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A Summer Internship Project Report On “A study on Recruitment process at Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd”

In the partial fulfillment of the Degree of Masters in Management Studies Under University of Mumbai By Ms. Roshan Zakir Mulla


Specialization: Human Resource

Batch: 2016-2018 Under the Guidance of External Guide

Internal Guide

Ms. Rishita D’souza

Prof. Sahar Kapdi

Recruitment Head Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd

Oriental Institute of Management

Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703 2017



This is to declare that I Roshan Zakir Mulla, student of Oriental Institute of Management (OIM), Vashi MMS Human Resource Specialization batch 2016-2018, has given original data and information to the best of my knowledge in the project report titled “A study of Recruitment process at Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd” is a record of independent work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Sahar Kapdi towards the partial fulfillment of requirement for the M.M.S. degree course under University of Mumbai.

I also agree in principal not to share the vital information with any person outside the organization and that I have not submitted it for any award or any other title, degree or diploma.

Date: Place: Navi Mumbai

Name: Roshan Zakir Mulla Roll No: 1629 Specialization: Human Resource Batch: 2016-2018



This is to certify that the project entitled “A study on Recruitment process at “Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd”, submitted to Oriental Institute of Management, Navi Mumbai in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master in Management Studies of University of Mumbai embodies the results of bonafide project work carried out by Roshan Zakir Mulla under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my knowledge the results embodied in this project have not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of Degree or Diploma. The assistance and help received during the course of this investigation has been duly acknowledged.

Internal Guide


Prof. Sahar Kapdi

Dr.K.G Dawani

Date: Place: Navi Mumbai



I am fortunate to get an opportunity to undergo the “internship” at Escon Elevators. The project has been very useful for me in understanding the various pragmatic aspects of the management function practice in the real world. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Ms. RISHITA D’SOUZA, (Recruitment Head), for their counsel throughout my training. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the members of HR Operation & Recruitment Department of Escon Elevators for their assistance and constant motivation. Above all, I give my special thanks to my internal guide Ms. SAHAR KAPDI & all my faculty members who have supported me. I am very thankful to all of them who have guided me for my project.


Table of Content



Executive Summary


Introduction     

Industry Profile Company Profile Vision & Mission Products Competitors Information  Achievements









 Work Flow Model  SWOT Analysis  Learning Experience


Page no

Executive Summary Recruitment is not a magical process of having people sign up, but is one of the most critical aspects of operating your program.

Recruitment should be a strategic process that connects candidates who need what you have to offer and who possess the skills and aptitude to accomplish your goal and objectives.

The recruitment unit is dedicated to recruiting the qualified candidates for appointment. This process includes administering all testing phases from the written examination up until applicants are appointed. The recruitment process should ensure fairness and consistency throughout the entire process. It should be administered in such a way that only those applicants who meet various job related standards are offered positions of appointment. The recruitment units should actively recruit and participate in event that will foster a diverse applicant pool. Recruiting from a pool of targeted leads can decrease member attrition.

The objective of my study was to understand the recruitment practices. In this report, I have tried to include all the issues related to recruitment process which I could gather after reading various articles on Human Resource.




Introduction This is an internship report. Masters in Management Studies (MMS) course requires a two months attachment with an organization followed by a report assigned by the supervisor in the organization and endorsed by the faculty advisor .i took the opportunity to do my internship in Escon Elevators which is one of the leading Elevator service provider in India Under the proper guidance of on site supervisor Rishita D’souza, I have conducted my study on Recruitment and selection process in Escon. My faculty supervisor Prof. Saher Kapdi also approved the topic and authorized me to prepare this report as part of the fulfillment of internship requirement and gave me proper guidance and assistance over time. There no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As a part of an organization then, HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For them this means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes, workforce diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives contingent workforce decentralize work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront. Now it is a big challenge for the HRM to support the organization by providing the best personnel for the suitable position. time. Starting with recognizing the vacancies and planning for them is great task. Moreover selecting attracting the suitable candidates and selecting the best person in time is challenge. The cost of recruitment is significant. So, proper planning and formulate those plan is the task that requires more focus and improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is also a vital part. Realizing this need we tried to find the difference and similarities between theoretical aspects with the practical steps taken by the company. We took an attempt to demonstrate the feature for the further improvement.


Objective of Study Broad Objective To Know overall about the company of Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd and also know each and every parts of the recruitment and selection process of the company

Specific Objective 1. To focus on major element of Recruitment and selection 2. To focus on process Recruiting and Selecting persons 3. To focus on the updates and the better methods of modern techniques


Industry Profile Elevators Elevators are devices that move people and goods vertically within a dedicated shaft that connects the floors of a building. They became commonplace in the 1850s as steel and iron structural frames allowed taller construction; In almost all modern multi-floor buildings, elevators are required to provide universal access.

There are three main types of elevators commonly used, which are given as follows:

1) Hydraulic Elevator 2) Traction Elevator 3) MRL (Machine Room Less) Elevator

1) Hydraulic Elevator

Hydraulic elevators are supported by a piston at the bottom of the elevator that pushes the elevator up as an electric motor forces oil or another hydraulic fluid into the piston. The elevator descends as a valve releases the fluid from the piston. They are used for low-rise applications of 2-8 stories and travel at a maximum speed of 200 feet per minute. The machine room for hydraulic elevators is located at the lowest level adjacent to the elevator shaft.


2) Traction Elevator

Traction elevators are lifted by ropes, which pass over a wheel attached to an electric motor above the elevator shaft. They are used for mid and high-rise applications and have much higher travel speeds than hydraulic elevators. A counter weight makes the elevators more efficient by offsetting the weight of the car and occupants so that the motor doesn't have to move as much weight

1) Machine-Room-Less Elevator

Machine-Room-Less Elevators are traction elevators that do not have a dedicated machine room above the elevator shaft. The machine sits in the override space and is accessed from the top of the elevator cab when maintenance or repairs are required. The control boxes are located in a control room that is adjacent to the elevator shaft on the highest landing and within around 150 feet of the machine.


Elevator modernization

Most elevators are built to provide about 20 years of service, as long as service intervals specified and periodic maintenance/inspections by the manufacturer are followed. As the elevator ages and equipment become increasingly difficult to find or replace, along with code changes and deteriorating ride performance, a complete overhaul of the elevator may be suggested to the building owners.

A typical modernization consists of controller equipment, electrical wiring and buttons, position indicators and direction arrows, hoist machines and motors (including door operators), and sometimes door hanger tracks. Rarely are car slings, rails, or other heavy structures changed. The cost of an elevator modernization can range greatly depending on which type of equipment is to be installed.

Modernization can greatly improve operational reliability by replacing mechanical relays and contacts with solid-state electronics. Ride quality can be improved by replacing motor-generatorbased drive designs with Variable-Voltage; Variable Frequency (V3F) drives, providing nearseamless acceleration and deceleration. Passenger safety is also improved by updating systems and equipment to conform to current codes.


Elevator safety

Cable-borne elevators

Statistically speaking, cable-borne elevators are extremely safe. Their safety record is unsurpassed by any other vehicle system. In 1998, it was estimated that approximately eight millionths of one percent (1 in 12 million) of elevator rides result in an anomaly, and the vast majority of these were minor things such as the doors failing to open. Of the 20 to 30 elevatorrelated deaths each year, most of them are maintenance-related — for example, technicians leaning too far into the shaft or getting caught between moving parts, and most of the rest are attributed to other kinds of accidents, such as people stepping blindly through doors that open into empty shafts or being strangled by scarves caught in the doors. In fact, prior to the September 11th terrorist attacks, the only known free-fall incident in a modern cable-borne elevator happened in 1945 when a B-25 bomber struck the Empire State Building in fog, severing the cables of an elevator cab, which fell from the 75th floor all the way to the bottom of the building, seriously injuring (though not killing) the sole occupant — the elevator operator. However, there was an incident in 2007 at a Seattle children's hospital, where a ThyssenKrupp ISIS machine-room-less elevator free-fell until the safety brakes were engaged. This was due to a flaw in the design where the cables were connected at one common point, and the Kevlar ropes had a tendency to overheat and cause slipping (or, in this case, a free-fall). While it is possible (though extraordinarily unlikely) for an elevator's cable to snap, all elevators in the modern era have been fitted with several safety devices which prevent the elevator from simply free-falling and crashing. An elevator cab is typically borne by 2 to 6 (up to 12 or more in high rise


installations) hoist cables or belts, each of which is capable on its own of supporting the full load of the elevator plus twenty-five percent more weight. In addition, there is a device which detects whether the elevator is descending faster than its maximum designed speed; if this happens; the device causes copper (or silicon nitride in high rise installations) brake shoes to clamp down along the vertical rails in the shaft, stopping the elevator quickly, but not so abruptly as to cause injury. This device is called the governor, and was invented by Elisha Graves Otis. In addition, an oil/hydraulic or spring or polyurethane or telescopic oil/hydraulic buffer or a combination (depending on the travel height and travel speed) is installed at the bottom of the shaft (or in the bottom of the cab and sometimes also in the top of the cab or shaft) to somewhat cushion any impact. However, In Thailand, in November 2012, a woman was killed in free falling elevator, in what was reported as the "first legally recognized death caused by a falling lift".

Hydraulic elevators

Past problems with hydraulic elevators include underground electrolytic destruction of the cylinder and bulkhead, pipe failures, and control failures. Single bulkhead cylinders, typically built prior to a 1972 ASME A17.1 Elevator Safety Code change requiring a second dished bulkhead, were subject to possible catastrophic failure. The code previously permitted only single-bottom hydraulic cylinders. In the event of a cylinder breach, the fluid loss results in uncontrolled down movement of the elevator. This creates two significant hazards: being subject to an impact at the bottom when the elevator stops suddenly and being in the entrance for a potential shear if the rider is partly in the elevator. Because it is impossible to verify the system at all times, the code requires periodic testing of the pressure capability. Another solution to protect against a cylinder blowout is to install a plunger gripping device. Two commercially


available are known by the marketing names "Lifejacket" and "Hydro Brake". The plunger gripper is a device which, in the event of an uncontrolled downward acceleration, nondestructively grips the plunger and stops the car. A device known as an over speed or rupture valve is attached to the hydraulic inlet/outlet of the cylinder and is adjusted for a maximum flow rate. If a pipe or hose were to break (rupture), the flow rate of the rupture valve will surpass a set limit and mechanically stop the outlet flow of hydraulic fluid, thus stopping the plunger and the car in the down direction.

In addition to the safety concerns for older hydraulic elevators, there is risk of leaking hydraulic oil into the aquifer and causing potential environmental contamination. This has led to the introduction of PVC liners (casings) around hydraulic cylinders which can be monitored for integrity.

In the past decade, recent innovations in inverted hydraulic jacks have eliminated the costly process of drilling the ground to install a borehole jack. This also eliminates the threat of corrosion to the system and increases safety.

Mine-shaft elevators

Safety testing of mine shaft elevator rails is routinely undertaken. The method involves destructive testing of a segment of the cable. The ends of the segment are frayed, then set in conical zinc molds. Each end of the segment is then secured in a large, hydraulic stretching machine. The segment is then placed under increasing load to the point of failure.


Uses of elevators Passenger service

A passenger elevator is designed to move people between a building's floors. Passenger elevators capacity is related to the available floor space. Generally passenger elevators are available in capacities from 500 to 2,700 kg (1,000–6,000 lb) in 230 kg (500 lb) increments. Generally passenger elevators in buildings of eight floors or fewer are hydraulic or electric, which can reach speeds up to 1 m/s (200 ft/min) hydraulic and up to 152 m/min (500 ft/min) electric. In buildings up to ten floors, electric and gearless elevators are likely to have speeds up to 3 m/s (500 ft/min), and above ten floors speeds range 3 to 10 m/s (500–2,000 ft/min). Sometimes passenger elevators are used as a city transport along with funiculars. For example, there is a 3station underground public elevator in Yalta, Ukraine, which takes passengers from the top of a hill above the Black Sea on which hotels are perched, to a tunnel located on the beach below. At Casco Viejo station in the Bilbao Metro, the elevator that provides access to the station from a hilltop neighborhood doubles as city transportation: the station's ticket barriers are set up in such a way that passengers can pay to reach the elevator from the entrance in the lower city, or vice versa. See also the Elevators for urban transport section.

Types of passenger elevators

The former World Trade Center's twin towers used sky lobbies, located on the 44th and 78th floors of each tower


Passenger elevators may be specialized for the service they perform, including: hospital emergency (code blue), front and rear entrances, a television in high-rise buildings, double Decker, and other uses. Cars may be ornate in their interior appearance, may have audio visual advertising, and may be provided with specialized recorded voice announcements. Elevators may also have loudspeakers in them to play calm, easy listening music. Such music is often referred to as elevator music.

An express elevator does not serve all floors. For example, it moves between the ground floor and a sky lobby, or it moves from the ground floor or a sky lobby to a range of floors, skipping floors in between. These are especially popular in eastern Asia.


Residential elevators may be small enough to only accommodate one person while some are large enough for more than a dozen. Wheelchair, or platform elevators, a specialized type of elevator designed to move a wheelchair 3.7 m (12 ft) or less, can often accommodate just one person in a wheelchair at a time with a load of 340 kg (750 lb).

Freight elevators

A specialized elevator from 1905 for lifting narrow gauge railroad cars between a railroad freight house and the Chicago Tunnel Company tracks below. The interior of a freight elevator is very basic yet rugged for freight loading.

A freight elevator, or goods lift, is an elevator designed to carry goods, rather than passengers. Freight elevators are generally required to display a written notice in the car that the use by 17

passengers is prohibited (though not necessarily illegal), though certain freight elevators allow dual use through the use of an inconspicuous riser. In order for an elevator to be legal to carry passengers in some jurisdictions it must have a solid inner door. Freight elevators are typically larger and capable of carrying heavier loads than a passenger elevator, generally from 2,300 to 4,500 kg. Freight elevators may have manually operated doors, and often have rugged interior finishes to prevent damage while loading and unloading. Although hydraulic freight elevators exist, electric elevators are more energy efficient for the work of freight lifting.

Sidewalk elevators

A sidewalk elevator is a special type of freight elevator. Sidewalk elevators are used to move materials between a basement and a ground-level area, often the sidewalk just outside the building. They are controlled via an exterior switch and emerge from a metal trap door at ground level. Sidewalk elevator cars feature a uniquely shaped top that allows this door to open and close automatically.

Stage lifts

Stage lifts and orchestra lifts are specialized elevators, typically powered by hydraulics, that are used to raise and lower entire sections of a theater stage. For example, Radio City Music Hall has four such elevators: an orchestra lift that covers a large area of the stage, and three smaller lifts near the rear of the stage. In this case, the orchestra lift is powerful enough to raise an entire orchestra, or an entire cast of performers (including live elephants) up to stage level from below. There's a barrel on the background of the image of the left which can be used as a scale to represent the size of the mechanism


Vehicle elevators

Vehicular elevators are used within buildings or areas with limited space (in place of ramps), generally to move cars into the parking garage or manufacturer's storage. Geared hydraulic chains (not unlike bicycle chains) generate lift for the platform and there are no counterweights. To accommodate building designs and improve accessibility, the platform may rotate so that the driver only has to drive forward. Most vehicle elevators have a weight capacity of 2 tons.

Rare examples of extra-heavy elevators for 20-ton Lorries, and even for railcars (like one that was used at Dnipro Station of the Kiev Metro) also occur.

Boat lift

In some smaller canals, boats and small ships can pass between different levels of a canal with a boat elevator rather than through a canal lock.

Aircraft elevators

On aircraft carriers, elevators carry aircraft between the flight deck and the hangar deck for operations or repairs. These elevators are designed for much greater capacity than other elevators, up to 91,000 kg (200,000 lb) of aircraft and equipment. Smaller elevators lift munitions to the flight deck from magazines deep inside the ship.



An escalator is a type of vertical transportation in the form of a moving staircase which carries people between floors of a building. It consists of a motor-driven chain of individually linked steps on a track which cycle on a pair of tracks which keep them horizontal. Escalators are used around the world in places where elevators would be impractical. Principal areas of usage include department stores, shopping malls, airports, transit systems (railway/railroad stations), convention centers, hotels, arenas, stadiums and public buildings. Escalators have the capacity to move large numbers of people. They can be placed in the same physical space as a staircase. They have no waiting interval (except during very heavy traffic). They can be used to guide people toward main exits or special exhibits. They may be weatherproofed for outdoor use. A nonfunctional escalator can function as a normal staircase, whereas many other methods of transport become useless when they break down or lose power.

Types of escalators 1) Step type escalator 2) Wheelchair assessable escalator 3) Belt type escalator 20

4) Cleat type escalator 5) Lavytator

Step type escalator The step type escalator is the common type of escalator today. The steps are usually metal, but very old step type escalators had wooden steps. Step type escalators can also go up/down, flat, then up/down again. On Otis Next Step escalators, the escalator steps are mounted on most likely hinged circles, and the track appears to be besides the steps, visible from above the steps. This type of escalator is designed to be safer than other step type escalators.

Wheelchair assessable escalator Wheelchair accessible escalators have an attendant. If someone in a wheelchair needs to use the escalator, the escalator will be stopped. Once the wheelchair is on the escalator, the escalator is put in a special mode. 3 steps will level out, forming a platform. After that, some spikes will come out of the step closest to the lower landing of the escalator of the platform made out of 3 steps, preventing the passenger's wheelchair from rolling off of the platform. After that, the escalator will start moving slowly. The attendant will ride with the passenger, possibly for safety reasons. In at least some cases, the escalator will start moving in the opposite direction that it usually moves (possibly because there might only be 1 wheelchair accessible escalator going between 2 floors in many cases). After that, the escalator will speed up. Once the passenger in the wheelchair gets close to the top, the escalator will slow down. After the passenger in the wheelchair is no longer on the escalator, the escalator is then switched back to normal operation.


Wheelchair accessible escalators might have only been installed in Japan. It is unknown if wheelchair accessible escalators are still made.

Belt type escalator The belt type escalator was made by Piat. You stand on a flat(?) belt. This type of escalator probably doesn't exist anywhere, anymore

Cleat type escalator The cleat type escalator had cleated metal, later wood treads that are slanted. Some types of cleat type escalator look more like a belt, not an escalator (the belt type escalator?). This type of escalator is not known to exist anywhere, anymore.

Lavytator The Levytator is a new type of escalator, the freeform escalator, that can curve multiple times, in either direction. There are 2 escalators, which share a continuous loop of steps. The 2 escalators can curve differently. A working prototype has been built, but currently the inventor is looking for a company to mass-produce, and sell the new type of escalator. The steps are uniquelyshaped.


Company Profile

ESCON was established in the year 1990 and is one of the fastest growing companies having inhouse R&D and manufacturing facilities. Escon Elevators is a Private Limited Company having a blend of professionals and technocrats. They have done extensive market studies in the ELEVATOR business and have invaluable insight into the strengths and weakness of the ELEVATORS of different makes offered by both indigenous and multinational companies. In a vibrant industry where technology obsolescence is at breath taking speed and the customer’s expectations and requirements demands drastic changes periodically, we believe in continuous learning, up-gradation, innovation & passion for perfection. The continuous feedback from different end users has added to our insight in the chosen field. They have installed a large number of lifts at various Government & Private Organizations. They have a strong team of technical personnel including Electrical, Mechanical and Electronic Engineers.


Company History ESCON is an ISO 9001 – 2008 Certified Company for Design, Manufacturing of Quality products and safety standards as per IS 14665. We have Got NSIC CRISIL PERFORMANCE AND CREDIT RATING-SE1B which indicates Highest Performance Capability and moderate financial strength. ESCON has completed 20 years and continue integration of advanced technologies through innovation and service.

ESCON Elevator is one of the fastest growing company and leading manufacturer of Elevators and Escalators. ESCON produces various kinds of elevators and escalators which integrate full fledged Research and Development, Production, Manufacturing, Testing and Quality assurance, Installation, Modernization, Maintenance and after sales service are under one roof in a professional way. The sales network covers all large and medium cities in India.

ESCON learned a lot of details in line of business which helped to develop a variety of products which could compete with the products offered by the indigenous and multinational companies. During this period, we installed many elevators at various locations including Government bodies as well as private enterprises in India and abroad.


Vision & Mission

Mission: Express Elevator is dedicated to bringing people home with safety and comfort. As a forward looking organization, we accomplish this by committing to Otis principles and our green philosophies.

Vision: Driven by our passionate commitment, Express Elevator will be the most preferred manufacturer in the residential market.


Products Elevators Escon Believes in continuous learning innovation,up gradation and perfaction.Our Elevators are enriched with deep and wide experience gained from substantial presence in the elevator industry.we have installed several elevators across the country. Our products speak for themselves, and you will find that any Elevator manufatured and installed by Escon will meet and exceed your expectations. We provide you different types of elevators with different model ,finish and styles.












While escalators help move people from floor to floor, they are also especially helpful to establish traffic patterns towards exhibits or exits. Built using constant-speed motors, escalators are a safe and economical solution for any building with a medium to high traffic flow such as shopping malls, department stores, airports, hotels and public buildings. Each location is analyzed according to area, traffic patterns, safety considerations and structural considerations before the right escalator system is chosen for your location. •

Commercial Escalator

Inclined Auto-Walk

Horizontal Escalator

Heavy Escalator/ Public Traffic Escalator


Core Products

1. Wide range of controller with simplex/duplex/triplex/quadraplex operations Escon have different variety of controllers with new technology and mechanism i)

Mini ES-500 M7 up to 2m/s


Smart ES-500 up to 1m/s

iii) ES-2vvvf serially based G+40 up to 3.5m/s stops iv) ES-1000 LCD based configuration serially based G+60 stops upto 3.5m/s speed.

2. Automatic Rescue Device (ARD): Escon Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) is an automatic rescue mechanism, for rescuing passengers trapped in an elevator due to malfunctioning or power cut. Manual rescuing of passengers trapped in an elevator takes considerable time, causing anxiety to the passengers. IF the rescue operations were not conducted by the trained personal, it might cause injuries to passengers. ARD will safely land the passengers to the nearest floor within minutes of power failure, thereby avoiding Panic Situation. Hence, ARD is a valuable ADD ON device to the elevator. Salient Features: Unique “optimum direction selection” feature make the elevator safe. • Fully automatic with instant operation, need no human intervention. • Well integrated into elevator system and ensures safety. 28

• Safe Landing during power failure and elevator control system failure. • Micro controller based technology with PWM device. • Sealed (SMF) batteries are used for lesser maintenance cost. • Compact with batteries inside the system. (Del) • Fault detection LED's on board ensure caution

3- DOT MATRIX AND LCD DISPLAY 21st Century in Electronic Display; As a leader in elevator display technology, Escon equipment ranges from basic Segmented and Dot Matrix Position Indicators to full-color, LCD displays with intelligent micro-controllers that provide active interfacing between building and elevator. a) Dot Matrix’s Intelligent Design While remaining competitive in Segmented Displays, Escon also has a strong suit in Dot Matrix Displays. The intelligent design of Dot Matrix ensures much greater flexibility, scrolling messages, color choice and eliminates the need for encoders.

b) LCD Display Our LCD displays provide an attractive and active interface between the building and the elevator. You have the color as well as direction option in the Display, that will show time,


temperature, date , month, your title (e.g.- ESCON ELEVATORS PVT. LTD.) Continually on your display.

4- FULL HEIGHT INFRARED SENSOR I R full height curtain sensors are used for automatic doors either center Opening or telescopic for personal safety between doors. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION:-; • Number of beam (Max) 154 numbers. • Operating environment – 20Deg. C --- +65Deg C • Vertical tolerance +/- 12.5 Deg. • Horizontal Tolerance +/- 3mm, 5 Deg.. • Response time 5 ms

5. Door mechanism with closed loop door operator A) LANDING OPERATION PANEL (LOP):• 7 Segment LED – 1 or 2 digit • Dot Matrix LED - 1 or 2 Digit scrolling • Interface options parallel/serial R S 485 Communication. • Floor number calibrate on site. 30

• Support 1PB / 2PB (UP / DN) mode.' • High efficiency DC-DC Regulation which reduces power consumption B) CAR OPERATING PANEL (COP) • Supports upto G+60 Stops. • Mini LCD / 320 x 120 dots Monochrome and color LCD with image. • 7 Segment LED - 1 or 2 digit • Dot Matrix LED -1 or 2 Digit scrolling arrow. • Interface options parallel/serial R S 485 Communication. • Floor number calibratable on site. • Support 1PB / 2PB (UP / DN) mode.' • High efficiency DC-DC Regulation which reduces power consumption


Competitors Information Escon Elevators have Four Main Competitors which are given as follows

1. Otis Elevators 2. ThyssenKrupp 3. Schindler Group 4. Hitachi Elevators

Otis Elevators Otis Elevator is headed up. A United Technologies subsidiary, Otis Elevator accounts for some 20% of UTC sales and is also the world's #1 elevator maker. More than 2.5 million Otis elevators, escalators, and moving sidewalks are in service. The company, which serves more than 200 countries, makes gearless elevators for high-rises, a hydraulic line for mid-rise buildings, and a heavy-duty one for freight, as well as Gen2 and Re Gen energy efficient elevators. Its people-moving systems carry airport passengers to baggage claim. Otis offers installation, maintenance, and upgrade services, too. More than 80% of its sales are generated outside the US.

ThyssenKrupp Established in 2002, thyssenkrupp Elevator (India) installs, maintains and modernizes elevators and escalators in India and Bangladesh. They have a strong presence in various segments, such as residential, office and infrastructure. They are committed to working together to make cities the best places to live.

Schindler Groups This company could be directed by Spielberg. Schindler's lifts are the primary product of Schindler Holding, the second largest maker of escalators and elevators in the world, behind Otis 32

Elevator. Schindler supplies escalators, elevators, and moving walkways for use in airports, train and subway stations, and other public and government buildings, as well as in offices, commercial properties, and cruise ships. The company also distributes, services, and repairs information technology systems in Europe through the ALSO Group. Schindler has operations in more than 100 countries. The Schindler Group nets around 40% of its sales from European markets.

Hitachi Elevators Business inevitably goes up and down for Hitachi Elevator. An affiliate of Hitachi, it is one of the country's largest manufacturer of elevators for passengers, shipping, medical complexes, and automobiles. The company also manufactures escalators and moving sidewalks. Founded in 1996, Hitachi Elevator produces more than 30,000 elevators annually and markets them through a national sales network. The company has manufacturing plants located in Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Tianjin. Various large-scale production projects for the 2010 Shanghai Expo and the 2010 Guangzhou Asia Games keep the company busy.



Escon Won the WQC World Quality Award

Escon received NSIC-CIRSIL Rating

Escon have More than 56 Clients in India





In this information age, the importance of human capital and human asset cannot do ignored; rather it is that line of business that could lead any organization to attain heights. This is the factor that makes difference between one organization and another. Getting the right person at the right place and then retaining him is the main area of concern in today’s corporate world. Hence, the emphasis is being laid to device policies and programs in such a manner that it leads to retention of the desired manpower and thus contributes towards organizational development. Each organization is now thriving to attain the best person i.e. the knowledgeable worker and leverage their wisdom towards the achievement of the organizational objectives. Nobody wants to have the third best or the second best, but to have the best person in the organization it becomes very difficult to retain them.

Certain great leaders who have made their mark in corporate world by their actions say that every organization can acquire the same machinery, the same infrastructure etc. But what makes the difference in one organization to another is the manpower it possess which cannot be copied down.


Considering the aspect of sourcing, no organization should ever think that once it has acquired the best talent created favorable conditions to retain them they would not require going in for sourcing activities.

Hence this should be kept in mind that sourcing is a continuous process, an outgoing one and will have its existence till the organization functions. The talent that we have acquired and retained is through its sourcing only. Unless and until a person is sourced from outside, how will the organization get the best. To have the best it is essential to acquire it from outside. There has been tremendous change in the technology and for the organization to survive in this changing scenario; it has become very essential that they keep up with the pace with the changes in the technology, the change in the culture etc.

Taking for example no organization can even think of operating without the use of information technology, now it becomes very difficult and costly affair to train the people within the organization at different level to learn how to make use of this technology. Hence sourcing is done and the best talent is acquired so that the person not only takes case of changing technical needs of the organization but also be able to make other employee learn from him.

After having determined the number and kinds of personnel required the human resource and personnel manager proceeds with identification of sources of recruitment and finding suitable candidates for employment. Both internal and external sources of manpower are used depending upon the types of personnel needed. 37

The selection procedure starts with the receipt of applications for various jobs from the interested candidates. Totally unsuitable candidates are rejected at the screening stage. Man power planning gives an assessment of the number and type of people required in the organization.

The next task of the personnel manager is to find out capable and suitable persons who may be working in the organization itself while others will have to be sought from outside the organization. It involves persuading and inducing suitable persons to apply for and seek jobs in the organization.

Recruitment refers to the attempt of getting interested applicants and providing a pool of prospective employees so that the management can select the right person for the right job from this pool. Recruitment is a positive process as it attracts suitable applicants to apply for available jobs. The process of recruitment:

1. Identifies the different sources of manpower supply. 2. Assesses their validity. 3. Chooses the most suitable source or sources. 4. Invites applications from the perspective candidates for the vacant jobs.



Recruitment is the process by which hiring departments develop a viable applicant pool from which hiring and promotion decisions are made. But prior to recruitment, position description is necessary while selection includes all the activities, from the initial screening interview to physical examination if required, that exist for the purpose of making effective selection decisions. POSITION DESCRIPTION A complete, accurate and current position description is the foundation for planning and conducting the recruitment effort. It should be Non discriminatory- One should never express a preference for certain age, race or national origin. In very rare case sex can constitute a bonafide occupational qualification. Valid- This means they are inherently job related and predict successful performance of the job. Defensible- This means they are recognized as legitimate in the field attached to the position. Objective and Measurable- It should be as objective and measurable as possible. The more subjective qualification the greater the need to predetermine how it will be qualitatively assessed.


Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening, and selecting people for a job or vacancy within an organization. Though individuals can undertake individual components of the recruitment process, mid and large size organizations generally retain professional recruiters. The recruitment process in India is designed in such a way that each candidate gets the desired profile according to its own choice. Place the candidate from the right profile, the best job recruitment agencies, the solution is the end of most Indian job recruitment agencies. The job recruitment agencies in India involves identifying those posts, preparing the job description and person specification, advertising, management of the response, the prequalification process, organizing meetings, conducting interviews, making decisions, the appointment and action. This means that a lot of time and resources must be invested before the right candidate is selected. Most recruitment agencies in India follow three stages in the recruitment process, which are essentially short list of application, preliminary assessment and final interview and selection. The recruiting India process may include a written test to judge the particular skills of a candidate. In this case, the test must be carefully prepared, not to deviate from the subject. Much can be found on the candidate's resume. A good presentation of his resume is in an organized way and refined talk a lot on the individual. His mentality and attitude can be judged according to his resume. Then the interview, which is an important and crucial part of the recruitment process. The person who takes the interview of the candidate must be well prepared in advance. Concerns such as the location of the interview, the timing, structure of the question of strategy, the style of taking the


interview must be decided in advance, so that nothing is excluded, and all subjects properly treated. In addition, there are a number of things that must be taken into consideration in the recruitment process. Until the final decision about a certain candidate is taken, it is important to keep in regular contact with the candidate. The decision-making process should not take too long to prevent candidates from taking any other occasion. An applicant must be informed once the decision is made. He or she must say the entire process of his appointment clearly with the details of all documents to be submitted. A record should be kept of the candidate file for future reference. The recruitment process must be strong and justified and shall withstand external scrutiny. Only a good job recruitment agency with a good understanding of the area and the process can execute the same success. In India, most of the recruitment agencies to understand the needs of clients and candidates and they work in a planned way to recruit people.


Guiding Principles of Recruitment Appropriate and effective recruitment strategies vary with each position. The length and scope of the recruitment should be relevant to the position. In setting the timeline for your recruitment, consider the wording carefully--there are consequences to your choice. 

If you specify a recruitment deadline, you may not consider any applications received after that date.

If you indicate the position will remain open until filled, you must consider any applications received until an offer has been extended and accepted.

If you indicate "applications received by a certain date will be assured full consideration," you can decide whether or not to review applications received after the specified date. When using this wording, it is critical to establish a meaningful date.

Recruitment activities should include good faith efforts to solicit a diverse applicant pool and affirm that race, sex, age, disability or veteran status will not be used to discriminate. If the position is in a job group that is underutilized, by women or ethnic minorities, additional targeted recruitment efforts should be undertaken. All advertisements and position announcements should be consistent with each other, reflect the qualifications identified in the position description. Prior to recruiting for a position, ensure that you know what institutional policies and procedures apply. Contact your HR Generalist before beginning recruitment. If you wish to waive recruitment for faculty and unclassified positions, consult with the appropriate HR Director or designee. 42

Objective of Recruitment 1. Hire the right person 2. Conduct a wide and extensive search of the potential positive candidates 3. Recruit staff members who are compatible with the organization’s environment or culture 4. Hire individuals by using a model that focuses on learning and education of the whole person 5. Place individuals in positions with responsibilities that will enhance their personal development


Purpose and Importance of Recruitment: 

The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to:

Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.

Search or head hunt/head pouch people whose skills fit the company’s values.

Devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits.

Search for talent globally and not just within the company.

Anticipate and find people for positions that do not exist yet.

Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants


Methods of Recruitment The following are the most commonly used methods of recruiting people. They are: INTERNAL METHODS: 1. Promotions and Transfers-- This is a method of filling vacancies from within through transfers and promotions. A transfer is a lateral movement within the same grade, from one job to another. It may lead to changes in duties and responsibilities, working conditions, etc., but not necessarily salary. Promotion, on the other hand, involves movement of employee from a lower level position to a higher level position accompanied by (usually) changes in duties, responsibilities, status and value.

2. Job Posting-- Job posting is another way of hiring people from within. In this method, the organization publicizes job opening on bulletin boards, electronic method and similar outlets. One of the important advantages of this method is that it offers a chance to highly qualified applicants working within the company to look for growth opportunities within the company to look for growth opportunities within the company without looking for greener pastures outside.

3. Employee Referrals-- Employee referral means using personal contacts to locate job opportunities. It is a recommendation from a current employee regarding a job applicant. The logic behind employee referral is that “it takes one to know one”. Employees working in the organization, in this case, are encouraged to recommend the names of their friends, working in other organizations for a possible vacancy in the near future.


External (direct) Methods: 1. Campus Recruitment-- It is a method of recruiting by visiting and participating in college campuses and their placement centers. Here the recruiters visit reputed educational institutions such as IITs, IIMs, colleges and universities with a view to pick up job aspirants having requisite technical or professional skills. Job seekers are provided information about the jobs and the recruiters, in turn, get a snapshot of job seekers through constant interchange of information with respective institutions.

2. External (Indirect) Methods: Advertisements-- These include advertisements in newspapers; trade, professional and technical journals; radio and television; etc. in recent times, this medium has become just as colorful, lively and imaginative as consumer advertising. The ads generally give a brief outline of the job responsibilities, compensation package, prospects in organizations, etc. 

Newspaper Ads: Here it is easy to place job ads without much of a lead time. It has flexibility in terms of information and can conveniently target a specific geographic location. On the negative side, newspaper ads tend to attract only those who are actively seeking employment at that point of time, while some of the best candidates who are well paid and challenged by their current jobs may not be aware of such openings.

Television and radio ads: These ads are more likely to each individual who are not actively seeking employment; they are more likely to stand out distinctly, they help the organization to target the audience more selectively and they offer considerable scope for designing ads creatively.


Other Methods: 

Private Employment Search Firms: - As search firm is a private employment agency that maintains computerized lists of qualified applicants and supplies these to employers willing to hire people from the list for a fee. These firms can be any consultancy or placements firms.

Employment Exchanges: - As a statutory requirement, companies are also expected to notify (wherever the Employment Exchanges Act, 1959, applies) their vacancies through the respective Employment Exchanges, created all over India for helping unemployed youth, displaced persons, ex-military personnel, physically handicapped, etc.

Gate Hiring and Contractors:- Gate hiring (where job seekers, generally blue collar employees, present themselves at the factory gate and offer their services on a daily basis), hiring through contractors, recruiting through word-of-mouth publicity are still in use – despite the many possibilities for their misuse – in the small scale sector in India.

Unsolicited Applicants / Walk-ins:- Companies generally receive unsolicited applications from job seekers at various points of time; the number of such applications depends on economic conditions, the image of the company and the job seeker’s perception of the types of jobs that might be available etc.


Process of Recruitment The recruitment process includes: 1) Determination of vacancies 2) Considering the sources 3) Preparing and publishing information.

1. Determination of vacancies: The first stage in the procedure is concerned with the questionwhat resources are needed i.e. the determination of vacancies will depend on the aims and objectives of the organization. In practice, vacancies of jobs may occur in an organization.  When an organization is newly setup.  When there is any change in policy, technology, location.  When employees leave the organization and need to be replaced.

2. Considering the source: This stage is concerned with the supply and availability of resources. The sources of supply do not remain constant but vary from time to time. Frequently, sources of supply of manpower are divided in two group-


Internal Source 

Present employees, permanent, temporary and casual employees already on the pay roll of the organization.


Retired and retrenched employees who want to return to the company may be hired.

 I.

Dependents and relatives of deceased and disabled employees.

External sources: - Since it is possible to fill all vacancies through internal sources, the manpower managers must be familiar with external sources. These sources generally include:

Person introduced and recommended by present and former employees or trade unions.

Employment exchanged and private employment agencies.

Open advertisement.

Educational, technical and professional institutions.

Contractors and jobbers.

Gate hiring of unskilled workers.

Casual applicants.

Temporary or badly workers

3) PREPARING AND PUBLISHING INFORMATION: - After determination of vacancies and considering the source, the next important step of recruitment process is preparation and publication of information. It requires special attention and skill. The object of publication of information is following: 

It should be sufficient to give complete and accurate details about job and its requirement. 49

It should attract attention of maximum number of suitable candidates.

It should create a favorable image of the organization.

The preparation of information should be based on job analysis. It should mention the special features required in the applicant that are important to the job.


Recruitment Process at Escon Elevators I got an opportunity to work in Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd as an Intern for two months from May to July it is part of my as a part of my academic program. As my measure is Human Resource Management, I worked in Human Resource department as an Intern where I had learned several human resource practices of Escon Elevators. Description of the Job: I had the opportunity to have two months long internship at Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd. I have come across with different tasks that are conduct by the HR department. I was introduced to the jobs of an HR-Recruiter, there were different types of jobs I was made acquainted with some were regular other were periodical. I was assigned to the following jobs regularly. Those were Sourcing of CV’s  Screening of CV’s  Calling for interview  Making interview schedule  Creating employee profile  Employee joining

Sourcing of CV’s CV’s are sourced according to the requirements mentioned in the job description. Candidate’s qualification, experience, industry, salary expectations, salary offered by the company, age, area of job interest are some of the requirements one must look at while sourcing the CV’s


Screening of CV’s After sourcing the CV’s we must screen the best among them which are close to or are suitable to the job description given by the company. Screening makes the selection process easier for higher authorities. Calling for interview Calling for interview is a task where recruiter interacts with the candidate. In this call recruiter examines the candidate’s communication skills and other competencies. Also, recruiter gets an idea about the candidate’s interest in the job offered by the company. Finally, interested candidates are called for a face to face discussion. Making interview schedule It is a process of preparing a list of interested candidates commonly known as ‘Tracker’. Tracker is a tabular format which gives all important details regarding the candidate. It includes Candidate’s name, address, name of the previous company, contact number & Email Id, total work experience, current CTC, expected CTC. Creating employee profile The HR department of Escon Elevators Pvt Ltd keeps record of their employees both manually and in census. After recruiting new files for employees is being prepared. Every new employee is assigned a PIN for their identification. The employee file contains employee’s joining letter given by Escon, employee’s CV, photocopy of employee’s educational certificate, other identification documents.


Employee joining When an employee is being selected for the job, the company follows certain process which includes joining formalities, documentation, signature & filing. Leave processing Leave processing includes receiving leave applications and inputting to software.

Apart from these specific jobs, there are certain other jobs which are performed by other teams. Those are as follows:  Payroll  Policy formulation  HR operation  Compensation & benefits


Recruitment Policy Statement Every position vacancy will be filled based upon a thorough position analysis regardless of the level of the position or the extent of the search. The diversity goals of the institution, division of affairs, and the unit will be addressed in all recruitment and selection processes. Units may use different processes for recruitment depending upon the circumstances surrounding the need to fill the position, but must take steps to ensure that the values of the profession are applied in all procedures that are used. IT Recruitment and selection committee members should be properly trained to assume the important responsibilities of recruitment and selection. Supervisors should adhere to any institution-wide recruitment and selection programs. This cannot, however, substitute for an understanding of procedures and processes from a student affairs perspective. Recruitment and selection should be planned, implemented, and evaluated to ensure that each potential employee is provided equal opportunities to compete for the position.


SWOT Analysis

Strengths 1. Installed elevators in some of the world's most famous structures like Heli charter , Real tech park, KM Hospital, Nair Hospital etc 2. Acclaimed brand all over India 3. Services available in more than 12 States 4. Continuous investment in new products, technologies and intelligent systems 5. Barriers to entry is relatively high

Weaknesses 1. Competition from big players as well as local players means limited market share 2. Accidents in the past have hurt the brand image


Opportunities 1. Strong growth in Nepal, Abganisthan and South Africa countries. The company should capitalize on the growth opportunities because of stagnation in relatively developed markets 2.With a strong history, Escon has vast R&D resources and continually keeps on implementing new technologies

Threats 1. Strong competition - Many competitors of Escon are equal in size with almost similar resources and experience 2. Though Escon invests heavily in R&D, other companies replicate the technology and thus hurt Escon


Learning Experience My Internship experience in HR department at Escon Elevators was excellent. I did end to end recruitment i.e. I used to search the candidates from various sources like and I used to do calling to the eligible candidates and do telephonic interview. After telephonic interview I used to select the best candidates out of it and call them for the round of face to face interview. The Internship has taught me various aspects of HR. They are:  Improved communication skills  Handle job portals  Solving candidates queries  Understanding company’s requirement for suitable candidate  Hiring right person for the right


Suggestions 

Communication and coordination must build up with other teams

The database of candidates must be maintained so that the time will be less consumed

The company should provide enough holidays and salary increment as per the performance of their employees

The company should also look besides the employees growth because the second most factor of motivation is promotion


Conclusion 

The company environment was friendly and adoptable

Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing scenario. As recruitment process has a great impact on working of the company as a fresh blood new ideas enters in the company

Recruitment was fair

To some extent clear picture of required candidate was made to search for appropriate candidate

The interviewing process is effective to understand a candidate


Bibliography      HowStuffWorks "How Elevators Work""  "Elevatorbob's Sidewalk Elevators"