Ra's Agenda & Internet Resources 2016 [PDF]

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February the 4th, 1916

Ra’s Agenda

The Events

Event data, eventually with internet reference → )01…


Tributes Music

133 134

Article Overviews

Published on:

- Word of Wisdom 135

http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/ (Dec. 2015)

- The Clarion’s Call 136

https://www.facebook.com/IHDSchool (Dec. 2015)


The online spots for shopping


)AT… © Deborah Bergman

Internet References 138


Here you find all the Internet References to go after, with mostly free downloads. To find an Internet- or Shop-reference, certain events, subjects or words: use your “Search” function. And use search words like: Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Russian, or Greek to find translations in those languages. Not all data is waterproof, some of them are made on the best guess. And no surprise: it’s not complete at all.


To help making this list better, and for other connectivity: please contact: JanvandenBerg - [email protected]

Montreal PQ, Canada April 9, 1948, 00:14h

Toronto, 1983

December 23, 1983 January 24, 1984 Ibiza, July 3, 1985

Ibiza, October 17, 1985

In the film business: Making television documentaries and “Rock-and-Roll” videos Jupiter transits Ra’s Ascendant/Jupiter in Sagittarius “The Disappearing”

Drawing of “the Dream of the Salt Carriers” Start of Ra’s Mystical Process:


(→ “Daily View”, October 17, 2005) (“Magic and Mysticism”, HDVC 115)

Ibiza, September 21, 1986


Ibiza, January 11, 1987


Ibiza, March 17, 1989


Ra’s Tree Ibiza, January 3-11, 1987 start approximately 21:00h

R.A. Krakower’s encounter with “The Voice”. Ra said that only 2 of the 8 days of revelation were about Human Design. The rest were "cosmic fairy tales" as he called it.

Ra’s Experience: -

Gray Courses (1995 …) (telling his experience)


The Uru, Taos NM, October 7, 1997 (audio)


A Tale of Encounter (text)


Ra’s Encounter with the Voice (video) )03


The Ruina -

Daily View January 3, 2005 (audio)


The Spotlights on Ra (with Iñaki Moraza) (video) )23 (About his bringing in daylight what “the Voice” told him) (Ra talks also about the reading-issue of March 1987)


The Rat’s Tales: A Series of Six Prequels to Encounter (IBIZ to A: The Raveography of Ra Uru Hu) (recorded: 2005) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Disappearing San Juan Satori The Halley Event Executioner’s Dream The School of Everything The Ruina

Booklet, in a remembrance double CD

Ibiza, March 1987

Ra gets his first invitation to give a reading (He was asked by Tullia Duymaer-Van Twist, for herself and her daughter Tonka.)

Supernova 1987A (YouTube videos)


March 11, 1989

P Perfected

Frankfurt, Germany November - December 1989

Ra Uru Hu writes the Rave I Ching “on the outskirts of Frankfurt” (Ra wrote it in 28 days using a type machine, by asking /being answered.)

In the Winter of 1990

Ra meets Jürgen Saupe (→ HDVC 79) (Jürgen had been hired to translate in German what would become the “Black Book”. When the publishing deal collapsed he stepped in and together Ra and Jürgen began the journey of bringing the message of Human Design.)

Summer 1991

Design Analyst Training (→ HDVC 86) (3 participators)

Ra’s preface: Oct 14, 1991 Edited April 1992

San Miguel Allende, Ibiza February 14, 1992


The Black Book (Book, New Sun Services Ibiza) )US

(The Black Book is the first place “the Rave I’Ching” was laid out.) - Rave I Ging (Book, Deutsch)

Ra’s so called first public Lecture (Valentine’s Day)

The original Human Design School was established by New Sun Services International in 1992 (→ HDVC 10) (And with that the start of “Human Design Netzwerk” (info by mail).

Zürich, Switzerland September 1992


First official professional presentation of HD (Among just a handful of people also Peter Wolf, who connected Ra to Zeno Dickson and Chaitanyo Taschler (USA). Next city was Vienna, Austria.

Introduction of “Neutrinos through Windows” (Erik Memmert) The original software for the Human Design System (New Sun Services).

September 29, 1993 München, Daiserstrasse October 28-29, 1993 Taos NM November 24, 1993 Taos NM December 3, 1993

Taos NM, Civic Center November 26, 1993 Taos NM December 8-9, 1993

A chart made by Ra Basic Course (English/Deutsch) (Ra and Jürgen Saupe)

Ra arrives in Taos New Mexico to promote HD (He will stay there till January 1, 1994)

Ra has an interview at a local radio station

Introduction Lecture (50 participants)

Basic Training (cassettes NSSA 1997) (for 6 women: Zeno Dickson, Liz Winslow Fruits, Maya Koch, Sarasvati Cohen, Ilse Grunniger, and Pamela Hogan)

Santa Fé NM December 10, 1993 Santa Fé NM December 16-17, 1993

Introduction Lecture (cassette NSSA 1997, CD)

Basic Training

→ Chaitanyo Taschler, Josef Velten, Ivy Amar, Lenny Blank

Taos NM Winslow Dance Studio December 26-31, 1993

Advanced Training (HD Analyst)(cassettes NSSA) (Chaitanyo Taschler, Josef Velten, Ivy Amar, Lenny Blank, Zeno Dickson, Liz Winslow Fruits, Sarasvati Cohen, and Ilse Grunniger)


Sphinx and the Keepers of the World (booklet)


The Mystery of Love (Vessel) (text) It was also given as a gift in Gray Courses in 1995.

Ibiza, 1994 1994

Munich, Germany June 28, 1994

Human Sexuality (text) The Vehicle, the Driver and the Passenger (video) )01

The Original HDS Intro Video (3 videos) )01

San Francisco CA Fort Mason Center September 14, 1994


Santa Rosa CA Performing Art Center September 16, 1994


San Francisco CA September 20-21, 1994

Basic Training

Starting September or October 1994

While Touring in Europe Ra made 26 Plates, called the Bhan Tugh Sequence (Starting “just after the Schumacher Levi Event when the comets smashed into Jupiter”, to tell the story he was told on the first day of his encounter in 1987. They contain the keys to how the cosmos was conceived and then structured along a line of geometry that began approximately 15 billion years ago and continues unbroken to include you today.

Las Vegas NV Spring Valley Library September 26, 1994

Intro (cassette)

Las Vegas NV September 29-30, 1994

Basic Training

Sedona/Phoenix AZ Holiday Inn October 3, 1994


Sedona/Phoenix AZ Holiday Inn October 6-7, 1994

Basic Training

Santa Fé NM Inn on the Alameda October 9, 1994


Santa Fé NM Sipapu Center October 11-12, 1994

Basic Training

Boulder/Denver CO Fiske Planetarium October 14, 1994


Taos NM, Civic Center October 19, 1994


Taos NM, Civic Center Winslow Dance Studio October 22-23, 1994

Basic Training

Taos NM, Civic Center October 24, 1994

Advanced Training

München, Daiserstrasse November 27, 1994

December 1994?

Circuits (Ra and Jürgen Saupe)

October 29, 1994. From left to right: Lawrence Hershman, Yolande Ray, Ed Stanton, Beverly Bright, Chetan Parkyn, Connie Schweifler, Maya Koch, Susan Hansell, Larry Lassek, Beverlee Cannon,Tracey Roberts, Wade Roberts, Laurie Berry, Lynn Lewis, Sara Romero, Ra Uru Hu, Lilly Golden, J. Stephen Swainson.

The Rave Bodygraph Atlas (Book, NSSA) - Rave Körpergrafik Atlas (1996) (New Sun Services International: NSSI)

Ibiza, January 1995

Teachers Course (The first Teachers Course)

July 10, 1995 Diessen, Germany, 1995 (November 1996)

(November 1996)

The White Book (Book, NSSI) - From the Book of Letters (Book) - The White Book (Book) )US - Aus dem Buch der Lettern


(Book, NSSI, Deutsch) Aus dem Buch der Lettern (text, Deutsch) (Übersetzung: Jürgen Saupe) From the Book of Letters (Book) (Rev. edition by Chaitanyo Taschler NSSA)

Munich, between ’94-‘96

Munich, Musikzentrum August 15-20, 1995 1995

Analyst Course (Ra and Jürgen Saupe)

The Juxtaposition Lecture -

Taos, NM Sept 30 - October 1, 1995 Taos, NM October 2-7, 1995 Taos, NM October 9-14, 1995

The Juxtaposition Lecture (text) (J.A.Report (Excerpts from HDVC 2003))

Basic Training Advanced Training

Professional Training

. .

Peter Wolf, Dietrie Rudat, Tom Pfeiffer, Ra, Don McKinney, David Sherman, Maya Koch, Ed Stanton, Jeanmarie Swalm)

Zeno Dickson, Ra, Chaitanyo Tasschler Frankfurt, Germany 1995

Gray Course (The first Gray Course with 15 participators)

From the Poem “Chrismass Eve” Part XVI by Robert Browning (19th Century) (Mentioned by Ra in this Gray Course. As a foot-note: Gimel, the Hebrew G, means Camel, and Aleph means Ox)

Bilbao, Spain, 1995

Amsterdam, Netherlands November 1995

Amsterdam Interview (audio) )24

Munich, Daiserstrasse December 6-14, 1995

Nine Centers

Munich, Daiserstrasse December 18-20, 1995

Gray Course (audio)

December 21, 1995

1996 January 1996

(Ra without Jürgen Saupe)



Gray Course Der Graue Kurs (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) Global Cycles …. (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Gray Course (6 CDs) Teachers Training (with Alokanand Diaz, Martin Grassinger, Peter Schöber, and others)

Ibiza, January 18, 1996 Amsterdam, Netherlands March 1996 Austria, die Reitermühle April 6-10, 1996 Wien, Austria April 17-18, 1996

Teachers Test Amsterdam Interview (videos)

Professional Course The Design of Human Sexuality I Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität I (English/Deutsch)(Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Madrid, Spain May 4-5, 1996

HDS Basic Training

Taos, NM September 25-26, 1996

Taos, NM Sept. 29 - October 2, 1996

Taos, NM October 1, 1996

Taos, NM October 5-6, 1996 Vienna, Austria, Hotel Artis November 5 1996 Vienna, Austria November 7-8, 1996 Vienna, Austria Schmalzhofgasse November 9, 1996

Basic Training

Advanced Training

(22 students)

The Planets (cassette, CD) Planetary Imprinting (audio, CD) (Monica Seles) )UK A Course in Planetary Imprinting (text) (booklet, published by Richard Rudd) - The Planets and their Keynotes (text) - Ra on Mercury (text, short transcript) )34 Understanding the Planets in our Design (CDs, HD UK)


Relationship Analysis (2 cassettes) (26 students)

Introduction in Human Design (English/Deutsch) Vortrag - Eine Einführung (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Rave Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch) Das Rave Reading Seminar - Die Technik der Analyse (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Design of Human Sexuality II Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität II (Erkennen der Sexuellen Themen in Rave Chart) (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Munich, Germany Eden Hotel Wolf November 11, 1996 Munich, Germany November 13-14, 1996

Introduction in Human Design (English/Deutsch) Vortrag - Eine Einführung (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Rave Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch) Das Rave Reading Seminar - Die Technik der Analyse (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Munich, Germany Teillerstrasse November 15-16, 1996

The Design of Human Sexuality I (audio, 6 CDs)

Berlin, Germany November 18, 1996

Introduction in Human Design (English/Deutsch)

Berlin, Germany November 19-20, 1996

Berlin, Germany November 23, 1996

Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität I (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) - Das Design Menschlicher Sexualität I (Book) (Transcription Jürgen Saupe, NSSI) - Das Design Menschlicher Sexualität I (Book) (in neuer Form um den 10. März 1998)

Vortrag - Eine Einführung (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Rave Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch) Das Rave Reading Seminar - Die Technik der Analyse (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Design of Human Sexuality II (English/Deutsch) Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität II (Erkennen der Sexuellen Themen in Rave Chart) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany November 25-26, 1996

The Cycle of Civilization (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany November 27-28, 1996

The Rave Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch)

Die Runde der Zivilisation (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Das Rave Reading Seminar - Die Technik der Analyse (Subtitle: “Manifestieren, Generieren, Projizieren, Spiegeln im emotionalen Feld“) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) - Das Rave Chart Reading Seminar (Arbeitsbuch, text) (Deutsch, mit Abhang von Martin Grassinger: Das Solar Plexus Zentrum)

Hamburg, Germany November 29 December 4, 1996 Hamburg, Germany December 5-7, 1996 Hamburg, Germany December 8-13, 1996

HDS Advanced Training (Certificate) (English/Deutsch) HDS Kurs Fortgeschrittene (Zertifikat) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

HDS Partnership Analysis (Composites) (English/Deutsch) HDS Partnerschafts- Analyse (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The 120 Lines of Awareness (English/Deutsch) Die 120 Linien der Bewusstheit (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany December 14-15, 1996

Human Sexuality II (English/Deutsch) Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität II (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany December 16-19, 1996

Health and Human Design (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany December 20-23, 1996

Gray Course (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany December 28, 1996 January 2, 1997

Teacher Training (English/Deutsch)

Vienna, Austria March 29-30, 1997

Gesundheit und Human Design (Übersetzung Martin Grassinger)

Der Graue Kurs (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Jürgen Saupe

Ausbildung und Lizenz zum HDS Lehrer (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The 54 Lines of the Sacral Centre (English/Deutsch)

Die 54 Linien des Sakral-Zentrums (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Vienna, Austria April 2-3, 1997

Workshop: Q&A about the Human Design System (English/Deutsch)

Vienna, Austria April 4-6, 1997

The 66 Lines of the Throat Centre (English/Deutsch)

Munich, Germany Eden-Hotel-Wolff April 7, 1997

Workshop: Fragen und Antworten zum HDS (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Die 66 Linien des Kehl-Zentrums (Manifestieren) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Introduction to Human Design (English/Deutsch) Vortrag - Eine Einführung (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Munich, Germany April 10-11, 1997

Workshop: Q&A of the Human Design System (English/Deutsch)

Munich, Germany April 12-13, 1997

The Design of Human Sexuality II (English/Deutsch)

Berlin, Germany April 16, 1997

Workshop: Fragen und Antworten zum HDS (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität II (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) Erkennen der Sexuellen Themen in Rave Chart

Introduction to Human Design (English/Deutsch) Vortrag – Eine Einführung (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Berlin, Germany April 17-18, 1997

Human Sexuality in Human Design (English/Deutsch) Workshop: Menschliche Sexualität im Bild des Human Design (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Berlin, Germany April 23-24, 1997

Workshop: Q&A of the Human Design System (English/Deutsch) Workshop: Fragen und Antworten zum HDS (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany April 25-27, 1997

The 54 Lines of the Sacral Centre (audios) (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany April 28-29, 1997

Wave Relationship Resonance (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany April 30 - May 1, 1997 Hamburg, Germany May 2-4, 1997

Taos NM May 17, 1997

May 18, 1997

Die 54 Linien des Sakral-Zentrums (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Beziehungen und Resonanzen der Wellen (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Workshop: Q&A of the Human Design System (English/Deutsch) Workshop: Fragen und Antworten zum HDS (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The 66 Lines of the Throat Centre (audios) (English/Deutsch) Die 66 Linien des Kehl-Zentrums (Manifestieren) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) Rave Reading Seminar -


4 Types of Raves - The Four Types (audios) (3 cassettes NSSA) - The Four Types (1 CD, released in March 2000) - The Four Types (audio) )UK Resonance 1+2 (1 cassette NSSA, 2 CDs) - Resonance (audio) )UK - Line Resonance (Booklet: transcription) )US

Taos NM, May 22-27, 1997 Sedona AZ, June 3, 1997 Phoenix AZ, June 9, 1997

Teachers Training The Centers (2 cassettes) Introduction Lecture

Burgenland, Austria Die Reitermühle April 25-27, 1997

The 54 Lines of the Root Centre (audios) (English/Deutsch)

Burgenland, Austria July 26-30, 1997

Juxtaposition (English/Deutsch)

Burgenland, Austria July 30 - August 4, 1997 Burgenland, Austria August 5-6, 1997 Burgenland, Austria August 7-9, 1997

Die 54 Linien des Druck-Zentren (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Juxtaposition (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Composites (English/Deutsch) Composites (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Design of Human Sexuality III (English/Deutsch) Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität III (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Creative Channels (English/Deutsch) Kreative Kanäle (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

San Rafael CA September 5, 1997

Introduction Lecture

Los Angeles CA September 8, 1997

Introduction Lecture

Los Angeles CA September 15, 1997

4 Types of Raves

Las Vegas NV September 17, 1997

Introduction Lecture

Las Vegas NV September 20-21, 1997

Basic Training (Ra’s very last Basic)

Santa Fe NM September 25, 1997 Taos NM September 27-28, 1997 Taos NM Sept. 29 - October 1, 1997 Taos NM October 2-3, 1997 Taos NM October 5-6, 1997

Taos NM October 7, 1997 Taos NM October 8 October 8 October 9 October 10 October 10 October 11 October 11 October 12 October 12

Munich, Germany October 24, 1997

No Data

Introduction Lecture Rave Reading Partnership The Design of Sexuality, Part I (6 CDs+booklet) → -

The Design of Human Sexuality, Part1 (audio)


Global Cycles (6 CDs NSSA) - Global Cycles (audio) )UK - Global Cycles (text: transcript)


The Uru (audio) (1 CD NSSA) The Nine Centres and their Gates -



The Root Center (2 cassettes NSSA, text: transcript) The Head Center (1 cassette NSSA, text: transcript) The Throat Center (3 cassettes NSSA, text: transcript) The Heart Center (1 cassette NSSA, text: transcript) The Sacral Center (2 cassettes NSSA, text: transcript) The Ajna Center (1 cassette NSSA, text: transcript) The Spleen Center (2 cassettes NSSA, text: transcript) The Solar Plexus Center (2 cassettes NSSA, text: transcript) The G Center (1 cassette NSSA, doc: transcript) The Nine Centres and Their Gates (text: the official transcript)

Introduction to the Human Design System (English/Deutsch) Einführung in das HD System (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Gray Course Tapes (audios)

October 25-26, 1997

The Design of Human Sexuality, Part 2 (English/Deutsch) Das Design der menschlichen Sexualität II (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) - The HDS Sex Manual (Book, re-edited in 2000, English) (Based on events in Germany and Austria 1996/97) - Sexuality Manual (Book) )US - Seminar on Sexuality (text: transcription by Bettina Mahler, Deutsch) - Das Design der menschlichen Sexualität II (Book, Deutsch) (± March 10, 1998, Jürgen Saupe and Bettina Mahler) - The HDS Sex Manual (Book, written by Alokanand Diaz, Español) - Mecánicas de la Sexualidad (text, Español) )ES

Munich, Germany October 31 November 1-2, 1997 Zürich, Switzerland November 7, 1997

Partnership and Human Design (audios) (English/Deutsch) Partnerschaft und das Human Design System (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Introduction to the Human Design System (English/Deutsch) Einführung in das HD System (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Zürich, Switzerland November 13-14, 1997

The Rave Chart Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch)

Zürich, Switzerland November 15-16, 1997

The Design of Forms: The Mammals (English/Deutsch)

Vienna, Austria November 21-24, 1997

The Gray Course (English/Deutsch)

Vienna, Austria November 25-30, 1997

The Self and I: The 72 Lines of the G and the Ego Center

Vienna, Austria December 1-2, 1997

Vienna, Austria December, 1997 Hamburg, Germany December 9, 1997

Das Rave Chart Reading Seminar (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Das Design der Formen: Die Säugetiere (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Der Graue Kurs (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Selbst und Ich: Die 72 Linien des G und des Herz-Zentrums (English/Deutsch) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Rave Chart Reading Seminar (English/Deutsch) Das Rave Chart Reading Seminar (Voraussetzung Basis-Kurs) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Recording of Ra’s music CD “Going Ashore” Going Ashore (CD) )JA Authority in a Rave Chart (English/Deutsch) Autorität in einem Rave Chart (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany December 10-11, 1997

The Design of Forms: The Mammals (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany December 12-14, 1997

Gray Course II (audios) (English/Deutsch)

Das Design der Formen: Die Säugetiere (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Der Graue Kurs II: Die ersten 88 der menschlichen Schwangerschaft (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany December 15-20, 1997

The Self and I: The 72 Lines of the G and the Ego Center

Hamburg, Germany December 21-23, 1997

The Six Mystical Ways (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany December 27, 1997 - January 1, 1998

Teacher Training (English/Deutsch)

Hamburg, Germany (?)

Der Selbst und Ich (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) (English/Deutsch)

Die Sechs mystischen Ströme (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Ausbildung und Lizenz zum HDS Lehrer (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

The Lines of the Pressure Centres (English/Deutsch) Die Linien des Zentren (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Los Angeles CA Summit Hotel Bel Air February 18, 1998

Introduction Lecture

Sedona AZ March 2, 1998

Introduction Lecture

Sedona AZ March 7, 1998

Authority in the Rave Chart (cassettes NSSA, 4 CDs)



Authority (3 cassettes NSSA) Authority (audio) )UK Authority (text: transcript) On Emotional Authority (excerpt)


Das Design der Menschlichen Sexualität I und II (Book) (Neuausgabe: Einzelband (I) und Doppelband (I und II) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe, New Sun Services International)

Boulder CO March 11, 1998

The Design of Plants (1 CD NSSA)

Taos NM March 13, 1998 Taos NM March 14-15, 1998 Taos NM March 16, 1998 Taos NM March 17-20, 1998

Profile, Type, Authority (cassettes NSSA) -

Chart Reading Made Simple (audios) (5 CDs)

The Design of Human Sexuality, Part 2 (CDs NSSA, HD UK) Rave Analysis Reading Princess Diana

(1 cassette NSSA)

The Gray Course (Cosmic Fairy Tales) (16 CDs NSSA)

Taos NM March 21, 1998

Rave Analysis Reading Timothy McVeigh (1 cassette NSSA)


Understanding our Design in Relationship (8 CDs + Booklet)

Burgerland, Austria July 30 - August 4, 1998

Diessen, Germany, 1998 August 5-6, 1998

Partnership Course (English/Deutsch) Analyse der Partnerschaft (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) (16 students: The Netherlands: Roos Litjens, Austria: Robert Bishof, Irmgard Fürnsinn, Adalbert G. Gratzer, Karin Klebert, Ira Mollay, Ana Schuster, Ilse Sendler, Ruth Spitzer, Hamburg: Bibiane CabreraClauré, Bettina Mahler, Munich: Rosa Maier, Jürgen Saupe, Wolfgang Schubert, Gabriele Stähler, Thomas Tropper)

Partnership Course (audios) The Design of Human Sexualty III (audios) (English/Deutsch) Sexualität in der Partnerschaft III (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) - Seminar on Sexuality Part 3 (text, transcription Bettina Mahler, Deutsch)

August 7-9, 1998

The Seven Creative Channels (audios) (English/Deutsch) Die sieben schöpferischen Kanäle (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

September 1998

Ra and his family settled in Taos New Mexico

(To reinforce the HD-movement in the USA (Newsletter 0003, Nov.1998 NSSA) (Ra’s wife Ambuja Riley is 5 months pregnant at that time)

Taos NM September 29, 1998

Know Thyself (cassette NSSA, 2 CDs) -

The Mechanics of Being Yourself (audio) )UK

Taos NM September 30 - October 11, 1998

The Commentaries: The 384 Lines of the Rave I Ching

Taos NM November 19, 1998

Rave Analysis Reading Michael Jackson

November 1998

(64 CDs NSSA) The NSSA Edition Publishing Sequence: - Gate 27, 24, 2 3 CDs - Gate 23, 8, 20 3 CDs - Gate 16, 35, 45 3 CDs - Gate 12, 15, 52 3 CDs - Gate 39, 53, 62 3 CDs - Gate 56, 31, 33 3 CDs - Gate 7, 4, 29 3 CDs - Gate 59, 40, 64 3 CDs - Gate 47, 6, 46 3 CDs - Gate 18, 48, 57 3 CDs - Gate 32, 50, 28 3 CDs - Gate 44, 1, 43 3 CDs - Gate 14,34, 9 3 CDs - Gate 5, 26, 11 3 CDs - Gate 10, 58, 38 3 CDs - Gate 54, 61, 60, 25 4 CDs (25 also on cassette) - Gate 41, 19, 13, 17 4 CDs (17 also on cassette) - Gate 49, 30, 21, 51 4 CDs (51 and 21 also on cassette) - Gate 55, 37, 3, 42 4 CDs (42 and 3 also on cassette) - Gate 63, 22, 36 3 CDs - Livre du Compagnon des Lignes (Volume I & II) (2 books, Français) )FR

(1 Cassette NSSA)

Ra’s son was born premature (hospital bills wiped Ra out financially)

Taos NM December 11, 1998

Introduction Lecture

Taos NM December 14, 1998

The Four Types and Authority

January - December 1999

Taos NM, 1999 (?) 1999

Neutrino Forecasts (10 cassettes NSSA) (An each month issue (Feb/March and Jul/Aug combined) Rave Analysis Reading John Travolta (1 cassette NSSA) Ra working with Marvin and Eleanor Haspel-Portner (First months trying to statistically prove the validity of Type, Profile, Centers, Channels, Circuitry, and lines, as a condition for the world of Science. With an important contribution of Erik Memmert)

1999 1999

Jovian Archive Corporation Inc. was founded by Ra and family Randy Richmond had a 5 day (25-hours) “transmission” with Ra (Deepak Vidmar was allowed by Ra to join 3 days of the meetings)

Taos NM January 28-31, 1999 Taos NM February 1, 1999

Analyst Education Keynotes (Circuits Channels and Gates) (3 Cassettes, 5 CDs) -

Pacific Palisades CA March + June 1999 March 1, 1999

Circuits, Channels and Gates (audio) )UK Circuits, Channels and Gates (text: HD UK)

Type, Center, Line, and Profile (audio) )EH Article “The Real Cosmic You” (“The Evening Standard” London, Author: Mark Hughes-Morgan)

March 22, 1999

Human Design System as a science (http:// www. Ravelifesciences.com)

Taos NM, April 8-18, 1999 April 8-10

Channels (by Type) -

April 11 April 12-13


April 15-18


The Creative Channels (cassettes, 6 CDs NSSA) - E-Book: Intro and Creative Channels, published January 2015 )HD The Manifesting Channels (cassettes, 24 CDs NSSA) The Generating Channels (cassettes, 6 CDs NSSA) - E-Book: Manifesting and Generating Channels, published Jan. 2015 )HD Projector Channels (cassettes, 15 CDs NSSA) - E-Book: Projected Channels, published January 2015 )HD E-Book: Understanding the Transits, published January 2015 )HD

July 7-8, 1999


Sedona AZ July 17-18, 1999

Sedona, Arizona July 30, 1999 at 03:11am M.S.T. Vienna, Austria July 30 - August 8, 1999 July 30 - August 1 August 2-3 August 4-8

Sedona, AZ August 28, 1999 Taos NM September 24-27, 1999 Taos NM September 30, 1999

Promotion video (.rm) Words of Wisdom 148 (text) (Ra’s first Internet teaching)

Profile (Cassettes, CDs NSSA) - All the Profiles (audio) )UK -

Vienna, Austria July 27, 1999

Roads and Tunnels (audio) (The 2nd Jovian Virtual Seminar)

Profile (The Global Inc. Index) (text: copy of transcript)

The Human Design System (English/Deutsch) Human Design System (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

Start Human Design Virtual Community (HDVC)

A two-weeks mail service. First issue mailed to 31 People.

The Four Views: A Complete Guide to Rave Analysis Die vier Sichtweisen: Ein vollständiger Führer durch die Rave Analyse (English/Deutsch (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe) - Human Design System: The first 3 Views Die drei Sichtweisen - Definition, Typ, Autorität - Chart Reading Training im Reading - The Global incarnation Index: The Fourth View (Complete Guide to Rave Profiling) Der vierte Sichtweise: Das Profil – vollständig

How to Read Your Chart (cassettes, CD: released November 1, 1999)

Advanced Analyst Training Analyst Training (Zeno Dickson teacher, Ra supervisor) (Students: Nikas Graziola, Jo Sutton, Kelly Sullivan, Carolina Eastwood, Christine Jensen, Coleen D'Avignon, Leif Jenssen, Lynda Stone, Jerri Huggins, Maggie Harris, Shanti Haydon, Rupa Westbrook, Jolinda Marshall, Shannon Sullivan, Dan Compton) Zeno Dickson

Sedona AZ October 4-5, 1999 October 6-7, 1999 October 8-10,1999

The Design of Human Sexuality and Partnership -

The Design of Human Sexuality, Part 3 (CDs) - Human Sexuality (Book: originally 3 books) The Rave Return Reading Relationship Readings (cassettes)


← Sedona AZ November 1, 1999

How to Read Your Design - Intro to the HDS (2 Videos)

Los Angeles CA November 5, 1999

Human Design & Health 1: Introduction

Pacific Palisades CA November 6, 1999 November 1999

(→HDVC 35)


Introduction to HD and Health (text)



Living Your Purpose (text)


Basic Health: Formats, an Introduction (audio) )EH Formats: A Monograph on HD and Health )EH

Pacific Palisades CA November 7, 1999

Basic Health: Live a Healthy Life (audio) )EH

Pacific Palisades CA November 16, 1999


Basic Health: Live a Healthy Life (text)


Human Design & Health Care Seminar (→HDVC 10) -

Human Design & Health Care (audio) )EH Human Design & Health 2: Centers (audio) )EH

Lecture to Generators (to Remain Healthy) -

Lecture to Generators (to Remain Healthy) (text)

San Diego CA November 21, 1999

Profile & Purpose (→ HDVC 9)

San Diego CA November 22, 1999

Living Your Design (→ HDVC 9)

Sedona, AZ Best Western Inn December 18-19, 1999

Living Your Purpose (audio) )EH

Pacific Palisades CA November 1999

Los Angeles CA November 12-14, 1999




The Six Mystical Ways (8 CDs NSSA) (→ HDVC 8) -

The 6 Mystical Ways (audio)


December 23, 1999

Hu Says (About the 6th Liner)


)22a )48


Rave Bodygraph Circuitry (Book)


Rave Cartography: A Guide to Channels and Circuits -

2000 2000 (?) Sedona AZ, 2000 (?) January-July, 2000 January 27, 2000 Sedona AZ Best Western Inn January 28-30, 2000 Sedona AZ February 3, 2000 Sedona Arizona The Los Abrigados Resort February 18-21, 2000

February 2000 February 2000 (?)

RC: Channels and Circuits (text) RC: Kanäle und Schaltkreise (text) (Deutsch) Guía a Los Canales Y Circuitos (text) (Español)


The Design of the Natural World (text) The Rave Return: A Guide to Analysis (text, img) LD Training Discs

(6 CDs)

Neutrino Forecasts (6 Cassettes, Feb./March one issue) Start of http://www.jovianarchive.com (HDVC)

1st Rave Life Sciences Seminar -

The DreamRave Design System (8 CDs) (“The Triple Design Matrix”) The DreamRave Design System 1 (text) )EH


Monthly Transit Workshop The Global Incarnation Index 2000 (Closing Jovian Seminars in America) -

The Incarnation Crosses (13 CDs) - The Incarnation Crosses (audio) )UK - Incarnation Crosses (text: transcript) (released 2002 by GeneKeys Ltd) - The Rave Encyclopaedia: Inc. Crosses (text) - Tracklist (text)


Left Angle/Right Angle (audio)

The Index of Names (illustrated index of all Crosses) (→ HDVC 16)

March 2000

HDVC, all Issues of 1999 (CD) )45

March 2000

The Four Types (1 CD) (→ HDVC 18)

Pacific Palisades CA March 2000

March 2000

2nd Rave Life Sciences Seminar -

Sedona AZ March 18-19, 2000 March 20, 2000

DreamRave Design System 2 - The DreamRave Design System 2 (text) )EH

Profiles and Profiling (Human Design Profiling) -

Sedona AZ March 2, 2000

Lower Trigram (1 CD) (→ HDVC 18) Upper Trigram (1 CD) (→ HDVC 18) Human Design Profiling (audios) - RC Human Design Profiling (text) - The Twelve profiles (sheets) - The Twelve Profiles (text: transcription, GeneKeys) - Los 12 Perfiles (text, Español) )ES - Die 12 Profile (text, Book, Deutsch) )AT - Les 12 Profils (text, Book, Français) )FR - I Profili (text, Italiano) )IT

Monthly Transit Workshop The Neutrino Biverse: Juxtaposition Theory (7 CDs, NSSA) -

The Neutrino Biverse (audio)


Start of “Jovian Archive Report” (by mail) (12 issues a year, Magazine on the Jovian Archive website. Subjects: Insight, Living Design, Hu Says, Transit Watch, IC Crosses and Rave Cartography)

March 20, 2000 (April 2000)

Jovian Archive Report

(Volume 1, no. 1, Available on March 20, 2000) - Living Design: - Hu says: Essay on Type - Insight: Venus - Transit Watch: The Calculation and Analysis of a Rave Return - IC Crosses: Cross Profiling - Rave Cartography: The Wa

Jovian Archive Report -

March 20, 2000

March 24-26, 2000

The 20 Gates of Fear -

Los Angeles CA March 22, 2000

Incarnation Crosses (Copies from the mails)


The 20 Gates of Fear (1 CD, Released March 20 ) (→ HDVC 18c) )US The Many Faces of Fear (Booklet, Transcription by Susan McMurry) )US The 20 Gates of Fear (text: transcript, HD Austria) Las 20 Puertas del Miedo (text, Español) )ES Die 20 Tore der Angst (Book, Deutsch) )AT

Sexuality in Your Design

(→ HDVC 17)

3rd Rave Life Sciences Seminar

March 26

(together with Eleanor and Marvin) - DreamRave Design System 3 o The DreamRave Design System 3 (text) )EH - Rave Biology (→ HDVC 18) o The Biology Design System (text) )EH - Keynotes and Analysis

March 30, 2000

First statistics shows the importance of Type

March 24 March 25

Sedona AZ April 6, 2000 Sedona AZ at The Hampton Inn April 22-23, 2000 Sedona AZ May 4, 2000

Monthly Transit Workshop The Global Incarnation Index 2000 (Closing Jovian Seminars in America) (→ HDVC 19a) - Substructure of a Line: Bases (6 CDs) - The 5 Bases (audio) )UK →

Monthly Transit Workshop

May 2000

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, no. 2) -

Las Vegas NE May 6-7, 2000 May 11, 2000

Sedona AZ May 13-21, 2000 May 13-14 May 15-16 May 17-19 Lizard Head Hall

May 20 May 20 May 21 End of May 2000 June 2000

Living Design: Generators Hu says: Profile 1/3 Insight: Mars Transit Watch: Course in Rave Returns 2 IC Crosses: Profiling 2 Rave Cartography: The Throat Center 1

Jovian Seminar Weekend -

Type and Profile

Promo on Monthly Transits (audio) (→ HDVC 22) (Starting Ind. Transit Program in Sep.) The Global Incarnation Index 2000

(Closing Jovian Seminars in America) (→ HDVC 15) - Substructure of a Line: Tones (7 CDs NSSA) o The 6 Tones (audio) )UK - Substructure of a Line: Colors (6 CDs) o The 6 Colours (audio) )UK - The Four Views (2000) - CD1: Definition 1 (CD, Jovian Archive) (→ HDVC 25b) - CD2: Definition 2 (CD, Jovian Archive) - CD3: Definition 3 + Authority (CD, Jovian Archive) - The Four Views (audios, Russian) - Left Angle, Right Angle (→ HDVC 21b) - Left Angle/Right Angle excerpt (video) - A Special Event Saturday Night (by invitation only, → HDVC 20a) - No Choice

Ra and his family returned to Ibiza Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 3) -

Living Design: the Projector Hu says: Profile 1/4 Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: Analysis of a Return 3 IC Crosses: Profiling Gates Rave Cartography: The Throat Center 2

Ibiza, July 1-7, 2000 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 6 July 7

The Magic Island Retreat -

Day 1: LYD - Type is the Key (2 CDs) (Strategies for Becoming Who You Are) Day 2: Profiling (2 CDs) (The 12 profiles in Depth) )US - The Twelve Profiles in Depth (Booklet) )US Day 3: Definition (2 CDs) (The First of the Four Views of Rave Analysis) Day 4: Health & Sex by Profile (2 CDs) (Insights into Profile Mechanics) )US Day 5: Health & Sex by Type (2 CDs) (Insights into Type Mechanics) )US Day 6: DreamRave Introduction (1 CD) (Guides to Basics) Day 6: Incarnation Cross Introduction (1 CD) (Guides to Basics) Day 7: Chart Reading Made Simple (2 CDs) (A Guide to the Four Views)

July 2000

Ra and his family live near Munich

July 2000

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 4) -

July 20, 2000


Living Design: the Reflector Hu says: Profile 2/4 Insight: Right Angle Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Changing Crosses of Introspection Rave Cartography: Logical Expression

(Historical Evaluation by Ra) Preliminary Statistical Evidence Supports The Significance Of Type There are three paths that must be taken to legitimize The Human Design System. In 1987 I began with the first: the Theory; since then successfully throughout the world the Theory has been put into Practice. The final path is Verification that can stand up to scientific scrutiny. Human Design is a true melding of Science and Magic. The magic of revelation becoming true science. It is well known amongst students of Design, that the basis of the system in physics is the Neutrino with mass. First revealed and then substantiated by the scientific discovery and verification of the Neutrino with mass. In 1999 I joined with Drs. Marvin and Eleanor Portner in forming Rave Life Sciences with the underlying purpose of proving the validity of Design. Through RLS matrixes within the BodyGraph that impact profoundly on our lives and wellbeing, the Solar and Lunar DreamRaves, the Rave Biology template and the Ten Stages of Conception, are being explored. However, our main focus in these early months has been on developing a statistical base to test the validity of basic Human Design components, ie: Type, Profile, Centers, Streams, Circuits, Lines. Without substantial evidence there would be no point for us to try to present Human Design to the scientific community. Eleanor Haspel-Portner PhD has a diverse background in psychology and medicine and with a deep interest in the esoteric has tested in her career many systems. Her background includes working with statistics. It took a great deal of time and effort to get the project going. Eleanor's experience and determination, her Manifestors capacity to work overcame the various obstacles technical and otherwise. The contribution of Erik Memmert to the specialized computing demands of gathering and calculating over 5,000 charts and being able to translate their unique data into a statistical program where they could be worked with is appreciated. On March 22, the first hard statistics came through. It's nice to know that I can continue working. The results were startling, telling and very funny. The release of the statistical information will be announced at www.ravelifesciences.com which will make the data available as it emerges, however, there is one thing that I would like to share with you. Type is by far the most important aspect of Design. It provides a basic categorization and strategy. Human Design states that if you follow the strategy of your Type that you become yourself. Under statistical analysis Type not only holds up but dynamically so. Basically this means that it is statistically improbable in the extreme that Type could be something contrived. Perhaps the most telling data relates to the Generators who are 70% of the population! There are two sub-Types of Generator, the Generator and the Manifesting Generator. In the statistical study, the two Generator Types are very similar to each other, yet both are extremely different from the Manifestor. I have taught Manifesting Generators that they must follow the Generators strategy to succeed despite looking like a Manifestor and the numbers back it up. As I have said for the last 13 years, Human Design is not a belief system and it is indeed true.

August 2000

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 5) -

August 2000

Living Design: The Ego and the Throat Hu says: Profile 2/5 Insight: Jupiter Transit Watch: Personal, Educational and Environmental Encounters IC Crosses: The Crosses of Projection Rave Cartography: Channels Through the Lens of Type

The DreamRave Design System

(Book, Rave Life Sciences) (→ HDVC 29)

August 3, 2000

(Looking forward by Ra) The Magic Island Retreat was a multicultural experience. It was an exciting mix of Human Design students from East and West. It also brought together the heads of both present and future New Sun Services and related organizations from Europe and Asia. Jovian Archive has been spearheading the reorganization of Human Design worldwide. Interest in national representation has led to formal licensing agreements to protect the copyright of Human Design and to guarantee national exclusivity. The focus of the reorganization was in Europe where Human Design began. Jürgen Saupe launched the first Human Design organization in 1991 as New Sun Services International. Under Jovian's restructuring plan, Jürgen Saupe and Jovian are forming Jovian Archive Europa as an international umbrella organization providing wholesale and retail publishing and media services to New Sun Services in Europe and Japan. NSSI will be renamed New Sun Services Germany along with the establishment of a separate New Sun Services Austria. Completing the European picture, New Sun Services' in England, Italy and Spain. Jovian has also joined with Erik Memmert of NewSunWare to form Jovian Net dedicated to providing Human Design internet services. It has been an important two weeks whose result is a co-operative organization with pooled resources and universal standards. The result for the Human Design consumer will be the rapid expansion and availability of products, both books and CD's in English, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.

August-December, 2000

Vienna, Austria August 13, 2000 Vienna, Austria August 14-15, 2000

Neutrino Forecasts (5 CDs) HDS Intro: Type & Strategy (English/Deutsch) Einführung in Typ und Strategie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles (English/Deutsch) Die zwölf Profile im Hinblick auf Sexualität und Gesundheit (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) - Profiles (audio, English) - Profile (audio, Deutsch) (Übersetzung Ilse Sendler)

Munich, Germany August 25, 2000 Munich, Germany August 26-27, 2000 September 2000

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy (English/Deutsch) Einführung in Typ und Strategie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles (English/Deutsch) Die zwölf Profile im Hinblick auf Sexualität und Gesundheit (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

September 2000

Jovian Product Catalog (text)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 6) -

September 1, 2000

Promoting Jovian’s Catalogue

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

The Human Design Standards Board (HDSB) is formed by the Jovian Archive Corporation and its international partners Tentatively the first board includes the following members: Jovian Archive Corporation, Jovian Archive Europa, Jovian Net, Rave Life Sciences, New Sunware, New Sun Services America, New Sun Services Austria, New Sun Services England, New Sun Services Germany, New Sun Services Italy, New Sun Services Japan, and New Sun Services Spain. The task of the HDSB is to protect the integrity of Human Design, guarantee a universal standard of education and professional licensing and be the guiding authority in Human Designs future.

September 2000 September 14, 2000

Human Design Austria (HDA) ist offiziell

Start of the HDS Virtual Transcription Exchange (→ HDVC 31) Every month a transcription (12 issues a year). All transcriptions in translation including German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese versions.

Hamburg, Germany September 15, 2000

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy (English/Deutsch) Einführung in Typ und Strategie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Hamburg, Germany September 16-17, 2000

The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles Die zwölf Profile im Hinblick auf Sexualität und Gesundheit (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

The Type Profile Directory -


October 2000

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 7) -

October 2000

Munich, Germany October 5, 2000

The 48 Type/Profile Combinations (text) The Type Profile Directory (text) (HDVC 33) - Sample: the 3/6 Generator (text) (HDVC 33) - Profile 3/5 Projector (text) (Strategic overview) - El Proyector de Perfil 3/5 (text) (Strategic overview) Verzeignis der Typen und Profile (text, Deutsch) )ES El Directorio (text, Español) )ES Il Direttorio (text, Italiano) )IT Profile and Type Reference Book (Book) (text) )US

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

Start of “HDA News” Zeitschrift (Human Design Austria) (2-Monthly) Monthly Transit Workshop -

Monthly Transit Workshop (text: transcript) (Jovian Archive Europe) )33 Workshop Monatliche Transite (text: transcript) (Jovian Archive Europe)

Vienna, Austria October 13, 2000

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy (audios) (English/Deutsch)

Vienna, Austria October 14-15, 2000

The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles

Einführung in Typ und Strategie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Die zwölf Profile im Hinblick auf Sexualität und Gesundheit (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

November 2000

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 8) -

Munich, Germany November 7, 2000

Monthly Transit Workshop -

Sussex, England November 3, 2000 Sussex, England November 4-5, 2000

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

Monthly Transit Workshop )33 (text: transcript, made by Gabriele Stähler) Workshop Monatliche Transite (text: transcript, made by Jürgen Saupe)

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles ↑

November 24, 2000

HDS Intro Videos (in the early days) (videos, WebFreeTV.com) (English/Deutsch?)

November 16, 2000

Jovian Archive releases “Rave Window”, the software Developed by Erik Memmert

Berlin, Germany November 24, 2000 Berlin, Germany November 25-26, 2000

December 2000

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy (English/Deutsch) Einführung in Typ und Strategie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles Die zwölf Profile im Hinblick auf Sexualität und Gesundheit (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 9) -

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

→ ↓

Tuscany, Italy December 1, 2000 Tuscany, Italy December 2-3, 2000 Munich, Germany December 15-17, 2000 December 21, 2000

HDS Intro: Type & Strategy The Health and Sexual Aspects of the 12 Profiles Seminar Partnership Easy (English/Deutsch) (HDVC 32) THE Human Design Standards Board (HDSB) meeting


The Global Incarnation Index (book, Mary Ann Winiger) - Inkarnationskreuze (book) )AT


Neutrino Forecasts (CDs)




A Guide to Basic Concepts (text)


An Intro to the Rave Bodygraph for Children (audio) -

An Intro to the Rave B. for Children (text, transcription: Linda Köhler) A Child’s Guide to a HD Rave Chart (text)

January 2001

HDVC (CD, Jovian Archive) (→ HDVC 38) (HDVC Updates 2000) (no.13-38) )45

January 2001

The Wave of Hope and Pain (text) )22e )48 (An article on www.humandesign.com)

January 2001

Seminar Partnerschafts-Analyse leicht gemacht (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 10) -

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

No Data

Rave Koans -

Vienna, Austria, 2001

Vienna, Austria January 6-7, 2001

Vienna, Austria January 8, 2001

Open Centre Strategies (1 CD) (audio) )AT -

Vienna, Austria, 2001

Costumes of the Gods (text) Footprint of Saturn / Pluto (text) Garden of Fractals (text) Generator, the Way of the (text) Global Cycles: Round of Civilizations (text) Detail of our Present Cycle (text) Head Joke (text) Isle of Bes (text) Mechanics of Politics and Political Systems (text) Money Line (text) On Being Devine (text) Q&R: a Self-Discovery Process for Generators (text) Root Mysteries (text) Trans Personal Forms (text) Type Joke (text) Under Pressure (text)

Open Centre Strategies (1 CD, HD Australia) The Open Centre Strategies (text: transcript) Die Strategie der Offenen Zentren (1 CD), (audio, Deutsch) (Übersetsung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil)


Course on Reflectors HDS Living Design Teachers Seminar (new standard) (→ HDVC 38) Basic Course: Living Design (English/Deutsch) Basis Kurs: Das Design Leben (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

DreamRave Gate & Line Keynoting (English/Deutsch) DreamRave (Übersetzung Mag. Ilse Kratochvil)

Vienna, Austria January 9-11, 2001

IHDS Rave Cartography Teachers Seminar (new standard) Rave Cartography Teachers Training (English/Deutsch) Lehrerausbildung: Die Rave Kartografie (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

Vienna, Austria January 6-12, 2001

A symposium, where an international foundation for global standards and co-operation was laid, and uniform standards for education in the Human Design System were established: → re-trainings. Those who were presented: Human Design national and associated organizations: Human Design Austria, Human Design Canada, New Sun Services Germany, Disegno Umano Italia, New Sun Services Japan, New Sun Services Hispana, Human Design U.K., the Association of IHDS Teachers of America, New SunWare, Rave Life Sciences, Human Consulting Group, Jovian Archive Europa and Jovian Archive Corporation.

January 18, 2001

New start by Ra In the last several years focused interest in Human Design has expanded far beyond its original core. With the emergence of new national organizations in England, Italy, and Japan and with many additional national interest groups on a waiting list, a global co-coordinating instrument has become essential. As a newly substantiated science, Human Design will outlive me and all those who are or have been involved in these first thirteen years. In order to prevent schisms whether political or intellectual and to insure universal standards in education; Jovian Archive Corporation in co-operation with its international partners and national licensees is forming as of September 1, 2000, the Human Design Standards Board (HDSB). On the first board will be a seat for each qualifying organization. Confirmation of the members will be published at www.jovianarchive.com September 1. Tentatively the first board includes the following members: Jovian Archive Corporation, Jovian Archive Europa, Jovian Net, Rave Life Sciences, New Sunware, New Sun Services America, New Sun Services Austria, New Sun Services England, New Sun Services Germany, New Sun Services Italy, New Sun Services Japan, and New Sun Services Spain. Formal positions on the board will be appointed by Jovian Archive for the first two years. Appointments to the positions of Chair,Vice-Chair and Secretaries for Education, Health and Technology will be formally established at the boards first meeting. The task of the HDSB is to protect the integrity of Human Design, guarantee a universal standard of education and professional licensing and be the guiding authority in Human Designs future.

Hamburg, Germany January 27-28, 2001 February 2001

The Four Views: Analysis Made Easy (→ HDVC 38) Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 11) -

February 2001

Living Design: Hu says: Profile … Insight: Uranus Transit Watch: IC Crosses: Rave Cartography:

Rave Cartography Workbook (Book) (with Bettina Mahler)

February 1, 2001

Below is a list of officially recognized IHDS Professional Trainers of Human Design Analysts. Austria: Adalbert Gratzer, Linda Koehler, Werner Pitzal. Ilse Sendler, Peter Schoeber, Thomas Tropper, Andrea Wolf. Canada: Sarah Leonore. Germany: Medara Altfeld, Anna Bahlinger, Martin Grassinger, Rosa Maier, Bettina Mahler, Dorette Rimmele, Wolfgang Schubert, Gabriele Stahler, Juergen Saupe. Italy: Nikas Graziola. Japan: Yoshihiro Susuki. Spain: Ricardo Arocena, Candida Arteman, Jesus Bengoechea, Alok Diaz, Sanatha Gimeno, Graciana Dithurbide, Hermelinda Rasal, Nirupo Vega. The United Kingdom: Peter Lawrence, Richard Rudd. The United States: Theresa Blanding, Gennaro Brooks-Church, Carolyn Ford, Chiara Gasparo, Susan McMurry, Tom Pfeiffer, Randolph Richmond, Ed Stanton.

February 2001

The IHDS Living Design Binder -


Madrid, Spain February 17-18, 2001 March 2001

The 12 Profiles: Sex and Health Aspects Jovian Archive Report (Volume 1, No. 12) -

March 1, 2001

Diessen, Germany March 17-19, 2001

Living D.: A Guide to Basic Concepts (text) o Vivir tu Diseño - Una Guia a los Conc B. (text) (translation: Irene Gonzalez) (Español) )ES o Manuale Dei Concetti Base (text) (Translation: Viviana Perrucchetti – Farran) (Italiano) Living Design Workbook (text) o Libro de Trabajo de los Conc. Básicos (text) (Translation: Alokanand Diaz) (Español) )ES

Insight: Pluto Living Design: The G in Depth: Part 1 Transit Watch: Jupiter Rave Genetics: Asparagin Rave Cartography: The 6/3 Profile

Bettina Mahler appointed as General Manager of Jovian Archive Europe

Evolution - The 64 Steps (A Gray Course) -

The 64 Steps (audios) (Step 62 missing) Evolution - The 64 Steps (audios) (Deutsch, translation: Martin Grassinger) La Evolución: Los 64 Pasos (text) )ES (Español, translation: Alokanand Diaz)

)56a* )JA

April 2001

Diessen, Germany April 14-15, 2001 April 28-29, 2001 May 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 1) -

Living Design


Rave Genetics: Asparagin Acid The IC Index: 13: Fellowship of Man - RAX of the Sphinx A Rat’s Tale: (audio) World by Design: Martyrdom

IHDS Professional Enrichment Program -


May 5, 2001 May 6, 2001 May 12, 2001 May 13, 2001

June 2001

A Rat’s Tale: (audio) Living Design: The Colors of Helplessness (text) Rave Genetics: Cystein The IC Index: 49 - The RAX of Explanation World by Design: WHO World Health Day

The “8” Profiling Gates (→ HDVC 42) )US

(IHDS Virtual Seminars) - CD1: Gate 10 and Gate 1 (CD) - CD2: Gate 7 and Gate 13 (CD) - CD3: Gate 59 and Gate 6 (CD) - CD4: Gate 27 and Gate 50 (CD) - The 8 Profiling Gates (text: transcript)

A is for Authority -

Vienna, Austria May 17-20, 2001 May 17, 2001 May 18, 2001 May 19, 2001 May 20, 2001

Ein Handbuch der Grundbegriffe (Berechnung der Rave Chart, Zentren, Typen) Arbeitsbuch Grundbegriffe (Ursprung HDS, die Körpergrafik, Typ und Strategie)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 2) -

May 5-13, 2001

Human Sexuality Teachers Training (audio, English) Incarnation Cross Clinic

Arbeitsbuch Living Design (Ein Ordner, Deutsch) -

May 2001

A is for Authority (text, Ra’s Library (2003) A is for Authority (text, HD Concepts)

IHDS Enrichment Program -

Professional HD Analyst Development Clinic (→ HDVC 47) The Four Views: Analysis made Easy (Intro) (→ HDVC 46) The Four Quarters (→ HDVC 46) Professional Reading Techniques for HD Analysts (→ HDVC 47)

June 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 3) -

Vienna, Austria, 2001 Vienna, Austria June 5-6, 2001 June 7-8, 2001 June 9-10, 2001 2001

A Rat’s Tale: Manifesting Generator (audio) The Colors of Helplessness - Color 1 Part 2 (text) Rave Genetics: Glutamin The IC Index: 30 Clinging Fire - RAX of Contagion World by Design: The Death of Sanduleak

Family Practice (audios) ???


Partnership Analysis (audios, img) Family Practice Analysis (audios, img) Life Cycle Analysis (audios, img)


Rave Sexuality Analysis (IHDS Teachers Training 2001) (→ HDVC 57)

Diessen, Germany June 16-24, 2001

Rave Biversity 2001 (Summerschool) 0. Rave Biversity (Complete Event) (audios) -

June 16, 2001

Biversum Curriculum (img) Rave Biversity Gesamtausgabe (Book, Deutsch)


1. The Design of Love: The 7 Gates of Love (and Hate) (English/Deutsch) )JA )43* (also sold as a part of “Valentines’ Special”) Die 7 Tore der Liebe (und des Hasses) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) The Mechanics of Love (1 CD) Love and the Vessel (1 CD) Love & Hate (1 CD) Love in Relationships (1 CD) Centers, Genetics & Love (1 CD) Love and Profile (1 CD) Type, Strategy and Profile (1 CD) The 7 Gates of Love and Hate (Booklet, HD America) →→ (Edition July 10, 2002) (→ HDVC 78) Love Book (Book) )US Die Tore der Liebe (Book, Deutsch) )AT Las Puertas del Amor (text, Español) )ES

June 17, 2001

2. Speculations on 2027 on the Solar Plexus Mutation (English/Deutsch) Betrachtungen zur Mutation des Solar Plexus 2027 (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) - Solar Plexus Mutation (audio) - 2027 Mutation Lecture (audio, img) )JA (also in “The 2027 Series”) (English) - Speculations/2027 (Booklet, HD America) - Solar Plexus Mutation (audio, Deutsch) - 2027 (text, Deutsch) - Spekulationen über den SP Mutation (Book) (Deutsch) )AT - Mutación del Plexo Solar 2027 (text, Español) )ES

June 18, 2001

3. Rave Genetics Codon Koans (English/Deutsch) - Rave Genetik Codon Koans (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

June 22, 2001

The first official assembly of the Human Design Standard Board (HDSB) Theresa Blanding elected as the Chairperson of HDSB, Randy Richmond as the Vice-Chairman, Jürgen Saupe as the Director of the Rave Biversity. The following items were discussed: The process of becoming a Human Design Professional Analyst - a policy was finalized.

June 24, 2001

10. The Colors of Being Helpless (cassettes, English/Deutsch)

July 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 4) -

July 7-8, 2001

Roads and Tunnels (audio) )US (Booklet, Transcription Paddy Balentine)


Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 5) -

August 3, 2001

Roads and Tunnels (1 CD) -

August 2001

A Rat’s Tale: (audio) The Colors of Helplessness - Color 2, Part 1 (text) Rave Genetics: Glutamin Acid The IC Index: 55 Abundance - The Sleeping Phoenix World by Design: New Male Infertility Syndrome

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 2 Part 2 (text) Rave Genetics: Glysin The IC Index: 37 The Family - RAX Cross of Planning World by Design: NASA Probe Launched

The Complete Rave I’Ching (book) (Technical / programming: Erik Memmert) (The first published book of the Jovian Archive Corporation) - The Complete Rave I’Ching (Book, HD Australia) o The Complete Rave I’Ching (text) o The Complete Rave I’Ching (Book) )US o The Complete Rave I’Ching (Book) )UK - Das gesamte Rave I Ging (Book, Deutsch) )AT - Das HDS: Die texte zum Rave I Ging (Book, HD Austria, Deutsch) - Das Volständige Rave I Ging (Book, Deutsch) )D - The Complete Rave I Ching (text, Italiano) - Le Rave I’Ching Complet (text, Français) )FR - El I´Ching Completo del Rave (text, Castellano/Español) )ES - Rave Χαρτογράφηση (Book, Greek) )HE - The Writing of the Rave I Ching (audio) - Rave I Ching Notes (text) (From a Teacher Training (> 2000)

The Beginning and the Start August 25, 2001



Gray Course (a few short videos) (the 1 virtual Gray Course)

September 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 6) -

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 3 Part 1 (text) Rave Genetics: Histidine The IC Index: 62 After Completion - RAX of Consciousness A Rat’s Tale: World of Design: No Choice


September 1, 2001

Implantation of international structures and standards established by The Human Design Standards Board (HDSB)

September 1, 2001

Start of the “Jovian Archive Register”, an E-journal for HD-Professionals (text, Volume 1, Issue 1) (nr.2 Nov 2001, nr.3 Feb 2002, nr.4 May 2002)

September 1, 2001 Diessen, Germany September 7-9, 2001 September 30, 2001

LD Teacher Training Family Reading Analyst Training (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe)

The Design of September 11, 2001 (08:48h in New York) (conf) (→ HDVC 58)

October 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 7) -

October 2001 October 1, 2001 (?)

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 3 Part 2 (text) Rave Genetics: Isoleucine The IC Index: 22 Grace - RAX of Rulership A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: The Naming of Names

On any Rave Day (video) (→ HDVC 60) Rave Cartography Part III (text) (Ra and Richard Rudd)

Vienna, Austria October 11 - 14, 2001

Rave Psychology 2001: The Mechanics of Being Mind Rave Psychologie: die Mechanik ein Verstand zu sein (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung Jürgen Saupe) 0. The Emerging Science of the True Self (audios, all 4 parts!) )UK o The Emerging Science of the True Self (text: transcript) )UK o Ankündigung (text)

October 11

1. The Mechanical Limitations of Personality (2 CDs) o The Mech. Limitations of Personality (audios) )AT o Die mechanischen Grenzen der Persönlichkeit (Deutsch, audios) (Übersetsung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil)

October 12

2. The Colors of Motivation o The Colors of Motivation (2 CDs, HD America) o The Colors of Motivation (audios) )US )AT o Die Farben der Motivation (audios, Deutsch) )AT (Übersetsung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil)

October 13

3. The Gates of Melancholy (audios) )AT )US Depression und Mutation o The Gates of Melancholy (2 CDs, HD Australia) o Die Tore der Melancholie (audios, Deutsch) )AT (Übersetsung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil) o The Gates of Melancholy (text)

October 14

4. Nature and Nurture (“Reconciling Psychology and Fatalism”) (2 CDs) o Nature and Nurture (audios) )AT )US o Das Natürliche und das Gelernte (audios, Deutsch) )AT (Übersetsung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil)

November 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 8) -

Living Design: Color 4 Part 1 (text) Rave Genetics: The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: The Illusion of Messiah-hood


November 2001

Jovian Archive Register (Volume 1, Issue 2) (Journal for HD-Professionals)

Vienna, Austria November 2001

Rediscovering the Nodes (7 CDs, audios) )AT

Vienna, Austria November 2001

Our Changing World (audios) (3 CDs, audios) )AT

Follonica, Italy November 10-11, 2001

Il Sistema di Disegno Umano

London, England November 16, 2001 November 17-18, 2001

The Human Design System

December 2001

- Public Evening - Weekend Seminar

From now on « Human Design Films Ltd « takes recordings of all the Events of Ra (till April 2005)

Follonica 2001


December 2001

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 9) -

Diessen, Germany December 2001

Diessen am Ammersee December 14-16, 2001

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 4 Part 2 .doc Rave Genetics: Lysin The IC Index: 25 Innocence - RAX of the Vessel of Love A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Gene Found Linking Language and SP.

Professional Training and Development (→ Jovian Archive Register Nov) - Human Design Teacher Training(s) - Living Design and Rave Cartography

The Rave Book of the Dead Das Totenbuch der Raves / Das Rave Totenbuch - The Ice Moon and the 5 Stages of Dying (audios) (3 parts)

December 14, 2001

Dying The Gates of Death (Die Tore des Todes) - The Mechanics of Dying - Death and the Bardo Stages o 1.Death Intro (audio) o 2. Protecting the Dead (audio) o 3. The Behavior of Dying (audio)

December 15, 2001

The Bardo Stages of the Decarnated Personality Crystal (6 Line Keynotes) o 4. Bardo 1 2 3 (audio) o 5. Bardo 4 5 6 (audio)

December 16, 2001

Crystal Bundles o 6. Out is the Key for In (audio) o 7. The Neutrino Ocean (audio)

6 Potential Bardo Trinaries o 8. Trinary Sequences (audio)

London, England December 17-18, 2001 January 2002

Jovian Seminar: A Guide to the Four Views (→ HDVC 60) Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 10) -


Quarters & Angles (as a framework for Rave Analysis) -

Diessen, Germany January 2002

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 5 Part 1 (text) Rave Genetics: Methodin The IC Index: 17 Following - RAX of Service A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Mitochondria and Human Warming

Quarters & Angles (audio, img) - Quarters & Angles (text) )JA

Global Incarnation Index Course -

)HD )56b*

The Global Incarnation Index course The Global Incarnation Index (Book, 2000?) (Mary Ann Winiger) The Global Incarnation Index (Book, Sept 2002) (Mary Ann Winiger) )US Die Incarnationskreuze (Book, Deutsch) )AT The Global Incarnation Index: Inc. Crosses (Book) )UK Enciclopedia de las Cruses de Encarnatión (text, Español) )ES

February 2002

Jovian Archive Register (text) (Volume 1, Issue 3) (Journal for Professionals)

February 2002

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 11) -

March 2002

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 5 Part 2 (text) Rave Genetics: Alanin The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: A Tale of Encounter )50

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 2, No. 12) -

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 6 Part 1 (text) Rave Genetics: Prolin The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: The Biverse - a Single Living Entity

March 2002

The rights on a collection of Ra’s audios (33 titles, 359 CDs), recorded by New Sun Services America (NSSA) are sold to GeneKeys Ltd.

Spring 2002

Unified Life Sciences/Rave Life Sciences moves away from HDS Eleanor Haspel-Portner: some components of the Human Design System had no scientific validity. However, Marvin and Eleanor recognized the depth of the material and its capacity to map the mechanics of functional consciousness with shifts in brain activity.

Devon, England March 2-3, 2002 April 2002

The Mechanics of the Gods (Bhan Tugh) (video, HD Films) (→ HDVC 67)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 1) -

April 2002

The Colors of Helplessness - Color 6 Part 2 (text) Rave Genetics: Serin and the Source of Rythm The IC Index: 42 Increase - RAX of Maya A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Part 2 World by Design: Sherlock goes Cosmic

Ra offers Richard Beaumont to be Director of Human Design Films Ltd

Diessen, Germany April 6-7, 2002

Life Cycle Analyst Training (videos, 4 DVDs, HD Films) )UK

Diessen, Germany April 8-21, 2002 April 8 April 10 April 13-14

Professional Training and Development

April 20 April 20-21 May 2002

(→ HDVC 104) (English/Deutsch) (Übersetsung: Jürgen Saupe)

(Jovian Archive Register Nov) - LD Teacher Training (audios) - RC Teacher Training (audios) - Global Inc. Index Analyst: IC Analysis (audios, English) o Incarnation Cross Analysis (text, transcript) - AT Teacher Training (audios) - Rave Chart Reading for Professionals (audios, English)

Jovian Archive Register (text) (Volume 1, Issue 4) (Journal for Professionals)

Madrid, Spain May 1-2, 2002

The Four Types (2002) - Die 4 Typen (Book, Deutsch) )AT - Los 4 Typos (text, Español) )ES - I 4 Tipi (text, Italian) )IT Generators (videos, HD-Film Ltd) )UK - The Generator (CD, audio) )AT - Der Generator (CD, Deutsch, audio) )AT - The Generator CD (CD, HD Australia) - Generator (audios) )US Manifestors (videos, HD-Film Ltd) )UK - The Manifestor (CD, audio) )AT - Der Manifestor (CD, Deutsch, audio) )AT - The Manifestor CD (CD, HD Australia) - Manifestor (audios) )US Projectors (videos, HD-Film Ltd) )UK - The Projector (CD, audio) )AT - Der Projector (CD, Deutsch, audio) )AT - The Projector CD (CD, HD Australia) - Projector (audios) )US o Projector (text, Booklet) )US

Madrid 2002

Reflectors (videos, HD-Film Ltd) )UK - The Reflector (CD, audio) )AT - Der Reflector (CD, Deutsch, audio) )AT - The Reflector CD (CD, HD Australia) - Reflector (audios) )US Madrid, Spain May 3, 2002

The Way of the Generator (videos, HD-Film Ltd) (→ HDVC 70) - El Camino del Generador (text, Español) )ES

Madrid, Spain May 4-5, 2002

The Nature & Nurture of Love (videos?, audios, HD-Films Ltd)

May 2002


Love and Split Definitions The Vessel of Love Love and Profiles Love and Type Love: It’s not what we Think it is (Book, transcript, HD America, 2003)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 2) -

Toscana, Italy May 24, 2002 May 25-26, 2002 May 27-30, 2002 June 2002

Jovian International Seminars 2002 (Global Incarnation Index Course Toscana 2002) - The Mechanics of Conditioning - Human Sexuality Part 2 - The Global Inc. Index: The Four Quarters .mp3

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 3) -

June 2002

Living Design: A Guide to Bases: An Introduction Rave Genetics: Terminators, Punctuations and the Meaning of Life The IC Index: 3 Difficulty at the Beginning - RAX of Laws A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - The Binaries, Step 1 and 2 World by Design: Being a Dog Person

Living Design: The reactive Base I Rave Genetics: Threonin The IC Index: 27 Nourishment - RAX of Unexpected A Rat’s Tale: International Human Design School World by Design: The Genetic Marketing of Consciousness

The Transit Preview (text)

Vienna, Austria June 14-19, 2002

The Design of Pregnancy (English/Deutsch) (HD-Films) (→ HDVC 75) Das Design der Schwangerschaft (Übersetzung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil) o Conception and the 10 Stages of Fatal Development o Trinary Crystal Consciousness o The Mechanics of Differentiation - The Design of Pregnancy (Book, HD Australia) - The Design of Pregnancy (Book) )UK - The Design of Pregnancy (Book) )AT


Vienna, Austria June 20 - .. , 2002

Your Type A Formula for Life (audios, 4 CDs) )UK -


July 2002

Type: Generator (English/Deutsch) Typ: Generator (Übersetzung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil) - Generator (audio) )UK Manifestor (audio) )UK Projector (audio) )UK Reflector (audio) )UK

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 4) -

July 10, 2002

Das Design der Schwangerschaft (Book, Deutsch) )AT (Transcription by Mag. Linda Köhler (some comments by Andrea Reikl-Wolf)

Living Design: The Reactive Base, Part II Rave Genetics: Trytophan and the Desire for Change The IC Index: 24 Returning - RAX of the Four Ways A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Step 3 World by Design: Stage VIII - The Building of the SP (Autism)

Start Human Design America

Munich, Germany July 13, 2002 ± 11:30h am

Jürgen Saupe (May 3, 1940) passed away (http://www.humandesignsystem.de/Nachruf_Saupe.asp) (→ HDVC 79) He was a mysterious man, a man of deep secrets and a broad intelligence. He had been in the military as an espionage officer. He knew the stars by name. He studied seven years long in South India to master an obscure instrument. He was a respected translator of English to German. I met him in the Winter of 1990. He had been hired to translate what would become the “black book”. When the publishing deal collapsed he stepped in and together we began the journey of bringing the message 1943 of Human Design. I loved him very much. He more than any other helped bring a great good into the world. There where so many people graced by his unique charm and gift for telling stories. He taught me the architectural history of Western Europe as we rolled along in his old Mercedes from city to city. He was an intellectual eclectic. He was the first Human Design scholar and his knowledge was profound. I would like all of you who have benefited from Human Design to wish this friend of yours and mine a good journey. Ra Uru Hu (July 13, 2002)

July 31 August 1, 2002

Nikas Gianni Graziola was the first national director of Human Design Italy. He died in a tragical car accident in the night from July 31 to August 1. His mostly decomposed body was found 40 days later in a ravine along the Siena-Grosseto highway. Together with his partner Nisarg B. Nikiel he created the foundation for the development of Human Design in Italy, Ukraine and Russia. He translated the first available teaching material into the Italian language, including the Rave I ‘Ching, and taught the first LYD, RC and Analyst Training in Italy. Nikas also did the translation for many courses Ra gave in those times. In the few given years Nikas and Nisarg hosted Ra 3 times in Tuscany. After his death, on request of Ra, Nisarg continued solidifying the foundation they started for Italy, till the license was granted to others.

1943 - 2002

David Bayliss passed away (→ HDVC 81, HD America) David was a valued member of the Jovian Archive family and has been since the very beginning.. His support, both technical and otherwise, has contributed greatly in making our organization what it is today. As a colleague and a friend you will be missed. The family won’t be the same without you. Mary Ann Winiger

Augustus 2002


September 2002


September 30, 2002 October 2002


Rave Codon Mapping (text) Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 7) Living Design: Base 3, The Objective, Part I Juxtaposition Theory: Part 1 - The Equation The IC Index: 8 The Holding Together - RAX of Contagion 2 A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Step 6 World by Design: Saturn/Pluto and the Risks of Unilateralism

Front cover + interview with Ra in “Kindred Spirit” (Issue no. 60) An Introduction to the Human Design System (video, 1 DVD) - An Introduction to the Human Design System (audio) )UK -

Ibiza, October 4-6, 2002

Rave Genetics (audio) o Rave Genetics (JAR) (text)

The Mammalian Design System (Intro) (text) )EH


Autumn 2002

Living Design: Base 2, The Integrative, Part II Rave Genetics: Valin and the Essential Mirror The IC Index: 23 Splitting Apart - RAX of Explanation 2 A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Step 5 World by Design: The Mystery of the Vessel of Love, Part II (The Nature of Being, The Ark, the Stone and the Grail (1998))

Jovian Archive Report -

September 14, 2002?

Living Design: Base 2, Part I Rave Genetics: Tyrosin The IC Index: 2 The Receptive - RAX of Sphinx 2 A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Step 4 World by Design: The Mystery of the Vessel of Love, Part I (The Nature of Being, The Ark, the Stone and the Grail (1998))

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 6) -


Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 5)

An Introduction to the Human Design System (Booklet, HD America) (“Strategy is the Key”)

The Coming and going “movie” (HDVC 106) (not sure if this was performed)

Barcelona, Spain October 7-13, 2002

1. 2. 3. 4.

Spain October 26-30, 2002

November 2002

(→ HDVC 83) (Conducted by Ra and Peter Lawrence) - Module I: HCG Business Consultancy - Human Consultancy Group Training (text)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 8) Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 3, Part II Juxtaposition Theory: Part 2 - The Juxtapose The IC Index: 20 Contemplation - RAX of the Sleeping Phoenix 2 A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps - Step 7 World by Design: Pluto/Saturn Triggers

The Rave I Ching Line Companion (A Guide to the 384 Lines) -

November 2002

Partnership Analysis Made Easy (audios) - Relationship Made Easy (text, transcript) Family Practice for HD Analysts (audios) - Family Practice (text, transcript) The Secrets to HD Analysis: Profiling Success Related to Type (audios) (Strategies for Success) - Success in Relation to Type (text, transcript)

Professional Training in the Human Consulting System


November 2002?

Seminar Barcelona Spain 2002

The Rave I Ching Line Companion (384 L) (text, corrected in May 2004?) The Rave I Ching Line Companion (text, transcription) The Rave I Ching Line Companion (Book) (Previously 2 books) )US The Rave I Ching Line Companion (2 Books, HD Australia) The Rave I Ching Line Companion (Book) )UK The Rave I Ching Line Companion (Book,Español) )HD

Holy Grail (The Vessel) (text) )22e )48 (JAR) (Article in Humandesign.com)

Vienna, Austria November 1-2, 2002 November 3-4, 2002 November 6-7, 2002 November 8, 2002 November 9-10, 2002

HD Winterschule (→ HDVC 85) -

Crosses and Color Partnership Analysis made Easy Respond-Ability and the Sacral (audios) (English/Deutsch) (Übersetzung: Mag. Ilse Kratochvil) Introduction (Einfürungsabend) Family Practice for HD Analysts

Vienna, Austria November 2002 Newcastle, England November 18, 2002 November 19, 2002 November 20, 2002 November 21, 2002 November 22, 2002 November 23, 2002 November 24, 2002 December 2002

Dilemma of the Not Self )US Practical Design: A one Week Series (→ HDVC 86) -

Introduction Health Career Relationships Nature Parenting Awakening

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No. 9) -

Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 4, Part I Juxtaposition Theory: Part 3 - First the Four The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Hu Knows

December 2002?

The Saturn Return (text, Jovian Archive) (→ HDVC 87)

December 2002?

The Uranus Opposition (text, Jovian Archive)

December 2002?

The Kiron Return (text, Jovian Archive) (1999?, → HDVC 7)

Vienna, Austria December 13-15, 2002 December 16-18, 2002


Winter Solstice Mystical Event - Gray Course III: A Rat’s Tale of Things to come from SP -

(the last Gray Course) Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Prophets, etc. (video, HD-Films) (the Mechanics of Changing the World) - Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Prophets, M. (audios, 15 CDs) o Teachers and Gurus o Priests and Prophets o Messengers and Buddha’s

Start of the Human Consulting Group (HCG) (CEO: Peter Lawrence}


A Jazz Progression (audios, 3 CDs)


Rave New Year Forecast 2003 (texts)

January 2003

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No.10) -

February 2003

Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 4, Part II Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part I The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: 55 Abundance

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No.11) -

Madrid, Spain February 4-10, 2003 (Jan 27–Feb 2?)

Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 5, Part I Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part II The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: The Orderly Program

The Poetry of Geometry (Stringing Keynotes) (Keynoting Workshop) (HD Films) (→ HDVC 91) - The Poetry of Geometry (audios) - The Poetry of Geometry (text, transcript) - (The Poetry of Geometry) (text, transcript, Español)

Global Orchestration February 10, 2003 Edinburgh, Scotland Jury’s Inn, Jeffrey Street February 17-19, 2003 February 20-23, 2003 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 No Data


The Coming Incarnation (audio) (Day 1)

The Final UK Seminars (→ HDVC 93) -


Announcement (text) Rave Codon Mapping (audios, img) - Rave Codon Mapping (text, transcript) The Art of Prophecy - Life Mapping with the HD Ephemeris - The Solar Year - A Neutrino Diary - Reading Events – Transit Analysis - A Glimpse into the Design Crystal Ball

The Poetry of Keynoting (3 CDs, audios) )US

New York, NY February 26-27, 2003

Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003) -

March 2003

Introduction to Type and Strategy (audios, 4 CDs) The Practice of Living Your Design (audios, 4 CDs) )US - Practice of Living Your Design (Booklet) )US

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 3, No.12) -

Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 5, Part II Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part III The IC Index: 12 Standstill - RAX of Eden 2 A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Neutrino Biverse

Sedona AZ March 1-2, 2003 March 3, 2003 March 4-5, 2003 March 6, 2003

Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003)

San Diego CA March 7, 2003 March 8-9, 2003

Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003) (→ HDVC 103)

Sedona AZ March 11-12, 2003 March 13-14, 2003

March 2003


Living Design Teachers Training Life Cycle Analyst Training Family Practice Analyst Training Professional Rave Reading Workshop Introduction to Type and Strategy The Nine Centers Course (audios, 9 CDs) )US - The Nine Centers Course (text, Booklet)


Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003)(→ HDVC103) -

Living Design Course The Generator Course (audios, 6 CDs) - Generator Course (text) - Generator Book (text, Book) )US

)US →→→

Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003) -

The Nine Centres (videos, 3 DVDs) (audios, 20 CDs)


(recorded in San Diego CA, and Sedona AZ) New York, NY March 16, 2003 April 2003

Ra Uru Hu in America (February 26 - March 16, 2003) - The Manifesting Generator (audios, 3 CDs) )US Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No.1) -

From the Book of Letters: Glossery of Terms (text) Living Design: The 5 Bases: Base 5, Part III Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part IV The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale:

2003 Ibiza, April 1-18, 2003 April 1-2 April 3-4 April 5-6 April 7-8

Ra and his family returned from Germany finally back on Ibiza 1st Annual Ibiza Event 2003 (“Package Tour to Eden”) (→ HDVC 90) -

April 11


April 12-14


April 15-16 April 17-18


LD + RC Teachers Training (IHDS Professional Trainings) Life Cycle Analyst Training (IHDS Professional Trainings) Initiation with Ra for Beginners The Immortal View: The Five Bases (audios) (Global Incarnation Index Seminars) The Inaugural Master’s Program (for those who have completed their seven year deconditioning process) The 64 Material Ways (video, HD-Films) - The 64 Material Ways (audios, 9 CDs) (“The Money Course”) )UK - The 64 Material Ways (audios) (“The Money Course”) )JA The Under 15 Program Family Practice Certification (audios) A Culinary Experience (a HD Restaurant, called “Abundance”) (→ JAR, January 2003) One of Ra’s drawings, called “The Holy Party Company” and “Package Tour to Eden”

Ra and Ed Stanton at the Annual Event 2003

April 9, 2003

Ra announces his retirement on his 55th birthday (April 9, 2003), passing over the responsibility for HDS/IHDS to the HSDB. (text) Jovian Archive Corporation holds the exclusive internationally rights to the Human Design System, The Global Incarnation Index, and the teachings of Ra Uru Hu. (→ HDVC 103)

The Human Design Standard Board (HDSB), Ibiza 2003, Chairman: Peter Lawrence

May 2003

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No.2) -

June 2003

Living Design: Food, Heat and Mutation Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part IV-2+3 The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Package Tour to Eden Postcard

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No.3) -

Living Design: The Design of Forms: Mechanics in the Natural World Juxt. Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part IV-4+5 The IC Index: The Crosses of the Sun in 39 - Obstruction A Rat’s Tale: The 64 Evolutionary Steps Part 13 World by Design: Pluto and Terrorism

June 5, 2003

June 23, 2003? July 2003

Love and Direction: the G-Centre in Depth (text) Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 4) -

Living Design: Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part IV-4 The IC Index: A Rat’s Tale: World by Design: Political Streams

July 25, 2003

Ra writes a letter on misrepresentation of Zeno Dickson, Chaitanyo Taschler, and Eleanor Haspel-Portner (text)

August 2003

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 5) -

September 2003

Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part IV-5 Shamash Image Bank: An Introduction World by Design: World by Design

The Educational Program is restructured (The Certification for a HD-Analyst becomes a 3½ year credit program)

September 2003

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 6) -

Ibiza, October 4-15, 2003 October 4, 2003 October 5-6, 2003 October 7-11, 2003

October 12, 2003 October 13-15, 2003 October 2003

Juxtaposition Theory: The Juxtaposition Lecture 1995 Part VI Shamash Image Bank: Mystical Streams World by Design: A Rave List of Names and Keynotes

The Global Orchestration Directories (→ HDVC 102) (IC Teacher Training for IHDS Level IV) - The Mechanics of Incarnation/Decarnation - Global Orch. Directory Mechanics - The Incarnation Cycle - Incarnation Crosses (videos, HD-Films) - The Quarter of Initiation (audios, pps) - The Quarter of Initiation (text) )56b* - Introduction to Incarnation Cross Sequencing - Global Orchestration Directories (audios)


Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 7) -

Juxtaposition Theory: Colors Shamash Image Bank: Emotional Streams World by Design: The Self and Not-Self - Osama Bin Laden

November 2003

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 8) -

November 2003?

Juxtaposition Theory: ? Shamash Image Bank: ? World by Design: ?

“The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition” Article (http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A1165439, not found)

Ra’s Personal Audio Library (Humandesignonline.com) November 2, 2003 November 16, 2003

December 2003


Anything under the Sun Not-Self Mind: The Strategies of Open Centers (audios) The Love Series (→ HDVC 114)

Jovian Archive Report (Volume 4, No. 9) -

Juxtaposition Theory: Part IV and Part V World by Design: The Original Description of Juxtaposition from the Black Book

Ra’s Personal Audio Library (Humandesignonline.com) December 7, 2003 December 19, 2003 December 20-21, 2003 December 22-23, 2003

2004 Ibiza 2004? 2004


An Introduction for Newcomers (texts)

Workshop Rave Reading (2004) Part 1 (audios) Part 2 (non-energy types)

Start of “The Daily View” (using the JAM Player) Broadcast: Daily View

January 23, 2004


Basic Course (text, transcript) -

January 23, 2004

Mysticism (→ HDVC 115) The Pain of not being you: the Not-Self and Its Strategies (→ HDVC 116 UK) Poetry of Geometry: a Guide to Keynoting Analysis Mystical Course: The Mechanics of a Changing World Single Cell and Plants Benefits of Open Centers


Rave New Year Forecast 2004 (audio) Aura Special (audio) The Design of Forms

February 1, 2004 February 2, 2004 February 3, 2004 February 4, 2004 February 6, 2004 February 7, 2004 February 8, 2004 February 9, 2004 February 10, 2004 February 11, 2004 February 12, 2004 February 13, 2004 February 14, 2004 February 15, 2004 February 16, 2004 February 17, 2004 February 18, 2004 February 19, 2004 February 20, 2004 February 21, 2004 February 22, 2004 February 23, 2004 February 24, 2004 February 25, 2004 February 26, 2004 February 27, 2004 February 28, 2004 February 29, 2004

February 1 - 29, 2004 February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 February 29

Broadcast: Daily View (text and index) The Driver Gate 3 The Cross of the Sphinx/Gate 13 The Transiting Moon Transits (text) Basic Design Concepts: The Hexagram (text) BDC: The Six Lines of the Hexagram (text) The Cross of Explanation Gate 2, Line 2 Gate 49/Gate 19 Neptune’s Transit into Gate 13 (text) Gate 13: The Listener Basic Design Concepts: Circuitry (text) Basic Design Concepts: Circuits part 2 (text) Cross of Contagion Gate 30.4: Burnout 46/29: The Channel of Discovery Mutation of Gate 55 Venus Basic Design Concepts: Strategy (text) Basic Design Concepts: We are a Binary (text) Practical Fifth Line/Cross of Spirit Mars & North Node Conjunction in Gate 2 40/37: The Channel of Community Autism/ Mercury & Uranus in Gate 55 nd Third Line Day/Abstract Format/Venus in 42 BDC: The Emotional System (text) )22e BDC: Open Emotional Center (text) Type (online) -

Manifestor Pure Generator Manifesting Generator Projector Reflector

Broadcast: Daily View (text and index) March 1, 2004 March 2, 2004 March 3, 2004 March 4, 2004 March 5, 2004 March 6, 2004 March 7, 2004 March 8, 2004 March 9, 2004 March 10, 2004 March 11, 2004 March 12, 2004 March 13, 2004 March 14, 2004 March 15, 2004 March 16, 2004 March 17, 2004 March 18, 2004 March 19, 2004 March 20, 2004

March 21, 2004 March 22, 2004 March 23, 2004 March 24, 2004 March 25, 2004 March 26, 2004 March 27, 2004 March 28, 2004 March 29, 2004 March 30, 2004 March 31, 2004


A 3 Line Day Experience/End of a Nodal Transit The Nodal Shift th th Nodal Transit into the 24 and 44 Gates The Nodal Shift/Channel 44-26 Harmonic Gates to the Nodes BDC: The Mental, Logical Stream (text ½) )37 BDC: Abstract and Individual Streams (text ½) )37 Inc. Crosses/The Cross of Rulership Saturn th Neptune’s Transit in the 13 Gate The Movement of an IC within a Rave week Explosion in Madrid Special Edition: analysis of Madrid and NY Attacks Cross of Eden: Loss of Innocence Ides of March Venus and North Node in 24.5/Confession is in the Air St. Patrick’s Day/The “Movie”/The Discovery of Sedna Jupiter’s Transit into 64.1 The Cross of the Vessel of Love The Discovery of Sedna (audio) (Sedna: Nov 14 2003, 06:32 GMT) - The Discovery of Sedna (text, transcript) - Ephemeris of Sedna (text) Basic Design Concepts: Relationships (text) Cross of Healing Mass Extinction/51-25 Channel of Initiation The Cross of Service th Jupiter Transit in the 40 Gate Gate 17 - Hexagram Structure BDC: A Human Design Grammar Lesson (text) BDC: Gates in Open Centers (text) Saturn in Gate 52.4 The Cross of Tension The Different Aura’s of Each Type: The Mechanics of Conditioning

Ibiza, March 20-28, 2004

IHDS Human Design Professional Trainings Spring 2004 -

April 2004

Ibiza, Hotel Argos Playa de Talamanca April 3-4, 2004

April 2004

Partnership Analysis Certification Life Cycle Analysis Certification Family Practice Certification Living Design Teachers Training

The Twelve Profiles (audios, 9 CDs) (also in HumanDesign.com: Cartography) 2nd Annual Ibiza Event, April 2004 (“Package Tour to Eden”) -


Keynoting Rave ABC Teachers Program (audios) o The Red & the Black o Circuitry Integration o Knowing, Logic, Abstract o Ego Defense o Hexagram Structure Mother-Child Relationship (audio) o Mother-Children Course (text, transcript )

The Global Incarnation Index April 5-6, 2004

- The Six Tones (PHS) (audio, pps) (HDVC 120, → HDVC 132) (PHS First Time!)

- Encounters by Colour (Angels, etc.) (audios, ppt)

The Global Orchestration Directories (→ HDVC 123) April 6-7, 2004

(IHDS Certification Trainings for HD Professionals) (IC Teacher Training for IHDS Level IV) - Inc. Cross Sequencing Level I Basic (audios)

April 9, 2004


Introduction of the MMI Software (→ HDVC 124 UK) And also a convention of the HDSB (Standard Board) convened by Randy Richmond (→ HDVC 122)

April 10-11, 2004 April 14-18, 2004? or May 24-28, 2004?


Analyst Certification for Child Development Analysis (IHDS) Incarnation Crosses (videos, HD-Films) - The Quarter of Civilization (audios, pps) - The Quarter of Civilization (text) )56b* )JA )HD

Broadcast: Daily View (text and index) April 1, 2004 April 2, 2004 April 3, 2004 April 4, 2004 April 5, 2004 April 6, 2004 April 7, 2004 April 8, 2004 April 9, 2004 April 10, 2004 April 11, 2004 April 12, 2004 April 13, 2004 April 14, 2004 April 15, 2004 April 16, 2004 April 17, 2004 April 18, 2004 April 19, 2004 April 20, 2004 April 21, 2004 April 22, 2004 April 23, 2004 April 24, 2004 April 25, 2004 April 26, 2004 April 27, 2004 April 28, 2004 April 29, 2004 April 30, 2004

April Fool’s Day Conversation with Alokanand Diaz (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) Conversation with Randy Richmond (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) A Taste of the Classroom: ABC’s of D. Conversation with Gennaro Brooks-Church (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) A Taste of the Classroom: PHS Conversation with Martin Grassinger (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) Conversation with Ilse Sendler (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) Conversation with Andrea Wolf (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) nd Sun’s Transit in the 42 Gate Conversation with Genoa Bliven (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) Conversation with Peter Laurence (text, HDVC June 4, 2004) Third Line Beings Left Angle Cross of Limitation Avian Flu (text) Cross of the Laws/Color BDC: Format Energies (text) BDC: We’re all Equal in the Potential of Being Awake (text) Transit Update (text) Special Edition: Sex, Love, Work and the Bargain The Moon The Cross of the Unexpected The Call of a Second Line Day BDC: What does HD Do for You (text) BDC: The Mechanics of Death (text) The Emerging Tribal Generation/LAX of Alignment Special Edition: The Forces Beneath the Surface New Rave Week: Sun in 24.1 Genetic Continuity/Third Line Themes Mars in 12.4

Human Design.com (owner: Gennaro Brooks-Church) (http://www.humandesign.com/learn)

May 30, 2004


Hexagram (audios) Readings (audios) )22f Solar Plexus Center (text) )22c The Cell (audio, img) )22d Design is your Genetic Code (text) )22e )48 (From an LYD-Class, article in Humandesign.com)


LYD Course -

Introduction Level

- Famous Raves (audios, img) )22a - Myth of Free Will (audio, text, img) )22a - Seminars on Type (audios, img) )22a

June 20, 2004 -

Intermediate Level - Color (audio, text, img) )22a (incl. Randy Richmond) - Encounter and Color (audio, text, img) )22a


Emotional Wave (audio, text, img) )22a Sex, Food, God and Territory (audio, text, img) The Mandala or Wheel (audio, img) )22a LD Archived Classes (Class 1-12) (audios: 44! Lynda Stone), img) )22a

Advanced Level


- Magic & Mysticism (audio, img) (→ HDVC 115)

(December 7, 2003?) -

ABC Course (theory) -


→ )22a

About this course (text and index) )22b A Personality and Design (audios, text) )22b B Circuits and their Channels (audios, text) )22b C Hexagram Structure (audios, text) )22b


Human Design.com (owner: Gennaro Brooks-Church) (http://www.humandesign.com/learn)

April 2004

- Cartography - 0: Orientation (audio, text) )22c - 1: Profiles (audios, texts) )22c - 2: Centers (audios, texts) )22c o Solar Plexus Center (text) )22c 3: Definitions (text) )22c - Definition (text) )22c - 1. Definition Overview (audio) )22c - 2. Definition (audio) )22c - 3. Five main Definitions (Intro) (audio) )* )** )22c - 4. Single Definition (audio) )* )** )22c - 5. Split Definition 1 (audio) )22c - 6. Split Definition 2 (audio) )22c - 7. Triple Definition (audio) )* )** )22c - 8. Quadruple Split Definition (audio) )* )** )22c - 9. No Definition 1 (audios) )22c - 10. No Definition 2 (audios) )22c - 4: Authority (texts) )22c )* also enclosed with “Kindred Spirit Magazine” nr. 73 )** also known as “Daily View: The Definition Series” )15 -

Broadcast: Daily View May 1, 2004 May 2, 2004 May 3, 2004 May 4, 2004 May 5, 2004 May 6, 2004 May 7, 2004 May 8, 2004 May 9, 2004 May 10, 2004

LAX of Incarnation, Chemistry of Melancholy Special on the Changing of the Global Cycle (audio) RAX of the Sphinx, Quarter of Civilisation Emotional Streams rd th 3 Line Process and Mars in the 15 Gate Neutrino Mail LAX of Defiance th The provocation of Saturn into the 39 Gate 23/43 Channel of Structuring Tribal conflict Baraka

May 11, 2004 May 12, 2004 May 13, 2004 May 14, 2004 May 15, 2004 May 16, 2004 May 17, 2004 May 18, 2004 May 19, 2004 May 20, 2004 May 21, 2004 May 22, 2004 May 23, 2004 May 24, 2004 May 25, 2004 May 26, 2004 May 27, 2004 May 28, 2004 May 29, 2004 May 30, 2004 May 31, 2004 Austria, May 2, 2004

Sun in 23.3, Hanging Gates in Defined Centers Sun in 23.4 Venus in 12.4, and Channel 12-22 th 26 gate. Colour of Harmonic Profiles (audio) Sun in 8.1, RAX of Contagion (audio) Basic Info for Newcomers to Human Design rd Sun in 8.3. 3 Line Day of Trial and Error (audio) th Sun in 8.4. 4 Line Day of Opportunity (audio) - Decision making for Reflectors and Mental Projectors Special Edition, the Sun in the 8.5 Line of Dharma The New MMI Platform Available For Free (audio) 20-34 Charisma. RAX of the Sleeping Phoenix Sun in 20.2, Royal Wedding in Spain (audio) rd Sun in 20.3, 3 Line Process, Self-Awareness st Opportunism. The Sun in the 20.4 Line (audio, 150 Webcast of Ra) th Sun in 20.5, 5 Line Projection (audio) Sun in 20.6, Responsibility Sun in 16.1, Ra about Types rd Cross of Planning, Designs without 3 Lines Inner and Outer Authority th Sun in 16.4, 3 Cross Variations of 16 Gate Sun in 16.5, Projection, Skills

Global Cycles -

May 13, 2004

Global Cycles (The Fall of Civilization): Intro (audio) (Global Cycles: Zivilisation) (audio, 3 CDs)

Mystical Class (audios) The Global Orchestration Directories (→ HDVC 123)

May 24-28, 2004? or April 14-18, 2004?

May 16, 2004 May 30, 2004

(IC Teacher Training for IHDS Level IV) - Incarnation Crosses (videos, HD-Films) - The Quarter of Civilization (audios, pps) - The Quarter of Civilization (text) )56b*

→↑ )JA

HumanDesign.com (HDOnline.com) - Ra did a class on Colour (audio, img) )22d -

Ra on the Single Cell (audio, img) (→ HDVC 131)

→→ )22d

Broadcast: Daily View June 1, 2004 June 2, 2004 June 3, 2004 June 4, 2004 June 5, 2004 June 6, 2004 June 7, 2004 June 8, 2004 June 9, 2004 June 10, 2004 June 11, 2004 June 12-13, 2004

June 14, 2004 June 15, 2004 June 16, 2004 June 17, 2004 June 18, 2004 June 19-20, 2004 June 21, 2004 June 22, 2004 June 23, 2004 June 24, 2004 June 25, 2004 June 26-27, 2004 June 28, 2004 June 29, 2004 June 30, 2004

What’s coming up Transit Wise in June th 35 gate, 35-36 Channel of Transitoriness (audio) Secrets and Magic th 5 Gate (audio) th 5 Gate (audio) Profiling and Role Gates (audio) Direct and Retrograde, Powerful Ego Conditioning (audio) The Eclipse, Sun + Venus in 45.1 (audio) nd rd Mars in 62 Gate, 3 Line Day (audio) th 4 Line Day, Juxtaposition Cross of Possession (audio) Sun in 45.5. LAX of Confrontation, 45.5, 45.6 (audio) Weekend Special on the Three Geometries of Incarnation Crosses: Right Angle, Juxtaposition and Left Angles → o Right Angle Crosses (audio) o Juxtaposition and Left Angle Crosses (audio) Cross of Eden, 12/11 Polarity (audio) rd 12.3 line of confession. 3 Line Analysis (audio) Breaking of the Contract (end of long term 40-37) (audio) Terminators: Stop Codons (audio) Interesting transits, 39.6 Trouble-shooter (audio) Weekend Special on Death and Bardo - Death, Dying and Bardo Stages I (audio) - Death, Dying and Bardo Stages II (audio) Sun in 15.3, Earth in 10.3, `I told you so Martyr’ (audio) Sun in 15.4, Earth in 10.4. Opportunism (audio) Heresy, Sun in 15.5 and Earth in 10.5 (audio) th 15.6 Self Defence, 6 line tripartite life (audio) Logical Process, 52.1 and 58.1 (audio) Special Weekend Webcast on MMI Software (audios) The Format Gate of the 53, hanging 42 or 53 (audio) th 5 Line day. Changing of the Date of the Iraq Turnover (audio) Special webcast on Iraq turnover (audio)

HumanDesign.com (HDOnline.com) June 20, 2004


Ra on the ego system, lies and free will (audio)

Broadcast: Daily View July 1, 2004 July 2, 2004 July 3, 2004 July 4, 2004 July 5, 2004 July 6, 2004 July 7, 2004 July 8, 2004 July 9, 2004 July 12, 2004 Newcastle Upon Tyne England, July 7, 2004


1 Line Day. The Glory of Mind (audio) st Cross of Tension. 31 Gate in Terms of Politics (audio) th th 60 and 56 gates th Incarnation Crosses with Sun in 39. 64 Gate (audio) 39.5, Leadership of the 31.6 (audio) Mars in 33 and Neptune in 13 (audio) rd th 53 and 54 gates (audio) th 6 lines (audio) New technologies/programmes from Jovian Archive (audio) Ra giving a Preview of the New Subscription JAR

The Human Design Library Ltd was founded (Lance Walter Aittchisen was appointed as Director) (Disolved on June 5, 2007)

HumanDesign.com (HDOnline.com) July 11, 2004 July 26-28, 2004 July 26, 2004

- The Emotional System and its Waves (audio, text, img)

The Design of the Single Cell - The Design of Forms: Magic and the Inanimate (audio) (JAR) (→ HDVC 119, 131)

August 2004?

Sexuality Course (by circuitry) -

August 8, 2004 Ibiza, August 12-15 2004

CD 1. Defense Circuit (audios) CD 2. Tribal Sexuality 1 (audios) CD 3. Tribal Sexuality 2 (audios) CD 4. Individual Sexuality (audios) CD 5. Collective Sexuality (audios) CD 6. The Voices of the Streams (audios) Part 7. Caring, Preservation & Indiv Caring (audios) Part 8. Individual and Collective Caring (audios) Part 9. The Collective Stream of Caring (audios) Part 10. Tribal Caring (audios)

Color Transference (audio) The Ibiza Barakka Experience (IBX)


August 13, 2004? September 1, 2004

September 1, 2004 September 2, 2004 September 3, 2004 September 2, 2004 September 6, 2004 September 7, 2004 September 8, 2004 September 9, 2004 September 10, 2004 September 13, 2004 September 14, 2004 September 15, 2004 September 16, 2004 September 17, 2004 September 20, 2004 September 21, 2004 September 22, 2004 September 23, 2004 September 24, 2004 September 27, 2004 September 28, 2004 September 29, 2004 September 30, 2004

September 20, 2004? No Data

Primary Health System (audios) Start Jovian Archive Radio (JAR, JATV, JAM-player) - Promoting the JAM Player (video) )38

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (with every day “Incarnating Today”) News and Views, News and Views, News and Views, Neutrino Forecast News and Views, News and Views, News and Views, Authority News and Views, News and Views, News and Views, Neutrino Forecast Profile the Movie 1, (Profiling) Profile the Movie 2, (Profiling) Profile the Movie 3, (Profiling) Profile the Movie 4, Cross of Eden (Audio) (Profiling) Profile the Movie 5, Neutrino Forecast (Profiling) 1/3 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 1/4 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 2/4 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 - Profile 2/4 (video) 2/5 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 3/5 Profile: Black Sheep, Neutrino Forecast (Profiling)* )10 The Wings of the Reaper, design of Birds, Bird Flu, (Profiling)* )10 3/6 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 4/6 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 4/1 Profile, (Profiling)* )10 )* Also enclosed to “Kindred Spirit Magazine” nr. 73 (Richard Beaumont) ABC Course (audios) Profiling )10 -

Backseat Rider

September 2004

The Vehicle 1. The Vehicle (audio) )19a 2. The Design Crystal (audio) )19a 3. The Personality Crystal (audio) )19a 4. Magnetic Monopole (audio) )19a 5. Looking out the Windows (audio) )19a

No Data

Five Signposts )10 -

No Data

1.1 Catalyst (audio) 1.2 PHS (audio) 1.3 Cross (audio) 1.4 Magnetic Monopole (audio) 1.5 Awareness (audio)

The Neutrino )16 -

1. Biverse (audio)* 2. This and That (audio)* 3. Cosmic Neutrino Imprint (audio)* 4. Neutrino Ocean (audio)* )* also enclosed in “Kindred Spirit Magazine” no. 73 (Richard Beaumont)

No Data

Type and Childhood )35 - 1+2. Type and Childhood (audio) -

Energy Children

- Non-energy Children - Type and Childhood (text, transcript) -



The Emotional System Defined Solar Plexus Child (audio) )22e* Undefined Solar Plexus Child (audio) )22e* BDO: The Emotional System (text) )22e

October 1, 2004 October 4, 2004 October 5, 2004 October 6, 2004 October 7, 2004 October 8, 2004 October 11, 2004 October 12, 2004 October 13, 2004 October 14, 2004 October 15, 2004 October 18, 2004 October 19, 2004 October 20, 2004 October 21, 2004 October 22, 2004 October 25, 2004 October 26, 2004 October 27, 2004 October 28, 2004 October 29, 2004

October 2-20, 2004 October 2-4, 2004

October 5-7. 2004

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (with every day “Incarnating Today”) 5/1 Profile, Neutrino Forecast (audio) (Profiling)* )10 5/2 Profile, (audio) (Profiling)* )10 6/2 Profile, (audio) (Profiling)* )10 6/3 Profile, (audio) (Profiling)* )10 Profile as a Signpost, (audio) (Profiling) )10 Purpose, Neutrino Forecast (audio)* Strategy - Vehicle Manuals, (audios) )11 Manifestor: Child/Strategy/Anger (audios) (Type for Newcomers)* )11 Generator: Child/Strategy/Frustration (audios) (Type for Newcomers)* )11 Projector: Child/Strategy/Bitterness (audios) (Type for Newcomers)* )11 Reflector: Child/Strategy/Disappointment (Type for Newcomers)* )11 )* Also enclosed in “Kindred Spirit Magazine” no. 73 (Richard Beaumont) Themes associated with Types, Appearance of Charts (audio) Manifestor Theme: Anger, JAR Special: Design Chrystal (audio) Generator Theme: Frustration, JAR Special: Personality Chrystal (audio) Projector Theme: Bitterness, JAR Special: Magnetic Monopole Reflector Theme: Disappointment, JAR Special: The Passenger Education in Human Design, Incarnating Today nd rd Underlying Motivation of P-Sun: 2 Color of Hope, 3 Color of Desire (audio) JAR generally and what’s coming up th Defence Circuit and the 27 Gate nd Special on the US Elections on November 2 : Impact of the Program

IHDS Rave Cartography Teachers Certification Program -


Level I - Rave ABC’s Teachers Certificate (audio) - The Black and the Red of P and D - Circuits and Circuitry - Hexagram Structure Level II - RC I Teachers Certificate: The Individual Rave - 1. The Nine Centers - 2. The ‘Not-Self’ and its Nine Strategies - 3. Definition - 4. Authority - 5. Angle and the Twelve profiles

October 8-10, 2004

October 12-15, 2004


Level III - RC II Teachers Certificate: Basic Analysis - 1. The 64 Gates - 2. The 384 Lines - 3. Keynoting

- Level IV - Rave Cartography III Teachers Certificate: -

October 16-20, 2004

The Other and the Program (Advanced) The Human Design Ephemeris and the Planets Transit analysis Composites: Partnership Channel Mechanics Composites: Partnership Analysis

- Level V: (3rd Semester) Global Incarnation Index Teacher Certificate Program (Global Orchestration Directories, Level IV) - Incarnation Crosses (videos, HD-Films) o The Quarter of Duality (audios, pps) o The Quarter of Duality (text) )56b* )JA )HD o Cross of Vitality Sun Gate 48 (audio) )UK (all Crosses, parts of the event) o Inc. Cross Sequencing Level II Adv. (= The Global Orchestration Directories, IC Teacher Training for IHDS Level IV) - Teacher Training Synopsis (text)

November 2004

November 1, 2004 November 2, 2004 November 3, 2004 November 4, 2004 November 5, 2004

Mother-Child Broadcast: Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) 1. Definition Intro (audio) (The Definition Series)* )15 2. Single Definition (audio) (The Definition Series)* )** )15 3. Split Definition (The Definition Series)* )15 4. Triple definition (The Definition Series)* )** )15 5. Quadruple Split Definition, Jovian Arch.News (The Definition Series)* )** )* also enclosed with “Kindred Spirit Magazine” nr. 73 (Richard Beaumont) )** also to be listened on Humandesign.com: Cartography (Definitions) )22c

November 8, 2004 November 9, 2004 November 10, 2004 November 11, 2004 November 12, 2004 November 15, 2004

1. Quarters (audio) 2. Quarter of Initiation 3. Quarter of Civilization 4. Quarter of Duality 5. Quarter of Mutation Discovery of Neutrinos with Mass


November 16, 2004 November 17, 2004 November 18, 2004 November 19, 2004 November 22, 2004 November 23, 2004 November 24, 2004 November 25, 2004 November 26, 2004 November 29, 2004 November 30, 2004

Geometry Life’s Highway: The Nodes South Node Way (audio) )09 North Node Way (audio) )09 Duality: Juxtaposition Duality: Quantum Duality: Introduction to Line Fixing (audio) (Lines and Fixing) )13 Duality: Exalted and Detriment (audio) (Lines and Fixing) )13 Duality Detriment : Ra‘s Detriment 60.1 Mercury 1. Meeting the Gods (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 2. Mercury (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 )* also enclosed with “Kindred Spirit Magazine” nr. 73 (Richard Beaumont)

December 1, 2004 December 2, 2004 December 3, 2004 December 6, 2004 December 7, 2004 December 8, 2004 December 9, 2004 December 10, 2004

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) 3. Mars (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 4. Jupiter (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 5. Venus (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 6. The Moon (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 7. Saturn (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 8. Uranus (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 9. Neptune (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 10. Pluto (audio) (Planet Transits)* )17 )* also enclosed with “Kindred Spirit Magazine” nr. 73 (Richard Beaumont)

December 13, 2004 December 14, 2004 December 15, 2004 December 16, 2004 December 17, 2004 December 20, 2004 December 21, 2004 December 22, 2004 December 23, 2004 December 24, 2004 December 27, 2004 December 28, 2004 December 29, 2004 December 30, 2004 December 31, 2004

Nine Centers: Conditioning in Open Centers (audio) (The Nine Centers) 1. The Head Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 2. The Ajna Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 3. The Throat Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 4. The G-Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 5. The Heart Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 6. The Sacral Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 7. The Splenic Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 8. The SolarPlex Center (audio) (The Nine Centers) 9. The Root Center, Jovian Arch. News (audio) (The Nine Centers) Channels Introduction (audio) (Channels) Channel 64-47 (Channels) Channel 11-56 (Channels) Channel 63-4 (Channels) Channel 62-17, JAR Special on Pluto (26→11) (Channels)

No Data

2004 - 2005

Uranian Life and the Nodes - Uranus and 1781 (audio) )09 Webvision - 12 Programs (videos, HD-films Ltd / Richard Beaumont) (12 videos with what HD is all about. Many parts done by Ra)


LD Certification Course (audios, 4 lectures)


Cycles (audios)

January 3, 2005 January 4, 2005 January 5, 2005 January 6, 2005 January 7, 2005 January 10, 2005 January 11, 2005 January 12, 2005 January 14, 2005 January 17, 2005 January 18, 2005 January 19, 2005 January 20, 2005 January 21, 2005 January 24, 2005 January 25, 2005 January 26, 2005 January 27, 2005 January 28, 2005 January 31, 2005

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) Special anniversary for Ra: 18 years after Encounter (audio) Channel 61-24, Ra talks about the Tsunami (Dec 26 2004 06.59 Aceh Indonesia) Channel 43-23: Channel of Structuring (Channels) Channel 48-16: Channel of the Wavelength (Channels) Channel 36-35: Channel of Transitoriness, Jovian Archive News (Channels) Integration (Channels) Channel 10-20: Channel of Awakening, 18 years later talking (Channels) Channel 20-34: Channel of Charisma (audio) (Channels) Channel 57-10: Channel of Perfected Form (Channels) Channel 51-25: Channel of Initiation (Channels) Channel 34-10: Channel of Exploration (Channels) Channel 57-20: Channel of the Brainwave (Channels) Channel 38-28: Channel of Struggle (Channels) Jovian Special: Analysis of the Rave New Year 2005 (audio) Channel 22-12: Channel of Openness (Channels) Channel 39-55: Channel of Emoting (Channels) Channel 1-8: Channel of Inspiration (Channels) Channel 14-2: Channel of the Beat (Channels) Channel 3-60: Channel of Mutation (Channels) Channel 18-58: Channel of Judgment (Channels)

January 24, 2005?

Sex and the Generator (audio, img) )JA

(also the first broadcast of “Channel 88”) a. Intro to the Sacral Center b. The Limitation of Being Fixed c. The Mechanics of Availability d. The Nature of Sexual Conditioning e. Not-Self Sexuality f. Mutual Response, Mutual Satisfaction

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) February 1, 2005 February 2, 2005 February 3, 2005 February 4, 2005 February 7, 2005 February 8, 2005 February 9, 2005 February 10, 2005 February 11, 2005 February 14, 2005 February 15, 2005 February 16, 2005 February 17, 2005 February 18, 2005 February 21, 2005 February 22, 2005 February 23, 2005 February 24, 2005 February 25, 2005 February 28, 2005

Channel 52-9: Channel of Concentration (Channels) Channel 15-5: Channel of Rhythm (Channels) Channel 31-7: Channel of the Alpha (Channels) Jovian Archive News: Ibiza Event (audio) Channel 41-30: Channel of Recognition (Channels) Channel 53-42: Channel of Maturation (Channels) Channel 29-46: Channel of Discovery (Channels) Channel 13-33: Channel of the Prodigal (Channels) Jovian Archive News Defense Circuit (audio) (Channels) Channel 27-50: Channel of Preservation (Channels) Channel 59-6: Channel of Mating (Channels) Channel 21-45: Channel of Money (Channels) th JAR Special: Pluto’s 75 Birthday (Channels) Channel 54-32: Channel of Transformation (Channels) Channel 26-44: Channel of Surrender (Channels) Channel 19-49: Channel of Synthesis (Channels) Channel 37-40: Channel of Community (Channels) JAR Special: Announcement of talking about the 64 Gates (audios) Looking at the 64 Gates (audio) (Gates)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) March 1, 2005 March 2, 2005 March 3, 2005 March 4, 2005 March 7, 2005 March 8, 2005 March 9, 2005 March 10, 2005 March 11, 2005

Gate 1: Self Expression (audio) (Gates) Gate 2: Higher Knowing (audio) (Gates) Gate 3: Ordering (audio) (Gates) Gate 4: Formulization, info on 54.4, Jovian Archive News (audio) (Gates) Gate 5: Fixed Rhythms (audio) (Gates) Gate 6: Friction (audio) (Gates) Gate 7: Role of the Self (audio) (Gates) Gate 8: Contribution (audio) (Gates) Gate 9: Focus, Jovian Archive News (audio) (Gates)

March 14, 2005 March 15, 2005 March 16, 2005 March 17, 2005 March 18, 2005 March 21, 2005 March 22, 2005 March 23, 2005 March 24, 2005 March 25, 2005 March 28, 2005 March 29, 2005 March 30, 2005 March 31, 2005 March/April 2005

Gate 10: Behavior of the Self (audio) (Gates) Gate 11: Ideas (audio) (Gates) Gate 12: Caution (audio) (Gates) Gate 13: The Listener (audio) (Gates) Gate 14: Power skills, Jovian Archive News (audio) (Gates) Gate 15: Extremes (Gates) Gate 16: Skills (Gates) Gate 17: Opinions (Gates) Gate 18: Corrections (Gates) Gate 19: Wanting, Jovian Archive News (audio) (Gates) Gate 20: The Now (audio) (Gates) Gate 21: The Hunter/The Huntress (audio) (Gates) Gate 22: Openness (audio) (Gates) Gate 23: Assimilation (audio) (Gates)

Kindred Spirit Issue 73 )47 (A CD supplied in a magazine (Richard Beaumont) - Web-vision (Intro HD) (video, HD-Films) (text, transcript)

Ibiza, Los Molinas March 26, 2005 March 27, 2005 March 28, 2005 March 29, 2005 March 30, 2005 Ibiza April 1-2, 2005 April 3-5, 2005

April 6-8, 2005

3rd Annual Ibiza Event, April 2005 (“Package Tour to Eden”) -

Day 1: Energy Types Workshop (audios) Day 2: Non-Energy Types Workshop (audios) Day 3: Not-Self Workshop (audios) Day 4: Cycles Workshop (audios) Day 5: Q&A with Ra (audios)

The Global Orchestration Directories (IC Teacher Training for IHDS Level IV) - Sexuality Drive & Availability (audios, pps) - Formatos y Trancendentia (audio, Español) )ES - Formats & Transcendence (also on “Channel 88”) - Formats & Transcendence (pps) - The Logic System (audios) )JA - The Abstract System (audios) )JA - The Mutative System (audios) )JA - Substructure of the Lines (audios, pps) (Also known as “Chains under the Line”) - Substructure of the Lines (audios, Russian) - Cycles (videos, HD-Films) (Probably never published?)

April 10-11, 2005 April 12-13, 2005 April 14-18, 2005


- Global Cycles : The End of the Round PHS: Design Color and Transference (audios, pps) Inc. Cross Sequencing Level III Professional - The Quarter of Mutation (audios, pps) -

The Quarter of Mutation (text) )56b* )HD )JA (“Incarnation Crosses by Profile”) Enciclopedia de Las Cruces de Encarnación (text, Español)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) April 1, 2005 April 2, 2005 April 19, 2005 April 20, 2005 April 21, 2005 April 22, 2005 April 25, 2005 April 26, 2005 April 27, 2005 April 28, 2005 April 29, 2005

Recording of the Q&A Session Ra did on the Ibiza Event (audio) Ra talking about not doing his radio segments during the Ibiza Event Gate 24: Rationalizing (Gates) Gate 25: Spirit of the Self (Gates) Gate 26: The Egoist (Gates) Gate 27: Caring (Gates) Gate 28: The Game Player (Gates) Gate 29: Saying Yes (Gates) Gate 30: Recognition of Feelings (Gates) Gate 31: Leading (Gates) Gate 32: Continuity (Gates)

April 29, 2005

The Sunday Lecture Series - The Closing of the Door (audio, img) )JA (also in “The 2027 Series”)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View May 2, 2005 May 3, 2005 May 4, 2005 May 5, 2005 May 6, 2005 May 9, 2005 May 10, 2005 May 11, 2005 May 12, 2005 May 13, 2005 May 16, 2005 May 17, 2005 May 18, 2005

(on every day “Incarnating Today”) Gate 33: Privacy (Gates) Gate 34: Power (Gates) Gate 35: Change (Gates) Gate 36: Crisis (Gates) Gate 37: Friendship (Gates) Gate 38: The Fighter (Gates) Gate 39: The Provocateur (Gates) Gate 40: Aloneness (Gates) Gate 41: Contraction (Gates) Gate 42: Growth (Gates) Gate 43: Insight (Gates) Gate 44: Alertness (Gates) Gate 45: The Gatherer (Gates)

→ )ES

May 19, 2005 May 20, 2005 May 23, 2005 May 24, 2005 May 25, 2005 May 26, 2005 May 27, 2005 May 30, 2005 May 31, 2005

Gate 46: The Determination of the Self (Gates) Gate 47: Realizing (Gates) Gate 48: Depth (Gates) Gate 49: Principles (Gates) Gate 50: Values (Gates) Gate 51: Shock (Gates) Gate 52: Inaction (Gates) Gate 53: Beginnings (Gates) Gate 54: Ambition (Gates)

May 24, 2005?

The 64 Evolutionary Steps (audio)

May 31, 2005?

Global Cycles (audios) Broadcast: JAR - Daily View

June 1, 2005 June 2, 2005 June 3, 2005 June 6, 2005 June 7, 2005 June 8, 2005 June 9, 2005 June 10, 2005 June 13, 2005 June 14, 2005 June 15, 2005 June 16, 2005 June 17, 2005 June 20, 2005 June 21, 2005 June 22, 2005 June 23, 2005 June 24, 2005 June 27, 2005 June 28, 2005 June 29, 2005 June 30, 2005

(on every day “Incarnating Today”) Gate 55: Spirit, Bird Flu (audio) (Gates) Gate 56: Stimulation (Gates) Gate 57: Intuitive Insight (Gates) Gate 58: Judgment (Gates) th Gate 59: Sexuality, 200 Broadcast of JARadio (Gates) Gate 60: Acceptance (Gates) Gate 61: Mystery (Gates) Gate 62: Detail (Gates) Gate 63: Doubt (Gates) Gate 64: Confusion (Gates) Intro to Nodal Environments 1: The Cross of Life (audio, text) )14 Intro to Nodal Environments 2: Setting the Stage (audio, text) )14 Intro to Nodal Environments 3: A New Cycle Begins (audio) )14 The 32 Nodal Environments: 13-7 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 49-4 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 30-29 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 37-40 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 55-59 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 63-64 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 22-47 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 36-6 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 25-46 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS)

June 1-4, 2005

Ra’s Life Cycles Analysis (audios) -

June 8-11, 2005

June 19, 2005

Life Cycles Analysis (text, transcript) Life Cycles Analysis (Book, transcript)


Ra’s Partnership Analysis (audios) - Ra’s Partnership Analysis (text) )JA )HD - Partnership Analysis (Book, transcript) )US

A HD Guide to Parenting (audios, img) )JA (“Ra on Parenting”, also in Channel88) - Οδηγός Για τους Γονείς (audio, Greek) )HE - Ra on Parenting through Angle and Profile (text) - Ra on Parenting the Generator Child (text) (“From the Archive”) - Ra on Parenting the Manifestor Child (text) (“From the Archive”) - Ra on Parenting the Projector Child (text) (“From the Archive”) - Ra on Parenting the Reflector Child (text) (“From the Archive”)

)35 )35 )35 )35

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) July 1, 2005 July 4, 2005 July 5, 2005 July 6, 2005 July 7, 2005 July 8, 2005 July 11, 2005 July 12, 2005 July 13, 2005 July 14, 2005 July 15, 2005 July 18, 2005 July 19, 2005 July 20, 2005 July 21, 2005 July 22, 2005 July 25, 2005 July 26, 2005 July 27, 2005 July 28, 2005 July 29, 2005

The 32 Nodal Environments: 17-18 (audio, text) (Published on Facebook by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 21-48 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 51-57 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 42-32 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 3-50 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 27-28, Bird Flu (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 24-44 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 2-1 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 23-43 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 8-14 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 20-34 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 16-9 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 35-5 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 45-26 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 12-11 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 15-10 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 52-58 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 39-38 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 53-54 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 62-61 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS) The 32 Nodal Environments: 56-60 (audio, text) (Published on FB by IHDS)

July 7, 2005

Success (audios) Rave Biversity 2005

July 10, 2005 July 12-14, 2005 July 17, 2005

- DreamRave Seminar (audio)

The 4 Quarters The Kiron Return and Coming of the Roof Stage (audio, img) (also on Channel 88) - The Kiron Return: Coming of the Roof (text, transcript)


July 31, 2005

Le Retour de Kiron (text, Français) )37 (Translation of a Newsletter, February 2011)

The Mystery of the 19th Gate (audio, img) )JA (different from “The Sunday Lecture Series”) - The Mystery of the 19th Gate (audio, Russian)

August 2005

Rave Biversity 2005 -


MM Aura-Type Lecture (audios) Parenting Course (audio)

The Sunday Lecture Series August 2, 2005

- The DreamRave (audio, img)


(Guide to the Mechanics of the Horizontal Life)

August 2, 2005?

Active Gates in Defined Centers (audio) Broadcast: JAR - Daily View

August 1, 2005 August 2, 2005 August 3, 2005 August 8, 2005 August 15, 2005 August 19, 2005 August 22, 2005 August 19, 2005

(on every day “Incarnating Today”) The 32 Nodal Environments: 31-41 The 32 Nodal Environments: 33-19 Ra talking about the Daily View (he stops in august) Jovian Archive News Jovian Archive News Inc. Today: Gates of the Fates, Jovian Archive News Jovian Archive News Inc. Today: The Role Gates

June-August 2005 Start September 2005

The 32 Nodal Environments (text, Daily View transcript)

PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”) -

September 1, 2005


PHS Table 1 of Content (text) PHS Year 1, Semester 1 (audios) o PHS Year 1, Semester 1 (text) )JA )HD o PHS Year 1, Semester 1 (texts, Italiano)

Release of the Jam B Player The Sunday Lecture Series

September 4, 2005 September 10-11, 2005 Start September 14, 2005

Start September 15, 2005


The Magnetic Monopole (audio, img, ppt)

ABC Teacher Training Session (audios) Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification → - Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 1 (audios, ppt) (2005-2008) o Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 1 (text) )JA )HD Rave Cosmology I – VII -

RC1 Bhan Tugh (audios, ppt) )JA o Rave Cosmology 1.1 (text, transcript) o RC 1 Bhan Tugh, Student Manual (text)

BG5 I - Semester 1 (2005-2006) September 16, 2005 September 23, 2005 September 29, 2005



Lesson 1: The Trans-Personal Aura (audios, ppt) Lesson 2: The Nature of the Penta (audio, ppt) Lesson 3: The PentaGraph (audios, ppt) BG5 Year 1 Semester 1 (text, transcript)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View September 22, 2005 September 23, 2005

IC Today: Autumnal Equinox th IC Today: 26 Gate and the Bird Flu

The Sunday Lecture Series October 2, 2005

Transformational Lectures on Type (October 2 - November 26) - 1. Projector Transformation (audio, ppt) o Ra on Projector Transformation (text)

Jovian Partnership Program October 22-23, 2005


Mentor level VI (audios, ppt) (13 students certificated)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) October 17, 2005 October 28, 2005

Special day for Ra: start of his mystical process on 17 October 1985 (audio) th IC Today Special: 11 Gate Pluto Transit

BG5 I - Semester 1 (2005-2006) October 7, 2005 October 14, 2005 October 21, 2005 October 28, 2005


Lesson 4: The Language of BG5 (audios, ppt, img) Lesson 5: The Six Polarities (audios, ppt) Lesson 6: The Six Polarities (audios, ppt) Lesson 7: The Six Polarities (audio)

Jovian Partnership Program October 22-23, 2005


Mentor level VI (audios, ppt) (13 students certificated)

Vienna, Austria November 2005

Design Color and Health (videos,Serendipity: Pentadesign.com)

Vienna, Austria November 2005

Personality Color and Motivation (videos,Serendipity: Pentadesign.com)

November 2005

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) -

November 2005

(This month Ra did only “Incarnation Cross Today”)

Relationship (audios) BG5 I - Semester 1 (2005-2006)

November 4, 2005 November 11, 2005 November 18, 2005 November 25, 2005


Lesson 8: The Six Polarities (audio, ppt) Lesson 9: The Six Polarities (audio, ppt) Lesson 10: The Six Polarities (audio, ppt) Lesson 11: Introduction to BG5 Analysis (audio)

The Sunday Lecture Series November 6, 2005 November 13, 2005 November 20, 2005

Transformational Lectures on Type (October 2 - November 26) - 2. Reflector Transformation (audio, ppt) o Ra on the Reflector Transformation (text) - 3. Generator Transformation (audio, ppt) - 4. Manifestor Transformation (audio, ppt)

Vienna, Austria November 28, 2005 November 30, 2005?

Design Decision Making and the Not-Self (audios, CD) )AT Lecture on Types -

December 2005

1. The Big God (audio) 2. Harvest (audio)

Broadcast: JAR - Daily View (on every day “Incarnating Today”) - (This month Ra did only “Incarnation Cross Today”)

December 12-17, 2005

Who You Think You Are -


PHS-Environment -

Vienna, Austria, 2006

PHS-Environment: Kitchen (book copy) (IHDS)

Keynoting (audios, excerpts)


Intro to LYD (Newsletter) (audio) )21


The Mystical Way of Life -

1. The Four Mystical Channels (audio) 2. The Harvest and the Slaughter (audio) 3. Light and Darkness (audio) 4. Now and Not (audio) 5. The Mech. Of the Mystical Way (audio) 6. The Glorious and the Profane (audio) 7. (audio) 8. (audio)

Jovian Partnership Program January 2006

1. The Investigator Personality (audio, img) 2. The Hermit Personality (audio, img) 3. The Martyr Personality (audio, img) 4. The Opportunist Personality (audio, img) 5. The Heretic Personality (audio, img) 6. The Role Model personality (audio, img)

- Invitation to the Partnership Program (audio, text)

The LYD Awakening Course (2006) January 2006 January 2006

- The Certified LYD Guide Training Program (audios, ppt) - Living Design - The Awakening Support Program (video/.MD) Living Design (audios, 6 CDs)

The Sunday Lecture Series January 15, 2006?

- You and the Other (audio) (= Aura and Relationship)


(also sold as a part of “Valentines’ Special”)

PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”) In the Winter of 2006


PHS Year 1, Semester 2 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 1, Semester 2 (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2005-2008) In the Winter of 2006

January 26, 2006 February 18, 2006?


Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 2 (audios, ppt) - Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 2 (text) )JA

Rave Cosmology II - VI (11-week program) - RC2 Mystical Way (audios, ppt) )JA -

o RC 2 The Six Mystical Ways, Student Manual (text) )HD RC3 Dying, Death and Bardo (audios, ppt) )JA o Dying Death and the B. Stages, Student Manual (text) )HD RC4 The 2027 Semester (audios, ppt) )JA o The Nature and M. of the Rave, Student Manual (text) )HD RC5 Brahma’s Night and Beyond (audios, ppt) )JA o Brahma’s Night and Beyond, Student Manual (text) )HD RC6 Profile, Purpose and Fiction (audios, ppt) )JA o Profile, Purpose and Function, Student Manual (text) )HD

BG5 I - Semester 2 (2005-2006) January 27, 2006 February 3, 2006 February 10, 2006 February 17, 2006 February 24, 2006



Lesson 1: Introduction to Analysis Lesson 2: Penta Analysis Lesson 3: Penta Analysis Lesson 4: Penta Analysis Lesson 5: Penta Analysis BG5 Year 1 Semester 2 (text, transcript)

The 36 Roles - Genetic Continuity and Mastery of Lines (Also on Channel 88 and in The Sunday Lecture Series) )JA February 5, 2006


February 12, 2006 February 19, 2006


The 12 Collective Roles (audio, img, ppt) - The 12 Collective Roles (text, Facebook) The 12 Individual Roles (audio, img) The 12 Tribal Roles (audio, ppt) The 36 Roles - Genetic Continuity and Mastery of Lines (text) )JA Los 36 Roles - Continuidad Genética y Maestría de las Líneas (text, Español) )ES

BG5 I - Semester 2 (2005-2006) March 3, 2006 March 10, 2006 March 17, 2006 March 24, 2006


Lesson 6: Penta Analysis Lesson 7: Penta Analysis Lesson 8: Penta Analysis Lesson 9: Working Profiles

PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”) In the Spring of 2006

In the Spring of 2006


PHS Year 1, Semester 3 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 1, Semester 3 (text) )JA

Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification - Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 3 (audios) (2005-2008) - Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 3 (text) )JA )HD The Sunday Lecture Series

March 19, 2006? April 2, 2006

April 5, 2006



The Guardian and the Builder (audio, ppt) Sexuality, Relationship and Mind (audio)

Dominance (audio, Jovian Archive Radio)

Ibiza, April 10-15, 2006

4th Annual Ibiza Event, April 2006 -

The Architecture of Life (audios, ppt) )56a* )JA o 1. The Inanimate o 2. The Cell o 3. Plants  Io Inanimado, la Célula y la Pl. (audio, Español) )ES (“Architectura de la Vida”, Traducción de Alokanand Diaz) o 4. Insects o 5. Fish, Birds and Reptiles o 6. Mammals  Insectos - pájaros, reptiles y (audio, Español) )ES (“Architectura de la Vida”, Traducción de Alokanand Diaz) o 7. The Trans-Auric forms: Penta and Wa  El Penta (audio, Español) )ES (“Architectura de la Vida”, Traducción de Alokanand Diaz)  El Wa (audio, Español) )ES (“Architectura de la Vida”, Traducción de Alokanand Diaz)

BG5 I - Semester 2 (2005-2006) April 7 , 2006 April 14, 2006 April 11-12, 2006


The IHDS Professional Partnership Assembly -

Ibiza, April 12-13, 2006

Lesson 10: OC16 Introduction Lesson 11: Review

Invitation to the Partnership Program (audio, text) (January 2006) Partnership Assembly (audios) Public Presenter Partnership (audio, ppt) Professional Partnership Program (texts)

Four Views and the Not Self (audios, img) The Sunday Lecture Series

May 21, 2006 No Data No Data No Data


Pluto, the Cell Chains (audio, text) The Witness Generation: The Forking of the Path (audio, img) (Also in the 2027 Series) Grandma Pluto and her girls (audio, ppt, img) (Also in the 2027 Series) )JA


BG5 I - Semester 3 (2005-2006) May 19, 2006 May 26, 2006 June 2, 2006 June 9, 2006 June 16, 2006 June 30, 2006 July 1, 2006 July 7, 2006 July 14, 2006 July 21, 2006 -


Lesson 1: OC16 - Comparative Analysis Lesson 2: OC16 - Comparative Analysis Lesson 3: OC16 - Comparative Analysis Lesson 4: Individual Consultancy Lesson 5: Individual Consultancy Lesson 6: Workshop 1 Lesson 7: Workshop 2 Lesson 8: Workshop 3 Lesson 9: Career Profile Analysis Lesson 10: Triggers BG5 Year 1 Semester 3 (text, transcript)

June 23, 2006?

Authority Non-Sacral & Non-Emotional (audio)

June 23, 2006?

The Reflectors’ Strategy (audio) The Sunday Lecture Series

June 23, 2006? July 9, 2006


Keynoting: The Art of HD Analysis (audio, ppt) (Monica Lewinsky, originally on Channel 88) Left Right: A Quantum Experience (audios, ppt)

)JA →

About the Human Design System -

August 2006 September 2006


The Sunday Lecture Series -

September 2006

A Bit about the HD System (text, audio?) )32 (A Transcription from an LYD-class) The Spirit of Human Design (text) )36 Living Your Design (text, newsletter) )21

The Vehicle, the Passenger and the Driver (audio) (also on Channel88)

Type, Sexual Signatures and Transference (audios, ppt) -

Type, Sexual Signatures and Transference (text, transcript)

Toronto 2006

BG5 II - Semester 1 (2006-2007) September 23, 2006 September 29, 2006 October 5, 2006 October 13, 2006 October 20, 2006 October 27, 2006 October 26, 2006?


Lesson 1: The Mechanics of Auras Lesson 2: The Nature of the Penta Lesson 3: The PentaGraph Lesson 4: BG5 Keynoting Lesson 5: BG5 Keynoting Lesson 6:

Gate in Context (PTLIII, Day2, track2) PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”)

In the Fall of 2006

In the Fall of 2006


PHS Year 2, Semester 1 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 2, Semester 1 (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification → - Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 1 (audios) (2005-2008) - Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 1 (text) )JA )HD BG5 II - Semester 1 (2006-2007)

November 3, 2006 November 10, 2006 November 17, 2006 November 24, 2006 December 1, 2006 In the Fall of 2006


Lesson 7: Lesson 8: Lesson 9: Lesson 10: Lesson 11: BG5 Keynoting

Design Concepts )JA -

1.1 The Mechanics of the Maia (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.1 The Mechanics of the Maia (text) 1.2 Type and Strategy (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.2 Type and Strategy (text) 1.3 Personality and Design (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.3 Personality and Design (text) 1.4 The MM and the G Center (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.4 The MM and the G Center (text) 1.5 Definition (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.5 Definition (text)


Vienna, Austria December 12, 2006

Introduction to the Primary Health System (audio) -

Vienna, Austria December 12, 2006


Mindscape (Brochure) (Edition HD Australia) o Mindscape (text) Mindscape (Brochure, Deutsch) )AT

Circuits and the Emotional Wave (audio) Winter Solstice Event 2006

December 18-20, 2006 December 30, 2006 2007 (20 years after) Vienna, Austria, 2007


Intro to the PHS (Brochure) (Edition HD Australia) o Intro to the PHS (text) Einführung in das PHS (Brochure, Deutsch) )AT

Mindscape (audio) -

December 18, 2006

1.6 Authority (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.6 Authority (text) 1.7 Living Your Design (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.7 Living Your Design (text) 1.8 Connecting and Conditioning (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.8 Connecting and Conditioning (text) 1.9 Keynoting 1 (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.9 Keynoting 1 (text) 1.10 Keynoting 2 (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.10 Keynoting 2 (text) 1.11 Anything under the Sun (audio, ppt) )JA - 1.11 Anything under the Sun (text) Design Concepts (text) )JA )19* - Channel Keynotes (text, excerpt)

The WA (audios, ppt)

Definition (audio, img) Ra’s Encounter with the Voice (video) Keynoting Course

The Global Incarnation Index 2007 In the Winter of 2007 (11 weeks) 2007


The Base Theory: Facets and Frequency (audios, ppt) Advanced Base Theory



Color Consciousness: Beyond the Gate (text) )JA


Daily View January 3, 2007 January 4, 2007 January 5, 2007 January 8, 2007 January 9, 2007 January 10, 2007 January 14, 2007 January 15, 2007 January 16, 2007 January 17, 2007 January 18, 2007 January 19, 2007 January 22, 2007 January 24, 2007 January 25, 2007 January 29, 2007 January 31, 2007

To the Last Breath The 38 Effect The Miracle of the Bodygraph The 54 Effect Etymology of Poverty The Word of the Year Award The Form Cycle st Hey, did You Have a Good Year? (Sun in 61 Gate) The Blame Game Letting Go th The Trigger of Decline Pluto in the 10 Gate, and Bird Flu The Friday Sermon Jovian News You are Unique, you have No Choice, Love Yourself Notself Salutations The Horse before the Cart Tuning Up

BG5 II - Semester 2 (2006-2007) January 19, 2007 January 26, 2007 January 15 March 26, 2007

Jan/Feb 2007


Lesson 1: Alpha One Analysis (audio, ppt) Lesson 2: Alpha One Analysis (audio, ppt)

Quarter By Quarter: The 16 Faces of the Godhead (audios, ppt) )56a* )JA - 16 Lits Bozhestvennogo (audio, Russian) )RU Night Forces I - DreamRave Analysis (audios, ppt) (The Design of the Dreamer, DreamRave Introduction) - DreamRave Introduction (text) )JA )HD


PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”) In the Winter of 2007


PHS Year 2, Semester 2 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 2, Semester 2 (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2005-2008) In the Winter of 2007


Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 2 (audios) - Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 2 (text)


Daily View February 1, 2007 February 2, 2007 February 5, 2007 February 6, 2007 February 7, 2007 February 8, 2007 February 9, 2007 February 12, 2007 February 13, 2007 February 14, 2007 February 15, 2007 February 16, 2007 February 19, 2007 February 20, 2007 February 21, 2007 February 22, 2007 February 23, 2007 February 26, 2007 February 27, 2007 February 28, 2007

Cognition Jovian News 13-7 Polarity 49-4 Polarity 30-29 Polarity (and: “Beginning of the End”) (audio) 55-59 Polarity 37-40 Polarity (and: “Jovian News”) 63-64 Polarity (and: “The Auras”) 22-47 Polarity 36-6 Polarity 25-46 Polarity 17-18 Polarity (and: “Jovian News”) 21-48 Polarity (and: “Monday Heritic,..”) 51-57 Polarity 42-32 Polarity (and: “Amor Matris”) 3-50 Polarity 27-28 Polarity 24-44 Polarity 2-1 Polarity 23-43 Polarity

BG5 II - Semester 2 (2006-2007) February 2, 2007 February 9, 2007 February 16, 2007 February 23, 2007


Lesson 3: Penta Analysis Lesson 4: Penta Analysis Lesson 5: Penta Analysis Lesson 6: Penta Analysis

(audio, ppt) (audio, ppt) (audio, ppt) (audio, ppt)

(Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) (Scenes from the Cross of Life)

Daily View March 1, 2007 March 2, 2007 March 5, 2007 March 6, 2007 March 7, 2007 March 8, 2007 March 9, 2007 March 12, 2007 March 13, 2007 March 14, 2007 March 15, 2007 March 16, 2007 March 19, 2007 March 20, 2007 March 21, 2007 March 22, 2007 March 30, 2007

8-14 Polarity (and: “Back to Basics”) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 20-34 Polarity (and: “Jovian News”) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 16-9 Polarity (and: “Stress”) (audio) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 10-15 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 26-45 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 12-11 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) Jovian News 52-58 Polarity (and: “Correctness”) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 39-38 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 53-54 Polarity (and: “Seeing”) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 62-61 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 60-56 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 31-41 Polarity (and: “Jovian News”) (Scenes from the Cross of Life) 33-19 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) It’s mainly because of the Meat (audio) 5-35 Polarity (Scenes from the Cross of Life) Aloneness

BG5 II - Semester 2 (2006-2007) March 2, 2007 March 9, 2007 March 16, 2007 March 23, 2007


Lesson 7: Skills and Attributes (audio, ppt) Lesson 8: Class Group Analysis (audio, ppt) Lesson 9: Class Group Analysis (audio, ppt) Lesson 10: (audio)

March 30, 2007


Lesson 11: Career Profile Analysis (audio, ppt)

March 5, 2007

The Six Motivations of the Not-Self Nurturing a Unique Being )JA

March 19, 2007 March 26, 2007


The Sun Child (Nurture 1.1) (conf, ppt) Aware Parenting (Nurture 1.2) (conf, ppt)

PHS Analyst Certification Program In the Spring of 2007

(Also called “PHS Practitioner”) - PHS Year 2, Semester 3 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 2, Semester 3 (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2005-2008) In the Spring of 2007


Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 3 (audios) - Rave Psychology Year 2, Trimester 3 (text)


DreamRave Certification I, II & III Spring 2007

April 2-11, 2007


DR I: Introduction to Personal Analysis (audios) o DR I: Intro to Personal Analysis (text) )JA

The 5th Annual Ibiza Event

April 2 April 3


April 4


April 5


April 6


April 7


April 8 April 9



The Program of the 5 Annual Event (text) Day 1: Embracing the Maia (The Power of Helplessness) Day 2a: Signature Series: The Manifestor (audio) )12 (The Goals of Type) (Type and Signature) - El Manifestador (audio, Español) )ES Day 3a: Signature Series: The Generator (audio) )12 (The Goals of Type) (Type and Signature) - El Generador (audio, Español) )ES Day 4a: Signature Series: The Projector (audio) )12 (The Goals of Type) (Type and Signature) - El Proyector (audio, Español) )ES Day 5a: Signature Series: The Reflector (audio) )12 (The Goals of Type) (Type and Signature) - El Reflector (audio, Español) )ES Day 6a: Love and the Not Self (audio) )12 (The Beast with two Backs) - El Amor y el No-Ser (audio, Español) )ES Day 7: Determination and Well Being (The Body is Life) Day 8: An Evening of Entertainment (“Sailing Neutrino Seas”)

Daily View April 16, 2007 April 18, 2007 April 20, 2007 April 23, 2007 April 25, 2007 April 27, 2007 April 30, 2007


Ibiza 2007 Footnote It’s just about You Jovian News Out of Control The Dishonest Not-Self Jovian News What Matters

In the Beginning there was two, One like me and one like you, And in the Now it’s just the same, Two about two is old knower’s game. It’s the parts we have to play Until the end of this way Until we hear the violins Of the soft sweet stroke that never ends. Ra Uru Hu (from “Ten Years Sailing Neutrino Seas”)

April 28, 2007

Edward Stanton (April 18, 1940) passed away )51

May 2007

Left & Right Mind (audios)

May 2007

PHS (audios) (last events’ day? Till now 50 to 55 events on… )

May 16, 2007 July 25, 2007

Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification - Rave Psychology Year 1, Trimester 3 (audios, ppt) (2006-2009) Daily View (JAR)

May 2, 2007 May 4, 2007 May 7, 2007 May 9, 2007 May 11, 2007 May 14, 2007 May 16, 2007 May 18, 2007 May 21, 2007 May 23, 2007 May 25, 2007 May 28, 2007 May 30, 2007

A Tribute to a Sailor (remembering Edward Stanton) IHDS Open House The Bottom Line Fault and Blame (audio) Jovian News Oversensitivity and Guilt (audio) Don’t let your Mind Decide (audio) Jovian News Global Survey Thoughts The 6 Form Principles (audio) (Replay of the Inanimate Audio (Feb 2004, Sept 2005) Jovian News Pluto Retrograde A Look at Love: About Connecting with the Other

BG5 II - Semester 3 (2006-2007) May 18, 2007 May 25, 2007


Lesson 1: OC16 - Comparative Analysis (audio, ppt) Lesson 2: OC16 - Comparative Analysis (audio, ppt)

Rave Anatomy I May 18, 2007 May 24, 2007 May 26, 2007


1. The Sense of the Bodygraph (audio, ppt) 2. The Word (audio, ppt)

Introduction to Human Design (conf, ppt)

Edward L. Stanton Edward Leonard Stanton 67, formerly of Taos, N.M., and lately of Martha's Vineyard, died peacefully on April 28, in Chocorua, N.H., in the home of Mrs. Margaret Cannon. He was born on April 18, 1940, in Boston, to a Miss Mary Stanton and was later adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phelan of Lexington. He was educated in Boston area schools. In the late 1950s he enlisted in the United States Coast Guard. Later he joined the Merchant Marine. He worked on tugboats in the early and middle 1960s in New York City. In 1968, he arrived in Taos, N.M., and resided at the Old M&M Garage. In 1969 he built a treehouse in El Salto, before heading to Europe, Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey. On August 9, 1978, he married Roberta Wagner in N.H. From this union two children issued forth Rede Joseph Stanton, 28, of Martha's Vineyard, and Moriah Rose Stanton, 26, of Southampton, N.Y. Ed and Roberta divorced early 80's and he subsequently gained full custody and raised his two children between New England, New Mexico, and Mexico. Ed was a loving father, teacher, and mentor to many. He devoted the last 15 years of his life to learning and teaching the Human Design System. He founded humandesign.us that birthed the "Human Design Institute."

BG5 II - Semester 3 (2006-2007) June 1, 2007 June 8, 2007 June 15, 2007 June 22, 2007 June 29, 2007


Lesson 3: OC16 - Comparative Analysis (audio, ppt) Lesson 4: Introduction to Alpha part 1 (audio, ppt) Lesson 5: Alpha 1 Basics part 2 (audio, ppt) Lesson 6: Alpha 1 Basics part 3 (audio, ppt) Lesson 7: Alpha 1 Basics part 4 (audio, ppt)

Daily View (JAR) June 1, 2007 June 4, 2007 June 6, 2007 June 8, 2007 June 15, 2007 June 18, 2007

Jovian News Numbers (audio) Looking into the Crystal Ball (Neptune) (audio) Crystals and Monopoles (audios) Jovian News Sizing Things Up (Pluto) (audio)

Rave Anatomy I June 1, 2007 June 8, 2007 June 15, 2007 June 22, 2007 June 29, 2007


3. The Primary Gates of Action (audio, ppt) 4. The Gates of Fear (audio, ppt) 5. The Nine Fuels (audio, ppt) 6. The Third Gate - Power of Mutation (audio, ppt) 7. The Gates of Gender Differentiation (audio, ppt)

The Sunday Lecture Series June 22, 2007 Jun/Aug 2007


The Clown, the Fool and the Idiot (audio, ppt)

Night Forces II - DreamRave Analysis (audios, ppt) Daily View

July 4, 2007


Just Saying Hello

BG5 II - Semester 3 (2006-2007) July 6, 2007 July 13, 2007 July 20, 2007 July 27, 2007



Lesson 8: Alpha 1 Basics part 5 (audio, ppt) Lesson 9: BG5 Review (audio, ppt) Lesson 10: BG5 Review (audio, ppt) Lesson 11: BG5 Review (audio, ppt)

Rave Anatomy I July 6, 2007 July 13, 2007 July 20, 2007 July 27, 2007


8. The Memory Network (audio, ppt) 9. The Splenic Streams (audio, ppt) 10. The Ajna Streams (audio, ppt) 11. The Solar Plexus Streams (audio, ppt) Rave Anatomy 1 (text) )HD

The Sunday Lecture Series July 8, 2007


The Six Fates (audio, ppt, img) - Daily View - The Fates - The Fates, Part 1 (audio) (December 3, 2007) - The Fates, Part 2 (audio) (December 5, 2007) - The Fates, Part 3 (audio) (December 7, 2007) - The Fates (complete) (audio)

Inside Design July 9, 2007 July 16, 2007 July 23, 2007 August 1, 2007? August 1, 2007 August 5, 2007?


Class 1 (audio, ppt) Class 2: Planets (audio, ppt) Class 3: Incarnation Crosses (audio, ppt)

The Formats (audio) IHDS Preview 2007-2008 (audio, ppt) Introduction to Channels (audio) Daily View

September 3, 2007 September 7, 2007 September 10, 2007 September 14, 2007 September 17, 2007 September 21, 2007 September 24, 2007 September 28, 2007 September 2007

Seeing, Knowing (audio) Jovian News (audio) Nodes (audio) Jovian News (audio) See and Sigh (audio) Jovian News (audio) Vancouver Event (audio) Jovian News (audio)

PTL III (Level V) Teacher Training

September 17 November 26, 2007

DreamRave Analyst Certification I, II & III -

DR II: Analyst Certification (audios, ppt) - DR II: Analyst Certification (text) )JA


BG5 III - Semester 1 (2006-2008) September 21, 2007 September 28, 2007 October 5, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 19, 2007 October 26, 2007 November 2, 2007 November 9, 2007 November 16, 2007 November 23, 2007 November 30, 2007


Lesson 1: Auras and the auric Form Lesson 2: Introduction to Penta Lesson 3: Introduction to Penta Lesson 4: The Six Pillars of Group Success Lesson 5: Pillar, Line & Line Gap Keynotes Lesson 6: Material Present Lesson 7: Inner Flow and Future Lesson 8: Discovery and Past Lesson 9: Individual Penta Affinities Lesson 10: Looking at Pentas Lesson 11: Skills and Attributes

PHS Analyst Certification Program In the Fall of 2007

(Also called “PHS Practitioner”) - PHS Year 3, Semester 1 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 3, Semester 1 (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2005-2008) In the Fall of 2007

In the Fall of 2007


Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 1 (audios) - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 1 (text)


Lunar and Planetary Color Analysis (advanced) - Lunar and Planetary Color Analysis (audios, ppt) )JA - Lunar and Planetary Color (text) )JA )HD The History of Geometry (Advanced)

In the Fall of 2007


The History of Geometry (confs, pt) - The History of Geometry (text)

)JA )56b* )JA )HD

September 25 November 7, 2007 October 2007 October 2007?

Holistic Analysis I -


1 Semester (audios, ppt) - Fundamentals

PHS Workshop (Second Year) (conf) Overview Clinic, Semester II -

Overview Clinic 1.1 (audio, ppt) Overview Clinic (conf)

Daily View October 1, 2007 October 5, 2007 October 8, 2007 October 12, 2007 October 15, 2007 October 19, 2007 October 26, 2007 October 29, 2007

Retrograde Back to Ibiza (audio) Jovian News (audio) Movement (audio) Jovian News (audio) Transpersonal Awareness (audio) Jovian News: Jovian Trademark (audio) Jovian News (audio) Divine Selfishness (audio)

October 18, 2007

Jovian Trademark Meeting! (audio) Family Practice Certification (6 CDs)

October 22, 2007 October 29, 2007 November 5, 2007 November 12, 2007 November 19, 2007 November 26, 2007


CD 1. Design and Relationships (audio, ppt) CD 2. Family Analysis: The Mother (audio, ppt) CD 3. Roles and Rules (conf, ppt) CD 4. Coping with Disfunction (conf, ppt) CD 5. Family in Transition (conf, ppt) CD 6. The Practicals (conf, ppt)

Daily View November 9, 2007 November 12, 2007 November 16, 2007 November 19, 2007


Jovian News (next Semester Courses) (audio) Career Profile Analysis (audio) Jovian News (audio) Conscious Nine Centered Beings (audio)

December 2007

The Four Views )JA -

The Four Views (text) 1. Definition (audio) 2. Type (audio) 3. Authority (audio) 4. Profile (audio)

)56b* )JA

JAR - Daily View December 2, 2007 December 3, 2007 December 4, 2007 December 5, 2007 December 6, 2007 December 7, 2007 December 10, 2007 December 12, 2007 December 14, 2007 December 17, 2007 December 21, 2007 December 24, 2007 December 28, 2007 December 31, 2007 End of 2007

The Auras (audio) The Fates: Part 1 (audio) (Also the Sunday Lecture Series) (audio) The Fates: Part 2 (audio) (Also the Sunday Lecture Series) (audio) The Fates: Part 3 (audio) (Also the Sunday Lecture Series) Pluto and the Tail of the Tiger The Red & the Black, Loving yourself Jovian News The Binary Jovian News Against the Grain Jovian News Keep the Cork in the bottle and some

Rave Cosmology VII -

December 17-18, 2007

2008 In the Winter of 2008

RC7 The Nature of the Stars (audios, ppt) )JA o The Nature of Stars, Student Manual (text) )HD Reyv Kosmologiya I - VII (audios, Russian by Rubai) )RU

Juxtaposition Theory (audios) )JA -

(From events in 2006-2007)

Juxtaposition Theory (audios. Russian)

Advanced Mechanics I (text) )JA )HD

The Human Design System Dictionary (Book, HD Australia) Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 1 (audios) (2005-2008) - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 1 (text) )JA )HD

In the Winter of 2008


In the Winter of 2008 ???

Holistic Analysis II 2


Semester (audios, ppt) -


Variables: That which Binds Us (text) )JA Rave Cosmology Certification IX (??? not sure when/if) JAR - Daily View

January 2, 2008 January 3, 2008 January 7, 2008 January 11, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 18, 2008 January 21, 2008 January 25, 2008 January 28, 2008

Unrequited Love, 12-22 (Part 1) (audio) Unrequited Love, 39-55 (Part 2) (audio) Timing Jovian News The Form Cycle Jovian News Ra Talking about Rave New year Digital Books & Love Talking about Love and Money

Monday Morning Analysis Clinic (January-March 2008) January 7, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 21, 2008 January 28, 2008


1. Intro to Analytical Perspective (conf) 2. The Rave Solar Return 2008 (conf) 3. Rave Return Personal (conf) 4. Rave Return: The Educational 1 (conf)

The Design of Human Sexuality 1 (January-March 2008) January 7, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 21, 2008 January 28, 2008


1. The Genetic Imperitive to Reproduce (conf, ppt) 2. The Waves (conf, ppt) 3. Tribal Sexuality (conf, .ppt) 4. Individual Sexuality (conf, ppt)

PHS Analyst Certification Program January 8 March 18, 2008

(Every Tuesday) (Also called “PHS Practitioner”) - PHS Year 3, Semester 2 (audios, ppt) - PHS Year 3, Semester 2 (text) )JA


In the Winter of 2008

Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 2 (audios, ppt) (2005-2008) - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 2 (text) )JA )HD Variable (January-March 2008)

January 9, 2008 January 16, 2008 January 23, 2008 January 30, 2008


Cognitive Families (conf, ppt) Cognitive Fam.: Observed/Focused (conf, ppt) Cognitive Fam.: Observed/Peripheral (conf, ppt) Cognitive Fam.: Observed/Focused (conf, ppt)

Rave Cosmology VIII (January-March, 2008) January 10, 2008 January 17, 2008 January 24, 2008 January 31, 2008

(Mystic Monologues) - Part 1: The Program (audio, ppt) - Part 2: Not-Self Purpose (conf, ppt) )JA (Or: “the Madness of Being Normal”) - Part 3: Melancholy and Ignorance (conf, ppt) - Part 4: Money: The Secret to Success (conf, ppt)


Rave Anatomy II (January-March, 2008) January 11, 2008 January 18, 2008 January 25, 2008 February 2, 2008 February 8, 2008 February 15, 2008 February 22, 2008 February 25, 2008


1. The Centers of Sacral Resistance (audio, ppt) 2. Left Right and Inner Hearing (audio, ppt) 3. The Nine Fuels (audio, ppt) 4. The Fork in the Road (audio, ppt) 5. The Mechanics of Immortality (audio, ppt) 6. The Awareness Lectures: The Spleen (audio, ppt) 7. The Awareness Lectures: The Ajna (audio, ppt) (text, transcript) 8. The Awareness Lectures: The SP (audio, ppt)

JAR - Daily View February 1, 2008 February 4, 2008 February 12, 2008

Jovian News Jovian News Inside Human Design, part 1

The Design of Human Sexuality 1 (January-March 2008) February 4, 2008 February 11, 2008 February 18, 2008


1. Collective Sexuality (conf, ppt) 2. Sexuality Keynotes and Voices (audio, ppt) 3. Design of Sexuality: Caring (conf, ppt)

Monday Morning Analysis Clinic (January-March, 2008) February 4, 2008 February 11, 2008 February 18, 2008 February 28, 2008


5. Rave Return: The Educational 2 (conf) 6. Rave Return: Single Activations (conf) 7. Saturn Return: Crosses and Nodes 1 (conf) 8. Saturn Return: Crosses and Nodes 2 (conf)

Variable (January-March 2008) February 6, 2008 February 13, 2008 February 20, 2008 February 27, 2008


Cognitive Fam.: Observed/Peripheral (conf, ppt) Dependent Variables: Active/Strategic (conf, ppt) Dependent Variables: Active/Receptive (conf, ppt) Dependent Variables: Passive/Strategic (conf, ppt)

Rave Cosmology VIII (January-March, 2008) February 7, 2008 February 14, 2008 February 21, 2008 February 28, 2008

(“The Mystic Monologues”) - Part 5: Godless Perfection (conf, ppt) - Part 6: The Opening of Mating Season (conf, ppt) - Part 7: Dark Matters (conf, ppt) (Or: The dream of Lao Tzu) - Part 8: Homo Sapien in Transitus (conf, ppt)

)JA →

JAR - Daily View March 21, 2008


(Finishing the broadcast)

The Design of Human Sexuality 1 (January-March 2008) March 1, 2008 March 3, 2008 March 7, 2008 March 16, 2008


1. Self-Caring (conf, ppt) 2. The Caring Stream of Romance (conf, ppt) 3. The Caring Stream of Perfection (conf, ppt) 4. Instinctive and Ego Caring (conf, ppt)

Monday Morning Analysis Clinic (January-March, 2008) March 3, 2008 March 10, 2008 March 17, 2008


9. The Kiron Return 1 (conf) 10. The Kiron Return 2 (conf) 11. Cycle Analysis Conclusion (conf)

Variable (January-March 2008) March 5, 2008 March 12, 2008 March 19, 2008


Dependent Variables: Passive/Receptive (conf, ppt) The Nine-Centered Correct Order (conf, ppt) The Magic Square (conf, ppt)

© Elfriede Bruemer


Commentary -


Mystic Monologues -


Amplification (video) )04 Bardo (video) )04 Be Present (video) )04 End Games (video) )04 Events (video) )04 Open Heart (video) )04 Parenting (video) )04 Reasons (video) )04 Seekers (video) )04 Self-Love (video) )04 Sleeping Alone (video) )04 Solar plexus (video) )04 The Mundane (video) )04 This and That (video) )04

Change is in Play (video) )JA Distraction: The Great Deluder (video) )JA Fallen Angels (video) )JA Introduction to Variable (video) )JA Manifestor Encore (video) )JA Projectors: A Clarion’s Alert (video) )JA Profiting from the Not-Self (video) )JA The Dream State Revealed (video) )JA The Madness of the “Normal” Mind (video) )JA The Signature Question (video) )JA

The Mechanics of the Maia: Inner Authority - Minor Authorities (video) )JA - No Direct Inner Authority (video) )JA - Sacral Authority (video) )JA - Solar Plexus Authority (video) )JA - Splenic Authority (video) )JA

No Data

The Mechanics of the Maia (video) )26

No Data

The Mechanics of the Maia: Angles & Profiles - Profile 1/3 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 1/4 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 2/4 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 2/5 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 3/5 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 3/6 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 4/6 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 4/1 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 5/1 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 5/2 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 6/2 (video) )56c* )JA - Profile 6/3 (video) )56c* )JA - Right Angle (video) )565c* )JA - Juxtaposition (video) )56c* )JA - Left Angle (video) )56c* )JA

No Data

The Mechanics of the Maia: The Rave Bodygraph - Solar Plexus: The Waves of Chaos (video) )JA - The Throat: The Voice of Babel (video) )JA - The G: The Diamond at the Center of Being (video) )JA - The Mind: From Confusion to Tales (video) )JA - The Mind: From Doubt to Detail (video) )JA → - The Mind: From Not-Knowing to Knowing (video) )JA - The Heart of the Matter (video) )JA The Power Column: From the G to the Throat (video) )JA The Power Column: From Sacral to G (video) )JA The Sacral: Generating the World (video) )JA The Root: To Be or Not to Be (video) )JA Solar Plexus: Desire - From On to Off (video) )JA Solar Plexus: Passion - From Cool to Hot (video) )JA Solar Plexus: Need - From Field to Pot (video) )JA The Spleen: From Vitality to Identification (video) )JA The Spleen: From “Who Am I” to “I Am” (video) )JA The Spleen: From Ambition to Egoism (video) )JA


No Data

The Mechanics of the Maia: Type Series (Aura, Strategy and Signature) - Generator (video) )JA - Manifestor (video) )JA - Projector (video) )JA - Reflector (video) )JA

Rave Cosmology VIII (January-March, 2008) March 6, 2008 March 13, 2008 March 20, 2008

(“The Mystic Monologues”) - Part 9: Journeys to the Surface (conf, ppt) - Part 10: Frustration or Satisfaction (conf, ppt) - Part 11: The Rat’s Tale, Phoenicia, Ibiza, and Me rd (conf,.ppt) (the 83 lecture in this program over 3 years) - Mystic Monoloques, Student Manual (text) )HD

Rave Anatomy II (January-March, 2008) March 7, 2008 March 14, 2008 March 21, 2008


9. The Mystery of the G-Centre (audio, ppt) 10. The History of the Types: an Evolutionary View (audio, ppt) 11. Advanced Imaging (audio, ppt) Rave Anatomy 1 (text) )HD

6th Annual Ibiza Event, March 22nd- April 1st, 2008 March 22, 2008 March 23, 2008 March 24, 2008 March 25, 2008 March 26, 2008 March 27, 2008 March 28, 2008 March 29, 2008 March 30, 2008 March 31, 2008



The Program of the 6 Annual Event (text) Day 1a: Embracing the Maia (audios, img) Day 2a: Type Sexual Signatures (audios, img) Day 3a: Cross of Life (audios, img) Day 4a: The Undefined Ego (audios) Day 5a: The Godhead of Mind (audios, img) Day 6a: The Left: The Traps of History (audio) Day 7a: The Shepherds of the Moon (audios, img) Day 8a: The Right Stuff in a Left World (audios) Day 9a: Outer Authority: The Truth about… (audios, img) Day 10a: 1961-2027: The Eden Return (audio, img)

April 1, 2008


Day 11: The Closing Event Ibiza 2008 (video) )03 (Black&White film by Mau Cattaneo: “A Fool’s Entertainment”, by the Dog Queens’ Penta (Ra Uru Hu, Jean Pierre Pasquier, Martin Chabloz, Demenique Molliat, Greg Guhl)

JAR - Daily View April 1, 2008 April 28, 2008 April 30, 2008

Ra Uru Hu & the Dog Queen’s Penta The Saturn Endowment, and A song with the Dog Queen’s Penta Solo spot from Ra (technical breakdown)

April 9, 2008

Announcement of the 3rd IHDS Seminar (audios, img) PHS Analyst Certification Program (Also called “PHS Practitioner”)

In the Spring of 2008


PHS Year 3, Semester 3 (audios, ppt) o PHS Year 3, Semester 3 (text) )JA


DreamRave Certification I, II & III Spring 2008


DR III: Advanced Analysis (audios, ppt) o DR III: Advanced Analysis (text) )JA


Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2005-2008) In the Spring of 2008

Spring 2008


Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 3 (audios, ppt) - Rave Psychology Year 3, Trimester 3 (text) )JA


The Six Lines (Decoding of the Hexagram) (text) )JA PHS Year II, Semester 3

In the Spring of 2008


PHS External Color Book (text)


JAR - Daily View May 5, 2008 May 12, 2008 May 19, 2008 May 15, 2008


Up to some “Neptunian Tricks One Special Monday Good Fortune and Privilege

Family Analysis Clinic, IHDS Semester III -

The Triangle (conf) The Four (conf) The Five (conf) The Penta (conf) Living with Dysfunction (conf, ppt)

The Signature and Cross Clinics, IHDS Semester III May 16, 2008 May 23, 2008 May 30, 2008


Part 1 (conf) Part 2 (audio) Part 3 (conf)

A Life Story: Incarnating into a Penta )JA May 19, 2008


1. A Life Story: Incarnating into a Penta (conf, ppt) 2. From 3 to 4 (conf, ppt) 3. Patterns of Homogenization (conf, ppt) 4. Patterns of Homogenization (conf, ppt) 5. Patterns of Homogenization (conf, ppt) A Life’s Story (text) )HD

Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification (2006-2009) May 21, 2008


Intro to External Analysis (conf) o Rave Psychology External Color Book (text)


JAR - Daily View June 13, 2008 June 23, 2008


Interview with the Israeli Newspaper Maariv Ra Adopts the Radical Approach

Just about You Lecture Series June 20, 2008 June 27, 2008


1. Peace and the Well (conf, ppt) 2. The Soul (conf, ppt)

The Differentiation Lectures May 4, 2008


June 14, 2008


July 26, 2008



Part 1: Nine Centered Awakening (conf) o 1: Nine Centered Awakening (text) )US (free) Part 2: The Four Transformations (conf) o 2: The Four Transformations (text) )US (free) Part 3: The Not-Self (conf’s) o 3: The Not-Self (text) )US (free) The Differentiation Lectures (text) )US )HD (free)

Holistic Analysis III July 1-15, 2008



3 Semester (conf’s, ppt) - Certification

Just about You Lecture Series July 4, 2008 July 11, 2008 July 18, 2008 July 25, 2008


3. 19 Years until the Changing of the Keys (conf, ppt) 4. Neo Narcissism (conf, ppt) 5. The True I am (conf, ppt) 6. The Design Crystal Bundle (conf, ppt)

The Sunday Lecture Series July 15, 2008 August 10-16, 2008 August 11, 2008 August, 2008


The History and Future of Unrequited Love (audio, ppt)

Just about You Lecture Series -

The Program (conf, ppt) Nodal Environment (conf)

→ )JA

In the Fall of 2008

A Complete Guide to the HDS** -

first week

second week

third week

fourth week

fifth week

0. A Complete Guide to the HDS (text)


Cosmology: Juxtaposition and the new order (text) )JA2014** - 1. The Beginning Before the Start (video, ppt) )JA - 2. The Global Orchestration Directories (video, ppt) )JA - 3. The Program and the Godhead (video, ppt) )JA Evolution: Homo Sapiens in Transitus and Rave (text) )JA2014** - 4. The Seven Centered Being (video, ppt) )JA - 5. The Nine Centered Being (video, ppt) )JA - 6. The Rave (video, ptt) )JA Conditioning: The GodHead, the Program and the "Not-Self" (text) )JA2014** - 7. The Not Self (video, ppt) )JA - 8. The DreamRave (video, ppt) )JA - 9. The Program: the Transits (video, ppt) )JA Mechanics: Strategy, Inner Authority and Decision Making (text) )JA2014** - 10. The Substructure: The Base (video, ppt) )JA - 11. The Substructure: The Tone (video, ppt) )JA - 12. The Substructure: The Color (video, ppt) )JA Awareness: Correctness, Orientation and the Perfection of Being (text) )JA2014** - 13. Nutrition (video, ppt) )JA )56c* - 14. Orientation (video, ppt) )JA - 15. The Perfection of Being (video. ppt) )JA )** Also sold as “The Human Design System: a Complete Guide Series”

OC16 September November 2008?

September 2008


OC16: The Wa Theoretics (Year 1, Sem. 1) (conf’s) )HD OC16 The WA Theretics (Year 1, Semester 1) Student Manual (text)

Rave Psychology Color Transfer Analyst Certification - Rave Psychology Year 2 Trimester 3 (conf’s) (2006-2009) JAR - Daily View

September 30, 2008


Under Shamash


The Life Force: The Channels -

The Life Force: The Channels (text) )JA LF1.1 From Pressure to Conceptualization (audio, ppt) o Lecture One (text) )20a LF1.2 Metamorphic Life Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Two (text) )20a LF1.3 The Survival Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Three (text) )20a LF1.4 Expressed Identity Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Four (text) )20a LF1.5 The Tantric Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Five (text) )20a LF1.6 The Formats (audio, ppt) o Lecture Six (text) )20a LF1.7 Experimental & Experiential Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Seven (text) )20a LF1.8 The Mutating Forces (audio, ppt) o Lecture Eight (text) )20a LF1.9 The Forces of Preservation (audio, ppt LF1.10 The Supported Forces (audio, ppt) LF1.11 The Forces of Diversity (audio, ppt)

JAR - Daily View October 27, 2008


Under Shamash : Various for Newcomers

Personality Resonance Mapping - The Way of the Mind (The Square Revealed) November 7, 2008 November 9, 2008 November 14, 2008 November 21, 2008 November 28, 2008


PRM 1: (conf, ppt) PRM 2: The Martian Diagonals (conf, ppt) PRM 3: Introduction to Analysis (conf, ppt) PRM 4: Introduction to Analysis (conf, ppt) PRM 5: Introduction to Analysis (conf, ppt) Personality Resonance Mapping (text) )JA

JAR - Daily View November 17, 2008


Retro (Awareness Theme Week)


JAR - Daily View December 15, 2008 2009?


Talking about Variables and Ibiza Event

HD Intro Video -

HD Intro Video (video) )01 HD Intro Video (video, Portuguese) HD Intro Video (video, Russian) HD Intro Video (video, Sotto titoli Italiano) Einführung ins HD System (video, Deutsch) HD Intro Video (text) HD Intro Video (text, Dutch)


The Mechanics of the Maia: Definition - Single Definition (video) )56c* )JA - Single Split Definition (video) )56c* )JA - Triple Split Definition (video) )56c* )JA - Quadruple Split Definition (video) )56c* )JA


Rave Bodygraph Circuitry (Book, HD America)

Early 2009 - Mid 2010

August 2009

Design Perspectives (No. 1-54 of 75) (Shayan Studios Ibiza by HDC) )06 -


1. Rave History: The Evolution of Type (video) )06 3. Rave History: The Histidine Mutation (video) )06 5. Rave History: Mutation 1 - 12/11 (video) )06 7. Rave History: 1615 – 2027 (video) )06 9. Rave History: Mutation 2 - 55/59 (video) )06 11. Rave History: Trans Auric Forms (video) )06 13. Variable Overview: Part 1 (video) )06 15. Variable Overview: Part 2 (video) )06 17. Variable Overview: Part 3 (video) )06 19. Variable Overview: Part 4 (video) )06 21. Variable Overview: Part 5 (video) )06 22. Variable Overview: Part 6 (video) )06 24. Variable Overview: Part 7 (video) )06 26. Variable Overview: Parts 8,9 and 10 (video) )06 28. The Substructure: The Color (Part 1 of 3) (video) (→ A Complete Guide to the HDS (2008)







29. Total Recall: Iñaki Moraza interviews Ra (video) )06 29. RaZen: Generators (video) )06 )08 30. The Substructure: The Color (Part 2 of 3) (video) )06 (→ A Complete Guide to the HDS (2008) 30. RaZen: Manifestors (video) )06 )08 31. The Substructure: The Color (Part 3 of 3) (video) )06 (→ A Complete Guide to the HDS (2008) 31. RaZen: Projectors (video) )06 )08 32. A Guide to Conditioning: Part 1 (video) )06 32. RaZen: Reflectors (video) )06 )08 33. Commentary 001: Seekers (video) )06 )04 33. RaZen: Time (video) )06 )08 34. Commentary 002: Self Love (video) )06 )04 34. RaZen: The Big Lie (video) )06 )08 35. Commentary 003: The End Game (video) )06 )04 35. RaZen: The Big Joke (video) )06 )08 36. Commentary 004: Open Heart (video) )06 )04 36. RaZen: New Year (video) )06 )08 st (January the 1 , Not New Year) 37. RaZen: Behind your Back (video) )06 )08 38. RaZen: Stress (video) (also DP 067) )06 )08 39. RaZen: They Are Actually OK (video) )06 )08 40. RaZen: The Not’s (video) )06 )08 41. RaZen: Waiting (video) )06 )08 42. RaZen: Fear (video) )06 )08 43. RaZen: Mind (video) )06 )08 44. RaZen: Sleeping (video) )06 )08 45. RaZen: Strategy and Authority (video) )06 )08 46. The Design of Forms: the Inanimate (video) )06 (also December 19, 2010: Design of Forms?) 46. RaZen: Deconditioning (video) )06 )08 47. The Design of Forms: the Single Cell (video) )06 (also December 20, 2010: Design of Forms?) 47. RaZen: Intelligence (video) )06 )08 48. The Design of Forms: Plants (video) )06 (also December 21, 2010: Design of Forms?) 48. RaZen: Self-Hatred (video) )06 )08



49. The Design of Forms: Insects (video) )06 (also December 22, 2010: Design of Forms?) 49. RaZen: Women and Religion (video) )06 )08 50. The Design of Forms: Birds & Reptiles (video) )06 50. RaZen: Awareness Frequency (video) )06 )08 51. The Design of Forms: Mammals (video) )06 51. RaZen: Food Sex and Adventure (video) )06 )08 52. The Design of Forms: Penta (video) )06 52. RaZen: The Li (video) )06 )08 53. The Design of Forms: Wa (video) )06 53. RaZen: Your Truth (video) )06 )08 54. IHDS 3rd Semester Advanced (video) )06 54. RaZen: Certainties (video) )06 )08


Introduction to Variable (video)


Jovian Archive Prof. Resources (text)

January 2009 Winter 2009

The Rave New Year (part 1 & 2) )48 Advanced Mechanics II -

Advanced Mechanics II (text)



Design Resonance Mapping - The Way of the Flesh January 21, 2009 January 28, 2009 February 4, 2009 February 11, 2009 February 18, 2009

(The Square Revealed) - DRM 1: (conf, ppt) - DRM 2: Presence and Prana (conf, ppt) - DRM 3: Presence, Intro to Analysis (conf, ppt) - DRM 4: Prana, Introduction to Analysis ( conf, ppt) - DRM 5: Statistics and Graphing (conf, ppt) - Design Resonance Mapping (text) )JA )HD

Rave History )56a* January 21 February 2009


1. The Plutonic Interregnum 1781-2027 (conf’s) - Impact Incarnating 1797 - Mitra's Questions, Pluto's Answers - 1806 Days - The Poetry of Initiation - The Way


Overview Clinic, Semester I (Till February 19, 2009) January 22, 2009 January 29, 2009 January 24, 2009?


Overview Clinic 1.1 (conf, ppt) Overview Clinic 1.2 (conf, ppt)

The 16 Orientations of Awakening (conf + ppt)

OC16 The WA Theoretics Jan - March 2009?

February 2009

February 2009?


OC16 (Year 1, Sem. 2) (conf’s) )HD o OC16 The Wa Theoretics (Year 1, Seminar 2) Student Manual (text)


Clarion’s Call - Neptune’s Trap (text) )19 Individuality (audio) Overview Clinic, Semester I (Till February 19, 2009)

February 5, 2009 February 12, 2009 February 19, 2009


Overview Clinic 1.3 (conf, ppt) Overview Clinic 1.4 (conf, ppt) Overview Clinic 1.5 (conf, ppt)

Rave History )56a* March/April 2009

Spring 2009 (May 21?)


2. The Dictate of the Dark Eden (conf’s) o The Eden Mechanism o The Way and the Temple o The Nature and the Pattern o The Plan and the Example o The Witness and the Leader

From the Left -


From the Left (conf, ppt) )JA From the Left (text) )JA


7th Annual Ibiza Event, April 7-13, 2009 April 4-12, 2009


April 4, 2009 April 5, 2009


April 6, 2009


April 8, 2009


April 9, 2009


April 11, 2009


April 13, 2009



The Program of the 7th Annual Event (text) Day 1-9: the 16 Variable Workshops (video) )JA - Las 16 Variables (audio, Español) )ES - Peremennyye (audios, Russian) )RU - Variabile (15x) (audios, Italiano) )IT Day 1a: The Wonder of Variable (video) )01 Day 2b: The Money Game (video) )JA - Il Gioco dei Soldi (audios, Italiano) )IT - El Juego del Dinero (audios, Español) )ES Day 3: Seeing, Seeing, Seeing (video) - Seeing, Seeing, Seeing (audio) )JA - Vedere, Vedere, Vedere (audio, Italiano) )IT - Ver, Ver, Ver (audio, Español) )ES Day 5a: The Truth about the Moon (video) )JA - La Verità circa la Luna (audio, Italiano) )IT - La Verdad sobre la Luna (audio, Español) )ES Day 6a: Ra’s Teen Talk (video) )01 (“Type, Strategy and Signature for Teenagers”) Day 8b: Beginning Without Intent (video) )JA - Principio sin Intención (audio, Español) )ES - Iniziare Senza Intento (audio, Italiano) )IT Day 10: The Closing Event Ibiza 2009

Saturday Screening April 28, 2009 No Data No Data May 2009

May - July 2009?

- Footnotes to Variable Experiences (video)


- 10 minutes Lecture about Diet (PHS) (video) )02 - 10 minutes Lecture about Variable (video) )02

Holistic Analysis I - Fundamentals (conf’s) -Holistic Analysis I: Fundamentals (text) )JA )HD OC16 The Wa Theoretics (Year 1, Sem. 3) (conf’s) )HD -

OC16 The Wa Theoretics (Year 1, Seminar 3) (Student Manual) (text) )HD

The Reading Clinic #1 )JA May 20, 2009


May 27, 2009


June 3, 2009


June 10, 2009


June 17, 2009


June 24, 2009


June 25, 2009


July 1, 2009


July 8, 2009


July 15, 2009


June 6, 2009

Reading 1 (conf) - Single Split Generator - Tr. Split Emotional Generator Reading 2 (conf) - Single Defined M. Generator - Split Emotional M. Generator Reading 3 (conf) - Split Emotional Manifestor - Single Splenic Projector Reading 4 (conf) - Split Emotional Manifestor - Single Mental Projector Reading 5 (conf) - Split Emotional M. Generator - Split Generator Reading 6 (conf) - Split Emotional Projector - Reflector Reading 7 (conf) - Split Ego-Manifestor - Single Defined M. Generator Reading 8 (conf) - Single Self-Projected Projector - Split Self-Projected Projector Reading 9 (conf) - Single Splenic Generator - Split Splenic Projector Reading 10 (conf) - Single Emotional Generator - Single Emotional Generator

Treading on the Tail of the Tiger (conf)

(Behavior in the Wake of Pluto)

June 23-25, 2009

The Variable Experience (IHDS) (conf) (The Meaning of Your Variable in Your Life) - The Meaning of Variable: an Introduction (text)


July 2009

Interview with Ra in “Pacha Magazine Ibiza”, page 86

July 2, 2009

From The Right (Receptive Cognition) (conf, ppt) )JA - From the Right (text) )JA

July 4, 2009

Persona: The invasion of the P. Snatcher (conf, ppt)

August 24 September 10, 2009 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 27 August 28 August 31 Start in the Fall of 2009?

The Second Reading Clinic -

Reading 1: Manifestor (conf) Reading 2: Projector (conf) Reading 3: Manifesting-Generator (conf) Reading 4: Real Manifesting Generator (conf) Reading 5: Generator (conf) Reading 6: Emotional Projector (conf)

Facebook (excerpts) (deactivation August 26, 2011) - 49 The Gate of Access (text) - A Truly Magic Square (text) - Evolutionary Steps 7+20 (text) - Evolutionary Steps 41 (text) - Evolutionary Steps 46 (text) - Evolutionary Steps 63_64 (text) - Gate 1, the Creative (img) - Gate 2, the Receptive (img) - Gate 3, Autism (text) - Gate 11 (text) - Global Consciousness Program (text) - Keepers of the Wheel (text) - Keynote Meld (text) - Keynote Meld (text) - Lecture on Variable of March 2008 (text) - Ma’at (text) - Maia (text) - Movement is Creation (img) - Original Comments on the Evolutionary Steps (img) - Parvati (text)

(September 20, 2010) (September 23, 2010)

August 24 September 10, 2009 September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4 September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 2009


Penta, Alpha, Lock and the Autive Circuit (text) Penta (text) Phoenix (text) Prometheus (text) Rave Mechanics: The Experiential Circuit (text) Rave Memory Circuit (text) Rave Memory Circuit 2 (text) Role Gates 7 and 13 (img) th Roles Through the 6 Lines (img) Streams and the Gate of Access of the Autive Circuit (text) Synthesis (img) The Actual Colors of the Wheel (img) The Ides of February 2027 (text) The Autive Circuit () (text) The Autive Circuit (text) The Five Bases (text) The Future (text) The Martian Effect (img) The Nodes of the Moon (text) The Single Cel, Pluto and Mutation (text) The Stream of Taking (text) The Stream of Telling (text) The Voices of the 2nd Quarter (text) The Yellow Sequence (img) → We are Concretized Forms (img) Where does Your Voice Come From (img)

The Second Reading Clinic -

Reading 7: Mental Projector (conf) Reading 8: Splenic Projector (conf) Reading 9: Triple Split E-Generator (conf) Reading 10: Split Emotional Projector (conf) Reading 11: Triple Split Splenic Projector (conf) Reading 12: Emotional Manifesting Generator (conf) Reading 13: Mental Projector (conf) Reading 14: Splenic Projector (conf)

The Messenger Ra Uru Hu (text) (audio?) )21

September 14 October 12, 2009

Being Right, Class 1-5 (conf’s) (Mondays)

September 15 November 17, 2009

Incarnation Cross Clinic (conf’s) (Tuesdays)

September 15 November 17, 2009

Rave Psychology Post-Graduate (conf’s)(Tuesdays) - Rave Psychology Post-Graduate (text) )JA )HD

September 16, 2009

Jovian Evening Lectures -

September 16 November 18, 2009

September 17 October 15, 2009

1.1 Sex, Love, and the True Self (conf)


DreamRave Certification I, II & III (Wednesdays) -

DR IV: Persona and Reincarnation (audios) - DR IV: Persona and Reincarnation (text)


The American Professional Human Design Workshop (conf’s) -

Color (conf) Tone (conf) MMAI (conf) A Seeing Workshop (conf) A Seeing Workshop (conf) Professional HD Workshop (text)


September 17 November 19, 2009

Holistic Analysis II - Diagnostics (conf’s) - Holistic Analysis II: Diagnostics (text) )JA )HD

September 18, 2009

Radical Transformation and Awakening (conf, ppt)

September 18 November 20, 2009

Newcomers: Meeting your Design (conf’s) (Fridays)

September 18 November 27, 2009

OC16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis -

OC16: Group Engineering (Year 2, Sem. 1) (conf’s) (Fridays) - OC16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis (text) )HD

Jovian Evening Lectures September 24, 2009 September 30, 2009


October 2009 Toronto, Canada October 3-5, 2009

1.2 Open Centers without Activations (conf) )JA - 1.3 Transformation and Food (conf) )JA Μετασχηματισμός και Τροφή (audio, Greek) )HE

Decision making for the Generator (text) )21 Transformation Workshop (conf’s) Jovian Evening Lectures

October 7, 2009 October 14, 2009


October 21, 2009


1.4 Raising Children According to … (conf) )JA 1.5 Melancholy and Creativity (conf) )JA - Melancholy & Creativity (audio, img) (Russian) 1.7 ??? (conf)

Toronto, Canada October 22, 2009

Anything under the Sun (conf)

Toronto, Canada

Projector Empowerment (conf’s, 4 parts)

October 24, 2009 October 25, 2009

(re-published June 19, 2015) - Part I: Lectures (conf’s) - Part II: Analysis (conf’s)

October 26 November 23, 2009

Manifestor Manifesto (audio) )JA - Manifestor Manifesto (text) )56a* )JA Jovian Evening Lectures

October 28, 2009 Start October 29, 2009


1.6 God, Morality, Religion and the New Age (conf)


Post Graduate Primary Health System (conf’s) - Post-Graduate PHS (text) )JA )HD Jovian Evening Lectures

November 4, 2009 November 11, 2009 November 18, 2009


1.8 Emotionality in the Time of Mutation (conf) )JA 1.9 Aware Partnership (conf) )JA 1.10 Sacral Conditioning, a Guide for Non-Sacral (conf)


November 2009

The Manifestor (text) )21

December 2009

The Evolving Role of the Projector (text) (Newsletter)

December 6, 2009?

Daily Forecast: Explanation (video)

December 13, 2009

Never Mind (video) )JA

(From the Book of Letters) (Free Lecture) - Never Mind (conf) - Intro (video)

2009 - 2010

IHDS Course Calender Semester 2 (text)


Ra on Reflectors (audio)


The Global Consciousness Program (conf, ppt)


HD Workgroup Facebook: Maia and Lakshmi (conf)

Ibiza, 2010

The WA Immersion (5 Days) -

January 2010 January 11, 2010

Day 1: The Not-Self Series (+preview) (audios) Day 2: etc. ?


The Reflector (text) )21 Introduction of the new Jovian Archive Website Promoting Jovian’s Catalogue -

January 11 March 15, 2010

Jovian’s New Look 2010 (video) Discover Human Design in Your Way (video) Promoting Jovian’s Catalogue (video) Jovian TV Catalogue (text) (Later on also a Spring- and Summer-edition)

Science of Differentiation (Master program) (Mondays) -

Science of Differentiation (conf’s) - Science of Differentiation (text)


January 12 March 16, 2010

Personal Holistic Analysis (Sessions) (conf’s) (Tuesdays)

January 13 March 17, 2010

Family Analysis Clinic (conf) (Wednesdays)

January 14 March 18, 2010

Radical Transformation Clinic (conf) (Thursdays) The 10$ Lecture Series

January 11, 2010 January 14, 2010


The 10$ Lecture Series Intro (video) Happy Birtday Human Design (23 Years) (conf) Basic for BeginnersType, Strategy, Authority (conf) - Βασικα για Αρχαρίους (audio, Greek) )HE

Rave History (Tuesdays) )56a* January 12, 2010 January 19, 2010 January 26, 2010 February 2, 2010 February 9, 2010 2010 January 15 March 26, 2010

January 22, 2010 January-March 2010

The Return to Eden 1960-2027 (conf’s) - The Beginning of a New Age - The Pitchfork - Pluto - Markers - Closing the Door

Closing the Door (videos) OC16: Group Corporate and Large Group Analysis -

OC16: Group Engineering (Year 2, Sem. 2) (conf’s) (Fridays) - OC16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis (text) )HD

Rave New Year Analysis 2010 (conf) )21 IHDS Biversity -

Program (Open House) (conf)

Story Lines (online Lectures) February 16, 2010 February 16, 2010 February 17, 2010 February 17, 2010



Story Lines: Left/Left (conf) Story Lines: Left/Right (conf) Story Lines: Right/Left (conf) Story Lines: Right/Right (conf) - The Story Lines (text) )JA

February 14, 2010

How we connect (conf) -

March 18, 2010 Toronto, Canada April 2-11, 2010 April 2 April 3 April 5

April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11

Ibiza, May 2, 2010

How we connect (text)

)21 )HD

Jovian Mobile Presentation (conf) 8th Annual Toronto Event 2010

(Marriott Toronto Bloor Yorkville) - The Program of the 8th Annual Event (img) - 2027 Global Cycle and the Great Mutation - PHS and the Awakening of the Body - Split Definitions and Relationships (conf) )JA (also sold as a part of “Valentines’ Special”) - Split Definitions & Relationship (text) )JA - La Definición Partida Doble y las Relationes (audio, Español) )ES - The Penta and the Family Awareness (conf) - El penta y la Familia (audio, Español) )ES - The Nine Centered Being and Communion - Understanding the Dreamer’s Design - Nuestro Diseño Mientras Dormimos (audio, Español) - Environment and Differentiation - Entorno y Diferenciación (audio, Español) )ES - Perspective and Enlightment - Uniqueness and the Transcendent Life (audio) - La Unicidad y la Vida Transcendente (audio, Español) - Questions (video)

Going Home (conf, ppt) (Lecture from the Book of Death?)

Ibiza, Santa Eulalia May 1-2, 2010 Fenicia Prestige Hotel

Radical Transformations: The 4 Lectures )JA -

Promotion (video) Radical Transformations (text) )JA 1. Design Internal Determination (audios) 2. Design External Environment 3. Personality External Perspective 4. Personality Internal Awareness



Early 2009 - Mid 2010

Design Perspectives (No. 55-62 of 75) (in Shayan Studios Ibiza by HDC) )06 - 55. "Live Radical Transformation Perspectives" (video) )06 -

May 17 - 19, 2010

(A series of interviews from the workshop of May 1-2) 56. Living with the Program: The Lines of the Day (video) )06 56. RaZen: Surrender (video) )06 )08 57. Living with the Program: Nodes of the Moon (video) )06 57. RaZen: Why Planet (video) )06 )08 58. Living with the Program: Living with the Program (video) )06 58. RaZen: Who's Searching (video) )06 )08 59. Living with the Program: The Teaching (video) )06 59. RaZen: Unemotional (video) )06 )08 60. "Group Mechanics & Techniques" (video) (A series of interviews from the workshop of June 5-6) 61. Living with the Program: The Expression (video) )06 61. RaZen: The Way (video) )06 )08 62. Living with the Program: The Control (video) )06 62. RaZen: Identity Crisis (video) )06 )08 63. Living with the Program: In Closing (video) )06 63. RaZen: The Trap (video) )06 )08 64. The Pilot Programs (video) )06 64. RaZen: Digestion (video) )06 )08 65. Commentary: Changes (video) )06 )04 65. RaZen: Just Breathe (video) )06 )08 66. Manifestor Musings: Dilemmas of the Heart (video) )06 )05 66. RaZen: No Fault (video) )06 )08 67. Manifestor Musings: The Fears of the Splenic Center (video) )06 67. RaZen: Stress (videos) )06 )08

Holistic Analysis III - Certification (classes and workshops) (conf’s) - Holistic Analysis III: Certification (text) )HD The Science of Differentiation Master Program 2 Variable Teachers Training -

Variable Transformation Teacher Manual (text)



OC16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis May - July 2010?


OC16 (Year 2, Semester 3) (conf’s) - OC 16 Corporate and Large Group Analysis (text)


Ibiza, June 5-6, 2010

Group Mechanics & Techniques

Early 2009 - Mid 2010

Design Perspectives (No. 62-75 of 75) (Shayan Studios Ibiza by HDC) )06 - 68. Manifestor Musings: Empowered in the Now (video) )06 )05 68. RaZen: Being Correct (video) )06 )08 - 69. Manifestor Musings: Social Potential in the Bodygraph (video) )06 69. RaZen: Love and Acceptance (video) )06 )08 - 70. Manifestor Musings: The Metamorphic Gates (video) )06 → 70. RaZen: Drugging Children (video) )06 )08 - 71. Rave History: Leftness and Rightness (video) )06 (text, transcript) )36 71. RaZen: Spirituality (video) )06 )08 - 72. Rave History: 2012 (video) )06 → 72. RaZen: Back to School (video) )06 )08 - 73. Welcome to the Pilot Programs (video) )06 73. RaZen: Does it Matter? (video) )06 )08 - 74. Rave History: The Trans Auric Form (video) )06 74. RaZen: Test Drive (video) )06 )08 - 75. Rave History: 1781 (video) )06 75. RaZen: Fulfilment (video) )06 )08

June 19, 2010

A Worldwide Exclusive License Agreement was entered between Jovian Archive Media Inc. (Ontario) and Inner Human Design Inc. (California) doing business as “Human Design Online” To coordinate sub-licenses for HD Professionals offering HD-services online. Lynda Bunnell as President. - Sublicense Agreement HD Online (text)

June 2010

Promoting Jovian’s Catalogue -

Jovian TV Catalogue (text)

Pilot Programs (2010-2011) June 20, 2010


Pilot Programs Program (text) Conditioning, Love, Mind I (conf)

June 20, 2010

Free event (conf) Pilot Programs (2010-2011)

August 15, 2010


Conditioning, Love, Mind II (conf)

Rave Memory Circuit (6 parts) August 21, 2010 August 28, 2010 September 4, 2010 September 11, 2010 September 18, 2010 September 25, 2010 Ibiza, Santa Eulalia September 11-12, 2010

September 14, 2010 December 2010


1. Cycles (conf) 2. Pluto, the Cell and the End of Life (conf) 3. Rave Memory Circuit (conf) 4. A look at the Rave (conf) 5. (conf) 6. (conf)

The Equinox Series -

The Equinox Series: Course Info (text) Part 1 Death & Bardo (audios, ppt, text) )JA - Death & Bardo (video, excerpt) )56c

Differentiation Degree Program (conf’s)

Pilot Programs (2010-2011) Start September 14, 2010 September 20, 2010 Ibiza, Santa Eulalia September 25-26, 2010

Start October 6, 2010


PHS, Rave Psychology

The Ides of February 2027 (Facebook) (text, img) The Equinox Series Part 2 -

Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Gods, Entities, Aliens (audios, ppt, pdf) )JA

Human Design for Beginners )123 (Specially for EU and Asian Timezone)

Ibiza, Santa Eulalia October 19-20, 2010

The Equinox Series Part 3 -

Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Prophets, Messengers, and Buddhas (audios, ppt, text) )JA

October 2010 March 2011

No Data

Phoenix Rising (26 editions) (videos) )07 (October 2010 until Ra passed away in March 2011) - 1. Hu Says: Living Your Design - 2. Hu Says: Just Look At your Bodygraph - 3. Ra on Rave Sociology, Hu Says: Living Your Design - 4. Ra on the 40-37, Hu Says: Living Your Design - 5. Ra about the 16-9, Hu Says: Conditioning/Food - 6. Ra about 2027, Hu Says: Mind a getting in the Way Thing - 7. The Backward Cycle – 1960’s, Hu Says: Conditioning and Decision Making - 8. Rave Sociology Course, Hu Says: Communication - 9. Radical Transformation Tour A’dam, Hu Says: Enlightened Selfishness - 10. Cross of Planning: Religion, Hu Says: The Sea-saw - 11. Education and the Strategic Formula, Hu Says: The Fall of the Larynx - 12. Hu Says…

School of Enlightened Selfishness -

Amsterdam, Netherlands November 19-21, 2010

Amsterdam, Netherlands November 2010

1. Birth to Saturn: The True Self and Diet (video) 2. Post Kiron: Lights, Camera, Action 3. Saturn to Kiron: Planting the Cross 4. What is Happening? 5. Where are you? 6. Who is in Charge?


Radical Transformation Amsterdam (audios, ppt) Q&A -

Supporting People After a Reading (video) Family (video) )03 Leftness & Rightness (Education) (video) What is Your View on ADHD (video) )03

)03 )03

London, England December 10-12, 2010 December 20, 2010?

Radical Transformation London

Joke of the Mind (video)

Ibiza January 8, 2011 January 15, 2011 January 22, 2011 January 29, 2011

Ra’s Guide to the Movie

January 22, 2011

Rave New Year Forecast 2011 (08:00 GMT) (conf, text)



Part 1 - An Introduction (conf) Part 2 - Roles (conf) )JA Part 3 - Plots (conf) )JA Part 4 - Lines (conf) )JA


Rave New Year Forecast 2011 (text) Rave New Year 2011 (text, Italiano) La Nouvelle Année 2011 (text, Français)

Pilot Programs (2010-2011) -

Rave Sociology (conf’s) (Completed by Alokanand Diaz and Andrea Reikl-Wolf)

Sommerschule 2011 (Austria) (audio) )31 February 2, 2011 January 20 February 27, 2011 Madrid, Spain February 18-20, 2011

Analyse Split (conf) Personal Holistic Analysis Sessions 1-5 (PHAS) (audios) Radical Transformation Tour Ra’s Guide to the Rave Chart

February 26, 2011 March 5, 2011 March 12, 2011

(Free Lecture) (A Gateway to Knowing Yourself) - Part 1: Intro (conf) - Part 2: Circuits (conf) - Part 2: Circuits (conf, Russian) - Part 3 (Canceled)

Variable Consciousness Field February 27, 2011 March 6, 2011 March 10, 2011


Part 1 (conf) Part 2 (conf) Reflectors are the Key (Canceled) Variable and Profile (Historical) (texts)

Phoenix Rising (26 editions) (videos) )07 (October 2010 until Ra passed away in March 2011) - 13. Hu Says: Relationships - 14. Hu Says… - 15. Special: The Four Stages to the Rave New Year - 16. Special: Conclusions of The Four Stages to the Rave New Year - 17. Hu Says… - 18. Opening Stages of the Rave New Year, Hu Says… - 19. Opening Stages of the Rave New Year, Hu Says: Being Yourself, a Revolution - 20. Opening Stages of the Rave New Year, Hu Says… - 21. Hu Says… - 22. Hu Says… - 23. Hu Says… - 24. Hu Says… - 25. A Spring Equinox Special, Hu Says… - 26. A beautiful tribute to Ra Uru Hu created by Loki Krakower-Riley

Rimini, Italia April 1-3, 2011

August 26, 2011

Radical Transformation Tour (Canceled)

Ra Uru Hu’s Facebook Page was deactivated

Left Angle Cross of Informing March 12, 2011, 05:40h, St Eulalia, Ibiza

Tributes Ra Memorial Service (conf’s)

March 18, 2011

Guestbook of Ra Uru Hu’s passing away (text)

Heidi Jörg

A Personal Tribute (video) )49

Richard Beaumont

A Ra Life (video)

Loki Krakower-Riley

About Ra Uru Hu (interview Loki), Part 1 (video) )55

Randy Richmond

Honoring Ra (text)

Genoa Bliven

How HD Works (interview Loki), Part 2 (video) )55

Randy Richmond

My Personal Share (text)


Ode to Ra (video)


Ra Class for Commemoration 2 (conf) Reflections on Ra (text)

Alissa Ferranto

Ra’s Biography “Raveography”


Tribute of HD Austria (video) )52

Ilse Sendler

Tribute of HD Italy (music 432Hz) (video)

Nicholas Caposiena

Tribute from Randy Richmond (video) )54

Randy Richmond

Tribute to Ra Uru Hu (video) )…. Broadcast: Human Design Radio UK - HD Radio 2011 - Whole Lot of Ra (audio)

)44 Mal Brittain

RA Quotes (audios, text)

Music Going Ashore (CD) )JA -

Brahma’s Long Night Everything’s Got a Price Going Ashore Graystones Hades’ Heads Nothing to Be Package Tour to Edén Prisoners of Destiny Sarah Sang a Lullabye The Edge of the Fire The Fool The Kraks )41 Violins

The Dog Queen’s Penta (CD) )JA -

Raving on the K-line She The Greatest Show on Earth Headed for the Night Sweet Isa Blues Here Comes the Fire All along the Fall Package Tour to Edén Clarion’s Song The Tiger Sighs

A Fool’s Entertainment-The Film (video) )03 Dear Ol’ Al (video) )03 Ramixed )41 “She” (video) (not Ra singing) Strange Disguise (audio, text)

BG5 Student Manuals (Published 2014) - Manual 1 (text) )HD



o IHDS Course: BG5 Business Consultant Certification Program o IHDS Qualification: BG5 (Teacher) o IHDS Qualification: BG5 Small Business Analyst & Engineer (Additional) Manual 2 (text) )HD o IHDS Course: BG5 Business Consultant Certification Program o IHDS Qualification: BG5 (Teacher) o IHDS Qualification: BG5 Small Business Analyst & Engineer (Additional) Software (to get at the end of the second semester) )HD Manual 3 (text) )HD o IHDS Course: BG5 Business Consultant Certification Program o IHDS Qualification: BG5 (Teacher) o IHDS Qualification: BG5 Small Business Analyst & Engineer (Additional)

The Art of Reading Projectors (audios) (Published December 2014)


(A gathering of former readings done by Ra) - Mental Projector - Single Definition - 2/4 - RAX of Explanation 2 - Splenic Projector - Single Definition - 4/6 - RAX of Service - E-Projector - Single Definition - 5/1 - LAX of Individualism - E-Projector - Split - 1/3 - RAX of Service - E-Projector - Split - 3/6 - RAX of Explanation 2 - Self-Projected - Single Definition - 1/3 - RAX of the Four Ways 2

The Art of Reading Generators (audios) (Published January 2015) )JA (A gathering of former readings done by Ra) - MG - Sacral - Single Definition - 2/4 - RAX of Contagion - MG - Sacral - Split - 4/6 - RAX of Rulership 3 - E-G - Single Definition - 5/1 - LAX of Cycles 2 - E-G - Triple Split - 3/5 - RAX of Explanation 2 - G - Sacral - Single Definition - 1/3 - RAX of the Unexpected 4 - G - Sacral - Split - 6/2 - LAX of Confrontation

Words of Wisdom ) 27

The Clarion’s Call



HD Austria



HD Brasil



Wolfgang Schubert



HD Deutschland/Schweiz



Eleanor Haspel-Portner



HD España



HD France






HD Greece



HD Italia



Jovian Archive



Peter Schöber



HD Russia



HD United Kingdom

https://www.humandesign.info/shop/cat_1.html http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs186/1103684771604/archive/1114531431538.html


HD America

https://humandesignamerica.com/webstore https://humandesignamerica.com/free-material (the differentiation Lectures, A brief intro to HD)

Internet References )01

The Human Design System


The Original Human Design Introduction (June 28th, 1994, Munich): I, II, III


The Vehicle, the Passenger and the Driver


Animated Introduction to Human Design

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrChJPUYyi4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEk-GwK819M Deutsch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvjn6NVr7dc Russian http://www.biggdi.com/v/2_7iq6QE-T0 Portuguese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4qdrAGyr6o&list=PLF680C0B956ACA622 Italian http://wn.com/the_human_design_system_what_is_it

Ra Uru Hu’s Teen Talk

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMvE2eOURBI http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

The Aura Types


How a Human Design Chart is Created - Francis Bliven and Sylvan (HD America)

https://humandesignamerica.com/chart?view=freechart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wl0qBwzt-t0&feature=youtu.be


The Wonder of Variable - 2009


Saturday Screening


10 minutes Lecture about Variable

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzHDNPRYJR0 http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

10 minutes Lecture about Diet (PHS) - Determination

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xV2_yEnj5g http://wikibit.net/youtube/2xV2_yEnj5g/10%20Minute%20Lecture%20A0-%20Ra%20Uru%20Hu%20.. http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

Footnotes to Variable 1, 2, 3


IBIZ to A: The Raveography of Ra Uru Hu Encounter with the Voice A Fool’s Entertainment The Closing Event Ibiza ‘08


http://www.jovianarchive.com/Media_Library/Videos/12/I_B_I__Z_to_A-_The_Raveography_of_Ra_Uru_Hu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxdFUBNofMY http://www.jovianarchive.com/Media_Library/Videos/12/I_B_I__Z_to_A The_Raveography_of_Ra_Uru_Hu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be8fZvoajkg http://clips.vidoclips.com/?w=be8fZvoajkg&title=human-design-closing-event-2008

Dear Ol’ Al

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b11kgC3iiNo http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

Q&A: Family

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beTtPZWBN70 http://wikibit.net/youtube/beTtPZWBN70/Q-&-A-with-Ra-Uru-Hu:-Family

Q&A: Leftness and Rightness in Traditional Education

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpBaF_hQjVI http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

Q&A: Supporting People after a Reading

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0H7r01p_ek http://wikibit.net/youtube/j0H7r01p_ek/Q%20&%20Au:%20Supporting%20People%20After%20A%20

Q&A: What is Your View on ADHD?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWwV86gYg5A http://wikibit.net/youtube/RWwV86gYg5A/Q%20&%20A%20with%20Ra%20Uru%20Hu:%20ADHD




End Games


The Mundane



Manifestor Musings The 7 Fears of the Spleen


Dilemmas of the Heart

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUa1H6OxIF0 http://wikibit.net/youtube/LUa1H6OxIF0/Ra%20Uru%20Hu%20-%20Dilemmas%20anifestor%20 http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu

Empowered in the Now

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwmNIYdoNfQ http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu


Design Perspectives



Phoenix Rising


Phoenix Rising 001


Phoenix Rising 002

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvlgXGVh7IM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvlgXGVh7IM&feature=related

Phoenix Rising 003

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RLGMX6bvao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RLGMX6bvao&feature=related

Phoenix Rising 004

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umBuUfoc3Lg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umBuUfoc3Lg&feature=related

Phoenix Rising 006

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEE3Vr0ygbw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEE3Vr0ygbw&feature=related

Phoenix Rising 012


Phoenix Rising 017





Alone in Space

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcrovwWQhDY (Español subtitle)

Awareness Frequency

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13awTqFI31s&list=PL558FB52E8063C218&index=15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13awTqFI31s

Back to School

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFFNSOUdAU4&list=PLCF220BE4EA6229BB http://www.biggdi.com/v/wFFNSOUdAU4

Being Correct


Behind your Back




December 31th

(not on Jovian Archive)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdj_p3D4WYI&list=PLCF220BE4EA6229BB http://wyszukiwarkamp3.eu/video/cdj_p3D4WYI/razen-deconditioning



Does it Matter?


Drugging Children








Guitar / Being Tuned


Identity Crisis




Love & Acceptance


Making Decisions




New Year / January 1st Not New Year


No Fault → Design Perspective 066

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=ZGvO0XlDPjM Not on Jovian Archive/RaZen
















Strategy and Authority


Your Truth


Uranian Life and the Nodes


The North Node Way, The South Node Way, Uranus and 1781


Human Design Profiles


Signposts, the Backseat Rider, the Profiles (12x) http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Media


Daily View: Type for Newcomers


Intro, Childhoods, Strategies, Themes https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/ incl. “Introduction to Type” https://www.humandesign.info/audios-by-ra-uru-hu/info_48.html




Signature Series, Love and the Not Self http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Downloads (Signature Series) http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Media (Signature Series) http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/manifestors-signature-series/ http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/generators-signature-series-part-1/ http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/generators-signature-series-part-2/ http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/projectors-signature-series-part-1/ http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/projectors-signature-series-part-2/ http://ihumandesignschool.com/wp/reflectors-signature-series-part-1/


Lines and Fixing


Exaltings, Detriments, Introduction to Line Fixing http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Media



Nodal Polarities


A New Cycle Begins, Setting the Stage, The Cross of Life


The Definition Series


(See also 22c)

Intro, Single, Split, Triple, Quadruple Definition. (Definition and No Definition not on Jovian Archive)

https://www.humandesign.info/audios-by-ra-uru-hu/info_48.html http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Media

(Downloadable audios)

https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/ https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/1_Definition_Intro.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/2_Single_Definition.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/3_Split_Definitions.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/4_Triple_split_Definitions.mp3

https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/5_Quadruple_Splits.mp3 (Text + online audios)

http://www.humandesign.com/definition (missing on Jovian Archive) http://www.humandesign.com/five-main-definitions http://www.humandesign.com/single-definition http://www.humandesign.com/single-split-definition http://www.humandesign.com/triple-split-definition http://www.humandesign.com/quadruple-split-definition http://www.humandesign.com/no-definition (missing on Jovian Archive)


The Neutrino


Biverse, This and That, Cosmic Neutrino Imprint, Neutrino Ocean



https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/ https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/1a_This_and_That.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/7_Neutrino_Ocean.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/1a_Biverse.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/audios-by-ra-uru-hu/info_48.html



The Planets (Planet Transits Intro) Meet the Gods, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, The Moon, Uranus, Venus


An Introduction for Newcomers



An Introduction for Newcomers http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_An_Introduction_for_Newcomers_-_Part_2 http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_An_Introduction_for_Newcomers_-_Part_3

http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_An_Introduction_for_Newcomers_-_Part_4 http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_An_Introduction_for_Newcomers_-_Part_5


Free E-books


Design Concepts, Clarion’s Call: Neptunes Trap http://www.jovianarchive.com/Media_Library (Design Concepts: Lesson 1)


The Vehicle


The Vehicle, The Design Crystal, The Personality Crystal, The Magnetic Monopole, Looking out of the Window

http://www.ihdschool.com/Library/Media https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/ downloads https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/1_The_Vehicle.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/2_The_Design_Ctystal.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/3_The_Personality_Crystal.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/4_Magnetic_Monopole.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/5_Looking_out_the_Windows.mp3 https://www.humandesign.info/audios-by-ra-uru-hu/info_48.html


The Differentiation Lectures

https://humandesignamerica.com/webstore/item/62-the-differentiation-lectures (Complete)

Part 1: Nine-Centered Awakening http://www.jovianarchive.com/Media_Library


The Life Force: The Channels

http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=The%20Life%20Force part 1 (preview)

The Life Force: The Channels http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture1.pdf part 1 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture2.pdf part 2 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture3.pdf part 3 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture4.pdf part 4

http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture5.pdf part 5 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture6.pdf part 6 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture7.pdf part 7 http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheLifeForce-Lecture8.pdf part 8




Ra on Living Your Design (2006) incl. audio

http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/August06.html http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/RaintroLYD.mp3

The Messenger Ra Uru Hu


Decision Making and Transcendence for the Generator


The Manifestor


The Evolving Role of the Projector and the Necessity of Education


The Reflector

http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/Jan2010.html http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/TheReflectorPDFJan2010.pdf

The Rave 2010 Forecast, Ra intro LYD


How We Connect

http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/March2010.html http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/HOW_WE_CONNECT_Transcript.pdf

The Magnetic Monopole (1st of 4 parts)

http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/March2010.html http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/MagneticMonopolePart1.pdf Part 1

The Magnetic Monopole (2nd of 4 parts)

http://www.humandesigncommunity.com/newsletter/May2010.html http://humandesigncommunity.com/documents/MagneticMonopolePt2.pdf Part 2





http://www.humandesign.com/introduction-level This section covers the foundation of Human Design Concepts.

Not Ra

        

10. The Myth of Free Will intro

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Message from Gennaro Human Design System Basics Introduction to TYPE Determining Type - Flash Movie 1 flash movie Nine Centers Audio doesn’t work Welcome Coaches! Circuitry 1 audio Famous Raves 1 audio Guest Speaker Series - Breathing 1 audio (Chiara Gasparro on Breathing)

http://humandesign.com/the-myth-of-free-will 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/introduction/myth-free-will.htm

Not Ra

11. Planets 1 audio

Seminar on Type 12. Generator

http://humandesign.com/seminar-on-type-generator 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/special/type-generator.htm

13. Manifesting Generator

http://humandesign.com/seminar-on-type-manifesting-generator 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/special/type-manifesting-generator.htm

14. Manifestor

http://humandesign.com/seminar-on-type-manifestor 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/special/type-manifestor0.htm

15. Projector

http://www.humandesign.com/learn/special/type-projector.htm 1 audio

16. Reflector

http://humandesign.com/seminar-on-type-reflector 1 audio


http://www.humandesign.com/intermediate-level This section covers the details of Human Design Concepts.

Not Ra

2. Encounter and Color

1. Color 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/intermediate/encounter.htm 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/Ras-Classroom-Encounter http://humandesign.com/encounter

Not Ra

11. Emotional Wave (intro)

       

3. Family Analysis: the Penta 1 audio 4. GENETICS 1 audio 5. Health - 1 1 audio 6. Health 2 1 audio 7. http://humandesign.com/health-3-by-martin-grassinger 1 audio 8. Intro to Incarnation Crosses with Ilse Sendler doesn’t work (Ilse Sendler) 9. Keynoting part 1 1 audio Alokanand Diaz 10. Keynoting part 2 1 audio Alokanand Diaz http://humandesign.com/emotional-wave mp3 http://www.humandesign.com/learn/ra/emotional-wave.htm

12. Sex, Food, God, and Territory

http://humandesign.com/sex-food-god-and-territory 1 audio http://www.humandesign.com/learn/intermediate/sex-food-god-territory.htm

13. The Mandala, or Wheel

http://www.humandesign.com/learn/intermediate/mandala-wheel.htm 1 audio

Advanced Level

http://www.humandesign.com/advanced-level This section covers the minute details of Human Design Concepts.

Magic & Mysticism – Gennaro interviews Ra

http://www.humandesign.com/learn/ra/magic-mystcism.htm 1 audio http://humandesign.com/magic-and-mysticism

Living Your Design Course


Not Ra

   

Introduction and Orientation clip doesn’t work Questions for Your Undefined Centers LD Part One Open Head o Open Head Part 1 doesn’t work o Open Head Part 2 doesn’t work o Open Head Part 3 doesn’t work http://humandesign.com/open-head-part-4 1 flash audio

 

 

Not Ra

 

  

Open Ajna doesn’t work Open Throat o Open Throat Part 1 doesn’t work o Open Throat Part 2 doesn’t work Open G Center o Open G Part 1 doesn’t work o Open G Part 2 doesn’t work Open Ego Center doesn’t work Open Solar Plexus o Open Solar Plexus Part 1 doesn’t work o Open Solar Plexus Part 2 doesn’t work Open Sacral Center o Open Sacral Part 1 doesn’t work o Open Sacral Part 2 doesn’t work o Open Sacral Part 3 doesn’t work o Open Sacral Part 4 doesn’t work Open Spenic Center doesn’t work Open Root Center o Open Root Part 1 doesn’t work o Open Root Part 2 doesn’t work Open Awareness Centers doesn’t work LD Part Two Mental Strategies doesn’t work

Generator Mental Strategy o Generator Mental Strategy 1 doesn’t work o Generator Mental Strategy 2 doesn’t work o Generator Mental Strategy 3 doesn’t work

Manifestor Mental Strategy o Manifestor Strategy 1 doesn’t work o Manifestor Strategy 2 doesn’t work Energy Types vs. Non-Energy Types doesn’t work Projector Mental Strategy o Projector Mental Strategy 2 doesn’t work o Projector Mental Strategy 3 doesn’t work o Projector Mental Strategy 4 doesn’t work Reflector Mental Strategy o Reflector Mental Strategy 1 doesn’t work o Reflector Mental Strategy 2 doesn’t work o Reflector Mental Strategy 3 doesn’t work o Reflector Mental Strategy 4 doesn’t work LD Conclusion 1 audio LD Archived Classes 44 audios & 12 files of images downloadable LD Self Study Audio doesn’t work

 

Not Ra

  


ABC Course

http://www.humandesign.com/abc-course A: Personality and Design B: Circuitry C: Hexagram Structure

ABC Course - Intro

http://humandesign.com/about-this-course 1 audio http://humandesign.com/abc-introduction 3 audio’s

ABC Introduction Section A

http://www.humandesign.com/section-a The Black and Red of Personality and Design

Magnetic Monopole


Roads and Tunnels

http://humandesign.com/roads-and-tunnels 1 audio

Section A: Sample

http://humandesign.com/section-a-example 5 audio’s

ABC Section B

http://www.humandesign.com/section-b Circuits and their Channels

ABC Introduction Section B

http://humandesign.com/section-b-introduction 2 audio’s

Not Ra

Circuits at a Glance

Circuit Overview

http://humandesign.com/circuit-overview 2 audio’s

Integration Channels

http://humandesign.com/integration-channels 1 audio

Channel of Awakening 10-20

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-awakening-10-20 1 audio

Channel of Charisma 20-34

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-charisma-20-34 1 audio

Channel of Perfected Form 57-10

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-perfected-form-10-57 1 audio

Channel of the Archetype 34-57

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-the-archetype-34-57 1 audio

The Individual Circuit Group

http://humandesign.com/individual-circuit-group 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/122

Not Ra


Channel of Inspiration 1-8

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-inspiration-8-1 1 audio

Channel of the Beat 14-2

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-the-beat-2-14 1 audio

Channel of Mutation 3-60

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-mutation-3-60 1 audio

Channel of Struggle 38-28

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-struggle-28-38 1 audio

Channel of the Brainwave 20-57

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-the-brainwave-20-57 1 audio

Channel of Moodiness 39-55

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-moodiness-39-55 1 audio

Channel of Openness 22-12

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-openness-12-22 1 audio

Channel of Structuring 43-23

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-structuring-43-23 1 audio

Channel of Awareness 61-24

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-awareness-61-24 1 audio

Not Ra


Channel of Initiation 51-25

http://humandesign.com/the-channel-of-initiation-51-25 1 audio

Channel of Exploration 34-10

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-exploration-10-34 1 audio

The Collective Circuit Group

http://humandesign.com/collective-circuit-group 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/102

The Logic/Understanding Group

http://humandesign.com/logic-understanding-circuit-group 1 audio

Channel of Logic 63-4

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-logic-63-4 1 audio

Channel of Acceptance 17-62

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-acceptance-17-62 1 audio

Channel of Talent 48-16

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-talent-16-48 1 audio

Channel of Judgment 18-58

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-judgment-18-58 1 audio

Channel of Concentration 52-9

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-concentration-52-9 1 audio

Channel of Rhythm 15-5

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-rhythm-15-5 1 audio

Channel of Leadership 7-31

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-leadership-31-7 1 audio

Not Ra

Abstract/Sensing Circuit Group 1 audio

Channel of Abstraction 47-64

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-abstraction-64-47 1 audio

Channel of Curiosity 11-56

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-curiosity-11-56 1 audio

Channel of Transitoriness 36-35

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-transitoriness-35-36 1 audio

Channel of Recognition 41-30

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-recognition-41-30 1 audio

Channel of Maturation 53-42

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-maturation-42-53 1 audio

Channel of Discovery 29-46

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-discovery-46-29 1 audio

Channel of the Prodigal 13-33

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-the-prodigal-33-13 1 audio

The Tribal Circuit Group

http://humandesign.com/tribal-circuit-group 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/148

How Support Works: The Deal

http://humandesign.com/how-support-works-the-deal 1 audio

Communism and Capitalism

http://humandesign.com/communism-and-capitalism 1 audio

The Ego Circuit Group

http://humandesign.com/ego-circuit-group 1 audio

Channel of Transformation 54-32

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-transformation-32-54 1 audio

Channel of Surrender 44-26

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-surrender-44-26 1 audio

Channel of Synthesis 19-49

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-synthesis-19-49 1 audio

Channel of Community 37-40

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-community-40-37 1 audio

Channel of Materialism 21-45

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-materialism-45-21 1 audio

The Defense Circuit Group

http://humandesign.com/defense-circuit-group 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/149

Channel of Preservation

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-preservation-50-27 1 audio

Channel of Mating 59-6

http://humandesign.com/channel-of-mating-59-6 1 audio

Not Ra

Keynoting Example

Conclusion Section B

http://humandesign.com/node/121 1 audio

ABC Section C


ABC Section C Introduction

http://humandesign.com/section-c-introduction 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/179

Hexagram Basics Part 1

http://humandesign.com/hexagram-basics-part-1 1 audio

Hexagram Basics Part 2

http://humandesign.com/hexagram-basics-part-2 1 audio

Hexagram Basics Part 3

http://humandesign.com/hexagram-basics-part-3 1 audio

Hexagram Basics Part 4

http://humandesign.com/hexagram-basics-part-4 1 audio

Introduction to Lines

http://humandesign.com/introduction-to-lines 1 audio

First Line: Foundation

http://humandesign.com/first-line-foundation 1 audio

Second Line: Projection

http://humandesign.com/second-line-projection 1 audio

Third Line: Adaptation

http://humandesign.com/third-line-adaptation 1 audio

Fourth Line: Externalization

http://humandesign.com/fourth-line-externalization 1 audio

Fifth Line: Universalization

http://humandesign.com/fifth-line-universalization 1 audio

Sixth Line: Transition

http://humandesign.com/sixth-line-transition 1 audio

Line Overview

http://humandesign.com/lines-overview 1 audio

Section C Conclusion

http://humandesign.com/section-c-conclusion 1 audio

ABC Course Conclusion

http://humandesign.com/abc-course-conclusion 1 audio http://humandesign.com/node/90         

Not Ra

   

ABC Archives http://humandesign.com/course-13-lynda-stone-started-march-07 Class 1 Class 1 Part A http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/class1a/class1a/index.htm Mp3 Class 1 part B http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/class1b/class1b/index.htm Mp3 Class 2 A http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/ABCwithLynda_class%202/ABCwithLynda_class%202/inde x.htm Mp3 Class 2 B http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/ABCwithLynda_class%202%20b/ABCwithLynda_class%20 2%20b/index.htm Mp3 Class 4 http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/ABCwithLynda_200704091100/ABCwithLynda_200704091 100/index.htm Mp3

    



Class 5 http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/1/ABCwithLynda_200704161101/ABCwithLynda_200704161 101/index.htm Mp3 Class 6 http://humandesign.com/files/private/active/0/6/6/index.htm Mp3 Intro Reading Example


Not Ra

Cartography Orientation 1 audio

Not Ra

 

Angle Introduction Role Gates and Profile


Right Angle Profile 1/3

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-1-3 6 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 1/4

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-1-4 6 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 2/4

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-2-4 7 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 2/5

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-2-5 6 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 3/5

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-3-5 7 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 3/6

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-3-6 7 audio segments

Right Angle Profile 4/6

http://humandesign.com/right-angle-profile-4-6 7 audio segments

Juxtaposition Profile 4/1

http://humandesign.com/juxtaposition-profile-4-1 7 audio segments

Left Angle Profile 5/1

http://humandesign.com/left-angle-profile-5-1 6 audio segments

Left Angle Profile 5/2

http://humandesign.com/left-angle-profile-5-2 4 audio segments

Left Angle Profile 6/2

http://humandesign.com/left-angle-profile-6-2 6 audio segments

Left Angle Profile 6/3

http://humandesign.com/left-angle-profile-6-3 6 audio segments

Not Ra

Profiles Conclusion



Biology of Centers

http://humandesign.com/biology-of-centers 3 audios

The Head Center

http://humandesign.com/head-center 2 audios

The Ajna Center

http://humandesign.com/ajna-center 2 audios

The Throat Center

http://humandesign.com/throat-center 1 audio

The G Center

http://humandesign.com/g-or-self-center 2 audios

The Heart Center

http://humandesign.com/heart-or-ego-center 1 audio

The Sacral Center

http://humandesign.com/sacral-center 2 audios

The Root Center

http://humandesign.com/root-center 2 audios

The Splenic Center

http://humandesign.com/splenic-center 1 audio

The Solar Plexus Center

http://humandesign.com/solar-plexus-center 7 audio segments

Not-Self Open Centers

http://humandesign.com/not-self-open-centers 1 audio


http://humandesign.com/definition 2 audios

Five Main Definitions

http://humandesign.com/five-main-definitions 1 audio https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/1_Definition_Intro.mp3

Single Definition

http://humandesign.com/single-definition 1 audio https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/2_Single_Definition.mp3

Single Split Definition

http://humandesign.com/single-split-definition 2 audio segments https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/3_Split_Definitions.mp3

Triple Split Definition

http://humandesign.com/triple-split-definition 2 audio segments https://www.humandesign.info/images/upload/audios_ra_new/4_Triple_split_Definitions.mp3

Quadruple Split Definition

http://humandesign.com/quadruple-split-definition 1 audio https://www.humandesign.info/images/uploads/audios_ra_new/5_Quadruple_Splits.mp3

No Definition

http://humandesign.com/no-definition 2 audios

Not Ra



         

Authority Authority Hierarchy Authority Examples Emotional Authority Sacral Authority Splenic Authority Ego Authority Self Authority No Inner Authority Authority - Authority Conclusion

Other subjects Color 1 – Ra Uru Hu

http://humandesign.com/color 1 audio

The Cell – Ra Uru Hu

http://humandesign.com/the-cell 1 audio

Submitted Articles, etc. - Ra Uru Hu


Design is Your Genetic Code

http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_Design_is_Your_Genetic_Code http://www.humandesign.com/design-is-your-genetic-code-by-ra-uru-hu

Holy Grail


The Wave of Hope and Pain


JAR 2002


Type and Childhood: the Emotional System

http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Ra_Uru_Hu_-_Type_and_Childhood_-_The_Emotional_System http://www.humandesign.com/type-and-childhood-the-emotional-system-ra-uru-hu http://humandesigninstitute.typepad.com/ Type & childhood

Choiceless is our Grace (remarks of Ra Uru Hu)





Readings by Ra Uru Hu Nr 4. - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 5 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 7 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 9 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 10 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 35 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 36 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 37 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 38 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 43 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 44 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 48 - By Ra Uru Hu


Nr. 51 - By Ra Uru Hu


A Documentary about Ra Uru Hu In the Spotlight with Inaki Moraza


Tribute to Ra Uru Hu


Amsterdam interview 1995 – Ra

http://www.youtubeherhaler.com/watch?v=6kgE_3c8pWo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8V4Cqz14bU

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeVrlxumIl4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kgE_3c8pWo


Ra Uru Hu speaks on the HD System



The Mechanics of the Maia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m4I2LVK8kA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m4I2LVK8kA&feature=share http://view.goodluckclip.com/?w=5m4I2LVK8kA&title=the-mechanics-of-the-maia


Words of Wisdom

http://www.ihdschool.com/Blogs/3838/Ra_Uru_Hu https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tao-of-Human-Design/222234664462977


The Clarion’s Call



Incarnation Crosses (Sample)



Daily View: Manifesting Generator 2/4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFRU6XmAsPQ


Human Design Voices Ra Intro


Manifestor Strategie, Sommerschule Austria 2011 http://members.itellico.com/8310/9854-humandesignsysteminfo/Download/


A Bit about the Human Design System

http://www.foundationalintelligence.com/hd-articles/ http://www.foundationalintelligence.com/storage/FI%20-%20A%20Bit%20about%20the%20HD%20System.pdf




Humandesignsystem.de Workshop Monatliche Transite – Intro



A few small articles



On Emotional Authority


A Message to the American Students


Humandesign-deepak-blogspot.nl The Spirit of Human Design


Rave History: Left and Rightness


Rave History: Global Cycles (1615-2027), Rave History 2012, Rave History 1781


How to Treat Children According to their Design



Articles (Translated in French by Jacques Chapoutot)

La nouvelle Année 2011


Le Retour de Kiron (February 2011)



Promoting the “Jam” player video





Message through the Earth



Related to Ra Uru Hu: Supernova 1987A The 1987a Supernova – Deepak Vidmar


Supernova 1987A


Zooming into Supernova 1987A


Hubble: Timelaps of V838 Monocerotis 2002-2006 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1fvMSs9cps Supernova 1987A


Measuring the Distance to Supernova 1987A http://www.astroex.org/english/exercise1/pdf/3-exercise1-high.pdf?sid=dbf2dc1bcd8ddc11996ba39f508d1f7e Medindo a disância da Supernova 1987A



Music The Kraks



http://snd.sc/qLAN7s https://soundcloud.com/zachirie/ramixed



Human Design Dictionary


The Cycle of Life


The Gates of Love (preview)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3TS_aNg7cw&feature=youtu.be th

an event of Richard Beaumont on October 27 , 2013


Human Design Radio A Whole Lot of Ra: Being Abnormal, Crystals, Conditioning, Splits, Talking on Talking, Neptune, The Spleen, and Enjoying Your Movie.




Human Design Virtual Community (HDVC)






Kindred Spirit Magazine, issue nr. 73

http://www.kindredspiritshop.co.uk/shop/product/issue-73-march-april-2005 https://www.facebook.com/HumanDesignAustralia/videos


The Rave New Year

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tTxfz0gXjk part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTgMPJxt4OM part 2 http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/The_Rave_New_Year


A Personal Tribute


A Tale of Encounter A Tale of Encounter


In Memoriam Edward L. Stanton In Memoriam Edward Stanton



Tribute of HD Austria



Tribute from Randy Richmond



Interviews Loki Krakower-Riley About Ra Uru Hu (interview Loki), Part 1 How HD Works (interview Loki), Part 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P29598g75iQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4DmiZArRg4

Previews on JovianArchive.com of Merchandise There are more previews on the site than shown here.


Audios (a few previews)


Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Gods, Entities and Aliens http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=angels%20%26%20Demons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HhyugSyMZU

Manifestor Manifesto


Rave History


The Faces of the Quarters

http://www.jovianarchive.com/Audios?page=8 http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=the+faces+of+tjhe+quarters&page=1


The Architecture of Life


The 64 Evolutionairy Steps


The Quarters


(E-)Books (a few previews)


Quarters and Angles


The Four Views


The Quarters


The History of Geometry (complete)




(a few previews)

Death & Bardo

http://www.jovianarchive.com/Videos http://jovianarchive.com/Audios/45/The_Equinox_Series_-_Ibiza_2010?productId=346 https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150164164135664

Nutrition part 13 (A Complete Guide to the HDS)

http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=nutrition http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu



Single Definition


Split Definition


Triple Split Definition


Quadruple Split Definition


Mechanics of the Maya: Angles & Profiles Series


The Left Angle




The Right Angle


Profile 1/3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pXEsx48cpo http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%201%2F3

Profile 1/4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpU4a1Cat88 http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%201%2F4

Profile 2/4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LplJPgu3xI http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%202%2F4

Profile 2/5

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRGOOD1tbjk http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%202%2F5

Profile 3/5

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VGCLTn5d_c http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%203%2F5

Profile 3/6

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQA439EERZs http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%203%2F6

Profile 4/6

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k8lcQta4_I http://wikibit.net/clip/Ra-Uru-Hu http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%204%2F6

Profile 4/1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58YxzTCdXC8 http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%204%2F1

Profile 5/1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rt5No2tby0Y http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%205%2F1

Profile 5/2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1wq-q8xWzU http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%205%2F2

Profile 6/2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4_93wMDQWQ http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%206%2F2

Profile 6/3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ugJ2SVehfI&list=PL9395A10B1D9684B7&index=12 http://www.jovianarchive.com/Search?term=profile%206%2F3