ASSIGNMENT SocialLiteracy [PDF]

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Tristan Joy D. Furaque, BMME-2

ASSIGNMENT: 1. Are you more of a listener or talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to develop? In what ways can you develop it/them? I am more of a listener than a talker, I believe that I need to develop key social skills especially on the areas of problem solving and empathizing. Some ways that I can think of in order to develop myself in these areas include engaging more in terms of communicating with others and verbalizing my ideas concretely and proper management/organization of thoughts in order to avoid misunderstanding.

2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy? How would you teach them? If I were a parent this time I would teach my children to be a good listener. Perhaps I would integrate my own experiences in teaching them and of course by being an example in which they can emulate to be a good/understanding listener. 3. You were an employer, what would you look for aspirants or applicants to your company? If I am the employer a key requirement that I would look into aspiring applicants for my company is of course good communication skills and problem solving.

4. As a student of USI, what learning opportunities have you experienced which enhanced your social literacy? Cite specific circumstances. As a student of USI, most of the formation that I have experienced on my different subjects has enhanced in a way my social literacy. Opportunities like visiting different localities to provide assistance especially in far flung areas, performing in different like our concert in Manila last 2019 where I get to perform for audiences that I barely know. These experiences has helped me to build up my social literacy skills.