Unit 1 The Contract Sentences: Between and [PDF]

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Unit 1 THE CONTRACT SENTENCES 1. The language of contract English Read the following contracts, find the main clauses and subordinate clauses, underline all the terms which have the same grammatical functions which express the same meanings, then translate them into Vietnamese. (1) Extract of a construction contract The Contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever by way of indemnity or otherwise for or in respect of destruction of or damage to the Works... or to Temporary Works or to any property whether of Government or third parties or for or in respect of injury or loss of life which is the consequence, whether direct or indirect, of the outbreak of war (whether war is declared or not) in which the Country shall be actively engaged, invasion of the Country, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution or military or usurped power in the Country, civil war, or, otherwise than amongst the Contractor’s own employees or the employees of any subcontractor or a contractor executing any Specialist Works, riot, commotion or disorder, (hereinafter comprehensively referred to as “the said special risks”) and the Government shall indemnify and save harmless the Contractor against and from the same and against and from all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising therefrom or in connection therewith and shall compensate the Contractor for any loss of or damage to property of the Contractor used or intended to be used for the purposes of the Works, and occasioned either directly or indirectly by the said special risks. (2) Leasing contract This Lease Made the tenth day of August between Alan Quartermain hereinafter referred to as “the Landlord” and Elizabeth Jenkins hereinafter referred to as “the Tenant” Witnesseth: that the Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant and the Tenant hereby hires from the Landlord on the conditions attached hereto the apartment known as Apartment 4 on the fifth floor in the building known as 13 Greek Street for the term of three years commencing the first day of September 20-- and ending the thirty-first day of August 20-- at the annual rent of $5,000 payable in equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month during the said term In Witness Whereof Landlord and Tenant have respectively signed and sealed this lease as of the day and year first above written. 2. The basic sentence structures in a Contract Structure 1: Main clause + Main clause => Using “AND/OR” _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Structure 2 (1) Main clause + Subordinate Clause (2) Subordinate Clause + Main clause _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Structure 3: The daisy-chain Main Clause + Subordinate Clause + Subordinate Clause + Subordinate clause… _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Structure 4 Subordinate Clause + Main Clause + Subordinate clause _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Practice 1 Translate the following one-page contracts into Vietnamese and note the use of the clauses in this document. (1) Contract for transfer of ownership for a new car Know all Men by these Presents That The Albert Motor Company, the Seller, whose address is 3 Dry Boulevard, Alton, New Hampshire, for and in consideration of the sum of $17,000 paid by Joe Ditherspoon, the Buyer, whose address is 1839 Long Lane, Alton, New Hampshire, has bargained, sold, granted and conveyed and by these presents do bargain, sell, grant and convey unto the Buyer, the Buyer’s successors (heirs, executors, administrator) and assigns one Ford Mustang Model 1990 Factory No Ap 23840984762HX543 Motor No 72LK753 To Have and to Hold the same unto the Buyer and Buyer’s successors (heirs, executors, administrators) and assigns forever In Witness Whereof the Seller has set his hand and seal or caused these presents to be signed by its proper corporate offices and caused its proper corporate seal to be hereto affixed, the eleventh day of October, 20--.

(2) Contract for the sale and purchase of a second-hand automobile ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Between

Alan K. Whitbread, who resides at 12 Dogweed Lane New York, NY, of the first part, and Elizabeth Dowell, who resides at 3 Catskill Drive New York, NY, of the second part. The party of the first part, in consideration of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) covenants and agrees to sell to the party of the second part a 1988 black Ford automobile including the transfer to the party of the second part of the Certificate of Title and any other documents necessary to effectuate a complete transfer of title from the party of the first part to the party of the second part The party of the second part, in consideration of the complete transfer of title of the 1988 black Ford automobile from the party of the first part to the party of the second part covenants and agrees to tender payment of nine thousand dollars ($9,000) to the party of the first part in the form of cash with payment due on the date of delivery of the said automobile. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereunto have set their hands and seals the seventh day January in the year two thousand…. Practice 2. PURCHASE CONTRACT-General Terms and Conditions A. Fill in each gap one most suitable word 1. SHIPMENT OR DELIVERY 3 Specified 1 ship 4 essence

2 face

face ship The obligation of Seller to _________________ or deliver the goods specified on the _________________ of this Contract ("Goods") punctually by the time or within the prior period _________________ on the face of specified this Contract is of the _________________ of this Contract. essence dieu khoan cot yeu

B. Supply the missing information with the given words in the box completion, delivery, deviation, particulars, passage, repute, seaworthy, secure, standing, telex, transport, vessel, ship/deliver:giao hàng

thuê tàu hay lưu khoang tàu thì bên bán phải giao hàng lên con tàu hàng nhất được sở hữu và

hoặc vận hành bởi 1 cty vận tải có uy tín quốc tế và khả năng tài chính tốt và phải thuộc loại tàu 2. VESSEL transport:vc hàng thông thường được dùng để chuyển chở giống như hh hợp đồng secure If, under the terms of this Contract, Seller is to _________________ or arrange for the vessel or vessel's space, Seller shall ship the Goods on first class steamer(s) and/or motor vessel(s) owned and/or operated by standing carrier(s) of good international _________________ and financial _________________ and of a type repute normally used for the _________________ of goods of the same type as the Goods. The Goods shall be transport HH HĐ deviation shipped by way of usual shipping routes without any _________________ and on vessel(s) adequately passage _________________and suitable for uninterrupted _________________to the berth at the port of seaworthy destination. Immediately after the _________________of the loading of the Goods, Seller shall cable completion telex or_________________ to Buyer a notice of shipment or_________________, showing the number of this delivery Contract, the name of the _________________, the port of shipment or delivery, a description of the Goods vessel and packing, the quantity loaded, the invoice amount and other essential _________________ particulars

HH phải được giao theo các tuyến đường thông thg ko dc đi chẹch hướng, trên các con tàu có khả năng đi biển và thích hợp các tuyến dg chạy thẳng, đến cảng đích, ngay khi hoàn thành việc bốc hàng, bên bán điện bào về tình hình giao hàng,...

C. Fill in each gap one most suitable word 3. PRICE The price specified on the face of this Contract shall be firm and _________________ and shall not be final whatsoever _________________to any adjustment for any reason _________________ subject giá quy didnjh tren be mat hop dong se co dinh va ko dc thay doi vi bat ky ly do j 4. CHARGES

LQ den HH

All taxes, export duties, _________________banking charges and/or other charges attributable to the fees bao gom nhung ko han che ở limited Goods, containers and/or documents (including but not _________________ to certificates of origin in the borne country of shipment or delivery) shall be _________________ and paid by Seller. mọi khoản thuế, thue XK, chi phi phi NH lien quan den hh

D. Supply the missing information with the given words in the box hereunder, thereof, including but not limited to, indirectly, reasonable, liable, terminate 5. FORCE MAJEURE If the performance by Buyer of its obligations hereunder is directly or_________________ affected or indirectly including but not limited to Acts of God, fire, war declared or not or serious threat of the prevented by Force Majeure, _________________ same, civil commotion, strike or other labor dispute, governmental order or regulation or any other causes reasonable beyond the _________________ control of Buyer or Buyer's customer(s), Buyer shall not be heruder liable _________________for loss or damage or failure or delay in performing its obligations _________________ terminate thereof and may, at its sole discretion, _________________this Contract or any portion_________________. 6. DEFAULT cumulative, dead freight, deems, dispose, due; failure, herein; implied, including but not limited to, insolvency, otherwise, properties, receiver, remedies, terminate, thereof nguy co nghim trong cua nhung su co nay failure

In case of (i) Seller's_________________ to perform any provision of this Contract or breach of any implied herein express or _________________terms, conditions or warranties contained_________________; (ii) Seller's due inability to pay its debts generally as they become_________________; (iii) Seller's bankruptcy receiver insolvency or_________________; or (iv) appointment of a trustee, _________________or liquidator of Seller or of any material part of Seller's assets or_________________ ("Events of Default"), Buyer may, at its sole properties discretion; (i) _________________this Contract or any part_________________; (ii) reject the Goods; (iii) terminate thereof _________________of the Goods for the account of Seller at a time and price which Buyer dispose _________________ reasonable; and (iv) purchase elsewhere and charge Seller with any resulting loss or deems damage, and Seller shall reimburse Buyer for all loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from such Events of Default, _________________any costs and expenses such as_________________, loss of profit including but not limited to dead freight obtainable from resale by Buyer of the Goods and damage caused to any customer purchasing the Goods from Buyer. The rights and remedies of Buyer hereunder are_________________and in addition to Buyer's rights, cumulative remedies otherwise powers and _________________ existing at law or in equity or _________________ 7. WARRANTY claim, conform, furnished, implied, latent, merchantable, notwithstanding, practicable, refuse, thereof, title Seller shall convey to Buyer good and merchantable _________________ to the Goods free of any title encumbrance, lien or security interest. Seller warrants that the Goods shall fully _________________to any conform and all specifications, descriptions, drawings and data or samples or models furnished to or by Buyer, and shall be_________________, of good material and workmanship and free from defects, and shall be fit or merchantable suitable for the use(s) or purpose(s) intended by Buyer. Buyer shall make all claims, except for _________________ defects, regarding the Goods against Seller in latent writing as soon as reasonably _________________ after arrival of the Goods at their final destination and practicable unpacking and inspection_________________, whether by Buyer or Buyer's customer(s). thereof Seller shall be responsible for latent defects of the Goods at any time after delivery, _________________inspection and acceptance of the Goods whether by Buyer or Buyer's customer(s), notwithstanding

provided that a notice of _________________shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable after claim discovery of such defects. Buyer reserves the right to reject and _________________ acceptance of all or part of any shipment of refuse Goods which are not in accordance with specifications, descriptions, drawings, data, samples or models_________________to or by Buyer or with Seller's express or _________________warranties. implied furnished 8. INDEMNITY disbursement, harmless, indemnify, intellectual, malfunction, property, termination indemnity Seller shall defend, _________________and hold Buyer, Buyer's customer(s), users of the Goods, and its or their officers and directors _________________ from and against any liability, loss, damage, penalty, harmless cost, expense and _________________ (including attorneys' fees) or personal injury, death or disbursement property _________________damage as a result of any claim or dispute caused by, due to or relating, in any way, to the Goods or any defect or _________________ thereof or any infringement of any patent, trademark, malfunction utility model, design, copyright, mask work or any other _________________property rights in Japan or in intellectual termination any other country, which indemnity shall survive the _________________of this Contract.

9. GENERAL assign, award, constitutes, construed, differences, failure, final, hereof, interpreted, modified, prior, rules, settled, supersedes, thereof, tribunal, waiver (1) All disputes, controversies or _________________ arising out of or in relation to this Contract or the differences settled breach thereof which may not be settled by mutual accord without undue delay shall be _________________by arbitration in Tokyo, Japan, in accordance with the _________________of procedure of the Japan Commercial rules final Arbitration Association. The_________________ of arbitration shall be_________________and binding upon award both parties, and judgment on such award may be entered in any court or_________________having tribunal jurisdiction _________________This Contract shall be, in all respects, governed by and _________________in thereof construed interpreted accordance with the laws of Japan. The trade terms such as FOB, CFR and CIF shall be _________________in accordance with "INCOTERMS 2020". (2) The _________________ of Buyer at any time to require full performance by Seller of the failure hereof terms_________________ shall not affect the right of Buyer to enforce the same. The waiver by Buyer of any waiver breach of any provision of this Contract shall not be construed as a _________________ of any succeeding breach of such provision or waiver of the provision itself. (3) This Contract_________________the entire agreement between the parties hereto and constitutes _________________all prior or contemporaneous communications or agreements or undertakings with regard supersedes to the subject matter hereof. This Contract may not be _________________ or terminated except by a written modified agreement of Seller and Buyer. (4) Seller shall not transfer or _________________this Contract or any part thereof without Buyer's assign prior _________________ written consent. Practice 3. English-Vietnamese translation 1. The stipulated prices are fixed, and they are to be understood delivered paid to the place of destination. Gía qui dinh thì cố định và được hiểu là bao gồm cước vận chuyển trả đến nơi đến. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

2. The headings and marginal notes in these General Conditions shall not be deemed part of this Contract, and they shall not to be taken into consideration in the interpretation hereof. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Các tiêu đề và ghi chú bên lề trong phần những điều khoản chung sẽ không được xem là một phần của hợp đồng này, và chúng (tiêu đề và ghi chú bên lề) sẽ không được tính đến/xét đến trong phần diễn giải/giải thích. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. The Employer has the right to terminate this Contract if construction work is not performed in accordance with local by-laws. Chu dau tu co quyen cham dut hop dong nay neu cong trinh xay dung khong duoc thuc hien theo quy đinh cua Luat dia phuong. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. If delivery is delayed more than 30 days from the agreed date of delivery due to reasons other than Force Majeure, the Buyer is entitled to terminate this Contract. Nếu giao hàng bị chậm trễ quá 30 ngày kể từ ngày giao hàng thỏa thuận vì những lý do không phải bất khả kháng, bên mua được quyền chấm dứt HĐ _________________________________________________________________________________________ này _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. The delivery time has been adhered to if the consignment is ready for dispatch ex works within the agreed period and if notice to this effect is sent to the Purchaser. Thờ i gian giao hàng được tôn trọng triệt để nếu lô hàng đã sẵn sàng xuất đi tại nhà máy trong khoảng thời gian đã thỏa thuận và nếu thông báo về kết _________________________________________________________________________________________ quả này đã được gửi cho người mua _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Practice 4. Vietnamese-English translation 1. Trường hợp bên Bán phải chịu trách nhiệm thanh toán khoản tiền bồi thường thiệt hại ước tính, bên Mua, sau khi đã gửi văn bản thông báo kịp thời cho bên Bán, được quyền chấm dứt Hợp đồng. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In case the Seller is responsible for paying the estimated amount of damages, the Buyer, afterhaving sent timely written notice to the Seller, is entitled to terminate the Contract. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Bên Mua sẽ giám định hàng khi hàng đến đích. Nếu hàng hoá không phù hợp với Hợp đồng về chất lượng hay số lượng, thì bên Mua sẽ phải thông báo ngay cho bên Bán về bất kỳ sự sai biệt nào ngay lập tức. _________________________________________________________________________________________ The Buyer will inspect the goods when the goods arrive at the destination. If the goods do not conform to the Contract in terms of qualityor quantity, Buyer shall immediately notify Seller of any discrepancy _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Ngay khi hoàn tất việc giao hàng cho nguời Chuyên chở, bên Bán phải gửi văn bản thông báo cho bên Mua về tình hình giao hàng. Upon completion of the delivery of the goods to the Carrier, the Seller must give written notice to the BuyerAbout the delivery situation _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Trường hợp bất đồng hoặc tranh chấp phát sinh từ hay liên quan đến Hợp đồng này, hai bên sẽ gặp nhau để tìm ra biện pháp hòa giải. _________________________________________________________________________________________ In the event of a disagreement or dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the two parties shall meet tofind a solution. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Trường hợp bên Mua vi phạm bất kỳ điều khoản và điều kiện nào của Hợp đồng này, bên Bán được quyền chấm dứt toàn bộ hay một phần Hợp đồng này hoặc tạm ngưng giao hàng tiếp.

_________________________________________________________________________________________ In case the Buyer violates any terms and conditions of this Contract, the Seller is entitled toterminate this Contract in whole or in part or suspend further delivery. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________