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1. Reentering 2. Light-hearted 3. Onlookers 4. Well-traveled? 5. Pleasantly 6. Uninspiring 7. Old-fashioned 8. Get-together? 9. Interdependent 10. Personify

2. The rhetoric has been harsh, but given the __________(POLITIC) of foreign policy, the actions have been drastically taken. 3. In the end the match was played amid a torrential _________(WASH)plus thunder and lightning. 4. His main purpose of displaying gold items collection to his friends was to ostentatiously ___________ (STAND)his prosperity. 5. Almost every teenagers love receiving bluetooth speaker on account of its _________ (SOUND) function. 6. Realpolitik(n): chính sách thực dụng (để cho một quốc gia thành công nhanh chóng) 7. 2. gullywasher 3. grandstand 4. sonorous 8. Wordform. 1. First came her feet in elegant high heeled back ............. sandals. (Step)

9. 10.

In any case: show some respect, you young _____ ! [SNAP]=> whippersnapper: a young person who is too confident and shows no respect towards other, especially older, people:

wf 42. He is _________ for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel industry. KNOW 43. Scholarship and awards are usually given on the _________. DAILY 44. Part of the building has been _________ into office. DIVIDE 45. There were reports that Bush’s campaign team has been trying to dig up information that might _________ Clinton. CREDIT 46 . It was a terrible game. Our team, played very _________. IMAGINATION 47. The computer that I use hasn’t got _________, but it’s easy to copy files on to a flash drive. WRITE 48. The _________ had stolen a car in Adelaide and had then stopped for petrol at Wirulla. RIDE 49. William Shakespeare is probably the most famous _________ in history. PLAY 50. The novel was published and quickly became a _________ SEE 51. How much was the _________ on that letter. POST 11. 42.better-known 43.speech-day

44.subdivided(v): chia nho ra 45.discredit 46.unimaginably 47.overwritten 48.joyrider 49.playwright 50.must-see 51.postage

12.1. Living in the bustling Ho Chi Minh city, Hoang is __________ with traffic jams. (VERSE)=> conversant 13.2. Some may consider China's decision to put Wuhan's 60 million citizens under lockdown as too __________, but it did slow down the infection rate in the hard-hit city. (HAND) 14. 15. WORD FORM: 16.1:The wedding was a(n) ... affair, with fewer than 30 people attending. (KEY) 17.2:Try yogurt with fresh fruit, hard- or ... eggs, a serving of cottage cheese, or a whole-grain cereal with soy milk. (BOIL) 18. 3:This particular murder case was so horrific that it shocked even the most ... of NY police officers.(BITE) 19. 4:The hotel was a real ... (HOME) 20. 5:Her recent fall has put her ... (COMBAT) 21. 6:The Sacrifice - Elena learned that she was the key to undoing the sun and moon curse from Katherine, another ....(DOUBLE) 22. 7:Let them perform their ... magic and put a spell on me to kill me right here and now. (BASE) 23. 8:Curvy furniture in the Rococo style may be paired with ... pieces or even sleek, modern items. (CLASSIC) 24. 9:Damian raised an eyebrow, not about to humor the ... harbinger (n): người, vật báo hiệu of bad news.(WORLD) 25. 10:Your brother is just ... -has he been sick? (BONE) 1 2 3 4 5 6

low-key(a): không làm cho xúc động, sững sờ soft-boiled(a): luộc lòng đào, trứng hard-bitten home from home(a): thoải mái như ở nhà hors de combat(n): người không có khả năng thực hiện chiến tranh doppelganger(n):con ma của một người đang sống

relating to organizations or government policies that are based on religious beliefs: a faith-based  community initiative 7 faith-based(a):

8 neoclassical 9 otherworldly(a):

more closely connected to spiritual things than to the ordinary things

of life: The  children in the picture look delicate and otherworldly, as though they had never run or played. 26. 10 skin and bones(a): to be extremely thin.

He went out into the snow and reappered later looking....................... (freeze)


1. He is an (SCIENTIFIC) student, he is expert on every academic subject in schools with deep insight and understanding. 2. From a talented comedian, the (MULTIPLE) Oklahoma, Olivia Jordan, made a strong impression on everyone by winning Miss USA.=> omniscient(a): toan tr toan thuc 28. 2. From a talented comedian, the (MULTIPLE) Oklahoma, Olivia Jordan, made a strong impression on everyone by winning Miss USA.=> multitalented 29. Why don't you check the number in the phone _______.(DIRECT 30. Researchers estimate, there are about 400 to 500 living ________ in the world, according to the list of the oldest living people. (age)=> supercentenarians 31. According to a ______ study released in 2019, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wormhole. [Mind]=> mindbending(a): a/h đến đầu óc, gây ra ảo giác, mind-blowing(a): làm cho sững sờ 32. He had entered the police station in a state of ______ protest and had been by turn hectoring and spiteful. [Right]=> self-righteous(a): 33. Our expansion plans will have to be ______ in the current economic crisis. [Burn) => back-burnered 34. Nowadays, our culture disvalues liberal education, is skeptical of virtue, and, in particular, glorifies ______ over altruism. [Aggrade]=> selfaggrandizement(n): sự tự đề cao 35. Regrettably, this illogical, conservative and ______ attitude still exists even when we are handling nations substantially richer than ourselves. [Ant]=> antediluvian(a): không hợp thời, nguyên thủy 36. 1. Gently scrub this lotion onto your skin for it to ______(foliate), and be careful not to overdo it! 2. Egyptologists have always been searching for the lost tomb of the Pharaoh. However, the only clue they have is this ancient _____(paper). 3. The agents secretly snuck in the organization’s _______(hole) for further investigation. Manhole(n): lỗ cống , bolthole(n): nơi ẩn náu 4. Foreseeing the tragic ending of the war, the General committed _______( Kiri) as the last resort. 5. The ______(planet) was formed by a gravity-driven collapse of smaller space bodies. 1. Being bored stiff, I began looking at the _______(forth) motion of the clock on the wall to kill some time. 2. Tension arose between the two countries since the beginning of the decade, with the bomb explosion being the ______(point). 3. The prime minister quickly issued a _____(communication), informing the people of the symptoms of n-COV for safety measures. 4. The ammunition you are seeing right now are ______(nickel) for better protection. 5. Somehow, I woke up in a _______(eight-letter word, beginning with H) surrounded by coffee plantations. 6. __________(file) employees went on strike because managers refused to reduce the working hours. Háytack(n) đônghs cỏ khô

1.I'm telling you he's a complete.............. (society)=> sociopath 2. Psychopath (n): người bị loạn thần kinh nhân cách 37.1. If a step-cut diamond has rounded-off facets in the corners, this is a variant of the __________________ called the emerald cut.(step). 2. First came her feet in elegant high heeled back __________________ sandals. (step). 3. MID is described as having a __________________ progress instead of inflicting a continuous decline as in Alzheimer's disease.(step). 4. If the mast was not __________________, sailboat owners should check the halyards.(step) 38.Step-cut 39.Step-wise 40.Stepped check 41.1. Once in their midst, passengers standing one deck above the __________________ looked directly down as the dolphins played in the bow wave, while a few yards away others rolled on their sides and even breached. (Line)=> waterline(n): độ cao so với mực nước biển 42.Those who opposed (1)..., and there were many, particularly in Ireland and Wales, were thus supporters of (2)..... (ESTABLISH) 43.The first is the peril of ______ judgements. For example, in the 16th century more or less everybody took astrology seriously and more or less everybody enjoyed a jolly afternoon out to see the bears baited. It’s no good dismissing the former as meaningless and cringing from the latter as disgusting (chronology) (n): bảng niên đại =>

anachronistic(a): sai niên đại, lỗi thời 44.This message appears when the __________________ is equal to zero as the result of the computation. (Center) =>hyporcenter(n) 45. 1.What an intemperate boy!! We are utterly ashamed of his ______(wit). 2. The extremists finally decided to execute the ______(fidelity) people for not joining their religion. 3. We are having a nice ______(lunch) in our backyard while listening to pieces of classical music. 4. The criminal was sentenced to death for drug-smuggling and ______(run). 5. The _____(snap) smashed the neighbor’s window with a soccer ball. 6. Luckily, the horror film was eventually passed by _______(communist) at the last minute. 46. KEY 1. Nitwittery: Foolishness 2. Infidel: A person who has no religion (vô đạo). 3 Luncheon: A formal lunch party. 4. Gun-running: The act of transporting and selling firearms . 5. Whipper-snapper: A young, arrogant, headstrong person. 6. Commissar: An oficial belonging to the Communist Party, who is responsible for education aspect and organization.

115. The fear of injury is always _________ in an athletes mind at this late stage. UP 116. They are calling for the release of the hostages on _________ grounds. HUMAN 117. Nothing is known about her _________ and background. PARENT 118. There is no evidence to suggest that disease is either _________ or infectious. INHERIT 119. She was given the _________ task of informing the losers. ENVY 120. The boy’s _________ behavior was the primary reason for which he was expelled from

school. OBJECT 121. Despite the immense _________ of a grateful nation, miller has slumped into struggle and despair. GOOD 122. I am sure that Linda will come to help us; she is a _________ girl. DEPEND 123. Maldini is _________ in AC Milan. He;s the key to their success. REPLACE 124. The new film is _________ good. EXCEPT  uppermost 116.humanitarian 117.parentage 118.hereditary 119.unenviable 120.objectionable 121.goodness 122.dependable 123.irreplacable 124.exceptionally

Incommunicado(a): không có phương tiện liên lạc, bị cấm đố He was held incommunicado for the first 48 hours after he was arrested.

105. uncommunicative 106. integral 107. impressionable 108. (not sure) provident 109. discreditable 110. judiciary 111.virulent 112.Intensive 113.susceptibility 114.uncomfortable 115.enlargement 116.uncharacterized 117complications 118.treatment 119.pregnancy 121.overactivities 122.abnormalities 123.immunization

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php? fbid=808609252987314&set=gm.647460165796794&type=3&theater You shouldn’t have (PRINT).................your hand in soft cement.

Internet trolls usually post misinformation about ______ issues onto social media platforms to provoke anger (BUTT)=>hot button

a subject that is important to people and about which they have strong opinions: Gender issues have become something of a hot button. Immigration has become a hot button issue. 1. Medical sources recommend the use of effective barrier methods when performing or receiving _____ with a partner whose STI status is unknown. [LICK] (Làm bài gặp câu này không biết làm, tra đáp án giật cả mình ạ. Mọi người thử nha 😢) 2. He was a _____ , living, to all appearances, by his wits. [MAN] 3. Where are you _____ from? [ORIGIN]  Originally  Cunnilingus  man-about-town

Scarlet, my new neighbor, tends to have intense,...... friendship(spirit)=> spỉitualized

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1deJGtXu-hItkD_oi7leAq3yohhKxW8Zj/view? fbclid=IwAR3nY6KtgJvhkEIDrLeuEA2yytLfzb3h83O5VF5yT_edL_vVC8Wii6_xxi8 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9Bm9DCYnV7NVXBwem13MDl0MXM 1.Upon arriving at the theatre, the hall was filled to capacity. 2. Both sides may be drawing the wrong conclusions about the tortuous negotiations. 3.The FED takes a hard line on its reserve requirements for member banks. 4. It is important/vital/imperative that you do not throw in the towel. 5. In this day and age, the biggest search firms hold sway over who rules many of the world's most potent organizations. 6.It is no skin off my nose whether you accept my offer or not. 7.Having finished his homework in two shakes, Poirot could go out and play. 8.Don’t you think you're a little/a bit/a little bit too long in the tooth to build a giant rollercoaster? 9.Much to my astonishment, Bruce turned out to be the Batman. 10. Regardless of his age, he is as fit as a fiddle.

Tác giả

Ambrosia High School for the Gifted Ad cập nhật key nhé 1. offhand 2. upended 3. rejuvenated 4. forthcoming 5. peruse 6. law-abiding 7. intoxicated 8. death-defying 9. consummate 10. deadpan

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mn7bh711vxxkFHF-aI0zU_QtiqQqOtF-? fbclid=IwAR09KUYBk3iyeLnwGN0YXkKiRnoHb2ky5AnPst9T__Lin5p3QKGPv7k6PkE

To avoid lines and _____ in the park, buy your pass online and visit during off-peak hours. [NECK] =>bottlenecks (n): trở ngại, vận hành giới hạn

2 intrepid spirit 3 unbridled imagination 4 driving force 5 ultimate goal 6 theoretical limits 7 inherent potential 8 profound impact 9 practical applications 10 natural tendency 11 daunting task 12 paramount importance

Word formation 1. A first-time buyer has forked out £285,000 on a _________ (FLAT) - the size of a caravan in a bid to get on the London property ladder. 2. They are such a __________ (SORT) couple that I adore them a lot. 3. Girls often get a bit _________ (TANK) when they are in their periods. 4. An eco-friendly ___________ (HOME) in Birmingham which has helped its owners to slash their energy bills by a whopping 85 per cent will open to the public this weekend. 5. Shortlisted for the 2019 Stirling prize, the annual award for the best building in Britain, Dido Milne and Oliver Wilton takes ___________ (CORK) to another level by employing it as a total building material.

1. micro-flat 2. well-assorted ? 4. super-home 5. Corkitecture

2.  3. Cantankerous 47. Word formation 1. We all love a charcuterie board, but according to a new report from CNN, next month will see the rise of __________ (SEA) instead - using seafood instead of the traditional food. 2. _________ (WATER) architects will be responsible for the planning and execution of projects that work with nature - not against it. 3. In the last decades, leading voices in industry and government had subscribed to a prevalent ethos called __________ (OPTIMISTIC). According to this notion, technological progress would ineluctably benefit humanity. 4. The CEOs have said : scheduling meetings, lunch breaks and workouts are no longer effective enough. To hit peak productivity, _________ (SCHEDULE) is the best option: in other words, planning every minute of your day, down to checking your phone and making tea.

48. Key: 1. seacuterie : an assortment of cold fish and shellfish, cooked or prepared in different ways. 2. Tidewater architects: someone whose job is to plan and design parts of a town or city in way that protects them from rising tides as a result of climate change. 3. techno-optimism: the belief that technology changes the world for the better. 4. micro-scheduling : the activity of planning your time in a way that accounts for what you will do in every minute of the day.

49. 1. The sun should be enjoyed but ______ can cause sunstroke - which can lead to serious condition (EXPOSE) 50. 2. John didn’t play violin as well as he was told; his musical talent had been a little ______ (STATE) 51. 3. Two years later, ______ services were created for low-income adults. (FAMILY) 52. 4. Wind is known as ______ resource (EXHAUST) 53. 5. For many years the cave was ______ until it was discovered by two villagers (VIOLATE) 54. 6. There will be some ______ from the party, and i will have them for breakfast tomorrow (LEAVE) 55. 7. She agreed for the need of the lasting ______ and a return to a peace process, which is absolutely 56. crucial. (FIRE) 57. 8. Its an ______ performance. It is done without preparation. (PROMPT) 58. 9. The name "Greenland" is a ______, since much of the island is covered by a massive ice sheet. 59. (NAME) 60. 10. Expert believes that honeycomb might be a tough sale to ______ kids (BRAND)

 Key #8 1. Plenipotentiaries 2. Savoir faire 3. Dead-reckoning 4. Scorched-earth 5. Dog-eat-dog