The Relevance of The Topic Is That Economic Risks Are A Necessary Concomitant [PDF]

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Introduction Fierce competition in the markets of the modern Moldavian economy implies the need for a clear definition of the prospects and directions of development of entrepreneurial activity, taking into account the likelihood of risks of an objective and subjective nature. The dual nature of the nature of risk and the degree of its impact on the development of entrepreneurial activity are independent of human will and are not regulated by it. But it is the presence of two components in the nature of risk that allows us to choose more effective methods and techniques for optimizing management decisions and minimizing the risks themselves. By creating the necessary control environment, constantly informing staff and implementing internal control, the economic entity makes appropriate decisions on risk management. Risks can occur in any type of activity. The risk of not receiving the expected results is especially inherent in the conditions of universality of the relations between goods and money, the competition of the participants in the economic turnover. This thesis is dedicated to the study of risk management in the enterprise. A risk factor can occur and have an impact on any company, no matter how stable it is in the market. The main criterion for the efficient capacity of a modern enterprise is the ability of management to analyze, predict, perform prophylaxis, monitor reasonably and effectively manage risks, based on a strictly scientific basis. The risk depends directly on the effectiveness, soundness and timeliness of management decisions. The risk can and must be managed, namely, use specific measures to maximize the forecast of a risk event and apply appropriate measures to reduce the degree of risk. At present, the Republic of Moldova is undergoing a series of complex and paradoxical transformations at all levels of society, namely at all types of organizations. In this period of transitional transformations in the Republic of Moldova, the impact is felt both at the level of the person and at the level of the group, this can be called cultural shock. It is a confusion in which both the desire for stability and the desire for change dominate, both manifesting themselves simultaneously. Risk management and entrepreneurship are sources of innovation and change, they lead and stimulate productivity growth within the enterprise. The relevance of the topic is that economic risks are a necessary concomitant component of any business, because the real situation almost never completely meets the planned or desired parameters. Properly performed analysis and assessment of economic risks 1

allows the company to identify areas of increased risk and make timely decisions to reduce the impact of negative consequences. The object of research is the limited liability company “ Food Planet Restaurants” The subject of the study is the mechanism of managing economic risks at the enterprise. The purpose of the study is to study the problem of managing economic risks and develop measures to reduce the impact of risks on the enterprise. Obiectivul si obiectivele аcestei lucrări sunt indentificаreа problemelor existente în ceeа ce privește managementul riscurilor în compania “ Food Planet Restaurants” SRL Republica Moldovа, bаzаte pe o societаte cu profituri și orgаnizаții non-profit. Obiectivele аcestei lucrаri sunt: 

Cаrаcteristicile mаnаgeriаle și studiereа аbordаrii conceptuаle.

Cаrаcteristicile și mаnаgeriаle și аntreprenoriаle аle stilului Republicii Moldovа în conformitаte cu prаcticile internаtionаle și nаționаle.

Identificаreа beneficiilor аcestui model specific.

Аnаlizаreа prin implementаre а termenilor cheie în două sаu mаi multe orgаnizаții din Republicа Moldovа, diferențele și sectoаrele de аctivitаte.q

Studiereа pаrticulаritаților si elementelor definitorii în mаnаgement si аntreprenoriаt.

Formulаreа recomаndаrilor pentru evаluаreа mаnаgeriаlă.

Pentru cercetаreа cаntitаtivа si cаlitаtivа а fost utilizаtă metodа primаră. Аici аu fost аnаlizаte procesele și evаluаreа culturii аntreprenoriаle. Concluziile formulаte аu fost determinаte folosind diferite metode cа rаport, comаprаții, rаte medii, indicаtori cheie și de performаnță etc. În lucrаre аu fost reprezentаte lucrări și elаborări teoretice prаgmаtic, legi și lectură în mаnаgementul аfаcerilor. Cа аlte resurse аu mаi fost studiаte numeroаse lucrаri teoretice și rаpoаrte speciаlizаte. În plus pentru аceаstă lucrаre аu fost utilizаte surse interne аle orgаnizаții, boșuri informаtive, portаluri, bаze de dаte și biblioteci online. Cаpitolul





аntreprenoriаle, reflectînd аspectul teoretic аl subiectului аnаlizаt.





Аici sunt аbordаte funcțiile și principiile mаnаgeriаle, culturа, rolul și structurа аntreprenoriаlă. Dezvoltаreа sistemului de mаnаgement și cultură în cаdrul și structurа entitаților, și guvernаnțа corporаtivа а rolurilor in mаnаgement și în Republicа Moldovа. Cаpitolul II: Pаrticulаritățile mаnаgementului și culturii аntreprenoriаle reflectаte în аfаcere. Și аnume dezvoltаreа întreprinderii pe bаzа principаlilor indicаtori în аfаcere bаzаtă pe termeni cheie аi lucrаrii. Аici vа fi prezentаtă аnаlizа аctivitаții întreprinderii Mc Donаld’s prin аnаlize, scheme, orgаnigrаme cît și аnаlizа, mаnаgementul. Cаpitolul III: Evаluаreа culturii orgаnizаționаle este o cecetаre individuаlă аsuprа modului în cаre sistemului mаnаgeriаl influențeаză culturа orgаnizаționаlă. Structurа tezei: Tezа este structurаtă în trei cаpitole si mаi multe subcаpitole, concluzii și pаgini suplimentаre cаre includ bibliogrаfie și аnexe.

1.1 The economic essence of risks and their classification at the enterprise level The presence of risk is an integral feature of entrepreneurship both in creating one's own business and during the further development of the business. Risk, as an economic category, represents the possibility of losses instead of the expected profit, loss of income or goods, loss of funds as a result of an accidental change in the conditions of economic activity. As a probabilistic category, risk determines the probability that a predicted event will not occur. The financial and economic activities of any commercial organization are carried out on the basis of decisions, each based on intuition or calculations. The risk of making a decision is the probability of a mismatch between the actual results of the implemented decision and the set objectives. In determining the nature of the risk, you must face certain difficulties. There are different approaches and opinions. The variety is defined:


first of all, the diversity of this phenomenon;

secondly, the relative underdevelopment of the problem;

third, the unpredictability of the admissible factors, showing impact on people's practical activities. As a result, risk is a complex of probable economic, political, moral and other positive

and negative consequences implementation of selected solutions. Economic risk is constantly combined organically with innovative, innovative economic activity. A market economy encourages maximum income, but the predictability of profitability is limited by the laws of commodity production and, above all, by the law of value. Understanding the nature of risk allows the business entity to eliminate, solve the risk situation by selecting and implementing one of the available alternatives, modeling the more efficient application of available production factors. Economic risk acts as a form of activity of economic entities in which uncertainty is overcome in a situation of an inevitable alternative, during which there is the possibility to assess the probabilistic achievement of the desired result. To understand the nature of entrepreneurial risk, the relationship between risk and profit is fundamental. An entrepreneur (business entity) expresses its willingness to take risks in conditions of uncertainty, because, together with the risk, the possibility of additional income will be lost. Although it is clear that the entrepreneur is not guaranteed to make a profit, the reward for the time, effort and skills he spends can be both profit and loss. You can choose a solution that includes a minimum risk, but the profit will also be lower, and at a maximum risk, the profit has a higher value. Due to the different methods, an entrepreneur (organization) can partially start to transfer the risk to other objects of the economy, but cannot avoid it completely. In fact, uncertainty and risk are sources of entrepreneurial activity. The economic behavior of an entrepreneur is limited by the scope of legislation, the availability of resources and the desire to take risks for the greatest benefit. At the same time, the entrepreneur's risk is often focused on achieving the required results using unconventional methods. This allows us to overcome conservatism, dogmatism, inertia, psychological barriers that hinder promising innovations. The ability to take risks is one of the ways of a successful entrepreneurial activity. This shows the constructive form of the entrepreneurial risk regulation function. At the same time, risk can become a manifestation of adventurism if a decision is made in the context of incomplete information, without taking into account the laws of development of 4

the phenomenon. In such an option, risk acts as a destabilizing factor. Along with the characterization of risk as the probability of positive or negative consequences that may arise as a result of the selection and implementation of a decision to expand the entrepreneurial activity, risk can be analyzed as an inseparable element of this activity. Dependence here is unambiguous (direct): as entrepreneurial activity, partnerships and other forms of management expand (develop), the risk sphere will expand and the number of risk situations will increase. Therefore, in an economic struggle with competing producers for the customer, the entrepreneurial company must sell its products on credit (with the risk of nonreturn of money at the appointed time), in the presence of temporarily free money, arrange them in the form of deposits or securities. (with the risk of insufficient interest income compared to inflation rates), when conducting export-import trade operations, to meet the need to operate in different national currencies (with the risk of non-profit losses favorable environment exchange rates) etc. Many businesses, organizations are successful, become competitive based on innovative economic activity, combined with risks. Risky decisions, risky types of management lead to the most productive production, which benefits entrepreneurs, customers and society as a whole. So, entrepreneurial risk fulfills its innovative function. Risk, calculation, case, competition are constant business trips. Some risk investing in business, others with their property, some risk here not only being acceptable, but also necessary. People engaged in entrepreneurial activities act objectively in conditions of increased economic and commercial risk, as they are obliged to realize the additional costs independent of the organization of the production and marketing of certain products. The protective function of risk is expressed by the fact that, if for an entrepreneur the risk is a natural state, then a tolerant attitude towards bad luck should be common. Active and active leaders need social protection, legal, political and economic guarantees, which exclude punishment in case of bad luck and stimulate justified risk. The entrepreneur must be sure that a probable error (risk) cannot compromise either the business or its image, because it happened as a result of an unjustified risk, although a calculated risk. The presence of entrepreneurial risk is, in theory, the free face of economic freedom, the initial payment for it. The freedom of an entrepreneur is simultaneously accompanied by the freedom of other entrepreneurs, which means that with the formation of market relations in 5

Russia, confusion and entrepreneurial risk will increase. Eliminates the uncertainty of the future in business it is not feasible because it manifests itself as an element of objective reality. Depending on the specific content of the risk situation, the alternative has a different degree of complexity. As a result, in difficult economic situations, special methods of analysis are used to select the best solution. Thus, we can distinguish the analytical function of entrepreneurial risk. The entrepreneurial risk functions allow us to conclude that, despite the significant potential for loss that presents a risk, it is also expressed as a probable source of profit. Therefore, it is the main task of the entrepreneur, it is not at all a rejection of risk, but the selection of risk-related decisions based on objective criteria, namely: to what extent can an entrepreneur act by taking risks. As the main objective of the study is to study the risk management mechanism of the organization, taking into account their classification according to specific criteria will be useful in solving the assigned task. According to Professor Lyubushin N.P. risk classification largely determines the effectiveness of a risk management company. Risk classification issues are a relatively difficult task, which is determined by their diversity. Risk classification is the distribution of risk into categories, types and subspecies, groups and subgroups. There is no harmonious system for classifying economic risks in the economic literature. There are many approaches and attempts to classify risks. For example, scientists at Syktyvkar State University believe that the risk classification proposed by Professors B. Milner and F. Lis, which represents the whole combination of risks, is of particular interest. Two main groups are divided according to the scope of occurrence - external and internal risks. External risks are affected by the external environment around the company. These are political, legislative, natural, regional, sectoral, macroeconomic risks (inflation, currency, interest, structure). The company cannot exert influence over them, but can predict them and take into account only its activities. Internal risks are formed in the management process of the enterprise. These include production risks (technological, qualifications, delivery risk, transport), investment (business risk, lower profitability risk, selective risk, temporary risk), commercial (trade, loss of competitiveness, price discrimination, risk of settlement).


They usually occur as a result of inefficient management, erroneous marketing policies and sometimes the result of intra-company abuse. Significant risks among staff are associated with the professional level and characteristics of the company's employees. In our opinion, the classification of risks proposed by the Russian scientist and economist A. Shapkin is also quite complete. He considers the nature of the consequences as the main feature and divides all economic risks into pure and speculative ones. Pure risks (sometimes called static or simple) almost always lead to losses for entrepreneurial activity. Their causes can be natural disasters, accidents, incapacity of company leaders, etc. Speculative risks involve additional losses or profits for the entrepreneur. Their reasons may be a change of course currencies, changes in market conditions, changes in investment conditions, etc. Depending on the sphere of origin or activity, production, commercial and financial risks.

1.2 Methods for assessing and managing economic risks Assessing the expected risk for a planned activity or a specific business operation requires high qualification and experience in this type of business. An experienced businessman will not make risky management decisions only intuitively. It is necessary to have an economic justification - calculation of entrepreneurial risk. Such a calculation is possible only with the appropriate knowledge in the field of probability theory, statistics and economics. However, an assessment of possible losses may be available to a novice entrepreneur. For this, it is necessary to have at least the most general idea of the types and causes of accidental losses that can occur with tangible probability in a given operation. The main thing is to be able to identify which of the possible losses will lead to a critical and catastrophic risk. In the process of risk analysis, the main thing is to identify the price of losses or the severity of their consequences. In this case, the company must answer the question about their possible amount. Of course, large or small losses are determined by the scale of commercial operations and their expected results. A measure in this matter is the ratio of possible losses to free assets, which can be called the price of risk. The first step in risk assessment is to identify the point or time of loss. By the moment of losses, it is necessary to understand not only the event that could cause losses, but also the 7

probable amount of possible losses for this particular event. While the reason is unknown, it is impossible to establish the size of economic risks, the losses from which can seriously reduce the assets of the enterprise. In determining the moment of loss in the price of risk, both the damage that may be caused to the property of the enterprise and the non-received commercial and social benefits (for example, lost profit) are summarized. Studying the probability of risk situations allows the enterprise management to get an idea about the relationship and mutual influence of potential risks. Each single risk can cause additional risk losses. In this case, a plot of economic risks arises. The determination of the price of possible losses should be carried out within each section of losses with the subsequent identification of their total price. Most enterprises often do not insure possible lost profits as a result of an unforeseen interruption in their activities, although there is a risk of such losses, or insurance will cover the actual cost of the lost, partially obsolete property, and new property acquired for reimbursement will be expensive. If a business is insured against possible losses as a result of business interruptions, then such ones as a decrease in the purchasing power of consumers during the break, loss of customer confidence in the company, etc., are not subject to accounting and insurance. It is important to note that economic risk and the price of risk depend on the speed of capital turnover. For some static risks, especially related to the action of forces of nature, with the departure of key personnel figures or of a universal nature, the probability of their occurrence in most cases is a function of time. With the acceleration of capital turnover, the moment of occurrence of risk for one revolution decreases, but for the accepted time interval (quarter, year) remains the same. Economic risks, both static and dynamic, are directly related to a specific type of commercial activity. But the greater the business’s ability to quickly return money, the less sensitive it is to the loss of part of the profit. Thus, the basis for assessing economic risks is the finding of a relationship between certain sizes of enterprise losses and the probability of their occurrence. This dependence finds expression in fifteen the probability curve for the occurrence of a certain level of losses. To construct the probability curve of a certain level of losses (risk curve), various methods are used: statistical; cost-benefit analysis; expert assessment method; 8

analytical method; method of

analogies. Among them, three should be especially distinguished: the statistical method, the method of expert estimates, and the analytical method. The statistical method is to study the statistics of losses and profits that have taken place in a given or similar production. In this case, the magnitude and frequency of obtaining one or another economic return are established, the most probable forecast for the future is made. The economic risk has a mathematically pronounced probability of the occurrence of loss, which is based on statistical data and can be calculated with high accuracy. In order to quantify the risk, it is necessary to know all the possible consequences of any particular action and the probability of the consequences themselves. In relation to economic problems, methods of probability theory come down to determining the probability of occurrence of events and choosing from the most probable events the most preferable one based on the largest mathematical expectation, which is equal to the absolute value of this event multiplied by the probability of its occurrence. The main tools of the statistical method for calculating economic risk are indicators: 

variation - a change in quantitative indicators in the transition from one version of the result to another.

variance - a measure of the deviation of actual knowledge from its average value.

standard (standard deviation) deviation.

In this case, the degree of risk is determined using two criteria - the average expected value and the variation of the possible result. The average expected value is the weighted average of all possible results, where the probability of each result is used as the frequency, or weight, of the corresponding value. Thus, the result that is supposedly expected is calculated. In the course of the analysis of the appropriateness of costs, potential risk zones are identified taking into account the financial stability of the company. In this case, you can use the standard methods of financial analysis - the method of expert assessments, building a risk curve, the method of analogies. The peer review method is usually implemented by processing the opinions of experienced entrepreneurs and professionals. It differs from the statistical only in the method of collecting information to build a risk curve. Expert estimates are based on all financial risk


factors, as well as statistics. The implementation of the method of expert assessments is difficult if the number of assessment indicators is small. The analytical method of constructing a risk curve is the most complicated, since the underlying elements of the game theory are accessible only to very narrow specialists. More often, a subset of the analytical method is used - sensitivity analysis of the model, which consists of the following steps: 

the choice of a key indicator, against which the sensitivity is evaluated (internal rate of return, net present value, etc.);

choice of factors (inflation rate, state of the economy, etc.);

calculation of key indicator values at various stages

project implementation (procurement of raw materials, production, sale, transportation, capital construction, etc.). The sequences of costs and receipts of financial resources formed in this way make it possible to determine the flows of cash funds for each moment (or time span), i.e. determine performance indicators.

Charts are constructed that reflect the dependence of the selected

resulting indicators from the value of the initial parameters. By comparing the charts with each other, it is possible to determine the so-called key indicators, to the greatest extent, affecting the assessment of project profitability. But it should be noted that sensitivity analysis is not comprehensive and does not specify the likelihood of alternative projects. The analogy method is necessary when analyzing the risk of a new project. When using this method, the data on the effects of adverse financial risk factors on other similar projects of other competing enterprises is studied. Indexation is a way to preserve the real value of monetary resources (capital) and profitability in an inflationary environment. It is based on the use of various indexes. For example, when analyzing and forecasting financial resources, it is necessary to take into account price changes, for which price indices are used. Price Index - an indicator that characterizes the change in prices over a certain period of time. Thus, the existing methods for constructing a probability curve for a certain level of losses are not entirely equivalent, but, one way or another, allow an approximate estimate of the total volume of economic risk. 10

The considered methods for assessing economic risks are quite complex and require the appropriate qualifications of specialist analysts, as well as the use of special programs. To perform a risk assessment by the economic services of a particular enterprise, you can use the score proposed by Belarusian economists. In fact, this is a point estimate - the degree of risk is determined in points as the sum of six financial ratios: quick ratio (critical assessment), capitalization ratio (financial leverage eighteen leverage), gross margin, gross margin of equity, economic profitability, current assets efficiency ratio. The quick liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of quickly traded assets (receivables, payments of which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date) to current debt (payables and short-term liabilities). Gross margin is calculated as the ratio of gross profit (margin income) to sales revenue. Gross return on equity (production) is calculated as the ratio of gross profit to equity. Economic profitability is calculated as the ratio of net profit to the average annual value of assets. The working capital efficiency ratio is calculated as the ratio of revenue to net working capital. When calculating all the coefficients and summing them up, the value of the risk level of the enterprise is obtained - the higher the total score, the wider the enterprise’s opportunities in the market. The essence of the risk is reflected in the following elements: - the possibility of deviations from the intended purpose; - the probability of achieving the desired result; - lack of confidence in achieving the goal; - the possibility of material, moral and other losses associated with concerned with the implementation of the alternative chosen in the conditions of uncertainty. The main causes of uncertainty: - spontaneity of natural processes and phenomena, natural disasters; - accident of socio-economic and technological processes; - the probabilistic nature of scientific and technological progress; 11

- lack of information about the investigated object, process, phenomenon; - limited resources in making and implementing decisions; - limited conscious activity of a person, differences in socio-psychological attitudes, assessments, behavior. Currently, there are two approaches to risk determination in the literature. In the framework of the first approach, they proceed from the outcome of the event, and the risk is considered as the possibility or threat of deviation of the results of specific decisions or actions from the expected ones. In the framework of the second approach, the risk phenomenon itself is considered as an action aimed at achieving a specific goal related to the elements of danger, the threat of loss or failure. The main task of all risk management systems in any field is to use the achievements of science and the available limited funds in the most efficient way to make the results of operations as predictable as possible (that is, to reduce as much as possible the uncertainty regarding these results). By analyzing the structure of risk, we can identify the main ways of its change (ie, management) due to the impact on individual risk elements. The elimination of at least one basic element entails the disappearance of risk. By reducing the likelihood of a transition between elements or the severity of the consequences, the risk can be reduced. The variety of risks and management methods requires systematization, which they try to do as part of risk management. In socio-economic systems, the subsystem responsible for managing rice Kami, since the mid-twentieth century, traditionally called "risk management". Originally used only as part of entrepreneurial activity, this term and the management principles behind it are now applied in the social sphere, and in technology, and when working in financial markets. Risk management - coordinated actions to manage and manage the organization in relation to risk. The main goal of risk management is to improve the financial results of the enterprise and create such conditions so that it does not receive large losses than permissible. The risk management process consists in researching and analyzing the probability of occurrence of accidental harm, developing a system for recognizing risk, possibly reducing it to the minimum or eliminating it.


In risk studies, two approaches can be distinguished: objective and philosophical. An objective approach is based on an understanding of a rational person and proceeds from the fact that there is a possibility of cognition of objective reality. In a philosophical approach, it is noted that reality cannot be comprehensively described. In risk studies, two approaches can be distinguished: objective and philosophical. An objective approach is based on an understanding of a rational person and proceeds from the fact that there is a possibility of cognition of objective reality. In a philosophical approach, it is noted that reality cannot be comprehensively described. A critical analysis of approaches to determining the content of risk management processes allowed us to formulate our own list of risk management stages, which should include the six most significant phases, namely: - risk identification; - risk analysis; - consideration of risk management alternatives; - evaluation of various options; - making managerial decisions in the field of risk; control of the risk management process. When managing risk in an enterprise, it should be given to such areas as production, logistics, development research. To manage risk, one should use methods of risk preservation and compensation of damage, creation of reserve funds, attraction of external sources; reduction and exclusion of risk, reduction in the likelihood of adverse events; transfer of responsibility for risk through insurance, financial guarantees and sureties, inclusion of risk provisions in contracts and contracts. The basic principles of building a risk management system should include: the optimal combination of centralization and decentralization in management, the unity of political and economic leadership, planned management of the economy, incentive, science, responsibility, staff selection and placement, cost-effectiveness and efficiency. There is no established risk classification. In this paper, to break down the entire set of risks into subgroups, we use the methodology proposed by Professor A.I. Orlov.


The whole set of economic risks is proposed to be divided into groups, taking as a basis for the ordering principle the movement from particular to general. Then the following risk classes can be distinguished: • production risks associated directly with the activities of the enterprise; • commercial risks caused by incomplete predictability of market dynamics; • financial risks determined by the macroeconomic situation; risks arising at the level of the state and the Earth as a whole. Among the production risks can be identified: * risk of defective product release; * the risk of disruption of technological processes; * risk of error in product design; * social risks. Among the commercial risks are: * risk of loss of suppliers; * risk of changing consumer preferences; * regional risks due to * individual regions; * informational risks. Among the financial risks can be identified: * inflationary risks; * currency risks; * investment risks; Legislative - a change in existing rules with the release of new legislative and regulatory acts, for example, worsening the position of the company (introduction of new taxes, cancellation of tax benefits, increase in tax rates, etc.). Among the risks arising at the level of the state and the Earth as a whole, we can distinguish: * political - related to the political situation in the country and the activities of public authorities (revolution, military operations, nationalization of private property, confiscation of property, etc.); * industry - depend on the development trends of the industry; 14

* foreign economic; * risks associated with natural phenomena. Currently, in computer and mathematical modeling, mathematical tools such as: •probabilistic-statistical methods; •methods of statistics of non-numerical data, including interval statistics and interval mathematics, and also fuzzy theory methods; •methods of conflict theory (game theory); •methods of the theory of artificial intelligence (neuronny networks, genetic algorithms, etc.) However, formal risk assessment methods in many cases cannot provide definitive recommendations. Therefore, along with formal economic methods, it is mandatory to use expert forecasting methods and the corresponding methods from the theory of expert estimates. The limits of applicability of statistical risk models were recognized during the 1998-99 crisis, accompanied by the collapse of some large financial institutions that relied on statistical risk models. One of the promising approaches to risk management is the use of neural network apparatus for the classification and prediction of risks. In the next section, the advantages and disadvantages of existing economic models will be discussed and the advantages of neural network technology will be described. Neural networks and their advantages for solving the problem of risk assessment. In practice, risk analysis often involves tasks related to the observation of random variables. For such problems, it is not possible to construct deterministic models; therefore, a fundamentally different, probabilistic approach is used. The parameters of probabilistic models are the distributions of random variables, their average values, variances, etc. As a rule, these parameters are initially unknown, and statistical methods applied to samples of observed values (historical data) are used to estimate them. Statistical forecasting is based on the task of a time series, i.e. function defined in a finite number of points on the time axis. The main tasks to be solved in this case are interpolation and extrapolation. In the simplest case, the least squares method is used, the least modulus method and other extrapolation methods are also used. To assess the accuracy of the forecast, parametric


and nonparametric (based on the Central Theorem of Probability Theory) estimates and confidence limits for it are used. At present, the main econometric forecasting apparatus is multidimensional regression. In this case, the assumption of the normality of measurement errors and deviations from the regression line is possible; for this it is necessary to use a mathematical apparatus based on the Central Theorem of probability theory. In this case, nonparametric probability density estimation methods are used. Methods of statistics of non-numerical data are used in forecasting based on information of non-numerical nature. Particular cases of regression analysis within the framework of statistics of non-numerical data are variance analysis and discriminant analysis. The use of neural network technology is appropriate in cases where the formalization of the decision process is difficult or even impossible. They are a very powerful modeling tool because they are non-linear in nature. Linear modeling has long been fundamental in most areas, since there are a large number of optimization methods for it. However, in the problems of risk analysis, methods of linear modeling in the vast majority of cases are not applicable. In addition, for neural networks there is no problem of the “curse of dimension” that does not allow modeling linear dependencies on a large number of variables. A neural network is used primarily when the exact form of communication between input and output is unknown. It is enough to know for sure that there is a connection between the input and output data. In this case, the dependence itself will be derived in the process of training a neural network. Compared with traditional technologies, neural networks have the following advantages * Universality. Neural networks do not depend on the properties of the input data; for them there is no requirement for a certain type of distribution of the source data, or requirements for the linearity of the objective functions. Simplicity. The use of neural networks does not require special training; for practical use, there is no need to delve deeply into the internal mechanisms of the network, unlike statistical methods that require fundamental knowledge from the field of probability theory and mathematical statistics. • There is no problem of the “curse of dimension”. They are able to model dependencies in the case of a large number of variables. 16

• Accelerate the process of finding dependence due to the simultaneous processing of data by all neurons. Features of the construction of neural networks are discussed below. At the same time, neural networks have a number of serious disadvantages. The key ones are the following: • The complexity of building a network architecture for a specific task. For the vast majority of real tasks, no standard schemes have been developed, as a result, in each case design has to start from scratch. • Difficulty in interpreting learning outcomes. Features of the construction of a neural network will be considered further. In the meantime, it can be noted that the values of the parameters of the network elements are almost always impossible to explain in terms of the problem being solved, as a result, the neural network remains a “black box” not only for users, but also parts, and for developers. Despite the fact that neural networks can solve almost any problem, in many cases their application is not advisable. To solve many problems, the use of other mathematical models is more effective. At the same time, neural networks have proven themselves particularly well in solving problems of classification, prediction, coding and decoding of information SCOPES OF NEURAL NETWORKS IN RISK MANAGEMENT For risk management, the author proposes the use of neural networks in the following areas: • Assessment of production risks. Forecasting the required stock of raw materials. Optimal production planning. • Assessment of investment risks. Analysis of organizational and economic stability of enterprises and forecasting bankruptcies. • Currency risk assessment. Forecasting quotes in the foreign exchange market. • Credit risk assessment. Forecast of lending efficiency. • Assessment of trade risks. • The study of the demand factor. • Forecasting and price analysis. • Forecasting sales.


Cаpitolul II. АNАLIZА АCTIVITĂȚII ÎNTREPRINDERII MCDONАLD’S MOLDOVА 2.1 Sistemul mаnаgeriаl аl orgаnizаției “McDonald's Corporation (listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the MCD code) is the largest chain of fast food restaurants in the world, selling with priority burgers, chicken, french fries, buttermilk so-called milkshakes) and carbonated drinks. McDonald's is the world's largest food retailer, with more than 32,000 restaurants in 117 countries. In 2011, the company earned $ 27 billion. ” IM "FOOD PLANET RESTAURANTS" SRL is a company that offers services in public catering. Through accumulated experience, work and dynamism, continuous improvement, training in serving customers and offering a high QSC, McDonald's is one of the biggest brands in the country and in the world. McDonald's mission is to provide customers with high quality products and services. It has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American lifestyle. McDonald's is well known in the Republic of Moldova, one of the first world-renowned brands to enter the market of the Republic of Moldova. The first restaurant was opened in April 1998 and later the formula for success was completed and 3 more restaurants were opened in Chisinau: McDonald's Rascani, McDonald's Botanica, McDonalds Mall. Succeeding in this way serving more than 2 million customers annually in 2009-2010, and in 2015 3 million customers this figure due to QSC highly developed in recent years and the reconstruction of 2 Mc Drive restaurants in 2014 and 2015. This growth the number of customers served in the IN Store as well as Mc Drive.


The quality products as well as the service, the cleanliness are due to a diligent work done by a whole team of people who work daily to satisfy any guest. The high quality of the products is due to the fact that it is a strict quality of the factory where the raw material is produced and until the finished product reaches the customer. The status of the enterprise is elaborated in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 1107-XV of June 6, 2002, Law of the Republic of Moldova No. 1335XVI of June 14, 2007 on Limited Liability Companies, Law of the Republic of Moldova No. 845-XII of 03.01.1992 on Entrepreneurship and Enterprises. The legal acts and norms that regulate the company's activity are: • Constitution of the Republic of Moldova; • Law on Entrepreneurship and Enterprises; • Law on Limited Liability Companies; • Fiscal code; • Labor Code; •Civil Code; • Law on investments in entrepreneurial activity; • Law on licensing certain types of activities; • Salary law; • Act on access to information; • Law on the computer; • Law on personal data protection; • Copyright and related rights law. Structurа orgаnizаtorică а întreprinderii By organizational structure is meant both the way in which the elements of a system are ordered and the relationships that are established between these elements in the process of realizing the functions of those systems. Regarding the organizational structure, due to the fact that it describes the divisions and connections formed in an organization, the rules, procedures and the way underlying the formation of the organization, its definition implies a multitude and a wide variety of definitions such as: a means of division of labor between a number of tasks and the ordering between them or as the plan of the organization through which the enterprise is run, which includes firstly the 19

lines of authority and communication between compartments and management and secondly the data and information circulating between these lines. Figuratively, an organizational structure can be considered as the skeleton of the body that is the organization, its proper functioning being dependent on how both material and financial resources are placed and used but especially human resources, the starting point for an organizational structure being the results

procedural organization - functions, activities,

attributes, tasks. According to its organizational and legal form, McDonald's is a limited liability company. The company is considered constituted and acquires legal personality from the date of state registration in the established manner. The company has an autonomous balance sheet and bank accounts, has a stamp with its name and the image of the emblem. The limited liability company is the most popular and widespread form of company encountered today in the Republic of Moldova. This is due to its limited liability advantages. The main components of the organizational structure: The organizational structure of Mc Donald’s Moldova consists of two main components. The Operations Department, which leads and manages the basic activity of the company, respectively everything related to restaurants and other departments (finance, marketing, supply, development, communication, human resources, security and administration, franchising, IT) that ensures the overhaul of the development this activity. IM “FOOD PLANET RESTAURANTS” (Mc Donald’s) has an internal structure that presupposes the existence of a supreme deliberation and decision body, an executive body and a control body, as follows in Fig. 2.1


Director general

↙ ↘ Director operatiuni (Supervieser) Director aprovizionare si calitate

↓ ↓ ↓

Director Marketing

Director restaurant

↓ Asisstant MNG

↓ Floor Manager

Figura 2.1 Structura liniară a întreprinderii Sursa: Elaborat de autor The restaurant employs more than 60 people. The organizational structure of the enterprise is not a complicated one. The restaurant employs: Director, Deputy Director (Assistant MNG), Floor Managers, employees in the restaurant (CREW). Managers each fulfilling their functions. The director of the company takes care of the normal operation of the restaurant. Thus, they are all assigned to the following functions according to the hierarchy of positions represented in Annex 2. McDonald’s is a catering company. Through the accumulated experience, work and dynamism, continuous improvement, trainings on QSC, Mc Donald’s is next to the biggest brands in the world as well as in the Republic of Moldova. The company's goals are to increase the relevance of the brand and the products offered and to convince consumers that McDonald's is the preferred place and way to eat. McDonald's does not aim to produce in order to resell, but to create a long-term connection with customers, to turn its consumers into brand lovers. McDonald's vision was to be recognized by consumers as the fast food restaurant that offers the best experience to its customers. Being the best involves, in the company's perception, 21

reaching and maintaining quality standards, professional service and impeccable cleanliness (QSC- Quality, Service, Cleanliness) to build a close relationship with customers. It insists on establishing an emotional connection with customers.

Organization of the activity within the enterprise The success of the business is achieved through innovations, obtained through the creation or realization of a new product or service, the application of a new technology or a new way of driving, the launch on a new market. At present, it is impossible to find a country with a market economy in which there would be no problems in business development. A proof is the actual organization of the activities within the restaurant, namely the organizational chart or the Restaurant Team Concept. Analyzing the quality of human resources within Mc Dnald’s company, we can mention that within this company, young human resources with higher education are active in several fields: legal, economic, accounting. The staff works with a high productivity and guarantees an optimal quality of the offered products. Business planning is the factor that allows the exact identification of the entrepreneur's objectives and the management's focus on efficiently and effectively programming the company's resources. Planning involves anticipating environmental conditions and allocating resources in perspective to maximize results. Understanding planning leads to the initiation of orderly actions, respecting a certain discipline, to identify the essential needs of the company in a longer perspective and not from today to tomorrow. Planning is a challenge for entrepreneurs to choose certain real goals that they can then achieve by involving the entire staff at their disposal. The organization of the enterprise is a thing that requires a lot of work done daily in achieving the objectives and management of the organization. Mc Donald's also has a specific plan with strategic objectives, through which it assumes the obligation to improve some indices in the development of the enterprise. Following these plans, the objectives of each Director, Assistant Manager, Floor Manager and even some employees are divided according to the linear structure and the Team Concept, as well as the tasks of improving the quality of the services offered by Mc Donald’s and not only. A restaurant cannot function without suppliers. At the moment, the main suppliers are both from Europe (Germany, Poland, Romania, Austria) and Ukraine. For each product entered in the restaurant, a strict record is kept, starting from the validity term and up to the finished 22

product from the customer. That is why each product has a quality certificate attesting to the quality of the given product. Another aspect that is strictly related to the smooth running of the restaurant and in the organization of the activity within the enterprise is the employees' schedule. Without personnel the enterprise cannot function. People are the dominant factor through which we can find solutions, grow the business and satisfy customers by applying the QSC formula. The management of the enterprise is a very important factor, in the conditions of resources that always come and go. The guarantee on the efficient circulation of resources is ensured when the accounting activity of the company is carefully organized and managed. The management of the enterprise is ensured with the help of experienced specialists in the field of company production, with a thorough economic training confirmed by credible recommendations and criminal records. The management of the enterprise allows maintaining a competitive level by clearly highlighting the allocation of resources, cash flow, identifying receivables and obligations, ensuring a preventive control over the efficient administration of the company and highlighting the necessary corrections to maximize results. the quality of services or expenses such as: Utilities, Crew Labor, GPMH, Waste, etc.… offered based on some indices or some basic criteria determinants. A good Manager is one who knows how to manage his business well. Identificarea priorităţilor At McDonald's it is a rule that is always applied right from the takeover of the change in the restaurant and during it. Concentrating resources and using time where impact and reward are maximum is the priority factor. This factor is equivalent to avoiding superfluous activities and discovering the art of doing too little. Identifying priorities means not wasting time on those problems that already have a solution and focusing on what cannot be postponed without detrimental consequences for the company. Such a prioritization model and not only a whole pre-exchange checklist and also a To-DO-List that always helps me in solving and prioritizing problems. Work climate The strategic development of a business is based on the honesty and efficiency of employees. In small and medium-sized enterprises, “key” people have greater responsibilities than those in large enterprises due to limited organizational schemes. Successful business 23

requires harmonized collective efforts, in a climate that encourages the responsible engagement of everyone and everyone. An effective work climate is achieved with competent people, who accept the delegation of authority and whose merits are recognized by applying the most appropriate motivation techniques. The peculiarities of the unsuitable work climate are: the avoidance of responsibilities at the level of the execution staff; fulfilling the attributions and tasks of the job at an inadequate quality level and without reluctance; lack of cooperation between people; absenteeism and program delays; clutter at work; high employee turnover; poor communication between bosses and subordinates. At the same time, in order not to have problems with employees in the future and to create a work climate as constrained as possible, all employees have their job description which includes all the obligations and responsibilities as well as the employment contract. Annex 3 and Annex 4, Annex 5, Annex 6. The work climate within Mc Donald’s is very favorable and efficient, the staff is very competent and MNG applies appropriate motivation techniques to the company. The temptation to grow, namely the hierarchical ladder from the initial crew to the restaurant manager. There are statistics that show that 75 percent of the failures of small and medium enterprises are due, directly or indirectly, to the ambitious increase in the volume of activities. Only 10 percent of entrepreneurs have the capacity and means to steer firms toward substantial growth without jeopardizing their future. The characteristics of uncontrolled growth are: alarming decline in profit; diminishing the strong points and the appearance of some weak areas in the company's activity; reducing the control capacity over some important activities; degradation of the work climate by increasing the state of conflict between employees; cash crisis etc. Anticipating uncontrolled growth must lead to the adoption of permanent measures: careful observation of cash throughout the company; profit change; intensifying controls in conflict areas; improving organizational structures, etc. We can conclude that Mc Donald’s is flexible, reacts more operatively to changes in the business environment and market requirements. S

W   


Fast food restaurant number 1 Well organized management. QSC actions.

Public perception affected by negative media comments (Ex: Supersize me).

  

Recognized brand. Well-trained staff. Wireless Internet.


Cultivating an increasingly healthy lifestyle.

T 

According to the healthy lifestyle by introducing healthy snacks (fruits and an increasing variety of salads). Intensification of QSC and

Increasing the number of obese people.  Social change (groups of people who promote a balanced eating  style).  Economic crisis. training activities.  The emergence of an increasing number of competitors offering fast food (other places, supermarkets, etc.) Fig 2.2 Analiza mediului intern si extern. Analiza SWOT Sursa: Elaborat de autor

Analysis of the enterprise management system The management system of the organization can be defined as the set of elements with decisional, organizational, informational, motivational, etc. within the organization, through which all the processes and management relations are exercised, in order to obtain the highest possible effectiveness and efficiency. The decisional subsystem It is the component of the management system with the most plausible managerial specifics, whose quality marks the functionality and performance of any organization. Mc Donald’s decision-making subsystem has a central position, the decision being the element with the most pronounced leadership specific. The decision-making subsystem performs the following main functions within Mc Donald’s: a) Directs the overall development of the company and its components through forecasts, plans and programs. b) Triggers the overall actions of the company and its components: each work team and each person proceeds to perform the tasks based on the decisions of managers. The main staff motivation tools used at McDonald's are:


1. Basic salary,paid monthly to each employee. It varies depending on the difficulty of the position held by the employee at the company. According to the company's salary policy, the salary is confidential. The management of the company undertakes: 

To remunerate the staff depending on the performance of work tasks and according to the individual employment contract

To perform the remuneration of the employees in accordance with the volume of production according to the work plans and the personnel statements of the workers.

To pay the employees' salary until the first date of each month.

To compensate for work on holidays and rest with a surplus of 50%.

To perform the compensation of the supplement for working at night.

Payment of prizes, supplements, salary additions depending on the results of the enterprise.

2. annual bonuses – is granted to all employees following the evaluation of the achievement of the objectives set for the previous year / semester by the employee and manager. This bonus can constitute 15% - 55% of the employee's annual salary and is paid twice a year. A copy of the half-yearly / annual performance is attached. From the category of psychological motivation present at McDonald’s, we notice two characteristics: internal promotion – the promotion conditions are related to: proven performance in the current position for a relevant period of time; demonstrated skills and knowledge; past or present experience relevant to the new position; attitude towards company, team, job, change; potentially relevant to the new position. training - out of a desire to create a culture of performance and to stimulate the continued development of the Mc Donald's team, the company is committed to ensuring the professional and personal development of its employees so that they are in step with the realities of the market and society in which we live. For this purpose, the company periodically organizes trainings for employees on topics such as: QSC, communication, situational leadership, conflict management, planning, organization, building efficient teams, etc. The information subsystem is of major importance in Mc Donald’s and is one of the most important resources, because based on information, most decisions are made, goals are set. 26

Information is an addition of knowledge, and it must always be correct, documented and have a good circulation between employees. Cadrul de funcțiuni și aplicarea lor în cadrul întreprinderii Mc Donald’s Moldova I. Funcţiunea de prestare de servicii. Mc Donald’s este o companie cu o experineță bogată în prestare serviilor in alimentatie publica. II. Funcţiunea marketing. (Mixul de marketing. Cei 4 P.) III. Funcţiunea Cercetare-Dezvoltare. IV. Funcţiunea Financiar –Contabilă. McDonald's marketing consists of: 

offering a unique experience for every customer who comes to McDonald's.

close relationship with customers, in order to find out their opinions and expectations.

community involvement.

bringing to the attention of customers, both the quality of the products and the McDonald's experience.

increase sales and profitability of all McDonald's restaurants.

increasing and improving the 4 areas specific to our activity: Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value.

The 5 P's of the marketing mix used by McDonalds are: 1. Product (produs) 2. Place (Amplasarea) 3. Price (Prețul) 4. Promotion (Promoții) 5. People (Oameni) The product is the product itself or the service offered to the consumer. It includes different aspects such as: packaging, design, etc. McDonalds came up with an internationally recognized brand, quality food and products tailored to the needs of Moldovan customers (for example, the presence of alcoholic beer, which is not common in other McDonalds around the world). In general, the design of the products is one that expresses the image of the company, with the Mc Donald's logo on the packaging. An innovative packaging design was made for the packaging of pies with cherries and apples, which are sold in cardboard holders colored in red 27

cherry and green apple, being easy to handle for consumption. One of the peculiarities of this product is that it has a hot content, which is drawn on the product packaging. It is very important that the product is available to the consumer at the right place at the right time. McDonalds offers certain services to give the consumer a sense of satisfaction. Such services would be the following: pleasant and clean atmosphere, employees ready to help customers by offering the 5 steps to regain gratitude and service as well as other facilities such as: wireless internet, music and playgrounds specially designed for children. McDonalds has all kinds of attractive offers on the menu. Thus, it introduced in the menu a Happy Meal concept, specially created for children in which they receive a toy with the ordered menu. In fact, there are different offers for certain products (in the morning with coffee you get a muffin for only 30 lei, two ice cream cones for the price of one in summer or ice cream combo and coffee for 30 lei. Brand promotions and campaigns are designed to complement and keep McDonald's at the forefront of consumer preferences. McDonald's best-known campaign is "I'm loving it." McDonald's Moldova is one of the largest private employers on the Moldovan market and at the same time a well-known school for educating and training young people. McDonald's restaurants are open an average of 18 hours a day or 24 hours a day. During this program, sales volume may fluctuate, reaching a maximum share around traditional lunch hours or from 17-21. This significant feature of sales requires the existence of a flexible workforce, thus providing the opportunity to combine work with studies or family responsibilities.

2.2 Economic and financial analysis of the company McDonald’s Analysis of basic financial indicators


Abaterea 2018 vs 2016


Nr. De ordine

Indicatori 2016






Venituri din vanzari







Costul vanzarilor







Rezultatul din activitatea operationala







Profit brut







Profit pana la impozitare


Cheltuiei privind impozitul pe venit


Profit net
















Fixed assets Nr. De ordi ne 1 2 3

Ponderea 2018

Anul Indicatori 2016 Cladiri




14,455,4 14,445,3 14,445,3 96 18 18


3,709,48 3,660,70 3,686,16 6 8 0


444,115 444,115 219,771


3,163,78 3,043,04 3,072,55 0 0 4


Constructii speciale Masini, utilaje,instalatii de transmisie Inclusiv: tehnica de calcul


Mijloace de transport


Instrumente si inventar Costuri ulterioare aferente obiectelor neinregistrate in bilant

6 7

Mijloace fixe primite in leasing financiar


Mijloace fixe primite gestiune economica


Alte mijloace fixe Total



Intangible assets in use Nr. De ordine

2018 in % vs 2017

Anul Indicatori 2016




Brevete si marci


Licente de activitate






Programe informatice






The evolution of the number of employees and of the expenses regarding the labor remuneration Nr. De ordin e 1


Numarul mediu scriptic al personalului inclusiv pe categorii

Abaterea 2018 vs Unita Anul 2016 ti de masur 201 201 201 Absoluta % a 6 7 8 persoan a 306 294 349

persoan a 13 14 15 persoan muncitori a 293 280 334 Cheltuieli cu personalul privind remunerarea 8,11 MDL muncii 193 254 0 Contributii de asigurari sociale de stat 36,63 obligatorii si prime de asigurare obligatorie de MDL 0 0 3 asistenta medicala personal administrativ

2 3











2.3 Analysis of the internal environment regarding the mission and vision of Mc Donald’s Moldova McDonald’s has the largest restaurant chain in the world. It has over 750,000 employees worldwide. In terms of total sales and revenues worldwide, the company ranks first in the top of 30

the most successful businesses in the world. According to data from the end of the year, the company manages a network of approximately 33,510 own or franchised restaurants in 119 countries. The business is growing thanks to the valuable contributions of many and different people who work in restaurants and serve customers or restaurant managers, general managers. According to data provided by statistical agencies, McDonald’s sales represent approximately 4% of total global sales worldwide in the total restaurant segment. The company's revenues come from sales made in its own locations and from taxes and trademark fees collected from other franchised restaurants. McDonald’s shares are considered to be at a particularly high price, ranking next to Coca-Cola, Microsoft. McDonald’s entire business strategy is based on the highest satisfaction of customers ’wishes, requirements and subsequent loyalty. Being the best means achieving and maintaining high standards of quality, service and cleanliness, so that every customer who crosses the threshold to smile and be satisfied with the services offered by the Mc Donald’s brand. At the beginning of the 21st century, McDonald’s ranked 8th in the global brand ranking by statistical and marketing agencies, with a brand value of $ 24.70 billion. McDonald’s is the largest fast food restaurant chain in the world, operating over 35,000 restaurants in 121 countries around the world. Ray Kroc's idea proved to be effective since 1954 and the degree of notoriety and perseverance of the company has increased considerably since then and until today being the fact that this business was developed all over the world. Currently, despite the social problems it faces, the company has a turnover of over $ 40 billion with a profit of almost $ 3 billion. McDonald’s Moldova vision that has visions of a franchising company, on establishing an emotional connection with customers and more. Godoroja Radu, marketing director at McDonald’s Moldova, expresses her conviction that young people are a value and represent a very good potential for business development in the Republic of Moldova. The company’s mission is to promote a healthy and convenient way of eating, as an optimal solution for a dynamic lifestyle, as well as to change the perception of some consumer groups who view McDonald’s as a pleasure. The company's strategy is to offer the best quality products at affordable prices, without affecting their value in consumption. The company's objectives are to increase the relevance of the brand and the products offered and to convince consumers that McDonald's is the favorite restaurant to consume. McDonald’s does not aim to


produce in order to resell, but to create a long-term connection with customers, to turn its consumers into brand lovers. The plans of the American giant aimed at expanding to areas of Central and Eastern Europe, and the investments it entailed in this endeavor exceeded twelve million dollars. Since April 1998, McDonald’s has expanded into Central and Eastern Europe by opening an impressive number of restaurants in countries such as Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia. The main office for Central Europe has been established in Vienna and the USA since September 1991, when the opening of new restaurants in this Eastern area was coordinated. The first McDonald’s restaurant in Moldova was opened in April 1998, in the center of Chisinau, the opening that coincided with the establishment of the record of transactions at central European level. Marian Alecu, General Manager of McDonald’s Moldova at the moment, together with Ghenadie Sănduță, General Manager of Moldova Mc Donald’s, dealt with the development of the restaurant network, which today reached 5 units and a turnover of over 2 million dollars.

McDonald’s investments locally reach $ 1.5 million, with more than 250

employees. From the point of view of market strategy, McDonald’s uses an aggressive and wellstructured marketing mix whose elements are focused on: a) product and service development by achieving a standardized product of high and consistent quality, with an emphasis on serving speed and an extended operating schedule; b) practicing prices for everyone's pocket. c) placing the network of restaurants in areas that concentrate a large number of consumers and with a high commercial wave. d) a super strong advertising campaign focused on consumers, especially young people, through the massive use of television or radio promotion. Product policy According to the principles listed, quality is the basic element in the company's product strategy. High standards of quality and safety have imposed a strict program of analysis and control for each product and for each process of selection of raw materials and preparation of products. Monitoring is done through a program implemented since 1998, focusing on prevention and detection of risk points through inspections, analyzes and thermal controls 32

throughout the technology chain. At the same time, the validity terms of the products and their corresponding appearance are followed, from reception to customer to service. McDonald’s is committed to hygiene practices in making and marketing products and has established an efficient delivery schedule that supplies restaurants at short intervals twice a week to ensure product freshness. McDonald’s products consist of basic nutritious ingredients such as 100% beef, chicken, buns, salad, potatoes and very high quality dairy products. These products retain their quality and natural elements throughout the preparation process according to the recommendations of the set of daily checks performed. The complete quality assurance starts with the control of the raw material in the truck at unloading until each finished product we check the quality or temperature. The quality of the products is observed following the control procedures of the raw materials in production. Thus, slices of burnt or insufficiently fried meat are discarded when cooking times or frying temperatures are not observed. The control of the buns is applied in accordance with the specifications and standards of Mc Donald’s, mentioned in the company’s operational manuals or daily checks. Other quality control standards are set by constantly measuring the temperatures and storage / expiration times of the products according to the quality guide. From the kitchen to the customers, a whole series of controls is performed so that all the products comply with McDonald’s international quality standards or according to the quality guide. The techniques used by McDonald’s to ensure product quality are recognized by national institutions such as the Food Safety Agency, the Public Health Center and often more demanding than the limits set by the authorities. From this point of view, at McDonald’s each product must be kept warm only for a certain period of time, which must not be exceeded. If this has been done, the products for which the prescribed rules have not been complied with, are thrown in the waste bin which is recorded. This implies a loss of resources and reflects the professionalism of the teams and the promptness required in the process of processing McDonald’s Moldova products. All this process in which the raw materials travel quite a long way from the producer to the fast food restaurant, requires checks within the franchise system, being subjected to quality preservation techniques involving dehydration, freezing, sanitation. The meat from McDonald’s products is 100% beef, from farms in Europe, from EUapproved slaughterhouses and from local authorities. The meat in the sandwiches contains only 33

beef or boneless chicken from the previous quarters and flan, without other ingredients just when frying, add salt and pepper spices for a stronger taste. Grills and fryers with oil are used to prepare meat in McDonald’s restaurants where no fat is added during meat preparation. Distribution policy McDonald’s impressive network of restaurants serves over 70,000 Moldovan customers daily. The 5 Mc Donald’s restaurants located in Chisinau, ensure a wide coverage at national level and the transport system organized by Romdis and Sky-Net proved to be efficient and prompt in supplying and delivering products and raw materials on time. The company receives the raw materials from the accredited suppliers, the quality control of the products, their preparation for transport being verified. From this point, Romdis together with Sky-Net handles the loading of trucks and transport to restaurants in the city. The most profitable restaurants in terms of sales are those in Botanica and Riscani. In the 2 open Drive units the highest level of sales is registered, approximately equal to 70% of the total sales volume. In order to maximize the conditions offered by the Moldovan market, while implementing since the market entry, the concept of serving directly from the car being a very efficient and new for the Republic of Moldova. At the level of each restaurant, the company's marketing objective is to get involved in the community in which the restaurant is located by organizing specific events and activities such as: Spoort Fest, Olympic Day. McDonald’s mission is to discover through each restaurant new ways to contribute to the development of the location area and to create new ways of communication and customer attraction. The distribution on the national territory is carried out through producer-consumer channels, taking into account that the entire transport process is coordinated by the franchised company and the transport companies are part of the system of suppliers approved by the entire Mc Donald’s franchise system. Raw materials are stored and stored in processing plants, being subjected to quality preservation techniques by freezing, dehydration and bottling. One of these factories is the one located in the hammer sector of the capital, belonging to the Sky-Net company. In terms of location, most McDonald’s restaurants are located in crowded areas, in the center or in the botany, Riscani, downtown, mall depending on the objectives pursued and the


potential of the area. The areas with a high degree of concentration of McDonald’s restaurants are Botanica and Rîscani. In terms of selling techniques, McDonald’s practices direct selling, with cash payment, the most widespread technique in restaurants and in the food industry in general. Price policy Mc Donald’s pricing policy involves adapting it, at the level of each product, to the purchasing power of the market taking into account local competition. Taking into account the fact that Mc Donald’s is the absolute leader of fast food restaurants in Moldova, during the 19 years of activity on the Moldovan market it tried to practice prices adapted to the purchasing power of Moldovans. Although the prices charged at Mc Donald’s are quite strict and therefore, addressed to a climate of customers with above average incomes, Mc Donald’s remains one of the strongest brands in the Republic of Moldova. Promotion policy Mc Donald's Moldova's promotion policy, as a franchised partner of the US company, is integrated into the promotion policy of the latter, adapting to the typology of the targeted market segments and to the specific consumer behavior of the Moldovan market and the clietnţi. From this point of view, the processes in which the company is involved worldwide implicitly affect the regional activity of each subsidiary. At the same time, Mc Donald's Moldova has aligned itself with this promotion policy and has launched on their website a nutritional catalog and a guide for a healthier diet in a dynamic economic and social environment but also by promoting trailers on trays, namely on the back the indication of the nutritional program. Currently, in our country, Mc Donald’s company continues the “i’m lovin’ it ”promotion campaign,“ our house ”, a campaign aimed at the target audience in terms of target consumers through a loyalty strategy, brand relationship. The new McDonald’s packaging image has also penetrated our country through an innovative design inspired by the "I'm lovin 'it" campaign. The packaging presents images of ordinary people caught enjoying the small pleasures of life (young people playing football, basketball, tenis, etc.). The slogan "I'm lovin 'it" will appear in several languages of international circulation to reflect the diversity of the company's customers and the concern for satisfying their desires. For the promotion and future development of this campaign, McDonald's collaborated with the consulting company Boxer, based in Birmingham, England, which used for marketing scenarios 35

several randomly selected participants, as well as well-known personalities in the field of modeling and athletics, football, basket. Mc Donald's packaging is the next phase in the marketing campaign "Rolling Energy" of the company from the Republic of Moldova. It is based on a multi-year international marketing plan focused on direct communication with consumers and employees. The program includes a wide variety of integrated promotional activities, including the launch of the new packaging, promotions in restaurants, media planning, new products included in the well-known range and internal marketing. The company's goal reflected in the "I'm lovin it" campaign is to convince the consumer that McDonald's is the place and favorite way to eat and visit McDonald's restaurants.

Much emphasis is placed on

modernizing the perception and dynamism of the brand, its quality and relevance in the target market segment in restaurants around the world. The campaign shows the spirit of McDonald's and fundamental corporate values: attitude, lifestyle, optimism, modernism, energy, freshness, lack of worries, freedom of expression, pursuing a competitive, different and modern approach to marketing strategy, with a greater

relevance for target groups.

Through these steps, the

consumer customer becomes emotionally attached to the brand and in solidarity with the values expressed by it in its marketing campaign. In general, McDonald's Moldova advertising is done through loyalty coupons, banners, posters, radio, advertising agencies that represent the rapidly expanding advertising medium providing a combination of image, sound and movement, and creating an impression of contact with the recipient of the message the client, through flexibility, suggestive addressing in front of a large audience. McDonald’s commercials are Snoopy, Robot Ben, Kermit, Cheese, Detective, Campioni being made by the design team of Procer Company SA, the Romanian company that also took care of the arrangement of McDonald’s restaurants in the capital. The appearances in the press and radio are not so numerous, suggesting the company's strategy of promoting the brand to a wider audience in the Republic of Moldova. As a result of the increase of the brand's notoriety, discussion forums were created in Moldova related to the risk that fast food products present for health, advertising messages that do not correspond to the promoted product. In this context, in order to maintain its credibility and professionalism, the company will have to be more careful when launching a new product and ensure that such issues related to devaluation do not occur in the future.


In terms of social and humanitarian publicity, Mc Donald’s Moldova has been very involved in the national fundraising campaign to help orphaned children in orphanages during the Christmas holidays. The campaign "Give a smile" initiated by Mc Donald's Moldova by placing special boxes for public donations in all 4 Mc Donald's restaurants in the country and raising public awareness to participate in fundraising, According to the general manager of Mc Donald’s Moldova, Ghenadie Sănduța, the company Mc Donald’s Moldova decided to donate 1 lei from the price of each sandwich sold in December-January of each year. All the sums raised through this program and not only will go to support several orphanages in Chisinau and the suburbs of the capital. Within the policy of promoting the Mc Donald’s Moldova brand, the promotional events are also included through actions of sporadic or financial sponsorship of certain groups or organizations. Thus, Mc Donald’s Moldova sponsored several sporting events in the capital this year as well. T-shirts and promotional materials (balloons, T-shirts) were used to support and promote the brand.

3.1 Risk management and analysis of functions within Mcdonald’s Moldova Staff function The personnel function has the role of administration and management of human resources. The personnel function includes the following activities: human resources planning, staff recruitment, job description, staff selection, staffing, promotion system, staff motivation, evaluation of the activity carried out, training and improvement of professional training. The company's HR has well-defined internal processes. Any employee is taken into account so that any change or exchange in human resources is done through transparent internal processes. Each employee is treated with special individual attention and managers provide feedback on the quality of services provided by them. This refers to the evaluations that take place after the first 3 months of activity, the so-called probationary period, 6 months, when the employee already has half a year in the company and has managed to achieve certain things, 1 year, when evaluating his skills. This evaluation allows the observation of employees' performances, but also their professional qualities, depending on their successes, they can be 37

promoted to a higher position, or they can receive a salary increase. Respectively, the department managers take care of the activity of their subordinates, in order to help them become even better. The level of training, training of the workforce is a decisive factor of the company's performance, and improving an investment with a vital role in maximizing the potential of human resources. Therefore, the process of improving human resources is directed in accordance with the needs and objectives of the commercial company, as a process of permanent education, and not conjunctural. In the current practice, two ways are used to have the most perfected staff, up to date with the latest news. The first way is to use staff who are already qualified or who are already trained in a specific area of the company. Such a policy requires higher costs for recruitment, selection and salaries than for staff training. The second way, frequently used and more economical, is to improve your own staff. The most developed part of this function and on which the greatest attention is paid is the training and improvement of the professional training of new employees. Thus, in order to increase the level of productivity of the company, but also the volume of sales and practically many other vital indicators for the company, it is necessary at the beginning to train and train young specialists for the development of the company. As mentioned above, the company focuses on its staff. Every employee goes through well-defined processes, even when leaving the company. Once the departure request is made, the system checks and controls any aspect that initiated the given request. As a solution - look for a replacement or make some improvements to the retiring employee. Following the departure of the employee, there are certain changes at the restaurant level, namely: the director centralizes the CVs of the last month to fill the vacancy. Commercial function In the development of the company and the market economy, the commercial function plays a decisive role in all the functions of the enterprise, and consulting services are not an exception, they must also be sold. The commercial function includes all the activities aimed at supply and technical-material, product sales, foreign trade and international economic cooperation, namely in order to procure the necessary means and sell the products, services and works that are the basic object of the enterprise and its formation. 38

From all this wide spectrum of activities and processes that the commercial function includes, characteristic of the business in the field of Mc Donald’s are more the marketing and the sale / provision of services. It is estimated that marketing fulfills four basic functions: • Market and consumer research. Any economic activity that is carried out in a marketing concept must be market-oriented. The market is the main component of the economic environment of the enterprise, it is a "barometer" of the economic and financial situation of the enterprise and the economic strategy. In order to achieve a scientific and rigorous substantiation of the company's policies and programs, both information on the market and consumers are indispensable and the formation and development of the company increases. • Satisfying the needs and desires of consumers. This represents the very philosophy of marketing, the motivation and the economic and social meaning of the existence of any economic agent in his company. • Increasing economic efficiency. Achieving a profitable activity is the condition of survival and existence of any company in a genuine and real competitive market economy. • Prompt, fast and flexible connection of the company to the dynamics of the environment. Marketing not only breaks, eliminates patterns but on the contrary stimulates imagination, inventiveness, intuition, creative spirit. Like products, services must be tailored to the needs of consumers. And in the case of McDonald’s services, in order to increase their economic indicators, it is a vital necessity to know the customer. In this help comes marketing and its basic functions. Thus, knowing our customer makes it much easier to sell a product or service, and McDonald's sells solutions, and you can't sell a solution until you know the problem the customer is facing. If we analyze the marketing mix of Mc Donald's, then the product would have the largest share at the moment. Now they are working intensively to refine the existing product, but also to create other new products. We also work intensively on the "packaging" of the product, in order to be attractive to customers. The promotion policy of the company, but also of its products, takes place mainly through events, projects, where social groups interested in such services and products are


concentrated. Also, the product is promoted through the consulting services offered, so not all customers are aware of this inventory management software, but are aware of the fact that the company provides services in public catering. Thus, using the method of up-selling the product through the basic service. The company's pricing policy is fairly centralized. Price policy decisions are made at the level of middle-top management, so not all employees have access to this information. The 4th "P" placement also plays a very important role in the company's business. The company office is located in the Ciocana region of the city. Having a well thought out marketing mix, there is a fairly large flow of customers, which is very beneficial to the company, especially the financial-accounting function. Financial-accounting function The main purpose of the diagnosis of the economic-financial synthesis is the evaluation of the financial statements registered in the past and the extraction of the evolution trends in the future, as well as the radicalization in highlighting the necessary conclusions of the operational system of the enterprise. The activity which ensures the obtaining and rational use of all the financial means necessary for the development of the overall activities of Mc Donald’s company, the value record of the commercial activity, the evaluation of the way of achieving the general economic results of the companies. The main objectives of the financial activity are: establishment, distribution, use and preservation of funds, existing funds available to the company. Priority targets of the accounting activity: the record of the entire economic activity and of the movement of the basic means of the enterprise based on the record of the financial results. The execution of the component activities of the financial-accounting function is done actively by establishing the financial framework of the economic process that takes place in the company and passively by recording the economic data of all company activities and changes that occur in the relationship with economic partners. outside the company. Research and development function


Peter Drucker said: “Every organization must learn how to innovate and learn that innovation can and must be organized as a systematic product. Innovation is not only a source of better and more economical goods and services, it is the very foundation of the "spirit" of the enterprise. " Every thinking within the company is innovative, every service is performed better than last time, because within that company continuous improvement and innovation are both maximized. The research-development function is represented by the set of activities that take place within the enterprise in order to achieve the objectives in the field of producing new ideas and transforming ideas into novelties useful for its future development. The importance of this function lies in the need for permanent adaptation of enterprises to the new achievements of contemporary science and technology, due to the fact that science is a “vector of the development of society. Key activities of that function include: • planning. • technical design. • organization of production and work. • invested. • scientific research, technological engineering, introduction of progress. The process of creating and developing a new product starts with planning. At the beginning, the stages of the project, its time periods are established and the availability of both managers and specialists is checked. The second stage is the technical conception. At this stage, the new product is conceptualized, based on previous research. Both managers and programmers sit at a table and discuss the new product, managers with theoretical and practical knowledge about the future features of the software, and programmers with the realities and time of such a project. The third stage is monitoring the product creation process. Given the fact that a quality product needs constant monitoring at the stage of its production, so many problems that may arise along the way can be omitted. The fourth stage is the product testing stage, after which once successfully passes that stage the product is ready to be launched on the market. This is certainly the case with the preparation of a previously planned marketing plan. Risk management 41

According to the risk management standard ISO 31000: 2009, "Risk Management -Principles and Guidelines", risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives. Risk management is a set of controlled activities to lead and control an organization in terms of risk. Risk management means identifying and assessing risks, as well as establishing how to react to risks, ie to put in place means of internal control to mitigate the possibility of occurrence or the consequences that would occur if would materialize. The main forms of risk that non-governmental organizations may face are: • Financial risks, given that non-governmental organizations do not have the initial capital to carry out its activities, this risk becomes one of the most important since the beginning of the organization's existence. Thus, financial sustainability is a priority point in the development strategy of any NGO. Also, the financial risks include the risk of changing the exchange rate, the risk of incorrect cash flow management, etc. • Political risks, as non-governmental organizations are quite vulnerable to any change in legislation with reference to these organizations. Also included here are the risks related to changing the current strategy, tactics and actions of the political factors in one's own country, but also of the states where the funding or grants come from. • Social risks, referring to the relations between the members of the organization, the relations between the volunteers and the board of directors, etc. Most often, managers face: the risk of demotivation of staff, the risk of weak retention of members within the organization, as a result of lack of consistency in actions and the risk of continuity of the organization. Social risks also include the organization's relations with its target groups, depending on the most effective communication methods and procedures, these risks can be considerably reduced. • Legal risks, arising from the impact of national and international legislation on the organization. Thus, often, an organization applying for a grant to an international foundation must comply not only with the laws of its state, but also with the laws of the state of the financial partner. When talking about minimizing risks, we need to consider the decision-making process in risky conditions, which can be optimized so as not to produce unintended negative consequences for the organization. Optimizing risky decisions can be done in several ways: 42

• The method of mathematical hope. • The technique of decision trees. • Decisional simulation. The use of these 3 methods will stabilize the negative effects and consequences of the decision-making process within the organization. Also, to reduce the risk, the managers of the organization can work in the following directions: • Avoiding possible risks. • Taking risks. • Minimizing the risk action on the results of the financial-productive activity. • Transmission of risks. • Diversification. Avoiding and taking risks involves a coherent analysis of the decisions taken and the consequences that may follow from these decisions. By performing a comprehensive analysis, it is possible to determine the most appropriate decision that will avoid as much as possible the risks that may occur. Transmission of risks 1. Through service contracts with other partner companies; 2. Through contracts signed with clients for the provision of consulting services. The diversification of organizational activity consists in reporting the efforts and capital investments between different types of mutually linked activities. There are 2 types of diversification: • diversification of concentration - completing the assortment with homogeneous products to those already manufactured; • horizontal diversification - completing the assortment with products inhomogeneous to those manufactured, but which have a market demand. 43

There may also be risks related to the actions of competitors, in order to avoid such risks, which have a fairly high probability of occurrence, it is necessary to study and monitor the market to predict the emergence of new projects, conferences, etc. Thus, a coherent planning will be possible that will take into account the intentions of the competitors, the projects being organized at the right time, minimizing to the maximum the impact of the risks and the probability of their occurrence. McDonald's recognizes the need to monitor risk when working with clients. The first part of the risk analysis is usually directly related to the time of the project. Time identifies animite risks, their level of severity and clearer estimates of what follows. The second part of the process refers to the monitoring and control of each project participant, which also includes risk planning, resource allocation and, if necessary, ignoring or circumventing it. In Mc Donald’s, the risks are categorized into 2 groups: entrepreneurial and project. Business risk is related to: - Entrepreneurial stability - Necessary processes and technologies - Legal requirements - Ecological issues - Setting expectations The risks related to the projects are divided into: - Risk with reference to dependence on the third component in production. - Dissatisfaction in the provision of services. - Contractual issues. - Unqualification of the employee. - Potential security issues. - Uncertainties between customer and provider. 44

- Qualitative testing. - The notion of innovation: to what extent is it considered innovative. - Complex processes or technologies. - Identification, which determines the potential risk that could occur. - Estimation, which would determine the value and importance of the project risk. - The evaluation, which would determine the steps to be taken. The steps taken would be: 1. Risk prevention 2. Minimizing its impact 3. transfer 4. Accepting the risk of falling when the impact is insignificant or can be avoided.

3.2 McDonald’s organizational evaluation Mc Donald’s is one of the largest restaurant companies. • Proactivity - the cultural aspect of the organization is based on proactivity of membership. Because the team is young and ambitious, it is important to improve society and make a positive impact on the development of the company. • Inclusion - the feeling of belonging is very developed and cultivated within the company. "I am proud to work in a restaurant full of a group of young people" is the statement that determines these young people to work together under the name of the organization. • Leadership development model - is the basic concept for leadership development in Mc Donald’s Moldova. This model has four competencies that it aims to develop and promote the proper life of values. • Ownership ,, Traning Lider People ,, - the new branch of management that aims to make team leaders more aware of their own strategies and to develop a sense of ownership towards their activities.


Activating Leadership - Make members experience team leaders - let them feel - or become experts in experience management and value delivery. How? Leadership and customer management. Improve your current management system. Be less autocratic, but never too liberal. Let people feel the responsibility and power to make a change. Culture of Freedom and Entrepreneurship - LCs can be creative centers to test ideas for creating a better product, process or relationship. Transforming or shaping an organizational culture means not only the development of leadership qualities for exchange participants and our exchange members, but also the adoption of strategy and culture. Think of it as business. Mc Donad’s success is due to the special partnerships between the company’s franchisees and suppliers. This partnership is plastically described by the image of a "ThreeLegged Stool". About 85% of Mc Donald’s restaurants around the world are operated by almost 4,500 franchisors as well and restaurants in the Republic of Moldova are part of these restaurants. Franchisors are the first leg of the stool. Franchisors sign an operating contract for a certain period of years, usually 20 years, and go through about two years of training to learn all aspects of managing and operating a Mc Donald’s restaurant. Suppliers represent another leg of the stool. For a company that serves millions of customers daily, finding quality suppliers is a key success factor. Suppliers are constantly looking for new ways to improve the products and services they offer. For example, the type of potatoes, meat, milk are just raw materials that can only be purchased from entrepreneurs who have had contracts with Mc Donald’s for a very long time. The company is the third leg of the stool as a major corporation in the world. It is the brand for which every customer walks the threshold of a McDonald’s restaurant every day. The evaluation of the organization is done according to some indicators of people who show support for the company. Such an example is:


Respect and Recognition.

Values and Leadership Skills.

Competitive salaries and benefits.

Learning, personal and professional development.

Resources for fulfilling the job.

Another part of evaluating the success and the entire organization of Mc Donald’s is the management system by restaurant managers. The "3C Communication, Cooperation, Coordination", some basic indicators in the company. Based on these indicators, the team's subsequent results are consolidated. During the verification visits that take place in restaurants by the operational directors, these are the basic pillars that underlie the development of the profit, of the restaurant, of the team of people. Organizational culture in Mc Donald’s Moldova The organizational culture of Mc Donald’s Moldova is driven by the idea that all employees must be passionate about working in a Mc Donald’s environment, because he is the one who can create a better future for the whole team afterwards. Thus, the company's employees have this belief - their work brings a positive impact on society. The company's organizational culture has been created over time since 1998 since the opening of the first restaurant and is still developing as creations that continue to come from employees. Many elements are specific because we are talking about a company with a food profile. Examples of these traditions are: • Training day - every day is a training day but every Monday, department members hold training sessions have the opportunity to use all the time to study new things. This can take place in any way, either through joint activities between team members or through individual learning. • Discussions on traning and the development of the restaurant - another tradition only for mangers every Tuesday or Thursday of each week, here the restaurant's problems are discussed and solved. All managers are coordinated and notified of new development trends, issues, objectives, new promotions. • Target of the day - within the company are regularly organized competitions for all employees, taking into account the product rotation sheet. These competitions are held during business hours and encourage competition between employees, but add a little fun to the regular work of the Mc Donald’s team. • McDonald’s traveled - here to talk about a wall on which postcards from around the world are pinned. Tradition says that every time you go on holiday or a business trip, you must receive a postcard from that country, each member contributing to the arrangement with international elements that bring back memories of the trip during the training he attended. 47

• McDonald’s walk - company employees set up a bike club. Promoting a healthy lifestyle and discovering Moldova, cyclists organize a bike trip to beautiful destinations such as: Leisure parks or cultural complexes: Vatra, Căpriana, Milestii Mici, etc. Anyone interested can take part in such a trip if they own a bicycle. • Birthday celebration - has become a tradition promoted by the company to bring a cake for his colleagues. The company offers different gifts so that the employees, one by one, have a share of happiness on his birthday. McDonald’s offers various events for relaxation, fun, socializing, sports courses, development and training courses in Romania for managers, special events. Mc Donald’s Moldova manages to create a friendly environment based on respect, collaboration and lifelong learning.

3.3 riscurile in compania McDonald’s. Identificarea si analiza riscurilor care afecteaza activitatearestaurantelor McDonald’s in Moldova La fel ca si oricare companie care isi desfasoara activitatea in conditiile economiei de piata, compania McDonald’s este expusa unei serii de riscuri. In continuare vom analiza principalele riscuri care pot influenta activitatea companiei. Unul dintre riscurile de baza este riscul nesolicitarii produselor restaurantului. Acest lucru poate fi determinat in primul rand de tendinta de promovare a unui mod de viata mai sanatos care exclude consumul produselor fast food. Produsele companiei pot genera probleme de greutate, cauzand chiar obezitatea. La momentul de fata acest risc nu afecteaza foarte tare activitatea McDonald’s in Moldova, insa pe viitor acesta ar putea cauza pe langa pierderile de imagine, si pierderi sociale si o scadere a vanzarilor. Anticipand aceste pierderi compania incearca sa promoveze un mod de viata sanatos incurajand practicarea exercitiilor fizice, expunand diverse informatii pe ambalajele produselor, si distribuind diverse brosuri referitor la aceasta tema, deasemenea introducerea salatelor a fost la fel efectuata cu scopul de a reduce aparitia acestu risc. Un risc care la fel nu poate fi neglijat, este riscul inaspririi concurentei. La momentul de fata in Moldova nu exista un conurent la fel de puternic care sa ofere produse similare, insa compania nu artrebui sa neglijeze faptul ca pe piata locala s-a lansat firma de fast food KFC care este un concurent puternic al McDonald’s pe piata naționala, si cu toate ca acesta are momentan o cota de piata mica ea nu trebuie neglijata sau subestimata. Deasemenea trebuie analizati cu precautie si concurentii indirecti ca Andys Pizza 48

care, desi nu ofera produse similare, se adreaseaza practic aceluiasi segment tinta ca si restaurantele McDonald’s. Materia prima si semifabricatele utilizate de restaurant pentru fabricarea produselor sale sunt in mare parte importate. Acest lucru poate cauza o serie de riscuri printre care8 riscul ca materia prima si semifabricatele sa nu ajunga la timp, astfel cauzand o lipsa de stoc mai exista si riscul valutar, care poate determina o crestere a cheltielilor ce poate cauza crestrea preturilor ce se va reflecta negativ asupra vanzarilor. Aceasta problema ar putea fi partial solutionata daca se va construi o fabrica in Romania care ar aproviziona restaurantele McDonald’s din zona balcanica, reducind astfel cheltuielile de transport si respectiv costul materiilor prime si semifabricatelor. Un alt risc cu care se poate confrunta compania este riscul ecologic. Ambalajele produselor comercializate de McDonald’s sunt considerate a fi poluante, in deosebi ambalajele termoizilante in care se comercializeaza bauturile fierbinți, care se descompun foarte greu. In conditiile incalzirii globale aceasta este o problema destul de delicata, din aceasta cauza compania ar putea suferi pierderi ecologice directe sub forma de diverse amenzi si penalitati pentru poluare dar si pierderi ecologice indirecte. Pentru reducerea acestui risc compania ar putea construi minifabrici de reciclare, care sa transforme deseurile in petrol. Făcând acest lucru compania nu doar va elimina aceasta problema, dar ii va aduce si o imbunatatire de imagine ca urmare a preocuparii pe care o are fata de mediul inconjurator. Compania se poate confrunta si cu riscuri operationale, cauzate de angajarea personalului necalificat si de conditiile de munca nu prea bune, salarii mici, angajatii prima perioada se rotesc in functii? adica cand te angajezi nu iti este specificata functia, toti lucrand pe rand in bucatarie, ca personal de serviciu, ca vanzator, etc, acest lucru cauzand pirderi moral psihologice care se manifesta preponderent prin fluctuatia cadrelor, deasemenea acest lucru poate cauza si pierderi de imagine, ca urmare a informatiei negative difuzate de fostii angajati. In scopul minimizarii acestu risc compania ar trebui sa imbunatateasca conditiile de munca, folosind diverse tehnici de motivare a personalului. Toate riscurile mentionate mai sus pot fi cel putin minimizate, daca nu eliminate total, cu conditia ca fiecare problema sa fie tratat cu seriozitatea corespunsatoare, compnia actionand la timp si eficient in acest scop Риски Одна из основных проблем – колебания курсов валют, так как цены на блюда стандартизованы.


Растет количество ресторанов, которые снижают цены на еду - Burger King, Starbucks, KFC. Питание в ресторанах сети вызывает определенные проблемы со здоровьем – МакДональдс неоднократно выступал ответчиком в делах о причинении вреда здоровью Высокие инвестиции в рекламу снижают доходы компани По материалам. Grija pentru mediu McDonald's se angajează să achiziționeze produse de calitate și sigure de la furnizori care respectă cele mai stricte standarde de mediu. Următorul rezultat al acestei lucrări este certificarea peștilor oferite vizitatorilor de către Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Eticheta ecologică MSC confirmă faptul că pescuitul, de la care furnizorii McDonald's primesc materii prime, utilizează practici de pescuit ecologice. În 2016, aprovizionarea cu pește a început de la un nou furnizor rus - grupul de companii Karat, certificat și în conformitate cu standardele MSC. Astfel, din 2016, cea mai mare parte a peștilor pentru producția de file-o-pește este asigurată de furnizorii autohtoni de materii prime. Cafeaua de la McDonald’s are un „certificat UTZ ecologic” special (UTZ CERTIFICAT) - un certificat internațional de responsabilitate legat de producția de cafea. Înseamnă că cafeaua este produsă în conformitate cu toate cerințele de mediu, precum și luând în considerare cerințele responsabilității sociale și având grijă de persoanele care cresc și preprocesează boabele de cafea. Furnizorii de ambalaje McDonald's s-au angajat să folosească celuloză pentru producția de hârtie și carton cu o garanție de 100% de origine legală și aprobată. Proiectarea eficientă a părții de producție a restaurantelor, precum și utilizarea echipamentelor unice, fac posibilă controlarea costurilor de energie și economisirea resurselor de apă, precum și minimizarea deșeurilor. În restaurante, au fost introduse programe de economisire a energiei și resurselor. Pentru reciclare, McDonald’s din Rusia trimite anual peste 1.000 de tone de carton și mai mult de 4.000 de tone de grăsimi reziduale, iar peste 50% din grăsime este transferată la biodiesel pentru procesare.


În medie, compania cheltuiește peste 70 de milioane de ruble pe an pentru amenajarea și amenajarea în jurul restaurantelor. În 2014, partenerul logistic al McDonald, HAVI, a început să folosească vehicule pe bază de gaz pentru a reduce emisiile de CO2 în mediu. În prezent, 12 astfel de camioane sunt deja folosite pentru a livra produsele McDonald's. Începând din 2017, toate vehiculele noi HAVI care livrează către restaurantele McDonald’s vor funcționa cu combustibil.