New EN 81-20 EN 81-50 [PDF]

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 ELEVATORS : EN 81.1 – 1998 + A3-2010 and now EN 81-20 the new code  ESCALATORS & MOVING WALKS : EN 115-1 : 2008 + A1-2010

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THE NEW EN 81-20 & 81-50 • August 7th 2014, new EN standards EN 81-20 & EN 8150 were published giving the design requirements to comply with the Lifts Directive. • They make significant improvement to the safety of lifts by applying new or improved technical requirements for lift design. • From August 31st 2017, all handed over units will have to comply with these new frame of standards. • Otis commitment to safety is such that we have decided to implement these changes on our whole product range one year before this deadline in order to further safeguard our passengers and engineers. 2 Company Proprietary & Confidential

THE NEW EN 81-20 & 81-50 Why new Norms ?

What is the timing ?

New codes are replacing EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 codes issued in 1998, enhancing the standard in terms of safety, comfort and robustness for new elevators :

EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 were published on August 7th 2014 and be enforced starting August 31st 2017.

- EN 81-20 lists the safety requirements for lift installation - EN 81-50 defines calculations, examinations and tests of lift components

IMPORTANT: from August 31st 2017, all units handed over to customers have to be compliant with these new codes. There will not be technical solutions to retrofit an EN 81-1/2 compliant unit to an EN 81-20/50 one. So, all projects to be delivered in 2017 should account for this new code. 3

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THE NEW EN 81-20 & 81-50

2014/08/07 Publication of new revised standard

2016/09/01 All units manufactured by OTIS will be EN 81-20/50 compliant

EN 81-1 / EN 81-2

2017/08/31 All units handed over to customers must be compliant with new code

EN 81-1 / EN 81-2 can no longer be used. All units handed over must be EN 81-20/50 compliant

EN 81-20 / EN 81-50

EN 81-20 / EN 81-50 Only

Both EN 81-1 / EN 81-2 & EN 81-20 /EN 81-50 can be used and units are compliant Company Proprietary & Confidential


WHAT’S THE CHANGE OVERHEAD  Refuge spaces increased  Additional warning labels on top of car to indicate the required stance in the emergency position for maintenance personnel  Modification of the balustrade mechanical strength and size according to gap between hoistway wall and balustrade.

IN CAR  Brighter car light and emergency light  Door protection system with light curtain  Wider emergency exits  Increased fire resistance of car body panels and car door  Increased robustness for car body and car doors  Increased car apron mechanical strength  Prevention of car doors being opened away from landings  Unintended Car Movement Protection (UCMP) device is now considered as a safety device of the elevator, according to the new lifts directive. 5 Company Proprietary & Confidential

WHAT’S THE CHANGE IN HOISTWAY  Inspection speed limited to 0.30 m/s  Improved lighting in shaft (50 lux at 1 m on top of car and pit, 20 lux minimum on other locations & car top emergency light).  New standards addressed for electrical protection.  Changed responsibilities for shaft ventilation.  Increased robustness for panels of glass shaft.

AT LANDING  Modification of door lock position  Increased robustness for doors panels

IN PIT      

Refuge spaces increased Improved mechanical strength of counterweight screen Buffer deceleration rate modification New pit ladder definition Access by door at pit level when pit is deeper than 2.5m Company Proprietary & Confidential Pit control station


WHAT’S NEW FOR THE PASSENGER Mains improvements for COMFORT CAR LIGHTING Improved from 50 lux to 100 lux at 1 m above floor level. Feel safer with better lighting. EMERGENCY LIGHT IN CAR 5 lux for 1 hour duration. In case of entrapment, passengers don’t stay in the dark. DOOR PROTECTION SYSTEMS Non-contact light curtain mechanism. No more Photocell based mechanism. Reduces risk of passenger being struck while entering or exiting the car.

Mains improvements for SAFETY WIDER EMERGENCY EXIT On car roof or side panels: Assistance to entrapped passenger in car is easier and safer both for mechanics and passengers. MODIFICATION OF FIRE RESISTANCE RATING OF CAR LININGS Reduces risk of fire inside the car. MODIFICATION OF ROBUSTNESS For glass shafts: Reduce risk of injury in case of shaft glass break and fall into the shaft.

INCREASED CAR APRON MECHANICAL STRENGTH NEW CALCULCATION METHOD FOR SOME Reduce risk of injury & falling into shaft during an COMPONENT emergency rescue when the elevator is not at a Guide rail for instance. Better comfort and ride landing operation. 7 quality. Company Proprietary & Confidential

OTIS SOLUTION FOR COMPLIANCE Impacts of new standards on OTIS products

Impacts of new standards on building projects



85 % of the new safety rules were already present on OTIS products. 2 examples: - Common button on inspection control station - Deterrent device

There are no significant impacts on OTIS shaft minimum dimensions. BALUSTRADE UPDATED HIEGHT REQUIRMENTS

OTIS’s expertise in door and car panels manufacturing covers complete value chain from engineering, testing, manufacturing and installing.

If the distance between the wall & the interior of the balustrade handrail is greater than 500 mm, then a 1100 mm balustrade height has to be installed on top of car, instead of a 700 mm balustrade for a distance lower than 500 mm.



OTIS decided to raise safety standards ahead of time. From September 1st 2016, one year in advance.

OTIS’ major asset is the OTIS Pulsair solution, allowing to avoid the opening at top of shaft.8


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SHAFT : GENERAL REQUIREMENT Height between floors The rule for no more than 11m between floors is unchanged, except for Fire Fighting lifts which must have not more than 7m between floors. Ventilation Due to different rules for ventilation found within the Building Regulations in each European country, it is not possible for the standard to give guidance on this. Therefore the ventilation of this building space should be treated as any other and becomes the responsibility of the building designer. However, the manufacturer should specify the heat output of the equipment to be dealt with.

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SHAFT : GENERAL REQUIREMENT Where there are accessible spaces under the pit a safety gear must be provide on the counterweight. It is no longer permissible to use a “solid pier” as a means of protection. Where the pit is more than 2.5m deep, the access to the pit must be by a door at pit floor level. It is not acceptable for an engineer to climb down a ladder more than 2.5m without some means of fall protection. This will have an enormous effect on the design of the building.

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SHAFT : STRENGTH  All glass used in the well must be laminated. The previous requirement was only where the glass was considered as accessible, but now it is anywhere in the well.  There are new requirements for strength of walls, doors and pit floor.




Well walls (other than glass)


0,3m x 0,3m

≤ 1mm permanent ≤ 15mm elastic

Glass well walls


0,3m x 0,3m

No permanent deformation

Access , inspection and emergency doors in well


0,3m x 0,3m

≤ 15mm elastic

 Pit floor o This should withstand loads from guides, equipment mounted on the guides and “push through” forces caused by building shrinkage. This will lead to now guide rail fixing calculations and new forces to the pit floor. Company Proprietary & Confidential

SHAFT : ACCESS TRAP DOORS Doors for access, inspection and rescue – Inspection “traps” deleted and replaced with access or inspection “doors”.

– Door sizes  Access doors to well = 2m high x 0,6m wide  Emergency doors in well = 1,8m high x 0,5m wide  Inspection doors in well = 0,5m high x 0,5m wide

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There are new requirements for strength and perforation size. (See Support Engineering for more details)

Shaft Division Screen 

This has now been changed from 500mm from the side of the car to the nearest moving part, to 500mm from the inside of the car roof balustrade to the nearest moving part.

Headroom A: Distance ≥ 0,50 B: Distance ≥ 0,50 C: Distance ≥0,50 D: Distance ≥ 0,30

: Highest parts on the car roof : Car : Refuge space(s)

 Height above any area considered as a standing area (0,12m2 must be the same as X: Height of refuge spaces the refuge space height.) E: Distance ≤ 0,40 m

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SHAFT : PROTECTION IN THE WELL Headroom – One refuge space for each person on the car roof. – All refuge spaces must be of the same type. – Sign on car roof stating how many refuge spaces and what type – Sign on CWT giving dimension to buffer under normal operation.




Horizontal dimensions of the refuge space

Height of the refuge space

(m x m)




0,40 x 0,50




0,50 x 0,70


Key for pictograms : Black colour : Yellow colour : Black colour

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SHAFT : PROTECTION IN THE WELL Pit – One refuge space for each person in the pit. – All refuge spaces must be of the same type. – Sign in pit stating how many refuge spaces and what type


Horizontal dimensions of the refuge space (m x m)

Height of the refuge space (m)





0,40 x 0,50




0,50 x 0,70




0,7 x 1,0


Key for pictograms : Black colour : Yellow colour : Black colour

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SHAFT : PROTECTION IN THE WELL Access to the pit  New requirements for pit access ladders and to provide them with a safety contact where necessary.  The permissible type of ladder are now described in the standard, see examples below: CHAIN OR ROPE FOR PREVENTING REMOVAL FROM THE PIT





“Movable” ladder fastened (1) in the pit and can be placed in climbing position (2).

Ladder fixed in the pit (1) and always placed in the climbing position (2).

Fixation of ladder feet for preventing tripping over

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SHAFT : LIGHTING The requirements for well have been aligned with the interpretation given under EN 81-1. New requirements are highlighted in red.

Lighting Area

Requirement from EN81-1/2


 50 lux @ 1m from car roof  50 lux @ 1m from pit floor  Intermediate lamps  Lamps at 0.5m from highest and lowest points Permanently lit

Access to Well or Machinery Spaces

Requirement from EN81-1 Interpretation -----

Requirement from EN81-20  50 lux @ 1m from car roof  50 lux @ 1m from pit floor  20 lux @ all other areas excluding shadows

20 lux throughout the well ---


50 lux

Limits of application • Well lighting now under EN81 rules. • The national requirements apply to whole lighting & socket outlet circuits of the machine room and the pulley room. Company Proprietary & Confidential

MACHINERY SPACES : LIGHTING Lighting Area Requirement from EN81-1/2

Requirement from EN 81-1 Interpretation

Requirement from EN81-20

Machine Room

@ places where persons can stand, work or move between working areas ---

 200 lux @ places where persons can work  50 lux @ places where persons move between working areas  200 lux @ places where persons can work  50 lux @ places where persons move between working areas 200 lux @ places where persons can work 200 lux @ device

200 lux @ floor level

Machinery Space 200 lux @ floor level

Machinery Cabinet Emergency and Test panel Pulley Room

200 lux @ floor level


50 lux @ device

200 lux @ floor level

100 lux @ pulleys


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 200 lux @ places where persons can work  50 lux @ places where persons move between working areas

CAR & LANDING: LIGHTING The requirements for car lighting have been improved to 100 lux and an emergency lamp added to the car roof. New requirements are highlighted in red.

Lighting Area Requirement from EN81-1/2

Requirement from EN81-1 Interpretation

Requirement from EN81-20

Landings Car

50 lux @ floor 50 lux @ floor and controls

Car Emergency

1 w for 1 hour

Car Roof Emergency


--@ floor (> than 100mm from walls and at controls) 1 lux for 1 hour @ alarm button and any instructions ---

50 lux @ floor 100 lux @ controls and 1m above floor > 100mm from wall 5 lux for 1 hour @ alarm button and 1m from floor in centre of car 5 lux for 1 hour @ alarm button and 1m from floor in centre of car roof

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CAR & LANDING: SAFETY Unlocking mechanisms are to be limited in height to; Vertical Plane

= 2,0m maximum height

Horizontal Plane

= 2.7m maximum height with extended length unlocking key.

Non contact door protection required on all power doors (safety edges).

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LIFT CAR : LOADING Goods Lifts / Handling Devices Either: The weight of handling devices are included in the rated load; or The weight of handling devices shall be considered separately from the rated load: Handling devices are not transported with the load; The car sling, the car safety gear, the guide rails, the machine brake, traction, hydraulic ram, the UCM protection means, etc, shall be based on the total load of rated load plus weight of handling devices If due to loading and un-loading the maximum levelling accuracy is exceeded a mechanical device shall limit downward movement of the car to 20mm

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LIFT CAR: FINISHES Car Design Car internal finishes to be of limited combustibility to EN 13501-1. This is a very specific set of requirements and will apply to cars lined out by “others”. Car lighting 100 lux normal lighting (increased from 50 lux) 5 lux emergency lighting inside car 5 lux emergency lighting on car roof

Mirrors used inside the car to be of safety glass to EN 12600

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 300

> 300 ≤ 150

No balustrade required but needs toe board 100mm high

Balustrade Required Height ≥ 700 mm Company Proprietary & Confidential



 500

≤ 150

Balustrade Required Height ≥ 1100 mm


 ELEVATORS : EN 81.1 – 1998 + A3-2010 and now EN 81-20 the new code  ESCALATORS & MOVING WALKS : EN 115-1 : 2008 + A1-2010

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The angle of inclination  of the escalator shall not exceed 30° , but for rises not exceeding 6m and a nominal speed not exceeding 0.50mps the angle of inclination is permitted to be increased up to 35° (see

 in the Figure 2 below)

The angle of inclination of Moving walks shall not exceed 12°.

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EN115 : SUPPORTING STRUCTURE Clause 5.2.5 : Supporting structure shall be designed to support dead weight of the escalator or moving walk plus rated load of 5000 N/m2. It shall be calculated in accordance with EN 1993-1-1. Note : Load Carrying area = (nominal width z1 (see figure below) of the escalator or moving walk) x (distance /1 between the support) (see figure 2). Based on the rated load, the maximum calculated or measured deflection shall not exceed 1/750 of the distance/1 between the supports.

26 Company Proprietary & Confidential

EN115 : HANDLING CAPACITY H.1 Maximum capacity For traffic flow planning, the maximum number of persons that can be carried by an escalator or moving walk in 1 h is given in Table H.1:

27/100 Company Proprietary & Confidential

EN115 : CLEAR HEIGHT NEED A.2.1 Clear height of 2,30 m shall also be applied to the unrestricted area.

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EN115 : USE OF BOLLARDS - SAFETY I.1 Use of shopping trolleys and baggage carts on escalators: The use of both shopping trolleys and baggage carts on escalators is unsafe and shall not be permitted. The principle reasons why the use of these products is considered to be unsafe are foreseeable misuse, overloading and width restriction.

To prevent the people from carrying the Wheel chair and trolleys on Escalators or Moving walks we can have bollards in front of the entrance side of these units as shown in the attached picture.

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EN115 : BUILDING INTERFACE A.2.5 Unrestricted area shall be available to accommodate persons.

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A.2.7 Where it is possible for people to come into contact with the outer edge of a handrail at a landing and can be drawn into a hazardous situation, such as toppling over a balustrade, appropriate preventative measures shall be taken (e.g. increasing the height of fixed balustrade by at least 100 mm above handrail level and positioned between 80 mm and 120 mm from the outer edge of the handrail).

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EN115 : CAUTION SIGNS EN115:1995


Small children must be held firmly! Stand facing the direction of travel, keep feet away from sides! Dogs (pets) must be carried! Push chairs not permitted! Hold the handrail!

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Thank you for your Attention!

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