SBOX-Max Operating Manual [PDF]

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SBOX-Max Operating Manual

SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual

Contents 1 Safety instructions 1.1 Precautions when lifting 1.2 Risk of fire or explosion 1.3 Risk of electrical shock 1.4 Risk of burns 1.5 Operating 1.6 Re-fusing fittings 2 Getting to know your SBOX-Max 3 Quick instructions on fusing a joint 4 Scope of operation 5 Maintenance 5.1 User maintenance 5.2 Servicing 6 Manual data entry 6.1 Data entry 7 Status bar 7.1 Standard status bar 7.2 Backing up record to memory card 7.3 Sending data to USB memory device 8 General operation 8.1 Power-up sequence 8.2 BlueBox 8.3 Warning messages 8.3.1 Jointing cycle power interruption 8.3.2 Joint lockout 8.3.3 Service alarm 8.3.4 Overheating 8.3.5 Entry of traceability data 9 Information entry 9.1 Messages on information entry screen 10 Fitting information screen 10.1 Modes of operation 10.2 Fitting connection 10.3 Fusion time selection or identification 10.4 FUSAMATIC: Automatic mode 10.4.1 Auto fittings only 10.5 Manual 10.5.1 Edit target voltage 10.5.2 Edit target time 10.6 Barcode mode (Barcode box only) 10.6.1 Information shown on the barcode screen 10.7 Starting the heating cycle 10.8 Heating cycle 10.9 Manually aborting the cycle 10.10 Cycle completion - Cool time 10.11 Cycle completion - With cooling cycle (Barcode boxes only) 11 Memory full or nearly full 12 Error messages 13 User menus 13.1 Adjust LCD contrast (Menu option 00) 13.2 Set language (Menu option 01) 13.3 Output joint record(s) (Menu option 02) and JointManager (Menu option 03) 13.3.1 Send to 13.3.2 Screen 13.3.3 USB drive 13.3.4 Select record(s) view/download Last joint All joints


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual Joint range All complete All incomplete Matching criteria Sending data view/download 13.4 System variables (Menu option 04) 13.5 Remove user history (Menu option 05) 13.6 Recover archived records (Menu option 06) 13.7 Daylight saving (Menu option 07) 14 User diagnostics menu 14.1 Test / Calibration (01) 14.1.1 Measure coil resistance (04) 14.1.2 Measure ID resistance (06) 14.1.3 Keypad and buzzer test (10) 14.1.4 Test scanner (11) 15 Specification 16 Rights 17 Accessories Appendix A SBOX-Max Manual entry character set A.1 Number character set. A.2 ABC font set A.2.1 Upper case characters A.2.2 Lower case characters A.3 Russian A.3.1 Upper case characters A.3.2 Lower case characters A.4 Japanese A.4.1 Upper case characters A.4.2 Lower case characters A.5 Symbol


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 1 Safety instructions These operating instructions must be followed to ensure the safe operation of the SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit and operators must be fully conversant with the safety instructions. Fusion Group Limited can offer operator training and regular maintenance where required. Only use undamaged equipment that has been properly maintained and calibrated. Refer to section 5 Maintenance of this operating manual for further information. 1.1 Precautions when lifting Where necessary, operators are advised to request for assistance when carrying, moving or lifting this equipment. 1.2 Risk of fire or explosion Do not use this equipment in combustible gaseous environments. 1.3 Risk of electrical shock This equipment delivers up to 48V AC via the output lead. The unit output power must not be energised without proper connection of the correct load (fitting) types. Avoid walking or standing on cables and ensure that the cables are safely routed. This equipment must be connected to a suitable electrical earth supply. Recommendation: For additional safety it is recommended that the unit be connected to a power supply incorporating suitable protection (such as a 30mA RCD). 1.4 Risk of burns The process of Electrofusion jointing generates heat in the fitting and pipe. The use of heat resistant gloves is strongly recommended, as is use of suitable eye protection. 1.5 Operating Only trained and authorised operators must operate this equipment, keep any unauthorised personnel away from the equipment. Children must not operate this equipment. 1.6 Re-fusing fittings The fusion operation must not be repeated on the same fitting since this can result in live parts becoming exposed on the fitting.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 2 Getting to know your SBOX-Max The SBOX-Max is shown in detail in the illustrations below.

Scroll up button


Scroll right button USB A type connector

Mains Input switch

Stop or exit button

LED’s for BlueBox Scroll left button

Start or enter button Scroll down button

Output lead


Ambient temperature sensor


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 3 Quick instructions on fusing a joint 1. Connect the control unit to the mains supply and switch the mains input switch that is located on the side of the control unit to the ON position. 2. On power up the company logo, property of, date and time will be shown for 5 seconds. 3. Connect output lead to fitting (if Fusamatic® red lead to red pin). 4. Press the green button to confirm that the pipe has been scraped and clamped. 5. Then press the green button to proceed. 6. To start welding for: a. Fusamatic® Check and confirm weld time. b. Manual Enter manual weld voltage and time which can be accessed using the green button. c. Bar code box only Scan the bar code, check and confirm weld information. 7. Press green button to start the fusion cycle. 8. Barcode only if enabled, the cool time countdown timer will start when the fitting has finished fusing. Do not stop cool time or disconnect the leads from the fitting during this period. 9. After disconnecting the fitting the information screen will be displayed again.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 4 Scope of operation This unit is designed solely for the use of jointing of polyethylene (PE) Electrofusion fittings.

5 Maintenance 5.1 User maintenance Prior to connecting the unit to a supply or fitting always:  Ensure that the lead ends are clean and free of damage. If the lead ends are not clean incorrect Fusamatic® times may be recognised.  Visually inspect the control unit enclosure for any damage.  Ensure that the mains input plug is not damaged and remove any dirt.  Check there is no damage to the input and output cable such as torn insulation or deep gouges.  Ensure that the Barcode Reader is connected (Do not connect after the supply is turned on as the box or the scanner could be damaged).  Ensure that the unit has been appropriately maintained and calibrated. Never use the control unit if plug, leads or enclosure are damaged, the service agent or Fusion Group Limited must carry out maintenance and service. Do not attempt to open the enclosure - there are no user serviceable parts inside. Note: The lead ends can be replaced using the following procedure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Make sure the unit is disconnected from the power supply. Unscrew the lead end connectors (anti clockwise). Pull out the sense pin on the red lead end only. Replace the sense pin on the red lead end only. Replace the terminal connector ensuring it is fully tightened.

5.2 Servicing To ensure safe operation and optimum performance is maintained, either the manufacturer or an authorised service agent should check and calibrate this product at intervals of no longer than 12 months. For technical information contact the nearest service agent or the manufacturer, Fusion Group Limited via telephone on +44 (0) 1246 268666.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 6 Manual data entry Manual data entry is required at various points in the operation of the unit. 6.1 Data entry There are two modes for character entry - Select mode and Edit mode. On activating Manual Data Entry the box is in Select mode. Select mode – Characters/Actions are selected using the up, down, left and right buttons to move the Select cursor to the required icon. The selected character/action is accepted by pressing the green button. Edit mode – To select Edit mode move the Select cursor to  and press the green button, the Select cursor goes off (indicating Edit mode). The Edit cursor can then be moved within the edit string by using the left and right buttons. To insert a character, exit Edit mode (by pressing the green button, the Select cursor will re-appear over the  icon) and select the required character as normal. Edit Cursor - If the Edit cursor cannot be seen the edit position is to the right of the last character in the entry field. Select Cursor – If the Select cursor cannot be seen the box is in Edit Mode. Insert Characters - Characters will always be inserted to the left of the Edit cursor until the entry field is full. The Edit cursor will move to the right as characters are inserted. Delete Characters - Characters to the left of the Edit cursor can be deleted at any time by pressing the red button. The Edit cursor will move to the left as each character is deleted (until the Edit cursor is at the left most position). Extended Character - On certain fonts and characters, if the green button is held down for at least three seconds, the extended characters will be shown. Once the extended character pop-up is displayed, selection is carried out as described in Select Mode. NOTE: if the pop-up has been displayed and the extended character is not required, pressing the red button will exit the pop-up without adding the extended character. See appendix A. Restricted Entry Fields – If the entry field requires specific characters, selection is restricted to those characters. Edit Operator --------------------------------------A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

- Accept text and exit (Action)

- Delete the text string (Action)

- Select Edit Mode (Action)

- Change font being used (Action)

- Switch between upper and lower case characters. (Action) - Space character.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 7 Status bar The status bar is shown at the bottom of most of the screens showing information on the service period and input supply. Each bar on the memory status indicates approximately 80 joint records. The spanner between the number of joints and the days to next service will flash, when either the number of joints or the days to next service are less than 21. 7.1 Standard status bar This status bar is shown when in information entry, fitting information and fusing screens.


182 10:10 10:05:14 230


Memory status Number of joints to next service Number of days to next service Time Date Input voltage Input frequency 7.2 Backing up record to memory card This status bar is shown when backing up to memory card when joint is complete.




Memory status Number of joints to next service Number of days to next service Back up to memory card status 7.3 Sending data to USB memory device This status bar is shown when sending data to USB memory device (in review joint record(s), print joint record(s) and fast data transfer modes).



Memory status Number of joints to next service Number of days to next service Download to USB status


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 8 General operation 8.1 Power-up sequence Ensure that the input and output cables are fully rolled out. Barcode units only make sure to connect the Barcode Reader to the scanner lead before powering up the control unit. Connect the control unit to a suitable power supply (mains or generator). Put the mains input switch to the ON position it is located on the side of the unit the switch will illuminate when switched ON. The LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) indicates the following for approximately 5 seconds and on the barcode unit only a short audible tone will sound. Fusion Group



If ISO12176-3 login method have been enabled the box will be inoperable until a valid operator barcode is scanned. The screen will either promt for a valid operator barcode, when a valid operator barcode is scanned to the box before the information entry screen will be displayed. If the red button is pressed the user menu will be displayed see section 13 user menu. 8.2 BlueBox If BlueBox has been enabled then a mobile device must be connected to the SBOX-Max via bluetooth with the BlueBox application open, before the information entry sceen is displayed. Refer to mobile device operating instruction for connecting via bluetooth. For further details contact Control Point on +44 (0)1246 262422 or email [email protected]. 8.3 Warning messages At power up certain warning messages may be displayed. These are: 8.3.1 Jointing cycle power interruption Power fail detected! E08: Power fail heat phase ● to proceed

If the jointing cycle or cool cycle has had a power interruption the above message will be shown. The message will be repeatedly displayed at power up until the green button has been pressed.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 8.3.2 Joint lockout If Joint Lockout has been enabled, the operator will be instructed to contact a supervisor whenever an incomplete joint is made. If the joint was incomplete a message prompting the operator to call the supervisor is displayed. Along with this prompt, a code letter between A and Z is displayed, along with the failed joint number. The operator is requested to quote the letter and joint number to the supervisor. The supervisor then issues a response code to the operator, who then enters this unlock code. If the code is entered incorrectly a new code letter is generated and the operator has to request a new response code. If the code is entered correctly the joint is then unlocked and the box can progress to the next joint. Turning the box off does not bypass the Joint Lock Out test, so the operator cannot proceed without obtaining and entering a valid response code. If the joint is classed as complete the box will progress to the next joint. If Joint Lockout is disabled the software will ignore the status of the joint. 8.3.3 Service alarm This indicates that either, the number of joints made or the number of days since the last service has been exceeded. The unit is in need of a service and contact should be made with nearest service centre. If Service Lockout has been disabled - press the green button to carry on using the box. Service required will be recorded on the joint data until the box is serviced and the service period been reset. ! Service Required ! Contact Fusion Group +44 (0)1246 268666 +44 (0)1246 268052 Press ● to continue

If Service Lockout has been enabled - the SBOX-Max is inoperable until it has been serviced and the service period has been reset. ! Service Lock Out ! ! Service Required ! Contact Fusion Group +44 (0)1246 268666 +44 (0)1246 268052 ! Service Lock Out !


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 8.3.4 Overheating !Warning! Internal Temperature too high Wait for SBOX to Cool Temperature Int

() 67.1

This indicates that the temperature inside the box has risen above +65C. The box will remain inoperable until the internal temperature has dropped below +55C. Refer to onscreen temperature gauge as shown above. 8.3.5 Entry of traceability data Traceability parameters such as operator code or location code, can be entered by barcode reader (if a suitable barcode exists), manually, or bypassed if not required. Traceability barcode styles should be Code128 or ITF 2 of 5. Barcode box only: At the appropriate parameter entry display, to enter a parameter using the barcode reader, locate the appropriate barcode and read it using the reader.

9 Information entry The unit will prompt for entry of operator, location, optional data 1, optional data 2 and project - if enabled - as follows: ! Connect Fitting

Pipe Scraped & clamped? Continue Press ● To confirm

Scroll onto the field required by using the up and down buttons on the keypad. When the appropriate field is highlighted, either press the left or right buttons to select one of the last five entries for the particular field or press the green button to enter the edit screen. On pressing the green button the following screen will be displayed. Edit Operator --------------------------------------A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. Repeat this until the required information is entered. Then select ‘’ press the green button on the keypad to return to information entry screen. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. After entering project the edit project joint number screen will be displayed. If a previous project has been selected then the next project joint number will be displayed on edit project joint number screen. The project joint number can be made up of letters and numbers. The box will increment the number but not the letters. Any letters AFTER the number will be lost for the following joint. Barcode box only: If ISO12176-3 operator login method entry is enabled and a valid operator barcode has been scanned then the operator information will be displayed. Note: that the operator, location, optional data 1, optional data 2, project and project joint number information is retained for subsequent joints. If any of operator, location, optional data 1, optional data 2 and project are not required then leave them empty or enter a ‘space’ character. Up to 5 previously entered items of data are maintained for re-use. This ‘History’ data can be accessed by pressing the left or right scroll buttons. After entering the required information scroll to ‘Pipe scraped and clamped?’. Scrape and then clamp the pipe(s) in accordance with governing authority procedures. Confirm this has been done by pressing the green button –‘’ will be displayed against the prompt. Connect the fitting - when the fitting is connected, the top of the information screen will display ‘Fitting Connected’. The box will only continue when ‘Pipe scraped and clamped?’ has been confirmed and the fitting is connected. When this has been done the cursor will scroll down to ‘Continue’. Press the green button to proceed to the fitting information screen. 9.1 Messages on information entry screen Connect fitting: Fitting not connected or a faulty fitting. Fitting Connected: Waiting to proceed to fitting information screen. Connect Lead: Faulty output lead contact service agent.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 10 Fitting information screen The unit will now prompt for entry of Component 1 batch, Component 2 batch, Optional batch and Fitting batch if enabled as follows: Fitting Details

Scroll onto the field required by using the up and down buttons on the keypad when the appropriate field is highlighted press the green button on the keypad. The following screen will be displayed. Edit Component 1 batch --------------------------------------A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. Repeat this until the required information is entered. Then select ‘’ press the green button on the keypad to return to fitting information screen. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. Barcode box only scan the barcode by scrolling to the appropriate field then using the barcode reader to scan the information. If ISO12176-4 tractability entry is enabled, a valid fitting batch and at least one component batch barcode has been scanned before the fitting barcode can be scanned. If the fitting is disconnected while on this screen the box will return back to the information entry screen. 10.1 Modes of operation The unit can operate in three distinct operating modes:   

Manual mode Fusamatic® mode Barcode mode

10.2 Fitting connection In the case of Fusamatic® mode, the red lead end should be connected to the red identification pin of an automatic fitting and the black lead end to the plain fitting pin. If SBOX-Max is connected to a non Fusamatic® fitting or connected to a Fusamatic® fitting in reverse, this will force manual or barcode mode operation.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 10.3 Fusion time selection or identification The SBOX-Max incorporates three modes of entering the fusion time for electrofusion jointing. The first mode is automatic using the Fusamatic® system of fitting recognition with Fusamatic® fittings. The second is manual mode, which enables manual entry of output voltage level and jointing cycle time. The third is barcode mode, which enables setting of fusion parameters (such as output voltage and fusion time/energy) by reading a fitting barcode that can usually be located on the side of the electrofusion fitting. 10.4 FUSAMATIC: Automatic mode In automatic mode, the SBOX-Max control unit interrogates the fitting and if it is a correctly connected Fusamatic® type, establishes the fusion cycle time. Note: this requires the red lead end to be connected to the fitting pin with a red identifier and the black lead end connected to the plain fitting pin. From the information screen press the green button to confirm that the pipes are scraped and clamped. Then press the green button to proceed. When the automatic fitting has been identified, the display indicates the time and voltage see example below. Fusamatic Fitting

Volts (V) 39.5 Time (s) 750 FUSE Press ● to confirm

Check that the correct fusion time and voltage have been detected by verifying the information indicated on the fitting. Press the green button to fuse. If an incorrect fusion time is displayed, disconnect the fitting and then reconnect to try once more. If the time indicated on the display is still not correct. Manual mode can be forced by reversing the output lead connections. 10.4.1 Auto fittings only If the auto fitting option has been enabled the box will only recognise Fusamatic® fittings and not recognise manual fittings. From the information screen press the green button to confirm that the pipes are scraped and clamped. Then press the green button to proceed. When the automatic fitting has been identified, the display indicates the time and voltage see example below.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual Fusamatic Fitting

Volts (V) 39.5 Time (s) 750 FUSE Press ● to confirm

Check that the correct fusion time and voltage have been detected by verifying the information indicated on the fitting. Press the green button to fuse. If an incorrect fusion time is displayed, disconnect the fitting and then reconnect to try once more. If a non Fusamatic® fitting has been fitted and recognised then the following will be displayed. !Warning! !Manual Fitting Detected! Auto-Fitting Only Selected Replace Fitting

10.5 Manual If the fitting is not a Fusamatic® type, or a Fusamatic® fitting is connected in reverse (black lead end to the red sense pin of the fitting). Fitting Details

From the information screen press the green button to confirm that the pipes are scraped and clamped. Then press the green button to proceed. The Fitting information screen will be displayed as above. Scroll onto using the up and down buttons on the keypad then press the green button. 10.5.1 Edit target voltage The edit target voltage screen will be displayed. Edit Target Fusion voltage ---A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. Once the target voltage is entered the edit target time screen will be displayed.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 10.5.2 Edit target time The edit target time will be displayed on barcode and non-barcode boxes. Edit Target Fusion time ---A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. After the voltage and time have been entered the following screen will be displayed. Manual Fitting

Volts (V) 39.5 Time (s) 60 FUSE Press ● to confirm

Check that the voltage and time are correct for the fitting used. If not the voltage and time can be edited by scrolling to the item that needs editing and pressing the green button to edit the information. If voltage and time are correct press the green button to start the fusing cycle. 10.6 Barcode mode (Barcode box only) If the fitting is not a Fusamatic® type, or a Fusamatic® fitting is connected in reverse (black lead end to the red sense pin of the fitting). Fitting Details


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual From the information screen press the green button to confirm that the pipes are scraped and clamped. Then press the green button to proceed. The Fitting information screen will displayed as above. Scroll onto using the up and down buttons on the keypad. Then using the barcode scanner scan the barcode on the fitting or press the green button to enter the fitting barcode manually the following screen will be displayed. Edit Fitting Barcode --------------------------------------A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. If the reader was used to scan the fitting barcode, a display similar to the example shown below will be presented: FUSI Coupler 63mm Coil Resistance (Ω)0.91 Measured Resistance (Ω)0.93 Volts (v) 40.0 Time (s) 35 Cool Time (s) 600 Press ● to continue

10.6.1 Information shown on the barcode screen Note: the display indicates the following information: Item Manufacturer Fitting type Fitting size Coil resistance Measured resistance Volts Time Cool Time


Detail Fusion Group Limited Coupler 63mm Theoretical resistance Actual measured resistance Target voltage Target time Target cool time

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Example FUSI Coupler 63mm 0.91 Ohms 0.93 Ohms 40.0 35 seconds 600 seconds

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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual Check fitting details are correct then press the green button to continue. The fitting information screen is then displayed as shown below. Barcode Details

Volts (V) 40.0 Time (s) 35 FUSE Press ● to confirm

Check that the information is correct if correct press the green button to start the fusing cycle. 10.7 Starting the heating cycle The fusion (heating) cycle can start as soon as a valid time and voltage has been set-up (using Fusamatic®, Manual or Barcodes). Press the green button on the key pad to start fusing cycle. If Blue Box has been enabled the display will prompt for a photograph to be taken by the connected mobile device before the fusion cycle can be started. 10.8 Heating cycle The output power will be energised and the display will indicate the fusion cycle time remaining, output voltage, output current for the present joint number see example below. Heating Cycle Joint number Time remaining Output voltage Output current

20 (s) 76 (V) 39.5 (A)16.4

Observe cool time

(s) ------

Await completion of cycle. 10.9 Manually aborting the cycle Note: that the cycle can be aborted by pressing the red button on the keypad or disconnecting the main power. Also, disconnection of the fitting from the output cable will abort the process. Any manual aborting of the heating cycle will result in an error message being shown on the screen. WARNING: Disconnecting the input power or fitting is not recommended. 10.10 Cycle completion - Cool time When the heating cycle has been successfully completed, the display will show the following if there is no specified cooling time or it has been disabled. Disconnect the fitting as prompted the screen will then return to the information entry screen, but,


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual DO NOT REMOVE THE CLAMPS UNTIL THE COOLTIME HAS ELAPSED! Joint status Joint number


Joint complete Disconnect Fitting Observe cool time!

10.11 Cycle completion - With cooling cycle (Barcode boxes only) When the heating cycle has successfully reached completion, the display will indicate the following if there is a specified cooling time. Cooling Cycle Joint number Time remaining Output voltage Output current

20 (s) 0 (V) -----(A) ------

Cool time

(s) 273

WAIT FOR COOLING CYCLE COMPLETION BEFORE DISCONNECTING THE FITTING OR REMOVING THE CLAMPS! When cool time complete the screen will then display: Joint status Joint number


Joint complete Disconnect Fitting

Disconnect the fitting as prompted and remove clamps. The process will then return to information entry screen.

11 Memory full or nearly full When the memory remaining falls and remains below 200 joints, the below screen is shown. The Joints Remaining counts down after each successive joint is made. The operator can make more joints by pressing the green button to Proceed. Joint Remaining


! Box will be inoperative When database is full Retrieve and Erase data As soon as possible ● to Proceed


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual When Joints Remaining reaches 0 (no more memory available) the memory is full. The box will be prevented from making any more joints until the joint data has been downloaded and the memory has been erased. Joints Remaining


! INTERNAL DATABASE FULL For the box to operate Retrieve and Erase data ■ to access User Menu

On pressing the red button the User Menu will be displayed and the data transfer/print out can be done. See section 13 User menu. After downloading/printing the joint records the User Menu will re-appear. On pressing the red button, the final screen will be displayed. Joints Remaining


! INTERNAL DATABASE FULL To erase the database And activate box Contact Engineer

The database must now be erased to allow more joints to be made. Contact the nearest service centre.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 12 Error messages During the heating (“fusion”) cycle, the controller monitors the system for problems that could result in potentially poor joints. In the event of such a problem, a message is issued indicating its nature. The following shows the failure modes, likely causes and remedies. Mode


Message High output voltage

Reason Measured output voltage higher than 1.5%


Low output voltage

Measured output voltage lower than 1.5%


Excessive output voltage

Measured output voltage higher than 6.5%


High output current


Low output current

Measured current higher than 10% above previous sample Measured current lower than 1.0A


Excessive output current


‘’ pressed heat


Power Fail-Heat Phase


‘’ pressed during COOL


Disconnected during cool


Power Fail - Cool Phase

Measured current higher than 20% above initial current measurement Operator pressed the stop switch to manually abort the cycle A power failure was detected during the cycle

The stop switch was pressed during the cooling phase The fitting was disconnected during the cooling phase A power failure was detected during the cycle

Possible cause  Surge in supply

Remedy Check supply and adjust if necessary

 Calibration error  Input voltage too low

Contact supplier Check supply and adjust if necessary

 Calibration error  Surge in supply

Contact supplier Check supply and adjust if necessary

 Calibration error  Shorted turns in fitting due to poor preparation  Disconnected fitting

Contact supplier Cut out and replace fitting

 High fitting resistance  Open circuit fitting  Excessive shorted turns in fitting

Only disconnect fitting in emergency Try another fitting Cut out and replace fitting Cut out and replace fitting

 Operator intervention

Only press the stop switch in an emergency

 Power disconnected

Only disconnect power in an emergency Refuel generator

 Generator out of fuel  stop key manually operated  Fitting disconnected  Power disconnected  Generator out of fuel

Only press the stop switch in an emergency Only disconnect fitting in an emergency Only disconnect power in an emergency Refuel generator

If any other error messages appear on the screen, contact Fusion Group Limited via telephone on +44 (0) 1246 268666.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 13 User menus The User Menu allows the user to view and download joint data and System Variables, change contrast and erase the history data. To enter the User Menu, press the red button when in the information entry screen. Use the up and down buttons to highlight the required menu option then press the green button to select. 13.1 Adjust LCD contrast (Menu option 00) Selecting this option will allow the LCD contrast to be adjusted from the keypad. Pressing the up and down buttons on the keypad will adjust the LCD contrast in small steps. Pressing the left and right buttons on the key pad will adjust the LCD contrast in bigger steps. To confirm the LCD contrast and exit press the green button. Press the red button to exit without changing the contrast. Adjust LCD contrast

◄▼ = - ▲► = + ● = ■ = 

13.2 Set language (Menu option 01) If enabled for user menu selecting this option will allow the User to set the operating language of the SBOX-Max. Using the up and down button on the keypad select the required language. To confirm the language selected and exit, press the green button. Press the red button to exit without setting the language. Select Language 001 English 002 Français 003 Español 004 Deutsch 005 Italiano 006 Portugues 010 Svenska ▲▼Scroll, ● Select , ■ = Exit

If not enabled for user menu selecting the following screen will be displayed if set language is selected. ! Warning ! Not enabled Press ● to continue


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 13.3 Output joint record(s) (Menu option 02) and JointManager (Menu option 03) Selecting these options allows the operator to view joint data on the screen or download joint data to memory stick. View downloaded joint data in Microsoft® Notepad from output joint records option or view joint data in JointManager from JointManager option. Send to:

Review joint(s) Screen

Select record(s): Last joint From 24 To 24 ● to Proceed

13.3.1 Send to First use the up and down buttons to select ‘Send to’ then using the left and right buttons to select the destination for the joint data. 13.3.2 Screen Display the joint data on the screen. See section 13.3.4 select record(s) view/download. 13.3.3 USB drive Downloads the joint data to memory stick so the data can be viewed in Notepad (Unicode Font must be used) or JointManager depending on option selected. Connect the memory stick to the USB ‘A’ connector on the front of the box. See section 13.3.4 select record(s) view/download. 13.3.4 Select record(s) view/download Using up and down buttons scroll to ‘Last joint’. Using the left and right buttons select the required joint selection choosing from. Last joint This gives the last joint fused. See section sending data view/download. All joints This gives all the joints in the database. See section sending data view/download. Joint range Allows a range of joints to be selected by scrolling down to ‘From’ or ‘To’ then using the left and right buttons on the keypad to select the joint range. See section sending data view/download. All complete This gives all the complete joints in the database. See section sending data view/download.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual All incomplete This gives all the incomplete joints in the database. See section sending data view/download. Matching criteria This gives joint data for an operator and/or project by scroll to operator or project press green button to enter criteria the following screen will be displayed. Operator --------------------------------------A B C D E F 1 2 3  G H I J K L 4 5 6 M NO P Q R 7 8 9 S T U V WX , 0 . Y Z ⌴+ -

Scroll to the appropriate character using the up, down, left and right buttons on the keypad. Then press the green button on the keypad to select the character. For more information see section 6.1 character entry screen. If no match is found the following screen is displayed: Operation cancelled: No matching record Press ● to continue

See section sending data view/download. Sending data view/download When the required joint selection has been made scroll down to ‘● to proceed’ then the relevant information will be given. If the destination is the screen one joint at a time will be displayed. Use the up and down buttons on the keypad to scroll up and down the joint data. Press the green button to tab across to see the information that runs off the side of the screen. Use the left and right button to move on to the next joint. Press the red button on the keypad to exit. When joint data has been sent to USB drive the screen will display complete ‘press ● to continue’. The status bar at the bottom of the screen will show the status of the download see section 7 status bar. If the database is empty the following screen is displayed. Review Joint(s)

No records! ■ to Proceed


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 13.4 System variables (Menu option 04) Selecting this option allows the operator to view the current system settings, e.g. serial number, property off, software version, joint number and the set options, on the screen or download current system settings to memory stick to view joint data in Microsoft® Notepad. Use the up and down buttons on the keypad to scroll up and down the system variables. Press the green button to tab across to see the information runs off the side of the screen. Press the red button on the keypad to exit system variables. This information may be asked for when contacting Fusion Group. Send to:

View On Screen Screen

System Variables ● to Proceed

Refer to section 13.3.1 for how to select other Send to: destinations for the System Variables data. The first screen of information is shown below. System Variables Serial No.: SBOX30002 Plant Number: Property Of: FUSION GROUP Software: 1.2 Voltage: 230v Joint No. information: Total 35 ▲Scroll▼ ■Exit ●Tab

13.5 Remove user history (Menu option 05) Selecting this option will allow all the user history to be erased. Press the green button to proceed and erase the user history. Press any other button to exit the Remove user history menu option. 13.6 Recover archived records (Menu option 06) Selecting this option will allow the user to recover records previously archived to the SD card. Press the green button to access the archived files, then use the up, down and green button to select the archive file to be recovered. When the green button is pressed the SBOX-Max will prompt the user to connect a memory stick, it will then proceed to transfer the selected data to the memory stick. Pressing the red button will cancel to procedure. 13.7 Daylight saving (Menu option 07) Selecting this option will allow the user to toggle the daylight saving. Press the green button to access the daylight saving option, then press the green button to add or remove an hour from the time. Press the red button to exit daylight saving.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 14 User diagnostics menu To enter the user diagnostic menu turn on the unit, when the logo screen is displayed press the red button then press the red button again. 14.1 Test / Calibration (01) The options in test / Calibration allow the operator to test relevant parts of the SBOX-Max. Press the green button to enter the test / calibration menu option then use the up and down buttons to select the relevant menu option then press green button to enter the menu option. 14.1.1 Measure coil resistance (04) The measure coil resistance option allows the fitting coil resistance to be checked via the screen display. Connect the lead ends to a fitting the coil resistance is displayed. Press the red button on the keypad to exit the measure coil resistance menu option and return to the test / calibration menu. 14.1.2 Measure ID resistance (06) The measure ID resistance option allows the Fusamatic® time and resistance calibration to be checked via the screen display. Connect the lead ends to a Fusamatic® fitting. Check that the correct fitting time is shown and there will also be a resistance displayed on the screen. Press the red button on the keypad to exit the measure ID resistance menu option and return to the test / calibration menu. 14.1.3 Keypad and buzzer test (10) The keypad and buzzer test option allows the keypad and buzzer to be tested. Press each button in turn; the respective button will be highlighted on the screen. If the green button is pressed the buzzer will also sound. Pressing the red button will result in the screen returning to the test / calibration menu after a brief period. 14.1.4 Test scanner (11) The test scanner option allows the barcode scanner to be tested. Scan a barcode then the barcode and the length of the barcode will be displayed on the screen.


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SBOX-Max Electrofusion Control Unit Operating Manual 15 Specification Supply Input voltage Input frequency Input current Generator rating Output Output voltage 40v Auto fitting Output voltage barcode & manual Output current 60% Duty Cycle ISO12176-2 Peak current