Show Me How 500 Things You Should Know [PDF]

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Mant esh






UsVr>vWVH»'T*rC«llfee’ a harj-borcd cg£

Layer the greenery

Freeze so the can stays frm.

wrap a merry wreath


craft a scented pomander

) 41

Secure with floral wire

Rol n seasonal spces.

Lot cure.

Nail holes along the design.

Hot water melts the ce

Add a small cande Light

read batik patterns

Hang to dry.

Iron to remove the wax

Wash before usng.

} 44

Called srio dad. the Irdcoeaan design is a gpcd omen, tt translates to "you should be as you wish"

Only the most dignified wear the satno wibowo. which is characterized by its al' damcod pnnt

Q ice worn by royalty, tf-e symmetncal kawirg pattern balances energy, power, and other forces.

The purang r^sak print was at coe time a favorite of the sultan's family. Its wavy Ines are conadered lucky.

tie-dye a groovy spiral / 4 6

Pnch the center

Rinse arrt wear.

1 4 6 ! create yarn h u r extencionc

/ ------------- —

* H A


) *

V Put the needle in a slip*r«.

Lcop aroind the reedle.

Put the ngh; needle n back.



Pdl to tighten.

Pul the yam over the neode


Put the nght neede in front.



PUI through the loop


F\jt the back reecle in front

Slip off the left needle.

Put the front needle n back

Slip off the left needle.

^ Locp aromd the needle



do basic embroidery

star stitch

/V V W S A

tied h e m n jtc n o niteh

ih ea f totch

cnain s it o i




5 | ( stitch native bead designs

Loop the t e a s jrcu n C the U b ic 'j e d jc, then pUl the need e Ih ro jg h

A Jterru tc flat trti upright beodi. Sew v»«h double ttvea ri

Sffjmbo pasta makes excelert

Creamy whte sauces pair perfectly

These district shapes trap the delicious

Tiny pastas acd tag texture

rec-sauce casserole dshes.

with Both skinny and stuffed pastas.

morsds in hearty red sat>:esL

to soups and salads.

Make a wefl r the flour.

Add the egp-oil egg-oil mixture. mixture

Divide nto fourths.

Fbtten each into a dsc

cut fettuccine

Draw D raw in the flour. flair.

Knead on a floured surface.

Rip and rdl again.


Qieck for transJuceoce.


Add filing wet the edges

Spread let dry.

Fold ovw the edges. An egg wu£/i es a mixture of egg yok and water It covers pstnes and breads with a slight gaze. and seals in scnxnptous Faw n


shape a baguette


braid challah bread

Make a sbnny braid

Stack: brusr wth egg wash

weave a lattice-top pie

Comnue umi covered

serve and pair champagne Oanpagne boasts tastes of lemon. hazehut green apple, and toast, as well as ftoral undertones.

The fate's long shape displays Champagnes bnilant buttiles


serve and pair pinot grigio Pinot gngos are known to ccntan lively hints of mnerais cucunber. appte. lemon, and herbs



Drink from a small tiiip glass to erjoy this wne's cnsp uste


serve and pair chardonnay Many detea the rich tastes of butter, pear, hazelnut orange, and vanila n chardomay.

A small tuip glass focuses chjrdcnnay's favors a the rim.

serve and pair pinot noir


Herbs, bananas, chemes. bvender. arc strawberries often contnbute to this wine s juicy flavor

A Burgur


Slice fruit of your chocsng.

lOfl o/ (100 rui) c r a r g : | je e

16 (1 o/ (-475 mQ

d u b j: d i

Refrigerate cr serve immediately.


o '

strawberry margarita 2 fi o r (60 m l) s K « r te q jia I (1 o r (3B m l) itn e juice 9 rtrivsb em es. huled I stra«vfc«Ty £amch s ilt fc r the n n

bloody m iry

2f or (60rW) sccj j 4 Ti o r ( 120 r r i) ts m ilo f ic c I ta tp Srne f j c e

V, tip pcoF«1 p ix h s k

K Bp g rccn d cutnn 2 d iih e s W o o e a tn h re o u ce 2 d c tT c n ot a o ce

rm l tal 3 Ibsp d ir t ram 2 ttnp light rum 2 tbsp triple -j x

I celtry itiik p m m

I Ime '/.fctjc jjnnh

I tb ip jfn c c t b w ic j 2 tS ip im e u ce 2 ta p arrp le syrxp I r iiiS o f o rje a t sjrtp




Some drinks like a rousing shake, some prefer to be rolled gently from side to side (or stirred), and others still want to go for a spin in a blender. Let this guide turn you into a stellar mixologist


mix drinks with a boston shaker

Pour the Iq io r add tee

Tap to create a seai.

Invert shake tr-croughfy.

Tap to break the seal

Secure the Krainor; pour

cape cod

long eland iced tea

2 K , (1 ox (7 5 m j vod ka

I tbsp gh I tssp tj+r. nxn

*1 fl o x ( 120 m l) c r ir b e r r y |u»:e jm


1 ■,n e < vrcge g a ris h

I tbsp sw e r tesu ia I tb-.p voefca I tbsp triple see I fi ox (30 m l) o r a n ju ce I tbsp sm ple synjp 5 II ax (IS O m l) c o 'j

concoct delicious cocktails tequila survrue 2 K 0 ox (75 m l) siVer toquia

Singapore ding 2 fl ax (60 m l) gin

* (1 cx (120 m l) crarge ( j « I y. tsp g re n a d e

I tb sp B en ed rtrie I ifcsp


I p re a p p e wedge gam in

I lem on wedge garr«n


I fi ox (30 rrJ) lemon jje e I tb tp sm ple syrjp 2 (1 ax (60 m l) d jb sods I lem m wedge garrish

cu t a pineapple

cuba llbre

2 K fi o x (7 5 m l) I girt mm I II ox (3 0 mQ Ir r e ju c e 6 f l ca ( I SO iW ) cola I I m e «ed £ e garrtsh tom colllns 2 fio x (6 0 m l)g jn

I I 5 I I

tb tp em cn face tb tp stn ple lyru a fle x (1 5 0 m l) dub soda

temon w edge gamnh rru rasch n o c ie n y gam sh tie a ch e rry ite m in m y m outh t 19 3

m o jito

6 m n t b iv e i. m uddled I y . tbsp am ple srjn p 1 tbsp Im e ju»M 2 fl o x (6 0 m i) Ig H njm

w ta ce ru tcan

2 fl ax (6 0 m1) vodfci I 11 ax (3 0 m 1) co fe e Iq je u r I II ax (3 0 mf) Ig ft cream

2 fl ox (6 0 m l) c b a soca 2 im ew ecge g a n sh e s

plfta co'ada

2 fi o x (6 0 m i) lijfr. ru n 6 (1 ox (1 9 3 m l) pneapple >jc c 2 f l o x (6 0 m l) co co ru t cream I pireapprfe w edge gamisn I T jo s c h o o d e n y g u rm

use a muddler \ | | ]

calpinnha 2 lir e w edges m udded 1 tbsp in ip le sy rjp

2 f i o x (6 0 rrJ)

u cn xa

Gnnd unti smooth



Is ^mes Bond v.rong? Whether to shake o r stir is 2matter of persoral prefererce. Although a general n ie

of thumb is to sha'e garrish

I cho ccU te treat garrish

orange blossom

co rp se re viv e r



2 K fl oz (75 m l) gin

I K fl oz (45 m l) trip e sec I fl oz (3 0 m i) d ry ven rcu th 1 tbsp lem on ,u ce

2 fl oz (60 rri) gn I tbsp C X b cm e t Rcoge I tbsp rruraschno Iq je jr

3 fl oz (90 m l) gin I green o h e fim ish

2 dashes absinthe I em on wecfce gam jh

I T jr a ic ih o cherry gim ish

I Ifcnp t - f i e sec

I S m e w e q > e girn sh

I fl oz (30 ir i) orange |uce I K tsp srnpJe syrup I co n g e «vedge gxnsh


teq u lacn i


2 K fl oz (75 m i) gn IK . tsp sice

2 K fl oz (75 rri) te t?jl» I K tsp sw eet verm outh I rrjrascnrvo cherry gim isn

2 fl oz

I green cJr.e g a n ch

m l) gn

I tasp d ry verm outh 1 tosp sw eet .enrvxnti 2 tsp strawberry pu-ee I st/a>vfc Ths design, called the scorpion's mark, suggests love's sting- and joys


u au a j«

' '







■r a n a n a r a r a n a ' t a ' t a ' t a

The game a represented by a gnd design !t promises lighthearted times


A ngzag mimra the pattern of rain U represents fertiity and abundance

r \

O e / iS k a ^ o k f c ^ S k t ^ S ^ N * ^ ^ ^

Many patterns are pirsty decorative.

Ripples suggest water's life-gvtng and pirfying powers

Bud; come after a thought. bmgirg new life and vger

S « with white gkje and water

identify henna symbols

The lotus ttossom b a symbol of erJighterrrem. When dosed, it moans the scul hasyet to awukarv

Flowers are emblems of fertility.

C m w vwth a sock to seal

Peacocks syrrfcdire love

Remove the wrap: brush off the rerna.

Many symbols are amply pretty touches

S « with white gkje and water

identify henna symbols

The lotus tfossom b a symbol of eriighterment When dosed, it moans the soul hasyet to awaken

Flowers are emblems of fertility.

C a « r vwth a sock to seal

Peacocks symbolize love

Remo/e the wrap: brush off the rerna.

Many symbols are amply pretty touches

^ ^ ^ ^ im p ro v is e a paper wedding ring ( 2 , 1 6

Snp from any piper source.

Fold in half lengthwise

Fold in half again.

Write an inscription—o r an apctogy!

Secure with a floral p a

Bend the pn in half to close

tend to a drunk wedding guest

Put an usher cn drurk duty.

Heip f-er sit down

Remove Hazardous sfices.

Bnng ter voter.

Confiscate ttase car keys!

Serve up sensuous sunptuou; food Ike fo-due. Don't forget the bubbly?

1 I239!


m iu ll a d m m cr swttelh

Show off your manrvers with a formal table setting. Let pets frolc outsde while you cory up , to p u r date—it's less a*1c//ard'

Turn on the charm with a surprise pcnic.

Stodc ycur lodge with tempting jphrodsae

nest A


Complementary scheme ccupte cobfs that are pdar opposites, prodding vivid contrast

W e all know and love the color wheel: its whirling array o f hues and shades promises Imitless possibiities. Use these examples of ccic r schemes to harness the c d c r wheel's creative power and

enlr.-en a space with a peppy accent color or set tp a peaceful, simpie-hued sanctuary. Copy this page, cut out the examples, and cut away the shaded areas. Tren lay each one the color

select perfect palettes for your heme—whether you want to

wheel and give it a spin to see what ccmbnauons come into vew.

Gve ycur roan Asia's spce and flare with a pale-tte of bright, festive colors, Ifee orange and red.

choose a palette for my home


Transport jourself to f'torocco's striking streets with sandstone-cotored wsdi studded with occasional jnvel tones.

Ensconce yoursetf n woodland co)cf\ ike a messy green or the soft brawn of a doe

Evoke the cheer of the C6te d'Azur with expansive yellow ^jaces that mime the beach's pristre sands.

m » .€

Capture the city's sophistication and gn; with various grays. punched up with bdd. trafficstopping color.

The rainforest's verdure makes it a peaceful haven. Small bright flashes sugges: girrpses of exotic rtubtants ike fuchsia orchids.

Re-create an English garden, hntng at its lavender scent with a wife array of purples.


Tahiti is best expressed n gentle Wues, Recline on a bege sofa to feel as if you're relaxrg on its beaches.

hang wallpaper seamlessly


Tim off ttio power.

Draw a irve from ftocr to cerfng.

Piste smooth out bubbles or wrinkles

A d j a secorrf pe:e: smooth ard wipe

Score the walpaper

Mo*sten with water.

Trm along the ceilng and baseboard

Cut aroLrid outlets; replace the plates.

Keep damp, scrape off anal bits.

( B



Scrape the paint's edges.




Sard the area.

Cteart »at set.

Rnse with water Repaint.

fix a dented baseboard

Phc« the dent with a tack.

Sand the rough edges.

Apply a touch of water.

Coven press on a bottle op.

Iron to exparri the wood.

Repaint if desired

Wipe with a darrp sponge

prep and paint a room

paint decorative stripes

A 'W shape distributes par; evenly. creating 3 smooth surface

dab a sponge-paint texture

Mix tfie g'axe arc pant

Brush on the paint to prevent giobbng.

ta>«r colors for more texture.

Mark the pi" board.

Chisel away the waste; file.

Transfer to the tail board

Cut the tai board jan.

Place a wheel gauge on your pn board and scribe a Ine to indeate tte depth of your tails and pins. For softwoods. mark ’-he u ili and pins with a slope of 1:6; for hardwoods, use 1:8

Mar< the desired shelf heignt.

Measure the length of the shelf.

Screw in archors if there are no studs

Race the screws in the anchors

Measure for brackets

Fit the brawet onto the screws

Before you get started, measure your mattress. Ycur toft's frame should extend about I in (2/ j cm) past the mattress or. al sides

U-shaped notches hold the railings flush with the loft's fame. Secure the ratings with wood screws.

To fasten your toft to the wal, use a stud finder to toca^ the wall studs. Attach a shelf beneath the frame and use large wood screws to secure it to the studs, if your heme has another construction method chock with a contractor atxut the best way to secure your toft before you get started.

3K h {9 cm )

" \

I— Secure your correre with l-Sradcets.

joist hangers reinforce the jonts

12 in (M e m )

a o

Heavy-duty bolts hold the frame together.

Arrange the treads of your ladder evenly. Race spacers between the treads, fcehjrc the ladder's main frame.

Tuck in the pilowose edges for a sleek took.

Cut plywood to fit

Staple at the top center.

AJtemate left ard nght stapling

Fold the tcp sheet under the blarket's edge.

Tidy up winkle; with a quick mnoftheircn. Repeat on the bottom.

fold flawless hospital corners

Straighten the crease

Piil the top sheet taut.

nto another.

Fold into thirds, lengtftwse.

Fold in half, widthwise

Repeat co the other SKfc.

Pat down the con-ers.

Remove 31 metal.

Cut acryic to fit the shell

Test: reseal an)- leaks

Insert a platform

A65 water and corvdtonng.

□ose inside the shell.

Cut out the tubes' valves

Stretch around the frame: knot

craft a plastic-bag throw rug

Tie the bags' handes.

Cut trash bags; tie in strips.

Wind around the loom.

Krot 31the back.

Cut through the hareles

Tie in the front; weave.

Tie off.

Cut off two at a time: krot

Tnm tre (rnge; fluff.


Co^inue mtil covered

Weave the other way.

Knot on the undersde as you go.


install a dimmer switch

Turn off the power to the light

Algn the wires.


Unhook ail three wires

Twist matching wires together.

Insert the wires into w re ruts.

Foid the wres b>ck into the box


So man)- wires! Not to fret. Smply match the hex. neutral, and ground wires frcai the wal box to ' the appnopnate '/.ires on the dmmer switch In this case, the hot wire is black, the neutral wire is j f j f . 1 ^ . white, and the ground //ires are grren and copper-colored. If you don't see the same colors, check t. ,


with a professorial before proceedng, or use a voltage tester to figure out which wire is which.



Reattatfi the switch and plate.

You can pirchase a wi-fi adapter and a USB cable at any computer supply store So if you're heading off into the widemess, o x can't Iwe witnout the Internet, stock up! It may take a little finessing to get the best signal.

boost my wi-fi with a strainer

V C u t a hole n the strainer.

Put the adapter in the hole.

Tape to a long dowel.

Connect with a USB catfe

Adjust for the best sgnal


install a dimmer switch

Turn off the power to the light

Algn the wires.



jfjf .

Unhook ail three wires

Twist matching wires together.

Insert the wires into w re ruts.

Foid the wres back into the box

So man)- wires! Not to fret. Smpfy match the hot. neutral, and ground wires frcoi the w al box to ' t h e appnopnate wires on the dmmer switch In this case, the hot wire is black, the neutral wire is 1 ^ . white, and the grourd //ires are grt-^n and copper-colored. If you don't see the same colors, check

t. ,


with a professorial before proceedng, or use a voltage tester to figure out which wire is which.



Reattxh the switch and plate.

You can purchase a wi-fi adapter and a USB cable at any computer supply store So if you're heading off into the widemess, but can't Iwe witnout the Internet. stoc< up! It may take a little finessing to get the best signal.

boost my wi-fi with a strainer

V C u t a hole n the strainer.

Put the adapter in the hole.

Tape to a long dowel.

Connect with a USB catfe

Adjust for the best sgnal

Remove most d i tte water.

Remove the hanger, insert a drain snate.

Tun off the water.

Unbend a hanger twist into the dog.

Rotate; piil to loosen the dog.

Loosen the nuts on the trap.

Rush when the water begins to drain.

Remove the trap; search.

Reattach the trap.

repair a leaky showerhead

Cover the wrench with pipe tape.

Sed wth the ppo tape.


Loosen the showerhead from the pipe.

Place a new O-nrg.

Remove the O-rirg if damaged.

Reattach & e shcwerheac.


Soak in white vnegar to mrrct.-e dogs

Gently tighten

• i »

Move the arm away from the a d «

Aqust the chain and fLsh arm.

Oean the fLsh valve seat.

Crock the flush bal fcr teaks.

tidy up on a daily basis & Make your bed Clear away any cKitter, trash, and drty dshes.

Give a good wpe down to counters, sirks. arc; showers.

Jh k )

Wash your laundry, and don't forget to take out the trash.

CXist. mop. ind vacuum! Make yoir sn< sparide svth a vigorous scmbbng.

De-clutter and organae your closet Donate 3r.y se'donv wom items.

Qean out your fridge. Lift ip or move large firniture so you can sweep mdemeath.

good luck Bad hoLse plan? Add items that are dear, flowing, natural, and iwng to make any space more nwtng.

wealth and prosperity duster coins here. Wealth begets wealth'

love and romance An-ange chjects n pars here

creativity and children Meta! objects here enhance you- fertiity.

family and loved ones PUce wooden objects n this area.

skills and knowledge Light a cande n this comer

bounce tght and energy from rccm to room.

Open your curtans dumg the day to Fll your iKme with poatf.e Ight and energy. Ooso them at night to keep energy n.

travel and exploration Race a photo of a travel destitution here. career Put a fointainora pictije of water Kern

bad luc< To keep positr.e orergy flowng freely, remove items that are dead broken, in natural, drty, orbloocnggood fates.

Align the bottom of this diagram (called a bagua) with the from of your home, and imagine it overlaying your entire space.Then arrange your belongings to bring good fortune in the life areas that matter most to you.

A metal bed ccnduns electnaty, whch can nterfere with positive chi

Light the sigo smudge stck.

Open the door to let sprits leave.

Race in an 3boicne shell.

Wave while thinking gccd thoughts.

Grind to extinguish

protect with a brigid’s cross


V Fold a straw over another

Rotate; fold another


Tie off v.hen complete.

Hang over a doorway.


learn curtain basics

© = ©

G ot a bare window begging for a little embellishment7 Leam how to hang curtains, and how to spruce them

Cm C=

up with well-chosen details, like finials and trims.

IS * 3

0 =

jiuests farevrtsl with ttii ® hertd remedy. Mix in equal parti any con'tonation of rosemary, eucalyptus, fennel, nje. lavender, or wornvAOod

O Hang the herbs to dry.

G m d the herbs finely.

Rub into the l i r

P a c e baby fo o d on yo u r finger.

L e t him get a good taste.

Press th e ;aw in sert the pH.

O n c e t-«'s w o n over, p e t him .

Rub until she sw allow s it.

D o n 't fo rg et a treat!

C u t sw a y fro m the cfjitk .

R e w ard a p a te n t kitty.


S ta rt w ith a relaxed ta t

Press to e x ten d th e claws.

H o ld th e clp p e rs vertx ally

2 9 9 { bathe a baby

Be su-e to sup p ort the b aby's head.

W a s h the b aby's front, to p to b o tto rr.

W a s h the b ack to p to b otto m .

P re v e n t c h ili w ith w orm w ater.

G e n tly suds the s c ip

Be sure to have a hand on your baby at all times wtiile he's splishng aroLrd n ^



the tub This prevents him from slipping underwater—and it wakes him feel safe. Likewise, never leave him alone in the tub. Keep all supples withn arm's reach.

W a s h the (ace w th a co tto n ball.

P a t d y . W ra p n a to w el.

R em o ve tf-e h o r u c n ti bar.

Tnm an y excess

Tap e to gether.

G u e to c a rd tie to cab les

Mobiles are so rascinatng—babies can't help reading Lp fcr the'r'J To pievty; the decorations from becoming choking hazards, use catte t>es or other sturdy fasteners tnder I VS ft \tien she's ready.

A d u s t until h e r fe e t to u ch th e g ro in d


fin d an op en, ifo p in g grassy area.


W a 'k v/-ile b i jn c n g on t t « u d d e .

Su p p o rt h e r shoulders.

banish imaginary monsters

T urn c n a n jh t Jg h t


Iso late th e gum .



A p p ly « e until th e g u n breaks.


FVepare them as a team .

C u t eight "te n ta c le s "




remove gum from a child’s hair


C o n * o u t th e pieces.


S e rve veggies first.

L e t him see yo u e a t them .

M ake a goofy design.

M ake slits fo r eyes

h s e rt raisins in to th e slits






j [2

select the right golf club averag e d ista n ce

d u b typ e


............. H





"■ w

........................ d




................ O

sand weoge ^ - r|j____ ^

i [ j,

perfect my swing

2(»-260yd (190-240 ro)

125-1BO yd (IIS-165 m)

I BO -235 yo (1 6 5 -2 1 5 m)

105-170 yd (95-155 m)

170-210yd (155-190 m)

105-170 yd (95-155 m)

170-210yd (155-190m)



.». a | i

The moit common gpp is ttte Vardon O w Up. It's lormed by ^llertocfcf'g the pinkie of you-traiing hand with your leading t-ands irvSex finger



"* *

150-200yd (140-160 m)

(90-145 m)


9 0 -15 0 yd (B O -135 m )

150- IB5 yd (135-170 m)

80- :40 yd (75-130 m)

140-170 yd (130-155m)

70-130 >d (65-120 m)

153-160 yd (120-145 m)

65-120 yd (60-110m)

120-150yd (110- '35 m)

60-110 yd (55-IOOm)

110- I40yo (ICO 130 m)

55-95 yd (50-BS m)

95-130 yd (85-120 m)

50-93 yd (45-75 m)

90-120 yd (75-110 m)

40-60 yd (35-55 m)

60-100 yd (55-90 m>

Don't squeeze too hircf hugne the dub u a fragIe baby brd

W a it y o ir turn! D o n 't sta rt

D o n t t» »e any p ractice

ix itii oth ers h »ve finished

iv v m g i ^vhre lo m e o re

and ex ite d th e green.

else I t t w n g in g .

Escape a sand trap by itrfang the area behnd the coll. sendng it up on a (lyi"$ cushion of sand

Goll bolls i-e often printed with identfyng numbers, but it helpi to mirt youri 10that you cfcn't lose it—or get stuck 'with someone else's bad l«

farw ay

Crunm ' in yo u r a r t

is frte . ju s t stay the greer/

o il

T h e gold en rule? Play

tts th e b all th a t scars,

it as it lays. It's cheating

r o t yo u r d u b ' Keep

T o p u tt d-aw th e clu b straight

to m ovie y o u r ball.

yo u r d riving rage off

b ack then

the d riving rang e

itrn e straight through

K eep y o u -sp eed slo w and steady.


Take a few pracbce wags over the ball

Sw in g frxm th e h p s fo c u i on the b al.

Male impact Turn your hips and foot

F o lo w th ro u g h End facing the target

3 |5

throw a four-seam fastball

Irvbex an d m id d e fingers go on the seam .

C o n ceal yo u r p itch grip

Sh ift to yo u r nght fo o t angle yo u r left.

R elease W ith yo u r fingers o ve r th e ball

Star-d i t th e Iree - th ro w line.

Focus on th e b ackb oard

Straighten; (lick yo u r w nsts.

Sw isH

Stand behind the baseine.

G^asp in a continental grp.

P o n t your racquet at the target.


m Shift your w e jh t backw ard release.

Bac kscratch the racquet.

Straighten Hit at the h g heit pont.

pitch in petanque

nigh loQ

Rck a lobbng tec^ivque. Stay within the circle, and place your b o J e close to the jack.

Throw a carteau to knock a rrvafs b o J e away from the pck.

assume the basic 4-4-2

3 I9 J

3 2 0 J score a goal with a 4-3-3


n j,h t S rfcer


left w rig

f i

f t

left ce n te r m idfielder

n p it ce n te r m d fie 'd e '


f t

left ih r fd e e r

f i

rfcht Wiker

f i

rg n t m o f f i c e r

f i

rg t* cen ter back



M eed sem e points on the sccxeboa*d> U se th s baiarKed fon-natcn to launch an attack rtth o u t .eopordinng fo u r goal

S u rt the §«m e w tn the tn ed -a-ic-true 4-4-2 h pro tects the god jr d the fflid M d , v ih te te rd rg tw o itrw e n up to tcore


1 win the midfield with a 3-5-2 ________________________________ J

f t

ce n te r m d fiecfcr

e ft center Back

rijp t c e rte r back



f t

right w rg


left cen ter bsc*


left stm er




go on the defensive with a 4-5-1


understand soccer penalties


H - a d b u ttn g

W a tc h yo u r

E x it o r e n te r the

C a r e U t f ie r e . h o t s h s t '

H t th e lo w e r p a rt o f th e

is a no to n co s

m outhl C u ran g

field w ith o u t th e re f

T w o y e lb w t a r * e q ja l

b a ll t o s e n d it 143

red-card offense

*n d o th e r rude

ap p roval an d yo u’ll

a r e d c a rd , w tn c h p u ts

to r d u tt vMlI get

je t a y e lo w card

y o u o u t o f th e g am e.

y o u a y c A o w ca rd

H t th e i^ p e r p a rt o f

B en d Ira m the w a is t Keep

t h e b a l t o s e n d it


you- m o uth closed.

b p 't o n v c m e o n e a n d y o u l e n d u p w it h a r e d c o r d — a n d o n tr- e b e n c h

defend a soccer

f*U".e a diam ond w ith y o u h a n d

Pliti to yo u r ch e st

H_g tne b all to

you- ch e st

C o v e r t h e b a l.



understand my vitamins

| Y

at N a is spedfed

V 0.4-05 it k i


300-400 meg


0.9-18 m qj


700-9C0 rrcg


2.4 meg


Remember yo ir mom's advice—take your vitamins! Let this cheat ‘-.inset he£ you seed the vitce w ater, apply

If it turns w h ile , it 'i i fir it- d eg ree su m

A p p V an tb io t< o in tm e n t

C o v e r w ith a bandage.

M o n ito r fo r d iscoloration.


A p p ly x ite rm itte n i p re is u rt

Lean fo rw ard

A clo th catches b lo o d

M o iltu rtte th e nostnl.

If breeding p e rso ti. get help.

Q u ck ty rem o ve the stnger.

G e a n w ith ru b b rig a lco h o l

A d d baking soda *n d w ater.

M o n ito r fo r ftv e s

pull out a splinter

G e n tly w ash the site.

W a s h yo u r h arx S fr o t

icfje ez e aro und th e splinter.

Sarttize w-th r\jtfcir

Sw ab ; re m o w the o b ject

>2afccho l


E n jr g e the h a le

b e d ow n; A ud i w ith v im e .

T im y o j- head to d i n th e excess.


pack a first-aid kit

catim n e


n jb b rg




tw eeaen d s p c a tte norvtatex |Jo v «

v jrtn n auto

u fe ty pms

ab jo ra e rt ecm preis dressrgs

jjiu re ro le r fcurdiges

adhew.'e rc Je r o a ifta g «

ajsortec gjjore pacfc


< = pads


O L profer

co ttcn aals

frst-akl msnusJ

anteeptoc wipes

em ergercy co rtacts

em ergency bbrfcet

eye cups


e/e wash

x p rr


• ll

anthistam nes

ryrvp o f pecac

JLUVSUC activated charcoal

p rescnp tor rred cato n s

Elevate Apply pressure.

Remove ccnstnctng constnctng items.

Layer Additional gauze.

Find i prestu'e pont

A c p ly a n tfcio tk o in tm en t

C o v e r w ith a bandage.

FVessure stow s th e b le e d n g .

_ • _ If the wound is so deep that you see 2 | g yelow fatty tissue, or if it's hard to J pinch dosed, it needs stitches.

B e ra te . W a s h the site.

T-e a krot above Hie in/jry.

C h e c i. if it n e e d i stitches.

n s e r t a stick.

TvM st tighten until th e bleed ing stops.

A d d a w a te rp ro o f covering.


perform cpr

C lear items from the m o uth


Pinch th « nostrils.

Listen fo r breathng.


identify toilets everywhere

3 7 6 >

find the ladies’ room

W IH f

ita n d ird s q u it






'.“J ! tq-j*.


n * m

y u v a iK e q

1 4


v iJ t jf

w ah in e y

dan ba dan ba < ^ 4




find the men’s room < ^ 3 7 7





use a squat toilet < 3 7 8



P o u r a little w a te r


S S tt e le

d xo |L ia

T o clean, p o u r w a te r

B e abso lutely lu r e to

w ith y o u r left h a n d

w a ih y o ir handi.

freshen up with a bidet < 3 7 9

o Jly


ngu*o*i ngu*6*i

R e m o ve y o u - pants ar*2 u n d e rw e a r (to keep them dry).

A q u s l t)>e tem perature a n d th e ;e t fo rte .

M y>KHM Hbl

Strad d le, fa cn g th e c o n tr o l

ftn ie the bo-«\< w ith t*-e |e ti on lo w .

3 8 0 >

play korean gonggi

T o ss o n to th e g ro u rv i

R c k up o n e. to ss in th e air

P*ck u p another.


C a tch th e o n e m th e air.

T o s s a n d catch all

Continue ptckirg up the gonggi stones o r* by ore intil you've collected all 0/e. Repeat the process, pickiftf! up two at a time, then three at a time, then four at a tm e Finally, throw the stones into the air and catch them on the back of your hand Whatever nLinber you luccessfuly catch n yotr score!

_________ Fil vwth ice water

Seal th e argile to th e vase.

A d d th e tray.

A tta ch th e hose.

C o v e r v*th f e l; pnck.

H e at a c o a l

Place o ve r the OcrM

Brush o l! ash as it gathers


V A tta ch th e b o w t pack.

S p read the re ttin g

S le e p on a damans'

share authentic yerba mate < 3 8 3

H e a t the v.ater

f t l the g o ir d tt r e e fourths full.

C o v e r with yo u r h jn d s h iv e wel:

Splash to ld w a te r on the ta w side.

Insert tf-e bom bila.

FJI to th e bnm vsith h ot w ater

3 8 4 >

patch a blown-out bike tire

R e m o ve the o t e c t

Apply jj u e

Firvd L*-« h ole; p u l th e tire o ff th e r m

AppEy the p a tch p re ls

R a tte n o u t a b ll.

Pro p w ith t r e lever*

P d l o u t the damaged tube.

S a rd the punctured area

Tuck the tube back inside

R e m o ve the lire leven.

R e n fla te the tire.

Lay b e tw e e n th e hole and th e n m

Ride hom e q u cW y to patch prop erty

bike hand signals for safety < 3 8 6

B end the right /eg u n d e r you.

B e rrf th e left leg in d e r y o u

C o n t n u e . U se h an d h o ld s

A n c h o rs d istribute th e w e ight

A tta ch ro p e to the anchors.

H o o k o n the ra ppe l d e v ic e

T h re a d tw o ro p e bights; c lo ie .

W r a p Vifchey a ro u n d y o u r hip

W a lk d o w n the cliff (ace

Place a b o v e the nght leg.

Place a fo o t ip ; b ra ce y o u ntSL

f e d fo r Hancfriclds

C h a ll up

G im b in to the chim ney.

leap from a cliff < 3 8 9


I « ft (4 ‘ m) deep

S co u t (o r * safe jum p in g site.

Check for rocks

C h e c k fo r o b sta cle i

Stand u p straight as a p e rxil

Bervd fo rw a rd o v e r the bow .

Sbck i p th e p a d d e

Sw eep from b o w to ste m

S n ip y o u - h p a s y o u roll

Be a e r t to w a te r in the m a st

FVesv slightly breakin g the seal

T i t y o u - head back.

E>hale slo w ly th rou g h y o u r nose.

Straighten; steady yourself.

R e se cu -e y o u r m a sk

[ I 3 9 2 >

a (afa)

b (bravo)

c (eharie)

keep dear

carg ercui cargo

understand the parts of a boat o—

3 9 3 >


decipher crucial nautical flags

Need to communicate with another ship, but can't use your radio? Say it with nautical flags! Stnng up a single message, or spell out your own greeting.




f .E


d (delta) fceep dear

f I

k (bio)

want to ccrnnu ncaie


o j o j r a r) t r a n c e ro o ifc

I (Ira )

step nstanty




w (wtintey)

c u irjn th ce

require rn e d c i anistance


port 0 t





s (a iu j r tq jr e i t u j

* (xr*y) stop you- rterfcoru

| l •a &

8 5 n b*

3 engine

in pasn .

mount a camel




t 4 0 8 >

A p p ro ach the ci-net c i 'e f u t y he r r j y be testy!

mount a horse



Reassure the horse by s p e a tn g gently to h m

compose a memorable photo

F o r optim um lighting stand w ith U-c io n behind you and sigfitly to on e side.

R c k O j ‘. key elem ents that capture the lo catio n ! essence.

T h e eye it drawn ta bnght i'e a s — look f o r high cor,trait of ight and dark.

fin d lines that lead y o i r e.-e to iva rd jrour subject matter.

Keep an eye out (or interesting repetitions o f color, sh ap e o r texture

T u ck

#1y c u r elbows

C le k while e jh a lr g .

Vertical c r horizontal co rrp o v tio n ! Let fXJur subject's natural shape d e o d t

Use the r u e c / th r d i to fram e yo u r sh o t keep the h o ru o n on a ho n io n ta l i h r t l C h e ck the background

a n d you- subject on a vertical t h r a

fo r d s tra c tn g gaffes. Ik


a tw ig com ing out

o f som eone's ear1 S h o o t a t y o u r s u b e c ts


T h e b est shots ' t o f peop 'e

e y e level (A lw a y s be

in te n c b n g w t h an e n v iro n m e n t not

resp ectfil— and safe!)

(List p osirg n front o f it

T o freeze action, set ytx-r

T o s h o w v d r a n t b u rre d m o tio n set yo u r

U se f 2.8 to t s ie a portrait with

T o get a greater depth o f

T o c a p t ir e true colors a t tw iig h t se t up

shutter ip e e d to I/S00th o f a second.

shatter speed to I/I 5th o f a sec e n d

a soft, unfocused background

l'-eld fo r lardscapes use f 11.

a tn p o e and u ie a b u b setting to keep the shutter open as long as ynu like

parade in rio’s carnaval

A rriv e in c o s t u n e o n tim e. W a r m up w t h

In late January o r early February. C a m ty R l is c d e s r a t e d In Rj o

y o u - scho o l an d " h s p j


4>cng" sa-nba a t y lt

d e Janeiro. B ra zil w ith a n a m A fn g parade. But d o n 't ^ s t watch!

Easy o n the cacha?a:

Party'- jjdges lo o k for enthusiasm.

C h o o se a samba school

Pracbce yo u r

and o 'd e r yo u r costume.

school s song.

drench myself in holi’s color

M ix the co lo r w t h water, then splash b u c k e t fu l

In d a celebrates the festival o f hfali in late February o r early f ^ jr t h . It j e t s m o st c o 'c r f ii o n its se co n d day. c a le d Q hulhendi.

A rm yourselP S h o o t th e co lo r fro m w a te r jil t s called pich kans

Buy p o w d e re d color.

D m k thandii.

If y o u faK stay d o w n

run with the bulls in pamplona

and c o v e r yo u r head.

Every J J y . adrenaline junkies visit Pam plona, S p a n , to r u i n ' ee r c ie r r o " T h e F e s ta d e San F e rm n hon o r* B-e city s p a tro n saint

T o ta lly nuts! Star*, a t Piaza

Sightly '« • ! n u ts' S ta rt b eyo n d

Santo D c m n g o an d toast

"dead m a n 's c o r n e r ' an d toast

w ith a ;h o t o# Pacharan.

later— to h a v n g s t r i v e d

In early N o ve m b e r. Mexican* celebrate B D a de Los fA je rto s | the tim e vvtien departed ip n ls return to b e hon ored by loved ones— and to have a good time*

A bam boo arch acts


a portal fcr

re tu m n g spnts. I l l al.vays d ecked o ut


mangold-, and garlands o f fruit

D e co ra te d sugar sk iils and skeletons m a ie p'a>ful oflenngs


to the dead and the iving

S e t out a least o f you- departed ioved ones' favonte dahes. D o n 't forget the m esial, c r the b re ad of the dead,

c& led pan de m uerto

C c p a l— a special resin used as m cenie— becko ns the spinti through the a1tar's a r r h

V o tr.e s are lit in m e m o ry

a ! th e d ead




4 1 7 /

make a sun compass O


H art: the shadow's e n d m / t


Marie the shadow's er*d i g i n

]us: a bpt the accuracy of trw t/xk improves the closer you are to the equator, and around the time of the equinoxes. M

o -

m i I f i* 111 i i k



4 I8 >

navigate using my watch


it fill ■S



- 1 1 5 -3


U i a-Q

n o rth e rn h e m sp here te r r p e r a ie zones

improvise a magnetic compass

A t a a

M ake a vnnd-proof p ^ d d «.

M agretize you- n e e d e

Place on a leaf n the puidltr.

Le t the leaf align itidf.

The needle always aligns with trie north-scuth axis. Use other signs—ike the sir's position in the sky— to defne east and west then find north

T o f r d north ir r jg r c a i r e bsectirgthe space between the 12 o'c'od. pooticn a-W the ho u- hind

southern hem isp here te m p e rate ro n e s


> estimate remaining daylight

Is it time to stop and scrounge for shelter or is it better to keep on trekking? Use this simple trick to measure the remaining daylight Remember to allow yourself at -east two hours to set up camp before the sun goes dcw n

C o u n t the finger w id th s betw een the sun and the h o r s o n Each finger is equivalent to f.fteen m nutes, with each hand tot&ing an h o i r Vvhen the sun dips lo w enough that orJy tw o h in d s ft, it's tim e to search lo r a suitable campsite and assemble a shelter. ( A c a v e a t

4 you re ~ej.’ the

poles, the tun nmII h o v e r o ve r the h o n io n fo r a longer penod o f time, giving you an iruccurate 'e a d n g )

assemble a debris hut 3 Add I fin d a

itirdy (ranch

tree w t h

as a

a low


set up a shade shelter < 4 2 3


4 Roof


w ith leafy



c ro o k

5 Ins J a t e th e flo o r vwth j leaves, o r p n e n e e d e s

I Find a natural

3 Stre tch a

2 D ig a space

fo r y o j r body.

d p n the land.

4 A n ch o r

o v e r the hofe

w ith rodcs

dig a snow cave

I O g rvto *

2 C a rv e

3 C hsel a

deep, firm

a h rig a soda-bottle fish trap


Fing to s h o r t

t U



f f l

Cu*. ro le s in the bottles

S t't ih together.

B a t anchor and submerge.

Secure the tegs.

W r a p in a leaf.

N e stle o h o t coals

> fire-roast a tarantula

Flip the sp d er. press ou

4 7 8 / prepare a tea-leaf rea





h h ile : co ntem p late J question.

,4 7 9 P

predict the timing of life events

P 1 4 8 0

find symbols in tea leaves


Finding familiar shapes in tea leaves is an art. much like finding pictures in cloud formations. So meditate on a question that's important to you and watch the omens take shape in your cup. I now


fe rtJity

lorvg l*e

n ew rom an ce

m m a jit


2 m art hi



(th e fnend

hard w o rk

ad van cem en t

d o m e itx u tu itio n



mortttt d u ap p o n tm e n tpsychic ab ftty

6 m onths

T * T The cup is divided into monthly sections. W herever a symbol appears, expea the corresponding event to occur in that amount of time.

le (* l m atter

help from friend s

p ro tectio n

d o le cat

S w a h tb s cup dockvuse.

D ram the excess tea, re tan the tea tes^-ei

Lo o k

fa r shapes.


wom an

sm ooth journey

uncertan path

people's in tu h

days, months, years

right drecbon

w rong drecbon

reconsider plans

pay attention

2^od luck






good frtend

untrustworthy fnend

entanglem ent

possible theft

enemy nearby

long jo im ey


trouble coming

starting event

fu tire rew ard

big change

enbjtitenm ent



correct path


very good lic k

m fuence. pow er

natural cycle


a h w to r

starving dog e lep hant

scene with sound effects


thur* e r and kg^itning h o rje j gallo p n g

sp m U c nee on m etal

shake sh eet m etal

Pre se n t th e com th eatrically

Slid e yo u r thum b under.

G o s e the hund over.

D 'o p in to you- nght h in d .

D istra c t yo u r a u d e rc e .

R a e o n you- n jih t to e

Fo cu s o n you- le ft h i"d .

4 8 4 /

give the illusion of levitation

W e a r w id e legged pan is.

A sse rrb le a sm all au d e r< e



C ro ss y o ir stro ng arm ; irh ale.

Exhale. m akir# w igg le ro o m

H ong u pside d o w n

W ig g )e yo u r elb ow s

U n d o the back belts.

H o o k th e sleeve b elt; p til.

V. U rx ra is and raise


your a it t i

B ite to und o th e sleeve b e lt

Want to pull a Hcudiri: When you’re frst wrangled nto the strartjacket, place your strong (or dominant) arm under yojr opposite ebo.v and breathe deeply, expandng your chest and loosenirg the straitjactet. This way. you can later use jyeat force to push your elbow over your h eal Once your arms are uncrossed, undo the buckles— and dsnle the crowd with your escapologist skits!

pull a tablecloth from a set table \ 4 8 6

P a c e th e d o th a t th « edge.

Sm o o th aw a y w m k les

A d d heavy item s.

G rasp a t th e midpct s p m r g . 3 R elease t?>e b o ard as it turns, p u lin g y o ir legs u n d e r y o u r h ps.

4 Land v«ith Doth feet

a ve r Die t'- je k i


tools B




evergreen brugh

iq jx iu m


a g e bundle


fiohst rb ao n



flcnst w r e

cte C T rg flid



crem e cte tnerrthe

to w d

chicken broth

skn toner

rbb cn

parser's tape



patch h t

d3g toothpaste

verm outh

a rtk n fe


h e 'n a


K re e n

b ja b ie 'b d

e lK trca J w re

n o Aboard

n o r seaweed


p ip e " trwney


d iie jm e

toshi hrno

8 ice water


J &






soda can

b ir u r j leaf


o lv e

w iu h


beam (hancots)

o lv e o i

citrus trees

house pant






b cvcle


6re gbe










w ater

bandage sheirs



nal polsh

cian tro


b irrto a


red w ine

felt pen


c c rrrr*a l




m nt

p jn ts



florist w re

breath ir ir t

* a v n g booh

deck chair

electrical tape



tenns b al


spray bottle


photo E n u lic n

pnge- d e

w a te rrg can

Wued ru c rtla d e

a q jin jr .

sere1// anchor



c o rb




gardanrg t^ ie

setting fcxon

line mesh b ig

chile pepper

m cd ein g c'ay

v h ta (brch whisk)

scd a so tte s

s t^ e m »eu p

o lig atcr clp s

massage o i





» aaa o n e sh e l





p an t ro le r

iiig jjn g b d ls

^ tarp



gartering clppers

i rock anchor



w d paper seam

a ts i

p p e w rench

i thkk thidt pantbrjsh paintbrush

4 ft \

sn& A boiidng

heJum tu lb c n s lipgtoss)earbo=fctuna

y scissors


espresso o f)




m sinade






aquanum rock


rappel device

V Uppers


p isu y b rjsh


* w ilp jp jp e*^

A* 8 % T bed


sp a rin g w ise r

eyelash gue


irc n rg board




seam npper




to ie t pJurgcr

* staple g u i


pafctte knife

cgarette pack

bem es





w re ssrppers

sle ep rg b ig

d ap er p ro


them es

*alp o p er scoring

s * m trunks


pet p i




w re cutters


c ^ p p e c m eat

o obi

iq u d atex


D it O / * fr e extin g jsh er

w re ru ts

head scarf






nail file

o d ecoratve tape

so w r^ p ns


te ll pepper

sk rn y salo o n corsettice Uke b oo

steepng pad

cigarette lighter


ce pack



S £ Or

n in e so u to n

crepe paper

stckytap e


sexy shoes

p lite o f pasta

shoe p ilc h



i * ftte s ire g y


to e sep jrato r

r hoctf pick


c jtid e o il

o \ chisken


tra rin g wheels


A carrots

f r c t i ta rd a


peat T a n

sasebal m tt




sakncn roe




d rritn g gourd






eye rrvfeeup app'icator

ham m er

h a rp rs

/ strait) ackel


\ m


c o i p jjc e





sheet o f w ood





g d fb ag

3a n to o

to y d ro s a jr

g rg erro ot

dtyng rack

dog treat


safety net

cre d t card

peanut butter

basebal bat



fence posts



an cp ap er

Body brush



p ji& r

% fire^ co d


J &

& a


paint rd fer

sealan*. ap p icatcr


copper w ire

p etonqje jackv ie lh bow woode

0 koi


cd f

aare-roc* tree


sta p p rg bag

forked branch

piant pot



stage geutin

la-rp b t


bone tool

brown paper aag

to ilet paper tube

grated cheese

t-eauxe chest

waking stick

bock o f tea

cutting baa-d



adobe b n d a

glass beads



cho ccb te b x

w ater b x k e t


graham cracker

fabrc d>e

i ip m \

flo w e r




m atch



