Project 2 Unit Revision Tests [PDF]

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Project 2 • Unit 1 Test A 1 Robert and Anna are going to school. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example ROBERT

When do you get up, Anna? (get up)


I usually 1________ at seven. (get up)


At seven? What time 2________ home? (leave)


My brother and I 3_________ the bus to school at eight. (take)


I 4__________ home at eight. (not leave) I leave at quarter to nine.




Yes, I do. But my brother’s school 6__________ near our house. (not be) He takes the bus to school.




Yes, but he 8___________ getting up early. (not like)


My brother 9__________ getting up early, too. (hate)



__________ near the school? (you live)

_____________ going to school by bus? (like)


____________getting up early! (not like)

2 Make questions using the prompts. Example 1 2 3 4 5

Julie / play / piano? Does Julie play the piano? Tom / use / computer / for his homework? What / Jo / do / on Thursdays after school? Where / you / usually / go / at the weekend? When / the students / have / lunch / at school? Bob and Mike / play / tennis?

3 Use the information from the chart and the words in the box below to complete the sentences.

Student survey

never  sometimes  often  always  usually 1 2 3 4 5

The The The The The

students students students students students

________ ________ ________ ________ ________

play football after school. watch TV after school. walk to school. go swimming at school. eat lunch at school.

4 Look at the notices and answer the questions. Use words, not numbers. Example Where is the Maths room?

1 2 3 4 5

It’s on the fourth floor.

Where is the gym? _______________________ When is the school concert? ________________ When is the Maths teacher’s birthday? ________ Where is the Art room? ____________________ When is the Art Exhibition? _________________

5 Look at the pictures and write the things Maria does or doesn’t do every day. Example

She watches TV.

1 _________

2 _________

3 _________

4 _________

5 _________

6 Read about Mr White. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? David White is our Geography teacher. He likes his job very much, but his wife, Mary, doesn’t like her job. She’s a Maths teacher in our school. She doesn’t like her job because the students don’t usually like her subject. Sometimes they don’t like Geography either, but I think it’s very interesting. We do a lot of interesting things in the class. Mr and Mrs White’s daughter, Zoe, is in my class. She says that her dad helps at home. He sometimes does the shopping and takes the rubbish out and he always feeds the dog. He often cooks dinner, too. Zoe usually washes up, and vacuums the floor. Mr White never washes the car because his son Andy does it. Andy is at our school, too. Mary teaches Zoe and Andy Maths and they both like it. Andy doesn’t do Geography, he does French instead.

1 The Geography teacher doesn’t like his job. 2 The Maths teacher’s name is Mary White. 3 A lot of students like Maths. 4 All the students think Geography is interesting. 5 Zoe sometimes feeds the dog. 6 Zoe normally washes up. 7 Andy always cleans the car. 8 Zoe doesn’t like Maths. 9 David and Mary are Zoe’s teachers. 10 Andy learns French.

Project 2 • Unit 1 Test B 1 Ted and Mike are going to school. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example When do you get up, Mike? (get up)


MIKE I usually 1_________at quarter past seven. (get up) What time 2_________home? (leave)


MIKE My sister and I 3_______the bus to school at eight. (take) TED

I 4__________home at eight. (not leave) I leave at quarter to nine.




Yes, I do. But my sister’s school 6______near our house. (not be) She takes the bus to school.




Yes, but she 8______getting up early. (not like)

__________near the school? (you live)

_________going to school by bus? (like)

MIKE My sister 9______getting up early, too. (hate) TED



_________getting up early! (not like)

2 Make questions using the prompts. Example 1 2 3 4 5

Julie / play / piano? Does Julie play the piano? When / the students / have P.E. at school? Where / you / usually / go / on holiday? Dan and Adam / play / basketball? Jan / use / have / a calculator / for her homework? What / Rob / do / on Tuesdays after school?

3 Use the information from the chart and the words in the box below to complete the sentences.

Student survey

never  sometimes  often  always  usually 1 2 3 4 5

The The The The The

students students students students students

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________

go swimming at school. eat lunch at school. walk to school. play football after school. watch TV after school.

4 Look at the notices and answer the questions. Use words, not numbers. Example Where is the Maths room? It’s on the fourth floor.

1 2 3 4 5

When is the Maths teacher’s birthday?_ _ When is the Art Exhibition?__________ Where is the gym?________________ Where is the Art room?____________ When is the school concert?_________

5 Look at the pictures and write the things Maria does or doesn’t do every day. Example

She watches TV. 1 _________

2 _________

3 _________

4 _________

5 _________

6 Read about Mr White. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Mandy White is our Geography teacher. She likes her job very much, but her husband, Paul, doesn’t like his job. He’s a Maths teacher in our school. He doesn’t like his job because the students don’t usually like Maths. Sometimes they don’t like Geography either, but I think it’s very interesting. We do a lot of interesting things in the class. Mr and Mrs White’s daughter, Clare, is in my class. She says that her dad helps at home. He sometimes does the shopping and takes the rubbish out and he always feeds the cat. He often cooks dinner, too. Clare usually washes up, and vacuums the floor. Mr White never washes the car because his son Joe does it. Joe is at our school, too. Paul teaches Clare and Joe Maths and they both like it. Joe doesn’t do Geography, he does History instead.

1 2 3 4

The Geography teacher doesn’t like her job. The Maths teacher’s name is Mandy White. A lot of students like Maths. Some students don’t think Geography is interesting. 5 Clare often feeds the cat. 6 Paul normally washes up. 7 Joe never cleans the car. 8 Clare doesn’t like Maths. 9 Paul and Mandy are Clare’s teachers. 10 Joe learns History.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Project 2 • Unit 2 Test A 1 Look at the pictures and write what the animals are doing. Example

The lion is sleeping.

1________________ ________________

2________________ ________________

3________________ ________________

4________________ ________________

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Example

1 2 3 4 5

 What is the boy doing?  He reads / are reading / is reading.  Where do you go / are you going / is you going?  I’m going to school.  What are the students watching?  They watch / watches / are watching a film about animals. _ Look! The dog and the cat play / is playing / are playing in the garden. _ I can’t come to the cinema. I do / is doing / am doing my homework.  Are you reading about meerkats?  Yes, I am / is / are.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6

Today, my dad and I are at the zoo. (be) I normally _________ here with my mum, but she isn’t here today. (come) So now we _________ the insects and the snakes. (watch) I usually _________ to the monkeys’ cage. (go) Today, we _________ at the monkeys. (not look) Why _________ the insects and snakes today? (we / visit) Because Mum _________ insects and snakes! (not like)

4 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct pronouns. This is Gus, my pet crocodile. He’s one year old and I got him for 1____birthday. At the moment, 2____ is sleeping on Mum’s knee. Mum likes 3____ a lot and Gus likes 4____, too. Mum and I feed Gus every day so he never bites 5____

5 Write the name of the animal next to the definition. bat  elephant  monkey  sheep  hamster 1 It lives in trees and likes bananas.________ 2 It’s small, but it isn’t a mouse. Children often keep it as a pet.________ 3 It’s a very big and strong animal. You can find it in India or Africa.________ 4 Your jumper comes from this animal - perhaps. 5 It isn’t a bird, but it can fly.________

6 Correct the sentences. Example

1 2 3 4 5

Eagles have fur. Eagles don’t have fur. They have feathers. Frogs are red. ______________________________ Cows are reptiles. ______________________________ Whales live in rivers. ______________________________ A hippopotamus is a small reptile. ______________________________ Snakes have six legs. ______________________________

7 Read about Fred’s day and circle the correct answer. Hello, my name’s Fred. I’m a zoo keeper and I look after the animals in the zoo. It is usually a good job, but I’m having a bad day today. I don’t usually help in the restaurant or sell tickets – it’s not my job – but I am doing both today. Normally, I clean the lions’ cage when I start work. Then I feed them. After that, I feed the tigers and clean their cage. Then I feed the dolphins. Sometimes, I look after the kangaroos, too. When the other zoo keepers have a holiday, I feed their animals. I really like feeding the crocodiles and the snakes. But my favourite job is talking to the visitors and telling them about the animals. But today everyone has a lot of work. Twenty schools are visiting the zoo today. There will be a lot of people here so everyone has to help. Today, my friend Tom is looking after my animals and his animals, too, and I am selling tickets and helping Mrs Smith in the restaurant. Mrs Smith is cooking the lunches and I am washing up and cleaning the tables.

1 What does a zoo keeper normally do? a looks after the animals in a zoo b sells tickets in a zoo c works in the zoo restaurant 2 Does Fred like working in the zoo a always? b sometimes? c normally?

3 Usually, what is Fred’s first job? a feeding the tigers b cleaning the lions’ cage c feeding the dolphins 4 Which animals does Fred look after every day? a lions, tigers and dolphins b kangaroos, lions and tigers c snakes and crocodiles 5 Why does Fred sometimes feed the crocodiles and the snakes? a because the other zoo keepers have a lot of work b because the other zoo keepers are on holiday c because twenty schools are coming today 6 What does Fred like best? a cleaning the cages b feeding the crocodiles and snakes c talking to visitors about the animals 7 Why does everyone have a lot of work today? a because there are a lot of animals to feed b because there are a lot of visitors c because some zoo keepers are on holiday 8 Who is feeding Fred’s animals today? a Tom b Fred c Mrs Smith 9 What is Tom doing today? a feeding his animals b looking after his animals and Fred’s animals c selling tickets 10 a b c

What is Fred doing in the restaurant? cooking the lunches having dinner washing up and cleaning the tables

Project 2 • Unit 2 Test B 1 Look at the pictures and write what the animals are doing. Example

The lion is sleeping.

1________________ ________________

2________________ ________________

3________________ ________________

4________________ ________________

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Example

1 2 3 4 5

What is the boy doing? He reads / are reading / is reading. I can’t come to the cinema. I do / is doing / am doing my homework. Look! The dogs fight / are fighting / is fighting in the garden. Are you reading about meerkats? Yes, I am / is / are. Where do you go / are you going / is you going? I’m going to school. What are the students watching? They watch / watches / are watching a film about dolphins.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6

Today, my mum and I are at the zoo. (be) I normally _________ here with my dad, but he isn’t here today. (come) I usually _________ to the monkeys’ cage. (go) Today, we _________ at the monkeys. (not look) So now we _________ the crocodiles and the snakes. (watch) Why _________ the crocodiles and snakes today? (we / visit) Because Dad _________ crocodiles and snakes! (not like)

4 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct pronouns. This is Nero, my pet crocodile. At the moment, 1 ______ is sleeping on Mum’s knee. Mum likes 2 ______ a lot and Nero likes 3______, too. Mum and I feed Nero every day, so he never bites 4______. I got Nero for 5______ birthday.

5 Write the name of the animal next to the definition. bat  elephant  monkey  sheep  hamster 1 2 3 4 5

It isn’t a bird, but it can fly. Your jumper comes from this animal – perhaps. It’s small, but it isn’t a mouse. Children often keep it as a pet. It’s a very big and strong animal. You can find it in India or Africa. It lives in trees and likes bananas.

6 Correct the sentences. Example Eagles have fur. Eagles don’t have fur. They have feathers. 1 Whales live in rivers. _____________________________ 2 A hippopotamus is a small reptile. _____________________________ 3 Frogs are red. _____________________________ 4 Snakes have six legs. _____________________________ 5 Cows are reptiles. _____________________________ 7 Read about Mike’s day and circle the correct answer. Hello, my name’s Mike. I’m a zoo keeper and I look after the animals in the zoo. It is usually a good job, but I’m having a bad day today. I don’t usually help in the restaurant or sell tickets – it’s not my job – but I am doing both today. Normally, I clean the tigers’ cage when I start work. Then I feed them. After that, I feed the monkeys and clean their cage. Then I feed the elephants. Sometimes, I look after the kangaroos, too. When the other zoo keepers have a holiday, I feed their animals. I really like feeding the sharks and the dolphins. But my favourite job is talking to the visitors and telling them about the animals. But today everyone has a lot of work. Twenty schools are visiting the zoo today. There will be a lot of people here so everyone has to help. Today, my friend Pete is looking after my animals and his animals, too, and I am selling tickets and helping Mrs Smith in the restaurant. Mrs Dawson is cooking the lunches and I am washing up and cleaning the tables.

1 What does a zoo keeper normally do? a sells tickets in a zoo b works in the zoo restaurant c looks after the animals in a zoo 2 Does Mike like his job

a sometimes? b normally? c always? 3 Usually, what is Mike’s first job? a cleaning the tigers’ cage b feeding the elephants c feeding the monkeys 4 Which animals does Mike look after every day? a kangaroos, monkeys and tigers b snakes and dolphins c monkeys, tigers and elephants 5 Why does Mike sometimes feed the dolphins and the sharks? a because the other zoo keepers are on holiday b because twenty schools are coming today c because the other zoo keepers have a lot of work 6 What does Mike like best? a feeding the dolphins and sharks b talking to visitors about the animals c cleaning the cages 7 Why does everyone have a lot of work today? a because there are a lot of visitors b because some zoo keepers are on holiday c because there are a lot of animals to feed 8 Who is feeding Mike’s animals today? a Pete b Mike c Mrs Dawson 9 What is Pete doing today? a feeding his animals b selling tickets c looking after his animals and Mike’s animals 10 a b c

What is Mike doing in the restaurant? having dinner washing up and cleaning the tables cooking food

Project 2 • Revision Test 1A 1 Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Example What are you doing? (do)


KIRSTEN I 1__________ (feed) my hamster. I 2__________ (give) him food at five o’clock every day. What 3__________ now? (he / eat)


KIRSTEN Some nuts. He 4__________ (like) them very much. What about your hamster? 5__________ (he / like) nuts, too? LEE

I 6__________ (not know). My mum usually 7__________ (buy) the hamster food from the pet shop.




No, I’m not. I 9__________ (tidy) my room.

__________ (you / watch) TV?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct question word. Choose from the words in the box. How often  What  Which  When  Why  Where Example 1 2 3 4 5

When does the Maths lesson begin? ______ is the Art room? ______ do you do at the weekend? ______ book do you want? ______ are you reading that book? ______ do you clean the car?

3 Complete the answers to these questions. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6

Are you playing football? Yes, I am. Do you like cats? No, ____________. Is the teacher writing on the board? Yes, ____________. Are the children doing their homework? Yes, ____________. Does your teacher play football? Yes, ____________. Are your pets eating? No, ____________. Do we have French today? Yes, ____________.

4 Complete the crossword using the clues. Find the extra word. (Clue: It flies.)

Clues 1 It’s a farm animal. Perhaps your jumper comes from it. 2 It swims in warm seas and sometimes it eats people. 3 It lives on a farm. We make cheese with its milk. 4 It’s a very clever mammal. It swims, but it doesn’t walk. 5 It is a very big animal. It lives in Africa and India.

5 Match the pictures to the activities.

Example 1 2 3 4 6

taking the rubbish out E playing the guitar_____ vacuuming the floor_____ having a party_____ feeding the cat_____ Listen and match the people to the animals they’re

watching. snakes  tigers  monkeys  lions  elephants  meerkats Example 1 2 3 4 5

Mark Anna Ben Karen Bobby Tony

meerkats _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

7 Read about Karen and answer the questions. Karen’s school is not like other schools. She starts school at eight o’clock. She gets up at seven o’clock and has breakfast at half past seven. She doesn’t travel to school because she lives in the school. From eight o’clock until twelve o’clock she has dancing lessons. After lunch, she has the same subjects as other schools. Her favourite subject is English. In the evening, she always does her homework and sometimes she tidies her room or washes her clothes. So she doesn’t watch television very often. She works very hard at school, but she does it because she wants to be a famous ballet dancer.

1 When does Karen’s school day begin? __________________________________ 2 Why doesn’t she travel to school? __________________________________ 3 What does she do in the morning? __________________________________ 4 What subject does she like best at school? __________________________________ 5Does she always watch TV in the evening? __________________________________ 6 Why does she work hard? __________________________________ 8 Write an e-mail to Karen. • • • •

Tell Tell Tell Ask

her her her her

your name. when you go to school. your favourite subject at school. to write to you.

Project 2 • Revision Test 1B 1 Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Example What are you doing? (do)


NINA I 1_________(give) my hamster food at six o’clock every day. So, I 2 __________(feed) him now. What 3___________at the moment? (he / eat)


NINA Some nuts. He 4___________(like) them very much. What about your hamster? 5___________(he / like) nuts, too? JAN

I 6___________(not know). We usually 7__________(get) the hamster food from the pet shop.




No, I’m not. I 9___________(tidy) my room.

___________(you / play) computer games?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct question word. Choose from the words in the box. How often  What  Which  When  Why  Where Example 1 2 3 4 5

What do you do on Saturday? __________ does the Art lesson begin? __________ are you watching that film? __________ is the Science room? __________ do you clean your bedroom? __________ CD do you want?

3 Complete the answers to these questions. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6

Are you playing football? Yes, I am. Is the teacher writing on the board? Yes, _______________. Do we have French today? Yes, _______________. Do you like cats? No, _______________. Are the children doing their homework? No, _______________. Does your teacher play football? No, _______________. Are your pets eating? Yes, _______________.

4 Complete the crossword using the clues. Find the extra word. (Clue: It flies.)

Clues 1 2 3 4 5

It is a very big animal. It lives in Africa and India. It swims in warm seas and sometimes it eats people. It lives on a farm. We make cheese with its milk. It’s a very clever mammal. It swims, but it doesn’t walk. It’s a farm animal. Perhaps your jumper comes from it.

5 Match the pictures to the activities.

Example 1 2 3 4 6

taking the rubbish out B having a party_____ feeding the cat_____ playing the guitar_____ vacuuming the floor_____ Listen and match the people to the animals they’re

watching. snakes  tigers  monkeys  lions  elephants  meerkats Example 1 2 3 4 5

Mark Anna Ben Karen Bobby Tony

meerkats __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7 Read about Mona and answer the questions. Mona’s school is not like other schools. She starts school at half past eight. She gets up at half past seven and has breakfast at eight o’clock. She doesn’t travel to school because she lives in the school. From nine o’clock until twelve o’clock she has school lessons. Her favourite subject is English. After lunch, she has dance lessons. In the evening, she always does her homework and sometimes she tidies her room or washes her clothes. So she doesn’t watch television very often. She works very hard at school, but she does it because she wants to be a famous ballet dancer.

1 When does Mona’s school day begin? ____________________________________ 2 Why doesn’t she travel to school? ____________________________________ 3 What subject does she like best at school? ____________________________________ 4 What does she do in the afternoon? ____________________________________ 5 Does she always do homework in the evening? ____________________________________ 6 Why does she work hard? ____________________________________ 8 Write an e-mail to Mona. • • • •

Tell Tell Tell Ask

her her her her

your name. when you go to school. your favourite subject at school. to write to you.

Project 2 • Unit 3 Test A 1 Make sentences using the prompts to complete the story. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Last year / my family / visit / London Last year my family visited London. We / travel / by train to Calais My brother / forget / his MP3 player He / play / computer games in the car We / take / the boat / to Dover My mum / not enjoy / the boat trip We / eat / fish and chips / in a restaurant But / my mum / not like / the food We / arrive / in London / at eight o’clock

2 Write the questions for these answers. Use the correct question words. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6

I left home at eight o’clock. When did you leave home? We were in Spain at Christmas. ___________________________________? Tom was at a party last night. ___________________________________? They bought their tickets at the hotel. ___________________________________? We took the children to the zoo. ___________________________________? David forgot his passport. ___________________________________? Baron von Drais made the first bicycle in 1817. ___________________________________?

3 Correct the sentences. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6

I don’t go to school yesterday. I didn’t go to school yesterday. We didn’t went swimming on holiday. ____________________________________ Our hotel weren’t near the beach. ____________________________________ Liked you your last holiday? ____________________________________ My brother drived all the way to Spain last year. ____________________________________ Last night we eat spaghetti for dinner. ____________________________________ I were in Italy last summer. ____________________________________

4 How did they go on holiday? Write sentences. Example 1 2 3 4 5

Andy went on holiday by bus. ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

5 Match the pictures to the postcards.

6 Read about Clara’s holidays. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? We usually go to the beach for our summer holidays because we love the sun and we love swimming. You can always do a lot of sports on the beach. We all like sports. Mum and Dad play a lot of tennis and they go windsurfing. My brother is learning to windsurf, but Dad says I am too young. He’s teaching me tennis and I like it. My brother’s favourite sport is football. On holiday, we always try new sports. Last January, I heard my mum talking to my dad. ‘I want to go to London on holiday this year,’ she said. I wasn’t happy, but Mum and Dad never listen to me, so we went to London in July. I didn’t like it. The weather was warm and sunny, but we didn’t do any sports. We visited lots of museums and old buildings.

1 Clara normally goes to the beach in the summer. 2 Clara’s family go on beach holidays because like the sun and they like swimming. 3 Clara’s parents play tennis. 4 Clara’s dad teaches her to windsurf. 5 Clara’s brother likes football. 6 Clara wanted to go to London on holiday. 7 Clara’s family went to London in January. 8 They didn’t go swimming in London. 9 They visited museums in London. 10 Clara enjoyed her holiday in London.

______ they ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Project 2 • Unit 3 Test B 1 Make sentences using the prompts to complete the story. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Last year / my family / visit / London Last year my family visited London. We / travel / by train to Calais in France ____________________________________ We / take / the boat / to Dover ____________________________________ My sister / not enjoy / the boat trip ____________________________________ I / forget / my MP3 player ____________________________________ I / play / computer games on the boat ____________________________________ We / arrive / in London / at six o’clock ____________________________________ We / eat / fish and chips / in Oxford Street ____________________________________ But / my dad / not like / the food ____________________________________

2 Write the questions for these answers. Use the correct question words. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6

I left home at eight o’clock. When did you leave home? We bought our tickets at the hotel. ___________________________________? We took Danny’s friend to the cinema. ___________________________________? Jack forgot his passport. ___________________________________? Rob was at a party last night. ___________________________________? They were in Italy at last summer. ___________________________________? Baron von Drais made the first bicycle in 1817. ___________________________________?

3 Correct the sentences. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6

I don’t go to school yesterday. I didn’t go to school yesterday. Our hotel weren’t in a town. ____________________________________ My uncle drived all the way to Greece last year. ____________________________________ I were in France last summer. ____________________________________ They didn’t went skiing on holiday. ____________________________________ Enjoyed you your last holiday? ____________________________________ Yesterday we eat pizza for dinner. ____________________________________

4 How did they go on holiday? Write sentences. Example 1 2 3 4 5

Andy went on holiday by bus.

____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

5 Match the pictures to the postcards.

6 Read about Ella’s holidays. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? We usually go to the beach for our summer holidays because we love the sun and we love swimming. You can always do a lot of sports on the beach. We all like sports. My brother and I play a lot of tennis and we swim a lot. My brother is learning to play tennis. Dad’s teaching me to ski and I like it. My brother’s favourite sport is football. On holiday, we always try new sports. Last February, I heard my mum talking to my dad. ‘I want to go to Rome on holiday this year,’ she said. I wasn’t happy, but Mum and Dad never listen to me so we went to Rome in July. I didn’t like it. The weather was hot and sunny, but we didn’t do any sports. We visited lots of museums and old buildings.

1 Ella normally goes to the beach in the summer.______ 2 Ella’s family go on beach holidays because they like sitting on the beach. _______ 3 Ella’s brother plays tennis. _______ 4 Ella’s dad teaches her to swim. _______ 5 Ella’s brother likes football. _______ 6 Ella wanted to go to Rome on holiday. _______ 7 Ella’s family went to Rome in January. _______ 8 They didn’t go swimming in Rome. _______ 9 They visited buildings in Rome. _______ 10 Ella enjoyed her holiday in Rome. _______

Project 2 • Unit 4 Test A 1 Look at the pictures and write sentences about what is and what isn’t in the fridge. Use some, any, a, an. Example

There’s some milk.

1 _____________

2 _____________



3 _____________

4 _____________



5 _____________

6 _____________



2 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. milk  coffee  tomatoes  crisps  lemonade  chocolate Example

a glass, of milk

1 __________

2 ____________

3 ____________

4 ____________

5 ____________

3 Complete the text with a, some or the. I went to 1____restaurant yesterday for lunch. 2____restaurant was full, so I waited fifteen minutes for a table. I ordered 3____soup and 4 ____hamburger. 5____soup was cold and 6____hamburger was awful!

4 What kind of food is it? Read the clues and write the name. Example 1 2 3 4 5

It grows on trees. It’s long. It’s yellow. a banana You can make it with bread. You can put meat or cheese in it. You can eat it on a picnic.________ It’s very cold. It’s made from milk. There are many different favours.________ There are apples in it. We eat it for dessert. You can put cream on it.________ It’s made with bread, cheese and a hamburger. It’s a hot snack. You can buy it in fast-food restaurants.________ We eat it for breakfast. We put milk and sugar on it.________

5 Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.


What are you cooking?


Cheese and tomato omelette.


How many 1_________ are you using?


Three. And I need two 2_________.


And you need 50 g of 3_________. How do you make the omelette?


I 4_________ the cheese and chop the tomatoes into small pieces, then I 5_________ them in a bowl with the eggs and a little 6_________. I put some butter into a hot 7_________ pan and when it melts, I add the mixture and 8_________ everything to make the omelette.

6 Joseph is a chef. Put the parts of the text about his day into the correct order. 1 c 2 _____

3 _____ 4 _____

5 _____ 6 _____

a The restaurant opens for dinner at seven o’clock and closes at half past eleven. I cook all evening, but I don’t clean or wash up, so I go home at about midnight. b I only cook dinners because we have another chef who cooks lunches. So, after the market, I go home and sleep until lunch. c My name is Joseph. I am chef in a restaurant. This is how I spend my day. d I start work at 7 a.m. I go to the market very early to choose the best fruit, vegetables, meat and fish for the day’s menu. e I eat lunch and then go back to the restaurant. We look at what I bought at the market and decide what I am going to cook with it. Then I write the day’s menu on the blackboard. f In the afternoon, before the restaurant opens, we make the soup and cut and prepare all the vegetables.

7 Read about Joseph’s day in exercise 6 again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 2 3 4 5

Joseph goes to the market to choose the best food. Joseph cooks lunches and dinners in the restaurant. Joseph eats lunch at home. Joseph makes soup when the customer orders it. The restaurant is open for five hours in the evening.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Project 2 • Unit 4 Test B 1 Look at the pictures and write sentences about what is and what isn’t in the fridge. Use some, any, a, an. Example

There’s some milk.

1 _____________

_____________ _____________

3 _____________

4 _____________



5 _____________

6 _____________





2 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. milk  coffee  tomatoes  crisps  lemonade  chocolate Example

a glass, of milk

1 ____________

2 _______________

3 _______________

4 _______________

5 _______________

3 Complete the text with a, some or the. I went to 1____café yesterday for lunch. 2____café was full, so I waited for a table. I ordered 3____glass of lemonade and 4____pasta. 5 ____lemondae was warm and 6____pasta was awful!

4 What kind of food is it? Read the clues and write the name. Example 1 2 3 4 5

It grows on trees. It’s long. It’s yellow. a banana It’s made with bread, cheese and a hamburger. It’s a hot snack. You can buy it in fast-food restaurants.________ There are apples in it. We eat it for dessert. You can put cream on it.________ It’s very cold. It’s made from milk. There are many different flavours.________ We eat it for breakfast. We put milk and sugar on it.________ You can make it with bread. You can put meat or cheese in it. You can eat it on a picnic.________

5 Look at the picture and complete the dialogue.

KAREN What are you cooking? SAM

Cheese and tomato omelette.

KAREN How many 1________ are you using? SAM

Two. And I need three 2________.

KAREN And you need 50 g of 3________. How do you make the omelette? SAM

I 4________ the cheese and chop the tomatoes into small pieces, then I 5________ them in a bowl with the eggs and a little 6________. I put some butter into a hot 7________ pan and when it melts, I add the mixture and 8_______ everything to make the omelette.

6 Ken is a chef. Put the parts of the text about his day into the correct order. 1 f 2 ____

3 ____ 4 ____

5 ____ 6 ____

a I eat lunch and then go back to the restaurant. We look at what I bought at the market and decide what I am going to cook with it. Then I write the day’s menu on the blackboard. b I start work at 7 a.m. I go to the market very early to choose the best fruit, vegetables, meat and fish for the day’s menu. c In the afternoon, before the restaurant opens, we make the soup and cut and prepare all the vegetables. d I only cook dinners because we have another chef who cooks lunches. So, after the market, I go home and sleep until lunch. e The restaurant opens for dinner at seven o’clock and closes at half past eleven. I cook all evening, but I don’t clean or wash up, so I go home at about midnight. f My name is Ken. I am a chef in a restaurant. This is how I spend my day.

7 Read about Ken’s day in exercise 6 again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 2 3 4 5

Ken goes to the market to choose the best food. Ken cooks lunches and dinners in the restaurant. Ken eats lunch at home. Ken makes soup in the afternoon. The restaurant is open for four hours in the evening.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Project 2 • Revision Test 2A 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example They didn’t play table tennis yesterday. (not play) 1 He __________ his mother last week. (phone) 2 We __________ a taxi to the hotel yesterday. (take) 3 We __________ some really good chocolate. Try some! (eat) 4 When I’m on holiday, I always __________ a postcard to my mum. (send) 5 They often __________ picnics on holiday. (have) 6 She __________ a sandwich for lunch yesterday. (not eat) 7 My mum usually __________ a cake for my birthday. (make) 8 I __________ the tomatoes for last Sunday’s dinner. (slice) 9 My sister always __________ the potatoes on Sundays. (peel) 10_ I __________. I’m doing my homework. (not sleep) 2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Example Where / on / did / sister / go / your / holiday? Where did your sister go on holiday? 1 the / When / to / are / going / we / cinema? ___________________________________________ 2 Tuesday / you / meat / eat / Do / always / on? ___________________________________________ 3 students / your / there / many / class / in / are / How? ___________________________________________ 4 lunch / did / have / for / students / the / What? ___________________________________________ 5learning / you / Are / guitar / the / play / to? ___________________________________________

3 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any, the. Yesterday, I went shopping with Mum. We went to a supermarket. 1 _____supermarket is near our house. Mum bought 2_____milk, 3 _____apples and 4_____orange, but she didn’t buy 5_____fish.

4 Complete the words. They are all kinds of food. Example OTHER



S_ _ _ _ _ _









5 What happened to them? Complete the sentences.

Example He broke his arm.

1 They____________


2 Someone_________ 3 He_______________ ________________ _________________

4 He_____________ _______________

5 Her hat__________ ________________


Listen to Matilda, Jack and Lee ordering lunch and complete the table.


Main course




Chicken and French Fries Lee






7 Read about Paul’s job and circle the correct answers. My cousin Paul is a student. He studies from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays he works in a restaurant. He usually helps cook the meals, but sometimes he serves tables. He is a good cook, but on his first day as a waiter he made a lot of mistakes. My parents were his first customers. Dad remembers that Paul took their order. He asked for a steak and Paul brought fish. Dad also asked for a bottle of wine and two glasses of water. Paul dropped the bottle when he tried to open it and the wine went into Dad’s fish and Mum’s pasta. Paul didn’t remember to bring the water at all. Paul’s boss was angry, but Dad spoke to him so Paul didn’t lose his job. Paul’s a good waiter now.

1 What does Paul normally do on Saturdays? a he studies b he cooks c he serves tables 2 Who were Paul’s first customers? a his boss and his wife b his uncle and aunt c his cousins 3 Which mistake did Paul not make? a He brought the wrong food. b He dropped a bottle of wine. c He forgot to take the order.

4 Why didn’t Mum and Dad get any water? a Paul forgot it. b There was no water. c They didn’t ask for water. 5 What did Mum have to eat? a steak b fish c pasta 6 Why didn’t Paul lose his job? a His boss was happy with him. b He was a good waiter. c Dad spoke to his boss.

8 You are Paul. Write an e-mail to your friend Lorna telling her about that day in the restaurant. Tell her about your customers and the three mistakes you made.

Project 2 • Revision Test 2B 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example They didn’t play table tennis yesterday. (not play) 1 They often __________ picnics on holiday. (have) 2 My dad always __________ the potatoes on Sundays. (peel) 3 She __________ anything for breakfast yesterday. (not eat) 4 I __________ the onions for dinner last night. (slice) 5 Sally __________ her grandma last week. (phone) 6 We __________ some really nice cake. Try some! (eat) 7 My mum sometimes __________ a cake for my birthday. (buy) 8 Jess always __________ a postcard to me when she’s on holiday. (send) 9 We _________a bus to the station yesterday. (take) 10_ I _________ I’m reading a book. (not sleep) 2 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Example Where / on / did / sister / go / your / holiday? Where did your sister go on holiday? 1 students / your / there / many / school / in / are / How? __________________________________________ 2 learning / Sally / Is / piano / the / play / to? __________________________________________ 3 the / When / to / are / going / you / beach? __________________________________________ 4 Saturday / you / fish / eat / Do / always / on? __________________________________________ 5lunch / did / do / after / students / the / What? __________________________________________ 3 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any, the. Last week, I went shopping with Dad. We went to a supermarket. Dad bought 1_____bread, 2_____orange and 3_____apples, but he didn’t buy 4_____cheese. 5_____supermarket was very busy.

4 Complete the words. They are all kinds of food. Example OTHER







S_ _ _ _ _ _





5 What happened to them? Complete the sentences.



He broke his arm.



2 He_______________ 3 Her hat___________


4 They __________



5 He ____________



Listen to Matilda, Jack and Lee ordering lunch and complete the table.


Main course




Chicken and French Fries Lee






7 Read about Luke’s job and circle the correct answers. My cousin Luke is a student. He studies from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays he works in a restaurant. He usually helps cook the meals, but sometimes he serves tables. He is a good cook, but on his first day as a waiter he made a lot of mistakes. My parents were his first customers. Dad remembers that Luke took their order. He asked for a steak and Luke brought fish. Dad also asked for a bottle of wine and two glasses of water. Luke dropped the bottle when he tried to open it and the wine went into Dad’s fish and Mum’s pasta. Luke didn’t remember to bring the water at all. Luke’s boss was angry, but Dad spoke to him so Luke didn’t lose his job. Luke’s a good waiter now.

1 What a he b he c he

does Luke normally do on Thursday? studies cooks serves tables

2 Who were Luke’s first customers? a his uncle and aunt b his parents c his boss and his wife 3 Which mistake did Luke make? a He broke a bottle of wine. b He forgot to take the order. c He brought the wrong food. 4 Why didn’t Mum and Dad get any water? a Luke forgot it. b There was no water.

c They didn’t ask for water. 5 What did Mum have to eat? a fish b pasta c steak 6 Why didn’t Luke lose his job? a He was a good waiter. b Dad spoke to his boss. c His boss was happy with him.

8 You are Luke. Write an e-mail to your friend Lorna telling her about that day in the restaurant. Tell her about your customers and the three mistakes you made.

Project 2 • Unit 5 Test A 1 Look at the picture and write questions for the answers.

Example 15 m How high is the house? 1 12 m_________________________ 2 25 m_________________________ 3 4 m__________________________ 4 1.81 m_______________________ 5 80 kg_________________________

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Food in the supermarket is cheap, but it is cheaper in the market. It’s hot today, but it was __________ yesterday. The weather is sunny in June, but it is __________ in July. Her mum is a good cook, but my mum is __________. Our dog is old, but Jo’s is even __________. This computer is expensive, but that computer is __________. I got a bad mark for Maths, but Laura’s mark was __________. How tall am I? Well, I am __________ than my dad.

3 Write sentences comparing the athletes. Use the correct form of the adjectives. Examples Rose / Jenny / old Rose is older than Jenny. All three / young Jenny is the youngest. 1 Norma / Rose / tall _____________________________ 2 Jenny / Norma / young _____________________________ 3 All three / old _____________________________ 4 Jenny / Rose / short _____________________________ 5 All three / tall _____________________________ 6 Norma / Jenny / good _____________________________ 7 Rose / Jenny / bad _____________________________ 5All three / good _____________________________

4 Label the picture.

5 Write the opposite of the adjectives. 1 2 3 4 5

expensive wet easy heavy hot

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 Read about Fantasyland and correct the mistakes in the sentences. Fantasyland is a place where only magical creatures live. It is an island bigger than Cyprus, but smaller than Ireland. Ireland and Fantasyland are very wet. Cyprus is a very dry island. But Fantasyland is hotter than Ireland. Because the grass grows better in hot, wet climates, Fantasyland is the greenest island. Irish and Cypriot people are normal size, but the Fantasylanders are very small. The tallest Fantasylander is no more than one metre high. None of the animals you find in the real world exist in Fantasyland. For example, there are no cats and dogs, but a strange animal called a dat, which has the head of a dog, the body of a cat and no tail. There are over a hundred species of animal on the island. There is one more difference between Fantasyland and the other two islands. You can visit Ireland and Cyprus by plane, but you can only visit Fantasyland when you play the computer game ‘Magic Islands’.

Example Fantasyland is the biggest island. Ireland is the biggest island. 1 Cyprus is wetter than Ireland. _________________________________________ 2 The grass is greener in Ireland than in Fantasyland. _________________________________________ 3 It is wetter in Cyprus than in Fantasyland. _________________________________________ 4 The tallest people live in Fantasyland. _________________________________________ 5 Some Fantasylanders are over one metre tall. _________________________________________ 6 A dat has a cat’s tail and dog’s head. _________________________________________ 7 There are only a hundred kinds of animal on Fantasyland. _________________________________________ 8 There are some real people on Fantasyland. _________________________________________ 9 You can go to Fantasyland by plane. _________________________________________ 10_ Fantasyland is the name of a computer game. _________________________________________

Project 2 • Unit 5 Test B 1 Look at the picture and write questions for the answers.

Example 15 m How high is the house? 1 3 m__________________________ 2 75 kg_________________________ 3 22 m_________________________ 4 10 m_________________________ 5 1.79 m________________________

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives. Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Food in the supermarket is cheap, but it is cheaper in the market. Her mum is a good cook, but my mum is __________. I got a bad mark for Maths, but Laura’s mark was __________. How tall am I? Well, I am __________ than my dad. This computer is expensive, but that computer is __________. Our dog is old, but Jo’s is even __________. The weather is sunny in June, but it is __________ in July. It’s hot today, but it was __________ yesterday.

3 Write sentences comparing the athletes. Use the correct form of the adjectives. Examples

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jenny / Norma / old Jenny is older than Norma. All three / young Jenny is the youngest. Norma / Jenny / short __________________________ Norma / Rose / good __________________________ Rose / Jenny / tall __________________________ Norma / Rose / young __________________________ All three / good __________________________ Jenny / Norma / bad __________________________ All three / tall __________________________ All three / old __________________________

4 Label the picture.

5 Write the opposite of the adjectives. 1 2 3 4 5

heavy easy hot wet cheap

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________

6 Read about Fantasyland and correct the mistakes in the sentences. Fantasyland is a place where only magical creatures live. It is an island bigger than Cyprus, but smaller than Ireland. Ireland and Fantasyland are very wet. Cyprus is a very dry island. But Fantasyland is hotter than Ireland. Because the grass grows better in hot, wet climates, Fantasyland is the greenest island. Irish and Cypriot people are normal size, but the Fantasylanders are very small. The tallest Fantasylander is no more than one metre high. None of the animals you find in the real world exist in Fantasyland. For example, there are no cats and dogs, but a strange animal called a dat, which has the head of a dog, the body of a cat and no tail. There are over a hundred species of animal on the island. There is one more difference between Fantasyland and the other two islands. You can visit Ireland and Cyprus by plane, but you can only visit Fantasyland when you play the computer game Magic Islands.

Example Fantasyland is the biggest island. Ireland is the biggest island. 1 Cyprus is wetter than Fantasyland. ___________________________________________ 2 The grass is greener in Ireland than in Fantasyland. ___________________________________________ 3 Ireland is hotter than Fantasyland. ___________________________________________ 4 The tallest people live in Fantasyland. ___________________________________________ 5 Some Fantasylanders are over one metre tall. ___________________________________________ 6 A dat has a cat’s body and dog’s tail. ___________________________________________ 7 There are more than a hundred kinds of animal in Ireland. ___________________________________________ 8 There are some real people on Fantasyland. ___________________________________________ 9 You can’t go to Cyprus by plane. ___________________________________________ 10_ Fantasyland is the name of a computer game. ___________________________________________

Project 2 • Unit 6 Test A 1 Look at Luke’s diary and complete the sentences.

Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

On Monday, Luke is going to watch TV. On Tuesday, Luke and Hannah ________ __________________________________ On Wednesday, Luke isn’t ___________ __________________________________ On Wednesday, Luke and Gemma ______ __________________________________ On Thursday, Luke ________________ __________________________________ On Friday, Luke and Oliver aren’t ______ __________________________________ On Saturday, Luke ________________ __________________________________ On Sunday, Luke and his family _______ __________________________________ On Sunday evening, Luke ___________ __________________________________

2 Look at Luke’s diary again and write questions for the answers. Example

1 2 3 4 5 6

On Tuesday at 7.30. When are Luke and Hannah going to play tennis? On Wednesday at seven o’clock. ___________________________________________ At the sports centre. ___________________________________________ Learn his lines. ___________________________________________ His grandparents. ___________________________________________ No, because he’s going to go to the cinema with Gemma. ___________________________________________ No, because the lesson is cancelled. ___________________________________________

3 Look at the chart and write about what Tina and Barry have to do / don’t have to do. Example Tina has to wear a uniform. Tina’s school Barry’s school uniform




piano lessons






eat lunch at school yes





1 2 3 4 5


Barry_________________a uniform. Tina______________piano lessons. Barry________________________. Tina and Barry_________________. Tina and Barry_________________.

4 Label the programmes. Use the words in the box. news  western  chat show  cartoon  nature programme quiz show





2 ______________

3 ______________

2 ______________

3 ______________

5 Read the interview with an actor ‘Bob Petty’ about his first movie. Tick (✓) the things he did and put a cross (✗) next to the things he didn’t do. PRESENTER

Tell us about your first film, Bob.


I studied at a music school, but my first film was a drama.


What did you study?


Ballet and modern dance, the guitar and piano, and I had singing lessons of course.


What did you have to do in your first film?


Well, I was in one scene in a disco where I won a competition for the best dancer.


What about make-up and costumes?


You need make-up because of the strong lighting. But I wore normal clothes.


What do you remember most about that film?


The hard work! There were lots of lines to learn.


1 2 3 4 5

was in a scene ✓ sang ✗ learned lines ____ wore a costume ____ wore make-up ____ danced ____ played a musical instrument ____

6 Read about the film The Hidden Princess. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? The beautiful princess Mai Chi lived in her father’s palace. She never went outside its high walls. Her father, the King, wanted to choose her husband. He didn’t want her to meet a handsome young man and fall in love. So she stayed locked in the palace and the people of the city never saw her. But they talked about the poor, lonely princess and they were sad. One day a famous general, Xiao Lu, came to the city. The King wanted to thank him for winning so many battles. He wanted to give him a medal. Of course, when Xiao Lu came, the King didn’t want Mai Chi to meet the soldier, so he shut her in her room. When the King saw that Xiao Lu was younger and more handsome than any other general in his army, the King thought, ‘I was right to lock up my daughter. I don’t want her to fall in love with this man. I want her to marry a prince. Xiao Lu is just a soldier.’ But Xiao Lu knew from the people of the city that the King had a beautiful daughter. So, that night, he searched the castle until he found her room. Very quietly, he went in and woke her up. It was dark, she was frightened and she started to shout loudly. Xiao Lu stopped her and escaped with her. They went to the mountains and they lived in Xiao Lu’s castle. Mai Chi fell in love with him and they got married. The King was angry at first, but in the end he was happy when his daughter and son-in-law came to live in the palace with their children. The old King loved his grandchildren.

1 2 3 4

Mai Chi had to choose her husband. The people of the city often saw Mai Chi. The people of the city felt sorry for Mai Chi. The King wanted to give Xiao Lu a medal for winning a lot

______ ______ ______ of battles. ______ 5 The King introduced Xiao Lu to his daughter. ______ 6 Xiao Lu was an ugly old man. ______ 7 The King wanted Mai Chi to marry a prince. ______ 8 Xiao Lu was a prince. ______ 9 Mai Chi fell in love with Xiao Lu the first time she saw him. ______ 10 Mai Chi, Xiao Lu and their children went to live with the old King. ______

Project 2 • Unit 6 Test B 1 Look at Mark’s diary and complete the sentences.

Example On Monday, Mark is going to watch TV. 1 On Tuesday, Mark________________ _____________________________ 2 On Wednesday, Mark isn’t__________ _____________________________ 3 On Thursday, Mark and Holly________ _____________________________ 4 On Thursday, Mark isn’t____________ _____________________________ 5 On Friday, Mark and Tess___________ _____________________________ 6 On Saturday, Mark and his family_____ _____________________________ 7 On Saturday evening Mark__________ _____________________________ 8 On Sunday, Mark_________________ _____________________________

2 Look at Mark’s diary again and write questions for the answers. Example On Friday at 6.30.

When are Mark and Tess going to play tennis? 1 On Thursday at seven o’clock. ________________________________________ 2 At the sports centre. ________________________________________ 3 Learn his lines. ________________________________________ 4 His grandparents. ________________________________________ 5 No, because he’s going to go to the cinema with Holly. ________________________________________ 6 No, because the lesson is cancelled. ________________________________________

3 Look at the chart and write about what Tina and Barry have to do / don’t have to do. Example Tina doesn’t have to wear a uniform. Tina’s school Barry’s school uniform




piano lessons





eat lunch at school







1 2 3 4 5


Barry_________________a uniform. Tina______________piano lessons. Barry________________________. Tina and Barry_________________. Tina and Barry_________________.

4 Label the programmes. Use the words in the box. news  western  chat show  cartoon  nature programme quiz show





2 ____________

4 ____________

3 ____________

5 ____________

5 Read the interview with an actor ‘Bob Petty’ about his first movie. Tick (4) the things he did and put a cross (8) next to the things he didn’t do. PRESENTER

Tell us about your first film, Bob.


I studied at a music school, but my first film was a drama.


What did you study?


Ballet and modern dance, the guitar and piano, and I had singing lessons of course.


What did you have to do in your first film?


Well, I was in one scene in a disco where I played the piano at a family party.


What about make-up and costumes?


You need make-up because of the strong lighting. But I wore normal clothes.


What do you remember most about that film?


The hard work! There were lots of lines to learn.


1 2 3 4 5

was in a scene ✓ sang ✗ wore make-up _____ danced _____ learned lines _____ wore a costume _____ played a musical instrument_____

6 Read about the film The Hidden Princess. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? The beautiful princess Mai Chi lived in her father’s palace. She never went outside its high walls. Her father, the King, wanted to choose her husband. He didn’t want her to meet a handsome young man and fall in love. So she stayed locked in the palace and the people of the city never saw her. But they talked about the poor, lonely princess and they were sad. One day a famous general, Xiao Lu, came to the city. The King wanted to thank him for winning so many battles. He wanted to give him a medal. Of course, when Xiao Lu came, the King didn’t want Mai Chi to meet the soldier, so he shut her in her room. When the King saw that Xiao Lu was younger and more handsome than any other general in his army, the King thought, ‘I was right to lock up my daughter. I don’t want her to fall in love with this man. I want her to marry a prince. Xiao Lu is just a soldier.’ But Xiao Lu knew from the people of the city that the King had a beautiful daughter. So, that night, he searched the castle until he found her room. Very quietly, he went in and woke her up. It was dark, she was frightened and she started to shout loudly. Xiao Lu stopped her and escaped with her. They went to the mountains and they lived in Xiao Lu’s castle. Mai Chi fell in love with him and they got married. The King was angry at first, but in the end he was happy when his daughter and son-in-law came to live in the palace with their children. The old King loved his grandchildren.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The King didn’t want Mai Chi to marry. The people of the city often saw Mai Chi. The people of the city didn’t like Mai Chi. Xiao Lu won a lot of battles. The King introduced Xiao Lu to his daughter. Xiao Lu was an ugly old man. The King wanted Mai Chi to marry a soldier. Xiao Lu was a soldier. Mai Chi didn’t fall in love with Xiao Lu the first time she

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ saw him._ ________ 10 Mai Chi, Xiao Lu and their children went to live with the old King. ________

Project 2 • Revision Test 3A 1 Complete Marketa’s e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

2 Complete the second sentence. It has to mean the same as the first. Example

1 2 3 4 5

She is a beautiful dancer She dances beautifully. He is a good driver. He drives __________. All the students work hard. All the students are __________ workers. Tom is a slow runner. Tom runs __________. Her behaviour was bad. She behaved __________. They played their music loudly. They played __________ music.

3 Make the sentences negative. Example Our teacher is happy. Our teacher isn’t happy. 1 We have to work hard. ___________________________________ 2 We can talk in class. ___________________________________ 3 We are learning English. ___________________________________ 4 We wrote a story yesterday. ___________________________________ 5 We have Maths every day. ___________________________________

4 Match the film posters A–F to the types of film 1–5. Example musical A 3 romantic comedy _____ 1 comedy film ____ 4 police drama _____ 2 western ____ 5 thriller _____

5 Choose the correct words to complete the text. Example They were in a deep mountain / valley / hill. It was as black as 1lead / feather / night. The rain was 2hot / windy / heavy and the sky was 3cloudy / dry / sunny. They were alone and they couldn’t see anything. They were 4beautiful / afraid / friendly. They just 5 walked / talked / wanted to go home.


Listen. Peter is talking about what he is going to watch on TV. Complete the text with the words or phrases from the box. a quiz show  the news  a documentary a sports programme  cartoons  a police drama

Peter is going to watch The Simpsons, because he loves cartoons. He is also going to watch a 1__________called The Bill and 2__________ That’s called London Today. After that he’s going to watch a 3__________called Who wants to be a millionnaire. Peter loves watching football so he’s going to watch a 4 __________called Match of the day. He’s going to finish the evening watching a 5__________called Horizon.

7 Read the dialogue. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? TED

Hi, Sammi. How are you?

SAMMI Oh, hi Ted. I’m fine, thanks. TED

Are you doing anything tonight?

SAMMI I’m going to wash my hair. But it’s not important. TED

Do you like action movies?

SAMMI Sometimes. I like romantic comedies better. TED

Oh. Only there’s a good action movie on tonight at the Palace Cinema at seven. It’s called Thunder Road.

SAMMI I know, but Romance at Summer Camp is on at the same time in the same cinema. TED

I thought we could go to Thunder Road with Amy and Mike.

SAMMI Why don’t you go to Thunder Road with Mike? I want to go to Romance at Summer Camp with Amy. We can meet after the films and you can buy us hamburgers and cola! TED

1 2 3 4 5 6

Well, OK.

Sammi didn’t have any plans for the evening. _____ She has to wash her hair. _____ Sammi prefers romantic comedies to action films.__ The two films are on at Palace Cinema. _____ Romance at Summer Camp is an action movie.____ Sammi wants to watch the same film as Ted. _____

8 You are Ted. Use the information in the dialogue. Write an email to Mike about the plans for the evening. Tell him where you are going and when, and what you are going to do. Say what you are going to do after the film.

Project 2 • Revision Test 3B 1 Complete Marketa’s e-mail with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

2 Complete the second sentence. It has to mean the same as the first. Example

1 2 3 4 5

She is a beautiful dancer She dances beautifully. Sue was a quick thinker. Sue thinks __________. Josh played his music loudly. Josh played __________ music. My sister is a good driver. She drives __________. Ben is a slow runner. Ben runs __________. All my friends work hard. All my friends are __________ workers.

3 Make the sentences negative. Example 1 2 3 4 5

Our teacher is happy. Our teacher isn’t happy. We wrote a play last week. _________________________________ We have to read a lot. _________________________________ We have ICT every Tuesday. _________________________________ We can run in school. _________________________________ We are learning French. _________________________________

4 Match the film posters A–F to the types of film 1–5. Example musical F 1 comedy film ____ 2 western ____

3 romantic comedy ____ 4 police drama ____ 5 thriller ____

5 Choose the correct words to complete the text. Example They were in a deep mountain / valley / hill. The rain was 1hot / windy / heavy and the sky was 2cloudy / dry / sunny. It was as black as 3lead / feather / night. They were alone and they couldn’t see anything. Ted and Jim walked 4 slowly / loudly / suddenly towards the town. They just 5walked / talked / wanted to go home.


Listen. Peter is talking about what he is going to watch on TV. Complete the text with the words or phrases. a quiz show  the news  a documentary a sports programme  cartoons  a police drama

Peter is going to watch The Simpsons, because he loves cartoons. He is also going to watch a 1_________called The Bill and 2_________ That’s called London Today. After that he’s going to watch a 3_________called Who wants to be a millionnaire. Peter loves watching football so he’s going to watch a 4 _________called Match of the day. He’s going to finish the evening watching a 5 _________called Horizon.

7 Read the dialogue. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? JOE

Hi, Sammi. How are you?


Oh, hi Joe. I’m fine, thanks.


Are you doing anything tonight?


I’m going to tidy my room. But it’s not important.


Do you like comedy films?


Sometimes. I think thrillers are better.


Oh. Only there’s a good comedy film on tonight at the Palace Cinema at seven. It’s called High Spirits.


I know, but The Beach House is on at the same time in the same cinema. It’s a police drama


I thought we could go to High Spirits with Amy and Karl.


Why don’t you go to High Spirits with Karl? I want to go to The Beach House with Amy. We can meet after the films and you can buy us hamburgers and cola!


Well, OK.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Sammi didn’t have any plans for the evening. ______ She has to tidy her room. ______ Sammi prefers thrillers to comedy films. ______ The two films are on at Palace Cinema. ______ The Beach House is an action movie. ______ Sammi doesn’t want to watch the same film as Joe.____

8 You are Joe. Use the information in the dialogue. Write an e-mail to Karl about the plans for the evening. Tell him where you are going and when, and what you are going to do. Say what you are going to do after the film.