Conveyor Belt Project Practical3 [PDF]

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PART 2 – COMPLETE FOR PRACTICAL THREE ASSESSMENT Section A: Table A2.11: Conveyor Belt Project Schedule ACTIVITY 1

Architectural Decisions




2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hardware Specifications Kernel Specifications Utilities Specifications Hardware Design Disk Drivers Memory Management Operating System Documentation Routine Utilities Complex Utilities Utilities Documentation Hardware Documentation Integration First Phase

Development, Design Design Development, Design Design, Development Assembly, Development Development Design, Documentation

50 20 15 70 100 90 25

1 1 1 2 3 3 3

Development Development Documentation, Design Documentation, Design Assembly, Development

60 80 20 30 50

Prototypes Serial I/O Drivers System Hard/Software Test Order Circuit Boards Network Interface Shell Project Documentation

Assembly, Development Development Assembly

80 130 25

4 4 4 5 6,7,8,9,10,11, 12 13 13 14,15

Purchasing Development Development Documentation, Development Assembly, Development

5 90 60 50

16 16 16 16



Assembly, Development



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


Assemble Pre-Production Models Integrated Acceptance Testing



Using Table A2.11 (above) and Table A2.12 (below), input the resources and costs for this project. Table A2.11: Conveyor Belt Project Schedule Name Group Design 2 teams Development 2 teams Documentation 1 team Assembly / Test 1 team Purchasing 1 team Part 1: Prepare a memo that addresses the following questions:

Cost ($/hr) 100 70 60 70 40


Which (if any) of the resources are over-allocated?

Design, Development 2)

Which (if any) of the activities have over-allocated resources?

Hardware Specifications, Utilities Specifications, Routine Utilities, Complex Utilities, Disk Drivers, Memory Management, Hardware Design, Kernel Specifications, Utilities Documentation, Operating System Documentation

3) Assume that the project is TIME CONSTRAINED and resolve any overallocation problems by levelling within slack. What happens? The date of Hardware Specifications, Utilities Specifications, Hardware Design, Memory Management Operating System Documentation, Routine Utilities, Complex Utilities, Utilities Documentation, Hardware Documentation and Prototypes will be delayed. The bars gets more in the network graph structure.

4) What is the impact of leveling within slack on the sensitivity of the network? The sensitivity of the network also changing as refers to the network diagram after resources levelling. For example, the order of task items has changed.


Assume the project is RESOURCE CONSTRAINED and resolve any over-

allocation problems by leveling outside of slack. What happens? What are the managerial implications? Levelling outside of slack increase the length of the project from just 520days to 1030days. But it does remove the over-allocation of resources. 6)

What options are available at this point?

1. bringing in outside help 2. increase the number of teams working on the project 3. increase project length to decrease over-allocation 4. possibly use a combination of levelling

Note: No splitting of activities is allowed. Note: No partial assignments (i.e. 50 percent). All resources must be assigned 100 percent. Part 2: Based on the file created at the end of Part 2, prepare a memo that addresses the following questions: 1)

How much will the project cost?

Resources cost:

Task cost:

2) What does the cash flow statement tell you about how costs are distributed over the life span of the project? When a lot of work needs to be done, especially when it comes to more expensive external development teams, the fair share of costs can rise dramatically

Copy and paste Cash Flow Statement ( you can take print-screen as well) for the project. Once you are confident that you have the final schedule, save the project file as a baseline. Please upload the updated .mpp file and this instruction sheet with all the answers as assignment submission. Hint: Save a backup file just in case without the baseline.