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GIULIA.ROSA.LUPPINO 26.09.1988 Milano, Italia 0039.345.4705247

[email protected]

Selected works


Studio Degli Esposti Architetti, Milano 1.

Milano: Padiglione Italia Expo 2015 • February 2013 8

Politecnico di Milano Master Degree



Milano beyond Expo 2015 • April 2013

Århus Architecture School

Ho Chi Minh City: Urban spaces for everyday life • February 2011


3 Politecnico di Milano Bachelor Degree


Lecco: Guest house on the lake • July 2009


Cinisello Balsamo: The green ribbon • July 2010


Venezia: The Peggy Guggenheim Museum • July 2010 4

George Brown College, Toronto 7.


Markham: Making roads into communities • February 2012

KEA School of Design and Technology, Copenhagen


Copenhagen: Transformation through connection • October 2012

Side projects


Architecture Photography: Ordinary Alterations • July 2012


Architecture Criticism: Milano, five projects • July 2012

6 1



Padiglione Italia Expo 2015 Milano, Italy

International Competition Studio Degli Esposti Architetti, Milano, February 2013

I worked for two months by Degli Esposti Architects in Milano, as a collaborator in the preparation of the boards for the international competition “Padiglione Italia Expo 2015”. As the hosting nation of the 2015 Universal Exhibition, Italy was in need of an iconic building located in the centre of the Expo area. The competition regarded the design of the Italian Pavilion, composed by Palazzo Italia, a big exhibition and office building, and by smaller buildings located along the main axis of Expo, the Cardo. The concept to be inspired was the Tree of Life in relation to the main theme of the Expo: Feeding the planet, Energy for life”. In the project the outstanding volume of the palace is organized around a central open space interior ceiling, so that the contents of the exhibition are the heart of the pavilion itself, around which all other functions stand like gems: one suspended canopy where content, images, planting are intertwined in a triumph of communication. LED texts scrollers and a ramp (which leads from the ground to the roof garden on the roof) conceptually and physically connect all spaces, together with the three white pillars that support the structure. Designed as modular volumes, the temporary pavilions of the Cardo are assembled for the first time for Expo 2015. They have been developed by Studio Cardenas as simple and geometric volumes based on the proportions of the golden spiral. The city of Milano, after the Expo, will host a variety of configurations of the pavilions that will be integrated in the public spaces of the city in a natural way. The proposal of the green in the pavilions openly collects the Expo theme and becomes direct experimentation of crops with the possibility of eating at zero distance in the spaces for catering Integrated.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» ground floor

» first floor

» third floor

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» ground floor

» fronts giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio




giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

Milano beyond Expo 2015 Milano, Italy

Master’s Degree Thesis in Architecture • Prof. Enrico Bordogna Politecnico di Milano, April 2013

This work is the result of the research made during my last year of education at Politecnico di Milano, and it was later developed during my M. Sc. Thesis in Architecture. The project represents an alternative to the traditional concept of Expo, as it come from a study of needs and problems of the hosting city of the Exhibition, Milano. For this reason the project involves broader issues than those strictly connected to the exhibition theme: for instance it provides a executive centre that can respond to current problems such as soil conservation and alternative energy production. Expo 2015 is the ideal ground to face a direct exchange of experiences between the North and the South of the world, for the creation of an alternative market which would allow the expansion of those sectors in which private enterprise rarely invests its resources. The proposal is to put the executive centre of alternative market inside the Expo area and equipped with laboratories and offices that can both cooperate during and after the exhibition. The exhibition pavilions would be placed in the proximity of the business district; particularly the permanent ones would be next to the existing Rho Fiera pavilions, and the temporary national ones in a green area located to the east. Taking the opportunity of an international event, the thesis points out the importance of involving the penitentiary of Bollate, which is close to the Fiera; building an extension of the existing theatre where today the inmates already perform cultural activities and acting. Expo can have the possibility solve a problem that is becoming increasingly urgent in Milan, namely the realization of an Islamic Cultural Centre. The area is suited not only for the large number of infrastructures, but also to promote the theme of multiculturalism during the event. In the southern area the project provides a dense residential district that can give an answer to the actual problem of housing for student, seniors and lower classes.

200 m

Hospital Luigi Sacco Penitentiary of Bollate





Rho Fiera

Cimitero Maggiore


Carlo Aymonino, Monte Amiata housing complex 1967 - 1972


» the masterplan giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


50 m

» permanent pavilions The permanent pavilions will be available to all those national exhibitors that will not have its own structure. The area is located in the north west, between the railway station of Rho Fiera and the penitentiary Bollate. We provide thirty pavilions, arranged along a path of 400 meters. The route starts in less than ten meters from the share of campaign in order to reach the portion of the subway platform. A taller building is located near the subway entrance and hosts different services. The pavilions are thirty and are grouped into three groups thus forming ten agglomerations; these includes an additional pavilion used only to lift devices and services. The pavilions are connected by paths at high altitude. They are designed to constitute a series of golden rectangles inside which are placed the cubes of different size and shape. Inside each pavilion is equipped with floors at different heights to be easily adaptable to different exposures. Some pavilions are totally empty inside and that can be useful for installations that require special lighting and tight spaces.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» Islamic Cultural Centre with low cost housing complex The Islamic Cultural Centre is located in the southern area of the project, close to the cemetery. Milano is the Italian city with the strongest presence of Muslims, but despite this fact it is still deprived of a large mosque can accommodate all the believers. In the project we developed a big mosque with a cultural and an acceptance centre for the immigrants. Next to this centre, we also designed a low cost housing complex with a huge number of small apartments to host people with a pressing need of a home. giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



» a theatre for the penitentiary In the project area there is the strong presence of the penitentiary of Bollate, a “model prison” of the Milano area, that we integrated in the area dedicated to the Expo. This definition is derived by the excellent management of the prison. Inside many activities as reeducation for prisoners are carried out. In the institute cultural events are also often organized, through the contribution of private social associations together with the voluntary sector. In the foreground is the theatrical activity, with a permanent theatre company of inmates participating to the courses led by a voluntary theatre school. The organization sees the involvement of prisoners and free actors, and is flanked by a broader and more cultural programming in the area, which provides for the distribution of entertainment and cultural activities of various kinds (meetings, seminars, workshops). In the project a new big theatre is given to the penitentiary, and it stands between the walls of the jail as a meeting point among the prisoners and the public. All the security measures has been taken in order to have separate access and areas for the public and the actors. The theatre has one stage and three different audiences that can be used separately according to the presented performance.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

10 m

» low cost housing neighbourhood From the eighties onwards, the demand for housing in Milan has always been high, particularly regarding to student residences. The occasion of EXPO 2015 should be used as a general opportunity for the renewal of the city and its structures for the community. The part of the municipality of Rho facing our area of ​​intervention has only industries and is devoid of residential buildings. For these reason we have decided to equip the new neighbourhood of low cost residences. The courts are constituted of two main buildings facing each other, one six-story place to the north and one four-story place further south. The lower body is intended to student residence, while the highest is used for a broader audience. The two buildings are based on a three-meter high pedestal that contains the parking lots for the use of the inhabitants of the complex.

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



Urban spaces for everyday life Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Urban planning and Landscape • Prof. Morten Daugaard Århus Architecture School , February 2011 VIETNAM 331.689 km2 87.848.445 inhabitants 276 ab/km2

As a class, we worked on the theme of urban renovation for everyday life in the city of Ho Chi Minh. The class has been divided in different groups that worked on different city districts (Quan), in order to cover all the area of the largest city of Vietnam. My group chose to work on district 4, a dense urban area of 183.000 people, divided from the rest of the city by the Saigon River. This quan is interesting because it’s divided in small areas which, despite of the general density, don’t cooperate with each other to create an urban pattern. As example the western area is probably the most dense of the whole city, and it is inhabited by very poor people without any service or urban structure. On the other side, the eastern part hosts the harbour and the new high rise buildings with offices and many services, but without residences. We spent some months on the study of the district and its people, whose lifestyles are very different from ours. The city is developing very fast according to western lifestyle but the poorest people are still attached to their culture and simple life. We choose to work on the theme of movement and choreography of the people inside the island, to understand their needs and their everyday lives. We had not an assigned project, but we were free to choose our project area in the island and what to create according to the needs of the Vietnamese living there. The class made a trip to Vietnam to collect information, interviews and pictures to understand the very typical day of a Vietnamese person in order to make an urban project that can create a better city for them.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

HO CHI MINH CITY 2095 km2 7.396.446 inhabitants 3530 ab/km2

QUAN 4 4,18 km2 183.261 inhabitants 43842 ab/km2

» District 4 » functions high rise apartment block tube house low dense building industrial area green area sport bank office market museum school church hospital

main activity here

100 m

» District 4 » natural, artificial and social barriers

» District 4 » choreography

recreation areas

» main streets

» Saigon river

» free time


middle class artisans


industrial area


poor area

» social boundaries


» economic boundaries

» working time giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» masterplan » four lines for the island

» line 1 » a small river that overflows every year destroying the wooden shacks of the poor. We surround it with a park to prevent the water floods.

» masterplan » the green spread

» masterplan » urban renovation


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» line 2 » it’s the border between an urban park used only by rich people and the stacked shacks. We retrain it and give to the park facilities that can be used also by the poor people of the western area (laundries, playgrounds).

I worked in a group of three people and we developed together a masterplan for the island. We identified 4 lines, or streets, that are the most interesting and the ones with more activity and people. We choose not to build anything new, because the island is already dense and crowded. We used the free green spaces and abandoned area to create new spaces for everyday life. The purpose of the master-plan is to move the heavy traffic in order to facilitate the pedestrian one. It breaks the walls and barriers to create a more porous city. All the lines guarantee a good north-south connection, instead the east-west one is given by pedestrian paths which connect all the four lines and identify the most important parts of the line itself: when there is a cross between a line and a pedestrian street there is also an interesting point. Everyone of us developed a single line by herself, but with the same strategy of attention to the social aspects and to the culture of Vietnam, and with the common idea of creating a new porosity for everyday life.

» line 3 » is a polluted and chaotic street. We create a pedestrian parallel street with underpass and connections between the park in the west side and the medium dense city in the east side.

» the masterplan 5m

» line 4 » is a medium travelled street that goes from the river straight into the part of the island inhabited by medium class people. We transform it into a market street to give vitality and porosity to this part of district.

Question: different culture

small space many people many uses

what people in Vietnam like and need? do they like their city? why are there so many people in the streets? what can we do for them?



What they like - small spaces

study the everyday life of people in the streets with pictures and interviews for understanding their culture and point of view on the metropolis where they live in.

- places for selling - shadow - crowded spaces - relaxing near home - meet the neighbours - intimacy

Problems - air pollution - poverty - scooters traffic - humidity - river floods - shacks - brown fields

big space no people no use

business health








L scale

S scale


agriculture industry

agriculture handmade crafts animals


from outside to the shops in the island

inside the neighbourhood


from all the island

locals tourists


free time


locals families

I focused on the eastern line, the curved and green street that reaches the hearth of the central area. Since the beginning I have thought about creating a market street, in which all the vendors of the area can gather to sell their stuff. I derived the idea of the market from the vietnamese culture: everywhere in the streets you can find vendors of food or beverages, and they also use to put stands outside the shops to have more visibility from the people passing with motorcycles. In the area in which I’m working tube houses have always a shop on the ground floor and residences on the upper floors, so the area is already mostly commercial.

Moreover a market is the conjunction between a work place and a free time place, in which there are people working but also people which walk around to buy things or to meet friends. Having all the vendors concentrated in the same place is also better because there is more opportunity for the buyers, which means more people coming, and more opportunities for trading. Porosity is ensured by the network of small pedestrian streets of the maze traffic, which connect the market street with the rest of the city, till inside the dense built area. Those paths ensures the connections with the other lines and a fast pedestrian connection with the whole island. In every crossroad it’s developed an important point of my project. giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» I identified as important points the crossroads between the line and the pedestrian streets going east-west. They can be grouped in three different main themes: the waterfront, the square and the market pavilions. Although the common theme of the pocket system and of the market production -that is sewing the island as a fil rouge- is everywhere, I decided to divide the line under three big themes. In evert theme the same idea on the large scale gets different meanings on the small scale with different solutions.

» along the way the project provides small pavilions that have different functions, primarily market storaging. In the three main points there are some pavilions with a common green roof to provide shadow and fresh along the market street. They serve as covered market squares during the day and as space for public activities in the evening. » the last pavilions stand as a “gate” for the market street. In the Vietnamese culture the gate is a very important landmark to define a territory and our pavilions has both functional and representative function. They also serve as storage space for the market or as covered parking space for bike or bicycles.

» the problem here was the big street that is going up between the river and the city forming a bridge. Vietnamese people like to stay under bridges because of the shadow, but in this case the street is going up slowly, and in the beginning the space under it is only around one meter. My project creates a hole in the ground to give the possibility to use more space as possible underneath the street, forming at the same time a market square accessible and visible. An underpass links the pedestrian market path to the square avoiding the traffic road.

» in this point is located the biggest pavilion area of the project. The green roof provides shadow and fresh air and creates a covered market square. On the floor there are green areas with trees and small fountains with water that can be used for the market functions.

» this area is an important point for social life, because it hosts two schools, two temples and high rises with offices and apartments. The pedestrian path design an alternation between green spaces and market squares. The green areas around the temple and the school are free public spaces, instead the one around the high rise building is dedicated to medium scale production of vegetables and plants. In this way the market is never ending for the whole develop of the line.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» the central pavilion

» the market line

10 m

By studying the texture of the district, I noticed the presence of small holes, or pockets between the houses, pauses from the dense build city, in which the pedestrian path enlarges and filters deep into the built part. Looking at the pictures is possible to see a lot of small gardens, of plants on the balconies, of courtyards animals in cages among the houses. Vietnamese people like to keep a small garden to grow some vegetables or aromatic herbs for themselves of for selling them on the stands in the neighbourhood. I developed the idea of using the pockets to host some kind of this activities, also using parts of the pedestrian area in order to give more space to the houses, already overcrowded with any kind of thing. The activities which can be host consist for example in small gardens or areas for animals, playgrounds for children so that they can play next to their house and parents, parking for motorcycles or just green areas with shadow to rest between the work hours in the market. Differentiation of space ensures that every place is distinctive and different from others in form and function.

25 m

POCKET FUNCTIONS -gardens -playground -parking -market spots -animal gardens -relax

» river section

» pavilion section

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



Guest house on the lake Lecco, Italy

Interior Design and Technology • Prof. Giovanni Muzio Politecnico di Milano, July 2009

The project consists in creating a separate suite for a hotel located on Lake Como, near the city of Lecco. The aim was to create an outbuilding of 27 sqm located inside the garden and overlooking the lake. The suite has to be easy to assemble and produced with local materials and eco-friendly. The main problem was that the suite is located inside a common garden, so privacy was the main focus in the project. The main room has a view on the lake beach with a big window and a terrace, but at the same time the privacy is respected due to the building rotation towards the wall. For the same reason the front facing the garden is without openings, except for the door, to protect the hosts from visitors passing through the garden. The 27 square meters are shared between the main bedroom, a study, an entrance and a bathroom. The entrance is equipped with sliding walls that can divide the main room from the study, transforming it into a second room for eventual extra guests. The suite is composed of panels coated with two different types of wood and plaster, to blend in with the surrounding nature and not to disturb the view of the lake. This project was developed during my second year of studies, during the laboratory of design and technology. For this reason, we studied the construction technology of the suite and its components. We developed construction details in scale 1:5 and 1:2 with emphasis on materials and fixtures.



giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

5 mq toilet

13 mq room 1

9 mq room 2

» ground floor 20 cm

» south elevation

» east elevation

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

1. copper gutter 2. copper sheet 3. copper coating 15mm 4. wooden upright 30x150mm 5. air 6. wooden upright 30x150mm 7. chipboard raw plank 20mm 8. vapour barrier Derbicoat HP 10mm 9. polystyrene insulation board 100mm 10. wooden beam 100x100mm 11. wooden upright 40x100mm 12. plasterboard lining panels 20mm 13. copper drip edge 14. chipboard raw plank 15mm 15. copper coating 16. copper profile support 5mm 17. wooden upright 50x70mm 18. wooden upright 30x140mm 19. teak wood fixed frame 20. wooden staff bead 21. teak wood window mobile frame 22. glass 20mm 23. metal profile support 5mm 24. sliding metal cart

» detailed section

» longitudinal section

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



The green ribbon Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, Italy

Urban planning • Prof. Elio Bosio Politecnico di Milano , July 2010 The project has been developed during my third year of studies, during the laboratory for urban planning and urban planning. Great importance has been given to the relationship with the city and to the study of the territory. school

The project area is located in the centre of Cinisello Balsamo, a satellite city of Milano. The project consist of residential and commercial buildings, and stands as the engine of urban renewal for the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo, thanks to its central location within the city and the importance given to the design of public space.

city hall

Villa Ghirlanda (library)

After a study of the context, from which it could be inferred that the functions and types of the area overlapped without unifying elements, it was decided to design a new residential centre in which the green and public space serve as a binder between the existing and the rest of the city. The project area is also important because it’s located between some very important and public buildings: the library, an ancient villa with a park, the city hall and the main church of the city. It is also located on the main street that connects the city from north to south.

project area main church main square

One of the strengths of Cinisello Balsamo is that it is situated between two large parks of the province of Milan, the Parco Nord and the agricultural park of Grugnotorto. Several examples of gardens more or less extended are also present, and they seem to spread from the large parks at the borders. The intent of the project is to give a new unity and consistency to the existing gardens, acting as a centre of gravity and mediating between the historic parks and the smaller ones along the north-south and east-west axis. hospital

100 m 24

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

The starting point of our project was the analysis of Cinisello Balsamo in its entirety. From this first moment of research we have been able to deduce that Cinisello is a city without uniformity even in its central area, in which is inserted the project site.

Parco del Grugnotorto

The schemes in this page show the study done on the city and especially on its central area. This study has been useful for the design process itself and it has successfully contributed in blending the project with the context. In the scheme below, it is possible to see the location of Cinisello compared to Milano. It is a city of less than hundred thousand inhabitants and was formerly a working class city based on the industrial work. Today most of the factories are closed, and Cinisello has become part of the metropolitan area of Milan. It is now a dormitory town without a real city centre and activities for the people.

» height of buildings

the high the height of the buildings varies from a few meters (pink) to 30 meters (purple), according to the year of construction.

» density

besides green areas and few open spaces (yellow), the density of the built environment in the city centre is quite high (red).

project area



Parco Nord

» building functions

the main function is the residence, but whithin the area we can also find public buildings (blue), offices (purple), and monuments (violet).

» public buildings

public buildings and their green areas host different function: culture (grey), school (orange), sport (yellow) and Town Hall (violet).

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» the masterplan 20 m


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» point

» surface trees


flower bed






ash tree

Our intention is to create a new pedestrian route as an alternative to Via Risorgimento, the north-south axis of Cinisello Balsamo. This spine connects the park with the school’s historical centre -Piazza Gramsciand is highlighted by a series of lawn, tree species, shrub species and seats to make it a recognizable element within the urban landscape. The pedestrian axis, identified by a row of ash trees along which are grafted the different shapes of public space, is a common thread along Cinisello.

» line





» vegetation and trees: functions


The public space is divided in places to stay and places of passage, combined in different ways depending on the features found on the ground floor of buildings. The intention is to create defined and recognizable places, each one with its own identity, as opposed to the empty big piazza. The architecture of the trees is arranged according to defined functions: the dotted line to mark the paths, the line continues to protect, the point for the stop and the surface to isolate.


» pedestrian area: activities bus stop - short break cafe and shops - long break car parking - transition dog and play area - long break bike path - movement

» vegetation and trees: species

ash tree, fraxinus excelsior

pedestrian paths conker tree, aesculus hippocastanum

japanese cherry, prunus serrulata

viburnum, viburnum acerifolium

black locust robinia pseudoacacia frisia

maple tree, acer rubrum

parking level -1 parking level -2 » pedestrian area: functions and materials


natural stone

concrete blocks


granite blocks

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio




» ground floor 10 m


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» standard floor 5m

This scheme represents the apartments used in the project: purple and violet buildings are 5 floors high, with shops at ground floor and apartments on the higher levels, while yellow and ones have a basement and a mixture between regular and duplex apartments. Violet apartments have three rooms, with a large living room overlooking two fronts, and they’re achievable by a walkway. Purple apartments have four rooms and a loggia in the dining room. Finally, yellow apartments are duplex on two floors with an attic. On the ground floor there is a private garden, and on the third floor there is a terrace.

The project area faces with a more urban overlooking (on the streets) and with a more secure one (on the gardens), and the front of the buildings recalls this duplicity. The front that overlook public areas mediate the relationship with the environment through permeable elements of the public balcony on the street, and terraces on the pedestrian area. The internal layout of higher buildings includes a big living room which overlooks both areas. The buildings that make up the court are confronted with the size of the road and have a different shape that can be assimilated to urban villas. They deal the relationship with the environment through a raised floor. In all the apartment typologies the services are placed in a core around which the other spaces of the accommodation can be declined in different ways. In the schemes above are represented a duplex and a 70 sqm apartments. The first one is made up of 140 sqm and is designed to host a family of four-five people. It also has an attic with a terrace, and a double high living room. This typology is designed for a middle class family to ensure a good social and cultural mingling in the neighbourhood. In the second scheme is possible to see an apartment in an high rise building with its facades. The living room overlooks both sides of the building, guaranteeing light during all year as well as natural air circulation.

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



The Peggy Guggenheim Museum Venice, Italy

Architecture • Prof. Massimo Ferrari Politecnico di Milano , July 2010

The Peggy Guggenheim Museum was originally the private collection of the American heiress Peggy Guggenheim, who began displaying the artworks to the public seasonally in 1951. After her death in 1979, it passed to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Today it collects works by American artists of the first half of the Twentieth Century and it is located within the historic palace Venier dei Leoni, Peggy’s home. This villa is an unfinished project made of just one floor, which coverage is now used as a terrace. It is located in the very centre of Venice, on the Canal Grande. Our project is located on the top of this space as an extension of the collection, but without turning over the primitive form. We choose to give to the museum a space for the video art, because the foundation owns some important video art works but it has no space for showing them. The space can be used also to host temporary exhibition on the theme of video art, maybe in contemporary with the Venice Biennale of arts or cinema. The theme of the video art has suggested the form of the building itself: dark boxes for projection as well as a glazed corridor that overlooks the Grand Canal. The walls of the bottom of each box can be moved depending on the film screened and on the number of spectators. In this way the museum has the maximum flexibility to choose every time different videos. The boxes are stacked on two floors and sometimes they create balconies (in dark gray in the plans on the right) from which the visitors can admire the beautiful garden on one side and the Grand Canal on the other side. On the plan below is represented the ground floor of the area, with the museum in its current status.

10 m


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» ground floor: the existing museum and the garden 5m

» concept evolution


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» first floor

» second floor

» canal front

» garden front

» canal section

» longitudinal section giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» suggestion of video art works Nam June Paik Good Morning Mr. Orwell 1984, 38 min.

Man Ray Anemic Cinema 1926, 7 min.

Dan Graham Past Future Split Attention 1926, 17:03 min.

Bill Viola Emergence 2002, 3 min

» first floor with video art examples Vito Acconci The Red Tapes 1977, 141 min

Bill Viola I do not Know What it is I am Like 1986, 89 min

Bruce Nauman Washing Hands Normal 1996, 55 min

Nam June Paik Electronic Opera #1 1969, 4:45 min

» longitudinal section with video art examples


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» canal front with materials

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio




giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

Making roads into communities Toronto, Canada

International Charrette George Brown College, Institute Without Boundaries , February 2012 The project focus on the Town of Markham, located on the northern border of the city of Toronto. Originally a small farming community, today it has one of the most diverse population in Canada. The urban face of Markham today is the result of its dynamic growth and evolution. Traces of natural heritage are still prominent in places, contrasting the dominant suburban pattern neighbourhood developments. Abundant green spaces and large parks make the town feel green, however big-box stores and shopping malls have followed a traditional suburban development pattern resulting in an extremely car-centric urban layout. Main streets are the very core of communities. Great main streets bring together people to live, work and play; they build community spirit; they support economic development and embody the identity of the neighbourhoods surrounding them. Many of the roads in Markham serve a different purpose: people use them to drive from place to place but don’t use the public spaces that surrounds them. Markham is seeking to change itself for the better as it pursues sustainable alternative transportation methods like expanded public transit, integrated cycling and walking paths, and denser neighbourhoods that incorporate mixed-use and new kinds of urban patterns that strike a balance between density and desirable suburban features. The design of a new kind of main street is the key to achieving this difficult balance, one that recognizes and respects the best of historic main street design while proposing new strategies that work with the suburban features and attracting people to these communities. In this charrette, 10 interdisciplinary teams were assigned to 5 different sections of Markham’s major roads. Each team had a design focus drawn from the 5 City Systems: Civics, Ecology, Culture, Economy and Infrastructure. The designs we produced created the template for a community change that could help transform Markham for the future.

What is a charrette? A charrette is an intensive, collaborative process that brings together students, community members and professionals to develop innovative solutions for complex issues. After few days of brainstorming, discussion and expert consultation, teams create a broad range of ideas around a central theme. Charrettes originated as a design process used by architects, urban planners and designers to bring together community members, developers and professionals -groups that often hold competing interests and agendas- to address complex projects such as neighbourhood planning, urban development and construction projects. At this charrette participated mixed groups of students from different countries and different upbringings: Politecnico di Milano, Dublin Institute of Technology, KEA Copenhagen School of Design and Technology, L’Ecole de Communication Visuelle (Bordeaux), Media en Design Academie (Genk), George Brown College (Toronto).

site visiting



design developing





• the landscape is dominated by the parking lots of the mall • “desire paths” mark the landscape in many places where pedestrians have sought the most direct route from one point to another • traffic moves quickly and there are many lanes including dedicated turning lanes; this results in a great distance from one side of the street to the other.


The section of McCowan Road is dominated by the parking lot surrounding the adjacent Markville Mall, which runs across almost the entire length of this site on the western edge. The east side is a mixture of restaurants, a schoolbus staging yard and several big box stores. A large, well-used community centre and recreational park is located opposite to this. The intersection at McCowan & Highway 7 is also an important transit

McCOWAN ROAD Markham Community Centre Markham Centennial Park stores and restaurants


• connection with public transit systems: GO, Viva and YRT

. K DR


» site features:

McCowan and Hwy 7 Ecology


Markville Mall HIGHWAY 7 residential area


river and natural park


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


»A pedestrian and cycling routes from the top of the mall roof to the ground. They reconnects to the existing paths in the park.

100 m

» EXAMPLE A Path in the Forest, Tetsuo Kondo Architects, Tallin, Estonia

A »B green roof and walls for the mall. The director told us that a renovation of the building is planned, probably with environmentally friendly technologies. » EXAMPLE Canadian War Museum, Moriyama & Teshima Architects, Ottawa, Canada



»C areas for public activities or events. The big areas can be used for entertainment, while the smallest ones can host different functions: playgrounds, bikes, fitness, farmers market. » EXAMPLE Superkilen, Topotek 1 + BIG + Superflex, Copenhagen, Denmark



»D green bridges over McCowan Road and HW7. They can be used both by pedestrian and bikes. They have portholes and windows on the surface to allow air and sun to reach the roads. » EXAMPLE A Wildlife Crossing, Janet Rosenberg, Denver, Colorado, USA

»E protected connections with other and existing paths. They provide security for children and bikes, and the greenery around them protects from road noise and pollution. » EXAMPLE Parc del Poblenou, Jean Nouvel, Barcellona, Spain


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio






- community activity - increase in parks and public spaces - outdoor activities - preserving and increasing vegetation - accessibility


- dependent on community interest - high maintenance - expensive


- extending pathway system - local economy, markets - local events seasonal use


-the space becomes a landmark -the space embraces a “community” culture -the space is built by and not imposed to the community





- depends on key stakeholder - traffic issues - zoning and by-law

» SWOT Analysis It is a strategic planning method often used in business and marketing to evaluate projected internal and external factors.

Diane: a shopping type she’s a young married woman living close to the mall. Thomas:

a sporting type

he plays hokey at the community centre but he likes also running.


a playful type

-improved wellness -nature paths for leisure and meditation -both indoor and outdoor recreation

-green technologies -audience embraces outdoor recreation -against suburban consumerism -against car abuse

she’s a child living in the area, and she likes to play outside with her friends.

-the space attracts new diversity as popularity increases -cross-cultural interaction is increased


-improved sense of community -the space inspires a safe visit

-pedestrian accessibility is improved -vehicles are more controlled -bike access is encouraged

COHESION -public open space allows community interaction -new facilities are complete and well connected

» City Systems 1.0 This tool is a framework for organizing information to better understand the elements that shape a city, and the different ways they can be configured or combined to improve the urban landscapes.

Before Greenovation

After Greenovation

She has to cross the dangerous street and walk trough the car park. Sometimes she’s lazy and takes the car.

Now she loves to use the pedestrian paths and going on the green roof of the mall to reach the shops.

He goes by car at the community centre, but it’s difficult for him to reach the park to run, because of the streets and the parking lots.

Now he can park at the community centre, play hokey and then he can run to the park in the south area, staying in the green with safety.

She goes playing to the centennial park, but she would like to have more recreational areas that she can reach by herself.

Now she can walk from the park safely to the mall area, take an ice cream and play in the new playground areas.

» personas - interviews After interviewing local residents, we analysed their desires and their needs. The area is frequented mostly by couples, families with children and young people.

» brand design New identity proposal: it brings the ideas of green and ecology together with innovation. The brand can strengthen the identity of the neighbourhood and at the same time have appeal on the shareholders and on the community.

» World House System Organizing the basic elements of design into twelve systems, it provides a simple, easy-to-understand method of investigating the impact of the built environment on many aspects of our lives. giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio



Transformation through connection Copenhagen, Denmark

International Charrette KEA School of Design and Technology, October 2012

With the coming metro “City Ring” several quarters located on the fingers of Copenhagen will have a new level of connectivity with the rest of the city, transforming the way people can come to/from those areas. These connections will initiate other transformations that could bring great opportunities to the local communities. A large number of primary locations has been identified in collaboration with Copenhagen City Council and the local communities that formed the focus areas to be allocated to the interdisciplinary teams. The teams of students worked together for 5 days to develop a proposal for interactive digital solutions that facilitate more sustainable and engaging ways of living in and interacting with the locality. In addition to this, the intention has been to develop an urban intervention that relates to the digital proposal (buildings, spaces, renovations) focused on improving the urban condition for future users of the subject area. Each team was led by 2 students from KEA and has been advised by professional experts in digital technology, urban issues, society and sustainable living. The objective of the charrette was to explore how to re-vitalise local and external interest, pride and a sense of belonging to a number of areas located at the fringes of Copenhagen. The goal was to develop proposals for digital/physical connections and digital/physical transformations that would give meaning and value to both the local community and visitors to the locality.

Check the charrette video here!


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» project concept Our idea consist in creating a big green space which can offer many different activities: sports, community events and relax. In order to prevent flooding we developed a landscape made of hills and depressions which can contain water. A running track surrounds three main sites: a “natural” depression which can became a lake in case of rain, an elevated public square, and a small pond that can become an ice skating rink in winter time. Our project creates a connection between the northern and the southern part of the train station, where a Skate park is under construction.


bicycle paths near the area

public transport Lersøparken


Residential area New house complex

movement of water in case of flood

Train Station University area Car shops

» project area The project site is located next to Bispebjerg station in the northern part of Copenhagen. Currently there are primarily residential districts and car dealerships surrounding the area, which is limited also by a train tracks. We asked to the resident of the area about what they want here. They expressed their need of green areas, public spaces for the community and places for practicing sport. At present time the area doesn’t offer many possibility, and our goal was to create a new heart of the neighbourhood. Another problem of the area consist in floods: two years ago the heavy rains caused water flooding from the soil and subway tunnels.

Residential area

Skate Park Future subway station 50 m

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


» why circles? A circle represents unity. This fits in well with the idea of having a community area for residents to meet each other, enjoy the surroundings, and hang out - an area to include and bring together different people. The circles in our scenario, not only used to represent unity, but is also used to find a unique pattern for our park and it’s many trails.

20 m

» running tracks The running track is 4m wide, and it’s composed by three different running routes and a cycling one. The routes are different according their difficulties. Safety during the night is ensured by ground lights.




» functions The name Multi! recalls the many different activities that you can practice in the park. There are spaces for sports, free time and relax. There is a fountain that can be used as a lake in summer and as a ice skating rink in the winter. There are also many sporting activities along the running tracks, such as stretching areas, fitness areas and relaxing spaces dedicated to yoga.


giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

» the app The primary purpose of our app is to integrate a fitness routine with an interactive support. RunKeeper (One of the world’s largest running apps), will be integrated into our Multi! app. The possibility to keep track of calories, speed, distance and more is available to our users. However this is not the only feature to Multi! app: users are able to listen to the music on their smartphone through the app making it easily accessible. Users are also able to purchase prepaid drinks allowing them to leave their wallet at home, and with 9 drinks you get the 10th for free. The app will work with the speedometers placed in various areas in the park, to collect data on speed. QR codes are also used a quick means of getting the app. Using the profile and social integrations, users will be able to create groups of friends and start group running sessions as well as motivate each other to keep pushing. The profile page also works as a statistics page for the user to keep track of their achievements. You can earn points by accomplishing your set goals and use them to rent ice skates, buy drinks and other condiments offered by the park.

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio




giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

Ordinary Alterations Milano, Italy

Architecture Photography • Prof. Marco Introini Politecnico di Milano, July 2012

This work is the result of a course I took in photography of architecture. We had to create a book of at least twenty pictures with a common architectural theme, chosen by ourselves in autonomy. I took my pictures in six months, moving into the outskirts of Milan, where the economic boom of the Sixties created huge sleeping quarters that are now part of the city itself. These large groups of buildings, sometimes anonymous tenements, sometimes important pieces of architectural history, have undergone major changes over the years, or alterations, which have deviated them from the original rationalist form. The natural flow of human life put some changes into the building, making them “living” through the years and becoming real documents of the history of their inhabitants. some of the most important italian photographer have been my source of inspiration: Guido Guidi, Francesco Jodice, Gabriele Basilico.

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio


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giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio

Milano: five projects Milano, Italy

History and Criticism lab • Prof. Marco Biraghi, Gabriella Lo Ricco Politecnico di Milano, July 2012

This book is a small part of a one-year work we did as class with the History Lab in Politecnico di Milano. Our city is one of Europe’s most active and vital in the process of urban transformation with dozens of new projects and buildings disseminated within its borders. The big abandoned industrial lots are being converted into large-scale metropolitan projects and the oldest areas of the city are in the process of urban renewal. In our study we compiled a list of the main projects built in Milan from the Fifties till nowadays. After that we chose the most important or iconic buildings from the list and each one of us had to carry out a complete analysis of some of them. I had to analyse five projects from different places of the city and years, and this book is a summary of the material collected during my research.

giulia.rosa.luppino • architecture.portfolio