Sancti Romani Melodi cantica: cantica genuina [PDF]

Text of Romanus's Kontakia in Greek; introduction in English.

143 67 10MB

English, Greek Pages [293] Year 1963

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Table of contents :
Cantica on the person of Christ: On the nativity I (Mary and the Magi) --
On the nativity II (Adam and Eve and the nativity) --
On the massacre of the innocents --
On the presentation in the temple --
On the baptism of Christ --
On the epiphany --
On the marriage at Cana --
On the healing of the leper --
On the woman of Samaria --
On the sinful woman --
On the man possessed with devils --
On the woman with an issue of blood --
On the multiplication of the loaves --
On the raising of Lazarus I --
On the raising of Lazarus II --
On the entry into Jerusalem --
On Judas --
On Peter's denial --
On Mary at the cross --
On the passion of Christ --
On the crucifixion --
On the victory of the cross --
On the adoration at the cross --
On the Resurrection I --
On the Resurrection II --
On the Resurrection III --
On the Resurrection IV --
On the Resurrection V --
On the Resurrection VI --
On doubting Thomas --
On the mission of the apostles --
On the ascension --
On Pentecost --
On the second coming --
Cantica on other episodes from the New Testament: On the nativity of the Virgin Mary --
On the Annunciation I --
On the Annunciation II --
On the beheading of John the Baptist --
On the healing of the lame man by Peter and John --
Cantica on Old Testament characters: On Noah --
On Abraham and Isaac --
On Jacob and Esau --
On Joseph I --
On Joseph II --
On Elijah --
On the three children --
Cantica on various subjects: On the ten virgins I --
On the ten virgins II --
On the prodigal son --
On dives and Lazarus --
On fasting --
On repentance --
On baptism --
On earthquakes and fires --
On life in the monastery --
A prayer --
Cantica on martyrs and saints: On the forty martyrs of Sebasteia I --
On the forty martyrs of Sebasteia II --
On all martyrs.

Sancti Romani Melodi cantica: cantica genuina [PDF]

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