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LEXICO 1 1. I’ve had to forget about gambling. I’ve been down on my _____ since I lost my job. (to experience a bad situation or to have very little money) a.Fate b.luck c.money d.fortune 2. Take the doctor’s advice into consideration. He’s in _____ earnest about the epidemic. (completely serious) a.mortally b.fatally c.deadly d.gravely 3. I knew the frown on the constable’s face _____ ill for me. And indeed, I got a ticket for parking my car in the wrong place. a.boded b.stood c.pointed d.hinted 4. The policeman got on his _____ horse when the driver who was caught speeding questioned his authority. (Lên mặt dạy đời) A.big B.fat C.clever D.high 5. It’s true I am late for the meeting, but by _____ of excuse let me tell you that my plane was delayed in Hannover. (as a type of) A.means B.aid C.way D.reason 6. It was Neil Armstrong who _____ history as the first human to put his foot on the moon. A.fulfilled B.led C.made D.underwent 7. We’ve had to quit our cooperation with this wholesaler as we could never _____ a bargain. He asked for more than we could offer. A.strike B.hit C.beat D.knock 8. A lot of scorn has been _____ on the Canadian seal hunters for their merciless practices. A.blamed B.launched C.poured D.fixed 9. It may take a long time before Mary _____ herself together after her mother’s death. A.brings B.finds C.draws D.pulls 10. According to the verdict, the boy will be removed from school on the grounds of _____ dirty tricks on the teachers and other pupils. A.working B.driving C.playing D.committing 11. Your leftist views _____ in the face of our party programme, so you’d better drop them or find another party for yourself. (to completely oppose what seems sensible or normal) A.fly B.run C.turn D.look 12. This savage war had _____ the beautiful country waste and left many of its inhabitants homeless. A.cast B.grown C.laid D.set 13. She would have been fined for leaving her car in the wrong place, hadn’t the policeman decided to _____ the rules on that single occasion. (to break the rules in a way that you consider unimportant or not harmful) A.leave B.bend C.quit D.skip 14. The new round of negotiations is hoped to _____ the deadlock in the Middle East. (tình trạng bế tắc vì không đạt được thỏa thuận chung do hai bên kiên quyết không chịu thỏa hiệp)

A.break B.remove C.dispense D.untie 15. Let me take care of your scratched knee. I’ve been a nurse for eighteen years, so I _____ the ropes like nobody else. (to be familiar with a place and able to act effectively within it) A.have B.grasp C.know D.operate * know your way around sth 16. Mark’s trying to persuade us to accept his own way of reasoning, but what we need is an independent opinion from someone who has no _____ to grind. (to have a strong personal opinion about sth that you want people to accept) A.axe B.stone C.hammer D.tool 17. Who do you think is going to _____ the day at the races this time. Would you bet your money on Gordon Simpson? (to gain victory or be successful) A.succeed B.run C.carry D.take 18. Since the engineers at the service station failed to repair my car, I have _____ all my hopes on my neighbour, Mr Tanner. A.clipped B.nailed C.stuck D.pinned 19. It’s true Jack can be very critical. He is always _____ aspersions on everyone else’s ability to run the business. A.putting B.casting C.drawing D.applying 20. She’s very unhappy all alone with her problems. She’s got nobody to _____ their ear. (to talk to someone for a long time, especially about a problem) A.pick B.let C.bend D.speak 21. Don’t throw that basket away! It may still _____ in handy when we go picking mushrooms A.find B.run C.come D.give 22. Celia would always look up to her older brother. Whatever Adrian did she invariably _____ suit. (to do the same thing as sb else) A.followed B.carried C.pursued D.kept 23. No matter how I tried to convince him that I was right, he___his ground dismissing all my arguments. (to continue in your beliefs in an argument) A.thought B.fixed C.claimed D.stood 24. The performance in the National Theatre really _____ the house down last night. The actors were given a standing ovation. (If someone or something brings the house down during a play or show, they make the people watching it laugh or clap very loudly) A.took B.brought C.left D.set 25. Only four people voted for our candidate in the first ballot. I’m afraid he doesn’t _____ a chance of getting any more votes in the second one. A.stand B.play C.run D.lie 26. The house is beautifully painted. You’ve done a good _____ of the work. A.attempt B.duty C.task D.job 27. “They say that your wife tends to pry into other people’s private matters” – “I don’t care. It’s no skin my _____.” A.skull B.palm C.nose D.cheek

28. Just take a look at his neat appearance. It sticks/stands out _____ that he is a big shot. (to be very obvious or easy to see) A.a kilometre B.an inch C.a yard D.a mile 29. The international delegations will be arriving for the summit next Friday, and it’s of primary importance to us to _____ the deadline with all the preparations. A.meet B.attain C.reach D.complete 30. Mr Randall, our boss, gave me a lot of _____ for the missing documents. But it wasn’t me who lost them, honest. (get a lot of stick: stick luôn luôn số ít) A.log B.stick (severe criticism) C.rod D.cane 31. Terry _____ into a rage when he saw that somebody had scratched the bonnet of his brand new Jaguar. A.ran B.went C.flew D.rose 32. The final decision has already been taken, so there’s no use in your _____ the toss. (To disagree with a decision or statement) A.arguing B.disapproving C.dismissing D.quarrelling 33. I won’t listen to anyone. I am grown-up now and I can decide what I do in my life. I don’t want anyone to _____ my style. A.prevent B.spoil C.disturb D.cramp 34. Sadly, my tutor gave me a poor mark for my piece of writing. She told me I had _____ too many liberties with the real facts. A.placed B.made C.taken D.found 35. What the secretary says doesn’t necessarily _____ much weight, but you should never disobey your director’s instructions. A.play B.carry C.hold D.mean 36. It _____ to reason that the princess won’t arrive unless you send her a formal invitation. (said when something is obvious or clear from the facts) A.gets B.comes C.stands D.lays 37. “Can we _____ it quits/even if I give you aback ten pounds?” – “Forget it. You will still owe me ten more.” (to agree with sb that a debt has been paid and that no one owes anything more) A.name B.call C.consider D.state 38. The boss said something that I didn’t fully understand. Only when I talk about it to my manager did the _____ drop. (= did I understand it) A.pound B.coin C.quid D.penny 39. It would be silly to reject their proposal without learning anything about first. Why not give them the _____ of the doubt? A.right B.point C.benefit D.value 40. I am not usually that nervous, but I did have _____ in my stomache when it came to interpreting for the president himself. A.butterflies B.insects C.moths D.spiders

41. Don’t you think you live your lifestyle in much too extravagant way? Hadn’t you better think about saving some money for a _____ day, Josh? (to save money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly) A.windy B.cloudy C.rainy D.foggy 42. Mike is the best swimmer in his age group. He can___ spots off every other competitor easily. (knock (the) spots off sb/sth: đánh bại một cách vang dội) A.win B.knock C.draw D.beat 43. The colour is wonderful and the jacket fits like a _____ but it’s the price that really puts me off buying it. A.suit B.sock C.glove D.shirt 44. “Is it the _____ thing to ask the bride for the first dance?” – “Certainly not. First, she will dance with the groom.” (là một hành vi, thái độ đúng đắn, có thể chấp nhận được) A.made B.found C.done D.held 45. Ted won a thousand pounds in the lottery last Saturday. It was really money for old _____. A.rope B.line C.string D.wire 46. You look rather sad, Joan. I think the letter from your boyfriend will ___ your day. Here it is. (làm ai đó rất vui) A.please B.make C.cheer D.wake 47. What’s that horrible noise downstairs? – It’s only Sam. He always screams _____ murder when we take him to the dentist. A.red B.blue C.yellow D.black 48. it’s believed that good humour and positive thinking can _____ wonders. A.make B.fulfil C.work D.act 49. “Have you taken a picture of the celebrity?” – “Sorry, I haven’t. I only caught a _____ glimpse of her in the hall.” A.fleeting B.speeding C.rushing D.flying 50. Our grandfather has always favoured Hellen against other children. She’s been the _____ of his eye. A.plum B.apple C.cherry D.grape 51. By the time we get to the cinema, we____the first ten minutes of the film, so there’s no point going. A.will miss B.will be missing C.will have missed D.will have been missing 52. Your essay _____ in on Monday. Why wasn’t it on my desk? A.should be B.must have been C.should have been D.could be 53. They had___seen him for the last 10 years and now here he was on their doorstep with his suitcases A.not quite B.only just C.no sooner D.hardly 54. The man’s choice to run away virtually _____ to an admission of guilt. A.resulted B.came C.amounted D.added 55. James has great _____ and could go far in this job.

A.potential B.possibility C.opportunity D.chance 56. The other people in the group all _____ my ideas, which was very disappointing. A.prohibited B.repelled C.denied D.rejected 57. The global recession has had a major _____ on every economy in the world. A.crash B.impact C.consequence D.impression 58. The three friends decided to _____ up their own company. A.make B.get C.set D.put 59. This is Josh, _____ artistic talents are going to astound the world. A.who B.of whom C.whoever D.whose 60. I recommend that you ______ out the information for the courses online. You’ll find everything you need there. A.checking B.to check C.check D.for checking 61. We are not known____________at all, and as we grow, we feel a progressive lack of individual personality. A. gruelingly B. expensively C. severally D. brusquely Tạm dịch: Chúng tôi không được biết đến một cách riêng lẻ, riêng biệt, và khi chúng tôi lớn lên, chúng tôi cảm nhận được sự mất đi cá tính càng lúc càng nhiều 62. The setup is intimate: audience member surround the stage on three sides. A. formal B. mutual C. unusual D. cozy 63. In their eyes, i saw not only excitement for the equity we offered, but the_____belief that they would be entrusted to do their jobs with my counsel, if they sought it, but without unwanted meddling. (Earnest belief: niềm tin thiết tha) A. modest B. positive C. earnest D. mutual 64. Her ivory brow_____in delicate lines. A. furrows B. duplicates C. ambles D. mutters Tạm dịch: cái trán ngà của cô ấy nhăn lại thành những đường thẳng thanh tú 65. A man of stainless reputation, his deeds and words have almost invariably been on the side of_________. A. balefulness B. righteousness C. succession D. resemblance Tạm dịch: Là một người đàn ông với danh tiếng trong sạch, những hành động và lời nói của ông ấy dường như đứng về phía chính nghĩa 66. The luxurious office accentuated the manager's position ______. It enhanced his power and his sense of his own worth. And it made other people feel small. (pecking order: thứ bậc hay nấc thang của một tổ chức nào đó) A. on the pecking pole B. in the nibbling line C. at the nipping post D. in the pecking order 67. A large group of teenagers were_____ around the entrance to the zoo. (đi loanh qoanh) A. mulling B. mauling C. mudding D. milling


1. “Are you sure this will do for you?” “I think I can _____________.” a) have it done b) get it to do c) make it do d) do it do 2. Professor Wilson ____________ to give a paper on world politics. (to agree to do sth, or to allow sb to do sth) a) complied b) accepted c) consented d) submitted 3. When a soldier receives orders, he has to obey them ____________. a) prudently (thận trọng) b) promptly c) profoundly d) patiently 4. _____________ is the act of insulting (to say or do sth to sb that is rude or offensive) or showing contempt (cực kỳ không thích và khinh thường) for God. a) delinquency b) piety c) reverence d) blasphemy 5. Because Mr Jones is ____________, he is not so likely to regard you as a threat. a) self-confident b) self-assertive c) self-contained d) self-conscious 6. She tried to ________________ me into going shopping with her, but I refused. a) make b) persuade c) convince d) suggest 7. A deluge is the same as a _______________ . (deluge=downpour: trận mưa lớn) (a deluge of sth: a lot of sth) a) downpour b) blizzard c) hailstorm d) meltdown 8. The new manager doesn’t ______________ of smoking in the conference room. a) allow b) accept c) approve d) permit 9. He is as good at ______________ others as he is at praising himself. a) flaying (phô trương) b) flaunting c) flabbergasting ((informal) to shock sb) d) flattering (khen ai đó, đôi khi không thật lòng) 10. These days almost anything _________________. (All things are accepted or acceptable) a) does b) goes c) makes d) clings 11. Who goes there? Friend or _______________? (collo) a) fiend b) enemy c) fob d) foe (an enemy) 12. I work for an insurance company and deal with all the _____________ that come in. a) queries b) inquiries c) requests d) questions 13. George is doing an additional _______________ in graphic design. a) research b) practice c) course d) study 14. Far-_____________ actions have a very wide influence and effect a great number of things. a) fetched b) stretching c) sighted d) reaching 15. Thank God you have come _____________! The train leaves in three minutes. a) lastly b) finally c) at the end d) at last 16. Mr Jones said the plan had _____________ similarities with the previous one. a) superfluous b) superstitious c) superficial d) supercilious 17. The _____________ period of economic growth soon ended. a) brief b) concise c) abrupt d) little 18. They were _______________ even to the charm, eloquence (tài hùng biện) and beauty of Miss Finchley. (impervious: không thấm nước, impervious to sth/sb: không bị ảnh hưởng bởi) a) impertinent b) impervious c) impious d) impeccable

19. All conference participants wore ______________ with their names. (thẻ tên, huy hiệu) a) badges b) tags c) labels d) signs 20. Their _____________ made them take a trip round the world. (a strong desire to travel) a) watchband b) wanderlust c) walloping d) wastage 21. Janet and James had a blazing _______________ last night. a) quarrel b) debate c) row d) disagreement 22. When we saw a policeman we cleared _____________ as fast as we could. a) out b) off c) away d) up 23. The government should introduce measures aimed to put _____________, or at least restrict, organised crime. a) up b) out c) off d) down 24. It is still uncertain whether or not the place _______. The decision must be made before May. a) will be rebuilt b) would be rebuilt c) is rebuilt d) will have been rebuilt 25. You won’t find a camera with so many functions. It ____________ so heavy as to be hardly usable in field work. a) would have to be b) would have been c) were d) had to be

LEXICO 3 1. She hadn’t eaten all day, and by the time she got home she was _________. A.blighted: bị tàn lụi B.blissful: rất sung sướng C.ravenous: đói cồn cào D.ostentatious: phô trương 2. The movie offended many of the parents of its younger viewers by including unnecessary ______ in the dialogue. A. vulgarity(n)-->vulgar(a): dung tục B. verbosity(n)-->verbose(a): dài dòng C. vocalizations(n)-->vocalize(v): phát âm D. garishness(n)-->garish(a)=meretricious(a)=tawdry(a): lòe loẹt-->vô giá trị 3. His neighbors found his ______ manner bossy and irritating, and they stopped inviting him to backyard barbeques. A. insensate: điên rồ; thiếu suy nghĩ B. magisterial=peremptory=high and mighty: có quyền uy C. modest=humble: khiêm tốn D. restorative = revitalizing = invigorating = recuperative: phục hồi sức khỏe, bổ dưỡng 4. Steven is always ______ about showing up for work because he feels that tardiness is a sign of irresponsibility. (tardy: muộn, trễ-->tardiness(n))

A. legible: dễ đọc (chữ viết, chữ in) B. tolerable=endurable >< intolerable=unendurable: có thể chịu đựng được C. punctual: đúng giờ D. belligerent: tham chiến, hung hăng 5. Candace would ______ her little sister into an argument by teasing her and calling her names. A. provoke: provoke sb into (doing) sth: khích ai đó làm gì B. perforate: đục lỗ-->perforation(n) C.advocate: ủng hộ D. expunge: xóa; gạch (tên trong danh sách…) 6. The dress Ariel wore ______ with small, glassy beads, creating a shimmering effect. (hiệu ứng tỏa ánh sáng lung linh) A. titillated-->titilate: kích dục B. enthralled-->enthrall: say đắm C. scintillated--> scintillate(v): lấp lánh D. striated-->striate(v): có vằn, có sọc 7. Being able to afford this luxury car will ______ getting a better-paying job. A. recombine: kết hợp lại B. reiterate=repeat C. necessitate: đòi hỏi phải D. reciprocate: trả, đền đáp lại, đáp lại (tình cảm…)-->reciprocal(a)-->reciprocity(n) 8. Levina unknowingly ______ the thief by holding open the elevator doors and ensuring his escape. A. coerced: ép buộc B. proclaimed=promulgate: tuyên bố; công bố C. abetted: : tiếp tay, xúi giục (ai, làm điều bậy) abet=incite sb to do sth=egg sb on D. solicited: :khẩn khoản, nài xin solicit sth from sb/sb for sth/for sth/sb to do sth solicit=beseech=implore=importune=entreat(v)-->supplication(n) 9. Shakespeare, a(n) ______ writer, entertained audiences by writing many tragic and comic plays. A. obstinate: ngoan cố obstinate=stubborn=headstrong=recalcitrant=mulish= obdurate-->obduracy(n)=self-willed B. dutiful: biết vâng lời làm tròn bổn phận Dutiful=obedient=compliant=acquiescent C. prolific: viết nhiều, ra nhiều tác phẩm D. generic: chung (cho toàn nhóm, cho cả loại) Eg: the generic term for wine, spirits and beer is alcoholic beverages (thuật ngữ chung cho rượu vang, rượu trắng và bia là thức uống có rượu.) 10. I had the ______ experience of sitting next to an over-talkative passenger on my flight

home from Brussels. A. satisfactory B. commendable=praise-worthy: đáng khen ngợi C. galling(a)->gall(v):làm bực mình; bẽ mặt-->It galls sb to do sth D. acute

LEXICO 4 1. He was __________ with an extraordinary ability. A.entrusted B.ensured  C.endowed  D.entreated 2.During the evening football match, the stadium was illuminated by ___________ A.flashlights  B.floodlights  C.highlights D.spotlights 3.You can buy fake designer clothes much more cheaply than the __________ articles. A.exact B.real C.true  D.genuine 4.I managed to complete the exam with 20 minutes to ___ ([C2] left over or more than you need) A.run B.leave C.set  D.spare 5.The abandoned house had a garden that was literally ____________ with weeds. A. choked  B.thriving C.embellished D.bulging 6.The soldiers seemed ___________ as they prepared for the battle. (undaunted: still determined and enthusiastic, despite problems or no success) A.unappreciative B.ubiquitous  C.undaunted  D.unanimous (cùng nhất trí) 7.She was ___________ with guilt when she realized that the accident had been her fault. (be consumed with/by a feeling: to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do) A.consumed  B.ravaged C.devoured D.dazzled 8.The world's first boot camp for teenagers addicted to the Internet may be the ________ of things to come. (the form or style that is likely to be popular in the future) A.draft B.formula C.character  D.shape 9.Police have ________ a plan to kidnap the daughter of a wealthy businessman. A.shunned  B.foiled  C.seized D.executed 10.The film is a __________ reminder of life in small town America in the 1960s. A.preordained B.pungent  C.poignant  D.protruding