Proficiency Masterclass Unit Tests Answer Key [PDF]

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Proficiency Masterclass

2) cliffhanger

Unit Tests Answer Key

3) compulsive

Unit 1 Test

4) topical


5) hackneyed

1) Did you


2) thought

1) b 2)f 3)e 4)c 5)d 6)a

3) did you think


4) was hoping

1) bury

5) they’d arrest

2) distant

6) missed

3) vivid/vague

7) were arguing

4) evoke

8) finished

5) cherished

9) weren’t watching

6) fade

10) had just got


11) had already seen

1) help yourself/yourselves

12) won

2) gives in to

13) started

3) you help me out

14) used to be

4) can’t help

15) would always insist

5) I’ll give you that

16) had started



1) laden

1) Would

2) breathes

2) used to

3) play

3) would/were going to be

4) nod

4) has only been 5) wouldn’t/didn’t 6) would/used to 3

5) backdrop 6) culminates

1) negative

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Unit 2 Test

5) emissions


6) Indiscriminate

1) sure


2) I’m not going to speak

1) fraught

3) you‘ll all appreciate

2) par

4) planning

3) terms

5) will be

4) phase

6) are going to have

5) breach

7) start

6) accordance

8) will be talking

7) manner

9) ‘ll have


10 is going to be giving

1) loud-mouthed

11) will have arrived

2) old-fashioned

12) shall have

3) mouth-watering

13) guaranteed

4) kind-hearted

14) I’ll hand

5) far-fetched

15) is going to explain

6) absent-minded



1) ready/going

1) fear

2) unlikely

2) beast

3) due

3) diet

4) due/going/unlikely/ready

4) landscape

5) bound/going/unlikely

5) appearance

6) going



1) chickened out

1) irreversible

2) at a snail’s pace

2) consumption

3) a fly on the wall

3) exploitation

4) felt like a fish out of water

4) detrimental

5) keep the wolf from the door

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1) unprecedented

1) What

2) incapable

2) did I go

3) unassailable

3) that

4) irrelevant

4) It’s

5) illiterate

5) make

6) injustice

6) have I seen

7) unstable

7) only in


8) All

1) undeniably

9) what

2) uninhabited

10 is

3) disagreeable


4) incoherent

1) earth

5) innumerable

2) any

6) unauthorised

3) beyond

7) implausible

4) no

8) invariably

5) way

9) illogical

6) whatsoever

10 uncluttered

7) truly


8) bargain

1) contemporary


2) innovative

1) ingenious

3) startling

2) mesmerizing

4) timeless

3) formidable

5) nostalgic

4) intriguing

6) highbrow

5) preoccupied by

7) convey

6) spell-binding

8) symbolizes

7) gripping

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8) forceful



1) ‘ve had

1) hypocritical

2) to have worked

2) sympathetic

3) ‘ve ever had

3) assertive

4) ‘d spent

4) competitive

5) hadn’t always been/wasn’t always

5) passive

6) ‘d just got engaged

6) diplomatic

7) ‘d been constantly travelling/was constantly travelling

7) sensitive

8) took 9) was always disciplining

8) antagonistic 4) 1) eat humble pie 10 was making/had made/had been making 2) get your point across 11) I left/I’ve left/leaving/having left 3) lied through his teeth 12) to have caused 4) say what you mean 13) ‘m enjoying/’ve been enjoying 5) had a heart-to-heart 14) will have changed/will change 15) ‘s been trying

6) talk any sense 7) get off my chest

16) ‘s finally succeeded 8) fall out with 17) be living 18) ‘ll have left

9) missed the point 10 take it to heart

2 5 1) pugnacious 2) impetuous

1) for 2) to 3) non-confrontational 3) By 4) upfront 5) cooperative

4) from 5) in 6) timid 6) of 7) tolerant

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6) vehemently


7) frankly

1) could/might have died

8) wildly

2) can’t/couldn’t have been


3) must have been

1) the calm before the storm

4) would have found

2) under the weather

5) should/ought to/could have stayed

3) a storm in a tea cup

6) should/ought to/could have shouted

4) a storm of protest

7) couldn’t see or hear

5) making heavy weather of it

8) might/may/could/must have taken

6) by storm

9) must/would have been 10) should/ought to have turned

4 1) silent 11) must/would join 12) needed to have/would need to/had to have

2) risk 3) inherent 13) must/could have been 4) glance 14) must have been 15) could/must have been 16) could/might have lost

5) danger 6) caught 7) danger

17) shouldn’t have been walking 18) could/would have 19) wouldn’t have had to worry/wouldn’t have worried

8) glare 5 1) Theoretically

20 would have been

2) Typically


3) Realistically

1) vitally

4) Coincidentally

2) deeply

5) Admittedly

3) fully

6) Apparently

4) wholly

7) put simply

5) infinitely

8) Amazingly

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3) Leo is always the life and soul of the party


4) I couldn’t for the life of me

1) which/that

5) that’s life

2) –

6) have a life of their own

3) which/that

7) frightened the life out of the cat!

4) –

8) Life’s short

5) who/that


6) who

1) cramp

7) –

2) infection

8) that/which

3) elbow

9) –

4) headache

10 who/that

5) ankle

11) –

6) disc

12) –


13) –

1) by the rules

14) which

2) in at the deep end


3) for an idea

1) Having read the report, I saw ...

4) to square one

2) The writer, an athlete himself, has ...

5) in the towel

3) Having looked carefully left and right, the children ...

6) runner

4) The programme about nutrition broadcast yesterday evening was ...

7) the goalposts 8) a knock-out blow

5) Confused by the signs, I ended up going ... 6) Having won his heat, Jeremy ... 7) Clutching her trophy tightly, the newly-crowned champion …

6 1) statement 2) sceptical

8) Given enough time to practise anyone can become a winner.

3) apprehensive


4) addicted

1) you got a life

5) striking

2) He’s got a new lease of life!

6) craving

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7) disappearance


8) respectfully

1) ‘m finding/find/found/’ve been finding/’d been finding

9) interchangeable

2) outlines/will outline 3) feel 4) are involving/’ll be involving 5) is/are relying 6) contains/will contain 7) appears 8) ‘m hoping/hope/‘ve been hoping/’d hoped/’d been hoping 9) ‘s smelling 10) ‘m minding/’ll be minding 2 1) discovery 2) reporting 3) arrival 4) increase 5) improvement 6) denial 7) travelling 8) decision 3 1) construction 2) proportionate 3) unrealistic 4) legalization 5) uncaring 6) revolutionary

10) unavoidable 4 1) flashing 2) glistened 3) glint 4) gleaming 5) sparkling 6) shimmering 7) glowing 8) flicker 5 1) undertaking 2) light 3) imposing 4) enhance 5) unsettling 6) ply 6 1) highlights 2) account 3) explores 4) argues 5) address 6) supports 7) far 8) focuses

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4) smuggling

1) to think

5) libel

2) to email

6) tax evasion

3) campaigning


4) being

1) He’s a law unto himself

5) to give

2) take the law into their own hands

6) phoning

3) they are above the law

7) submitting

4) laid down the law

8) lobbying

5) the law of the jungle

9) to get


10) to have considered/to be considering

1) inconceivable

11) getting

2) on-going

12) marching

3) tacit

13) thanking

4) virtue

14) to explain

5) arson

15) to do

6) hacking

16) not giving/not having given

7) shortcomings

17) to find

8) inescapable

18) not to talk

9) grapple


1)0 alleviate

1) charged/defrauding/released 2) appeared/banned 3) crack down/acquitted 4) sentenced/lodged 5) accused/remanded 3 1) manslaughter 2) shoplifting 3) blackmail

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9) assurance


10) reiteration

1) was/got asked

11) embarrassment

2) had/got my hair done/did my hair

12) gratification

3) got myself prepared

13) assailant

4) got/were held up


5) was put

1) on

6) had/made us complete/got us to complete

2) listen

7) was shown

3) up

8) was/got interviewed

4) prick

9) Were you asked/Did you get asked

5) play

10) print out my reference/print my reference out/have/get my reference printed out

6) earful 7) heard

11) did you get to send/did you have send 8) coming 12) had/got me answering/got me to answer/had me answer


13) confused me/had me confused

1) boosts

14) ‘ll be informed

2) impair

15) ‘ve been shortlisted

3) hampered

16) ‘ll have/get them begging

4) endorse

17) ‘s said to be

5) encounter


6) wriggle

1) legislation

7) exploit

2) objectivity/objection


3) announcement

1) tendency

4) dismissal

2) comes

5) notification

3) finds

6) resemblance

4) times

7) indication

5) always

8) renewal

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4) make good


5) make up for

1) that

6) make or break

2) in spite of

7) on the make

3) even

8) made for

4) even

9) make up

5) since

10) make off with

6) as


7) whereas

1) reckon

8) though

2) add

9) when

3) Let

10) if

4) thoughts

11) As

5) come

12) Despite


13) although

1) on a daily basis

14) while

2) a shift in focus


3) reams of paper

1) like

4) spill over into your family life

2) as

5) to bond with their new babies

3) looks/sounds 4) if/though 5) just 6) as 7) as/like 8) like 3 1) make do with 2) make out 3) makings of

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1) off

5) out

1) Helen gloated that she had saved over £200 in the sales.

2) off

6) out

3) for

7) in

4) away

8) up

2) The company chairman pledged to give the politician his full support in the election the following month. 3) Mark explained to his business partner that they first needed to draw up a business plan and then approach some investors. 4) Kate agreed to transfer the money into the savings account the next day.

4 1) plummy

4) slurred

2) booming

5) velvety

3) grating

6) whiny

5 5) The newspaper reporters clamoured for information from the company chairman about the recent sacking of the CEO.

1) nose

4) side

2) pieces

5) came

6) Jack mumbled that he couldn’t exactly remember what he had spent the money on.

3) household

6) tune

7) The assistant swore to his boss that he had had nothing to do with stealing money from the till.

6 1) The time is ripe/The time has come

8) Pam proposed starting a new business venture.

2) cut your losses

9) The teacher urged her students to enter the competition for Young Entrepreneur of the Year.

3) on the market 4) rest on your laurels

10) David refused to lend his son any more money. 5) gone down a storm 2 6) out of her depth 1) He asked me if/whether I got paid weekly or monthly.


2) He asked me how much I had earned that year.

1) squander

3) He asked me what the difference was between a current account and a savings account.

2) penniless

4) He asked me if/whether he had to fill in the form then/at that time/at that moment. 5) He asked me how difficult it had been to start my own business. 6) He asked me when I would be starting to check the accounts.

3) affluent 4) hoard 5) buoyant 6) tribunal 7) tremulous 8) breadline

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4) tender


5) nippy

1) had gone

6) sweltering

2) would be sitting

7) rumble/roar

3) would have got

8) rugged

4) Had I known

9) acrid

5) would have known

10) spicy

6) could have had


7) hadn’t been for

1) coming

4) truth

8) were heated

2) thing

5) at

9) would have been able /would be able

3) same

6) top

10) don’t get


11) had

1) off the beaten track

12) would jump

2) lose track of time

13) happen to see

3) on the road to recovery

14) goes wrong

4) our paths crossed


5) on the right track

1) only if


2) what if

1) in

3) Even if

2) out

4) If only

3) above

5) as if

4) up

6) If so

5) off

7) If and


8) as if

1) clamber up


2) screech

1) musty

3) wade

2) heaving

4) delectable

3) clammy

5) stench

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