Assignment No.1 [PDF]

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Assignment no.1

Build up a two page essay describing your academic activity as a law student of Danubius University. I chose Law School after I have passed through a process of self analysis. I thought about the things that I am good at and what activities I enjoy doing. Because I like writing, speaking in public, working with people, I started considering Law School as a college that suits me. At that point in time I was not aware about all the useful things that you are taught here, or about the career opportunities that are offered after you finish this school. Life as a Law School student is just like a captivating TV series that you know you will miss when it will be over. Actors are all different: each one with it’s own charm that you will definitely not forget; and tensed situations are everywhere. Life at the Law School keeps you awake almost all night long: even if you study, work at a project or have fun with your colleagues out in a bar or club. The way you go from laugh to cry while you watch a good TV show, is the same like you go while you are studying here. You laugh that you marginally passed a very hard exam, and you cry that you failed a pretty simple one. And, the way you need to watch an episode twice to really understand it, the same way you need to take an exam twice to pass it. A student needs, first of all, the capacity and availability to study. Then he needs to be serious and consider the college as a serious business. At the Law School rules are meant to be respected, exams are tough and the teachers demanding. Besides diligently and seriousness, qualities that are vital, the best for a Law School student is to be an open person with good communication skills, not to be afraid to express his own opinion, and to have the right combination of self esteem and diplomacy, which allows him to shine at the right time and the right moment. These exams were extremely tough and harsh and they put a serious amount of pressure on my shoulders. The first step to overcome these challenges is believing that you can do it, that you can go over all of them. I believed and I passed. Valuable people that surround me at the Law School (from colleagues to teachers) taught me the lesson of modesty. I realized that I am far from being the center of the universe and that I need to try to continuously evolve by collaborating with the people around me and to learn from them. From my point of view, the difference is made by the balance point that the student manages or not to maintain during his every day schedule. Here is another quality needed by the student: equilibrium. It is not that easy to reach this kind of balance, and when you do, the real challenge is to keep it on the long term, especially because the day only has 24 hours. It is mandatory to make some choices. Most of us give up to something, realizing that we will need that something in some point in time, but we will not have it anymore, even if it is about the time you spend studying instead of hanging out with your friends, or vice versa.

The most important thing is to get to know himself. To realize what are his strong points, and the weak ones, which things he likes, but also the ones he doesn’t, so his choice would represent him. From my own experience, but also from my friends, I can say that any college you would choose, it will seem too hard; you will believe that you “fight” on the wrong “battlefield”. The more you will realize the reasons that led you to a certain school, the easier will be to “shake” all the doubts. Are you happy with the things you do? If you are not, then don’t waste any more time! Do something else! Fight for what you like! We spend too much time working to waste our time doing something that frustrates us, we get bored with, or simply doesn’t stimulate our evolution.