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Do as a professional ! 1, He is always ...(pick) people's mistakes-it's so annoying -> nitpick(v): to find faults in details that are not important -> nitpicking(n): a way of criticizing by giving too much attention to unimportant details 2, He ...(dash) to New Delhi for specialist treatment for his injury -> air-dash:(v) to go somewhere, or transport someone, quickly or immediately by plane, especially because of an emergency 3, His colleague came down with flu unexpectedly,Ted was the one who was chosen to..(hit) for her tv sportscasters -> pinch-hit:(v) to do something for someone because they are suddenly unable to do it 4, They express....(clutch) horror that she was a single mom -> pearl-clutching:(adj) a very shocked reaction, especially one in which you show more shock than you really feel in order to show that you think something is morally wrong 5, The company offers a one-stop software tool for..(clean) the home computer -> spring-cleaning(n): the act of cleaning all of a place, especially your house, very well, including parts you do not often clean 6, She found the duties of motherhood ..(one) difficult after having two year-old son -> onerous(adj): difficult to do or need a lot of effort 7, Anger somehow gave me...(nature) strength to force the door open -> preternatural(adj): more than is usual or natural 8, The fall left her leg all ...(blue) -> black-and-blue(adj): with dark marks on skin caused by being hit or having an accident 9, It is just as wrong to let a ...(mouth) work his way into security channels, even though the hour is such that he can do no immediate harm -> blabbermouth(n): a person who talks carelessly, often telling secrets to other people 10, Some of the early explorers thought of the local people as ..(night) savages who could be exploited -> benighted(adj): without knowledge or morals 1, It is left to the ___ and the Australian people to address big-picture global issues which have dogged us for years but seemed too big to comprehend, let alone tackle. (COMMENT).

Do as a professional ! -> commentariat:(n) a council of analysts and commentators 2, Owing to the capacity of RNA to form a large variety of different structures, which are dynamic and ___, special RNA molecules have evolved that carry out enzymatic reactions.(CONVERT). -> interconvertible(adj): be able to convert to each other 3, Poetry is often created anew by ___ hands and voices.(TELL). -> unforetold(adj): be unable to be foretold 4, The ___ story focuses on his concerns about drug-taking, swearing, and a host of other antisocial teenage activities.(LINE). -> headline-grabbing(adj): reported as a very important story in the news 5, The small country is faced with ___ debt.(MOUNT). -> insurmountable(adj): (especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it can not be dealt with successfully 6, Transgender Studies Quarterly bills itself at the first nonmedical journal focusing on issues facing the trans and ___ communities.(FORM). -> gender-nonconforming(adj): exhibiting behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits that do not correspond with the traits typically associated with one's sex 7, The presence of glass 4 billions years old on the Moon elucidates water is essential to the rate of ___.(VITREOUS). -> devitrification(n): the process by which the glass loses part or all of its glassy nature through crystallization 8, Most ___ can be corrected by extractions and removable appliances of the therapy.(OCCLUDE). -> malocclusion(n): (dentistry) a condition in which the opposing teeth do not mesh normally 9, The ___ of the King interrupted the completion of the project.(THRONE). -> dethronement(n): the removal of a dynasty or an empire 10, Great cities and ___ are developed by visionaries who instil pride and optimism in their fellow citizens.(URBAN). -> conurbations(n): an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities 1, This term is to be able to have an unique term to ….. (differ) other terms -> differentiate:(v) to show or find the difference between things that are compared 2, ….. ( man) is the process of liberating slaves from working in extremely poor conditions

Do as a professional ! -> Emancipation:(v)the the process of giving people social or political freedom and rights 3, Without governmental funds for free education, many poor students will be ….. ( night) -> benighted:(adj) without knowledge and morals 4, Yesterday, some students fiddled with their pens to (stress) ……….. before taking the exam -> de-stress:(v) to get rid of feelings stress 5, We …….. ( miss) testimony from the attorney because he made a mistake in judgement -> dismiss:(v) to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering 1, That word is such a(n)..........., did the creator want us to get………..? (jaw/tie) -> jawbreaker:(n) a tongue-twister, a word that is difficult to pronounce ->tongue-tied:(adj) if you get tongue-tied, you find it difficult to express yourself, usually because you are nervous 2, Those……… students will be expelled from school due to their bad manners ( adjust) ->maladjusted:(adj) a maladjusted person, usually a child, has been raised in a way that does not prepare them well for the demands of life, which often leads to problems with behaviours in the future 3, The new housing development is a(n) …… of different architectural styles. (mash) -> mishmash:(v) a confused mixture 4, She is ……. stunning (die) -> drop-dead:(adv) used to emphasize that someone or something is extremely attractive 5, Tet is a(n) ……… tradition (honor) ->time-honored:(adj) a time-honoured tradition, practice, or method is respected because it has been done or used in the same way for many years 1. Many ask whether ____ actors like Redmayne and Fanning should be playing trans characters (gender) -> cisgender:(adj) used to describe someone who feels that they are the same gender (= sex) as the physical body they were born with 2. The murderer mixed her drink with ____ chemicals to make her sleep (insomnia)

Do as a professional ! -> somniferous:(adj) tending to induce sleep; soporific. 3. This group demands everyone be honest, and please don't ___ the pudding (egg) -> over-egg the pudding: spoil something by trying too hard to improve it 4. The troops were heavily ____ by hunger and disease (debility) -> debilitate:(v) to make someone or something physically weak 5. Lisa sure have a pretty ____ voice, I can listen to her singing all day (fluent) -> mellifluous(adj) having a pleasant and flowing sound 6. ____ is sometimes considered an unsportsmanlike act, but it shows how skillful the players are to bring themselves success while at an advantage (time) -> time-wasting:(n) in football, the offence of intentionally taking too long to take a goal kick, throw-in, etc. 7. It would be wrong to ____ that all Californians are surfers, based only on a few personal experiences. (pole) -> extrapolate(v): to guess or think about what might happen using information that is already known 8. I have never met such a(n) ____ person like Jim before, he's way more friendly than my best friend (genius) -> congenial/ genial:(adj) friendly and pleasant 9. The facility ______sea water to produce fresh water for drinking. (salt) -> desalinate:(v) to remove salt form water 10. A ________ of child prodigies entered the competition and performed as if they had been professionals (star) -> constellation:(n) a group of famous or admired people all together in one place 11. Our antecedents used to raise a lot of ______ animals to protect their yield (insect) -> insectivorous:(adj) eating only insects 12. He presented his latest collection at a(n) ___ show during Paris fashion week. (cat) -> catwalk:(n)a narrow structure built beside a bridge or building or above a stage, used for walking, conducting or performing work 13. The sumos sure have ______ bodies right? (elephant) -> elephantine:(adj) very large 14. Jason was really ______ about his restaurant's non-fresh food service (pig)

Do as a professional ! -> pigheaded:(adj) showing unreasonable support for an opinion or plan of action and refusing to change or listen to different opinions 15. I love ______ people like Lisa, she can always spot mistakes even if they are virtually invisible, clearly my type though (hawk) -> hawk-eyed:(adj) someone who is hawk-eyed watches and notices everything that happens 16. They were obviously a bit ___ about the misunderstanding (sheep) -> sheepish:(adj) embarrassed because you know that you have done something wrong or silly 17. You have to buy another phone with higher ____ to store that many images (wide) -> bandwidth:(n)a measurement of the amount of information that can be sent between computers, through a phone line, etc. 18. That student doesn't look like a(n) ___ at all, I can tell just by looking at those stunning techniques (foot/horn) -> tenderfoot:(n) a newcomer or novice, especially a person unaccustomed to the hardships of pioneer life. -> greenhorn:(n) a person who is new to or inexperienced at a particular activity 19. He was____ by the havoc he encountered on his return. (may) -> undismay/ dismay:(v) a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment 20. The ____ approach to marketing means that the campaign is not targeted at particular individuals. (gun/shot) -> scattergun:(adj) referring to a way of doing or dealing with something by considering many different possibilities, people, etc. in a way that is not well organized -> scattershot:(adj) delivered over a wide area and at random; generalized and indiscriminate -> shotgun approach: SA is a marketing strategy where marketers try to appeal to a wide market of potential customers by using various (both Above the line and Below the line) advertising strategies. This situation occurs when the target audience of the business is too diverse to focus on any one segment. 21. Life is basically working to get money and avoid being ____ in paying for the living until your last breath (hand)

Do as a professional ! -> behindhand:(adj) late in doing something or slower doing something than expected 22. This new digital technology makes it possible for deaf and ______ patrons to enjoy the movies without the need for assistive devices. (hear) -> hearing-impaired = hard-to-hear :(adj) cannot hear or cannot hear well 23. These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt _____. (dive) -> nosedive:(n) a fast and sudden fall to the ground with the front pointing down 24. He has given up his _____ lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter. (wheel) -> freewheeling:(adj) not limited by rules or accepted ways of doing things 25. He retorted with ______ of shallow criticism. (probation) -> disapprobation:(n) strong feelings of not approving of something or someone 26. The _____ of the intention in offence of intention is blurring, so we should restrict its scope of application. (script) -> proscription:(n) the act of not allowing something 27. Everything then became a ______ array of sounds and feelings as they slipped over the edge of control. (scope) -> kaleidoscopic:(adj) quickly changing from one thing to another 28. Why is the Secretary attempting to ____ the regulations to tempestuously gained only a few years ago? (jet) -> jettison:(v) to get rid of something or someone that is not wanted or needed 29. In the 2nd Newton's theory of motion, the ____ is usually replaced by the tools to measure the weight and the force and calculate the acceleration because they are much cheaper. (accelerate) -> accelerometer:(n) a device that measures acceleration or G-force 30. The computer market is ____ with software for every kind of computer. (wash) -> awash: (adj) covered with a liquid, especially water 31. The Aphmau team _____ our modern city life in Minecraft and made a masterpiece (play) -> role-play: (v) to act out (a situation), as for therapeutic, educational, or recreational purposes 32. Marie Curie was on her ____, saying her last words to her sons and daughter, one of which wrote every words of his mother down and read them every night after night since passed away (bed)

Do as a professional ! -> deathbed: (n) the bed that someone dies in or is dying in 33. Photographs are usually _____ evidence provided it can be proved that they are authentic. (admit) -> admissible:(adj) considered satisfactory and acceptable in a law court 34. Liverpool is sailing through Premier League ____ (defeat) -> undefeated:(adj) in sports, having won every game 35. There is no agreed ___ of what a comprehensive school should be. (define) ->definition:(n) a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase 36. The report is based entirely on _____ (suppose) -> presupposition/ supposition:(n) something that you believe it true without having any proof 37. It is _____ to me whether he stays or goes. (material) -> immaterial:(adj) not important, not likely to make a difference; or not relating to the subject you are thinking about 38. When reading a sentence that finishes ____, be sure to read the whole sentence because missing a single word can cause horrible misapprehension (leaf) -> overleaf: (adv) on the other side of the page 39. My girlfriend is such a ____, she desires for more in Valentines even after getting 4 bars from me (chocolate) -> chocoholic: (n) a person who loves chocolate and eats a lot of it 40. ____ in both physical and mental work may lead to severe outcomes that influence your life backward (hand) ->cack-handedness -> cack-handed: (adj) if someone is described cack-handed, it means that they handle things in an awkward or clumsy way 41. Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorized, hair-trigger or ____ use. (empty) -> pre-emptive: (adj) If something is pre-emptive, it is done before other can act, esp to prevent them from doing something else 42. Butt ____ is a talent several people have that they are able to fart as if the sound came from a different location (vent) -> ventriloquism: (n) the ability to speak without moving your lips so that your voice seems to be coming from someone or something else, usually as a way of entertaining people 43. The _____ on the child revealed that she had been poisoned. (mortal)

Do as a professional ! -> post-mortem: (adj) a medical examination of a dead person's body in order to find out the cause of death 44. These people are _________ and they are not going to say anything on camera that makes them look stupid. (media) -> media-savvy: (adj) having a good understanding of the influence of the internet, newspapers, television, etc. and how to use it effectively 45. Right now Usain Bolt can still_______ professional athletes although he's considerably aging (pace) -> outpace: (v) to move or develop faster than someone or something else 46. Many scientists still don't believe ______ about their insisting on proving that they had met aliens (tact) -> contactee: (n) a person who claims to have been taken away by aliens (= creatures from other planets), or to have had contact with them 47. In front of the White House lies many guards that always have ______ expressions, they have been trained to stay still for quite a long time so as to be taken on (face) -> straight-faced/ poker-faced: (adj) not showing what you are thinking or feeling in your face; without laughing or smiling 48. The New Year 2020's ______ show involves almost every famous face of the country (star) -> all-star: (adj) having or including famous actors or players -> star-studded: (adj) if a group of people, a film, or a show is star-studded, there are a lot of famous people in it 49. In most horror movies, there will be a _____ doing spiritual calls with the people from the underworld and the ghosts haunting someone or somewhere (clear) -> clairvoyant: (n) a person who says they have powers to see the future or see things that other people cannot see 50. Vietnam's football history were atrocious for a long time before hitting a _____ bounce in 2008, ten years later we finally have got to witness a soar of our national team (cat) -> dead cat bounce: a temporary increase in the value of shares after there has been a large reduction in their value 51. I can't stand seeing _____ wandering on the street while others are enjoying the New Year's Eve (muffin) -> rag(g)amuffin: (n) a person, typically a child, in ragged, dirty clothes 52. The group has promised a ______ in 2020 after a downward year (break)

Do as a professional ! -> break-through: (n) an important discovery or event that helps to improve a situation or provide an answer to a problem -> break-even: (n) the fact of a company or a product not making a profit or a loss: 53. Just because she's read some ____ paperback she thinks she's some kind of expert on the modus-operandi. (trash) -> trashy: (adj) of low quality; with little or no value 54. The grin is the ___ of what Fonda describes as the most fulfilling job in his professional life, playing Ulee Jackson. (glow) -> afterglow: (n) a pleasant feeling produced after an experience, event, feeling, etc… 55. He was _____ boyish and attractive. (guile) -> beguilingly:(adv) in a way that is interesting and attractive, but perhaps not to be trusted 56. Moving house is a major ____ to everyone (heave) -> upheaval: (n) a great change, esp causing or involving much difficulty, activities or trouble 57. Some simulations, such as flight, are largely ____, but some have a high verbal content. (verb) -> non-verbal: (adj) not using words, or not relating to the use of words 58. The night elves dispatched a number of scouts ____ and the scouts returned with frightening stories of the orcs' past atrocities during the First and Second Wars. (hasty) -> posthaste: (adj) with great speed or immediacy 59. The hot sun ____ her to the point of collapse. (nerve) -> enervate:(v) make someone feel weak and without energy 60. Put simply, a ___ is an identical copy without an original. (simulate) -> simulacrum: (n) something that looks like or represents something else 61. Although she was from a ___ family and could have led a very comfortable life, Judith had chosen otherwise. (do) -> well-to-do: (adj) rich 62. After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion has _____ (insomnia)

Do as a professional ! -> somnambulism: (n) a situation in which a person walks around while they are sleeping -> parasomnia: (n) a group of sleep disorders that involve unwanted events or experiences that occur while you are falling asleep, sleeping or waking up; including abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions or dreams. 63. In 1824 they removed to a more _____place at Lower Hareston and let Hareston Manor to a succession of tenant farmers. (mode) -> commodious: (adj) used to describe a room or house that has a lot of space 64. But the impact of a conflict over a _____and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching. (storm) -> storm-tossed: (adj) exposed to or characterized by strong winds and rain 65. ______ temperatures and months of severe drought have fuelled a series of massive bushfires across Australia. (record) -> record-breaking: (n) better, bigger, longer, etc. than anything else before 66. The president cannot be ____ from responsibility for this problem (onus) -> exonerate: (v) to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something 67. I can’t understand why her resignation is still such a ___ subject. (touch) -> touchy: (adj) easily offended or upset 68. They need to remain ____ so that they can continue to be enriched by other repertoires, tales and songs. (nomad) -> nomadic: (adj) moving from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time 69. The bikes were, technically, ______ , but the border guards turned a blind eye. (ban) -> contraband: (n) goods that are brought into or taken out of the country secretly and illegally 70. The final exercise pitted a ______ squad against an escaping vehicle of balaclava-clad men who holed up in a concrete building. (terrorist) -> counterterrorism/ antiterrorism: (adj) action intended to prevent violence for political purposes 71. The _____ aims to ease the sufferings of the dying. (hospital) -> hospice: (n) a hospital for people who are dying, especially from cancer 72. His name had been leaked ______in a press interview which I had given and some one had traced his whereabouts. (advert)

Do as a professional ! -> inadvertently: (adv) in a way that is not intentional 73. He had sidled up to it ____ but to his surprise Tory Central Office had welcomed him. (crab) -> crabwise: (adv) If you move crabwise, you move sideways or carefully and not directly 74. He also insists that it won't be a ______ operation, that his commitment to the community is lasting and genuine. (night) -> fly-by-night: (adj) Fly-by-night companies or business people cannot be trusted because they are likely to get into debt and close down the business to avoid paying the debts or satisfying agreements 75. Several countries have suffered soccer ____ scandals. (fix) -> match-fixing: (n) dishonest activity to make sure that one team wins a particular sports match 76. As a result, industry was _____ and pen-pushers were everywhere. (man) -> overmanned: (adj) having more employees than are needed 77. They were caught ____ by the attack. (foot) -> flat-footed: (adj) in a difficult or unexpected situation that makes you unable to move or react quickly or skilfully 78. I gradually ___ to the realization that our marriage was over. (wake) -> awaken: (v) to stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping 79. There's a sense of _____in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out. (bode) -> foreboding: (n) a feeling that something very bad is going to happen soon 80. With only a few hundred dollars on hand, travelling around the world is a ______ (wisp) -> will'o’-the-wisp: (n) a person or thing that is difficult or impossible to find, reach, or catch - ma trowi 81. Famous people and their private lives are the _____ of the popular newspapers. (stock) -> stock-in-trade: (n) the typical characteristics or behaviour of someone or something 82. Local libraries store lots of ____ audio tapes on almost every subject that you can imagine, with no cutting short or left-behind data (bridge) -> unabridged: (adj) An unabridged book, speech, or article is in its original form and has not been made shorter 83. Watch a ____ man in a wheelchair completing the London Marathon and we cry, or at least I do. (leg)

Do as a professional ! -> legless: (adj) extremely drunk 84. He doesn't conform to the usual _____of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase. (type) -> stereotype: (n) a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong 85. A moose hide collar and ____ laces add a distinctive touch to this unique footwear. (raw) -> rawhide: (n) stiff untanned leather 86. It looks as if the election is going to be a ____ (hang) -> cliffhanger: (n) a story or a situation that is exciting because its ending or result is uncertain until it happens 87. The Securities Market seems to be a mysterious and ______ changeable place , especially in China , and it is full of magic power . (wild) -> bewilderingly:(adv) in a confusing and difficult way to understand 88. He's a real _____ who's never had a proper job. (beat) -> deadbeat: (n) a person who is not willing to work, does not behave in a responsible way, and does not fit into ordinary society 89. A young man may suffer from the ____ monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else. (eye) -> in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king -> one-eyed: (n) said about a difficult situation in which someone with only a few skills is in a better position and more successful than those people who have none 90. A ____ parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.(devil) -> daredevil:(n) a person who does dangerous things and takes risks 91. We credibly promise an ____ monetary policy that will persist for years into the future. (expand) -> expansionary: (adj) used to describe a set of conditions during which something increases in size, number, or importance 92. Right from the ___, they were aggressive in acting to disincentivize smoking. (go) -> get-go:(n) the beginning, when someone starts to do something, or a process starts 93. The ceremony was disrupted by _____heckling and slogan-chanting. (precede) -> unprecedented:(adj) never having happened or existed in the past 94. She was buried in the cathedral, as ___ someone of her position. (fit)

Do as a professional ! -> befits: (adv) to be suitable or right for someone or something 95. Logic an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions ____ from the axioms contradict one another. (deduce) -> deductible: (adj) A deductible amount can be taken away from a total 96. I got the ___to skin the fish which helped save on the preparation time.(fish) -> fishmonger: (n) someone who sells fish, especially from a shop/ a shop that sells fish 97. He thought his ____ were amusing but found her response too extravagant. (wit) -> witticisms: (n) a remark that is both clever and humorous 98. It would be ___ to shovel coal with a teaspoon. (poster) -> preposterous:(adj) very silly or stupid 99. Recipes accepted as great and _____ are not always compatible with sense. (sanctity) -> sacrosanct:(adj) thought to be too important or too special to be changed 100.She went to the seaside to ____ after her stay in hospital. (valerian) -> convalesce: (v) to rest in order to get better after an illness 101.Thereby, one-dimensional or ____attribute of call events is displayed simultaneously through the invention. (dimension) -> multidimensional: (adj) having many different features 102.The two rivals were nevertheless united by the ____ of the acting profession. (mason) -> freemasonry: Freemasons considered as a group, or their beliefs and activities/ friendly understanding between people who are similar or do similar things 103.Although Mitterrand escaped personally ____, his party paid a heavy price. (scathing) -> unscathed: (adj) without injuries or damage being caused 104.The scandalous remarks in the newspaper ____ the reputations of every member of the society (smirch) -> besmirch: (v) to say bad things about someone to influence other people's opinion of them 105.That does not suggest the outrage that a _____ of Hansard might beguile readers into expecting (use) -> perusal 106.Those involved had performed acts ____ of university students.(become) -> unbecoming

Do as a professional ! 107.It is rather like warfare, the _____ of offensive and defensive, of tank armour and the high velocity penetrating bullet. (see) -> seesaw: (n) a long board that children play on. The board is balanced on a central point so that when a child sits on each end they can make the board go up and down by pushing off the ground with their feet -> seesaw: (v) change rapidly and repeatedly from one position, situation, or condition to another and back again 108.Instead of a single meeting place, we have ____, interactive telecommunications networks that extend for thousands of miles. (fling) -> far-flung: (adj) located in a very distant place 109.Neurotransmission can be affected in several ways by ____ drugs and poisons. (active) -> pseudo-active: (adj) Apparently, but not truly, active 110.The war between these two countries has been ____ and episodic. (draw) -> long-draw-out: (adj) taking more time than necessary 111.It was____ whether we would get to the airport in time. (touch) -> touch-and-go: (adj) If a situation is touch-and-go, it is uncertain 112.We can ____ our timescale of the circulation by looking at the changes in density surface of the salinity minimum. (robust) -> corroborate: (v) to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new information 113. Another worry is that nuclear material from ____nuclear power plants and dismantled nuclear weapons might end up in the wrong hands. (function) -> defunct: (adj) no longer existing, living, or working correctly 114. Its smoky, herbal flavors from sauvignon blanc grapes ______ neatly with the apple nuances and fuller body of the chardonnay. (twine) -> intertwined: (adj) twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate 115. But with them he could be violent, abusive, _____, a Lothario of the highest order. (double) -> duplicitous: (adj) involving duplicity 116. Readers whose stomachs are turned will not_____ of any food for thought. (take) -> partake: (v) to become involved with or take part in something/ to eat or drink 117. He ____ herbal remedies at first. (pooh)

Do as a professional ! -> pooh-pooh: (v) to express an opinion that an idea or suggestion is silly or not worth considering 118. They were silent; they were _____; and most of them were reading texts with titles like Operating Systems. (spectacle) -> bespectacled: (adj) wearing glasses 119. The contradictions in the Clinton policy were _____ described in a recent article by Robert Kagan, a former Reagan administration official. (trench) -> trenchantly: (adv) in a way that expresses criticism or opinions forcefully and clearly 120. Wilson said that ____ stress disorder sufferers who have been terrorized typically fear imminent death. (trauma) -> post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or shocking experience, such as an accident or a war 121. The school's _____ purpose is to involve parents more closely in the education of their children. (except) -> unexceptionable: (adj) not bad; having nothing that anyone could criticize or disapprove of 122. His library displayed ____of mementos from different parts of the world, a lifetime of traveling. (cell) -> miscellania: (n) miscellaneous items, especially literary compositions, that have been collected together. 123.Jermaine Jackson slammed such reports as misleading and "_____". (sense) -> sensationalist:(adj) presenting information in a way that is shocking or exciting rather than serious, especially in newspapers, on television, etc 124.Positive effects of being a ___ child include independence and self-reliance. (key) ->latch-key child: a child who has a key to his or her home and is often alone at home after school has finished for the day because his or her parents are out at work 125.He stood staring at the ghost, ___ with terror. (fix) ->transfixed: (adj) unable to move or stop looking at something because you are so interested, surprised, or frightened 126.Well, for one thing, a lot of journalists are ____ and a lot don't know much about history. (number) -> innumerate: (adj) unable to understand and use numbers in calculations 127.The defendant is a ____ individual gripped by the dangerous delusion that his opinion matters. (rancor)

Do as a professional ! -> cantankerous: (adj) arguing and complaining a lot 128.She picked up the strange telephone receiver ____ , and dialled the number of the card. (believe) -> disbelievingly: in a distrustful way 129.My hand was lacerated, deformed, and ____with pus. (bulb) ->bulbous: (adj) if a part of a body is bulbous, it’s fat and around 130.The Japanese JLPT test is a ____ event happening on July and December every year (annual) -> biannual: (adj) happening twice a year 131.Chef Tony Rea said a popular ____ is ostrich pepper steak in a wine sauce for $ 22. 95. (enter) -> entrée: (n) the main dish of a meal 132.He remained in____control of the business for another ten years. (name) -> nominal: (adj) in name or thought but not in fact or not as things really are 133.Kasparov's recent performance had been ____ and many experts were predicting that Karpov was about to regain the world title. (Source:BBC) (luster) -> lackluster: (adj) without energy and effort 134.Tough a little strange those questions are no difficulty for the genuine ____ (affect) -> aficionado: (n) someone who is very interested in and enthusiastic about a particular subject 135.Tokyo is Not a city for the_____ or faint-hearted. (liver) -> lily-livered:(adj) not brave 136.It was an _____ failure - the plane left the runway then crashed into a ball of flames. (name) -> ignominious: (adj) (especially of events or behaviour) embarrassing because of being a complete failure 137.The _____ workers feel forlorn, if not outright hostile. (race) -> deracinated: (adj) tear (something) up by the roots 138.You can _____ the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents. (liquid) -> liquefy: (adj) to (cause a gas or a solid to) change into a liquid form 139.It hurtles through two hours of _____ dialogue. It makes an untellable story clear and fascinating. (bind) -> spellbinding: (adj) holding your attention completely 140.Can we just _____a little bit and look at your primary and secondary education? (track)

Do as a professional ! -> backtrack: (v) to go back along a path that you have just followed 141. I skipped through the neighborhood, singing ____ songs. (key) -> off-key: (adj) If you sing or play music off-key, you produce notes that are slightly higher or lower than they should be 142. Beauty is in the eye of the ____. (hold) -> beholder: (n) a person who sees or looks at someone or something 143.Since then, he has worked_____ for the good of the game, in Manchester, England and much further afield, earning him recognition around the globe as a true ambassador of football. (stint) -> unstintingly: extremely generous with time, money, praise, help, etc 144.She's trying to build up a ___ of work to show during job interviews. (foliage) -> portfolio: (n) a collection of drawings, documents, etc. that represent a person's, especially an artist's, work 145.The 1648 Treaty of Westphalia saw its ____ and division into more than 300 individual and sovereign states and principalities. (member) -> dismemberment: (n) the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization 146.Cinematic scenes sometimes appear a _____ who looks exactly like one another, but with a more tainted mind craving for eroding the other's life (double) (Borrowed from German) -> doppelganger: (n) an apparition or double of a living person 147.____ is a medical condition in which one cannot remember familiar things' names (name) -> anomia: (n) a condition in which someone cannot remember words they want to use 148.I can never understand why people become ____ and sentimental about the past.(eye) -> dewy-eyed/ misty-eyed 149.The basic idea is this: use _____ after a noun to show that one thing owns, or possesses, another. (strophe) -> apostrophe: (n) the symbol ’ used in writing to show when a letter or a number has been left out, as in I'm (= I am) or '85 (= 1985), or that is used before or after s to show possession, as in Helen's house or babies' hands 150.Be certain that you are not _____ against catastrophic illness. (insurance) -> underinsured: (adj) if a person or organization is underinsured, they do not have a high enough level of insurance 151.The leader wants blameless to be an official, sureness works, must first ____be an upright. (board)

Do as a professional ! -> above-board: (adj) If a plan or business agreement is above-board, it is honest and not trying to deceive anyone 152.This article takes the sulfur dye wastewater as the processing object, and has conducted the applied research to the ____ ore waste residue decolorants performance. (metal) -> metalliferous: (adj) (chiefly of deposits of minerals) containing or producing metal 153.____ is used because of a desire to protect others from hate speech and intimidation, nevertheless it also poses a threat to free speech (platform) -> no-platforming: (n) the action or practice of preventing someone holding views regarded as unacceptable or offensive from contributing to a public debate or meeting 154.A ____ is a man who enjoys putting on woman's clothes (vest) -> transvestite: (n) a person who wears the clothes of the opposite sex 155.Burgess' illegal use of alcohol ran ___of the code, a point the righteous Karnaugh was quite eager to make. (foul) -> run/fall afoul of : to experience problems, punishment, or harm because you do not obey a rule or disagree with a powerful organization, group, or person 156.Mr Johnes is an old ____, you'll never persuade him to change at all. (mud) -> stick-in-the-mud:(n) someone who is old-fashioned and too serious and avoids enjoyable activities 157.Attempts to ___ his playing simply because of his popularity are misplaced but regrettably widespread. (nigger) -> denigrate: (v) to say that someone or something is not good or important 158.He was a self-opinionated, ____ tyrant, and he was the last man she should want to tangle with. (bear) -> overbearing: (adj) too confident and too determined to tell other people what to do, in a way that is unpleasant 159.The instruction manual includes a section on _____ to help you with any simple problems you might have with the television. (shoot) -> troubleshooting:(n) discovering why something does not work effectively and making suggestions about how to improve it 160.The book presents the ______ of a dull middle-aged woman remembering the riveting thoughts she once had. (drama) -> psychodrama: (n) a form of psychotherapy in which patients act out events from their past/ a play, movie, or novel in which psychological elements are the main interest. 161.Barbara looked increasingly ____ as defeat loomed. (cast)

Do as a professional ! -> downcast: (adj) looking down, usually because of being shy or sad 162.He ____ that man for snobbishness and was unwilling to talk to him. (dainty) -> disdain: (v) the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they do not deserve your interest or respect -> to feel disdain for something 163.Lots of young couples do not use _____ on their first time, and many do not use it at all. (conception) -> contraception: (n) (the use of) any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant 164.The rest of the dinner, I was ____on getting him to eat French fries, drink wine, have dessert and say bad words, things he never seemed to allow himself to do. (bend) -> be hell-bent on sth: to be extremely determined to do something, without considering the risks or possible dangerous results 165.The captain ____ his men for falling asleep. (braid) -> upbraid: (v) to forcefully or angrily tell someone they should not have done a particular thing and criticize them for having done it 166.Friday was a ____ day for me. I got a lot of birthday presents from my friends. (letter) -> red-letter day: a special, happy, and important day that you will always remember 167.It was a misery ____ of a woman escaped from North Korea to which everyone expressed their sorrow and sympathy (memory) -> memoir: (n) a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's personal knowledge of famous people, places, or events 168.Seeing a(n) _____ book means that its owner have read it numerous times, or he must be a careless moron who hates reading and disrespects his books (ear) -> dog-eared: (adj) A book or paper that is dog-eared has the pages turned down at the corners as a result of a lot of use 169.For some ____ reasons they built the toilet next to the kitchen. (fathom) -> unfathomable: (adj) impossible to understand 170.He was _____ in defeat and praised his opponent's skill. (animus) -> magnanimous: (adj) very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated 171.I am not much of an ____ type but as a child, I did do my share of camping, fishing and hiking. (door) -> outdoorsy: (adj) of, associated with, or fond of the outdoors 172.He was _____ by the press as a monster of perversity. (vile)

Do as a professional ! -> vilify: (v) to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people to have a bad opinion of them 173.Prices of iPhone 8 have hit ____ since people scarcely pay attention to it anymore (bottom) -> rock-bottom: (n) the lowest possible level 174.Please dance with me, it's Valentine, don't be such a ____ (puss) -> sourpuss: (n) someone who always looks unhappy and annoyed 175. Miku's heart made a complete ___ when Ichika pushes Futaro near her (assault) (Source: Quintessential Quintuplets) -> somersault: (n) a rolling movement or jump, either forwards or backwards, in which you turn over completely, with your body above your head, and finish with your head on top again 176.I can give this ___ promise that I will never betray you my cute honey (diamond) -> diamantine: (adj) made from or reminiscent of diamonds 177.Though he's strictly ___, his girlfriend tried to make him drink by knocking off the glass and him ardently (total) -> teetotal: (adj) choosing or characterized by abstinence from alcohol 178.You know, ___ love, more ____ love, and a bit of rampant lust to be getting on with.(Source:____ love) (quite) -> unrequited:(adj) If love that you feel for someone is unrequited, it is not felt in the same way by the other person 179. It was _____ seeing Joshua confessing his heart out before she commit suicide. (butt) -> butt-clenching: (adj) When something makes you so nervous or scared, it makes your butt clench 180. Though Yuki didn't want to come in with her, Yuno looked ____ right in the wedding dress which made him blushed (possess) -> preprocessing: (adj) subject (data) to preliminary processing 181.She was once a pretty young lady, but turned into a scarred witch after continuous _____ (figure) -> disfigurement: (n) the action of spoiling the appearance of something or someone; defacement 182. The movie is a moral tale about a _____ who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman, for that he hates women so much (gynecology)

Do as a professional ! -> misogynist: (n) a man who hates women or believes that men are much better than women 183.Today when cleaning out the attic, I found my ice skates, slightly _____but the blades in perfect condition. (moth) -> moth-eaten: (adj) If clothing or furniture is moth-eaten, it looks old and has holes in it 184.Harry Potter possesses great skill at ______ (erg) -> thaumaturgy: (n) The purported capability of a magician to work magic or other paranormal events or a saint to perform miracles 185. It is good to take this_____ anxiety and anchor it by planning positive moves for the future. (float) -> free-floating: (adj) not attached to anything 186.Incidents of ______ on Facebook and Instagram have been reported in the mainstream press. (bully) -> cyberbullying: (n) the activity of using the internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages 187.An old industrial plant is always ____ with a rapidly developing international metropolis city, and then it is not long before its gradual disappearance. (harmony) -> inharmonious: (adj) not looking, tasting, or working well together 188.The works are beguilingly small, and in clean acrylic colours on canvas, have a _______kaleidoscopic effect, which is dizzying in its intensity. (fantasy) -> phantasmagorical: (adj) full of different images, like something in a confused dream 189.The land is under the _____ of the people who use it. (guard) -> guardianship: (n) the state or duty of being a guardian 190.The accident was the result of a _____failure to consider the risks involved. (culprit) -> culpable: (adj) deserving to be blamed or considered responsible for something bad 191.So the classroom has to get ____ and transcend to the life world so as to give the classroom vitality and energy. (vivace) -> revivify: (v) to give new energy and strength to an event or activity 192.Aircraft production continued to plod along at an ____ slow pace. (agony) -> agonizingly: (adj) in a way that causes extreme physical or mental pain 193.There can be no ______ endings following sexual trafficking. (tale)

Do as a professional ! -> fairy-tale: (adj) a traditional story written for children that usually involves imaginary creatures and magic 194.Trejo received 55 years for murder and 10 years, to be served consecutively, for _________. (fetus) -> foeticide/ feticide: (n) the crime of killing a baby that has not yet been born 195.Consider an experiment on_________in which a person attempts to influence the fall of a coin using mental telepathy. (kinetic) -> psychokinesis/ telekinesis: (n) the ability that some people claim to have to move objects, or to make them change shape, using the power of the mind, not physical power 196.From all the available statistics, the politician _____ only those that backed up his ideas. (pick) -> cherry-pick: (v) choose and take only (the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc.) from what is available 197.During the day she would experience frequent ______ of the accident which caused her to panic. (flash) -> flashback: (n) a short part of a film, story, or play that goes back to events in the past 198.In the _________ world of European agriculture, farmers are paid more to grow more even when nobody wants to buy what they produce. (land) -> outlandish: (adj) strange and unusual and difficult to accept or like -> Alice-in-Wonderland: (adj) not logically explicable or predictable 199.This business is frequently performed by a ______, a sum being paid him for any litter of cubs or foxes found on his beat. (game) -> gamekeeper: (n_ a person whose job is to take care of wild animals and birds that are kept especially for hunting 200.There was an ______ of hard currency, leaving the colonists with no medium of exchange. (flow) -> inflow: (n) the action of people or things arriving somewhere -> outflow: (n) a movement away from a place 201.Formerly close friends, they had been _____ from each other for many years. (strange) -> estrange: (adj) to cause someone to no longer have a friendly relationship with another person or other people 202.They stigmatized Vietnamese immigrants as a(n) ______ horde of criminals, slum dwellers, lunatics, and drunkards (similar)

Do as a professional ! -> unassimilable: (adj) not able to be taken in or absorbed : not capable of being assimilated 203.The popular image of ______ is that it is a difficulty with reading - something to do with the misperception of printed words. (lexicon) -> dyslexia: (n) a condition affecting the brain that makes it difficult for someone to read and write 204.There's a list of ______ at the beginning of the book for the reader to manually fix. (correct) -> corrigenda/ corrigendum: (n) a mistake in a printed text that needs to be corrected 205._______and self-distrust are grievous errors. (damage) -> self-condemnation: (n) the act of condemning oneself 206.A(n) ________ is an angel at the highest rank. (angel) -> archangel: (n) an angel of high rank 207.Bella always has a reddish, healthy cheeks and skin, no wonder she's called the _______ angel (ruddy) -> ruddy(-complected): (of a white person’s skin) having a whole or perfect red color, often suggesting good health 208.He claimed the finance manager had _______company funds. (proper) -> (mal/mis)appropriate/ expropriate: (v) to take away money or property especially for public use without payment to the owner, or for personal use illegally 209.Dilberitos can lay claim to the title of the first ______ that granted benefits regarding it's nutritional content. (nutrient) -> nutraceutical: (adj) a food to which vitamins, minerals, or drugs have been added to make it healthier 210.The lid of the _________ could be wrenched off or tightly sat upon by strict control over labor market, otherwise problems after problems will start to transpire (box) -> tinderbox / Pandora’s box: (n) a dangerous and uncontrolled situation in which violence is likely to happen 211.______ and the threat of deeper world recession has left marks upon the consciousness of the workers. (inflate) -> stagflation: (n) an economic situation in which prices keep rising but economic activity does not increase 212.Motel is a ________ word that is made when combining "motor" and "hotel" (porter)

Do as a professional ! -> portmanteau: (n) a large case for carrying clothes while travelling, especially one that opens out into two parts 213.Their passion was _______ by a romantic trip to Venice. (ignite) -> reignite/ ignite: (v) to make something such as a disagreement or worry that was disappearing grow stronger 214.She concealed the problem with remarkable ______ (plumb) -> aplomb: (n) confidence and style 215.This year sees the _____ of Handel's birth since 1720 (three) -> tercentenary: (n) the day or year that is 300 years after an important event 216.With sharp mind and witty words, the ____diplomat skillfully coped with the tough questions from the press. (tongue) -> silver-tongued: (adj) If you are silver-tongued, you are good at persuading people to do things 217.He was born in a(n) ________ family, and with a silver spoon in his mouth. (blood) -> blue-blooded: (adj) A blue-blooded person has been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class 218.Observing all this from the great beyond, Susie gradually figures out that she's not alone in her _____ (victim). -> victimhood: (n) the condition of having been hurt, damaged, or made to suffer, especially when you want people to feel sorry for you because of this or use it as an excuse for something 219.Broad-shouldered and ________, with thinning hair, he is dressed as usual in a shirt and tie. (chest) -> barrel-chest/ deep-chest: (adj) Barrel chest refers to an increase in the anterior posterior diameter of the chest wall resembling the shape of a barrel, most often associated with emphysema 220.He has a(n) _____attitude towards her, suspicious and questionable (valid) -> ambivalent: (adj) having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel 221.Peptic ________ may cause chronic gastrointestinal blood loss as well as an acute bleed. (ulcer) -> ulceration: (n) the process of forming an ulcer or ulcers 222.The emphasis is on _________massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress using natural oils to brush on the skin or smell. (therapy)

Do as a professional ! -> aromatherapy: (adj) the treatment of worry or nervousness, or medical conditions that are not serious, by rubbing pleasant-smelling natural substances into the skin or breathing in their smell 223.A sibyl is a woman ________.(tell) ->fortune-teller: (n) a person who tells you what they think will happen to you in the future 224.In this way _____ had ravaged their feelings, so do not want to feel the fear experienced once. (flagellum) ->self-flagellation: (n) the practice of whipping yourself or someone else, especially as a religious practice, for punishment, or for sexual pleasure 225.A heavy lorry has ______ on the motorway, causing long delays. (knife) ->jack-knifed: (adj) If a truck that has two parts jackknifes, one part moves around so far towards the other part that it cannot be driven 226.Hence, the commander had to beg, cajole, and _____authorities of three nations to get what he needed. (beat) -> browbeat: (adj) to try to force someone to do something by threatening them or persuading them forcefully and unfairly 227.Staff felt as if they had been _______ when they discovered the new management’s plans. (wink) -> hoodwinked: (adj) deceive or trick (someone) 228.It will be very adjuvant for you to _____ the meeting so you have time to play golf (short / tail) -> foreshorten: (v) to reduce something or make it shorter -> curtail: (v) to stop something before it is finished, or to reduce or limit something 229.My old friends stopped by and we had a real ____ (gab) -> gabfest: (n) a conference or other gathering with prolonged talking. 230.She was known to all and _______ as Bella.(dry) -> sundry: (adj) several differences; various 231.The inflation lead poor people into consumerist ____ (sand) -> quicksand:(n) deep wet sand that sucks in anyone trying to walk across it (metaphor) 232.The city is notorious for its _____ district and strip clubs. (light) -> red-light:(adj) Red-light district is a part of an urban area where a concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses, such as sex shops, strip clubs, and adult theaters, are found 233.One week after the accident she still looked pretty ____ (bang)

Do as a professional ! -> banged-up:(adj) injured or damaged 234.Samoan culture is very localized, and centered on_______extended families, whereas Western societies tend to be highly individualistic and homophobic. (knit) -> close-knit / tight - knit: (adj) If a group of people are close-knit, they all help and support each other 235.Londoners have long been _____ proud of a health service that does not serve them well. (verse) -> perversely:(adj) in a way that is strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy 236.If you encounter a negative mood, try to _______ it into something good. This time, I used a little alchemy, turning the sensation into lung capacity.(channel) -> rechannel:(v) to direct into a different channel 237.After why liking her, what dare often do, but after the thing goes, do not feel how ______ again however? (credit) -> recreant:(adj) cowardly 238. AXJ's growth will likely slow meaningfully, possibly even ________ our own forecasts. (shoot) -> undershoot:(v) to fail to achieve a particular result 239.It's_____ to expect a person of her experience to work for so little income. (grotty) -> grotesque: (adj) strange and unpleasant, especially in a silly or slightly frightening way 240.What they added was a sense of _____- they took blues licks and put them on an epic scale. (grand) -> grandeur:(n) the quality of being very large and special or beautiful 241.Definitely it was his stuff of ______ jokes, cheap one-liners and stereotyping slurs. (sophisticated) -> sophomoric:(adj) silly and behaving like a child 242.He is not one of your_______ criminals, he is a serial killer we have to beware (vary) -> garden-variety (invariable/unvariegated): very common or ordinary 243.In principle, ________ acts are paramount in fighting back the Coronavirus (bacterium) -> antibacterial:(adj) intended to kill or reduce the harmful effects of bacteria especially when used on the skin 244.The school concert is _____ and is intended to help students relax after exhausting

Do as a professional ! lessons (felicity) -> felicific:(adj) relating to or promoting increased happiness 245.A _____ is a recurring music piece typical of a person or an idea, often used as background backup for people to deepen their thoughts (motive) -> leitmotiv/ leitmotif:(n) a phrase or other feature that is repeated often in a work of art, literature, or music and that tells you something important about it 246.The company is about to give you the _____, so you'd better start looking for another job (kiss) -> kiss-off:(n) an act of making it clear that you do not want or need someone or something 247.Plans to build a new mall were ______ after protests from local residents. (six) -> deep-six:(v) destroy or dispose of something irretrievably 248. Their breakup was the ______ way to ensure each other's dream pursuits (fire) -> sure-fire:(adj) certain or likely, especially to succeed