Table of contents : Key-problems and key-methods in computational geometry....Pages 1-13 Some recent results on squarefree words....Pages 14-25 Transformations realizing fairness assumptions for parallel programs....Pages 26-42 Computing the largest empty rectangle....Pages 43-54 Approximation schemes for covering and packing problems in robotics and vlsi....Pages 55-62 Covering polygons with minimum number of rectangles....Pages 63-72 On expressive interpretations of a Hoare-logic for Clarke's language L 4 ....Pages 73-84 Towards executable specifications using conditional axioms....Pages 85-96 Proprietes Church-Rosser de systemes de reecriture equationnels ayant la propriete de terminaison faible....Pages 97-108 On a general weight of trees....Pages 109-120 From expanders to better superconcentrators without cascading....Pages 121-128 Locally synchronous complexity in the light of the trans-box method....Pages 129-139 A new definition of morphism on Petri nets....Pages 140-150 Blocage et vivacité dans les réseaux a pile-file....Pages 151-162 Denotational semantics of concurrent programs with shared memory....Pages 163-173 Higher order data structures....Pages 174-185 Computability in higher types and the universal domain P ω ....Pages 186-197 On the structure of polynomial time degrees....Pages 198-208 Optimal layouts of the tree of meshes with vertices on the perimeter of the bounding convex region....Pages 209-217 Efficient simulations among several models of parallel computers (extended abstract)....Pages 218-229 Bornes inferieures sur la complexite des facteurs des mots infinis engendres par morphismes iteres....Pages 230-240 Adherence equivalence is decidable for DOL languages....Pages 241-249 Pusdown space complexity and related full-A.F.L.s.....Pages 250-259 Automates a pile sur des alphabets infinis....Pages 260-273 Logic programs and many-valued logic....Pages 274-286 Algebre de machines et logique temporelle....Pages 287-298 Algebraic and topological theory of languages and computation....Pages 299-304 A property of three-element codes....Pages 305-313 Polynomial time inference of general pattern languages....Pages 314-325 On extendibility of unavoidable sets....Pages 326-338