is only displayed if your PC is on a network. Step 7

Press the “OK” push-button. The modifications you have made in the Print Setup dialog box are saved. Press “Cancel” to exit the Print Setup without modifying the printer. The printer selection made on the Print Setup dialog box remains in effect for all subsequent reports, until a different printer is selected.


Exiting Caterpillar Electronic Technician

Section 2

Illustration 2-20: “Are you sure...” message box

Instructions To exit Caterpillar Electronic Technician: Step 1

Select Exit from the File menu, push the F9 key, or press the Exit the Application icon from the toolbar (if default is set).

Step 2

The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 2-20). Press “Yes” to exit Cat ET or “No” to return to Cat ET.



Diagnostics Drop-Down Menu Functions

Illustration 3-1: Diagnostics drop-down menu

Overview The Diagnostics drop-down menu functions allow you to monitor active and logged diagnostic codes, diagnose the codes for troubleshooting, run different diagnostic tests, diagnose different event codes, view the histogram for event codes, clear any of the diagnosed codes, and run CAT Guided Diagnostics. The functions available under the Diagnostics drop-down menu are: • • • • • •

Active Diagnostic Codes Logged Diagnostic Codes Diagnostic Tests Events Reset VIDS Event List Input Troubleshooting


Section 3

Active Diagnostic Codes

Status Flag Area

Display Area

Illustration 3-2: Active Diagnostic Codes screen

Purpose The Active Diagnostic Codes function provides information to warn the vehicle operator of a potential problem and indicates to the service technician the nature of the problem. The codes that are diagnosed in this screen are active (occurring as you view them).

Accessing To run the Active Diagnostic Codes function:  Select Active Diag. Codes from the Diagnostics menu, push the F3 key (if the default function keys are set), or press the Active Diagnostic Codes icon from the toolbar (if default is set). The Active Diagnostic Codes screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-2).

Screen Layout The Active Diagnostic Codes screen has the following areas:


Status Flag Area Caterpillar Electronic Technician displays up to four Status Flag indicators across the top of the screen. These flags are used to notify you of currently active conditions, such as Low Oil Pressure, Engine Overspeed, etc. When a warning condition exists, it is described in the appropriate flag indicator area. The name of the active ECM is displayed above the flags. Display Area The Active Diagnostic Codes display area has two columns: Code and Description. The code numbers that appear are used to identify the diagnostic codes. The Description column informs you of the problem that is occurring. The list of codes is grouped according to the ECM from which they are retrieved. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, active codes from all available ECMs are retrieved and displayed. When there is a single ECM on the data link, this check box is disabled. Push-Button The push-buttons available in the Active Diagnostic Codes screen are: • •

More Info Print

Note: The “More Info” push-button allows you to display the Caterpillar Diagnostics Advisor software tool. This software is used to help you identify and fix a problem. The “More Info” push-button is only enabled when diagnostics are available for that specific code.


Section 3


Illustration 3-3: Print Document dialog box

Purpose The Print Document dialog box allows you to send a report to a file, printer, or to the screen. The report includes the source of data, time and date of report generation, ECM connection, list of parameters and their values, and information that is unique to the function that you are printing.

Instructions To print a report to a file: Step 1

Press the “Print” push-button. The Print Document dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-3).

Step 2

Press the “Print to File” radio button and then press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to exit the Print Document dialog box without saving the file.

Illustration 3-4: Printing dialog box

Note: If you do not have a file open, the Printing dialog box asks you to open a file, create a new file, or cancel. Choose the appropriate button to continue (Refer to Illustration 3-4).


Step 3


Press the “Open...” push-button. The Open File dialog box is displayed. Highlight a file and press the “Open” push-button. The Print New Document To File dialog box is displayed.


Press the “New...” push-button. Enter a new file name in the new file name text box and press “OK.” The Print New Document To File dialog box is displayed.


Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box. You return to the Print Document dialog box.

In the Print New Document To File enter a document name and description in the appropriate text boxes and press “OK.” The “Print to File is complete” message box is displayed. Press “OK” to return to the last active screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Print New Document To File dialog box.

To print a report to the printer: Step 1

Press the “Print” push-button. The Print Document dialog box is displayed.

Step 2

Press the “Print to Printer” radio button and then press “OK.” The “Print to Printer is complete” message box is displayed. Press “OK” to return to the last active screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Print Document dialog box.

To print a report to the screen: Step 1 . Step 2

Press the “Print” push-button. The Print Document dialog box is displayed. Press the “Print Preview” radio button and then press “OK.” The Print Preview screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-5).


Section 3

Illustration 3-5: Print Preview screen

This screen gives you a sample of how the report looks when printed. Choose the appropriate push-button to aid in viewing the document: Print

Prints the report to a printer.

Next Page

Views the next page of the report. “Next Page” is disabled if you are on the last page or if it is a one-page report.

Prev Page

Views the previous page of the report. “Prev Page” is disabled if you are on the first page or if it is a one-page report.

Two Page

Displays two pages of the report at once. “Two Page” push-button is replaced with “One Page” push-button; press the “One Page push-button to view one page.

Zoom In

Magnifies the test. “Zoom In” is disabled when the text is fully magnified.

Zoom Out

Decreases the text size. “Zoom Out” is disabled when the text is at normal size.



Exits print preview and return to Cat ET.

Section 3


Logged Diagnostic Codes

Display Area

Illustration 3-6: Logged Diagnostic Codes screen

Purpose The Logged Diagnostic Codes function provides a list of diagnostic codes logged by the ECM. These codes are similar to the active diagnostic codes except they are logged over time.

Accessing To run the Logged Diagnostic Codes function:  Select Logged Diag. Codes from the Diagnostics menu, push the F4 key (if the default function keys are set), or press the Logged Diagnostic Codes icon from the toolbar (if the default is set). The Logged Diagnostic Codes screen is displayed (refer to Illustration 3-6).

Screen Layout The Logged Diagnostic Codes screen has the following areas:


Display Area The Logged Diagnostic Codes display area has five columns: Code, Description, Occ., First, and Last. The code numbers that appear are used to identify the diagnostic codes. The Description column informs you of the problem that is occurring. Occ. (occurrences) column informs you of the number of times that the problem occurred. The columns marked First and Last indicate the first and last ECM hour that the problem occurred. The list of codes is grouped according to the ECM from which they are retrieved, and they appear ordered chronologically by the most Section recent ECM hour of last occurrence. The ECM names appear as 3 subtitles in the list. On the same line as the ECM subtitle, the number of ECM diagnostic clock hours is displayed. These hours represent the time that the ECM has been connected and running. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, logged codes from all available ECMs are retrieved and displayed. When there is a single ECM on the data link, this check box is disabled. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Logged Diagnostic Codes screen are: • • •

Clear More Info Print

Note: The “More Info” push-button allows you to display the Caterpillar Diagnostics Advisor software tool. This software is used to help you identify and fix a problem. The “More Info” push-button is only enabled when diagnostics are available for that specific code. Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Clearing Logged Diagnostic Codes

Illustration 3-7: “Are you sure...” message box

Purpose The “Clear” push-button allows you to clear logged diagnostic codes from the list in the Logged Diagnostic Codes screen.

Instructions To clear a logged diagnostic code: Step 1

Highlight one of the logged diagnostic codes from the list on the Logged Diagnostic Codes screen. This enables the “Clear” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Clear” push-button. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (refer to Illustration 3-7).

Step 3

Press “Yes” to clear the selected code or “No” not to. You return to the Logged Diagnostic Codes screen.


Diagnostic Tests

Illustration 3-8: Example of the Diagnostics Tests menu functions

Overview The Diagnostic Tests function allows you to perform a number of diagnostic tests on the currently selected ECM. Under the Diagnostic Tests menu option, a sub-menu allows you to choose the specific test you want to open. Diagnostic Tests functions currently available on various applications are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Auto Retarder Test Cylinder Cutout Test End Line Relief Tests Engine Speed Test Implement Hydraulic Service Mode Test Injection Actuation Pressure Test Injector Solenoid Test Main Implement Relief Test Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test Misfire Detection Test Override Parameters Test Power Shift Pressure Test Special Tests System Troubleshooting Settings Traction Aid Brake Test Transmission Stall Test Other Diagnostic Tests


Section 3

Auto Retarder Test

Display Area Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Illustration 3-9: Auto Retarder Test screen

Purpose The Auto Retarder Test function allows you verify the operation of the Auto Retarder Control (ARC) system while the machine is stationary. The ARC outputs are activated and monitored for correct operation.

Accessing To run the Auto Retarder Test function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Auto Retarder Test from the sub-menu. The Auto Retarder Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-9).

Screen Layout The Auto Retarder Test screen has the following areas: Display Area The Auto Retarder Test display area has three columns: Description, Required Condition, and Actual Value. The Description column gives


the name of the parameter set to run the test. The Required Condition column displays the value that the parameter must have in order to run the test. The Actual Value column displays the actual value of the required condition parameters. Status Parameter Area The Auto Retarder Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: ARC Control Solenoid and ARC Pressure Switch Status. The ARC Control Solenoid displays the position in percentage of the ARC Control Solenoid. The ARC Pressure Switch Status displays if the status is “High” or “Low.” Status Line The Auto Retarder Test status line displays if the test is “On” or “Off.” Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Auto Retarder screen are: • •

Start Stop


Section 3

Starting the Test

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to begin the Auto Retarder Test.

Instructions To start the Auto Retarder test:  Press the “Start” push-button. The status line that informs you that the Auto Retarder Test is “On.” Note: The “Start” push-button is disabled until the test is stopped.


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the Auto Retarder test.

Instructions To stop the Auto Retarder test:  Press the “Stop” push-button. The status line informs you that the Auto Retarder Test is “Off.” Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Section 3

Cylinder Cutout Test (CAT Data Link)

Display Area

Status Parameter Area

Illustration 3-10: Cylinder Cutout screen

Purpose The Cylinder Cutout function allows you to perform a test to verify that the injectors are working. This process involves cutting out and re-powering a particular cylinder. It also monitors the other cylinders to see if their fuel position increases, as it should. If the fuel position does not increase, then the cutout cylinder was not working before cutting it out.

Accessing To run the Cylinder Cutout function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Cylinder Cutout Test from the sub-menu. The Cylinder Cutout screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-10).

Screen Layout The Cylinder Cutout screen has the following areas:


Display Area The Cylinder Cutout display area has three columns: Cylinder, Mode, and Fuel Position. The Cylinder column lists the different cylinder numbers available. The Mode column displays the status of the cylinder being tested and shows if the cylinder is “Powered” or “Cutout.” The Fuel Position (Injector Duration) column displays how much fuel is flowing through the injector. Status Parameter Area The Cylinder Cutout status parameter area displays parameter values received from the current ECM. This area is located at the right side of the screen. The parameters that are displayed in this particular test are Engine Speed, Injection Duration, and Fuel Position. Note: Warnings may appear at the bottom right side of the screen. Different flags are displayed, depending on the ECM that Cat ET has targeted as the current ECM. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Cylinder Cutout screen are: • • • • •

Change Power All Start Stop Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Section 3

Changing the State of the Cylinder

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the mode of the selected cylinder. Changing the modes allows you to run tests on the cylinders by cutting out then re-powering a cylinder.

Instructions To change the state of the cylinder:  Highlight the Cylinder that you want to change then press the “Change” push-button. The mode changes. You can press the “Change” push-button again to switch it back. Note: More than one parameter can have the same mode at one time.


Powering All the Cylinders

Purpose The “Power All” push-button returns all cylinders to the powered state.

Instructions To return all cylinders to the powered mode:  Press the “Power All” push-button. All of the cylinders become powered. Note: When one or more cylinder is cutout this push-button becomes enabled.


Section 3

Starting the Test

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to start the test operation. Press the “Start” push-button and watch the program run the test itself. Once the test is finished, you can analyze the data to determine if all of the cylinders are running effectively.

Instructions To start the test:  Press the “Start” push-button. The automatic testing process begins. Below is an example of the automatic test process: First, the program powers all of the injectors. Then, it cuts out Cylinder 1. There are messages that are displayed, under the Fuel Position column, as the test progresses. These messages are “Waiting,” “Sampling,” and then the averaged fuel position value. Once the fuel position value is recorded, the test continues on to Cylinder 2, etc. The averaged values remain under the Fuel Position column, for you to analyze. Note: The “Start” push-button is disabled until either the “Stop” push-button is pressed or the test is done. The “Change” push-button is disabled once the “Start” push-button is pressed. It becomes enabled when either the “Stop” push-button is pressed or the test is done.


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to end the Cylinder Cutout test.

Instructions To stop the test:  Press the “Stop” push-button. The message “Test Terminated” is Section displayed under the Fuel Position column, next to the cylinder 3 number the test was running on before it was terminated. Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Cylinder Cutout Test: 3126B (On Highway Truck)

Display Area

Status Parameter Area

Illustration 3-11: Cylinder Cutout: 3126B screen

Purpose The Cylinder Cutout function allows you to perform a test to verify that the injectors are working. This process involves cutting out and re-powering a particular cylinder. It also monitors the other cylinders to see if their fuel position increases, as it should. If the fuel position does not increase, then the cutout cylinder was not working before cutting it out.

Accessing To run the Cylinder Cutout function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Cylinder Cutout Test from the sub-menu. The Cylinder Cutout screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-11).


Screen Layout The Cylinder Cutout screen has the following areas: Display Area The Cylinder Cutout display area has three columns: Cylinder, Mode, and Fuel Position. The Cylinder column lists the different cylinder numbers available. The Mode column displays the status of the cylinder being tested and shows if the cylinder is “Powered” or “Cutout.” The Fuel Position column displays how much fuel is flowing through the injector. Status Parameter Area The Cylinder Cutout status parameter area displays parameter values received from the current ECM. This area is located at the right side of the screen. The parameters that are displayed in this particular test are Engine Speed, Fuel Position, Engine Coolant Temperature, and Cooling Fan Status. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Cylinder Cutout: 3126B screen are: • • • • •

Change Power All Start/Stop Results Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Section 3

Changing the State of the Cylinder

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the mode of the selected cylinder. Changing the modes allows you to run tests on the cylinders by cutting out then re-powering a cylinder.

Instructions To change the state of the cylinder:  Highlight the Cylinder that you want to change then press the “Change” push-button. The mode changes. You can press the “Change” push-button again to switch it back. Note: More than one parameter can have the same mode at one time.


Powering All the Cylinders

Purpose The “Power All” push-button returns all cylinders to the powered state.

Instructions To return all cylinders to the powered mode:  Press the “Power All” push-button. All of the cylinders becomes powered. Note: When one or more cylinder is cutout, the “Power All” push-button becomes enabled.


Section 3

Starting the Test

Illustration 3-12: Test Conditions screen

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to start the test operation. Once the test is finished, you can analyze the data to determine if all of the cylinders are running effectively.

Instructions To start the test: Step 1

Press the “Start” push-button. The automatic testing process begins and the Test Conditions screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-12).

Note: The “Start” push-button is replaced with the “Stop” push-button until the “Stop” push-button is pushed or the test is done. Step 2

When the service conditions are met, press the “Continue>>” push-button to begin the test. If the conditions are not met, the Test Aborted screen is displayed.


Press the “ Cancel/Restart


Continuing the Test

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode Test.

Instructions To run the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode Test: Step 1

Once the first setup condition is met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the condition is not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step.

Step 3

When the final step is completed, the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode status box is displayed with the results of the test. A status line is located in the bottom of the screen. It displays messages regarding the status of the diagnostic test selected. Press “Finish” to exit the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode status box and return to Cat ET. Press "Restart" to return to the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode screen.


Section 3

Canceling the Test

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the Implement Hydraulic Service Mode Test.

Instructions To cancel the test: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Test was unsuccessful. The Implement Hydraulic Service Mode status screen is displayed.

Step 2

Press "Restart" return to the Cat ET Diagnostic Test screen. Press "Finish" to exit the Cat ET Diagnostic Test status box and return to Cat ET.


Injection Actuation Pressure Test

Display Area

Status Parameter Area

Section 3

Status Line

Illustration 3-36: Injection Actuation Pressure Test screen

Purpose The Injection Actuation Pressure Test function checks for leaks on all hydraulic components. This test allows you to change the desired pressure and then view the actual pressure results.

Accessing To run the Injection Actuation Pressure Test function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Injection Actuation Pressure Test from the sub-menu. The Injection Actuation Pressure Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-36).

Screen Layout The Injection Actuation Pressure Test screen has the following areas:


Display Area The Injection Actuation Pressure Test display area has three columns: Description, Required Condition, and Actual Value. The Description column gives the name of the parameter set to run the test. The Required Condition column displays the value that the parameter must have in order to run the test. The Actual Value column displays the actual value of the required condition parameters. Status Parameter Area The Injection Actuation Pressure Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Injection Actuation Pressure, Desired Injection Actuation, and Injection Actuation Output (ATA) or Injector Actuation Current (CDL). The Injection Actuation status line displays the actual output value of the injection pressure. The Desired Injection Actuation status line displays the desired injection pressure. The Injection Actuation Output (ATA) or Injector Actuation Current (CDL) status line displays the percentage of current driving the pressure flow. Status Line The Injector Actuation Pressure Test status line displays if the test is “On” or “Off.” Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Injection Actuation screen are: • • • •

Start Stop Step Up Step Down


Starting the Test

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to begin the Injection Actuation Pressure Test.

Instructions To start the Injection Actuation Pressure test:  Press the “Start” push-button. The status line informs you that the Injector Actuation Test is “On” (Refer to Illustration 3-35). Note: The “Start” push-button is disabled until the “Stop” push-button is pressed.


Section 3

Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop testing for the Injection Actuation Pressure test.

Instructions To stop the Injection Actuation Pressure test:  Press the “Stop” push-button. The status line informs you that the Injector Actuation Test is “Off.” Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Stepping Up the Desired Pressure

Purpose The “Step Up” push-button allows you to increase the desired pressure of the injection actuation pressure system. This push-button may or may not be available based on the current ECM.

Instructions To increase the desired pressure of the system:  Once the test has started, press the “Step Up” push-button. Notice that the Desired Injection Actuation pressure value increases each time that you press the “Step Up” push-button. Once the value is at its maximum, the “Step Up” push-button becomes disabled until you step down the value.


Section 3

Stepping Down the Desired Pressure

Purpose The “Step Down” push-button allows you to decrease the pressure of the injection actuation pressure system. This push-button may or may not be available based on the current ECM.

Instructions To decrease the pressure of the system:  Once the test has started, press the “Step Down” push-button. Notice that the Desired Injection Actuation pressure value decreases each time that you press the “Step Down” push-button. Once the value is at its minimum value, the “Step Down” push-button becomes disabled until you step up the value.


Injector Solenoid Test (ATA)

Display Area

Illustration 3-37: Injector Solenoid Test (ATA) screen

Purpose The Injector Solenoid Test function allows you to verify operation of the injector solenoid on one or all cylinders at the same time. This test is used to monitor the different injectors when you have an American Trucking Association (ATA) connection.

Accessing To run the Injector Solenoid Test (ATA):  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Injector Solenoid Test from the sub-menu. The Injector Solenoid Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-37).

Screen Layout The Injector Solenoid Test (ATA) screen has the following areas: Display Area The Injector Solenoid Test (ATA) display area has three columns: Cylinder, Mode, and Test Result. The Cylinder column lists the


Section 3

different cylinder numbers available. The Mode column displays the status of the cylinder being tested and shows if the cylinder is “Powered” or “Cutout.” The Test Result column displays the information, whether they are “Open,” “Short,” or “OK,” from cutting out and powering the cylinders. Push Buttons The push-buttons available in the Injector Solenoid Test (ATA) screen are: • • • • •

Change Power All Start Stop Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Changing the State of the Cylinder

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the mode of the selected cylinder.

Instructions To change the state of the cylinder:  Highlight the Cylinder that you want to change then press the “Change” push-button. The mode changes. You can press the “Change” push-button again to switch it back. Note: The “Change” push-button is enabled at all times.


Section 3

Powering All Cylinders

Purpose The “Power All” push-button returns all cylinders to the powered state.

Instructions To return all cylinders to the powered mode: 

Press the “Power All” push-button.

Note: When one or more cylinder is cutout, the “Power All” push-button becomes enabled.


Starting the Test

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to start the test on all of the powered cylinders.

Instructions To start the test:  Press the “Start” push-button. The testing procedure begins. The result of the test (for all powered cylinders “Open,” “Short,” or “OK”) is displayed, under the Test Result column as the test progresses through the operation. Note: After the “Start” push-button is pressed, it becomes disabled until the test is stopped.


Section 3

Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the Injector Solenoid test.

Instructions To stop the test: 

Press the “Stop” push-button.

Note: After the “Stop” push-button is pressed, it is disabled until you restart the test. You can stop the test at any point during the testing process.


Injector Solenoid Test (CAT Data Link)

Section 3 Display Area

Illustration 3-38: Injector Solenoid Test (CAT Data Link) screen

Purpose The Injector Solenoid Test function allows you to verify operation of the injector solenoid on one or all cylinders at the same time. This test is used to monitor the different injectors when you have a CAT Data Link (CDL) connection.

Accessing To run the Injector Solenoid Test (CDL):  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Injector Solenoid Test from the sub-menu. The Injector Solenoid Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-38).

Screen Layout The Injector Solenoid Test (CDL) screen has the following areas: Display Area The Injector Solenoid Test (CDL) display area has two columns: Cylinder and Mode. The Cylinder column lists the different cylinder


numbers available. The Mode column displays the status of the cylinder being tested from cutting out to powering. The test results are shown as “Open,” “Short,” or “Done.” Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Injector Solenoid Test (CDL) screen are: • • • •

Test Test All Stop Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Testing a Cylinder

Purpose The “Test” push-button allows you to start an individual test on one cylinder.

Instructions To test the cylinder:  Highlight the cylinder that you want to test, then press the “Test” push-button. The Mode column first displays the word “Testing,” informing you that the test is being performed. Once Cat ET has finished the test, the test result is displayed in the Mode column, whether the result is “Open,” “Short,” or “Done.” Note: After the “Test” push-button is pressed, it becomes disabled until the test is done or an error has occurred.


Section 3

Testing All of the Cylinders

Purpose: The “Test All” push-button allows you to start the Injector Solenoid Test on all of the cylinders, at one time.

Instructions To test all cylinders:  Press the “Test All” push-button. Cat ET automatically runs through each cylinder one at a time starting with Cylinder 1. The Mode column first displays the word “Testing,” informing you that the test is being performed. Once Cat ET has finished the test, a result of “Open,” “Short,” or “Done” is displayed in the Mode column. It then continues to Cylinder 2 until all the cylinders displayed on the screen are tested. Note: After the “Testing All” push-button is pressed it becomes disabled until the test is done, or an error has occurred.


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the Injector Solenoid test.

Instructions To stop a test:  Pressing the “Stop” push-button instantly stops a test for one or more cylinders. The results remain in the Mode column for the tests completed before the “Stop” push-button was pressed. Note: The “Stop All” push-button is disabled when a test is not in progress. It becomes enabled when either the “Test” or “Test All” push-button is pressed.


Section 3

Main Implement Relief Test

Status Parameter Area

Status Line Instruction Area

Illustration 3-39: Main Implement Relief Test screen

Purpose The Main Implement Relief Test function adjusts the main relief valve pressure.

Accessing To run the Main Implement Relief Test:  Select Diagnostics Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Main Implement Relief Test from the sub-menu. The Main Implement Relief Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-39).

Screen Layout The Main Implement Relief Test screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Main Implement Relief Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Parking Brake, Steering/Trans Lock Switch, Engine Speed, and Hydraulic Oil Temperature.


Status Line The Main Implement Relief Test status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the diagnostic test. Instruction Area The Main Implement Relief Test instruction area describes the step-by-step procedure for the diagnostic test. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Push-buttons The push-buttons available in the Main Implement Relief Test screen are: • •

Next> Cancel/Restart


Section 3

Continuing the Test

Illustration 3-40: Main Implement Relief Test screen

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Main Implement Relief Test.

Instructions To run the Main Implement Relief Test: Step 1

Once the first condition is met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the condition is not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step.


Step 3

When the final step is complete, the “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button (Refer to Illustration 3-40).

Section 3


Canceling the Test

Illustration 3-41: Main Implement Relief Test screen

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the Main Implement Relief Test.

Instructions To cancel the test:  Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Service Test was unsuccessful. The “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button (Refer to Illustration 3-41).


Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Section 3

Instruction Area

Illustration 3-42: Main/Tilt Pump Relief Diagnostic Test

Purpose The Main/Tilt Pump Relief Diagnostic Test Function allows you to detect the highest constant pressure for each system. These diagnostic tests set a pressure necessary to activate the relief valves.

Accessing To run the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Diagnostic Test: Step 1

Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check from the sub-menu. The Select Components to Test dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-43).


Illustration 3-43: Select Components to Test dialog box

Step 2

Check/Uncheck which valves you want to test by clicking on the relief valve check boxes. By default, all the valves are checked.

Step 3

Press the “Begin” push-button. The Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-42). Press “Cancel” to exit the Select Components to Test dialog box and return to Cat ET.

Screen Layout The Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Engine Speed, Parking Brake, Implement Lockout Solenoid Status, Main/Tilt Hydraulic Pump Relief Pressure, and Hydraulic Oil Temperature. Status Line Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the diagnostic test. Instruction Area Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test instruction area describes the step-by-step procedure for the diagnostic test. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray.


Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen are: • •

Next> Cancel

Section 3


Continuing the Test

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test.

Instructions To run the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test: Step 1

Once the set-up conditions are met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a checkmark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the conditions are not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Note: Once the Set-up Main Pump Relief Check Test Conditions are met and the “Next” push-button is pressed, a message box is displayed to aid you with the second step. Press “OK.” Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a checkmark in the box and darkens the next step.

Step 3

When the final step is completed a test information message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-44).

Illustration 3-44: Test Information message box


Press “OK.” Cat ET selects the next test checked in the Select Components to Test dialog box and the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test is displayed. Step 4

When the test is complete, the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test status box is displayed with the results of each test (Refer to Illustration 3-45). A status line is located in the bottom of the screen. It displays messages regarding the status of the diagnostic test selected. Section 3

Illustration 3-45: Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test status box

Press “Continue” to proceed to the next Pending test or if there are no pending tests, press “Restart” to return to the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test status box and return to Cat ET.


Canceling the Test

Illustration 3-46: Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the current component test being run.

Instructions To cancel the test: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Service Test was unsuccessful. Cat ET either starts the next test, or if all of the tests are complete, displays Pump Relief Check Tests status box (Refer to Illustration 3-46).

Step 2

If the Main/Tilt Pump Relief Check Test screen displays, press “Restart” to return to the Select Components To Calibrate screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration status box and return to Cat ET.


Misfire Detection Test

Cylinder Selection Area

Legend Area

Section 3

Graph Area

Illustration 3-47: Misfire Detection screen

Status Parameter Area

Purpose The Misfire Detection function allows you to determine if a single cylinder is misfiring. This is determined by a graphical display of the exhaust port temperature for the selected cylinder. If Cat ET is unable to read the data, "Unavailable" is displayed in the Status Parameter Area.

Accessing To run the Misfire Detection function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Misfire Detection from the sub-menu. The Misfire Detection screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-47).


Screen Layout The Misfire Detection screen has the following areas: Cylinder Selection Area The Misfire Detection cylinder drop-down lists the different cylinder numbers available. Selecting a new cylinder number causes the graph to redraw. Legend Area The Misfire Detection legend area displays the selected cylinder number. Graph Area The Misfire Detection area displays the time in seconds on the x-axis (30 seconds is default) and the selected cylinder's temperature range on the y-axis. The graph automatically centers the graph on the trace. Status Parameter Area The Misfire Detection status parameter area displays parameter values received from the available ECMs. This area is located at the right side of the screen. The parameters that are displayed in this particular test are the selected cylinder Exhaust Port Temperature, the selected cylinder Transformer Secondary Output Voltage Percentage, Desired Engine Speed, and Engine Speed. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Misfire Detection screen are: • • • •

Start/Stop Settings… Hold/Resume Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Starting the Test

Purpose The "Start" push-button allows you to start the test operation.

Instructions To start the Misfire Detection test: Step 1

Select the cylinder to be tested from the Misfire Detection cylinder drop-down list.

Step 2

Press the "Start" push-button. The graph begins to draw.

Note: The “Start” push-button is replaced with the “Stop” push-button until the “Stop” push-button is pushed or the test is done. Note: Pressing the "Stop" push-button freezes the graph on the screen.


Section 3

Setting the Graph

Illustration 3-48: Settings dialog box

Purpose The “Settings…” push-button allows you to change the time range of the x-axis and change the temperature range of the y-axis. It also allows you to change the look of the graph. The Misfire Detection graph in the Settings dialog box displays the graph as you make the setting changes. Pressing "OK" transfers the settings from the Misfire Detection Settings dialog box graph to the Misfire Detection screen.

Instructions To change the graph settings: Step 1

Press the “Settings…” push-button. The Settings dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-48).


Step 2

Enter the time (X-Axis), in seconds, from the Time Range text box. OR-Adjust the time using the slider.

Step 3

Enter the temperature (Y-Axis) in the Temperature Range text box. OR-Adjust the temperature using the slider.

Step 4

Select the Show Grid on Graph check box, to display grid lines on the graph area.

Step 5

Press “OK” to accept the setting changes. The graph shows the changes you have made. Press “Cancel” if you decide not to make changes to the settings. Press “Default” to return settings to their default positions.

Note: Pressing the "Default Settings" push-button restores the settings back to the original stored values in Cat ET.


Section 3

Pausing the Display

Purpose The “Hold” push-button allows you to freeze the graph, so that you can view the status of the parameters at a particular instance. Note: If you select another cylinder after pressing the "Hold," push-button, the graph resumes drawing.

Instructions To pause the display: Step 1

Press the “Hold” push-button from the Misfire Detection screen. Cat ET immediately stops updating the graph. The “Hold” push-button changes to the “Resume” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Resume” push-button to have Cat ET continue updating the display.


Override Parameters Test

Section 3

Display Area

Illustration 3-49: Override Parameter screen

Purpose The Override Parameters function views and changes the override parameter’s “Value” and “Mode.” This function puts parameters in and out of override mode. The parameters, that are changed to override mode, stay in this mode until you disable them in the Override Parameters screen or turn off the ECM. Turning off the ECM or changing to a different Cat ET function resets the ECM parameters back to their normal settings. This Diagnostic Tests function is only available with the CAT Data Link connection.

Accessing To run the Override Parameters function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Override Parameters from the sub-menu. The Override Parameters screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-49).


Screen Layout The Override Parameters screen has the following areas: Display Area The Override Parameters display area has four columns: Description, Value, Unit, and Mode. The Description column gives the name of the parameter set to run the test. The Value column displays the status of the current parameter. The Unit column displays the type of unit in which the value is measured. The Mode column displays if the parameter is in “Normal” or “Override.” Note: Some of the applications may include a Status Parameter Area, above the display area. This area lists the required parameters and their values received from the current ECM. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Override Parameters screen are: • • • •

Change Disable Override Disable All Overrides Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Changing Parameter Values

Illustration 3-50: Change Parameter Value dialog box

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the selected parameter’s value. Note: When an unavailable parameter (read only) is selected, the “Change” push-button is disabled.

Instructions To change the selected parameter: Step 1

Highlight the parameter you want to change and press the “Change” push-button. The Change Parameter Value dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-50).

Step 2

Select the New Value from the drop-down list.

Step 3

Press “OK” to accept the new value. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to change this parameter or “No” not to. Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without saving the new value. You return to the Override Parameter screen.


Section 3

Disabling Override Parameters

Purpose The “Disable Override” push-button allows you to take the selected parameter out of override mode.

Instructions To disable an override parameter: Step 1

Highlight the parameter that is in override mode. This enables the “Disable Override” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Disable Override” push-button. The “Please wait…” message displays. Then, you return to the Override Parameters screen.


Disabling All Override Parameters

Purpose The “Disable All Overrides” push-button allows you to take all parameters out of override mode.

Instructions To disable all override modes:  Press the “Disable All Override” push-button. The “Please wait…” message displays. Then, you return to the Override Parameters screen.


Section 3

Power Shift Pressure Test Status Line Instruction Area

Control Area

Illustration 3-51: Power Shift Pressure Test

Purpose The Power Shift Pressure Test function allows you to check that the proportional reducing valve is activating with a current signal from the controller. This function also allows the power shift pressure signal to remain constant at a desired pressure level. The constant power shift pressure signal is necessary to allow testing and adjusting procedures to be performed to line relief valves and to perform “P-Q” tests.

Accessing To run the Power Shift Pressure Test function:  Select Diagnostics Test from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Power Shift Pressure Test from the sub-menu. The Power Shift Pressure Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-51).

Screen Layout The Power Shift Pressure Test screen has the following areas:


Status Line The Power Shift Pressure Test status line displays messages regarding the process of the diagnostic test. Instruction Area The Power Shift Pressure Test instruction area describes the step-by-step procedure for the diagnostic test. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Control Area The Engine Speed control area allows you to increase or decrease the engine speed. The horizontal slide bar shows you the parameter range. The engine speed value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slider indicates where the current value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • •

button – increases the engine speed

The Power Shift Pressure control area allows you to increase or decrease the power shift pressure. The horizontal slide bar shows you the parameter range. The power shift pressure value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slider indicates where the current value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • • • •

button – increases the power shift pressure rapidly

Note: These arrows vary the power shift pressure. The single arrow buttons change the pressure by 10 kPa (1.5 PSI). The double arrow buttons change the pressure by 200 kPa (29 PSI). Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Power Shift Pressure Test screen are: • • • •

Start Stop Begin Sweep End Sweep


Section 3


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to start the Power Shift Pressure Test. The “Stop” push-button allows you to end the test operation.

Instructions To start the test: Step 1

Make sure the engine is running. Press the “Start” push-button. The Power Shift Pressure Test begins.

Step 2

You can manipulate the Power Shift Pressure and/or the Engine Speed manually with the arrow buttons underneath the slider bars.

Note: After this push-button is pressed, it becomes disabled until the test is stopped. To stop the test:  Press the “Stop” push-button. The Power Shift Pressure Test ends. If the “Stop” push-button is pressed before the “End Sweep” push-button, the test aborts and the status line reads “Service Test Unsuccessful.” Note: This push-button is disabled until the test is started.


Beginning/Ending the Sweep

Purpose The “Begin Sweep” push-button sweeps the power shift pressure through a range automatically. The “End Sweep” push-button stops the sweeping of the power shift pressure. Section 3

Instructions To begin the sweep:  Press the “Begin Sweep” push-button. The sweep begins varying the pressure within the entire range. The sweeping continues back and forth until the “End Sweep” push-button is pressed. Note: The “Begin Sweep” push-button is disabled until the “End Sweep” push-button is pressed. To end the sweep:  Press the “End Sweep” push-button. The sweeping of the power shift pressure stops. The status line reads “Service Test Successful.” Note: The “End Sweep” push-button is disabled until the sweep is started.


Special Tests

Display Area

Illustration 3-52: Special Tests screen

Purpose The Special Tests function allows you to select a specific diagnostic test that you may want to trigger. The tests that appear in the list depend on the current ECM.

Accessing To run the Special Tests function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostic menu, and then select Special Tests from the sub-menu. The Special Tests screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-52).

Screen Layout The Special Tests screen has the following areas: Display Area The Special Tests display area has two columns: Description and State. The Description column gives the name of the parameter set


to run the test. The State column displays if the parameter is “Not Installed,” “Active,” or “Not Active.” The Special Tests display area contains all of the available special tests for the currently selected ECM. Each ECM has one or more special tests displayed. However, you can only select one test at a time. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Special Tests screen are: • • •

Section 3

Start Stop Stop All


Starting the Test

Illustration 3-53: “Are you sure...” message box.

Purpose The “Start” push-button allows you to begin the testing process for the chosen special test.

Instructions To start the selected test: Step 1

Highlight one of the parameters from the list on the Special Test screen. This enables the “Start” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Start” push-button. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-53).

Step 3

Press “Yes” if you want to start the testing or “No” if you do not to start the test. You return to the Special Tests screen.

Note: The “Start” push-button is disabled until the “Stop” push-button is pressed.


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the Special Test in progress.

Instructions To stop a test: Step 1

Highlight the parameter you want to stop testing. This enables the “Stop” push-button. Only the tests that have started can be stopped.

Step 2

Press the “Stop” push-button. The test stops, and the state changes.

Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Section 3

Stopping All the Tests

Purpose The “Stop All” push-button allows you to stop all of the Special Tests.

Instructions To stop all tests: Press the “Stop All” push-button. All of the tests that are running stop. Note: When one or more tests are active, the “Stop All” push-button is enabled. It becomes disabled after you stop all of the tests.


System Troubleshooting Settings

Display Area

Illustration 3-54: System Troubleshooting Setting screen

Purpose The System Troubleshooting Settings function views and changes the troubleshooting parameters “Value” and “Mode.” This function puts parameters in and out of override mode. The parameters that are changed to override mode, stay in this mode, until you disable them in the System Troubleshooting Settings screen or turn off the ECM. Turning off the ECM resets the ECM parameters back to their normal settings. This Diagnostic Tests function is only available with the ATA connection.

Accessing To run the System Troubleshooting Settings function:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select System Troubleshooting Settings from the sub-menu. The System Troubleshooting Settings screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-54).


Section 3

Screen Layout The System Troubleshooting Settings screen has the following areas: Display Area The System Troubleshooting Settings display area has four columns: Description, Value, Unit and Mode. The Description column gives the name of the parameter set to run the test. The Value column displays the status of the current parameter. The Unit column displays the type of unit in which the value is measured. The Mode column displays if the parameter is in “Normal” or “Override.” Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the System Troubleshooting Settings screen are: • • •

Change Disable Override Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Changing Parameter Values

Illustration 3-55: Change Parameter Value dialog box

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the selected parameter’s value. Note: When an unavailable parameter (read only) is selected, the “Change” push-button is disabled.

Instructions To change the selected parameter: Step 1

Highlight the parameter you want to change and press the “Change” push-button. The Change Parameter Value dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-55).

Step 2

Select the New Value from the drop-down list.

Step 3

Press “OK” to accept the new value. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to change this parameter or “No” not to. Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without saving the new value. You return to the System Troubleshooting Setting screen.


Section 3

Disabling Override Parameters

Purpose The “Disable Override” push-button allows you to take the selected parameter out of override mode.

Instructions To disable an override parameter: Step 1

Highlight the parameter that is in override mode. This enables the “Disable Override” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Disable Override” push-button. The “Please wait…” message displays. Then, you return to the System Troubleshooting Settings screen.


Traction Aid Brake Test

Illustration Area

Section 3

Status Parameter Area Illustration 3-56: Traction Aid Brake Test screen

Purpose The Traction Aid Brake Test function allows you to perform the Step, Bleed, and Ramp tests on a selected brake line. This test allows a service worker to manually turn on the brake and monitor it. Note: If the machine speed is over 3 mph, the test will not work. This keeps the brake from overheating.

Accessing To run the Traction Aid Brake test:  Select Diagnostic Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Brake Test from the sub-menu. The Traction Aid Brake Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-56).

Screen Layout The Traction Aid Brake Test screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area There are four status parameter boxes: Left Front Brake Test, Right Front Brake Test, Left Rear Brake Test, and Right Rear Brake Test. Each box has four status lines: Brake Location, Test Status, Current Test Icon, and Desired Pressure Value. The Brake Location is displayed at the top of the box. The Test Status line displays if the test is Bleed, Ramp, Step, or No Test. The Current Test Icon is a visual representation of the test. The desired pressure value is measured in PSI (kPa). Illustration Area The Brake Illustration is located in the center of the screen. It is a visual representation of the brakes that are being tested. An Illustration number is displayed on the tire for the brake names: #1: Left Front Brake Test #2: Right Front Brake Test #3: Left Rear Brake Test #4: Right Rear Brake Test Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Traction Aid Brake Test screen are: • • • • •

Stop Stop All Bleed Ramp Step


Stopping the Test

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the brake test, one brake at a time.

Instructions To stop the brake test one brake at a time: Step 1

Press the Brake Illustration tire number or push the corresponding keyboard key number of the brake you want to test. The selected brake line is highlighted.

Step 2

Press the “Stop” push-button. The selected test stops.

Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Section 3

Stopping All Tests

Purpose The “Stop All” push-button allows you to stop all of the brake tests at once.

Instructions To stop all of the brake tests at once:  Press the “Stop All” push-button. All of the tests that are running stops. Note: The “Stop All” push-button becomes disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed again.


Bleed Testing

Purpose The “Bleed” push-button allows you to apply constant pressure, allowing the brake to bleed.

Instructions To run the bleed test: Step 1

Press the Brake Illustration tire number or push the corresponding keyboard number of the brake you want to test. The selected brake line is highlighted.

Step 2

Press the “Bleed” push-button. The solenoid for that brake is turned on and the Current Test Icon is displayed. The value that is displayed in the designated brake’s test status box does not change.


Section 3

Ramp Testing

Purpose The “Ramp” push-button allows you to gradually increase brake line pressure from “minimum” to “maximum” and decrease it back down to “minimum.”

Instructions To run the ramp test: Step 1

Press the Brake Illustration tire number or push the corresponding keyboard number of the brake you want to test. The selected brake line is highlighted.

Step 2

Press the “Ramp” push-button. The solenoid for that brake is turned on and the Current Test Icon is displayed. The new value is displayed in the designated brake’s test status box.


Step Testing

Purpose The “Step” push-button allows you to repeatedly apply “minimum,” and then “maximum” pressure on the brake line.

Instructions To run the step test: Step 1

Press the Brake Illustration tire number or push the corresponding keyboard number of the brake you want to test. The selected brake line is highlighted.

Step 2

Press the “Step” push-button. The solenoid for that brake is turned on and the Current Test Icon is displayed. The new value is displayed in the designated brake’s test status box.


Section 3

Transmission Stall Test

Status Parameter Area

Instruction Area Status Line

Illustration 3-57: Transmission Stall Test screen

Purpose The Transmission Stall Test function provides the means for stalling the transmission by electronically locking the parking brake and attempting to move the machine.

Accessing To run the Transmission Stall Test function: Step 1

Select Diagnostics Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Transmission Stall from the sub-menu. An attention message box is displayed.

Step 2

Press “OK.” The Transmission Stall Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-57).


Screen Layout The Transmission Stall Test screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Transmission Stall Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their values: Engine Speed, Absolute Charge Oil Pressure, Hydraulic Oil Temperature, Transmission Lever Position Status, and Parking Brake Lockout. Status Line The Transmission Stall Test status line is located in the center of the Section 3 screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the diagnostic test. Instruction Area The Transmission Stall Test instruction area describes the step-by-step procedure for the diagnostic test. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Push-Button The push-buttons available in the Transmission Stall Test screen are: • • •

Next> Cancel Hold/Resume


Continuing the Test

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work your way through the step-by-step directions of the Transmission Stall Test.

Instructions To run the Transmission Stall Test: Step 1

Once the set-up conditions are met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the conditions are met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the conditions are not met, Cat ET responds by keeping the step number at one.

Step 2

The ECM determines if the transmission lever is in the park position and advance the step number. If the ECM determines the transmission lever is not in the correct position, it displays an alert on the Status Line and not advance to Step 3.

Step 3

When you press the “Next>” push-button, the parking brake electronically locks. A message box is displayed once you lock the parking brakes (Refer to Illustration 3-58).

Illustration 3-58: Parking Brake Warning message box

Step 4

Press “OK” to continue the test.


Step 5

Perform the Stall Test. Once you have completed the test, press the “Next>” push-button. Cat ET checks the box.

Step 6

Press the “Next>” push-button, Cat ET electronically unlocks the parking brake. A warning message box is displayed telling you the parking brake has been electronically unlocked (Refer to Illustration 3-59).

Section 3

Illustration 3-59: Parking Brake Warning message box

Step 7

Press “OK.” The Transmission Stall Test status box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-60).

Illustration 3-60: Transmission Stall Test status box

Step 8

Press “Restart” to run the diagnostic test again. Press “Finish” to return to Cat ET.


Canceling the Test

Illustration 3-61: Transmission Stall Test status box

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to cancel the Transmission Stall Test.

Instructions: To cancel the test: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The Transmission Stall Test status dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-61).

Step 2

Press “Restart” to run the diagnostic test again. Press “Cancel” to return to Cat ET.


Holding the Test

Purpose The “Hold” push-button allows you to freeze the status parameter, so that you can record data when performing the transmission stall test.

Instructions Step 1

Press the “Hold” push-button from the Transmission Stall Diagnostic Tests screen. The “Hold” push-button Section changes to the “Resume” push-button. 3

Step 2

Press the “Resume” push-button to have Cat ET continue updating the status parameters display.

Note: The “Hold/Resume” push-button button works as a locking/unlocking device on the status parameter display. This feature is used when performing the stall test.


Other Diagnostic Tests Purpose: Main Pump Flow Limitation Pressure Test The Main Pump Flow Limitation Pressure Test allows the flow limitation pressure valve command signal to remain constant at a desired pressure level. The constant flow limitation pressure valve command signal is necessary to allow testing and adjusting procedures to be performed to line relief valves. Note: See "Power Shift Pressure Test," section 3, page 100, for an explanation of the Screen Layout, Starting/Stopping the Test, and Beginning/Ending the Sweep.

Purpose: Negative Flow Control Stabilizer Pressure Test The Negative Flow Control (NFC) Stabilizer Pressure Test allows the NFC Pressure Stabilizer Valve command signal to remain constant at the desired pressure level. The constant NFC Pressure Stabilizer Valve command signal is necessary to allow testing and adjusting procedures to be performed to line relief valves. Note: See "Power Shift Pressure Test," section 3, page 100, for an explanation of the Screen Layout, Starting/Stopping the Test, and Beginning/Ending the Sweep.

Accessing To run a Cat ET diagnostic test function:  Select Diagnostics Tests from the Diagnostics menu, and then select the desired Cat ET diagnostic test function from the sub-menu.



Illustration 3-62: Example of Events menu functions

Overview Events allow you to view information tracked by the ECMs, which is typically used for warranty verification information and for reviewing how the equipment has been operated. An example of an event tracked for a 3176 engine is Engine Overspeed. During normal operation of an engine, this event may occur a few times. However, a high number of occurrences of this type of an event may indicate user operation problems. Clearing any event codes logged by the onboard electronics may require proper password authorization. Event functions currently available on various applications are: • • • • •

Active Logged Critical Shift Count Matrix Counters


Section 3

Active Event Codes

Status Flag Area

Display Area

Illustration 3-63: Active Event Codes screen

Purpose The Active Event Codes function provides information about events currently occurring. These codes are similar to the active diagnostic codes, except that the event represents the symptom of the operational problem. These codes indicate to the manager or technician how the machine/equipment is being operated.

Accessing To run the Active Event Codes function:  Select Events from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Active Event Codes from the sub-menu or press the Active Event Codes icon from the toolbar (if added to the toolbar). The Active Event Codes screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-63). Note: To add the Active Event Codes icon to the toolbar, see "Customizing the Toolbar," section 8, page 2.


Screen Layout The Active Event Codes screen has the following areas: Status Flag Area Caterpillar Electronic Technician displays up to four Status Flag indicators across the top of the screen. These flags are used to notify you of currently active conditions, such as Low Oil Pressure, Engine Overspeed, etc. When a warning condition exists, it is described in the appropriate flag indicator area. The name of the active ECM is displayed above the flags. Display Area The Active Event Codes display area has two columns: Code and Description. The code numbers that appear are used to identify the events. The Description column informs you of the event that is occurring. Warning category indicator immediately follows the code number and is in parenthesis. It is a number ranging from 1 to 3, where 3 is the most severe, and it indicates the severity of the associated code number. The warning category provides an indication to the type of behavior and/or actions, which must be taken by the operator, or by the control system for some engine applications, to address the severity of the associated situation. The list of codes is grouped according to the ECM from which they are retrieved. They appear in chronological order by the most recent ECM hour of last occurrence. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, active codes from all available ECMs are retrieved and displayed. When there is a single ECM on the data link, this check box is disabled. Push-Buttons The push-button available in the Active Event Codes screen are: •


Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Section 3

Logged Events Codes

Display Area

Illustration 3-64: Logged Event Codes screen

Purpose The Logged Event Codes function provides a list of event codes logged by the ECM. These codes are similar to the logged diagnostic codes, except that the event represents the symptom of the operational problem. These codes indicate to the manager or technician how the machine/equipment is being operated.

Accessing To run the Logged Events Codes function:  Select Events from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Logged Event Codes from the sub-menu, or press the Logged Event Codes icon from the toolbar (if default is set). The Logged Event Codes screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-64).

Screen Layout The Logged Event Codes screen has the following areas:


Display Area The Logged Event Codes display area groups the codes according to the ECM from which they are retrieved. They appear in chronological order by the most recent ECM hour of last occurrence. The ECM names appear as subtitles in the list. If there is more than one ECM connected, the subtitles are arranged alphabetically. On the same line as the ECM subtitle, the number of ECM diagnostic clock hours is displayed. These hours represent the time that the ECM has been connected and running. The Logged Event Codes screen has five columns: Code, Description, Occ., First, and Last. The code numbers that appear are Section 3 used to identify the events. The Description column informs you of the symptom that is occurring. The Occ. (occurrences) column informs you of the number of times that the symptom occurred. The columns marked First and Last indicate the first and last ECM hour when the problem occurred. Note: On some ECMs, a warning category indicator may immediately follow the code number and is in parenthesis. It is a number ranging from 1 to 3, where 3 is the most severe, and it indicates the severity of the associated code number. The warning category provides an indication to the type of behavior and/or actions, which must be taken by the operator, or by the control system for some engine applications, to address the severity of the associated situation. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, logged codes from all available ECMs are retrieved and displayed. When there is a single ECM on the data link, this check box is disabled. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Logged Event Codes screen are: • • •

Clear View Histogram Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Clearing Logged Event Codes

Illustration 3-65: “Are you sure…” message box.

Purpose The “Clear” push-button allows you to clear logged event codes from the Logged Event Codes screen.

Instructions To clear a logged event code: Step 1

Highlight one of the logged event codes from the list on the Logged Event Codes screen. This enables the “Clear” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Clear” push-button. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-65).

Step 3

Press “Yes” to clear the selected code or “No” not to. You return to the Logged Event Codes screen.


Viewing the Histogram

Section 3

Illustration 3-66: Event Histogram screen.

Purpose The “View Histogram” push-button allows you to view a histogram for a logged event code. When the highlighted code has an event histogram available, the “View Histogram” push-button is enabled. Note: Not all logged events have histograms.

Instructions To view the histogram: Step 1

Highlight the logged code that has an event histogram available. The “View Histogram” push-button becomes enabled.

Step 2

Press the “View Histogram” push-button. The Event Histogram screen is displayed with the data for the selected code (Refer to Illustration 3-66).


Step 3

Press the “Return” push-button to return to the Logged Event Codes screen. This closes the Event Histogram screen. Press the “Print” push-button to Print to Printer or Print Preview.


Critical Events

Display Area

Illustration 3-67: Critical Events screen

Purpose The Critical Events function provides "special" logged events containing the following information: When the event started (real time), how long it was active, the extreme value, and the average value. A single event code can be logged multiple times.

Accessing To run the Critical Events function:  Select Events from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Critical Events from the sub-menu. The Critical Events screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-67).

Screen Layout The Critical Event screen has the following areas: Display Area The Critical Events display area has five columns: Description, Start Time, Elapsed, Extreme, and Average. The Description column


Section 3

displays the name of the critical events. The Start Time column displays the date and time that the event occurred. The Elapsed column displays the time that the event was active. The Extreme column displays the extreme value that the event reached. The Average column displays the average value while the event was active. Include All ECMs Check Box When the Include All ECMs check box is checked, critical codes from all available ECMs are retrieved and displayed. When there is a single ECM on the data link, this check box is disabled. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Critical Events screen are: • • •

Clear Clear All Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5. Note: The “Clear All” push-button is disabled in this version of Caterpillar Electronic Technician.


Clearing a Critical Event

Purpose The “Clear” push-button allows you to clear critical event from the Critical Events screen.

Instructions To clear a critical event: Step 1

Highlight one of the events from the list on the Critical Event screen. This enables the “Clear” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Clear” push-button. The “Are you sure...” message box is displayed.

Step 3

Press “Yes” to clear the event or “No” not to. You return to the Critical Events screen.


Section 3

Shift Count Matrix

Display Area

Illustration 3-68: Shift Count Matrix screen

Purpose The Shift Count Matrix function allows you to see the number of times the operator shifts from one gear to another gear. The information is read from the ECM.

Accessing  Select Events from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Shift Count Matrix from the sub-menu. The Shift Count Matrix screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-68).

Screen Layout The Shift Count Matrix screen has the following areas: Display Area The columns display the gears the operator shifts “To.” The rows display the gears the operator shifts “From.” The data filling the matrix represents the number of times the operator shifts. The symbols are as follows:


• • • • •

N= Neutral R= Reverse 1= First gear 2= Second gear and so on

Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Shift Count Matrix screen are: • •

Reset Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Section 3

Resetting the Data

Purpose The “Reset” push-button allows you to reset the data in the Shift Count Matrix. The data in the ECM and the data displayed is reset to zero.

Instructions Step 1

Press the “Reset” push-button. The “Are you sure...” message box is displayed.

Step 2

Press “Yes” to reset the data or “No” not to. You return to the Shift Count Matrix screen.



Display Area

Illustration 3-69: Counters screen

Purpose The Counters screen allows you to view the total count of parameters listed. This count helps you analyze factors related to the use of the truck or machine.

Instructions  Select Events from the Diagnostics menu, and then select Counters from the sub-menu. The Counters screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-69).

Screen Layout The Counters screen has the following areas: Display Area The Counters display area has two columns: Description and Value. The Description column gives the name of the parameter. The Value column displays the status of the current parameter.


Section 3

Push-buttons The push-buttons available in the Counters screen are: • •

Clear Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Clearing the Counter

Illustration 3-70: Are you sure...” message box.

Purpose The “Clear” push-button allows you to clear the counter of the parameter from the Counters screen.

Instructions To clear the counter: Step 1

Highlight one of the parameters from the list on the Counters screen. This enables the “Clear” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Clear” push-button. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-70).

Step 3

Press “Yes” if you want to clear the selected parameter’s count or “No” not to. You return to the Counters screen.


Section 3

Reset VIDS Event List

Illustration 3-71: Diagnostic drop-down menu

Purpose The Reset VIDS (Vital Information Display System) Event List function allows you to reset VIDS Logged Events.

Instructions Step 1

Select Reset VIDS Event List from the Diagnostics menu. The reset VIDS Logged Events message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-72).

Illustration 3-72: Reset VIDS Logged Events message box

Step 2

Press “Yes” to clear the VIDS Logged Events or “No” not to. You return to the Reset VIDS Logged Events screen.


Input Troubleshooting

Status Flag Area

Section 3 Display Area

Illustration 3-73: Input Troubleshooting screen

Purpose The Input Troubleshooting function allows you to monitor and diagnose problems with various inputs on the ECM. This function is only available for inputs that are configured to receive data from both a terminal and the J1939 Data Link.

Accessing To run the Input Troubleshooting function:  Select Input Troubleshooting from the Diagnostics menu. The Troubleshooting screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 3-73).

Screen Layout The Input Troubleshooting screen has the following areas: Status Flag Area Caterpillar Electronic Technician displays up to four Status Flag indicators across the top of the screen. These flags are used to notify you of currently active conditions, such as Low Oil Pressure, Engine Overspeed, etc.


When a warning condition exists, it is described in the appropriate flag indicator area. The name of the ECM, which is the source of the status flag condition, is displayed above the flags. Display Area The Input Troubleshooting display area has four columns: the first column, Description, Value, and Unit. The first column indicates whether any diagnostic faults are present for the parameter. The Description column gives the name of the parameter with its terminal and J1939 Data Link below the parameter’s name. The Value column displays the status value for the parameter and its inputs. The Unit column displays the type of unit in which the value is measured. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Input Troubleshooting screen are: • •

Hold/Resume Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Pausing the Display

Purpose The “Hold” push-button allows you to freeze the display, so that you can view the status of the parameters at a particular instance.

Instructions To pause the display: Step 1

Press the “Hold” push-button from the Input Troubleshooting screen. Cat ET immediately stops updating the status parameters. The “Hold” push-button changes to the “Resume” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Resume” push-button to have Cat ET continue updating the display.


Section 3


Information Drop-Down Menu Functions

Section 4 Illustration 4-1: Information drop-down menu

Overview The Information drop-down menu functions allow you to receive information about the ECM. This includes specific ECM data and Cat ET software information. It allows you to receive specific information about parameters that you wish to monitor. The functions available under the Information drop-down menu are: • • • • • • • • • • •

Status ECM Summary Current Totals History Data Logger Sea Trial Transient (Data Logger) Real Time Graphing Trip/Job Segment Trip/Job Histogram Custom Data Trip/Job/Driver Reset



ECM Title Area

Status Flag Area

Display Area

Illustration 4-2: Status screen

Purpose The Status tool monitors ECM data as it occurs. When running the Status tool for the first time, you must select a group of parameters to monitor.

Accessing To run the Status function:  Select Status from the Information menu, push the F2 key (if the default function keys are set), or press the Status Tool icon from the toolbar (if default is set). The Status screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 4-2). Note: The Select Group dialog box is displayed the first time you use this tool.


If the Select Group dialog box is displayed: Step 1

Select a group from the Select a group list box. As you select a group, the parameters for that group are displayed in the Parameters list box.

Note: Using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard, you can consecutively view each group and its parameters in the Select Group dialog box. If a group is created, you can choose that group by selecting the first letter of its name. Step 2

Press “OK” to accept the selected group. The group data that you selected is displayed in the Status screen (Refer to Illustration 4-2). Press “Cancel” to leave this screen without choosing a group.

Note: In the Status screen, you can view each group consecutively by using the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys. You can view a specific default group by selecting the key number corresponding to that Group (the key number for groups 1 through 9, ALT plus the key number for groups 10 through 19, or the 0 (zero) key for the ).

Screen Layout The Status screen has the following areas: Status Flag Area: Caterpillar Electronic Technician displays up to four Status Flag indicators across the top of the screen. These flags are used to notify you of currently active conditions, such as Low Oil Pressure, Engine Overspeed, etc. When a warning condition exists, it is described in the appropriate flag indicator area. The name of the active ECM is displayed above the flags. ECM Title Area The ECM title area displays the ECM name and the group you have chosen. This area is located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen below the Status Flags.


Section 4

Display Area The Status display area is located in the center of the screen, and displays the values, units, and descriptions of the ECM parameters for the group you have chosen. When a parameter is not supported by the current ECM, or if an error occurred while reading the data, a value of “Unavailable” is displayed. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Status screen are: • • • • •

Groups… Zoom In/Zoom Out More Hold/Resume Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Selecting a Group

Section 4 Illustration 4-3: Select Group dialog box

Purpose The “Groups…” push-button allows you to display the Select Group dialog box. This dialog box displays available default groups of parameters to monitor, and provides access for creating, changing, and deleting groups. This dialog box allows you to reassign a group in Cat ET. The Maintain Groups dialog box allows you to assign parameters to a new group that you are creating. It also allows you to change parameters in a group you created and/or in the Temporary Group.

Instructions To select a group: Step 1

Press the “Groups…” push-button from the Status screen. The Select Group dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 4-3).

Step 2

Highlight a group from the Select a group list box and press “OK.” The Status screen is displayed showing the selected group and its parameters.

Note: Using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard, you can consecutively view each group and its parameters in the Select Group dialog box. If a group is created, you can choose that group


by selecting the first letter of its name. If there is more than one group with the same first letter, continually pressing the letter scrolls through those groups consecutively. To create a new group (with one ECM): Step 1

Press the “Groups…” push-button from the Status screen. The Select Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 2

Press the “New” push-button to create a new group. The Maintain Groups dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 4-4).

Illustration 4-4: Maintain Groups dialog box

Step 3

Highlight a parameter in the Available parameters list box and press the “>>” push-button. This moves parameters, one at a time, from the Available Parameters list box to the Group list box, (highlighting a parameter in the Group list box and pressing the “” push-button. This moves parameters, one at a time, from the Available Parameters list box to the Group list box, (highlighting a parameter in the Group list box and pressing the “” push-button to move the parameters, one at a time to the Group list box. Highlight a parameter in the Group list box and press the “” push-button. This moves parameters, one at a time, from the Available Parameters list box to the Selected Parameters list box, (highlighting a parameter in the Selected Parameters list box and pressing the “” push-button allows you to work your way through the directions of the Articulation Sensor Calibration. There is a series of three different screens for this calibration function.

Instructions To run the Articulation Sensor Calibration: Step 1

The first Articulation Sensor Calibration screen appears when you enter the calibration. This gives you a real-time display of the Machine Articulation Angle. Press the “Next>” push-button to start the calibration. The second Articulation Sensor Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-54).

Illustration 5-54: Articulation Sensor Calibration screen #2

Step 2

The second Articulation Sensor Calibration screen appears once you steer the machine in both directions two or three times, and send the set signal to the ECM. Once this screen is displayed, the calibration starts.


Section 5

Press the “Next>” push-button to continue the calibration. The third Articulation Sensor Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-55).

Illustration 5-55: Articulation Sensor Calibration screen #3

Step 3

The third Articulation Sensor Calibration screen appears after you have finished the calibration. This shows you the range of the calibrated values. From this screen you are able to see if the calibration was successful or not, by noting the position of the pointer in the graphical representation at the bottom. If the pointer is in the gray area, the calibration is unsuccessful.


Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area

Progress Bar

Section 5

Illustration 5-56: Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration screen

Purpose The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration function is used to calibrate the correct relationship between the governor actuator feedback and the engine RPM after replacing or reinstalling the governor actuator and/or controller.

Accessing To run the Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration from the sub-menu. The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-56).

Screen Layout The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameter and its current value: Engine Speed. Status Line The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step instructions for the calibration. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Progress Bar The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration progress bar shows the advancement of the current calibration step. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration screen are: • •

Next> Cancel/Restart


Continuing the Calibration

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration.

Instructions To run the Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration: Step 1

Once the first setup condition is met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the condition is not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step.

Step 3

When the final step is completed, the “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button.


Section 5

Canceling the Calibration

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the Automatic Governor Calibration.

Instructions To cancel the calibration: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-57).

Illustration 5-57: Automatic Governor Actuator Calibration dialog box

Step 2

Press “Default Data” or the “Previous Data” push-button to calibrate the governor actuator. The status line informs you that the calibration was unsuccessful.


Extended Service Coverage Calibration

Display Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-58: Extended Service Coverage screen

Purpose The Extended Service Coverage screen allows you to determine the need for a PAR DYNO calibration test before extending service coverage. The engine PAR Dynamometer Requirement Test works as follows: histogram data is collected from the ECM to establish whether the engine history mandates a PAR test to allow Extended Service Coverage (ESC) on used truck engines

Accessing To run the Extended Service Coverage Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Extended Service Coverage from the sub-menu. The Extended Service Coverage screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-58).

Screen Layout The Extended Service Coverage display area informs you whether or not the PAR DYNO test is required.


Hitch Sensors Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area

Illustration 5-59 Hitch Sensors Calibration screen

Purpose The Hitch Sensors Calibration function allows you to calibrate the position of the hitch lever. The ECM reports the status of the calibration process and indicates if a fault occurs.

Accessing To run the Hitch Sensors Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Hitch Sensors Calibration from the sub-menu. The Hitch Sensors Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-59).

Screen Layout The Hitch Sensors Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Hitch Sensors Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameter and its current value: Hitch Control. The status of the hitch control is Up, Down, Hold, or Undefined.


Status Line The Hitch Sensors Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Hitch Sensors Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step instructions for the calibration. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step and the next condition is displayed. Push-Buttons The push-button available in the Hitch Sensors Calibration screen is: •

Continue Section 5


Continuing the Calibration

Purpose The “Continue” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Hitch Sensor Calibration.

Instructions To run the Hitch Sensors Calibration: Step 1

Once the first set-up condition is met, press the “Continue” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the condition is not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step and the next condition is displayed.


Hitch Valve Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area

Illustration 5-60: Hitch Valve Calibration screen

Purpose The Hitch Valve Calibration function allows you to calibrate the position of the hitch lever. The ECM reports the status of the calibration and if a fault occurs, the calibration resets.

Accessing To run the Hitch Valve Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Hitch Valve Calibration from the sub-menu. The Hitch Valve Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-60).

Screen Layout The Hitch Valve Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Hitch Valve Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameter and its current value: Hitch Control. The status of the hitch control is Up, Down, Hold, or Undefined.


Section 5

Status Line The Hitch Valve Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Hitch Valve Calibration instruction area describes the steps for the calibration. As each condition is met, continue with the next condition. Push-Buttons There are two different push-buttons displayed on this screen. They are: • •

Start Stop

Pressing the “Start” push-button allows you to proceed with the calibration. The status line keeps you informed of the results of the calibration. The Hitch Valve Calibration is placed in the calibration mode and the calibration begins. The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the calibration. Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed. The “Start” push-button is disabled when the calibration is running.


Injector Codes Calibration

Display Area

Section 5 Illustration 5-61: Injector Codes Calibration screen

Purpose The Injector Codes Calibration function reads the programmed injector code from the ECM and changes the numeric four-digit code for each injector. Each injector code should match the four-digit code stamped on the injector.

Accessing To run the Injector Codes Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Injector Codes Calibration from the sub-menu. The Injector Codes Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-61).

Screen Layout The Injector Codes Calibration screen has the following areas: Display Area The Injector Codes Calibration display area has two columns: Injector and Code. The Injector column lists the different injector numbers available. The Code column displays the injectors’ codes.


Push-Buttons The push-buttons displayed available in the Injector Codes Calibration screen are: • •

Change Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Changing the Injector Code

Illustration 5-62: Changing Parameter Value dialog box

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the selected parameter’s value. Each injector code should match the four-digit code stamped on the injector.

Instructions To change the selected parameter: Step 1

Highlight the parameter that you want to change and press the “Change” push-button. The Change Parameter Value dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-62).

Step 2

Enter the new value in the New Value text box.

Step 3

Press “OK” to accept the new value. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to program this parameter or “No” not to. Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without saving the new value. You return to the Injector Codes Calibration screen.

Note: The injector code must be four digits and cannot start with a zero.


Section 5

Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area Illustration 5-63: Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen

Purpose The Main and Tilt Pump Calibration allows you to measure the time it takes for the cylinders to fully retract and to fully extend. This calibration compensates for the variation in manufacturing and minor wear of the hydraulic system.

Accessing To run the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration: Step 1

Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations from the sub-menu. The Select Components To Calibrate dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-64).


Illustration 5-64: Select Components To Calibrate dialog box

Step 2

Check/Uncheck which pumps you want to calibrate by clicking on the pump calibration check boxes. By default, all the pumps are checked.

Step 3

Press the “Begin” push-button. The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-63). Press “Cancel” to exit the Select Components To Calibrate dialog box and return to Cat ET.

Screen Layout The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Engine Speed, Parking Brake, Implement Lockout Switch Position, Hydraulic Oil Temperature, and Main/Tilt Hydraulic Pump Efficiency. Note: After the set-up conditions are met, Parking Brake and Implement Lockout Switch Position parameters are removed from the status parameter area and depending on the type of pump calibration, new parameters are added. For the Tilt Pump Calibration: Tilt Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure and Blade Pitch, and for the Main Pump Calibration: Main Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure and Blade Lift/Lower Lever Duty Cycle. Status Line The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration.


Section 5

Instruction Area The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step instructions for the calibration. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration are: • •

Next> Cancel


Continuing the Calibration

Section 5

Illustration 5-65: Main/Tilt Pump Calibration

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration.

Instructions To run the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration: Step 1

Once the set-up conditions are met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the conditions are met, Cat ET places a checkmark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the conditions are not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Note: After the set-up conditions are met, Parking Brake and Implement Lockout Switch Position parameters are removed from the status parameter area and depending on the pump calibration, new parameters are added.


Step 2

Follow the instruction to continue the calibration. When the condition is met, press “Next>.” A message box displays to aid with step 3 (Refer to Illustration 5-66).

Note: The “Next>” push-button is disabled for the rest of the calibration.

Illustration 5-66: Tilt Pump Calibration message box

Step 3

Read and follow the directions. Press “OK.” You return to the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen with instructions displayed in the status line. Once Cat ET determines the condition is met, Calibrating… displays on the status line. Once Cat ET determines the next condition is met, a message box is displayed, for the Tilt Pump Calibration, to aid with step 4 (Refer to Illustration 5-67).

Note: For the Main Pump Calibration, a status box displays the intended range and measured value for the main pump efficiency. Proceed to Step 5.


Illustration 5-67: Tilt Pump Calibration message box

Step 4

Read and follow the directions. Press “OK.” You return to the Tilt Pump Calibration screen with the instructions displayed in the status line. Once the condition is met, Calibrating… displays on the status line. Once Cat ET determines the next condition is met, a status box displays the intended range and measured value for the Tilt Hydraulic Pump efficiency (Refer to Illustration 5-68).

Illustration 5-68: Tilt Hydraulic Pump status box

Step 5

Press “Accept” if the values given are acceptable. If Cat ET agrees, you return to the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen with the last instruction displayed in the status line. If you press “Accept” and Cat ET disagrees, the Tilt Hydraulic Pump Efficiency message box is displayed 5-95

Section 5

(Refer to Illustration 5-69). Press “OK.” You return to Main/Hydraulic Pump Calibration screen with the last instruction displayed in the status line.

Illustration 5-69: Tilt Hydraulic Pump Efficiency message box

Press “Cancel” if the values given are unacceptable. The Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen with the last instruction displayed in the status line. The values are not be recorded. Step 6

Follow the last instruction to complete the calibration.

Step 7

When the calibration is complete, the Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations status box is displayed with the results of each calibration (Refer to Illustration 5-70). A status line is located in the bottom of the screen. It displays messages regarding the status of the calibration selected.


Illustration 5-70: Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations status box

Press “Continue” to proceed to the next Pending calibration or if there are no pending calibrations, press “Restart” to return to the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration status box and return to Cat ET.


Section 5

Canceling the Calibration

Illustration 5-71: Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations status box

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the current component calibration being run.

Instructions To cancel the calibration: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Calibration was unsuccessful. The Main and Tilt Pump Calibrations status box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-71).

Step 2

Press “Continue” to continue to the next calibration. Press “Restart” to return to the Select Components To Calibrate screen, if all selected calibrations are completed. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Calibration status box and return to Cat ET.


Monitor Throttle (Position) Sensor Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-72: Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration (ATA) screen

Purpose The Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration function allows you to monitor the throttle sensor. The Throttle Position Sensor is used to provide a throttle signal to the ECM. This sensor must be monitored to make sure that it is operating properly. Note: In some applications, this function is called Monitor Throttle Position Sensor Calibration.

Accessing To run the Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Monitor Throttle Sensor from the sub-menu. The Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-72).

Screen Layout The Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area The Monitor Throttle Sensor Calibration status parameter area lists one or more required parameters and their current values, depending on the ECM connection. Throttle Sensor Duty Cycle and PTO Throttle Sensor Duty Cycle are displayed for ATA. Throttle Sensor Duty Cycle, Throttle Position, and Desired Engine Speed are displayed for CAT Data Link. The PTO Throttle Sensor Duty Cycle displays the message “Not Installed” if not supported by the ECM.


Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area

Illustration 5-73: Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration screen

Purpose The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration sets the solenoid current levels needed to set the power shift pressure at its high and low range.

Accessing To run the Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration from the sub-menu. The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-73).

Screen Layout The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration has the following areas:


Section 5

Status Parameter Area The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters and its current values: Engine Speed, Power Shift Pressure, and Hydraulic Oil Temperature. Instruction Line The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration instruction area describes the steps for the calibration. As each condition is met, the next condition is displayed. Status Area The Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration status line displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Power Shift Pressure Solenoid Calibration screen are: • •

Start Stop

Pressing the “Start” push-button allows you to proceed with the calibration. The status area keeps you informed of the results of the calibration. The “Stop” push-button allows you to stop the calibration. Note: The “Stop” push-button is disabled until the “Start” push-button is pressed. The “Start” push-button is disabled when the calibration is running.


Pressure Sensor Calibration

Status Line

Instruction Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-74: Pressure Sensor Calibration screen

Purpose The Pressure Sensor Calibration allows you to calibrate the pressure sensor. During this calibration, the engine must not be running. Some of the newer ECMs calibrate the boost sensor on power-up, and do not require manual calibration. Note: The Boost Calibration function is similar to the Pressure Sensor Calibration. To run the Boost Calibration, follow the Pressure Sensor Calibration instructions.

Accessing To run the Pressure Sensor Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Pressure Sensor Calibration from the sub-menu. The Pressure Sensor Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-74).

Screen Layout The Pressure Sensor Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Line The Pressure Sensor Calibration status line displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Pressure Sensor Calibration instruction area describes the process of the calibration. Push-Buttons The push-button available in the Pressure Sensor Calibration screen is: •


Pressing the “Start” push-button allows you to proceed with the calibration and display the next set of instructions. The status line keeps you informed of the results of the Calibration.


Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area

Control Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-75: Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration screen

Purpose The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration function allows calibration of the proportional reducing valve. This valve is needed to eliminate variation in performance of the proportional reducing valve or controller after replacing them. This valve is made at two pressure points.

Accessing To run the Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration from the sub-menu. The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-75).

Screen Layout The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Engine Speed, and Hydraulic Oil Temperature. Status Line The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step instructions for the calibration. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Control Area The Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration control area allows you to adjust the command value; the horizontal slide bar shows you that value. The push-buttons to change the command value are: • •

< button – increases the command by one > button – decreases the command by one

As the command value is changing, the value is displayed above the slide bar. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration are: • •

Next> Cancel/Restart


Continuing the Calibration

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration.

Instructions To run the Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration: Step 1

Step 2

Once the set-up conditions are met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the conditions are met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the conditions are not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step. Section 5 Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step.

Illustration 5-76: Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration screen


Step 3

When the final step is complete, the “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button.


Cancelling the Calibration

Section 5

Illustration 5-77: Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration screen

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the Proportional Reducing Valve Calibration.

Instructions To cancel the test:  Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Calibration was unsuccessful (Refer to Illustration 5-77). The “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button.


Pump Pressure Sensors Calibrations

Status Parameter Area

Status Line

Instruction Area Illustration 5-78: Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration screen

Purpose The Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration requires you to physically connect a pressure gauge at the main relief valve pressure tap, then move the blade control to the full raise position and electronically enter the value (relief pressure) from the gauge. At the same time, the ECM determines the main and tilt pump pressure sensor values. ET writes the value you entered into the ECM. If the value is acceptable, the ECM will store the value, then correlate the actual value with the main and tilt pump pressure sensors. The Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Atmospheric Pressure Calibration allows you the ability to calibrate the zero value (atmospheric pressure) on the main and tilt pump pressure sensors.

Accessing To run the Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration: Step 1

Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Pump Pressure Sensors Calibrations from the


sub-menu. The Select Components To Calibrate dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-79).

Illustration 5-79: Select Components To Calibrate dialog box

Step 2

Check/Uncheck which sensors you want to calibrate by clicking on the pump sensors check boxes. By default, all the sensors are checked.

Step 3

Press the “Begin” push-button. The Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-78). Press “Cancel” to exit the Select Components To Calibrate dialog box and return to Cat ET.

Screen Layout The Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values. For the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration: Engine Speed, Parking Brake, Implement Lockout Switch Position, and Hydraulic Oil Temperature. For the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Atmospheric Pressure Calibration: Parking Brake, Implement Lockout Switch Position, Main Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure, and Tilt Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure. Note: After the set-up conditions are met in the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration, Parking Brake and Implement Lockout Switch Position parameters are removed and Pressure


Section 5

Compensation Override, Main Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure, and Tilt Hydraulic Pump Oil Pressure are added. Status Line The Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step instructions for the calibration. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration are: • •

Next> Cancel


Continuing the Calibration

Section 5

Illustration 5-80: Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration screen

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration.

Instructions To run the Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration: Step 1

Once the set-up conditions are met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the conditions are met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the conditions are not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Note: After the set-up conditions are met for the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Atmospheric Pressure Calibration, Cat ET begins the calibration. When the calibration is finished, “Calibration Complete” displays on the status line and then the Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration status box is displayed.


Step 2

In the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration, continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with the steps. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step.

Note: If it is determined that the blade control is held too long in the full raise position, a time out warning box is displayed. Release the Blade Control Handle and press “OK.” Step 3

Write down the value from the reference gauge so you can enter this value later. Once the third step is complete, the Main Hydraulic Pump Relief Pressure dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-81).

Illustration 5-81: Main Hydraulic Pump Relief Pressure dialog box

Step 4

Enter the value in the Main Hydraulic Pump Relief Pressure text box and press “OK.” Press “Cancel” to return to step two of the Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration. If the value is acceptable, the calibration continues. If value is unacceptable, “The value recorded is out of range” message box is displayed. Press “OK.” The Main Hydraulic Pump Relief Pressure dialog box displays with the incorrect value highlighted.

Step 5

When the calibration is complete, the Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensors Calibrations status box is displayed with the results of each calibration (Refer to Illustration 5-82). A status line is located in the bottom of the


screen. It displays messages regarding the status of the calibration selected.

Illustration 5-82: Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensors Calibrations status box

Press “Continue” to proceed to the next Pending calibration or if there are no pending calibrations, press “Restart” to return to the Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration status box. An “Are you sure…” message box displays. Press “Yes” to cancel the remaining calibrations and return to Cat ET. Press “No” to display the Main/Tilt Pressure Sensors Calibration status box.


Section 5

Canceling the Calibration

Illustration 5-83: Main/Tilt Pump Sensors Relief Pressure Calibration screen

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the current calibration being run.

Instructions To cancel the calibration: Step 1

Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Calibration was unsuccessful. The Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensors Calibration status screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-83).

Step 2

Press “Continue” to continue to the next calibration. Press “Restart” to return to the Select Components To Calibrate screen, if all selected calibrations are completed. Press “Cancel” to exit the Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor Calibration status box. An “Are you sure...” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” to cancel the remaining calibrations. Press “No” to return to the Main/Tilt Pump Pressure Sensor Calibration status box.


Rack Sensor Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-84: Rack Sensor Calibration screen

Purpose The Rack Sensor Calibration function allows you to adjust the rack on an engine to the exact desired position. Note: The engine must not be running during this calibration.

Accessing To run the Rack Sensor Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Rack Sensor Calibration from the sub-menu. The Rack Sensor Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-84). Note: If the engine is running, a message box is displayed telling you the engine must not be running. Turn off the engine and press the “Retry” push-button. Press “Cancel” to exit the calibration.

Screen Layout Rack Sensor Calibration screen has the following area: 5-117

Status Parameter Area The Rack Sensor Calibration status parameter area has three sections: Status Line, Bar Graph, and Rack Position parameter. The Status Line displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. The Bar Graph shows the relative amount of calibration error and the direction to turn the sensor. The current value of the Rack Position Parameter is displayed below the graph.


Ripper Position Calibration Status Parameter Area

Status Line Instruction Area

Section 5 Illustration 5-85: Ripper Position Calibration screen

Purpose The Ripper Position Calibration sets the one point where the ripper touches the ground.

Accessing To run the Ripper Position Calibration  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Ripper Position Calibration from the sub-menu. The Ripper Position Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-85).

Screen Layout The Ripper Position Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Ripper Position Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameter and its current value: Ripper Position. If the ripper is 100 percent, the ripper is in a completely up. If the ripper is –100 percent, the ripper is completely down.


Status Line The Ripper Position Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Ripper Position Calibration instruction area describes the process of the calibration. Push-Button The push-button available in the Ripper Position Calibration screen is: •


Press the “Set” push-button to zero the ripper sensor. Zero means the ripper is just touching the ground. The current ripper position is now the new zero point. The status line keeps you informed of the results.


Throttle Calibration

Status Parameter Area

Parameter Monitoring Area

Section 5

Illustration 5-86: Throttle Calibration screen

Purpose The Throttle Calibration function allows you to monitor the status of specific parameters that effect the primary and secondary throttles on marine applications. This information allows you to synchronize the two throttles and troubleshoot any problems.

Accessing To run the Throttle Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select the Throttle Calibration from the sub-menu. The Throttle Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-86).

Screen Layout The Throttle Calibration screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Throttle Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values: Throttle Synchronization


Switch 1, Throttle Synchronization Switch 2, and Throttle Synchronization Status. Parameter Monitoring Area The Throttle Calibration parameter monitoring area grid lists the required parameter data in real time. As the throttle is adjusted, this data is updated for both the primary and secondary throttles. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Throttle Calibration are: • •

Hold/Resume Print

Note: See ”Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Pausing the Display

Purpose The “Hold” push-button allows you to freeze the display, so that you can view the status of the parameters at a particular instance.

Instructions To pause the display: Step 1

Press the “Hold” push-button from the Throttle Calibration screen. Cat ET immediately stops updating the status parameters. The “Hold” push-button changes to the “Resume” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Resume” push-button to have Cat ET continue updating the display.


Section 5

Timing Calibration: 3406B/3406C

Display Area

Illustration 5-87: Timing Calibration screen for the 3406B or 3406C Engine

Purpose The Timing Calibration function allows you to calibrate the timing sensor used on a 3406B or 3406C engine. Note: The engine must not be running during this calibration.

Accessing To run the Timing Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Timing Calibration from the sub-menu. The Timing Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-87). Note: If the engine is running, a message box is displayed telling you the engine must not be running. Turn off the engine and press the “Retry” push-button. Press “Cancel” to exit the calibration.

Screen Layout The Timing Calibration screen has the following area:


Display Area The 3406B or 3406C Timing Calibration display area has three sections: Status Line, Bar Graph, and Rack Position parameter. The Status Line displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. The Bar Graph shows the relative amount of calibration error and the direction to turn the sensor. The current value of the Rack Position Parameter is displayed below the graph.

Section 5


Timing Calibration: 3176B/3406E/3500/C-10/C-12/C-15/C-16/3116 HEUI/3126 Status Parameter Area

Status Line Instruction Area

Illustration 5-88: Timing Calibration screen for the 3176B/3406E/3500/C-10/C-12/C-15/C-16/3116 HEUI/3126 Engines

Purpose The Timing Calibration function is used to calibrate the offset in the timing between the engine reference timing sensor and the ECM. This calibration works for the 3176B, 3406E, 3500, C-10, C-12, C-15, C-16, 3116 HEUI, and 3126 engines.

Accessing To run the Timing Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select Timing Calibration from the sub-menu. The Timing Calibration screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-88).

Screen Layout The Timing Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area The Timing Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameter and its current value: Engine Speed. Status Line The Timing Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Timing Calibration instruction area describes the process of the calibration. Push-Button The push-button available in the Timing Calibration screen is: •


Pressing the “Continue” push-button allows you to proceed with the calibration and display the next set of calibration instructions. The status line keeps you informed of the results.


Section 5

Other Calibrations

Status Parameter Area

Status Line Instruction Area

Illustration 5-89: Example of the Cat ET Calibration screen

Purpose: 3rd Implement Valve Manual Calibration rd

The 3 Implement Valve Manual Calibration function sets the rd minimum current required to move the 3 function implement.

Purpose: Blade Control Calibration The Blade Control Calibration function sets the handle travel for the control lift and tilt functions.

Purpose: Blade Solenoid Calibration The Blade Solenoid Calibration sets the turn-on level for any or all of the blade solenoids, including blade lift, blade lower, blade tilt right, and blade tilt left.

Purpose: Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibration The Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibration sets the touch-up pressure for the left and right brakes to achieve smooth brake engagement.


Purpose: Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibrations (Manual) The Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibrations (Manual) set the touch-up pressure for the left and right brakes to achieve smooth brake engagement. Note: The Brake Touch-up Pressure Calibration (Manual) screen layout displays a control area allowing you to increase or decrease the current to the solenoid. The horizontal slide bar shows you the calibration range. The current calibration value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slide indicates where the current value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • •

button – increases the calibration value

Purpose: FNR Shifter Sensor Calibration The FNR Shifter Sensor Calibration sets the valid operating range for the neutral position on the shifter.

Purpose: Impeller Clutch Solenoid Calibration The Impeller Clutch Solenoid Calibration sets the current level to drive the solenoid. Note: The Impeller Clutch Solenoid Calibration screen layout displays a progress bar to show the advancement of the current calibration step.

Purpose: Implement Control Lever Calibration The Implement Control Lever Calibration sets the travel limits for the implement control lever. Note: Pressing the “Cancel” push-button in the Implement Control Lever Calibration status box displays an “Are you sure…” message box. Press “Yes” to cancel the remaining calibrations and return to Cat ET. Press “No” to return to the Implement Control Lever Calibration status box.

Purpose: Implement Solenoid Calibration The Implement Solenoid Calibration sets the turn on level after assembly or replacement for the proportional implement solenoid.


Section 5

Note: A warning box is displayed when you first enter this calibration. Press “OK” to accept the warning and continue the calibration, or press “Cancel” to exit and return to the Cat ET screen.

Purpose: Implement Valve Solenoid Calibration The Implement Valve Solenoid Calibration set the minimum current required to move the implement.

Purpose: Implement Valve Solenoid Manual Calibration The Implement Valve Solenoid Manual Calibration sets the minimum current required to move the blade.

Purpose: Inching Pedal Calibration The Inching Pedal Calibration sets the pedal travel limits.

Purpose: Joystick Calibration The Joystick Calibration sets the travel limits for the specific joysticks.

Purpose: Lever Calibration The Lever Calibrations set the travel limits for the specific levers.

Purpose: Lift Cylinder Position Sensors Calibration The Lift Cylinder Position Calibration updates the minimum and maximum travel limits of the lift cylinder position sensors.

Purpose: Lift/Tilt Sensors Calibration The Lift/Tilt Sensors Calibration is necessary when a linkage sensor is adjusted or replaced. In this calibration, both the lift and tilt linkage sensors are calibrated. Note: A warning box is displayed when you first enter this calibration. Press “OK” to accept the warning and continue the calibration, or press “Cancel” to exit and return to the Cat ET screen.

Purpose: Lift Linkage Sensor Calibration The Lift Linkage Sensor Calibration sets the lift linkage sensor travel limits.


Purpose: Main Implement Variable Pump Calibration The Main Implement Variable Pump Calibration locates the minimum and maximum currents in the pump’s modulation curve.

Purpose: Neutralization Setpoint Calibration The Neutralization Setpoint Calibration adjusts the amount of brake pressure available on the left brake pedal at the point of neutralization.

Purpose: Neutralization Setpoint Adjustment Calibration The Neutralization Setpoint Adjustment Calibration adjusts the Neutralization Setpoint Calibration for fine tuning the amount of brake pressure available, on the left brake pedal, at the point of neutralization. Note: The Neutralization Setpoint Adjustment Calibration screen layout displays a control area allowing you to increase or decrease the amount of brake pressure at the neutralization point. The horizontal slide bar shows you the calibration range. The current calibration value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slide indicates where the pressure value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • •

button – increases the pressure

Purpose: Oxygen Sensor Calibration The Oxygen Sensor Calibration compensates for tolerances in the oxygen sensor element and the oxygen sensor buffer. Note: The Oxygen Sensor Calibration screen layout displays a progress bar to show the advancement of the current calibration step.

Purpose: Pedal/Lever Calibration The Pedal/Lever Calibration sets the pedal/lever travel limits.

Purpose: Pitch Sensor Calibration The Pitch Sensor Calibration updates the level position of the pitch sensor.


Section 5

Purpose: PRV-Main Pump Flow Limitation Pressure Calibration The PRV-Main Pump Flow Limitation Pressure Calibration adjusts the electric current to meet the pressure gauge output to the target main pump flow limitation pressure. Note: The PRV-Main Pump Flow Limitation Pressure Calibration control area allows you to adjust the command value; the horizontal slide bar shows you that value. The push-buttons to change the command value are: • •

< button – increases the command by one > button – decreases the command by one

As the command value is changing, the value is displayed above the slide bar.

Purpose: PRV-Negative Flow Control Stabilizer Pressure Calibration The PRV-Negative Flow Control Stabilizer Pressure Calibration adjusts the electric current to meet the pressure gauge output to the target negative flow control stabilizer pressure. Note: The PRV-Negative Flow Control Stabilizer Pressure Calibration control area allows you to adjust the command value; the horizontal slide bar shows you that value. The push-buttons to change the command value are: • •

< button – increases the command by one > button – decreases the command by one

As the command value is changing, the value is displayed above the slide bar.

Purpose: PRV-Powershift Pressure Calibration The PRV-Powershift Pressure Calibration adjusts the electric current to meet the pressure gauge output to the target powershift pressure. Note: The PRV-Powershift Pressure Calibration control area allows you to adjust the command value; the horizontal slide bar shows you that value. The push-buttons to change the command value are: • •

< button – increases the command by one > button – decreases the command by one


As the command value is changing, the value is displayed above the slide bar.

Purpose: Retarder Performance Calibration The Retarder Performance Calibration adjusts the retarder response to achieve nominal retarder performance.

Purpose: Ripper Control Levers Calibration The Ripper Control Levers Calibration sets the travel for both the ripper raise/lower control and the ripper shank in/out control.

Purpose: Ripper Solenoid Calibration The Ripper Solenoid Calibration sets the turn-on level for any or all of the ripper solenoids, including ripper lift, ripper lower, ripper shank in, and ripper shank out.

Purpose: Steering Clutch/Brake Pressure Calibration The Steering Clutch/Brake Pressure Calibration sets the low pressure for the brakes and both the high and low pressures for the steering clutches. Cat ET commands the ECM to change the solenoid current until the proper pressure is shown on the gauge. Note: The Steering Clutch/Brake Pressure Calibration screen layout displays a control area allowing you to increase or decrease the current to the solenoid. The horizontal slide bar shows you the calibration range. The current calibration value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slide indicates where the current value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • • • •

button – increases the current rapidly

Purpose: Tilt Linkage Sensor Calibration The Tilt Linkage Sensor Calibration sets the tile linkage sensor travel limits.

Purpose: Torque Converter Pedal Calibration The Torque Converter Pedal Calibration sets the pedal travel limits.


Section 5

Purpose: Transmission Clutch Engagement Pressure Calibration The Transmission Clutch Engagement Pressure Calibration sets the engagement hydraulic oil pressure on the transmission’s directional and speed clutches. Cat ET commands the ECM to change the clutch solenoid current until the proper pressure is shown on the gauge. Note: The Transmission Clutch Engagement Pressure Calibration screen layout displays a control area allowing you to increase or decrease the current to the clutch solenoid. The horizontal slide bar shows you the calibration range. The current calibration value is above the slide bar. The parameter reference numbers are to the left and right of the slide bar. A vertical slide indicates where the current value falls. The buttons used in this area are: • • • •

button – increases the solenoid current rapidly

Purpose: Transmission Fill Calibration The Transmission Fill Calibration shapes the current trace used to control the oil pressure to the transmission clutches. The calibration procedure adjusts the Ramp Level and Hold Level portions of the solenoid current trace to get the proper oil pressure response for each clutch.

Accessing To run the Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration:  Select Calibrations from the Service menu, and then select the Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration from the sub-menu. The selected Cat ET calibration screen is displayed. Note: Some of the calibrations displays a Select Components to Calibrate dialog box. Select the values to run the calibration and press “Begin.” By default, all components available are selected.

Screen Layout The Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration screen has the following areas:


Status Parameter Area The Cat ET Calibration status parameter area lists the required parameters needed for the calibration and their current values. Status Line The Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration status line is located in the center of the screen. It displays messages regarding the process of the calibration. Instruction Area The Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration instruction area describes the step-by-step procedure for the calibration. The step you need to perform is dark; all other steps are gray. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Caterpillar Electronic Technician Calibration screen are: • •

Section 5

Next> Cancel/Restart


Continuing the Calibration

Purpose The “Next>” push-button allows you to work through the step-by-step directions of the Cat ET Calibration.

Instructions To run the Cat ET Calibration: Step 1

Once the first setup condition is met, press the “Next>” push-button. When the condition is met, Cat ET places a check mark in the box to the left of the completed step. If the condition is not met, Cat ET responds by staying at that step.

Step 2

Continue to do each step. The Status Line aids with each step. As each step is completed, Cat ET places a check mark in the box and darkens the next step. For some of the calibrations, a Calibration status box is displayed with the results of each calibration.

Step 3

When the final step is completed, the “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button. If the Calibration status box is displayed, press “Restart” to return to the Calibration screen. Press “Cancel” to exit the Calibration status box and return to Cat ET.


Canceling the Calibration

Purpose The “Cancel” push-button allows you to end the Cat ET Calibration.

Instructions To cancel the test:  Press the “Cancel” push-button. The status line informs you that the Calibration was unsuccessful. The “Cancel” push-button changes to the “Restart” push-button.

Section 5


Service Procedure

Illustration 5-90: Example of the Service Procedures menu functions

Purpose The Service Procedures function allows you to set the performance of an engine on the currently selected ECM. This allows you to finetune the performance of an engine. Service Procedures currently available on various applications are: • • •

Air/Fuel Ratio Tuning Test Governor Gain Test Dyno Mode


Governor Gain

Status Parameter Area

Configuration Parameter Area

Instruction Area

Section 5 Illustration 5-91: Governor Gain screen – text view

Purpose The Governor Gain function allows you to adjust the configuration parameter values. You are then able to view, in real time, how adjustments to the configuration parameters affect other parameters in the system.

Accessing To run the Governor Gain function:  Select Service Procedures from the Service menu, and then select Governor Gain from the sub-menu. The Governor Gain screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-91).

Screen Layout The Governor Gain screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Governor Gain status parameter area displays the Engine Speed and Desired Engine Speed. This is displayed in text or graphical form.


Configuration Parameter Area The Governor Gain configuration parameter area is used to display and alter configuration parameters directly related to the parameters displayed in the status area. Instruction Area The Governor Gain instruction area describes briefly how to operate and move between the controls on the screen. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Governor Gain screen are: • • • • • •

Graph/Text Settings Hold/Resume Bump Submit Print

Pressing the “Bump” push-button sends an impulse to the engine. The graphical display changes to show the adjustments to the governor gain values. Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Displaying Status Parameters

Section 5 Illustration 5-92: Governor Gain screen – graph view

Purpose The “Text/Graph” push-button allows you to change the mode of how the status parameters are displayed. The “Text” push-button displays the status parameter in text form. The “Graph” push-button displays the status parameter in graph form. When the graphical status parameter is displayed, the “Setting” and “Hold” push-buttons are displayed.

Instructions Step 1

Press the “Graph” push-button. The Governor Gain screen with the graphical status parameters is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-92).

Step 2

Press the “Setting” push-button. An Axis Range dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-93).


Illustration 5-93: Axis Range dialog box

This dialog box allows you to adjust the time in seconds (X Axis) and the RPMs (Y Axis) the status parameters are recording on the graph. The legend check-box shows the visuals for the Engine Speed and Desired Engine Speed on the graph. Step 3

Press the “Hold” push-button to stop updating the values on the graph.


Configuring the Parameter

Purpose There are three types of governor gains: proportional, integral, and derivative. You can change these configuration parameters to affect the status parameters.

Instructions To adjust the configuration parameters: Step 1

In the grid, press on a description from a primary or secondary gain you want to adjust. Use the scroll bar to view more of the configuration parameters.

Step 2

Change the value by pressing the up and down arrows next to the text boxes, entering in the information with Section the keyboard, or using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) 5 on the keyboard to increase or decrease the value by one.

Step 3

Press “Submit” to accept the new value/s. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to change the parameter/s or “No” if you do not to change the parameter/s. The graphical display changes to show the adjustments to the governor gain values.

Note: The Instructions area guides you through the steps.


Air Fuel Ratio Tuning Status Parameter Area

Instruction Area

Configuration Parameter Area

Illustration 5-94: Air Fuel Ratio Tuning screen – text view

Purpose The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning function allows you to adjust the configuration parameters and view the response to those changes in the status parameters.

Accessing To run the Air Fuel Ratio Tuning function:  Select Service Procedures from the Service menu, and then select Air Fuel Ratio Tuning from the sub-menu. The Air Fuel Ratio screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-94).

Screen Layout The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning status parameter area displays the Actual Oxygen and Desired Oxygen percent for viewing. This is displayed in text or graphical form.


Configuration Parameter Area The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning configuration parameter area is used to display and alter configuration parameters directly related to the parameters displayed in the status area. Instruction Area The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning instruction area describes briefly how to operate and move between the controls on the screen. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Air Fuel Ratio Tuning screen are: • • • • •

Graph/Text Settings Hold/Resume Submit Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Section 5

Displaying Status Parameters

Illustration 5-95: Air Fuel Ratio Tuning screen – graph view

Purpose The “Text/Graph” push-button allows you to change the mode of how the status parameters are displayed. The “Text” push-button displays the status parameter in text form. The “Graph” push-button displays the status parameter in graph form. When the graphical status parameter is displayed, the “Setting” and “Hold” push-buttons are displayed.

Instructions Step 1

Press the “Graph” push-button. The Air Fuel Ratio Tuning screen with the graphical status parameters is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-95).

Step 2

Press the “Setting” push-button. An Axis Range dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-96).


Illustration 5-96: Axis Range dialog box

This dialog box allows you to adjust the time in seconds (X Axis) and the percent of oxygen (Y Axis) the status parameters are recording on the graph. The legend check-box shows the visuals for the Actual Oxygen and Desired Oxygen on the graph. Step 3

Press the “Hold” push-button to stop updating the values on the graph.


Section 5

Configuring the Parameter

Purpose You can change the configuration parameters to affect the status parameters.

Instructions To adjust the configuration parameters: Step 1

In the grid, press on a description from a proportional gain, integral gain, or desired oxygen you want to adjust.

Step 2

Change the value by pressing the up and down arrows next to the text boxes, entering in the information with the keyboard, or using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard to increase or decrease the value by one.

Step 3

Select if you want to oxygen feedback enabled or disabled from the drop-down list.

Step 4

Press “Submit” to accept the new value/s. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to change the parameter/s or “No” if you do not to change the parameter/s. The graphical display changes to show the adjustments to the air/fuel tuning values.

Note: The Instructions area guides you through this step.


Dyno Mode Test

Status Parameter Area

Display Area Illustration 5-97: Dyno Mode Test screen

Purpose The Dyno Mode Test function allows you to override parameters and then view the affects of the override on different status parameters.

Accessing To run the Dyno Mode Test function: Step 1

Select Service Procedures from the Service menu, and then select Dyno Mode from the sub-menu. The Dyno Mode Test warning box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-98).


Section 5

Illustration 5-98: Dyno Mode Test warning box

Step 2

Press the “Start” push-button. The Dyno Mode Test screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-97). Press “Cancel” to exit and return to the Cat ET screen.

Note: If Cat ET determines there is more than one ECM available, a message box is displayed stating the test cannot be preformed on an engine in a machine.

Screen Layout The Dyno Mode Test screen has the following areas: Status Parameter Area The Dyno Mode Test status parameter area lists the required parameters and their current values. A value of “Unavailable” is displayed if a parameter is not supported by the current ECM or if an error occurs while reading the data. Display Area The Dyno Mode Test display area has three columns: Description, Value, and Mode. The Description column gives the name of the parameter set to run the test. The Value column displays the status of the current parameters. The Mode column displays if the parameter is in “Normal” or “Override.”


Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Dyno Mode Test screen are: • • • •

Change Disable Override Stop Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5.

Section 5


Changing Parameter Values

Illustration 5-99: Change Parameter Value dialog box

Purpose The “Change” push-button allows you to change the selected parameter’s value. Note: Engine Speed is limited to 2100 RPM.

Instructions To change the selected parameter: Step 1

In the display area, highlight the parameter you want to change and press the “Change” push-button. The Change Parameter Value dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-99).

Step 2

Depending on the parameter you select to override, enter the new value in the New value text box or select the New Value from the drop-down list.

Step 3

Press “OK” to accept the new value. The “Are you sure…” message box is displayed. Press “Yes” if you want to change this parameter or “No” not to. Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without saving the new value. You return to the Dyno Mode Test screen.


Disabling Override Parameters

Purpose The “Disable Override” push-button allows you to take the selected parameter out of override mode.

Instructions To disable an override parameter: Step 1

In the display area, highlight the parameter that is in override mode. This enables the “Disable Override” push-button.

Step 2

Press the “Disable Override” push-button. The “Please wait…” message displays. Then, you return to the Dyno Mode Test screen.


Section 5

Stopping the Test

Illustration 5-100: Logging Diagnostic Code dialog box

Purpose The “Stop” push-button allows you take all parameters out of the override mode.

Instructions To stop the test and disable all overrides: Step 1

Press the “Stop” push-button. The “Please wait…” message displays. Then, the Logging Diagnostic Code dialog box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-100).

Note: This dialog box is displayed if you press the “Stop” push-button, exit from Cat ET, or select another menu option from Caterpillar Electronic Technician. Step 2

Press “Yes” if you want to view the logged diagnostic codes or “No” to return to the Cat ET screen without viewing the codes.


Driver Reward

Section 5

Illustration 5-101: Driver Reward screen

Purpose The Driver Reward function provides a way to reward a driver for good driving habits by increasing the vehicle speed limit. The ECM compares the current driving habits of the driver to the targeted driving habits. If the driver performs at or above the targets, the vehicle speed limit increases.

Accessing To run the Driver Reward function: Note: Selecting Driver Reward from the Service menu displays either a message box or the Driver Reward screen. This is based on if the Driver Reward Enable parameter is enabled or disabled (located in Configuration, see section 5, page 2). If it is disabled, then whether the Driver Reward Enable parameter is locked or unlocked (located in Parameter Lockout, see section 5, page 32).


If the Driver Reward Enable parameter is Enabled: Step 1

Select Driver Reward from the Service menu. The Driver Reward screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-101).

Step 2

Make the changes to the Driver Reward screen. Press “Send.” The Enter Customer Passwords dialog box is displayed.

Step 3

Enter the first and second customer passwords in the text boxes. Press “OK.” Please wait… is displayed. You return to the Driver Reward screen with the changes accepted.

If the Driver Reward Enable parameter is Disabled and Locked: Step 1

Select Driver Reward from the Service menu. “The Driver Reward Enable parameter is locked…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-102.

Illustration 5-102: The Driver Reward…locked message box

Step 2

Press “OK.” The Driver Reward screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-101).

Step 3

Make the changes to the Driver Reward screen. Press “Send.” The Enter Customer Passwords dialog box is displayed.

Step 3

Enter the first and second customer passwords in the text boxes. Press “OK.” Please wait…is displayed. You return to the Driver Reward screen with the changes accepted.


If the Driver Reward Enable parameter is Disabled and Unlocked: Step 1

Select Driver Reward from the Service menu. “The Driver Reward Enable parameter is disabled…” message box is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-103).

Illustration 5-103: The Driver Reward…disabled message box

Step 2

Press “No” to keep the Driver Reward Enable parameter disabled. The Driver Reward screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-101).

Step 3

Make the changes to the Driver Reward screen. Press “Send.” The Enter Customer Passwords dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Enter the first and second customer passwords in the text boxes. Press “OK.” Please wait… is displayed. You return to the Driver Reward screen with the changes accepted. OR-Press “Yes” to enable the Driver Reward Enable parameter. The Enter Customer Passwords dialog box is displayed.

Step 2

Step 3

Enter the first and second customer passwords in the text boxes. Press “OK.” The Change Parameter Value dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Select Enabled from the drop-down list. Press “OK.” The Driver Reward screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 5-101).

Step 5

Make the changes to the Driver Reward screen. Press “Send.” Please wait…is displayed. You return to the Driver Reward screen with the changes accepted.

Note: See “Entering Customer Passwords,” section 5, page 9.


Section 5

Screen Layout The Driver Reward screen has the following areas: Driver Reward Settings Area: The Driver Reward Settings area displays three options: Current ECM Values, Short Haul Settings, and Long Haul Settings. The Current ECM Values is default and displays the values currently programmed into the ECM. Selecting either Long Haul Settings or Short Haul Settings displays their default settings and not the values currently in the ECM. Bonus Information Area: The Bonus Information area displays the edit boxes to tailor the amount of bonus a driver receives based on his/her driving habits. Minimum Score For Bonus

This is the target for the overall score. When a driver’s score is equal to or better than the Minimum Score For Bonus, the driver receives the bonus.

Valid Range: 0 to 100 points Maximum Bonus

This is the highest bonus the driver can receive. When the maximum bonus is set to zero (0), no bonus is awarded. Valid Range: 0 to 15 MPH

Minimum Bonus

The driver receives this bonus when the overall score equals the Minimum Score For Bonus. The Minimum Bonus must be less than or equal to the Maximum Bonus. Valid Range: 0 to 10 MPH


Averaging Period

This is the amount of time the ECM uses to average the totals when calculating the five target information parameters. Valid Range: 1 to 100 hours

Note: After pressing the “Send” push-button, if the number entered in the Bonus Information area is not a valid range, a Cat ET error message displays stating the valid range. Press “OK.” You return to the edit box of the invalid parameter. Target Information Area: The Target Information area displays the parameters monitored for rewarding the driver’s performance. This area allows you to enter the target amounts of the parameters and prioritize them. The parameters targeted are: Average Engine Speed

The average engine RPM while a truck is in motion.

Average Driving Speed

The average MPH when cruising over 50 MPH.

Average Accelerator Demand

This parameter is an indicator of aggressive accelerator operation.

Percent Idle Time

The percent of time the engine is idling.

Engine Shift Speed The average engine RPM when the operator upshifts gears above 2 MPH. Weighting Factors allows you to place more importance on certain driving habits. The weighting factors must be in multiples of five and add up to 100%. The Total % text box displays the current total of the five weighting factors.


Section 5

Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Driver Reward screen are: • • •

Send Get Default Print

Note: See “Printing,” section 3, page 5. Note: Pressing the “Get Default” push-button restores the settings back to the previously stored values. In the Current ECM Values, these are the values currently in the ECM. In the Long Haul or Short Haul Settings, these are the values last saved in Cat ET.


Making Changes in the Driver Rewards Screen

Purpose The “Send” push-button updates the ECM with the new Bonus and Target Information. The Current ECM Values displays the values sent to the ECM. If you modify the Short Haul or Long Haul Settings, a message box displays asking if you want to save the settings as a default.

Instructions To use the Driver Reward screen: Step 1

Select the reward setting from the Driver Reward Settings drop-down list.

Step 2

Enter the bonus amounts and time in the Bonus Information text boxes.

Step 3

Enter the target information in the Target Information text boxes.

Step 4

Click on one of the Weighting Factors text boxes, then change the percent of weight to the target parameter by either pressing the up and down arrows next to the text boxes, using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard, or typing in the percent. The weighting factors must be in multiples of five and add up to 100%. The Total % text box displays the current total of the five weighting factors.

Note: Using either the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard or pressing the up and down arrows next to the text boxes, increases or decreases the Weight Factors Percent by 5%. Step 5

Press the “Send” push-button. If you selected Current ECM Values in the Driver Rewards Settings drop-down, the update is sent to the ECM. If you selected Short Haul Settings or Long Haul Settings in the Driver Rewards Settings drop-down, the “You have modified…” message box is displayed.


Section 5

Step 6

Press “Yes” to save the setting as the Short Haul or Long Haul Default. You return to the Driver Reward screen with these settings as the Current ECM Values. Press “No” to change the Long Haul or Short Haul Setting, however, keeping the default settings the same. You return to the Driver Reward screen displaying the Current ECM Values. Press “Cancel” to exit the dialog box without any changes made. You return to the Driver Reward screen with no changes made.

Note: You may have to provide passwords in the Enter Customer Passwords dialog box. Note: Pressing the “Get Default” push-button restores the settings back to the previously stored values. In the Current ECM Values, these are the values currently in the ECM. In the Long Haul or Short Haul Settings, these are the values last saved in Cat ET.


Utilities Drop-Down Menu Functions

Illustration 6-1: Utilities drop-down menu

Overview The Utilities drop-down menu functions allow you to record and view snapshot documents. The functions available under the Utilities drop-down menu are: • •

Snapshot Viewer Snapshot Recorder

Section 6


Snapshot Viewer Purpose The Snapshot Viewer function allows you to display snapshot data retrieved from the ECM. This data is collected in the ECM is made up of status parameters. The Snapshot Viewer screen displays the retrieved data in either data or chart format.

Accessing To run the Snapshot Viewer function:  Select Snapshot Viewer from the Utilities menu. The Select ECM Snapshot dialog box is displayed. Note: Depending on how you want to view the data, Select Group dialog box (viewing data) or the Select Snapshot Chart (viewing graph) Items dialog box is displayed.


Snapshot Viewer Data

ECM Title Area

Display Area

Control Area

Illustration 6-2: Snapshot Viewer data screen

Purpose The “View Data” push-button in Snapshot Viewer chart screen allows you to switch from the Snapshot Viewer chart screen to the Snapshot Viewer data screen. The "View Data" push-button in the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box allows you to view the Snapshot Viewer data after selecting a group.

Instructions To switch to the data screen from the chart screen:  Press the “View Data” push-button from the Snapshot Viewer chart screen. The Snapshot Viewer data screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 6-2). Note: If a group is not assigned before pressing the “View Data” push-button, the Select Group dialog box is displayed.


Section 6

To view the data from the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box: Step 1

Press the "View Data" push-button from the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box. As the data is loading from the file, the "Please wait…" message displays. The Select Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 2

Select a group from the Select a group list box. As you select a group, the parameters for that group are displayed in the Parameters list box.

Note: Using the up and down arrows (↑ and ↓) on the keyboard, you can consecutively view each group and its parameters in the Select Group dialog box. If a group is created, you can choose that group by selecting the first letter of its name. Step 3

Press "OK" to accept the selected group. The Snapshot View data screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 6-2).

Note: In the Snapshot Viewer data screen, you can view each group consecutively by using the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys. You can view a specific default group by selecting the key number corresponding to that Group (the key number for groups 1 through 9, ALT plus the key number for groups 10 through 19, or the 0 (zero) key for the ).

Screen Layout The Snapshot Viewer data screen has the following areas: ECM Title Area The identification name of the snapshot is displayed under the toolbar at the very top of the Snapshot Viewer data display area. Underneath the identification name is the selected group you have chosen with the ECM name listed below. Display Area The Snapshot Viewer data display area is located in the center of the screen and displays the values, units, and descriptions of the ECM parameters for the group you have chosen. A value of “Unavailable” is displayed if the ECM has a parameter that cannot be included in the snapshot or if an error occurs while reading the data.


Control Area The frame scrolling and position control areas allow you to display the current frame position relative to all frames. The following three text items surround these two areas: • • •

The trigger point V (shown above the scroll bar). The time before and after the trigger point (shown to the left and right of the scroll bar). The frame numbers relative to the total number of frames (shown to the left of the VCR-style buttons).

To use the frame scroll bar, press the right or left scroll bar arrows. The arrows allow you to increase or decrease the frame number by one. By clicking the pointer in the actual scrolling area, before or after the scroll box, the frames increases or decreases by ten. The position control area allows you to move through the different frame positions with VCR-style buttons. The buttons used in this area are: • • • • • • •

| button - forward one position and stop > button - forward continuous >> button -- fast-forward continuous

Note: The left and right arrows (← and →) on the keyboard can be used for the Ι< and >Ι buttons on the Snapshot Viewer chart screen. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Snapshot Viewer screen are: • • • • •

View Chart Snapshots… Groups… Save… Print


Section 6

Note: The push-buttons specific to the data screen are "View Chart" and "Groups." The push-buttons common between the data screen and the chart screen are "Snapshots," "Save," and "Print." Note: See “Selecting a Group,” in Status section 4, page 5. Note: See ”Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Snapshot Viewer Chart

Legend Area

Graph Area

Illustration 6-3: Snapshot Viewer chart screen

Purpose The “View Chart” push-button, in the Snapshot Viewer data screen, allows you to switch from the Snapshot Viewer data screen to the Snapshot Viewer chart screen. The “View Chart” push-button, in the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box allows you to view the Snapshot Viewer chart screen after selecting parameters.

Instructions To view the Snapshot Viewer chart screen: Step 1

Press the “View Chart” push-button from the Snapshot Viewer data screen. The Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box is displayed. OR-Press the “View Chart” push-button from the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box. The Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box is displayed.


Section 6

Step 2

Select parameters for viewing from the Available parameters list box.

Note: See "Selecting Snapshot Chart Items," section 6, page 13. Step 3

Press "OK." The Snapshot Viewer chart screen is displayed (Refer to Illustration 6-3).

Screen Layout The Snapshot Viewer chart screen has the following areas: Legend Area The Snapshot Viewer chart legend area, above the graph, displays the identification name of the snapshot. The parameters display with the corresponding line color and symbol. The status parameter and its unit of value display on the y-axis. These are displayed on each side of the graph. A maximum of six parameters may be selected. Graph Area The Snapshot Viewer chart graphing area displays the time on the x-axis and the minimum and maximum values for each parameter on the y-axis. State parameters (for example, the only status is “On” or “Off”), display with dashed lines until the graph begins to trace the state parameter's value. Push-Buttons The push-buttons available in the Snapshot Viewer screen are: • • • • •

View Data Snapshots… Group Items… Save… Print

Note: The push-buttons specific to the chart screen are "View Data" and "Group Items." The push-buttons common between the data screen and the chart screen are "Snapshots," "Save," and "Print." Note: See ”Printing,” section 3, page 5.


Selecting an ECM Snapshot

Purpose The “Snapshots…” push-button allows you to change the snapshot you are viewing from the ECM. Pressing this push-button displays the Select ECM Snapshot dialog box. The Select ECM Snapshot dialog box allows you to view the data or graph screen. The Current ECM allows you to clear one or all of the snapshots listed. The Select ECM Snapshot dialog box also appears when you first enter the Snapshot Viewer function from the Utilities menu. At this point you can define whether you want to view the Snapshot Viewer data screen or the Snapshot Viewer chart screen. Note: The Select Source defaults to the Current ECM option if Cat ET is connected to an ECM. The Select Source defaults to the File option if there is no data link connection.

Instructions for Selecting the Current ECM Section 6

Illustration 6-4: Select ECM Snapshot dialog box – Current ECM


To view the data screen: Step 1

Select Current ECM from the Select Source drop-down list.

Step 2

Highlight the snapshot that you want to view from the Snapshots list box. Press the “View Data” push-button. The Select Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 3

Highlight a group from the Select a group list box. Press “OK.” The Snapshot Viewer – data screen is displayed.

Note: See "Selecting a Group," section 4, page 5. To view the graph screen: Step 1

Select Current ECM from the Select Source drop-down list.

Step 2

Highlight the snapshot that you want to view from the Snapshots list box. Press the “View Graph” push-button. The Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box is displayed.

Step 3

Once you select the parameters press “OK.” The Snapshot Viewer – graph screen is displayed.

To clear a snapshot: Step 1

Select Current ECM from the Select Source drop-down list.


Highlight the snapshot from the Snapshot list box. Press the “Clear” push-button. The selected snapshot is cleared from the dialog box.

To remove all snapshots: Step 1

Select Current ECM from the Select Source drop-down list.


Step 2

In the Snapshot list box press the “Clear All” push-button. All of the snapshots in the list box are removed.

To leave the screen at anytime:  Press “Cancel” if you do not want to make any changes. You return to the Caterpillar Electronic Technician screen.

Instructions for Selecting the Current a File

Section 6

Illustration 6-5: Select ECM Snapshot dialog box – File

To view the data screen: Step 1

Select File from the Select Source drop-down list.

Step 2

Highlight the file from the Files list box.

Step 3

Highlight the snapshot that you want to view from the Snapshots list box. Press the “View Data” push-button. The Select Group dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Highlight a group from the Select a group list box. Press “OK.” The Snapshot Viewer data screen is displayed.


To view the graph screen: Step 1

Select File from the Select Source drop-down list.

Step 2

Highlight the file from the Files list box.

Step 3

Highlight the snapshot that you want to view from the Snapshots list box. Press the “View Graph” push-button. The Select Snapshot Chart Item dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Once you select the parameters press “OK.” The Snapshot Viewer chart screen is displayed.

To leave the screen at anytime:  Press “Cancel” if you do not want to make any changes. You return to the Caterpillar Electronic Technician screen.


Selecting Snapshot Chart Items

Illustration 6-6: Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box

Purpose The “Group Items…” push-button allows you to change the parameters that are displayed in the charts. Pressing this push-button displays the Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box. The Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box allows you to move the available parameters from the Available parameters list box to the Selected parameters list box. The parameters listed in the Available parameter list are the ones that are displayed in chart form on the Snapshot Viewer chart screen. Note: Up to six parameters can be displayed in the Snapshot Viewer chart screen.

Instructions To select group items: Step 1

Press the “Group Items…” push-button from the Snapshot Viewer graph screen. The Select Snapshot Chart Items dialog box is displayed.


Section 6

Step 2

Highlight a parameter in the Available parameters list box and press the “>>” push-button. This moves parameters, one at a time, from the Available Parameters list box to the Selected parameters list box (highlighting a parameter in the Selected parameters list box and pressing the “” push-button is disabled when that icon is there. Step 3

Press “OK” when you are finished creating your customized toolbar. The program screen shows the changes you made. Press “Cancel” if you decide not to make changes to the toolbar. Press “Get Default” to set the icons to their original positions.

Screen Layout The Toolbar Customization screen has the following areas: Available Tools This list box represents the icons that are available in Cat ET. Toolbar This list box represents your customized toolbar. Push-Buttons >>

>” push-button. The icon is in the Toolbar list box. Highlight the icon in the Toolbar list box, then press the “