Cvnadiamaaroufi 2022 [PDF]

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Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Dr. NADIA MAAROUFI Date of birth: 8th April 1986 French nationality Professional address Institute of Plant Sciences University of Bern Altenbergrain 21 CH-3013 Bern

Contact +41 31 631 4934 [email protected]

OrcID 0000-0002-8028-1409 _________________________________________________________________________ Ecosystem Ecology | Ecosystem functioning | Soil Ecology | Plant-soil interactions | Fungal communities | Ecological stoichiometry | Global change biology _________________________________________________________________________ 2. EDUCATION 09.2012 - 10.2016

Ph.D. in Biology date of completion 21st October 2016 Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Umeå, SE Dissertation: The effect of Simulated Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on the Net Carbon Balance of Boreal Soils Supervisor: Prof. Michael Gundale Co-supervisors: Prof. Annika Nordin, Prof. Kristin Palmqvist & Ass. Prof. Niles Hasselquist

09.2009 - 08.2011

M.Sc. in Biology, Ecology for Forest, Agronomy and Environment University of Lorraine, Nancy, FR & University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, SE Thesis: Investigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Drained Organic Forest Soils (CO2, CH4, N2O) Supervisors: Prof. Tobias Rütting & Dr. Astrid Meyer

09.2006 - 08.2009

B.Sc. in Biology. Major in Ecology University of Lorraine, Nancy, FR. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Current position 04.2019 - present

Mobility Research Fellow. Swedish Research Council (FORMAS) Community Ecology Group, Institute of Plant Science, University of Bern (Unibe), CH & Soil microbiology group, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Uppsala, SE Project: Land-use intensification alters ecosystem functions in grasslands: insights from the soil fungal community Hosts: Prof. Eric Allan (Unibe) & Ass. Prof. Karina Clemmensen (SLU)

Additional relevant professional experience 02.2017-03.2019 Post-doctoral researcher. Soil Ecology group, Department of Ecology. Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Uppsala, SE Project: The Effect of Ecosystem Engineers on Ecosystem Functioning. Advisors: Ass. Prof. Maartje Klapwijk & Ass. Prof. Astrid Taylor 11.2016 - 02.2017

Researcher in Ecology. Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Umeå, SE. Department of Forest Ecology and Management. Functional Ecology group


Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

09. 012 - 10.2016

Ph.D. Candidate. Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Umeå, SE. Department of Forest Ecology and Management. Functional Ecology group.

05.2012 - 08.2012

Research assistant. Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), Umeå, SE. Department of Forest Ecology and Management. Functional Ecology group.

04.2010 - 07.2010

Research Master Intern. Plant Ecology and Biogeochemistry group. University Libre de Bruxelles, BE Project: Nitrogen used by Fallopia spp., invasive species. Advisor: Dr Nicolas Dassonville

07.2009 - 08.2009

Botany & wildlife technician. Regional Natural Park of Lorraine, FR. Project: Inventory of flora and fauna in the vicinity of a Lorrainer village. Advisor: Olivier Nourrigeon

07.2008 - 08.2008

Volunteer Bachelor internship. Forest Ecology and Ecophysiology group. INRA & University of Lorraine, Nancy, FR Project: Analysis of the lignin biosynthesis pathway response to fumigation by ozone in Populus sp. leaves. Advisor: Dr. Mireille Cabané ________________________________________________________________________ 4. INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSABILITIES 2013 - 2014

PhD student representative & secretary of the PhD student council. SHS Doktorandråd, SLU, Umeå, SE


Organization of a Mushroom Foray Excursion with the mycologists Ass. Prof. Niles Hasselquist & Dr. Eliza Hasselquist (n=15).


Organization of a seminar in Rhetorics invited speaker Jörgen Bodner (n=15).

03.2013 - 05.2013

Organization of a Workout Campaign challenge & lottery aiming to promote a work-life balance among PhD students. ________________________________________________________________________ 5. APPROVED RESEARCH PROJECTS (CHF= Swiss francs, €= Euros, SEK= Swedish crowns) Total as main applicant= 675 045 CHF since 2015 Total as co-applicant= 316 533 CHF since 2020 Principal investigator (PI) 08.2021 - 02.2022 Initiator grant, 20 000 CHF, University of Bern (UniBE) Project: Impact of multiple global change drivers on plant-soil interactions

04.2019 - 03.2023

Research mobility grant, 3 995 028 SEK [~415 085 CHF], the Swedish Research Council (FORMAS) Project: Land-use intensification alters ecosystem functions in grasslands: insights from the soil fungal community


Research grant, 99 960 CHF, SPARK, Swiss Research Foundation (SNF) Project: Impact of global change on phyllosphere microbiomes in grasslands co-PI: Dr. Anne Kempel (WSL, Davos)


Research grant, 140 000 SEK [~14 783 CHF], Foundation Gunnar and Birgitta Nordin, KSLA Project: Do forest fertilization and nitrogen deposition alter how trees influence soil carbon sequestration in boreal forests?


Co-PI 01.2021 - 2023

Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

Research grant, 2 998 748 SEK [~316 533 CHF], the Swedish Research Council (FORMAS) Project: Belowground biodiversity of grasslands – conversation needs and potential to promote sustainable agriculture PI: Ass. Prof. Dr. Karina Engelbrecht Clemmensen (SLU) ________________________________________________________________________ 6. SUPERVISION OF JUNIOR RESEARCHERS Main supervisor 11.2021 - 08.2022

Supervision of Alice Lavarenne, Bachelor student Project: Legacy effects of ley diversity on germination rate and growth of cereal crops. Bern University, CH

05.2021 - present

Supervision of Joseph Volery, Master student Project: Identification of keystone species in the context of land-use intensification in grasslands. Bern University, CH

02.2021 - 08.2021

Supervision of Sina Aregger, Research practical Project: Effects of plant diversity loss on soil nematodes in grasslands. Bern University, CH Supervision of Lisa Gurtner, Research practical Project: Impacts of nitrogen addition on soil nematodes in grasslands. Bern University, CH

02.2020 - 07.2020

Supervision of Vanessa Fricker, Research practical Project: Impacts of nitrogen addition and plant diversity on soil fauna in grassland ecosystems. Bern University, CH

2012 - 2014

Supervision of Agnes Väppling, Maja Sandström, Hayden Elza & Damien Gaillard, undergraduate interns. SLU, Umeå, SE

Co-supervisor 03.2022 - present

Co-supervision of Vestine Mukamparirwa, PhD student Thesis: Potential of organic inputs from agroforestry tree biomass to improve soil nutrient content in two contrasting regions of Rwanda. University of Rwanda, Kigali, RW Main supervisors: Dr. Aida Bargués Tobella, SLU, Umeå, SE Prof. Salim Maliondo, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania

01.2022 - present

Co-supervision of Yikang Chen, PhD student Thesis: The effect of nitrogen addition and host plant performance on rootassociated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Bern University, CH Main supervisor: Prof. Shurong Zhou, Hainan University, Haikou, CN

09.2020 - present

Co-supervision of Kaisa Torppa, PhD student Thesis: Interactions between earthworms, nematodes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their role in the functioning of agricultural soils. SLU Uppsala, SE Main supervisor: Ass. Prof. Astrid Taylor, SLU, Uppsala, SE

04.2019 - present

Co-supervision of Thu Zar Nwe, PhD student Thesis: Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen addition on soil fauna and soil functioning in grasslands. Bern University, CH Main supervisor: Prof. Eric Allan, UniBe, Bern, SE


Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

_______________________________________________________________________ 7. SICENTIFIC REVIEWING ACTIVITIES

Individual scientific reviewing activities Since 2021 Nature Microbiology The New Phytologist Since 2020 Soil Biology and Biochemistry The ISME Journal Since 2019 Frontiers in Forests & Global Change Since 2018 Journal of Ecology Since 2017 Global Change Biology 2017 Scientific Reports Restoration Ecology Science of the Total Environment Oecologia Forests 2016 & 2019 Forest Ecology and Management 2016 & 2018 Ecosystems 2016 Pedobiologia The Journal of Arid Environments Geoderma _______________________________________________________________________ 8. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIPS IN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, FELLOWSHIPS IN RENOWNED ACADEMIES 2017 - present Member of the British Ecological Society (BES) 2015 - present Member of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland _______________________________________________________________________ 9. ORGANISATION OF CONFERENCES 12.2019

Annual BES meeting, Belfast, UK Chair of the session: Microbial Ecology, Environmental Microbiology _______________________________________________________________________ 10. PRIZE, AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS (CHF= Swiss francs, €= Euros, SEK= Swedish crowns) Total as main applicant= 9 963 CHF since 2015 2020 - 2021

Career Program for Researchers, COMET - Coaching, Mentoring and Training, 3 500 CHF, University of Bern. Career development, Leadership, Conflict management workshops, Bern, CH.


Travel grant, 16 000 SEK [~1 690 CHF], Foundation Gunnar och Birgitta Nordin and Stiftelsen Carl-Fredrik von Horns to participate to the British Ecological Society Annual meeting.

2019 - 2020

Travel grant, 9 221 SEK [~958 CHF], The Marcus Wallenberg Foundation to attend the M. Wallenberg Prize event in the presence of Their Majesties the King and the Queen of Sweden & to participate to the special program for young researchers, Stockholm, SE.


Travel grant, 5 643 SEK [~586 CHF], New Phytologist grant for young researchers to participate to: the New Phytologist Symposium 'Plant sciences for the future', Nancy, FR.


Travel grant, 14 000 SEK [~1 478 CHF], Foundation Gunnar and Birgitta Nordin to participate to: the joint annual meeting of the British Ecological Society and the German Ecological Society, Ghent, BE.


Travel grant, 20 000 SEK [~2 111 CHF], Foundation Stiftelsen Erik and Sökjer-Petersens to participate to: The 100th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting, Baltimore, US


Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

_________________________________________________________________ 11. ORAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONFERENCES (TALK OR POSTER) Output Postdoc 12.2020

Annual BES meeting, online, UK Presenting author Oral presentation: Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition rates have contrasting impacts on soil carbon balance in boreal ecosystems Authors: Forsmark B., Nordin A., Maaroufi N.I., Lundmark T., Gundale M. J.


Annual BES meeting, Belfast, UK Presenting author Oral presentation: Anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment alters humus and litter decay by impacting saprotrophs rather than ectomycorrhizal fungi Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Palmqvist K., Hasselquist N.J., Forsmark B., Rosenstock N.P., Wallander H., Gundale M. J.


Annual Swedish OIKOS meeting, Uppsala, SE Presenting author Oral presentation: The effect of large ungulate rooting on soil decomposers in southern boreal forests. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Taylor A., Ehnes R., Andrén H., Kjellander P., Björkman C., Kätterer T., Klapwijk M. J.


New Phytologist Symposium 'Plant sciences for the future', Nancy, FR Presenting author Oral presentation: Shifts in ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungal communities mediate litter and humus decay in response to chronic nitrogen enrichment. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Palmqvist K., Hasselquist N.J., Forsmark B., Rosenstock N.P., Wallander H., Gundale M. J.


Annual joined BES-GFÖ, Ghent, BE Presenting author Oral presentation: Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition effects on boreal litter decomposition are driven by changes in soil microbiota rather than litter quality. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Palmqvist K., Gundale M. J.

Output PhD 2016

Nutrient Cycling in Artic, Integrating Plant-Microbe-Herbivore Interactions, Umeå, SE Presenting author Oral presentation: The impact of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on soil carbon sequestration in boreal forest. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Hasselquist N. J., Bach L.H., Palmqvist K., Gundale M. J.


Annual Swedish OIKOS meeting, Umeå, SE Presenting author Oral presentation: Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition enhances carbon sequestration in boreal soils. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Palmqvist K., Gundale M. J.


100th annual ESA meeting, Baltimore, USA Presenting author Oral presentation: Long-term anthropogenic nitrogen deposition enhances carbon sequestration in boreal forest soils. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Hasselquist N. J., Bach L.H., Palmqvist K., Gundale M. J.



Dr. Nadia Maaroufi

GFÖ annual meeting, Göttingen, DE Presenting author Oral presentation: Long-term anthropogenic nitrogen deposition enhances carbon sequestration in boreal forest soils. Authors: Maaroufi N.I., Nordin A., Hasselquist N. J., Bach L.H., Palmqvist K., Gundale M. J. _________________________________________________________________ 12. OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Output Postdoc 2021

Invited speaker, Online Extravaganza, 500 Women Scientists FribourgBern Oral presentation: Illuminating the Black Box, 20 May 2021


Neuenkamp L. & Maaroufi N.I. Tiny fungi in the soil are like medicine for nature. 2020 Frontiers for Young Minds. 8:557383 Article reviewed by children


The Soil is the Limit: Dr. Nadia Maaroufi, Soil Ecologist, featured in 500 Women Scientists Fribourg-Bern website, 3 August 2020


Unifying ecology - tar fram vildsvinet i forskaren featured in the Swedish Magazine RESURS, SLU, summary available in English, 14 Mars 2018

Output PhD Since 2014

Professional website _________________________________________________________________ 13. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO SCIENCE Output Postdoc 06.2021

Invited speaker, Van Der Heijden Lab, Agroscope Zürich, CH Oral presentation: Impact of global change on phyllosphere microbiomes in grasslands


Invited speaker, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, CH Oral presentation: Northward range expansion of rooting ungulates: effects on soil decomposers in boreal ecosystems


Invited speaker, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, CH Oral presentation: Anthropogenic nitrogen enrichment increases carbon sequestration by impacting fungal community activity


Invited speaker, Marcus Wallenberg Prize, Special Program for Young Researchers, Stockholm, SE Oral presentation: Are human activities increasing soil carbon accumulation in boreal forests? Poster: Increasing evidence of soil carbon accumulation in response to nitrogen enrichment in boreal soils: Mechanisms and organisms involved


Invited speaker, Tamm seminar, at the dept. of Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, SE Oral presentation: Zoom into forest soils: impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen and large herbivores on soil biota and functioning.


Dr. Nadia Maaroufi


Invited speaker, at the Fischer-Allan lab group, Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, CH Oral presentation: Impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on soil carbon sequestration in boreal forests: what are the mechanisms involved?


Invited speaker, at the Bardgett-De Vries lab group, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester, UK Oral presentation: Insights from the boreal soil: anthropogenic and large herbivore effects.


Invited speaker, at the Mediterranean Institute of marine and terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology, IRD, Nouméa, New Caledonia, FR Oral presentation: Impacts of anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on soil organisms and carbon sinks in boreal forests. _______________________________________________________________________ 14. SKILLS and MISCELLANEOUS Technical skills Nutrient plant & soil analyses, soil gas flux measurements, sample preparation for metabarcoding Digital skills R program, Office suite, CANOCO, SPSS, Adobe Dreamweaver, Illustrator (basic knowledge) Management skills Large field- and lab-work campaign planning, team management, flexibility Languages French native speaker, English fluent, Swedish intermediate (B1+), German basics (A2), currently taking courses Hobbies Organic gardening, home and outdoor cooking, hiking _______________________________________________________________________