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Kin-strife Third Age, circa 1450 A Middle-earth™ Strategic Gaming Module Version 1.02

Lead Development Design Research Artwork Fiction Editing & Layout Initial Play-testers

Clint Oldridge Clint Oldridge, John Davis, Sam Roads, Edward Lane John Davis, Clint Oldridge Anne Stokes, Jeremy McHugh, Chris Waller, Mark Pritchard John Davis John Davis Clint Oldridge, Sam Roads, Edward Lane, Mark Jeffries, Tim Jones, Chris Courtiour, James Rousselle, Mike Mulka, John Choules, John Briggs, Gavin Kenny, Kenneth C. Shannon III

Based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien "Middle-earth" and "The Lord of the Rings", and the names of the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Tolkien Enterprises and are used under license to Games Systems International, Ltd. Copyright © 2011-18 Game Systems International Limited. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without prior written (not emailed) permission of the publisher.


Co n t e n t s


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Introduction Standing atop the burnished tower of Osgiliath, Orodreth held high his sword, catching the failing sunlight that flung wide his shadow behind him. In the plaza below the people of Gondor stood watching, a huge throng whose uncertain gaze rested upon him. The moment should have been a glorious one. The culmination of five years of campaigning. Of bitter cold mornings after nights spent on watch, and of bitter tears shed to mingle with the blood of loved ones darkening the battle-ground. Of hard marches and harder waits, of blisters, sores, stale food and scant sleep. But also of the thrill of battle, the exultation of leading men into the fray, knowing that they lived, and would die, at your command. And he had led. Born to nobility but not of the royal line, nevertheless it seemed that he only had to speak and men would listen, only had to issue an order and the act would be done. At Linhir he had been but a captain, yet it was his men who had led the uprising, and when it was over, it was he who had been toasted as victor. And from then on, through victory and setback alike, the men had followed him. Not the sons of Castamir, not even, it seemed at times, Castamir himself. But him. And surely, there could be nothing better, to be followed, to be obeyed, and to be loved by men for whom your word is law. So that when, finally, the walls of Osgiliath had opened before them, who else but he could have led the men through the breach, from outer keep to inner wall; to wrest, finally, the jewel of Gondor's realm from Eldacar's hands, and claim its crown for Castamir, rightful heir to the throne? The moment should have been a glorious one. And yet the knot that twisted his stomach was not born of excitement, of the thrill of victory, but of regret. For the blood which stained the hills of Gondor and slickened the streets of even its fairest cities was not that of orc, or Variag, or Wainrider, but of the men, and women too, of Gondor herself. The blood of brother spilt by brother, kin by kin, as the realm had torn itself apart. The war had not been one waged for survival, or even for the cause of right over wrong, good over evil, but for...for what? Ostensibly for the purity of bloodline, to prevent the blood of the Lords of Gondor from being further diluted. Yet throughout the age the blood of Dunedain and commoner had been so inter-mingled that few could claim with certainty that theirs was a pure line. No, that was but a justification for the war, not its root. And the root, then? For some, no doubt, it was the quest for power, to advance one's own family line, a goal which for centuries had been sought through whispers and deals, alliances and politics, but which now over-spilled the boundaries of tradition and law to rage as a storm of blood and steel. But for every person who fought with such dreams to warm their nights, another hundred took up arms without hope of power. And for such as them, it was for glory, and for honour, that they fought, so that the side they chose was merely that, a side, chosen because friends or family had so sworn before them. This truth had a bitter taste, but was, even so, understandable. Generations of Gondorians had been raised on stories of the old wars, of great deeds performed and great victories won. Yet for a lifetime or more, there had been no wars to fight, no battles to be won; with Sauron quiescent, the South tamed, and even the Easterlings withdrawn, all that remained was to keep watch on the borders and old places. And what glory was there to be won in that? Scant surprise, then, that when opportunity arose, so many took to arms. And the common soldier, the minor noble, they cared little for the power struggles of the royal lines, of the Southron Kingdoms’ greed, or even the dark rumours which ever surrounded Castamir. They cared only for the chance to cover themselves in glory and in honour. And Orodreth had counted himself among them. Yet now, standing on Osgiliath's tower, he knew that there was no honour to be gained here, no glory to be won. All the war had done was to water the fields of Gondor with the blood of her own, to satisfy the greed for wealth and power of a select few who cared nothing for the people or the realm. But even as he cursed them for this, he knew that the blame was as much his as it was theirs, that evil was not merely done, but allowed to be done. Whether Sauron's hand was behind the uprising, as some rumours had it, or whether this new evil was born in the hearts of men alone, Orodreth knew not and cared less. At his sword's edge had the blood of his own kin been spilled, at his word thousands had perished, for nothing more than the false allure of glory and a concept of purity that was probably no longer anything but a myth, if ever it had been more. This he had done, and for this, he knew, there was none to blame but himself, none to bear the burden of guilt but himself.

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So that as he looked, to where his guards held Ornendil, son of Eldacar, defeated Captain of Osgiliath and his own kin, whom as his enemy he was doomed now to slay else be labelled traitor himself, he knew that far from such a deed being beyond him, it was merely symbolic of all he had already done. Live now or die, be known by history as hero or traitor, nothing could erase the deaths of those he had slain, or caused to be slain. Not for survival, not for what was right, but for selfish glory, at the bidding of greed. For an eternal moment he held his sword aloft, delaying what could not be delayed, until it seemed that the sun itself burned in his blade. He had never felt love for Castamir, but now he knew only hatred, for having ordered him to perform this last act of kin slaying, and for the pleasure that he knew with sudden certainty that Castamir, standing at his side, would be taking from his discomfort. And hatred for himself, too, born of the knowledge that he had walked too long on this path to turn aside now. Looking down, he forced himself to meet Ornendil's gaze, almost envying the man even as he murmured silent apology for what he knew he must do. Then, as the world held its breath, he brought the blade flashing down, and the Kin-strife took another victim. For a heart-beat there was silence. Then, as the sun slipped beneath the hills and the dark shadows of Mordor spread across the city, so a cry went up from the people as they poured forwards, moving in furious rage against the guards who sought to hold them back. But for all their fury, fist and dagger found little purchase on helm and shield, and at Castamir's word, blood flowed through the streets, the people of Osgiliath cut down, their final defiance silenced by steel. And as the night deepened, fires sparked and spread, so that those who did not find death at the hands of Castamir's men found it in the raging fire that consumed the city. For a night and a day the city burned, and its razing would linger in the memories of men down through the generations. And in that night's dark hour, Castamir sealed his own eventual downfall, his true face revealed, as those few who survived both steel and fire swore that they would neither grieve or rest until Eldacar was restored to the throne. The Kinstrife was not over. It was just begun.

Partial Genealogy Rhovanion


Narmacil Vidugavia ? ? Vidurafin Vidustain

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Minalcar (= Laniel) Vidumavi




Calimir (= Arthiriel)

Eldacar Ornendil

Castamir (= Murabeth) Aldarmir




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Background Gondor

When the realm of Gondor was founded in the year of the Second Age 3320, the Dunedain who chose to live in the south, in the lands that look upon the Bay of Belfalas, formed themselves into a defensive coalition known as the Pelargirean League. Separate from, but closely tied to, Gondor itself as ruled by the sons of Elendir, the League lent military aid to Gondor when aid was needed, and looked to them for arbitration between members of the league when necessary. Following the wars of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age, however, Dunedain blood of the League was increasingly diluted, as the Dunedain rulers, few in number, were forced to intermarry with their subject population. This led to a both a threat to the claim of the Dunedin elite of their innate right to rule, and a growing dissatisfaction amongst their non-Dunedain subjects who were still considered as lower caste even though their bloodlines were increasingly mixed with those who ruled. As a result, the League realised that they could no longer impose order upon their people, and invited the Royal Line of Gondor to rule them. And thus was royal dominion consolidated south and west of Gondor. The king at the time, Siriondil, delegated his son Tarannon to rule these southern lands from the town of Pelargir, naming him Captain of the Hosts, though the old rulers of the League retained local authority. From then on, it became tradition for the heir to the throne of Gondor to take this title until the time came for him to take the throne. And in the following decades the Pelargir fleet, under command of heirs eager to prove their worth, waged war against the people of Harad until by the Third Age 1050 all the lands of Umbar and the Ethir were ruled by Gondor. This tradition, however, was broken when Narmacil took the crown in 1226, since he was childless, and so forced to leave Pelargir in hands of first a lieutenant, then, in 1240, his brother, Calmacil. In this same year, Wild Men of the East moved down from the plains beyond the Inland Sea and attacked the northern territories of Gondor. In response, Narmacil created the office of 'Regent of the Realm', which was conferred upon Calmacil's oldest son, Minalcar, who succeeded in repelling the Easterlings. The office of Captain of the Hosts was also altered at this time to Captain of Ships, so that the Regent had authority over the forces on land, and the Captain of Ships over the naval forces in the south. When Calmacil died, Narmacil, still childless, appointed Calmacil's younger son, Calimehtar, to the office of Captain. And so was the link severed between the rule of the south and the royal succession, between Pelargir and Osgiliath. Meanwhile, the Northmen of Rhovanion, great in numbers, feuded amongst themselves. And when in 1240 the Easterlings moved west into Rhovanion to threaten both Rhovanion and Gondor, some of the Northmen princes sought to ally themselves with them. Vidugavia, however, the most powerful of the Northmen princes, offered Minalcar alliance, and together they drove the Easterlings out of Rhovanion. In return, Minalcar recognised Vidugavia's claim to Kingship over all the Northmen princes, thus gaining for Gondor the support of Rhovanion, a bond strengthened by the betrothal of his son Valacar to Vidugavia's daughter Vidumavi. This alliance was important both to Vidugavia to ensure his control over the Northmen Princes, and also to Minalcar, who was feeling threatened by his brother's strength in the south. To further diminish his brother's authority, then, Minalcar replaced local rulers in the south with those loyal to him. In Anfalas, Linhir, South Ithilien and Harondor, he displaced the Dunedain elite who had ruled there since the Pelargian league was first established. And in response, these old Lords pledged in secret their allegiance to the Captain of the Ships, who became seen as a champion of the 'Old Order', of those who saw the political rearrangements forced on them from Gondor as unjust. Minalcar was succeeded by Valacar, who had in Vidumavi a Rhovanian wife. And in 1432 when their son, Eldacar, came to take the throne, this proved the final straw for the old order of the south, who had not only been displaced as rulers by those loyal to north Gondor, but now found themselves subject to a King whose blood was impure. Forming themselves into an organisation known as the Traditionalist Confederacy, and still commanding loyalty from the people they had ruled for centuries, they marshalled under the rulership of Castamir, Captain of the Ships, although his authority was ever fragile. Version 1.01

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The Confederacy first demanded Eldacar's abdication. Then, when he refused, they gathered their forces and marched on Osgiliath. In response Eldacar mustered his own forces, including those who answered his call from Rhovanian. And so began the Kin-strife. Minas Ithil fell to rebels within its own walls who were loyal to Castamir. But Eldacar succeeded in establishing a defensive line along the river Erui, and fortified both sides of the Anduin where the Erui gave into it. And so for a time, Castamir's northward advance was thwarted. Castamir's forces finally breached the Erui line of defences in the spring of 1433, allowing them to sail up the Anduin and land forces behind the King's lines in Anorien and Ithilien. But the Prince-president of Minas Anor, still loyal to Eldacar, barred the passage of the Pelennor on its western bank, whilst the hill forts in Emyn Arnen shut the rebels out of North Ithilien, thereby protecting Osgiliath. And so both sides prepared for an extended conflict. Eldacar's men held for four years. But, finally, the strategic hills about Emyn Arnen were lost, and Minas Arnor, sensing defeat, sided with the traditionalists and surrendered in the autumn of 1437. With both the western approach to Osgiliath open to him from Minas Anor, and the northern approach open from the hills of Emyn Arnen, Castamir lay siege to Osgiliath, Gondor's capital. Osgiliath, however, was not built to withstand such an attack, having relied on Minas Anor and Minas Ithil for its defence. And within but a few months, Osgiliath fell. Eldacar's eldest son, Ornendil, held the Great Bridge against the enemy, allowing the King and his supporters to escape into North Ithilien. And from there, they escaped into Rhovanian, where they found refuge with the kinsmen of Eldacar's mother. Ornendil himself was captured by Orodreth of Morthond, who knew that by offering Ornendil mercy, the people of Osgiliath would surrender without further bloodshed. However, others amongst the rebels, jealous of Orodreth's authority, accused him of treason through his mercy towards Ornendil, and, in order to prove himself loyal, Orodreth was ordered by Castamir to kill Ornendil. On witnessing this act, the people of Osgiliath rose up in anger, and in response Castamir ordered them slaughtered and the city put to the torch. An evil which was to be long remembered. And so, with Gondor taken, Castamir was proclaimed King, rightful heir to the throne. Leaving Osgiliath in ruins, Castamir returned to Pelargir, naming it the new capital of Gondor. This favouring of the south did nothing to aid his reputation in the north, however, and the next four years saw growing unrest amongst the people of Gondor. And seeds of dissention, sown both by Castamir's indifference to the north and also by rumours that Eldacar was mustering forces to return and reclaim his throne, ensured that increasingly the inhabitants of north Gondor saw themselves as a conquered people, ruled against their will by Castamir. In the 1440s, rumours began to circulate that a great host was gathering in Rhovanion under the banner of Eldacar. To counter this, Castamir sought to raise garrisons at Minas Anor and Minas Ithil. Minas Anor responded, but Minas Ithil rose in revolt, declaring for Eldacar. And before Castamir could put down this rebellion, Eldacar's forces made themselves known, moving south towards Gondor. The King was returned. The year is 1446 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, and the final act of the Kin-strife is begun.

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Sauron & the Nazgul

Still weakened from his defeat at the end of the Second Age, Sauron lacks physical presence enough in the lands of Middle-earth to directly become involved the wars of Kin-strife. However, with the Nine returned to the world, he is not without power. And aware that the conflict could only serve to weaken the realm of Gondor, and so serve hasten the end of both their Watch upon Mordor and the power of the fleets, Sauron's influence can be seen by those with wisdom to recognise his dark hand. Ostensibly supporting Castamir, in truth this is only because he understands that should Eldacar succeed in bringing down the strength of both Rhovanion and the North Kingdom upon the Usurper, the war would be quickly over. As such, by aiding Castamir, Sauron hopes to prolong the war, thus greatly weakening Gondor no matter which side is eventually victorious. And so it is that in the north the Witch-king moves against the fragmented Realm of Arnor, whilst spurred into action by the return of their ancient lord Uvatha the Horseman, the Easterling Variags dream of bloody victory once more, and dark whispers of glory urge the rest of the Hithlum tribes to march west upon the Northmen of Rhovanion.


In the north, King Araphor of the Arthedain people had supported Castamir in the years leading up to the Kin-strife, since the Pelargirean League sent grain from the south in return for timber. Castamir had also sent a fleet of ships and given them over to Araphor's command in order to help secure the Gwalthlo river, and re-establish some sense of order in the near-anarchy of rulerless Cardolan. However, when the Witch-king moved south in renewed assault, King Araphor had little choice but to seek to counter this threat. At the same time, Castamir abruptly withdrew all trade links and support. Because of this, and perhaps also suspecting the Witch-king's influence in what for the Nazgul Lord was a most timely withdrawal of support by Castamir, Araphor now declares himself against Castamir.

The Realms of Harad

The Kings of Harad, united as the Confederacy of Southron Kingdoms under Zimrakhil and his brother Belphegor, form the core of the support for Castamir, growing rich from trade in goods necessary for war. Further south, the rulers of the Raj and realms of Far and Greater Harad have found that their trade in luxury items has been harmed by the Kin-strife, but are more inclined to wait for order to be restored in Gondor than to seek to play a part in the Kin-strife on either side.


Durin's Folk have benefited from the Kin-strife, selling arms and armour to both sides. However, with Eldacar securing his position in Rhovanion, trade with Castamir down the Anduin has become difficult. Durin bides his time, but it is clear that should the war in Gondor become prolonged, he will have to choose a side else risk losing the possibility of trading with either.


The elves of Middle-earth care little for the affairs of men. And yet, as the wiser among their number begin to sense the dark hand of Sauron behind the Kin-strife, there is some talk of the need to act, albeit indirectly.

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Welcome Kin-strife at a Glance Welcome to the Kin-strife!

This module has many new features, and as such is very different to the Third Age, circa 1650; Third Age, Circa 2950 and Fourth Age, circa 1000 games that you may be used to playing. We have sought to increase the importance of character development, to re-introduce the element of discovery and exploration without losing any strategic depth, to allow more of the characters of Tolkien’s world to be encountered and to play a significant role, and finally to introduce a greater flexibility and degree of choice in nation design without losing the coherence of those nations’ identity. To this end, the module has several new features, the most important of which can be summarised as follows:

New Nations

We have created 14 new nations, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, characters and items, lands and population centres.

Nation Design

You now have the option to tailor your nation to your own taste, choosing from thousands of options and possibilities.

New World

Kin-strife has new encounters, new riddles, and new locations. Even the land of Middle-earth itself will look slightly different to the way it does in other modules, as we have returned to the The Lord of the Rings for our inspiration, to create a new interpretation of the world.

Non-player Characters

Many of the characters of Middle-earth can now be sought out and recruited to join your side, after which you can control them as you would your other characters. Each of these features has required changes in the way that the module is presented, and the game played. So we recommend that you take the time to read through this module thoroughly, and if you have any questions, please get in touch.


To win the game, all opposing nations must be eliminated. (There is no One Ring victory in this module.)

Notes on Module Creation

Although set only two hundred years before the Third Age, circa 1650 module, you will notice many differences between the world of the 1650 games and that of the Kin-strife, not all of which can necessarily be seen as a result of the different periods of time. Which is to say that the two centuries dividing the modules are not sufficient to account for all the differences, be they the establishing or destruction of cities, or the shifting and reforming of nations. This is because just as the Third Age, circa 1650 module is one possible interpretation of the world of Middle-earth, translated into a framework suitable for game play, so the Kin-strife module is an alternative one. Both are based firmly on the writings of Tolkien and the ICE sourcebooks, but this information has then been interpreted to create the two Middleearth PBM modules, in what is at times in a similar manner, and at times in a somewhat different fashion. Version 1.01

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In addition, when there was no information available in the writings of Tolkien, regarding, for example, characters in a nation or location of population centres, for the Third Age, circa 1650 module this information was created. In the Kinstrife, however, whilst some of these 'blanks' have been filled in for purposes of game balance, so far as was possible, these options have been left open for you to decide upon as part of the creation of your nation. Those of you familiar with ICE's Kin-strife sourcebook will notice that several of the characters in the Line of Tirkhor nation are alive at the time of this module even though, as part of one of ICE's scenarios set during the Kin-strife, there is a large possibility that they are killed. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, at the time of this module (set during the final years of the civil war), it is unclear whether, according to the ICE scenario, they have yet been assassinated. And secondly, since their deaths are only a possibility not a certainty in the scenario, it seemed beneficial to the balance of this module to give them the benefit of the doubt! Finally, throughout Kin-strife we have remained true to Tolkien, from the placing of towns and cities, to the characters that populate the world and the forces they command. Sometimes we have added new material in order to make the game more balanced, or taken inspiration from ICE's works, but when we have done so it has always been within the context and style of the world that Tolkien created.

How to Use This Module

Unlike previous modules, this document does not contain everything required to play Kin-strife. Instead, unless specified in this module, the rules for playing the game will remain the same as those for the Third Age, circa 1650 module. As such, in order to play, you will need the following documents. These are freely available from our website, or as hard copy on request.

The Kin-strife Module Book

The first is this document, which contains all the information unique to Kin-strife.

A Middle-earth Rulebook The second is a document containing the rules of Middle-earth. These are best presented in the new Middle-earth Guide, and we recommend you use these. However, if you do not have the Middle-earth Guide, then the rules used in Kin-strife are the Third Age, circa 1650 or Third Age, circa 2950 rules with the addition of the new orders available in the Fourth Age, circa 1000 module. Where a rule given in the Kin-strife module book contradicts one given in a Middle-earth rulebook, the ruling in the Kin-strife module book takes precedence.

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New Terms

There are several terms which are used in this module, but not in previous modules. These include the following: Angmar Arnor Cor Aran Hithlum Horselords Khazad Line of Castamir The Line of Eldacar Line of Elendin Line of Morlaen Line of Tirkhor Loyalists Morgoth Quendi Rebels of Ered Lithui Rhovanion Southron Kingdoms Usurpers

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The Realm of the Witch-king, a Usurper Nation. The old North Kingdom of the Numenorians in exile, a Loyalist Nation. The Gondorian secret police The Easterling tribes, a Usurper nation. The Rhovanion horse-people, a Loyalist nation. Dwarves, a Neutral nation. A Usurper nation. A Loyalist nation. A Usurper nation. A Usurper nation. A Neutral nation. Those nations loyal to Eldacar, the Once and Future King. These are roughly equivalent to the Free Peoples of other modules. The Ancient Enemy, whom Sauron himself once served Elves, a Loyalist nation A Loyalist nation. A Loyalist nation. A Usurper nation. Those nations loyal to Castamir, the Usurper. These are roughly equivalent to the Dark Servants of other modules.

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Additional Rules

Additional Rules Nation Set-ups

Each nation can be customised through the choosing from various starting options, purchased at game set-up. These options cover all aspects of a nation, from characters to forces, from population centres to special abilities.


Every nation can purchase starting options from Table F. In addition, each nation has four tables (J, N, R, and V) of unique set-up options. Each table consists of options covering a different area of your nation as follows: Table F

consists of general options (the options in Table F are available to each nation).

Table J Table N Table Q Table R

consists of military options (each nation has its own unique Table J). consists of character and magic item options (each nation has its own unique Table N). consists of information about recruitable NPCs. consists of population centre and general nation options, as well as options providing information about artifacts, starting locations of characters, etc. (each nation has its own unique Table R). consists of Special Nation Abilities (each nation has its own unique Table V).

Table V

Every option has a points cost, and you have a total of 23,000 points to spend. If points are not spent, they are wasted. In addition to the total points limit, the following restrictions must be adhered to regarding points expenditure on specific tables: Table J: You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Table N: You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Table V: You must spend at least 4000 points on this table.

Order of Option Purchases

Options purchased will be applied to your nation one table at a time, in alphabetical order of the tables. Options purchased within a table will be applied to your nation in the order you give them. For example, all Table N options will be applied before any Table R options, with those Table N options applied in the order you have given them. Options that provide information about an aspect of the game provide that information as accurate at game start. For example, if you purchase an option telling you where another nation’s character is located, and that character is moved through an option purchased by that nation, you will discover the location they are moved to. This order of options is important to bear in mind if more than one option affects the same element of your nation, both to gain maximum benefit from your chosen options, and to avoid options being wasted. The exceptions to this order are the Castamir’s Bribe Options (options 11R021 – 11R038) and the Eldacar’s Gift Options (options 01R030 – 01R045). These are applied after the Table N options of every nation have been applied.

Example 1 You have four villages, four towns, and purchase two options: option one changes all villages to towns, and option two gives all towns a fort. If you list them in this order, all your villages will become towns, and all of these will gain forts, resulting in your nation having eight towns with forts. However, if you list them the other way round, your towns will gain forts, then your villages will become towns, but these new towns will not receive forts, resulting on your nation having four towns with forts and four towns without forts. Example 2 You purchase two options: option one grants one of your towns a fort, and option two turns all of your towns into major towns. If you list them in this order, both options will take effect. However, if you list option two first, the town you specify in option one will not be a town when that option is applied, so the option will fail. Version 1.01

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Additional Rules

Points to Note

❖ You may not purchase any option more than once. ❖ Unless specifically stated, all options are modifications to your own nation only. ❖ If an option requires a population centre as an additional (either ‘population centre’, or ‘village’, ‘town’, etc.), please give the name, not the location, of the population centre. ❖ If an option requires a location, this refers to a hex location (for example: 0403). ❖ Army/Navy options chosen that affect another related aspect of that army/navy (morale, training, etc.) will be taken into account when starting armies are created. ❖ Criteria for an option must be met at the time the option is applied. For example, if you upgrade a population centre from a major town to a city, then try and further alter that population centre with an option that specifies a major town, then this second option will fail. ❖ Population Centre Loyalty, Morale, Troop Training levels, and all other statistics expressed as a percentage cannot be increased above 100, or reduced below 1. If an option is purchased that will increase a statistic above 100 the statistic will remain at 100, and if an option is purchased that will reduce a statistic below 1 the statistic will remain at 1. ❖ Character skill ranks cannot be increased above 100, or reduced below 0. If an option is purchased that will increase a skill rank above 100 the skill rank will remain at 100, and if an option is purchased that will reduce a statistic below 0 the statistic will remain at 0. ❖ The command rank of a character commanding an army cannot be reduced to 0. If an option is chosen which will cause this to occur, the entire option will fail. For example, if an option reduces command rank and increases agent rank, if this would cause the command rank to be reduced to zero, no increase in agent rank will be gained. ❖ Starting population centre loyalty is based on the population centre’s size. (See ‘Population Centre Loyalty’ Section.) If, then, population centres are increased or decreased in size as the result of a starting option, their starting loyalty will alter appropriately. In some cases, an option will specify a loyalty change: this is in addition to the normal alteration and will be applied at the end of the set-up process to the population centre’s loyalty as based on its final size. ❖ Unless otherwise specified in the option details (for example, a specific population described by name), only nonfortified population centres can be moved. (A non-fortified population centre can, however, be moved then fortified.) ❖ Capitals cannot be reduced in size to below a major town. ❖ Some options consist of ‘either…or’ possibilities. In these cases you must choose one possibility, not both. If given a choice between ‘a and b, or c and d’, you must choose either ‘a and b’ or ‘c and d’, not ‘a and c’. ❖ Some options require additional information, such as a character, population centre, location or other game element to be specified. If you choose such an option and do not provide the specified additional information, or the information is invalid, the option will not be applied to your nation. ❖ If an option causes a character to possess over six artifacts, those above six are dropped at the character’s location. ❖ If an option causes a troop type to gain a type of armour or weapon they cannot use then that particular troop type does not benefit, but the option still benefits other troop types. ❖ If an option would cause a unit of troops to gain a type of armour worse than that which they already possess, then that particular unit of troops retain their original armour type, whilst the option still benefits other troops.

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Additional Rules

❖ If an option to upgrade weapon and armour types is chosen, this will affect all appropriate troops: both default starting troops and any gained from starting options. ❖ If an option allows a town or major town to be upgraded in size, it cannot be hidden at the time that it is upgraded. ❖ If an option requires a character to have a specific rank (such as agent rank), this refers to a rank greater than 0. ❖ If an option allows a character to be doubled, the character must have agent or emissary rank. ❖ Where an option’s details contradict any of these notes, the option details take precedence.

Default Nation Set-up Options

If you do not wish to create your own nation set-up (or we have not received your nation set-up by the time the game begins), a default nation set-up will be used. Default options are marked with a tick ( ). Note that the default options are only chosen if you do not send in a nation set-up. Sending in a nation set-up with only half the points spent will not result in default options being chosen to spend the remaining points.

Joining a Game

There are two main ways of joining a new game. The first is to simply contact us to tell us that you wish to play in a new game. We will then tell you what variant the next game will be (which version of the module and nation details are being used). You should then complete nation set-ups for at least three nations you are happy to play, and submit them to us. When the game is ready to begin, you will be told which of the nations you are playing, and receive your first turn. The second is to arrange with friends to play as a team. In which case, having agreed this with us, you can decide between you which nations you will each play, and then submit the nation set-ups to us.

New orders

In addition to the orders available in the Third Age, circa 1650 and Third Age, circa 2950 modules, several additional orders from the Fourth Age, circa 1000 module can be issued. The following order is available to all nations: 942 – Move Turn Map (order #942) In addition, the following orders may be available to certain nations, depending on the set-up options chosen: 496 – Build Road 960 – Increase Caravan Prices. 965 – Reduce Caravan Prices. Details of these orders can be found either in Appendix F at the end of this document, or in the new Middle-earth Guide.

New Encounters

The Kin-strife module features all new encounters. Success or failure may be based on skill ranks, challenge rank, race or nation to name but a few possibilites. Be aware that as in previous modules some encounters are deadly, though on the whole you'll find that encounters are more friendly than before. Occasionally characters will compete against NPCs encountered based on ranks other than Challenge Rank, so be wary. In addition, some encounters might appear at first glance to be identical to ones from other modules, but you might still find them to be different....

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Additional Rules

The One Ring

The One Ring victory is not allowed. At the time of the Kin-strife, the One Ring is still lost, and its tale is told in another story...

Recruiting Non-Player Characters

Many of the characters wandering the lands of Middle-earth can now not only be encountered, but enlisted to your nation, after which they can be issued orders as you would command your other characters. In addition, they may bring with them an additional Special Nation Ability, which you can then make use of. If you encounter a non-player character (NPC) that has the potential to be recruited, you will be given an Recruit option. Only characters with the emissary skill have a chance of recruiting an NPC. If a character without emissary skill attempts to recruit an NPC, the result may range from mildly annoying them to incurring their wrath and enmity. Warning: Unrecruited NPCs may have higher challenge ranks than you would expect! So treat them with caution. In order to attempt to recruit an NPC, the following conditions must be met:


The character must have encountered an NPC the previous turn, and been given the option to Recruit them.


Loyalist and Usurper nations can attempt to recruit NPCs who are either of the same allegiance or Neutral. (If a Loyalist or Usurper character attempts to recruit a Neutral NPC, the NPC is treated as if they are of the same same allegiance as the recruiting character.) Neutral nations can only recruit Neutral NPCs. The allegiance of NPCs is detailed in the Non-player Characters chapter of this module.

Free NPC Slot

Only one NPC can be recruited per nation each name character phase. Which is to say you can recruit one NPC between turns 0 – 5, another one between turns 6 – 10, etc. If you recruit an NPC and they die, you still cannot recruit another one until the next name character phase.

Free Character Slot NPCs count towards your nation’s character limit. In order to successfully recruit an NPC, then, you must have at least one free character slot available. The chance of successfully recruiting an NPC is roughly equivalent to the chance of an emissary successfully performing the 505 – Bribe/Recruit Character order. If the attempt is successful, the NPC joins your nation. From the next turn they can be issued orders in the same way as for any other character, and in addition you can then make use of any new Special Nation Ability granted to you by the NPC. If you gain a Special Nation Ability in this manner, you will retain it even if the NPC is later killed. If you already have the Special Nation ability granted by the NPC, you will not gain any extra/multiplied benefit. Other nations of your allegiance having Friendly and Tolerant relations with you will increase the chance of successfully recruiting an NPC, as it shows the NPC that your team is working well together. A successfully recruited NPC cannot be recruited by another player whilst they are under your control: they become, in all respects, another of your characters. An NPC with mage skill will have spells randomly assigned to them, unless it is otherwise mentioned that the particular NPC has specific spells.

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Additional Rules


Some characters are considered exceptional characters: champions. Champion characters can be issued an additional (third) order each turn. All normal rules and restrictions governing the issuing of orders still apply to this third order, so that even a champion character cannot be issued two skill orders of the same type in the same turn For example, Elrond, with mage, emissary and command ranks, could be given the following set of orders: 710 – Prentice Magery 550 – Improve Population Centre 185 – Downgrade Relations but not these orders: 185 – Downgrade Relations 300 – Change Tax Rate 408 – Recruit Heavy Infantry


Artifact IDs (numbers) will change from game to game.

Character limits

Character limits have been increased as follows: Turn 0–5 6 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21+

Total Characters Allowed 15 18 20 22 24

Maximum Recruited NPCs Allowed 1 2 3 4 5

Bear in mind that the total characters allowed includes any Recruited NPCs controlled. This means that if you recruit an NPC on the same turn as you try and name a new character, successfully recruit the NPC and as a result the character limit is reached, the name character order will fail. For Example: On turn 7 you are allowed a total of 18 characters. This could consists of 2 NPCs and 16 normal characters, 1 NPC and 17 normal characters, or no NPCs and 18 normal characters.

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Additional Rules

Neutral Nations Neutral Nations Changing Allegiance

Neutral nations have until turn 12 to change allegiance. Which is to say that turn 12 is the last turn they can attempt to change. If a neutral nation does not change by turn 12, they may continue to play the game, but cannot win. The two neutral nations are encouraged to each choose a different allegiance, and to change allegiance sooner rather than later in the game. This is achieved though the incentive of a prize for doing so. Specifically: ❖ The first neutral nation to successfully change allegiance gains the prize ❖ If the other neutral nation successfully changes to the other allegiance, on the same turn or subsequent turns, they also gain the prize ❖ If both neutral nations successfully change allegiance to the same allegiance on the same turn, neither gains the prize. The prize gained is based on the turn that the nation changes allegiance, as follows: Turn 1–4 5–8 9 – 12

Prize One character who is not already a champion becomes a champion. 20,000 gold, placed in the nation’s treasury. Upgrade one town to a major town One character who is not already a champion becomes a champion. Upgrade one town to a major town One character who is not already a champion becomes a champion.

The character who becomes a champion is the character with the highest combined skill ranks. Prizes are gained at the end of the turn when the nation successfully changes allegiance.

Pre-aligned Neutral Nations

If a game is to have pre-aligned neutrals, then unless otherwise stated the Line of Tirkhor will start the game as a Loyalist nation, and the Khazad will start the game as a Usurper nation. In such a case, they are considered Loyalist and Usurper accordingly for all starting options. For example, Castamir’s Bribes, which can affect all Usurper nations, will also also be able to affect affect the Khazad.

Order Formats

Orders for this game will only be accepted in the form of a file generated by Automagic or MEOW, sent to us attached to an email. Both these order-writing packages are freely available on request, or from our website. We will not accept orders for this game if they are sent on paper, faxed, 'cut and pasted' from Automagic or MEOW into an email, or written in the body of an email.

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Default Starting Nation Information

Default Starting Nation Information Spells

Unless otherwise specified (for example, through an option that allows you to pick a particular spell or spells), spells for characters with mage skill will be randomly determined.


Warships have a base strength of 3, unless affected by SNAs.

Population Centre Loyalty

Starting population centre loyalty ratings are based on size as follows: Population Centre Type Camp Village Town Major Town City

Loyalty 30 40 55 75 100

Army Morale & Troop Training

Starting army morale and troop training levels will be determined for each individual nation on a case by case method.

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Nations – An Overview

The Nations – An Overview Unlike other Middle-earth modules, there are only 14 nations in Kin-strife. This is both to facilitate team-work, and to ensure that games are filled and so begin more quickly. In a standard game of Kin-strife there are 6 Loyalist nations, 6 Usurper nations, and 2 Neutral nations. If the neutrals are pre-aligned then there are 7 Loyalist nations and 7 Usurper nations, with the Line of Tirkhor joining the Loyalists and the Khazad joining the Usurpers. At the core of the Loyalists are Eldacar and his allies, who are attempting to restore him to the throne of Gondor. Fighting with them are other Free Peoples of Middle-earth, who have found themselves embroiled in the events of the Kin-strife. In addition, the Loyalists can find further support amongst many of the Wizards and magical beings who walk the world. Opposing the Loyalists are the Usurpers. As well as Castamir himself and those noble lines bound to him, are the nations of the south who support his cause, as well as other nations whom Sauron has stirred to action. With close connections to Sauron’s Dark Servants and the Nazgul, the Usurpers will find it possible to recruit further Nazgul and monsters to join them.

The Loyalists

The Loyalists might well be described as falling into two groups: those who have chosen war, and those who have had war thrust upon them. The Line of Eldacar and the Rebels of Ered Lithui are both determined to see Castamir removed from the throne, Eldacar because he believes that the throne is his by birthright, and the Rebels because life under Castamir has become intolerable. And the nations of Rhovanion, also, tied to Eldacar by blood and by alliance, will not rest until he and his line are restored as the heirs of Gondor. For the Arnorians in the north, however, barely recovered from the Witch-king's recent assault, the last thing their King wished for was another war so soon, especially with Castamir's cessation of trade putting a strain on his nation's economy. And the Quendi ever seek to avoid meddling in the affairs of men, yet, sensing the influence of Sauron behind events overtaking Middle-earth, have little choice but to play their part in the Kin-strife.

1 –Line of Eldacar

The Line of Eldacar is an agent-based nation in Rhovanion, whose capital is, of necessity, hidden.

2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

The Rebels of Ered Lithui are located around the northern mountains of Mordor. Many of the Rebels are possessed of stealth, whilst the location of population centres are flexible, allowing them to be moved during game set-up.

3 – Rhovanion

The nation of Rhovanion takes its name from the lands its people call home, and is a character-based nation that also has many population centres.

4 – Horselords

The Horselords roam the plains of Rhovanion, and are a cavalry-based nation.

5 – Kingdom of Arnor

The Kingdom of Arnor covers a huge expanse of land to the west of the Misty Mountains. With many population centres to protect, their few armies are stretched thin.

6 – Quendi

The Quendi are scattered across the lands of Middle-earth. A character-based nation, a number of their population centres are hidden.

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Nations – An Overview

The Usurpers

The Usurpers are less a unified force than a collection of nations and individuals whose goals, be it for reasons of necessity or sheer chance, currently coincide. In the north, the Witch-king moves against what remains of old Kingdom of Arnor. In Gondor, Castamir and his family, aided by the Southron Kingdoms, seek to repel Eldacar and strengthen their hold over the land. And in the east, the Hithlum seize their opportunity to move against the Rhovanion people. Each benefits from the others' actions, yet it would be a mistake to call them truly allied. And even within Castamir's own faction there are divisions, with his father Calimehtar's brothers wielding a great deal of authority, to the extent that there are some who claim that they are the true powers behind the rebellion. And yet perhaps there is more unity behind the Usurpers than first appears. For it the Lieutenant of Sauron, the Witchking, who moves in the north. It is another of Sauron’s Dark Servants, Adunaphel, whose soft voice holds Zimrahkil, ambassador for the Southron Kingdoms, under her sway. The Cor Aran, or Black Crows, the secret police who maintain control throughout Gondor, are possessed of secrets and powers only those whose souls have been given over to Sauron can hope to wield. And the Hithlum, thinking that they fight to carve land for themselves, are by so doing acting according to Sauron's wishes in breaking the back of the allies of the Dunedain. Not yet ready to show his martial strength, nevertheless, the dark shadow of Sauron's influence lengthens across the land.

11 – Line of Castamir

The Line of Castamir has many characters and population centres. However, they must share the lands of Gondor, and its resources, with the Lines of Morlaen, Elendin and Tirkhor.

12 – Line of Morlaen

The Line of Morlaen is the second of the three Usurper nations in Gondor, whose leaders command Gondor’s secret police, the Cor Aran. It has many agent- and emissary-based characters.

13 – Line of Elendin

Responsible for maintaining the outposts of Gondor, The Line of Elendin is the third of the Usurper nations in Gondor, and can move their turn map to aid them in this task.

14 – Southron Kingdoms

The Southron Kingdoms, whose lands spread below Gondor and Mordor, are safe in the knowledge that at least their southern borders are safe from the possibility of attack.

15 – Hithlum

The five tribes of Easterling men boast fine cavalry armies.

16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

From the mountains of Angmar, the Witch-king wages war on Arnor with skilled mages and commanders.

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Nations – An Overview


The Kin-strife is but a civil war within a single realm. Yet its ramifications are felt throughout Middle-earth, and from the mountains of Angmar in the north to the Khand desert in the south, in one way or another, few remain unaffected by the struggle for Gondor's crown. But whilst most choose, or are compelled, to take sides, some however seek to remain neutral, be it for political reasons as is the case for the Line of Tirkhor, or economical reasons as is the case for the Dwarves. Yet as the Kin-strife escalates, it is becoming ever clearer that even these nations will surely have to declare for Usurper or Loyalist cause soon, else become overwhelmed by the war raging about them.

21 – Line of Tirkhor

The fourth nation in Gondor, the Line of Tirkhor have sought to remain neutral in the conflict, an attempt made possible by their strong mages, and the finest cavalry force in Gondor.

22 – Khazad

The dwarves of Middle-earth, scattered like the Quendi throughout the land, are renowned for the strength of their cities’ walls, defended with great military might.

How to View the Nation Details

Because many of the elements of the nations can be altered as a result of nation set-up choices, the information given about each nation below must be seen as providing an idea of what that nation may look like, rather than an accurate description of the nation at game start. In most cases, the information given is the basic starting information, before any nation set-up choices have been made, or improvements purchased. Two important exceptions to this are as follows: The Special Nation Abilities shown are those that can be chosen during nation set-up. A nation will not start with these abilities unless they are purchased during set-up. Some nations can choose to purchase extra characters during set-up. These characters are shown in italics on the character list. As with the Special Nation Abilities, a nation will not start with these extra characters unless they are purchased during set-up. Characters of Note are not necessarily the most powerful of the nation’s characters, though this is often the case. Rather, they are those that featured most prominently in the Kin-strife, and are mentioned here both to provide a better idea of the nations, and to facilitate role-playing. Climate Terrain Modifier tables for each nation have been collated in the appendices rather than divided among the nation details, to allow more easy comparison between them. Finally, for some nations, names and descriptions of minor characters, that are not starting characters for that nation, have been given. We have included these so that, if you wish, you can to create the same characters that were active during the Kin-strife, and described by Tolkien and ICE.

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#1 – Line of Eldacar

#1 – Line of Eldacar Background "But is it?" Eldacar muttered. "Or is it just foolish pride?" "Eh?" Started out of his own reverie, Vidurafin looked up from the fire's hypnotic dance to where Eldacar sat opposite him. "Did you speak?" Eldacar was silent for a long moment. "I was wondering. For close on ten years I've worked to regain the throne. Lives have been lost, and countless more men will die in the battles ahead. Always I tell myself that the cause is just, that Castamir is not fit to sit upon the throne of Gondor. But what if I am fooling myself? What if it is just pride that drives me, and the desire for power? After all, the blood of the Dunedain runs weaker in my veins than Castamir – perhaps he should be allowed to rule?" Vidurafin sighed. "If I had a coin for every time I've heard you question yourself..." Despite himself, Eldacar smiled. "Then we'd be able to buy our victory. I know, I know. But still–" "But still you continue to torture yourself. And it is proper that you do so – a leader who does not doubt, who does not consider the cost of what he is doing, has no right to rule. So let me ask you: do you think that Castamir counts the dead whose lives bought him the throne? Do you think he suffers nightmares and feels guilt over his actions? No. And that is why he is not worthy of sitting on the throne, and that is why you must do what you do." Eldacar nodded. "There is truth in what you say, I know it. And yet what is done is done. My actions will not restore those who died in the war to life, all they will do is add to the tally of lives lost. So is it not better to leave him the throne even if, as you say, I might rule the more wisely, if so doing will save lives? Who am I to decide to send thousands to their deaths?" "You're right." Emerging from the shadows, Vidustain joined the conversation. Eldacar, rousing himself at the sight of his friend, grinned. "Why, thank you for your vote of confidence. Shouldn't you be on patrol in the Brown lands, making yourself useful for a change?" Vidustain shrugged, settling himself by the fire. "The morning is soon enough to set off. But I meant what I said. You are right. It is not your place to decide whether or not we should fight this war." Eldacar frowned. "I had thought you spoke in jest. After all, have I not heard you speak on many occasion of the time when you and I will ride in victory through the gates of Osgiliath? Do you now doubt this cause is true? If so, I urge you to speak of it, and freely." Vidustain waved his hand in dismissal. "No, no, you misunderstand me. When I say that it is not your place to decide whether to fight, I do not mean that we should not, but rather that the decision is not yours to make. Was never yours to make." Vidurafin nodded. "My son speaks wisdom. For a change." He ducked as Vidustain flung a chicken bone his way. "You always speak as if this war is bought about at your bidding. But ask the rebels who took back Minas Ithil who they fight for, and it won't be your name they mention. They fight for their families and their friends held captive, or who are forced to work more as slaves than free men in the fields and in the garrisons. They fight for their homes, and for their freedom. Or ask the men of Rhovanion why they support you, and the answer will be as mine, that without a Gondor they can trust, our lands will ever be threatened. "No, the decision to go to war is not yours. War will come whether you wish it or not. Your part is to be all that they expect you to be, and to shoulder the burden of doubt that they need not bear it themselves." For a moment the silence was broken only by the soft crackle of the fire. Then Vidustain gave Eldacar's shoulder a push. Version 1.01

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#1 – Line of Eldacar

"So. Are we done soul-searching for tonight?" Eldacar smiled, nodded. "Good," Vidustain said. "Then I propose a toast. To next year in Osgiliath." Eldacar and Vidurafin raised their mugs. "To Osgiliath."

Led by Eldacar, rightful heir to the throne of Gondor, the Line of Eldacar is a nation in exile. Given sanctuary by the people Rhovanion, Eldacar's family reside in Buhr Widu, a town whose location and even name is a secret the Rhovanion guard with their lives, so that even the Cor Aran have, so far, been unable to determine its location. A fact upon which Eldacar's life has long depended. However, whilst initially his position was a perilous one, the years since his enforced exile have seen those who fled with him establish several new villages and even towns in the fertile lands of Rhovanion, and also raise armies of increasing size. Meanwhile, grown bold by the prospect of Eldacar's imminent return, the three watchposts along the Dagorlad road of Romenost, Thorontir and Warfinger have openly proclaimed themselves loyal to him. Now, with Minas Ithil falling to the Rebels of Ered Lithui, his own son journeying south to take command of the city, and with the might of the Rhovanion behind him, Eldacar believes himself, finally, to be in a position to retake the throne of Gondor. And yet even so, he is more than aware of just how perilous his position is, and to the extent that he must rely on the support of others, both the Rhovanions and the Rebels of Ered Lithui. Without them, he is but a man; with them, he might once again be King of Gondor.

General Information Starting Gold 49,600.


Buhr Widu (Located at 3012)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Eldacar the Once and Future King. Known as Vulfila when in hiding. Aerinel, Eldacar’s wife Vinyaran, Eldacar’s youngest son. Prince Harith, bodyguard to Eldacar. A Southron prince, he was sent to Eldacar when a child. Magor, Eldacar’s most trusted agent and spy.

Starting Characters Character Aerinel Carnedil Eldacar Harith Lidmir Magor Marencil Vinyaran

Version 1.01

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 0 10 0 20 0 3616 Female 0 10 0 0 0 3116 40 0 20 0 0 2711 Army Commander, Champion 10 10 0 0 0 3316 Army Commander 30 0 0 0 0 3012 0 10 0 20 0 3108 0 10 0 0 0 2711 Can be purchased during nation set-up 10 0 0 0 0 2720 Army Commander

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#1 – Line of Eldacar

Starting Population Centres Name Buhr Lomia Buhr Mantros Buhr Widu Coron Ereg Dale Gurth-coron Romenost Thorontir Warfinger

Location 2711 2720 3012 2220 3108 3219 3116 3316 3616

Size Major Town Town Major Town Camp Town Camp Town Town Town

Fortifications Notes Tower Tower Harbour Fort Capital, Hidden Tower Tower Tower Tower

Starting Forces Location 2720 2711 3316

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry 200


Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships 10 10

500 800

Potential Special Nation Abilities ❖ New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. ❖ New armies may be hired at no cost using the 770 – Hire Army order. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ New armies start with a morale of 40.

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#1 – Line of Eldacar

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 01J001 01J002 01J003 01J004

Cost 1000 1000 1000 2000

Option Army/Navy at 3316 gains 500 LC; Army/Navy at 2720 gains 400 LI. Army/Navy at 2711 gains 500 HI and 500 LI. Army/Navy at 3316 gains 500 LC; Army/Navy at 2711 gains 500 AR. Army/Navy at 3316 gains 800 LC; Army/Navy at 2720 gains 600 LI.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 01N001 01N002 01N003 01N004

Cost 500 1300 1800 1000



01N006 01N007

1000 1000

01N008 01N009 01N010 01N011 01N012 01N013 01N014 01N015 01N016 01N017

2700 2000 2000 2500 500 400 800 300 700 1000



01N019 01N020

2000 2000



Version 1.01

Option Eldacar gains 30 Stealth rank. Eldacar gains 20 Emissary rank. Eldacar gains 20 Emissary rank. Eldacar gains Castamir's Bane (750 Combat Item) and Valacar's Mail (25 Command Item). Eldacar gains Vidugavia's Needle (1250 Combat Item) and Greenwood Boots (20 Stealth Item). Magor gains 10 Stealth rank. Lidmir loses all Command rank, but gains 10 Agent rank and 10 Emissary rank. All Characters with Agent skill gain 10 Stealth rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Stealth rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. All Characters without Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank. All Characters with Command skill gain 10 Command rank. All Characters with Command skill gain 10 Command rank. A specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to Capital. A specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to Capital. Gain the Character Marencil; lose 8,000 Gold. Magor gains 20 Mage rank, and has the following spells: Teleport, Scry Hex, Scry Area and Scry Character. All Characters without Emissary skill gain 10 Emissary rank.



Character Character Character

Character Character

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#1 – Line of Eldacar

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Koashun, Radagast, Saruman, Feamirie Option 01Q001 01Q002 01Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s.

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Additionals Location


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 01R001

Cost 1500











01R007 01R008

1000 1500



01R010 01R011 01R012 01R013

1000 1000 2000 800







01R017 01R018 01R019 01R020 01R021

1300 1300 1500 400 1000





Version 1.01

Option Move Buhr Widu to 2912, 3112, 3013 or 3113. Any Characters at the old Capital Location who are not Army/Navy Commanders move to the new Location. Build a Road from 2711 to 2610, and a Road from 3112 through 3111 to 3010. The Harbour at 2720 becomes a Port, and Population Centre at 2720 gains 2000 Timber. Gain a Hidden Camp at a specified Location north of row xx10 and east of column 24xx. Lose 20,000 Gold from starting treasury; target Loyalist Nation gains 25,000 Gold. Target Loyalist Nation gains 5000 Gold, and 5000 Food at their Capital. Rhovanion gains 5000 Gold, and 5000 Food at their Capital Relations with Line of Elendin, Southron Kingdoms and Line of Castamir downgraded to Hated. A specified Loyalist Nation upgrades their Relationship with Line of Eldacar to Friendly, and the Line of Eldacar’s relations to them are upgraded to Friendly. Where possible, all Tolerated Relationships are upgraded to Friendly. Un-hide Capital. Gain 10,000 Gold in treasury. All Towns gain one level of Fortifications. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town; downgrade a specified Major Town to a Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City; downgrade two specified Towns to Villages. Reduce Loyalty of a specified Major Town by 50; gain a level of Fortification on that Population Centre. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City; downgrade a specified Major Town to a Village. Gain 2,000 Leather at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 200 Mithril at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Gain the ability to recruit MAs from Friendly Population Centres. Buy any one option from another Loyalist's Table R at the cost of both this option and the other Nation’s option. The following options are exceptions which can not be chosen: 02R001, 02R014, 03R001, 04R002, 05R002, 05R014, 05R015, 05R020, 05R021, 06R001, 06R002, 06R003, 06R004, 06R005, 06R006 and 06R011. Start the game with the Character Aldarmir Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Double specified Loyalist Character of a nation other than the Line of Eldacar. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.)

Location & Pop. Centre Name Nation Nation


Town & M. Town M. Town & 2 Towns M. Town M. Town to upgrade, M. Town to downgrade M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City Option


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Option 01R024

Cost 1000

Option Double three specified Loyalist Characters of a nation other than the Line of Eldacar. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with the Rhovanion Character Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.)





Start the game with the Rhovanion Character Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.)



Start the game with the Rhovanion Character Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.)

01R028 01R029

1000 2000

All ‘Eldacar’s Gift’ options (01R030 – 01R045) cost 500 less. All ‘Eldacar’s Gift’ options (01R030 – 01R045) cost 300 less.



01R031 01R032

1000 1000









01R037 01R038

1000 1000















Eldacar’s Gift. All other Loyalist Nations gain 50 Mithril at their Capital. Eldacar’s Gift. All other Loyalist Nations’ Capitals gain 5 Loyalty. Eldacar’s Gift. All other Loyalist Nations gain the following SNA: ‘Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if Army/Navy force–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if Army/Navy force–marching.’ Eldacar’s Gift. Hide any Population Centre not belonging to the Line of Eldacar. Eldacar’s Gift. Give any Population Centre that is not a Major Town or City to another Loyalist Nation. Eldacar’s Gift. Give 2 specified Camps to another single specified Loyalist Nation. Eldacar’s Gift. Give 2 specified Camps to another single specified Loyalist Nation. Eldacar’s Gift. Give 20,000 Gold to another Loyalist Nation. Eldacar’s Gift. Three separate specified Population Centres belonging to another single Loyalist Nation each gain 20 Loyalty; the Line of Eldacar Nation loses 5,000 Gold. Eldacar’s Gift. A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 Command rank. Eldacar’s Gift. A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 Agent rank. Eldacar’s Gift. A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 Emissary rank. Eldacar’s Gift. A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 Mage rank. Eldacar’s Gift. A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 Stealth rank. Eldacar’s Gift. Grudge Game Only: A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 rank to a specified skill whose rank is currently 0. Eldacar’s Gift. Grudge Game Only: A specified Character of another Loyalist Nation gains 10 rank to a specified skill whose rank is currently 0.

#1 – Line of Eldacar Additionals 3 Characters


Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm Osric, Sesha Fairn or Granhelm

Pop. Centre Pop. Centre & Loyalist Nation 2 Camps & Loyalist Nation 2 Camps & Loyalist Nation Loyalist Nation 3 Pop. Centres Character Character Character Character Character Character, Skill Character, Skill

Note: All Eldacar’s Gift options (11R030 – 11R045) are applied after all nation’s Table N options.

Version 1.01

27 of 132


Option 01R046

Cost 500





01R049 01R051 01R052 01R053 01R054 01R055 01R056

700 500 1500 1100 2200 1500 500

Option Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 2 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 2 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 4 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 6 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the ID and name of Artifacts held by a specified NPC Character.

#1 – Line of Eldacar Additionals


2 NPCs 4 NPCs 6 NPCs NPC

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 01V001

Cost 4000







Version 1.01

Option New Emissaries can start with an Emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order New Armies may be hired at no cost using the 770 – Hire Army/Navy order. New Armies start with a morale of 40. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has double the relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army/Navy 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters New Emissaries can start with an Emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. New Armies start with a morale of 40. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has double the relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army/Navy 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters



28 of 132


#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui Background Flanked by an honour guard whose mounts moved with heads held high, Prince Aldarmir, son of Eldacar, entered the city of Minas Ithil. Flags caught in the breeze, emblems of a dozen noble lines, many tattered, yet all proud in the morning air. Sunlight reflected from the burnished armour and polished swords of soldiers who stood atop the battlements and turrets, whilst, lining the street four and five deep, the people of the city roared their approval. The air filled with petals tossed from windows, Aldarmir rode as if through a dream, hand raised in acknowledgement of their welcome. Coming to a halt at the end of the central avenue, he dismounted to greet the man who made his way down the palace steps. Spurning the uniform of a soldier and the dress of nobility both, he was adorned instead in stained leather armour, with a crude yet clearly well-used sword hanging without scabbard from his side. Cheeks unshaven, his face was lined and weather-worn, though he moved with the strength of a young man. For a long moment the two men stared at one another, and the crowd fell silent. Then, with slow deliberation, Bregor, leader of the rebels who had claimed Minas Ithil for Eldacar, lowered himself to one knee, acknowledging his prince. Drawing his sword, Aldarmir placed the flat of its length first on Bregor's left shoulder, then on his right, before bidding him rise as Knight of Gondor. And the crowd's cheers were renewed as Bregor stood and accepted Aldarmir's outstretched hand, so that the words he murmured to Aldarmir as he pulled him close were lost to all but the prince. "The people love you, princeling. And for that, we need you. But this is my city, and these are my people. We fought for freedom, not to replace one oppressive rule with another. So you will be our puppet. You will do what we say, and you will do it when we say. Because we'll be watching you, watching close. And if you don't learn your place, well, you are not the only one with Dunedain blood in your veins, and if this war has taught us anything, it is that noble blood stains the ground as easily as that of a commoner. We are at the dawn of new age, an age of freedom, an age of power for the people. It is we who will return you and your family to the throne, and your debt will be to us. Learn that, and learn that well, and we'll get along just fine. "Now, smile for the people. My lord."

Of the people of Gondor, the vast majority remained when Castamir took the throne. Some, however, fled north with Eldacar, whilst others yet moved east, carving first camps then towns and forts in the mountains of Mordor. At first they were small in number, but as the years passed and discontent over Castamir's rulership grew, more and more slipped away to the rebel strongholds. The Cor Aran, aware of the growing danger the rebels presented, especially should they establish links with Eldacar, sent assassins. But the loyalty of those close to the rebels ensured that few of the Cor Aran managed even to get near to the strongholds, and those who did inevitably perished, either on the harsh mountains or at the hands of the Rebel scouts. Castamir was urged to send troops to deal with the Rebels, but by then rumours of Eldacar's return were rife, and he had neither the time nor the men to deal with them. And in truth, perhaps he underestimated their strength, their support, and determination. Something that was to cost him dear when, even as Eldacar approached from the north, Minas Ithil itself fell to the Rebels.

General Information Starting Gold 13,920.


Minas Aglar (Located at 3521)

Characters of Note

❖ Bregor, the leader of the rebels. ❖ Aldarmir, eldest son of Eldacar, who has been invited to take command of Minas Ithil.

Version 1.01

29 of 132


#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

Starting Characters Character Aldarmir Bregor Colran Dreaglin Emard Finod Malscor Tanor

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 10 0 20 0 0 3124 Champion 50 0 20 0 5 3929 0 30 0 0 5 3224 0 5 10 0 5 3124 20 5 10 0 5 3124 Army Commander 20 5 0 0 5 3421 Army Commander 20 5 0 0 5 3729 Army Commander 0 0 0 40 0 3521

Starting Population Centres Name Bar Danath Bar-en-Mereth Eithel Gorgurth Gondbar Grimfall Grimford Hul Borgath Hunderag Rock Khosa Lag Nurnen Lithui Aren Malgroth Minas Aglar Minas Ithil Minas Tarrond Osthalion Seregost

Location 3229 3331 3335 3223 3921 3421 4133 4135 3733 3929 4121 3125 3521 3124 4031 3224 3729

Size Fortifications Camp Camp Camp Village Town Village Camp Camp Camp Town Camp Camp Major Town Tower Major Town Castle Town Town Town

Notes Hidden

Hidden Capital


Starting Forces Location 3124 3729 3421

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry 600 100 200

Heavy Infantry 600

Light Infantry 600

Archers 600

Men at Arms 200

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New agents can start with an agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order. ❖ New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ All characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover secrets as if they have an emissary skill rank of 40 (or higher if they have an emissary skill rank of greater than 40).

Version 1.01

30 of 132


#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 02J001

Cost 1000

02J002 02J003 02J004

1000 1000 2000

Option Army/Navy at 3124 gains 200 LC, 200 HI, 200 LI, 200AR and 600 MA. Army/Navy at 3729 gains 700 LC. Army/Navy at 3421 gains 200 HI, 400 LI, 200 AR and 400 MA. All Armies/Navies gain 400 LC.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 02N001 02N002 02N003 02N004

Cost 800 1000 1500 1500

02N005 02N006 02N007 02N008

2000 1500 2500 500





02N011 02N012 02N013 02N014

1700 2200 3000 1000





Version 1.01

Option Aldarmir gains a 500 Combat Item and a 15 Command Item. Aldarmir gains 20 Command rank. Finod and Aldarmir each gain 20 Command rank. Colran, Dreaglin and Mascor each gain either 10 Agent rank or 10 Emissary rank. Aldarmir and Bregor each gain 20 Emissary rank each. Specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. Bregor gains a 500 Combat Item and a 10 Stealth Item. Gain three 500 Combat Items, which will be randomly allocated to your Characters. A specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to Capital. A specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to Capital. All Characters with Stealth skill gain 5 Stealth rank. All Characters with Stealth skill gain 5 Stealth rank. All Characters with Stealth skill gain 5 Stealth rank. 4 specified Characters with exactly 15 Stealth rank lose 15 Stealth rank and gain 10 Agent rank. 4 specified Characters with Stealth skill lose all their Stealth rank and gain 20 Command rank. All armies gain 300 Light cavalry. Lose 10 Emissary rank from specified Character with Emissary rank of 20 or more. Second specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank.



Skill Character

Character Character

4 Characters 4 Characters Character to Lose, Character to gain

31 of 132


#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Gandalf, Gwaihir, Landroval, Meneldor. Option 02Q001 02Q002 02Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Additionals Location


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 02R001

Cost 1000







02R005 02R006 02R007 02R008

1000 1500 1000 1500







02R012 02R013

1000 1000

02R014 02R015 02R017

500 500 500

02R018 02R019

1100 500





Version 1.01

Option Move Minas Aglar to 3420, 3522 or 3422. Any Characters at the old Capital Location who are not Army/Navy Commanders move to the new Location. Move a specified Town to 3531, 3330, 3831, 3821 or 3822. Destination location cannot already have a Population Centre. Move a specified Town to 3531, 3330, 3831, 3821 or 3822. Destination location cannot already have a Population Centre. Move a specified Camp or Village to any land hex. Destination location cannot already have a Population Centre. List three possible Destination’s locations (these will be checked for validity in order given). Hide specified population Centre smaller than a Town. Hide specified population Centre smaller than a Town. Un-hide specified Town you control; gain 15,000 Gold in treasury. Un-hide specified Population Centre you control; gain 15,000 Gold in treasury. Upgrade a specified Camp to a Village; downgrade a specified Village to a Camp. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town; downgrade a specified Town to a Village. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town; downgrade specified a Major Town to a Town. Specified Desert Hex within Mordor changed to Plains. Downgrade Relations with the Line of Morlaen and one specified Nation to Hated. Upgrade Relations with the Line of Eldacar to Friendly. Upgrade Relations with any specified Loyalist Nation to Friendly. Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).

Town & Destination Town & Destination Camp or Village & 3 Destinations Camp or Village Camp or Village Town Population Centre Camp & Village Village & Town Town & M. Town Location Nation Loyalist Nation

32 of 132


#2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 02V001

Cost 4000







Version 1.01

Option New Agents can start with an Agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order. All Characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover secrets as if they have an Emissary skill rank of 40 (or higher if they have an Emissary skill rank of greater than 40). New Characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their Stealth rank. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army/Navy 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Character New Agents can start with an Agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army/Navy 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters New Agents can start with an Agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order. New Characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their Stealth rank.



33 of 132


#3 – Rhovanion

#3 –Rhovanion Background Vidurafin stood in the eaves of the great forest. Dusk was settling on the trees, and in the fading half-light bats danced and swooped, their cries almost beyond the range of his hearing, though he seemed to recall that in his youth they had been clearer by far. He had always enjoyed this time of the evening, when the duties of day gave way to the quiet of night, when, throughout the forest and the plains beyond, fires of the villages and camps spread to mirror the stars, his land delineated and given form. Had always enjoyed the play of the bats, and soft sounds of the creatures of the night as they stirred in the undergrowth. Yet now he found himself ill at ease, the darkness seeming no longer a comfort but instead almost threatening. The world was changing, that he knew, as did any with eyes to see and wit to understand. And it seemed that the land itself was also restless. Almost daily, the Greenwood gave way yet further to the Mirkwood, as the influence of the Necromancer and his servants spread. Unnatural creatures lurked in shadows and took wing on the night, creatures that even his best men feared, whilst the elves were seen but rarely, slowly retreating, giving up their hold on the forest. And it was not just the Greenwood. On the plains, the scouts of the Hithlum were seen with increasing frequency. Roads that were once open were now only travelled by those with great need, and then under guard. And to the west, the fertile lands of the Great River seemed to take on the chill of autumn earlier with each passing year, the dark shadows of the Misty Mountains reaching out across the land. Then, of course, to the south there was Gondor. Over the centuries, the Rhovanions’ relationship with the men of Gondor had oft-times shifted, sometimes the one ignoring the other, sometimes trading, sometimes even warily hostile. But in recent centuries, it had seemed that relations had never been more favourable. Indeed, his own forefathers had secured alliance with the Lords of Gondor, an alliance sealed in marriage and in blood. And yet now, that very alliance had brought him to the brink of war with Gondor, so that even as he stood watching the dusk, his men marched south in support of Eldacar. Was there anything he could have done differently? Surely he could not have refused Eldacar refuge when Castamir had taken Osgiliath. Then, just as surely, he could not then have refused to aid and defend him, bound as they were by blood and by alliance. And how could he not later have pledged further support to see him restored to the throne? No, there was nothing in his actions that he would have altered, could have altered. War, it seemed, was fated. And, if he knew the land and what it had to tell of the future, he feared that the Kin-strife was but the beginning. That before this was over the world would be reshaped, reforged either by the courage of man or the darkness of evil. Yet that was not his to worry about. To him was fallen but one task, to place Eldacar upon the throne once more, whilst ensuring that his own people were protected. So the fates had decreed. And so it would be.

Ever since, in 1248, King Minalcar of Gondor sent aid to the Rhovanions to help in driving back the latest Hithlum incursion, the men of Rhovanion have been staunch allies of Gondor. An alliance further cemented first by the marriage of Vidumavi, daughter of the King of Rhovanion, to Valacar, son of the King of Gondor, then still further when their union produced Eldacar, heir to the throne of Gondor. When Castamir's rebellion succeeded in overthrowing Eldacar, then, it was only natural that Rhovanion provide the exiled king with shelter and protection. And only natural, too, that they should aid him yet further now, in his attempt to re-take the throne. So that whilst the latest Hithlum incursion has forced King Vidurafin to divide his attention between Gondor and the east, still, when Eldacar marches on Gondor, he will not be alone.

Version 1.01

34 of 132


#3 – Rhovanion

General Information Starting Gold



Buhr Waldmarh (Located at 3213)

Characters of Note

❖ King Vidurafin of Rhovanion.

Starting Characters Character Aerlac Ailgrawen Amandiril Bearnad Braccha Dorradan Granhelm Haladan Osric Peredan Sesha Fairn Vidurafin

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 30 0 0 0 0 3213 Army Commander 0 20 0 10 0 3006 Female 30 20 20 0 0 2608 30 0 0 0 0 3109 Army Commander 0 0 30 10 0 3212 30 0 0 0 0 3114 Army Commander 30 10 0 0 0 2508 Army Commander 30 0 10 0 0 2619 Army Commander 20 20 0 0 0 2518 20 0 20 0 0 3110 10 10 10 0 0 3213 Female 40







Starting Population Centres Name Ariauriath Buhr Ailgra Buhr Waldmahr Caras Amarth Esgaroth Falagund Hithrond Hope Downs Hovisae Iach Celduin Londaroth Maethelburg Methedras Nimrond Rogin Galad Silhith Strayhold Tharsul Thinband Wellinghall

Version 1.01

Location 2619 3212 3213 2608 3109 2505 2705 2510 3006 3111 3110 2508 3608 2712 3310 2518 3114 2520 3514 2615

Size Town Major Town City Town Major Town Camp Town Camp Town Town Town Major Town Camp Camp Village Town Major Town Town Village Town

Fortifications Notes Tower Tower Fort Capital Tower Tower Harbour

Tower Tower Tower

Tower Tower Tower

35 of 132


#3 – Rhovanion

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

3213 3114 2508 3109 2619

Light Cavalry


Heavy Infantry 1200 600 600 200 200

Light Infantry 800 200 400 200 800



Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships

200 400

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. ❖ The nation can buy from the market at 20% less than the given buy price, and sell to the market at 200% greater than the given sell price. ❖ The nation can issue the following orders to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: 960 – Increase Caravan Prices 965 – Reduce Caravan Prices ❖ Armies lose no morale for force marching.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 03J001 03J002 03J003 03J004 03J005

Cost 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000



Version 1.01

Option Army/Navy at 3213 gains 400 HI and 400 LI. Army/Navy at 3114 gains 600 HI, 600 LI, 500 AR and 800 MA. Army/Navy at 3213 gains 300 HI; Army/Navy at 2508 gains 400 HI. Army/Navy at 3109 gains 600 LI; Army/Navy at 2619 gains 300 HI. Army/Navy at 3109 gains 300 LC; Army/Navy at 3109 loses 200 HI and 200 LI. Army/Navy at 2619 gains 400 LI; Army/Navy at 3213 gains 400 HI.



36 of 132


#3 – Rhovanion

Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 03N001 03N002 03N003 03N004 03N005

Cost 1700 3700 1000 2000 700

03N006 03N007 03N008 03N009 03N010 03N011 03N012

700 800 1000 1000 2000 500 3200











Option Vidurafin gains a 20 Command Item and a 1000 Combat Item. Vidurafin gains a 10 Stealth Item and a 10 Agent Item. All Characters with Mage skill gain 30 Mage rank. Specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. All Characters with Command skill and no Agent skill gain 10 Agent rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Stealth rank. A specified Character without Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character without Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Command rank. 4 specified Characters with command rank either gain 20 command skill each, or 10 agent skill each. Excluding Vidurafin. Gain three 500 Combat Items, which will be randomly allocated to Characters. Gain three 750 Combat Items, which will be randomly allocated to Characters. Gain one 1000 combat Item, which will be randomly allocated to a Character. specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to your Capital. specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to a Population Centre you control.



Character Character Character Character Character Character Character 4 Characters & skill to gain

Character Character & Pop. Centre

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Michel Bandy, Gwaihir, Landroval, Meneldor, Treebeard, Skinbark, Leaflock. Option 03Q001 03Q002 03Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 03R001

Cost 1000

03R002 03R003 03R004

800 500 700





03R007 03R008 03R009 03R010

500 500 3000 1500

Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to Maethelburg or Esgaroth. Build a Road from 2508 through 2609 to 2610. Build a Road from 3010 to 3109. Fortify a specified Camp or Village by one level (Population Centre need not be fortified already). Fortify a specified Village or Town by one level (Population Centre need not be fortified already). Change two specified hexes of Forest terrain within Mirkwood (south of xx12) to Plains. Upgrade Relations to Horselords to Friendly. Downgrade Relations to Witch–realm of Angmar to Hated. Change Tax Rate to 60%. All Population Centres lose 15 Loyalty. All Population Centres gain 15 Loyalty.

Additionals Maethelburg or Esgaroth


Camp or Village Village or Town Two Forest Hexes

37 of 132


Option 03R011 03R012 03R013 03R014

Cost 2500 800 1000 1200

Option Gain 1000 Mounts and 2000 Leather at Capital. Gain 1,000 Timber at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a Major Town or City. Training of Army/Navy of choice increased by 30.



Training of Army/Navy of choice increased by 60.

















Add 500 Mounts to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 1000 Leather to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 1000 Bronze to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 1000 Steel to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 1000 Timber to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 2000 Food to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 2000 Food to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion. Add 2000 Food to specified Loyalist Population Centre that does not belong to Rhovanion.

#3 – Rhovanion Additionals


M. Town or City M. Town or City Army/Navy Location Army/Navy Location Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 03V001

Cost 4000





Version 1.01

Option New Emissaries can start with an Emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. Armies lose no Morale for Army/Navy marching. The Nation can buy from the Market at 20% less than the given Buy Price, and sell to the Market at 20% greater than the given Sell Price. The Nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 960 – Increase Caravan Prices 965 – Reduce Caravan Prices New Emissaries can start with an Emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. The Nation can buy from the Market at 20% less than the given Buy Price, and sell to the Market at 20% greater than the given Sell Price. The Nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 960 – Increase Caravan Prices 965 – Reduce Caravan Prices Armies lose no Morale for Army/Navy marching.



38 of 132


#4 – Horselords

#4 – Horselords Background "My Lord!" Breathless, Eolad, dusty from hard riding, reigned in his lathered mount before Vidustain. Tossing him a flask, Vidustain bid him drink. Gulping down mouthfuls of water, Eolad emptied the rest over his head before, somewhat calmer, he began again. "My Lord, we have found the remains of a camp-fire on the western bank of the Redwater. And there are tracks, leading not east but west." Vidustain frowned. "How many?" "Not more than a dozen. All on horseback, but without spare mounts, unless I miss my guess." Vidustain blew out his held breath in relief. It was not the army he had feared. But if it were a scouting party, the Hithlum were growing bold to venture beyond the river. And if it were the reconnaissance for a coming army, then even more vital that they did not live to re-cross the river and bring back their report. Calling for Falodan he bid him instruct the unit to prepare to ride, before looking to Eolad. "I need you to lead us to the scent. Have you strength enough to ride more this day?" Eolad grinned. "If there is a chance my spear can taste Easterling flesh, I would ride another ten without rest." Vidustain returned his smile. "Let us hope that will not be necessary. Take for yourself a new mount, and be ready to ride within the hour." The tracks had lead west and then turned north, perhaps to complete a circular journey. But, the riders slowed through need for caution, their tracks became rapidly fresher, and even as the sun was doused by the land, setting Mirkwood aflame, their dust could be seen. Calling a halt, Vidustain bid his men take mounts that had not yet been ridden that day. Then, as they discarded travelling cloaks to reveal the shining armour and emblems of Rhovanion, he placed his horn to his lips, and its bright cry rang out across the plains as the Rhovanion charged. The battle was scarce worthy of such a name. The Hithlum were equipped for scouting not battle, and their mounts already weary. And whilst they turned and fought, they could not hope to stand against the charge of the Rhovanion. Vidustain himself bought the last from his mount, and, moving to stand over him where he lay, pressed the point of his sword to the man's neck. "If you value your life, you will tell us your business here," he growled. "Speak, and I will spare you. Remain silent, and your body will be food for the crows." The Hithlum opened his mouth as if to speak. But then, sticking out his tongue, he bit down hard with teeth filed to sharpened points. Mouth filled with blood, with a cry of pain and defiance he spat his severed tongue at Vidustain. Almost wearily, Vidustain pressed down with his sword, ending the Hithlum's life. Whatever was to be learned, it was not to be learned from this man. But one thing was certain: the Hithlums' forays were growing more frequent and more bold. The wind carried a scent of war that would surely not be long in coming. And even as he longed for the chance of glory it offered, so he could not help but also be afraid, not of death but of failure, with the knowledge that his was the responsibility for keeping the Easterlings from his people’s homes resting as a heavy weight on his shoulders. Leaving the fallen Hithlum for the birds, Vidustain led his men south and west, to take report back to his father.

Version 1.01

39 of 132


#4 – Horselords

If King Vidurafin of Rhovanion aids Eldacar from a sense of duty and family ties, his eldest son, Prince Vidustain , does so out of friendship. A master of horses, Vidustain has charge of Rhovanion's cavalry, and to him falls the task of patrolling the vast plains of southern and eastern Rhovanion. With attack imminent from the Hithlum, and Castamir hardly likely to sit and wait for Eldacar to advance into Gondor, it seems likely that his cavalry will be hard-stretched, forced to guard against invasion from both south and east. Yet it is a challenge Vidustain relishes, vowing one day to ride victorious through the gates of Osgiliath at Eldacar's side.

General Information Starting Gold



Buhr Mahrling (Located at 3612)

Characters of Note ❖ Prince Vidustain, eldest son of King Vidurafin of Rhovanion.

Starting Characters Character Adunekhor Aendwen Ap-Brigg Ap-Coleen Earlan Eolad Falodan Maremil Thorean Vidustain

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 0 20 10 20 10 4217 Female 20 0 0 0 0 3512 Female 10 0 0 20 0 3914 Female 20 0 0 20 0 3019 Female 10 0 40 0 0 3612 Can be purchased during nation set-up 20 0 0 0 0 3612 Army Commander 20 0 0 0 0 3914 Army Commander 20 0 0 0 0 3711 Army Commander 10 20 20 0 0 3814 Can be purchased during nation set-up 40 0 0 0 0 4013 Champion, Army Commander

Starting Population Centres Name Belicos Buhr Mahrling Dilgul Harnbar Illanin Kinshali Kul-sordas Minas Garal Minas Thinram Mithram Rhiavod Shrel Kain Tarrond Thindlin Turkul Verdalis Windur Withered tree Version 1.01

Location 3416 3612 4217 3712 3713 4017 4119 3512 3819 3814 3914 4013 3019 3715 3119 2411 3711 3217

Size Village City Major Town Village Village Camp Major Town Town Village Town Village City Town Village Town Camp Town Village

Fortifications Fort

Notes Capital Harbour

Tower Tower Tower Fort Tower



40 of 132


#4 – Horselords

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

3612 4013 3711 3914

Light Cavalry 1000 500 500 500

Heavy Infantry 500 500 200 200

Light Infantry


Men at Arms 500 500 200 200

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. ❖ All new troop recruits start with training 20. ❖ Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if force–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if force-marching.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 04J001 04J002

Cost 3000 2000

04J003 04J004 04J005

1000 1000 1000

Option All Armies/Navies gain 400 LC. Army/Navy at 4013 gains 500 LC, 400 HI and 400 MA; Armies/Navies at 3914 and 3711 both gain 400 HI. All Armies/Navies gain 100 HI and 700 MA. All Armies/Navies gain 200 HI and 200 MA. All Armies/Navies gain 300 AR.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 04N001

Cost 1000



04N003 04N004

2500 1000



04N006 04N007

1000 800

Version 1.01

Option Specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to your Capital Specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy moved to a Population Centre you control Vidustain gains a 30 Command Item and a 1000 Combat Item. Either 3 specified Characters with Command skill each gain 15 Command rank; or first specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Emissary rank and second specified Character with Command skill gains 20 Agent rank. Either 3 specified Characters with Command skill each gain 15 Command rank; or first specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Emissary rank and second specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Agent rank. All Characters with Command skill gain 10 Command rank. A specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Command rank.

Additionals Character


Character & Pop. Centre 3 Characters or 2 Characters 3 Characters or 2 Characters

Character 41 of 132


04N008 04N009 04N010

1000 2000 1500

04N011 04N012

1500 1400



04N014 04N015 04N016 04N017 04N018 04N019 04N020

2000 2500 3000 3000 5000 5000 1000



A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. Adunekhor or Thorean gains 20 Emissary rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank, but if the SNA to cast Conjure Mounts is chosen, each must have Conjure Mounts as one of their starting spells. All Characters with Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank. Any Characters with Command skill but without Agent skill gain 10 Agent rank. Any Characters with Command skill but without Agent skill gain 15 Agent rank. Gain the Character Thorean. Lose 8,000 Gold. Gain the Character Earlan. Lose 8,000 Gold. A specified Character with Command skill gains 20 Command rank A specified Character with Mage skill gains 20 Mage rank A specified Character with Agent skill gains 20 Agent rank A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 20 Emissary rank A specified Character with Command skill and no other skills gains 20 Agent rank and 10 emissary rank. If Option 04V001 is chosen then all Mages start with the Lost Spell 508 – Conjure Mounts.

#4 – Horselords Character Character

Character Character Character Character Character

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Saruman, Treebeard, Skinbark, Leaflock. Option 04Q001 04Q002 04Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 04R001

Cost 1000

Option Change Capital to Shrel Kain, Kul-sordas or Dilgul.



04R003 04R004 04R005 04R006

1500 2500 2000 1500

04R007 04R008 04R009 04R010 04R011

400 500 600 800 800











Change Capital to Shrel Kain, Kul-sordas or Dilgul. Any Characters at the old Capital location who are not Army/Navy Commanders move to the new Capital A specified Town becomes a Major Town. A specified Major Town becomes a City. A specified unfortified Population Centre gains a Fort. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. Upgrade Relations to Rhovanion to Friendly. Downgrade Relations to Hithlum to Hated. Downgrade Relations to any Usurper Nation to Hated. All Population Centres gain 10 Loyalty. Upgrade a specified Camp to a Village; downgrade a specified Village to a Camp. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town; downgrade a specified Town to a Village. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town; downgrade a specified Major Town to a Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City; downgrade a specified City to a Major Town. Reduce a specified City’s Loyalty by 50; upgrade a specified Camp to a Village. A specified City loses 50 Loyalty and gains a level of Fortification

Version 1.01

Additionals Shrel Kain, Kul-sordas or Dilgul Shrel Kain, Kul-sordas or Dilgul


Town Major Town Population Centre Character

Usurper Nation Camp & Village Village & Town Town & M. Town M. Town & City City & Camp City 42 of 132


Option 04R017

Cost 1000

04R018 04R019 04R020 04R021 04R022 04R023 04R024

2500 4000 4000 1000 800 1000 1800



04R026 04R027 04R028

1500 2000 1500









Option A specified City reduced to a Major Town and gains a level of Fortification. All Troops gain Steel Weapons and Steel Armour where possible. Gain 30,000 Gold. All Major Towns and Cities gain 500 Mounts and 1000 Leather. A specified Major Town or City gains 2,000 Leather. A specified Major Town or City gains 1,000 Timber. A specified Major Town or City gains 500 Mounts. Three specified Population Centres each gain 300 Mounts and 600 Leather. Swap the starting locations of two Armies (commanding Characters remain where they are). Training of all Armies/Navies increased by 10. Gain 2000 Food in all Major Towns and Cities. Gain a Tower on a specified Camp or Village not created with options 04R029, 04R030 and 04R031. Gain a Camp in any Plains hex on or east of column 30xx and north of row xx21 that does not already contain a Population Centre. Specify three potential hexes, in order of preference. If all potential hexes already contain Population Centres, the camp will be placed in the hex north of the first specified hex if possible. Gain a Camp in any Plains hex on or east of column 30xx and north of row xx21 that does not already contain a Population Centre. Specify three potential hexes, in order of preference. If all potential hexes already contain Population Centres, the camp will be placed in the hex north of the first specified hex if possible. Gain a Camp in any Plains hex on or east of column 30xx and north of row xx21 that does not already contain a Population Centre. Specify three potential hexes, in order of preference. If all potential hexes already contain Population Centres, the camp will be placed in the hex north of a potential hex if possible, again checked in order of preference. Morale of specified Army increased to equal the command skill of the commanding Character.

#4 – Horselords Additionals City


M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City 3 Pop. Centres 2 Army Locations

Camp or Village 3 Locations

3 Locations

3 Locations


Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 04V001

Cost 5000







Version 1.01

Option New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. All new troop recruits start with Training 20. Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if Army/Navy–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if Army/Navy force-marching. New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. All new troop recruits start with Training 20. Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if Army/Navy–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if Army/Navy force-marching. Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts.



43 of 132


#5 – Kingdom of Arnor

#5 – K ingdom of Arnor Background As the shadows lengthened in the hall of Fornost, Araphor sat in solitude on the throne at its head. Torches had been lit, yet tonight they seemed to do little to dispel the gloom, accentuating rather than banishing the darkness. In his hands, the Sceptre of Annuminas, which he twisted slowly, allowing the flickering light to dance on its bejewelled head. How many Kings had held the Sceptre, and how great had been their majesty? His forefathers had ruled not just a fragmented realm but one of the most powerful kingdoms in Middle-earth, one of the two centres of the Numenorean people in Exile. The reach of their arm had stretched even from the Misty Mountains to the western ocean, from Forodreth to the river Isen, and only Gondor was comparable in glory and might. But the Kingdom of Arnor had been sundered, split apart by feuding princes. And Araphor supposed he should consider himself fortunate that history would not cast him as one of those responsible for that act. Yet still, each of the Princes’ realms, of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur, had been great in itself. Now, however Cardolan was a dark and barren land, the forces of the Witch-king having laid it to waste and to ruin, and scattered those who had dwelt there. And if Cardolan was no more than a memory, Rhudaur was something worse, a land in thrall to Angmar, its cities and holds in the hands of servants of darkness. Only the lands of Arthedain remained of Arnor. And at such a time came the news that still rang in his ears, burned in his mind. The forces of the Witch-king were abroad once more. Barely two decades after his father, with aid of the Quendi, had finally succeeded in staunching the Black Tide, the forces of darkness had risen again. And where now the strength to oppose them? Where now the courage to do what had to be done? His forces, such as were left to him, were spread thin across the land, whilst those who remained of noble blood, in whose veins ran still the song of the Dunedain, were too few in number by far. He had hoped, at least, to rely on the support of Gondor. But having almost torn itself apart in needless civil war, now, when he needed it the most, Castamir had withdrawn Gondor's support, withdrawn the men and fleets that had patrolled the rivers of Gwathla and Mitheithel. Such an act could not, Araphor knew, be born of coincidence alone, and did much to confirm the dark rumours surrounding both Castamir's rise to power and the nature of the allies who had lifted him to the throne. But such bitter knowledge did little other than to set another enemy against him. If there was hope, then he did not see it. But if this was to be the end of the Realm of Arnor, and if it was fated that his be name recorded as the last King of his people, then so be it. What would not be said, he vowed, was that he had failed in his final duty, or was to have been wanting in battle. Greater hands than his, perhaps, had held the Sceptre before him. But still, the blood of the Dunedain ran rich in his veins, and whilst strength yet remained him, he would show himself worthy of his ancestry. Rising to his feet, he called for messengers to take word to the princes of the land. Evil stirred again in the east. And when it came forth, they would be ready to stand against it. By the blood of the Dunedain, he swore that it would be so.

In the year 857 of the Third Age, Arnor had been split by its feuding Princes into Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. Then, in 1407, the Witch King invasion effectively destroyed both Cardolan and Rhudaur. The Hill Men of Rhudaur had sided with the Witch-king, and those few Dunedain in Rhudaur loyal to the cause of Arnor fled to Arthedain, whilst Cardolan was simply overwhelmed. Indeed, only the aid of the Elves of Lindon and Rivendell had enabled Arthedain to turn the Black Tide. So it is that the year 1446 sees Rhudaur in the hands of the Witch-king, Cardolan a ravaged and destroyed land, virtually unpeopled, and only Arthedain remaining. Still, whilst Arthedain might only be a shadow of the glory that was the realm of Arnor, nevertheless the blood of the Dunedain still runs pure in the hearts of its royal line. And one thing may be counted on: that so long as that line remains, the Witch-king will never take Arnor.

Version 1.01

44 of 132


#5 – Kingdom of Arnor

General Information Starting Gold



Capital: Fornost (Located at 1407)

Characters of Note

❖ King Araphor, ruler of the Kingdom of Arnor. ❖ Argeleb II, son of Araphor. ❖ Malborn II, Seer of Fornost.

Starting Characters Character Amlach Araphor Argeleb II Bornandil Calanar Calcawe Cornathel Erellont Frianan Malborn II Minasdir

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 10 0 0 10 0907 Army Commander 20 0 10 10 1407 40 0 10 0 1715 Champion, with 1000 Combat Item 30 10 10 10 1108 20 0 0 10 1007 30 0 10 10 1506 30 10 0 0 1508 30 0 0 10 1614 Army Commander 0 0 10 20 1407 Female 0 0 0 30 1407 20 0 10 10 1407 Army Commander

Starting Population Centres Name Amon Sul Annon Baran Athrad Sarn Baraketta Belegos Belial Bordicae Bree Brolorne Carag Oltas Caras Calairnen Caras Fornen Eridea Fornost Guldor Hamidas Himaelin Ilmrond Kelidos Kemen Brith Kemen Girith Malonn Narram Tarmabar Tharbad Traith Chefudoc Version 1.01

Location 1609 1014 1211 1106 1922 2017 1916 1409 1918 1917 0907 1006 1312 1407 0807 1506 1007 1108 1508 1410 1110 1309 1715 1109 1614 1015

Size Village Camp Town Major Town Camp Camp Camp Major Town Camp Camp City Town Camp City Town Camp Major Town Town Town Major Town Village Village Town Village City Camp

Fortifications Castle Tower







Fort Fort


45 of 132


#5 – Kingdom of Arnor

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

1407 0907 1614

Light Cavalry

Heavy Infantry 400


Light Infantry


Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships

600 1800

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. ❖ The nation may build fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost. ❖ The nation can issue the following orders to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: ❖ 496 – Build Road ❖ All new troop recruits start with training 20.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 05J001 05J002 05J003 05J004 05J005 05J006

Cost 1000 1000 1000 2000 1000 1000

Option Army/Navy at 1614 gains 1300 AR and 1300 MA. Army/Navy at 1407 gains 800 LC and 400 MA. Army/Navy at 0907 gains 600 HI and 400 LI. Army/Navy at 0907 gains 1300 LC; Army/Navy at 1614 gains 800 MA. Army/Navy at 1614 gains 600 HI and 400 AR. Army/Navy at 1614 gains 10 Warships and 6 Transport ships.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 05N001 05N002 05N003 05N004

Cost 2000 2500 1500 1000

Option Argeleb gains 20 Command skill and a 20 Command Item. Argeleb gains 20 Emissary. Argeleb gains a 20 Command Item and a 750 Combat Item. Of Araphor, Bornandil and Calanar: one Character gains 10 Command rank, one gains 20 Command rank, and one gains 30 Command rank.



Of Araphor, Calanar and Minasdir: one Character gains 10 Command rank, one different Character gains 20 Command rank, and one different Character gains 30 Command rank.



Of Argeleb II, Araphor and Bornandil: one Character gains 10 Emissary rank, one different Character gains 20 Emissary rank.

Version 1.01



Character to gain 10 skill rank, Character to gain 20 skill rank, Character to gain 30 skill rank Character to gain 10 skill rank, Character to gain 20 skill rank, Character to gain 30 skill rank. Character to gain 10 skill rank, 46 of 132







Of Calcawe, Erellont and Minasdir: one Character gains 20 Agent rank, one different Character gains 20 Emissary rank, and one different Character gains 30 Emissary rank.

05N008 05N009 05N010 05N011 05N012 05N013 05N014 05N015 05N016 05N017 05N018 05N019 05N020 05N021

500 500 1000 800 600 500 1300 800 800 800 1500 2500 4500 300









A specified Character gains 10 Command rank. A specified Character with Command skill gets 10 Command rank. Frianan gains a 20 Mage Item; Amlach gains 10 Agent rank. Araphor gains a 1250 Combat Item. Araphor gains the 10 Command Item ‘Sceptre of Annuminas’. Araphor gains 10 Emissary rank. Araphor gains a 10 Emissary Item. Cornathel gains 20 Agent rank and 10 Mage rank. Malborn gains 20 Mage rank and 2 Palantirs. All Characters with 10 Mage rank get 10 Mage rank. All Characters with 20 Mage rank get 10 Mage rank. All Characters with 30 Mage rank get 10 Mage rank. All Characters with 40 Mage rank get 10 Mage rank. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander starts at a specified Population Centre. Argeleb starts at Capital.

#5 – Kingdom of Arnor Additionals Character to gain 20 skill rank. Character to gain 20 Agent rank, Character to gain 20 Em. rank, Character to gain 30 Em. rank. Character Character


Character Character Character Character & Location

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Dameric Took, Goldberry, Tom Bombadil, Gandalf, Losspindel. Option 05Q001 05Q002 05Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 05R001 05R002

Cost 1500 800

05R004 05R005 05R006 05R007 05R008 05R009 05R010 05R011 05R012

300 800 500 800 500 1000 1500 1500 800

Version 1.01

Option A specified Major Town becomes a City. Araphor moved to any Population Centre; Relations to Witch–realm of Angmor reduced to Hated. Upgrade Relations with Quendi to Friendly. Build Road from 0907 to 1010. Build Road from 1108 to 1209. Build Road from 0907 to 1407 (e, ne, e, se, e, e). All Troops gain Bronze Weapons and Bronze Armour where possible. All Troops gain Bronze Weapons and Steel Armour where possible. All Troops gain Steel Weapons and Steel Armour where possible. Gain 3,000 Leather at Capital. A specified Major Town or City gains 1,000 Timber.

Additionals Major Town Pop. Centre


M. Town or City 47 of 132




A specified Major Town or City gains 500 Mounts.

05R014 05R015 05R016

800 1500 1000

05R017 05R018 05R019 05R020

1500 2000 800 1300



05R022 05R023 05R024 05R025

500 300 1800 1100

Population Centre at 1614 gains 2 levels of Fortifications. Population Centre at 0907 gains 2 levels of Fortifications. A specified Population Centre (including Population Centres with no fortifications) gains 1 level of Fortifications; 5,000 Gold lost. A specified unfortified Population Centre gains a Tower; 5,000 Gold lost. A specified unfortified Population Centre gains a Fort; 8,000 Gold lost. Every Population Centre gains 10 Loyalty If you purchase 5 – 9 options from Table F, gain 2000 points to spend on Table R. If you purchase 10 or more options from Table F, gain 4000 points to spend on Table R. Discover the SNAs of any 2 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 2 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 6 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 random NPCs (duplicates are possible).

#5 – Kingdom of Arnor M. Town or City Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre

2 NPCs 6 NPCs

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 05V001

Cost 4000



Version 1.01

Option New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. The Nation may build Fortifications at 1/2 the usual Timber cost. The Nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road All new Troop recruits start with training 20.



48 of 132


#6 – Quendi

#6 – Quendi Background "It has been long since Mithrandir came to Rivendell," Elrond said, rising to greet the old wizard. "Yet whilst I welcome you, my heart tells me that you are not here to enjoy the music of the Hall of Fire." Gandalf inclined his head. "Ever is the reputation of Elrond's insight well deserved," he observed. "Tell me; what do you know of the Kin-strife?" Elrond raised an eyebrow. "The squabbling of the men of Gondor? I know but little, and pay such news as does reach me scant heed. Who rules in the south is but of passing interest to me." "I fear you underestimate the importance of such events," Gandalf said. "In fact, I would risk the opinion that it should be of great interest to you.” Elrond frowned. "Why so? Since Isildur proved himself too weak to do what should have been done, few of their kind have shown any greater strength of will. For as long as they keep the watch on Mordor, they serve their purpose. Why should I care which of them holds the throne?" Gandalf sighed. "Would that the Kin-strife were but the squabbling of men that you describe it to be. But I fear darker forces are involved than is readily apparent. And that Sauron himself seeks to twist the conflict to his own end." At the mention of the Dark Lord, the air in Elrond's hall seemed suddenly chill, a flurry of wind sending autumn's leaves scurrying across the floor. "Do not speak that name lightly," Elrond counselled. "I do not," Gandalf countered. "For consider what is known. The men of the south, who support Castamir, are governed by one I have reason to believe is a servant of Adunaphel. The one who calls himself Horselord and who fires the men of the east to battle is surely none other than Uvatha. And can it be coincidence that the Witch-king of Angmar chooses this time to renew his assault on Arnor, so soon after he was driven back? No, I think not. Three Nazgul are clearly involved in this affair, and those are only the ones whose influence I have managed to ascertain. The times are darker than we thought, and I fear that before this is done, your squabbling of men will have plunged the entire land into conflict." Elrond was long silent. Then, finally, he sighed. "I will think on your words, Mithrandir. Never before has your counsel proven false, and though I hope this occasion will see you proven wrong, I feel and fear in my heart that you have spoken true. I would invite you to rest here, yet I fancy you have others to visit?" Gandalf nodded. "Then you will, I hope, bear to Galadriel my wishes." Gandalf smiled grimly. "I will indeed. Though if my fears are shown to be correct, I do not doubt but that you and she will meet again ere long." He pulled his hat more firmly onto his head, and made as if to leave. "Think well, but do not think for too long, Half-Elven." Elrond nodded. "As you say. Farewell, Grey Wanderer." The first people of Arda, the relationships that bind and separate the Quendi are ancient and convoluted. Yet all share in common a hatred of Sauron, born of dark memories that recall their battles with his master, the Ancient Enemy, battles which had shaped and reshaped even the land itself. Few in number, and with virtually no armies, nevertheless the Quendi are amongst the most powerful mages in Middle-earth, whilst the secrets of their towns and cities have enabled them to endure the strife of the passing centuries. It may be with reluctance that they find themselves forced now to intervene in the affairs of men once more, but for as long as Sauron's dark presence blights the land, so they will stand against him.

Version 1.01

49 of 132


#6 – Quendi

General Information Starting Gold



Imladris (Located at 2209) Note: the Quendi’s map is not centred on the capital, but on their ancient Kingdom of Lindon in the west.

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Elrond Half-Elven, Prince of Beleriand, and Lord of Imladris, also known as Rivendell. Arwen Evenstar, daughter of Elrond. Amroth, King of Lothlorien. Galadriel, Lady of Light, Lady of Lothlorien, though not yet Queen. Celeborn, husband of Galadriel. Legolas, son of Thranduil, and Prince of the Woodland Realm.

Starting Characters Character Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items Amarion 10 10 10 0 10 0511 Can be purchased during nation set-up Amroth 60 10 20 20 15 2137 Army Commander, with 1250 Combat Item Arwen 0 20 10 40 15 2209 Can be purchased during nation set-up. With 20 Mage Item “Crown of Arwen”. Female Celeborn 30 10 40 30 0 0511 Army Commander Ciryon 40 30 10 0 0 0909 Army Commander Elrond 20 0 60 60 15 2209 Champion, with 1250 Combat Item “Helkaluine” Galadriel 0 0 50 60 10 2514 Female Legolas 0 20 30 10 10 2915 With 10 Stealth item

Starting Population Centres Name Annon Thalion Cerin Amroth Caras Galadhon Cerin Pelram Dun-Beleg Edhellond Eithel Culroch Elostirion Forlond Galanros Halls of Thranduil Harlond Imladris Lanthir Lamath Mithlond Mithlond South Ost-amarth Rhubar Sarn Celebdor Sarnost Tir Amarth Tir Hargil Tir Tarsul Version 1.01

Location 0207 2413 2514 0203 3802 2325 2137 0810 0408 0511 2908 0711 2209 0508 0808 0909 1321 4413 1721 3022 0913 2915 2136

Size Camp Town Town Town Town Town Major Town Village Town Town Town Town Major Town Village City Village Camp Town Camp Camp Village Camp Village



Harbour Fort Tower Fort

Notes Hidden Hidden Harbour Hidden Harbour, Hidden Port, Hidden Hidden Harbour Hidden Harbour, Hidden Capital, Hidden by Mantle of Doriath Port, Hidden Hidden

50 of 132


#6 – Quendi

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

0909 0511 2137

Light Cavalry 800

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry 200 600



Men at Arms 1000

Warships Transport Ships 15 15 10 10 5 5

Potential Special Nation Abilities ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank. Mages can learn the lost spell 502 – Weakness. All new troop recruits start with training 25. New mages can start with a mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 06J001 06J002 06J003 06J004 06J005

Cost 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000

Option Army/Navy at 2137 gains 200 AR, 600 MA, 5 Warships and 5 Transports. Army/Navy at 0511 gains 200 LI, 600 MA, 5 Warships and 5 Transport. Army/Navy at 0909 gains 800 MA, 10 Warships and 10 Transports. Army/Navy at 0511 gains 400 LI, 5 Warships and 5 Transports. A specified Navy gains 6 Warships and 6 Transports.




Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 06N001 06N002 06N003 06N004 06N005 06N006 06N007 06N008 06N009 06N010 06N011 06N012 06N013 06N014

Cost 2000 2000 1400 2000 1000 300 500 1000 500 1400 1400 1700 700 700

06N015 06N016 06N017 06N018

500 300 2000 1000

Version 1.01

Option Celeborn becomes a Champion; lose 12,000 Gold. Galadriel becomes a Champion; lose 12,000 Gold. Elrond gains the 50 Mage Item ‘Vilya’. Arwen gains the 10 Stealth Item ‘Elven cloak’. Elrond gains the Item ‘Mantle of Doriath’, and Imladris is hidden by it. Discover the location of the NPC Cirdan the Shipwright. Discover the location of Gandalf. Discover the location of Tinculin at game start. Discover the location of a specified NPC. Galadriel gains the 30 Mage Item ‘Elessar’. Galadriel gains the 30 Mage Item ‘Mirror of Galadriel’. Galadriel gains the 50 Mage Item ‘Nenya’. All Characters with Mage skill gain 10 Mage rank. Legolas, Celeborn and Arwen (if a starting Character) each gain a 750 Combat Item. Add 5 to a specified Mage Item (to a maximum of 50). Add 250 to a specified Good Combat Item (to a maximum of 2500). All Characters gain 10 Stealth rank. Gain the Character Arwen; Galadriel loses 10 Mage rank; Lose 10,000




Artifact Artifact

51 of 132


06N019 06N020

2000 700



Gold. Gain the Character Amarion; lose 8,000 Gold. All Mages gain the spell “Conjure – Spirit Mastery: Weakness”. In addition, Elrond may choose the specified Spirit Mastery spell as one of his starting spells. All Characters with Mage skill lose 20 Mage rank (to a minimum rank of 0) and gain 10 Emissary rank.

#6 – Quendi

Spirit Mastery Spell (optional)

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Cirdan, Feamirie, Sulkano, Losspindel, Gandalf. Option 06Q001 06Q002 06Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 06R001

Cost 500











06R007 06R008 06R009 06R010 06R011

700 1000 1200 1500 1000

06R012 06R013

1000 700

















Version 1.01

Option Move Caras Galadhon to 2414, 2314 or 2513. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) Move Cerin Amroth to 2414, 2314 or 2513. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) Move Edhellond to 1925 or 1626. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) Move Rhubar to 4212, 4312, 4412 or 4314. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) Move Dun-Beleg to any Location from 3501 – 4401 or 3502 – 4402. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) Move Halls of Thranduil to 2807, 2907, 2706, 2806 or 2906. (Destination Location cannot contain a Population Centre.) A specified Camp becomes a Village. A specified Village becomes a Town. A specified non-hidden Town becomes a Major Town. A specified non-hidden Major Town becomes a City. Change Capital to Mithlond or Eithel Culroch. Change Climate of Capital hex to Mild. Change Weather Type of Location of a specified Location to one type warmer. Starting Characters with no other starting bonuses will start with healing bonuses. Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Location of 6 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).

Additionals Location


Location Location Location Location Location Camp Village Town Major Town Mithlond or Eithel Culroch. Location

52 of 132


Option 06R022

Cost 1300

06R023 06R024 06R025 06R026 06R027 06R028

600 1400 1000 2100 1400 400

Option Discover the Location of 9 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 2 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the ID and names of all Artifacts held by a specified NPC Character.

#6 – Quendi Additionals


2 NPCs 4 NPCs 4 NPCs 6 NPCs NPC

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 06V001

Cost 5000

06V002 06V003 06V004

2000 600 4000



Version 1.01

Option New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank. Mages can learn the lost spell 502 – Weakness. All new troop recruits start with training 25. New Mages can start with a Mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. The nation can build ships at 1/3 the usual Timber cost.



53 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

#11 – Line of Castamir Background "I don't want to hear any of your excuses," Castamir stated shortly, leaning forwards on his throne. "Just make sure the men are raised and armed within a ten day." "But my Lord!" the captain kneeling before him protested. "The townsfolk are restless as it is. None will come forward willingly, and if we are forced to resort to a draft, I fear for the–" Rising swiftly, Castamir lashed out with his boot, catching the captain in the head. Falling, for a moment the captain thought to rise, before, thinking better of the instinct, remaining prone. Castamir knelt beside him, pulling his head up by the hair. "Perhaps I did not make myself clear. Perhaps my order was in some way misunderstood as a suggestion. So allow me to repeat myself. You will return to Hyarpende, and you will raise a further five hundred men, who will march north to Minas Anor by the end of this month. You will do this, or I will have your head. Do I make myself clear?" The captain nodded. "I beg your pardon?" Castamir questioned. "Yes my Lord," the captain managed. Castamir smiled, letting the captain's head fall back to the floor. "That is better. Now go." As the captain, bowing, took his leave, a figure moved from the side of the throne. "I am not sure that was wise," Morlaen murmured. "Wise?" Castamir turned on his uncle. "Eldacar marches on us with the might of Rhovanion behind them, Minas Ithil falls to rebels, and you question the wisdom of raising more troops?" "I do not question the need, my Lord," Morlaen said; "I question your method. Did the rebellion at Minas Ithil teach you nothing? You act as if Gondor is conquered territory, the people to be ordered to obey. But the crown you wear is yours by right, and the people are in your charge. You might ask much of them, and they will likely do as you wish. But demand it of them, and Minas Ithil may not be the only city to rise against you." "If the crown is mine, then the people are mine also," Castamir replied shortly. "They are to be used as I see fit, even as I would a cup or a vessel." "A cup will not turn against you if you treat it ill, my Lord. But your people will. And unless you accept that, I fear that you will not hold the throne long. We can debate philosophy and the duties of a ruler all day, but the plain fact of the matter is that at present you do not have enough troops even to deal with Minas Ithil, let alone think to put down another rebellion, should it arise. Like it or not, you are reliant on the people, and if you anger them further, we cannot win this war." Castamir scowled. But despite his anger, he knew that Morlaen was right. And whilst he knew himself to be many things, a fool was not one of them. Calling for a messenger, Castamir told him to take word to the captain that he was authorised to offer two months' wages in gold as incentive to any who would sign up. Then, turning to Morlaen, he raised an eyebrow. "There. Satisfied?" Morlaen, smiling, bowed his head. Version 1.01

54 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

Lead by the Castamir the Usurper, King of Gondor, the Line of Castamir is ostensibly the most powerful and influential of the Usurpers, with all of Gondor at their command. And yet in truth, Castamir’s reign is a fragile one. More than just a figurehead, nevertheless he is but one of the Lords of Gondor. Both of his father’s brothers, Morlaen and Elendin, wield great influence, whilst the Southron Kingdoms, providing as they do the resources and funds upon which Castamir's campaign is waged, are a powerful voice in the realm. As such, then, it is vital that Castamir maintain good relations both with his uncles and the Southron Kingdoms, if Eldacar is to be repelled and his hold on the Crown of Gondor secured.

General Information Starting Gold 54,480.


Pelargir (Located at 2927)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Castamir the Usurper, King of Gondor. Queen Murabeth, wife of Castamir. Prince Casteher, the eldest son of Castamir, and Captain of the Ships. Married to Lothriel.* Princess Lothriel, daughter of Adrazor. Castarion, the youngest son of Castamir, and Warden of the Haven.* Daeron, Squire of Linhir, engaged to Telerien, Murabeth's sister. Iriel, Mistress of the Cat Cult at Benish Armon. Telerien, the younger daughter of Telemnar. Targon. Captain of the Garrison at Pelargir.

*A note on character names: The correct spelling of Casteher is Castaher, and the correct spelling of Castirion is Castarion. However, because in the game the first five letters of each character must be unique, we have had to change the spelling slightly.

Minor Characters

These are not starting characters, but are detailed here as suggestions for characters to name during the game. ❖ Alacatar, an officer in Umbar’s fleet (a commander). ❖ Colfen. Brother of Iriel (an agent and mage). ❖ Eator, aid to Menelmir (an agent and commander). ❖ Gordacar, Squire of Umbar (a commander). ❖ Hirluin, a minor noble (an emissary). ❖ Mardil, Captain of the Watch in Umbar (a commander). ❖ Marmedon, commander of Umbar’s garrison (a commander). ❖ Menelmir, Lord-captain of the Fleet in Umbar (commander).

Starting Characters Character Castamir Casteher Castirion Daeron Iriel Lothriel Murabeth Targon Telerien

Version 1.01

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 40 0 20 0 0 2627 Champion, with the Dagger of the Usurper and Usurper’s Sword 30 0 10 0 0 2627 Army Commander 20 0 10 0 0 2927 Army Commander 10 0 10 0 0 2829 Army Commander 0 20 0 10 15 2829 Female 0 0 20 10 0 2627 Female 0 50 30 0 0 2928 Female 10 0 40 0 0 2437 Army Commander 0 0 20 0 0 2339 Can be purchased during nation set-up. Female

55 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

Starting Population Centres Name Ang-Gimbatul Benish Arnon Cirith Duath Dol Delgrod Draug-lomin Dusalan Gorost Grath Murloth Hyarpende Isengard Isgir Lag-raukonar Linhir Maros Minas Arthor Overcave Pelargir Pellardur

Location 2324 2829 3227 2625 3127 2437 2526 2425 2928 2119 2236 2426 2627 2337 2926 2121 2927 2339

Size Camp Town Village Camp Camp Major Town Village Camp Town Camp Village Village Major Town Town Village Town City Major Town

Fortifications Notes Tower Tower Harbour Fort Tower Tower Tower Tower Castle Tower Tower Tower Fort Fort Castle Tower

Port Harbour Capital, Port Harbour

Starting Forces Location 2927 2627 2829 2437

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry 500 500

Heavy Infantry 400

Light Infantry 400

Archers 800 400

Men at Arms 200 100

Warships Transport Ships 25 25 25



Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ Navy warships have a strength of 4. ❖ Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost.

Version 1.01

56 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 11J001 11J002 11J003 11J004 11J005

Cost 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Option All Armies/Navies gain 100 LI and 600 MA. Armies/Navies at 2927, 2627 and 2437 gain 300 LC. Army/Navy at 2829 gains 600 HI; Army/Navy at 2627 gains 400 LI. Army/Navy at 2437 gains 300 HI; Army/Navy at 2829 gains 600 HI. Army/Navy at 2927 gains 400 HI and 800 AR.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 11N001

Cost 2500

11N002 11N003 11N004

1500 2500 1000

11N005 11N006 11N007 11N008 11N009

1500 2000 800 1200 1000

11N010 11N011

1000 1500





Option Castamir gains the 20 Command Item ‘Knight–captain's Ring’ and 10 Agent rank. Castamir gains the 30 Command Item ‘Crown of Anarion’. Iriel gains the Curse Item ‘Kuileondo’. Casteher gains the ‘Helm of Navigating’ (allows naval movement without risk of storms) and the 10 Command Item ‘Mithril Circlet’. All Characters with Command skill gain 20 Command rank. A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 20 Mage rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 20 Mage rank. All Characters with Mage skill will have ‘Weakness’ as one of their starting spells. Iriel will have ‘Sickness’ as one of her starting spells. A specified Character other than Castamir without Agent skill gains 20 Agent rank. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. Gain the Character Telerien; lose 8,000 Gold.




Character Character

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Sauron, The Blue Wizard, Ren the Unclean. Option 11Q001 11Q002 11Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Version 1.01

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


57 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 11R001 11R002 11R003 11R004 11R005 11R006

Cost 1000 2000 300 300 1000 1000

11R007 11R008

1000 1500

11R009 11R010

1000 0

















11R019 11R020

1000 2000













Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to Linhir. Change to Linhir; and Army/Navy at 2627 gains 600 HI. Downgrade relations with the Line of Eldacar to Hated. Downgrade relations with the Rebels of Ered Lithui to Hated. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town. Downgrade a specified Population Centre that is not a camp or the capital by one level and gain 10,000 Gold. Where possible, all Tolerated Relations are increased to Friendly. Upgrade the Fortifications of a specified Population Centre (including unfortified Population Centres) by one level. A specified unfortified Population Centre gains a Tower. Gain an extra 1,500 points to spend on Nation Set-up Options; all Population Centres lose 10 Loyalty. Gain an extra 2,500 points to spend on Nation Set-up Options; all Population Centres lose 20 Loyalty. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Buy any one set-up Option from another Usurper's Table R, at the cost of this Option and the Option purchased on the other Table. The following options are exceptions which can not be chosen: 12R001, 12R002, 12R004, 13R001, 13R008, 13R012, 13R026, 14R001, 14R020, 15R001, 15R002, 15R010, 15R011, 16R005, 16R006 and 16R019. Start the game with a specified Champion Character of another Usurper nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified Champion Character of another Usurper Nation (except Morlaen) Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of your own nation Doubled by the Line of Elendin. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of your own nation Doubled by the Line of Morlaen. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) All ‘Castamir's Bribe’ options (11R021 – 11R038) cost 500 less. All ‘Castamir's Bribe’ options (11R021 – 11R038) cost 300 less.

Castamir's Bribe. All other Usurper Nations gain 50 Mithril at their Capital. Castamir's Bribe. All other Usurper Nations gain 5 Loyalty at their Capital. Castamir's Bribe. All other Usurper Nations gain the following SNA: ‘Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if Army/Navy–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if Army/Navy–marching.’ Castamir's Bribe. Hide a specified Population Centre not belonging to the Line of Castamir. Castamir's Bribe. Give a specified Population Centre that is not a Major Town or City to another specified Usurper Nation. Castamir's Bribe. Give 2 specified Camps to another single specified Usurper Nation.



Town Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre

Major Town or City Set-up Option

Character Character Character Character Character

Pop. Centre Pop. Centre & Usurper Nation 2 Camps & Usurper Nation 58 of 132


























Castamir's Bribe. Give 2 specified Camps to another single specified Usurper Nation. Castamir's Bribe. Give 20,000 Gold to another specified Usurper Nation. Castamir's Bribe. Three specified Population Centres belonging to another single Usurper Nation gain 20 Loyalty each; the Line of Castamir Nation loses 5,000 Gold. Castamir's Bribe. A specified Character of another Usurper Nation gains 10 Command rank. Castamir's Bribe. A specified Character of another Usurper Nation gains 10 Agent rank. Castamir's Bribe. A specified Character of another Usurper Nation gains 10 Emissary rank. Castamir's Bribe. A specified Character of another Usurper Nation gains 10 Mage rank. Castamir's Bribe. A specified Character of another Usurper Nation gains 10 Stealth rank. Castamir’s Bribe. A specified Usurper nation other than the Line of Castamir, which is not benefitting from options 11R036, 11R037 or 11R38, gains a Camp named Casta Balcher at a specified location that does not already contain a Population Centre within two hexes of their default capital. Specify three possible locations in order of preference. Castamir’s Bribe. A specified Usurper nation other than the Line of Castamir, which is not benefitting from options 11R035, 11R037 or 11R38, gains a Village named Casta Anitha at a specified location that does not already contain a Population Centre within two hexes of their default capital. Specify three possible locations in order of preference. Castamir’s Bribe. A specified Usurper nation other than the Line of Castamir, which is not benefitting from options 11R035, 11R036 or 11R38 gains a Town named Casta Callineth at a specified location that does not already contain a Population Centre within two hexes of their default capital. Specify three possible locations in order of preference. Castamir’s Bribe. A specified Usurper nation other than the Line of Castamir, which is not benefitting from options 11R035, 11R036 or 11R37, gains a Major Town named Casta Cumrolde at a specified location that does not already contain a Population Centre within two hexes of their default capital. Specify three possible locations in order of preference.

#11 – Line of Castamir 2 Camps & Usurper Nation Usurper Nation 3 Pop. Centres Character Character Character Character Character Nation, 3 Locations.

Nation, 3 Locations

Nation, 3 Locations

Nation, 3 Locations

Note: All Castamir Bribe options (11R021 – 11R038) are applied after all nation’s Table N options. 11R039








Version 1.01

Discover the Location of 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Location of 6 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Location of 9 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs and names of all Artifacts held by a specified NPC Character.


59 of 132


#11 – Line of Castamir

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 11V001

Cost 4000









Version 1.01

Option New Emissaries can start with an Emissary Skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary Order. Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost. The following scouting and recon Orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant Skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost. Navy warships have a strength of 4. Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost. New Emissaries can start with an Emissary Skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary Order. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant Skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters



60 of 132


#12 – Line of Morlaen

#12 – Line of Morlaen Background "He's done what?!" Morlaen cursed under his breath. He had thought that even Calimon could mange to oversee the prison camp that was Osgiliath. How hard a task could it be? And surely one suited to his son's unique combination of casual cruelty and unparalleled ability to stir up resentment. Sighing, he looked back down at the parchment, reading the details again. It was a formal letter of complaint, intercepted by the Cor Aran en route to the courts, bringing charges of improper conduct against Lord Calimon. Despite himself, Morlaen could not help but snort in amusement. Years of civil war during which kin slew kin and brother betrayed brother, yet still the nobility were concerned with matters of proper conduct. Still, as improper conduct went, it was fairly impressive, even by Calimon's standards. According to the letter, the Lord Reanimor, together with his wife and daughter, had paid a visit to Osgiliath, apparently to satisfy themselves as to the conditions of one of their cousins held there. Whilst Lord Reanimor had been speaking with his cousin, Calimon had kindly offered to entertain the ladies in his chambers. Where, allegedly, he had then sought to impose himself upon first daughter and then mother, in return for promises that he would ensure their cousin was well cared for. Whether or not the ladies thought his offer a fair one was not recorded, for, before Calimon had been able to ply them with more than a goblet or two of wine, Reanimor had returned in time to see rather more than he would have liked. Gathering his wife and daughter, he had stormed from the palace, and was now making formal complaint, demanding that Calimon be removed from office. In silence, Morlaen handed the letter to Caramir. Who, raising an eyebrow at its contents, looked to his father as he handed it back. "If I were you, I should be tempted to let him suffer. It is more than past time he learned that actions have consequences." Morlaen sighed. "Perhaps you are right. And yet, ask yourself what the consequences would then be for our family. Osgiliath is but a trophy, a symbol, yet still it is a powerful and potent one, and I would not see its Stewardship leave our line. Calimon is a fool, but my blood runs through his veins, and as such he is a useful fool. No, this affair must not be made common knowledge. Reanimor's estate is near Pelagir...I believe you are expected at court there on the morrow?" Caramir nodded. "Then I think that perhaps you should pay Lord Reanimor a visit. Accidents do happen, and, after all, these are most uncertain times." Caramir smiled, fingering the dagger at his belt. "Indeed. So uncertain, in fact, that I would not be surprised were his wife and daughter to suffer the same accident." Morlaen allowed the letter to play over the flame of a candle until it took light. “It is of great comfort to me that one of my sons inherited the wit the other lacks. Now go. It seems that I have a letter of condolence to write to Reanimor’s next of kin.”

As the elder of Castamir's uncles, Lord Morlaen is the oldest living member of the Line of Calimehtar, and hugely influential in the royal circles of Gondor. Without Morlaen’s support, Castamir would not have been able to take the throne, a fact of which Castamir is well aware, so that Morlaen's counsel is valued most highly by the King. In addition, Morlaen's eldest son, Caramir, is head of the Cor Aran, Gondor's network of secret police, whose activities even the King is not always aware. So that whilst lacking in both martial presence and lands, the Line of Morlaen is not a force to be lightly dismissed.

Version 1.01

61 of 132


#12 – Line of Morlaen

General Information Starting Gold



Calembel (Located at 2424)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Lord Morlaen, Eldest son of Calimehtar. Caramir, eldest son of Morlaen, and head of the Cor Aran. Calimon, younger son of Morlaen. Angbor, leader of the Cor Aran in Osgiliath. Sirandir, leader of the Cor Aran in Umbar. Finrod, leader of the Cor Aran in Minas Anor. Gilgor, Cor Aran operative in Pelargir.

Starting Characters Character Angbor Calimon Caramir Finrod Gilgor Morlaen Sirandir

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 0 10 0 0 5 2436 30 0 10 0 0 2424 Army Commander 0 20 0 0 10 2725 0 10 0 0 0 2424 0 10 0 0 0 0811 20 0 20 0 0 2725 Champion 0 10 10 0 0 3024

Starting Population Centres Name Calembel Cardelos Celeb-gond Mar Aran Eillonud Feador Kordas Kul-vrestik Minas Brethil Osgiliath Tar Beraid Vel Mord

Location 2424 3621 2724 2725 4215 0811 2436 1210 2626 3024 2809 3630

Size Major Town Camp Camp Major Town Camp Camp Camp Camp Town Camp Camp Major Town

Fortifications Notes Fort Capital Hidden Tower

Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden

Tower Hidden Hidden

Starting Forces Location 2424

Version 1.01

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry


Men at Arms 100

Warships Transport Ships

62 of 132


#12 – Line of Morlaen

Potential Special Nation Abilities ❖ New agents can start with an agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order. ❖ New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank. ❖ All characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover secrets as if they have an emissary skill rank of 40 (or higher if they have an emissary skill rank of greater than 40). ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 12J001 12J002 12J003 12J004

Cost 1000 1000 1000 2000

Option Army/Navy at 2424 gains 700 LC. Army/Navy at 2424 gains 2500 MA. Army/Navy at 2424 gains 100 LC, 500 AR and 1500 MA. Army/Navy at 2424 gains 1200 LC.



Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 12N001 12N002 12N003 12N004

Cost 1500 1000 1000 1500



12N006 12N007 12N008

2500 2000 2500









12N013 12N014 12N015

1000 500 500

Version 1.01

Option Morlaen gains a 10 Agent Item. Morlaen gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. Two specified Characters except Morlaen each gain 10 Emissary rank. Four specified Characters except Morlaen each either gain 10 Agent rank or 10 Emissary rank. Two specified Characters except Morlaen each gain 10 Stealth rank. Two specified Characters except Morlaen each gain 5 Emissary rank. Three specified Characters except Morlaen each either gain 10 Agent rank or 5 Emissary rank. Gain three 500 Combat Items, which will be randomly allocated to your Characters. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to your Capital. A specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander is moved to any Usurper Nation Population Centre. Relations with the Line of Tirkhor downgraded to Hated. Relations with the Line of Castamir upgraded to Friendly. Relations with specified Usurper Nation upgraded to Friendly.



Character 2 Characters 4 Characters & Skill type 2 Characters 2 Characters 3 Characters & Skill type Character Character Character & Pop. Centre Nation

63 of 132


Option 12N016

Cost 500











Option Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified Champion Character of another Usurper Nation Doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.)

#12 – Line of Morlaen Additionals Character


Character Character Character Character Character

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Hoarmurath, Khamul, Lhachglin, Slyardach. Option 12Q001 12Q002 12Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 12R001 12R002

Cost 1000 1000





12R005 12R006 12R007 12R008

1000 1500 800 4000











Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to Mar Aran. Move Mar Aran to 2624, 2825, 2626 or 2726. The destination Location cannot already contain a Population Centre Move a specified Camp to any land hex that does not already contain a Population Centre. (Specify 3 Locations in order of preference.) Move Vel Mord to anywhere in the Mountains of Mordor south of xx27. The destination Location cannot already contain a Population Centre. If it does, then the Population Centre being moved is moved East one hex at a time until it no longer clashes. If even the Eastern-most hex contains a Population Centre, the process is repeated one line of hexes to the south. Hide a specified Camp or Village. Hide a specified Camp or Village. Gain 1,000 Timber at a specified Major Town or City Destroy specified bridge. Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper nation doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-Champion Character of another Usurper nation doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).



Location Origin Location & 3 Destination Locations Destination Location

Camp or Village Camp or Village M. Town or City Location & Hexside Character Character

64 of 132


Option 12R014

Cost 2300





12R017 12R018 12R019 12R020 12R021 12R022 12R023 12R024

700 500 1500 1100 2200 1500 200 700

Option Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Locations 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Locations 9 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 2 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 2 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 4 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 6 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the Location of a specified NPC Character. Discover the Location of Ji Indur.

#12 – Line of Morlaen Additionals



Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 12V001

Cost 4000





Version 1.01

Option New Agents can start with an Agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent Order. All Characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover secrets as if they have an Emissary skill rank of 40 (or higher if they have an Emissary skill rank of greater than 40). New Characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their Stealth rank. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters New Characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their Stealth rank. New Agents can start with an Agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent Order.



65 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

#13 – Line of Elendin Background Looking down from the battlements of Calmirie, the Lord Elendin watched his men train on the grasslands below. One unit moved and wheeled in response to Alandur's barked orders, which were clearly audible on the crisp morning air. Others sparred, the harsh ring of steel on steel welcome as any song to Elendin's ears, familiar as the creaking of his own joints as he flexed his muscles against the cold. The men were well-trained, as capable as any in the realm. Which was, he considered, as well, given the storm clouds of war that loomed dark on the horizon. And yet, as he watched, he knew there was something lacking. There was none of the sense of urgency that the eve of war usually brought, no sense of spirit, if that was the right word. They were good men, and he knew that each, to a man, would spend his life without hesitation if so commanded. It was not a question of loyalty. But still, when he looked down he saw no enthusiasm, or even fear, but merely...merely what? Resignation? No, not exactly, for he had seen men who had given up hope, and this was not the same. Uncertainty? Perhaps, yet that was to be expected, for what was war if not the very essence of uncertainty? Weariness? Yes, in part, but if so, that was but a symptom, not the cause. So what, then? A lack of conviction. Yes, that was it. They moved as if by rote, the actions of men who followed orders not because they believed in them, but because that was what they did. And who could blame them? The gods knew, Elendin reflected, that he was not sure himself that his nephew's claim to the throne was valid. Certainly it had seemed so, when the half-blood Eldacar was seeking to displace the old rulers and change the old ways. But what had the years of struggle bought? Only greater uncertainty, greater unrest. And if he felt that way, it was no surprise that the men, with nothing to gain, felt the same doubt. There was not a man on the grasslands below, Elendin knew, who had not lost family or friends in the Kin-strife, and, most likely, not a man who had not shed the blood of another who in past times he would have called ally. But that was all beside the point. It was not his place, nor theirs, to question the events that had been set in motion. All they had to do was to play their part, and remain true to the side fate had placed them on. Making his way down the stairs, Elendin strode out onto the field. Catching his son's eye, he waited as Alandur wheeled them into line before him, whilst those sparring also moved to take up their positions. For a moment Elendin paused, enjoying the sense of their attention upon him. Then, walking slowly up the line, he addressed his men. "We stand on the eve of war. The so-called Loyalists march on Gondor, and it falls to us to defend her lands. Our lands. And yet this is no usual war, and they no usual enemy. For they are not orcs or creatures of darkness, but men, men of Gondor, men like us. Men who we once knew as allies, and as friends. And this makes facing them a hard task. Indeed, I would rather face a dozen hill trolls than a unit of men I once trained, once knew, once loved. "Yet like it or not, that is the task now set before us. Now I know that some of you wonder why we are fighting this war. Some of you may even question whether we should be fighting this war. And that is understandable. But for better or for worse this war is upon us, and it is not our place to question its wisdom. We are not diplomats, or politicians. Ours is not the power to influence and shape such decisions, and so ours should not be the burden of questioning their wisdom We do not rule. We fight. Our honour, our glory, is not to be found in the cause of what we are ordered to do, but in the act of battle itself. "I do not ask you to hate those we must face. For they, like us, simply do their duty to their King. But I do ask you to take pride in your stand against them. Not for the reasons we are bid to do so by politicians, not for Castamir or for the purity of our rulers' bloodlines, but for the honour of the stand itself. We are soldiers, warriors. Let us take pride in that, and let us place our faith and our dignity in that. So that whatever the future holds, it will never be said that we did not play our part in it with honour. Fear, if you will, for that is only natural. But do not doubt that what we do is right, for if we fight with honour and courage, then it cannot be otherwise. Now rest, for tomorrow we march to glory." Their cheers ringing in his ears, Elendin watched them file past him into the city. And, as he returned their salutes, he only wished that he believed his own words.

Version 1.01

66 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

At a first glance, the Line of Elendin might appear to be the weakest of the three royal Lines of Calimehtar, without the might of the Line of Castamir or the influence of the Line of Morlaen. Yet whilst it is true that in some respects the youngest of Castamir's uncles is also the one most lacking in power, Elendin is nevertheless the most popular with the people of Gondor. A military officer of long-standing, he is known for both his prowess as a commander and his fairness as a leader. Those loyal to the Line of Elendin are responsible for ruling many of the further-flung outposts of Gondor, from Lond Galen in the west to Lond Angren and Calmirie in the north, and to the Havens of Umbar in the south. As such, a goodly proportion of the troops of Gondor are at his disposal. So that whilst his is potentially a nation at great risk of attack from many directions, with the proper support of the Southron Kingdoms and the Lines of Gondor, the success or failure of the Line of Elendin will surely prove crucial in the coming war.

General Information Starting Gold



Caras Mirilond (Located at 2732)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Elendin, youngest uncle of Castamir, and Lord of Harondor. Duranil, Elendin's older son, and Warden of Tolfalas Alandur, the youngest son of Elendin. Commander of Calmirie. Saranelda, wife of Alandur Ecthelion, commander of Lond Angren. Caranthir, commander of Lond Galen. Telemnar, commander of the Havens of Umbar. Ciryang, Prince President of Minas Anor. Borondir, commander of Minas Anor garrison. Coratar, a statesman in Minas Anor.

Starting Characters Character Alandur Borondor Caranthir Ciryang Colfen Coratar Duranil Ecthelion Elendin Heldiriel Saranelda Telemnar

Version 1.01

Command Agent Emissary Mage Stealth Location Notes/Items 30 0 0 0 0 2421 Army Commander 10 0 0 0 10 2924 Army Commander 20 0 0 0 0 1227 30 0 0 0 0 2924 0 20 0 40 0 2438 Can be purchased during nation set-up 0 10 10 10 0 2924 30 0 0 0 0 2430 Army Commander 30 0 0 0 0 1720 30 0 30 0 0 2732 Champion with 10 Command Item, Army Commander 10 0 0 20 0 3222 Army Commander 0 10 0 20 0 1227 Female 30 0 0 0 0 2438

67 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

Starting Population Centres Name Athertos Calmirie Carach Annon Caras Mirilond Durthang Gates of Morannan Havens of Umbar Lond Angren Lond Galen Methir Minas Anor Shantytown Tariath Tolfalas

Location 2722 2421 2631 2732 3222 3120 2438 1720 1227 2730 2924 2923 3123 2430

Size Camp Major Town Camp Major Town Village Town City Town Major Town Camp Major Town Town Town Town



Fort Fort Fort Keep Tower Tower Fort

Capital, Port

Castle Tower Fort Tower


Port Port


Starting Forces Location 2732 2430 2421 2924 3222

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry 800 800 800 800

Heavy Infantry 400 300 400 400 400

Light Infantry 800 300


Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships 12 11 2 4


Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New armies may be hired at no cost. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ The nation can issue the following orders to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road ❖ Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost.

Version 1.01

68 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 13J001 13J002 13J003 13J004 13J005

Cost 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Option Navy at 2430 gains 10 Warships and 5 Transport ships. Army/Navy at 2924 gains 800 LC. Armies/Navies at 2421 and 3222 each gain 600 LI. Army/Navy at 2430 gains 400 LI, Army/Navy at 3222 gains 600 LI. Army/Navy at 3222 gains 800 LC.





Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 13N001 13N002

Cost 1000 2000



13N004 13N005

3500 1000

13N006 13N007 13N008 13N009 13N010 13N011 13N012

800 1200 1000 1500 1500 1500 300







Option Elendin, Duranil and Telemnar each gain 20 Command rank. Elendin, Coratar, Heldiriel and Saranelda each gain either 10 Emissary rank or 10 Agent rank. Four specified Characters with Command skill each gain either 10 Command rank and 10 Mage rank, or 5 Agent rank. Elendin gains a 10 Agent Item and a 10 Stealth Item. Elendin gains a 1250 Combat Item; 2 random Characters gain a 500 Combat Item each. A specified Character without Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character without Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. Two specified Characters without Emissary skill gain 10 Emissary rank. Two specified Characters (excluding Elendin) gain 10 Emissary rank. Gain the Character Colfen; lose 8,000 Gold Move a specified Character that is not in command of an Army/Navy to 3120. Move a specified Character that is not in command of an Army/Navy to a Major Town you control. Move a specified Character that is not in command of an Army/Navy to a Town or City you control. Move a specified Character that is not in command of an Army/Navy to a Village or Camp you control.

Skill 4 Characters & Skill/s

Character Character Character 2 Characters 2 Characters Character Character & M. Town Character & City or Town Character, & Village or Camp

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Enna San Sarab, Fha-Korlash, Shelob Option 13Q001 13Q002 13Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Version 1.01

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


69 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 13R001 13R002

Cost 1000 500





13R005 13R006

1000 2000





13R009 13R010 13R011

1000 1000 300

13R012 13R013 13R014 13R015 13R016 13R017 13R018 13R019 13R020 13R021 13R022 13R023 13R024 13R025

1000 1000 1500 2000 800 800 800 800 1500 2000 2500 1000 2000 500







Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to a specified Major Town or City. Remove 1 – 2 Ports or Harbours from one or two specified Population Centres belonging to your nation; lose 10,000 Gold. Remove 1 – 2 Ports or Harbours from one or two specified Population Centres belonging to your nation; lose 10,000 Gold. Change tax rate to 26%; all Population Centres gain 10 Loyalty (in addition to normal Loyalty alteration due to tax change). Change tax rate to 39% (no change to loyalty). Change tax rate to 60%; all Population Centres lose 15 Loyalty (in addition to normal Loyalty alteration due to tax change). Change tax rate to 73%; all Population Centres lose 25 Loyalty (in addition to normal Loyalty alteration due to tax change). Upgrade Relations with the Line of Castamir and one other specified Usurper Nation to Friendly. All Usurper Nations upgrade their Relations with you to Friendly. Upgrade Relations with all Usurper Nations to Friendly. Upgrade Relations with both Neutral Nations to Tolerated (only allowed if Neutral Nations are not pre-aligned). Gain 5,000 Timber at 2732. The Morale of all Armies/Navies increased by 25. The Morale of all Armies/Navies increased by 25. The Morale of all Armies/Navies increased by 25. Loyalty of specified Town or Major Town increased to 85. Loyalty of specified Village or Town increased to 75. Loyalty of specified Camp or Village increased to 65. Loyalty of specified Camp or Village increased to 55. Loyalty of all Population Centres increased by 10. Loyalty of all Population Centres increased by 10. Loyalty of all Population Centres increased by 10. A specified Major Town or City gains 500 Mounts Upgrade two specified Camps to Villages. Start the game with a specified non-Champion Hithlum or Witch-King Character doubled. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Start the game with a specified non-champion Line of Eledin Character doubled by the Line of Morlaen. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Move your turn map: specify the new top left hex. The top left hex must be on an odd-numbered row. For example, 3023 is acceptable, but 3024 is not. Grudge Game only: Move turn map of specified Usurper nation: specify the new top left hex. The top left hex must be on an odd-numbered row. For example, 3023 is acceptable, but 3024 is not.

Additionals M. Town or City 1 or 2 Pop. Centres


1 or 2 Pop. Centres


Town or M. Town Village or Town Camp or Village Camp or Village

M. Town or City 2 Camps Character Character Location Nation & Location

70 of 132


#13 – Line of Elendin

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 13V001

Cost 4000

Option New Armies may be hired at no cost.



The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the Character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters The Nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost.

Version 1.01



71 of 132


#14 – Southron Kingdoms

#14 – Southron K ingdoms Background "It was, my most noble and honoured Lords, through your wisdom and foresight to grant support when it was most needed, that Castamir was able to rise to the position he now enjoys. A position from which, during the past decade, he has been able to reciprocate that support, so that you have enjoyed unhindered trade, a virtual monopoly on Harad goods sold to Gondor. And if I might have the temerity to point out to you that this trade most flourishes in the area of arms and armour needed to sustain the very war he sought our financial backing for, well, I am sure you appreciate that irony as much as I." Zimrakhil paused, waiting patiently as his meaning gradually sunk in to the Southern Lords he addressed, a ripple of nods and grins eventually passing round the chamber, before he continued. "But now you find yourselves at a most critical juncture. For it is clear that Castamir's hold on the throne of Gondor is but a tenuous one, and that without not only our continued support through supply of war goods, but also our active participation in the battle for Gondor, he will surely fall. Now it is not impossible that, should Eldacar reclaim the throne, he will grant us the same favourable trading conditions as Castamir has done. After all, he will have as much need of goods as Castamir. But it is also not impossible, and, in my mind far more likely, that he will seek to forge new deals and trading alliances that will, if not cut off your profit entirely, then certainly prove less advantageous than those you now enjoy. "The choice then, as I see it, is this. You can wait to see who emerges victorious in the Kin-strife, and, risking nothing now, risk losing all in the future should Eldacar take the throne. Or you can act in support of Castamir, risking much now, but with much more to be gained." Zimrakhil paused, ostensibly to give them time to consider the matter, though he knew as well as they, should they not have been too proud to admit the fact, that they would do whatever he suggested. Still, deciding that they needed one last push in the right direction, he leaned forwards. "Or, to put it another way, are you men of inaction or of action? Are you cowards, who will sit on the sidelines of history and await the charity of the victors? Or are you men of courage, with strength and foresight enough to take hold of your own destiny?" When, after the roars had died down, he withdrew from the chamber, it was with their unanimous support to back his promise of aid to Castamir. In the privacy of his own rooms once more, Zimrakhil cast off his cloak, tired now that the adrenalin of the moment had passed. And then froze as he saw a darkly-robed figure rising from his couch. Tall, and with face and form hidden beneath black silk, nevertheless the figure moved with a grace that was surely feminine, though none had ever dared discover whether this was in fact so. Falling to his knees before her, he pulled off his right glove to reveal a withered and skeletal hand, which he held to her in supplication, fearing the pain she might inflict even as he longed for it. Instead of the searing agony of her touch, however, came but her voice, soft as a whisper, the breath of the winter wind through dead branches. "You have done well, my servant. Because of you, the harvest of war will reach south. We are pleased. Now, receive our blessing." Reaching out, she touched her hand to his, and throwing his head back, Zimrakhil screamed in agony he counted it his honour to feel, as his mind filled with the burning gaze of a lidless eye.

Version 1.01

72 of 132


#14 – Southron Kingdoms

Without the support of the Southron Kingdoms, Castamir would never have succeeded in taking the throne of Gondor. And without their continued support, he will certainly not succeed in long holding it. The Confederacy of Southron Kingdoms is an alliance of the Warlords who rule the lands of Harondor, and are responsible for conducting and protecting trade with the lands of Harad whose fruits Gondor enjoys. These Warlords were brought together by the hand of the prophet Zimrakhil, who spoke out in support of the Usurper. Such support made sense for the Warlords, since in his role as Captain of the Ships Castamir had effectively ruled the ports of Pelargir and Umbar, with whom the Southron Kingdoms chiefly traded. The fact that Zimrakhil is High Priest and servant of the Nazgul Adunaphel is one not openly known amongst the Southron Kingdoms. But rumours of his dark allegiances abound and, since they only serve to increase the fear and respect shown him, he does nothing to allay them. Meanwhile, the increasing popularity of the dark religions amongst the Southron Kingdoms further strengthens Zimrakhil's – and thus Adunaphel's – hold over the Southron Kindgoms, so that in truth it is the both of them, not the Warlords, who wield the true power within the Kingdoms.

General Information Starting Gold



Kas Shadoul (Located at 2734)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Zimrakhil, servant and High Priest of Adunaphel. Belphegor, brother of Zimrakhil. Adunaphel the Quiet, Nazgul. Khoradur, a merchant. Dormir, servant of Adunaphel Hiriel, wife of Dormir and a servant of Adunaphel. Carnion, son of Dormir, a servant of Adunaphel and a low-ranked Cor Aran operative.

Starting Characters Character Adunaphel Belphegor Carndel Malk Carnion Dormir Hiriel Khoradur Orf Belarak Sen Jerral Tor Artel Zimrakhil

Version 1.01

Command Agent 0 10 10 10 20 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 30 0 30 0 0 0

Emissary 20 0 0 0 0 10 20 0 0 0 20

Mage 40 10 0 0 30 20 0 0 0 0 20

Stealth 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Location 3437 3034 2734 2630 1420 1420 1324 2135 1324 3032 3533

Notes/Items Champion, Female Army Commander Female Army Commander Can be purchased during nation set-up

73 of 132


#14 – Southron Kingdoms

Starting Population Centres Name An Pharaz Has Dathuin Kas Shadoul Kemen-sereg Lindhus Lithu Iamon Lugarlur Luinbar Makam-e-mord Stolis Timulion Tir Harn Tomozulis Vamag

Location 2834 2935 2734 3032 1420 1324 3034 2630 3533 2934 3431 3437 1726 2135

Size Town Village Major Town Camp Village Major Town Town Village Camp Village Camp Camp Village Town




Port, Capital

Fort Fort

Port Harbour

Fort Fort


Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

2734 2135

Light Cavalry 400 400

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry


Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

New mages can start with a mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. Mages can learn the lost spell 510 – Conjure Food. Mages can learn the lost spell 512 – Conjure Hordes. Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 14J001 14J002 14J003 14J004 14J005

Cost 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Version 1.01

Option All Armies/Navies gain 5 Warships and 10 Transport ships. All Armies/Navies gain 400 LC. All Armies/Navies gain 400 AR and 800 MA. Army/Navy at 2734 gains 3 Warships, 8 Transport ships and 300 LC. Army/Navy at 2135 gains 3 Warships, 8 Transport ships and 300 LC.



74 of 132


#14 – Southron Kingdoms

Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 14N001

Cost 2000



14N003 14N004 14N005 14N006 14N007

2000 3500 2000 2500 1200



14N009 14N010 14N011 14N012 14N013 14N014 14N015 14N016

2000 1500 2200 2000 800 1000 500 1000





Option Adunaphel Gains the 500 Combat Item ‘Fire's Edge’, and the 10 Emissary Item ‘Duv Ap’el (Morgul Knife)’. Adunaphel Gains the 500 Combat Item ‘Night–piercer ‘ and the 10 Emissary Item ‘Memory's Strings’. Adunaphel and Belphegor each gain 20 Agent rank. Adunaphel, Hiriel, Khoradur, Zimrakhil each gain 10 Emissary rank. Adunaphel, Belphegor, Dormir, Zimrakhil each gain 20 Mage rank. Zimrakhil gains a 10 Agent Item, 20 Mage rank and 20 Emissary rank. Three of the following specified Characters each gain 20 Command rank: Belphegor, Carndel Malk, Orf Belarak, Sen Jerral and Tor Artel. Two of the following specified Characters not specified in option 14N007 each gain 20 Command rank: Belphegor, Carndel Malk, Orf Belarak, Sen Jerral and Tor Artel. Zimrakhil becomes a Champion; lose 10,000 Gold. Gain the Character Tor Artel; lose 8,000 Gold. Add 10 Agent rank to a specified Character. Add 10 Emissary rank to a specified Character. Add 10 Command rank to a specified Character. Add 10 Mage rank to a specified Character. Gain three 500 Combat Items, which are randomly allocated to Characters. Starting Characters with no other starting bonuses will start with healing bonuses A specified Character with only Command skill loses 20 Command rank, and gains 20 Agent rank. A specified Character with only Command skill loses 20 Command rank, and gains 20 Emissary rank.



3 Characters 2 Characters

Character Character Character Character

Character Character

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Akhorahil, Ji Indur, Sauron. Option 14Q001 14Q002 14Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 14R001 14R002 14R003 14R004 14R005 14R006 14R007 14R008 14R009 14R010

Cost 1000 1000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 3000 800



Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to a specified Major Town or City. Upgrade a specified Camp to a Village. Upgrade a specified Camp to a Village. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City. Upgrade a specified Camp to a Village; downgrade a specified Village to a Camp. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town; downgrade a specified Town to a Village.

Additionals M. Town or City Camp Camp Village Village Town Town Major Town Major Town Camp & Village


Village & Town

75 of 132


Option 14R012

Cost 800



14R014 14R015 14R016 14R017 14R018 14R019 14R020

1500 500 500 500 500 500 300











Option Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town; downgrade a specified Major Town to a Town. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Major Town to a City; downgrade two specified Towns to Villages. All Armies/Navies gain 5,000 Food. Gain 1,000 Bronze at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 200 Mithril at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Timber at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 5,000 Food at Capital. Start the game with a non-Champion Southron Kingdoms Character doubled by the Line of Morlaen. (See order 500 – Recruit Double Agent.) Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 20 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the names and IDs of all Artifacts held by specified NPC.

#14 – Southron Kingdoms Additionals Town & M. Town


M. Town & 2 Towns M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City Character


Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 14V001

Cost 2000





Version 1.01

Option Mages can learn the lost spell 510 – Conjure Food. Mages can learn the lost spell 512 – Conjure Hordes. New mages can start with a Mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost. Mages can learn the lost spell 510 – Conjure Food. Mages can learn the lost spell 512 – Conjure Hordes. Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost.



76 of 132


#15 – Hithlum

#15 – Hithlum Background The night lay heavy across the desert, neither moon or star puncturing the sky. The only light was a distant glow of torch and camp-fire, a violent hue staining the horizon. As they approached, so figures took form from the darkness, silhouetted against the fires, ornately-sculpted helms and bristling armour giving them monstrous appearance, as of demons ripped from the night itself. Sounds, also, could be heard, the whinnying of their mounts, restless in the corrals, the soft ring of armour as the guards moved around the camp's perimeter, and the occasional burst of laughter, cruel and harsh. A guttural bark from the night immediately before them demanded they halt, and two guards stepped from the darkness to block their path. Faces smeared with ash and blood, the guards seemed more devil than man, yet Ovag merely raised a hand in gesture of peace. "We have business with the Horseman." One of the two guards loomed close, so that Ovag could smell the scent of death upon his breath, could see the jagged edges of his teeth, filed to sharp points. For a moment the guard seemed to study him, before, with a shrug of dismissal, nodding. "You are expected, Easterling. Come." Gesturing for Ovag and his companion to proceed them, the guards turned towards the camp, others moving in the darkness to take their place. A wooden palisade rose out of the night before them, and despite himself Ovag blanched at the row of severed heads adorning the spikes, each mutilated, some missing ears, eyes or nose, some with runes carved into their flesh, others with pieces of sharpened wood piercing their greying flesh. Passing through an entrance in the wall above which a head was pinned to the wood by a stake through its mouth, Kav Maklar leaned close to his lord. "We should not have come here," he murmured. "To ally with such as these is not right." Ovag touched Kav's arm briefly by way of reassurance. "We need them," he replied. "We need them." Figures watched them as they passed, the women as fearsome in appearance as the men, scarred and tattooed, eyes glinting with amusement at the newcomers' discomfort. In the centre of the encampment was a black tent, ragged and daubed with bloody sigils, and it was before this that they came to a halt. From within there came a sense of evil that was almost palpable, so that Ovag found himself gritting his teeth, fighting the urge to flee. And of a sudden, he knew that Kav was right, that even the lands of Rhovanion were not worth such an alliance. But before he could turn, the flap of the tent stirred, and from it emerged a figure born of nightmare. Dressed in black armour, its large, winged helm was open, and yet even so, as Ovag stared into the helm’s depths, he could discern no features within the twisting shadows that danced there. He found himself held by the figure's gaze, a sense of ancient malice gripping his mind and his sanity. Probing fingers seemed to reach into his skull, tearing open his thoughts, laying bare his dreams and his fears. Then the figure laughed, and thus released, Ovag staggered backwards. "I am the Horseman, King of the Variags," the figure spoke, voice grating like the twisting of a knife against bone. "And you, you are nothing, little man. But despite this, I will fight for you. We, the Variags of Khand, will journey north with you, and your cause will be our cause, your battles our battles." He leaned in close to Ovag, voice soft now, the caress of death. "And for now, I ask nothing in return. But you will remember our aid, and your debt to me, and so will your sons and the sons of your sons. And one day I will return to see that debt repaid." He stood back, to cry out in a voice that rang throughout the camp. "Variags, we ride this night. And all who stand before us shall be harvested as corn before the scythe. To arms!" Throwing his head back he howled, a cry that was taken up by the Variags, and echoed by their dark mounts, so that the night was rent as if by a thousand demons. Ovag shuddered, bitterly repenting of the urge that had bid him respond to the Horseman's invitation. What was done was done, and, with the Variags at their side, he knew that the Rhovanion could not stand against them. But what cost, he wondered, would the sons of his sons one day be called upon to pay? Version 1.01

77 of 132


#15 – Hithlum

Throughout the Third Age, the Easterling tribes of the Sagath, Logath, Asdriags, Nuriags and Variags have sought to wrest the lands of Rhovanion from the men who dwell there. And always they have been repelled, forced to remain in the lands east of the sea of Rhun. But now, with the forces of Rhovanion deployed against Gondor in support of Eldacar, and with promise of both aid and – perhaps more important to them – acknowledgement by Castamir on behalf of Gondor that the lands of Rhovanion are rightfully theirs, they move against the Rhovanion with renewed confidence. Their diversity and scattered tribes are the Hithlums’ strength and weakness both. A strength, in that they have the capability to strike into Rhun, Khand or even Mordor with little warning. And a weakness in that their towns are scattered, and thus hard to defend. But whether or not they succeed in finally conquering the lands of the Rhovanion, it is certain that their struggle is crucial to the outcome of the Kin-strife.

General Information Starting Gold



Lag Midor (Located at 4420)

Characters of Note

❖ Ovag Ito, Commander of the Hithlum. ❖ Uvatha the Horseman, King of the Variags and Nazgul.

Starting Characters Character Bal Danca Borash Half-hand Gelominast Hort Lenca Hov Narag Kav Maklar Mialavod Ovag Ito Sark Relcha Uvatha

Command Agent 10 0 10 20 10 30 0 0 20 0 10 0 20 0 20 0 10 0 10 20

Emissary 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0

Mage 0 0 30 0 10 0 0 0 0 0

Stealth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Location 4420 3908 4324 4420 4408 4408 4425 4425 4420 4318

Notes/Items Army Commander

Army Commander Army Commander Champion

Starting Population Centres Name Ardror Bal Barad Nimram Erlin Esgaldor Lag Khandor Lag Midor Lag Norvor Ondicor Ostimarl Peliath Sinfail Thaurdraug Urbrith Urdor Zar-amu Zalag-varr Zar-velesh Version 1.01

Location 4410 4211 4126 4318 4326 4420 4408 4411 4319 4324 4325 4234 4309 3908 4228 4426 4425

Size Village Camp Camp Village Major Town Major Town Major Town Town Camp Town Camp Camp Camp Village Town Camp Major Town



Tower Tower Fort Fort Fort Fort Tower Tower


Tower Hidden 78 of 132


#15 – Hithlum

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

4408 4420 4425

Light Cavalry 600 600 600

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry


Men at Arms 100 100 100

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

New armies may be hired at no cost. Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their challenge rank. New armies start with a morale of 40.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 15J001 15J002 15J003

Cost 1000 1000 1000

15J004 15J005

1000 1000

Option All Armies/Navies gain 100 LC, 200 HI and 300 MA. All Armies/Navies gain 300 LC. A specified Army/Navy gains 500 LC, second specified Army/Navy gains 200 LC. A specified Army/Navy gains 800 LC. All Armies/Navies gain 400 HI.



2 Locations Location

Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 15N001 15N002 15N003 15N004 15N005 15N006

Cost 2500 1500 1700 1900 2700 1500



15N008 15N009

1000 1000

15N010 15N011 15N012 15N013 15N014

600 1000 2000 2500 1000



Version 1.01

Option Uvatha gains a 20 Emissary Item and a 500 Combat Item. Uvatha gains a Conjure Mount Item and a 750 Combat Item. Uvatha gains the 10 Agent Item ‘Duv Uv’ha (Morgul Knife)’. Ovag Ito gains a 10 Agent Item and a 500 Combat Item. Ovag Ito gains a 20 Stealth Item and a 750 Combat Item. All Characters with Command skill either gain 20 Command rank or 10 Emissary rank. Bal Danca, Ovag Ito, Uvatha, Borash Halfhand and Gelominast either gain 20 Command rank or 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. All Characters with Mage skill either gain 20 Mage rank or 5 Emissary rank. A specified Character gains 10 Command rank. A specified Character gains 10 Command rank A specified Character gains 10 Mage rank. A specified Character gains 10 Mage rank. Two specified Characters with Emissary skill each gain 10 Emissary rank. Gain three 500 Combat Items and one 750 Combat Item, allocated



Skill Skill Character Skill Character Character Character Character 2 Characters

79 of 132


15N016 15N017

1500 500





randomly amongst Characters. Move any Character not commanding an Army/Navy to Capital. Downgrade Relations with either the Horselords or Rhovanion to Hated. Upgrade Relations with the Khazad to Friendly if Khazad are a Usurper Nation at game start, or to Tolerated if Khazad are Neutral. If Option 15V002 is chosen then all Characters with Mage rank start with the spell 508 – Conjure Mounts

#15 – Hithlum Character Nation

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Dwar of Waw, Khamul, Ren the Unclean, The Blue Wizard, Istar Luin. Option 15Q001 15Q002 15Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Additionals Character


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 15R001

Cost 500







15R005 15R006 15R007 15R008 15R009 15R010

2000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000









15R015 15R016 15R017 15R018 15R019

1000 1000 1200 1400 500

Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to Zar-velesh. Move a specified Character who is not an Army/Navy Commander to 4425. Change Capital to Zar-velesh, Lag Norvor or Lag Khandor. Add 200 LC to Army/Navy at Capital’s new location if one is present (optional). Gain 2 hidden Camps at specified Locations not containing Population Centres along the hex line of 44YY. If there is a Population Centre in a specified Location, the camp will be moved southwards until a Location with no Population Centre is reached. Gain 2 hidden Camps at specified Locations not containing Population Centres along the hex line of 44YY. If there is a Population Centre in a specified Location, the camp will be moved southwards until a Location with no Population Centre is reached. Hide any 3 specified Camps Hide any 3 specified Camps Hide a specified Population Centre. Hide a specified Major Town. Hide your Capital. Move Zar-velesh to a specified Location with no Population Centre between 4414 and 4432 (inclusive) Move Zar-velesh to a specified location at or north of 4411 (on the 44xx / 43xx column/s). Upgrade the Fortifications at a specified Population Centre with a Tower to a Fort. Upgrade the Fortifications at a specified Population Centre with a Tower to a Fort. Upgrade the Fortifications at a specified Population Centre with a Fort to a Castle. All Armies/Navies gain 25 Morale. Gain 2,000 Leather at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 2,000 Leather at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 2,000 Leather at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Timber at a specified Major Town or City.

Zar-velesh, Lag Norvor or Lag Khandor, & Troops (Yes/No) 2 Locations

2 Locations

3 Camps 3 Camps Pop. Centre Major Town Location Location Population Centre Population Centre Population Centre M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City 80 of 132

Kin-strife Option 15R020 15R021 15R022 15R023 15R024 15R025 15R026

– Cost 1000 1200 1400 1200 2200 1200 500

Option Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City. Specified Army/Navy gains 30 Training. Specified Army/Navy gains 60 Training. All Armies/Navies gain 10 Training. Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).

#15 – Hithlum Additionals M. Town or City M. Town or City M. Town or City Army/Navy Army/Navy


Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 15V001

Cost 1000

15V002 15V003

3000 3000

Version 1.01

Option New Characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their Challenge rank. New Armies start with a Morale of 40. Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. New Armies may be hired at no cost.



81 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

#16 – W itch-realm of Angmar Background "What in the name of the gods is this?!" Face twisted in distaste, Maksaern spat out the lump of pale and gristled meat, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as the globule hissed and fried in the fire. "Horse meat? I ain't eating no horse meat." One of his companions looked up from where he sat, stoically chewing on a lump from his own plate. "You will if you don't want to starve. Leastways, unless you reckon you're hunter enough to find better fare in these parts in mid-winter." Maksaern rinsed his mouth out with a swallow from his mug, the bitter ale tasting little better than the meat, though at least its burning warmth did something to ease the chill of the night. "And that's another thing. Why the hell are we stuck out here with the breath of the Misties blowing down our backs anyway? We should be down in the hills, or, better yet, at home with wine and women." "We're here because this is where we were told to be," came the reply. "As well you know." "Yea? Well I'm sick of taking orders from some foul-smelling son of an orc. In fact, I've half a mind to–" A sudden blow knocked him off the log he was sitting on, sending him sprawling to the ground, face inches from the fire. Gasping, he thought to rise, but a grip of iron grasped hold of his head, pulling him up into the air, where he dangled, staring into the massive features of a troll. Fetid breath washing over him from a mouth twisted by a mass of broken and blackened teeth, he choked as baleful eyes the size of plates glared at him. " 'Alf a mind to do what, human?" Rogrog rumbled. Maksearn opened his mouth to form a reply, but a twist of the troll's hand shook the breath from him. "If you've 'alf a mind at all, you'll obey orders," Rogrog said. "An' it ain't 'orse meat, it's orc flesh." He grinned. "The last one who thought he was too good to follow orders." Giving Maksearn one last shake, he dropped the man to the ground, where he lay, gasping for breath. Rogrog kicked him in the stomach for good measure. "So. Are we goin' to be a good soldier an' follow orders?" Maksaern managed to nod. "Good. Then get some rest. Tomorrow we march, tomorrow night we fight. An' after that, I reckon as we'll 'ave us some man flesh to feast on."

Version 1.01

82 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

In the year 1300 of the Third Age, even as the hobbits migrated across the Misty Mountains to settle in Eriador, so there came to the northern lands another, darker, traveller. Murazor, the Witch-king, first among the Nazgul, founded Angmar in the northern Misty Mountains, and from there gathered to him creatures of darkness with which to over-run and destroy the already fragmented Dunedain nations of Arthedain, Rhudaur and Cardolan, remnants of the once-great kingdom of Arnor. In 1409 the Witch-king made his move, his armies pouring down from the mountains. The Hill Men of Rhudaur, overawed by the power of the Witch-king, pledged allegiance to him, and those few Dunedain in Rhudaur who remained loyal to the cause of Arnor fled to Arthedain. Cardolan, on whom the attack was led by the Witch-king himself, was simply overwhelmed. And only the aid of the Elves of Lindon and Rivendell enabled Arthedain to finally turn the Black Tide. With the Witch-king's armies forced to retreat back into Rhudaur and the northern mountains, the men of Arthedain thought themselves safe. But, sensing the fragility of the Arthedain nation, Murazor worked fast to restore his armies, newly bolstered by the Hill-men of Rhudaur so that now, only two score years later, he prepares once more to drive the last of the line of Dunedain from Arnor, and claim Eriador for his dark lord.

General Information Starting Gold



Carn Dum (Located at 1804)

Characters of Note

❖ Murazor, Witch-king of Angmar, a Nazgul. ❖ Gothmog, a troll. ❖ Rogrog, another troll.

Starting Characters Character Ashnanku Broggha Cynar Gothmog Maksaern Murazor Ricnau Rogrog Seammu Ulrilca

Version 1.01

Command Agent 10 0 20 10 30 0 40 0 0 0 40 0 10 0 30 0 10 0 40 0

Emissary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mage 20 0 0 0 20 10 0 0 0 0

Stealth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Location 2006 1804 2008 2006 1804 2309 2305 1804 2008 1502

Notes/Items Army Commander Army Commander Champion Army Commander Army Commander Army Commander

83 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

Starting Population Centres Name Cameth Brin Carn Dum Dinwall Dor-gelos Dun-tarband Eralda Eregiath Fennas Druinin Fuindor Goblin-town Gundabad Krimpatal Kul Ardos Lond-Luin Lund Gelin Mount Gram Ras Morthil Tar-thoron Tilram Zarak Dum

Location 2008 1804 1908 2009 2109 2309 1602 1910 1904 2409 2305 2404 2111 2106 2306 2006 2206 1502 1803 2004

Size Major Town Major Town Camp Village Camp Town Camp Town Camp Town Major Town Town Village Camp Camp Major Town Camp Major Town Camp Camp

Fortifications Notes Fort Castle Capital


Tower Fort

Fort Tower Fort Tower

Starting Forces Location 1502 1804 2305 2006 2008

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry

1000 1300

Heavy Infantry 600 800 400

Light Infantry 100 200 200




Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. ❖ New mages can start with a mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 314 – Teleport. ❖ The nation may build fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost.

Version 1.01

84 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option




16J001 16J002

1000 1000

16J003 16J004 16J005 16J006

1000 1000 1000 1000

Army/Navy at 1502 gains 100 HC, 200 LC and 300 LI. Army/Navy at 1502 gains 200 AR and 200 MA; Army/Navy at 1804 gains 600 AR and 600 MA; Army/Navy at 2305 gains 200 AR and 200 MA. Army/Navy at 2006 gains 700 LC. Army/Navy at 2008 gains 400 HI; Army/Navy at 2305 gains 500 LI. Army/Navy at 2305 has 400 HI converted to 400 HC, and 200 LI to 200 LC. A specified Army/Navy gains 10 War Machines.


Default ?

Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 16N001

Cost 500

16N002 16N003 16N004 16N005 16N006

500 400 1000 1500 1300

16N007 16N008

2300 500

16N009 16N010 16N011 16N012

1800 600 1000 1000









16N017 16N018

300 1000

Version 1.01

Option A specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Command rank. A specified Character with Mage skill gains 10 Mage rank. Murazor gains 20 Command rank. Murazor gains 20 Mage rank. Murazor gains the 10 Agent Item ‘Duv Mu’or (Morgul Knife)’. Murazor gains the 1500 Combat Item ‘Vasamacil’, and the 30 Mage Item ‘Sea–helm of Ciryatan’. Murazor gains the 20 Emissary Item ‘Crown of Angmar’. Murazor gains the two 750 Combat Items ‘Nallagurth’ and Romoquenaro’. Murazor gains the 30 Command Item ‘Morgul Plate’. Cynar gains 10 Stealth rank and 10 Agent rank. Cynar gains 10 Stealth rank and 10 Agent rank. Of Ashnanku, Broggha and Cynar: the first one specified gains 10 Command rank, the second gains 20 Command rank, and the third 30 Command rank. Of Gothmog, Ricnau and Rogrog: the first one specified gains 10 Command rank, the second gains 20 Command rank, and the third 30 Command rank. Of Ashnanku, Maksaern and Murazor: the first one specified gains 10 Mage rank, the second gains 20 Mage rank, and the third 30 Mage rank. Of Broggha, Murazor, Ricnau and Seammu: the first one specified gains 10 Emissary rank, the second gains 20 Emissary rank, and the third 30 Emissary rank. Murazor must have a specified Spell from the Lost List ‘Conjure – Spirit Mastery’ as one of his starting spells. Maksaern gains 20 Mage rank. Starting Characters with no other starting bonuses will start with Healing bonuses.

Additionals Character



Ashnanku, Brogga & Cynar in Order of Choice Gothmog, Ricnau & Rogrog in Order of Choice Ashnanku, Maksaern & Murazor in Order of Choice 3 Characters in Order of Choice Spell

85 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Akhorahil, Barrow Wight, Bert, Tom, William, Felagrod, Hoarmurath, Old Man Willow Option 16Q001 16Q002 16Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 16R001 16R002

Cost 1000 1000







16R006 16R007 16R008 16R009 16R010 16R011 16R012 16R013 16R014

3000 1500 500 1000 1000 1500 2500 500 500

16R015 16R016 16R017 16R018 16R019

2000 1000 1000 2500 1000















Version 1.01

Option Capital’s Fortifications improved by one level. Loyalty of Capital improved to 100; Loyalty of all other Population Centres improved by 10. Move a specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy to your Capital. Move a specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy to your Capital. Change Capital to another Major Town or City. Upgrade the size of Carn Dum by one level. Upgrade specified Town to a Major Town Specified Village gains a Tower Specified Town gains a Tower Two specified Camps each gain a Tower Two specified Camps each gain a Tower Two specified Camps each gain a Tower Build a Road from 1803 north west to 1702 then west to 1502. Build a Road from 1805 south east to 1907, east to 2107, then south west to 2009. All Troops gain Bronze Weapons and Steel Armour where possible. Gain 1,000 Bronze at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Steel at a specified Major Town or City. A specified Army/Navy gains 60 Training. The cost of options 16R020, 16R021, 16R022 and 16R023 are reduced by 500 points each. Change the terrain type of one of the following hexes to Swamp: 1404, 1504, 1605, 1705 Change the terrain type of one of the following hexes to Swamp: 1404, 1504, 1605, 1705 Change the terrain type of one of the following hexes to Swamp: 1404, 1504, 1605, 1705 Change the terrain type of one of the following hexes to Swamp: 1404, 1504, 1605, 1705 Discover the location of 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the location of 6 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the location of 9 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).



Character Character Major Town or City Town Village Town 2 Camps 2 Camps 2 Camps

M.T. or City M.T. or City Army/Navy Location Location Location Location

86 of 132


#16 – Witch-realm of Angmar

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 16V001

Cost 4000



16V003 16V004

1000 6000

Version 1.01

Option New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. The nation may build Fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost. New Mages can start with a Mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. Mages can learn the lost spell 314 – Teleport. New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. The nation may build Fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost. New Mages can start with a Mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order. Mages can learn the lost spell 314 – Teleport.



87 of 132


#21 – Line of Tirkhor

#21 – Line of T irkhor Background "I am, of course, most flattered by your offer," Lord Adrazor replied, handing his son-in-law a goblet of wine. "And it is not one that any man could lightly pass over. Yet I fear that even as I thank your father for the honour of its offering, I must decline, for the cost of the favour you ask in return is too great. I simply cannot commit my cavalry in support of your cause, for it would place my own people and lands at risk." Prince Castaher sighed, turning the goblet in his hands and pretending to study its patterns before replying. "Your response does not surprise me. In fact, I told my Lord Castamir that you would say exactly that. But come, I am no diplomat. You can speak plain with me. And I would like to imagine you do not think me so foolish as to believe your excuse, that the release of a thousand horse for this favour would put your lands at risk. At least do me the honour of speaking openly what is known to us both. The fact of the matter is that you will not aid us because you will not act against the enemy Eldacar. Even now, even when he marches to attack Gondor herself, of whom you are one of her greatest lords and so sworn to her defence, even now, you will not aid us." Adrazor gestured ambiguously. "Whom you call enemy, others might call rightful ruler. And what you call the defence of Gondor, some might consider its unlawful holding." Seeing Castaher's face darken, Adrazor raised a hand placatingly. "I, of course, am not one who would offer such opinion so rashly. After all, is my daughter not your wife, and are our families not bound by marriage and by blood? But you asked me to speak plain, and so I speak now. Matters are not so clear as you would like to make out, as well you know. Your father holds the throne, but that does not mean he will continue to do so, either with or without my aid. And if I support him and if he falls, what then? My first duty is to my people. And when I say that sending the cavalry you ask for puts them at risk, it is not from invasion in the troops' absence, but of retribution should Castamir nevertheless fall." Castaher leaned close, pretence of civility falling away. "Well, father-in-law, since we are now speaking to one another plainly, let me tell you this in return. You think to avoid choosing a side in this. But there may come a time when those who are not allied with us will be considered against us. And should such a time come, you may regret not having given us aid when we asked for it." Adrazor nodded. "Perhaps. But that time is not yet now, I think. And so my decision stands. Please relate to your father that I am honoured by his offer, but fear that, nevertheless, I must refuse." Reaching out, he took the goblet from Castaher's hands. "And now, I am sure that a person of your importance must have many demands upon them, so I must not be so inconsiderate as to take up any more of your valuable time. But please, know that my palace is your palace, and I am always honoured by your presence. Good day."

A tangled web of allegiances, marriages and friendships binds the Line of Tirkhor together, even as individual desires, political ambition and external pressures threaten to tear it apart. The line consists of the three offspring of Tirkhor and their families, loosely ruled by the word of the eldest son of Tirkhor, Adrazor, Prince of Belfalas, a small Fief in Western Gondor between the rivers Ringlo and Gilrain. Of the other issue of Tirkhor, the youngest son Edrahil and his own sons are the Seers of Gondor, guardians of the three Palantirs, whilst Tirkhor's daughter, Miriel, is married to Maeglin of Morthond, another Fiefdom of Gondor, situated to the North of Belfalas. The Line of Tirkhor, then, might be seen to consist of two inconsequential Fiefs and a family of Seers. So it is not immediately obvious either why or how the Line has managed to remain neutral throughout over a decade of civil war in Gondor. The reasons lie in the tapestry of interwoven political and blood ties that bind the Line of Tirkhor into the fabric of Gondor royal society. Lothriel, daughter of Adrazor, is married to Castamir's son, whilst the Line of Tirkhor has long held vows of faith to the Line of Minalcar, and so now to Valacar.

Version 1.01

88 of 132


#21 – Line of Tirkhor

These ties both enable Prince Adrazor to avoid claiming for either faction, and also mean that each is unwilling to press the matter, else risk the Prince favouring the other. In addition, the rulers of Gondor have ever been forced to rely on the Seers of Tirkhor in order to wield the power of the Palantirs, so that Castamir is unwilling to completely cut himself off from the possibility of utilising the information they provide. Though the fact that, unwilling to risk the palantirs coming to harm in the strife, the Seers have recently removed both themselves and the Palantirs from Orthanc, Minas Anor and Minas Ithil to a hidden location where they might be kept safe, has hardly served to foster good will between Tirkhor and Castamir. But perhaps most importantly of all, Prince Adrazor has at his command the only units of heavy cavalry in Gondor. So that whilst increasingly desperate to have use of these forces, equally, Castamir cannot risk them being used against him, so dares not force the Prince's hand. So, then, the Line of Tirkhor has managed to tread the delicate line between Usurpers and Loyalists, with Adrazor unconvinced of either Castamir's ability to rule or Eldacar's right. But as Castamir grows increasingly desperate for aid in repelling the forces of Eldacar, and as Eldacar's need for support from western Gondor with which to crush the Usurper between east and west grows, that line is becoming ever thinner. And it seems almost inevitable that there will come a time when the Line of Tirkhor must finally chose a side, or perish between them.

General Information Starting Gold 59,280.


Lond Ernil (Located at 2227)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Prince Adrazor of Belfalas, the Swan-prince, eldest son of Tirkhor. Edrahil, second son of Tirkhor, and seer of Orthanc. Miriel, the daughter of Tirkhor and wife of Prince Maeglin. Aradan, the eldest son of Adrazor. Giladan, the middle son of Adrazor. Tirazor, the youngest son of Prince Adrazor. Prince Maeglin, Lord of Morthrond. Lorin, son of Edrahil and seer of Minas Anor. Tirion, son of Edrahil and seer of Minas Ithil.

Minor Characters

These are not starting characters, but are detailed here as suggestions for characters to name during the game. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Estel, son of Maeglin (a commander). Mordulin, daughter of Adrazor, betrothed to Ornendil (a mage). Ornendil, a healer in Minas Anor (a mage). Melrandir, a Squire in Lond Ernil (a commander and agent). Beregond, a Knight of Lond Ernil (a commander).

Version 1.01

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#21 – Line of Tirkhor

Starting Characters Character Adrazor Aradan Edrahil Giladan Lorin Maeglin Miriel Tirazor Tirion

Command Agent 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 10 0 10 0

Emissary 30 0 0 10 0 10 10 0 0

Mage 0 0 40 0 30 0 0 30 30

Stealth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Location 2227 2223 2122 1923 2123 2227 2025 1923 2327

Notes/Items Champion Army Commander

Army Commander Female Army Commander

Starting Population Centres Name Imled Druwaith Kul Bandah Kul Gorta Lond Emil Min-Aear Minor Carvarad Morband Mormoth Nan-Curunir Ramthalion Ringbar Standing stone Tarlangband

Location 2326 1923 2225 2227 2125 2124 2328 2327 2223 2122 2025 2022 2123

Size Camp Town Camp City Village Camp Camp Village Camp Village Village Camp City

Fortifications Fort Tower Citadel


Port, Capital

Tower Fort Tower


Starting Forces Location 2227 2223 1923

Heavy Cavalry 400 400

Light Cavalry 400 200 200

Heavy Infantry 600

Light Infantry 600

Archers 600

Men at Arms 600

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. ❖ Armies lose no morale for force marching. ❖ The nation can issue the following orders to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: ❖ 496 – Build Road

Version 1.01

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#21 – Line of Tirkhor

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 21J001 21J002 21J003 21J004 21J005 21J006

Cost 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000




All Armies/Navies gain 400 HC. Army/Navy at 2223 gains 400 LC; Army/Navy at 2227 gains 400 LC. Army/Navy at 1923 gains 800 LC. Army/Navy at 2227 gains 200 HC and 300 LC. Army/Navy at 2227 gains 6 Transport ships. Army/Navy at 2227 loses all non–cavalry Troops and gains 500 HC.

Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 21N001 21N002 21N003

Cost 1500 700 2000

21N004 21N005 21N006 21N007

2000 8000 8000 500

21N008 21N009 21N010 21N011 21N012 21N013

3000 4000 500 1500 3000 2000

21N014 21N015 21N016 21N017 21N018 21N019 21N020 21N021

2500 2500 3000 3000 3500 2000 3000 1000



Version 1.01

Option Edrahil gains a Palantir. If Edrahil has a Palantir, Lorin and Tirion each gain a Palantir. A specified Character becomes a Champion. Adrazor loses Champion status. Adrazor gains 10 Command rank, 10 Agent rank or 10 Mage rank. A specified Character becomes a Champion. A specified Character becomes a Champion. Move a specified Character who does not command an Army/Navy to a specified Population Centre. All Characters with Command skill gain 10 Command rank Two specified Characters each gain 25 Stealth rank. A specified Character without Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. Adrazor gains 20 Emissary rank A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Emissary skill, excluding Adrazor, gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character without Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character without Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character without Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character without Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. All Characters with Emissary skill gain 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character without Mage skill gains 10 Mage rank. All Characters with Mage skill gain 20 Mage rank. A specified Character that does not command an Army/Navy moved to your Capital. A specified Character that does not command an Army/Navy moved to your Capital.



Character Skill Character Character Character & Pop. Centre 2 Characters Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character Character

91 of 132


#21 – Line of Tirkhor

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Malan-buri-Malan, Orodreth, The Blue Wizard. Option 21Q001 21Q002 21Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 21R001 21R002 21R003 21R004

Cost 300 400 400 1000

21R005 21R006 21R007 21R008 21R009 21R010 21R011 21R012 21R013 21R014 21R015 21R016 21R017 21R018 21R019 21R020

1000 500 500 500 500 1500 2500 1500 2500 1500 2000 3000 500 5000 7000 5000

















Version 1.01

Option Set Tax rate to 39% (no change to loyalty). Move Starting map East or West by one hex. Move Starting map East or West by one hex. Change Capital to 2123; Fortifications at 2123 improved by one level; Fortifications at 2227 reduced by one level. Build a Road from 2023 to 2122 (e, ne); gain 3,000 Timber at 2122. Build a Road from 1923 east through 2023 to 2123. Build a Road from 2123 south-east through 2124 to 2225. Build a Road from 2025 east through 2125 to 2225. Build a Road from 2225 to 2227 (e, se, sw, w). All Troops gain Bronze Weapons and Bronze Armour where possible. All Troops gain Steel Weapons and Steel Armour where possible. Training of a specified Army/Navy increased by 30. Training of a specified Army/Navy increased by 60. Training of all Armies/Navies increased by 10. A specified unfortified Camp gains a Tower. All Towers become Forts. The Fortifications at 2227 become a Fort. All Forts become Castles. All Castles become Keeps. Upgrade Fortifications of a specified Population Centre with a Keep to Citadel. Army at 2227 loses 600 HI, 600 LI, 600 AR and 600 MA. Gain 25,000 gold. If a Neutral Nation at Game Start Only: Relations with all nations changed to Tolerated, with the exception of Relations with the Line of Castamir and the Line of Eldacar, which are set to Disliked. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: Downgrade Relations with the Line of Morlaen to Hated. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: Downgrade Relations with the Line of Castamir to Hated. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: Upgrade Relations with the Line of Eldacar to Friendly. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: A specified unfortified Camp gains a Tower. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: Gain a Hidden Major Town with a Fort called Umand Lenath at 1426. If a Loyalist Nation at Game Start Only: If option 21R027 has been chosen, move Umand Lenath to the specified Location 1326, 1822 or 1722.



East or West East or West

Army/Navy Army/Navy Camp

Pop. Centre



92 of 132


#21 – Line of Tirkhor

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 21V001

Cost 3000





Version 1.01

Option New Emissaries can start with an Emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order. Armies lose no morale for Army/Navy marching. Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts. The nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road The nation can issue the following orders to its Characters, assuming the Characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road Armies lose no morale for Army/Navy marching.



93 of 132


#22 – Khazad

#22 – Khazad Background In the still of the early morning the woodland held its breath, only the murmur of the Anduin in the distance breaking the quiet. A heart beat, a second, and then, with a soft sigh, an axe cut the air, spinning as it described a low arc, tracing a path through the trees. "Yeeesssssaaaaarrrrnnnnoooooooooo!" The peace was broken as the dwarf cried out, initial triumph giving way to sudden horror. And his axe, bouncing off the top edge of a small upended tree trunk wherein the centre of which was embedded another axe, spun off into the undergrowth. "Damnation," Gimlin muttered, pulling at his beard and turning to face his companion's grinning features with a scowl. "Best out of three?" Dorin shook his head, sticking out his hand. "That was the second of three. You missed the last one too, remember? Now, pay up. I need to make some sort of profit from this blasted trip." Grimacing, Gimlin reluctantly fished two coins from his pouch, handing them over grudgingly. "Lucky, that's what you are. Besides, my axe isn't straight, I'm sure of it." Dorin raised an eyebrow. "Well, you know what they say about bad craftsmen blaming their tools. Besides, if I recall, you made that one yourself, did you not?" Bickering, the pair retrieved their axes before returning to the wagons, sitting down heavily on ground whose grass was already flattened, what was meant to have been an overnight camp having been their home now for close on ten days. They had been meant to meet up with traders from Gondor over a week ago, but, once again, the Gondorians had clearly been delayed. And the delays were getting worse, too. "You think they'll show?" Gimlin didn't need to ask what his brother was referring to, for the same subject was on his mind. "Couldn't say. Damned humans. Can't build, can't mine, can't keep their appointments. By Durin's beard, I wish we hadn't come. Don't know why I let you talk me into it." "Gold, if I'm not mistaken." "Yes? Well, so far I'm out of pocket, and all I've got to show for it is a blunted axe. I've more than half a mind to–" He fell silent, rising to his feet as the sound of footsteps broke the quiet. For a moment he listened, tense, before shouldering his axe. "A human. But alone – that's odd." A moment later a man, albeit a ragged and travel-worn specimen, did indeed emerge from the woods. Seeing them, he nodded in greeting. "You're late," Gimlin stated shortly. The man nodded. "Ay. And lucky to be here at all. We were ambushed by men of Rhovanion two days' journey away. My companions were taken captive, as was our vessel. Only I managed to escape. "And your gold?" Gimlin asked. "Was that as lucky?" The man winced. "No. Taken." Version 1.01

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#22 – Khazad

"Then you can't pay us?" The man shook his head. Gimlin spat on the ground. "In that case we'll be leaving. And next time, the cost will be double to cover this wasted trip." "But the weapons, the arms! We need them! If I return empty-handed the Cor Aran will have my head!" Gimlin shrugged. "Tell it to someone who cares." As Dorin urged their mules into life, Gimlin moved to follow, before, as if reconsidering, turning back to the man. Unslinging his axe, notched now from its glancing blow with the trunk, he tossed it at the man's feet. "Here. Consider it a gift." And then the dwarves were gone.

In the first age, the Seven Fathers of the dwarves awoke, and came forth with their Kindreds to explore the land. Durin, the First father, came upon the Misty Mountains, and established there Khazad-dum, the Dwarf Mansion, which was to endure through the ages. Dwalin and Thrar, having journeyed with Durin, continued onwards into the north-west, to found Belegost and Nogrod in the Blue Mountains. These were lost and – most thought – destroyed, in the Great Battle at the end of the First Age, wherein Morgoth was overthrown. And yet some dwarven bands survived, and, in the Second Age managed to reestablish holds in the mountains, though they were but shadows of the holds' former glories. Thelor's folk dwelt for a time in Mount Gundabad in the northern Misty Mountains, before conflict forced them first east into the Mountains of Rhun where they established Azanulinbar-Dum, and then, early in the third age, south into Ered Harmal, establishing the delving called Namagaluz. Bavor's people journeyed south, to build their homes in the Yellow Mountains of Greater Harad, below the great wastes of the Harad deserts. Finally, Druin and Barin's tribe travelled east, far beyond the realms that would later be claimed by the human Easterlings, to settle in the seaward lands of Ruuriik. So it is that most of the Seven Kindreds played no part in the history of Middle-earth, or at least, in Northern lands of Middle-earth of which most is told of in the histories. Of those that did, the most famed line is of course that of Durin. Yet the lines of Dwalin and Thrar, broken but not destroyed, yet remain in the far north west, and the dwarves of Namagaluz, ever having taken but little interest in the affairs of men, also endured into the Third Age. Durin's Folk have benefited from the Kin-strife, selling arms and armour to both sides. However, with Eldacar securing his position in Rhovanion, trade with Castamir down the Anduin has become difficult. Durin bides his time, but it is clear that, should the war in Gondor become prolonged, he will have to choose a side else risk the possibility of losing trading links with both. Meanwhile, the Folk of Dwalin, Thrar and Namagaluz care even less for the affairs of men. Yet the ties that bind of the Seven Tribes, ancient as they are, are not easily ignored. And should Durin have need, he knows that he might call upon them to support him. Note: Dwarven Kings typically take on the name of their ancestors, which makes dating individuals somewhat difficult. Durin is almost certainly Durin V, since Durin’s line is fairly well detailed by Tolkien (although he could conceivably be Durin IV). But the ‘numerals’ of the other Kings are very much estimations, estimations made more awkward by the fact that dwarves seem to live anywhere from one hundred to three hundred years, assuming they do not meet their end in battle. Dwalin and Thrar have been based on Durin, since all three trace their ancestry directly from the Seven Fathers. It has been assumed, however, that the lines of Threlin and Thulin are weaker, being only indirectly related to the Seven Tribes, so have shorter life spans, leading to the greater numerals of their current Kings.

Version 1.01

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#22 – Khazad

General Information Starting Gold 12,000.


Khazad-dum (Located at 2212)

Characters of Note ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

King Durin V. King Dwalin V. King Thrar V. King Threlin VI. King Thulin VI.

Starting Characters Character Borin Durin V Dwalin V Fimli Thoran Thrar V Threlin VI Thulin VI

Command Agent 0 0 20 0 10 0 10 30 10 0 10 0 20 0 20 0

Emissary 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stealth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Location 2222 2212 3707 0703 3707 2212 4435 4435

Notes/Items Army Commander, Champion Army Commander Army Commander Army Commander

Starting Population Centres Name Aingrod Azarulinbar-Dum Belegost Bizul-baran Duria Garol Tagara Haudh-en-Heru Haudh-gilril Kalidasa Kelai Khazad-dum Namagaluz Naugram Nimglin Nogrod Obruni Waw Pelkalnin Skall

Version 1.01

Location 3916 3707 0812 2311 2313 0813 3102 0703 2222 0604 2212 4435 3606 2211 0606 3506 2213 2205

Size Village Town Town Camp Town Village Town Town Town Town City Major Town Camp Camp Town Town Town Town

Fortifications Tower Fort Castle

Tower Tower Fort Tower Citadel Fort


Hidden, Capital

Tower Tower

96 of 132


#22 – Khazad

Starting Forces Location

Heavy Cavalry

Light Cavalry

2212 4435 0703 3707

Heavy Infantry 100 100 100 100

Light Infantry


Men at Arms

Warships Transport Ships

Potential Special Nation Abilities

❖ New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. ❖ The nation can buy from the market at 20% less than the given buy price, and sell to the market at 20% greater than the given sell price. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has a relevant skill rank of 50 (or better if they have the appropriate skill rank at higher than 50): 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ All new Heavy Infantry recruits start with training 30.

Set-up Tables Table F – General Options See ‘Table F’ Chapter.

Table J – Military You must spend exactly 3000 points on this table. Option 22J001 22J002 22J003

Cost 3000 3000 3000

Option Army/Navy at 2212 gains 900 HI. Specified Army/Navy at 4435, 0703 or 3707 gains 900 HI. Armies/Navies at 4435, 0703 and 3707 each gain 300 HI.




Table N – Characters & Magic Items You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 22N001

Cost 3500



22N003 22N004 22N005 22N006 22N007 22N008

1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000

Version 1.01

Option 3 different specified Characters with Command skill each gain 20 Command rank once; Durin gains a 20 Command Item and a 10 Stealth Item. 3 different specified Characters with Command skill not named as additionals in option 22N001 each gain 20 Command rank; Durin gains a 30 Command Item and the 2250 Combat Weapon ‘Durin's Axe’. Dwalin gains 10 Command rank and a 1000 Combat Item. Dwalin, Durin and Thrar each gain 20 Command rank. Four different specified Characters each gain 10 Agent rank. Four different specified Characters each gain 10 Mage rank. Four different specified Characters each gain 10 Emissary rank. Move a specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy to the Capital.

Additionals 3 Characters


3 Characters

4 Characters 4 Characters 4 Characters Character 97 of 132


22N009 22N010

1500 2000

22N011 22N012 22N013 22N014 22N015 22N016 22N017 22N018 22N019 22N020 22N021 22N022

300 700 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 200 750 1500 2500

Move a specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy to the Capital. Move a specified Character not commanding an Army/Navy to a specified Population Centre. Borin gains 10 Emissary rank. Borin gains 20 Emissary rank. A specified Character other than Borin gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character gains 40 Mage rank. A specified Character other than Fimli gains 10 Agent rank. Build a Road from 2212 east to 2312. Build a Road from 2212 west to 2112. Add 250 to any Combat Item, to a maximum total of 2500. Gain three 750 Combat Items, hidden at three random Population Centres. Gain three 750 Combat Items, hidden at three random Population Centres. If a Usurper Nation at Game Start Only: Thrar, Durin and Dwalin each gain a ‘Dwarven Ring of Power’ (40 Mage Item, Reveal Production).

#22 – Khazad Character Character & Pop. Centre Character Character Character Character Combat Item

Table Q – NPCs You can discover information about the following NPCs: Felagrod, Istar Luin, Turukulon. Option 22Q001 22Q002 22Q003

Cost 20 per NPC 30 per NPC 30 per NPC

Option Discover the starting location of specified NPC/s. Discover the SNAs of specified NPC/s. Discover the artifacts held by specified NPC/s

Additionals NPC/s NPC/s NPC/s


Table R – Population Centres, General Nation Bonuses & Information Option 22R001 22R002

Cost 3000 2000



22R004 22R005 22R006 22R007 22R008 22R009 22R010 22R011 22R012 22R013

3000 3000 1000 1000 1500 1000 1300 2000 1000 1500

22R014 22R015 22R016 22R017 22R018 22R019 22R020 22R021 22R022

1500 2500 1000 2000 2000 2500 4000 5000 500

Version 1.01

Option Change Capital to any Major Town or City. Upgrade a specified Village to a Town, and improve its Fortifications by one level. Upgrade a specified non-hidden Town to a Major Town, and improve its Fortifications by one level. Change Tax rate to 73%; all Population Centres lose 20 Loyalty. Gain 4,000 Steel, 4,000 Bronze, and 300 Mithril at your Capital. A specified Population Centre gains 1,000 Bronze and 10 Loyalty. A specified Major Town or City gains 1,000 Steel and 10 Loyalty. A specified Major Town or City gains 200 Mithril and 10 Loyalty. All Population Centres gain 10 Loyalty. Capital gains 300 Mithril and 10 Loyalty; lose 12,000 Gold. All options purchased on Table F cost 200 less each. Disband two different specified Armies/Navies. All Troops in a specified Army/Navy gain Mithril Weapons and Mithril Armour where possible. Training of a specified Army/Navy increased by 30. Training of a specified Army/Navy increased by 60. All armies gain1000 Steel Weapons in their baggage trains. All armies gain1000 Steel Armour in their baggage trains. A specified army gains 500 Mithril Weapons in their baggage train. A specified army gains 500 Mithril Armour in their baggage train. All armies gain 500 Mithril Weapons in their baggage train. All armies gain 500 Mithril Armour in their baggage train. If a Usurper Nation at Game Start Only: Downgrade Relations with the Rebels of Ered Lithui and the Line of Eldacar to Hated.

Additionals M. Town or City Village



Pop. Centre M. Town or City M. Town or City

2 Armies/Navies Army/Navy Army/Navy Army/Navy Army/Navy Army/Navy

98 of 132




If a Usurper Nation at Game Start Only: Upgrade Relations with the Line of Castamir and a specified Usurper Nation to Friendly.

#22 – Khazad Nation

Table V – Special Nation Abilities You must spend at least 4000 points on this table. Option 22V001

Cost 4000







Version 1.01

Option New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has a relevant skill rank of 50 (or better if they have the appropriate skill rank at higher than 50): 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters The nation can buy from the market at 20% less than the given buy price, and sell to the market at 20% greater than the given sell price. All new Heavy Infantry recruits start with training 30. New Commanders can start with a Command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order. All new Heavy Infantry recruits start with training 30. Armies lose no Morale for force marching.



99 of 132


Table F

Table F If you are viewing this module on a computer, bear in mind that the BACK bookmark will return you to the last section you were viewing, allowing you to move easily between this table and others for a particular nation. If you have printed this module and are reading it on paper, we recommend either keeping this chapter separate so that both it and nation chapters can be read at the same time, or printing this chapter 14 times and inserting it at the end of each nation chapter. Any nation may purchase options from Table F. As with other tables, however, each option can only be purchased once per nation. For ease of reference, Table F has been divided into different sub-tables.

Characters Option 00F001 00F002 00F003 00F004 00F005 00F006

Cost 2800 3500 2500 2000 3500 900





Option A specified Character with Mage skill gains 10 Mage rank. A specified Character with Agent skill gains 10 Agent rank. A specified Character with Emissary skill gains 10 Emissary rank. A specified Character with Command skill gains 10 Command rank. A specified Character with Stealth skill gains 10 Stealth rank. A specified Character gains two random low-level Artifacts (similar in power to a 500 –750 Combat Item or a 10 Skill Item). A specified Character who does not command an Army/Navy moved to Capital. A specified Character who does not command an Army/Navy moved to a specified Population Centre.

Additionals Character Character Character Character Character Character


Character Character & Pop. Centre

Relations Option 00F009

Cost 2000

Option Where possible, all Tolerated Relations are upgraded to Friendly.



Option Add 250 to any Good Combat Item (to a maximum of 2500). Add 250 to any Evil Combat Item (to a maximum of 2500). Discover the IDs of 3 random Artifacts (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 5 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs of 10 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Locations of 3 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible). Discover the Locations of 6 random Artifacts not held by Nations or Characters (including NPCs) at game start (duplicates are possible).

Additionals Artifact Artifact


Artifacts Option 00F010 00F011 00F012 00F013 00F014

Cost 300 300 800 1700 800







Version 1.01

100 of 132


Table F

Stores Option 00F018 00F019 00F020 00F021 00F022 00F023

Cost 2000 1300 1500 1500 1200 2000

Option Gain 2,000 Leather at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Bronze at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Steel at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 200 Mithril at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 1,000 Timber at a specified Major Town or City. Gain 500 Mounts at a specified Major Town or City.

Additionals Major Town or City Major Town or City Major Town or City Major Town or City Major Town or City Major Town or City


Army/Navy Training Option 00F024 00F025 00F026 00F027 00F028 00F029

Cost 2500 3500 2500 2000 1000 2000

Option Training of specified Army/Navy increased by 20. Training of specified Army/Navy increased by 50. Training of all Armies/Navies increased by 10. Morale of specified Army/Navy increased by 30. Morale of all Armies/Navies by increased by 10. Morale of all Armies/Navies increased by 15.

Additionals Army/Navy Army/Navy



Information Option 00F030 00F031 00F032 00F033 00F034 00F035 00F036

Cost 1200 700 1700 1700 2400 1700 800

Option Discover the SNAs of 2 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 2 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 4 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 specified NPCs. Discover the SNAs of 6 random NPCs (duplicates are possible). Discover the IDs and names of all Artifacts held by specified NPC.

Additionals 2 NPCs


4 NPCs 4 NPCs 6 NPCs NPC

Population Centres Option 00F037 00F038 00F039 00F040 00F041 00F042 00F043

Cost 1500 3000 3500 1000 2800 4000 2000



00F045 00F046

1000 1000

00F047 00F048 00F049

1000 7000 1000





Version 1.01

Option Move turn map to centre on Capital hex Move turn map to centre on a specified Population Centre. Change Capital to a specified Major Town or City Remove a Harbour or Port from a specified Population Centre A specified Town becomes a Major Town. A specified Major Town becomes a City. Upgrade the Fortifications at a specified Population Centre with a Tower to a Fort. Upgrade the Fortifications at a specified Population Centre with a Fort to a Castle. A specified Population Centre that can gain a Harbour gains a Harbour. A specified Population Centre with a Harbour has its Harbour upgraded to a Port. A specified Population Centre gains 20 Loyalty. A specified Population Centre becomes Hidden. A specified Camp is upgraded to a Village; a specified Village is downgraded to a Camp. A specified Village is upgraded to a Town; a specified Town is downgraded to a Village. A specified Town is upgraded to a Major Town; a specified Major Town is downgraded to a Town.



Pop. Centre M. Town or City Pop. Centre Town Major Town Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Pop. Centre Camp & Village Village & Town Town & Major Town 101 of 132


Option 00F052

Cost 1000





Option A specified Major Town is upgraded to a City; a specified City is downgraded to a Major Town. Move up to two specified unfortified Villages to within one hex of Capital. These villages can not be modified by other options.* Move up to four specified unfortified Camps to within one hex of Capital. These camps can not be modified by other options.*

Table F Additionals Major Town & City 1 or 2 Villages & new Locations 1 – 4 Camps & new Locations


* If the new Location already has a Population Centre, the specified Population Centre does not move. If two or more Population Centres are moved to the same Location, then the Population Centre whose first letter is latest in the alphabet is moved, and the others do not move. (For example: Ziguragil would take precedence over Amaltan.)

Locations Option 00F055

Cost 1000





Option Change Weather Type of Location of a specified Hex not already modified by a similar option to one type more clement (each season moves towards Warm). Change Weather Type of Location of a specified Hex not already modified by a similar option to one type more clement (each season moves towards Warm). Change Weather Type of Location of a specified Hex not already modified by a similar option to one type more clement (each season moves towards Warm).

Additionals Location


Location Location

Special Nation Abilities Option 00F058

Cost 400

00F059 00F060 00F061 00F062 00F063

400 2000 1000 1000 2000

Version 1.01

Option Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if Army/Navy force–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if Army/Navy force–marching. All new Men–at–Arms recruits start with Training 25. The nation can build ships at 1/2 the usual Timber cost. Mages can learn the lost spell 244 – Fearful Hearts (Usurper Nations only). Mages can learn the lost spell 248 – Fanaticism (Usurper Nations only). Mages can learn the lost spell 246 – Summon storms (Usurper Nations only).



102 of 132


Post Script

Post Script In the year 1447 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, the remaining forces of Castamir the Usurper were defeated at the Battle of Erui, and Castamir himself slain by Eldacar's hand. However, the influence of Castamir did not end with his death. The remnants of his forces, led by his surviving sons, fled south to Pelargir, and from there to the city of Umbar in the far south. There, among those who had supported them throughout the Kin-strife, they regrouped, and as the Corsairs of Umbar allied themselves with the men of Harad, taking to the seas to terrorize the ports of Gondor. For nearly four hundred years they laid waste to Gondor's southern trade routes, sometimes even reaching deep into Gondor's territories along her rivers. And they remained at threat until 1810, when King Telumehtar of Gondor finally retook Umbar. In doing so, he slew the last of the descendents of Castamir, and it is, perhaps, a mark of how significant a threat the Corsairs had shown themselves to be that from that time Telumehtar onwards was known as Umbardacil, which means "Victor over Umbar". And yet even after that, was Castamir's influence truly over? Through his actions he had struck at the heart not only of Gondor, but of what it meant to be of Gondor. The civil war had set friend against friend, brother against brother, and the scars it left on the psyche of the people were never to truly heal. For where once there had been a unity, from that time onwards, whenever there arose disagreement, no matter how slight, always there was a dark whisper in the back of the mind, a voice that warned against trust, a fear that saw in every act the possibility of betrayal. In the final reckoning, the true legacy of Castamir was not of bloodshed and fire, but of doubt and mistrust. And so, in the end, the victory was Sauron's alone.

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Appendices Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

These are characters which can be encountered and recruited. For details on how to recruit an NPC, please refer to the Additional Rules section of this module. Abilities implied by the descriptions may not exactly match their powers in the game, and they may or may not be found in the expected locations. Not all NPCs will necessarily be found in every game, and additional NPCs not detailed here may also be discovered.

Starting NPC Information

Each nation can purchase information about different NPCs during their nation setup, as follows:

Free Peoples

Line of Eldacar Koashun Radagast Saruman Feamirie Rebels of Ered Lithui Gandalf Gwaihir Landroval Meneldor

Dark Servants

Rhovanion Michel Bandy Gwaihir Landroval Meneldor Treebeard Skinbark Leaflock Horselords Saruman Treebeard Skinbark Leaflock

Line of Castamir Sauron The Blue Wizard Ren the Unclean

Line of Elendin Enna San Sarab Fha-Korlash Shelob

Line of Morlaen Hoarmurath Khamu Lhachglin Slyardach

Southron Kingdoms Akhorahil Ji Indur Sauron


Line of Tirkhor Malan-bur-Malan Orodreth The Blue Wizard

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Kingdom of Arnor Dameric Took Goldberry Tom Bombadil Gandalf Losspindel Quendi Cirdan Feamirie Sulkano Losspindel Gandalf

Hithlum Dwar of Waw Khamul Ren the Unclean The Blue Wizard Istar Luin Witch-realm of Angmar Akhorahil Barrow Wight Bert Tom William Felagrod Hoarmurath Old Man Willow

Khazad Felagrod Istar Luin Turukulon

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Free Peoples Cirdan Cirdan, shipwright and keeper of the Grey Havens, is one of the wisest of the elves to have walked on Middle-earth. And whilst ostensibly his part in the history of the later ages of Middle-earth has been but a small one, his gifting of Gandalf with Narya, the elven ring of power, must surely be one of the most selfless and foresighted of acts witnessed in Arda. The last of the once-great elven mariners, it is to his Grey Havens that the elves of Middle-earth come when they are weary of the world. Dameric Took of the Fallohide Clan and Michel Bandy of the Stoors The Shire will not be formed until the year 1601 of the Third Age, when King Argeleb II of Arthedain grants them permission to settle in his lands. However, by the time of the Kin-strife most of the hobbit families have already crossed over the Misty Mountains, fleeing their ancient homes in the Greenwood following the arrival there of Sauron. And they can be found, if you look very carefully, in east Arthedain. The Stoor hobbits, meanwhile, have re-crossed the mountains and settled in the Gladden Fields. Although more adventurous than the hearth-loving Shire-folk will come to be, still, even the stoutest Stoor is more fond of ale than adventuring. Yet even so, their inherent sense of goodness might allow them to be persuaded to aid in the Kin-strife. Especially, if they think there will be a pouch of Old Toby in it for them. Gandalf the Grey Gandalf the Grey, the Grey Pilgrim, the Grey Wanderer. Olorin, Tharkun, Incanus. Mithrandir, Second of the Order of Istari, Servant of the Secret Fire that is Hope, and wielder of the flame of Anor. Of all the beings that have walked on Middle-earth, the Grey Wizard surely needs least introduction. His time is not yet come, his glory veiled still in tattered robes of grey. But still, ever a friend to those who would stand against the Darkness, there can be no greater ally to be found in Middle-earth. Goldberry Wife of Tom Bombadil, Goldberry is a spirit of the water, tied to the rivers and lakes even as Tom is to the earth. Hers is a beauty of joy and of life, inspiring not fear and reverence but laughter and hope. Gwaihir Windlord, Landroval and Meneldor Ever have the Great Eagles been allies in the fight against the Ancient Enemy and his servants. When the world was still young, Thorondor, Lord of the Eagles, led his people against the dragons and against Morgoth himself, and such was his majesty that he was allowed to go into the west when the First Age was done. Those Eagles that yet remain in Middleearth are less mighty than their ancestors, but still remain masters of the skies, whose beak and claws even dragons have learned to fear. Gandalf earned the friendship of Gwahir when he healed a wound the Windlord had suffered, and in return, the eagles have come to Gandalf’s aid many times. Gwaihir’s kin, Landroval and Meneldor the Swift, are names less frequently mentioned in the histories of Middle-earth, yet ever have they been present at Gwaihir’s side. Koashun Koashun is the King of Koanoz, a city realm in Harad. Rare amongst the people of Harad, Koashun not only opposes the ends of League of Southron Warlords, but actively speaks out against the prophet Zimrakhil. Further, his eldest son, Prince Harith, has pledged service to Eldacar. So far, the Southron Kingdoms have let Koashun in peace, as his rule is over one of the most ancient and respected kingdoms in the south. Yet as Zimrakhil's influence grows, Koashun knows that it is surely but a matter of time before the Warlords are persuaded to act against him. And knows further that, if he is to survive the Kin-strife, he must secure the friendship and protection of the Loyalists.

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Losspindel The Lossidil, or Snow Elves, of the Teleri, make their home in the far north of Forodreth, the Northern Wastes beyond the Ered Mithrin. Theirs is a barren land, where the legacy of Morgoth and his dread stronghold of Angbad still scar the icy wastes. From their city of Helloth, ruled by Losspindel, Mistress of the City, scouts wander the land. Few roam as far south as the Grey Mountains, but, on occasion, they may be seen there. And whilst understandably caring little for the affairs of those who dwell in the warmer regions, nevertheless in their hearts they still bear a hatred of the Ancient Enemy, and might even be persuaded to act in the Kin-strife against his servant Sauron. Radagast the Brown The last of the Istari to be chosen to journey to Endor, some claim that he is also the weakest, both in strength and in will. Yet whilst it is true that, in the final years of the Third Age, Saruman will use him as a fool, nevertheless, unlike others among the Istari he has never fallen prey to greed and darkness. And if his is a fault, it is of caring too much for the beasts and the trees, and not enough for the affairs of man. From his home at Rhosgobel in the Anduin Valley, the lands of western Mirkwood fall under his care. Long has he fought the darkness that spreads from Dol Guldur, and perhaps he might be persuaded to walk further afield, for a time at least. Saruman the White In the years of the Kin-strife Saruman has not yet taken residence in Orthanc, nor yet fallen prey to Sauron's dark influence. And whilst even now the seed of his later villainy resides in his heart, still the hour is not yet late, so that he might still be considered a force for good. Tom Bombadil Oldest of the Maiar to still walk in Endor, Tom Bombadil was also the first to enter Ea. An earth spirit, he dwells in the Old Forest. And, having cared for the forest for so long, his spirit is tied to the place, so that, whilst within its embrace his powers are without limit, beyond the forest his strength is largely untried. His soul, too, is tied to the earth, so that, like other Maiar who have dwelt on Middle-earth for so long, such as the Istari and the Balrogs, he can no longer cast off his physical form and travel the unseen paths of the Maiar. Treebeard, Skinbark and Leaflock Ents have walked Middle-earth since Yavanna first fashioned them from her thoughts. Slow to anger, yet as Saruman found to his peril, once roused their fury is that of the storm, and their strength that of the earth. Oldest of these oldest of mortal creatures, Treebeard is the guardian of Fangorn Forest, last haven for the Ents. And those ents that yet remember speech and movement do so at his bidding. Skinbark dwells to the west of Isengard, and his is the care of the birch and ash, the rowan and aspen. Of those ents who yet walk, he is perhaps the most active, his sap still quick to rise. And the third of these most ancient Shepherds is Leaflock, his flock the willows the birches, the firs and the pines. He keeps to the high places of Fangorn, and, though growing more tree-ish with every passing decade, still the sap in him remains strong, and might yet be awakened to action. Sulkano and Feamirie Amon Lind is a small elven fort on the western side of the southern Misty Mountains. More so even than other elves, the folk of Amon Lind have sought to remain aloof from the affairs of the world, and whilst trading on occasion with other peoples near them, they have had little interest in what has transpired in the world about them. However, that is not to say that they do not share the same hatred of Sauron and his minions as all of their kind. And, if sought out, it is possible that they might be persuaded to stand against him. Sulkano is an elven smith, a mage and inventor. Obsessed with the concept of flight, he has made several machines capable of taking to the air, and even, it is rumoured, a flying vessel. Feamirie is an architect of Amon Lind, and the nearest thing the fort has to a leader. Certainly he is the best swordsmen, and it is he who leads the frequent raids on nearby orc and troll tribes. Version 1.01

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Dark Servants Akhorahil Akhorahil, the Blind Sorcerer, Storm King of Far Harad. Only the fifth of the Nazgul, nevertheless, both as a mage of unrivalled skill among the dark servants, and as the Witch-king's most valued lieutenant – being, in fact, also his cousin – Akhorahil wields both power and respect. The time of the Kin-strife finds him quiet in the far south, gradually restoring his kingdom beneath the yellow sands. But in his role as lieutenant to the Witch-king, he is also on occasion seen abroad in the north, where his cousin makes ready to launch further assault on the peoples of Arnor. Barrow Wight Barrow Wights haunt the tombs in which they were unhappily laid to rest. And yet they can, if called, move from beyond their resting places to cast their pale shadows upon the world. Though it would be one in desperate need who dared to thus call them forth. Bert, Tom and William Huggins Ill-tempered and often slow of wit, trolls are the handiwork of Morgoth, who fashioned them in mockery of the Ents. The three brothers Bert, Tom and William are particularly slow-thinking examples of Troll-kind, but this fact may well allow someone brave enough to risk their foul anger and fouler breath to more easily persuade them to join the Kin-strife. Different trolls can abide the sun to varying degrees, and sadly for the brothers, theirs is the tendency to turn to stone at the slightest hint of sunlight. A fact which will eventually prove their undoing late in the Third Age. But, at the time of the Kin-strife, they are still a menace to the Rhudaur hills they lay waste to. Dwar of Waw Born the son of a fisherman, Dwar's rise in power, first to Lord of the Isle of Dogs in the east and then to a Nazgul, one of Sauron's most trusted servants, is surely one of the most remarkable in the histories of Middle-earth. And only the Witchking and Khamul the Dragon Lord wield more influence among the forces of darkness. Having passed into shadow with his master at the end of the Second Age, he awakened again in the year 1051 of the Third Age, dwelling with Sauron in Dol Guldur before leaving to play his part in preparing for the time when Sauron would finally rise up once more. Enna San Sarab One of the most powerful of the daughters of Shelob, Enna San Sarab dwells in Southern Mirkwood. Whilst far weaker than her mother, nevertheless Enna San Sarab is a feared hunter, and made more so by the fact that she keeps her own spawn close about her, hundreds of spiders who weave their webs in the darkness of the forest. Felagrod Durin's Bane, the Balrog of Moria, born of fire and darkness. At the time of the Kin-strife, the dwarves of Moria have not yet delved too deeply, and so Felagrod bides his time in the fires below the surface of the world. But already their hammers awaken him from his slumbers, and he stretches, turning his mind once more to the service of his dark lord. And, if any are brave enough to risk the deepest rents and chasms, he might be found and brought forth to wreak havoc on the world once more. Fha-Korlash Orcs, or goblins, are perhaps the most pervasive example of Melkor's evil, the corrupted spawn of elves whom he captured and twisted into dark form. Many times during the ages of Middle-earth have these creatures spread like a plague across the land, and whilst many times they have been driven back to the dark places of the world, they yet remain. There have been many orcs to have taken the name Fha-Korlash, for it is both name and title both for the chief of the Scara-Hair tribe of orcs, found in Northern Ithilien. At the time of the Kin-strife, when the presence of Gondor in the area is strong, the tribe is but small in number, and reside in the mountains of Mordor itself. But it would take little to convince them to emerge once more in service of darkness.

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Hoarmurath Sixth among the Nazgul, Hoarmurath was born to the icy forests of the north, then reborn as Nazgul when Khamul the Dragon Lord sought him out and offered him Sauron's power. For two centuries Hoarmurath, taking on the title Lord of the North, then ruled his lands, before, answering Sauron's call, fought and fell with him at the end of the Second Age. As with many of his companions, the time of the Kin-strife finds Hoarmurath rebuilding his kingdom, whilst also heeding the dark orders of Sauron. Ji Indur Dawndeath Amaav III The Fourth of the Nazgul, Ji Indur was King of the southern lands of Mumakan, home to the legendary Mumakil, or Oliphants. And, on his rebirth in the year 1050 of the Third Age, he set to retaking his throne, so that the time of the Kinstrife sees him as King Ji Amaav III in the south, even as, among the Nazgul, he is known as Dawndeath, Sauron’s knife in the darkness. Khamul Khamul, the Dragon Lord of the Easterlings, was born Komul, changing his name to reflect the pronunciation of the Black Speech when he was summoned to Barad-dur by Sauron. And, when reawakened in the Third Age, Khamul dwelt with his master in Dol Guldur, commanding the garrison there. Second only to the Witch-king, Khamul is a hunter without equal, and, despite his position as commander of Sauron's garrison, he is by nature solitary, often acting as Sauron's silent blade when Ji Indur is otherwise occupied. Lhachglin and Slyardach the Dindae of Nan Gulduin A servant of darkness, though but a mortal the mage Lhachglin wields great power, not least the demon Slyardach, the Dindae of Nan Gulduin, who Sauron has bound to Lhachglin’s command. From the fortress of Sarn Goriwing in northern Mirkwood, Lhachglin uses the dark creatures of the forest as spies in service of Sauron, whilst Slyardach is employed as messenger and assassin. Old Man Willow Quite why Old Man Willow is as dark-hearted as he is remains unknown; most likely his soul and heart were twisted by Morgoth's power aeons ago. Although not having moved for centuries, due in large part to Tom Bombadil’s efforts to keep him asleep, Old Man Willow is in fact a huorn, and like all huorns, as with their brethren the ents, he is capable of rousing himself if necessary. The passing of the years have largely caused him to forget that once he walked the earth, and he exists now more as if in a dream. But, if he can be roused to anger, he might prove a valuable ally. Ren the Unclean Consumed by plague and by fever as a young man, he recovered from the plague that wracked his body but not the fever that twisted his mind. Speaking of himself as the Fire King, the fire of his madness attracted others to him, so that by the year 2000 of the Second Age, he was indeed King, in the lands of Chey to the east of the Ered Harmal. Having watched Ren's rise with keen interest, Sauron offered him a Ring of Power, and so Ren became the eighth Nazgul. Moving once again on the land, the time of the Kin-strife sees the Fire King seeking to restore his empire, unifying the tribes in Chey Sart. Sauron Lieutenant of Morgoth the Ancient Enemy, Sauron is the most feared and powerful dark presence in Middle-earth in the Third Age. The time of the Kin-strife finds him in Dol Guldur, in the disguise of the Necromancer. Unwilling yet to reveal his full power, he works instead through the Nazgul, gathered to him once again, so that not even the Istari yet know the true nature of the Necromancer, though perhaps some guess. It would be a fool who entered Dol Guldur in the hope of persuading Sauron to join their cause. Yet nevertheless, it might just be that one who entered with proper supplication might gain some boon.

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

Shelob An evil from the dark years, Shelob dwelt in the mountains of Mordor before Sauron ever claimed it, and whilst both benefitted from the other's presence, neither owed nor now owes the other loyalty. If even Sauron dares not demand her obedience, then, it would be a fool indeed who sought to do so. And yet in return for promise of the blood of others that she feeds upon, it is possible that she might be persuaded to join, for a time at least, the cause of the Usurpers. For whilst caring nothing for their cause, there will surely be much blood spilled in the conflict.

Neutral Istar Luin Third among the Istari, Istar Luin more than any of his kind spurns the mantle of age his physical form suggests. A hunter and a warrior, he revels in the pleasures of the flesh, but being thus bound to his physical form, oft-times he falls prey to its weaknesses, to fear as well as desire, to weariness as well as exhilaration, and to pride as well as pursuit of excellence. Some claim that his path and his pride can only lead him to turn from serving men to seeking to rule over them. But if so, the thought of raising his own kingdom is but a dream, and like Saruman, he has not yet entirely abandoned all thought of his calling to protect the lands of Middle-earth. Still, it would be a brave man, or dwarf, who thought to remind him of his responsibilities, and perhaps an easier task would be to tempt him instead to abandon such duties entirely, forsaking them for the temptations of power and darkness. Malan-buri-Malan Headman, or buri, of the Woses. Unsurpassed in wood-lore, the Woses are among the most ancient of the races of man, thought to be primitive by those who judge civilisation only by its material veneer. Caring little for the affairs of the world of men, and peaceable by nature, nevertheless they will fight to protect their forests, and bear a hatred for those such as orcs who would burn and destroy them. And, as such, might be roused by any who can persuade them that their lands are at risk. Orodreth Orodreth, son of Maeglin, is, of all the people of Middle-earth, the one with the greatest claim to the throne of Gondor. This fact is not known to him, however, and indeed only a few know this truth, which is as well for him, since if it were common knowledge, he would doubtless have been killed long ago by those with aspirations to power. King Tarannon, ruler of Gondor in the ninth century of the Third Age, was not childless as is generally thought, but fathered an illegitimate son through Beruthiel, herself also of Numenorean origin. The child was fostered by the first Prince of Morthond, who, since he himself was childless, passed his house on to the child. And so Orodreth, as eldest son of the current, aging, prince of Mothrond, can be seen to be the true heir to the Throne of Gondor. This fact not withstanding, Orodreth's life has been ill-fated indeed. Despite the desire of his family line to remain neutral in the Kin-strife, eager for glory he pledged his allegiance to Castamir, and was responsible first for the Linhir uprising, then for the taking Osgiliath. However, forced by those jealous of his success to kill Ornendil, son of Eldacar, as proof of his loyalty to Castamir, Orodreth then repented of his actions, and his part in the bloody war. After the fall of Osgiliath he was made Captain of The Ethir by Castamir, a mockery of a position with no authority or men under him, ostensibly responsible for guarding against pirates in the Anduin delta, though since the pirates are themselves in the pay of Castamir, he has been instructed not to interfere with them. Accepting this position as penance, Orodreth lives now in solitude. Yet it is rarely given to those fated to have a great part to play in the histories to be allowed to remain in such peace. And, to any who could convince him to take their side, Orodreth would surely prove a most valued ally.

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Appendix A – Non-Player Characters

The Blue Wizard To name him the lesser of the Five Wizards would be to risk forgetting the power of all the Istari. Yet it is true that of all the Order, his is perhaps the least part in the history of Middle-earth. His is the knowledge of death, and of grief, and burdened with such wisdom, some believe it inevitable that he will one day slip from pity and empathy to distain and loathing for those mortals who suffer and die. But, as with Istar Luin and as with Saruman, The Blue Wizard too has not entirely put aside his duties to the world, and his heart is not yet inured to grief. And, as such, he might make an ally in the Kin-strife, for good or for evil. Turukulon the Worm Turukulon is one of the few dragons to have been born after Morgoth's defeat at the end of the First Age. However, stunted in size, he was forced from his home on the Withered Heath, and eventually made his lair in the very south of the Misty Mountains. There, unlike most of his kind, rather than merely preying on the lesser races he bargained with them, albeit often only in return for their lives. So that the dwarves fashioned for him a lair, men work for him as spies, and now even with the elves of nearby Amon Lind he has forged an arrangement, where he helps in their forges in return for magical knowledge. However, despite his unusual nature, Turukulon is still a dragon, and in his heart is still the greed for treasure and wealth that fires all his kind. And as such, he might, with relative ease, be persuaded, or at least paid, to join in the battles of men.

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Appendix B – Nation Starting Forces

Appendix B – Nation Starting Forces Nation #

Nation Name


Line of Eldacar


Rebels of Ered Lithui






Kingdom of Arnor




12 13

Line of Castamir Line of Morlaen Line of Elendin


Southron Kingdoms




Witch-realm of Arnor


Line of Tirkhor



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Heavy Cavalry

2720 2711 3316 3124 3729 3421 3213 3114 2508 3109 2619 3612 4013 3711 3914 1407 0907 1614 0909 0511 2137

800 600 100 200

800 1000 500 500 500

Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry 200





1200 600 600 200 200 500 500 200 200 400

800 200 400 200 800


200 400


Archers Men at War- Transport Arms ships Ships 10 10 500

500 500 200 200 600 1800

800 200 600

2927 2627 2829 2437 2424 2732 2430 2421 2924 3222 2734 2135 4408 4420 4425 1502 1804 2305 2006 2008 2227 2223 1923 2212 4435 0703 3707

Light Cavalry

500 500




15 10 5

15 10 5







12 2

11 4

1200 800 400

500 100 800 800 800 800 400 400 600 600 600

1000 1300

400 400

400 200 200

400 300 400 400 400

800 300 800

100 100 100 600 800 400

100 200 200







100 100 100 100

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Appendix C – Artifacts

Appendix C – Artifacts Name Air-Cleaver Alambas Juice Alunthiensal Amalong Anarmacil Andorithel Angbor Angol Armor of Khamul Ash Nazg (The One Ring) Athelas Bamboo Dagger Banner of Rhovanion Banner of the Horselords Banner of the True King Banner of Tirkhor Believer’s Bane Belt of Traceless Passing Betheal’s Eket Birch-bow of Cimoniemor Black Helm of Mulak Black Scale Black Staff Blade of the Ranger Blue Bow Blue Jacket Boots of Nightfall Boots of Shadow’s Grace Boots of Tracelessness Bow of the North Bow of the Woodland Realm Bow of Thunder and Bone Bracers of Blyga Bracers of Chennacatt Bright Shining Brooch of Lifestealing Burning Blade Calehta Caleinstha Calris Light Cleaver Calsetha Cape of Hiding Cape of Iridescence Carn Delthsa Casfarathel Castamir’s Bane Celeborn’s Long Sword Cirmegil Cloak of Feathers Version 1.01

Item Type Primary Benefit Bola Combat 1000 Herb Command 10 Gem Mage 20 Armor Combat 750 Sword Combat 1000 Sword Command 10 Gauntlet Command 20 Cloak Stealth 10 Armor Command 15 Ring Unknown Herb Mage 15 Dagger Combat 500 Banner Command 10 Banner Command 10 Banner Command 10 Banner Command 10 Bow Combat 1000 Belt Agent 10 Sword Combat 500 Bow Combat 500 Helm Combat 2250 Armor Command 30 Staff Combat 750 Sword Bow Jacket Boots Boots Boots Bow Bow

Combat 1750 Combat 750 Emissary 15 Agent 10 Stealth 10 Stealth 20 Combat 1500 Combat 500

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Evil NPC Evil, Dwar of Waw Good Evil Good Good NPC Good, Feamirie Evil Neutral Nation 22, Durin Neutral Nation 22, Durin Evil NPC Evil, Khamul Evil Good Evil Nation 14 Good Good Good Neutral Evil NPC Evil, Ren Neutral Unknown (Table F) Evil Nation 13 Neutral Unknown (Table F) Evil Evil NPC Evil, Sauron Neutral NPC Neutral, The Blue Wizard Neutral Neutral NPC Neutral, Istar Luin Good NPC Good, Tom Evil Nation 14, Zimrakhil Good Nation 3, Vidurafin Neutral NPC Neutral, Istar Luin Neutral Good

Assigned How?

Bow Bracers Bracers Sword Amulet Sword Sword Sword Sword Sword Cloak Cloak Sword Armor Axe Sword Sword Cloak

Combat 750 Command 20 Mage 15 Combat 500 Mage 10 Combat 1500 Combat 500 Combat 1250 Combat 1000 Combat 500 Agent 10 Mage 25 Combat 1750 Combat 1000 Combat 750 Combat 750 Combat 500 Combat 500

Evil Good Evil Good Evil Evil Good Neutral Evil Good Neutral Evil Good Evil Good Good Evil Good

Nation 15, Ovag Ito Nation 5, Argeleb NPC Evil, Akhorahil Nation 2, Aldarmir

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Evil, Ren Nation 3 NPC Evil, Barrow Wight NPC Evil, Felagrod Nation 2 Unknown (Table F)

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 1, Eldacar Nation 6, Celeborn Nation 14

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Starts with NPC

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

Can be chosen at set-up

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

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Kin-strife Name Cloak of Hiding Cloak of Mirages Cloak of Winter’s Shrouding Cloud Bow Collar of Renewal Corantir Craig-olf-Ti Crown of Celethsa Crown of Anarion Crown of Angmar Crown of Arwen Cu-I-Thang Cuivegurth Culok Dagger of Blinding Dagger of Green Wisdom Dagger of Night Dagger of Orc-slaying Dagger of Returning Dagger of Sands Dagger of the Dancer Dagger of the Rebels Dagger of the Usurper Dagger of the Viper Dagnirdraug Dalrim Dawn’s Breaking Dawnsword Death Mace Deeds of Perpetuity Deepcrest Axe Delver’s Staff Desert Tongue Distant Fists Diviner Doom’s Falling Dragonhelm Drums of the Deep Durin’s Axe Durin’s Belt Duv Ad’el (Morgul Knife) Duv Ak’il (Morgul Knife) Duv Dw’ar (Morgul Knife) Duv Ho’ath (Morgul Knife) Duv Ji’ur (Morgul Knife) Duv Kh’aul (Morgul Knife) Duv Mu’or (Morgul Knife) Duv Re’an (Morgul Knife) Duv Uv’ha (Morgul Knife) Dwarven Axe Dwarven Pickaxe Earring of Souls

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Appendix C – Artifacts

Item Type Primary Benefit Cloak Stealth 10 Cloak Combat 1250 Cloak Command 20

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Neutral Nation 2, Bregor Evil Good

Assigned How?

Bow Collar Crown Spear Gem Crown Crown Crown Bow Whip Bow Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Sword Boots Gem Sword Mace Scroll Axe Staff Dagger Mace Pendant Sword Helm Drums Axe Belt Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Dagger Axe Pickaxe Earring

Evil Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Evil Evil Good Evil Evil Neutral Neutral Neutral Evil Good Neutral Evil Neutral Good Evil Neutral Neutral Evil Evil Evil Evil Neutral Neutral Neutral Evil Neutral Good Good Evil Evil Neutral Neutral Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Neutral Neutral Neutral

NPC Evil, Ji Indur Nation 2, Aldarmir

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 11, Castamir Nation 16, Murazor Nation 6, Arwen Nation 15 NPC Evil, Felagrod Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with Character Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

Unknown (Table F) Nation 12 Nation 5, Argeleb Unknown (Table F) Nation 14 Unknown (Table F) Nation 2, Bregor Nation 11, Castamir

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with Character

Unknown (Table F) Nation 13, Elendin

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Evil, Ji Indur Nation 15, Uvatha

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 15, Ovag Ito Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Evil, Khamul

Starts with NPC

Nation 22, Durin Nation 22, Durin Nation 14, Adunaphel NPC Evil, Akhorahil NPC Evil, Dwar of Waw NPC Evil, Hoarmurath NPC Evil, Ji Indur NPC Evil, Khamul Nation 16, Murazor NPC Evil, Ren Nation 15, Uvatha

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Neutral, The Blue Wizard

Starts with NPC

Combat 1000 Command 15 Emissary 10 Combat 500 Mage 10 Command 30 Emissary 20 Mage 25 Combat 750 Combat 2500 Combat 500 Combat 1750 Combat 500 Combat 500 Combat 750 Combat 500 Combat 500 Combat 500 Combat 500 Combat 500 Agent 10 Combat 750 Stealth 10 Mage 20 Combat 1000 Combat 750 Emissary 5 Combat 1500 Mage 10 Combat 500 Combat 750 Combat 500 Combat 750 Command 10 Command 5 Combat 2250 Command 30 Emissary 10 Mage 25 Agent 10 Agent 10 Agent 10 Command 15 Agent 10 Command 10 Agent 10 Combat 500 Command 15 Mage 10

Can be chosen at set-up

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Kin-strife Name Earthroot Spike Easterling Banners Elenethbiel Elessar Elfbane Elven Banner Elven Boots Elven Cloak Elven Compass Elven Harp Erivagil Ethrond Ethudil’s Knife Eyes of the Well Far Cutting Farlsfoil Fearsome Visage Feather Bow Fell Blade Finder Fire’s Edge Flail of Nine Breezes Flails of Horseslaying Foam-cleaver Fonhrad Forest Wind Friastahl Frost of Helcaraxe Fuinrauko Gersebroc Gift of Aronwe Glosovagil Goblin Boots Goblin Shield Greenwood Boots Guardsblade Gurthdur Hair of Luthien Harness of the Golden Foal Helkaluine Helm of Navigating Helm of Night Helm of Sen Jey Horse Helm Horse-tamer Hue Changer Ice-piercer Implement of Dark Design Iron Blade Kamaranel Kazil Durin (Dwarven RoP)

Version 1.01

Appendix C – Artifacts

Item Type Primary Benefit Club Combat 750 Banner Command 10 Gem Mage 15 Gem Mage 30 Sword Combat 500 Banner Command 10 Boots Combat 500 Cloak Stealth 10 Compass Combat 1500 Harp Emissary 5 Sword Combat 1000 Staff Mage 10 Dagger Combat 500 Two Mage 10 Gems Sword Combat 500 Sword Combat 1250 Armor Combat 1250 Bow Combat 750 Sword Combat 1000 Sword Combat 500 Sword Combat 500 Flail Combat 500 Flail Combat 750 Sword Combat 1250 Spear Combat 750 Horn Command 20 Sword Command 10 Gem Mage 15 Sword Combat 750 Sword Combat 1000 Gem Emissary 10 Sword Combat 1000 Boots Combat 1750 Shield Combat 500 Boots Stealth 20 Sword Combat 500 Helm Command 20 Necklace Emissary 10 Harness Mage 10

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Neutral Evil Neutral Good Nation 6, Galadriel Evil Nation 12 Good Good Neutral Nation 6, Arwen Good Good Good NPC Good, Radagast Neutral NPC Neutral, Istar Luin Evil Nation 12 Evil NPC Evil, Akhorahil

Assigned How?

Neutral Good Neutral Good Evil Neutral Evil Neutral Neutral Evil Neutral Good Evil Neutral Neutral Good Neutral Good Evil Evil Good Evil Good Good Evil

Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 6, Legolas

Can be chosen at set-up

Unknown (Table F) Nation 14, Adunaphel Unknown (Table F) Unknown (Table F) Nation 13, Elendin Unknown (Table F) Nation 3, Vidurafin

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Unknown (Table F) Nation 5, Argeleb II

Can be chosen at set-up Starts with Character

NPC Good, Saruman

Starts with NPC

Nation 1, Eldacar Nation 13 Nation 5, Argeleb

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Sword Helm Armor Helm Helm Lance Spear Sword Dagger Sword Gem Ring

Good Evil Good Evil Good Evil Evil Good Evil Good Evil Neutral

Nation 6, Elrond Nation 11, Casteher

Starts with Character Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Evil, Ren Nation 4 Nation 15, Uvatha NPC Evil, Hoarmurath

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

Nation 2

Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 22, Durin

Can be chosen at set-up

Combat 1250 Combat 750 Command 10 Command 30 Combat 500 Combat 1000 Combat 1000 Combat 500 Combat 500 Mage 30 Mage 40

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

114 of 132

Kin-strife Name Kazil Dwalin (Dwarven RoP) Kazil Thrar (Dwaven RoP) Knight-Captain’s Ring Kuileondo Lance of Reaching Leaf-crown of Cimoniemor Lembas Listening Helm Lord’s Axe of Kendarca Lorglin Mace of the Huntsman Macilromen (sword) Maelurathang Mail of Delethal Mantle of Doriath Melody’s Memory Memory’s Strings Mesmeriser’s Glass Mirror of Galadriel Mithril Circlet Mithril Helm Mithril Ring Moon Rune Morgul Plate Morgurth Morlhach Mormacil Mothras Mumak-Helm Nallagurth Narsil’s Bane Narya Nenya Night’s Passing Nightfang Night-piercer Nightstealer Numenorean Seal Old Stave Omba Ongrum Orb of Song Orc-helm Ornithopter Ovir Crown Palantir of Amon Sul Palantir of Annuminas Palantir of Elostirion Palantir of Minas Anor Palantir of Minas Ithil Palantir of Orthanc Palantir of Osgiliath Version 1.01

Appendix C – Artifacts

Item Type Primary Benefit Ring Mage 40

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Neutral Nation 22, Dwalin

Assigned How?

Ring Ring Gem Lance Crown Food Helm Axe Ring Mace Sword Sword Armor Cloak Flute Lute Telescope Mirror Crown Helm Ring Gem Armor Sword Sword Sword Horn Helm Mace Gauntlet Ring Ring Gem Sword Bow Sword Seal Staff Th’ng Star Mace Orb Armor Ornithopto r Helm Palantir Palantir Palantir Palantir Palantir Palantir Palantir

Mage 40 Command 20 Mage 10 Combat 500 Mage 10 Command 5 Agent 10 Combat 750 Emissary 10 Combat 750 Combat 1250 Combat 500 Command 10 Stealth 10 Emissary 10 Emissary 5 Mage 30 Command 10 Combat 1500 Mage 10 Mage 10 Command 30 Combat 500 Combat 750 Combat 1000 Command 10 Combat 750 Command 20 Mage 50 Mage 50 Agent 10 Combat 750 Combat 500 Combat 1250 Emissary 10 Mage 20 Combat 500 Combat 500 Emissary 10 Command 5 Combat 500

Neutral Evil Evil Neutral Neutral Good Evil Good Neutral Good Good Good Neutral Good Neutral Evil Evil Good Evil Neutral Good Neutral Evil Evil Neutral Evil Neutral Evil Evil Evil Good Good Good Neutral Evil Evil Good Good Evil Evil Neutral Evil Good

Nation 22, Thrar Nation 11, Castamir Nation 11, Iriel Unknown (Table F) Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 15, Ovag Ito Nation 3

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 3 Nation 6, Amroth

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 6, Elrond Nation 6, Legolas Nation 14, Adunaphel

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 6, Galadriel Nation 11, Casteher

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Good, Saruman

Starts with NPC

Nation 16, Murazor Nation 15 Unknown (Table F) NPC Evil, Sauron Nation 15, Uvatha NPC Evil, Ji Indur Nation 16, Murazor NPC Evil, Sauron NPC Good, Gandalf Nation 6, Galadriel Nation 3, Vidurafin Unknown (Table F) Nation 14, Adunaphel

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Nation 5, Araphor NPC Good, Tom Nation 15 Nation 15 Unknown (Table F)

Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

NPC Good, Sulkano

Starts with NPC

Command 15 Scrying Scrying Scrying Scrying Scrying Scrying Scrying

Evil Good Good Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral

NPC Evil, Hoarmurath Nation 5, Malborn Nation 5, Malborn NPC Good, Cirdan Nation 21, Lorin Nation 21, Tirion Nation 21, Edrahil

Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Can be chosen at set-up

115 of 132

Kin-strife Name

Papers of Treaty Pipe of Mist Proclamation of Renewal Promise of Freedom Rapier’s Dance Rebel Banner Remmiraith Ring of Aran Ring of Axardil Ring of Life-giving Ring of Meldain Ring of Soul-taking

Item Type Primary Benefit Scroll Emissary 5 Flute Agent 5 Scroll Emissary 5 Scroll Emissary 5 Sword Combat 750 Banner Command 10 Amulet Mage 10 Ring Agent 10 Ring Command 10 Ring Mage 15 Ring Stealth 20 Ring Agent 10

Ring of Wind Robes of Changing Robes of Aman, Blue Robes of Aman, Blue

Ring Robes Robes Robes

Agent 20 Mage 15 Mage 10 Mage 10

Robes of Aman, Brown Robes of Aman, Grey Robes of Aman, White Rod of the Steward Romoquenaro Ruby of Aneathla Rune Armor Runya Sceptre of Annuminas Sea-helm of Ciryatan Seal of Approbation Severed Heads Shadow Mace Shield of Dorlin Shield of Fell Blows Shield of Mithril Shield of the White City Sickle of the Heavens Silent Wing Silver Harp Silverleaf of Lorien Sky Horn Small Tooth Snow Hammer Southron Banners Spiderweb Cloak Spinerunner Staff of Gandalf Staff of Radagast Staff of Saruman Standard of Arnor Standard of Elendin Standard of Morlaen Standard of the Khazad Standard of the Usurper Standard of the Witch-king

Robes Robes Robes Rod Bow Ruby Armor Sword Sceptre Helm Scroll Pendant Mace Shield Shield Shield Shield Sword Dagger Harp Gem Horn Dagger Mattock Banner Cloak Sword Staff Staff Staff Banner Banner Banner Banner Banner Banner

Stealth 15 Emissary 20 Emissary 20 Emissary 5 Combat 750 Mage 20 Mage 10 Combat 1000 Command 10 Mage 30 Emissary 5 Command 5 Combat 2000 Combat 1000 Combat 500 Combat 1500 Command 5 Combat 750 Combat 500 Emissary 20 Combat 1500 Command 10 Combat 750 Combat 1000 Command 10 Stealth 5 Combat 750 Mage 20 Mage 10 Mage 20 Command 10 Command 10 Command 10 Command 10 Command 10 Command 10

Version 1.01

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Good Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Good Neutral Unknown (Table F) Evil Nation 12, Morlaen Evil Nation 13, Elendin Good Evil Nation 15, Ovag Ito Neutral NPC Neutral, The Blue Wizard Neutral Good Neutral NPC Neutral, Istar Luin Neutral NPC Neutral, The Blue Wizard Neutral NPC Good, Radagast Good NPC Good, Gandalf Neutral NPC Good, Saruman Evil Evil Nation 16, Murazor Good Nation 5, Frianan Neutral Good Nation 3, Vidurafin Good Nation 5, Araphor Evil Nation 16, Murazor Neutral Evil Evil NPC Evil, Sauron Neutral Nation 22, Dwalin Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Nation 3 Good Nation 2 Evil Nation 15, Uvatha Good Neutral Unknown (Table F) Good Nation 6, Arwen Evil NPC Evil, Hoarmurath Evil Neutral NPC Evil, Lhachglin Neutral Unknown (Table F) Good NPC Good, Gandalf Good NPC Good, Radagast Good NPC Good, Saruman Good Evil Evil Neutral Evil Evil

Appendix C – Artifacts Assigned How?

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with Character Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up

Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Starts with NPC

116 of 132

Kin-strife Name


Item Type Primary Benefit Sword Combat 1000

Stinging Tongue Sukhelka Swift-passing Sword of the King Sword of the Light Talembril Tarmellen Tears of the Night Tinculin Tomb’s Dust Trollsdirge Turukulon’s Claws Usurper’s Sword Valacar’s Mail Valar’s Grace Vasamacil Vidugavia’s Needle Vilya Viper’s Sword War-Dancer Water-Skimmer Weeping Flute Whispering Armor Whispering Crier White-shining Wild Blade Wind’s Yearning Wolor Priest’s Ring Woodsman’s Axe Words of Beseeching Words of Persuasion Writ of Blood Writ of the Dunedain Yellow Boots

Blow Pipe Sword Boots Sword Sword Armor Sword Gem Harp Cloak Sword Armor Sword Armor Gem Sword Lance Ring Sword Sword Bola Flute Armor Horn Armor Sword Bow Ring Axe Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Boots

Combat 1000 Combat 750 Mage 10 Command 10 Combat 1000 Combat 750 Combat 1250 Emissary 5 Mage 40 Mage 15 Combat 1000 Combat 2250 Combat 750 Command 25 Mage 15 Combat 1500 Combat 1250 Mage 50 Combat 750 Combat 1000 Combat 1000 Emissary 10 Agent 10 Command 10 Combat 1250 Combat 500 Combat 500 Mage 15 Combat 500 Emissary 5 Emissary 5 Emissary 5 Emissary 5 Stealth 15

Yellow Hammer


Combat 1000

Version 1.01

Alignment Likely Owner at Game Start Neutral NPC Evil, William Huggins Evil NPC Evil, Khamul Neutral Unknown (Table F) Neutral Good Good Nation 3 Neutral Good Nation 5, Araphor Good Neutral Evil Good Nation 4 Neutral NPC Neutral, Turukulon Evil Nation 11, Castamir Good Nation 1, Eldacar Good Evil Nation 16, Murazor Good Nation 1, Eldacar Good Nation 6, Elrond Neutral Unknown (Table F) Evil NPC Evil, Dwar of Waw Evil NPC Evil, Khamul Neutral Unknown (Table F) Evil Nation 13, Elendin Neutral Unknown (Table F) Good Good Nation 3 Good Nation 3 Evil NPC Evil, Dwar of Waw Good Neutral Neutral Evil Neutral Neutral NPC Good, Tom Bombadil Evil NPC Evil, Akhorahil

Appendix C – Artifacts Assigned How? Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up

Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with Character Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC Starts with NPC Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Can be chosen at set-up Starts with NPC

Starts with NPC Starts with NPC

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Appendix D – Special Nation Abilities

Appendix D – Special Nation Abilities

The following is a list of Special Nation Abilities that you may encounter in the game. Not all are available to nations at game start. ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has double the relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has +20 to their relevant skill rank: 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ The following scouting and recon orders issued work as if the character has a relevant skill rank of 50 (or better if they have the appropriate skill rank at higher than 50): 905 – Scout Army 910 – Scout Area 915 – Scout Hex 920 – Scout Population Centre 925 – Recon Area 930 – Scout For Characters ❖ New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their challenge rank ❖ New characters have a greater chance of gaining a bonus to their stealth rank ❖ Armies lose no morale for force marching. ❖ Armies with food only lose 1–2 morale if force–marching. Armies without food gain 1–2 morale when stationary, only lose 1–2 morale if marching, and only lose 2–5 if force–marching. ❖ The nation can buy from the market at 20% less than the given buy price, and sell to the market at 20% greater than the given sell price ❖ New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 734 – Name Emissary order ❖ New mages can start with a mage skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 737 – Name Mage order ❖ New agents can start with an agent skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 731 – Name Agent order ❖ New commanders can start with a command skill rank of up to 40 when created using the 728 – Name Commander order ❖ All new troop recruits start with training 20 ❖ All new troop recruits start with training 25 ❖ All new heavy infantry recruits start with training

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Appendix D – Special Nation Abilities

❖ All new men–at–arms recruits start with training 25 ❖ The nation can build ships at 1/2 the usual timber cost ❖ The nation can build ships at 1/3 the usual timber cost ❖ The nation may build fortifications at 1/2 the usual timber cost ❖ New armies start with a morale of 40 ❖ New armies may be hired at no cost ❖ All characters may issue the order 585 – Uncover Secrets as if they have an emissary skill rank of 40 (or higher if they have an emissary skill rank of greater than 40) ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 502 – Weakness ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 508 – Conjure Mounts ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 510 – Conjure Food ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 512 – Conjure Hordes ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 244 – Fearful Hearts ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 248 – Fanaticism ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 246 – Summon storms ❖ Mages can learn the lost spell 314 – Teleport ❖ The orders 615 – Assassinate Character and 620 – Kidnap Character issued work as if the character has + 10 to their agent skill rank ❖ Navies can travel in open sea sectors without fear of storms or becoming lost ❖ Navy warships have a strength of 4 ❖ Navy warships have a strength at 5 ❖ The nation can issue the following order to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: 496 – Build Road ❖ The nation can issue the following order to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: 960 – Increase Caravan Prices ❖ The nation can issue the following order to its characters, assuming the characters fulfil order requirements: 965 – Reduce Caravan Prices

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Appendix E – Time-line

Appendix E – Time-line

Any attempt to draw up a complete time-line of events in Middle-earth is doomed to failure, for the task of reducing many volumes of writing into a brief outline is guaranteed to result in events some consider to be of vital importance being missed out. And even here, where we have sought only to provide a background necessary for the understanding of the events of the Kin-strife, the more that we included the more there was that seemed to need to be included, until a point was reached when it became necessary to enforce a limit that may seem almost arbitrary. As such, this time-line is necessarily incomplete. However, we hope that this will at least serve to set the events described in this module in their proper context.

Before the First Age

In the years without time before the first age, Eru creates the Ainur, whose music becomes the lands of Arda.

The Years of the Lamps, the Years of the Trees, and The First Age.

The people of Arda are given shape and form. Elves, dwarves and men inhabit Middle-earth. At the end of the First Age Morgoth, the Ancient Enemy, is overthrown, though his servant Sauron escapes.

The Second Age 1 32 c. 500 600 c. 1000 c. 1200 c. 1500 c. 1590 c. 1600 c. 1600 1693 1699 1701 c. 1800 3261 3262 3310 3319 3320 3429 3430 3434 3440 3441

The foundation of the Grey Havens in Middle-earth. The Edain, three of the oldest houses of men, reach the Island of Numenor, west of Middle-earth. Sauron stirs in Middle-earth. The first Numenorean ships appear off the coasts of Middle-earth. Sauron takes Mordor for his own. The building of Barad-dur begins. Sauron, in disguise, seduces the elves of Eregion. The forging of the Rings of Power by the elves of Eregion begins. The Rings of Power are finished. Sauron forges the One Ring, and completes Barad-dur. Sauron’s true nature is revealed. The War between Sauron and the Elves begins. Sauron overruns Eregion and Eriador Sauron driven out of Eriador. Middle-earth is divided, with the Westlands enjoying peace, but the rest of the lands under Sauron’s darkness, which long endures. From this time onwards, the Numenoreans begin to establish their presence on the coasts of Middle-earth. Ar-Pharazon, King of Numenor, lands at Umbar to challenge Sauron. Sauron is taken as prisoner to Numenor; historians argue as to whether this was truly in defeat, or by his own will in order to corrupt the Numenoreans. Sauron succeeds in seducing the Numenorean King, and in corrupting the people of Numenor. The destruction of Numenor. Elendil and his sons Isildur and Anarion escape to Middle-earth. As does Sauron, who, finding much of his lands retaken, retreats to the lands around Mordor. The foundation of the Numenorean realms in exile, Arnor and Gondor. Sauron attacks Gondor, taking Minas Ithil. Isildur escapes, fleeing to Elendil in the North, whilst Anarion defends Minas Arnor and Osgiliath. A Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed The host of the Alliance crosses the Misty Mountains, and defeat Sauron in the battle of Dagorlad. Sauron escapes to Mordor, and the siege of Barad-dur begins. Anarion is slain. Sauron is overthrown by Elendil and the elven king Gil-galad. Elendil and Gil-galad are slain, Sauron passes away, and the Ringwraiths go into the shadows. Isildur takes the One Ring.

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Appendix E – Time-line

The Third Age 1 2

A watch is placed on Mordor. Isildur, King of Gondor and Arnor, is killed at the Gladden Fields while travelling north. The One Ring vanishes from all knowledge. 857 Arnor is divided into three Kingdoms: Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur. 1050 Gondor reaches the height of its power. A shadow begins to fall on the Greenwood. c.1000 The Istari come to Middle-earth. c. 1100 The Istari and Eldar discover that an evil has come to Dol Guldur in the Greenwood. It is thought to be a Nazgul. 1240 The southern lands of Gondor become separated from the royal succession of Gondor, and are governed by Calimehtar, the Captain of the Ships. 1248 King Minalcar of Gondor aids Vidugavia of Rhovanion in driving the Easterlings from their lands. An alliance is formed between Gondor and Rhovanion. 1264 Valacar son of Minalcar weds Vidumavi daughter of Vidugavia, further cementing alliance between Gondor and Rhovanion. Many southern Gondor nobles are uneasy. 1274 Castamir is born to Calmir, the son of Calimehtar, and Eldacar is born to King Valacar. c.1300 Evil begins to encroach on the lands. Orcs appear in the Misty Mountains, the Nazgul are seen abroad, and the Witch-king takes Angmar for his own. 1384 Castamir becomes Captain of the Ships. 1409 The Witch-king of Angmar invades the three Kingdoms of Arnor. Rhudaur and Cardolan are overwhelmed, and only Arthedain succeeds in turning the Black Tide. 1432 King Valacar of Gondor dies, and Eldacar claims the throne. But as he is the son of a Rhovanion woman, the southern nobility demand his abdication in favour of Castamir. Castamir refuses to abdicate, and civil war results. 1437 Osgiliath is burned, King Eldacar flees, and Castamir the Usurper takes the throne. 1447 After a ten year exile, Eldacar returns to reclaim the throne of Gondor. The final act of the Kin-strife begins.

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Appendix F – New Orders

Appendix F – New Orders 496 – Build Road Type of Order Difficulty of Order Order Number Order Code

Command Hard 496 BldRoad


The character has emissary and command skill The character is an army commander There are no armies present in the hex who consider your army an enemy

Required Information

Hex-side where road being built begins (ne, e, se, sw, w, or nw) Hex-side where road being built ends (ne, e, se, sw, w, or nw)

This order allows an army commander to attempt to build a road which either connects at a hex-side to an existing road, or which completes a partial road already ending in the hex. This order will not succeed if there are any armies of nations who consider your nation an enemy present. Success is based on the command and emissary ranks of the character, the size of the army the character commands, the relation of the character’s nation to the nation of a population centre in the hex if one is present, and the terrain type. Bear in mind that army movement through a hex is only aided by a road when the road reaches uninterrupted from the hex the army travelled from, into the hex. So movement through adjacent mountain hexes, for example, is not permitted until a road is not only present in one of the hexes, but connects both of them. For example: angul, 496, w, ne,

942 – Move Turn Map Type of Order Difficulty of Order Order Number Order Code

Emissary Average 942 MvTnMap


The character has emissary and command skill The character is at their nation’s capital The nation has sufficient gold

Required Information

Direction of map movement (ne, nw, e, se, sw, or w)

This order allows a character with both emissary and command skill to attempt to move the turn map their nation receives each turn. The map must remain within normal map boundaries, which is to say you cannot move it off the edge of the game world. The map can only be moved once a turn, and the nation’s capital must appear on the map after the move or the order will fail. Success is based on both the character’s emissary and command ranks, and how central to the map the nation’s capital is (with success being more likely when the capital is located towards the centre of the map). Moving the map east or west will move it one hex, whilst moving the map north-east, north-west, south-east or south-west will move the map two hexes. Note also that moving the map north-east or north-west will result in the same movement of the map north, and moving the map south-west or south-east will result in the same movement of the map south. The cost of moving the map is 5,000 gold up to turn 12, after which the cost is 3,000 gold. For example: angul, 945, w,

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Appendix F – New Orders

960 – Increase Caravan Prices Type of Order Difficulty of Order Order Number Order Code

Command Hard 960 IncrCar


The character has emissary and command skill The character is at their nation’s capital

Required Information

% price increase (1-50)

This order allows a character with both emissary and command skill, to attempt to increase the market prices, to take affect from the turn after the order is given. Success is based on the command and emissary ranks of the character, and the possible increase percentage is limited by the natural emissary rank of the character. Only one successful price increase is allowed each turn, but if more than one successful order is given, the order causing the greatest increase will take place. If an order to reduce market prices is also given by a nation on the same turn, the prices will be affected by both results. For example: angul, 960, 45,

965 – Reduce Caravan Prices Type of Order Difficulty of Order Order Number Order Code

Command Hard 965 ReduCar


The character has emissary and command skill The character is at their nation’s capital

Required Information

% price decrease (1-50)

This order allows a character with both emissary and command skill, to attempt to decrease the market prices, to take affect from the turn after the order is given. Success is based on the command and emissary ranks of the character, and the possible decreased percentage is limited by the natural emissary rank of the character. Only one successful price decrease is allowed each turn, but if more than one successful order is given, the order causing the greatest decrease will take place. If an order to increase market prices is also given by a nation on the same turn, the prices will be affected by both results. For example: angul, 965, 45,

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Appendix G – Troop Descriptions

Appendix G – Troop Descriptions Nation # 1

Nation Name Line of Eldacar


Rebels of Ered Lithui






Kingdom of Arnor



Version 1.01

Troop Type Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms

Troop Description Loyalist Mounted Knights Loyalist Mounted Skirmishers Loyalist Knights Loyalist Pikemen Loyalist Archers Loyalist Militia Mounted Rebel Lancers Mounted Rebel Scouts Rebel Axemen Rebel Pikemen Rebel Archers Rebel Reserves Riders of Rhovanion Mounted Trackers Rangers of Mirkwood Woodsmen of the North Forest Wardens Foresters Plainsman Lancers Plainsman Mounted Scouts Swordsmen of the North Plainsman Scouts Northmen Archers Camp Guards Mounted Knights of the Old Realm Mounted Scouts Knights of the Old Realm Rangers of the North Wildsmen Hunters Footmen of Arnor Mounted Knights of Elbereth Outriders of the Golden Woods Elven Swordsmen Elven Scouts Archers of the Galadhrim Elven Spears

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Nation # 11

Nation Name Line of Castamir


Line of Morlaen


Line of Elendin


Southron Kingdoms




Witch-realm of Angmar


Line of Tirkhor



Version 1.01

Appendix G – Troop Descriptions

Troop Type Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms

Troop Description Mounted Knights of the Royal Guard Mounted Watchmen Knights of the Watch Swordsmen of Gondor Royal Crossbowmen City Guardsmen Mounted Enforcers Mounted Inquisitors Crimson Blades Dark Legions Black Archers Footmen of the Night Mounted Knights of the Old Guard Scouts of the Realm Knights of Gondor Axemen of Gondor Gondorian Crossbowmen Footmen of Gondor Mumakhil Riders Desert Riders Whirling Blades of the Sun Pikemen of the Sun Black-feather Bowmen Hordes of the Desert Riders of the Crimson Sword Mounted Raiders Scimitars of the East Nomad Skirmishers Archers of the Poison Bite Slaves Dark Riders of the North Warg Riders Troll Footsoldiers Orc Hordes Goblin Archers Hill-men Clansmen

Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms Heavy Cavalry Light Cavalry Heavy Infantry Light Infantry Archers Men at Arms

Mounted Knights of the Swan Mounted Scouts Knights of Belfalas Guards of the Fief Royal Crossbowmen Tower Watchmen Mounted Axemen Mounted Scouts Axemen of the Mithril Blade Hammer Guard Crossbowmen of the Silver Seam Dwarven Phalanx

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Appendix H – Climate/Terrain Modifiers

Appendix H – Climate/Terrain Modifiers Nation 1 – Line of Eldacar Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.9 Severe 0.93 Cold 0.95 Cool 0.98 Mild 1 Warm 0.98 Hot 0.95 Nation 2 – Rebels of Ered Lithui Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.78 Severe 0.8 Cold 0.83 Cool 0.85 Mild 0.9 Warm 0.88 Hot 0.85

Nation 3 - Rhovanion Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.88 Severe 0.9 Cold 0.93 Cool 0.95 Mild 1 Warm 1 Hot 0.95 Nation 4 - Horselords Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.9 Severe 0.93 Cold 0.95 Cool 0.98 Mild 1 Warm 1 Hot 0.95

Version 1.01







1 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.1 1.08 1.05

0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 1 0.98 0.95

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.9

0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 0.95 0.93

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.9

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.9







0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.88 0.85

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.93 0.9

0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 1 0.98 0.95

0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 1 0.98 0.95

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.88 0.85

0.98 1 1.03 1.05 1.1 1.08 1.05







0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 1.03 1.03 0.98

0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 1 1 0.95

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.85

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.85







1 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.1 1.1 1.05

0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 1 1 0.95

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.93 0.88

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

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Nation 5 – Kingdom of Arnor Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.95 Severe 0.95 Cold 0.98 Cool 1 Mild 1.03 Warm 1.03 Hot 0.98 Nation 6 - Quendi Climate/Terrain Polar Severe Cold Cool Mild Warm Hot







0.93 0.93 0.95 0.98 1 1 0.95

0.93 0.93 0.95 0.98 1 1 0.95

0.88 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.88 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

0.85 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.93 0.88

0.83 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.9 0.85








0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1.03 1.03 0.98

0.9 0.95 0.98 1 1.03 1.03 0.98

0.83 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9

1 1.05 1.08 1.1 1.13 1.13 1.08

0.85 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 0.98 0.93

0.8 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.93 0.88

0.83 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.9







0.93 0.98 1 1.03 1.05 1.03 1

0.88 0.93 0.95 0.98 1 0.98 0.95

0.83 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.9

0.8 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.9 0.88

0.8 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.9 0.88

0.85 0.9 0.93 0.95 0.98 0.95 0.93







0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.93

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.93

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.93

Nation 11 – Line of Castamir Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.88 Severe 0.93 Cold 0.95 Cool 0.98 Mild 1 Warm 0.98 Hot 0.95 Nation 12 – Line of Morlaen Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.78 Severe 0.8 Cold 0.83 Cool 0.85 Mild 0.9 Warm 0.9 Hot 0.9

Version 1.01

Appendix H – Climate/Terrain Modifiers

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Nation 13 – Line of Elendin Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.98 Severe 1 Cold 1.03 Cool 1.05 Mild 1.1 Warm 1.1 Hot 1.1







0.93 0.95 0.98 1 1.05 1.05 1.05

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.93

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.98

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.9







0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.98

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.93

1 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.13 1.13 1.13

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.98








0.95 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.03 1 0.98

1.03 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.1 1.08 1.05

0.98 1 1 1 1.05 1.03 1

0.83 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.9 0.88 0.85

0.95 0.98 0.98 0.98 1.03 1 0.98

0.85 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.93 0.9 0.88

0.85 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.93 0.9 0.88






0.95 0.98 1 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.93

0.9 0.93 0.95 0.93 0.93 0.9 0.9

0.95 0.98 1 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.93

0.95 0.98 1 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.93

1.05 1.08 1.1 1.08 1.08 1.05 1.03

Nation 14 – Southron Kingdoms Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.88 Severe 0.9 Cold 0.93 Cool 0.95 Mild 1 Warm 1 Hot 1

Nation 15 - Hithlum Climate/Terrain Polar Severe Cold Cool Mild Warm Hot

Nation 16 – Witch-realm of Angmar Climate/Terrain Shore Plains Polar 0.93 0.93 Severe 0.95 0.95 Cold 0.98 0.98 Cool 0.95 0.95 Mild 0.95 0.95 Warm 0.93 0.93 Hot 0.9 0.9

Version 1.01

Appendix H – Climate/Terrain Modifiers

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Kin-strife Nation 21 – Line of Tirkhor Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.9 Severe 0.93 Cold 0.95 Cool 0.98 Mild 1.03 Warm 1.03 Hot 1 Nation 22 - Khazad Climate/Terrain Shore Polar 0.93 Severe 0.95 Cold 0.98 Cool 0.98 Mild 0.98 Warm 0.98 Hot 0.98

Version 1.01

Appendix H – Climate/Terrain Modifiers







0.88 0.9 0.93 0.95 1 1 0.98

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.95

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.9 0.95 0.95 0.93

0.85 0.88 0.9 0.93 0.98 0.98 0.95

0.8 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.9

0.78 0.8 0.83 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.88







0.95 0.98 1 1 1 1 1

1.03 1.05 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08

0.83 0.85 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88

0.9 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95

0.88 0.9 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

1.1 1.13 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15

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Appendix I – Nation Set-up Form

Appendix I – Nation Set-up Form

We recommend that you use the Nation set-up files (available on request or from our website) to design and submit your Nation set-ups. However, if you prefer to submit them by hand, please complete the following form and send it to us, or submit the details requested on the form by email. Please add more lines to any table field to fit options purchased as required. If you have not had a nation allocated to you, please submit set-ups for as many nations (that you are willing to play) as possible.

Nation Set-up form General Details Nation name: Your name: Your account number: Game # (if known): Friends you are joining with (if any): Players that are joining game that you’d like to be on your side (if any): Players that you would not like to be on your side (if any): Any other special requirements or requests:

Table F) i) ii) Points sub-total for Table F:

Table J i) ii) iii) Points sub-total (must be 3000) for Table J:

Table N i) ii) iii) iv) v) Points sub-total for Table N (must be at least 4,000):

Table Q i) ii) iii) Points sub-total for Table Q:

Table R) i) ii) iii) iv) v) Points sub-total for Table R:

Table V) i) ii) iii) Points sub-total for Table V (must be at least 4,000): Points Total (must be 23,000 or less):

Version 1.01

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Appendix 2 – Pre Set-up Map

Appendix 2 – Pre Set-up Map This is the default map, pre set-ups.

Version 1.01

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