Murder at The Juice Joint [PDF]

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Be part of the wild and romantic era of the Roaring 20’s in

Murder at

The Juice Joint With the passing of prohibition and organized crime on the rise, The Juice Joint, a swanky speakeasy run by Rosie Marie, has been nothing but jumping. To celebrate its success, Rosie is planning a party to remember at the exclusive nightspot… and you are invited! However, one of the names on the guest list is also on another’s hit list… and no one is safe from the consequences. With the murder on the menu, you are certain to find a medley of individuals to make the night most memorable. From the major mobsters and their molls to the swanky singer with her hopes at Hollywood. The cigarette girl with a temper that sizzles to the crooked police chief with nothing to lose—no one is safe from murder…but everyone will have a chance at solving it. Will the culprit be the Mayor who is capable of murder? The blacklisted bootlegger desperate to increase their sales? Or possibly the director with a shot at making history? With the recipe for murder The Juice Joint will be certain to be serving up a night of mayhem to remember.

An evening of Murder, Mayhem & the Mob.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Host Guide Thank you for choosing Murder at The Juice Joint We are confident that you will find this comprehensive packet to provide everything that you will want and need to run your very own murder mystery party— one that will have your guests talking about it for weeks, if not longer. This murder mystery experience is designed to be easy to run and fun to play for all the guests involved. The game is played with all of your guests having active roles in the game and each guest having objectives to complete. These objectives keep the party from being pre-scripted and allow your guests to draw their own conclusions as to the motives and the identity of the murderer. This format also allows for great mingling amongst your guests and insures that all of your guests feel included. Before the night is through, each guest will have discovered that they have a motive for killing the victim and be inclined to protect their innocence as well as seek out the murderer. To add to the experience and suspense of the night, the murder happens during the party not before, as in some other murder mystery games. The victim is also allowed to play along after they ‘die’, since they have no clue who murdered them. Murder at The Juice Joint is certain to be a hit with all of your guests. In the following pages is a simple list of things you need to do as host in order to have the party run smoothly. Once the party is going, it is up to the guests to make the most of it— something you will be surprised at how well they do.

Get a $5 coupon and a FREE Party! Once your party is thrown, please let us know how your party went by posting it on our MURDER MYSTERY MESSAGE BOARD! We will email you a $5 coupon for posting comments and/or pictures about your party. In addition to the coupon, each month we will select one posting to be featured in our “Party of the Month” forum and that customer will receive a $45 gift certificate towards the purchase of a future party.

Assigning the Characters • You, as host, will need to decide upon a character for each of your guests. The easiest way to assign the characters is to read the character descriptions and match each character with the guest that you feel suits that particular character the best. • If you choose NOT to know the murderer, you can simply choose NOT to read the character descriptions or examine the evidence before the party. While you will be able to play along with everyone else, you will not be able to read the descriptions when assigning the characters. (You will find a short list of the characters with descriptions on the next page.) • Because this party is dependent on at least 15 people showing up, you may want to determine ahead of time which guests are attending before assigning characters. • It is recommended that you send out the general invite and the Gangster Gazette with an RSVP date of two weeks before the party. After your guests RSVP positive, you can send them their character sheet. • The killer will not know they are the murderer until they open their second envelope at the party. • The victim will not know they are the victim until they get to the party. The victim will not have a list of objectives for after the murder. If the victim wishes to play along after the murder, they can do so without an identity. If you have an extra identity (that is, a role that is not being played), they can also assume that identity if they so choose. • What happens with more than 20 guests? Please see page 4 of this document for a complete explanation. • P.I. Pinkerton, Chief Cameron, Gino Gin and Bernie Booze can all be played by a female or male guest. • Good suggestions for assigning couples include: Notorious Nick Nemetz & Molly Moll, Cy Ramsey & Kitty Cocktail, Southside Sal & Natalie Nemetz, Mayor Biggs & Mabel Biggs or Flirty Flapper • Is this mystery suitable for youths and/or church groups? No. This mystery contains references to alcohol as well as references to a few intermarriatal affairs. Our site offers “clean” versions of a few other mysteries on our site: Please refer to those when hosting a party for a more conservative crowd.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Host Guide Character Guest List Guest totals: With 20 guests: 6 Male characters, 10 Female Characters, 4 Gender neutral character (role that can be assumed by either a male or female guest). With 15 guests: 6 Male, 7 Female, 2 Gender-neutral characters. Rosie Marie—Juice Joint Owner. As the widow to Louie Marie, the original Juice Joint owner, Rosie not only inherited a gold mine but the power that comes with it. It is hard to say, is Rosie out to avenge her husband’s death or capitalize on it? Female. Bossy and authoritative. Notorious Nick Nemetz—North Side Mob Boss. Since the rise of organized crime, Nick’s operation has done nothing but prosper. With Nick having so much power, he seems to have a lot going for (and against) him. Male. A real mob father. He easily commands the respect of others. Natalie Nemetz—Notorious Nick’s Sister. Annoyed by her brother’s over-protective nature, Natalie has been keeping more than secrets from Nick. Female. Spoiled rotten and knows it. Natalie is used to getting her way and EVERYTHING she wants. Mugsy Malone—North Side Henchman. As Nick’s right-hand man, Mugsy has worked hard to gain his position in the mob organization and will stop at nothing to keep it. Male. Slimy and a bit of a heel. He takes orders well. Cy Ramsey—Juice Joint Bouncer and North Side Gang Member. Cy’s success in Nick’s operation could be considered a threat to those in the operation—and to those opposing it. Male. Conniving and controlling. He is a man with ambition and the drive to get what he wants. Kitty Cocktail—Cocktail Waitress at The Juice Joint. As Cy’s main squeeze, Kitty will do anything to advance her boyfriend in his chosen career. Female. In love with Cy Ramsey. Will do whatever he wants. Southside Sal—South Side mob Boss. It is no secret that Sal has been making a push to expand his territory. The real secret may be who is working with him. Male. Looking for advancement in his career. He is respectable, but deadly. Flora Nemetz-Gadora— Notorious Nick’s Ex-wife. Caught cheating, Nick divorced Flora immediately a month ago. Left without anything, Flora’s romantic interest has shifted from one mob boss to another. Female. A gold-digger at heart, always looking for a fast-paced life and self-gratification. Molly Moll— Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend. One of the most popular women in town, Molly had no interest in Nick until she realized what he could do for her movie career. Female. A prima donna. Molly loves to be the center of attention and will go to all lengths to get it. Hal Hollywood—Movie Director. Hal is in town to cast for his next project—the first talking picture. Since this project will be one that will make history, Hal is taking his time in casting his lead lady, for he knows his decision will have a lasting impact. Male. Hal knows Hollywood, but not the Chicago underworld. He is easily scared and a bit skiddish. Dina Diva—Juice Joint Singer. Dina’s voice and stage presence seem to be exactly what Hal is looking for. Dina won’t let anyone come between her and her dreams of starring on the big screen. Female. Confident and proud. She may be outspoken about her abilities. Mayor Biggs—Mayor. As the head of the city, the Mayor’s power is what many seek. However, is it the Mayor who is really calling the shots or are the decisions coming from someone else? Male. He follows direction easily and is easily bribed. He is a fast-talked and tries to please everyone. Mabel Biggs—The Mayor’s Wife. Mabel considers herself the brains behind the Mayor and she will not let him do anything that could ruin his political career. Female. Commanding and controlling over her husband. She thinks she always knows best. Chief Cameron—Police Chief. As the city’s main law enforcement officer, Cameron enforces the Mayor’s decisions…but whose side are they really on? Male or female. Bold and commanding, they can be abrasive at times. Frustrated when they are not in control. Cindy Butt— Cigarette Girl at The Juice Joint. Responsible for ruining many lives, Cindy doesn’t stop at spreading rumors to get her way. Female. Vindictive, ruthless and scheming. She shows no remorse for evil things that may lurk in her past and she is quick to lie about them. Bernie Booze— Bootlegger. Bernie had one of the most successful bootlegging businesses in town before Notorious Nick had them blacklisted. Will Bernie’s business end up dying for their mistake or will someone else? Male or female. Fast-talking businessperson with an underground agenda. Bernie will go to all lengths to save their business. Gino Gin—Bartender. As the eyes and ears of The Juice Joint, Gino may know more than they let on. Male or female. A good listener and even better at scheming, they will have no shame in exploiting others. Flirty Flapper—Juice Joint Patron. It is no secret that Flirty is looking for a man with power and she will stop at nothing to get it. Female. Bold, modern and looking for what she wants. Flirty won’t let anyone come in her way. Anna Marie—Rosie’s daughter. Still mourning the loss of her father, Louie Marie, Anna is ready to seek revenge at whatever cost. Female. Spoiled and naive. Anna doesn’t always know what she is up against. P.I. Pinkerton—Private Investigator. As the private detective on the scene, P.I.’s job will be to take charge, decipher the clues, and discover the truth. Male or female. Inquisitive and curious by nature. Must be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd and questioning individuals. Good suggestions for assigning couples include: Notorious Nick Nemetz & Molly Moll, Cy Ramsey & Kitty Cocktail, Southside Sal & Natalie Nemetz, Mayor Biggs & Mabel Biggs or Flirty Flapper ©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Host Guide Assigning the General Characters If you find yourself with over 20 guests, here is a short guide to how to “super-size” your party. • The 20 characters listed on the previous page are to be the suspects in the murder. In addition to those 20 characters, there are 12 other more general characters. • These general characters all have objectives to complete and secrets to keep, so they remain an active part of the game. • These characters, however, are not imperative to the murder or the investigation. (They will aid the investigation, but cannot hinder it by not showing up.) • The guests in these roles will keep their birth name. • The general characters name tags are designed so that you can fill in the names of your guests above their general description. • Each of these roles can be assigned multiple times in order to meet the needs of your guest list. • With larger parties, these extra roles make the sleuthing more interactive and help to insure that all of the possible motives for the murder are exposed. • When assigning the general characters, you should assign them (if possible) in the order that they are listed in this document. Ex.: If you have 25 people coming, the extra characters to assign would be: North Side Mob Member A, Flapper, Actress, North Side Mob Member B, Politician. • The general characters consist of 5 female roles, 6 male roles and 1 role that can be assumed by either male or female guests. Below is the list of the 12 general roles in the order that they should be assigned and the gender that they should be assigned to. 1) North Side mob member A: Male 2) Flapper A: Female 3) Actress: Female 4) North Side mob member B: Male 5) Politician: Male 6) Flapper B: Female 7) South Side mob member: Male 8) Juice Joint Waitress: Female 9) Police Officer A: Male 10) Flapper C: Female 11) Reporter: Male or Female 12) Police Officer B: Male • If you are short of 20 guests, the game can be played without the following characters: Anna Marie, Kitty Cocktail, Gino Gin, Mabel Biggs, P.I. Pinkerton & Mugsy Malone (eliminating Anna Marie first, Kitty Cocktail second, etc.). The victim will then be P.I. Pinkerton after “death” if P.I. has been eliminated.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Host Guide Making the Invitations Before the party, each guest must receive three things: (1) the invitation, (2) The Gangster Gazette and (3) their character description. THE INVITATION • To make the invitations, print out the number of invites (page 7) that you need onto 8.5 x 11 paper. (You may print on nicer paper, such as parchment, to add authenticity to the invitation.) • Fold each invite in quarters. • Fill out the information for the place, date and time of your party. • Invite should fit nicely into a invitation sized envelope (4 3/8” x 5 3/4” ). The Gangster Gazette • If you wish for The Gangster Gazette (page 8) to be more authentic, you can photocopy or print it onto newsprint. Character Description • You need to assign each guest a character to be at the party. (See the previous sections)

Preparing the Materials for the Party • Cut out and make name tags for the guests. (You can print out the name tags onto on adhesive label paper or print out on regular paper and include a pin with the name tags so that the guests can secure them to their outfits.) Name tag template is compatible with Avery labels 15163, 18163, 5163, 5263, 5523, 5663, 5963, 8163, 8253, 8463, 8663, 8763. • Photocopy the print out of the money onto green paper. You will need as many copies as there are guests attending. Trim out the money and bundle them in packages of $500. —To skip this step, you can purchase fake/play money rather inexpensively at a novelty or party store and use the fake/play money instead of the paper money. • Cut the objective sheets in half on the dashed lines. • Label two envelopes with each character’s name. Label one envelope with an (A) and one with a (B) for each character. On the (B) envelope, also put “DO NOT open until AFTER the murder”. In the (A) envelopes, place: a name tag, safety pin(s) to adhere the name tag, a bundle of money, the left side of the character’s objective sheet that has objectives for the beginning of the party. In the (B) envelopes, place: the right side of the objective sheet for each character which has objectives for after the murder happens. — In Molly Moll’s (B) envelope also place Exhibit A. — In P.I. Pinkerton’s (B) envelope also place Exhibit B. — In Chief Cameron’s (B) envelope also place Exhibit C. — In Southside Sal’s (B) envelope also place Exhibit D. — In Mugsy Malone’s (B) envelope also place Exhibit E. (If Mugsy has been eliminated, put Exhibit E. in the “evidence” envelope with the evidence presentation.) Have the (A) & (B) envelopes on hand to give to the guests as they arrive. • In a separate envelope place the Evidence Presentation. Label it as “Evidence”. • Place the solution in a sealed envelope and label it “Solution”. • Keep the “introduction”, the “investigation instructions”, the “evidence envelope” and the “solution envelope” in a safe and convenient location so you can hand them out throughout the night as guests need them. • Make enough copies of the Who Dunnit voting sheets for the number of guests you have coming. Cut the pages into quarters along the dashed lines. • Make copies of the smoking gun award, as there may be multiple people who guess the murderer. – You can print or photocopy the certificates onto parchment paper for a more official look.

For more ideas on music, recipes, decorations and more check the “Party Tips” page at ©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Party Schedule • Most likely, the length of the party will take 2-4 hours. The party length will depend on a number of factors, including how well your guests know each other and how well they mingle. • The party may be longer if you choose to serve dinner, although much of the mingling done during Stage 2 may be done at the dinner table as well. • Because the party is not pre-scripted, but set up in stages, as host it is important to observe the guests’ behavior and move onto the next stage when you feel it is most appropriate. This will give everyone enough time to enjoy all aspects of the party and enable it to move along at an enjoyable pace.

Stage One: The Guests Arrive • Have the guests (A) and (B) envelopes available for them.

Stage Two: Introduction • After all of the guests have arrived, hand Rosie Marie the Introduction and have her read it aloud to everyone. • Have time for guests to mingle and complete their objectives • This may require 30-60 minutes depending on how well your guests know each other. • If serving dinner, this may be a good time for dinner to be served.

Stage Three: Murder & Investigation • When guests start to settle down and you are sure the victim has completed all of their objectives, tell Notorious Nick that he can make a toast. • When Notorious Nick makes his toast, arrange for the lights to go off and a loud noise to sound (like a cap gun). • When the lights come back on, the victim will be dead. • Give P.I. Pinkerton (the private investigator) tape, so that they can outline the position of the body on the floor. • Have P.I. Pinkerton read the sheet explaining the Investigation. • The guests will open their (B) envelopes which will have new information and objectives for the guests to complete now that the murder has occurred.

Stage Four: Evidence Presentation

• When guests have settled down again, P.I. Pinkerton has collected all of his evidence and you feel as though most people have completed their objectives, hand P.I. Pinkerton the evidence packet so that they can present the findings of the evidence at the crime scene to the guests. • It is best if the evidence is then laid on a table so that everyone may see it. • Give your guests additional time to review the evidence. You may want to make multiple copies of the evidence so that it can be seen by everyone. • Hand out the ‘Who Dunnit’ answer sheets and ask everyone to complete them and hand them back to you during this time.

Stage Five: The Solution

• When all the ‘Who Dunnit’ sheets are handed in, ask P.I. Pinkerton to read the solution aloud to the guests. • Using the tally sheet included, calculate who the winners are and award the certificates.

End of Host Guide ©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

any way you choose. Bribery and blackmail are two of the most common uses we found (and highly encouraged). The wealthiest player at the end of the night will also receive an award for their ability to turn a profit.

Use Your Money Creatively–Upon arrival, you will receive some money to spend

Review the Gazette, it includes background information on the other guests attending the party. This information may come in useful the night of the party.

Review The Gangster Gazette–Included in this invite will be The Gangster Gazette.

it will be for you to truly enjoy all the aspects of the night. In addition, it adds to the excitement, the photo opps, and your chance to be voted best dressed. Please see for costume ideas & resources.

Dress The Part– It’s a proven fact that the more into character you are the easier

that everyone needs to know about you, there are some things that should remain secret. Use your discretion as to not give too much away-- you may find out at the party that you are the killer indeed!

Don’t Reveal Everything About Your Character–While there are many things

you will need to play your part.

Read Your Character Sheet–This contains your identity and all the information

Whether this is your first murder mystery experience or your fortieth, each murder mystery experience is different and has different rules pertaining. Here are some tips to review to help make sure the night is an unforgettable experience.

Rules at the Juice Joint

Murder at The Juice Joint

A Roaring Night of Murder, Mayhem and the Mob to Remember! ©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Any questions, please contact _________________

The Juice Joint is located at ________________________

Please be sure to arrive between the hours of __________ and __________

The Juice Joint Party will be held on ________________________

With the recipe for murder, The Juice Joint will be certain to be serving up a night of mayhem to remember.

With the murder on the menu, you are certain to find a medley of individuals to make the night most memorable. From the major mobsters and their molls to the swanky singer with her hopes at Hollywood. The cigarette girl with a temper that sizzles to the crooked police chief with nothing to lose—no one is safe from murder…but all will have a chance at solving it. Will the culprit be the Mayor who is capable of murder? The blacklisted bootlegger desperate to increase their sales? Or possibly the director who has a shot at making history?

However, one of the names on the guest list is also on another’s hit list.

With the passing of prohibition and organized crime on the rise, The Juice Joint, a swanky speakeasy run by Rosie Marie, has been nothing but jumping. To celebrate its success, Rosie is planning a party to remember at the exclusive nightspot… and you are invited!

Gangster Gazette The Juice Joint is Jumping!

In honor of The Juice Joint’s excellent business, Rosie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint is throwing a party to commemorate it’s success and to remember the previous owner, her late husband, Louie Marie. Since establishment in 1921, The Juice Joint has become and remained the hottest nightspot in town. In appreciation of it’s customers, Rosie has promised a night to remember! Among the town’s elite, those in attendance are sure to be: Rosie Marie—Juice Joint Owner. As the widow to Louie Marie, the original Juice Joint owner, Rosie not only inherited a gold mine but the power that comes with it. It is hard to say, is Rosie out to avenge her husband’s death or capitalize on it? Notorious Nick Nemetz—North Side Mob Boss. Since the rise of organized crime, Nick’s operation has done nothing but prosper. With Nick having so much power, he seems to have a lot going for (and against) him. Natalie Nemetz—Notorious Nick’s Sister. Annoyed by her brother’s over-protective nature, Natalie has kept more than secrets from Nick. Mugsy Malone—North Side Henchman. As Nick’s right-hand man, Mugsy has worked hard to gain his position in the operation and will stop at nothing to keep it. Cy Ramsey—Juice Joint Bouncer and North Side Gang Member. Cy’s success in Nick’s operation could be considered a threat to those in the operation….and to those opposing it. Kitty Cocktail—Cocktail Waitress. As Cy’s main squeeze, Kitty will do anything to help advance her boyfriend in his chosen career. Southside Sal—South Side Mob Boss. It is no secret that Sal has been making a push to expand his territory. The real secret may be who is working with him Flora Nemetz-Gadora— Notorious Nick’s Exwife. Caught cheating, Nick divorced Flora immediately a month ago. Left without anything, Flora’s romantic interest has shifted from one mob boss to another. Hal Hollywood—Movie Director. Hal is in town to cast for his next project—the first talking picture. Since this project will be one that makes history, Hal is taking his time in casting his lead lady, for he knows his decision will have a lasting impact.

Molly Moll— Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend. One of the most popular women in town, Molly had no interest in Nick until she realized what he could do for her movie career. Dina Diva—Juice Joint Singer. Dina’s voice and stage presence seem to be exactly what Hal is looking for. Dina won’t let anyone come between her and her dreams of starring on the big screen. Mayor Biggs—Mayor. As the head of the city, the Mayor’s power is what many seek. However, is it the Mayor who is really calling the shots or are the decisions coming from someone else? Mabel Biggs—Mayor’s Wife. Mabel considers herself the brains behind the Mayor and she will not let him do anything that could ruin his political career. Chief Cameron—Police Chief. As the city’s main law enforcement officer, Cameron enforces the Mayor’s decisions…but whose side are they really on? Cindy Butt— Cigarette Girl. Responsible for ruining many lives, Cindy doesn’t stop at spreading rumors to get her way. Bernie Booze— Bootlegger. Bernie had one of the most successful bootlegging businesses in town before Notorious Nick had them blacklisted. Will Bernie’s business end up dying for their mistake or will someone else? Gino Gin—Bartender. As the eyes & ears of The Juice Joint, Gino may know more than they let on.

Missing Person Found Dead Three weeks after the disappearance of Louie Marie, Mr. Marie’s body was found floating in the river. “Due to the bullets lodged in Mr. Marie’s skull, foul play has been suspected.” Chief Cameron states. At this time no one has been apprehended for the murder of Louie Marie and according to the police, there is very little evidence to prove who committed the crime. Louie was the original owner of The Juice Joint, a family-owned establishment. Louie leaves behind his wife, Rosie, daughter, Anna, and nephew, Cy Ramsey. The Juice Joint will remain open and the ownership has been transferred to his wife Rosie Marie. “It’s what Louie would have wanted.” says Rosie.

New Governor Needed With the statewide death toll the highest in recorded history and organized crime on the rise, the Governor has announced he will not be running for re-election. “... it is difficult to speculate who will step up to take on the leadership of the state. What is for certain is that the next set of candidates will have to have a history of being tough on organized crime if they hope to win the election.” states political analyst, Bill Bosworth.

Casting Call

Flirty Flapper—Juice Joint Patron. It is no secret that Flirty desires a man with power and she will stop at nothing to get it.

Attention those who want to be a part of Hollywood history!

Anna Marie—Rosie’s daughter. Still mourning the loss of her father, Louie Marie, Anna is ready to seek revenge at whatever cost.

If you are a talented woman with a great voice, this may be your chance at stardom, please see Hal Hollywood at: The Grande Hotel Thursday 1-3 p.m.

P.I. Pinkerton—Investigator. As the private detective on the scene, P.I.’s job will be to take charge and decipher the clues and reveal the truth.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -


Introduction to the Guests

(To be read by Rosie Marie after all of the guests arrive.) Hello and welcome to The Juice Joint. I want to thank you all for taking time to be here with us tonight. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Rosie Marie, the new Juice Joint owner. As some of you may know, The Juice Joint was originally founded by my late husband, Louie Marie, whose life was taken from us and, thus, cannot be here with us tonight. In honor of his memory and to celebrate The Juice Joint’s success since being in operation, I have gathered you here tonight for this elaborate celebration. Throughout the night, I ask that you please keep your eye out for those going above and beyond their calls of duty. Along with the other festivities in store for you tonight, you will also be asked to vote on those characters at the party tonight who have made your night most enjoyable by their costume, their acting ability and the amount of money that they end up with at the end of the night. As you may not know, bribery, extortion, blackmail and whatever creative means you may have to use your money are not only expected, but encouraged here at The Juice Joint. Once again, I want to thank you all for being here tonight. I am sure that each and every one of you has a special place and purpose at the party and I am glad that you are all here to celebrate with us. Be aware, there is more in store for you tonight, so until that happens, please sit back, get acquainted and enjoy the music in my lavish speakeasy.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

The Investigation

Directions to the Guests (To be read by P.I. Pinkerton after the murder.)

As you can all see, there was a murder that just occurred amongst us all. The victim was Notorious Nick Nemetz. At this time, I need to ask for your full cooperation in this investigation. It is imperative that no one leave the premises as you are all considered suspects. You received a sealed envelope at the beginning of the night. You will want to open and read that information carefully when I am done. The envelope that you are opening will contain information, evidence and objectives for you to help you conduct your own investigation. For some of you, it will give you bargaining and blackmailing power. For one other, it will contain the secret that you indeed ARE the murderer. Conduct your investigation wisely and let no one know your secrets which you ARE NOT to reveal. It is now that you will try to uncover the possible motives that each of you may have for wanting Notorious Nick dead. After I have questioned some of you and conducted my own investigation into this crime, I will be presenting the tangible evidence that I have discovered. Everyone will then get a chance to examine the evidence before you make a final accusation as to who the killer is among you. Until then, I suggest you conduct your own investigation by questioning each other and uncovering possible motives for the death of Notorious Nick. Thank you, and I will be addressing you when I have compiled the available evidence to show you. Until then, start sleuthing!

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Rosie Marie

As the owner of The Juice Joint, you are arguably one of the most powerful women in town. With the passing of Prohibition, your husband, Louie Marie, saw a great opportunity in turning your basement into a speakeasy, a place where your friends and neighbors could relax and enjoy a bottle of beer or a swig of gin, which had become illegal to obtain. Soon your basement business became one of the most jumping joints in town, attracting everyone from the city’s who’s who to the riff raff, and all those in between. Although it was Louie who originally started The Juice Joint, you are now the sole proprietor. Just two weeks ago, Louie was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head and you assumed ownership. Although you don’t know who killed your late husband, you have vowed revenge on whomever is responsible. Among your family, your daughter Anna Marie seems to be taking the death of your husband extremely hard. Topping of your list of suspects for Louie’s murder is Southside Sal, a mob boss who operates mostly on the south side of town. At the time of Louie’s death, Sal was vying for a piece of The Juice Joint profits. Sal was (and still is) hoping to run his gambling and booze rackets out of The Juice Joint, something that Notorious Nick, a mob boss who runs the majority of the north side of town (including city hall), has always done. Your husband Louie was a loyal and faithful man and you imagine that he would never deceive Nick in business by switching partners and letting Sal take over Nick’s share of The Juice Joint. Since the death of your husband, The Juice Joint has only flourished. Because of the popularity of the business, the number of police raids has also been increasing. Since Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, reaps a great deal of profits from your business, you have convinced Nick to use his power in city hall to replace Chief Cameron, the current police chief, with Cy Ramsey, your nephew and a member of Nick’s gang. With Cy in power, you are certain that your joint will avoid raids from the city and increase your profits. Notorious Nick has agreed to use his close relationship with Mayor Biggs to get Cy appointed as police chief. In return for this favor, Nick has demanded that you do not use Bernie Booze, a bootlegger, to obtain the Juice Joint’s alcohol. Nick insists that Bernie is responsible for a tainted bottle of liquor that Nick drank, almost killing him. You have agreed to Nick’s demands even though Bernie has always proven to be very reliable and affordable—you are unsure whether you can find another bootlegger willing to charge so little. In addition, Notorious Nick has a lot of power in this city and you are not certain you would want to double-cross him. Others have told you, doing so could have deadly consequences. Despite the death of your husband, you have been in great spirits lately. Running The Juice Joint has given you a newfound liberation and independence. Because you are determined to find your husband’s murderer and bring them to justice, you have hired P.I. Pinkerton, a private investigator, to help find the murderer. With the weekend approaching, you have decided to throw a party to celebrate the recent success of The Juice Joint under your ownership. The party is another chance to make more money and expand the Juice Joint’s popularity.

Acting and Dressing Your Part

As the Juice Joint owner, you are authoritative and bold. Although you are a woman, now that your husband is dead this is your speakeasy and you want to be fully respected as the sole proprietor. In addition, you are trying to find your late husband’s murderer. As a woman in the 20’s, you embrace all of the modern fashion changes, including a shorter, fringed or sequined dress, bare arms and make-up.

For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, that you can’t buy alcohol from them without Notorious Nick’s approval.

• Ask Notorious Nick when you should expect your nephew, Cy Ramsey, to be promoted to police chief.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

• Tell Southside Sal, the southside mob boss, that he will pay for murdering your husband, Louie Marie.

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• Tell Mayor that he needs to promote Cy to police chief even though Nick is dead.

• Tell Bernie Booze that murder is one way to get their product back on the market.

• If accused of avenging your husband’s death, assure whomever that you would not waste a bullet to avenge that cheating soul.

• If Southside Sal, the southside mob boss, offers you any deals, ask him if you can trust him.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Notorious Nick blacklisted Bernie Booze and forbid you to buy their products.

• You wanted to avenge the death of your husband, Louie Marie, until you found out he was cheating on you.

• Southside Sal told you earlier tonight that Notorious Nick was responsible for your husband Louie’s death.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Rosie Marie

Murder at The Juice Joint

• Ask Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick’s ex-wife, how well she knew your husband. You noticed her hanging out around The Juice Joint a lot before he was killed.

• Assure your daughter, Anna Marie, that you will make sure your husband’s killer is brought to justice.

• If anyone even mentions your dead husband, Louie, tell them you are out to avenge your husband’s death.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Rosie Marie

Murder at The Juice Joint

Cy Ramsey As the bouncer at The Juice Joint and a member of the North Side gang, you find yourself in the middle of a lot of action, and gladly so. Passage of the Prohibition laws and the resulting increase in organized crime have given you new opportunities to exploit others. As part of the North Side gang run by Notorious Nick Nemetz, you are in charge of the gun racket. These days, it seems that everyone needs a gun for enforcement, protection or both. Just the other week, you sold a Tommy gun to Bernie Booze, a bootlegger. Without knowing how it is being used, Bernie has already approached you about wanting to purchase more. Since you intend to one day be Notorious Nick’s successor, you are hoping that your success in the gun racketeering business will help you get promoted in Nick’s gang. Currently, Mugsy Malone is Nick’s henchman and second-in-command, which you believe is a mistake. Clearly, you are more qualified to be Nick’s confidant. For now, you have your sites set on becoming police chief. As chief, you can help Notorious Nick control the city from inside City Hall, while also demonstrating to Nick your value and loyalty. In addition to serving Nick as police chief, you would stop the raids on your aunt’s speakeasy, The Juice Joint, and focus more resources on finding your Uncle Louie’s murderer. Your uncle Louie Marie was the founder of The Juice Joint and the reason you came to live in the city. With the rising popularity of The Juice Joint, Louie needed help and you gladly accepted the job as bouncer. By working at The Juice Joint, you met Notorious Nick— your Uncle Louie’s “unofficial” business partner. Notorious Nick started and ran his booze and protection rackets out of the back of The Juice Joint, which was a major reason for The Juice Joint’s popularity. Louie and Nick were great business partners, and you are convinced that you were on your way to gaining Nick’s favoritism until Louie was murdered. Two weeks ago your uncle Louie was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. Louie was like a father to you and you have vowed revenge on whoever sent Louie to his grave. Your Aunt Rosie and your cousin, Anna Marie, are also deeply upset by your uncle’s death. You have shared your ambitions about becoming police chief with your Aunt Rosie and she has agreed to put pressure on Notorious Nick, now her new business partner, to get you appointed to the position. The only thing that has helped you ease the pain of your uncle’s death is Kitty Cocktail, the cocktail waitress and your girlfriend. Kitty is a constant source of support and encouragement. Kitty knows of your gun racketeering business and is supportive of your goals to one day be the head of Nick’s North Side gang. Your aunt is planning a large party at The Juice Joint this weekend and will need your services. You are looking forward to the party since the ‘who’s who’ of Chicago will be there.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: Being the bouncer for The Juice Joint and a member of the North Side gang, you present a forceful appearance—both in your demeanor and in the weapons you carry. As the head of Nick’s gun racket, you will have at least one gun with you at all times, you never know about new customers. In addition, be on the lookout for your uncle’s murderer, you would do anything to get back at those who hurt your loved ones. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at

the party, please see

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• If asked about your gun business, assure whomever that you are waiting for a shipment to restock your supply. Then you will be happy to fill any orders.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that their job is not secure as long as Notorious Nick is calling the shots in Chicago.

• Tell Southside Sal, the southside mob boss, that you will not let him get away with murder.

• Ask Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick’s ex-wife, how well he knew your uncle, Louie Marie. She seemed to hang around The Juice Joint a lot before his death.

• Tell your aunt, Rosie Marie, and your cousin, Anna Marie, that you are highly motivated to avenge the death of your uncle, Louie Marie.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Cy Ramsey

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• When asked about your Tommy gun by P.I. Pinkerton, the investigator, let them know that you sold it to Bernie Booze.

• Assure your cousin, Anna Marie, that your uncle’s murderer has been brought to justice.

• Tell Chief Cameron that murder is no way to insure security in their job.

• Tell your aunt, Rosie Marie, that her husband’s death has been avenged now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• You in charge of Nick’s gun racket and have sold many guns, including one to Bernie Booze, the bootlegger.

• You were promised a job as the police chief by Notorious Nick before he was shot.

• You are out to avenge your uncle’s death. Southside Sal told you earlier tonight that Notorious Nick was responsible for Louie’s death.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Cy Ramsey

Murder at The Juice Joint

Notorious Nick Nemetz As the reigning mob boss for the north side of the town, it goes without saying that you have a lot of power. With organized crime on the rise since the passing of Prohibition, the North Side gang has been quite prosperous. After establishing a network of business associates who have helped exert your influence throughout Chicago, you have found yourself running much of the city, including City Hall. Key people in your influential network include Mayor Biggs, the Mayor of Chicago, and Rosie Marie, The Juice Joint owner. A few years ago at The Juice Joint, a speakeasy originally owned by Louie Marie, you set up and began running your protection, gambling, guns and booze rackets. Before he was murdered, Louie allowed you to run your illegal businesses from The Juice Joint in exchange for a small piece of the profits and because he wanted to attract clients to his speakeasy. Both The Juice Joint and your influence in Chicago expanded from this convenient business deal. The Juice Joint is now the hot spot in town, and you are considered “the go-to guy” for getting things done in Chicago. Although your influence is enormous, you are well aware that Southside Sal, the South Side mob don, has been making a play for some of your power. You have heard that Chief Cameron, the police chief, has been taking some money from Southside Sal, which makes you wary of Chief Cameron. You intend to use your influence with the Mayor to force him to appoint Cy Ramsey, one of your gang members and the bouncer at the speakeasy, as the new police chief. In addition to Southside Sal, Bernie Booze, a bootlegger, is also on your list of current enemies. Bernie was responsible for selling you a tainted bottle of booze which made you very ill. Although Bernie claims that the tainted liquor was an honest mistake, you have blacklisted them across town, making it impossible for them to sell any liquor to any of the establishments. Rosie Marie and the other speakeasy owners have boycotted purchasing Bernie’s goods for fear of what you may do if they were to betray you. Despite your success in the Chicago business underworld, lately your personal life has been in shambles. A month ago Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl, made you aware that Flora, your wife, was having an affair with Louie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint. Immediately, you divorced Flora and ordered the hit of Louie Marie, which was handled by Mugsy Malone, your henchman. Just two weeks ago Louie was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. Following your divorce, you had a short-lived affair with Cindy Butt before winning the affection of Molly Moll. While your relationship with Molly has also been very short, you are certain that Molly is the one for you, and you are committed to winning her love and affection. Because Molly’s wish is to become a Hollywood movie star, you have used your money and influence to “convince” Hal Hollywood, a movie director, that he should cast Molly as his leading lady in his next film. While Hal would like to cast another actress, your financial support of his endeavors have made it impossible to overlook Molly for the female lead. As the weekend approaches, you are looking forward to The Juice Joint party. Since a number of the most influential people in Chicago will be attending the party at The Juice Joint, it is the perfect time to announce your engagement to Molly Moll. After learning about the influence you have exerted over Hal Hollywood on her behalf, Molly graciously accepted your proposal of marriage. Although you are aware that others will not approve of your engagement to Molly, including Cindy Butt (whom you left for Molly) and Natalie Nemetz (your sister who dislikes Molly), you want to make your commitment to Molly public as soon as possible.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: As the reigning mob boss, you have a lot of power and you like to show it. When you walk into a room, you command respect. You are distinct and brazen in everything you do. Among the few things that you care about are your girlfriend, Molly Moll, and your relatives. For more ideas on

how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• When the lights go out, fall down dead. YOU ARE THE VICTIM.

• When the host informs you, get everyone’s attention and announce your engagement to Molly Moll.

• When you have completed all of your tasks above, discreetly notify the party host.

• Make sure that no one buys alcohol from Bernie Booze, the bootlegger.

• If confronted about any of your choices, let whomever know that you have no regrets.

• Remind Hal Hollywood, the movie director, of your financial contributions to his latest film, which is in production. Make sure he knows that you will withdraw the money if he does not choose Molly Moll, your fiancé, as leading actress.

• Let everyone know about your engagement to Molly Moll, you are extremely proud and plan to see that she stars in the next feature film.

• Tell Mayor Biggs that you want Cy Ramsey appointed to police chief as soon as possible.

• Tell Bernie Booze, a bootlegger, that you will make sure that they never sell liquor in this town again.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Notorious Nick

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

• You may assume another role if your host wants you to.

• Sell your secrets for money and try to become the wealthiest player.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

• Depending on what you want to do, you have the option of the following objectives:

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• You are dead. Someone killed you, but you do not know who!

Things You Know:

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Notorious Nick

Murder at The Juice Joint

Natalie Nemetz As the little sister to Notorious Nick Nemetz, mob boss of the infamous North Side gang, you are used to getting what you want— and what you want is to be with the man you love. Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to do so at the moment, since the man you love is Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss and one of your brother’s enemies. Since the passing of prohibition and the rise of organized crime, your brother Nick and his North Side gang have controlled the underworld in Chicago, leaving Nick with extraordinary power and influence. Because your parents passed away at a young age, Nick tends to be very protective of you. He often delves deep into your affairs, causing you to keep some secrets from him. Thus, you have not told Nick about your romantic relationship with Southside Sal. Not only do you know that your brother would disapprove, you are not sure how far Nick will go to keep you and Sal apart. You are waiting for the right moment to tell your brother of your relationship with Sal. Out of respect of your wishes, Sal has agreed to keep your relationship secret. Although you have kept your brother out of your love life, you refuse to stay out of his. After Nick’s nasty divorce with Flora Nemetz-Gadora, he had a short affair with Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl. Nick quickly moved on from his relationship with Cindy and is currently dating Molly Moll, a wannabe actress. You strongly disapprove of Nick’s relationship with Molly because you are certain she is only after your brother’s money and power to pave her way to Hollywood. It was not until Hal Hollywood, a famous movie director, showed up in Chicago announcing that he was casting for the first talking picture that Molly even gave any attention to Nick. Since Molly and Nick started dating, Nick has offered Hal money to cast Molly in his film. Not only is Molly without any acting talent and undeserving of the role, she is taking the role away from your friend, Dina Diva, the singer at The Juice Joint. You are certain that Dina should have the part in the film based on her talent and the gracious compliments that Hal has already given to Dina. You refuse to let Molly use your brother and to take away the role your friend deserves. Among other things taking place this weekend, you are looking forward to attending The Juice Joint party. The most influential people in town are sure to be at the party and you hope to expose Molly Moll as the gold-digging hussy she is. In addition, you are looking forward to seeing your boyfriend, Southside Sal. Although your relationship is to be kept a secret, you will not hesitate to keep other women away from him. You have noticed Flora Nemetz-Gadora fawning over Sal and you want nothing more than for Flora to keep her hands to herself.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As Notorious Nick’s little sister, you have not had to work for anything you wanted, and thus you are spoiled. In addition, you have learned much about lying and cheating from your big brother and your values reflect this dominant interest in greed, money and power. As a woman of the 1920’s, your dress is modern with a short sequined or fringed dress, a headband and a long string of pearls. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words

and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• If anyone asks about your secret (your relationship with Southside Sal), assure them that you will expose your affair when the time is right…which should be soon!

• Call Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s ex-wife, a floozy every chance you get. You despise how she fawns all over Southside Sal.

• Discreetly wink at Sal to let him know you care.

• Tell Nick’s ex-wife, that you are glad they are divorced. Remind her that your family money will always stay within the family.

• Tell your brother, Notorious Nick, that you think Molly is only out for his money and power.

• Tell Molly Moll that you think she is just using your brother, Notorious Nick, for his money and fame and personal gain— not for real love.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Natalie Nemetz

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Accuse Hal Hollywood, the movie director, of the murder so he could cast Dina Diva in his film.

• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora that she will never get her hands on Sal because he is with you.

• If asked about your inheritance, admit that as Notorious Nick’s closest living relative and that you have a lot to gain.

• Profess your love for Southside Sal. Announce that the two of you plan to be together forever.

• Tell Molly Moll, your brother’s fiancé, that you are glad that your brother died before she could get her hands on any of his money.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You are the closest living relative to your brother, Notorious Nick.

• You think Flora Nemetz-Gadora fancies and is pursuing Sal.

• You are secretly seeing Southside Sal—your brother would never approve.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Natalie Nemetz

Murder at The Juice Joint

Mugsy Malone As the henchman for Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, it is only a matter of time before you will precede Nick Nemetz as the head mob don of the most powerful gang in Chicago. Since the passing of prohibition laws, organized crime has been on the rise and Nick’s mob operation has been quite prosperous with you as his right-hand man. Through thick and thin, Nick has trusted you to carry out his dirty work and help him to rise to the position of power and influence that he currently enjoys. Although Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, has been trying to take over some of Nick’s territory by buying off some of his “employees”, Nick’s power in this town is too great for Sal to take on and Nick remains the man in charge. Within the North Side gang, Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer and nephew of Louie & Rosie Marie, The Juice Joint owners, is your biggest competitor for promotion. Cy runs Nick’s gun racket and has had much success with these responsibilities. You are worried that Cy’s success and pressure from his aunt (Rosie Marie), will lead Nick to favor Cy over you in later business decisions. Regardless of Cy’s success, you are still the one that Nick relies on when he needs a job done efficiently and flawlessly. Recently, Nick discovered that Louie Marie, the former owner of The Juice Joint, was having an affair with his wife, Flora Nemetz-Gadora, and ordered you to take care of Louie. You completed the job swiftly leaving Louie at the bottom of the river. No one ever suspected that Nick or yourself was behind the hit on Louie. While working with the North Side gang, at The Juice Joint, you have noticed Flirty Flapper. You are attracted to Flirty and wish that she would spend some of her free time with you. Flirty has said she likes men with power and hope she will soon see how much power you carry in this city as Nick’s right-hand man. You are looking forward to this weekend and the party at The Juice Joint. With some of the most influential people in Chicago attending, it is your chance to show Flirty Flapper how important you are with the hope of gaining her attention and affection.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you should come

dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your cigars. As the second-in-command, you think of yourself as above most others at the party, with the exception of Notorious Nick—since you will do whatever he asks of you. While you know that it will be awhile until you take over for Nick, you fully intend to do so when the time comes—and you will let no one get in your way! As a faithful gang member, do not forget your gun, you are unsure as to when you will be called upon to use it. You will want to dress to impress the ladies, in particular, Flirty Flapper. For more ideas on

how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see www.

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• Tell Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, that you are going to shake things up tonight.

• Brag about your big plans to help Notorious Nick run the city. Tell others that you are the one who “really” runs everything.

• Flirt with Flirty Flapper, tell her that you really fancy her.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Mugsy Malone

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• You may show the accounting ledger to anyone you please (enclosed in this envelope), but give it only to P.I. Pinkerton, the investigator, when he asks.

• If accused of murder, let whomever know that you are not stupid enough to kill your own boss, it must have been a hit from the other side.

• Tell the Mayor that you will now be in charge of the city. If he refuses your authority, threaten to expose him for all of his mob ties. (You have the bankroll sheet to prove it). Make him pay YOU to keep quiet.

• Tell Flirty that you are now a man of power, ask if she wants to be with you now.

• If challenged about your authority, accuse whomever of murdering to gain territory. Let them know that you are the “rightful heir” to take over what Nick left behind.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• There were many people being paid off by Notorious Nick. You have the bankroll sheet (enclosed in this envelope) to prove it.

• You fancy Flirty Flapper.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Mugsy Malone

Murder at The Juice Joint

Kitty Cocktail As the cocktail waitress for The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie, you cherish and enjoy your job. Night after night, you find yourself mingling among some of the most influential people in Chicago as they order drinks and leave you grandiose tips. Although you make a healthy salary at The Juice Joint, you hope to one day be the one giving the tips, rather than working for them. Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl, shares your desire and plan to be financially independent. Not long ago Cindy was dating Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, with the intentions of becoming his wife. When Nick ended his affair with Cindy in pursuit of a romantic relationship with Molly Moll, Cindy was devastated and has yet to recover emotionally from losing her meal ticket. Currently, you are dating Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer and a member of Notorious Nick’s North Side gang. Cy’s ambition and drive are what attracts you to him and you fully support him in his business endeavors, no matter how illegal they may be. As a member in Nick’s gang, Cy has worked his way up in the organization too be in charge of Nick’s illegal gun racket. In addition, Cy has his sights set on serving Nick from inside City Hall as the next police chief. If Nick can use his influence with the Mayor to have him appoint Cy as police chief, Cy believes that he can become invaluable to Notorious Nick. If this happens, he can soon become Nick’s right-hand man, a position currently held by Mugsy Malone. The only thing coming between Cy and his goals to run the city as Nick’s henchman is his pre-occupation with his uncle Louie Marie’s murder. It was only two weeks ago when Cy’s Uncle Louie, the original owner of The Juice Joint, was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. Since Louie was a close business associate of Notorious Nick’s, you suspect Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, of the wrongdoing. Regardless of the culprit’s identity, Cy has vowed revenge on them. You are looking forward to The Juice Joint Party this weekend because of the fabulous tips you will be earning. In addition, it is another chance for your boyfriend, Cy Ramsey, to network with Notorious Nick and the Mayor and hopefully expedite his appointment as police chief.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As The Juice Joint cocktail waitress, you are used to working for tips and for secrets. Do not be afraid to share what you know—but only for a fee. As a woman of the 1920’s, your dress should reflect the times—a short, sequined or fringed dress, bare arms and make-up. For

more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Accuse Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, of murdering Cy’s uncle, Louie Marie.

• Tell Rosie, Cy’s aunt and the speakeasy owner, that Cy will always take care of his family.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that they need to be careful or they will lose his job to your boyfriend.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, your boyfriend and the speakeasy bouncer, how his gun business is going (you know he is having trouble getting it started).

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Kitty Cocktail

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Cindy Butt, your friend and the cigarette girl, that she must be happy now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that Cy will get their job, even without the help of Notorious Nick.

• Accuse Rosie Marie, Cy’s aunt, of murdering to avenge the death of her husband, Louie Marie.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, your boyfriend, if one of his guns was used in the murder.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• Your friend, Cindy Butt, does not like Notorious Nick.

• Southside Sal told you earlier tonight that Notorious Nick was responsible for the death of Louie Marie, Cy’s uncle.

• Cy is running an illegal gun business.

• Cy Ramsey, your boyfriend, was supposed to be appointed police chief by the Mayor soon.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Kitty Cocktail

Murder at The Juice Joint

Southside Sal As the head of the South Side mob, you are one of the infamous characters in town. Currently your organization is gaining in underworld power but remains second to the North Side gang, which is run by Notorious Nick Nemetz. The North Side gang has operated since the beginning of prohibition and oversees the majority of underworld dealings in Chicago, including having some influence with employees at City Hall. While you have established control over the rackets in several south side neighborhoods, you realize that there is a greater potential for profit in the illegal gun, booze and protection rackets run by Notorious Nick Nemetz and his North Side gang. It appears that Nick has been doing a lot to upset the people who have been loyal to him, and you are certain that with time you will gain some of Nick’s business associates and thus some of his power and influence as well. Among the people that Notorious Nick has betrayed is Louie Marie, the former Juice Joint owner and business associate of Nick’s. Nick recently put out a hit on Louie when he discovered that Louie was having an affair with his wife at the time, Flora. Although Louie was guilty of the secret relationship, you do not consider an affair a legitimate reason for killing someone. In addition, Chief Cameron, the police chief, has also been betrayed by Notorious Nick. While Chief Cameron was on Notorious Nick’s payroll and did his bidding, Cameron recently learned that Nick was trying to force the Mayor to fire Cameron and appoint one of his own gang members, Cy Ramsey, as police chief. Chief Cameron has approached you indicating that they are willing to work for you instead of Nick. You have agreed to add Cameron to the South Side gang payroll. Because of your love affair with Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s little sister, you look on Notorious Nick as your main business competition but you do not wish him any ill will. Natalie has a high regard of her brother and you realize that one day he may be family. Because of the complicated situation, however, you have chosen to keep your love affair a secret. In time, your love for Natalie will be exposed, but you want to wait for the appropriate time and situation to announce it. You are looking forward to the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. Although Notorious Nick runs many of his operations from The Juice Joint premises, you hope to one day convince Rosie Marie, the current Juice Joint owner, to let you take over some of his illegal rackets. In addition, the party will provide an opportunity to see and talk to your girlfriend, Natalie Nemetz, although you must do it without anyone suspecting your relationship.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a mob boss for the south side, you are confident and cocky in nature. Lately, everything has been going in your favor and you feel as though you are a man on the rise, capable of taking over one of the biggest operations in town. Consistent with roaring 1920s attire, you should come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your cigars. For more ideas on how to dress and

for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• If Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s ex-wife, flirts with you, play into her affection. You know it makes Notorious Nick mad.

• Discreetly wink at Natalie Nemetz, your girlfriend, to let her know you care.

• When asked if you have any jobs open on your payroll, let whomever know that there is a spot for anyone helping you to “expand your north side territory”.

• If accused of murdering Louie Marie, tell whoever asks that Notorious Nick is responsible for that execution. If they ask for proof, explain that Louie was having an affair with Nick’s wife at the time, Flora Nemetz-Gadora.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Southside Sal

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Announce your love for Natalie Nemetz. Tell her that the you can be together now that Nick is no longer an obstacle.

• Tell Mugsy Malone, Nick’s right-hand man, that killing his boss to gain power won’t work, since you plan to rule the city soon.

• Offer Cy Ramsey, Rosie’s nephew and a member of Nick’s gang, a job in your organization now that Nick is gone.

• Offer Rosie Marie, the speakeasy owner, “protection” now that Notorious Nick is dead. Assure her that you will never double-cross her—you have seen what she does to her enemies (wink, wink).

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• Chief Cameron, the police chief, had been recently taking payments from you for their willingness to enforce (or not enforce) certain laws, which has helped your business.

• Notorious Nick killed Louie Marie. You know his family members wanted to avenge that death.

• You have been trying to gain territory in the town.

• You are secretly dating Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s sister. You have been keeping your relationship a secret at Natalie’s request.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Southside Sal

Murder at The Juice Joint

Flora Nemetz-Gadora As a woman of the 1920’s, you have fully embraced the wild and romantic era. Years ago, you were drawn to Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, by his intrigue and rugged nature. Shortly after meeting, you and Nick were married and continued to lead a wild and fast-paced lifestyle. With the passing of Prohibition, Nick’s business grew to become the most powerful organized crime operations in Chicago, taking up much of his time. To fill your time and desire for excitement, you started to spend a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy which attracts the most influential people in town. Feeling neglected by Nick’s time demands, you sought out a relationship with Louie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint. Since you had no desire to lose the financial security of your marriage to Nick, you focused on keeping your affair a secret. Unfortunately, after the affair was revealed Nick demanded a divorce, leaving you with nothing. In addition, shortly thereafter Louie was listed as a missing person but then found dead at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. To this day, you do not know who revealed your affair to Nick, but you blame the snitch for the meager lifestyle that you now lead, as well as for the death of Louie Marie. Among those you suspect of leaking the secret are Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s little sister who never liked you; Molly Moll, Nick’s new girlfriend; or Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl who was very attracted to Nick. You dislike and despise them all! Despite your divorce and the loss of a lover, you are a woman who never lets anything get her down. Because of your attraction to power and money, you have been attracted to Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss. While Notorious Nick remains the mob boss for the most influential gang in Chicago, Sal is on the verge of also becoming very influential and you plan to be the woman at his side when he does. You are looking forward to the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. Although you will be attending the party without a date, you intend to catch the eye of Southside Sal. You love a man with power!

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As the former wife to a mob boss, you are used to an excessive lifestyle and have an extravagant nature about you. You are eccentric in all that you do, and you like to leave an impression with whomever you meet. Because of your affairs, you are confident in yourself and do not mind letting men know when you are interested in them. As a modern woman of the 1920’s, your dress will reflect the times—a short sequined or fringed dress, a feather boa for flare and a cigarette holder are all musts for your attire. For more ideas on how to dress and for a

gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Fawn over Southside Sal, you love a man with power!

• If asked about your relationship to Louie Marie, let whomever know that the two of you were romantically involved.

• If you find out who originally exposed your affair with Louie, tell the source of the information that you will make sure that the culprit will pay for your broken relationship!

• Tell Rosie that you are sorry for the loss of her husband. You thought he was a great man (wink, wink).

• Tell Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, that her happiness with Nick will not last for long. Tell her Nick is always moving onto other women—you are proof.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Flora Nemetz-Gadora

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Accuse Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s little sister, of murdering to gain an inheritance. Now that Nick is divorced, you no longer have a claim on his money.

• Tell Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, you want to be the woman by his side when he takes over this town.

• Tell Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, that she must be happy now that her ex-boyfriend, Notorious Nick, is gone.

• Tell Rose Marie, the speakeasy owner, that murder is no way to avenge her husband’s death.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You fancy Southside Sal.

• You do not like Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s sister, since she has always been rude to you.

• You discovered it was Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, who exposed your affair with Louie Marie.

• You were having an affair with Louie Marie, Rosie Marie’s deceased husband. Your husband at the time, Notorious Nick, discovered the affair. Shortly after, Louie Marie was killed.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Flora Nemetz-Gadora

Murder at The Juice Joint

Molly Moll As a woman who seeks glamour and excitement, you spend many of your nights at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. At The Juice Joint you intend to make connections that will help you on your way to fame on the big screen. The Juice Joint is a place where many of the most influential people in Chicago hang out, including Hal Hollywood, the movie director who recently arrived to begin casting for his next film. Recently, you have learned that Dina Diva, The Juice Joint singer, is your main competition for the leading role in Hal’s next movie. Dina performs every night at The Juice Joint before a large crowd— experience which you do not have. You worry that her talent may cost you the leading role in Hal’s film. To assure yourself of being selected for the lead role, you have done everything possible to seek Hal’s favor, including seeking out a romantic relationship with Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss. Notorious Nick is known for his extensive influential connections, and his ability to use his money and power to get what he wants. If anyone can help you get to Hollywood, you are certain it is Notorious Nick. At first, you had stayed away from Notorious Nick and ignored his romantic advances. Considering Nick’s recent divorce to Flora Nemetz-Gadora and the fact that Nick was dating Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl, you thought it better to stay away from Nick. At the time, Cindy Butt was a friend of yours and you knew that she was taking her affair with Nick very seriously. You also know that Cindy is very vindictive and has a passion for revenge. However, after much consideration, your career aspirations outweighed your loyalty to Cindy and you began returning Nick’s expressions of a romantic interest. While your relationship with Nick is just beginning, he has already pledged his love to you and asked for your hand in marriage. Because Nick has all but assured you that you will be the leading actress in Hal Hollywood’s next movie, you have accepted his marriage proposal. You are looking forward to the weekend and the party that you will be attending at The Juice Joint. While you are excited about your engagement, it remains a secret that Nick plans to make public at The Juice Joint this weekend. You are certain that the announcement will shock many who are attending, but you hope it will be the final assurance that Hal Hollywood needs to cast you as his leading lady in his next film.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a woman of the 1920’s, you fully embrace the era and it’s modern fashions—shorter, sequined or fringed dresses, bare arms, shorter hair and make up! To add to your glamour, you should also have a long pearl necklace or boa and a cigarette holder. Don’t forget to wear your engagement ring, you want everyone to know that you are the soon-to-be wife of Notorious Nick. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use

at the party, please see

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• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick’s ex-wife, that you are not to blame for ending her marriage. Tell her that it was Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, who originally told Nick that she was cheating on him so that Nick would leave her and Cindy could begin an affair with him.

• If anyone comments on your relationship to Notorious Nick, accuse them of being jealous.

• Make sure that Dina Diva knows that you have secured the part in the movie, thanks to your fiancé, Notorious Nick.

• Tell Hal Hollywood, the movie director, that you can’t wait to star in his film.

• Fawn over Notorious Nick. You are engaged to him and you do not want him suspect that your feelings are untrue. Without demonstrating your affection publicly, you are not sure what will happen.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Molly Moll

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, that murdering Notorious Nick will not mend her broken heart.

• You may show the marriage license (enclosed in this envelope) to anyone, but give it to no one except P.I. Pinkerton, the investigator, when asked.

• If your true feelings for Nick are questioned, assure whomever that you loved your former fiancé. You can use the marriage license as proof of your love.

• Accuse Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s little sister, of murdering her brother to gain a significant inheritance. (She is the closest living relative.)

• Accuse Dina Diva, the singer at the speakeasy, of murdering to gain a chance at the leading role in Hal’s upcoming movie.

• Ask Hal Hollywood, the movie director, if you are still going to star in his film.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You were planning on marrying Notorious Nick. For proof, the marriage license is in this envelope.

• Dina Diva really deserves the leading actress role in the film (not you), she has considerably more singing and acting talent.

• Notorious Nick’s money and power is the reason you are going to be cast in the film.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Molly Moll

Murder at The Juice Joint

Hal Hollywood As a Hollywood movie director, you are often highly catered to and treated as a star. Since you have the deciding vote in who makes it to the big screen, you are treated as royalty among those seeking fame. While you have worked on a few silent movies that have done very well, your next project is to be the first talking picture. Since this film will make history, you are taking it very seriously and looking throughout the country to cast the leading roles. While in Chicago on a talent search, you have spent a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. Dina Diva, The Juice Joint’s singer, has caught your eye as a candidate for the leading lady role. Not only does Dina Diva possess an angelic voice, she has a wonderful stage presence that she acquired by performing at The Juice Joint. You had planned to cast Dina as the star in your next movie when you were approached by Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss. Notorious Nick asked you to consider casting Molly Moll, his girlfriend, in your next picture. Because you did not want to overlook anyone, you agreed to audition Molly. At the audition, Molly performed horribly and confirmed your certainty that Dina was the right choice. When you told Nick that you were not interested in casting Molly, he offered you a large sum of money and asked you to reconsider the decision. Although the money is a very generous gift and would make the production of the film a lot easier, you are more afraid of what could happen to you if you refuse the money and cast Dina Diva. It known around Chicago that people who disagree with Nick’s wishes often end up dead. Although you still have a difficult decision to make, you are looking forward to the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. You have become a known celebrity in town and you enjoy being treated as one.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: You are a famous Hollywood director and you are used to being in the company of prominent people. Often you act as though you are better than others since you have the power to make or break a struggling actor’s career. Come dressed in the flamboyant attire that you wear on a night out in Hollywood. Remember that the year is 1925, so the dress should reflect the era— wild and romantic. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words

and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• If asked about your next project, let whomever know that you intend to make history with it.

• Tell Dina Diva that you really would have liked to have her in your film, but you felt too much pressure from Notorious Nick to cast Molly Moll.

• Tell Molly Moll that you plan to cast her in the starring role for your upcoming film thanks to the heavy influence of her fiancé, Notorious Nick.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Hal Hollywood

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• If asked about the pressure you felt, let whoever asks know that you are relieved now that Notorious Nick is dead and you can make your own casting choices without pressure.

• Announce that due to the circumstances, you are going to retract your offer to Molly Moll to be the lead role in your film.

• Tell Dina Diva that murder is no way to gain her part in the movie.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• You wanted to cast Dina Diva for the leading actress, and now you can do so because Nick is dead.

• You were forced into casting Molly Moll for your film by Notorious Nick.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Hal Hollywood

Murder at The Juice Joint

Dina Diva As a very talented singer, you perform nightly at The Juice Joint—a lavish speakeasy owned by Rosie Marie. Although you love your job, you aspire to have a career on the big screen eventually. In recent months, Hollywood has been budding with new stars and you long to be one of them. Fate has brought Hal Hollywood, a movie director, to Chicago. Hal Hollywood is currently casting for the first talking film, something in which you would excel. Not only are you comfortable performing before crowds, but your voice is one that anyone would long to hear. After seeing you perform at The Juice Joint, Hal has been very complimentary of your talents. He has said that he is considering you for a leading role in his film. Although you know that you are the most talented in town, you also know that there is some serious competition for the leading female role in Hal’s film. Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, has been lobbying for Molly Moll, his girlfriend, to be cast in the film. While you are confident that your acting abilities exceed Molly, you are uncertain how much influence Notorious Nick will use on Hal Hollywood. Nick has been known to use both money and force to get his way. While you dislike Nick very much because of his unfair tactics, you are friends with his little sister, Natalie Nemetz. Among other things, you and Natalie share a dislike for Molly Moll. Natalie thinks that Molly does not really care for her brother and that she is just using him for his connections and his fortune. Natalie, too, feels Nick’s intimidation and has not told her brother of her secret love affair with Southside Sal, another mob boss. Natalie fears that Nick will not approve of her love for Sal. Among others, you have noticed that Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl, does not like Molly either. You are looking forward to attending the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. With the most prominent people in Chicago invited, you are sure that Hal Hollywood will make an appearance. You plan to serenade Hal with a special song, which will show him that you are the one he should choose for his movie.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

Being the singer at The Juice Joint, you are supremely confident in your singing and acting abilities. No one deserves to be in Hollywood more than you and you will let no one interfere with your plans to gain fame and fortune in Hollywood. Because of your confidence, you often act like you are already a Hollywood star. As woman of the 1920s, your dress reflects the times. Your hair is bobbed and you like to wear short, fringed dresses. Because you consider yourself extra glamorous, you should wear dark make-up and a feather boa. For

more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Ask Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s little sister, when she plans to expose her secret (her relationship with Southside Sal).

• Find out from the Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, what information she may have on Molly Moll. The two of you have a similar dislike for her.

• Tell Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, that you will never let her get her way.

• Remind Hal Hollywood, the movie director, how much you want the role in the movie. Ask him if he has made any casting choices.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Dina Diva

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• If accused of murder, assure whomever that there are others who have a lot more to gain from Nick’s death than yourself (Natalie Nemetz, in particular).

• Tell Natalie that she is now free to be with the one she loves! Also, ask about her inheritance.

• Tell Molly Moll that she can’t always have everything she wants.

• Ask Hal Hollywood, the movie director, if he has made any new decisions.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• Natalie Nemetz is in love with Southside Sal. Natalie had to keep her relationship a secret because her brother, Notorious Nick, would have objected strongly.

• Cindy Butt does not favor Molly Moll.

• Notorious Nick was forcing director , Hal Hollywood, to cast Molly Moll as the leading actress in his next film.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Dina Diva

Murder at The Juice Joint

Mayor Biggs As Mayor of Chicago, you like to think of yourself as a diplomatic man, even though you are not. While your responsibilities are to serve the best interest of Chicago’s citizens, you often use your power and clout as mayor to benefit the likes of Notorious Nick Nemtez, the mob boss for the infamous North Side gang. In exchange for a hefty monthly bribe from Nick, you allow him to have a large influence on how you run the town and the political decisions. At the moment, Nick has been pressuring you to appoint Cy Ramsey, one of his gang members and The Juice Joint bouncer, as police chief. Nick has made it clear that he does not trust Chief Cameron and he prefers to have one of his own men acting as police chief. While you wish to honor Notorious Nick’s wishes, you do not want to fire Chief Cameron, the current police chief. Chief Cameron is a close friend of yours and thus knows a lot of personal information that he might use against you if they were bitter about being fired. In particular, Cameron knows about your ongoing affair with Flirty Flapper and your ties to Notorious Nick—two things you do not want disclosed to the public. Besides juggling the demands of Notorious Nick you are also focusing on the upcoming election. With plans to run for governor, you are aware that you need to appear as though you are a politician who is tough on crime. While Nick has plans to rig and ensure your upcoming election, you are unsure if his connections alone are enough to give you a victory. Southside Sal, the mob boss of the south side, has been growing in power lately and he has offered you money to gain some influence in the city. While his offer was not large enough for you to take seriously, you realize that Sal may become very influential in this city in the future. In addition to your political issues, your wife, Mabel Biggs, has become suspicious of the late hours you have been keeping when you are spending time with your mistress, Flirty. While Flirty thinks that you are going to leave your wife for her, you do not have the intention of doing so…at least not before the next election. Mabel is also aware that you have been spending time with Notorious Nick. She has been pressuring you to cut your ties with Nick to look favorable to the public. While you do not want to give into Mabel, you realize that she can ruin your career if you were to double-cross her. Mabel can be wicked and she is capable of ruining your political image if she set her mind to it. You are looking forward to attending the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. Although The Juice Joint is an illegal operation, some of the most influential people in Chicago are planning to be in attendance. As a career politician, you have convinced Mabel that it is in your best interest to use the party as a networking opportunity for your upcoming election.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: You are the Mayor of Chicago, and you need to act as if you have authority, even though it is Notorious Nick who often calls the shots. The Juice Joint party is one that you will need to use as a campaigning opportunity, so be sure to tell others of your hopes to be Governor in the next election. In addition, you are persuaded easily, especially by Notorious Nick and your wife, Mabel Biggs. As the Mayor, you will want to dress to impress the patrons of The Juice Joint. Wear an appropriate, wide lapel business suit and don’t forget your cigar. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled

with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

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• If anyone asks, you plan to run for governor in the next election.

• If your wife demands anything from you, let her know you have your own plan for gaining the governorship.

• Do whatever Chief Cameron, the police chief, demands in order to keep your affair a secret.

• Secretly wink at Flirty Flapper, but do not let your wife see this happening.

• Assure Cy Ramsey, Rosie Marie’s nephew, that you have a job that would be perfect for him. You just need to take care of one thing first…

• Agree to whatever Notorious Nick asks you to do. Assure him that you will attend to his wishes immediately.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Mayor Biggs

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• If Flirty Flapper threatens to expose your affair, tell her you are not ready to leave your wife. Do whatever you can to keep her quiet, including paying her off. Tell her that exposing the affair would ruin your chances at being elected governor in the next election.

• Refuse any deals that Mugsy Malone, Nick’s henchman, offers you. Tell Mugsy that you do not trust a man who would murder his own boss.

• If Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, offers you a new salary and protection, let him know that you will take him up on the offer now that Nick is dead.

• Let Cy Ramsey know (and anyone else who may ask about the police chief job) that you intend to keep Chief Cameron as the police chief.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that their job as police chief is safe now that Nick is dead.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You are having a secret affair with Flirty Flapper.

• Nick wants you to appoint Cy Ramsey to be police chief.

• You want to run for Governor in the next election, and you want to appear as though you are ‘tough on crime’.

• You are on the payroll for Notorious Nick.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Mayor Biggs

Murder at The Juice Joint

Mabel Biggs As the wife of the Mayor, you consider yourself the reason he is Mayor. Through good times and bad, you have always supported your husband and his political career. From the early days when he was a city alderman, you have listened to his woes and provided advice. Although he is much busier now as Mayor and requires your advice less often, you still try to help by keeping him from making any unwise decisions. You have grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle and having a healthy income, and you would like to keep it that way. Recently, your husband has expressed interest in running for Governor in the next election. While you support this decision (it will bring you more money and prestige), you have also advised him that he must try to improve his public image and reputation. You believe he needs to appear as though he is coming down hard on organized crime, which means severing his ties with Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss. You do not approve of Notorious Nick or the influence he exerts on your husband. Currently, Nick is asking the Mayor to appoint Cy Ramsey, one of Nick’s closest mob members, as the police chief. In your opinion, appointing Cy would be a horrible move politically since he is seen by many as a thug and his hiring would be looked upon unfavorably in the eyes of the public. Although at times you question your husband’s dedication to his job, it appears he is taking campaigning for Governor very seriously since he has been spending a lot of time at the office lately. The Juice Joint upcoming weekend party will be a good political opportunity for you and your husband. At the party, you plan to gather political and financial support for his upcoming campaign for Governor while making sure he does not do anything that he (or you) will regret. Even though it is your husband who is running for Governor, your future income and lifestyle depend on his success!

Acting and Dressing Your Part: As the Mayor’s wife, you support fully his career ambitions. You want to promote and applaud his accomplishments and boost his chances for being elected to the Governor mansion in the upcoming election. As the wife of the prominent politician, you often act somewhat arrogant and above others in the room. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words

and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer, that you will see to it that he is not appointed police chief. It would ruin your husband’s political image to have a man like him in charge of the city’s defense.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that they have reason to worry about their job.

• Tell your husband, Mayor Biggs, that if he wants to be elected governor, he needs to sever his ties with Notorious Nick—everyone knows he is a gangster.

• If anyone asks if your husband, Mayor Biggs, is planning on running for governor in the upcoming election, you indicate that you can’t wait to be the next First Lady!

• If anyone compliments your husband’s work as Mayor, let them know you are very proud of his accomplishments.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Mabel Biggs

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that you hope they are not responsible for the death of Notorious Nick, which would make him just as guilty as the gangsters.

• If you find out that he has been keeping any secrets from you, confront your husband, Mayor Biggs,.

• If anyone offers to tell you a secret, pay them to find out what it is.

• If anyone asks, admit that your husband’s chances for becoming governor are better since Notorious Nick is no longer around.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Your husband has been working a lot of late nights.

• Notorious Nick has been pressuring your husband to replace Chief Cameron, the police chief, with Cy Ramsey, the speakeasy bouncer.

• You believe strongly that your husband should not be associating with Notorious Nick, because it was bad for his image.

• Your husband, Mayor Biggs, is planning on running for Governor in the next election.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Mabel Biggs

Murder at The Juice Joint

Chief Cameron

Although you are the police chief, a community symbol of authority and lawfulness, you are as crooked as the mobsters who use their intimidation and money to enforce their own rules in Chicago. Since the passing of Prohibition and the rise of organized crime, you have found it impossible to keep any legal order in the city and you have turned to taking bribes and hush money from the local underworld mob organizations to benefit yourself. While you know that it is against the police chief ’s oath, you find it the best way to increase your income (and also to stay alive) in these unruly times. For the past five years, Notorious Nick and the North Side mob have run the city by setting up and operating gun, gambling, booze and protection rackets. In order to keep these rackets alive and prospering, Notorious Nick has paid large sums of money to a number of city officials, including yourself and the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, and asked each of you to look the other way as the illegal businesses thrive. Recently you heard rumors that Nick was hoping to replace you as police chief with one of his own gangsters, Cy Ramsey. Cy is a prosperous gangster and clearly Nick would benefit even more by having him in City Hall, all of which causes you to fear your job. Southside Sal, the mob boss for the south side, has promised you that he could help you maintain your job if you could grant him a few favors. Although Southside Sal does not have the power or the clout which Notorious Nick commands, you have agreed to start working for Sal in an attempt to save your job. Without your position as police Chief, you are of no use to either of the mob bosses nor will you have an income if you lose this important position. While you are trying to assure the Mayor that he, too, should consider taking money from Sal, you have yet to convince him that this is the right thing to do. Mayor Biggs has a strong allegiance to Notorious Nick and often follows strictly Notorious Nick’s requests and desires. Despite the Mayor’s strong allegiance to Nick, you have been his friend and confidant for many years. Because of this close relationship, you not only know of the Mayor’s illegal dealings with Notorious Nick, but you also know about his affair with Flirty Flapper—two things the Mayor needs to keep secret from the public. With aspirations of becoming governor, you can use these secrets as blackmail against the Mayor to keep your job if necessary. With a big party at The Juice Joint this weekend, you are looking forward to using it to help maintain your position as police chief.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: As the Chief of Police, you are often a dominating presence in any crowd and command attention from those in any gathering, public or private. This strong and forceful image is essential for ensuring that others do not see Cy Ramsey as your potential replacement. As police chief, do not forget your badge, gun or handcuffs. For more ideas on how to dress and for a

gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

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• Let Mayor Biggs’ wife, Mable Biggs, know that she should keep a closer eye on her husband.

• If anyone indicates that they know your job is in danger, assure them you have faith that you will remain police chief.

• Tell the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, that you will reveal his secret (his ongoing affair with Flirty Flapper), if he replaces you as police chief.

• Let Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer and North Side mob member, know that you do not intend to let him become the next police chief.

• Tell Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, that for a bump in pay, you will make sure his area is expanded.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Chief Cameron

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Ask Mayor Biggs, the Mayor, if you still have your job. Let the Mayor know that you are not afraid to expose his secrets if he does not comply. (You may even demand money to keep his affair with Flirty Flapper a secret.)

• If accused of murder, let whoever asks know that there were others with greater reasons to kill Nick dead. (Mayor Biggs and Mugsy Malone, to name a few)

• You may show your notes to anyone you choose, but give them only to P.I. Pinkerton, the detective, when asked.

• Use your notes on Notorious Nick (enclosed in this envelope) to incriminate others at the party.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Mayor Biggs is having an affair with Flirty Flapper.

• You have been taking money from Southside Sal and helping him.

• Notorious Nick wanted Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer, to replace you as police chief. Your job was threatened by Notorious Nick staying in power.

• YOU ARE THE MURDERER. Tell no one and try to distract others from finding out that you are the killer.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Chief Cameron

Murder at The Juice Joint

Cindy Butt As the cigarette girl in The Juice Joint, an extravagant speakeasy owned by Rosie Marie, not only are you privy to many of the secrets of those who frequent the nightspot, but at times you delight in exploiting your knowledge of these secrets in order to get what you want. Such was the case when you discovered that Flora Nemetz-Gadora was having an affair with the former Juice Joint owner, Louie Marie. Ordinarily, you would have kept this affair a secret out of respect to the individuals, but because you were attracted to Notorious Nick Nemetz, Flora’s husband at the time, you told Nick of his wife’s affair. Nick immediately filed for divorce from Flora, and shortly thereafter Louie was listed as missing and eventually was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. Since you did not want to be accused of having a role in events surrounding Louie’s death, you have kept it a secret that you were the one who exposed Flora & Louie’s affair. Once Nick filed for divorce, you let Nick know that you had romantic interests in him and the two of you started a steamy affair. Despite the speed with which your relationship developed, you felt strongly for Nick and anticipated being the next Mrs. Nick Nemetz. Unfortunately, Nick had other plans. Not long after the relationship started, he abruptly ended it to pursue a relationship with Molly Moll, a struggling wannabe actress. Because of the painful and humiliating way that the relationship ended, you are still seeking revenge on both Molly and Nick for your broken heart. Just recently you tainted a bottle of gin that Nick was drinking in order to cause Nick some physical pain and indigestion. Unfortunately for Bernie Booze, a bootlegger who had sold him the bottle of gin, Nick blamed the tainted liquor on Bernie and blacklisted them, which, in turn, ruined their bootlegging business in Chicago. With Nick advising many to boycott Bernie’s supply, Bernie has suffered financially. While you feel bad for Bernie, you dare not tell them the truth. With the power Nick wields in Chicago, the last thing that you want is for Nick to have a vendetta against you, too. You are looking forward to the big party at The Juice Joint this weekend. As an employee, you should make a lot of money in tips for selling cigarettes, and possibly some of your secrets.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: You are vindictive by nature and will do anything to succeed. While it is clear that many people at The Juice Joint have hurt you, you will not let them think that they have gotten the best of you—act as bold and boisterous as you desire. As a modern woman, you fully embrace the fashion of the times—shorter, sequined or fringed dress, bare arms, and make up. Because you like to stand out, you may even have a headband and feather in your hair. As the cigarette girl, you may want to have a few packages of cigarettes (real or candy) on hand to sell to the party guests. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with

words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• If anyone knows of your secret (that you tainted Bernie’s liquor to make Notorious Nick sick) pay them off to keep them quiet. If Notorious Nick ever found out, he might have you killed.

• Call Molly Moll, Nick’s current girlfriend, a money-grubbing floozy every chance you get.

• Tell Notorious Nick that he will regret leaving you.

• If asked about your dislike for Molly Moll, let it be known that Molly is the reason Notorious Nick left you. You are certain that Molly is using Notorious Nick for his money and his connections.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Cindy Butt

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• If anyone comments on your attitude now that Notorious Nick is dead, let them know that there are others who wanted him dead more than you (such as Bernie Booze and Flora Nemetz-Gadora).

• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s ex-wife, that murder is harsh revenge for getting dumped.

• Laugh at Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s fiancé. Remind her that she has nothing now that Nick is dead. All of Nick’s money will go to his sister, Natalie, since she is his only living relative.

• Tell Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, that he/she is back in business now that Notorious Nick is dead.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You greatly dislike Molly Moll, Nick’s new girlfriend.

• You tainted Nick’s liquor as revenge for leaving you. Nick blamed Bernie Booze, the bootlegger who sold him the gin.

• You briefly dated Notorious Nick, but he left you for his current fiancé, Molly Moll.

• You told Notorious Nick that his wife, Flora was cheating on him with Louie Marie. Shortly after, Nick divorced Flora and Louie was found dead.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Cindy Butt

Murder at The Juice Joint

Bernie Booze While the passing of Prohibition was a curse to many, to you it was a blessing in disguise. As a liquor store owner, you assumed that your business would diminish after the government banned the sale and consumption of alcohol, but instead it has made the consumption of alcohol more popular than ever. With the demand for alcohol so high, your business actually increased and you were making a very good living by bootlegging alcohol to the owners of speakeasies. While you had many customers, among your favorites is Rosie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy. The Juice Joint has quickly become one of the hottest nightspots in Chicago with the most influential people frequenting it on a regular basis. Not only do you conduct business at The Juice Joint, but you have become familiar with many of the employees, including Gino Gin, the bartender, and Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl. Gino Gin has become a close confident and Cindy has confided in you about the emotional pain she endured since Notorious Nick left her for Molly Moll. Spending time at The Juice Joint has also allowed you to make many business connections, including arrangements with Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, and Cy Ramsey, the bouncer and Nick’s gun racket leader. You have done business with both Cy and Nick, including buying a gun from Cy and selling some liquor to Nick. While you considered Nick a close business associate at one time, he has turned against you in the recent weeks. Nick insists that you sold him a bottle of tainted gin (which made him ill) in an attempt to take his life. Although you swear that you made no such attempt on Nick’s life and that you were framed by others, he does not believe you. As revenge, Nick has told Rosie and other speakeasy owners not to purchase alcohol from you under the threat of dire consequences. Sadly, your business has been suffering greatly because of Nick’s action to blacklist you. Nick has great power in Chicago and you are certain that no one wants to cross the powerful mob boss. In addition, your warehouse was raided last week by the police, who confiscated your liquor inventory as well as your guns. Although you are without proof, most likely Nick was the one who tipped the police off as another form of revenge. You are looking forward to coming to the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. While you remain blacklisted by Nick, you are going to use the party to try to gain his favor once again and to see if he will lift the ban on purchasing alcohol and beer from your operation. In addition, Anna Marie, Rosie’s daughter, will also be at the party. You and Anna have become good friends and you hope that she will help to change her mother’s negative opinion of your trustworthiness.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a bootlegger, you are a fundamentally a businessman. While The Juice Joint party is a social function, you will use the event to convince Notorious Nick to remove you from his blacklist of booze suppliers. Do not be afraid to socialize and see what kind of favors you can reap from others at the party. Ordinarily, you would carry a gun for protection, but you will not be carrying one tonight because all of your guns were confiscated in a raid on your liquor last week.

For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Ask Cy Ramsey, the speakeasy bouncer, if he can get you another gun—you have some business to take care of!

• Tell Gino Gin, the bartender, that you are not sure how Notorious Nick got a bad bottle of booze, and you think some one set you up.

• Apologize to Notorious Nick, the North Side mob Boss, for the bad bottle of booze he received and drank. Ask Nick when you can start selling your booze again.

• Ask Rosie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint, if she needs any shipments of liquor from your operation.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Bernie Booze

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Find out who set you up to be blacklisted by Notorious Nick. Offer to pay money to anyone who has knowledge of the culprit.

• If asked about your Tommy gun, let whomever know that it was taken last week in a raid on your liquor warehouse.

• Ask Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, how far she would go to make Notorious Nick pay for her broken heart.

• Assure Rosie Marie, the speakeasy owner, that you sell her liquor now that Nick is dead.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• Your warehouse was raided last week by the police and your latest shipment of booze and your guns were all taken. You are certain that Notorious Nick ordered the raid.

• Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, still resents Notorious Nick for ending their relationship.

• You were blacklisted by Notorious Nick, making it almost impossible to sell any liquor in town.

• You think someone set you up by tainting the liquor you sold to Notorious Nick.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Bernie Booze

Murder at The Juice Joint

Gino Gin As the bartender for the Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie, your job not only pays the bills but it supplies you with a great deal of knowledge and insight into the personal lives of those who frequent the speakeasy. Usually, you would not interest yourself in rumors about the personal lives of others. Knowing these secrets is helpful in deciding who to associate with and essential for keeping yourself out of trouble and alive. In this high crime era, secrets are easily leaked and can be the cause of murders. You have seen it happen first hand when Notorious Nick Nemetz, the north side mob boss, found out that his wife at the time, Flora Nemetz-Gadora, was having an affair with Louie Marie, the previous Juice Joint owner. Upon learning this secret, Nick immediately divorced Flora and Louie Marie was found dead in the river. While Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl who told Notorious Nick Nemetz, about his wife’s affair thinks that no one else knows that she told Nick, you happen to know otherwise. It was even more obvious to you when Cindy had a short-lived affair with Nick immediately after his divorce. Nick’s list of enemies also includes Bernie Booze, a bootlegger. While Notorious Nick insists Bernie sold him a tainted bottle of liquor, you believe otherwise. You suspect Cindy of tainting Nick’s liquor as a form of revenge for his ending their affair. You have been watching Cindy Butt lately and it appears that she cannot be trusted. In addition to the scandals revolving around Notorious Nick, there are rumors circulating that Mayor Biggs, will be running for governor in the next election. While you suspect this may be true, you have seen the Mayor spending a lot of time with Flirty Flapper, a regular at The Juice Joint. While it is highly likely that Flirty and the Mayor are having an affair, public knowledge of the affair would ruin his chances with the public. You are looking forward to the party this weekend at The Juice Joint. As the bartender, you are expecting great tips and even more secrets to be revealed.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As the bartender, you are accustomed to listening more than talking, but you know the right moments to do so. Do not be afraid to use your knowledge to blackmail, expose, or sell it to others. As the bartender, you will want to come dressed to “work’. Your outfit should include an apron, bow tie and a white shirt. For more ideas on how to dress and for a

gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s ex-wife, that you are not the one to blame for Nick finding out about her affair with Louie. Let Flora know that Cindy Butt is to blame.

• Ask Rosie Marie, the speakeasy owner, and Anna Marie, Rosie’s daughter, who they believe killed their husband and father, Louie Marie.

• Tell Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, that you know her secret (that she tainted Notorious Nick’s liquor). For her safety, you will keep her secret, but only for a price.

• When Bernie Booze confides in you, tell them they should watch whom he/she trusts.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Gino Gin

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Mayor Biggs, the Mayor, that his chances of being elected governor are better now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Tell Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, that the Mayor is keeping secrets from her.

• Let Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, know that you know who tainted Nick’s liquor. Offer to tell Bernie this person’s name, but only for a price.

• Tell Rosie and Anna Marie, Louie Marie’s wife and daughter, that murder was no way to avenge Louie’s death.

• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora she is lucky that she was not murdered for her infidelity. (her affair with Louie Marie)

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You suspect that Mayor Biggs and Flirty Flapper are having an affair.

• Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, is the one who tainted Nick’s liquor. Cindy was seeking revenge on Nick because he left her to pursue a romantic relationship with Molly Moll.

• Notorious Nick, the victim, blamed Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, for selling him some tainted liquor and blacklisted Bernie, so that they could not sell to anyone else in town.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Gino Gin

Murder at The Juice Joint

Flirty Flapper You are a thoroughly modern woman in the 1920’s— authoritative, assertive and ambitious. As part of embracing the exciting era in which you live, you spend a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. At The Juice Joint, you find that the most influential people in town like to gather and you consider yourself one of them. While partaking of the fast-paced era in which you live, you want your love life to be equally as exciting. In a search for the perfect romantic partner, you have realized that what you truly desire is a man with power. While Mugsy Malone, Notorious Nick’s second-in-command, has made romantic advances, you are looking for someone with even more power than that of the mob boss’ henchman. You believe you have found an ideal mate in Mayor Biggs. While the Mayor is a married man, the two of you have started a romantic affair. Because of the Mayor’s ambitions to run for governor in the next election, you realize that the Mayor needs to look good in the eyes of the public and your affair would reduce his chance of winning considerably. Although you hate the secrecy of your relationship, the Mayor has promised you that he will he will leave his wife, Mabel Biggs, once he is in the Governor’s office. Because of your desire to have a powerful husband, getting the Mayor into the Governor’s mansion would benefit you directly. Once elected, you are certain you become the First Lady of the state. As an eccentric woman of the 1920’s, you are looking forward to the party at The Juice Joint this weekend. It should feature a lot of political and powerful action that you don’t want to miss!

Acting and Dressing Your Part: As a woman of the 1920’s, you are wild and eccentric and you are most assertive when it comes to achieving your goals. At times, you may be a bit bossy, especially when you are not getting your way. As a flapper, you should wear a short, sequined or fringed dress, with short, bobbed hair and don’t forget your cigarette holder—you want to appear as modern as the next woman! For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to

use at the party, please see

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• If Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, is here let her know that you think her husband is doing a great job at being Mayor.

• If Mugsy Malone, a mob member, flirts with you, let him know that he does not have a chance with you until he gains more power.

• Discreetly, wink at the Mayor to let him know you care.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Flirty Flapper

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell the Mayor that the two of you can be together now that Nick is dead. Demand that he leave his wife immediately, or you will expose your affair to the public.

• Let Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, know that her husband has been keeping secrets from him.

• Tell Mugsy Malone, Nick’s right-hand man, that murdering to gain power is no way to gain your love.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You know that the Mayor was thinking of breaking ties with Notorious Nick.

• Mugsy Malone is in love with you, but you told him he needed more power before you would consider a romantic relationship.

• You are having an affair with the Mayor

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Flirty Flapper

Murder at The Juice Joint

Anna Marie As a woman of the 1920s, you are liberated and independent with a flare for the eccentric. Because your residence houses a speakeasy in the basement, you are very aware of the illegal activities that have flourished since the passage of the Prohibition laws (for example, blackmail, extortion, gambling, etc). Currently, you live with your mother Rosie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint, who is mourning the death of your father, Louie Marie. After disappearing for several days, his corpse was found at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head two weeks ago. A few years ago, Louie opened The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy with many ties to organized crime, and it is those ties that you blame for his death. While you realize that your father’s illegal activities have created your affluent lifestyle, you cannot help but want revenge for his death. Your cousin, Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer and North Side mob member, also shares your desire to prosecute your father’s killer. While you often wish that your father had never founded The Juice Joint, it has allowed you to meet Bernie Booze, a bootlegger. Bernie was The Juice Joint’s sole supplier of booze before Notorious Nick Nemetz, the North Side mob boss, blacklisted them for selling Nick a tainted bottle of gin. Because of Nick’s influence, your mother, Rosie, who now runs The Juice Joint, has refused to buy liquor or beer from Bernie. While you understand your mother’s actions, you have a close friendship with Bernie and would do almost anything for them, including trying to persuade your mother to give Bernie another chance. Even though you despise illegal activity, you are looking forward to attending the Juice Joint party this weekend. At the party you hope to gain some insight into (and proof of ) who is responsible for the death of your father.

Acting and Dressing Your Part: As a thoroughly modern woman of the 1920’s, you are not afraid to speak your mind. Your attitude is one of assurance and liberation. Your attire should reflect your modern nature—shorter, sleeveless dress, make-up and pearls. For more ideas on how to dress and

for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Ask your mother, Rosie, if she will sell Bernie’s liquor now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Tell Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss who blacklisted Bernie Booze, that he will pay for hurting Bernie’s business.

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• Tell Cy Ramsey, your cousin and The Juice Joint bouncer, that murder is no way to avenge your father’s death.

• Ask your mother, Rosie, when she will start buying booze from Bernie again. You know that their business is hurting.

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• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick’s ex-wife, that murder is no way to get back at Nick for killing her lover (Louie Marie).

• Tell Bernie Booze, that their liquor supply business can now go back onto the market.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Notorious Nick had Bernie Booze blacklisted hurting Bernie’s bootlegging business.

• You are friends with Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, and will do whatever you can to help them.

• You discovered that Nick may be responsible for your father’s murder. It appears Louie was having an affair with Nick’s wife (at the time), Flora Nemetz-Gadora.

• Your mother, cousin and you all want to avenge the death of your father, Louie Marie.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Anna Marie

Murder at The Juice Joint

• Tell Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, to stay away from Bernie, you have noticed her hanging around them a lot.

• If anyone says anything about the death of your father, let them know that you plan to bring his murderer to justice!

• Find out what relationship Flora Nemetz-Gadora had with your father before he was killed. You noticed your father spending a lot of time with her.

• Ask your cousin Cy, the bouncer, if he has plans to avenge the death of your father.

• Tell Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, that he will pay for the death of your father, Louie Marie.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Anna Marie

Murder at The Juice Joint

P.I. Pinkerton In an era of rampant crime and popular participation in illegal alcohol consumption, your job as a Pinkerton Detective is very rewarding. You have a strong commitment to uncovering and exposing the truth, despite of the consequences that uncovering the guilty may bring. While other law enforcement officials have been tainted by bribe money and threats of extortion that run throughout their agencies (including City Hall), you find yourself immune to that intimidation. The private investigators of the Pinkerton Detective Agency uphold the laws in all situations at all cost. The reputation of the Pinkertons is exemplary and you intend to uphold it. As a private investigator, you were hired by Rosie Marie, The Juice Joint owner, to obtain information on the death of her late husband, Louie Marie. Louie’s body was discovered earlier this month at the bottom of the river with a bullet in his head. While you know that Louie was a close business associate of Notorious Nick Nemetz, the north side boss, you suspect that Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, was also in cahoots with Louie during his final days. You have had trouble locating all of the suspects you wish to question about the death of Louie Marie, it appears that they will all be in attendance at this weekend’s Juice Joint party this weekend. You are looking forward to the party at The Juice Joint to help you uncover who murdered Louie Marie.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a private investigator, you are very inquisitive and curious by nature. Do not be afraid to question those who act suspicious or who have weak or flawed alibis. As part of a very reputable organization, you are not intimidated by others—even those who threaten your life. Later in the evening you will lead the investigation, so you may want to bring a pad for notes. As a private investigator, do not forget to bring your badge, gun or credentials so that everyone knows exactly who you are. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and

phrases to use at the party, please see

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• At that point, the host will hand you an investigation instructions to read to guests.

• Outline their body with tape (provided by host)

• When the victim falls down dead tonight, check their pulse and pronounce them dead at the scene.

• Observe the crowd for suspicious behavior, feel free to question anyone you want to about their motives for being at the party.

• Ask Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, what he may know about the death of Louie Marie, the former owner of The Juice Joint.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

P.I. Pinkerton

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• The host will have you address the guests at the party when they are ready.

• When you have completed the investigation, notify the host.

• Ask Mugsy Malone, Nick’s henchman, what information he can contribute to the investigation.

• Ask Southside Sal what he can add to the investigation.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, the bouncer, what he knows about the Tommy Gun that you found (enclosed in this envelope). Follow any leads he may give you.

• Ask Molly Moll, the victim’s fiancé, what she knows about Nick’s death. Ask if she has anything to add to the investigation.

• Ask Chief Cameron, the police chief, if they have any notes or information on Notorious Nick, the victim.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• The murder weapon (enclosed in this envelope) was registered to Cy Ramsey.

• You don’t have any secrets, you are here to solve a murder.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

P.I. Pinkerton

Murder at The Juice Joint

North Side Mob Member A As a member to the North Side mob, you are very faithful to your mob father, Notorious Nick Nemetz. You joined the mob shortly after Prohibition began, in the fruition of the north side operation. You first met Notorious Nick and became involved in the mob at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy owned by Louie Marie at the time. Being an avid gambler, you quickly got into debt with Notorious Nick and his associates while betting in their gambling racket. When Notorious Nick discovered you were unable to settle the balance that you owed him, he offered you two things— broken legs or a place in his mob. You took the latter. As a part of the North Side mob, you have found yourself at the bottom of the operation, incapable of advancement. Like many others, you often complete jobs for Notorious Nick and his associates in hopes of paying off your debt to Nick. Different from your experience, Cy Ramsey, The Juice Joint bouncer, has moved up the ranks of the operation quite swiftly. Only months after Cy was inducted into the gang he was put in charge of Notorious Nick’s gun racket, selling illegal arms to everyone in town. Cy forged a close bond with Notorious Nick and he has a good chance of becoming Nick’s right-hand man—a spot currently held by Mugsy Malone. At the moment, you are aware that Notorious Nick is trying to use his influence with City Hall to have Cy Ramsey appointed to police chief. It would be no surprise if Cy’s true ambitions are to become Notorious Nick’s henchman. Whoever is responsible for managing Nick’s operation will inherit a lot of power in this city.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

You are excited to come to The Juice Joint party—you love a bit of action! Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you should come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your gun because Notorious Nick may have a job for you to handle at any moment. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gang-

ster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that you have heard their job may be in jeopardy.

• Tell Mugsy Malone, Nick’s henchman, that you think his position is being challenged by Cy Ramsey.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, North Side mob member in charge of Nick’s gun racket, how his business is going. Ask him when you can purchase a new gun from him.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

North Side Mob Member A

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Ask Cy Ramsey about any recent Tommy Gun sales he may have handled. You heard that a Tommy Gun was used in the murder.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that murder is no way to insure their job.

• Accuse Mugsy Malone, Nick’s henchman, of murdering to gain power.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Mugsy Malone was counting on taking over Notorious Nick’s operation.

• Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, was pressuring the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, to appoint Cy Ramsey as police chief.

• Mugsy Malone, Notorious Nick’s henchman, was threatened by Cy Ramsey, a mob member, who was gaining power within the operation.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

North Side Mob Member A

Murder at The Juice Joint

Flapper A As a thoroughly modern woman of the 1920’s, you spend a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. In this day and age where women are becoming more liberated and independent with each passing day, you have done your best to befriend only strong and tenacious women in an attempt to yourself be perceived as a prominent woman in town. Among your close acquaintances are Natalie Nemetz and Cindy Butt. Natalie is the sister of Notorious Nick, the head of the North Side mob, the most prosperous organized crime ring in Chicago. Because Nick is her brother, Natalie wields a lot of power in town and he will do anything to protect her. Despite her brother’s devotion, Natalie has not always been truthful with Nick. Currently, Natalie is deceiving her brother by secretly dating Southside Sal, the head of the South Side mob– her brother’s rival. While Natalie loves her brother, she does not know what lengths he would go to in order to keep them apart. With Natalie’s connections to both Notorious Nick and Southside Sal, you consider her a very good connection to have. In contrast, Cindy Butt, your other friend, is The Juice Joint cigarette girl. You have always admired how Cindy has used her job at The Juice Joint to advance herself socially. Not too long ago, Cindy used her Juice Joint connections to seek out a romantic relationship with Notorious Nick. While the romance was shortlived, you believe that Cindy truly cared for Nick and is not yet over the heartache of the relationship ending. Personally, you blame Molly Moll, Nick’s current girlfriend, for stealing Nick’s affection. While some may look down on Cindy because of her job at The Juice Joint, you believe her drive and determination will get her far in life— especially in these times when the more vindictive you become, the more successful you are. With these women as your allies, you believe that your social status and power as a woman will increase and you are looking forward to gaining those assets.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a modern woman in the 1920’s, you embrace all of the more recent fashion changes, including a shorter, fringed or sequined dress, bare arms and make-up. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a boa, cigarette holder or long string of pearls. For more ideas

on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, that she will pay for taking Notorious Nick away from Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl.

• Ask Cindy Butt, the Juice Joint cigarette girl, about her dislike for Molly Moll.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister, when she is going to tell Nick her secret (that she is dating Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss).

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Flapper A

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Cindy Butt that murder is no way to mend her broken heart.

• Ask Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, what Nick was going to announce when he was murdered.

• Ask Southside Sal about his romantic intentions with Natalie. Accuse him of murdering to be with the woman he loves.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz about her inheritance. Now that her brother is dead, she is certain to have a lot of money.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, did not like Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, because Nick left Cindy to pursue a romantic relationship with Molly.

• Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s sister, is secretly dating Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Flapper A

Murder at The Juice Joint

Actress With all of the advances in technology and the rise in the motion picture, you, like millions of others, have been star struck by the glamour of starring on the silver screen. While you have performed in many local theatre productions, you long to make it to Hollywood and live the life of a movie star. You consider it fate that has brought Hal Hollywood, a prominent film director, to Chicago, your hometown. Hal is in town to cast actors and actresses for the lead roles in his upcoming film and you are excited to be able to audition. Although you are confident in your acting abilities, you know that the competition for the leading role is tough. Among the most talented in the local acting community is Dina Diva, The Juice Joint singer. Not only does Dina have a wonderful singing voice, but she performs nightly at The Juice Joint, a popular speakeasy, giving her a wealth of experience and a wonderful stage presence. While you know that Dina Diva may rightfully deserve a leading role, the one person who is undeserving of a role is Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend. Molly is not only undedicated to acting, but untalented at acting as well. In addition, it is rumored that Molly is using Notorious Nick, her boyfriend and leader of the North Side gang, to intimidate Hal into giving Molly the lead role. If Molly succeeds in being cast as the leading lady, not only will it upset the actresses who deserve the role but the movie will be ruined! You are looking forward to The Juice Joint party this weekend. While you have already auditioned for Hal, the party will be another time to make a good impression on him.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a modern woman in the 1920’s, you embrace the recent fashion changes, including a shorter sleeveless dress with fringe or sequins, and make-up. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a boa, cigarette holder or long string of pearls. For more ideas on how

to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see www.

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• Ask Dina Diva, The Juice Joint singer, how far she is willing to go to get a role in Hal Hollywood’s film.

• Tell Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, that you think she is just using Notorious Nick to get a part in the film.

• Ask Hal Hollywood, the movie director, if he has made any decisions about whom he will cast in his film.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:


Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Accuse Molly Moll, the victim’s girlfriend, of using Nick for his connections to Hal Hollywood. Tell her that she is ultimately responsible for Nick’s death. (Since you think Dina Diva may be the murderer.)

• Comment to Hal Hollywood that he must be relieved now that Notorious Nick is dead and he can cast whom he wants.

• Tell Dina Diva that murder is no way to get the lead role in Hal’s movie.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Dina Diva, The Juice Joint singer, wants the leading lady role in Hal’s movie.

• Hal Hollywood, the movie director, was being pressured by Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, to cast Molly Moll, his girlfriend, as his leading lady in his film.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:


Murder at The Juice Joint

North Side Mob Member B As a member of the North Side gang, you are a faithful follower of Notorious Nick, the North Side mob leader. You would do anything Nick asks, and lately you have been working as one of his bodyguards. Nick recently increased the number of men assigned to his security detail when he had a possible threat on his life. A few weeks ago Notorious Nick became seriously ill after drinking a tainted bottle of booze. While Nick blames Bernie Booze, the bootlegger who sold him the liquor, you do not think Bernie is the responsible party. Bernie is a smart and loyal businessperson and would never betray his/her relationship with Nick for fear of what Nick may do. Consequently, Nick has blacklisted Bernie in Chicago circles by advising the speakeasy owners (Bernie’s main source of business) to boycott Bernie’s supply. While you sympathize with Bernie’s situation, you cannot speak up for them because you will be seen as unfaithful to your boss, Notorious Nick. Among those you suspect of tainting Nick’s liquor is Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl and Nick’s ex-girlfriend. While working on Nick’s security detail, you have been spending a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy which Nick frequents. At The Juice Joint, you have noticed that Cindy has a vindictive and conniving nature and that she carries a vendetta against Nick for ending their relationship. In addition, you have noticed that Bernie Booze and Cindy Butt are friends and have spent some time together, giving Cindy the perfect opportunity to taint Bernie’s liquor supply. As part of Nick’s protection force, you will be attending The Juice Joint party this weekend, where Nick will also be in attendance. You are looking forward to the opportunity to socialize while you are working, but you know that your main responsibility is to keep Nick safe from his enemies.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

You are excited to come to The Juice Joint party—you love a bit of action! Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you should come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your gun, Notorious Nick may have a job for you to take care of. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled

with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Bernie Booze, the bootlegger, that you think they were set up, but that you cannot tell who did it. Let Bernie know they must watch whom they trust.

• Tell Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, that you are aware of her secret (that she tainted Notorious Nick’s liquor). Make her pay you to keep her secret.

• Ask Notorious Nick, your mob boss, if he is certain he wants to keep blacklisting Bernie Booze, the bootlegger. You suspect they are innocent of Nick’s claims.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

North Side Mob Member B

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• If offered money, let your secrets be known about Bernie Booze and Cindy Butt.

• Ask Bernie Booze about the Tommy Gun he/she normally carries, which you have noticed he/she does not have it with them tonight.

• Tell Cindy Butt that murder is no way to mend a broken heart.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You deduced that it was Cindy, the cigarette girl, who poisoned the tainted gin, not Bernie.

• Notorious Nick suspected Bernie Booze, a bootlegger, of tainting the liquor and had blacklisted Bernie from selling to many of the speakeasies in town—leaving Bernie’s business in financial trouble.

• Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, drank tainted liquor the other week, leaving him quite ill.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

North Side Mob Member B

Murder at The Juice Joint

Politician As a city alderman, you do not approve of the way that the city of Chicago has been run by the Mayor, Mayor Biggs. While you understand that the passage of Prohibition has brought a rise in organized crime, the Mayor has done little to enforce the laws that would limit the rise in crime. In addition to simply being lax on law enforcement issues, it is rumored that the Mayor is considering appointing Cy Ramsey, a North Side mob member, to Police Chief. The only conclusion you can draw from the these rumors and the Mayor’s actions is that he may be working for the North Side mob, an organized crime operation run by Notorious Nick that controls much of the city’s illegal behaviors. In addition to the rumors about the police chief position, there are also rumors that the Mayor may be running for Governor, an office that you would like to occupy. In order to have a chance at winning the election, the Mayor will need to appear “tough on crime”, a stance he does not currently hold. It is your opinion that the Mayor will need to cut all ties with Notorious Nick and the North Side mob, if he hopes to gain back the public’s confidence and support. While you know that Mayor Biggs has not historically done the smart and appropriate things in the past. However, the one thing he has in his favor is his wife, Mabel Biggs. Mabel is a smart and strategic thinking woman who will not let her husband ruin his career—she, too, has hopes of living in the Governor’s mansion. As a city alderman with intentions of cleaning up Chicago (and possibly running for Mayor or Governor), the first thing on your political agenda is to expose Mayor Biggs for the dirty politician that he is.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

You are excited to come to The Juice Joint party, it will be the perfect opportunity for you to try to expose Mayor Biggs as a pawn to the North Side mob. Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you should come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your cigars! For more ideas on how to dress and for a

gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that you have heard rumors that their job may be in jeopardy.

• Ask the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, what he thinks his chances are of being elected Governor.

• Compliment Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, on how well her husband is doing in office.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:


Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that murder is a disgraceful and unlawful way to insure their job security.

• Accuse Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, of murdering to help advance the career of her husband.

• Tell the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, that his chances at being elected Governor are better now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Notorious Nick, the victim, had an influence on the Mayor and was going to have Cy Ramsey, one of his gang members appointed as Police Chief.

• Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, will do anything to help advance the Mayor’s career.

• Mayor Biggs, the Mayor, is planning to run for Governor, but needs to appear tough on organized crime in order to win.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:


Murder at The Juice Joint

Flapper B As a very modern woman of the 1920’s, you want to embrace the wild and romantic era in which you live. In the past you have been pre-occupied with other aspects of your life, but now you feel that the time is right for you to focus on your love life. With a flare for the dangerous, you think that the newly single Notorious Nick Nemetz may be the right match for you! You have heard a great deal about Notorious Nick, the head of the North Side mob, including how wealthy and well-respected he is around town. While you would never date a married man, you consider it fate that Nick is coming off a nasty divorce and has been seen around town with a number of women—it is your turn next! Like most women caught up in pursuing a man that she desires, you hold a strong dislike for the other women in Nick’s life, both past and present. Among those women are: Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick’s ex-wife; Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl and Nick’s ex-girlfriend; and Molly Moll, Nick’s current girlfriend. You are very excited to be invited to The Juice Joint party this weekend, for you know that Nick is scheduled to attend, as will the other women in his life. The Juice Joint party will be the perfect place for you to capture Nick’s interest and to illustrate to him why you are more captivating than any other woman Chicago has to offer.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a modern woman in the 1920’s, you embrace the recent fashion changes, including a shorter sleeveless dress with fringe or sequins, and make-up. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a boa, cigarette holder or long string of pearls. For more ideas on how

to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see www.

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• Try to make friends with Natalie Nemetz, Nick’s little sister. Ask Natalie if she has a ‘special man’ in her life to tell you about.

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• Ask Natalie Nemetz, the victim’s little sister, about her true love that she wanted to reveal.

• Ask Molly Moll, Nick’s girlfriend, about the announcement Nick was trying to make when he was shot and killed.

• Tell Cindy Butt that murder is no way to avenge a broken heart.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s little sister, told you earlier tonight that she had a special relationship she could not yet reveal.

• Tell Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, that he will regret being with Molly Moll.

• Ask Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, about her dislike for Molly Moll.

• Cindy Butt, the cigarette girl, resented Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, for dating Notorious Nick.

• You were in love with Notorious Nick, the victim.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Flapper B

Murder at The Juice Joint

• Tell Molly Moll, Notorious Nick’s girlfriend, that she will not have Nick without a fight.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Flapper B

Murder at The Juice Joint

South Side Mob Member As a member of the South Side mob, it is no secret that Southside Sal, the head of the South Side mob, has been making a strong push to gain power and influence in Chicago. Notorious Nick, the head of the North Side gang, has held the majority of power and influence in the Chicago underworld since the passage of Prohibition. However, lately Sal has been trying to expand his domain and authority— and you think that he may just succeed! Notorious Nick has always been a cunning leader, but lately Sal has developed several relationships that will help him expand his ambitions to overtake the Chicago underworld. First, Nick has made an alliance with Chief Cameron, the police chief and former snitch for Notorious Nick. While you are unsure if Cameron is still taking money from Nick, you know for certain that Cameron has changed allegiances to Southside Sal. Sal believes that Chief Cameron may be key to gaining more control in City Hall. In addition, Southside Sal has been secretly dating Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister. While Sal has kept the relationship a secret at Natalie’s request, the relationship is one that can only benefit Sal it becomes public. Finally, Sal has also caught the eye of Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s ex-wife. While Sal’s heart is with Natalie, he also knows that he can use Flora’s affection to gain some information from Flora about her ex-husband. As a member of the South Side mob, you are excited to attend The Juice Joint party this weekend. With Sal vying for a more powerful position in town, it will be interesting to see how Chicago’s political and underworld elite handle the presence of both Sal and Nick in the same room and who’s secrets are destined to be revealed.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

You are excited to come to The Juice Joint party—you love a bit of action! Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you should dress in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your gun, Southside Sal may have a job for you to take care of. For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words

and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora that she may have some competition for the love of Sal.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister, when she plans on exposing her secret (her romantic relationship with Southside Sal).

• Ask Sal, the South Side mob boss, about jobs in his territory.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

South Side Mob Member

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Ask Mugsy Malone, the north side henchman, to see Nick’s accounting ledger, you think there is a clue in the ledger.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz about her inheritance money now that Notorious Nick is dead, you believe that she is his closest living relative.

• Ask Southside Sal if he is going to continue to keep his romantic feelings a secret.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Flora Nemetz-Gadora fancies Southside Sal.

• Southside Sal is secretly dating Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister.

• Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, is trying to take over Notorious Nick’s operation.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

South Side Mob Member

Murder at The Juice Joint

Juice Joint Waitress Even though The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie, is not a legal business during Prohibition, you still enjoy being a waitress in this exclusive nightspot. Not only has your job provided you with a constant flow of cash, but your employers (both past and present) have been extremely gracious and easy to work for. Indeed, you consider it a travesty that your former employer, Louie Marie, was found dead at the bottom of the river just two weeks ago and the family is still mourning the loss. While Louie’s death remains a mystery, the family (Rosie Marie, Louie’s wife; Anna Marie, Louie’s daughter; and Cy Ramsey, Louie’s nephew) have been deeply distraught. On separate occasions you have heard each of them talk about wanting justice for Louie’s murder. While you will miss Louie, you suspect that he is not entirely without responsibility for events that led to his untimely death. Before Louie went missing, you noticed that he was spending a lot of his time with Flora Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s wife at the time, and Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss. While Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, and Louie were was close business associates, you thought it odd that Louie would be spending so much time with Sal on business matters and Flora on social matters. To further complicate matters, you have noticed that Flora (who is now divorced from Nick), has been making overt romantic passes at Sal while they are in The Juice Joint. Regardless of the current situation surrounding Louie’s death, you are excited to be attending The Juice Joint party this weekend. Rosie Marie, Louie’s widow and The Juice Joint’s new owner, has been a supportive and generous employer and she can easily attract the city’s elite clientele to her nightclub. You are expecting a large turn out for the party, which can only mean great tips for you!

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a modern woman in the 1920’s, you embrace the recent fashion changes, including a shorter sleeveless dress with fringe or sequins, and make-up, as well as your cocktail waitress apron. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a long string of pearls. For more

ideas on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Ask Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss what he has to do with the murder of Louie Marie.

• Ask Flora Nemetz-Gadora how well she knew Louie Marie before he went missing.

• Tell Rosie Marie, The Juice Joint owner, that you are sorry for the loss of her husband, Louie Marie.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Juice Joint Waitress

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Tell Flora Nemetz-Gadora that murder is no way to get revenge on the man who took away her lover.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, Rosie’s nephew and North Side mob member, about his Tommy gun, you know that was the type of gun used to kill Nick.

• Accuse Rosie Marie, the Juice Joint owner, of murdering to avenge the death of her late husband.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Cy Ramsey, Rosie Marie and Anna Marie wanted to avenge the death of Louie Marie.

• Flora Nemetz-Gadora was having an affair with Louie Marie before his death.

• Southside Sal told you earlier that Notorious Nick, the victim, was responsible for the death of Louie Marie.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Juice Joint Waitress

Murder at The Juice Joint

Police Officer A As a Chicago police officer, you are fully aware that City Hall has become tainted with the bribe money of Notorious Nick Nemetz, the leader of the North Side mob. It disgusts you that elected city officials who have pledged to uphold the laws are so easily influenced. You believe that the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, may be the main culprit in accepting bribe and hush money from the mob. Just the other day, you heard a rumor that the Mayor may appoint Cy Ramsey, a North Side mob member, as Police Chief. While the Mayor’s actions anger you, they also demonstrate how influential Notorious Nick has become in this town. As a soldier of justice you have vowed not to succumb to such pressure and always seek the truth. Because of that vow, you have taken it upon yourself to investigate further the death of Louie Marie, the late Juice Joint owner. Louie was found dead at the bottom of the river a few weeks ago with a bullet in his head. While the Mayor has ruled the death of Louie an accidental drowning, you believe otherwise and wish to investigate. With very few leads in the case, you are looking forward to coming to The Juice Joint party this weekend. Since Louie was the former owner of The Juice Joint, you believe that his murderer may be attending the party and you intend to seek them out.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a police officer, you are inquisitive and curious by nature. Do not be afraid to question those who act suspicious or who have weak or flawed alibis in the murder of Louie Marie—you are certain his murderer is in attendance. A police uniform is preferred, but not essential. Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you could also come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. However, don’t forget your gun, badge or credentials! For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster

glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

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• Tell Anna Marie, Louie Marie’s daughter, that you are sorry for the loss of her father.

• Question Flora Nemetz-Gadora about her relationship to Louie Marie.

• Ask Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, what he knows about the murder of Louie Marie.

• Ask the Mayor, Mayor Biggs, about running for Governor.

• Tell Chief Cameron, the police chief, that you think their job may be in danger.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Police Officer A

Murder at The Juice Joint

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• Accuse Anna Marie, the daughter of Louie Marie, of murdering to avenge the death of her father.

• Ask Chief Cameron, the police chief, if you can see the file on Notorious Nick. You are certain that there is a clue in the file.

• Ask Mabel Biggs, the Mayor’s wife, about the Mayor’s chances at reaching the Governor mansion now that Notorious Nick is dead.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You do not trust the Mayor, Mayor Biggs.

• Chief Cameron’s job was being threatened by Notorious Nick wanting to appoint Cy Ramsey as police chief.

• Anna Marie, the daughter of Louie Marie, wanted to avenge the death of her father.

• Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, told you earlier tonight that Notorious Nick, the victim, was responsible for the death of Louie Marie.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Police Officer A

Murder at The Juice Joint

Flapper C As a modern woman of the 1920’s, you spend a lot of time at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. You often frequent The Juice Joint to enjoy the music and booze. Mugsy Malone, a higher-up in the North Side mob, also spends a great deal of time at the speakeasy and you have gone out of your way to get better acquainted with Mugsy. Through your relationship with Mugsy, you have learned that he is Notorious Nick’s henchman and he feels his position as Nick’s second-in-command may be threatened by Cy Ramsey, another mob member who Nick has befriended. It appears that Nick may be trying to get Cy Ramsey appointed as the chief of police. As a single woman seeking adventure in your love life, you consider Mugsy Malone the perfect match for you. As Notorious Nick’s henchman, you find Mugsy’s power and infamous nature attractive. Among other women in Mugsy’s life, you know that you will have to compete for his affection with Flirty Flapper, another woman who frequents The Juice Joint, but she does not intimidate you. You are looking forward to coming to The Juice Joint party this weekend to make another attempt at gaining Mugsy’s affection. While you believe that you are the perfect woman for him, Mugsy has yet to discover your romantic interests.

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a modern woman in the 1920’s, you embrace the recent fashion changes, including a shorter sleeveless dress with fringe or sequins, and make-up. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a boa, cigarette holder or long string of pearls. For more ideas on how

to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see www.

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©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Tell Flirty Flapper, a flapper that also fancies Mugsy, to stay away from your man.

• Ask Mugsy Malone, Notorious Nick’s henchman, how he plans to run the city when Nick is gone.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, North Side mob member, about his illegal gun racket. See if he has been selling a lot of guns lately.

• Tell Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, that he should promote Mugsy, not Cy Ramsey, to police chief.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Flapper C

Murder at The Juice Joint

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Ask Mugsy Malone about the accounting ledger he kept for Notorious Nick. You are certain that the ledger will prove Mugsy innocent.

• Tell Flirty Flapper she will have to fight you for Mugsy Malone’s affection.

• Ask Cy Ramsey about his Tommy Gun, you heard that a Tommy Gun was used in the murder of Notorious Nick.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• Flirty Flapper, another flapper, is your main competition for Mugsy’s affection.

• Cy Ramsey, another North Side mob member, was Mugsy’s main competition to take over Notorious Nick’s business.

• You are attracted to Mugsy Malone, the north side henchman.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Flapper C

Murder at The Juice Joint

Reporter As a seasoned and ambitious reporter in Chicago, you will not miss a chance to get the scoop on a story! From your experience, you know that nothing sells papers faster than news about the affairs of those at The Juice Joint, a lavish speakeasy run by Rosie Marie. Since the passing of Prohibition, The Juice Joint has become the hottest nightspot in town letting in only the city’s social, political, and underworld elite. With an invitation to The Juice Joint party this weekend, you plan to do your best to decipher and report on the affairs of those in attendance, in particular Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss. Recently, Notorious Nick and his ever-changing romantic relationships are a hot topic with the public. Since his divorce to Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Nick has been spotted around town with both Molly Moll, a struggling actress, and Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl. While it has been reported that Nick left Cindy for Molly, you intend to find out whom Nick truly desires from the source himself. While you know that there may be other reporters at the party also looking to get the scoop on the affairs of the guests social affairs at the party this weekend, you are still looking forward to it. The Juice Joint is a hotbed of activity and gossip that your readers would love to tap into and you plan to be the one who breaks the story!

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a reporter, you are inquisitive and curious by nature. Do not be afraid to question the guests at the party to find out the intimate details of their affairs—any information that you get will only help you sell papers (and possibly solve a murder!). Feel free to bring a pad of paper and pen in order to catch all the juicy information and gossip floating around. Living in the 1920’s, you embrace all of the modern fashion changes. If you are a woman, consider wearing a short, sleeveless dress with fringe or sequins, and make-up. You may want to accessorize your outfit with a boa, cigarette holder or long string of pearls. As a man, come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. Don’t forget your cigars. For more ideas

on how to dress and for a gangster glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Find out from Flora Nemetz-Gadora, Notorious Nick’s exwife, if she has her eye on anyone now that she and Nick are divorced.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister, if there is a special man in her life.

• Find out from Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl and Nick’s ex-girlfriend, how she feels about Molly Moll.

• Ask Notorious Nick, the North Side mob boss, about his relationship to Molly Moll.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:


Murder at The Juice Joint

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Find out from Southside Sal, the South Side mob boss, if he has romantic interest in Flora Nemetz-Gadora.

• Ask Natalie Nemetz if she can reveal her romantic relationship now that Nick is dead.

• Tell Cindy Butt that murder is no way to mend a broken heart.

• Accuse Molly Moll of not having true feelings of love for Notorious Nick, the victim.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

Objectives After The Murder:

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

• Natalie Nemetz, Notorious Nick’s sister, is secretly seeing someone.

• Cindy Butt, The Juice Joint cigarette girl, was still not over her split with Notorious Nick.

• Notorious Nick, the victim, was about to announce his engagement to Molly Moll.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:


Murder at The Juice Joint

Police Officer B As a Chicago police officer, you are fully aware that City Hall has become highly influenced by underground organized crime operations which have been on the rise since the passage of Prohibition. Because you are disgusted by the elected city officials who are easily intimidated and have not upheld their pledge to enforce public laws, you have vowed to do your own investigation. In the end, you hope to restore a sense of law and justice in Chicago. While other members of the police force are intimidated by the mobsters and their threats of violence, you are not. As an excellent investigator, you believe that you can uncover enough evidence about the culprits to be able to prosecute them in the courts. You have already started your crusade for justice with a raid on Bernie Booze, a bootlegger’s, liquor warehouse last week. During the raid, the police force was able to apprehend a great deal of liquor and a few illegal arms. In order to fully uncover and investigate the North Side mob and the South Side mob, the two most prominent crime operations in the city, you are aware that you will have to infiltrate their hangouts. You are looking forward to The Juice Joint party this weekend, since you know that The Juice Joint is a place frequented by many infamous characters. Although most are coming to the party for pleasure, you are coming to investigate and uncover evidence that can bring some of the underworld crime members to trial and justice!

Acting and Dressing Your Part:

As a police officer, you are inquisitive and curious by nature. Do not be afraid to question those who you suspect are part of an underground mob organization about their business, in most cases they will be happy to share with you how business is going. A police uniform is preferred, but not essential. Consistent with the roaring 1920s attire, you could also come dressed in baggy pants, suspenders, a jacket with wide lapels and a wide brimmed hat. However, don’t forget your gun, badge or credentials! For more ideas on how to dress and for a gangster

glossary filled with words and phrases to use at the party, please see

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Tell Bernie that you are sorry for raiding their warehouse last week. Ask them where they got the Tommy gun that was confiscated in the raid.

• Ask Cy Ramsey, a North Side mob member, about his gun business, you have heard that it is not doing so well.

• Ask Mugsy Malone, the north side henchman, who is “really” in charge in this town.

These are things that are in your best interest to do before the evening goes much further. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives At The Start Of The Party:

Police Officer B

Murder at The Juice Joint

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

• Find out from Cy Ramsey, a North Side mob member, about whom he may have sold a Tommy gun to. You believe a Tommy gun was used in the murder.

• Ask Chief Cameron, the police chief, about the police file they have on Notorious Nick, you think there may be some evidence in the file.

• Accuse Mugsy Malone, Notorious Nick’s henchman, of murdering to gain power in the city.

• Try to find the murderer while maintaining your innocence.

These are things that are in your best interest to do to help solve the murder. Be aware of what others around you are doing as well!

Objectives After The Murder:

• You participated in a police raid on Bernie Booze, a bootlegger’s, warehouse last week.

• The police force is corrupt and taking money from the organized crime operations.

This is information not known to many–and possibly only YOU. Use it wisely in your scheming and bribery or hide it to help maintain your innocence.

Things You Know:

Police Officer B

Murder at The Juice Joint

Name Tags

Rosie Marie

Notorious Nick

Cy Ramsey

Natalie Nemetz

Mugsy Malone

Kitty Cocktail

Southside Sal

Flora Nemetz-Gadora

South Side Mob Boss

Notorious Nick’s Ex-wife

Molly Moll

Hal Hollywood

Juice Joint Owner

Juice Joint Bouncer

Notorious Nick’s Henchman

Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend

North Side Mob Boss

Notorious Nick’s Sister

Cocktail Waitress

Movie Director

Name tags can be printed on paper and trimmed or printed on adhesive label paper and applied as stickers. Compatible with Avery labels 15163, 18163, 5163, 5263, 5523, 5663, 5963, 8163, 8253, 8463, 8663, 8763.

Dina Diva

Mayor Biggs

Mabel Biggs

Chief Cameron

Gino Gin

Cindy Butt

Bernie Booze

Flirty Flapper

Anna Marie

P.I. Pinkerton

Juice Joint Singer

Mayor’s Wife



Rosie’s Daughter


Police Chief

Cigarette Girl

Juice Joint Patron

Private Investigator

North Side Mob Member



North Side Mob Member



South Side Mob Member

Juice Joint Waitress

Police Officer



Police Officer


$50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Money










$50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Money









Evidence Presentation

(To be read by P.I. Pinkerton after everyone has completed their second set of objectives and P.I. Pinkerton has completed his investigation) After review of all the facts of this murder and conducting my own investigation, these are the facts and evidence that I have uncovered pertaining to this murder. After surveying all of the evidence brought before me, I found the following articles placed in and around the crime scene. These articles I feel have the most bearing in making a judgment on the identity of the murderer. The Evidence is as follows: EXHIBIT A: MARRIAGE LICENSE (hold up Exhibit A) As we all witnessed, Nick was shot tonight as he was standing up to make an announcement. Nick announcing his engagement to Molly Moll. Molly confirmed this with this marriage license. EXHIBIT B: MURDER WEAPON (hold up Exhibit B) This Tommy Gun was found stashed in the back of the speakeasy in the violin case and the bullets remaining in the gun match the victim’s gunshot wounds. The gun is registered to Cy Ramsey who claims he sold it in his illegal gun racket. EXHIBIT C: POLICE FILE (hold up Exhibit C) Police file on Notorious Nick. It appears Notorious Nick had many arrests but no convictions. EXHIBIT D: NOTE (hold up Exhibit D) Southside Sal claims he found this note stuffed into his pocket earlier tonight. The note incriminates someone Nick was supporting financially. EXHIBIT E: ACCOUNTING LEDGER (hold up Exhibit E) Due to the nature of Exhibit D, we confiscated Nick’s accounting ledger from his henchman, Mugsy Malone. We learned of all the people Nick was supporting indeed! Now if you would like, please take time to review the evidence. Shortly, the host will be handing out sheets on which you will identify the guilty party.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

EXHIBIT A Description: Marriage License Notes: Declares that Notorious Nick and Molly Moll were planning on getting married.





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©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

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EXHIBIT B Description: Murder Weapon Notes: Registered to Cy Ramsey.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

EXHIBIT C Description: Police File on Notorious Nick. Notes: Shows Nick with many arrests, but no convictions.


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Notorious Ni

Alias: : Suspected of Businesses:

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Compiled by

n Rottier

Chief Camero

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

EXHIBIT D Description: Note found on Southside Sal Notes: Sal says he does not know where it came from.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

EXHIBIT E Description: Notorious Nick’s accounting ledger. Notes: Indicates who Nick may have been supporting financially.

4/6 Protection for Earl Connie $550 00 4/8 Bernie-- for Tommy gun $271 00 4/16 Louie owes for Gambling $856 00 4/17 Profits from “Girls” $1923 75 4/17 Profits from guns $2589 00

$15,685 48

$2,534 21

$22,698 34

$2,320 54

$25, 136 87

$3,105 39

4/02 Mayor Biggs $650 00 4/05 Rosie Marie $275 00 4/10 Mugsy $400 00 $100 00 Chief Cameron 4/12 4/15 Molly-- New Dress $379 56 4/18 Natalie-- Allowance $250 00 $1000 00 4/20 Hal Hollywood

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

©2006 Night of Mystery LLC,, all rights reserved.

Best Performance:____________________________ My Wealth:___________________

My Wealth:___________________

killing in cold blood.

killing in cold blood.

Best Performance:____________________________

firmly accuse________________________________ of

firmly accuse________________________________ of

Best Dressed:________________________________

I, ________________________________ ,

I, ________________________________ ,

Best Dressed:________________________________

Who Dunnit?

My Wealth:___________________

My Wealth:___________________

Who Dunnit?

Best Performance:____________________________

killing in cold blood.

killing in cold blood.

Best Performance:____________________________

firmly accuse________________________________ of

firmly accuse________________________________ of

Best Dressed:________________________________

I, ________________________________ ,

I, ________________________________ ,

Best Dressed:________________________________

Who Dunnit?

Who Dunnit?


(To be read by P.I. Pinkerton after everyone has turned in their accusations) After reviewing the evidence, I have come to the following conclusion that the murderer was indeed Chicago’s own police chief, Chief Cameron. I have come to this conclusion by the following deductions: • First, I examined the note that was found in Southside Sal’s pocket and saw that it was signed by C.R. • C.R. could very well stand for Cy Ramsey, but in taking a closer look at Exhibit C, the file provided by Chief Cameron, we can see from the police file that Chief Cameron’s full name is Cameron Rottier—also giving him the initials C.R. • Furthermore, after looking over Nick’s accounting ledger, we can see that Cy was never on the payroll list but Chief Cameron was. This deduction eliminates Cy from suspicion and points to Chief Cameron as the guilty party. • Furthermore after questioning Cy Ramsey and Bernie Booze about the murder weapon, it appears that the gun was confiscated in a police raid on one of his liquor warehouses last week. The confiscated materials would then be in possession of the police department and Chief Cameron would be the only one attending the party with access to the guns obtained in the raid.

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Best Dressed

Best Actor or Actress

Super Sleuth (Y/N)

Rosie Marie Notorious Nick Natalie Nemetz Mugsy Malone Cy Ramsey Kitty Cocktail Southside Sal Flora Nemetz-Gadora Molly Moll Hal Hollywood Dina Diva Mayor Biggs Mabel Biggs Chief Cameron Cindy Butt Bernie Booze Gino Gin Flirty Flapper P.I. Pinkerton Anna Marie

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Amount of Money


Best Dressed

Best Actor or Actress

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Super Sleuth (Y/N)

Amount of Money

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Murder at The Juice Joint

For Your Cunning Wit And Extra-Sharp Sleuthing Skills That Helped To Apprehend A Cold-Blooded Murderer In

Smoking Gun Award

You Have Been Awarded The

Congratulations! ________________

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Murder at The Juice Joint

For Your Fabulous Fashion Sense and Impeccable Wardrobe That Blew the Other Guests at the Juice Joint Away In

Dressed To Kill Award

You Have Been Awarded The

Congratulations! ________________

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Murder at The Juice Joint

For Your Oscar-Winning Performance That Left The Other Guests At The Juice joint Speechless This Wonderful Night In

Drama Queen Award

You Have Been Awarded The

Congratulations! ________________

©2006 Night of Mystery Inc. -

Murder at The Juice Joint

For Your Backstabbing, Bribery and Blackmailing Abilities That Helped You To Become The Richest Of The Rich Here In

Mr. Money Bags Award

You Have Been Awarded The

Congratulations! ________________