ROOTHOLME An Adventure Site For Forbidden Lands RPG [PDF]

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WELCOME to Rootholme! - an Adventure site for the Forbidden Lands RPG that can easily be inserted into any Forbidden Lands campaign. Although written for use in the Raven Lands, a little customization will allow the site to be included in the Bitter Reach or any other map you may be using. Rootholme is a fortified village that can be located in any forest hex. Some of the details of the village have been left deliberately vague to allow Gamemaster's to customize the town to their liking and to aid in fitting into an existing campaign. As always, feel free to add, change and adapt any of the details found within.

This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB. This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop. All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Lee Ironside and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.


TYPE OF ADVENTURE SITE: Village The forest clearing is dominated by an ancient oak tree whose branches reach for the sky like some twisted giant claw. The gargantuan branches support a network of buildings and platforms that lift the settlement off of the ground and away from the dangers of the forest floor. A rickety cage dangles from above, connected to a winch system and serves as a means of entering the structure. Below this, two stone buildings remain on the ground nestled among the roots of the tree. One appears to be a forge with a blackened chimney belching forth smoke, and the other appears to be an Inn. A wooden sign above the door reads: ‘The Root Cellar’, and wafts of delicious mushroom stew can be smelled on the breeze.

Rootholme, as they named their community, had expanded into a fortified village of some 50 Human, Halfling and Goblin souls. Over time, a forge was built at ground level away from the combustible buildings, to service the village needs, and passing travellers brought with them trade. An inn soon followed to cater for these peddlers and travellers and the income from these two establishments enriched the village further. The future of Rootholme was looking good. However, unbeknownst to the settlers, the hollowed oak was already home to a more sinister creature that had


built it’s lair deep underground, among the roots of the tree. This demon called itself: Jagrol. More than anything,

Rootholme was founded centuries ago when a group

Jagrol hungered for two things - Domination of what he

of forest-dwelling folk sought refuge from the Bloodmist.

considered to be the lesser creatures of this world, and

Building their homes among the branches of the ancient


oak allowed them to stay safe from the evils that stalked the forest floor below.


When the Bloodmist lifted, the community of

Jagrol had been drawn to the giant tree long ago due to his

branch-dwellers had become well established and

affinity with dark forests and woodlands. Deep within the


bowels of what would later become Rootholme, he made

appreciative towards anyone who could assist them in

his lair and waited. When the first settlers arrived, and

finding their missing cart for them.

sought refuge within the mighty tree, Jagrol was quick to

What neither Halfling realizes is that Bramble is a clever

make contact with their leader. He persuaded them that

old thing, and has run home, back to Rootholme which is

only he could save them from the Bloodmist, and he

only a quarter day’s walk from here. She can be easily

offered them his protection provided they pay but a small

tracked from the ingots that have fallen from the cart

price - on the night of every full moon, a blood sacrifice

along the way, and does not even require a Tracking roll

be made to quench his hunger. If they did this, he would

to find.

allow them to build a community in ‘his’ tree and he


would use his powers to assist and protect them. The contract had been made and agreed upon, and Rootholme

Whilst travelling through, or near to a forest, the PC’s

flourished - the residents keeping their dark secret which

hear an awful din carried on the wind. As they draw closer,

was passed from generation to generation.

they realize that the noise is someone singing, badly. The

As years went by and the Bloodmist finally lifted,

wailing is soon accompanied by the delicious aroma of

some of the inhabitants of Rootholme began to question

home-cooking. If they follow their noses and ears, the

the need for their subservience to their demonic protector.

PC’s will eventually reach a large clearing and within it,

And while the loyal core of the community continue with

Rootholme. The smells of mushroom stew are coming

their blood sacrifices every full moon, there is growing

from ‘The Root Cellar’ inn, and the off-key singer is

discontent among the populace, and a rebellious few are

Cornelius the Minstrel, warming up for his evening

meeting in secret to discuss the way forward. There are


even talks of destroying the demon if somebody brave enough can be found for the task.

LEGEND In some parts of the forest, no Kin have ever set foot, and it


was in one such area that many centuries ago, a mighty oak tree grew to gigantic proportions. Some say that Heme herself

Rootholme rests in the boughs of an enormous, hollow,

planted the tree as a gift for her husband. As years passed and

ancient oak tree which stands in the middle of a clearing

the world became more populated, the oak tree was eventually

within a forest. The community see’s some trade from

discovered by pioneering woodsmen. So impressed were they

outsiders, and a muddy track leads to and from the

with the tree’s stature, that they initially worshiped it as an


aspect of Heme, and lavished it with gifts and sacrifice.

Rootholme can be placed in any Forest hex on the map.

When the Bloodmist fell, these same woodsmen took refuge among the branches and over time, their community grew to what today is known as ‘Rootholme’. Warm food and a warm


welcome await those who travel the woodland paths today.

Askin and Brevin are two Halflings from Rootholme who had been sent by Pa to buy iron ingots from the nearest dwarf settlement for Pa’s forge. On their journey back to Rootholme however, trouble struck and their skittish pony - Bramble, has become spooked and run off with


their cart, causing both Halflings to be thrown from their seats. A trail of ingots can be found lying in the pony’s

The majority of accommodation in Rootholme lies


nestled among the branches or within the oak tree’s

The PC’s come across the two Halflings as they are

hollow trunk with the only buildings left on the ground

picking up some of the spilled iron ingots, arguing loudly

being the Inn and the Forge.

as to whose fault this all is. They would be very


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Askin is a simple Halfling soul. Orphaned at a young age,

Smells of home-cooking waft from the open windows of this small thatched inn that seems almost enveloped by the surrounding roots and vines of the enormous tree. Weary travellers can expect warm food, a warm bed and maybe even some light entertainment in the evenings.

he was brought under the wing of Ma and Pa who raised him as one of their own. When he isn’t running errands, he can be found in the Forge helping Pa, or out in the forest playing knights with his brother Brevin. STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 4, WITS 2, EMPATHY 3

Rootholme’s one and only inn is run by the Steward, a

SKILLS: Crafting 2, Move 2

Halfling who likes to be known as ‘Ma’. Ma is a rotund,

TALENTS: Hard to catch

jovial woman who likes to act the part of mother to all

GEAR: Mace, Sling

who stay or visit Rootholme, and her role as Innkeeper allows her to quiz any travellers for news from outside of


the community. Of course, this also serves to identify any

Brother to Askin, and raised by Ma and Pa as one of their

lone travellers who could be used as potential sacrifices

own when his parents died when he was very young. A

come the next full moon. The inn itself is a rustic, very

quiet Halfling with sad eyes and a kind heart who rarely

pleasant place to be with a main dining / drinking area,


attached kitchen, cellar and 4 rooms that can be rented for 5 copper/night for those who wish to stay the night. A


small stable sits adjoining the inn and can cater for 6

SKILLS: Crafting 2, Insight 3, Move 2

horses. This is also where Pa’s pony ‘Bramble’ is kept. All

TALENTS: Hard to catch

the cooking is done by Ma’s daughter - Nook, who is an

GEAR: Dagger, Sling

excellent chef, but is rarely seen outside of the kitchen. Sometimes, the Minstrel Cornelius plays here, but only when there are out-of-towners to impress.


✥ CREATURES : Ma, Nook and Cornelius (see NPC section)

A rickety looking wood and iron cage is used to hoist people up and down the tree. It looks very unsafe, but the locals seem to trust it’s use. A squeaking winch operates the contraption from above, and a wooden plaque inside the cage reads ’Please pull rope’.

2. THE FORGE A steady plume of smoke rises from a large blackened chimney, and the sounds of hammering iron can be heard coming from within. A large bellows draws air into the furnace inside and blacksmith tools can be seen hanging on the walls. A bubbling brook runs from a natural spring outside the stone walls and serves as the water source for the community.

The Cage can carry no more than two human-sized people at a time or the winch operator won’t be able to shift it off the ground. Pulling on the rope as indicated by the sign rings a small bell next to the winch above alerting the winch operator. This is usually Gostrin, but may be two

The forge is run by Pa, who is a dab-hand at blacksmithing

militia when he’s not on duty. This is the main way to get

and is often the man to turn to if something needs fixing

into or out of the giant tree.

in Rootholme. The majority of his work is taken up creating iron nails and other small components which he

✥ CREATURES : Gostrin

sells to the local dwarves, but he also makes a variety of tools which he will gladly sell to villagers or travellers. Pa


is assisted in this endeavor by his two bumbling apprentices Askin and Brevin.

This brute of a human operates the winch, which his bulging muscles allow him to do so with ease. He is

✥ CREATURES : Pa (see NPC section), Askin, Brevin

devotedly loyal to Ma and Pa who he idolizes, and will even give his life to save them if necessary. Gostrin see’s it as his duty to protect Rootholme and views the demon


Jagrol as it’s king. His blind loyalty has meant that he is

branches, away from prying eyes. Views from the windows

sometimes used to carry out some of the more unsavoury

allow the occupier to observe movements along the

tasks, which he does so without complaint.

wooden walkway and the Cage. The items he has for sale here are mostly worthless junk, but the odd valuable find



SKILLS: Endurance 2, Might 4, Melee 2

sometimes holds secret meetings in the back room of his








TALENTS: Adaptive

shop with fellow rebels on occasion.

GEAR: Winch handle (treat as mace), 1d6 silver ✥

CREATURES : Berno (see NPC section).

✥ TREASURES : 3D6 silver, 2 Valuable finds 4. GATEHOUSE and UPPER LEVELS An entrance has been carved directly through the trunk of the tree, creating a passageway into the hollow on the other side. Midway through this passage, a wooden portcullis descends from the ceiling. The hollow within opens out to a dizzying drop into the darkness below. Wooden platforms and a rickety staircase make their way downwards along the tree’s interior. The passage into the hollow has no doors but does have a portcullis mid-way through. This is normally left raised except when under attack. A guardroom has also been carved from the passageway, and it is from here that the portcullis can be operated. Walking through the gatehouse brings you to the inner hollow where the majority of the townsfolk have carved their houses from the trunk of the tree (see area 6).

✥ CREATURES : 1d6 Militia guards at any one time. STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 2 TALENTS: Adaptive GEAR: Broadsword, Short bow


A small wooden building lies wedged among the branches of the tree, reached by one of the creaking walkways that snakes it’s way through the upper reaches. A wooden plaque above the door reads ‘Berno’s Curios’.

Inside the hollow tree, spiraling steps have been carved into the trunk leading from the Gatehouse, downwards into the dark below ground level. Doorways belonging to many homes exit onto this staircase on the upper levels, but these become less common as one descends further downwards. Below ground level, there are several passageways leading off from the stairs that burrow into the dank earth.

This is the home of Berno, a peddler of antiquities and curiosities. He also happens to be the leader of the opposition to Ma and Pa’s stewardship. The shop itself is a small, unassuming structure located on one of the outer


The stairs lead all the way down the height of the tree and

Down-Below. The den exits a little way from Rootholme and the cave mouth is partially hidden among roots and boulders.

continue into what residents call ‘The Down-Below’. Here, the hollow tree serves as a natural atrium, and on a night

The Den is where the goblins of Rootholme keep their

of a full moon, the moonlight can shine all the way down

wolf pets and mounts. They also serve as handy guard dogs

to the temple at the bottom (see area 10). The passageways

and deter anyone attempting to gain access via the den’s

that lead off from the stairs lead to the ‘Warrens’ (see area

entrance. The iron gate that leads to the Down-Below is


not locked, and serves only to keep the wolves out.

It is generally considered a mark of one’s social status to have one’s home further up the tree, and it is here that the

✥ CREATURES : 1d6 Wolves

more wealthy residents reside. As one descends the stairway, the homes become smaller and less refined until


you reach the area known as the Warrens, which is

SKILLS: Move 3, Melee 3, Scout 5

considered a rough part of town. Ma and Pa’s place is the


exception to this social rule, and they have housed

WEAPON: Bite, Damage 1 (Slash)

themselves in the traditional chamber at the bottom of the tree, close to their master. CREATURES : Id6 Militia guards at any one time.



Several natural passageways lead off from the central stairway, dug out of the earth. They lead to a cramped network of chambers where the majority of Rootholme’s goblin population make their home.

SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 2 TALENTS: Adaptive GEAR: Broadsword, Short bow

This area is known as the Warrens, and is a series of interconnected tunnels and chambers that serve as


housing for the goblins, and a few of the human inhabitants. Several families can be found here including

A root cellar dug from the earth is crammed with sacks of flour, barrels of ale and crates of produce. Herbs and mushrooms hang from the ceiling, and a hatch leading to the inn above can be reached by a wooden ladder. A sturdy, locked wooden door bars the way to the Down-Below.

the mischievous goblin children mixed with a few of their Halfling counterparts. The area is seen as a bit of a slum by many of Rootholme’s other residents, and for that reason attracts some of the less savoury kin.

The cellar is accessed from the inn above via a locked

trapdoor and is used as a storage area for the community.

CREATURES : 1d6 Goblins, and 2d6 Goblin children.


It has also been known to house the odd kidnapped victim, Access to the inner stairway is barred by a sturdy, locked

SKILLS: Melee 1, Marksmanship 1, Move 1, Stealth 2, Manipulation 2, Insight 2 TALENTS: Nocturnal

wooden door which only Ma and Pa have the keys for.

GEAR: Short sword, Sling, 1d6 Copper

bound and gagged awaiting to be taken to the Down-Below.

✥ TREASURES : 1 Simple find, 2d6 Food, 1d6 Water 10. THE TEMPLE At the bottom of the hollow, the stairs end in a large open-air chamber, dimly lit by the sky high above. An earthen dias dominates the room with a statue of Heme garnished with woodland flowers amid offerings and gifts taking centre stage. Roots that hang from the ceiling are intertwined with

8. THE DEN The smell of wet dog wafts through the air in what was once a natural wolf’s den dug from the root-covered earth. It has since been enlarged and an iron gate bars the entrance to the


garlands of flowers and herbs giving the area a pleasant floral aroma. The floor and walls of the chamber are a tangled maze of roots that sometimes seem to move of their own accord - a trick of the shadows.

✥ CREATURES : At night - Ma and Pa (see NPC section) ✥ TREASURES : 2d6 Silver coins hidden under the straw mattress of the bed. 2 Simple finds and 1 Valuable find.

The Temple serves as a place of worship and a meeting area for large gatherings. Offerings to Heme are placed on and around the wooden statue and garlands of flowers


decorate the chamber. On a night when the moon is full, moonlight illuminates

The tunnel leading to this chamber is completely dark and there is a musty, rotten smell on the air. After a short while the darkened chamber opens up into a pool of fetid blood, beneath which lies the demon of Rootholme.

the chamber casting deep shadows. It is at this time that a sacrifice must be made to Jagrol accompanied by much chanting by the gathered villagers. A cloth is tied around the ‘eyes’ of the statue of Heme, to spare her witnessing

This is where Jagrol makes his lair, beneath the cooling

this heresy, and the sacrifice is laid upon the dias, drugged

pool of blood from his victims. The demon may

with a paralyzing poison. Grasping roots then grab the

sometimes speak to Ma here, but otherwise the area is off-

victim, shaking it from it’s paralysis. The sacrifice then

limits to people, and anyone foolish enough to wonder in

stands as if commanded, and walks into Jagrol’s lair of

will quickly become the next meal. Sacrifices are dragged

their own accord to be consumed by the demon. The

beneath the blood pool and consumed. The remains of

entrance to it’s lair is hidden among the offerings and

previous victims and a few of their belongings litter the

garlands that surround the statue, and while the residents

ground beneath the pool.

of Rootholme know of it’s existence, no one other than Ma are permitted to enter.

✥ CREATURES : Jagrol (see NPC section). ✥ TREASURES : 2d6 Silver coins, 2 Valuable finds, 1 Precious find.

✥ CREATURES : 1d6 Villagers. ✥ TREASURES : 2 Valuable finds among the offerings. STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 SKILLS: Endurance 2, Crafting 2 TALENTS: -


GEAR: Tools, 1d6 Copper

The most important monsters and NPCs in Rootholme are described below. Monsters and creatures not described


here have the same stats as in the Bestiary or the chapter on Kin in the Gamemaster’s Guide.

A quaint wooden door leads to a chamber that serves as Ma and Pa’s home. On first inspection it appears to be decorated in true Halfling fashion with rustic furniture and art, But as one looks closer, some of the artwork is a little disturbing, featuring images of sacrifice and torture, and the bottles of elixir’s on the dressing table hold poisons, not perfumes. This is where Ma and Pa make their home - close to their master - Jagrol. As steward of Rootholme, Ma also serves as priest to Heme, and Halfling sized priestly robes can also be found here. On the dressing table are 2 bottles of a Paralyzing






bottle of

Hallucinogenic poison (Potency 6). These have been brewed from various poisonous mushrooms.


nature to her, and have become no more repellent to her than slaughtering a rabbit for supper. Ma see’s Jagrol as her Demigod protector, and is fiercely loyal to him. She will obey his every command to the point of death, and she will be quick to quell any threat to the demon. Ma prefers to use outsiders for sacrifices to avoid any unpleasantness within the community. When the time of the full moon approaches, she will use her position as Innkeeper to identify potential victims. These are often then drugged, gagged and bound and kept in the cellar until the time is right. They are then taken to the Temple, paralyzed by poison, ready to appease the ever-hungry Jagrol. MA - Halfling STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 3, WITS 4, EMPATHY 5 SKILLS: Lore 2, Insight 3, Manipulation 3,

Healing 2

TALENTS: Hard to catch, Path of Blood 1 GEAR: Amulet of Jagrol, Dagger, 1d6 Silver, Valuable find.

PA Pa is Rootholme’s handyman, and husband to Ma. He is a quiet Halfling of few words with a nest of messy graying hair. A keen Blacksmith and Carpenter, Pa can most often


be found in the Forge, aided by his adopted son’s Askin

The Halfling known throughout Rootholme as Ma is a

and Brevin. Pa does not share Ma’s love for their daughter

very influential individual. As Steward of Rootholme, it is

Nook. He believes that Nook should have been handed

her duty to maintain it’s defenses, and look after it’s

over to the Goblins as tradition dictates, but tolerates the

citizens. She also serves as a priestess of Heme, and

current arrangement out of love and fear of his wife. Pa is

coordinates religious ceremonies during holy days and

devoted to Ma and he would gladly give his life to protect

see’s to her flock’s spiritual needs. On top of this, she also

her, but he has noticed over recent years that she has

runs ‘The Root Cellar’ inn where she is most often found,

become more and more cold and blase when it comes to

fussing and busying herself around travellers and guests to

feeding Jagrol, and this frightens him.

Rootholme. She is aided in all this by her husband - Pa, PA - Halfling

and her daughter - Nook, whom she loves deeply and is very protective of. Ma is a friendly, mothering Halfling


with rosy cheeks and a cheerful disposition.

SKILLS: Crafting 3, Insight 1, Melee 2, Move


Ma is also the descendant of one of the founding

TALENTS: Hard to catch

woodland folk, and as such has been handed down the

GEAR: Warhammer, 1d6 Silver, Valuable find

responsibility of Herald to Jagrol, the demonic protector of Rootholme. This is a responsibility she takes very seriously, and though she abhors violence, she see’s that the monthly sacrifices are a necessary evil that benefits the entire community. As time has gone by, the callousness with which she carries out these duties has become second


NOOK - Goblin STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 4 SKILLS: Crafting 2, Stealth 3, Melee 2 TALENTS: Nocturnal GEAR: Iron ladle (treat as Mace), Chefs Knife

BERNO Berno is a cunning and savvy merchant, and descendant from one of the original founders of Rootholme. He runs a small shop called ‘Berno’s Curios’ that sells what he describes as ‘antiques’ but are actually mostly polished junk. He has participated in numerous full moon ceremonies and with each passing moon became more and more disillusioned with the sacrifices. Whilst he fears Jagrol, he believes that the community no longer need his protection. Now that the Bloodmist has lifted, he suspects that the demon is lying to the populace to keep them in line. Berno has gathered about half a dozen like-minded individuals and they often meet to discuss how best to rid themselves of Jagrol’s influence. He may hire adventurers to kill Jagrol if he can ensure that there are no links to himself. If the demon were ever to die, Berno intends to murder Ma and Pa and take control of Rootholme which he see’s as his ancestral home. Berno is a large man with a rotund belly - the result of


too much fine-dining. His twinkling blue eyes hide a keen

Nook is the Goblin daughter of Ma and Pa. When she was

mind and a sharp tongue.

born, Ma was so full of love for her daughter that she could not stand to send her away to live with the other

BERNO - Human

Goblins as was their way. Instead she raised Nook as a


Halfling and doted on her, teaching her all the skills of

SKILLS: Melee 2, Insight 2, Manipulation 3

her people. Nook believes herself to be a Halfling, and is

TALENTS: Adaptive

ashamed of what she considers to be her ugly looks. She

GEAR: Dagger, Broadsword

wears a hooded mask in public to hide her face, and is painfully shy around other people, though she has a good heart. Ma has taught her to be an excellent cook, and she works at the inn preparing dinner for guests. Sometimes, Nook can become infatuated with a guest, especially if it is someone exciting from a far away place, or who dresses differently from the folk at Rootholme. If a guest grabs her attention, she may stalk them out of curiosity, spying through keyholes, and following them around town at a distance. Although Nook loves Ma and Pa, she hates and fears Jagrol. If she were ever to discover someone she liked on Jagrol’s menu, she may betray Ma and try and rescue the potential victim. This action may well be the last straw for Pa, who will want to kill Nook for the betrayal.











The demon of Rootholme is an ancient creature that has

Rootholme and spends most of his time at the inn. There,

made it’s lair here for hundreds of years. Lazy by nature,

he will gladly drink his days away if he has the money to


do so. He sometimes earns his keep by performing at the








manipulating people as it needs. The monthly sacrifices

inn, though his performances are often off-key due to his

ensure that it does not need to leave it’s lair, for the food

drinking habit. Cornelius is a narcissist and truly believes

comes to him. He communicates with Ma through the

himself to be handsome and talented. The truth is he is a

amulet she wears which enable the demon to send

washed-up alcoholic with very low moral fibre and a

telepathic messages to her. This only works one way - it

selfish attitude.

doesn’t want to be disturbed with minor issues, if Ma

He has recently heard whispers that Berno is meeting

wants to talk to him, she will have to enter his lair.

others in secret, and that rebellion is in the air. Cornelius

Jagrol’s tendrils stretch and wind their way through the

has, so far kept this information to himself and wants to

tunnels of the Down-Below like devilled roots, stretching

see how things play out before he decides which side to take to better things for himself.

as far as the Temple, and Ma and Pa’s place. He uses these


using his Parasite ability to control the creature and

tendrils to make sneak attacks on any would-be assailants, command them to attack their friends.


During a full moon, Jagrol will use his tendrils to touch

SKILLS: Manipulation 2, Performance 2

the sacrifice and control them to enter his lair. If he is

TALENTS: Adaptive, Path of the Song 1

feeling particularly malicious, he will deliver a speech to

GEAR: Shortsword, Lute, 1d6 silver

all attendees using the victims mouth, before he kills


them. He does this to sow seeds of doubt among the populace and to reinforce their need for his protection. JAGROL - Demon STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 3, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 SKILLS: Scout 3, Sneak 5, Move 2, Insight

2, Manipulation 4 ARMOR RATING: 8

MOVEMENT: Winch handle (treat as mace), 1d6 silver PARASITE: By touching it’s victim, the demon can take control over it. This works as the PUPPETEER spell with Power Level 3. WEAKNESS TO FIRE: Takes double damage from fire.


ATTACK GNARLY ROOTS! One adventurer within NEAR range is ensnared by thick root-like appendages. Roll for the attack with nine Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). If the attack succeeds, the victim is GRAPPLED. The roots have STRENGTH 3.


ROOT HUG! The demon grabs an adventurer within NEAR range and tries to crush her. Roll for the attack with ten Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force).


WHIPPING ROOTS! The demon whips it’s root-like appendages into a chaotic whirlwind of death striking all adventurers within NEAR range with nine Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (blunt force). If the attack hits, the adventurer is thrown to the ground.


PENETRATING ATTCK! A root tries to force it’s way into a body cavity (such as the mouth, the eyes or the ears) of an adventurer within NEAR range. Roll for the attack with ten Base Dice and Weapon Damage 1 (slash wound). The attack damages STRENGTH and EMPATHY due to the horrifying experience.


ACHING MAW! The demon opens it’s tooth-filled mouth and takes a bite out of an adventurer within ARM’S LENGTH with nine Base Dice and Weapon Damage 2 (slash wound).


PARASITE! The demon grasps an adventurer within NEAR range with one of it’s root-like tentacles and uses it’s mind powers to control her with ten Base Dice and Weapon Damage 0 (blunt force). If the attack succeeds, no damage is caused, but the demon controls the adventurer. This works as the PUPPETEER spell with Power Level 3.


FESTIVAL OF HEME It’s festival time in Rootholme, and the temple is decked out with an abundance of flowers and berries. Wooden


benches are dragged into the Temple area and food and

Described below are several events that can occur in

musicians and dancers, and all who attend are draped in

wine are brought out for everyone to enjoy. There are garlands of flowers.


The festival is in aid of Heme, and as the evening draws in, a pig will be sacrificed in front of the statue. This will be the evenings dinner, and the hog roast will be


set up within the temple for all to enjoy.

The adventurers arrival at Rootholme does not go

Cornelius will no doubt be there singing and drinking.

unnoticed by the merchant Berno. He see’s their arrival as

If he gets too deep in his cups, he may let slip to the

a possible opportunity to overthrow Jagrol and topple Ma

adventurers what he knows about Berno. What the PC’s

and Pa’s leadership.

do with this information is up to them. However, if Ma

He will initially make contact with the adventurers,

or Pa gets wind of Berno’s betrayal, they may hire the

maybe buying them drinks at the inn to sound them out

adventurers to get rid of him once and for all.

and see what they’re made of. If he thinks they are up to

Jagrol does not enjoy the festival but knows better

the task, Berno will invite them to a secret meeting in the

than to interfere with holy ceremonies, so keeps a low

back room of his shop. There, he will make them an offer,

profile throughout.

paying them 1 gold piece each if they agree to aid him in his rebellion. He will not initially tell them about Jagrol, or the monthly sacrifices for fear of frightening the


adventurers away.

The night of the full moon looms ever closer and the

He hires the adventurers to spy on Ma and Pa, and

village must find a suitable sacrifice for their demonic

report back to himself. In doing so, he hopes that they

protector, or face losing one of their own to Jagrol. The

will discover the demon for themselves, and link it to Ma

adventurers are outsiders, and prime pickings for the next

and Pa. It should then be an easy matter to persuade them


to rid the town of this evil and it’s two bewitched Halfling

Ma will attempt to lace their meals with one of her


poisons, or failing that, Pa and a few assistants will try and kidnap the adventurers while they sleep. Anyone caught will end up gagged and bound in the cellar, where they will


stay until the night of the full moon.

Nook takes a liking to one of the adventurers and becomes

When the time comes, the captives will be carried to

fascinated by them. She starts to follow them around

the temple, where nearly all of the village will have

town, always at a distance. This suspicious behaviour may

gathered to bare witness. Jagrol will then attempt to use

unnerve the adventurers. If anything were to happen to

his Parasite ability to get each adventurer to enter his lair

Nook, Ma would be furious and seek vengeance upon

for consumption.

whoever hurt her daughter. If, however, the adventurers

Should the adventurers escape, and a fight break out,

become sacrifices for Jagrol at any point in their stay at

the majority of the villagers will be terrified, and will run

Rootholme, Nook would try and free the adventurer she

amok, screaming and shouting. A few brave souls may try

has a fascination with, and attempt to get them to safety.

their luck with the adventurers, but Berno will see this as

If Ma were to hear of this betrayal, she would be

an opportunity to take control. He and his conspirators

devastatingly heart-broken and Pa would likely dispose of

will let the adventurers deal with the demon, while he

Nook in the aftermath.

seeks to kill Ma and Pa.