English Me Enen Amharic School Dictionary PDF [PDF]

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Dikshinaride Mɛʼɛnɛnun de kesude Icɔcɔnun English-Meʼenen-Amharic School Dictionary

Trial Edition

Translated & adapted in to Meʼenen by: Gebeyehu Bashame Hagu

Dikshinaride Mɛʼɛnɛnun de kesude Icɔcɔnun English-Meʼenen-Amharic School Dictionary Trial Edition

Translated & adapted in to Meʼenen by: Gebeyehu Bashame

2015/2008 E.C

This dictionary is a product of the SIL Bench Maji MLE Project, which is a joint project between: SNNPRS Regional State, Bench Maji Zone Administration and SIL Ethiopia.

Title: English-Mɛʼɛnɛn-Amharic Dictionary English title: Me’enen School Dictionary Language: Mɛʼɛnɛn, spoken in Ethiopia Type of book: School Dictionary Year of publication: 2015 Translated & adapted in to Mɛ‘ɛnɛn by: Gebeyehu Bashame Editted by: Tuluwa Amaro Fajiyo Mekonen Copyrighted by SIL Ethiopia, SNNP Education Bureau and Bench Maji Zone Education Department.

Table of Contents content


Introduction ...............................................................ii Rationale for Dictionary.............................................ii Acknowledgements….................................................v How to use this dictionary..........................................vi Explanation of a Word Entry....................................ix Abbreviations...........................................................ix Vowel and Consonant Differences between Mɛʼɛnɛn and Englis..................................................................x Mɛʼɛnɛn Spelling and Grammar .............................xi Punctuation …………………………………….....xiv Mɛʼɛnɛn tone………..………………..………….xvii English - Mɛʼɛnɛn - Amharic Dictionary (Aa - Zz)........1 Mɛʼɛnɛn - English - Dictionary(Aa - Zz)......……......215


Introduction Language and the people The Mɛ’ɛnɛn language is spoken by the Me’en people. in the SNNPR, south west Ethiopia. It is mainly spoken in three weredas of Bech Maji Zone Me'enit Goldiya, Me'enit Shasha and Gurafarda. Additionally in Shey-Bench, Decha woreda of Keffa Zone and Selamago woreda of South Omo-Zone . According to the 2007 census the number of speakers is about 151,000. Rationale for the Dictionary This school dictionary was developed primarily to help Mɛʼɛnɛn students better manage and understand instruction in English. In addition, this dictionary should provide a spelling reference for Mɛʼɛnɛn students. The dictionary contains 3364 entries. While this is a substantial amount, it is not by any means an exhaustive list. Although this school dictionary should prove to be helpful for many people, the target audience zin developing this book was for children in grade five. There are two main parts to this book. The first half of the dictionary items are listed in the order


English – Mɛʼɛnɛn –.Amharic In this section the user of the dictionary must use the English term to conduct their search. This approach was taken because the target audience for this book is grade 5 children. Grade five instruction and textbooks are in English. As such, students will most likely encounter English words which they have learned in Mɛ‘ɛnɛn classes but have not yet encountered in English. This dictionary is a key tool in providing students with the necessary information to fill this language gap. This section was placed first in this publication because it is anticipated that this will be the greater need for grade five children. It is also recognized that language learning and transfer is a two way process. Students may also have the need to express a concept they know in Mɛʼɛnɛn using the English language. When this occurs it is necessary for the student to have the ability to look the Mɛʼɛnɛn term up in the dictionary to find the English equivalent. The second portion of the dictionary entitled ‘Mɛ‘ɛnɛn – English Finders List’ is designed for this purpose. This list differs from the first section of the dictionary in that Amharic terms and pictures are not included in the list. Following the dictionary and word finders list there is some


additional information provided to give guidance on how to write the Mɛʼɛnɛn language. These sections address spelling, grammar, punctuation and tone. These are included as a reference for beginning and emerging writers. When compared to languages such as English or Amharic, Mɛʼɛnɛn does not have a long written history. As a result, spellings and what word should be used for some terms may cause debate. As this school dictionary is considered a trial edition, debate over such points should be seen as a positive exercise in the further development of the Mɛʼɛnɛn language. Although contents of the dictionary are the result of a collaborative effort and has been checked over by many people, this publication is for a test or trial of the school dictionary. Therefore, should there be a question as to the spelling or use of certain terms used, the reader should keep in mind that this is a trial and revision will need to take place.


Acknowledgements This school dictionary has been made possible through the effort of many people. As the focus for this dictionary is to help grade five children, the initial data for the dictionary was acquired by examining grade five textbooks and syllabi (Art, English, Science, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Physical Education). This preliminary data was collected in English and translated to Amharic by SIL Benishangul-Gumuz. The Mɛʼɛnɛn translation was initially conducted by Gebeyehu Bashame. Following the initial translation, there was tremendous effort to edit and check through the Mɛʼɛnɛn entries.The Mɛʼɛnɛn language editing process was conducted by Tuluwa Amaro, Fajiyo Mekonen, and again through the workshop by Mtiku Tamiru, Moges Yeri, Shalta Taye, Sisay Ganguwɔli, Sintayehu Jems. and Gebeyehu Bashame entered the Mɛʼɛnɛn data into the computer. Since the dictionary contains many technical terms, an Amharic mother tongue speaker was engaged to provide and check the Amharic translation of all dictionary entries. This work was completed by Abebe Yirgashewa & Mestie Mekonen.


The illustrations included in the book are obtained from SIL international. The work of selecting and inserting relevant illustrations was done by Gebeyehu Bashame The technical work of layout and finalizing the publication for print was completed by Andreas Joswig. The section entitled ‘Meʼenen Spelling and Grammar’ was made possible because of the extensive linguistic study conducted by Achim Diehl. Finally this volume has been made possible because of the partnership of The SNNP National Regional State Education Bureau, Culture Bureau and Bench Maji zone Educational department with SIL Bench Maji Project. Without the support, interest and encouragement of these sectors, this dictionary could not be made possible. The completion of this school dictionary is a demonstration of the strength found in cooperative effort. Each contribution has been integral to reaching this achievement. As such, all of the above mentioned parties deserve thanks and credit. How to use this Dictionary Alphabetical Order The entries in the Meʼenen – English Finders List are listed in the alphabetical order of the letters and


sounds of the Meʼenen alphabet. Below is a English alphabet chart.

The entries in the English –Meʼenen – Amharic section of the dictionary are listed in the alphabetical


order of the letter in the English Alphabet. Below is an Meɛ‘ɛnɛn alphabet chart


Explanation of a Word Entry ask gi. ጠየቀ; enget ask (in bold print) verb in imperative form

ɛl.d (in italic) shows part of speech in Meʼen language, function in a sentence (see Abbreviations) ጠየቀ (in bold print) Amharic gloss enget (in normal font) Meʼenen gloss Abbreviations The only component of the dictionary that uses abbreviations is in the description of part of speech. The abbreviations that are used in this publication and their meanings are listed below according to language


Meʼen PARTS OF SPEECH abbreviation










Mitʼade dɛshay Ititinec.




ተውሳከ ግስ ተ.ግ.






conn. መስተፃምር n. ስም



Lɔʼɔ gamkoon L.g Dhɔllage molun


Sarage rɔngun


ɛlide dɛshay

ɛ̀ l.d


መፃ. ስ.

Preposition prep. መስተዋድድ መስ. (there are no postpositions in the English language) Pronoun pro. ተውላጠ ተ.ስ. ስም Verb


Vowel and Consonant Mɛʼɛnɛn and English





Vowels in English can represent many sounds while in Meʼenen a vowel ONLY represents one sound. a like the a in avocado and Toyota (not like in cake) i like ee in coffee and ea in tea or like i in sit,


(not like in ride) e like the e in net and bed (not like in me or region) u like oo in boot and room (not like cut or cute) o like the o in phone or like o in pot The names of the vowels can cause confusion. · In Mɛʻɛnɛn the name of the letter `e` is the same as the sound it makes which is the same as the name of the letter `a` in English. · In Mɛʼɛnɛn the name of the letter `i` is the same as the sound it makes which is the same as the name of the letter `e` in English. sound (glottal) and is inserted between vowels. Mɛʼɛnɛn Spelling and Gramma Pronouns Subject and Object Pronouns Sometimes the grammar of a language affects the way words are spelled. This is true in Mɛʼɛnɛn when we talk about pronouns. Pronouns are words that are used in the place of a noun. The word for pronoun in


Mɛʼɛnɛn is sa. rɔ(sarage rɔngun)and the word for noun in Mɛʼɛnɛn rɔ (Rɔnga). Nouns are words that refer to people and things. In the sentence example below the word ‘edɛ’ is a pronoun and the words ‘Gimage’ are ‘ Pajiyo’ are nouns. Gimage oo Pajiyo hay gabay . ‘Gimage and Pajiyo are going to the market.’ Edɛ hay gaby. ‘They are going to the market.’ There are different types of pronouns. The two main types are what are called personal pronouns (sarage gaynɛy) and possessive pronouns (sarage enɛy). In this section we will only discuss the personal pronouns. Later on you will learn the spelling rules for possessive pronouns. Personal pronouns are used to distinguish between people. They show who does something. There are two main types of personal pronouns. Subject pronouns refer to the subject of the verb and object pronouns refer to the object of the verb. See the example sentences below for further explanation.


SUBJECT PRONOUN Anyi kooy gabay . ‘I going to the market.’ OBJECT PRONOUN Nen hakany anyi. ‘He beat me.’ Mɛʼɛnɛn Spelling Rule:


Possessive pronouns are always written as a part of the word it refers to. It is never written as a separate word Body Parts In Mɛʼɛnɛn it is possible to use some of the body part words to help express an idea. Some of the body parts that are used in this way are: tuk (mouth) ribhi (back) Jarec (foot) Kabarec (eye) kuriyec (belly) kʼɔrɔng(neck) Sabɔ (head)


Punctuation in the Meʼen Language Punctuation rules for Mɛʼɛnɛn closely follow the rules used for English punctuation. 1. Full Stop (.) Example: Baatʼiydiyany milí rɔsɔdenɛde kɔrɔy iye. - CORRECT! Baatʼiydiyany rɔsɔdenɛde kɔrɔy iye - INCORRECT!

(My uncle has a black dog.) 2. Question Mark (?) Example: Poso amenyjɔ? – CORRECT! Poso amenyjɔ – INCORRECT! (Are you hungry?) Andiya annen? – CORRECT! Andiya annen – INCORRECT! (Who is it?)


3. Exclamation Mark (!) Example: Pajiyo sene, “ke gurasi!” hɛnyɛ – CORRECT! Pajiyo sene, “ke gurasi” – INCORRECT! (Pajiyo said, “Don’t cheat!”) 4. Capitalization Used at the beginning of a sentence. Example: Poso amenyjɔ ? – CORRECT! Poso amenyjɔ – INCORRECT! (Are you hungry?) Used for proper nouns: Examples: PROPER NOUNS COMMON NOUNS Olmu – CORRECT! Yet – CORRECT! olmu – INCORRECT! Biy – INCORRECT! Mizani – CORRECT! mizani – INCORRECT!


Tuluwa – CORRECT! tuluwa – INCORRECT


5. Comma (,) Examples: Kelage, Bɛrguwa, Gidhangi oo sholwa pinsi rɔsɔ. – CORRECT! Kelage Bɛrguwa Gidhangi oo sholwa pinsi rɔsɔ. – INCORRECT! (Kelage, Berguwa, Gidanggi and Sohluwa keep the dog away.) 7. Quotation Marks (“ ” / « ») Both types of quotation marks are possible. When they are used a comma separates the speaker and what the speaker says. Example: Kengedí tʼitiydiyanyna, kesene «saanidiya talan kʼorshaa sɛʼɛn?» – CORRECT!! Kengedí tʼitiydiyanyna, kesene, “saanidiya talan sɛʼɛn?” – CORRECT!! Kengedí tʼitiydiyanyna kesene “saanidiya talan sɛʼɛn?” – INCORRECT!! Kengedí tʼitiydiyanyna kesene saanidiya talan sɛʼɛn? – INCORRECT!! (Imam asked my aunt, “How much did the bowl cost?”)


9. Affixes (Prefixes an d Suffixes) Affixes are directly attached to a word, they are not separated by a hyphen. Suffix Examples : -í kami – CORRECT! kam-í – INCORRECT! (I eat)

-dɔ Madidɔ? – CORRECT! Madi-dɔ? – INCORRECT! (Are you drinking?)

-i Kirimí– CORRECT! kirim-í – INCORRECT! (I ate)

Prefix Example : kkicɔcɔní – CORRECT! k-cɔcɔní – INCORRECT! (I eat)


Mɛʼɛnɛn Tone Mɛʼɛnɛn is a tonal language and has both high and low tones. It is important to mark tones because often the absence of a tone marking can change the meaning of a text. Below are some examples of this. Examples of tone causing a difference of meaning: Difference of Meaning Between Words:

gà m


‘ we eat’ ‘marry’ Difference of Meaning in Grammar Verb with an object opposed to verb without an object: Subject marker :


kodoʼí bɛtɔ ‘I hit a stone.’


Bɛtɔ cuwanyjɔ. ‘A stone hit me.’


Tense difference (past and non-past) : A. Andiyailanga kaynyuwaboy ‘I gave it (once) to you.’


Inna kayínyjɔy. ‘I will give it to you.’


Aa abbreviation rɔ. ɛɛ̀li kɔnɛn mɔʼɔyak ምጻረቃል ሲፃፍ ለምሳሌ ዶክተር - ዶ/ር. I’ac: doktoridori abdomen rɔ. kɛngɔ ሆድ abduct ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼurɛn ጠለፋ gamɛnde zoo kʼurɛ woc komajɔna, hayɛ ortegɛ tuwok ke mokacɔ ability rɔ. uwɛn ችሎታ፣ ተሰጥዎ abnormal mi . budegeeny ከተለምዶ ውጪ Ga bhunde iy gɛrɛɛ about dhɔ.d . 1) nɛbha ስለ 2) kʼòpi ያህል፣ ገደማ (በግምት) absence rɔ. untan እጥረት፣ መቅረት absent mi . 1) untan ቀሪ 2) ɔdinɛn

absolute mi . sʼɛp ፍፁም፥ በጭራሽ absorb ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼɔbɔshshɔ መጠጠ፣ ተቀበለ፣ ዋጠ abstract mi . tantisa ረቂቅ abundant mi . ibhaynɛ በብዛት፣ የበለፀገ accelerate ɛɛ̀l.d. woshiy ፍጥነት ጨመረ፣ አፈጠነ acceptance rɔ. dhaynɛ ተቀባይነት access rɔ. kʼumec መድረሻ፣ መገኛ accessible mi . ddhulo shauw በቀላሉ የሚደርስ፣ የሚገኝ

accident accident rɔ. kici, duluʼun አደጋ፣ ድንገት 1

accomplish accomplish ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy ጨረሰ፣ ፈፀመ፣ አከናወነ according to dhɔ.d . ibhinɛnɛ yaa በዚህ የተነሳ፣ ከዚህ የኳያ accordingly mi.d . gɔrɔgediya እንደ፣ በዚህ ሁኔታ(መሰረት) account rɔ. tomokke bhangnɛɛ መግለጫ፣ ተቀማጭ ሂሳብ (ለገንዘብ) account for ɛɛ̀l.d. tengiyɛboy ተጠያቂ ሆነ accountability rɔ. engedinɛn ተጠያቂነት accumulate ɛɛ̀l.d. murdiwaa ሰበሰበ፣ አጠራቀመ achieve ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyaboy ሠራ፣ ፈፀመ፣ አከናወነ achievement rɔ. dɛsha sudhɛn የሥራ ክንውን፣ ከፍተኛ ውጤት acid rain rɔ. tumade ngangaynɛ asidiyɔ አሲዳማ ዝናብ asidiʻ ga


adapt and kɛtiyde indi baa ke gɛsin uwa acidic mi . asidiy አሲዳማ across dhɔ.d . darmanɔ wɔcʼi darmanak ከዳር እስከ ዳር acrylic rɔ. kemikalide zoo dɛshiyɛɛ washkade golajunɔ oo ɛti የቃጫ ድር ወይም ቀለም ለመስራት የሚጠቅም ኬሚካል active mi . Woshshiy ቀልጣፋ፣ ንቁ፣ ትጉህ activity rɔ. wucùcuki እንቅስቃሴ acute 1) mi .

acute anggilide lɛshɔ ሃይለኛ፣ አስቸጋሪ 2) rɔ. anggilide lɛshɔ ሹል አንግል adapt ɛɛ̀l.d. shishiʼinɛ ከሁኔታው ጋር ተስማማ

adaptations adaptations rɔ. uwɛn shishiʼɛn መቻል፣ መቋቋም፣ ስምምነት ga uy add ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) dhaaliyɛ ጨመረ 2) dhɔjuwaa 3) ደመረ addends ɛɛ̀l.d. dhaalla ተደማሪዎች addict rɔ. mɛnde kʼaroy ሱሰኛ addiction rɔ. kʼaro ሱስ addictive mi . ajinɛ kʼaro ሱሰ የሚያሲዝ

addition addition rɔ. dhɔjɛn(+) ድምር፣ መደመር ፤የመደመር ምልክት additional mi . diya de ayay dhaallac ተጨማሪ፥ ከዚህ ሌላ adequate mi . bhoni በቂ adjacent mi . yɔngɔ gaasɔ አጠገብ፤ ጎን ለጎን


advance adjective rɔ. mitʼa ቅፅል administration rɔ. ìngkar አስተዳደር ingkar administrative mi . ingkarɛn የአስተዳደር admission rɔ. ande dhulun መግቢያ ande zoo shɔkke mitʼana, dhulɛ bhuoykoonɔ Iʻac: Kardide gayun adrenaline rɔ. adrenaliini ኣድሬናሊንበፍርሃት፤በንዴት ወይም በደስታ ጊዜ በአድሬናል እጢ የሚመነጭ ሆርሞን ga kemikali de lɔngkkeʼhormoniʼy de iy rɛɛge teekna, balgede zoo riʼinsɛɛ, shurrɛɛ, oomu arshiyɔ, dhekena itʼigede lɔngke adirenaliniyɔ teeki adult rɔ. hiri አዋቂ mɛnde silauboyɔ advance rɔ. mɛnde cʼarashɛdɔ oo ay muuk iy tuntookɔ በከፍተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ያለ፤የተሻለ

advantage advantage rɔ. bhonɛsɛn ጥቅም adverb rɔ. mitʼade dɛshay ተውሳከ ግስ advertise ɛɛ̀l.d. tagɛɛ̀sɛn ማስታወቅ advertisement rɔ. Tagidu ማስታወቂያ advisable mi . taside shɛɛiy የሚመክር፣ ቢያደርጉት የሚደግፍ aerate ɛɛ̀l.d. wuru ajɛn ማናፈስንፋስ እንዲያገኝ ማድረግ aerobics rɔ. erobiksi በሙዚቃ የታጀበ የሰውነት ማጎልመሻ እንቅስቃሴበሙዚቃ የታጀበ የሰውነት ማጎልመሻ እንቅስቃሴ wucucuckide isprtiyɔ zoo ishaʼarɛsɛ gulena, dheshɔ aesthetic 1) mi . estetiki ኤይስቴትክስ፤ስነውበትስነ ውበት ; ስነ-ጥበብ 2) rɔ. cʼarashɛtte isportiy ኤይስቴትክስ


after affair rɔ. Bhoykoonde yelɛnɛ dɛshiy ጉዳይ affect 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. girasiyaboy ጎዳ፣ አቃወሰ፣ አጠፋ 2) rɔ. kici ጉዳት affection rɔ. yellɛn bharung ፍቅር፣ መውደድ affix rɔ. dhaallac ቅጥያ afraid mi . riʼineyec የሚፈራ፣ ስጉ፤መፍራት afraid

Africa Africa rɔ. bade apirka አፍሪካ African mi . baude apirka አፍሪካዊ after mi.d . tollɔ በ…..በኋላ ungojɔ koonɔ tollɔ, taysɔ koonɔ tollɔ

afternoon afternoon rɔ. baalɔ ከሰዓት በኋላ again mi.d . cʼua እንደገና agency rɔ. aruca ወኪል ʼ arucaʼ mɛnde iy ke jaarecce mɛngkoonina, dɛshinɛɛ, dirijiti aggravate ɛɛ̀l.d. ibhɛsiyɛɛ kuya, tamariyɛɛboy, indiuwaa kokke gɛsi አባባሰ agility rɔ. woshshiy ቀልጣፋ፣ ንቁ ago mi.d . yɔngɔ sabbɔ ከ…በፊት agreement rɔ. shishik ስምምነት (ውል)

agriculture agriculture rɔ. bhɔgɛn ግብርና፥ እርሻ


algebra aim rɔ. taside iyeca sabakɔ ዓላማ፣ ግብ gane ʼʼanyi mirɛge kɔɔcʼiy waaʼʼ hɛnyɛ air rɔ. wuru አየር air passage rɔ. gɔrte wuruy የአየር መተላለፊያ መንገድ aircraft rɔ. 1) woropila አውሮፕላን mashinide uwa tayɛn walajɔya 2) kacca

airplane airplane rɔ. woropila አውሮፕላን airtight mi . bhunde walacce wuru koyɛ teeki untɔɔ አየር የማይዘልቀው algebra rɔ. aljɛbɛra አልጀብራ.... dɛshade hisabiyde dɛshinɛ pidɛliyey oo kɔmdaay.

algebraic algebraic rɔ. aljɛbiray አልጀብራዊከአልጀብራ ጋር የተገናኘ dɛshade shɔshɔʼinɛ oo aljɛbiray alive mi . rɛmɛsɛt bau በህይወት መኖር; በህይወት ያለ alkali rɔ. alkalay አልካላይ cukurtacce kemikaliyde pinsi asidimu liyokna, uwa alkaline mi . alkalayni አልካላይን... ga ande dɛshinɛnɛ alkalaygey alligator rɔ. lɔkira, guur አዞ alloy rɔ. alligator alloy ከብረት ጋር የተዋህደ፣ የተቀየጠ ga ande tomok ramang ooge mɛri cukurrɛna, cuynɛɛ jɔynɛnɛ along dhɔ.d . 1) dhoyodɔ ተከትሎ/አብሮ 2) ከመነሻው እስከ መጨረሻው


alveoli alphabet rɔ. pidɛli ፊደል alter ɛɛ̀l.d. tacʼɛn መለወጥ፣ መቀየር alternate 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. tatacʼaaboy ቀያየረ 2) mi . ምትክ(አማርጭ) alternative rɔ. bɛrtac አማራጭ Ga humade zoo biro aa ramangey teek kɔnɔngɔ altitude rɔ. bhunde iy tuntookɔ,ramatin ከፍታ aluminum rɔ. almuniyɛmi አልሙኒየም ga tomogitte lɔngke silbriyde wɔlide sholsholide kʼagi alveoli rɔ. albiyolay, hitt̕nacce wuru woyɛ የኣየረ ከረጥትየሳንባ ጥቃቅን ክፍሎች (የ መቀያየሪያ ቦታ፣የአየር ከረጢት ga bonage pɔpɔpɔyge tʼittage wurude lɔngke ʼ0²ʼ oo ʼc0²ʼ tatacʼinɛnɛ

always always mi.d . 1) baltutuuk ዘወትር/ሁልጊዜ 2) cʼɔllɔ amateur rɔ. babiy በሙያው ያልሰለጠነ mɛnde ane iɔccɔnde cʼarashɛdunɔ kadhaangɔ ambition rɔ. shaay ምኞት፣ ፍላጎት ambulance rɔ. ambulansi አምቡላንስ ga kambilide lɔɔm mokajage hin basɛtɔɔ oo zooge kici wɔcʼiyɛsɛ duluʼunɔy amount rɔ. 1) mɛrtin ብዛት 2) መጠን amphibian rɔ. ampibiyani በውሃና በየብስ የሚኖር ፍጡርበውሃና በየብስ የሚኖር ፍጡር ga kɛgitte rɛmɛs maay oo lejɔmuy an indf . bonde ɛliin አመልካችተለይቶ ያልታወቀን አመልካች፣ በቁጥር አንድ ለሆነ ነገር


angular የሚገባ irɔrrɛ ande iyke kɔnɔngna, kɔmɛdɔ ane kɛkɛjɛɛngɔy analogue 1) rɔ. analogi ኣምሳል ga mɛngkoon kiyongi ga angkoonde ilɔlɔnynyɛ oo de ayayɔɔ 2) mi . ande gìlɔlnyɛ milikiti oo kɔmdacɔ ቁጥርን ወይም ምልክትን መወከል ancient mi . kinguny ጥንታዊ፣ አሮጌ፣ ዱሮ

angle angle rɔ. Molle iy bhunde goriyo ramang ititinsɛnɛɛ keenagey ማዕዘን angry mi . yel shurrɛn ቁጡ angular mi . lɔɔm cʼɔgɔsh ማእዘናዊ



8 shunanunɔ

animal animal rɔ. kɛgit እንስሳ ga ande jarjun animation rɔ. rɛɛ goy የጋለ ስሜት ga balgede zoo arshi shɔʼɔ

ankle ankle rɔ. bitirec ቁርጭምጭሚት jarec ititinec announce ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛlɛsiyɛ አስታወቀ፣ አወጀ answer rɔ. yɛʼɛsɛn መልስ ant rɔ. 1) kʼajocce andinɛɛ ጉንዳን 2) cudit antenna rɔ. 1) kʼɛrjɛde aan አንቴና ga kʼɛrjɛde angguge tʼitaa

antenna iʼc:tʼɛwaayec, corkumet 2) antiquity rɔ. angge ilanga kingunyɔ የጥንት የሆነ ፤ቅርስ ፣ ሀውልት፣ እቃ ወዘተ antonym rɔ. ɛlide marrɛɛ ɔʼɛn የቃል ተቃራኒ anus rɔ. kurɔ ፈንጢጣ Ga potukun bhunde joc kunɛ baakɔ tedhdhek anus any mi . Kiykede de iyniyɛmuy ምንም፥ ማንም anybody sa. mɛnde iyniyɛɛmu, Kiyke niyɛmuy ማንኛውም ሰው anything sa. ande iyniyɛmu ምንም ነገር

apart apart mi.d . rɛnak መራቅ፣ መለየት apologise ɛɛ̀l.d. enget ɔysɛsɛn ይቅርታ ጠየቀ apology rɔ. ɔysɛɛ̀sɛn ይቅርታ apostrophe rɔ. 1) milikitide irɔrrɛ pidɛlide ɔdinɛ ɛligiyɔy ከቃል ውስጥ ፊደላት መቅረታቸውን የሚያመለክት ነጥብ (ለምሳሌ he’s) 2) ga milikitide mɛʼɛney irɔrrɛ moyokke toshi kʼɔrɔngge teekɔy(yɛnɛke: raʼoc kaʼoc) appear ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) dhulo sʼulla ብቅ አለ 2) appearance rɔ. ɛt መልክ rɛɛde zoon appendix rɔ. apɛndɛksi በመፅሃፍ መጨረሻ ተጨማሪ መግለጫ/ማብራሪያ የሚሰጥበት ክፍል፤ትርፍ እንጀት ɛlide iyke


aquatic dahaalcide jɔynɛ masʼapige pɔskajɔy appetite rɔ. hinɛnshidee galy ፍላጎት (የምግብ ፍላጎት) apply ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) dhɔlaabooy አመለከተ 2) irɔriyɛɛ dɛshage ስራ ላይ አዋለ፣ ተገበረ appropriate mi . yellɛnɛdɔ ተገቢ፣ የሚገባ approximate value rɔ. jɔynɛ isoʼɔ በማጠጋጋት የተገኘ ዋጋ approximation rɔ. kʼopide kasay iy jiyaki ለትክክለኛው የተጠጋ ግምት April rɔ. taysse baaroyɔ ሚያዝያ aquarium rɔ. gonggulle zoo kʼamiyɛ kʼajuwagw yedunɔy ሰው ሰራሽ aquarium የአሳ ማራቢያ ገንዳ aquatic mi . maun ውሃዊ



arable mi . boyode muyɔ kɔbhɔgɛy shɛʼɔ ለእርሻ ተስማሚ መሬት arc rɔ. kibbi bonkoon ግማሽ ክብ kibbi ga ande iyke ganggirey archaeological mi . angge shɔshɔʼinɛ oo kʼirsiyoge ilanga kingunɔy ከጥንት ቅርሶች ጋር የተዛመደ archaeologist rɔ. Mɛnde cʼarashna, bhɔk angge kingunyɔ al boyyey teekɔna, moyma, gay ከርሰ ምድር ውስጥ ቅርሶችን ቆፍሮ የሚያጠና የሚመረምር architecture rɔ. cʼarashɛtte kesiuge alke bɛnaa kenyjiin የህንፃ ጥበብ are ɛɛ̀l.d. ga edɛ ናቸው area rɔ. paltangin ስፋት arena rɔ. bhaasecce paltangude iyke ganggireyde isportiy

arrow ሰፊ ክብ የሆነ የስፖርት ሜዳ aren't ɛɛ̀l.d. ke edɛ kalong አይደሉም፤ እነሱ አይደሉም arid 1) mi . Rɔmɔsi የደረቀ Ga ande rɔmɔside shɛɛʼongi koon 2) rɔ. የማያስደስት arise ɛɛ̀l.d. ibhaa rɛɛ ተነሳ arm rɔ. kinni ክንድ sit bhunde zoo makiyɛ ramatinɔ arms (weapon) rɔ. losaha መሳሪያ፥ ታጠቀ army rɔ. zooge kɔn kamanɔ የጦር ሠራዊት arrange ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaaboy አዘጋጀ arrive ɛɛ̀l.d. dhulaa ደረሰ

arrow arrow rɔ. 1) irijɛ ቀስት 2) laʼun

art art rɔ. nyɛlosɛt ስነ-ጥበብ፣ ብልሃት፣ ዘዴ article (writing) rɔ. lɔʼɔge micʼindage kɔɔnɛ መጣጥፍ (ጽሁፍ) artifact rɔ. ange ilanga kingunyɔ የዱሮ ዕቃዎች፥ የሙዚየም ዕቃዎች artificial mi . ange dɛshinɛnɛ sidɔgiyɔ ሰው ሰራሽ

artist artist rɔ. mɛnde iyke nyɛlocɔ (ip tartarinyayecaa), gɔm guliya አርቲስት (የኪነጥበብ ሰው ፣ ሠዓሊ) ascend ɛɛ̀l.d. uruga tuntok ወደ ላይ ወጣ ask ɛɛ̀l.d. tengua ጠየቀ aspect rɔ. iyɛn አተያይ፣ ገጽታ፣ ትይዩ


astronomy assistance rɔ. erngeskac ረዳት፥ እገዛ association rɔ. Mahibɛri ማሕበር Ga zoo bhunde kooni associative property rɔ. tokte shɔshɔʼun የተጣማጅነት ባህርይ assume ɛɛ̀l.d. mala asay ገመተ tasi de iyke neʼʼ murɔ bhunde iyke yay bhonongi ɔdinɛɛnɔgʼʼ hɛnyɛy. asteroid rɔ. astiroydi አስትሮይድ ga ande iʼac tobhuocna, pillinɛ pilanetigede iy susɔge gaasɔy asteroid belt rɔ. macʼinade astiroydiy አስትሮይድ ክምችት astronomy rɔ. astironomi አስትሮኖሚ ፤ስነ-ፈለግ፤የጠፈር ትናትየጠፈር ጥናት cʼrashɛtte zoo gayɛ tobhuwa oo pilanetiyoy

asymmetrical asymmetrical mi . angge ke yɛnɛ kalongɔ እኩል ያልሆነ (ተመጣጣኝ/ ተመሳሳይ ያልሆነ) at dhɔ.d . yɔngɔ በ…

athlete athlete rɔ. mɛnde gay isportiyoge mɛriyɔ ለተለያዩ የስፖርት ዓይነቶች ብቁና ተወዳዳሪ የሆነ ሰው athletic mi . mɛnde tɛsɔ rɛɛdenɛ iykɔde dɛshi isprtiyɔɔ የሰውነት አቋሙ ስፖርት እንደሚሰራ ሰው የሆነ athletics rɔ. isportide dhjinɛ oo jorɛn, rɛy pilli, oo dheshɛn bhunde kooiyɔ zeridenɛ ሩጫን፣ ውርወራንና ዝላይን ያጠቃለለ ስፖርት መጠሪያ atmosphere rɔ. 1) baa iyɛndenɛ wurude iy


attraction bhoregiyɔ ሁኔታ 2) ከባቢ አየር atmospheric mi . wurude iy bhoregiyɔ የከባቢ አየር atom rɔ. atomi አቶም 1) ga ande tʼiinide cukukurrɛɛ dɛshi angguge al baagiyɔ 2) ga rɛɛde aan bonde tʼiinide aay muuk iyena, shɔk toganage kemikaliyɔ al ilɛmɛntigiyɔ muuki attachment rɔ. shɔshɔʼɛn መያያዝ፣ መጣበ attack ɛɛ̀l.d. hakaaboy አጠቃ፣ ደበደበ attend ɛɛ̀l.d. oshkishi ተንከባከበ፣ ተከታተለ፣ አሳለፈ፣ ተገኘ attract ɛɛ̀l.d. many zoo tara መማረኬ፤መሳብ ga andekʼurɛ zoo taray attraction rɔ. dha zoo tara የሚስብ፣ የሚማርክ

attractive attractive mi . bhushshide many zoo taray ውብ፣ ማራኪ፣ ሳቢ audience rɔ. 1) mɛnde ishaʼarrɛɛ(ishaʼar radiyo,mɛnde moynɛɛ(moy: telebijini, girama) 2) mɛnde moynɛɛ(moy telebijini girama girama) August rɔ. taysse zoo kʼajiyɛ libaa ነሃሴ aunt rɔ. 1) tʼitiy አክሰት 2) mamaa author rɔ. mɛnde kɔn masʼapiyɔ ደራሲ authority rɔ. daynyɛsɛt ስልጣን ingkarde baun auxiliary verb rɔ. ernreskacce ɛliude dɛshay ተውሳከ ግስ availability rɔ. jɔyɛn መገኘት available mi . 1) ga ande jɔynɛ የሚገኝ 2) average 1) rɔ. amakay አማካይ ga wutʼtʼetide



average kɔmdageeny dhɔjinɛnɛboyna, ane ngarsinɛ mɛrtinɔde kɔmdaugɔnɔ cʼuwa jɔynɛnɛɛ 2) mi . bhunde iy keenɔgena bhonɛsɛ zoo muuk መካከለኛ avoid ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) iniuwaa, rashaaboy, tɔnguwaa አሸሸ፣ አጠፋ 2) አስወገደ award rɔ. Shillimati ሽልማት aware mi . mɛnde gay bhoy የሚያውቅ፣ የተጠነቀቀ፣ የተገነዘበ away (take) ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔngɔn, woyt ማስወገድ፣ መውሰድ axe rɔ. bhec, Paasi መጥረቢያ፤ መፍለጫ


axis axis rɔ. 1) zanggi, kɛtte zoo hakɛ wutaa ዘንግ፣ እንዝርት 2) ዛቢያ

bag axle rɔ. tomogitte kusinɛde shɔk ande shikikirinɛ kooni ተሽከረካሪ ነገር የሚይዝ የተጋደመ ብረት

Bb baboon rɔ. kangac ዝንጀሮ baby rɔ. wunyjetʼinɔ ህፃን back rɔ. ribhi ጀርባ backboard rɔ. kɛtte shabalide zoo iʼingɛ ribhiy ለጀርባ ድጋፍ የሚያገለግል ጣውላ backdrop rɔ. mɛgarɛja መጋረጃ apalade zoo ulubhɛ ketuki background rɔ. bhunde iyɛre sabbɔ iyɔɔ መነሻ፥ ልምምድ backwardness rɔ. zoo ge tasige ɔdinɛ tolɔɔ ኋላቀርነት Ga zooge cʼarashcdɔ, tomokey, oo anggeyge ayay

ayay ane silɛn kɔjɔdaangɔ bacteria rɔ. bakteriya ባክቴሪያ ga jambutte kabarjɔ goorongna, kunɛ ilaʼici bad mi . gɛsi መጥፎ badminton rɔ. bulangde kɔɔsiude dɛshinɛnɛ punsʼuweyɔ የላባ ኳስ ጨዋታ Ga bulangde zoo hak hak kɔɔside dɛshinɛnɛ puntʼuweyɔ anggeyge zerrɛke raketiyona, al hararar kɔ kʼɔsaa teeki bag rɔ. borsa ቦርሳ



bake ɛɛ̀l.d. balshi, ɔssɔ ጋገረ፣ ጠበሰ balshi sollo oo bag ande ande ayaymu bakery rɔ. kesse zoo balshiyɛ dabbowɔ ዳቦ መጋገሪያ ቤት balance 1) rɔ. dhidhing gayɛn, ililis, tadhangɔ ሚዛን 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. አመጣጠነ፣ አስተካከለ

bald bald ɛɛ̀l.d. sabɔde pɛʼisɛɛ, cʼɔrɛ teek untɔɔ ራሰ በራ ball rɔ. kɔɔsi ኳስ ban rɔ. zoo taʼandiyɛ እገዳ ball

bar graph banana rɔ. muzzu ሙዝ bangles rɔ. dumac አምባር and e i,ac dumacna zoo ct̕ip bangles rɛ‘ɛge giriy bank rɔ. 1) bangki ባንክ kesse kʼorshaanɔ 2) kesse tomogunɔ bank (river) rɔ. yet darman የወንዝ ዳርቻ bank teller rɔ. mɛnde wuc tomokɔ ገንዘብ ከፋይ (ባንክ ቤት ውስጥ ሰራተኛ)ga mɛnde wuc tomok bangkige oo kesɔde tomgunɔ teekɔ bar rɔ. kesse amun oo madun ቡና ቤት

bar graph

bar graph bar graph rɔ. bargirapi ባር ግራፍ ga goriyoge dɛshinɛ hisaabigiyɔ geeny ga ramatuda oo mɔʼɔnyjana rɔrɛ wɔcʼɛnata, angge hay bade wɔdunɔ, zooge rɔksinɛɛ ooge ayaymuy. barley rɔ. gopso ገብስ barrel rɔ. barmeeli በርሜል ga ande zoo kojɛ maay barrel base rɔ. 1) kɔmdacce debisinɛ de ayayɔ girigiriyoki(iʼac:52 teek hacʼcʼanang ga de debisinɛ girigiriyɔ በሌላ ቁጥር የሚባዛ ተራቢ የሆነ ቁጥር (ለምሳሌ በ 52 አምስት ተራቢ ነው) 2) molle angkoon ibhɛnɛ rɛɛ መሰረት፣ መነሻ basic mi . de iyke suutɔ, enɛ, yellɛnɛɛ መሰረታዊ፣ ዋና፣ አስፈላጊ


bathroom basis ɛɛ̀l.d. taside iyke enɛɛ, bhunde iyke suutɔ መሰረት basket rɔ. Kʼɔsade zoo ngorɛ amday ቅርጫት tooba

basketball basketball rɔ. kɔɔside zoo bulangɔ ɔngɔn kok ande iyke kantaray koon teeki የቅርጫት ኳስ bat rɔ. ande iyke kɛdɔyde zoo hakɛ kɔɔsina, bulangɛ የገና መጫወቻ

bathroom bathroom rɔ. bhutte oonyun መታጠቢያ ክፍል

battle battle rɔ. kaman, kɔnɛn ጦርነት፣ ውጊያ፣ ተጋድሎ

beach beach rɔ. tumu darman የባህር ዳርቻ bead rɔ. dungkʼurac,majac, gilaloc ዶቃ፥ ጨሌ፥ ነጠብጣብ beadwork rɔ. rir maja ዶቃ ሰሪ፥ የጨሌ ስራተኛ beak rɔ. tukte shojun መንቆር፣ አፍ(የወፍ) beaker rɔ. bikɛri(tʼɛrmuside jɔynɛ kesɔde ilobhunɔy) ቢከር (በቤተሙከራ የሚገኝ ጠርሙስ) bean rɔ. boolua ባቄላ beat ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) haktɔ, cuccɔ ቀጠቀጠ 2) dumidɔ


begin beautiful mi . shɛɛʼi, bhushshi የሚያምር፣ ውብ፣ ቆንጆ beauty rɔ. bhushkin ውበት ያለው፣ ቁንጅና because it. nɛbha, ga nɛbhade ምክንያቱም bed rɔ. karade ungoonɔ አልጋ bedroom rɔ. kesse ungoon መኝታ ቤት bee rɔ. sisoc ንብ bee keeping rɔ. isinyo cʼbɛn ንብ ማነብ beef rɔ. acukte biyonɔ የበሬ ስጋ beetroot rɔ. kʼɛysiri ቀይ ስር ga kolpide zoo am jaruttenɛy beetroot before mi.d . yngɔ...sabbɔ ከ…በፊት beg ɛɛ̀l.d. oʼol, nɛyɛn መለመን፣ ጀነጀነ፤ለመነ begin ɛɛ̀l.d. yɔɔnɛsiyɛ ጀመረ

behave behave ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiua dɛshade bshɛɛʼi ጥሩ ተግባር ፈፀመ፣ ፀባዩን አሳመረ behavior rɔ. tok ፀባይ፣ ሁኔታ behind dhɔ.d . gande ribhiyon በስተኋላ belief rɔ. yɛbhɛn እምነት

bell bell rɔ. bhellac ደወል፣ ቃጭል belt rɔ. macʼinda, macʼina ቀበቶ

bench bench rɔ. kɛtte cemunɔ durrɛ giriyɔ አግዳሚ ወንበር


bicycle bend ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼikiyɛɛboy, kusiyɛboy ተጠማዘዘ፣ አዘነበል፣ ጎበጠ beneficial mi . bhonɛsɛn iy teek ጠቃሚ benefit 1) rɔ. bhonɛsɛn ጥቅም 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ajinɛ bhonɛsɛn ጠቀመ benzene rɔ. benzini ቤንዚን best mi . aay muuk ga birrɛ, aay muuk kʼendɔ ከሁሉ የሚመረጥ፣ ከሁሉ የበለጠ better mi . kamkami የተሻለ between dhɔ.d . keenage መካከል bicarbonate rɔ. baykarboneti ባዮ ካርቦኔት ga jogide karbonic asidiyde ayɛni (ion HCO3) iy teek bicycle rɔ. saykili ብስክሌት


bicycle big mi . bore ትልቅ big-headed rɔ. sabɔbore ባለ ትልቅ ራስ bill rɔ. waratide iy ke mitʼayde anggeny tallɛnɛ ደረሰኘ

billion billion rɔ. biliyoni ቢሊዮን ga miliyoniyo baala kɔnɔng bind ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼɛbaaboy, tʼaniyaaboy, kurutaaboy አሰረ፣ ጠረዘ፣ ፀና (በያዘው አቋም) binomial rɔ. baynomiyali (kɔmda ramangge dɛshinɛ


bisector dhɔjɛdɔ oo kɛjɛdɔ (2² + a) ባይኖሚያል (በመደመር ወይም በመቀነስ የተሰሩት ሁለት ቁጥሮችን ወይም አገላለፅ ያያዘ (2² + a) biogas rɔ. bayogazi ባዮ ጋዝ biological rɔ. dɛshade shɔshɔʼinɛ oo bayolojiy ከባዮሎጂ ጋር የተያያዘ bird rɔ. shoc ወፍ

birr birr rɔ. kʼorsha ብር birth rɔ. rɔʼɔsɛt ልደት biscuit rɔ. buskuti ብስኩት ande iʼac sapsayde amun; bisect ɛɛ̀l.d. ngarua ke ramang በሁለት ከፈለ bisector rɔ. ande ngar ke ramangi ለሁለት የሚከፍል

bite bite ɛɛ̀l.d. anitaaboy ነከሰ I‘ac:k ono anit bole black mi . kɔrɔy ጥቁር blackboard blackboard rɔ. sɛleda ጥቁር ሰሌዳ

blade bladder bladder rɔ. shoshu ፊኛ blade rɔ. milacʼcʼi ምላጭ blanket rɔ. bulukʼu ብርድ ልብስ bleachers rɔ. ande cemunde iy bhaasejɔde isportiyɔ uptac teek untɔy ጣሪያ በሌለው የስፖርት ሜዳ የሚገኝ መቀመጫ


boring blend ɛɛ̀l.d. cukuraaboy ቀየጠ blood rɔ. nyɛbha ደም blot ɛɛ̀l.d. tuy ɛt kotkot ቀለም አነጠበ (ነጠብጣብ አደረገ)፣ ቀለም ተፋ blow ɛɛ̀l.d. tabhayaboy, kiskisiuwaa ነፋ፣ አረገፈ blue mi . gororokac ሰማያዊ boat rɔ. jɛlba(gonggulle koy tumugede buytɔɔ) ጀልባ body rɔ. rɛɛ ሰውነት boil ɛɛ̀l.d. oktɔ አፈላ፣ ቀቀለ bone rɔ. giʼec አጥንት bony mi . gi‘ay አጥንታማ

book book rɔ. masʼapi መፅሃፍ boring mi . ande hak shinshiy የሚያሰለች



born mi . rɔ‘ɔniyɛboy የተወለደ borrow ɛɛ̀l.d. humadɔ, jumtʼiyodɔ, ooladɔ ተበደረ፣ ተዋሰ both sa. ramtiyak ሁለቱም bottle rɔ. 1) tʼarmusi ጠርሙስ 2) litori bottom rɔ. ande iniyɛmu gandekaare የማንኛውም ነገር ስር (ታች) bounce ɛɛ̀l.d. cɔyɛɛ baa አነጠረ (ለምሳሌ ኳስ) boundary rɔ. ngarec ድንበር (ወሰን) bowl rɔ. saanide bottle kɛngɔ shoriyɔ ጎድጓዳ ሳህን bowling rɔ. bulangde kɔɔsiude zoo uguguny bhuwɔ kesɔ kɛnggiyɔ የቦውሊንግ ጨዋታ kɔɔside zoo uguguny bhuɔna bulang kesɔ kɛnggey box rɔ. satʼini ሳጥን


boxboxing boxing rɔ. isportide zoo cuynɛnɛ siney የቡጢ ስፖርት boy rɔ. bole ወንድ ልጅ bracket rɔ. kʼinnipi ቅንፍ brain rɔ. lɔʼɔndac አንጎል brainstorm ɛɛ̀l.d. ande ɔdɛɛ tasi ከቁጥጥር ውጭ የሚፈፀም፣ አንድን ጉዳይ ማስታወስ branch rɔ. 1) kɛdɔ nyigec ቅርንጫፍ 2) brave mi . 1) tɔgil, dishiy ጀግና፣ ደፋር 2) murale bray ɛɛ̀l.d. tabhay girɔng, moyokke tʼurumbayɔ ማናፋት፣ የጡሩምባ ድምፅ bread rɔ. dabbo ዳቦ


bread break ɛɛ̀l.d. humiyɛboy, kʼeniyɛboy ተሰበረ፣ ተበጠሰ፤ተቋረጠ breakfast rɔ. galade bhɛllɛdunɔ ቁርስ breath rɔ. wɔɛ̀dhɔng አተነፋፈስ breathe ɛɛ̀l.d. wɔdhɔngaaboy ተነፈሰ

breed breed 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. ìtatay, ògoy መራባት፥ መብዛት 2) rɔ. ዝርያ፤አይነት፤እርባታ bright mi . ngassi ብሩህ፣ ደማቅ፣ ቦግ ያለ


broom brilliant mi . ga ande sosoyun ድንቅ፤ የሚደነቅ፤ጎበዝ bring ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛɛ, shɔkna, kowaa አመጣ፣ አወጣ፣ ይዞመጣ brittle mi . ga ande humsɛ haphapi በቀላሉ የሚሰበር ዕቃ፣ ተፈርካሽ broad mi . 1) paltangu, iy nɛt ሰፊ፣ ለጥያለ 2) bronchitis rɔ. ilaʼecce pushɛsɛ lɔlsɛn hitʼinacce wɔdhɔngunɔy በሽታ/ የመተንፈሻ ቧንቧ ስር የሰደደ ሳል bronchus rɔ. nyigecce hitʼinajude wɔdhɔngunɔde sabbunyiyɔ የመጀመሪያው የአየር ቧንቧ ቅርንጫፍ bronze rɔ. naasi ነሃስ ga tomogitte dhaalide dɛshɛnɛnɛ kopɛrige oo tiinigey broom rɔ. wuʼut መጥረጊያ




brother rɔ. gɔtinɛ ወንድም brown mi . tikaaydi ቡናማ builder bull rɔ. bhongay ኮርማ

brush brush 1) rɔ. burushi ብሩሽ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. wutaaboy ቦረሸ፣ ፋቀ፣ ጠረገ፣ አረገፈ bucket rɔ. baldi ባልዲ ga ande zoo kojɛ maay bucket bud rɔ. lontʼit ቀምበጥ /እምቡጥ build ɛɛ̀l.d. kenyjiyaaboy ገነባ፣ ሠራ፣ መሰረተ builder rɔ. mɛnde kenyji kesɔ ቤት ሰሪ፤ግንበኛ bulky mi . buy madhdhak በጣም ግዙፍ፣ በጣም ትልቅ

bundle bundle rɔ. ande sobhinɛ ጥቅል burn ɛɛ̀l.d. ngassɔ,tobhaaboy, itinaaboy, kʼpsiyaaboy አቃጠለ፣ አያያዘ፣ አበራ (ለምሳሌ ችቦ፣ መብራት) bury ɛɛ̀l.d. jɛngiyɛboy ተቀበረ




bus bus rɔ. kambilide buytɔ አውቶቡስ bus driver rɔ. mɛnde push kambilide buytɔɔ የአውቶቡስ ሹፌር bush rɔ. gash, tʼorogit, tarshec ቁጥቋጦ (ለምሳሌ ሳር)፣ ደን busy mi . dɛsha buyɛsɛɔ ስራ የበዛበት but it. kiyɛnyɛmuy ነገር ግን butcher rɔ. mɛnde worgi acukkɔ ስጋ ሻጭ butter rɔ. ngɔrɛ ቅቤ

button ɛɛ̀l.d. tʼogiyaboy ቆለፈ button buy buy ɛɛ̀l.d. talaaboy ገዛ፣ ሸመተ by dhɔ.d . yɔngɔ...gaasɔ, gɔrɔgedɔngɔ በ……ዳር፣ በ…….በኩል፣ በ….መሰረት

Cc cabbage rɔ. kolpi ጎመን cake rɔ. keki cabbage ኬክ ga dabbode shukari, mulac , pota oo ngɔrɛ

untɔy zeyti cukurrɛna, dɛshinɛnɛ calabash rɔ. kʼajac, karka ቅል calculate rɔ. dɛshiyaa hisaabiboy አሰላ

calculation calculation rɔ. dɛshade hisabiy ማስላት (ሂሳብ የመስራት ስራ)

calculator calculator rɔ. ande zoo dɛshiyɛ hisaabiy ካልኩሌተር(ማስሊያ/ሂሳብ መስሪያ መሳሪያ)

calendar calendar rɔ. ande zoo kɔmɛ ungoge bɛrguyɔy የቀን መቁጠሪያ calisthenics ɛɛ̀l.d. isportide zoo dɛshiɔ rɛɛy dcomashɛna, alɛ daci ለሰውነት ጥንካሬና ለጥሩ ቁመና የሚሰራ ስፖርት call ɛɛ̀l.d. zeriyaaboy ጠራ


cancer calligraphy rɔ. nyɛlosɛtte warati kɔnun የእጅ ፅሁፍ ጥበብ (አፃፃፍ) camel rɔ. jimɛli ግመል ga ande iʼac camel sigirɔyde ramatude zoo urukna, hinɔ tɛyɛ kudhumuy campaign rɔ. ibhak ዘመቻ can ɛɛ̀l.d. bhonaaboy, uwayaaboy ቻለ

canal canal rɔ. gɔrte tanuʼoy, bamba ቦይ፣ ቱቦ ወይም ቧንቧ cancer rɔ. kansɛri ካንሰር/ ነቀርሳ ilaʼecce gɛside nis zooy

candle candle rɔ. shaama ሻማ candy rɔ. kɛrɛmela ከረሜላ can't ɛɛ̀l.d. candle uwaang አይችልም cap rɔ. bhalakecce angkooni(okac) የአንድ ነገር ክዳን፣ ቆብ(ኮፍያ) capacity rɔ. uwɛn ችሎታ፥ አቅም capillary rɔ. goriyoge tʼittage nyɛbha woyɛ ቀጭን የደም ቧንቧ capital 1) rɔ. tomokke alke engguwɔ, katamade iyke enɛɛ, enɛɛ ዋና ገንዘብ (ለመስራት) 2) rɔ. ዋና ከተማ 3) mi . ዋናያ capital letter rɔ. pidɛliyoge bibidaa isittegɛ(Iʻac: A, B, Bh, C...) የእንግሊዝኛ ፊደሎች በትልቁ ሲፃፉ (A,B,C,) capitalization rɔ. pidɛliyoyge bibidaa


cardinal kɔnɛn(Iʼac: A,B, Bh) በካፕታል ፍደል መፃፍ (ለምሳሌ A,B,C)

car car rɔ. kambuli መኪና carbohydrates rɔ. karbohaydireti ሐይልና ሙቀት ሰጪ ምግብ (ከእፅዋት የሚገኝ)ga galade ajinɛ komac oo goy(de jɔynɛ toburaney) carbon dioxide rɔ. karbonday oksaydi (c0²) ካርቦን ኦክሳይድ (c0²)Ga ngɔtte kʼɛginɛnɛ wɔdhdngɔna iy walajɔy carbonate rɔ. karboneti ካርቦኔት ga jogide karbonik asidiy cardinal rɔ. mɛnde ingkar kʼɔmaage

cardinal kesude tumonɔ የቤተክሕነት መሪ careful mi . tɛp saptenɛ ጥንቁቅ (ጠንቃቃ) carpentry rɔ. mɛnde iyke anasʼiyɔ የአናጢነት ሙያ carpentry carrot rɔ. kaaroti ካሮት carry ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛydɔ ያዘ፣ ተሸከመ

cart cart rɔ. gaari, kambulide kʼurrɛɛ ጋሪ፣ ተሳቢ cartilage rɔ. giʼecce mɔdhɔsɔ ለስላሳ ኣጥንት (ካርቲለጅ) cartoon rɔ. taarecce nunnɛ አስቂኝ ስዕል


cavity carve ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛbhaaboy, ibhacaaboy ፋቀ፣ ቀረፀ cash crop rɔ. amdage hay gabay ለገበያ የሚቀርብ ምርት cast ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔnguwaa ጣለ፣ ወረወረ castle rɔ. kesse manggisiyde kingunɔ sarrɛɛ በምሽግ የተከበበ የጥንት ቤተመንግስት cat rɔ. aduru ድመት catch ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼaaboy kariyaaboy ያዘ፣ ቀለመ categorize ɛɛ̀l.d. ngarngara badabadaboy ከፋፍሎ መደበ cattle rɔ. biyo የቀንድ ከብት causative mi . nɛbha, kʼumec ምክንያት፥ መነሻ cause rɔ. tabhisi ሰበብ፣ ምክንያት cave rɔ. bhoot ዋሻ cavity rɔ. 1) ngamecce iy rɛɛge teekɔ (Iʼac: bhoguc) የሰውነት ክፍት

cavity ቦታ (ለምሳሌ የደረት ቀፎ) 2) ngamuwage rɛɛun (Iʻac; yɛnɛke girɔng, tuukɔ) ክፍት፣ ለምሳሌ የአፍንጫ፣ የአፍ ክፍት ቦታዎች/

CD CD rɔ. sidi ሲዲ 1) ga ande iyke ganggirey de tʼiinide kɛngɔdenɛ ga bhdina, shɔk lɔʼɔy 2) ga kasetide dibidiyɔ gɔm telebijinigiyɔ celestial bodies rɔ. angge al walajɔɔ የሰማይ አካላት cell rɔ. seeli ህዋስ cemetery rɔ. boyode jɛngunɔ መካነ መቃብር bhunde zoo jingnɛnɛ centime rɔ. tamini ሳንቲም


chalk centimeter rɔ. santimetiri ሳንቲ ሜትር central mi . keenɔng, enɛ ማእከላዊ፣ ዋና centre rɔ. keen, kuriyec መካከል፣ እምብርት cereal rɔ. amda እህል ceremony rɔ. daga ስነስርአት፣ አከባበር Iʻac:dagade mɛnde gamnɛɛ oo wunyjude ngesɔ, de rɛsɛdun, de bɛrguude caʼɔ certain mi . sudhinɛ, gay suut የተወሰነ፣ እርግጠኛ chair rɔ. cakamde buytɔ ወንበር ga cakamde bhuttenɛde iingon ribhiyɔ iyɔ

chalk chalk rɔ. cokki ጠመኔ

challenge challenge ɛɛ̀l.d. bagitʼiyok zeri(isportide jorun) ለግጥሚያ መጋበዝ ወይም መጠራት (ለሩጫ ውድድር) chamber rɔ. baut bonkoon የልብ ክፍል champion rɔ. mɛɛ oo kɛgitte shalɔ(isporti) ተጋዳይ፣ ተፋላሚ፣ ረቺ (ለስፖርት) championship rɔ. shalɛn(isportige teek kɔnɔng) አሸናፊነት (በስፖርት አንዱ ውድድር) chance rɔ. huma እድል፣ ተስፋ change rɔ. shàdi ምንዛሪ chapter rɔ. icɔɛ̀cɔn ምእራፍ/ክፍለ ትምህርት (በመፅሀፍ ውስጥ) character rɔ. mɛnde irɔrrɛ tokte mɛnde ayayɔɔ ገፀ ባህርይ Iʻac: mɛnde bulang pilmige teekɔ


cheer characteristic 1) rɔ. tok ባህርይ 2) mi . መለያ፣ ባህርይ charcoal rɔ. 1) kolku ከሰል 2) balut chart rɔ. carti ቻርት ga girapide irɔrrɛ lɔʼɔy charter rɔ. higgide manggisiy ህገመንግስት cheap mi . walak ርካሽ ga ande jɔynɛ tomokeyge micʼindana, uwa check ɛɛ̀l.d. moyuwaa, yɛmɛsiyɛɛ መረመረ፣ አጣራ (የሰራውን የሂሳብ ስራ)፣ አመሳከረ checklist rɔ. ɛliyange irɔrrɛ gɔrɔde dɛshaukooniy አንድን ነገር ለመቆጣጠሪያ የሚያገለግል ዝርዝር cheeky mi . kanuwa, gedere, kasara ባለጌ cheer ɛɛ̀l.d. sosoyɛɛboy, tabhangaa sina arshiyɔboy (tabhangaɛsɛ hubba oo zooge bulangɔ)

cheer አደነቀ፣ በደስታ አጨበጨበ (ለቡድኑ ወይም ለተጫዎች)

cheese cheese rɔ. batʼa አይብ chemical rɔ. kemikali ኬሚካል chemist rɔ. mɛnde cʼarash kemistirigiyɔ ኬሚስት (የኬሚስትሪ ባለሙያ) chest rɔ. bhoguc ደረት chew ɛɛ̀l.d. cabhakaaboy አኘከ፣ አላመጠ chicken rɔ. wocʼandage kobudon, ackte kobudon የዶሮ ጫጩት፣ የዶሮ ስጋ children rɔ. woya ge tʼittaa ልጆች chilli, green peper rɔ. mimtʼaa, geluwac ቃሪያ፥ ሚጥሚጣ


cinema chlorine rɔ. kilorini ክሎሪን ga gaazide depshajide ɔngɔ bararay chop ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɛlaaboy, limaaboy, kashiyaaboy ፈለጠ፣ ቆረጠ፣ ከተፈ chord rɔ. kordi ኮርድ ga goritte iy dacide shɔʼinɛ kʼumejina ramangey tunɔ oo kare kibbige teeki chore rɔ. dɛshade ungojɔ ungojɔ dɛshinɛ የዕለት ተግባራት፣ ሥራ church rɔ. bataskai

church ቤተክርስቲያን ga kesse zoo goyniyɛ tumay cigarette rɔ. dampu, sigara ትምባሆ፣ ሲጋራ cinema rɔ. sinima ሲኒማ kesse zoo moyɛ pilmiyɔ


circle circle rɔ. kibbi ክብ ga ande iyke ganggirey circulate ɛɛ̀l.d. totoyuwaa, oguwaa bhoy muuk, jupa ogiyɛɛ ተዘዋወረ፣ ተሰራጨ፣ ነፈሰ circulation rɔ. wowoyde nyɛbhun ዝውውረ ደም /የደም ዝውውር circumference rɔ. gaas gaas, anat,ananat ዙሪያ citation rɔ. tʼeksi ጥቅስ ankʼɛsʼide tʼiinide dhaynɛnɛ taudajɔ koonɔy citizen rɔ. mɛnte baun ዜጋ citizenship rɔ. rɛmɛsɛt baage koonɔ ዜግነት


clay city rɔ. katama ከተማ civilization rɔ. silɛn ስልጣኔ clamp rɔ. ande shɔk tomogitɔ የብረት ማጣበቂያ clap ɛɛ̀l.d. tabhangaa clamp sinaboy አጨበጨበ class rɔ. kipli, zoo tir koon ክፍል፣ የህብረተሰብ ክፍል classify ɛɛ̀l.d. ngarngruwa kallo badda baddaboy መደበ፣ ለያየ

classroom classroom rɔ. kesse woya icɔcɔnnɛnɛɛ teek መማሪያ ክፍል claw rɔ. kobhologit ጥፍር clay rɔ. dhop ሸክላ፣ ጭቃ

clean clean 1) mi . bhushshi ንፁህ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. wuduwa ke sɛllɛju አፀዳ cleaner rɔ. mɛnde dɛshadenɛ ga wudɛni የሚያፀዳ፣ ማፅጃ clear 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. wudu liyok ጠረ፣ አስወገደ 2) mi . iy dac, tɔp ግልፅ clearing rɔ. baade bh‘ogiyɛboyɔ የተመነጠረ መሬት cleat rɔ. cikali ችካል (ለምሳሌ የድንጋይ)፣ ለስፖርት ጫማ ማጥበቂያ የሚያገለግል ነገር clever mi . tɔgil, nyɛloc ጎበዝ፣ ብልጥ፣ ጮሌ climate rɔ. wuru የአየር ንብረት climatic 1) mi . iyɛnde wuruy የአየር ንብረት ሁኔታ 2) mi.d . climatic changes rɔ. iyɛnde wuruy tatacʼɛndenɛ የአየር ንብረት መቀየር፣ ለውጥ


cloud climb ɛɛ̀l.d. uruguwaa ወጣ cling ɛɛ̀l.d. tatanaaboy ተጠመጠመ

clinic clinic rɔ. kiliniki ኪሊኒክ clock rɔ. sɛʼati ሰዓት clock face rɔ. bonde clock saʼatiy wɔdɔ bhunde irɔrrɛ kel kɔmdayɔ ጊዜን በቁጥር የሚያሳይ የሰዓት ውጫዊ ክፍል close ɛɛ̀l.d. nyɛkaaboy, mudhaaboy, pɔsaaboy ዘጋ፣ ጨፈነ፣ ደመደመ(ጨረሰ) clothes rɔ. apala ልብስ cloud rɔ. hidho ዳመና

coach coach rɔ. mɛnde eedinnɛɛ ኣሰልጣኝ coal rɔ. kolkude iyke bɛtɔɔ ከሰል፣ የድንጋይ ከሰል coarse mi . kakar, gagir ከርዳዳ፣ ሻካራ (ልስልስ ያልሆነ)ande rɛɛdenɛ ke mɔdhdhɔsi iyongɔ coast rɔ. tumu darman የባህር ዳርቻ coastal mi . ande jɔynɛ yeca tumuge darmanɔy ብየባህር ዳሩ የሚገኝ coat rɔ. kotti ኮት cock rɔ. kolka አውራ ዶሮ coat cocoa rɔ. kawkawo(ande zoo dɛshiyɛ cokoletide amunɔy) ካካዎ (ቼኮሌት ለመስሪያ የሚያገለግል) coffee rɔ. tika ቡና coin rɔ. tamini ሳንቲም


colon cold mi . tuluk, cʼulluk ብርድ፣ ቅዝቃዜ coin cold blooded rɔ. kɛginyage tatac rɛy kiʼajit bhunde edɛ rɛmɛsɛɛ እንደ አካባቢው ወይም እንደ አየሩ ሁኔታ የሰውነታቸው ሙቀት የሚቀያየር እንስሳት collage rɔ. waratiyoy, cʼurkaay, pootuwaay, tomokey oo angge ayaymu tartarec dɛshi ወረቀት፣ ጨርቅ፣ ፎቶ፣ ብረት፣ ወዘተ በመጠቀም ስእሎችን መሳል collect ɛɛ̀l.d. murdiyaaboy, ilongaaboy ሰበሰበ፣ አጠራቀመ collide ɛɛ̀l.d. kackaaboy ተጋጨ፥ መጣላት colon rɔ. cʼɔlɔcce buytɔ ድርብ ሰረዝ፣ ትልቁ አንጀት



colonial mi . zooge tal baade zugunyɔ komajɔɔ የቅኝ ገዢዎች colonialism rɔ. baa talɛn komajɔ ቅኝ አገዛዝ colonialist rɔ. baade tallɛ komajɔ manggisi gede ayayɔɔ ቅኝ ገዢ colonizer rɔ. mɛnde tal baade ayayɔ komajɔɔ ቅኝ ገዢ colony rɔ. baade iy talɛdɔde komajunɔ teekɔ በቅኝ አገዛዝ ስር ያለ ሀገር colour rɔ. ɛt ቀለም colour wheel rɔ. ɛdinage ayay ayay oo cukurta የቀለም ዓይነትና ቅይጥ colourful mi . bhushshi, sosoyun, ɛdina mɛri የሚያምር፣ የሚያስደንቅ፣ ቀለማማ colourless rɔ. ɛt untɔ ቀለም የለሽ column rɔ. zirmage ረድፍ፣ አምድ


comb comb rɔ. saara ማበጠሪያ combat ɛɛ̀l.d. durɛn, kɔnɛn ትግል፣ ውጊያ combination rɔ. shɔshɔ,ɛn ህብር፣ ጥምረት combine ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) cukuraaboy, shɔshɔʼaaboy ቀላቀለ ፥ ኣጣመረ 2) ngangayaaboy combustion rɔ. tobhɛn መቃጠል come ɛɛ̀l.d. yogo, kowaa, dhulaa ና፣ መጣ፣ ደረሰ፣ comedy rɔ. komedi(diramade ajinɛ cʼɛgɛni) ኮሜዲ (የድራማ ዓይነት አስቂኝ የሆነ) comet rɔ. tobhocce daʼay ጅራታም ኮከብ

comma comma rɔ. ngarec ነጠላ ሰረዝ command ɛɛ̀l.d. penu ajɛn ትዕዛዝ commercial mi . gitʼiin, ga gitʼiin የንግድ፣ ለንግድ commodity rɔ. aa ዕቃ common mi . ande gaynɛ, zoon muuk, ga kɔnɔsɔ የተለመደ፣ የጋራ፣ አንድ ዓይነት common denominator rɔ. de ngar ke yɛnɛɛ የጋራ አካፋይ፥ የተገናኙ common noun rɔ. rɔngɔge koonɔ የወል (የጥቅል) ስም communal mi . zoon muuk የጋራ communication rɔ. ororrɛn ግንኙነት community rɔ. zoo, nyamany tir koon ህዝብ commutative property rɔ. tokte tatacʼun(iʼac: dhɔjɛdɔ oo debisiyɔ 3 X 5═ 5X3) የቅይይር ባህርይ (ለምሳሌ


complementary c... ለመደመርና በማባዛት የሚታይ 3 X 5═ 5X3) compact mi . ga gɛninɛ, iy kɛngkɛng, iy ginicginic የተጠቀጠቀ፣ የጠጠረ፣ ጥብቅ ያለ compare ɛɛ̀l.d. ilɔlɔnyaaboy አወዳደረ comparison rɔ. ilɔɛ̀lɔny ማወዳደር compass rɔ. kompasi ኮምፓስ ga ande dhɔlagec haʼeci compass compete ɛɛ̀l.d. ilɔlɔnyiyɛboy, ilobhaaboy ተወዳደረ፣ ተካፋይ ሆነ competitor rɔ. bagitʼdac, ilɔlɔnyjac(iʼacɔ:gitʼiyɔ/ isportige ተፎካካሪ፣ ተወዳዳሪ (ለምሳሌ በንግድ/በስፖርት) complementary colours rɔ. ɛdinage

complementary c... ayayayayɔ kurrɛɛ የሚዋሃዱ የቀለም ዓይነቶች complete ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy, sudhaaboy, idibisaaboy ጨረሰ፣ ፈፀመ፣ አሟላ complex sentence rɔ. lɔʼɔge kududusinɛ ውስብስብ ዐ.ነገር complexity rɔ. tantisa ግራ አጋቢ፣ ውስብስብ complicated mi . iy budegeeny የተወሳሰበ ga ande gomoyɔ dhulagecongi component rɔ. ayayayay, rɛɛ አይነት፣ አካል compose ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔɔnaa masʼapiboy, ishɔshʼaa irporti ደረሰ (ፃፈ)፣ አጠናቀረ (ሪፖርት) composition rɔ. 1) tudacce kɔnnɛɛ, cukurtac ድርሰት፣ ድብልቅ 2) አይነት፥ ዘር 3) ውህድ፣ ድርሰት (ጽሁፍ)


compute compost rɔ. mujushka, kɛny ብስባሽ፣ ፍግ compound rɔ. cukurtac, ngangaydac ውሁድ፣ ድብልቅ፣ ጥምር comprehension rɔ. gayɛnde zeratajun/ande kʼenuwɔ tasi uwɛn/ የመረዳት/የማስታወስ ችሎታ compress ɛɛ̀l.d. bacaaboy, shumushiyaaboy, cʼuriyaa cʼurkageboy ተጫነ፣ አመቀ፣ በጨርቅ አሰረ comprisable mi . ga shɔʼun, iyteek የሚያዝ፥ የሚካተት comprise ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼaaboy, jɔyɛɛboy ያዘ፣ ተገኘ compute mi . tasina, dhulɛsiyɛɛ (iʼac: tomokke pɔs wadakɔ) አስቦ ደረሰበት (ለምሳሌ ያወጣውን ወጭ)

concentrate concentrate ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) murdiyɛɛboy ተሰበሰበ 2) concentrated mi . moyuwaa shɛshshɛ ተሰበሰበ፣ በትኩረት ተመለከተ concentration rɔ. mùrdi, tàsi ማከማቸት፣ ማስተዋል concept rɔ. tasi jarudɔng ፅንሰ ሃሳብ concern rɔ. taside yellɛnɛ woshii የሚመለከት/ ቸል የማይባል/ ጭንቀት concerned mi . de dari taray, tasiy ግድ ያለ፣ የሚያስብ concise rɔ. mɔʼɔnyide iy tɔpi እጥር ምጥን ያለ conclude ɛɛ̀l.d. sudahaaboy ደመደመ conclusion rɔ. 1) penu pɔskac ውሳኔ 2) መደምደሚያ፣ መጨረሻ condemn ɛɛ̀l.d. penu limɛn መፍረድ


conductor condensation rɔ. 1) doo የውሃ መጤዝ (ጥዘት)ga hidhode mumudhinɛna, koyke cʼarki oo kukuraa 2) መቀዝቀዝ፣ ጥዘት(መጤዝ) condense ɛɛ̀l.d. dhadhalaaboy, irebhenaaboy, balliyaaboy ጠነከረ፣ ወፈረ፣ ረጋ condition 1 rɔ. iyɛn ሁኔታ condition 2 rɔ. hica iyɛn ሁኔታ፣ ግዴታ ga bhunde kiyegay yellɛnɛ condition (living) rɔ. rɛmɛsɛt የኑሮ ሁኔታ conduct ɛɛ̀l.d. dhiduwa, irɔruwaa አካሄደ፣ አስጎበኘ conduction rɔ. ande maa, ilɛktiriki oo moyok kʼen keenagey አስተላላፊነት conductor rɔ. ande indi a kat keenagiyɔ አስተላላፊ

cone cone rɔ. tuntɔ ga paltanguna, kare ga tʼuttiyɔ ከላይ ሰፋ ብሎ ከታች cone ጠበብ ያለ conference rɔ. mùrdi ስብሰባ confident mi . yɛbhjnɛnɛ saptnɛ እርግጠኛ መሆን conflict rɔ. goshɛn ግጭት፣ ጠብ connect ɛɛ̀l.d. itìtin, shɔshɔkʼ pɔshɛɛ̀sɛn ማገናኘት ፣ ማያያዝ፣ ማቀጣጠል፣ አገናኘ፣ ቀጠለ conscious mi . tɔllɛ ሆን ብሎ consciousness rɔ. sabɔ ngami, shau, yɔngɔguru ንቃተ ህሊና፤ ቶሎ፤ ወዲያውን consequence rɔ. kicide kunɔngɔ tolɔɔ የሚያስከትለው ውጤት (ተፅእኖ)


constituent conservation rɔ. boyo tɛbhɛn (lolomsi) ጥበቃ (እንክብካቤ)ga lolomside zoo tɛbhɛ boyo oo maana, ke gɛsida ke haygaa conserve ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛbhaaboy(lolomsiyaa boy) ጠበቀ፣ ተንከባከበ consider ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy, ililisiyaaboy, kɔmaaboy (penuge koonɔ) አሰበ፣ አመዛዘነ፣ ቆጠረ (ለጉዳይ) consideration mi.d . ilìlis ማመዛዘን consist 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔktɔ ይይዛል 2) rɔ. ያዘ፣ የያዘው constant mi . mɛn ኣንድ ወጥ፥ የማይቀይቀር፣ የማያቋርጥ፣ አንድ ዓይነት constituent 1 rɔ. shɔktac ይዘት constituent 2 rɔ. cukurtac, ngangaydac ቅይጥ፣ ቅልቅል፣ ብዙ ነገሮች በአንድ ነገሮች ላይ

construct construct ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) kenyjiyaaboy ገነባ 2) ሰራ construction rɔ. 1) dɛsha ሥራ 2) kenyji ግንባታ consult ɛɛ̀l.d. tengiyɛɛ eet አማካረ፣ ምክር ጠየቀ consume ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy, iraaboy ጨረሰ፣ ጠጣ፣ አዋለ consumer rɔ. jala ተጠቃሚ (የፍጆታ እቃዎችን /እህሎችን)ga yellacce tal angge amunɔ kɔpkɔp molɔ kɔnɔsuwɔ consumption rɔ. 1) am ፍጆታ 2) መብል contact ɛɛ̀l.d. orrn ግንኙነት contagious mi . koy girigiri ተላላፊ፥ አስተላላፊ contain ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼaaboy ያዘ container 1) rɔ. ande bhangun ማጠራቀሚያ 2)


continent relie...

ɛɛ̀l.d. ande zoo bhangɛ angeeny yɔngɔ teeki በውስጡ ያዘ contaminate ɛɛ̀l.d. gɛsaaboy, kɛtiyaaboy በከለ፣ መረዘ contemporary mi . gade mettanunɔ ዘመናዊ፣ የጊዜው contender rɔ. yɛnkʼidac ተፎካካሪ content rɔ. penu kabarejɔng ይዘት፣ ፍሬ ነገር contest rɔ. bagìtʼi (orrɛn kɔɔsigede jarjunɔ) ውድድር፣ ግጥሚያ (የእግር ኳስ) context rɔ. ɔʼɛnde iy lɔʼejɔ teekɔ አውድ፣ አገባብ (የቃል በአ/ነገር ውስጥ የሚኖረው ፍቺ) continent rɔ. ahiguri አህጉር continent relief rɔ. ahiguriyo sabisabi alɛn የአህጉር መለያየት

continuous continuous mi . peshna, gayong የማያቋርጥ contour mi . rɛɛ, ɛt ቅርፅ፣ መልክ contract ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼurcʼuriyɛboy, oguwake mɔʼɔnyi, marmacʼiyɛɛboy ተጨማደደ፣ አሳጠረ፣ ያዘ contraction rɔ. indike mɔʼɔnyi ማሳጠር contrast ɛɛ̀l.d. ilɔlɔny ማነፃፀር contribute ɛɛ̀l.d. ajinɛdɔ, jɔyɛn አዋጣ jɔy tomok biyo contribution rɔ. angkoon ajɛn መዋጮ contributor rɔ. 1) mɛnde ajinɛ aa አዋጪ 2) ለጋሽ፣ አስተዋፅኦ አድራጊ control ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) shɔʼaa muuk sittenɛboy ተቆጣጠረ 2) shɔʼuwaa sittenɛ በእጁ ያዘ 3) ቁጥጥር


convert convection rɔ. 1) malmaliya, goyde cucukinɛ walajɔɔ ስግረት፣ ፍልክልክታ(የጉልበት በተሸከመው ፈሳሽ መጓዝ) 2) የሙቀት በከባቢ አየር ውስጥ መንቀሳቀስ convectional mi . woytte goyun የሙቀት ዝውውር ሂደት convenience rɔ. shɛʼɛsɛn ምቾት convenient rɔ. yelyellɛn ምቹ፣ ተስማሚ converge ɛɛ̀l.d. wadaaɔng bhunde alɛɛ መገናኘት፣ ከየቦታው ጎረፈ conversation rɔ. bulang ጭውውት፣ ወሬ conversion rɔ. tacʼɛn, shadi መለወጥ፣ መመንዘር conversion table rɔ. sɛntʼɛrɛjide tacʼun ለዋጭ ሰንጠረዥ convert ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛlɛsiyɛ shɛshshɛk, bhɔtaa taraboy አሳመነ ፣ ለወጠ

cook cook ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiwaa gala kegaboy አበሰለ cooked mi . de egisɔ የበሰለ cool ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼullukaaboy አቀዘቀዘ, ቀዘቀዘ cool colour rɔ. ɛtte shɛɛʼi ቀለም cooperate ɛɛ̀l.d. ge erngesinɛɛ, yelyeellɛɛ የሚተባበር፣ የሚግባባ cooperation rɔ. erngenges መተባበር (ትብብር) cooperative mi . erngeskac ተባባሪ coordinate ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaboy, dhadhayaaboy አቀናጀ፣ አስተባበረ፣ አስተካከለ coordination rɔ. alke kɔnɔng, tap koma , erngengesinɛdɔ መተባበር (አንድ መሆን) copper rɔ. mɛdabi መዳብ ga tomogitte kenyjinɛ kokke shibboy


counsel cork rɔ. korki ኮርኪ corn rɔ. woydac በቆሎ corn stalk rɔ. olitte woydajunɔ corn አገደ

corner corner rɔ. banut ማአዘን corruption rɔ. gubbo, yɛbhɛn untan ሙስና፣ እምነት ማጉደል cost rɔ. wɔcʼɛn ዋጋ፣ ወጪ cottage industry rɔ. industiride kesiuge kingunɔ የጎጆ ኢንዱስትሪ cotton rɔ. wuta ጥጥ cough ɛɛ̀l.d. lɔlsɛn ሳል (የጉፋን፥ cotton የቲቢ---) counsel ɛɛ̀l.d. eèt መምከር

count count ɛɛ̀l.d. kɔmaaboy ቆጠረ counter balance rɔ. ande makiin መስፈሪያ መሳሪያ country rɔ. baa አገር court rɔ. kesse lim penuwɔ ፍርድ ቤት፣ cousin rɔ. wocce batʼiyon oode oynɛy የአጎት ልጅ cover ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) lɛcʼaaboy, ulubhaaboy ከደነ፣ ሸፈነ፣ አለበሰ 2) ከለለ፣ አጠላ 3) pɔsaa dɛshadenɛboy አጠናቀቀ (ስራውን) cow rɔ. biy ላም cradle rɔ. karade wunyjude tʼinɔ የሕፃን አልጋ craft rɔ. cʼarashɛtte sidon የእጅ ሙያ craftsman rɔ. mɛnde sittenɛ cʼarashɔ የእጅ ሙያተኛ (ባለ እጅ) crane rɔ. ande ibha angge bibidaa bakɔ


crocodile ከባድ ዕቃዎችን ማውረጃ መሳሪያ crawl ɛɛ̀l.d. uʼum kʼɔmey ዳኽ፣ ተሳበ፥ በአራት እግር መሄድ crayon rɔ. cokkide ɛdunɔ ባለ ቀለም ጠመኔ create ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼɛkaboy, ibhansiyaaboy ፈጠረ፣ ቀሰቀሰ፣ አስከተለ creative mi . mɛnde kʼɛka bhunde caʼina. uwaa የፈጠራ ችሎታ ያለው creativity rɔ. mɛnde uwa ande caʼi kʼɛgɛnɔ የፈጠራ ችሎታ creepy mi . ajinɛ ganggi አስደንጋጭ criminal rɔ. mɛnde dɛshi bhunde yellɛnɛɛngɔɔ ወንጀለኛ crisis rɔ. kici ኪሳራ፣ ችግር፣ አስጊ ሁኔታ croak ɛɛ̀l.d. kudhaaboy ጮኽ፣ የጉርጥ ድምፅ crocodile rɔ. guur አዞ

crop crop rɔ. amda ምርት፣ ሰብል cross 1) rɔ. milikiti(+/x) ምልክት (+/x) 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. አንድ እግርን በሌለው አጣምሮ የመቀመጥ ሁኔታ cross (legs) ɛɛ̀l.d. jaara dandasiyɔ cemɛn አንድ እግርን በሌለው አጥመሮ የመቀመጥ ሁኔታ cross off (zeros) rɔ. koyɛ dhook(zeero) ማጣፋት crude oil rɔ. zeeytide iyke rɔkaa ድፍድፍ ዘይት (ድፍድፍ ነዳጅ)gade ane iy tigi duruwɔ crust rɔ. boyo bhunde iy tuntɔɔ ላይኛው የመሬት ክፍል cry ɛɛ̀l.d. ruydɔ አለቀሰ፣ ጮኽ cube rɔ. ande bonagenyɛ alke illɛy koon ቁራጭ፣ ስድስት ጎን ያለው ነገር


curly cubic centimeter rɔ. kiyubik santimetiri ኪዩቢክ ሴንቲሜትር cubic meter rɔ. kiyubik metiri ኪዩብ ሜትር cubist rɔ. mɛnde shinik kesiyɔ ቀቢ፥ የሚቀባ ሰው cue rɔ. milikiti ፍንጭ(ምልክት) cultivate ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɔkaaboy አረሰ cultivation rɔ. bhɔgɛn cultivate ማረስ cultural mi . dambiy ባህላዊ culture rɔ. dambi ባህል cup rɔ. sinni ሲኒ cupboard rɔ. 1) satʼinide tɛs kɔɔkkɔ ቁም ሳጥን 2) የዕቃ መደረደሪያ ሳጥን curly mi . cʼɔrɛge shishitʼinɛɛ የተጠቀለለ ፀጉር




cupboard currency rɔ. 1) tomok ገንዘብ 2) ገንዘብ current 1) rɔ. woytte elektirikiy የኤሌትሪክ ፍሰት/ጅረት 2) mi . ቅርብ ጊዜ፣ ሰሞኑን፣ ያሁኑ cursive mi . kɔnɛnde pidɛliyo shɔshɔʼinɛɛ የተቀጣጠለ ፅሁፍ

curve ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼiki መጠምዘዝ custom rɔ. bhunde ilan ga dhɛmauboyɔ ልማድ customer rɔ. jala ደንበኛ cut 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. limaaboy ቆረጠ፣ አጨደ cut 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. bùsi መመንጠር cutter rɔ. ande limun መቁረጫ cycle rɔ. yɛmyɛmɛn ኡደት cylinder rɔ. ande rɛɛdenɛ iʼac tubboy ቱቦ መሳይ ቅርፅ ያለው ነገር/ እቃ

Dd dagger rɔ. wara ጩቤ daily mi.d . ungojɔungojɔ በየቀኑ dairy mi . wutʼtʼetide uron የወተት ውጤቶች dairy shop rɔ. bhunde wutʼtʼetiyoge uronɔ

tallɛnɛɛ ወተትና፥ የወተት ውጤቶች መሸጫ


dam dam 1 rɔ. gidibi ግድብ dam 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. gadike com ማደናቀፍ damage 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwaa kokke gɛsi አበላሸ 2) rɔ. ጉዳት፣ ጥፋት 3) mi . የተበላሸ damp mi . lɔtʼɔgu እርጥብ dance ɛɛ̀l.d. dheshshɔ ጨፈረ፣ ደነሰ danger mi . kici አደጋ dangerous mi . ga gɛsi አደገኛ፣ አስጊ dark mi . kɔrɔdin ጨለማ darkness rɔ. 1) kɔrɔy ጨለማ 2) sikirsikir dash ɛɛ̀l.d. sewa putang, mɔmɔyaaboy(iaʼac: bishkiliti) ተፈተለከ፣ ተጣደፈ(ለምሳሌ ብስክሌተኛ) data rɔ. ande iyke mitʼay መረጃ daughter rɔ. wunyje siʼidonɔ ሴት ልጅ day rɔ. ungoc ቀን


decisive dazzling mi . ande bhadi አንፀባራቂ፣ አስደናቂ deal with ɛɛ̀l.d. imiyɛɛboy, moyaaboy ተቋቋመ፣ መረመረ dear rɔ. ga yellɛ ተወዳጅ የሆነ decantation rɔ. icʼilish ማጥለል(ቀረራ) decay 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. mujaaboy በሰበሰ፣ ተበላሸ 2) rɔ. መበስበስ፣ መበላሸት December rɔ. jɔmpac ታህሳስ decimal rɔ. asiriyoshi (0 1 2 3) ዴሲማል (አስርዮሽ) (0 1 2 3) decimal point rɔ. nɛtʼibide asiriyoshi ዴሲማል ነጥብ (የአስርዮሽ ነጥብ) decimeter rɔ. desi metiri, de/met ዴሲ ሜት፣ ዴ/ሜ- desi metiri decisive mi . angge yellɛnɛ ወሳኝ ነገሮች

declarative sen... declarative sentence rɔ. lɔʼɔge alke penu ajɛnɔ ትዕዛዛዊ አረፍተ ነገር decline ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔɔlaa ወደቀ፣ አዘቀዘቀ፣ ቀነሰ decode ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔʼaa taside milikitiyɔboy የምልክት መልዕክትን ተረጎመ decompose ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) ngangaraaboy, bolboliyaaboy ለያየ 2) ፈረሰ decorate ɛɛ̀l.d. ilotaaboy አሳመረ፣ አስጌጠ decoration rɔ. ande ilodun ጌጥ decrease ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛjɛn ቀነስ decreasing mi . ande kɛji የሚቀንስ deep mi . teebhak, teebak ጥልቅ፣ ጥብቅ



degradation deer rɔ. dun አጋዘን defeat ɛɛ̀l.d. shaalaboy አሸነፈ፣ ድል አደረገ defecation ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼangki ሰገራ መውጣት (መፀዳዳት) defend ɛɛ̀l.d. taʼaniyɛ, tɛbhaaboy ተከላከለ፣ አስከበረ defense rɔ. mɛnde tɛp baa መከላከያ deficiency rɔ. untan, kasu እጥረት፣ ጉድለት definition rɔ. ɔʼɛn ፍቺ

deforestation deforestation rɔ. kolkung haphap limɛn ደንን መጨፍጨፍ deformed mi . gɛsaboy, shɛʼongi የተበላሸ፣ የማያምር፥ ቅርፅ የለሽ degradation rɔ. boyode shɛʼɔ ajinɛ amdaa

degradation pɔsinɛn መቀነስ፥ የመሬት ለምነት መቀነስ degree 1 rɔ. digiri ድግሪ degree 2 rɔ. digiride icɔcɔnun ዲግሪ(የትምህርት)፣ አኳኋን፣ ደረጃ deliberate mi . dɛshade dɛshinɛ tɔllɔɔ ሆን ብሎ፣ የተደረገ delicious mi . shooy ጣፋጭ delighted mi . ande dɛshadenɛ shɛɛʼi, shinshi hini ለማድረግ የሚያስደስት፥ የሚያጓጓ demand rɔ. hinɛn ፍላጎት democracy rɔ. demokirasi ዲሞክራሲ democratic mi . demokirasiy ዲሞክራሲያዊ demonstrate ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) ìrɔr ማሳየት 2) አሳየ፣ አስረዳ (በስእል፣ በቁሳቁስ ላይ) denial rɔ. ìmak አለመቀበል፣ መካድ


dependency denominator rɔ. Kɔmdacce kaarey, tahitide ngarɔ iaʼac:2/5 hacʼcʼanang zerrɛ ke tahitide ngarɔ ታህት አካፋይ (ለምሳሌ 2/5 አምስት ታህት አካፋይ ይባላል)ga kɔmdacce ngarɛdɔde hisaabiyɔ iy gande kareyɔ dense mi . iy kipkip ጥቅጥቅ ያለ density rɔ. 1) iy kipkip (kolkung, duldul, zooge mɛrɔ) ጥቅጥቅ ያለ (ለደን፣ ለጉም፣ ለህዝብ ብዛት) 2) ክብደት፣ እፍጋት deoxygenated mi . nyɛbhage ane kicʼilishkɛɛngɔ ያልተጣራ ደም (የኦክሲጂን መጠኑ አነስተኛ የሆነ) depend ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛbhiyɛɛboy, kɔmdiyɛboy ተማመነ፣ ተመረኮዘ dependency rɔ. zigɛsɛn ጥገኝነት

dependent dependent rɔ. mɛnde zikna, ungus dongkurte zugunɔ ጥገኛ deplete ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛjcaaboy, pɔsaaboy ቀነሰ፣ ጨረሰ depletion rɔ. cʼɔbɔsh መምጠጥ deposit ɛɛ̀l.d. ilongaaboy አከማቸ depressant rɔ. ilaʼecce matana mɛɛ rɛɛ kugo shoyii kokke dhungiy የሚያፈዝ በሽታ መምጠጥ depression rɔ. baa bhunde iy teebhaakɔ ስርጉድ ስፍራ፣ በዝቅተኛ የአየር ግፊት የሚከሰት ነፋስ፤የሚያፈዝ በሽታ depth rɔ. teebhak ጥልቀት derive ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyaaboy አገኘ dermis rɔ. gogude rɛɛun የውስጥ የሰውነት ቆዳ descend mi . kɔmɛn tolak ከከፍተኛው (ቁጥር) ወደ ታችኛው በቅደም ተከተል መውረድ kɔnɛsɛ


destroy kɔmdajɔde buytɔna, wɔcʼide tʼinɔɔ kɔmda dhodhoyɔ kɔmɛn describe ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛlɛsiyɛɛ ገለፀ፣ አስረዳ desert rɔ. lec kɛngɔ ምድረ በዳ፣ በረሃ desertification rɔ. boyode koykiyke lecɔ የመሬት መራቆት design 1) mi.d . dizayni (rɛɛde aan, taside dɛshay, dɛshi) ዲዛይን (ቅርፅ፣ ንድፍ፣ አሰራር) 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼɛriyaaboy, taside dɛshay, limaa ungocce dɛshayɔboy ቅርፃ ቅርፅ አወጣ፣ ነደፈ፣ አቀደ desk rɔ. deski ዴስክ destroy ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) indiuwa desk kokke gɛsi አበላሸ 2) ogiya dhook አጠፋ

destruction destruction rɔ. bhunde gɛsi dɛshi ጥፋት detach ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛckɛcaaboy, pɛpɛʼaaboy አለያየ፣ ገነጠለ፣ መደበ detail rɔ. ɛliange mɛrɔ, shɛshshɛk ɛlɛsɛn ዝርዝር፣ ማብራሪያ detect ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛcaaboy, jɔyaaboy ለየ፣ አገኘ detergent rɔ. samunade iyke maayde aplaan ዱቄት ወይም ፈሳሽ የሆነ ማጽጃ determination rɔ. limi ቆራጥነት determine ɛɛ̀l.d. limmɛn ወሰነ develop rɔ. kʼamiyaaboy, ogiyɛ girigiri አሳደገ፣ አስፋፋ፣ አበለፀገ development rɔ. 1) silɛn አስተዳደግ 2) እድገት፣ ልማት


dictatorship developmental mi . silɛn limati እድገት ልማት device rɔ. ande makiin መሳሪያ፣ መለኪያ diagram rɔ. taside tartarejun ስእላዊ መግለጫ diameter rɔ. gorittenɛ ngar kibbi kokke diameter ramangɔ የክብ አጋማሽ መስመር diamond rɔ. almazi አልማዝ diaphragm rɔ. diyapirami በሆድና በሳንባ መካከል ያለ ጡንቻ ga ande iy kɛngge oo pɔpɔpɔge keenagey diary rɔ. matoshade ungojun የዕለት ማስታወሻ dictatorship rɔ. baa komajɔ ingkar

dictatorship አምባገነንነት- Iʼac: manggiside kɛngɔ gɛsɔ diction rɔ. ɛliyan bɛrɛn የቃላት አመራረጥ dictionary rɔ. dikshinari መዝገበ ቃላትmasʼapide shɔk ɛliyanɔ diesel rɔ. naptʼa ናፍታ (ናፍጣ)ga gazzi de wɔlɔ kambuliyo matɔ diet rɔ. gala, am ምግብ differ ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛckɛckiyɛɛboy, iwa bhiic ተለያየ፣ ልዩ መሆን difference 1) rɔ. cʼurtac(wutʼtʼetide kɔmda ramang kɛckɛjinɛna, ɔdinɛnɛ) ልዩነት (ሁለት ቁጥሮች ተቀናንሰው የሚገኝ) 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. shishiʼinɛɛng አለመግባባት different mi . al bhicbhic የተለያየ differentiate ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛcaaboy ለየ differentiation rɔ. kɛjɛn, bhunde iy bhiicɔ


digit irɔr መለየት፣ ልዩነትን ማሳየት difficult mi . dahadhalide girasinɛ ከባድ፣ አስቸጋሪ diffuse ɛɛ̀l.d. uguwa girigiri ተሰራጨ diffusion rɔ. durshi መናኘት dig ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɔktɔ ቆፈረ digestion rɔ. gala ngunynyɛ kɛngge teek በሆድ ውስጥ የምግብ መፈጨት (መንሸራሸር) digestive system rɔ. dambide gala ngunynyɛnɛ kɛngge teekɔ የምግብ መንሸራሸር ስርአት digit rɔ. dijiti (kɔmdage kɔnɛsɛ zero wɔcʼi saalɔ) ዲጂት (ከዜሮ እስከ ዘጠኝ ያሉ digit ቁጥሮች)

digital digital mi . dijitali (ande dɛshi kɔmɛdɔy) ዲጂታል (በቁጥር የሚሰራ) dilute ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) zàli አቀጠነ (በውሃ) 2) komac uguwa dhook ጉልበትን መቀነስ 3) shɔliwaa kokke maa, ingɔngɔl maay በውሃ አቀጠነ፣ በውሃ በረዘ dimension rɔ. 1) angec አቅጣጫ 2) ወርድና ስፋት (ለምሳሌ የቤት) dinner rɔ. galade ippayɔ እራት dip ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼɔkaaboy, dariyɛɛ teek(Iʼac: ɛt) ነከረ፣ አጠቀሰ (ለምሳሌ ቀለም) diplomat rɔ. mɛnde iyke sukacɔ, mɛnde rɛmɛsɛ baagede ayayɔna, wologɛsɛ badenɛɛ ዘዴኛ ሰው፣ በውጭ አገር አገሩን የወከለ direct ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔr, dhɔlɛsɛn መጠቆም፣ መምራት


discussion direction rɔ. angec, ande ingkarun አቅጣጫ፣ መመሪያ directly mi.d . dac በቀጥታ director rɔ. mɛnde ingkarrɛɛ የሚመራ መሪ dirty mi . dira, diʼuy ቆሻሻ disadvantage rɔ. sholay ጉዳት disaster rɔ. bontʼi, kici, duki ጥፋት፣ አደጋ፣ መቅሰፍት disastrous mi . bontʼiya, gɛsi, girasidac አጥፊ፣ አደገኛ፣ አሰቃቂ disc rɔ. diski ዲስክ discharge rɔ. ogiyɛɛ liyok, kiskisiyaaboy አስወጣ፣ አራገፈ discovery rɔ. jɔydac ግኝት discuss ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛlɛɛlliyɛ ተወያየ am kumsiyo discussion rɔ. ɛlɛllɛn ውይይት kumsiyo amsɛt

disease disease rɔ. ilaʼec በሽታ disgusting mi . ande gɛsi, kʼɛsi pɔs አስፀያፊ፣ የሚያስጠላ disinfectant rɔ. zibutte nis dungkʼiyoge am amdaa ፀረተባይ መድሃኒት display ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔriyɛɛ አሳየ disposable mi . ande zoo dɛshidiyɛɛboyɔ tolɔ ɔngɔn zɛlli ከተጠቀሙበት በኋላ የሚጥሉት ነገር dissolve ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) cʼɔtaaboy አሟሟ 2) አፈረሰ distance rɔ. rɛni ርቀት distil ɛɛ̀l.d. icʼilishaaboy አወጣ፣ አጠራ distillation rɔ. dheldheli, ok haray ማጣራት፣ አረቄ የማውጣት ሂደት (ንጥረት) distilled mi . ga icʼilishinɛ የተጣራ distinct ɛɛ̀l.d. bhicbhic, orrɛ shɛshshɛk የተለያየ፣ በጉልህ የሚታይ


divide by distinguish ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛjɛdɔ gayɛn ለይቶ ማወቅ distribution rɔ. 1) ngàrngar ድልድል፣ ክፍፍል 2) ስርጭት distributive property rɔ. tokte ibhɔbhɔrisun የስርጭት ባህርይ disturbance rɔ. 1) bontʼi, kudhen ረብሻ፣ ሁከት 2) ችግር፣ ጭንቀት ditch rɔ. polong ጉድጉዋድ dive ɛɛ̀l.d. dheshɔ (mak teek) ዘለለ (ውሃ ውስጥ ለመግባት) diver rɔ. mɛnde hak tumuwɔ koy teebhak teekɔ ጠላቂ ዋናተኛ diversity rɔ. angge al bhicbhicɔ, tasiyange shishiʼinɛɛngɔ ልዩ ልዩ አይነት፣ የሀሳብ ልዩነት divide ɛɛ̀l.d. ngaraa, dhauwa tasiboy ተካፈለ፣ በሃሳብ ተከፋፈል divide by ɛɛ̀l.d. ngarɛn ሲካፈል



dividend mi . de ngarrɛɛ ተካፋይ diving rɔ. makteek dhulɛn ውሃ ውስጥ ጠልቆ መግባት divisible mi . ngarrɛ cʼurtac duru (iʼac 6 ÷2═ 3) ያለቀሪ የሚካፈል (ለምሳሌ 6 ÷2═ 3)

division division rɔ. ngarɛn ማካፈል divisor rɔ. de ngarɔ አካፋይ Djibouti rɔ. bade jibuti ጂቡቲ do ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyaaboy አደረገ፣ ሠራ፣ ሆነ doctor rɔ. doktori (akumu) ዶክተር(ሐኪም) does ɛɛ̀l.d. keele dɛshayɔ kʼenuwɔ የ"do" ሦስተኛ መደብ ነጠላ ቁጥር

double dog rɔ. rɔsɔ ውሻ domestic mi . 1) kesun, baun የቤት 2) doctor የሃገር ውስጥ domesticat ɛɛ̀l.d. idhɛmisaaboy አላመደ domestication rɔ. idhɛmis ማላመድ (ለምሳሌ የቤት እንስሳትን) dominate ɛɛ̀l.d. taluwa komajɔ በበላይነት ተጫነ፣ ገዛ donate ɛɛ̀l.d. ajɛn መስጠት donkey rɔ. kuura አህያ don't ɛɛ̀l.d. martacce dɛshay የ"do" አፍራሽ door rɔ. ketuk በር dot rɔ. kʼumec ነጥብ dotted sketch rɔ. goridɔ kiyongna, kʼumejaney tartarinya ibhɛn በመስመር ሳይሆን በነጠብጣብ ተጠቅሞ መሳል double mi . wodi ramang እጥፍ kɔmdac

double tuntok dhaalɛn wdi ramang double negative rɔ. marta wodi ramang ሁለት ኔጌቲቮች down mi.d . gandekarey ከታች፣ ከሥር downward mi . cim karak ወደ ታች፣ ቁልቁል Dr. rɔ. doktori kɔnnɛ mɔʼɔnyakɔ "Doctor" በምህፃረ ቃ ሲፃፍ draft rɔ. kɔnɛsɛnde tudac koon kɔnun ረቂቅ (ለምሳሌ የፅሁፍ) drain ɛɛ̀l.d. maa ngessɔ የውሃ መውረጃ፣ ውሃ ለቀቀ drainage rɔ. bhunde maa ngesɛɛ የውሃ መውረጃ drama rɔ. dirama ተውኔት (ድራማ) draw ɛɛ̀l.d. ip tartarec ሳለ (ስዕል)፣ መዘዘ (ጎራዴ) drawing rɔ. tartarec ስዕል dream rɔ. kunasa ህልም


drug-traffickin... dress rɔ.

drawing dress shinshini ቀሚስ፣ ልብስ dribble ɛɛ̀l.d. kɔɔsi uguguny(bulangɔde jarjunɔ) ኳስ ማንከባለል (በእግር ኳስ ጨዋታ) drink ɛɛ̀l.d. madɛn መጠጣት፥ መጠጥ drive ɛɛ̀l.d. push kambili ነዳ፥ ሾፈረ drop out ɛɛ̀l.d. icɔcɔn bak ɔysɛn ትምህርት ማቋረጥ drought rɔ. kuysse buytɔ ድርቅ susɔde top baa kokke gɛsiy drug rɔ. zibut መድሐኒት drug-trafficking rɔ. mɛnde tal zibutte gɛsɔ sakkulɔ እፅን ደብቆ የሚሸጥ



drum drum rɔ. kul, woybhu ከበሮ dry mi . rɔmaaboy ደረቅ

dump ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛruwa ደፋ፣ ዘረገፈ፣ አፈሰሰ dung rɔ. jobit, kɛny እበት፣ ፍግ dust rɔ. bultʼa አቧራ duster rɔ. dastɛri ማጥፊያ ande guuʼɛ teritɔ dwarf planet rɔ. tobhocce tʼinɔ ትንሽ ፕላኔት dweller rɔ. mɛnde baunɔ ነዋሪ dye rɔ. ande wuʼɛ ɛt aa ማቅለሚያ dying rɔ. iriric gic የሚያጣጥር፥ ጥረት የማያደርግ(በመሞት ላይ ያለ) dynamic mi . tɔgil (tacʼinɛɛng) ጎበዝ፣ የማይቀየር (ቋሚ)

duck duck rɔ. shocce iʼac geliyde wowoy maay tuntɔy ዳክዬ ductile mi . ande wɔrɔysɛ shɔtshɔti ተመዝማዥ dull mi . uninɛ, butulu, babiy ደብዛዛ፣ ደነዝ፣ ደደብ dull (colour) mi . butulu ዱልዱም፣ የማይቆርጥ፣ ደብዛዛ

Ee each mi . kɔnɔng kɔnɔng እያንዳንዱ

eagle rɔ. soot አሞራ ear rɔ. nyɛbhec ጆሮ

early early mi.d . bhɛllɛdɔ, miʼirɛge, miir shaw በማለዳ(በጡዋት)፣ ቀደም ብሎ earn ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyaaboy አገኘ፣ አስገኘለት earring rɔ. tɛdhiyac earring ጉትቻ

earth earth rɔ. boyo መሬት earth's crust rɔ. boyo bhunde tuntoyɔ ላይኛው የመሬት ክፍል

earthworm earthworm rɔ. dungkʼit ትል


ecological harm east rɔ. bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ ምስራቅ eastern, easterly mi . bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ የፀህይ መውጫ (ምስራቃዊ); ከ../ወደ ምስራቅ eastward mi.d . wok bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ ወደ ምስራቅ easy mi . sholsholi ቀላል eat ɛɛ̀l.d. usaaboy በላ ecdysis rɔ. rɛɛ bɔlɔlɔyi የቆዳ መላላጥ፣ መገልፈፍ echo rɔ. shongku የገደል ማሚቶ

eclipses eclipses rɔ. 1) ɔlɔmɛ kalum susɔɔ, ɔlɔmɛ kalum taʼisɔ የፀሃይ ግርዶሽ 2) ɔlɔmɛ kt̕uccɔ(susɔ, tays) ecological harm rɔ. kiciyange al baa

ecological harm kumbulokɔ በአለም ላይ ያሉ ችግሮች/ሁኔታ economic mi . 1) kaytide tomogun ምጣኔ ሃብታዊ፣ አትራፊ 2) ኢኮኖሚያዊ economical mi . mɛnde perti tomokɔ ቆጣቢ economically mi.d . pertiyɔ በቁጠባ economy rɔ. tomok perti ምጣኔ ሃብት (ኢኮኖሚ) edge rɔ. darman ጠርዝ edible mi . amun የሚበላ edit ɛɛ̀l.d. tudacce iy wratigiyɔ ishɔshɔk(ɛli,lɔʼɔ,..ooge ayaymu) ፅሁፍ ማስተካከል(ቃላት፣ አረፍተ ነገር፣ ወዘተ) educational mi . icɔɛ̀cɔn, cʼarashɛt hinɛn ትምህርት፤መማር፤ዕውቀት መፈለግ effect 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. shòlay 2) rɔ. wutʼtʼeti, sholay,



kici ውጤት፣ ጉዳት፣ ጥፋት effective mi . ga shɛɛi ውጤታማ፤ፍቱን፤ስኬታማ efficient mi.d . ga bhoni በቂ፣ ብቁ effluent rɔ. diʼude kun kesse shɔruwan, oo pabirkagiyɔ ከሽንት ቤት፣ ከፋብሪካ የሚወጣ ቆሻሻ effort rɔ. 1) iriric, durɛn, mɔdhɔdhɔsɛt ጥረት፣ ትግል፣ ድካም 2) ጥረት፣ ትግል፣ effort ድካም egestion ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼangki መፀዳዳት egg rɔ. mulac እንቁላል eight rɔ. isset ስምንት eighteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo isset አስራ ስምንት eighth mi . 1) tɔmmɔn oo issediyey ስምንተኛ 2)

eighty eighty rɔ. 1) jar isset ሰማኒያ 2) tɔmɔntɔmɔn jaar isset elastic mi . ande se tidhitidhi የሚለጠጥ elasticity rɔ. ande tiisinɛɛ se tidhitidhiki ተለጣጭ

elbow elbow rɔ. kosologit ክርን elder rɔ. mɛnde kʼbleyɔ አረጋዊ election rɔ. bɛrɛn ምርጫ electric, electrical mi . edɛ oo elektiriki ga shɔshɔʼinɛ ከኤሌክትሪክ ጋር የተያያዘ electrician rɔ. mɛnde dɛshi elektirikiyɔ የኤሌክትሪክ ባለሙያተኛ (ሠራተኛ) electricity rɔ. elektiriki ኤሌክትሪክ


eleven electromagnetic mi . kʼurɛnde elektirik maginetiy ኤሌክትሪክ ማግኔቲካዊ (ኢሌክትሮ መግነጢሳዊ) electronic mi . elektironiki ኤሌክትሮኒክ element rɔ. 1) ilɛmɛnti ንጥረ ነገር ga ande iy enɛyna, angkɔnnɔngmu kɔdhɔckɛɛngɔ 2) ንጥረ ነገር (ሳይዋሃድ ብቻውን የሚገኝ ልዩ ቁስ)፣ ባህርይ elements of design rɔ. ange yellɛnɛ taside dɛshay dɛshiyɔ የንድፍ ስራ ለመስራት የሚያስፈልጉ ቁሳቁስ elephant rɔ. Ngɔr ዝሆን elevation rɔ. elephant bhukut ከፍታ፣ ጉብታ eleven rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo kɔnɔng አስራ አንድ



eleventh mi . 1) tɔmmɔn oo kɔnɔngey አስራ አንደኛ 2) eliminate ɛɛ̀l.d. ogiyɛ dhook, ogiyɛ liyok አስወገደ፣ አጠፋ፣ አስወጣ elongate ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼamiyaaboy, indiwa ke ramatu አስረዘመ፥ አሳደገ elongated mi . ramatuwaaboy የረዘመ embellish ɛɛ̀l.d. ilot ማስጌጥ፣ ማስዋብ embellishment rɔ. ande shɛɛʼi, bhushshi ጌጥ፣ ውበት emblem rɔ. arma(ande irɔrrɛ baa koon, hubbay) አርማ(የሃገር፣ የቡድን) embrace 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼaaboy ያዘ፣ አቀፈ፣ ተቀበለ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. 3) rɔ. embroider mi . shiniyaaboy, wudhinɛ, apala kènyji ቀባባ፣ ጥልፍ ጠለፈ

end point emerge ɛɛ̀l.d. dhulaa, kowaa, ɛliyɛɛboy ብቅ አለ፣ ቀረበ፣ ተገለጸ emergence rɔ. gayɛn, woyt liyok መታወቅ፣ መውጣት emphasis rɔ. ac teʼi አፅንኦት employment rɔ. kʼatiri ቅጥር empty mi . duru, kucukucu ባዶ፣ ጭር ያለ enable ɛɛ̀l.d. ayaa uwɛnboy አስቻለ encircle ɛɛ̀l.d. kalumɛsiyɛ keenak ዞረ፣ ከበበ encyclopedia rɔ. insaykilopidiya (ande iykɔ bhunde dikshinary) እንሳይክሎፒዲያ (እንደ ዲክሽነሪ መረጃ የሚሰጥ) end rɔ. darman, pɔskac ዳር፣ ጫፍ end point rɔ. bhunde iyke kʼumecɔ መድረሻ ነጥብ

endanger endanger ɛɛ̀l.d. iywaa kicige, tɔnguwaa kiciyok አደጋ ላይ ሆነ፣ አደጋ ላይ ጣለ endemic ɛɛ̀l.d. iy bhilang ብርቅዬ፣ ብቸኛ ending rɔ. pɔskac ፍፃሜ endurance rɔ. dhadhal, giciyɛn (iʼac:kelɔde bagitʼiinɔ) ጥንካሬ፣ ፅናት (ለምሳሌ በውድድር ወቅት) endure ɛɛ̀l.d. angge ajinɛ kiciyɔ uwɛn አስቸጋሪ ነገሮችን መቋቋም enemy rɔ. meregit ጠላት energetic mi . ke mɛnde komajun iyɛn, tɔgil ሃይለኛ መሆን፣ ታታሪ energy rɔ. komac ጉልበት engage ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) hatuwa (dashay, kamanak) ተሰማራ (ለሥራ፣ ለጦርነት)፣ 2) ቀጠረ(ለሥራ) 3) engineer rɔ. injinɛri ኢንጂነር (መሃንዲስ)


envelope English 1) mi . parɛnjiyɛn እንግሊዝኛ 2) rɔ. En እንግሊዝኛ enhance ɛɛ̀l.d. dhaaliyɛ ጨመረ enjoy ɛɛ̀l.d. arshiyaaboy ደስ አለው፣ አስደሰተ፤ተደሰተ enjoyable mi . ajinɛ arshi አስደሳች enormous mi . buy shɛshshɛk, paltangu በጣም ትልቅ፤ በጣም ሰፊ enrich ɛɛ̀l.d. ilotaaboy አሳመረ፣ አበለፀገ፣ አዳበረ ensure ɛɛ̀l.d. dhulaa masharaboy አረጋገጠ፣ ዋስትና ሰጠ entirely mi.d . muuk በሙሉ

envelope envelope rɔ. waratide zoo bhangɛ

envelope waratiyoge lɔʼunɔɔ ኤንቨሎፕ(የደብዳቤ ማስቀመጫ ወረቀት ሳይላክ በፊት) environment rɔ. bhore አካባቢ environmental science rɔ. saynsi de bhorey አከባቢ ሳይንስ enzyme rɔ. inzaymi, madhak ኢንዛየም epidemic rɔ. ila‘ecce koy girigiriy ተላላፊ በሽታ፣ ወረርሽኝ epidermis rɔ. rɛɛ gogu bonde tunteyɔ የላይኛው የሰውነት ቆዳ epiglottis rɔ. katte tʼinɔ ምግብ ወደ ሳምባ እንዳይገባ የአየር ቧንቧን መዝጊያ equal mi . yɛnɛ እኩል equation rɔ. ɛliyan ramangge yɛnɛɛ ibhangnɛ milikitigede hisaabiyɔ (=) iʼac 4+5=9 ሁለት አገላለፆች እኩል መሆናቸው በይሆናል ምልክት (=) የሚገለፅበት


eraser የሂሳብ አረፍተነገር (ለምሳሌ 4+5=9) equator rɔ. rɛʼɛde boyon የምድር equator ወገብ፤የምድር ሰቅ equatorial mi . edɛ oo rɛʼɛde boyon ga shɔshɔʼnɛ ከምድር ወገብ ጋር የተያያዘ equilateral mi . robhonuwa ga yɛnɛ ጎኑ እኩል የሆነ equipment rɔ. aa, cɛmɛn መሳሪያ (ዕቃ)፣ ትጥቅ equivalent mi . ga yɛnɛ, al kʼatta እኩል የሆነ፣ የተመጣጠነ equivalent fraction rɔ. kipilpayoge yɛnɛyɛnɛ የተመጣጠነ ክፍልፋይ eraser rɔ. labhisi ላጲስ (ማጥፊያ)

Eritrea Eritrea rɔ. bade ertira ኤርትራ erosion rɔ. 1) boyo oònynyɛɛ መሸርሸር 2) የመሬት መታጠብ /መራቆት 3) መጠረግ፣ መከላት፣ መሸርሸር escape ɛɛ̀l.d. pudɛn ማምለጥ essay rɔ. tudac waratige kɔnɛn ድርሰት essential mi . yellɛnɛ አስፈላጊ establish 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. kenyjiyaaboy, imaaboy መሰረተ፣ አቆመ 2) mi.d . ገነባ 3) ɛɛ̀l.d. ማቋቋም establishment rɔ. uwɛn, imɛn መቋቋም፣ መቆርቆር estimate ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼopi ይሆናል ብሎ ማሰብ፣ ግምት estimation rɔ. kʼopi ግምት Ethiopia rɔ. Itopiya ኢትዮጵያ


everybody ethnic mi . duʼutte zoon ዘር ethnically mi.d . duʼudɔde zoonɔ በዘር eutrophication, eutrofication rɔ. asidi/maage gɛsidaa አሲድ/ የተበላሸ ውሃ evaporate ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwa kɔngɔdiyoboy አተነነ

evaporation evaporation rɔ. ngɔɛ̀di ትነት evening rɔ. paac, ippage ምሽት፣ ማታ every it. kɔnɔnɔng kɔnɔng እያንዳንዱ every day mi.d . cʼɔllɔ, baltutuuk የሁልጊዜ፣ የዘወትር everybody sa. zoomuuk, mɛnde

everybody iyniyɛmu ሁሉም (ማንም) ሰው everything sa. amuuk, ande iyniyɛmu ሁሉም ነገር፣ ማንኛውም evidence rɔ. mitʼa መረጃ exact mi . 1) suut ትክክል 2) dhaynɛ kiy tuktenɛ, kiy bhuttenɛ, suut ቃል በቃል፣ እንዳለ፣ በትክክል exact value rɔ. wɔcʼnde iyke suutɔ ትክክለኛ ዋጋ

exam exam rɔ. ìlop ፈተና examine ɛɛ̀l.d. ilobhaaboy, bhaskiyaboy ፈተነ፣ ፈተሸ example rɔ. iʼac ምሳሌ excess rɔ. rɔʼɔsɛndage mɛri ብዙ፣ ትርፍ


exert excessive mi . 1) iuwaa tuntook ከመጠን በላይ 2) ከመጠን በላይ የሆነ exchange ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) tacʼiyɛɛboy ተለዋወጠ 2) ለወጠ excretion rɔ. cʼangki መፀዳዳት excretory system rɔ. excretion dambide diʼu koyɛ rɛɛge liyokɔ ቆሻሻ የማስወገድ ስርአት excuse 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔkɔre (ɔysɛsɛn) ይቅርታ (ጥሞናን ለማግኘት) 2) rɔ. exercise rɔ. isporti dɛshi የሰውነት እንቅስቃሴ፣ ልምምድ፤መልመጃ exercise book rɔ. dɛptari ደብተር exert ɛɛ̀l.d. exercise dɛshiyɛɛ book komaccenɛ

exert suut በ----ተጠቀመ፥ ጉልበት ማውጣት፥ ስራ ላይ ኣዋለ exertion rɔ. komajɔ dɛshi በጉልበት መስራት exhaust 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. iririjuwa kɔmɔdhɔyaboy ራሱን ኣደከመ፤መገባደድ 2) rɔ. exhausted mi . iriric (ilop) na, sudhaaboy, mɔdhaaboy ለፍቶ (ሞክሮ) አበቃ፣ ደከመው exhaustion rɔ. mɔdhɔsɛt ድካም exhibit ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔruwaa አሳየ exist ɛɛ̀l.d. rɛmuwa, iye ኖረ፣ አለ existence rɔ. rɛmɛsɛt መኖር፣ ህይወት፣ መፈጠር existing mi . baun, bhunde iyɔɔ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ exit rɔ. gɔrɔde zoo dhulɛ wadakɔ መውጫ expand ɛɛ̀l.d. ogiyɛ girigiri ለጠጠ፣ አስፋፋ


explore expansion rɔ. girigiri woyt ማስፋፋት expel ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛguwa piric አስወጣ፣ አስፈነጠረ expense ɛɛ̀l.d. tomokke yicʼinɛɛ ወጪ expensive mi . talɛndenɛ ga wɔdhi ውድ፥ በጣም ውድ experience rɔ. dɛshade iyɛyre gayɔ የስራ ልምድ experiment rɔ. ìlop ሙከራ expired air mi . wɔdhɔngde kunwadakɔ ወደ ውጭ የምናስወጣው ኣየር explanation rɔ. ɛlɛsɛn shɛshshɛk ማብራሪያ/ መግለጫ exploit ɛɛ̀l.d. girasi dɛshage በዘበዘ፣ አገልግሎት ላይ ዋለ exploration rɔ. lɛlɛc, ilɔlɔly ፍለጋ፣ አሰሳ explore ɛɛ̀l.d. wowoyna, tɛlɛcaaboy, codhiyaaboy,

explore moyaaboy እየተዘዋወረ ፈለገ፣ አጠና፣ መረመረ exponent rɔ. kɔmdacce ai debisinɛ wodi sɛʼɛni irɔrrɛɛ አርቢ export 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. iisuwa wadak ወደ ውጭ ላከ፣ ወደ ውጭ አስተላለፈ (አሰራጨ) 2) rɔ. exportable mi . ande iisinɛ wadaki ወደ ውጭ የሚላክ expose ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) sheriyaa liyok, tɔnguwaa አጋለጠ፣ ጣለ 2) ገለጠ express ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) dhɔlaaboy አመለከተ 2) ገለፀ 3) ተናገረ expression rɔ. 1) ɛlɛsɛn መግለጫ 2) መግለጽ (መጠን በምልክት ወይም በፊደላት ሲገለፅ)


eye extend ɛɛ̀l.d. dhaaliyɛ, ayuwa, iyɛtaaboy, indiwaake ramatu ቀጠለ፣ ሰጠ፣ ዘረጋ፣ አራዘመ extensive mi . paltangu ሰፊ extinction rɔ. koyɛ dhok ማጥፋት extinguish ɛɛ̀l.d. ogiyɛ dhook አጠፋ extract ɛɛ̀l.d. bhutaaboy ከመሬት ውስጥ አወጣ፣ ነቀለ extraction rɔ. boyeyteek bhɔgɛn (maʼadini), bhudɛn ማውጣት (ለማእድን)፣ መንቀል extreme mi . komajun ሃይለኛ፣ ፅኑ eye rɔ. kabarec ዓይን




Ff fable rɔ. tudac ተረት፣ አፈታሪክ face rɔ. kabara oo huma ፊት facial expression rɔ. ngirim tɛdɛn ፊትን ተጠቅሞ አንድን ሃሳብን (ለምሳሌ ቁጣን) መግለፅ facilitate ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) teptisiyaaboy አፋጠነ 2) ishɔshɔʼaaboy አቃለለ፣ አመቻቸ facility rɔ. ande yellɛnɛ, dirijiti, woshi አስፈላጊ መሳሪያ፣ ድርጅት፣ ቅልጥፍና factor rɔ. 1) nɛbha, aa ምክንያት፣ ነገር 2) de ngarɔ(iʼac: 2, 4 oo 8 ga ngarrɛnɛ 16ɛy cʼurtac duruwɔ) አካፋይ (ለምሳሌ 2፣ 4 እና 8 የ 16 ያለ ቀሪ ተካፋዮች ናቸው) factory rɔ. pabirka ፋብሪካ

faecal borne mi . dungkʼitte kun jojɔy ከሰገራ የሚወጣ factory ጀርም faeces rɔ. joc ሰገራ፣ ኩስ fail ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔɔlaa, kuwaang, kobhonong ወደቀ፣ አቃተው፣ አልተሳካለትም failure 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. wɔlɛn መታወክ 2) rɔ. ውድቀት፣ ጉድለት፣ በቂነት/ብቃት የሌለው fairy tale rɔ. tudac ተረት faithful mi . yɛbhinɛ ታማኝ የታመነ fall ɛɛ̀l.d. hakuwaa baa, ɛryɛ (kɛdɔ kabarec kɛdɔge), tɔnguwaa ወደቀ፣ ረገፈ(ፍሬ ከዛፍ ላይ)፣ ጣለ false rɔ. budin ሐሰት

fame fame rɔ. mɛnde zoo gay ዝና family rɔ. tude kooni ቤተሰብ family tree rɔ. Zoo duʼutte zoon የዘር ሃረግ famine rɔ. poso ረሃብ fan rɔ. sosoynɛ አድናቂ fantasy rɔ. bhunde iy maantege rɛnaki ከእውነት የራቀ ሁኔታ/ድርጊት far mi . rɛnak ሩቅ farm rɔ. kʼer እርሻ farmer rɔ. mɛnde bhɔginɛ ገበሬ፣ በእርሻ የሚተዳደር farmland rɔ. boyode bhɔgun የእርሻ መሬት fast mi . woshi መፍጠን fat mi . irebheni, kʼuda ወፍራም፣ ጮማ fatal mi . gɛsi, kunɛ rɛsɛt, limi አደገኛ፣ ሞት ያስከተለ፣ ቁርጠኛ father rɔ. shubhunɛ አባት


feature fault rɔ. 1) boyo bhunde bhɛllɛɛ iy tuntɔɔ, bontʼi, dɛrdi የመሬት ቅርፊት (ላይኛው ክፍል) መሰንጠቅ፣ ስሕተት፣ ጥፋት 2) ስሕተት፣ ጥፋት favorable mi . shɛɛʼi, shishiʼinɛ ምቹ፣ የሚስማማ favorite 1) rɔ. zoo bharungi ተወዳጅ 2) mi . zoo yeli fear rɔ. riʼin ፍርሃት feat rɔ. dɛshade engedinɛ tɔgilsɛt, cʼarashɛti oo dhadhalide girasinɛ dɛshi ጥንካሬን፣ እውቀትን የሚጠይቅ አስቸጋሪ ስራ ማከናወን feather rɔ. puntʼut ላባ feature 1) rɔ. iyɛn, ɛt, enɛde iyke suutɔ ሁኔታ፣ መልክ፣ ዋና መለያ ገፅታ 2) rɔ. ፊት ቅርጽ፣ መልክ 3) ɛɛ̀l.d. መለያ ፀባይ፣ መልክ



February rɔ. woshkut የካቲት feed ɛɛ̀l.d. usaaboy, gɛrgɛraaboy ጋጠ፣ በላ feel ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy, makiyaaboy, dhadhanaaboy ተሰማው (ሃዘኑ)፣ ለካ፣ ዳሰሰ feet rɔ. jarec እግር female rɔ. siʼidon እንሰት፣ ሴት female genital mutilation rɔ. kosilit limɛn የሴቶች ብልት ግረዛ fertile 1) rɔ. kɛny ፍግ፣ ድኬ 2) mi . muy ለም፣ ለምለም fertility rɔ. rɔʼɔsɛt uwɛn መውለድ መቻል fertilizer rɔ. madɛbɛriyade zoo ɛrsɛ amdaakɔ ማዳበሪያ fetch ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛɛ (iʼac: maa) አመጣ (ለምሳሌ ውሃ) fever rɔ. gòy ትኩሳት፥ ንዳድ


fever fiber rɔ. 1) hitʼina, kɛshoc የደም ስሮች፣ ቃጫ 2) fiction rɔ. Kʼɛktac/tudacce kɔnnɛ waratigiyɔ ፈጠራ /ልብወለድ field rɔ. bhaasec, pash ሜዳ፣ ማሳ fifteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo hacʼcʼanang አስራ አምስት fifth mi . hacʼcʼanangey አምስተኛ fifty rɔ. jaar hacʼcʼanang ሀምሳ (50) fight ɛɛ̀l.d. kackaaboy ተጣላ፣ ተዋጋ figure rɔ. taarec ስእል film rɔ. pilmi ፊልም filter ɛɛ̀l.d. icʼilishaaboy አጠለለ፣ አጣራ

filtration filtration rɔ. 1) icʼìlish ማጣራት (ጥሊያ) 2) ማጥለል

fin fin rɔ. konggutte kʼajojun የዓሳ ክንፍ find ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyaaboy, takaaboy(iʼac:ɛli-ɔʼɛn) አገኘ፣ አወቀ (ለምሳሌ የቃላትን ፍቺ) finding rɔ. jɔydac ግኝት(የምርመራ ውጤት)፤የተገኘ ነገር fine mi . mɔdhdhɔsi, rɛɛ tʼiini, shɛbshɛbi ደቃቅ፣ ቀጭን፣ ስስ fine (work) mi . ga shɛɛʼi የታረመ፣ ጥሩ (ለስራ)፤ ደህና፥ መልካም finest mi . shɛkna, kʼendɔ በጣም ጥሩ፣ ከሁሉ የሚበልጥ


first person finger rɔ. kobhologitte sidonɔ የእጅ ጣት finish ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy ጨረሰ fire rɔ. guwo እሳት

fire wood fire wood rɔ. kɛnge ìtinun የማገዶ እንጨት fireman rɔ. mɛnde nis guwɔ እሳት የሚያጠፋ ሰው firm mi . mɛnde dhabani, mɛnde bhunde shɔʼaboyɔ ɔysɛɛngi ፅኑ (ለያዘው አቋም) ጥብቅ፣ የማይወላውል first name rɔ. rɔngige sabbunyiyɔ የመጀመሪያ ስም first person rɔ. ganɛde iyke 1ɔ አንደኛ መደብ፥ ደረጃ


fish fish rɔ. kʼajocce yedunɔ ዓሳ fish farming rɔ. kʼajuwage yedunɔ kʼami የዓሳ እርባታ

fisherman fisherman rɔ. mɛnde ollisi kʼajuwaa ዓሳ አጥማጅ fishing town rɔ. katamade zoo talɛ kʼajuwage yedunɔɔ ዓሳ የሚሸጥበት ከተማ fit ɛɛ̀l.d. shishiʼinɛdɔ, yellɛnɛdɔ ተስማሚ፣ ተገቢ five rɔ. hacʼcʼanang አምስት


floor fixed mi . gade iyke enɛɛ መደብኛ፥ የተወሰነ flag rɔ. bandira ባንዲራ flap rɔ. bhalakec flag ክዳን

flash light flash light rɔ. wɔllinde batiriyɔ ብርሃን flat mi . iy nɛt ለጥ ያለ flesh rɔ. acuk, rɛɛ ስጋ፣ አካል flexible mi . 1) ga ande tatacʼinɛ የሚለዋወጥ፣ የሚለመጥ 2) ተለዋዋጭ፣ ተለማጭ፣ ተቀያያሪ 3) ተለዋዋጭ፣ ተለማጭ (ሰውነት) flood rɔ. tanu,o ጎርፍ floor rɔ. kes kɛngɔ, pookʼi ወለል፣ ፎቅ

flourish flourish ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa girigiri, floor ibhayɛɛboy ተስፋፋ፣ በለፀገ flow ɛɛ̀l.d. ngeyaa ወረደ flow (of blood) rɔ. nyɛbha ngeyduwa ዝውውር(ለደም) flower rɔ. Bolobolo(abɛba) አበባ fluctuation rɔ. tatacʼɛn መለዋወጥ፣ መቀያየር fluid rɔ. ande iyke maa ፈሳሽ

fly fly 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. taydɔ በረረ፣ ከነፈ 2) rɔ. kʼɛsoc ዝንብ focal point rɔ. kʼumecce yellɛnɛɛ የትኩረት ነጥብ


football focus ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) moyuwaa shɛshshɛk ሙሉ በመሉ አተኮረ 2) በትኩረት አየ፣ አሳረፈ(ትኩረቱን) fog rɔ. hidho, duldul ጉም፥ ጭጋግ foggy mi . duldulon ጭጋጋማ fold ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛmyɛmaaboy አጣጠፈ foliage rɔ. kɛdɔ salec የዛፍ ወይም የተክል ቅጠል folktale rɔ. tudac ተረት

food food rɔ. gala ምግብ foot / feet rɔ. jarec እግር




football rɔ. kɔɔside jarjunɔ የእግር ኳስ foothill rɔ. bhunde iy elege gande kaareyde iyke dekungi ከተራራ ግርጌ ያለ ኮረብታማ ስፍራ footwork rɔ. jarjɔ dhedhesh በእግር ተጠቅሞ እንቅስቃሴ ማድረግ force 1) rɔ. komac ሃይል፣ ጉልበት 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ጉልበት፣ ሃይል forecast rɔ. bhunde mirɛge bhonɔ መተንበይ foreground rɔ. pootoribi የፎቶ ጀርባ foreign mi . wɔdun የውጭ foreign exchange rɔ. edɛ ooge wɔdunɔ gìtʼi tatac ከውጭ ሀገር ጋር የንግድ ልውውጥ forest rɔ. kolkung ደን forest fire rɔ. goode am baa የሰደድ እሳት


forestation forestation rɔ. baa kɛna imɛdɔ ulup አካባቢን በደን ማልበስ fork rɔ. shuka ሹካ form 1) rɔ. ɛt, rɛɛ መልክ፣ fork ቅርፅ ማውጫ ነገር 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ቀረፀ 3) rɔ. ቅርፅ

form formation rɔ. 1) kʼɛgɛn አፈጣጠር 2) dɛsha dɛshi, sabbunyi አሰራር፣ መጀመሪያ forty rɔ. jaar wuc አርባ

fossil fossil rɔ. rɛɛde angguge kingi hay dhokna, jɔynɛnɛɛ(Iʼac; giʼage mɛndon, ge kɛginyon...) ቅሪት አካል foul ɛɛ̀l.d. bontʼi (iʼac: mɛnde dɛshinɛ bhaasejɔde isportiyɔ teekɔ ጥፋት (ለምሳሌ በስፖርት ሜዳ ውስጥ የሚሰራ) found mi . dɛɛɛ̀shi, jɔyɛn መመስረት four rɔ. wuuc አራት fourteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo wuc አስራ አራት fourth mi . wujjyey አራተኛ

fox fox rɔ. teeu ቀበሮ fraction rɔ. kipilpay (de ke kɔmdac muuk iyongɔ iʼac: 1/5፣ 0.63)


fringe ክፍልፋይ (ሙሉ ቁጥር ያልሆነ ለምሳሌ 1/5፣ 0.63) fragment rɔ. moʼu ስብርባራ፣ ግማድ frame ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛɛ liyok, isshɔshɔʼaaboy አወጣ፣ አቀናበረ fray ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) pinjapinja(iʼac: apalade hinpɔsɛnɔ) ነተበ (ለምሳሌ ለልብስ) 2) Bhunnabhunna 3) bhuncabhuna free hand rɔ. angkoonmu untan sidɔge sɔng dɛshi ያለ አንድ መሳሪያ በእጅ ብቻ freedom rɔ. mɛpti ነፃነት፣ መብት frequently mi.d . kɔpkɔp በተደጋጋሚ፣ አዘውትሮ፣ ብዙ ጊዜ fresh mi . ga ትኩስ Friday rɔ. ɔktac አርብ friend rɔ. yellac ጓደኛ fringe ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshi kitta ዘርፍ ሠራ

frog frog rɔ. dɔlmɛ እንቁራሪት from dhɔ.d . yɔngɔ molɔdɔngɔ ከዚያ ቦታ fruit rɔ. kɛna kabara ፍራፍሬ fry ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔɔsaaboy ጠበሰ fuel 1) rɔ. nɛdaji ነዳጅ፥ ነዳጅ መሙላት 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. nɛdaji idìbis ነዳጅ መሙላት fulcrum rɔ. bhuktac, irkabide sigirɔyɔ, iingdac መፈንቅል፥ እርካብ፥ ድጋፍ fulfil ɛɛ̀l.d. sudhaaboy, idibisaaboy ፈፀመ፣ አሟላ፣ ጠበቀ fulfilment rɔ. ɛɛ̀li-tɛbhɛn ቃልን መጠበቅ (ማሟላት) full mi . dibisi ሙሉ full stop rɔ. ɛt, kʼumec kɔnɔng(.), bhologa ቀለም፥ አንድ ነጥብ ( . ) ፤ነቁጥ fumble ɛɛ̀l.d. bhaskiyaaboy (iʼac:kissi), zɛzɛgɔ


funnel woyt በረበረ (ለምሳሌ ኪስን)፣ ተሸሎክልኮ መሄድ function rɔ. dɛɛ̀shi, dɛsha አሰራር፣ ስራ functional mi . gade dɛshiyɔ, dɛshidɔ, enɛ iye የሚሰራ፥ ይሰራል፥ ዋና አለው fungi rɔ. gaynɛde ocidon ፈንጋይ፤ሸጋታ

fungus fungus rɔ. munuʼunditAnde sala oo bolobolo teek untɔyde iʼac ociti) ፈንገስ (ቅጠል ወይም አበባ የሌለው እንጉዳይ መሰል ተክል)Ande sala oo bolobolo teek untɔyde iʼac ociti) funnel rɔ. indi zoo icʼilishɛ zɛyti የዘይትና የላምባ ማጥለያ




furniture rɔ. angge kesun የቤት እቃ

Gg gain ɛɛ̀l.d. dhaaliyɛ ጨመረ፣ game rɔ. bulang ጨዋታ፣ ግጥሚያ gap rɔ. ngamec ክፍተት (ባዶ ቦታ)፣ ልዩነት garden 1 rɔ. bhunde angge gabun alɛɛ የአትክልት ቦታ garden 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. urkumaaboy, murdiyaaboy ለቀመ፣ ሰበሰበ gas rɔ. gaaszi (wuru) ጋዝ (ኣየር) gaseous mi . ande edɛ oo gaazi ga shɔshɔʼinɛy ከጋዝ ጋር የተዛመደ


gatherer rɔ. ande murdiyɔ, ande urkumi የሚሰበስብ፣ የሚለቅም gauge ɛɛ̀l.d. makiyaaboy, kʼopiyaaboy (kel, buytin) ለካ፣ ገመተ (ጊዜን፥ መጠንን)፤መለኪያ gear rɔ. marshi (ande yellɛnɛ dɛshaa muuki) ማርሽ፣ መሳሪያ (ለማንኛውም ነገር የሚያገለግል) generalize ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy አጠቃለለ generally mi.d . muuk, ge mɛrɔ, paltangun በአጠቃላይ፣ በሰፊው፣ አብዛኛውን ጊዜ generator rɔ. jeneretɛri ጀኔረተር genre rɔ. pilmide andenɛde zoo gayɛɛ

genre iyɔɔ አንድ መለያ ያለው የፊልም የፅሁፍ ወይም የስነ ጥበብ አይነት geographic, geographical mi . gogirapiy, edɛ oo jogirapi ga shɔshɔʼinɛ ጂኦግራፊያዊ፣ ከጂኦግራፊ ጋር የተዛመደ geography rɔ. iyɛnde boyon የመሬት አቀማመጥ፤ስነ-ምድር geometric rɔ. jiʼometiriy ጂኦሜትሪዊ geostationary rɔ. ande wowoyongi የማይንቀሳቀስ germ rɔ. ande kabarjɔ goorongi (jɛrmi) ተሃዋሲ germ (ጀርም) germinate ɛɛ̀l.d. imaaboy በቀለ gesture rɔ. rɛɛ wucucukiyɔ yɛʼɛn ajɛn


give birth በሰውነት እንቅስቃሴ መግለፅ get ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyaaboy, shɔʼaaboy አገኘ፣ ያዘ get dressed ɛɛ̀l.d. cɛmiyɛboy ለበሰ get to ɛɛ̀l.d. baakoon dhulɛn ወደ አንድ ቦታ መድረስ get up ɛɛ̀l.d. ibha rɛɛ kɔɔk ተነሳ (ብድግ አለ) get well soon ɛɛ̀l.d. bayuwa yɔngɔ guru ወድያውኑ ተፈወሰ gill rɔ. bhunde kʼajocce yedunɔ wɔdhɔngɛɛ የአሳ መተንፈሻ አካል/ጊልስ (ስንጥብ) giraffe rɔ. kirin ቀጭኔ girl rɔ. ngonit ልጃ ገረድ giraffe give ɛɛ̀l.d. ayaaboy, kiyɛɛ ሰጠ፣ አቀረበ give birth ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) basɛt መውለድ 2) rɔʼɔsɛt

given number given number ɛɛ̀l.d. kɔmdacce ajinɛɛ የተሰጠ ቁጥር gland rɔ. itʼi እጢ glass rɔ. 1) burcʼuko ብርጭቆ 2) መስታወት glassware glass rɔ. angge kesun ge dɛshinɛ burcʼukogey በብርጭቆ የተሰራ የቤት ቁስ global warming rɔ. goyde iy baa kumbulokɔ የአለም ሙቀት globe rɔ. baa, luli መሬት፣ ሉል glossary rɔ. gilosɛri globe (ɛɛ̀liyan ɔʼɛn mɔʼɔnyak) ግሎሰሪ (አጭር የቃላት መፍቻ) glossy mi . mɔdhɔmɔdhɔsi, bhadi ልስልስ፣ አንፀባራቂ የሆነ


goodbye glucose rɔ. gulkosi ጉልኮስ go ɛɛ̀l.d. woyt,koydɔ መሄድ goal rɔ. tasi kʼumec ግብ፣ ዓለማ goal keeper rɔ. mɛnde tɛp gooliyɔ (kɔɔsiegede jarjunɔ) ጎል ጠባቂ (ለምሳሌ በእግር ኳስ) goat rɔ. tɔngɔ ፍየል gold rɔ. workʼi ወርቅ good afternoon rɔ. peshuke shɛɛʼi? እንደምን ዋልክ? good evening rɔ. baragenyuke shɛɛʼi? እንደምን አመሸህ? good morning rɔ. tunguke shɛɛʼi? እንደምን አደርክ? good night ha. tùngke shɛɛʼi! ደህና እደር! goodbye rɔ. iyìke shɛɛʼi! ደህና ሁን

gorge gorge rɔ. gokte ramatuwɔ ጥልቀት ያለው ገደል government rɔ. manggisi መንግስት grade rɔ. 1) kipili ክፍል 2) ውጤት (በፈተና) gradual mi . pɛɛlepɛɛle ቀስ በቀስ grain rɔ. amdage rɔmɔsɔ ጥራጥሬ gram rɔ. girami ግራም grammar rɔ. higgide ɛliin ሰዋሰው grandchild rɔ. wocce wocʼɔy የልጅ ልጅ grandchildren rɔ. woyage wocʼɔy የልጅ ልጆች granddaughter rɔ. wocce wocʼɔyde siʼidonɔ ሴት የልጅ ልጅ grandfather rɔ. kokoo ወንድ አያት grandmother rɔ. apa የሴት አያት


graze grandparent rɔ. kokoo, apa አያት grandson rɔ. wocce wocʼɔyde macɔ ወንድ የልጅ ልጅ graph rɔ. girapi ግራፍ graphic rɔ. dizayni/taside dɛshay ዲዛይን /ንድፍ graphic artist rɔ. mɛnde dɛshi kompitɛrigiyɔ በኮምፕዩተር ዲዛይን የሚያወጣ grass rɔ. habhay ሳር

grasshopper grasshopper rɔ. tɛwa ፌንጣ grassland rɔ. baade iyke habhayɔ በሳር የተሸፈነ ሰፊ መሬት graze 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼɛynɛdɔ አሰማራ፣ አጋጠ (ከብቶችን) 2) rɔ. የግጦሽ መሬት

greater greater mi . buytini ታላቅ

greater than greater than mi . kʼendɔ (>) ይበልጣል (>) green mi . ɛtte caʼi አረንጓዴ green plant rɔ. kɛnage caʼidaa አረንጓዴ ተክሎች greeting rɔ. isaysi dhaaɛn ሰላምታ፣ አቀባበል grey mi . luwaydi ግራጫ grind ɛɛ̀l.d. ngɔnydɔ, motʼidɔ ፈጨ፣ ወቀጠ grind groin rɔ. kʼɛyc ብሽሽት groove rɔ. baa bhunde bhɛlsɛɛ ሰንጥቅ፣


group discussio... የተሰነጠቀ፣ ቡርቡር፣ ጎድጓዳ ስፍራ ground rɔ. boyo መሬት ground cover rɔ. baa iyke habhayɔ በሳር የተሸፈነ መሬት ground water rɔ. maage al boyey teekɔ የመሬት ውስጥ ውሃ groundnut rɔ. ocoloni ለውዝ (ኦቾሎኒ) group 1 rɔ. hubba ቡድን group 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. al groundn ut hubba hubba መቦደን group discussion rɔ. ɛlɛllɛnde hubbage የቡድን ውይይት

group discussion


grouping grouping rɔ. al hubba kɔnɔng ምደባ፥ አንድ ቡድን grow ɛɛ̀l.d. silaaboy አደገ፣ በቀለ growth rɔ. silɛn እድገት guest rɔ. kɔmɔnit እንግዳ guest of honor rɔ. kɔmɔnitte buytinon የክብር እንግዳ

guitar guitar rɔ. gitari ጊታር፤ክራር መሰል የሙዚቃ መሳሪያ ande iʼac conggiy gulf rɔ. tumu bhunde sabɔ iyke tʼinide

habitat ucubhinɛna, dhul boyoki ባህረ ሰላጤ (ሾጠጥ ብሎ ወደ መሬት የገባ ባህር) gun gun rɔ. losha ጠመንጃ gut rɔ. cʼɔlɔc አንጀት gym rɔ. bhunde zoo dɛshiyɛ isportiyɔ ስፖርት የሚለማመዱበት ቦታ (አዳራሽ) gymnasium rɔ. bhunde angge zoo dɛshiyɛ isportiyɔ alɛɛ ስፖርት የሚሰራበት እቃዎች ያሉት ክፍል gymnast rɔ. isporti ስፖርተኛ

Hh habit rɔ. bhunde iyɛre dhɛmaboyɔ ልማድ

habitat rɔ. bhutte rɛmɛsun መኖሪያ ቦታ

hair hair rɔ. cʼɔrɛ ፀጉር hairdresser rɔ. mɛnde mari sabɔɔ ፀጉር ሰሪ half rɔ. bon koon ግማሽ half past rɔ.

half past bonɔkɔngey tolɔ ከግማሽ በኋላ halves rɔ. bon, yɛnɛ ግማሽ፣ እኩል

hammer hammer rɔ. mɛdosha መዶሻ hand rɔ. sit እጅ handbag rɔ. sɛntʼade sidon የእጅ ሻንጣ handball rɔ. kɔɔside sidonɔ የእጁ ኳስ



handbag handle

handle rɔ. ilayc እጀታ፥ ማንጠልጠያ hand-woven mi . kenyjide aplay ሽመና hang ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼuriyaa rɛɛboy ታነቀ hang your head in shame ha. gunyuwa bak, liya usaaboy አንገቱን ደፋ፤አፈረ happen ɛɛ̀l.d. bhoykoon bhonaaboy ሆነ፣ ደረሰ፣ ተከሰተ (ነገሩ፣ ጉዳዩ) happy mi . ga arshiy ደስተኛ harbor rɔ. wodɛbi (molle mɛrkɛbi,gonggul tɛsɛɛ ወደብ (የመርከብ፣ የጀልባ መቆሚያ ቦታ)

hard hard mi . dhaali, gɛsi, kaʼojun ጠንካራ፣ ክፉ፣ ጨካኝ፣ ከባድ harden ɛɛ̀l.d. dhadhalaaboy ደንደነ፣ ጠንከረ፣ ባሰ harmful mi . gɛsi, kunɛ kici መጥፎ፣ ጎጂ፣ ጠንቀኛ harmony rɔ. shishiʼɛn, ngangay ስምምነት፣ መዋሃድ harsh rɔ. gɛsi, dhidhingi, komajun መጥፎ፣ ከባድ፣ ሃይለኛ harvest rɔ. amda humɛn, bhudɛn አዝመራ፣ መኽር woyda humɛn ba‘raa goso oo ge ayaymu bhundɛn has ɛɛ̀l.d. iye አለው hat rɔ. okac ባርኔጣ hatch ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼɛktɔ (iʼac: mulac) ፈለፈለ (ለምሳሌ እንቁላል) have ɛɛ̀l.d. iye አለው hazard rɔ. kici, tʼɔsɛt, bhulec, kici አደጋ፣ ስቃይ፣ መከራ፣ ችግር


heart hazardous mi . gɛsi አደገኛ he sa. nen እሱ head rɔ. sabɔ ራስ head of state rɔ. mɛnde ingkar baa የአገር መሪ head teacher rɔ. mɛnde inggkar kesse icɔcɔnunɔɔ ር/መምህር headache rɔ. sabɔ wɔttɔ ራስ ምታት headband rɔ. ande balgede sabɔ wɔtɔ zoo cʼibɛ ራስ ላይ የሚታሰር (ለምሳሌ ፋሻ በጉዳት ጊዜ) heading rɔ. ɛli-sabɔ ርዕስ headline rɔ. lɔʼɔge ungojunɔ sabi አርዕስተ ዜና health rɔ. baudin ጤና healthy mi . bau ጤናማ፣ ለጤና የሚስማማ heap rɔ. ilongec ክምር፣ ቁልል heart rɔ. baut ልብ

heat heat rɔ. goy ሙቀት heavy mi . dhidingi, komajun ከባድ፣ heart ሃይለኛ hectometer rɔ. hektometiri ሄክቶሜትር height rɔ. ramatin ርዝመት፣ ቁመት

helicopter helicopter rɔ. hilikoptori ሄሊኮፕተር hello ɛl.o . halo ሃሎ ga zèride balgede zoo hak shinacɔ zerzerrɛnɛɛ helminthes rɔ. zarade dungkʼidon የትል ዓይነት help ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) erngesaaboy ረዳ፣ አገዘ 2) ɛyaaboy


hibernate hemisphere rɔ. baa kumbulok bongkoon ንፍቀ ክበብ፣ የአለም አጋማሽ hen rɔ. kobut ዶሮ her sa. ga denɛ(wunyjude siidonɔ) የእሷ /እሷ herb rɔ. toburanage zoo indike zibuwɔ እፅ herbal mi . ande jɔynɛnɛ zibuwoyge toburonɔy ከእፅዎች የሚገኝ here you are ha. inyu iyí ya እዚህ ነህ heritage rɔ. kʼirsi ቅርስ ga ande iy cʼɔllɔna, zoo gayɛ zooy he's ha. denɛ አለው heterogeneous mi . ngangaydacce gor kabarjɔɔ ውህዱ በኣይን የሚታይ (ድብልቅ) hibernate ɛɛ̀l.d. dhungdɔ (dɔlmɛ) አንቀላፋ (የእነቁራሪት)፣ ተጠልሎ አሳለፈ (ክረምትን)

hide hide ɛɛ̀l.d. rashaaboy, ulubhaaboy, shukutiyaboy ደበቀ፣ ሸፈነ፣ ሰወረ hide (skin) rɔ. say ቆዳ high mi . iy tuntook ከፍያለ፤ትንሽ ወደ ላይ higher term rɔ. de shɔk wɔcʼɛnde buytɔɔ ከፍተኛውን ዋጋ የያዘ ተርም highland rɔ. el ከፍታ ቦታ፣ ደጋ highlight ɛɛ̀l.d. shɛshshɛk ìrɔr አጉልቶ ማሳየት (በመከለስ)፣ በጣም ማድመቅ (በቀለም) hike rɔ. woytte jarjun የእግር ጉዞ hill rɔ. dekung አቀበት፣ ኮረብታ him sa. nendɔngɔ እሱን hind legs rɔ. jarecce tollunɔ የኋላ እግር hinder ɛɛ̀l.d. iyke com አደናቀፈ፣ አስተጓጎለ hippo rɔ. aro ጉማሬ



hippo his sa. gadenɛ(macɔ) የእሱ historical mi . kingun, undiyde tudaan ታሪካዊ፡የጥንት historical sites rɔ. molage kingunyɔ tudaanɔ ታሪካዊ ቦታዎች history rɔ. tudac ታሪክ hit ɛɛ̀l.d. hakaaboy መታ፣ ለጋ (ኳስ) HIV/AIDS rɔ. Ec ay by edisi ኤችኣይ ቪ /ኤድስ hive rɔ. isinit ቀፎ hm (hectometer) rɔ. hektometiri ሄክቶሜትር


hoe hoe rɔ. ande zoo bhɔgɛ baay መኮትኮቻ (መቆፈሪያ) hold ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔktɔ, boydɔ ያዘ፣ ገታ holiday rɔ. ba,ali በዓል holistic ɛɛ̀l.d. muuk, mɛrtinɔ አጠቃላይ home rɔ. kes ቤት homework rɔ. dɛshae tuwon የቤት ስራ homogeneous mi . ngangaydacce kabarjɔ goorongɔ ውህዱን በአይን ማየት የማይቻል (ዋህድ ዘር ድብልቅ) hook rɔ. ilayc መስቀያ፥ መንጠቆ hop 1) rɔ. geesho ጌሾ hook 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ጡብጡብ አለ፣ ዘለለ hopper rɔ. ande dhesh piric pirici የሚዘል፣ የሚነጥር horizon rɔ. goritte irɔrrɛ bhunde gal


hostile rɛnakna, gomoyɔ, iykede walac oo boyo ititisɛnɛgadɔɔy አድማስ

horizontal horizontal rɔ. durrɛ giri አግዳሚ፤የተጋደም horizontal pillar rɔ. tirecce durrɛ keenage cim giriyɔ የማጋድም የመሐል ምሰሶ horn rɔ. kʼɛraa, kʼɛrjɛ ቀንድ Horn of Africa rɔ. kʼɛrjɛde Apirka የአፍሪካ ቀንድ horrible mi . gɛsi አስከፊ horse rɔ. sigirɔ ፈረስ hospital rɔ. hospitali ሆስፒታል hostile mi . marmarrɛn, goshɛn, shurrɛn የጥላቻ፣ የጠላት፣ የኩርፊያ፤የማይሰማ

hot hot mi . goy ሞቃት hotel rɔ. hoteli ሆቴል hour (hr) rɔ. sɛʼati ሰዓት house rɔ. kes ቤት how high sa.e. tuntok ramatu niyɛ? ምን ያህል ከፍ ያለ how long sa.e. kelle bhon niyɛy? ምን ያህል ጊዜ how many sa.e. sɛʼɛn? ስንት how often sa.e. wodi sɛʼɛn? ስንት ጊዜ how old are you? ha. bɛrgudenu a sɛʼɛn? ዕድሜህ ስንት ነው? how wide sa.e. paltangu niyɛ? ምን ያህል የሰፋ hue rɔ. ɛt ቀለም human being rɔ. mɛʼɛnɛn የሰው ልጅ human right rɔ. maptide zoon የሰው ልጅ መብት (ሰብአዊ መብት)


hunter humanitarian rɔ. zooge ajinɛ erngesɔ በጎ አድራጊ humid mi . lɔtʼɔktin iy teek ርጥበት ያዘለ humidity rɔ. lɔtʼɔktin ርጥበት humor rɔ. bulangde shoy ለዛ ያለው ጨዋታ humus rɔ. angge mujushɔ(hayke madɛbɛriyana, uwaa) ብስባሽ (በማዳበሪያነት የሚያገለግል) hundred rɔ. baala መቶ hundred thousands rɔ. shiwo ballo መቶ ሺ hundreds mi . baalaage mɛri ብዙ መቶዎች hundredth mi . balloge መቶኛ hungry mi . poso amdɔ የተራበ hunt ɛɛ̀l.d. nis kɛginya ፍለጋ፣ አደነ hunter rɔ. mɛnde nis kɛginyaa አዳኝ



hunting ɛɛ̀l.d. nis kign ya አደነ፣ ፈለገ hurt ɛɛ̀l.d. dumaaboy ጎዳ፣ አሳመመ husband rɔ. macʼɔ ባል hut rɔ. kesse iyke habhayɔ ጎጆ hydro rɔ. jɔynɛnɛ komajɔde maanɔy ከውሃ ሀይል የሚገኝ

illustrate hydroelectric mi . bhunde elektirikide jɔynɛnɛ maayɔ iyɛ ከውሃ የሚገኝ ኤሌክትሪክ ማመንጫ ተቋም hydrogen rɔ. haydirojin gaazi ሐይድሮጂን ጋዝ hyena rɔ. wuu ጅብ hygiene rɔ. sheshi ንፅህና hygienic mi . sheshi rɛɛdenɛ ንፅህናው የተጠበቀ

Ii I sa. anyi እኔ idea rɔ. tasi በአእምሮ የሚቀረፅ ሀሳብ፣ አስተያየት፣ ዓላማ identical mi . yɛnɛyɛnɛ ተመሳሳይ፤አንድ ዓይነት identify ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛcaaboy ለየ ignorance rɔ. gayɛn untan, babi አላዋቂነት፣ ድንቁርና

ignore ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔdiyɛ tollak ችላ አለ ill rɔ. ilaʼsi ህመምተኛ illegal rɔ. bhunde yellɛnɛɛngi ህገ ወጥ illness rɔ. wɔkkin, ilaʼic ህመም illustrate ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛliyaboy, ip tartarec (ke ɛliy), irɔrrɛ ɛli taarejɔ kiy

illustrate tɔp አብራራ(ጉዳዩን)፣ ስእል ሳለ (ለማብራራት)

illustration illustration rɔ. tartarec ስዕል I'm (I am) ha. ga anyi እኔ ነኝ image rɔ. taarec ምስል imagery rɔ. ande kunɛ taarec sabaki ምስል ከሳች imaginary mi . ande tasi rɔksana ሃሳብ የወለደው (ምናባዊ) imagination rɔ. masʼapide zoo tasina, kɔnɔ ልብወለድ፣ አይነህሊና፣ ምናብ (በፈጠራ ለሚፃፍ፣ ለሚሳል) imbalance rɔ. ane kililisiyɛɛngɔ ሚዛኑን ያልጠበቀ


impressive immiscible rɔ. angge ngangaynɛɛngɔ የማይወሃዱ፣ የማይደባለቁ immune mi . uwa ilaʼic በሽታ የሚቋቋም impact 1) rɔ. kunɛ bhoykoon ተፅዕኖ 2) rɔ. ግጭት 3) ɛɛ̀l.d. ተፅዕኖ አመጣ/አደረገ implement ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyaaboy ሰራ፣ አከናወነ import rɔ. angge nguny wɔdɔ ወደ አገር ውስጥ እቃ ማስገባት importance rɔ. yellɛnɛdɔ አስፈላጊ important mi . yellɛnɛdɔ ኣስፈላጊ፤ጠቃሚ impossible mi . iyong, yellɛnɛɛng የማይቻል፣ የማይሆን impression rɔ. tool, bɔdɔl ዱካ፣ አሻራ impressive mi . mɛnde sosoynɛ, badinɛ

impressive አስደናቂ፥ አሞጋሽ፥ ማሞገስ፥ ሞገስ improper fraction rɔ. ngarngarde iy gɛrɛɛ (ga balgede kɔmdacce tunteyɔ kʼende bhubheyɔɔɔ Iʼac: 6/5, 10/7, /9/5) ህገወጥ ክፍልፋይ (በክፍልፋይ ላእላይ ቁጥሩ ከታህታዩ ቁጥሩ ሲበልጥ ለምሳሌ 6/5፣ 10/7፣ /9/5) improve ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaaboy, shɛʼaaboy አሻሻለ፣ ተሻሻለ impure mi . ane kadalmiyong ያልጠራ impurity rɔ. ane kitigiyɛɛng, gade gɛsɔ ያልተጣራ፣ የተበላሸ in front of mi.d . de iyca sabakɔ የወደፊት፣ የፊት ለፊት in relation ɛɛ̀l.d. gaynɛɛ ሲዛመድ in terms of mi.d . boni ምትክ፥ ተክ


independence in the queue mi.d . zirmage በተራ፣ በሰልፍ inadequate mi . bhonong በቂ ያልሆነ (የማይበቃ) incense rɔ. itʼani እጣን include ɛɛ̀l.d. dhɔcaaboy, dhaaliyɛɛ, shɔʼaaboy አጠቃለለ፣ ጨምሮ፣ ያዘ income rɔ. tomokke jɔyaa ገቢ incomplete mi . ane kidipong, kɔbɔsɛɛng ያልተሟላ፣ ያላለቀ increase 1) rɔ. dhaalɛ silɛn እድገት ጭማሬ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ማሳደግ፥ መጨመር incubation rɔ. mula gòpi እንቁላል ማሳቀፍ incurable mi . basong, dhok koyong የማይድን፣ የማይሽር indentation rɔ. dhul tʼiini tedhdhekna, kɔnɛsɛ warati kɔnɛn ገባ ብሎ ፅሁፍን መጀመር independence rɔ. rɛmɛsɛt ke ɔʼinɛ ነፃነት

independent independent mi . uwa saptenɛ ራሱን የቻለ (ጥገኛ ያልሆነ)፣ ነፃ index rɔ. bonage gɔjɔyɛnɛ ɛliyanɔ የቃላት ማውጫ Indian mi . baude Hindi ህንዳዊ indicate ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔrɛsiyɛ, dhɔlɛsiyɛ አሳየ፣ አመላከተ indication rɔ. milikiti ምልክት፣ ፍንጭ indigenous mi . baun, raa (iʼac: kɛtte sila bhoregiyɔ) ተወላጅ፣ አገር በቀል (ለምሳሌ የዛፍ አይነት)sila bhorege indirect mi . gɔrɔgede ayay, dac iyong በተዘዋዋሪ፣ ቀጥተኛ ያልሆነ indirectly mi.d . gɔrɔgede ayay በተዘዋዋሪ individual rɔ. 1) mɛngkɔnɔng, zoo kɔnɔng kɔnɔng, edɛ girigiri ግለሰብ፤እርስ


infection በርስ፤ልየት ያለ ፤ለብቻ 2) ሰው፣ ግለሰብ industrial mi . industiri የኢንዱስትሪ industrialized mi . baade sila industirigeboyɔ በኢንዱስትሪ ያደገ፥ የስራ industrially mi.d . industiriy የኢንዱስትሪ industry rɔ. industiri ኢንዱስትሪ inequality rɔ. ke yɛnɛ kalongi እኩል ያልሆነ (ተበላላጭ)

infant infant rɔ. wunyje tʼinɔ ህፃን infect ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔrusiyɛɛboy ተበከለ infection rɔ. shɔʼiyɛɛ dukigeboy መያዝ፣ መለከፍ፣

infection መመረዝ(ለበሽታ)፣ ማመርቀዝ infectious rɔ. dukide koy girigiriyokɔ ተላላፊ (በሽታ)፣ በጀርም የሚይዝ inference rɔ. pɔs penu mitʼage መረጃን መሰረት አድርጎ መደምደም infertile mi . ke muy iyongɔ ለም ያልሆነ infinite mi . pɔskaccenɛmu untɔ መድረሻ ወይም ማለቂያ የሌለው (የማያልቅ) inflammable mi . nɛdaji, ande ngas haphapi ነዳጅ፤በቀላሉ የሚቃጠል፤ ተቀጣጣይ influence ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛ bhunkoon ተፅእኖ አሳደረ infrastructure rɔ. goriyoge limatiyɔ (gɔrɔ, tele, elektiriki ooge ayaymu) መሰረተ ልማት (መንገድ፣ ቴሌ፣ ኤሌክትሪክ፣ ወዘተ)


insect ingest ɛɛ̀l.d. amsɛt መብላት (ምግብ ወደ ሰውነት ማስገባት) inhale ɛɛ̀l.d. wɔdhɔng kɛngak ወደ ወስጥ አየር ሳበ initial point rɔ. kʼumecce ibhɛnɛ rɛɛ መነሻ ነጥብ injure ɛɛ̀l.d. a kɔn jarec, ngɔdɛrɛ dumsɛdɔ ጎዳ፣ አበላሸ፥ ቁስል s injury rɔ. ngɔdɛrɛ ቁስል፣ ጉዳት inland mi . mɛnde koy injury baade iy keenagiyɔɔ ወደ መሃል አገር የገባ inorganic rɔ. ande shun teek untɔɔ ኢ-ኦርጋኒክ (ህይወት የሌለው፣ ኦርጋኒክ ያልሆነ) insect rɔ. angge tʼittaa shunanunɔ ነፍሳት


insect insecticide rɔ. zibutte nis angge kabarjɔ gòorongɔɔ ተባይ ማጥፊያ inside rɔ. gande kɛngun ውስጥ insoluble mi . mushkiyong የማይሟሟ inspired air rɔ. wurude koy kɛngakɔ ወደ ውስጥ የተሳበ አየር institution rɔ. 1) kesse dirijitiy ተቋም 2) instrument rɔ. ande dɛshay መሳሪያ insufficient mi . ande bhonongi በቂ ያልሆነ፣ የማይበቃ insulator rɔ. ande elektiriki kʼenna, koyongi ኤሌትሪክ (ሙቀት) የማያስተላልፍ


intercourse integer rɔ. intijɛri(kɔmdage al zeeroge baakɔ, zeero oo kɔmdage gɔɛ̀kɔmnɛnɛɛ) ኢንቲጀር (ከዜሮ በታች ያሉ ቁጥሮች፣ ዜሮንና፣ የመቁጠሪያ ቁጥሮች ሰብሰብ) integral multiples mi . debisidage intijɛriyon የኢንቲጀሮች ብዜቶች integration rɔ. cukurtac ውህደት፣ ቅይጥ፤ቅንጅት intelligent mi . cʼarrshi ብልህ intensity rɔ. komac, dhadhal ሃይል፣ ጥንካሬ intercostal rɔ. rɛɛ bhunde shɔk giʼage robhonejunɔɔ ጎድን አጥንትን የሚይዘው የሰውነት ክፍል intercourse rɔ. totoydiyɛɛboy, mɔktyɛɛboy መገናኘት፣ ግብረ ስጋ ግንኙነት ማድረግ

interdependence interdependence rɔ. shishiʼɛn መስማማት፣ መደጋገፍ interdependent mi . mɛnde saptenɛ uwaangɔ, iingɛn ራሱን የማይችል interest rɔ. hinɛn ፍላጎት ; ማሳደር interesting mi . sosoyun አስደናቂ፣ አስደሳች interfere ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa keenak ጣልቃ ገባ inter-governmental rɔ. manggisiyey keenage በመንግስታት መካከል interior mi . gande kɛngun ውስጠኛ (ከውስጥ ያለ)


intersection co...

interior angle interior angle rɔ. anggilide iy gande kɛngunɔ ውስጣዊ አንግል internal mi . gande kɛgun የውስጥ፣ ውስጣዊ international mi . baa kumbulok አለማአቀፋዊ interpret ɛɛ̀l.d. ibhɔbhɔris, ɔ,ɛn መተንተን፣ መተርጎም interrelate ɛɛ̀l.d. madhuginɛde shɔʼinɛ, shɔshɔʼinɛ በጥብቅ የተያያዘ፣ የተቆራኘ interrogative sentence rɔ. lɔʼɔge alke engetɔ ጥያቄያዊ ዐ.ነገር intersect ɛɛ̀l.d. limaaboy አቋረጠ intersection country rɔ. ngarec darman,

intersection co...


bhunde orrɛnun ዳር ድንበር፣ መገናኛ interval rɔ. wɔngɛn ከፍታ ቦታ፣ እረፍትበብዙ ነገሮች መሃል ያለ ቦታ interview rɔ. tuʼɔge enget ቃለ መጠየቅ፥ የቃል ጥያቄ intestine rɔ. cʼɔlɔc አንጀት into mi.d . yeca teek ወደ ውስጥ introduction rɔ. dhulɛn መግቢያ invasion ɛɛ̀l.d. bògi ወረራ inverse rɔ. 1) bhɔdɛn (bhɔdinɛnde kɛjɛn koyɛke dhɔjɛn ane debisi koyɛke ngarɛnɔ) ግልብጥ (መቀነስ የመደመር፣ ማባዛት የማካፈል ግልባጭ ስሌቶች ናቸው) 2) invertebrate rɔ. kɛginyage giʼecce ribhiyonɔ untɔɔ የጀርባ አጥንት የሌላቸው እንስሳት

irritant inverted mi . ubhiyɛ bak, tunguwa guma የተገለበጠ፣ በሆዱ ተኛ investigate rɔ. yeshishi ማጥናት፤መመርመር invitation rɔ. zèride dagay ግብዣ involve ɛɛ̀l.d. dhayɛɛ tolɔ, tengaaboy,tabhaaboy አጠቃለለ፣ አስከተለ፤አስገባ፤አሳተፈ፤ተ ሳተፈ iron rɔ. tomogit ብረት iron rod rɔ. zanggi ዘንግ irregular rɔ. ane kishɔshɔʼɛngɔ, dambi dhoyongɔ ያልተስተካከለ፣ ከተለመደው የወጣ፣ ስርአትን ያልተከተለ irrigate ɛɛ̀l.d. mɛsinoge maa ajɛn በመስኖ ውሃ ማጠጣት፤መስኖ መጠቀም irrigation rɔ. mɛsino መስኖ irritant mi . ajinɛ shurrɛn የሚያበሳጭ፣


irritant የሚያስቆጣ ነገር፣ መቆጣት (ለህመም) is ɛɛ̀l.d. gangɔ rɛɛ, iye(shɔshɔʼinɛ oo iyɛn) ነው፣ አለ(ከመኖር ጋር በተያያዘ) island rɔ. dɛseti(boyo bhunde maa kalumɛsɛ keenakɔ) ደሴት(በውሃ የተከበበ መሬት) isn't ha. kiyong, untɔ አይደለም፣ የለም isolate ɛɛ̀l.d. ngaraaboy, kɛcaaboy ለየ፣ ነጠለ isosceles rɔ. bona sizziyana ramangge

jelly yɛnɛyɛnɛ ሁለት እኩል ሶስት ጎን issue rɔ. bhunde hin ɛlɛliy, atimi (de gazetʼayɔ) አከራካሪ ጉዳይ፣ እትም (ለጋዜጣ)፣ እደላ it sa. dɔngɔ (ga aana, ke zoo mɛʼɛnit kiyong) እሱ (ለዕቃ) italic rɔ. pidɛliyo isit (ke kuskusinɛ,durɛɛ giriyok) የፊደል አጣጣል ዓይነት(ጠመም/ጋደል ያለ) ivory rɔ. niʼidacce ngɔrun የዝሆን ጥርስ

Jj jacket rɔ. jaketi ጃኬት January rɔ. kʼɛsoc ጥር jar rɔ. juy ገንቦ፣ ማሰሮ


jealous mi . shayde yelun oode marun ቀናተኛ jelly rɔ. solut ዝልግልግ ፈሳሽ

jewelry jewelry rɔ. angge ilodu ጌጣጌጥ jingle ɛɛ̀l.d. jar bhellac yikiti ማቃጨል (የቃጭል ድምፅ) job rɔ. dɛsha ተግባር፣ ሥራ join ɛɛ̀l.d. ititinaaboy, cʼɛcʼɛbaaboy አያያዘ፣ አስተሳሰረ፣ አገጣጠመ journal rɔ. mɛsʼeti መፅሄት journalist rɔ. mɛnde cʼarash dɛshagede gazetʼayɔɔ ጋዜጠኛ journey rɔ. woyt ጉዞ joy rɔ. arshi, ilot ደስታ፣ ኩራት jug rɔ. jokki ጆግ juice rɔ. cʼimako ጭማቂ jug juicy mi . maage mɛri al teek


June ብዙ ውሃ ያለው (ለፍራፍሬ) July rɔ. loguru kʼaji ሃምሌ jump ɛɛ̀l.d. dheshshɔ ዘለለ፣ ደነበረ June rɔ. lɛbhɛng ሰኔ


keep warm


Kk keep warm ɛɛ̀l.d. ac goy አሞቀ(ሙቀት ሰጠ) Kenya rɔ. bade Keniya ኬኒያ kettle rɔ. jabani ጀበና 1. ga de ilayjunɔ iyke kettle tomogitɔ zoo ogɛ shaayɔ 2. gade iyke bhode gullidono zoo ogɛ tikana erɛnɛ kt̕banyjɔɔ

key key rɔ. kʼulpi, tʼoga ቁልፍ key word rɔ. ɛɛ̀lide iyke tʼoga ቁልፍ ቃል kick ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼɛpidɔ ለጋ

kidnapping rɔ. kʼurɛn አፈና፤ጠለፋ kidney rɔ. kʼabanec ኩላሊት kill rɔ. nissɔ kidney ገደለ፣ አጠፋ kilo rɔ. kilo ኪሎ kilogram rɔ. kilogirami ኪሎግራም kilometer rɔ. kilometiri ኪሎ ሜትር kind rɔ. ayay ayay አይነት king rɔ. bizingit ንጉስ kitchen rɔ. keese king galay ማእድ ቤት km/dm/m/cm/mm rɔ. kilometiri (desi.metitiri/metiri/s antimetiri/ ኪሎ ሜትር


km/dm/m/cm/mm (ዴሲ ሜትር/ሜትር/ሴንቲ ሜትር/ ሚሊሜትር) knee rɔ. kʼɔmec ጉልበት knife rɔ. wara ቢላዋ knock ɛɛ̀l.d. iʼɔngisi ketuk አንኳኳ፣ መታ

land know ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛcaaby, dhulɛsiyɛɛ, takaaboy ለየ፣ ተረዳ፣ አወቀ knowingly mi.d . gay rɛɛna, gayna እያወቁ፣ አውቆ knowledge rɔ. cʼarashɛt እውቀት

Ll labor rɔ.

labor dɛshiyaaboy, mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ ስራ፣ ሠራተኞች laboratory rɔ. laboratori ላብራቶሪ፤ቤተሙከራ lack ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyang, untan ማጣት፣ እጦት lake rɔ. haykʼi ሃይቅ

lake lamb rɔ. zungkʼu wocʼɔ የበግ ጠቦት lamp 1 rɔ. panosi ፋኖስ (መብራት) lamp 2 rɔ. wɔllin, angge ajinɛ wɔllinɔ lamp መብራት፤ብርሃን የሚሰጡ ነገሮች land rɔ. boyo ምድር/መሬት

land locked land locked rɔ. bhunde boyo kalumɔ የባሕር ወደብ የሌለው land lord rɔ. mɛnde iyke enɛde boyonɔ የመሬት ከበርቴ(ጌታ) land owner rɔ. enɛde pashun ባልርስት፥ ባለ ሀገር፥ ባለ ርስት land surface rɔ. rɛɛde boyon lejɔ የመሬት ገፅታ landmark rɔ. orrɛ shɛshshɛk, milikiti ጎልቶ የሚታይ፣ ትልቅ ምእራፍ፣ ምልክት landmass rɔ. boyode ulubhinɛ maayɔ በውሃ የተከበበ መሬት

landscape landscape rɔ. iyɛnde boyon (rakec, yeni, ooge ayaymu) ገፀ-ምድር (ተራራው፣ ወንዙ፣ ወዘተ)


latitude language rɔ. ɛɛ̀li ቋንቋ larger mi . bore ትልቁ large-scale mi . bore, paltangu ግዙፍ፣ መጠነ ሰፊ

larva larva rɔ. dunkʼitte iyke wocʼɔɔ እጭ (ገና አዲስ የተፈለፈለ ፍጡር) larvae rɔ. dungkʼiyoge tʼittaa እጮች late mi . shau bhonong የሚዘገይ lateral mi . robhonjun የጎን lather rɔ. pulangecce samunayɔ የሳሙና አረፋ latitude rɔ. kekirosi (goritte tasiin ከምድር ወገብ ወደ ሰሜንና ደቡብ ያለው የመሬት የሃሳብ መስመር (ኬክሮስ)




latrine rɔ. kesse shɔruwan ሽንት ቤት laugh ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼiktɔ ሳቀ law rɔ. higgi ደንብ፣ ህግ lay ɛɛ̀l.d. muliyaaboy እንቁላል ጣለች፣ አስቀመጠ፣ ጣል አደረገ layer 1) rɔ. kipili, bakungo, dandansidac ክፍል፣ ደረጃ፣ ተደራቢ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. መደራረብ lazy mi . bhodasi ሰነፍ lead to ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔrɛsiyɛɛ gɔrɔ, shɔkna, ogiyɛɛ አስከተለ፣ ይዞ መሄድ leading (life) ɛɛ̀l.d. shun ingkar ህይወትን መምራት leaf rɔ. salec ቅጠል leak rɔ. potung (de maa dhulɛ) ቀዳዳ (ውሃ የሚያፈስ)

learn ɛɛ̀l.d.

learn takaaboy, dha icɔcɔn አወቀ፣ ተማረ leather rɔ. say ቆዳ leathery mi . goguy ቆዳማ፣ ቆዳ leather መሰል

leave / left ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔysiyɛ ተወ፣ ለቀቀ left (direction) mi . kangadi ግራ leg rɔ. jarec እግር legend rɔ. tudacce kingun አፈ ታሪክ lend ɛɛ̀l.d. badiriyɛsiyɛ teek አበደረ፣ አዋሰ length rɔ. ramatin ርዝመት



length lens rɔ. mastoti ሌንስ lentil rɔ. misiri ምስር leopard rɔ. kɛrɛng አቦ ሸማኔ

less than less than mi . iyono bak ያንሳል lesson rɔ. icɔcɔn ትምህርት let's ha. meta.. እስቲ እን…. letter rɔ. waratide shɔk lɔʼɔge iisunɔɔ ደብዳቤ lettering rɔ. pidɛliyo kɔnɛn የፊደል አጣጣል/አፃፃፍ

life span level (flat) rɔ. bhaasec ሜዳማ፣ ደልዳላ lever rɔ. tomogitte zoo ipibhɛ aaycay መፈንቅል፣ እቃማንሻ ረጅም ብረት liberate ɛɛ̀l.d. dhawaa kiciyɔ liyok ነፃ አወጣ liberation rɔ. ɔynɛ ነፃነት

library library rɔ. kesse masʼapiyon ቤተ መፃህፍት lick ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔʼɔccɔ ላሰ lie rɔ. budin ውሸት life rɔ. shun lick ህይወት፥ ኑሮ፥ ኣኗኗር፥ ነብስ life span rɔ. bɛrgude zoo alɛ shunɔɔ የህይወት ዘመን



lifeless rɔ. angge shunana teek untɔɔ ህይወት የሌላቸው life-like rɔ. ande iʼac ande shun iy teekɔy ህይወት ያለውን ነገር የሚመስል lift ɛɛ̀l.d. kɔɔk ibhɛn ማንሳት፤ ከፍ ማድረግ

light light 1 mi . ngassɔ, sholsholi ቀላል light 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼapsiyaaboy አያያዘ፣ ለኮሰ፤መብራት፤ብርሃን lightening rɔ. tumade dhoyɔ መብረቅ like ɛɛ̀l.d. teelaaboy, tɛɛnaaboy ወደደ፣ ፈለገ lime rɔ. wuʼec ኖራ limestone rɔ. bɛtte wuʼejun የኖራ ድንጋይ

link limit 1) rɔ. bhoni, suut መጠን፣ ልክ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. line rɔ. gorit መስመር

line segment line segment mi . goritte sabɔ oo tolɔ dhɔngdhɔngɔ ጉማጅ መስመር linear equation rɔ. engette yɛnɛnu ከፍተኛው ድግሪ አንድ የሆነበት የእኩልነት ጥያቄ linen rɔ. apala, cʼurka ልብስ፣ የጨርቅ ዓይነት፤ከተልባ እግር የሚሰራ ጨርቅ፤የኣልጋ፤የጠረጴዛ linguistics rɔ. higgide ɛɛ̀liin gayɛn ስነልሳን (ቋንቋን የሚያጠና) link mi . itinaaboy አያያዘ፣ የተያያዘ

linking verb


linking verb rɔ. ɛliyange alke ititindaa አያያዥ፣ አገናኝ ግስ

lion lion rɔ. 1) gushurɔ አንበሳ 2) ngadun liquid rɔ. ande iyke maa ፈሳሽ list 1) rɔ. baddabadda bhangɛn ዝርዝር dha liyok kɔnang kɔnang 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. bhangaa badda baddaboy ዘረዘረ

listen listen (to) ɛɛ̀l.d. ishaʼaraaboy አዳመጠ፣ ሰማ liter rɔ. litori ሊትር

locality literature rɔ. dɛshade warati kɔnun ስነ ፅሁፍ little mi . tʼiini ጥቂት live ɛɛ̀l.d. iyɛn መኖር liver rɔ. tara ጉበት livestock rɔ. biyo ከብቶች liver

lizard lizard rɔ. bhendiri እንሽላሊት load rɔ. kudhec ጭነት፣ ሸክም loam rɔ. boyode muyɔ ዋልካ መሬት (መረሬ፣ ጥቁር አፈር የሆነ) lobe rɔ. nyɛbhec bhunde tɛdhiyanɔ የጆሮ ልም (ጉትቻ ማንጠልጠያው የጆሮ ክፍል) locality rɔ. bhorey አካባቢያዊ



localized mi . bhoregekoonɔ በአንድ አካባቢ (ቀበሌ) ብቻ የተወሰነ locate ɛɛ̀l.d. dhɔlɛn መጠቆም location rɔ. iyɛn አቀማመጥ፥ የስልጣን ደረጃ

locust locust rɔ. tʼɛwa አንበጣ logo rɔ. armade dirijitiy/mahibɛriy የድርጅት/የማህበር ወካይ አርማ lonely mi . bhilang ብቸኛ፥ ሀ/የ/የግ/ማህበር long mi . ramatu ረዥም longest mi . ramat madhdhak በጣም ረጅም; ረጅሙ longitude rɔ. kentirosi ከግራንዊች ወደ ምስራቅ ምዕራብ ያለው የመሬት

lorry የሃሳብ መስመር (ኬንትሮስ)goritte ibha rɛɛ giranwucigena, koy bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ oo susɔ wɔlɛɛ look (at) ɛɛ̀l.d. araaboy, moyaaboy አየ፣ መረመረ look after ɛɛ̀l.d. taɛptɔ, zabiodɔ ጠበቀ፣ ተከተለ(በአይኑ) look for ɛɛ̀l.d. liliccɔ ጠበቀ፣ ፈለገ look forward to ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛp gɔrɔ koskos በጉጉት ጠበቀ look like ɛɛ̀l.d. iʼaccɔ የሚመስል፤ቁርጥ አምሳያ loop rɔ. tɛtkac ቋጠሮ፣ ቀለበት loose 1) mi . pangngkʼa, wɔkɔkɔli ልል፤የላላ፤ያልጠበቀ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔysiyɛ kike wɔkɔkɔli ላላ አደረገ፣ ለቀቀ lorry rɔ. kambulide tɛynɛɛ የጭነት መኪና



lorry lose ɛɛ̀l.d. shaliyɛɛboy, bal bhusaaboy ተሸነፈ፣ አጣ፣ ተረታ loser rɔ. mɛnde shaalɛɛ, bal bhusɔ ተሸናፊ፣ ተረቺ loss rɔ. jɔyaang, tɔngua dhook ማጣት፣ ማጠር lot of rɔ. mɛri ብዙ low mi . iy bhuwɔ ዝቅ ያለ low land rɔ. koru ዝቅተኛ ቦታ(ቆላ) lower mi . ga tʼiini; karak አነስተኛ፤ወደ ታች lower class rɔ. zooge zaysinɛɛ, zooge all

lung babakɔ የታችኛው መደብ (ለህብረተሰብ ከፍል) lower term rɔ. ande shɔk wɔcʼɛnde tʼinɔɔ ዝቅተኛውን ዋጋ የያዘ ተርም lowercase mi . pidɛliyeyge paranyjiyɛnunɔ bibidaa ane kɔtɔɔndɛɛngɔ (a,b,c) በእንግሊዝኛ የካፒታል ፊደል ተደርጎ ያልተፃፈ (a,b,c) lunar rɔ. taʼison የጨረቃ lunch rɔ. galade baalunɔ ምሳ lung lung rɔ. pɔpɔpɔ ሳንባ

lower class




main land



machine machine rɔ. mashini, kambuli ማሽን፥ መኪና(መሳሪያ) machinery rɔ. Mashinɛri(rɔngɔge angge ayay ayayɔ oo dɛshadegɛ zerrɛnɛ) ማሺነሪ (የተለያዩ መሣሪያዎችና አሰራራቸው በአንድነት የሚጠሩበት) made of mi . ande angkoon dɛshinɛnɛ ከ…የተሰራ magazine rɔ. mɛsʼeti መፅሄት፤መጋዚን maggot rɔ. acuk, dungkʼitte kɛna kabarun የሥጋ፣ የፍራፍሬ ትል

maggot magic rɔ. Idhaman, kʼori ጥንቆላ፣ አስማት magnet rɔ. magineti(tomogitte kʼurrɛ tomogiti) ማግኔት (ብረትን የሚስብ ብረት) magnetic mi . tomogitte iyke maginetiy ማግኔት ነክ ብረት magnitude rɔ. iy tuntook, buytin ከፍተኛነት፣ መጠን main mi . buytin ትልቅ፤ዋና main land rɔ. yet boyo bhunde rɔmɔsɔ paltanguwɔ ሰፊ የየብስ ክፍል

maintain maintain ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛptɔ, ac buytin ጠበቀ፣ አከበረ፣ ጠገነ major rɔ. iy tuntook ከፍያለ majority rɔ. ge mɛrrɔ አብዛኛው፣ የድምፅ ብልጫ make ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛsha, ishɔshɔ,aaboy ስራ፣ አዘጋጀ make bed ɛɛ̀l.d. karade ungoonɔ iyɛɛ̀t አልጋ ማንጠፍ/መስራት malaria rɔ. digi ወባ male rɔ. macʼi ወንድ malleable mi . ande cuynɛ yɛmsɛ shauwi ሲቀጠቀጥ በቀላሉ የሚታጠፍ (ተጣጣፊ) malnourished mi . mɛnde ilaʼecce kun posogiyɔ shɔʼɔ የምግብ እጥረት በሽታ የያዘው mammal rɔ. kɛgitte ac wocʼɔ woditɔ አጥቢ እንስሳ man rɔ. mɛʼɛnit ሰው


manufacture management rɔ. 1) ìngkar አመራር 2) አስተዳደር manager rɔ. mɛnde ingkarrɛɛ (iʼajɔ: killɛbigede kɔɔsiyɔ) ስራ አስኪያጅ (ለምሳሌ የእግር ኳስ ክለብ) mandate rɔ. ingkar ኃላፊነት፣ አደራ መስጠት mango rɔ. manggo ማንጎ manipulate ɛɛ̀l.d. cucukiyaaboy mango አንቀሳቀሰ፣ አግባባ mankind rɔ. duʼutte zoon የሰው ዘር man-made mi . ande dɛshinɛnɛ zooyɔ ሰው ሰራሽ manual mi . sidon, komajun የእጅ፣ የጉልበት manufacture rɔ. 1) dɛshi ማምረት፣ መስራት 2) የተሰራ



manure rɔ. 1) kɛny ፍግ 2) jobit እበት manuscript rɔ. ande kɔnnɛ sidɔgiyɔ, kɔnnɛ birannagiyɔ በእጅ የተፃፈ ቅርስ፣ የብራና ጽሁፍ

map map rɔ. karta ካርታ marathon rɔ. jorɛnde maratoniy ማራቶን March rɔ. woshkut መጋቢት margin rɔ. darman, shishi(molle zoo kɔn waratiyɔ ɔdinɛ darmanɔ darmanɔɔ) ዳርቻ፣ ህዳግ (በፅሁፍ ደርና ዳር የሚተው ባዶ ስፍራ) maritime mi . ngaroge tumuy የባሕር አዋሳኝ (ከባህር ጋር የተዛመደ ሥራ /ኑሮ) mark rɔ. milikiti ምልክት


market market rɔ. gaba ገበያ marmalade rɔ. bɔrde dɛshinɛnɛ kɛna kabareyɔ ማርማላት marriage rɔ. gamɛn, mɛɛ oo mokac ጋብቻ፣ ትዳር married mi . gamiyɛboy, ngeyaboy ያገባ/ ያገባች marry ɛɛ̀l.d. gamiyɛɛboy, ngeyaaboy አገባ፥ አገባች mascot rɔ. huma እድል፣ ገድ mass rɔ. 1) dhidhing ክብደት 2) ግዝፈት master rɔ. komorut ጌታ mat rɔ. salini ሰሌን match rɔ. yɛnɛyɛnɛ ተመሳሳይ mate ɛɛ̀l.d. tungdiyɛ kɔ mɛɛ oo mokacboy የግብረ ስጋ ግንኙነት አደረገ

material material rɔ. aa ዕቃ mathematics rɔ. hisabi ሒሳብ matter rɔ. rɛɛde anggkooni ቁስ አካል mattress rɔ. pirashi ፍራሽ mature mi . egisi, de egisɔ ብስል፣ የበሰለ maximum mi . iy tuntookɔ ከፍተኛ may ɛɛ̀l.d. kasay bhondɔ ሊሆን ይችላል May rɔ. zanggay ግንቦት me sa. anyi እኔ

meal meal rɔ. gala ምግብ mean ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy, ɔʼɛn አሰበ፣ ማለት ነው፣ ፍቺ ነው mean (math) rɔ. keen አማካይ


medal means rɔ. cʼarashɛt, gɔrɔ ብልሃት፣ መንገድ፥ ማለት measure ɛɛ̀l.d.

measure ilobhaaboy ፈተነ፣ ለካ measurement rɔ. ande makiin መስፈሪያ፣ መለኪያ፣ የመጠን ልክ meat rɔ. acuk ስጋ mechanism rɔ. sukasɛt, sulac, dɛshi ዘዴ፣ ስልት፣ አሰራር mechanized mi . ande zoo kɔnɛ kamani iyke tomogit sɔy በመሳሪያ የተሟላ፣ ብረት ለበስ (ለጦር መሳሪያ) medal rɔ. medaliya (balgede zooge bulang isportiyɔ shalɔ zoo ac ke ajɛnde badun) ሜዳሊያ (ለስፖርተኞች ሲያሸንፉ የሚሰጥ)፣ ኒሻን



media rɔ. sukasɛtte ororrɛnun የመገናኛ ዘዴ medical mi . baudinon, akumuy (cʼarashɛtte zibudon) የጤና፣ የህክምና (ሜዲካል) medical practitioner rɔ. akumu ሐኪም medicine rɔ. zibut መድሃኒት medieval mi . brgude keenun የመካከለኛ ዘመን medium mi . keenɔge መካከለኛ medium height rɔ. de iy keenage tuntookɔ መካከለኛ ከፍታ medulla rɔ. kɛdɔ shumec ቡጥ (የእንጨት መሃለኛው ለሰላሳ ክፍል) melt ɛɛ̀l.d. tobhɛn kede ngesɔ, cʼɔdɛn መቅለጥ፥ መሟሟት member rɔ. abali አባል men rɔ. zoo ge macʼidaa ወንድ ሰዎች

message mend ɛɛ̀l.d. cɛkaaboy, ishɔshɔʼaboy ጠገነ፣ አሻሻለ menstruation rɔ. 1) mashiro የወር አበባ 2) wupa mental image rɔ. tartaarecce tasiin(sabun) አዕምሮኣዊ ምስል

merchant merchant rɔ. mɛnde gitʼinɛɛ ነጋዴ meridian rɔ. walta (zanggide tasiinde bhunde boyo shikirinɛnɛ tunɔ wɔcʼi kariyɔ) ዋልታ (መሬት የምትሽከረክርበት የሃሳብ ዘንግ ሰሜናዊ እስከ ደቡባዊ ጫፍ) message rɔ. iìs መልዕክት



metabolic mi . gala ngunynyɛ kɛngge teekna, ajinɛ bhonɛsɛn ምግብ በሆድ ውስጥ የመፈጨቱና ጥቅም ላይ መዋሉ metal rɔ. tomogit ብረት metalloid rɔ. tomogitte ngangaynɛɛ የተዋህደ ብረት metamorphosis rɔ. tacʼɛnde aan kumbulok ሙሉ የቅርፅ ለውጥ meteor rɔ. tobhocce pillinɛ walajɔy ተወርዋሪ ኮከብ meter rɔ. metiri ሜትር methane rɔ. mitteni ሚተን method rɔ. sukasɛt ዘዴ፥ ስልት miaow rɔ. kudhende aduruy ሚያው (ድመት የምታሰማው ድምፅ) micro-organism rɔ. angge shunanunge tʼitta ረቂቅ ነፍሳት

million midday rɔ. baalkɛngɔ ቀትር middle class rɔ. kipilide iy keenagiyɔ መካከለኛ መደብ (ክፍል) middle ground rɔ. boyo keen, rɛɛde boyon አማካይ ስፍራ፥ የምድር ወገብ middle point rɔ. kʼumecce iy keenagiyɔ መካከለኛ ነጥብ midnight rɔ. barkeen እኩለ ሌሊት migration rɔ. zɛgɛn, pɔpɔsh ስደት milk rɔ. urɔ ወተት milk a cow ɛɛ̀l.d. biy rɔyɛn ላም ማለብ milligram rɔ. miligirami ሚሊግራም milliliter rɔ. mililetiri ሚሊሌትር millimeter rɔ. milimetiri ሚሊሜትር million rɔ. miliyoni ሚሊዮን



millions rɔ. miliyoniyo ሚሊዮኖች mind (brain) rɔ. sabɔ, lɔʼɔndac አእምሮ፣ አንጎል mine rɔ. maʼidini bhɔgɛn ማዕድን መቆፈር mineral rɔ. maʼidiniyo (workʼiyo, mɛdabi, biri...ooge ayaymu) ማዕድኖች (ወርቅ፣ መዳብ፣ ብር፣ ወዘተ) minimum mi . tʼiini ኣነስተኛ mining rɔ. maʼidini, panyji ማዕድን፣ ፈንጂ minor mi . tʼiini; tʼitta ; sholsholi አነስተኛ፣ ጥቃቅን፣ ቀላል minute/min rɔ. dedikʼa ደቂቃ


mixed number miscible mi . ge ngangaynɛ, cukurrɛ የሚዋሃዱ፣ የሚቀላቀሉ miss ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) oguwa dhook ማጣት 2) ጎደለ፣ ጠፋ፣ ቀረ mistake rɔ. tambi ስህተት misuse ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshinɛnɛ gɛrɛ ያለአግባብ መጠቀም፣ አወጣ

mix mix ɛɛ̀l.d. ngangayaaboy, cukuraaboy ቀላቀለ፣ ደባለቀ፣ ለወሰ mixed fraction rɔ. ngarngartage cukurrɛɛ (Iʼajɔ 5 1/6) ድብልቅ ክፍልፋይ (ለምሳሌ 5 1/6) mixed number rɔ. kɔmdage ngangaynɛɛ ድብልቅ ቁጥር

mixture mixture rɔ. cukurta ቅልቅል፣ ድብልቅ ml/l rɔ. millitiri litirige ሚሊ ሊትር በሊትር mode rɔ. sukasɛt, pashini ዘይቤ፣ ስልት፣ ፋሽን model rɔ. 1) iʼac (bhunde yellɛnɛ dhoyɛni) አርአያ (ሊከተሉት የሚገባ)፤የእንድ ዕቃ እምሳያ 2) (የአንድ እቃ አምሳያ) 3) መኪና የተሰራበት አሰራር modern rɔ. bɛrguude mattanun, caʼi ዘመናዊ modernization rɔ. silɛn ስልጣኔ modernize ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaaboy አሻሻለ፣ ዘመናዊ አደረገ modification rɔ. ishɔshɔk ማሻሻል modify ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaaboy, tacʼaaboy, ɛliyaboy አሻሻለ፣ ለወጠ፣ ገለፀ moist rɔ. lɔtʼɔgu እርጥብ


monogamy moisture rɔ. lɔtʼɔktin እርጥበት፣ ተን molecule rɔ. molɛkiyuli ሞለኩዊል molting ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼɔrɛ oo putʼuwoge ersɛna, sil cʼuwaa ላባ ለመተካት የመርገፍ ሂደት monarch rɔ. bizingitte bizingoon ንጉሰ ነገስት Monday rɔ. boktac ሰኞ

money money rɔ. tomok, kt̕orshaa ገንዘብ monk rɔ. mɛnɛkuse መነኩሴ monkey rɔ. kangac ዝንጀሮ monochromatic mi . ɛtte koonɔ አንድ ዓይነት ቀለም monogamy rɔ. mɛnde macɔ kɔnɔng oode



siidonɔ kɔnɔng gamnɛke mokac oo mɛɛ አንድ ወንድ ከአንድ ሴት ጋር ጋብቻ monogram rɔ. rɛɛde aandude dɛshinɛ rɔngugenyɛy pidɛligede iyke leliyɔ በስም የመጀመሪያ ፊደል የተሠራ ቅርፅ monomial rɔ. monomiyali (tɛrmidenɛ iyke kɔnɔsuwɔ) ሞኖሚያል (አንድ ተርም ብቻ ያለው ፖሊኖሚያል)፤እንዳዊ gade dɛshinɛnɛ andɔ kɔnɔsungɔ monotheism rɔ. komorut kɔnɔsɔ yɛbhɛn በአንድ አምላክ ማመን monsoon rɔ. jupa koon የነፋስ አይነት (ደቡብ ምስራቅ እስያ አካባቢ የሚነፍስ) month rɔ. tays kɔnɔng ወር

mosquito monument rɔ. hawulti, kʼirside buytini ሃውልት፣ ታላቅ ቅርስ mood rɔ. penu ሁኔታ moon rɔ. tays ጨረቃ more mi . dhaalac ተጨማሪ morning rɔ. miirɔge ጠዋት mosaic rɔ. mozayki የተለያዩ ቀለማት ያላቸውን ነገሮች (ድንጋይ) በመጠቀም ቅርፆች፣ ስእሎች የሚቀርቡበት ጥበብ mosque mosque rɔ. mɛzgidi መስጊድ

mosquito mosquito rɔ. cʼuncʼitte digiyɔ,nginynginyit የወባ ትንኝ



moth rɔ. kurkurit/duput ብል /ነቀዝ mother rɔ. hayaa እናት motion rɔ. wucucuki እንቅስቃሴ motive rɔ. ande ibhɛsɛ kuyay የሚያነሳሳ mount rɔ. oguwa tuntook ገብ አለ፣ ተወጣጣ፣ ላይ ወጣ mountain rɔ. ele ተራራ mouse rɔ. kungkulɔ አይጥ mouth rɔ. tuk አፍ move ɛɛ̀l.d. zoriyɛɛ, oguwa ተሸከረከረ፣ ተጓዘ፣ ተንቀሳቀሰ moveable mi . ande wowoy ተንቀሳቃሽ movement rɔ. woyt, cucùki መንቀሳቀስ much mi . mɛri ብዙ mucus rɔ. socʼu ንፍጥ muddy mi . dangkʼarun የጨቀየ mulch rɔ. mɛdɛbɛriyade orka, sala, oo boyo cukurrɛɛ ajinɛ የገለባ፣

muscle የቅጠልና አፈር ድብልቅ ማዳበሪያ

mule mule rɔ. baʼulo በቅሎ multi-faith mi . mɛnde yɛp angge mɛriyɔ, baade yɛbhɛnɛtagenyɛ mɛrɔ በብዙ መልክ (መንገድ)ባለ ብዙ እምነት (ለምሳሌ አገር) multiple rɔ. debisidac ብዜት multiplication rɔ. debisi ማብዛት multiplication table rɔ. sɛntʼɛrɛjide debisiin የማብዛት ሰንጠረጅ multiply ɛɛ̀l.d. debisiyaaboy አባዛ muscle rɔ. muni ጡንቻ



muscular mi . muniy ጡንቻማ፣ የጡንቻ museum rɔ. muscle muziyɛmi ቤተመዘክር (ሙዚየም)bhunde angge dambiyɔ bhangnɛnɛ music rɔ. gule ሙዚቃ


nasal musician rɔ. zooge gɔm guliyaa ሙዚቀኞች mutilation dhɔ.d . garsina limɛn ግርዛት; አካልን በመቆራረጥ መጉዳት my sa. diyany የኔ myself sa. saptiyany እራሴ mystery rɔ. ocu pende roshinɛ ምስጢር፣ ረቂቅ ነገር myth rɔ. yɛbhɛnde jarut unatɔy, tudacce iyke happi መሰረት የሌለው ዕምነት፣ አፈታሪክ፣ ተረት

Nn nail rɔ. misimari ምስማር፣ ጥፍር name rɔ. rɔngɔ ስም narrow mi . tʼutiy ጠባብ፣ ቀጭን

narrow-minded mi . mɛnde tasi mɔʼɔnyɔ ጠባብ አስተሳሰብ ያለው nasal mi . girnguny የኣፍንጫ nail

national national mi . zooge baage koonɔ ብሄራዊ፣ የአንድ ሀገር ሰዎች national park rɔ. jarkide baukooni ብሄራዊ ፓርክ natural mi . kʼɛkta የተፈጥሮ natural numbers rɔ. kɔmdage kɔmunyɔ መቁጠሪያ ቁጥሮች natural resource rɔ. angge kʼɛginɛnɛ ejuguwɔ የተፈጥሮ ሀብት naturalization rɔ. maptide baage koonɔ rɛmɛsdun ተፈጥሮአዊ የዜግነት መብት ሰጠ naturally rɔ. kʼɛginɛnɛ enɛy ተፈጥሮዊ nature rɔ. kʼɛginɛnɛ enɛyɔ ተፈጥሮ naughty mi . maltay, gɛsi ተንኮለኛ፣ ባለጌ navigable mi.d . ande zoo hayɛ gɔrɔgiyɔ bhushshi(mɛrkɛbi, gonggulle koy


necklace bead tumugey) ለጉዞ የሚሆን/የሚመች(ለመርከብ ፣ ለባህር) navigation rɔ. maay tuntɔ woyt በውሃ ላይ መጓዝ near ɛɛ̀l.d. iwaa jiyyak ተቃረበ፣ ተጠጋ necessarily mi.d . yellɛnɛdɔ የግድ necessary mi . yellɛnɛdɔ ኣስፈላጊ neck rɔ. kʼɔrɔng አንገት

necklace necklace rɔ. angge zoo ilodɛ kʼɔrɔngi የአንገት ጌጥ (ድሪ፣ ሀብል) necklace bead rɔ. ange kʼɔrɔngun, maja/dungkʼura የአንገት ጌጥ፤ጨሌ/ ዶቃ



nectar rɔ. bɔrte abɛbay/samu የአበባማር/ወለላ need rɔ. hinɛn, ande yellɛnɛ ፍላጎት፣ አስፈላጊነት

needle needle rɔ. narpi መርፌ negative mi . 1) ɛlide marrɛnun አሉታ (የአዎንታ ተቀራኒ) ፥ አሉታዊ (ኔጋቲቭ) 2) አፍራሽ negative space rɔ. molle ngamɔ ክፍት ቦታ neighbor rɔ. wolac ጎረቤት nephew rɔ. wocce gɔtinɛy oode ngɔnɛy de macɔ የወንድም ወይም የእህት ወንድ ልጅ

newspaper nervous system rɔ. tokte nɛrbiy የነርቭ ስርዓት nest rɔ. kesse shojun የወፍ ጎጆ

net, netting net, netting rɔ. gibdu መረብ network rɔ. netowrki (gibdude shɔshɔʼinɛde zoo oo boyowana ororrnɛ) ኔትዎርክ (የተጠላለፈ መረብ፣ የሰዎችና የነገሮች የእርስ በርስ ግንኙነት/መጠላለፍ) never mi.d . sʼɛp በጭራሽ፤አጠቃላይ new mi . caʼi አዲስ news rɔ. lɔʼɔge ungojunɔ ዜና /ወሬ/ newspaper rɔ. gazetʼa ጋዜጣ

next (to)


newspaper next (to) dhɔ.d . dhoyɔ ቀጥሎ፣ ተረኛ nib rɔ. penna sabɔ የእስክብሪቶ ጭፍ nice mi . shɛɛʼi, barit ጥሩ፣ ደግ nicotine rɔ. dheyde gɛside iy dampuge teekide kunɛ kicina, uwa ትምባሆ ውስጥ ያለ ጎጂ ንጥረ ነገር niece rɔ. wocce gɔtinɛy oode ngɔnɛy de siidonɔ የወንድም ወይም የእህት ሴት ልጅ night rɔ. bar, paac ሌሊት nine rɔ. saal ዘጠኝ nineteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo saal አስራ ዘጠኝ ninety rɔ. jaar saal ዘጠና ninth mi . saaley (9y) ዘጠነኛ (9 ኛ)

non-metal nitrate rɔ. naytireti ናይትሬት nitrogen rɔ. nitirojini ናትሮጂን no mi.d . kiyong, untɔ አይደለም፣ የለም nobody rɔ. mɛngkɔnɔngmu untɔ ማንም nod ɛɛ̀l.d. yikiti sabɔ ራሱን ነቀነቀ፣ ተወዛወዘ noisy mi . toshi ሁከት nomad rɔ. zooge zizik kɔkɔkkɔ ዘላን none mi.d . angkɔnɔngmu untɔ ምንም nonfiction rɔ. ke libɛwollɛdi kiyongɔ ኢልበ ወለድ tudacce kɔnnɛ masʼapige koonɔna, shɔk bhunde iyke maantiyɔɔ non-metal rɔ. ke tomogit iyong ኢ-ብረት አስተኔ ያልሆነ፤ብረታብረት ያልሆኑ



normal mi . suut, kushit teek untɔ ትክክለኛ፣ እንከን የሌለው፣ የተለመደ north rɔ. cim tunok ሰሜን North Pole rɔ. kʼumecce cim tunogi የሰሜን ዋልታ northeast rɔ. bhunde susa cuwɛnɛɛ cimtunok ሰሜን ምስራቅ northern rɔ. cimtonogi ሰሜናዊ northwest rɔ. cim tunɔ bonde woko bhunde bsusɔ wɔlɛɛ ሰሜን ምዕራብ nose rɔ. girɔng አፍንጫ

nostril nostril rɔ. potukunoge girɔngunɔ የአፍንጫ ቀደዳ not mi.d . kiyong አይደለም

number note 1 rɔ. waratide tasay ማስታወሻ note 2 rɔ. kʼorsha salec የብር ኖት nothing rɔ. ke bhoykoonmu kiyong ምንም ነገር፣ ፈፅሞ notice ɛɛ̀l.d. tagɛsɛn, tasiyɛsɛn ማስታወቂያ፥ ማስታወስ noun rɔ. rngi ስም novel rɔ. libɛwolɛdi ልበ ወለድ tudacce zoo kʼɛka taragena, kɔn masʼapigiyɔ November rɔ. gadi ህዳር now mi.d . metta አሁን nuclear mi . nukiliyɛri ኑክሊየር loshade uwa dhoyɛnide iyke bombina, dhoyɔ pɔs baakooni number rɔ. kɔmdac ቁጥር

number line


number line rɔ. goritte kɔmdaanɔ የቁጥር መስመር numbe r

number ray number ray rɔ. goritte kɔmdaanɔ sabɔ lawun iyke launɔ የቁጥር ጨረር (ቀስት ያለው መስመር ሆኖ ቁጥሮች የሚመለከቱበት) numeral rɔ. kɔmdac (ahazi) ቁጥር (አሃዝ) numerator rɔ. kɔmdcce tuntey (7/8 teek issabɔ zerrɛ kɔmdacce tuntey) ለእላይ ቁጥር (በ 7/8 ሰባት ላእላዊ ይባላል)


nymph numerous mi . 1) mɛri ብዙ 2) nurse rɔ. nɛrsi (mɛnde oshkishi de ilaʼasɔɔ) nurse ነርስ (አስታማሚ) nursery rɔ. bhunde zoo kʼamiyɛ kɛna debuwɔɔ, bhunde woyage tʼiitaa icɔcɔnnɛnɛɛ የችግኝ መሸጫ ቦታ፣ አፀደ ህፃናት nutrient rɔ. dheyde galay ንጥረ ምግብ nymph rɔ. oot, koboruwo de ane alke woyana, al ɔrɔɔksɛdɔɔ የቢራቢሮ እጭ፥ የወጣት ዕድሜ፤



obesity rɔ. irebhenecce yellɛnɛngɔ ከመጠን በላይ ውፍረት object rɔ. 1) aa (እቃ)፣ ነገር 2) ተሳቢ(በአረፍተ ነገር ውስጥ) 3) እቃ ፣ ነገር observation rɔ. moy ምልከታ፣ አስተያየት፣ observe ɛɛ̀l.d. moyaaboy, dhdhayaaboy ተመለከተ፣ ተከታታለ፣ ጠቀሰ obstacle rɔ. com, gadidac እንቅፋት፣ መሰናክል obtain ɛɛ̀l.d. jyaaboy አገኘ፣ አወጣ obtuse rɔ. anggilide dhabinɛɛ ዝርጥ አንግል (በ 900 እና በ 1800 መካከል ያለ) occupy ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼɔɔboy, ulubhaaboy ያዘ፣ ሸፈነ፣ ኖረ ocean rɔ. tumu de kalum baa ውቅያኖስ o'clock mi.d . saʼati በሰዓቱ

oldest October rɔ. woyda humɛn ጥቅምት odor rɔ. ɔngɛn, purang purang ሽታ፣ መአዛ of course ɛl.o . yellɛnɛdɔy እንዴታ፣ በሚገባ offense rɔ. teptisi ማጥቃት offer ɛɛ̀l.d. ayaaboy ሰጠ፣ አቀረበ፣ አበረከተ office rɔ. biiro ቢሮ office worker rɔ. mɛnde dɛshinɛ biirogiyɔ የቢሮ ሰራተኛ official rɔ. ande dambige ga gaynɛɛ በህግና በደንብ የሚታወቅ often mi.d . wodige mɛri ብዙ ጊዜ oil rɔ. zeyti ዘይት old mi . nyaagi አሮጌ፥ አሮጊት፥ ሽማግሌ oldest mi . kʼabbaley, kinguny በጣም ያረጀ፣ የቆየ

Olympic game


Olympic game rɔ. bulangatage olompikiyɔ የኦሎምፒክ ጫዋታዎች on dhɔ.d . yɔngɔ-ge በ… ላይ on foot dhɔ.d . jarjɔ በእግር on the left mi.d . sitte kangadi በስተ ግራ once mi.d . wodi kɔnɔng አንዴ one rɔ. kɔnɔng አንድ one week mi.d . shambata kɔnɔng አንድ ሳምንት

ones ones rɔ. wodi kɔnɔng አንድ ጊዜ onion rɔ. duʼashac ሽንኩርት

opportunistic only it. sɔng, bhilang, bhɛwut ብቻ፣ መሰል የሌለው only child rɔ. woc kɔnɔnsɔ ብቸኛ ልጅ opaque mi . wɔllin kʼenɛɛng ብርሃን የማያስተላልፍ፣ open ɛɛ̀l.d. oyaaboy, bhukaaboy ከፈተ፣ ገለጠ operate ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɛlɛn oo cɛgɛn አካሄድ፣ ስራ፣ ቀዶ ጥገና አደረጌ operation rɔ. dɛshade hisabiy ስሌት (መደመር፣ መቀነስ፣ ማባዛት፣ ማካፈል)ga dhɔjɛn, kɛjɛn, debisi oo ngarɛn opinion rɔ. tasi ajɛn አስተያየት opponent rɔ. bagitʼidac (de hubbay koonɔ) ባላጋራ፣ ተወዳዳሪ (የአንድ ቡድን) opportunistic mi.d . Mɛnde zoo dɛshi bhunde gɛsɔna, orɔmu

opportunistic moy kɔɔnɔngɔ, de ayay አድር ባይ፣ ተለማማጭ፥ አማራጭ opposite mi . martac ተቃራኒ opposition rɔ. Mɛnde pende zooge ayayɔ dahaangɔ ተቃዋሚ፥ የሰው ነገር አለመስማት or it. oona ወይም oral presentation rɔ. tuʼɔge ɛli በቃል ማቅረብ/መግለፅ orally rɔ. ɛlige በቃል orange rɔ. burtukani ብርቱካን

orbit orbit rɔ. gɔrte tobhuwan ምህዋር order rɔ. dhodhoyɔ ቅደም ተከተል organ rɔ. rɛɛ አካል organic rɔ. organiki ኦርጋኒክ(ህይወት ያለው፣


origin የተፈጥሮ የሆነ) (ande shun iyena, kʼɛginɛnɛ guruwɔ) organ organism rɔ. organizimi (ande shun iy teekɔ) ኦርጋኒዘም (ሕይወት ያለው ማንኛውም ነገር) organization rɔ. dirijiti ድርጅት organize ɛɛ̀l.d. mùmu አደራጀ--mɛnde mumut zoona, alay dɛshayɔ orient 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. dhauwaa tasi koonboy አንድን ሃሳብ ደገፈ ወይም ተቀበለ orient 2 rɔ. boyode wok bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ ምስራቃዊ oriental mi . mnte bauɛde rɛniyɔ iy bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ የሩቅ ምስራቅ ሰው origin rɔ. lele መሰረት፣ መነሻ



original 1) mi . lele, enɛ, sabbuni የመጀመሪያ፣ ዋና፣ ቀዳሚ 2) rɔ. ዋና ስር ornament rɔ. angge ilodun ጌጣጌጥ orphan rɔ. gaydut, kʼamidac ወላጅ አልባ፥ ጉዲፈቻ orphanage rɔ. bhunde zoo kʼamiyɛ woyage alke gayduwɔɔ የሙት ልጆች ማሳደጊያ ostrich rɔ. guit ሰጎን other it. de ayay, dhaalac ሌላ፣ ተጨማሪ our sa. 1) degay ostrich የኛ 2) degey out mi.d . wɔdɔ ውጭ outcome rɔ. wutʼtʼeti, bhonɛsɛn ውጤት outer space rɔ. walajɔ gande wɔdun ከህዋ ውጭ outline rɔ. taside iy tudajɔde kɔnnɛ koonɔɔ

overlap penu bhunde iyke kabarec kabarecɔ አስተዋፅኦ /የፅሁፍ ዋና ዋና ሃሳቦች ዝርዝር/ outlook rɔ. tasi ,moy አስተያየት፣ አመለካከት outside mi.d . wɔdɔ ውጭ

oval oval 1) rɔ. rɛɛ zolayt ሞላላ ቅርፅ 2) mi . zolayt ሞላላ overcome ɛɛ̀l.d. shalaaboy, sudhaaboy, indiwaa ke sholsholi አሸነፈ፥ ተወጣ፣ አቃለለ overcrowded mi . ga cʼurcʼurinɛ የተጨናነቀ overgrazing rɔ. girtʼi ከመጠን በላይ ማስጋጥ overlap rɔ. dandansinɛ (penuan ramang




bhunde kooni) ተደራረቢ (ሁለት ጉዳይ በአንድ ላይ) ox rɔ. luc በሬ oxide rɔ. oksaydi ኦክሳይድ tapta ramangge oksijiniyɔ

dhɔjinɛ oo maʼdiniyoge ayayɔɔ oxygen rɔ. oksijini ኦክስጂን ozone rɔ. ozoni ኦዞን

Pp pace rɔ. alang እርምጃ pace maker rɔ. mɛnde jorna, irɔrɛsɛge ayayɔ jorɛnɔ አሯሯጭ፣ ፍጥነት ወሳኝ (በሩጫ) packet rɔ. pakko ፓኮ፥ አንድ ፓኮ pain rɔ. wɔtkinde ngɔdɛrɛyɔ የቁስል ስሜት፥ ህመም painful mi . ande wɔdhi የሚያም paint ɛɛ̀l.d. shiniyaboy, ibhaa taar ቀባ፣ ሳለ painting rɔ. taarec ስእል pair rɔ. tapta ጥንድ pair of rɔ. taptage ጥንድ

paint palace rɔ. kesse manggisiy ቤተ-መንግስት palm rɔ. sit tara መዳፍ (የእጅ) pamphlet rɔ. mɛsʼetide tʼiini koon/de zoo issɔ አነስተኛ መፅሄት/ በራሪ ፅሁፍ




pan rɔ. rɛtecce daʼa iy teekna, zoo ɔɔsɛ acuki መጥበሻ፥ መጥበሻ panorama rɔ. iyɛn, iɛnde boyon ትእይነት፣ አጠቃላይ የመሬት አቀማመጥ ሁኔታ papaya rɔ. papa papaya ፓፓያ paper rɔ. warati ወረቀት

paper paper mache rɔ. ynɛwaratide ishɔshɔʼinɛke dɛshi rɛɛde aanɔ ለቅርፅ ማውጫ የተዘጋጀ ወረቀት paragraph rɔ. lɔʼɔ sʼuppa አንቀፅ parallel 1) mi . goriyo ramangge


parallel ititinsɛɛngna, hay dacɔ ትይዩ (መስመሮች የማይገናኙ ወይም እርስ በርስ የማይቋረጡ ሲሆኑ) 2) rɔ. የማይገናኙ ትይዩና እኩል መስመሮች

parallelogram parallelogram rɔ. paralelogirami ፓራሌሎ ግራም ga taarecce bona ga wucna, goriyogenyɛ ramang orrɛɛngi


parasite parasite rɔ. dungkʼitte rɛmɛs rɛɛgede zoon teeki ጥገኛ ነፍስ፣ በሰው ትከሻ የሚኖር gage yɛnɛ ke konuwaa ge kɛngunɔ yicaa parent rɔ. hayaa oo babaa ወላጅ part rɔ. bon ክፍል partial mi . noon, ande ane kɔbɔsɛɛngɔ ከፊል፣ ያልተፈፀመ participation rɔ. jɔyɛn yɔngɔ teek ተሳትፎ፣ መካፈል particle rɔ. kʼumi ቅንጣት particular mi . kɛjinɛ, ande kɛjinɛ ልዩ፣ የተለየ partner rɔ. yellac, lukurit, gojin ጓደኛ፥ ወዳጅ፥ ኣቻ፥ እኩያ party (political) rɔ. hubbade polotikay የፖለቲካ ቡድን (ስብስብ)


pathogen pass ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼenuwa አለፈ፣ ቀደመ፣ ጣለ passage (text) rɔ. zertac ምንባብ past mi . kelle kʼenuwɔ ያለፈ ጊዜ past tense rɔ. kelle kʼenɔ ሀላፊ ጊዜ paste ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼɛsɛ baak ለጠፈ pastel rɔ. ɛtte dɛshi dɛshaage mɛrɔɔ ለብዙ የሚሆን ቀለም pastoral mi . mɛnde dɛshadenɛga ogoyɔ ከብት አርቢ pastoralism rɔ. angge jaarunɔ ogoy እንስሳት እርባታ pastry shop rɔ. kesse buskutiy ብስኩት ቤት path rɔ. gɔrɔ መንገድ pathogen rɔ. ande shun iy teekide kunɛ ilaʼici በሽታ አምጪ ህይወት ያለው ነገር

pathway pathway rɔ. gɔrɔde zoo woyɛ jarjɔɔ የእግር መንገድ፣ ማለፊያ

patient patient rɔ. mɛnde ilaʼasɔ በሽተኛ patriot rɔ. mɛnde yel badenɛɛ ሀገሩን የሚወድ ሰው

pattern pattern rɔ. taside dɛshay, shoridage dɛshay ሁኔታ፣ ንድፍ ga taside dɛshay pave the way ɛɛ̀l.d. ishashaʼaa iyɛnboy ሁኔታዎችን አመቻቸ


peasant paw rɔ. jaraec tara(de kɛginyonɔ) መዳፍ (የእንስሳት) pea rɔ. hatʼiroc አተር peace rɔ. shɛktin pea ሰላም

peaceful mi . shɛɛʼi, iy kucukucuy ሰላማዊ፣ ፀጥ ያለ

peak peak rɔ. angkoon sabɔyɔng የሆነ ነገር ጫፍ፣ ፅንፍ peanut rɔ. ocoloni አቾሎኒ peasant rɔ. 1) mɛnde bhɔginɛɛ ባላገር፣ ገበሬ 2) mɛnte baun



perimeter pen pal mi . yellacce pennay የብዕር ጓደኛ

pedal pedal rɔ. pedali (ande zoo dok bishkilitigiyɔ) ፔዳል (መርገጫ የብስክሌት) peel ɛɛ̀l.d.

peel bɔlɔʼaaboy ላጠ peer rɔ. gojin ጓደኛ peer review rɔ. lukuridon/yɛmɛsɛnde yellaun የአቻ /የጓደኛ ክለሳ

pen pen rɔ. penna እስክሪብቶ

pencil pencil rɔ. irsasi እርሳስ peninsula rɔ. boyo bhunde tumu dhul teekɔ (gogolomde gngarsinɛ wodi sizziy) ባሕር ገብ መሬት (በሦስት ወገን የተከበበ) people rɔ. zoo, nyamany ሰዎች፣ ህዝብ percentage rɔ. pɛrsntige bhangɛn በፐርሰንት ማስቀመጥ % perfect mi . suut, sʼɛp, muuk ትክክል፣ ፍፁም፣ ሙሉ perform ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyaaboy አደረገ፣ አከናወነ perimeter rɔ. anatte kibbiyɔ የክብ ዙሪያ



period rɔ. 1) bonde kelun, kʼumec kɔnɔng, kel/bɛrgu, mashiro(wupa) ክፍለ ጊዜ፣ አንድ ነጥብ፣ ጊዜ /ዘመን፣ የወር አበባ 2) mashiro 3) wu perishable mi . ga ande eniy sshawi የሚበላሽሊበላሽ የሚችል ነገር( በተለይም ለምግብ) permanent mi . ande woyongi, tɛsi የማይንቀሳቀሰ፣ ቋሚ perpendicular rɔ. tɛs dac(goritte iy daci) ቀጥ ያለ(መስመሩ ቀጥ ያለ) personal letter rɔ. 1) dabdabede mɛngkoonɔ የግል ደብዳቤየግል ጉዳይን በተመለከተ የሚጻፍ ደብዳቤ 2) dadabede enɛɛkooni personal pronoun rɔ. sarage gaynɛy (sarage gaynɛɛde iyke 1ɔ, 2ɔ, 3ɔ iʼac - anyi, inyu, nen, ede/edaa) የመደብ

petroleum ተውላጠ ስም (እኔ፣ አንቺ፣ እሱ፣ እኛ)sarage gaynɛɛde iyke 1ɔ, 2ɔ, 3ɔ iʼac anyi, inyu, nen, ede/edaa perspective rɔ. tasi, tasi ajɛn, dɛshade boyo darmanun ሀሳብ፣ አስተያየት፣ የመሬት ስራ ገፅታ perspiration rɔ. dhedik (Iʼac- a zoo dɛshi isportiyɔ) ላብ (ለምሳሌ ስፖርት ሲሰራ) persuade ɛɛ̀l.d. shishiktiyɛɛboy አግባባአንድ ሰዉ የተወሰነ ተግባር እነዲፈጽም የሚደረግ ሂደት ነው፡፡ pest rɔ. angge tʼittage shunanun ተባይ፤ነፍሳት pesticide rɔ. zibutte nis angge t‘ittaa shunanunɔyɔ ፀረተባይንፍሳትን የሚያጠፋ petroleum rɔ. zeeytide nɛadajiyɔ ነዳጅ ዘይትፈሳሻማ የሀይድሮ ካርበን ዉህድ ሲሆን

petroleum ከእርሱም ነዳጅ፣ ዲዝል ዘይትና ዘይት ማምረት ይቻላል፡፡

pharmacy pharmacy rɔ. parmasi, kesse zibbunɔ ፋርማሲ; መድሃኒት ቤትመድኃኒቶች የሚሸጡበት ስፍራ pharynx rɔ. kʼaykin የአፍ መጨረሻ ክፍል (ጉሮሮ) phase rɔ. gɔrɔ, gɔrte silun kɔnɔng ምእራፍ፣ የእድገት ደረጃ (ሂደት) phenomenon (pl: phenomena) rɔ. bhunde caʼi koon bhonɔ ክስተት፣ ያልተለመደ ሁኔታ philosophy rɔ. kʼɛgɛnd cʼarashɛdun ፍልስፍናትክክለኛ በሆነ መንገድ እውነታን መርሆን


physical እውቀትን ወይም ተግባርን የመመርመር ሂደት ነው phosphate rɔ. pospeti ፎስፌትጨው ወይም በተለየ መልኩ የተፈጠረ ፎስፈሪክ አሲድ -- ga pospɛrik asidide kʼɛginɛnɛ jogige oo angge ayayɔɔ photograph 1) rɔ. poto ፎቶ ግራፍካሜራን በመጠቀም የሚገኝ ምስል 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. poto ibhɛn ፎቶግራፍ ማንሳት photosynthesis rɔ. potosintɛsisi ፎቶ ስንተሲስፀሀይን በመጠቀም እጽዋቶች ከካርቦን ዳይኦክሳይድና ውሃ ምግባቸውን የሚያዘጋጁበት ሂደት ነው ga gɔrɔde kɛnɛ oo tobur dɛshiyɛ gala karbonday oksaydige oo maayɔ. phrase rɔ. lɔʼɔ gamkoon ሀረግ physical 1) rɔ. kʼɛginɛnɛ enɛyɔ, kʼɛktac የተፈጥሮ 2) mi . rɛɛun አካላዊ



physician rɔ. akumu ሐኪምየህመም ተኞችን የጤን ሁኔታ የሚያይን የሚከታተል physicia n የህክምና ባለሙያ pick ɛɛ̀l.d. urkumaaboy, washaaboy, shɔʼaaboy ለቀመ፣ ቀጠፈ፣ ያዘ፤መረጠ picture rɔ. taarec ስዕል

picture book picture book rɔ. masʼapide tartaarinyon ስእላዊ መፅሀፍለማብራሪያ ወይም ለማስረዳት የሚሆኑ ስዕሎችን የያዘ መጽሐፍ በተለይም ለልጆች የሚሆን picture graph rɔ. girapide taarejun የምስል ግራፍመረጃዎችን ወይንም ስታትስቲክሶችን

pill ለማሳየት ምስሎችን የሚጠቀም የግራፍ አይነት piece rɔ. moʼu, puncit , limdac ቁራጭ፣ ቁራሽ pierce ɛɛ̀l.d. tubhunaaboy, dhuluwa teek በሳ፣ ዘልቆ ገባ pigment rɔ. ande ɛt iy teeki (angge ajinɛ ɛti) ማቅለሚያ (ቀለም የሚሰጡ ነገሮች) pill rɔ. kininiyo ኪኒንበህመ ም ወቅት በሀኪም ትዕዛዝ pill የሚወሰድ መድኃኒት እንክብል ነው ga zibuwoge ilaʼijɔ akumu ajinɛ



pillow pillow rɔ. ecit ትራስበመኝታ ወይም እረፍት በሚወሰድበት ወቅት አንገትን ለማስደገፍ የሚያገለግል ነው ande zoo ungusɔ oo rɛɛy mɔdhɔsɔ iʼingi pioneer rɔ. de kʼen sabbɔɔ ቀዳሚ የሆነአንዳንድ ነገሮችን ለማድረግ እና ለማግነት ቀዳሚ የሆነ pipe rɔ. bamba ቧንቧፈሳሽ ነገሮችን ለማስተላለፍ የሚያገለግል መሳሪያ pipe piston rɔ. pistɛn, rɛɛde kambiliy ፒስተን፣ የመኪና አካል፣ መቂናጥበመኪና ውስጠኛ ክፍል የሚገኝ ወደ ላይና ወደታች በመንቀሳቀስ

placenta ለመኪናዉ መንቀሳቀስ አስተዋጾ የሚያደርግ አካል pit rɔ. kaluʼoc ብብት pitch 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) tɔnguwaa, tuntok oo bak ወረወረ 2) pilliwaa pitch 2 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. diʼishiwaa ወርወረየድምጽ ወጣ ውረድ moyok tuntok oo bak 2) rɔ. uuguwaa pivot mi . keende shikikiriin መሰረት፣ ማሽከርከሪያ place rɔ. mol ቦታየተወሰነ ስፍ፤ መገኛ place value rɔ. kesse kɔmdaan (65 teek kesse 10 de shɔkɔ ga 6 kes 1 de shɔkɔ ga 5) የቤት ዋጋ (በ 65 ውስጥ 6 የያዘው የ 10 ቤት፣ 5 የያዘው የአንድ ቤት ነው) placenta rɔ. kuriyec የእንግዴ ልጅበእርግዘና ወቅት ከእናት ወደ ልጅ ምግብን ለማሰተልለፍ እንዲሁም ከልጅ



የሚወጣውን ቆሻሻ ለማሰወገድ የሚየገለግል ነው plain rɔ. bhaasec ሜዳሰፊ ስፍራ ሆኖ ጥቂት ዛፎች የሚገኙበት መሬት plait rɔ. cʼɔrɛge kɔnnɛɛ የፀጉር ጉንጉን plan rɔ. Ikʼidi እቅድአንድን ነገር ለመስራት ወይም ለመፈፀም በዝርዝር በፅሁፍ የሰፈረ ነገር ga ungocce shɔʼinɛ ke dɛshay koonɔɔ plane rɔ. nɛt (baa bhunde iy lɔpɔ) ዝርግ (የተዘረጋ) ስፍራ

planet planet rɔ. pilaneti ፕላኔትጨረቃን ወይም ፀሐይን የሚዞር አካል plankton rɔ. ande wowoy yeca haykʼige oo yedɔ maay tuntɔy

plate ሰፈፍ፣ በሐይቅ፣ በውሃ፣ በወንዝ ላይ የሚንሳፈፍ ነገር plant 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. imaaboy, hakasiyɛ bak, indiwa kɛtɛyaboy, kʼajiyaaboy ተከለ፣ ቸከለ፣ አቆመ፣ ዘራ 2) rɔ. isʼi(kɛdɔ), toburanage alke zibuwoy ዕፅ (ተክል)ህይወት ያለው ተክል ለምሳል ዛፍ፤ቁጥቋጦ፣ሳር፤ ፈርን እና ሞስስ የሚባሉ ነገሮችን ያጠቃልላል

plantation plantation rɔ. baade bhɔgunɔ muyɔ de bore ሰፊ የእርሻ ስፍራ plastic rɔ. pilastiki ፕላስቲክ plate rɔ. saani ሳህንበቤት ውስጥ ምግብ ለመመገብ የኒያገለግል እቃ


plate plateau rɔ. shabalecce iy elege tuntɔy ተራራ ላይ የሚገኝ ደልዳላ ቦታ፤ፕላቶ play ɛɛ̀l.d. bulangaaby ተጫወተ player rɔ. zooge bulang sportiyɔ ተጫዋች please ɛl.o . 1) shɔɔ! እባክህጨዋነትን በተላበሰ መልኩ የሚጠየቅ ጥያቄ 2) doogani! pleasure rɔ. arshi መደሰት፣ ደስታ plot rɔ. bonkonang, mashiyɛsɛn ቁራጭ፣ አድማ፣ ሴራ(በልቦለድ ውስጥ የታሪክ መጠላለፍ)አንድ ነገር ለመፈፀም በቡድን በመሆን በሚስጥር የሚደረግ ተግባር


point of view plot (graph) rɔ. silɛnde andukoonɔ cartige oomu kartage irɔr የአንድን ነገር እንቅስቃሴና እድገት በቻርት ወይም በካርታ ማሳየት

plough plough 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɔktɔ አረሰ 2) rɔ. gonade biyoonɔ ማረሻ plumber rɔ. mɛnde dɛshi bambaa ቧንቧ የሚሰራ ባለሙያ poacher rɔ. mɛnde nis angge zoo kaanɛɛ በህገ ወጥ መንገድ የሚያድን pocket rɔ. kissi ኪስ poem rɔ. kɛmtisi ግጥም point rɔ. kʼumec, darman, mol ነጥብ፣ ጫፍ፣ ቦታ point of view rɔ. gɔrɔgedɔngɔ አንፃርአንድ

point of view


ነገር የሚታይበት አተያይ moyìde zoo moyɛ angkoonɔ point to ɛɛ̀l.d. dhɔlaaboy አመለከተ (ጠቆመ) poison 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. zuniyaaboy, ɛrsiyɛɛ zibutte rɛsunɔ teek መረዘ 2) rɔ. marzi, asidi መርዝ፥ አሲድ ga zibutte rɛsun poisonous mi . ande mɛrzi iy teekɔ መርዝነት ያለው፣ መርዘኛ polar mi . waltay ዋልታዊ ande iyke tirec keende im tunogi oocim karagiy pole rɔ. tirecce boyo ititinon የምድር ዋልታ policeman rɔ. polisi ፖሊስ policy rɔ. lɔkte ingkarun ፖሊሲ(አመራር፣ ዓላማ) polish ɛɛ̀l.d. wuʼaaboy, wutaaboy ወለወለ፣ ጠረገ political mi . polotikay ፖለቲካዊ

popcorn pollination rɔ. kɛna debisi የተክሎች ድቀላ pollute ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwaa kokke gɛsi በከለ pollution rɔ. gɛskin, eni መበከል፣ መበላሸት pond rɔ. korngit ኩሬበተፈጥሮ ወይም በሰው ሰራሽ የሚፈጠር አነስተኛ የዉኃ አካል pool rɔ. maage al ande iyke gongguli የገንዳ ውሃ (መዋኛ)ለመዋኛነት የሚያገለግል ዉሃ maage al hubbana, zoo hakke tumuy poor mi . maloc ደሃለመኖር የሚያስችል በቂ የሆነ ገንዘብ የሌለው mɛnde tomook oo ande ernges rɛmɛsɛdɔdenɛy ge bhoni untɔɔ popcorn rɔ. gɔrtage woydaan, woydage mɛmɛʼiyɔ የበቆሎ ቆሎ፣ ፈንዲሻ እሳት ላይ በሚቆላ ጊዜ በመፈንዳት የአበባ




ቅርጽ የሚያወጣ የበቆሎ አይነት population rɔ. zoo, nyamany ህዝብ porridge rɔ. bhoru ገንፎከተፈጨ ዱቄት በውሃ ወይም በወተት በማሞቅና በማዋሃድ የሚዘጋጅ የምግብ አይነት port rɔ. wɔdɛbi ወደብመርከቦች እቃ የሚያራግፉበትና የሚጭኑበት ስፍራ portion rɔ. dirgac ድርሻአንድ ነገር ሲከፋፈል ለሰው የሚደርሰው ነገር pose ɛɛ̀l.d. bhangaaboy, iwaa bhuɔ (ke ibha potoy/ke ip taarecci) አስቀመጠ፣ ተቀመጠ (ፎቶ ለመነሳት/ስዕል ለመሳል)ፎቶግራፍ ለማንሳት በሚያመች መልኩ አስቀመጠ position rɔ. 1) iyɛn, mol አቀማመጥ; ቦታ 2) አቀማመጥ፣ አመለካከት positive rɔ. posetibi አዎንታዊአፍራሽ ያልሆነ፤

ገምቢ፣ ብሩህ ɛlide shishiʼinɛɛ positive space rɔ. mollde iy dɛshagiyɔ ስራ ላይ የዋለ ቦታ possible mi . bhunde shishiʼinɛy uwa, bhoniy uwadɔ ሊስማማ፣ ሊደረስበት የሚችል post office rɔ. kesse postay ፖስታ ቤትከተለያዩ ስፍራዎች የሚላኩ ደብዳቤዎችን እና የተለያዩ ነገሮችን የመቀበል የማከፋፈልና የመላክ ስራ የሚሰራ መስሪያ ቤት poster rɔ. ɛlide ɛlinɛ taarejɔɔ ስእላዊ መግለጫ posture rɔ. tɛsɛn rɛɛ (rɛwun) የአካል (የሰውነት) አቋም


pot pot rɔ. juy ማሰሮ፣ ሸክላከጭቃ የሚሰራ ክብ ነገር ሲሆን ለማብሰል፤ውሃ ለመቅዳት ያገለግላል potash rɔ. potashiyɛmi ፓታሽየም potato rɔ. dinggishac ድንች potential rɔ. komac, kɔ komac አቅም፣ እንደ አቅም pound rɔ. 1) pawondi ፓውንድየገንዘብ ስም -rɔngige kʼorshawge baude Inggilisi 2) ande zoo ililisiyɛ dhidhingi ፓውንድ 1/2 ኪሎ poverty rɔ. malosɛt ድህነትከመጠን በላይ ደሃ መሆን



powder powder rɔ. pota ዱቄትእንድን ነገር በተለይም ጥራ ጥሬን በመፍጨት የሚገኝ ነገር power rɔ. kɔmdacce iy kɔmdajɔ tuntɔɔ ሃይለ ቁጥር፤ሐይልአንድ ቁጥር በራሱ ብዙ ጊዜ በመባዛት የሚገኝ ውጤት power (hydro) rɔ. komacce maanɔ የውሀ ሃይልውሃን በመጠቀም የሚገኝ ኃይል( የኤሌክትሪክ) -- Iʼac: elektiriki power plant rɔ. kesse komajun የሃይል ተቋምኃይልን የሚያቀርብ አካል practical mi . yellɛnɛ, dɛshinɛ ተገቢ፣ ተግባራዊሊደረግ፤ሊተገበር የሚገባ



practice rɔ. dhɛmɛsɛt(icɔcɔn) ልምምድአንድን ነገር ለማድረግ በተደጋጋሚ የሚደረግ ተግባር

prayer prayer rɔ. Tuma oʼol, Tuma goyni,Tuma badɛn ፀሎት precipitation rɔ. tumade hak kukuraa የዝናብ አይነት፣ መጠን precise mi . mɛnde tɛp saptenɛɛ, iy suut ጠንቃቃ፣ ጥብቅ፣ ትክክለኛ predator rɔ. kɛggitte nis kɛginyana, amɔ አድኖ የሚኖር አውሬ፥ የሚመገብ predecessor rɔ. kʼendac(kɔmdac) ቀዳማይ

present predominately mi.d . ge kʼenɔ (geeny) የሚበልጡት (አብዛኞዎቹ) preface rɔ. sabbɔ መቅድም prefer ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛɛnuwaa, bɛruwaa, teeluwa ፈለገ፣ መረጠ፣ ወደደ prefix rɔ. dhaallacce sabbuniyɔ ቅድመ ግንድ ቅጥያ pregnant mi . mokacce lɔɔmnɛɛ ነፍሰ ጡር፣ እርጉዝ preposition pregnant rɔ. ɛlide irɔrrɛ molle andukooniy መስተዋድድ prepositional phrase rɔ. lɔʼɔ gamkoonge irɔrrɛ molle andukooniy መስተዋድዳዊ ሀረግ presence rɔ. iyeno ያለ፥ መኖር present mi . ayiyɛɛ, iye አቀረበ



presentation rɔ. penu ajɛn አቀራረብ preservation rɔ. tɛbhɛn, cʼɔllɔ bhangɛn, gala kelle ramatu bhangɛn መጠበቅ፣ ማቆየት፣ ምግብ ለረዥም ጊዜ ማቆየት preserve ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛbhuwaa shɛshshɛk (Iʼajɔ kolkung) በደንብ ጠበቀ (ለምሳሌ ደን) pressure ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛgɛn ግፊት pretty mi . bhushshi ቆንጆ prevalence rɔ. jɔyɛnɛke mɛri, jɔynɛke paltangu,mɛrtinɔdegɛ jɔyɛnɛdɔ በብዛት መገኘት/መኖር ፣ በስፋት መገኘት/መኖር prevent ɛɛ̀l.d. taʼaniyɛ, tɛbhaaboy አስቀረ፥ ተከላከለ፣ አበቀለ preventable mi . ande gakaanɛnɛy gùwa መከላከል የሚቻል

primary colour prevention rɔ. kaan, tɛbhɛn መከላከያ፣ አስቀደሞ መከላከያ preview rɔ. ane kɛdɛshiyɛɛgaa/ane karɛgaa sabbɔ irɔr ከመከናወኑ /ከመታየቱ በፊት ቀድሞ ማሳየት previous mi . de kʼen sabɔɔ, sabbuni, kingun ቀዳሚ፣ ፊተኛ፣ የድሮ price rɔ. wɛcʼɛn ዋጋ prickle 1) rɔ. birinit እሾህ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. priest rɔ. mɛnde iyke kʼɛsocɔ ቄስ primarily mi.d . sabbɔ,kɔnɛsɛdɔdenɛ, ke lele በመሰረቱ፣ በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ primary mi . de sabbuniyɔ, enɛ የመጀመሪያ፣ ዋና primary colour rɔ. ɛtte iyke leliyɔ (tungkʼac/dupac, gɔlɔnyi, gororokac)

primary colour


መነሻ ቀለም (ቢጫ፣ ቀይ፣ ሰማያዊ) prime meridian rɔ. goritte tasiinɔ ibha rɛɛ molɔde lɔngke girinwuciyɔ kɔnɛsɛ zeero digrigiyɔna, marak bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛna, koy wok bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ ከግሪንዊች ወደ ምስራቅ ምእራብ ያለው የሃሳብ መስመር በዜሮ ዲግሪ የሚጀምር primitive mi . bhunde ɔdɛɛ, mɛnde kacʼarayongɔ, ande kingun ኋላ ቀር፣ ያልሰለጠነ፣ የጥንት principle rɔ. ande irɔrrɛ gɔrte dɛshay; goriyoge yellɛnɛ tɛbhɛn dɛshagiyɔ መመሪያ፣ ደንብ፣ መርህ


print print 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. atimiyaaboy አተመ 2) rɔ. attimi ህትመት

prism prism rɔ. pirizimi ፕሪዝም prisoner of war rɔ. mɛnde zoo bogiyo kamanɔɔ የጦር ምርኮኛ private mi . enɛy denɛ የግል፥ የራስ problem rɔ. enget, kici ጥያቄ፣ ችግር proboscis rɔ. tukte kʼɛsojun (shishiyɔng), tukte ngɔrun) የዝንብ አፍ (ጫፍ)፣ ኩምቢ



የዝሆን)፤መምጠጫ ቱብቦ(ለነፍሳት) process 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. ishɔshɔʼaaboy አዘጋጀ፣ ደለደለ 2) rɔ. woyt, dɛshi, sukasɛt,gɔrɔ ሂደት፣ አስራር፣ ዘዴ፥ መንገድ dɛshade ane kusudhɛɛngna dɛshinɛ teekɔ produce ɛɛ̀l.d. humaaboy, dɛshiyaaboy, dɛshina, jɔyaabo አመረተ፣ ሰራ፣ አቀረበ፥ ሰርቶ አገኘ producer rɔ. mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ አመረተ፣ ሰራ፣ አፈለቀ product rɔ. jɔydacce dɛshay ምርት፣ የፋብሪካ ውጤት፣ ስራ፣ ፍሬ angge jɔynɛnɛ pabirkage oo dɛshagede ayaymuwɔ, dɛsha, kabara, amda production rɔ. 1) jɔydac, bhondac ምርት፣ ውጤት 2) anggge jɔynɛnɛ

pronoun pabirkagiyɔ የፋብሪካ ውጤት productive mi . ayyɛɛ hasude bore ምርታማ፣ ለም፣ ጥቅም የሚሰጥ professional 1) rɔ. mɛnde cʼarashɔ/cʼarashi ባለሙያ/ ሙያተኛ 2) mi . program rɔ. ikʼidi, kel እቅድ፥ ጊዜ ga kelle limnɛke dɛshayɔ progress rɔ. alang, irɔrrɛ silɛn cʼua እርምጃ፣ መሻሻል prominent rɔ. gaynɛ እውቅ፣ ብዙ promise ɛɛ̀l.d. wogiyaaboy, ayaa yɛbhɛnboy ቃል ገባ፣ ተስፋ ሰጠ promotion rɔ. silɛn, imɛn, girigiri woyt እድገት፣ ሹመት፣ ማስፋፋት pronoun rɔ. sara ተውላጠ ስም



pronunciation rɔ. zeride ɛliyanun የቃላት የአነባበብ ሁኔታ proofread ɛɛ̀l.d. zeriyɔ ishɔshɔk በማንባብ ማረም proper rɔ. yellɛnɛdɔ suut ተገቢ፣ ትክክለኛ proper fraction rɔ. kipilpayde iyke suutɔ (kipilpayde kɔmdacce iy gande tunteyɔ ga tʼiiniyɔ Iʼac:4/6፣ 3/5፣ 2/7 ህገኛ ክፍልፋይ (በክፍልፋይ ለእላይ ቁጥሩ ከታህታይዩ ሲያንስ ለምሳሌ 4/6፣ 3/5፣ 2/7)ከላይ ያለው ቁጥር ከታች ካለው ቁጥር ሲያንስ proper noun rɔ. rɔngɔge enɛy የተፅዎኦ ስም (የአንድ ሰው የግል መጠሪያ ስም) properly mi.d . 1) muuk ሙሉ በሙሉ 2) shɛshshɛk በአግባቡ፣ በደንብ property rɔ. 1) tok ጠባይ፣ ባህርይ፣ ባህርያት 2) ርስት፣ ንብረት፣ ሃብት

protozoa proportion rɔ. yɛnɛnde angkon oo kon yɛnɛ rɛɛge buytinɔ oo tʼintʼinɔɔ አንድ ነገር ከሌላው ጋር በመጠን ያለው ግንኙነት proportional mi . ga yɛnɛ, al kʼatta የተመጣጠነ፣ እኩል የሆነ proportionally mi.d . yɛnɛ, iy kʼatta እኩል፣ የተመጣጠነ prosperity rɔ. bhaynɛn ብልጽግና protect ɛɛ̀l.d. mɛnde kaanɛɛ መከላከል protection rɔ. kicige tɛbhɛn, kici kaan መከላከያ፣ መጠበቂያ protective mi . mɛnde kaanɛɛ ተከላካይ protein rɔ. protini ፕሮቲን protozoa rɔ. pirotozuwa ፕሮቶዞዋ (ባለ አንድ ህዋስ)



protractor protractor rɔ. pirotiraktɛri ፕሮትራክትር proud mi . ilotkac ኩሩ provide ɛɛ̀l.d. ayaaboy ሰጠ puberty rɔ. 1) ɔrɔɔksɛt አቅመ አዳም፣ አቅመ ሄዋን 2) ngonsɛt public mi . zoon, zoo የህዝብ፣ ህዝብ publish ɛɛ̀l.d. attimiyaaboy አሳተመ pull ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼuriyɛ ጎተተ፣ ነቀለ pulley rɔ. bɛkɛra (mɛzɛwuri) በከራ (መዘውር) pulley pulse rɔ. shini cuynɛɛ የልብ ምት (ትርታ)

put punctuation rɔ. higgide tʼɔgaan ስርዓተ ነጥብ puncture rɔ. tubhunsɛ, potukun የተበሳ፣ ቀዳዳ punish ɛɛ̀l.d. gashaaboy ቀጣ punishment rɔ. lɔct̕ɛn, goshɛn ቅጣት ga balgede koon dɛrdiyɔ goshna eetɔ pupa rɔ. bojac እጭ pupil rɔ. 1) Icɔcɔndac ተማሪ፣ የዓይን ብሌን 2) kabarec wocʼɔ pupil pure mi . bhushshide diʼu teek untɔy ንፁህ purpose rɔ. tasi, hinɛn, penu koon ዓላማ፣ ፍላጎት፣ ጉዳይ push ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛguwa, bhajuwa, pinsiwaa ገፋ፣ ተጫነ፣ ሰደደ put ɛɛ̀l.d. bhangaaboy, alayuwa teek አስቀመጠ፣ አስገባ



put on put on ɛɛ̀l.d. cɛmaaboy, bhulɛsiyɛ


pyramid teek,kisingaaboy(dole ) ለበሰ፣ አጠለቀ፣

pyramid rɔ. piramidi (ande ilanga kingi zukte gisʼi kenyiyɛ jingoy ፕራሚድ (የጥንት ግብፆች ለመቃብር የሚጠቀሙበት)

Qq quadrilateral mi . bona wuc አራት ጎን qualify ɛɛ̀l.d. bhoni ብቁብቃት አለው (ስራው ለመስራት)፣ ወደ ሚቀጥለው የውድድር ዙር አለፈ (በስፖርት) komaccenɛ iye(kɛdɛshi dɛsha kooni uwadɔ) qualitative mi . ga kamkami የተሻለ፥ ተመራጭ፤አይነታዊጥራትን ማዕከል ያደረገ

quality 1) rɔ. ga shɛɛʼi, uwɛn ጥራት ያለው፣ ችሎታ 2) mi . uwɛn, bharungɛn ችሎታ፣ አይነት፣ ተመራጭነት quantitative mi . iyɛnde aan(irɔrrɛ mɔʼɔnyjin ramatin buytin tʼintʼin mɛrtin oo mict̕iktin) መጠናዊመተንን ማዕከል ያደረገ quantity mi . mɛrtin መጠን፥ ብዛት



quarter quarter rɔ. wujjiyey ሩብ፥ quarter አራተኛ after quarter after rɔ. oo wujjey ከሩብ quarter to rɔ. ngappa እሩብ ጉዳይ quarter to queen rɔ. jɔnde sisoon ንግስት question rɔ. enget ጥያቄ question mark rɔ. milikitide engedun የጥያቄ ምልክት (?)

quotient quickly mi.d . woshi በፍጥነት quiet mi.d . iy kucukucu ፀጥ ያለ quill rɔ. kɔsecce ramatuwɔ ረጅም ላባ፣ የመቃ ብእር (ለመፃፊያ፣ ለመቀቢያ) quintal rɔ. kuntali ኩንታል quotation rɔ. siyɛnyɛ ትምህርተ ጥቅስሀሳብ ወይም ንግግር ከሌላ ሰው ወይም ጽሁፍ መወሰዱን ለማመልከት የሚያገለግል ምልክት ነው balgede gadha taside mɛnde ayayɔna, gɔɛ̀ɔnɔ gibhang milikitegede iyke siyɛnyɛɛ(“...ʼʼ) quotient rɔ. dirgac ድርሻአንድ ቁጥር በሌላ ቁጥር ተካፍሎ የሚገኝ ውጤት




Rr rabbit rɔ. kele ጥንቸል race rɔ. bagitʼi (madɛn rabbit sigirɔge jorɛdɔ) ውድድር (ለምሳሌ የፈረስ እሽቅድድም)

race racket rɔ. ande zoo hakɛ kɔɔside tenisiyɔɔ (bulangunɔ) የቴኒስ ኳስ መምቻ (መጫወቻ) radiation rɔ. jaarage susonɔ ጨረር radio rɔ. radiyo ሬዲዮ radius rɔ. radiyɛsi ራዲዬስ goritte ibha darmanɔde kibbiyɔna,

wɔcʼi yɔngɔ keenakɔ railway rɔ. gɔrte baburuy radio የባቡር መስመር፥ ሃዲድ rain rɔ. 1) tuma ዝናብ 2) gut rainfall rɔ. tumde hakɔ buytin የዘነበ ዝናብ መጠን፣ rainforest rɔ. kolkungde jɔynɛ bhunde tuma hakɛ kɔp kɔpɔy ዝናብ በሚበዛበት አካባቢ የሚገኝ ደን raise ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) ibhaa kɔɔk, imaaboy, kʼamiyaaboy, dhaaliyɛ አስነሳ፣ አቆመ፣ አረባ፣ ጨመረ 2) ogoyaaboy, dhaaliyɛ(kʼamiyaaboy) , itatayaaboy አረባ፣ ጨመረ፣ (አስአደገ)



rake rɔ. salec ቅጠል range rɔ. kɔnɛ- wɔcʼi, rɛni, kʼumec ከ-እስከ፣ ርቀት፣ ገደብ rank rɔ. maʼirɛgi ማእረግ፣ ደረጃ መስጠት rapid 1) mi . tirisi ፈጣን 2) rɔ. maage bungkʼuliyɔ ፈረሰኛ ውሃ rare mi.d . kɔmɔnit, ayay, ungngojɔ ungngojɔ እንግዳ፣ ልዩ፣ አልፎ አልፎ rat rɔ. kungkulɔ አይጥ rate 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. wɔcʼɛn ዋጋ 2) rɔ. kʼopi, yng ajɛn (100%) ገመተ፣ ደረጃ ሰጠ (100%) rather than mi.d . ane kiyga ke dɔngɔɔ ከዚያ ይልቅ rating rɔ. yɔngɔdenɛ ibhang, hubba hubba bhangɛn በደረጃ ማስቀመጥ፣ መመደብ ratio rɔ. ililisɛn ተመዛዛኝነት፤ንጽጽር

reaction rational mi . nɛbhay (ibhinɛnɛ nɛbhage) ምክንያታዊ (በምክንያት ላይ የተመሰረተ) rational number rɔ. kɔmdacce ibhangnɛ kiy kipilpaygey uwaa በክፍልፋይ መልክ ሊገለፅ የሚችል ማንኛውም ቁጥር raw mi . caʼi, ane kekongɔ ጥሬ፣ ያልተቀቀለ፣ ያልበሰለ

ray ray rɔ. goritte koy dac sabakɔ ጨረርመነሻ ነጥብ ያለው መድረሻ ግን ለሌለው ቀጥታ መስመር የሚሰጥ ስያሜ ga goritte bhunde ibhɛnɛ rɛɛ iyena, kʼumeccenɛ untɔɔ zeridenɛ reach ɛɛ̀l.d. dhuluaa ደረሰ reaction rɔ. 1) yɛʼɛsɛnde



hinɛnukoonɔ, yɛʼɛsɛnde dɛshay የስሜት መልስ፣ የድርጊት ምላሽ 2) የአንድ ሂደት የሚያስከትለው ሁኔታ (አፀፋ) read ɛɛ̀l.d. zeri masʼapi አነበበ realistic read mi . mɛnde tasiy, mɛnde iyke suuti አስተዋይ፣ ትክክለኛ realize ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy, takaaboy, pɔsaaboy ተገነዘበ፣ ተረዳ፣ ፈፀመ rear 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) ogoy(ogoyaaboy) ማርባት (አረባ) 2) itatay rear 2 rɔ. ribhi ጀርባ receive ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼuriyɛɛ, dhana, ɛlɛlliyɛɛboy, dhulɛsiyɛɛ ሳበ፣ ተቀብሎ አነጋገረ፣ ደረሰው receiver rɔ. mɛnde dhaa, dha silki, mɛnde

recruit dha waratide lɔʼunɔɔ ተቀባይ፣ የስልክ ፥ የደብዳቤ ተቀባይ recent, recently mi . iyɛre metta teek በቅርብ ጊዜ reciprocal mi . bhɔdinɛ የተገላቢጦሽ recognition rɔ. gayɛn zooy jɔɔn እውቅና ማግኘት recognizable mi . 1) ga gaynɛ, kɛjinɛ የሚታወቅ፣ የሚለይ 2) zoo gaydɔ recognize ɛɛ̀l.d. takaaboy, kɛcaaboy አወቀ፣ ለየ record 1 rɔ. tudac ታሪክ record 2 ɛɛ̀l.d. kojɛn (Iʼac:gule, moyok kojɛn) መቅዳት (ለምሳሌ ሙዚቃ፣ ድምፅ) recreation rɔ. woytte zoo wowoyna, ac rɛɛdgɛ wɔngɛnɔ oomu oyɛ sabigegɛɛ መዝናናት recruit rɔ. mɛnde iykeabalide

recruit hubbaukooniyɔ የአንድ ቡድን አባል የሆነ ሰው

rectangle rectangle rɔ. rektanggili (de bonagenyɛ ga wucna, al dacɔ) ሬክታንግል (አራት ቀጥተኛ ጎኖች/ ማእዘኖች ያሉት ቅርፅ) rectangular rɔ. de iyke rektanggiliyɔ ሬክታንግላዊ የሆነ rectum rɔ. bunac teek bhunde joc kunɛ wadakɔ ፊንጢጣ red mi . gɔlɔngi ቀይ reduce ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa ke tʼiini, indiwa ke tʼiini ቀነሰ፣ ዝቅ አደረገ refer ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛɛ, dhɔlaaboy, ingkaruwana, zoo


reforestation kargiduga አቀረበ፣ ጠቀሰ፣ እንዲታይ መራ referee rɔ. Mɛnde iyke daynyade isportiyɔ (Iʼac: bulangde kɔɔsiude jarjunɔ የስፖርት ዳኛ (ለምሳሌ የእግር ኳስ ጨዋታ) reference point rɔ. kʼumecce dhɔlagec bhut koonɔ ሁኔታውን የሚያሳይ አመልካች refinery rɔ. molle /kesse tigiinɔ(nɛdajiy) (workʼiy) ማጣሪያ reflect ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔriyɛ, bhaduwa አሳየ፣ ተንፀባረቀ reflection rɔ. bhadɛn ነፀብራቅ reflex rɔ. anggilide kusinɛde iy 180 oo 360 keenagey ጥምዝ አንግል ወይም ሪፍለክስ አንግል (1800 እና በ 3600 መካከል ያለ) reforestation rɔ. bhorede gɛsaboyɔ



kɛney oo Kolkungɔ) ulup በደን አካባቢን መልሶ ማልበስ refrigerator rɔ. piriji (indi a katke cʼullugiy) ፍሪጅ (ማቀዝቀዣ) regain ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔyaa ct̕ua; indiwaa kɛɛma አስመለሰ፣ መልሶ አገኘ region rɔ. kilili ክልል regional mi . kililiy ክልላዊ regulate ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛbhaaboy, moyaaboy ጠበቀ፣ ተቆጣጠረ reign rɔ. bizingsɛt, talɛn ንግስና፣ አገዛዝ relate ɛɛ̀l.d. ititinuwa katke gaynɛ, indiwaa kiʼackiyɛboy አዛመደ፣ አመሳሰለነገሮችን ማዛመድ፤ ማመሳሰል related mi . ga gaynɛ, ititinsɛ የተዛመደ፣ የተገናኘየሚገናኝ፤ የሚዛመድ

release relation rɔ. ororrɛn, gaynɛn ግንኙነት፣ ዝምድና relationship rɔ. gaynɛn, orrɛn ዝምድና፣ ግንኙነት relative 1) rɔ. gaynɛ (gaynɛnde jɔynɛnɛ nɛbhey untɔy gamɛdɔ/ngesɛdɔɔ) ዘመድ (በደም ወይም በጋብቻ) 2) mi . የተዛመደ፣ የሚነፃፀር /የሚወዳደር relatively mi . ilɔlɔnynyɛɛ, hayke gaynɛɛ, orrɛɛ ሲነፃፀር፣ ሲዛመድ፣ ሲገናኝ relax ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔynɛ, cancinɛ የተፍታታ፥ የተዘረጋ relaxation rɔ. indiuwaa ke wɔkɔkɔli, ɔʼaa hɛnynyɛboy አላላ፣ አፍታታ relay race rɔ. bagitʼide zoo ɔngɔngɔn kɛdɔ የዱላ ቅብብሎሽ ውድድር release ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔysiyɛɛ, ɔʼaaboy ለቀቀ፣ ፈታ



reliable mi . mɛnde yɛbhinɛ, shɛɛʼi, ɛli maante sɔ የታመነ፣ ታማኝ፣ ሃቀኛ relic rɔ. 1) ande zoo gayeccɔ ቅርስ 2) relief rɔ. wɔngɔn ፋታ፣ እረፍትውጥረት ከሞላበት ነገር ፈታ ማለት መቻል relieve ɛɛ̀l.d. indiuwaa ke sholsholi, ayaa mirɛnboy, erngesaaboy አቃለለ፣ አስታገሰ፣ ረዳውጥረትን ህመምን ማስታገስ መቻል religion rɔ. yɛbhɛn ሀይማኖት remainder rɔ. cʼurtac, ɔdinɛndac ቀሪ remains rɔ. rɛɛde ɔdinɛɛ, rɛde mɛnde rɛsɔ, puncit ቅሪተ አካል፣ ሬሳ፣ ፍርስራሽ remember ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy አስታወሰ reminisce ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛliuwaa tasiyɔ በማስተዋል ተናገረ remote mi . rɛnak ሩቅ

represent removal 1) rɔ. ogiyɛ liyok አስወገደ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ibhɛn liyok መነሳት remove ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) indiuwaa kɔysɛ, pinsiuwaa, indiuwaake mɔʼɔnyi አስለቀቀ፣ አስወጣ፣ ቀነሰ፣ 2) bhuguwaa liyok, bhutaaboy አስወገደ፣ ነቀለ renewable mi . ande a pɔsinɛɛ zoo yɛʼana, indi kokke caʼi cʼuana, uwa ሊተካ፣ ሊታደስ የሚችል ነገር repeat ɛɛ̀l.d. dhaliyɛɛ ደገመእንደገና ማለት፤ማድረግ repeatedly mi.d . cʼɔllɔ, kɔpkɔp በተደጋጋሚ፥ በተከታታይደግሞ ደጋግሞ ማድረግ ፤ያለ ማቋረጥ replace ɛɛ̀l.d. tacʼɛsiyɛ jarjak ተካቀድሞ የነበረን ነገር በሌላ ነገር መቀየር represent ɛɛ̀l.d. bhanguwaa jareccenɛna, nen



yɛmaa way kɛdɛshiyɛga ወከለ representation rɔ. jarjak tacʼɛsɛn ውክልናአንድ አካል የተወሰነ ተግባር እንዲፈጽም በሌላ አካል ሃላፊነት መስጠት ga bhunde mɛnde ingkarrɛɛ koon ngcɔ tac mɛnde gayke kiyɔngɔy uwa dɛshaa koon jareccenɛna yɛmaa way dsɛhinɛna simnɔ representative mi . mɛnde tacʼinɛ jarjdkɔ ተወካይ reproduce ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) kocaaboy (tudaace kɔnnɛ waratigiyɔ, taarec), debisi ቀዳ(ፅሁፉን፣ ስእሉን)፥ ማባዛት፥ 2) አሳየ፣ ቀዳ፣ ረባ reproduction rɔ. rɔʼɔsɛt, kʼami መውለድ፣ መርባት reproductive organ rɔ. rɛɛ bhunde zoo

reservoir kʼɛginɛnɛ ብልት፣ መራቢያ አካላት reproductive system rɔ. gɔrɔde zoo kʼɛginɛnɛna, dibisɛ baagiyɔ የመራቢያ መንገድ /ስርአት reptile rɔ. kʼɛktage isok bhogjɔna, ane alalngi በደረት የሚሳቡና የሚራመዱ ፍጡራን request ɛɛ̀l.d. enget መጠየቅ require ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛɛnuwa ፈለገ፣ ፈጀ፣ ጠየቀ reread ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛmɛsɛdɔ zeri መልሶ ማንበብ research ɛɛ̀l.d. gayɛn, moy ጥናት፣ ምርመራ reserve ɛɛ̀l.d. pertiyaaboy, shɔʼaaboy, bhangaaboy ቆጠበ፣ ያዘ፣ አስቀመጠ reservoir rɔ. bhunde maa dhukenɛnɛɛ, bhunde maa gabiyɛɛ ምንጭ፣ የውሃ ማጠራቀሚያ



residue rɔ. hatala, zigac ዝቃጭ፣ አተላ resist ɛɛ̀l.d. taʼaniyɛ አገደ፣ ተቋቋመ resolution rɔ. taside iyke zibuti መፍትሄ፣ ቁርጥ ሃሳብ፣ ውሳኔ resource rɔ. tomogit ሀብት respect rɔ. buytin, buytin ajɛn ክብር፣ አክብሮት respiration rɔ. wɔdhɔng አተነፋፈስ፣ ትንፈሳ responsibility rɔ. bhunde yellɛnɛ tɛbhɛni ኃላፊነት፥ ግዴታ responsible mi . mɛnde shɛɛʼide zoo yɛbhi እምነት የሚጣልበት፣ ታማኝ rest rɔ. wɔngɛn እረፍት restaurant rɔ. kesse galay ምግብ ቤት resting under shadow ɛɛ̀l.d. rishidɔ wɔngɛn ጥላ ስር ማረፍ ris

revolution result rɔ. wutʼtʼeti ውጤት resultant force rɔ. komacce yɛmun መላሽ ሃይል retain ɛɛ̀l.d. shɔʼaaboy, tasiyaaboy ያዘ፣ አስታወሰ retell ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛɛsɛdɔ ɛli መልሶ መናገር retention rɔ. shɔ‘ɛn, tɛdɛn መያዝ፣ መቋጠር retire ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔysiyɛ, oguwaa tʼuratay ለቀቀ፣ ጡረታ ወጣ retirement rɔ. mɛnde iy tʼuratagiyɔ ጡረተኛ reverse rɔ. shishiynɛɛn, kɛngɔ oo ribhi ተቃራኒ፣ ሆድና ጀርባ revise ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛmɛsɛn , gunyna, moydɔ ከለሰ፣ ዞሮ ማየት revolution rɔ. 1) woyt (anat), kudhen ዙረት (መሽከርከር)፣ አብዮት 2) tact̕ɛn ዙረት፣ ለውጥ



right angle

reward rɔ. shilimati ሽልማት ga ajɛnde badunɔ

rhino rhino rɔ. awurarisi አውራሪስ rhyme rɔ. moyok ibhɛn የዜማ አወራረድ rib rɔ. robhonc (giʼage al bhogujɔɔ) ጎድን (የደረት rib አጥንት) rib cage rɔ. bonde rɛɛunde iy bhogujɔ teekna, shɔk giʼecce robhonjunɔyu የጎድን አጥንትን የያዘው የደረት ክፍል rice rɔ. ruzi ሩዝ rich rɔ. bhaynɛ ሀብታም

rice richest mi . mɛnde bhaynɛ, mɛnde tomogun በጣም ሀብታም፥ ባለ ፀጋ ride ɛɛ̀l.d. pinsi sigirɔ ጋለበ፣ ተጓዘ rift rɔ. bhɛllac (bhɛllɛ) ስንጥቅ (የተሰነጠቀ) right 1) mi . suut, ɛli maante ትክክል፣ ልከኛ 2) rɔ. መብት right (on the) dhɔ.d . sitte sew ወደ ቀኝ

right angle right angle rɔ. anggilide kɔmnɛ


right angle digiriyo (90) ማእዘናዊ አንግል (900) ring rɔ. kʼarjumac ቀለበትክብ ነገር ሆኖ በጣት ላይ የሚደረግ ( ለጌጥ፤ ለጋብቻ) ring ripe mi . egisi የበሰለ ripple rɔ. wucucukide tʼiinide maan ትንሽ ሞገድ risk rɔ. ande kunɛ kicina, uwa አደጋ ሊያመጣ የሚችል ነገር rival mi . bagiitʼidac, yɛngkʼidac ተወዳዳሪ ተቀናቃኝ፣ ተፎካካሪ፣ ተጋጣሚ river rɔ. yet ወንዝ road rɔ. gɔrɔ መንገድ roast ɛɛ̀l.d.


root word ɔɔsaaboy (Iʼac: acuk) ጠበሰ (ለምሳሌ ስጋ) robbery rɔ. bogi, manyɛn ዝርፊያ፣ ቅሚያ፣ ንጥቂያ rock hewn mi . haultide dɛshinɛ bɛtɔgiyɔ በድንጋይ የተሰራ ሀውልትከድንጋይ ተፈልፍሎ የሚሰራ ሀውልት role rɔ. dɛshade ayay ሚና፣ ልዩ ተግባር roll rɔ. teek ጥልቅ

roof roof rɔ. uptac ጣሪያ room rɔ. kipili ክፍል root rɔ. 1) bhunde dhoyɛnɛɛ, lele ምንጭ፣ መነሻ 2) jarut ስር፣ መነሻ root word rɔ. ɛlide iyke enɛɛ ዋና ቃልያለ ቅጥያ ቃል ራሱን ችሎ የሚገኝ ቃል



rotate rotate ɛɛ̀l.d. shikshikriyɛɛ ተሽከረከረ rotation rɔ. ande shikirinɛ ሽክርክሪት rough mi . kakaru, kʼɔrjɔngkʼɔrjɔng (gɔrɔ), ane kʼarayjɔ karakɛɛng(kɛdɔ) ሻካራ፣ ኮረኮንች (ለመንገድ)፣ ያልተላገ (ለእንጨት) round rɔ. anant ዙርክብ፤ ቀለበት መሳይ kibbi: ande iʼac ganggireyde ike ikɔ kt̕arjumaci round off ɛɛ̀l.d. isoʼiyɛɛ አጠጋጋ route rɔ. gɔrɔ መንገድ row 1) rɔ. zirma, isidhinɛ kal dhodhoyɔ መደዳ፣ ረድፍ፣ ተርታ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. jɔkɔkyna, koydɔ

ruler (gonggulle koy yedɔɔ) ቀዘፈ (ጀልባ) rub mi . wutaaby, shushuʼaaboy, bhushaaboy, indiuwaake mɔdhdhɔsi ወለወለ፣ አሸ፣ ላጠ፥ አለሰለስ rubber rɔ. 1) lastiki ላስቲክ 2) labhbhisi ላጲስ፣ ላስቲክ rubbish rɔ. dira, siraace wudinɛnɛɛ ቆሻሻ፣ ጥራጊ rubbish collector rɔ. mɛnde dɛshadenɛga wudɛnɔ የፅዳት ሰራተኛ rude mi . kanuwa, hagulu, kasara ባለጌ rule rɔ. higgi, dambbi, talɛn ህግ፣ ደንብ፣ አገዛዝ

ruler ruler rɔ. masimɛriya ማስመሪያከፕላስቲክ ወይም



ከእንጨት የተሰራ ሲሆን ቀጥተኛ መስመር ለማስመርና ለመለካት ያገለግላል ga ande kɛdɔge oo lastikigemu dɛshinɛnɛna, uwana, gishɔshɔʼɛ goritte iy waratigiyɔ oomu gamakiyɛ ramatinde iy

safety iy waratigiyɔna, guwadɔ run ɛɛ̀l.d. jordɔ, baggitʼi ሮጠ፣ ተወዳደረ run off rɔ. kun bak dac እየተንቆረቆረ ወረደ rural rɔ. gɛtʼɛri ገጠር rust rɔ. sɛrtacce tomogidon ዝገት

Ss sac rɔ. kʼabas ቀረጢት መሰል የእንስሳት/የተክል አካል

sack sack rɔ. akʼumada አቁማዳ፤ጆኒያበተለይ ከቃጫ የሚሰራ ሲሆን እህል ለማስቀመጥ የሚያገለግል ነው ga ande iʼac

kʼabasna dɛshinɛnɛ golaay sad mi . ande ajinɛ tasiy, ande ajinɛ wɔnɛsɛni አሳዛኝ safe mi . shɛʼi, tɛp saptenɛ, yɛbhinɛ ደህና፣ ጥንቁቅ፣ አስተማማኝአደጋ ሊያደርስ ከሚችል ነገር የተከለለ፤ የተጠበቀ safety 1) rɔ. shɛtin ደህንነትአደጋ፤ ጉዳት ሊያደርስ ከሚችል ሁኔታ የተከለለ ፤የተጠበቀ 2) mi .



salamander salamander rɔ. zarade bhelliriy የእንሽለሊት ዓይነት saliva rɔ. madhak ምራቅ salon rɔ. molle paltangu ሰፊ ቦታ salt rɔ. jogɔi ጨው same mi . yɛnɛyɛnɛ ተመሳሳይ sample rɔ. tortac, kʼuptac ናሙናየአንድ ነገር አካል ሲሆን እሱን በመውሰድ የተቀረው ክፍል ምን እንደሚመስል ለማሳየት የሚጠቅም ነገር ነው sand rɔ. shega አሽዋ


scale sandal rɔ. caage ngamɔ ነጠላ ጫማ፤ዳስ ጫማ sanitation rɔ. sheshi ፅዳት፣ ንፅህና satellite rɔ. satalayti/mɛngkorako ride zoo dɛshiyo sidɔgiyɔ ሳተላይት /ሰው ሰራሽ መንኮራኩርመሬትን ወይም ሌላ ፕላኔትን የሚዞር ሰው ሰራሽ መንኩራኩር ሲሆን መረጃ ለመሰብሰብና ለግንኙነት አገልግሎት ይሰጣል saturate ɛɛ̀l.d. indiuwake lɔtʼɔgu, umujushaaboy, cʼurbukaaboy አረጠበ፣ አበሰበሰ፣ አራሰ Saturday rɔ. kʼendac ቅዳሜ save ɛɛ̀l.d. bhangaaboy, dhasaaboy አስቀመጠ፣ አጠራቀመ፣ አደነ say ɛɛ̀l.d. sewaa አለ scale rɔ. 1) sayde kʼajojude yedu የአሳ ቆዳ 2) sayde orudon

scale (in drawi...


scale (in drawing) rɔ. kɔmdage orrɛ kartagey (dɛshadegɛmuga ramatin maki oo dhidhing ililis) ካርታ ላይ የሚታይ ቁጥር (ለመለካትና ለመመዘን የሚያገለግል ምልክት) scale (weight) rɔ. ande zoo makiyɛ dhidhingi (mizzani) ክብደትን ለመለካት scale የሚጠቅም መሳሪያ (ሚዛን) scalene rɔ. bonasizzide anggiliyo ge ayayayay sizzi al teeki የተለያዩ ሶስት አንግል ያላችው ሶስት ጎኖች scan ɛɛ̀l.d. ngɔngɔn kabarecna, moydɔ በዓይኑ ቃኘ scar 1) rɔ. mudur 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. gazzaa limɛn ሰውነት መተልተል፣

scissors ውቅራት፣ መጠበስ (ለሰውነት) scarce mi . kasu, uguwaa dhook ብርቅ፣ የጠፋ scarcity rɔ. untan እጥረት scatter ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛruwaa, sacʼuwaa, kiskisuwaa በተነ፣ በታተነ፣ ነሰነሰ scene rɔ. mol ቦታ፣ ስፍራ፣ ሁኔታ scenery rɔ. angge gagayɛ bhoyɔ የስሜት ህዋሳት

school school rɔ. kesse icɔcɔnun ትምህርት ቤት science fiction rɔ. tasi kɔnɛn ልቦለድ scientific mi . saynsiy, mettanun ሳይንሳዊ፥ ዘመናዊ scissors rɔ. maʼasi መቀስ



scissors score rɔ. nɛtʼibi, wutʼtʼeti, teek hakɛn(Iʼac:kɔɔside jarjunɔ) ነጥብ፣ ውጤት፣ ግብ (ለምሳሌ የእግርኳስ) scoreboard rɔ. sɛledade gɔɔnɛ wutʼtʼetiyɔ(balgede zoo bagitʼinɛ kɔɔsigede kantarayayɔ oode gibduyɔɔ) የውጤት መፃፊያ ሰሌዳ(በቅርጫት ኳስ፣ በመረብ ኳስ ውድድሮች ወቅት) scorekeeper rɔ. mɛnde moy wutʼtʼetiyɔ የውጤት ተቆጣጣሪ scratch ɛɛ̀l.d. bhuruccɔ, bhɔrɔsidɔ,kʼɔrɔydɔ, yiirdɔ ፋቀ፣ ቧጠጠ፣ አከከ screen 1) rɔ. ande kaykiin, kʼɔsa ማግለያ፣

secondary colou... ወንፊት 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ጋረደ፥ ሸፈነ 3) ɛɛ̀l.d. screw rɔ. ande oyun መፍቻ sculpture rɔ. ande zoo gayecɔ (hawulti ooge ayaymu) ቅርፅ (የሃውልትና የመሳሰሉት) sea rɔ. tumu ባህር season rɔ. kel ወቅት seasonal mi . kelun ወቅታዊ second rɔ. ramangaey ሁለተኛ second person rɔ. gaynɛde iyke ramangɔ ሁለተኛ መደብሁለተኛ መደብ ማለት ሰዎች በሚናገሩበት ወቅት አንተ ፤አንቺ እያሉ የሚጠሩት ነው gade balgede zoo ɛliyɔ seʻʻinyu ʻʻ hɛnyɛna, ɛliyɛɛ second/sec rɔ. sokondi ሴኮንድ secondary colour rɔ. ande jɔynɛ ɛdɔde iyke

secondary colou...


leliyɔy በመነሻ ቀለሞች የሚገኝ secretary rɔ. mɛnde kɔn waratiyɔ ጸሓፊ secrete ɛɛ̀l.d. dheba kugo ማመንጨት sector rɔ. gɔrɔde zoo zarakoon jɔyɛnɛ tomokɔ (ikonomi/gitʼi የአንድ ህብረተሰብ /ኢኮኖሚ ዘርፍ (የንግድ ዘርፍ) security rɔ. kucukucu, baudin, kicige tɛbhɛn ፀጥታ፣ ደህንነት፣ ጥበቃ፣ ዋስትና sedentary rɔ. mɛnde yel cemɛnɔ, kenyjinɛna, rɛmɛsɔ መቀመጥ የሚያበዛ፣ ሰፍሮ የሚኖር see ɛɛ̀l.d. araaboy አየ

seed seed rɔ. duʼut ዘር

semi-arid seedling ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) kɛdɔ debut, debut imɛn seedling ችግኝ፤ማብቀል 2) debut imɛn segment rɔ. bhɛllac ጉማጅ self rɔ. saptenɛ, saptiyany ራስ፣ ራሴ selfish mi . mɛnde yel sabɔdenɛ sɔɔ ራስ ወዳድ self-sufficient mi . mɛnde uwayaaw saptenɛboyɔ ራሱን የቻለ sell ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) tal wadak ሸጠ 2) semi-arid rɔ. bonkonga rɔmɔsi በከፊል ደረቅ



semi-circle semi-circle rɔ. kibbi bongkoon (ke muuk kiyongɔ) ግማሽ ክብ (ሙሉክብ ያልሆነ) send ɛɛ̀l.d. iisuwa ላከ sensation rɔ. gaynɛde kondomiy ሰንሴሽን ኮንደም sense rɔ. hinɛn, hitʼinacce tʼinɔ ስሜት፣ ህዋስ sentence rɔ. lɔʼec ዐረፍተ ነገር sentence structure rɔ. lɔʼec dɛshi የአረፍተ ነገር አወቃቀር separate 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛyaaboy, kɛckɛcaaboy ለየ 2) mi . የተለየ September rɔ. kɛllac መስከረም

setsquare sequence rɔ. dhodhoyɔ, zirma ተከታታይነት፣ ተራ (ወረፋ) series rɔ. ande iy dhodhoyɔna, ga yɛnɛyɛnɛ ተከታታይና ተመሳሳይ ነገር serious mi . 1) miri, shurrɛ, ajinɛ tasiy ትጉህ፣ ኮስታራ፣ አሳሳቢ 2) አንገብጋቢ፣ አሳሳቢ፣ አስጊ፣ ከባድ serve ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyɛsiyɛɛ አገለገለ service rɔ. dɛshiyɛsɛn, bhonɛsɛn አገልግሎት መስጠት፣ ጥቅም set 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) dɛshiwaa tudacce buytinonna,irɔriyɛɛ 2) irɔriyɛɛ tudac ክብረወሰን አስመዘገበ set 2 rɔ. angge yɛnɛyɛɛ muut ስብስብ setsquare rɔ. setiskuweri ሴትስኩዌር 90 ድገሪ፤45 ድ ግሪ ፤60 ድግሪ



መስመሮችን ለመሳል የሚያገለግል ande gibhɛ triyangilide gorittenɛ anggili kɔmnɛ digiyo 90, 45, 60. setting rɔ. minen oo hide መቼት፤የመነሻ ቦታበድርሰት ፤በፊልም ላይ የአንድ ነገር መከሰቻ ስፍራና ጊዜ tudajɔde kɔnnɛ waratigiyɔ, oo pilmige teekga molle bhut koon bhonɛɛ settlement rɔ. 1) bhorede gɛrɛmɛsɛɛ የምንኖርበት አካባቢ 2) kesi girigiri kenyji, rɛmɛsɛt አሰፋፈር፥ አኗኗር 3) መስፈሪያ ቦታ seven rɔ. issabɔ ሰባት seventeen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo issabɔ አስራ ሰባት seventh mi . issabɔy ሰባተኛ seventy rɔ. jaar issabɔ ሰባ several mi . mɛri ብዙ

shadow severe mi . komajun, dhidhingi ሐይለኛ፣ ከባድ

sew sew ɛɛ̀l.d. cɛkaaboy ሰፋማያያዝ፤ መጠገን sewage rɔ. gɔrɔde maage diʼuyɔ/oonynyɛnɛɛ ngesɔ ቆሻሻ ውሃ/ እጣቢ ነገር የሚተላለፍበት sewage plant rɔ. kesse koyɛ diʼu, dira liyokɔ የቆሻሻ ማስወገጃ ተቋም shade ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) rishiut, indiuwake kɔrɔy(Iʼac: shiniyɔ) ጥላ፣ አጠቆረ (ለምሳሌ በመቀባት) 2) ከለለ፣ አጠላ (ለምሳሌ በመቀባት) shadow rɔ. rishit ጥላ



shadow shaft rɔ. zanggi, tumade dhodhoyɔ, tumade bhatɔ ዘንግ፣ ነጎድጓድ፣ ብልጭታ shake ɛɛ̀l.d. wucucukiuwaa, dɛgiyɛɛ አወዛወዘ፣ አንቀጠቀጠ shall ɛɛ̀l.d. erngeskacce ɛliude dɛshayde irɔrrɛ bhunde iyca sabakɔɔ የወደፊቱን መግለጫ ረዳት ግስ shape rɔ. rɛɛde aan ቅርጽ share rɔ. dirgac, aksiyoni ድርሻ፣ አክሲዎንበብዙ ሰዎች መካከል ሊከፋፈል የሚችል መጠን ande zooyge mɛri keenage mu ngarsinɛna uwaa

shell sharp mi . lɛshi, ibhajinɛ, iy cʼupcʼup ስል፣ የሾለ፣ ሹል she sa. nen እሷ(siʻidon) shed 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛgɛn, ande itacʼunɔ, ɛrɛn መግፈፍ፣ መጠለያ shed 2 rɔ. ande kenyjinɛ bhutte basilidonna, biyo itacʼi መጠለያ፤ከለላ፤ጥላ sheep rɔ. zungkʼu በግ sheet (paper) rɔ. warati ወረቀት sheet shelf rɔ. (paper) karade isidhun መደርደሪያ

shelf shell rɔ. 1) orkac ቅርፊት 2) tʼiitide mɛdipiy,



zagoli ቅርፊት፣ የመድፍ ጥይት፣ ዛጎል shellac rɔ. ande zoo ishɔshɔʼɛ zeeytide kɛdnunɔɔ የእንጨት ዘይት ማዘጋጃ shelter rɔ. kes መጠለያ shift ɛɛ̀l.d. tacʼaaboy, kʼeniyɛɛ ለወጠ፥ ኣሳለፈ፥ ኣላከከ shine ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) se sɔlɔsɔlɔk ማብለጭለጭ 2) wutaaboy, oyaaboy (kangayu) ወለወለ፣ ጠረገ፣ አበራ (አብረቀረቀ) shiny mi . suson, ande kʼagi ፀሃያማ፣ የሚያብረቀርቅ

ship (boat) ship rɔ. mɛrkɛbi, gonggulle borede koy tumugiyɔ መርከብ፤ጀልባ

shop assistant shipping rɔ. mɛrkɛbige, gonggulɔ aa cɔdhɛn በመርከብ እቃዎችን ማጓጓዝ shirt rɔ. shaula ሸሚዝ shock 1) rɔ. ganggi 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. shini bhɛlsɛn ደነገጠ

shoe shoe rɔ. caa ጫማ shoeshine boy rɔ. mɛnde wuk caa ሊስትሮ shoot 1 ɛɛ̀l.d. ejaaboy, sewaa, piric (Iʼac: mɛngkorakori) ተኮሰ፣ ወረወረ፣ መጠቀ (ለምሳሌ መንኮራኩር) shoot 2 rɔ. kɛdɔ nyigecce iyke dumdumitɔ ለጋ ቅርንጫፍ shop rɔ. suukʼi ሱቅ shop assistant rɔ. erngeskacce mɛnde

shop assistant tallɛ suukʼigiyɔ የሱቅ ሻጭ ረዳት shop keeper rɔ. enɛde suukʼiy ባለ ሱቅ shore rɔ. darica (boyode iy maay darmanɔy) ዳርቻ (በውሃ shore ዳር የሚገኝ መሬት) short mi . mɔʼɔnyi አጭር short hand rɔ. sukasɛtte zoo kɔnɛ ɛli koon mɔʼɔnyak wartigiyɔ በማሳጠር በፍጥነት የመፃፊያ ዘዴ short story rɔ. tudacce kɔnnɛ mɔʼɔnyak wartigiyɔ አጭር ልበ ወለድ shortage rɔ. kasu, tʼintʼin እጥረት፣ ማነስ shortest mi . mɔʼɔnyi pɔs በጣም አጭር፥ ዱካክ shout ɛɛ̀l.d. kuttɔ ጮኽ


sickle show ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔriyɛɛ, ɛliuwaa አሳየ፣ አስረዳ፣ ገለፀ shrub rɔ. 1) tʼorogit, toburde ginycʼayɔ ቁጥቋጦ 2) habhayde iyke pishaa shun ɛɛ̀l.d. suson, sɔlɔksɔlɔk ፀሃያማ፣ የሚያብረቀርቅ shut ɛɛ̀l.d. nyɛkaaboy, mudhaaboy ዘጋ፣ ጨፈነ

sick sick mi . mɛnde ilaʼasɔ በሽተኛ sickle rɔ. macʼiti ማጭድአጥር መያዢያ ያለው ግምሽ ክብ ሆኖ ሳር ለማጨድ አገዳ ለመቁረጥ sickle ያገለግላል

side (geometry)


side (geometry) rɔ. bon ጎን፣ ገፅ side effect rɔ. bhunkoon, kici ተፅዕኖ፣ ችግር sideline rɔ. goritte iy bhaasejɔde kɔɔsiyɔna, a kɔɔsi dariyoboyɔ iyɛ bulangɔ wadɔy በመጫወቻ ሜዳ ዙሪያ ያለ መስመር ሆኖ ኳስ ከጫዋታ ውጭ የምትሆንበት መስመር sieve rɔ. kʼɔsa ወንፊት sign rɔ. milikiti, taarec ምልክት፤ምስል፣ ፍንጭ signature rɔ. pirima ፊርማ significance rɔ. bhunde iyke maantiyɔ, buytin ቁምነገር፣ ታላቅነት significant mi . ande ɔʼɛndenɛ iy teeki, bore, enɛ ትርጉም ያዘለ፣ ታላቅ፣ ዋና silt rɔ. kʼirtac ደለል silver rɔ. biri(maʼidini) ብር(ማእድን)

six similar mi . yɛnɛyɛnɛ ተመሳሳይ similarity rɔ. ga kɔnɔsɔng, iʼajinɛ አንድ ዓይነት፣ መመሳሰል simple machine rɔ. kambiliyoge sholsholɔ ቀላል መኪናዎች፣ መሳሪያዎች sing ɛɛ̀l.d. gɔm gule ዘፈነ፣ ዘመረ singer rɔ. mɛnde gɔmɔ ዘፋኝ single mi . kɔnɔsɔng singer አንድ ብቻ

sister rɔ. ngɔnɛ እህት sit ɛɛ̀l.d. comua bhuɔ, wɔngdɔ ተቀመጠ፣ አረፈ sit down ɛɛ̀l.d. cèm bhuɔ, bhangɛn ተቀመጥ፤ማስቀመጥ site rɔ. mol ቦታ፣ ስፍራ sitting room rɔ. kesse rɛmɛsun መኖሪያ ቤት six rɔ. illɛ ስድስት



sixteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo illɛ አስራ ስድስት sixth mi . illɛy ስድስተኛ sixty rɔ. jaar illɛ ስልሳ size rɔ. tʼintʼin oo buytin መጠን፣ ልክ skeleton rɔ. giʼage mɛde rɛsɔ አፅም፥ አጥንት sketch rɔ. skeleton taside dɛshay ንድፍ፣ አስተዋፅኦ skilful mi . mɛnde uwɛnde bhonɔ iyɔ በቂ ችሎታ ያለው (ባለሙያ) skill rɔ. 1) uwɛnde dɛshay ክህሎት 2) ክህሎት፣ ችሎታ skim ɛɛ̀l.d. tuntɔtuntɔ woyt (Iʼac:warati zeri) ገረፍ ገረፍ ማድረግ (ለምሳሌ ንባብ) skin rɔ. gogu ቆዳ skirt rɔ. shinshinide mɔʼnyɔ ጉርድ ቀሚስ sky rɔ. walac ሰማይ


skin slant ɛɛ̀l.d. tuunguwaa giriyok አጋደለ፣ አዘነበለ፣ የተዘረጋ slaughter ɛɛ̀l.d. limɛn, limaaboy ማረድ፥ አረደ slave rɔ. gensa ባሪያ sleep rɔ. ungo እንቅልፍ slice ɛɛ̀l.d. makiyaaboy, limaaboy መተረ፣ ቆረጠ slide (photo) rɔ. pilmi (de pootoy) ፊልም (የፎቶ) slimy mi . ande indi sɛlɛʼɛn sɛlɛʼɛni የሚያሟልጭ slope rɔ. rakec, rakec sabɔ ተራራ፥ የተራራ ጫፍ slow ɛɛ̀l.d. koy pɛɛle, kʼurɛ rɛɛ guru ዝግ ያለ፣ ጎታታ



slowly mi.d . pɛɛle በቀስታ፣ በዝግታ small mi . tʼiini ትንሽ small intestine rɔ. cʼɔlɔcce tʼinɔ ትንሹ (ቀጭን) አንጀት smaller mi . de tʼiinɔ ትንሹ smallest mi . tʼin pɔs በጣም ትንሽ smell rɔ. ɔngɛn ሽታ smile rɔ. cʼukukum ፈገግታ smoke 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. mat dampu አጨሰ፣ አጠነ 2) rɔ. ngɔt ጭስ smooth mi . mɔdhdhɔsi, imɔdhis ለስላሳ፣ ማለስልስ smoulder ɛɛ̀l.d. goode kʼpsinɛnɛ pɛɛliyɔ ያለነበልባል ቀስ በቀስ ተቃጠለ (የእሳት ፍንጣሪ) smudge ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) Indiwaa kokke gɛsi አጨማለቀ 2) dɔlisiyaaboy snake rɔ. kono እባብ


snake sneeze ɛɛ̀l.d. tʼeshkiyaaboy, tershiyaaboy አስነጠሰ snigger ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼik sakkul በድብቅ ሳቀ so mi.d . 1) iyaabkɔ mettiyɛnyɛɛ እንደዚህ 2) nɛbhagediya soak ɛɛ̀l.d. cʼɔkaaboy, umujushaaboy, cʼurbukaaboy ዘፈዘፈ፣ አበሰበሰ፣ አራሰ

soap soap rɔ. samuna ሳሙናበውሃ የሚሟሟ ሲሆን የተለያዩ ነገሮችን ለማጠብና ለማንጻት ይጠቅማል

social social mi . 1) zooge mɛrɔ ማህበራዊ 2) rɛmɛsɛt bhunde kooni አብሮ መኖር social service rɔ. dɛshade zooge mɛrɔ ማህበራዊ አገልግሎት society rɔ. zooge mɛrɔ ህብረተሰብ፣ ማህበር socio-economic rɔ. zooge mɛrɔ tomok ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዮችን የሚመለከት sock rɔ. kalsi ካልሲ sod rɔ. baade hubhaanɔ boyo bonde iy tuntɔɔ ሣራማ መሬት የላይኛው ክፍል soft mi . mɔdhdhɔsi ለስላሳ soil rɔ. boyo አፈር solar 1) mi . suson (solari), ande dɛshi komajɔde susoni የፀሀይ (ሶላር)፥ በፀሀይ ሙቀት


solve የሚሰራ መሳሪያ 2) rɔ. ፀሃይ solar system rɔ. dambide suson (susɔ oo pilanetiyo) ስርአተፀሃይ (ፀሃይና ፕላኔቶች)

soldier soldier rɔ. polisi ወታደር solid 1) mi . dhadhali, kɛngkɛng (bɛtɔ), umumulusinɛ ጠንካራ, ጥጥር (ጠጣር); ድፍን 2) rɔ. ጠጣር soluble mi . 1) tashkidɔ ሟሚ 2) mushkidɔ solution rɔ. 1) tashkdac (de enga tashkiyoboyɔ, mushkiyoboyɔ) ሙሙት (የሟሟ) 2) gɔrte baudinon, zibut መፍትሄ solve ɛɛ̀l.d. ɔʼaaboy, dhulɛsiyɛɛ ፈታ፣ ተረዳ፣




solvent mi . indwa katashkiyoboy አሟሚየሟሟ ነገር እንዲፈጠር ድርሻ ያለው አሟሚ ነገር ande indi ankoon katashkina, kuwaa Somalia rɔ. Somaliya ሶማሊያበአፍሪካ ቀንድ የምትገኝ አገር baade jɔynɛ Apirkage bhunde iyke kʼɛrjɛɛy some mi . kʼumi, tʼiini ጥቂት፣ ትንሽ somebody rɔ. mɛngkɔnɔng አንድ ሰው something dhɔ.d . ankɔnɔng አንድ ነገር sometimes mi.d . wodi kɔnɔng kɔnɔng አንዳንድ ጊዜ son rɔ. wunyje macɔ ወንድ ልጅ song rɔ. gule ዘፈን soon mi.d . yɔngɔ jiyak guru, shau በቅርቡ፣ ቶሎ

sore rɔ. ngɔdɛrɛ ቁስል sorry mi . gomoyɔ

sore wansageji, ande ɔysɛsɛn engedun የሚያሳዝን፣ ይቅርታ መጠየቂያ sort ɛɛ̀l.d. ngaraaboy, kɛcaaboy ለየ፣ ከፈለ sound effect rɔ. bhunde moyok ngunyɛɛ የተቀዳ ድምፅ፤የፕልም ወይም የቲያቲር ውበትእንደአስፈላጊነቱ ጥቅም ላይ እንዲውል ተቀርፆ የተቀመጠ ድምፅ (የእንስሳት፣ የፏፏቴ፣ ወዘተ) moyokke kɔ bhunde yellɛnɛɛ zoo koc kasetige oo anggkoonɔna, bhangke mala dɛshiyɛ bhutkoonɔ(kɛginyon, jɔrayɔ...ooge ayaymu) soup rɔ. shorbhaa ሾርባ



source rɔ. bhunde angkon dhukenɛnɛɛ, lele ምንጭ፣ መነሾ south rɔ. cim karak ደቡብ South Pole rɔ. waltade iy cim kariyɔ የደቡብ ዋልታ southeast rɔ. ngacce iy cim kariyɔ bhunde wok susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ ደቡብ-ምስራቅ southerly mi.d . cimm kare ከወደ ደቡብ southern rɔ. cimkarrey ደቡባዊ southwest rɔ. cim kare bhunde wok hica susɔ wɔlɛɛ ደቡብ -ምዕራብ sovereign rɔ. bizingit/mokke bizingidon, iy tuuntok, zooy muuk iy tuntook ንጉስ ወይም ንግስት፣ ከፍያለ፣ የሁሉ በላይ sow ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼajiyaaboy ዘራ space rɔ. molle iy duruwa ክፍት ቦታ

specialized spade rɔ. akapa አካፋ sparse mi . micʼinda, ibhɔbhɔrisinɛ(bhɛrbhɛ rida) ጥቂት፣ የተበታተነ (ዘርዛራ) spawn rɔ. mula (ge dɔlmɛy, ge kʼajojude yedunɔ__) እንቁላል (የእንቁራሪት፥ የዓሳ---) speak ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛlidɔ ተናገረ

spear spear rɔ. bɛr ጦር special effect rɔ. angge zoo moyge ayay ayay ልዩ ልዩ ትእይንቶችበፊልም ውስጥ የሚታዩ ልዩ ልዩ ትዕይንቶች angge zoo moy pilmige teeki ge ayayayay specialized mi . kamkami, de kʼenɔ የተሻለ፥ የበለጠ



species rɔ. duʼut ዝርያ፣ አይነት specific mi . gaynɛ, kɛjinɛde ayay የተወሰነ፣ ልዩ spectator rɔ. mɛnde moyɔ, moyna, orɔ ተመልካች speech rɔ. ɛli ንግግር speed rɔ. woshi ፍጥነትአንድ ሰው ወይም ነገር የእንቅስቃሴ ልክ spell ɛɛ̀l.d. irɔriyɛɛ, tɔɔnaa waratigeboy አሳየ፣ ፃፈ spelling rɔ. pidɛliyo waratige kɔnɛn የቃላት አፃፃፍ spend ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy, ogiyɛ dhook ፈጀ፣ አጠፋ sperm rɔ. duʼuge mɛnde mɛcɔ (calla) የወንድ ዘር ፍሬ (ስፕረም) sphere rɔ. ande iyke bhunde gnggirey (rɛɛ) ክብ የሆነ ነገር (አካል) spice rɔ. mantʼidisac ቅመም

sportsmanship spider rɔ. mɛdhɛ ሸረሪት spit rɔ. solut ለሃጭ spider splash ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛruwa, yɛcʼuaa ረጨ፣ ተፈናጠቀ splatter ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛruwa, yɛcʼua ረጨ፣ ተፈናጠቀ spoil ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) rɛsɛt, indiuwa kokke gɛsi ሞት፥ አበላሸ 2) woc dangkʼisi አሞላቀቀ sponge rɔ. isponji እስፖንጅለማጠብና ለማጽዳት የሚያገለግል

spoon spoon rɔ. mangkiya ማንኪያ sport rɔ. isporti ስፖርት sportsmanship rɔ. bulangde isportiy ስፖርታዊ ጨዋነት



spot rɔ. shibida (angge nguny hica humagey), milikiti, ande kɔn dhɔdhɔcɔki ሽፍታ (ፊት ላይ የሚወጣ)፣ ምልክት፣ ጠቃጠቆ spray ɛɛ̀l.d. yɛcʼɛn (Iʼac: maa) መርጨት (ለምሳሌ ውሃ)maage yicʼinɛ/ errɛ keset bhɛrbhɛrɔ spread ɛɛ̀l.d. girigiri ìsac መሰራጨት spring rɔ. 1) ande rudhuguyɔ ተለጣጭ ነገር 2) bhunde maa dhoyɛnɛɛ ምንጭ 3) kelle bɛrguyɔ tarsha oporcʼancncc ፀደይ sprint 1) rɔ. jorɛnde mɔʼɔnyi አጭር ሩጫ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. sewaa Kuuu (jorɛnde mɔʼɔnyɔ) ሸመጠጠ (ለምሳሌ በአጭር ሩጫ) square rɔ. kare (bona wuc) ካሬ (አራት ማእዘን) squared rɔ. kɔmdac kon nen saptenɛ debisinɛ wodi ramangɔ (4

stagnant 2=4x4) አንድ ቁጥር እርስ በርሱ ሁለት ጊዜ ሲባዛ(4 2=4x4) squash rɔ. botakayt ዱባ squeeze ɛɛ̀l.d. squash bhacaaboy, dhebaaboy, cʼuriwaa dhɛsh ተጫነ፣ ጨመቀ፣ እምቅ አደረገ stability rɔ. iy pɛɛle መረጋጋት stable mi . mɛdne iy pɛɛliyɔ የተረጋጋ stadium rɔ. istadiyɛmi (bhaasecce zoo bulangɛ kɔɔsiyɔ) ስታዲየም (የስፖርት መጫወቻ ሜዳ) stage rɔ. mol ደረጃ፣ መድረክ stagnant mi . mmaa ge tɛsɔ, maa ge gabiyɔ, maage ngesongɔ የቆመ



ውሃ፣ የተኛ፣ የማይንቀሳቀስ ውሃ stalk rɔ. olit አገዳ stamina rɔ. komac, dhadhal, gic tɛsɛn ብርታት፣ ጥንካሬ፣ ፅናት stamp 1) rɔ. tembiri ቴምብር 2) rɔ. 3) ɛɛ̀l.d. kobbi, kʼɛriyaaboy አተመ፣ ቀረፀ stand ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwaa kɛtɛyaboy, tɛyuwaa dac አቆመ፣ ቁም stand up ɛɛ̀l.d. ibhaa rɛɛ (iwaa kɔɔk) ተነሳ (ብድግ አለ) standard rɔ. gaynɛ መደበኛ፣ ደረጃ

star star rɔ. tobhoc ኮከብ start ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔɔnɛsiyɛ ጀመረ፣ አመነጨ

stay starve ɛɛ̀l.d. poso usaaboy ተራበ state rɔ. baa ግዛት፥ አገር state official rɔ. mɛnde manggisige daynyɛsɛttenɛ iyɔɔ የመንግስት ባለስልጣን statement rɔ. lɔʼec, ɛli, kalasɛt አባባል፣ ቃል፥ አሽሙር stationary 1) rɔ. angge zoo kɔnɛ waratiyɔ የጽህፈት መሳሪያ 2) mi . የማይንቀሳቀስ (የቆመ) statue rɔ. hawulti ሃውልት፣ ቅርፅ (ከእንጨት፣ ከድንጋይ፣ የሚሰራ ምስል)ga taarecce zoo statu e iʼajɛ ande edɛ yelɔna, dɛshi kɛdɔge oo bɛtɔgey de zoo gaynɛnɛ status rɔ. yɔng, buytin ደረጃ፥ ክብር stay ɛɛ̀l.d. iwaa cʼongng ቆየ



steep rɔ. rakecce iy dacɔ(gok) ቀጥያለ ዳገት /ገደል/ stem rɔ. kɛdɔ bhoguc ግንድ step ɛɛ̀l.d. ande zoo dokna hayɛ oomu urugɛ, bhunde woydɔ oo jorɛdɔ zoo icɔr jarec kɔnɔng sabsabɔna alangɛ ገባ፣ ረገጠ sterile mi . ipirit መካን sterilization rɔ. jɛrmige kiy duru kaan ከጀርም ነፃ ማድረግ (ማምከን) stick rɔ. kɛdɔ ዱላ sticky mi . ande shɔshɔʼinɛ የሚያያዝ stiff mi . rɔmɔsi, dhadhali ደረቅ፣ ጠንካራ stigmatize ɛɛ̀l.d. ande dha teritɔ, rɔngige gɛsida ብናኝ ተቀባይ፣ መጥፎ ስም still mi.d . ane, mettamu, oo metta ገና፣ አሁንም፣ እስካሁን

stool still life rɔ. ande cucuinɛɛngi, rɛmɛs pɛɛliyɔ የማይነቃነቅ፣ እርጋታ ያለው stimulant mi . ande ibhabhansi rɛɛ hicay የሚያነቃቃየሰውነትን ፊዚዮሎጂካል እና የነርቭ ስርአት እንዲነቃቃ የሚያደርግ sting ɛɛ̀l.d. anitaaboy (sisoc mɛmɛ‘ac) ነደፈ (ለንብ ...) stipple, stippling ɛɛ̀l.d. goridɔ kiyongna, hɛnyɛ kɔtta kɔtta kɔnɛdɔ taarec ibhɛn በመስመር ሳይሆን በነጠብጣብ ተጠቅሞ መሳል stir ɛɛ̀l.d. kɔkɔyaaboy, cʼɔttɔ አማሰለ፣ በጠበጠ stomach rɔ. kɛngɔ ሆድ stone rɔ. bɛtɔ ድንጋይ stool rɔ. cakang በርጩማ


store store ɛɛ̀l.d. murdi, ilong መሰብሰብ፣ ማከማቸት


store-house store-house rɔ. mɛgazɛni መጋዘን kesse zoo bhangɛ aa

storm storm rɔ. 1) jupa, dandiri ማዕበል፣ አውሎ ንፋስ 2) dandiri story rɔ. tudac ተረት፣ ታሪክ stove rɔ. bakut ምድጃ ande iyke bakutide ga kɔnɔsɔna,

street zoo itinɛ goona, dɛshinɛnɛɛ straight mi . de koy dacɔ, tɛs dac ቀጥተኛ፣ ቀጥያለ strain ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼurɛn (gontʼit kʼensɛɛ way kʼurɛn) መሳብ /መጎተት (ገመድ አስኪበጠስ ድረስ) strait rɔ. 1) bakut ምድጃ 2) bhunde yeni ititinnɛnɛɛ strategy rɔ. sukasɛt ስልት straw rɔ. habhay, ande lɛcʼun ሳር፥ ክዳን stream rɔ. yette buytɔ ጅረት streamline stream rɔ. bhunde yeni ngessɛ የወንዝ፥ የጅረት መውረጃ street rɔ. gɔrɔ, angka መንገድ፣ ጎዳና

strength strength rɔ. dhadhal ጥንካሬ strengthen ɛɛ̀l.d. ayaa dhadhalboy street አጠናከረ stress rɔ. tasi, mɔdhɔsɛt ጭንቀት፣ ድካም stretch mi .

stretch iyɛtaaboy ዘረጋ strict mi . mɛnde yɛbhɛnde oo tasidenɛmu kusongɔ የማያወላውል፣ ጥብቅ string rɔ. gontʼit ገመድ strip rɔ. moʼu ቁራጭ (የአንድ ነገር ለምሳሌ የጨርቅ) stripe rɔ. zumburec በሰውነት ላይ የሚታይ ሰንበር፣


studio ምልክት milikitide iy rɛɛge tuntɔy stroke (pet) ɛɛ̀l.d. shushuʼabooy, dhodhonaaboy (Iʼac:cʼɛruwo) አሻሸ፣ ዳሰሰ (ለምሳሌ ፂምን) strong mi . dhaali ጠንካራ structural mi . rɛɛde aan, iyɛn ቅርጽ፣ አቀማመጥ structure rɔ. imimɛn, kesse iyke bɛtɔ dsɛhi አወቃቀር፣ ህንፃ struggle rɔ. durɛn, kaman ትግል፥ ጦርነት studio rɔ. kamera,bhunde ɛliyange hay walajɔɔ ititinsɛnɛ ፎቶግራፍ፣ የሬዲዮ ውይም የቴሌቪዝን ፕሮግራም የሚቀረፅበት/ የሚተላለፍበት ክፍል bhunde zoo kojɛ guliya oo ɛlide zoo ɛli telebijinigiyɔ/iisɛɛ



study ɛɛ̀l.d. waratiyo zeri አጠና style rɔ. sukasɛt, study gɔrɔ ዘዴ፣ መንገድ፣ ስልት subject rɔ. 1) icɔcɔn koon (Iʼac: amoruwɛn) የትምህርት አይነት (ለምሳሌ አማርኛ) 2) enc(lɔʼey teek ga mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ) ባለቤት (በአረፍተ ነገር ውስጥ ድርጊት የሚፈፅም) submit ɛɛ̀l.d. kiyɛɛ አቀረበ subsistence rɔ. saptenɛ uwɛdɔ sɔ rɛmɛsɛt ህይወት ማቆያ ብቻ፥ ችሎ መኖር substance rɔ. ande ayay (ande molɔ koonɔ nen shɔk toganage tacʼinɛɛngɔna, rɛmɛsi) ልዩ ቁስ (በአንድ በተወሰነ ሁኔታ ቋሚ ፊዚካዊ ባህሪያት ይዞ የሚገኝ)

succession substitute rɔ. de tatacʼinɛ, de tacʼinɛ jarjakɔ ተለዋጭ፣ ተተኪ፤መተካት፤መለወጥ substitution rɔ. tacʼɛn ተለዋጭ፤ምትክ subtract ɛɛ̀l.d. kɛcaaboy ቀነሰ

subtraction subtraction rɔ. kɛjɛn መቀነስ sub-tropical rɔ. goynɛde keenun መካከለኛ ሙቀት ያለው የዓለም ክፍል succeed ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyɛɛboy, dhuluwa pɔskajak ተከናወነ፣ ግብ ደረሰ፤ትሳካ succession rɔ. dhoydac ተከታይ፤ተከትሎ የሚመጣ፤ስልጣን መረከብ

successor successor rɔ. tacʼinɛ jarjakɔ ተከታይ፤ተተኪ፤ወራሽ suck ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) opidɔ, cʼɔbɔshshɔ ጠባ፣ መጠጠ 2) cʼɔbɔshshɔ Sudan rɔ. Sudani ሱዳን suffer rɔ. shɔʼiyɛɛ kicigeboy, tʼɔsaaboy, ilaʼayyaboy በችግር ተያዘ/ተጠመደ፣ ተሰቃየ፣ ታመመ sufficient mi . bhoni በቂ suffix rɔ. dhallacce koy ɛlige pɔskajɔɔ ድህረግንድ ቅጥያ(በቃል መጨረሻ የሚቀጠል) sugar rɔ. sukari ስኳር sugar cane rɔ. olitte paranyjiy ሸንኮራ አገዳ suitable mi . shɛɛʼi. shishiʼinɛ አመቺ፣ ምቹ፣ ተስማሚ sulphur rɔ. sɛlpɛri ስልፈር፤ድኝ sum rɔ. bhondacce boyon የድምር ውጤት


support sum up ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy, ayaa pɔskacby, pɔskajɔ puyaaboy አጠቃለለ፣ ማጠቃለያ ሰጠ፣ በመጨረሻ መረቀ summarize ɛɛ̀l.d. pɔsaaboy, ayaa pɔskacby, pɔskajɔ puyaaboy አጠቃለለ፣ ማጠቃለያ ሰጠ፣ በመጨረሻ መረቀ summary rɔ. pɔskac ማጠቃለያ summer rɔ. kuys በጋ summit rɔ. rakac sabɔ yɔng የተራራ ጫፍ፤ከፍተኛ ጉባኤ ውይም ስብሰባ sun rɔ. susɔ ፀሃይ Sunday rɔ. ungocce iyke shambataa እሁድ supply 1) rɔ. shɔkna, kunɛdɔ, kunɛ angkoon አቅርቦት 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. kunɛdɔ, ajɛn ማቅረብ፣ መስጠት support ɛɛ̀l.d. iʼing, ernges መደገፍ፣ መርዳት፣ እርዳታ



surface rɔ. kabarec, rɛɛde aan gande wɔdun ፊት፣ የነገሮች ወጫዊ ክፍል surface area rɔ. paltangin ስፋት surplus mi . rɔʼɔsɛndac, de hinnɛɛ tuntook ትርፍ፣ ከሚፈለገው በላይ surprise party rɔ. dagade partiy koonɔ de ane katasiyongna, dɛshinɛ duluʼunɔ በድንገት ወይም ሳይታሰብ የሚካሄድ የፓርቲ ድግስ surround ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa ke bhore ኣካባቢ ሆነ surrounding rɔ. bhore አካባቢ survival ɛɛ̀l.d. rɛmɛsɛt, uwɛn መትረፍ፣ መቋቋም፥ ኑሮ survive ɛɛ̀l.d. rɛmɛsɛt uwɛn መኖር መቻል፤መቋቋም suspect 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. amananɛ shini መጠራጠር፤የተጠራጠ

sweat ረ 2) rɔ. tasi wodi ramang ጥርጣሬ?? suspense rɔ. ande dha taraboy (shini hini) ልብሰቃይ (አጓጊ) sustainable mi . ande iy cʼɔllɔy ዘለቄታዊነት ያለው swallow ɛɛ̀l.d. kucaaboy ዋጠ፣ ሰለቀጠ swamp rɔ. rat, kici(baa bhunde gande bhubhey maa al teekɔ) ረግረግ፣ አረንቋ(ውስጡ ውሃ ያለበት መሬት)

swarm swarm rɔ. nyaae mɛri (ge sisoon oodun oo ge ayaymu) መንጋ፥ ብዙ (የንብ፣ የአንበጣ) sweat 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. dhedigissɔ ማላብ 2) rɔ. dhedik ላብ



sweater sweater rɔ. shuruba ሹራብ sweep ɛɛ̀l.d. wuttɔ (Iʼac:kes) ጠረገ (ለምሳሌ ቤት) sweet mi . matʼtʼakali ጣፋጭ swell ɛɛ̀l.d. kubhuyaaboy አበጠ swelling rɔ. kubhuusɛt እብጠት

swim swim ɛɛ̀l.d. hak tumu ዋኘ

system syllable rɔ. ɛt/pidɛli (ɛrtac kɔnɔng oo zertac kɔnɔng tabhinɛna, zerrɛɛ) ቀለም/ሆሄ (የአንድ አናባቢና አንድ ተናባቢ ድምፅ ቅንጅት) symbol rɔ. milikiti ምልክት symbolism rɔ. iʼackac ተምሳሌት symmetry rɔ. angge yɛɛ (uynɛ/iyaajinɛ) እኩል የሆነ (የተመጣጠነ /የተመሳሰለ) symptom rɔ. milikiti የበሽታ ምልክትበተለይም በበሽታ ወይም ህመም ጊዜ የሚታይ synonym rɔ. ɔʼɛnde yɛnɛɛ ተመሳሳይ ፍች synthesize ɛɛ̀l.d. tapna, dɛshiyaaboy አጣምሮ ገነባ፤ስራ system rɔ. higgi, dambi ህግ፣ ደምብ፣ ስርአት



tap water

Tt table rɔ. tʼɛrbhezza ጠረዼዛ table of contents rɔ. bonde gɔjɔyɛnɛ bhunde giinɔ masʼapigiyɔ ማውጫ tackle ɛɛ̀l.d. hakɛsɛ kɔdhɛna, hakiyɛ baa ጠልፎ ጣለ፤ኳስ ማስጣል tactile mi . ande dhodhonnɛde iy tookay የሚዳሰስ

tadpole tadpole rɔ. gulancʼiyo ጓጉንቸር፥ የዓሳ ዝርያ ያለበት፥ የእንቁራሪት ዓይነት angge dhɔjinɛ oo zarade kʼajojude yedunɔy, zarade dɔlmɛy

tail rɔ. daʼa ጅራት tailor rɔ. mɛnde cik apalaa ልብስ ሰፊ tailor take ɛɛ̀l.d. ogiyɛɛ dhawaaboy ወሰደ፣ ፈጀ፣ ተቀበለ take turns ɛɛ̀l.d. kodhdhop kodhdhop ተራ በተራ talk ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛliyaaboy ተናገረ፣ አወራ tall mi . ramatu ረጅም tall tale rɔ. tudacce ramatu ረዥም ታሪክ tannery rɔ. pabirkade goganun የቆዳ ፋብሪካ tap water rɔ. maage shɛɛʼɔ, maage tap water


tap water

bambayɔ ንፁህ ውሃ፣ የቧንቧ ውሃ tar rɔ. renyjide zoo dɛshiyɛ gɔrɔɔ የመንገድ መስሪያ ሬንጅ target language rɔ. ɛlide ɔʼɛndenɛ dɛshinɛɛ ትርጉም የሚካሄድለት ቋንቋ tattoo rɔ. gazzaa limɛn ንቅሳትየሰውነት ቆዳ ላይ የሚሳል ስዕል፤ ጽሁፍ taarecce zoo ip rɛɛge , tudac koonɛn taxi rɔ. taksi ታክሲ tea rɔ. shaay ሻይ

tea teaspoon tea spoon rɔ. manggkiyade shaayon የሻይ ማንክያ teach ɛɛ̀l.d. icɔcɔndɔ አስተማረ


teacher teacher rɔ. mɛnde icɔcɔnnɛɛ መምህር (አስተማሪ) team rɔ. hubba ቡድን team-mate rɔ. yellacce iy hubbage koonɔɔ የቡድን ጓደኛ (የአንድ ቡድን አባላት) teamwork rɔ. dɛshade hubbaay የቡድን ስራ technique rɔ. 1) sukasɛt ዘዴ(ስልት); ቴክኒክ 2) ችሎታ technology rɔ. tekinolojiy ተክኖሎጂ silɛnde angguge mɛri gayɛn oo dɛshi teem ɛɛ̀l.d. ande dibisna, ɔdinɛ ተትረፈረፈ፣ ሞላ teenager rɔ. goshanec (bɛrgudenɛ iy 20



baakɔ) ወጣት (ዕድሜው ከ 13-19 ዓመት የሆነ) teeth rɔ. nʼida ጥርስ teff rɔ. gacit ጤፍ telecommunication rɔ. telekominikeshini (silki paksi telebijini...ooge ayaymu) ቴሌኮሙኒኬሽን (ስልክን ፣ ፋክስን፣ ቴሌክስን፣ ወዘተ)ga angge ororrɛnun

telephone telephone rɔ. shinac ስልክየኤሌክትሮኒክ መሳሪያ ሲሆን ሰዎች እርስ በእርሳቸው ሊነጋገሩ የሚችሉበት ነው ga ande dɛshi elektirikigena, zoo ɛlɛllɛnɛna, uwa telescope rɔ. teleskoppi ቴሌስኮፕከርቀት ያሉ ነገሮችን አቅርቦና አጉልቶ የሚያሳይ መሳሪያ ande

tennis irɔrrɛ ande rɛnakɔ ke borey

television television rɔ. telebijini ቴሌቪዥን tell ɛɛ̀l.d. ɛliyaaboy ተናገረ፣ አለ፣ ገለፀ teller rɔ. mɛnde wuc tomokɔ (dɛshinɛ bankige teekɔ) ገንዘብ ከፋይ (ባንክ ቤት ውስጥ ሰራተኛ) temperature rɔ. gooy ሙቀት መጠን temple rɔ. kesse Tumon ቤተመቅደስ (የፀሎት ቦታ) temporary mi . ande cʼɔllɔ iyongi ጊዜያዊ ten rɔ. tɔmmɔn አስር ten thousands rɔ. shiwo tɔmmɔn አስር ሺዎች tennis rɔ. tenisi ቴኒስ


tens tens mi . Kes kɔmdacce tɔmmɔni የኣስር ቤት ቁጥሮች tense rɔ. kel(mettanunɔ, de kʼenuɔ, timbiti) ጊዜ(የአሁን፣ የኃላፊ፣ የትንቢት)Gabhunde mirɛge bhon hica sabakɔ tension rɔ. kici ጭንቀት፤ውጥረት tenth mi . tɔmmɔney አስረኛ term rɔ. tɛrmi, kell dɛshay ተርም፤የስራ ጊዜ፤የአንድ ድርጊት መከወኛ ጊዜበመደመርና በመቀነስ ከሌሎች ጋር የተያያዘ ሂሳባዊ ገለፃ (ለምሳሌ 10+23 +3a ሦሰት ተርሞች አሉት)፤የመንፈቅ


test ትምህርት፤የአንድ ነገር ስያሜ፤የአንድ ፍርድ ቤት የስራ ጊዜ ɛlide dhɔjɛdɔ oo kɛjɛdɔ edɛ oo ge ayayɔ ga shɔshɔʼinɛy(Iʼac:10+2 3 +3a tɛrrmiyo sizzi ale) termite rɔ. sharit ምስጥ

termite terrace terrace rɔ. Genycishi እርከንመሬትን ለማልማት በተራራማ አካባቢዎች የሚሰራ ስራ ነው (እንደ ደረጃ አይነት) boyode iyke rakecɔ balgede zoo hinke bhɔgiyɔ genycishiyoboyna, metta bhɔkɔ test ɛɛ̀l.d. moyaaboy, ilobhaaboy መረመረ፣ አየ፣ ፈተነ



text rɔ. tudacce tɔɔniyɛ waratigeboyɔ ፅሁፍ

textbook textbook rɔ. masʼapide icɔcɔndaan መማሪያ መፅሃፍ

textile textile rɔ. cʼurkaa ጨርቃ ጨርቅ texture rɔ. mumutkage rɛɛde aan የአካሎች ቅንጣቶች ውህደት (አንድነት)፣ ድር than dhɔ.d . dɔngɔ__ ከ… thank you ɛl.o . kabatenyjɔ አመሰግናለሁ

there is that sa. duwa, wa, dɔngɔ ያ፣ እዚያ፣ ያን the art . _a -ኡ irɔrrɛ mɛɛngkɔnɔng oo zooge mɛrige eenga wa ya tudajiya sabbɔ rɔngɔ zertiyɛboyɔ the nearest mi . de iy jiyakɔ የቀረበው theatre rɔ. kesse tiyatiriy የትያትር ቤት theatre them sa. edɛgɔngɔ እነሱን theme rɔ. iis (shɔktac) መልዕክት (ጭብጥ) then mi.d . dɔngɔ tollɔ, balge dɔngɔ, yɛmyɛmɛn ከዚያ፣ በኋላ፣ ያኔ፤እንግዲህ፤እንደዚያክሆነ there mi.d . wa, iy wa watuntɔ እዚያ፣ እዚያ ጋር፣ እዚያ ላይ there is ha. iye አለ፥ ይኖራል

there was


there was ha. iyono, kuntaakey iye ነበር፣ ይኖር ነበር therefore mi.d . nɛbhagediya ስለዚህ thermal mi . gooy የጋለ፤ግለታዊ thermometer rɔ. ande maki gooyɔ የትኩሳት (የሙቀት) መለኪያ thesaurus rɔ. masʼapide shɔk ɛliyange ɔʼɛdɔdegɛ iyke kɔnɔngɔɔ ትርጉማቸ ተመሳሳይ ቃላትን አንድ ላይ አሰባስቦ የሚያሳይ መዝገበ ቃላት these sa. edɛgiya እነዚህ they sa. edɛ እነርሱ / እነሱ they're; they are ha. ga edɛgɔngɔ እነሱ ናቸው thick mi . irrebhoni, iy gisgis(Iʼac:kolkung) ወፍራም፣ እጅብ ያለ (ለምሳሌ ደን) thief (pl. thieves) rɔ. gurit ሌባ


thief thin mi . shɛpshɛbi, tʼiini ስስ፣ ቀጭን፣ ጥቂት thing rɔ. aa ነገር think ɛɛ̀l.d. tasiyaaboy አሰበ thinnest mi . shɛpshɛbi kepɔs, rɛɛ ga t‘iini በጣም ስስ፣ የከሳ third mi . sizziyey ሦስተኛ third person rɔ. gaynɛde iyke sizziyɔ(nen, edɛ) ሦስተኛ መደብ (እሱ፣ እሷ፣ እነሱ) thirsty mi . de punɔ amɔ የጠማው፤የተጠማ thirteen rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo sizzi አስራ ሦስት thirty rɔ. jaar sizzi ሠላሳ this sa. diya ይህ / ይሄ thorax rɔ. rɛʼɛ, bhoguc ወገብ (በዠድ) (የነፍሳት)

thorn thorn rɔ. birindo እሾህ those sa. edɛ guwa እነዚያ thoughtful mi . mɛnde tasiy, mɛnde tasi bhunde shɛʼɔ አስተዋይ፣ ደግ አሳቢ thousand rɔ. shiw ሺህ thousands rɔ. shiwo ሺህዎች thread rɔ. wuta hakɛn ፈትል threat rɔ. 1) tasi, mashi, riʼin ajɛn ስጋት፣ ዛቻ፣ ማስፈራሪያ 2) ጎጂ፥ የሚጎዳ three rɔ. sizzi ሶስት thresh ɛɛ̀l.d. hakaaboy ወቃ፤መደብደብ throat rɔ. poli three ጉሮሮ throw ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔnguwaa ወረወረ፣ ጣለ thunder rɔ. tumade toshiyɔ ነጎድጓድ


tie up

thunderstorm thunderstorm rɔ. 1) tumade dhodhoyɔ ነጎድጓድ 2) tumede bhatbhatɔ Thursday rɔ. 1) keendac ሐሙስ 2) gabade jomuwɔ buytɔ tick (correct) ɛɛ̀l.d. milikiti bhangɛn(Iʼac:Tʼ) ምልክት ማድረግ(ለምሳሌ X) tidy up ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) molde eenga gɛsaboyɔ wudɛn, ishɔshɔk, ululup ኣስተካክለ፤ለባበሰ፤ሽፈነ 2) ishɔshɔk 3) wudɛn tie up ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) shɔshɔʼaaboy, cʼɛbaaboy አያያዘ፣ አሰረ 2) sakutaaboy


tiger tiger rɔ. 1) dono ነብር 2) kɛrɛng till ɛɛ̀l.d. bhɔktɔ አረሰ tilt ɛɛ̀l.d. iy bunggurec, ungus giri አጋደለ፥ ተጋደመ timber rɔ. kolkyng, kɛna(tʼaula) ደን፣ እንጨት፣ (ጣውላ)፤አጣና time rɔ. kel ጊዜ time trial rɔ. kelle ilobhun የሙከራ ጊዜ (ወቅት) times 1) rɔ. wodi tuntook እጥፍ 2) dhɔ.d . Debisinɛɛ ሲባዛ timetable rɔ. kelle dɛshay የጊዜ ሠሌዳ tin rɔ. kʼorokʼoro ቆርቆሮ tint ɛɛ̀l.d. shiniyaaboy, igirrɛ ቀባ፥ የተቀባ፥ ቅብ


toe tiny mi . tʼiini, kʼumi በጣም ትንሽ፣ ጥቃቅን tip rɔ. angkoon pɔskacjɔng, tɛpac ጫፍ tire rɔ. gomma ጎማ tired mi . mɔdhaaboy ደከመው tissue rɔ. murdidage hitʼinuge tʼittaa ህብረህዋስ (የህዋሳት ስብስብ) የሚገኙበት የአካል ክፍል title rɔ. ɛli-sabɔ ርዕስ title page rɔ. bonde ɛlisabɔ kɔnnɛnɛɛ የርዕስ የሚፃፍበት ገፅ to dhɔ.d . hica/kudhulɛsɛ/wɔcʼi ወደ / ለ/ እስከ to be continued ha. ane koydɔ ይቀጥላል tobacco rɔ. dampu ትምባሆ today rɔ. meta ዛሬ toe rɔ. jarec kobhologitte buytɔ የእግር አውራ ጣት

toilet toilet rɔ. kesse

toilet shɔruwan ሽንት ቤት tolerance rɔ. mirɛn shishiʼɛn መታገስ tomato rɔ.

tomato timatimiyo ቲማቲም tomb rɔ. jingec መቃብር tomorrow mi.d . baarɔ ነገ ton rɔ. toni ቶንየክብደት መመዘኛ ፤አስር ኩንታል ወይም 1000 ኪሎ ግራም ande maki dhidhingi tone rɔ. shoydinde moyokun የድምፅ ቃና (ድምፀት) tonight mi.d . meta ippage ዛሬ ማታ


total too mi.d . shɛshshɛk በጣም tool rɔ. aa(angge bhɔgun, ge kɔn waratiyɔ__) መሳሪያ(የእርሻ፥ የፅህፈት---) tooth rɔ. nʼidac ጥርስ top mi . tuntɔ, hica tuntook ላይ፤ወደ ላይ topic sentence rɔ. ɛlikomajɔ (lɔʼɔge iyke leliyɔ)) ሃይለ ቃል (መንደርደሪያ አረፍተ ነገር) topography rɔ. iyɛnde boyon የመሬት አቀማመጥ topsoil rɔ. boyo bhunde iy tuntɔɔ የላይኛው የአፈር ክፍል

tortoise tortoise rɔ. kokolo ኤሊ total rɔ. muuk, dhɔjinɛɛ ጠቅላላ፤ድምር



touch ɛɛ̀l.d. dariyaaboy, dhodhonaaboy ነካ፣ ዳበሰ (ዳሰሰ) tough mi . dhadhali, dhidhingi ጠንካራ፣ ከባድ tour ɛɛ̀l.d. moyaaboy, totoyaaboy ጎበኘ፣ ዞረ tourism rɔ. dɛshade zoo wowoyna, moynɛnɛ የጉብኝት አገልግሎት tourist rɔ. mɛnde moy baa ጎብኚ tournament rɔ. bagitʼi (Iʼac: bulangatage isportiyɔ) mɛnde shalɔ ውድድር (ለምሳሌ የስፖርት ጨዋታዎች) ያሸነፈ town rɔ. katama ከተማ trachea rɔ. town gɔrɔde wɔdhɔng wowoyɛ kʼɔrɔngge tunok oo karakɔ ዋና የአየር ቧንቧ (በሰው አካል)

traditional track rɔ. goritte jorun(Iʼac: de zoo jorɔ jorɛɛ) የሩጫ trachea መወዳደሪያ መንገድ track and field rɔ. zeride zooge jorɔ ooge dɛshi isporti bhaasejɔde isportiyɔɔ zerrɛnɛ የሩጫና የሜዳ ላይ ስፖርቶች የሚጠሩበት ስያሜ

tractor tractor rɔ. tiraktɛri (kambuli de bhɔgunɔ) ትራክተር (የእርሻ መኪና) trade rɔ. gitʼi ንግድየመግዛትና የመሸጥ ሂደት traditional mi . ande kingun, dambiy ጥንታዊ



፥ ባህላዊ፤የድሮ ዓይነት ዜዴ

train train 1) rɔ. baburu ባቡር 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. አሰለጠነ፣ አስተማረ transfer ɛɛ̀l.d. kʼeniyɛ, ogiyɛ አስተላለፈ፣ አዘዋወረ transfusion rɔ. ajɛn (nyɛbha ajɛn) መለገስ፣ መስጠት (ደም መስጠት) transition rɔ. eres ሽግግር transitional mi . eresun የሽግግር transmission rɔ. kʼaji, girigiri woyit ማሰራጨት፣ ማስተላለፍ transmit ɛɛ̀l.d. ayuwaa kok girigiri, ilaʼicce shɔk zoo girigiriy አስተላላፈ፣ ተላላፈ (በሽታ)

treatment transparency rɔ. kʼenɛ kɛnggena, irɔrrɛ kiy tɔp በውስጡ አሳልፎ ማሳየት፣ ግልፅነት transparent mi . 1) tɔp ግልጽ 2) kɛngge kʼenɛdɔ irɔr በውስጡ አሳልፎ ማሳየት transport rɔ. Ange woydun (cɔdhɛn) ትራንስፖርት (መጓጓዣ) transportation rɔ. angge zoo urukna, hayɛɛ, angge cɔt aa መጓጓዣ፣ ማመላለሻ

trapezium trapezium rɔ. tirapiziyɛmi ትራፒዚየም travel ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa, dhayuwaa ተጓዘ፣ ተከተለ treatment rɔ. oshkishi, moy, shɔʼɛn shɛshshɛk



መንከባከብ፣ መመርመር፣ በአግባቡ መያዝ tree rɔ. kɛdɔ ዛፍ trench rɔ. gorte tanuʼoy ቦይ

triangle triangle rɔ. boina alke sizziyɔ ባለ ሦስት ማእዘን ቅርፅ triathlon rɔ. bagitʼiyan sizzi የሶስት ኣይነት ውድድሮች tribal chiefs rɔ. zooge alke komortaa የጎሳ አለቆች tripled ɛɛ̀l.d. wodi ziizzi tunook ሶስት እጥፍ tropical mi . 1) boyo bhunde jɔynɛ rɛʼɛgede boyon tuntɔ oo bhuɔ digiriyo 23 teeki ከምድር ወገብ በላይና በታች በ 23 ዲግሪ ውስጥ የሚገኝ የዓለም ክፍል 2) wurude goyɔ, edɛ oo

tryout boyo bhunde jɔynɛ rɛʼɛgede boyon tuntɔ oo bhuɔ digiriyo 23 teekɔ ga shɔshɔʼinɛ ሞቃታማ አየር፣ ከምድር ወገብ በላይና በታች የሚገኝ የመሬት ክፍል ጋር የተዛመደ trouser rɔ. bulali ሱሪ true rɔ. maante trouser እውነት

trunk trunk (elephant) rɔ. sitte ngɔrun ኩንቢ (የዝሆን) tryout ɛɛ̀l.d. mɛngkon ai uwɛndenɛ iye koo untɔy bhunde gilobhɛɛ (Iʼac:isporti) አንድ ሰው ችሎታ ያለው የሌለው መሆኑን መሞከር (ለምሳሌ የስፖርተኛ)



t-shirt rɔ. tishɛrti ቲሸርት tube rɔ. ande bhangun (maan, nyɛbhun ooge ayaymu) ማጠራቀሚያ (የውሃ፥ የደም---)ቱቦ tuber rɔ. angge gabunɔ jaruttegɛ ga kumbuliyɔ ክብ ስር ያላቸው ተክሎች tuber tubing rɔ. tubbo ቱቦ ande keenage ga ngamiyɔ Tuesday rɔ. dhoydac ማክሰኞ tunnel rɔ. bhootte zoo nitiyɛɛ መሾለኪያ፣ ዋሻ turn 1) rɔ. huma, marakec ተራ፣ መታጠፊያ 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. ተገለበጠ፣ ዞረ turpentine rɔ. ande iyke maayde zoo cʼudɛ ɛt kooke sɛllɛjuy ቀለምን ለማቅጠን የሚጠቅም ፈሳሽ


turtle turtle rɔ. kokolo ኤሊ twelfth mi . tɔmmɔn oo ramangey አሥራ ሁለተኛ twelve rɔ. tɔmmɔn oo ramang አሥራ ሁለት twenty rɔ. jaar ramang ሃያ twice mi.d . wodi ramang, dhaaliyɛ ሁለቴ፣ ድጋሚ twig twig rɔ. yirac ቀምበጥ፣ ጭራሮ



underground type ɛɛ̀l.d. taypige tudac kɔnɛn በታይፕ መኪና መፃፍ taypi ga ande pidɛliyo oo milikitiyoge ayay ayay al teek kɔ bhunde kompitɛriy typhoid rɔ. ilaʼicce kun bakteriyagey koon በባክቴሪያ አማካይነት የሚመጣ የበሽታ አይነት typography rɔ. dɛshade hitimɛtiy የህትመት ሥራ

twin twin rɔ. 1) mɛntuwo መንትዮችበተመሳሳይ ጊዜ የተወለዱ 2) bhɛlla twist rɔ. kʼikiyaaboy, inggaraaboy, bhɔtaaboy ጠመዘዘ፣ ገመደ፣ አዞረ two rɔ. ramang ሁለት

Uu ugly mi . gɛsi, iykɔ bhɔt shiniy አስቀያሚ፥ የሚያስጠላ ga ande gìmoyɔ st̕aysiyeji umbrella rɔ. jantʼila umbrella

unable mi . ande zoo uwaangi የማይቻል uncle rɔ. 1) kokoo አጎት gɔtinɛde jɔnɛy 2) baatʼiy, bodhinɛ under dhɔ.d . gande bhubhey, gandakkarey ከስር፣ ከ....በታች underground mi . boyey teekbhuɔ teekyica



መሬት ውስጥ፣ ውስጥ ለውስጥ understand ɛɛ̀l.d. takaaboy, dhulɛsiyɛɛ ተረዳ፣ ገባው unhygienic mi . ga dʻiuy ንጹህ ያልሆነ uniform 1) mi . ga yɛnɛyɛnɛ አንድ ዓይነት 2) rɔ. apalde dambiyɔ የደንብ ልብስ union rɔ. shɔshɔʼinɛ ጥምር፥ አንድነት unique mi . iy bhiic, ande caʼi, de iʼac neni untɔ ልዩ፣ ድንቅ፣ ተወዳዳሪ የሌለው unit rɔ. ande makiin መለኪያ unit fraction rɔ. ngarngartage tuntɔ kɔmdac iyke kɔnɔsuwɔ (Iʼac:1/6, 1/5, 1/3 ooge ayaymu) ላእላቸው አንድ ብቻ የሆኑ ክፍልፋዮች (1/6፣ 1/5፣ 1/3 ወዘተ)

unwise unit square rɔ. karede ramatinde banaanɔ ga yɛnɛyɛnɛɛ (Iʼac: mitiri kɔnɔng) አሃዳዊ ካሬ (ጎኖቹ 1 ዩኒት /ለምሳሌ አንድ ሜትር/ የሆኑ አራት ማእዘን unite ɛɛ̀l.d. erngeskiyɛɛboy, hatuwake kɔnɔnsɔ ተባበረ፣ አንድ ሆነ unity rɔ. bhunde kooni iyɛn ke kɔnɔng አንድነት unkind mi . kɛngɔ gɛsi ክፉ unknown mi . ande gaynɛɛngi የማይታወቅ untidy mi . ande diʼuyɔ ንፁህ ያልሆነ untreated mi . ane karɛɛng, ane komoyɛɛng አልታየም፣ አልተመረመረም unwanted mi . ande yellɛnɛɛngi የማያስፈልግ unwise mi . babiy, cemke zegelit, dhungi ሞኝ፥ ሞላላ፥ ፈዛዛ



up dhɔ.d . tuntɔ ላይ upper mi . tuntey ላይኛው uppercase rɔ. pidɛliyoge enggilishiyɔ a yɛnɛke A, B, C a kɔnnɛɛ የእንግሊዝኛ ፊደላት እንደ A,B,C ሲፃፉ upward dhɔ.d . hica tuntook ወደ ላይ urban rɔ. katama ከተማ urea rɔ. zarade mɛdbɛriyay የማዳበሪያ አይነት፣ ዩሪያ urination rɔ. shɔruwa shɔrɔshɛt ሽንት መሽናት urine rɔ. shɔruwa ሽንት us sa. 1) edaa እኛ 2) edɛ usage rɔ. dɛshinɛn/ɛysɛn አጠቃቀም/ አገባብ use ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyɛɛboy, bhanguwa dɛshage uterus ተጠቀመ፣ አዋለ

uterus useful mi . bhonɛsɛndenɛ iye ጠቃሚ usually mi.d . wodige mɛri አብዛኛው ጊዜ utensil rɔ. angge kesun የቤት ዕቃ uterus rɔ. kesse rɔʼɔsɛdun ማህፅን






utilize ɛɛ̀l.d.

variation uvula rɔ. katte tʼinɔ እንጥል

uvula dɛshiyɛɛboy ተጠቀመ፣ ተገለገለ

Vv vacuum rɔ. bhunde wuru teek untɔɔ ኣየር የለሌበት ባዶ ስፍራ valley rɔ. layc ሸለቆ value 1) rɔ. wɔcʼɛn ዋጋ; ጥቅም 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. bhonɛsɛn ዋጋ መስጠት valve rɔ. hintʼinacce nyɛbhun የደም ቧንቧ van rɔ. zarade kambuliy የመኪና አይነት vanish ɛɛ̀l.d. oguwa dhook ጠፋ

vanishing point rɔ. molle goriyoge hay dacɔ orrɛnɛɛngɔ ተጓዳኝ መስመሮች ሊገናኙ የሚችሉበት ቦታ vapor rɔ. dhukendaaboy, wɔdhɔng (ushullacce maa wɔdhɔngaa) እንፋሎት፣ ተን (ተንቆርዞ የሚገኝ ውሃ) variable mi . tatacʼinɛ ተለዋዋጭ፥ የሚቀያየር variation rɔ. bhiic iyɛn ልዩነት



variety rɔ. 1) tacʼɛn, ayay ayay (Iʼac:galaa) ለውጥ፣ ልዩ ልዩ ዓይነት (ለምሳሌ የምግብ) 2) ge mɛri ብዙ ዓይነት various mi . mɛri ayay ayay ብዙ፣ ልዩ ልዩ vary ɛɛ̀l.d. tatacʼaaboy ለዋወጠ vase rɔ. ande ababaa alɛɛ የአበባ ማስቀመጫ vast mi . mɛri pɔs, paltangu በጣም ብዙ፣ ሰፊ vector rɔ. ande tɛty ilaʼijanaa (kʼaji ilaʼic) በሽታ ተሸካሚ (አስተላላፊ) vegetable rɔ. angge gabun አታክልት vegetate ɛɛ̀l.d. iywa dɛha duru ያለ ሥራ መቀመጥ vegetation rɔ. salge kɛnun, toburanage alke zibuwɔɔ ተክሎች ቅጠላቅጠል፣ ተክል፥ እፅ vehicle rɔ. ande zoo zoriyɔ koy ተሽከርካሪ

vertically verb rɔ. ɛlide dɛshay ግስ vertebrate rɔ. kɛginyage giʼecce ribhiyonɔ iyɔɔ የጀርባ አጥንት ያላችው እንስሳት vertex (pl. vertices) rɔ. kʼumecce goriyo ramang sabi ititinsɛnɛɛ ነቁጥ (ነጥብ)፣ የሁለቱ መነሻ መገናኛ

vertical vertical mi . goritte kun tuntɔ bak dacɔ ከላይ ውደታች ቀጥታ የሆነ መስመር vertical addition rɔ. cim karak dhɔjɛn ቁልቁል መደመር vertically mi.d . goritte kun tuntɔ bak dacɔ ከላይ ወደ ታች ቀጥታ የቆመ መስመር

vertices (see: ...


vertices (see: vertex) rɔ. kʼumejanage goriyo ititinsɛnɛɛ ነቁጦች (ነጥቦች) very rɔ. shɛshshɛ, diya tuntok በጣም፥ የበለጠ vessel rɔ. hitʼinacce iy rɛɛge teekna, nyɛbha woyɛ በሰውነት ውስጥ ፈሳሽ የሚተላለፍበት የደም ስር፤ውሃና ደም ተሸካሚበሰውነት ውስጥ ፈሳሽ የሚተላለፍበት ቱቦ vest rɔ. sɛdɛriya apalade iy gande kɛngunɔ ሰደሪያ፥ የውስጥ ልብስ vibrate ɛɛ̀l.d. kiskisinɛdɔ, diktɔ ተርገበገበ፣ ተንቀጠቀጠ vibration rɔ. dɛgɛn መንቀጥቀጥ፣ ርግብጋቤ victim rɔ. de rɛsɔ, sholayɛboy የሞተ፣ የተጎዳ victory rɔ. shalɛn, bulanga shalɛn (Iʼac: bulangɔde kɔɔsiyɔ)

vital kaman kɔnɛdɔ shalɛn ድል፣ ድል ማድረግ (ለምሳሌ በጨዋታ) view rɔ. tasi, moy አመለካከት፣ እይታ view finder rɔ. ande irɔrrɛ bhunde ibhɛnɛ rɛɛy የሚነሳውን ቦታ የሚያሳይ viewpoint rɔ. tasi አስተያየት፣ ፊት (ለምሳሌ የህንፃ፣ የቤት) views rɔ. Tasi, moy አመለካከት፣ እይታ፣ ትእይንት(ለሚታይ ነገር)፣ ፊትለፊት ያለ፣ አስተያየት village rɔ. mɛndɛri(bhore) መንደር villain rɔ. mɛnde tasi gɛrɛɛ ተንኮለኛ virus rɔ. bayrisi ቨይረስ............ visit ɛɛ̀l.d. moyaaboy ጎበኘ፣ ጠየቀጠየቀ ለምሳሌ በሽተኛን vital rɔ. yellɛnɛdɔ አስፈላጊ




vitamin rɔ. baytamini ቫይታሚን vocabulary rɔ. ɛliyange caʼidaa መድበለ ቃላት ɛliyan oo hɛrɛgiyo ge al isidhɔdegɛna, ajinɛ ɔʼɛnɔ voice rɔ. moyok ድምፅ volatile mi . ande ngɔdhina, koy dhooki የሚተን፤ volcano rɔ. dinu እሳተገሞራ volley mi . kɔɔsi ane iysɛ walajɔkɔ hakɛn ኳስን

አየር ላይ እንዳለች መምታት volley ball rɔ. kɔɔside gibduyɔ የመረብ ኳስ volume rɔ. 1) shɔʼɛn ይዘት 2) kɔmɛn(de mɛsʼetiy, masʼapiy), moyok madhdhak oo pɛɛle ቅፅ(የመፅሄት፣ የመፅሃፍ)፣ የድምፅ መጠን፥ ድምፅ vowel sound rɔ. moyokke ɛrtaan አናባቢ ድምፅ (a,o,i,e…..) voyage rɔ. woyt ጉዞ vulnerable mi . iy lejɔ ተጋላጭ

Ww wait ɛɛ̀l.d. simiyɛɛ ቆየ፣ ጠበቀ wake up ɛɛ̀l.d. iuwaa kɔɔk, ibhaa rɛɛ, sabɔ oyɛɛboy ነቃ፣ ተነሳ

walk ɛɛ̀l.d. alangaaboy, totoyaaboy ተራመደ፣ ተንሸራሸረ wall rɔ. copidac, sarecee iyke bɛtɔɔ ግድግዳ፣ ግንብ


wall want ɛɛ̀l.d. tɛɛnaaboy, teelaboy ፈለገ፣ ወደደ warm colour rɔ. ɛtte iy pakkaa ደማቅ ቀለም warning rɔ. lɔcʼɛn, eet, goshɛnde eedun, milikiti ማስጠንቀቂያ፣ ምልክት goshɛnde koon dɛrdiyɔ zoo eedɛ warp ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwaa kiy kʼɔjɛng kʼɔrjɔng, indiuwaa kɛgɛsaboy (Iʼac:rɛɛde aan) ወጣ ገባ አደረገ፣ አበላሸ (ለምሳሌ ቅርፅን)



warrior warrior rɔ. mɛnde kɔn kamanɔ, wotadɛri ጦረኛ፥ ወታደር፤ትዋጊ was ɛɛ̀l.d. iyɛre iyɔngɔ rɛɛ ነበር wash ɛɛ̀l.d. oonyjɔ አጠበ wastage rɔ. hap pɔsɛn, koy dhook ብክነት፣ ጥፋት ande pɔsinɛ hpɔ waste rɔ. 1) diʼu ቆሻሻ 2) dira watch 1) rɔ. sɛʼati ሰዓት ga ande kɔm keli 2) ɛɛ̀l.d. araaboy, moyaaboy, watch dhadhayaaboy አየ፣ ተመለከተ፣ ተከታተለ water rɔ. maa ውኃ

water bodies


water bodies rɔ. molage maan የውሃ አካላት water borne rɔ. kun maay ውሃ ወለድ water colour rɔ. ɛtte maan የውሃ ቀለም water proof mi . ande maa teek dhulongɔ ውሃ የማይዘልቀው waterfall rɔ. jɔra ፏፏቴ wave ɛɛ̀l.d. kiskisi, wucucuki waterfall አርገበገበ፣ አወዛወዘ wucucuki sinana, isaysinɛdɔ wax rɔ. cɔki ሰም we sa. 1) edaa እኛ 2) ede we are ha. 1) ga edaa እኛ ነን 2) ga ede weak mi . mɔdhɔsi ደካማ wealth rɔ. aa, tomogit ንብረት፣ ሃብት weapon rɔ. bɛrte kamanun የጦር መሳሪያ

webbed feet wear ɛɛ̀l.d. cɛmaaboy, bhulɛsiyɛ ለበሰ፣ አደረገ weather rɔ. iyɛnde wuruy weapon የየአየር ሁኔታ weave ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) apala kenyji ሸመነ (የሽመና weave ስራ) 2) imimaaboy, dɛshiyaaboy ሰካካ፣ ሰራ፣ አቀናበረ weaver rɔ. mɛnde kenyji apalaa ሸማኔ ga apalade iyke bontutɔ web (spider) rɔ. mɛdhɛ ድር (ሸረሪት እንደምትሠራው ዓይነት) webbed feet rɔ. kobholokage sayde rɛɛunɔ ulubhɛsɛ baakɔ በቆዳ የተወሳሰበ ጣት



wedge rɔ. ande zoo gayɛ angkoonɔ የአንድ ነገር መለያያ Wednesday rɔ. tirit ረቡ weed rɔ. shirut አረም week rɔ. shambata ሳምንት weight rɔ. dhiding, ande ililison ክብደት፣ ሚዛን welcome mi . ande ajinɛ arshiy የሚያስደስት፣ እርካታን (ደስታን) ለመግለፅ የሚያገለግል well rɔ. polongde maanɔ የውሃ ጉድጓድ well done mi . yɔngɔbɛ(dɛshade shɛɛʼi koon dɛshinɛɛ) ጎሽ፣ (ጥሩ ስራ ሲሰራ) well-behaved ɛɛ̀l.d. mɛnde dobbay ጨዋ were ɛɛ̀l.d. iyɛremu gàllono ነበርን (የ "are" ኃላፊ ጊዜ ብዙ ቁጥር)gày gɔngɔ rɛɛ we're (= we are) ɛɛ̀l.d. ga edaa, ga ede እኛ ነን

wheel west rɔ. bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ ምዕራብ westerly mi.d . hica bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ ወደ ምራብ western rɔ. mɛnte baude susɔ wɔlɛɛ ምዕራባዊ wet mi . lɔtʼɔgu እርጥብ what sa. akatang ምን what else sa.e. de ayay akatang ሌላ ምን what kind of sa.e. ade iyniyɛy ምን ዓይነቱ what's the matter ha. andiya akatang ምንድን ነው ነገሩ wheat rɔ. sarguwɔ ስንዴ

wheel wheel rɔ. mɛngkorakori, gomma, ande iyke ganggiriyɔ zoo shɔkna, ingkarɛ



kambiliyɔ መንኮራኩር፣ ጎማ፣ መሪ (የመኪና፣ ወዘተ)ande iyke ganggiriyɔ zoo shɔkna zoriyɛ kambiliyɔ when 1) sa.e. minen መቼ 2) mi.d . engette kelun where sa.e. hide, koyde የት፣ ወዴት ga ɛlide engedun which sa. ade የትኛው whistle ɛɛ̀l.d. ushullɔ አፏጨ white mi . wɔli ነጭ who sa.e. anen ማን whole rɔ. muuk ሙሉ whole number rɔ. kɔmdacce iy muukɔ ሙሉ ቁጥር whose sa.e. annen የማን why sa.e. aang ለምን ga ɛlide balgede zoo engedinɛɛ ɛliy wide mi . paltangu ሰፊ wife rɔ. mokac ሚስት wild mi . kɛna kabarge shuwa kʼaji toburɔɔ

wing ወፍ ዘራሽ፣ ያልተገራ፣ የጫካ የሆነ፥ ጫካ wild animal rɔ. kɛginyage toburonɔ የዱር አራዊት wildfire rɔ. goode am baa ሰደድ እሳት wildlife rɔ. kɛginyage toburonɔ የዱር እንስሳት win ɛɛ̀l.d. 1) shalaaboy, putaaboy አሸነፈ፣ ረታ 2) putaaboy wind rɔ. jupa ነፋስ window rɔ. maskoti መስኮት window windward mi . baade jupa jɔya shauwɔ ለንፋስ የተጋለጠ windy mi . baade jupayɔ ነፋሻ፣ ነፋሳማ(ነፋስ የሚበዛበት) wing rɔ. konggut ክንፍ


wing winner rɔ. mɛnde shalɔ ኣሸናፊ winnow ɛɛ̀l.d. ac wuru ለንፋስ በመስጠት ለየ winnowing basket rɔ. kʼɔsa ወንፊት an de tiggiin winter rɔ. winnowing basket daana ክረምት wire rɔ. shibbo ሽቦ wise rɔ. cʼarrashi አዋቂ፣ wire ጠቢብ፣ ጥሩ with dhɔ.d . bhunde kooni ጋር


word problem with love from ha. edɛ oo yellɛn bhunde bkooni ከፍቅር ጋር ከ---(በስጦታ ወቅት የሚጠቅም አገላለፅ) without dhɔ.d . duru, kɔnɛ--wɔct̕i ያለ----፣ ከ------ ውጭ wolf rɔ. cɔkac (ge mɛrɔ cɔka) ተኩላ (ብዙ ቁጥር ተኩላዎች) wolf woman (pl. women) rɔ. mokac ሴትሴቶች women rɔ. zooge siinɔ ሴቶች wood rɔ. kɛdɔ ዕንጨት wooden mi . kɛduny(dɛshinɛnɛ kɛney) የእንጨት፤ከእንጨት የተሰራ wool rɔ. mantʼa ሱፍ word rɔ. ɛli ቃል word problem rɔ. ɛliyange dɛshaade hisabiy የቃላት ፕሮብለም



work 1) ɛɛ̀l.d. dɛshiyaaboy ሠራ 2) rɔ. ስራ workout rɔ. isporti dɛshi የስፖርት ልምምድ worldwide mi . baage baa kumbulok በመላው ዓለም፣ ዓለም አቀፋዊ

worm worm rɔ. dungkʼiyo ትሎች worsen ɛɛ̀l.d. indiwaa katamariyɛboy አባሰ፣ ተባባሰ


wrestle wrestle ɛɛ̀l.d. durrɛdɔ ታገለ wrestling rɔ. durɛn, bagitʼide durunɔ ትግል፣ የትግል ውድድር write ɛɛ̀l.d. tɔɔnaa tudac waratigeboy ጻፈ፣ ደረሰ (ፅሑፍን) writing rɔ. tudacce kɔnnɛɛ iy waratigiyɔ ፅሁፍ (ጽሕፈት) wrong mi . tambinɛ, tambi የተሳሳተ፣ ስህተት

Xx xerophyte rɔ. kɛtte koru የቆላ እፅ(ተክል)

x-ray rɔ. raji ኤክስሬ (ራጅ)





yam yam rɔ. ande iʼac dinggishacide sila bhuɔy ስኳር ድንች የሚመስልና ከስር የሚበቅል yawn ɛɛ̀l.d. ngamdɔ, oy tuk አዛጋ፣ አፉን ከፍቶ ታየ year rɔ. bɛrgu ዓመት yellow mi . dupac ቢጫ yellow fever rɔ. digide iyke dupacɔ ቢጫ ወባ yes mi.d . 1) ee, hiyee አዎ፣ እሺ 2) hiyee yesterday rɔ. ipage ትናንት yield rɔ. jɔydac ምርት young rɔ. goshanec ወጣት

youngster rɔ. ɔrɔɔk, danut ወጣት፥ ለጋ your sa. denu(macɔ), denu(siʼidonɔ), denu, degu ያንተ ፣ ያንቺ፣ የርስዎ፣ የእናንተ you're ha. ga inyu(de macɔ), ga inyu(de siʼidonɔ), ga edu አንተ ነህ፣ አንቺ ነሽ፣ እናንተ ናችሁ you're welcome rɔ. ɛlí shunɔ የአንድን ሰው አስተያየት ተቀባይነት ማግኘቱን መግለጫ ɛlide balgede zoo teelau taside mɛngkooniboyɔ ɛliy yourself sa. inyu saptenu(siʼidonɔ), inyu saptenu(macɔ), edu saptegu አንቺ ራስሽ፣ አንተራስህ፣ እናንተ ራሳችሁ




Zz zebra rɔ. dobun የሜዳ አህያ zero rɔ. zeero ዜሮ zebra




Aa a rɔ art the a kɔn jarec ɛɛ̀l.d. injure aa rɔ. commodity; rɔ. equipment; rɔ. factor 1; rɔ. material; rɔ. object 1; rɔ. thing; rɔ. wealth aay muuk ga birrɛ mi best ac buytin ɛɛ̀l.d. maintain ac goy ɛɛ̀l.d. keep warm ac teʼi rɔ. emphasis ac wuru ɛɛ̀l.d. winnow ackte kobudon rɔ. chicken acuk rɔ. maggot; rɔ. meat acukte biyonɔ rɔ. beef ade sa. which ade iyniyɛy sa.e. what kind of

adrenaliini rɔ. adrenaline aduru rɔ. cat ahiguri rɔ. continent ahiguriyo sabisabi alɛn rɔ. continent relief ajɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. donate ajɛn (nyɛbha ajɛn) rɔ. transfusion ajɛnde badun rɔ. award ajinɛ arshi mi enjoyable ajinɛ bhonɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. benefit 2 ajinɛ ganggi mi creepy ajinɛ kʼaro mi addictive ajinɛ shurrɛn mi irritant ajinɛ tasiy mi serious 1 ajinɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. contribute akatang sa. what

akec sabɔ


akec sabɔ rɔ. slope akpa rɔ. spade aksiyoni rɔ. share akumu rɔ. medical practitioner; rɔ. physician akʼumada rɔ. sack al bhicbhic mi different al hubba hubba ɛɛ̀l.d. group 2 al hubba kɔnɔng rɔ. grouping al kɔ kɛngɔ oo ribhi rɔ. reverse al kʼatta mi equivalent; mi proportional alalangaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. walk alang rɔ. pace; rɔ. progress alayuwa teek ɛɛ̀l.d. put albiyolay rɔ. alveoli aljɛbɛra rɔ. algebra aljɛbiray rɔ. algebraic alkalay rɔ. alkali alkalayni mi alkaline

analogi alke kɔnɔng rɔ. coordination alloy rɔ. alloy almazi rɔ. diamond almuniyɛmi rɔ. aluminum am rɔ. consumption 1; rɔ. diet amakay rɔ. average 1 amananɛ shini ɛɛ̀l.d. suspect 1 ambulansi rɔ. ambulance amda rɔ. cereal; rɔ. crop amda humɛn rɔ. harvest amdage hay gabay rɔ. cash crop amdage rɔmɔsɔ rɔ. grain ampibiyani rɔ. amphibian amsɛt ɛɛ̀l.d. ingest amun mi edible amuuk sa. everything analogi rɔ. analogue 1



ananat rɔ. circumference anant rɔ. round anat rɔ. circumference anatte kibbiyɔ rɔ. perimeter ande maki gooyɔ rɔ. thermometer ande a pɔsinɛɛ zoo yɛʼana indi kokke caʼi cʼuana uwa mi renewable ande ababaa alɛɛ rɔ. vase ande ajinɛ arshiy mi welcome ande ajinɛ tasiy mi sad ande ajinɛ wɔnɛsɛni mi sad ande ane kɔbɔsɛɛngɔ mi partial ande angkoon dɛshinɛnɛ mi made of ande ayay (ande molɔ koonɔ nen shɔk toganage

ande cʼɔllɔ iyo... tacʼinɛɛngɔna rɛmɛsi) rɔ. substance ande balgede sabɔ wɔtɔ zoo cʼibɛ rɔ. headband ande bonagenyɛ alke illɛy koon rɔ. cube ande bhadi mi dazzling ande bhangun rɔ. container 1 ande bhangun (maan nyɛbhun oo ge ayaymu ) rɔ. tube ande bhonongi mi insufficient ande caʼi mi unique ande cemunde iy bhaasejɔde isportiyɔ uptac teek untɔy rɔ. bleachers ande cucuinɛɛngi, rɛmɛs pɛɛliyɔ rɔ. still life ande cuynɛ yɛmsɛ shauwi mi malleable ande cʼɔllɔ iyongi mi temporary

ande dambige ga...


ande dambige ga gaynɛɛ rɔ. official ande dambiy mi traditional ande dɛshadenɛ shɛɛʼi mi delighted ande dɛshay rɔ. instrument ande dɛshi komajɔde susoni mi solar 1 ande dɛshinɛnɛ zooyɔ mi man-made ande dibisna ɔdin ɛɛ̀l.d. teem ande diʼuyɔ mi untidy ande dha taraboy (shini hini) rɔ. suspense ande dha teritɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. stigmatize ande dhesh piric pirici rɔ. hopper ande dhodhonnɛde iy tookay mi tactile ande dhulun rɔ. admission

ande ibhɛsɛ kuy... ande edɛ oo gaazi ga shɔshɔʼinɛy mi gaseous ande elektiriki kt̕enna koyongi rɔ. insulator ande ɛt iy teeki( angge ajinɛ ɛti) rɔ. pigment ande gakaanɛnɛy gùwa mi preventable ande gaynɛ mi common ande gaynɛɛngi mi unknown ande gɛsi mi disgusting ande gìlɔlnyɛ milikiti oo kɔmdacɔ mi analogue 2 ande hak shinshiy mi boring ande ibha angge bibidaa bakɔ rɔ. crane ande ibhabhansi rɛɛ hicay mi stimulant ande ibhɛsɛ kuyay rɔ. motive

ande iisinɛ wad...


ande iisinɛ wadaki mi exportable ande ililison rɔ. weight ande ilodun rɔ. decoration ande indi a kat keenagiyɔ rɔ. conductor ande indi sɛlɛʼɛn sɛlɛʼɛni mi slimy ande iniyɛmu gandekaare rɔ. bottom ande ingkarun rɔ. direction ande irɔrrɛ bhunde ibhɛnɛ rɛɛy rɔ. view finder ande irɔrrɛ gɔrte dɛshay rɔ. principle ande itacʼunɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. shed 1 ande iy cʼɔllɔy mi sustainable ande iy dhodhoyɔ ke ga yɛnɛyɛnɛ rɔ. series

ande jɔynɛ yeca... ande iyke bhunde gnggirey (rɛɛ) rɔ. sphere ande iyke kɛdɔyde zoo hakɛ kɔɔsina, bulangɛ rɔ. bat ande iyke maa rɔ. fluid; rɔ. liquid ande iyke maayde zoo cʼudɛ ɛt kooke sɛllɛjuy rɔ. turpentine ande iyke mitʼay rɔ. data ande iyniyɛmu sa. anything; sa. everything ande iʼac ande shun iy teekɔy rɔ. life-like ande iʼac dinggishacide sila bhuɔy rɔ. yam ande jɔynɛ ɛdɔde iyke leliyɔy rɔ. secondary colour ande jɔynɛ yeca tumuge darmanɔy mi coastal

ande jɔynɛnɛ zi...


ande jɔynɛnɛ zibuwoyge toburonɔy mi herbal ande kabarjɔ goorongi (jɛrmi) rɔ. germ ande kaykiin rɔ. screen 1 ande kenyjinɛ bhutte basilidonide biyo itacʼi rɔ. shed 2 ande kɛji mi decreasing ande kɛjinɛ mi particular ande kingun mi primitive; mi traditional ande kɔn dhɔdhɔcɔki rɔ. spot ande kɔnnɛ sidɔgiyɔ, kɔnnɛ birannagiyɔ rɔ. manuscript ande kunɛ kiciy rɔ. risk ande kunɛ taarec sabaki rɔ. imagery ande kʼagi mi shiny ande lɛcʼun; rɔ. straw

ande rɛɛdenɛ iʼ... ande limun rɔ. cutter ande maa ilɛktiriki oo moyok kʼenɛ keenagey rɔ. conduction ande maa teek dhulongɔ mi water proof ande makiin rɔ. counter balance; rɔ. device; rɔ. measurement; rɔ. unit ande mɛrzi iy teekɔ mi poisonous ande ngar ke ramangi rɔ. bisector ande ngas haphapi mi inflammable ande ngɔdhina koy dhooki mi volatile ande oyun rɔ. screw ande ɔdɛɛ tasi ɛɛ̀l.d. brainstorm ande ɔʼɛndenɛ iy teeki mi significant ande rɛɛdenɛ iʼac tubboy rɔ. cylinder

ande rudhuguyɔ ande rudhuguyɔ rɔ. spring 1 ande se tidhitidhi mi elastic ande sobhinɛ rɔ. bundle ande shɛɛʼi, bhushshi rɔ. embellishment ande shikirinɛ rɔ. rotation ande shɔk tomogitɔ rɔ. clamp ande shɔk wɔcʼɛnde tʼinɔɔ rɔ. lower term ande shɔshɔʼinɛ mi sticky ande shun iy teeeki i‘ajɔ yɛnɛke kɛdɔɔ rɔ. plant 2 ande shun iy teekide kunɛ ilaʼici rɔ. pathogen ande shun teek untɔɔ rɔ. inorganic ande tasi rɔksana mi imaginary


ande yellɛnɛɛng... ande tɛty ilaʼijanaa (kʼaji ilaʼic) rɔ. vector ande tiisinɛɛ se tidhitidhiki rɔ. elasticity ande urkumɔ rɔ. gatherer ande wowoy mi moveable ande wowoy yeca haykʼige oo yedɔ maay tuntɔy rɔ. plankton ande wowoyongi rɔ. geostationary ande woyongi, tɛsi mi permanent ande wɔdhi mi painful ande wɔrɔysɛ shɔtshɔti mi ductile ande wuʼɛ ɛt aa rɔ. dye ande yellɛnɛ rɔ. facility; rɔ. need ande yellɛnɛɛngi mi unwanted

ande zoo bhangɛ...


ande zoo bhangɛ angeeny yɔngɔ teeki ɛɛ̀l.d. container 2 ande zoo bhɔgɛ baay rɔ. hoe ande zoo dɛshidiyɛɛboyɔ tolɔ ɔngɔn zɛlli mi disposable ande zoo dɛshiyɛ hisaabiy rɔ. calculator ande zoo dokna hayɛ oomu urugɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. step ande zoo gayeccɔ rɔ. relic 1 ande zoo gayecɔ (hawulti ooge ayaymu) rɔ. sculpture ande zoo gayɛ angkoonɔ rɔ. wedge ande zoo hakɛ kɔɔside tenisiyɔɔ(bulangunɔ) rɔ. racket ande zoo hayɛ gɔrɔgiyɔ

ane kadalmiyong bhushshi(mɛrkɛbi mi.d navigable ande zoo ililisiyɛ dhidhingi rɔ. pound 2 ande zoo ishɔshɔʼɛ zeeytide kɛdnunɔɔ rɔ. shellac ande zoo kɔmɛ ungoge bɛrguyɔy rɔ. calendar ande zoo kɔnɛ kamani iyke tomogit sɔy mi mechanized ande zoo makiyɛ dhidhingi (mizzani) rɔ. scale (weight) ande zoo uwaangi mi unable ande zoo zoriyɔ koy rɔ. vehicle andiya akatang ha. what's the matter ane mi.d still ane kadalmiyong mi impure

ane karɛɛng


ane karɛɛng mi untreated ane kekongɔ mi raw ane kɛdɛshiyɛɛgaa/ane karɛgaa sabbɔ irɔr rɔ. preview ane kidipong mi incomplete ane kililisiyɛɛngɔ rɔ. imbalance ane kishɔshɔʼɛngɔ rɔ. irregular ane kitigiyɛɛng rɔ. impurity ane kiyga ke dɔngɔɔ mi.d rather than ane komoyɛɛng mi untreated ane koydɔ ha. to be continued ane kʼarayjɔ karakɛɛng (kɛdɔ karka) mi rough anen sa.e. who anitaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bite

angge al bhicbh... anitaaboy ( sisoc mɛmɛ‘ac) ɛɛ̀l.d. sting ankɔnɔng dhɔ.d something annen sa.e. whose antena rɔ. antenna 1 anyi sa. I; sa. me ange dɛshinɛnɛ sidɔgiyɔ mi artificial ange ilanga kingunyɔ rɔ. artifact ange kʼɔrɔngun rɔ. necklace bead Ange woydun (cɔdhɛn) rɔ. transport ange yellɛnɛ taside dɛshay dɛshiyɔ rɔ. elements of design angec rɔ. dimension 1; rɔ. direction angge ajinɛ kiciyɔ uwɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. endure angge ajinɛ wɔllinɔ rɔ. lamp 2 angge al bhicbhicɔ rɔ. diversity

angge al walajɔ...


angge al walajɔɔ rɔ. celestial bodies angge cɔt aa rɔ. transportation angge gabun rɔ. vegetable angge gabunɔ jaruttegɛ ga kumbuliyɔ rɔ. tuber angge gagayɛ bhoyɔ rɔ. scenery angge ilanga kingunyɔ rɔ. antiquity angge ilodu rɔ. jewelry angge ilodun rɔ. ornament angge jaarunɔ ogoy rɔ. pastoralism angge ke yɛnɛ kalongɔ mi asymmetrical angge kesun rɔ. furniture; rɔ. utensil angge kesun ge dɛshinɛ burcʼukogey rɔ. glassware

angge yɛɛ (uynɛ... angge kʼɛginɛnɛ ejuguwɔ rɔ. natural resource angge mujushɔ (hayke madɛbɛriyana, uwaa) rɔ. humus angge ngangaynɛɛngɔ rɔ. immiscible angge nguny wɔdɔ rɔ. import angge shɔshɔʼinɛ oo kʼirsiyoge ilanga kingunɔy mi archaeological angge shunana teek untɔɔ rɔ. lifeless angge shunanunge tʼitta rɔ. microorganism angge tʼittaa shunanunɔ rɔ. insect angge tʼittage shunanun rɔ. pest angge yellɛnɛ mi decisive angge yɛɛ (uynɛ/iyaajinɛ) rɔ. symmetry

angge yɛnɛyɛɛ m...


angge yɛnɛyɛɛ muut rɔ. set 2 angge zoo ilodɛ kʼɔrɔngi rɔ. necklace angge zoo kɔnɛ waratiyɔ rɔ. stationary 1 angge zoo moyge ayay ayay rɔ. special effect angge zoo urukna hayɛɛ rɔ. transportation anggeyge ɛdinagegɛ ayay ayay (bɛney) rɛɛde aan tartarinya dɛɛ̀s hi rɔ. mosaic anggge jɔynɛnɛ pabirkay rɔ. production 2 anggilide kusinɛde iy 180 oo 360 keenagey rɔ. reflex anggilide dhabinɛɛ rɔ. obtuse anggilide iy gande kɛngunɔ rɔ. interior angle

apɛndɛksi anggilide kɔmnɛ digiriyo (90) rɔ. right angle anggilide lɛshɔ mi acute 1; rɔ. acute 2 angka rɔ. street angkoon ajɛn rɔ. contribution angkoon pɔskacjɔng rɔ. tip angkoon sabɔyɔng rɔ. peak angkoonmu untan sidɔge sɔng dɛshi rɔ. free hand angkɔnɔngmu untɔ mi.d none apa rɔ. grandmother; rɔ. grandparent apala rɔ. clothes; rɔ. linen apala kenyji ɛɛ̀l.d. weave 1 apalde dambiyɔ rɔ. uniform 2 apɛndɛksi rɔ. appendix



araaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. look (at); ɛɛ̀l.d. see; ɛɛ̀l.d. watch 2 arma(ande irɔrrɛ baa koon, hubbay) rɔ. emblem armade dirijitiy/mahibɛriy rɔ. logo aro rɔ. hippo arshi rɔ. joy; rɔ. pleasure arshiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. enjoy aruca rɔ. agency asidi rɔ. poison 2 asidi/maage gɛsidaa rɔ. eutrophication, eutrofication asidiy mi acidic asiriyoshi (0 1 2 3) rɔ. decimal astironomi rɔ. astronomy astiroydi rɔ. asteroid atimi (de gazetʼayɔ) rɔ. issue

ayiyɛɛ atimiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. print 1 atomi rɔ. atom attimi rɔ. print 2 attimiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. publish awurarisi rɔ. rhino ayaa dhadhalboy ɛɛ̀l.d. strengthen ayaa mirɛnboy ɛɛ̀l.d. relieve ayaa uwɛnboy ɛɛ̀l.d. enable ayaa yɛbhɛnboy ɛɛ̀l.d. promise ayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. give; ɛɛ̀l.d. offer; ɛɛ̀l.d. provide ayay ayay rɔ. kind ayayayay rɔ. component ayɛɛ hasude bore mi productive ayɛɛ taside pɔskajunɔboy ɛɛ̀l.d. summarize ayiyɛɛ mi present

ayuwa ayuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. extend


ayuwaa kok giri... ayuwaa kok girigiri ɛɛ̀l.d. transmit

ayuwaa kok giri...


baade tallɛ kom...

Bb ba,ali rɔ. holiday baa rɔ. country; rɔ. globe; rɔ. state baa bhunde bhɛlsɛɛ rɔ. groove baa bhunde iy teebhaakɔ rɔ. depression baa iyɛndenɛ rɔ. atmosphere 1 baa iyke habhayɔ rɔ. ground cover baa kɛna imɛdɔ ulup rɔ. forestation baa komajɔ ingkar rɔ. dictatorship baa kumbulok mi international baa kumbulok bongkoon rɔ. hemisphere baa talɛn rɔ. reign; rɔ. rule

baa talɛn komajɔ rɔ. colonialism baade bh‘ogiyɛboyɔ rɔ. clearing baade bhɔgunɔ muyɔ de bore rɔ. plantation baade hubhaanɔ boyo bonde iy tuntɔɔ rɔ. sod baade iy talɛdɔde komajunɔ teekɔ rɔ. colony baade iyke habhayɔ rɔ. grassland baade jupa jɔya shauwɔ mi windward baade jupayɔ mi windy baade sila industirigeboyɔ mi industrialized baade tallɛ komajɔ manggisi gede ayayɔɔ rɔ. colonialist

baade yɛbhɛnɛta...


baade yɛbhɛnɛtagenyɛ mɛrɔ mi multi-faith baage baa kumbulok mi worldwide baakoon dhulɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. get to baala rɔ. hundred baalaage mɛri mi hundreds baalkɛngɔ rɔ. midday baalɔ rɔ. afternoon baarɔ mi.d tomorrow babiy rɔ. amateur; mi dull; mi unwise baburu rɔ. train 1 bacaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compress baddabadda bhangɛn rɔ. list 1 bade apirka rɔ. Africa bade ertira rɔ. Eritrea bade jibuti rɔ. Djibouti bade Keniya rɔ. Kenya badiriyɛsiyɛ teek ɛɛ̀l.d. lend baggitʼi ɛɛ̀l.d. run

baldi bagiitʼidac mi rival bagitʼdac rɔ. competitor bagitʼi (madɛn sigirɔge jorɛdɔ) rɔ. race bagìtʼi (orrɛn kɔɔsigede jarjunɔ) rɔ. contest bagitʼidac (de hubbay koonɔ) rɔ. opponent bagitʼide durunɔ rɔ. wrestling bagitʼide zoo ɔngɔngɔn kɛdɔ rɔ. relay race bagitʼiyan sizzi rɔ. triathlon bagitʼiyok zeri(isportide jorun) ɛɛ̀l.d. challenge bakteriya rɔ. bacteria bakungo rɔ. layer 1 bakut rɔ. stove; rɔ. strait 1 bal bhusaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. lose bal bhusɔ rɔ. loser baldi rɔ. bucket

balge dɔngɔ


balge dɔngɔ mi.d then balliyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. condense balloge mi hundredth balshi ɛɛ̀l.d. bake baltutuuk mi.d always 1; mi.d every day balut rɔ. charcoal 2 bamba rɔ. canal; rɔ. pipe bandira rɔ. flag banut rɔ. corner bangki rɔ. bank 1 bar rɔ. night baragenyuke shɛɛʼi? rɔ. good evening bargirapi rɔ. bar graph barit mi nice barkeen rɔ. midnight barmeeli rɔ. barrel basɛt ɛɛ̀l.d. give birth 1 basong mi incurable bataskai rɔ. church batʼa rɔ. cheese bau mi healthy

bɛr baude apirka mi African baude Hindi mi Indian baudin rɔ. health; rɔ. security baudinon mi medical baun mi existing baut rɔ. heart baut bonkoon rɔ. chamber bawn mi domestic 1 baykarboneti rɔ. bicarbonate baynomiyali (kɔmda ramangge dɛshinɛ dhɔjɛdɔ oo kɛjɛdɔ (2² + a) rɔ. binomial bayogazi rɔ. biogas bayrisi rɔ. virus baytamini rɔ. vitamin bayuwa yɔngɔ guru ɛɛ̀l.d. get well soon baʼulo rɔ. mule benzini rɔ. benzene bɛkɛra (mɛzɛwuri) rɔ. pulley bɛr rɔ. spear



bɛrɛn rɔ. election bɛrgu rɔ. year bɛrgude zoo alɛ shunɔɔ rɔ. life span bɛrgudenu a sɛʼɛn? ha. how old are you? bɛrguude mattanun rɔ. modern bɛrte kamanun rɔ. weapon bɛruwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. prefer bɛtɔ rɔ. stone bɛtte kolkuy rɔ. coal bɛtte wuʼejun rɔ. limestone biiro rɔ. office bikɛri (tʼɛrmuside jɔynɛ kesɔde ilobhunɔy) rɔ. beaker biliyoni rɔ. billion biri (maʼidini) rɔ. silver birindo rɔ. thorn birinit rɔ. prickle 1 bitirec rɔ. ankle biy rɔ. cow

bon koon biy rɔyɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. milk a cow biyo rɔ. cattle; rɔ. livestock bizingit rɔ. king bizingit /mokke bizingidon rɔ. sovereign bizingitte bizingoon rɔ. monarch bizingsɛt rɔ. reign bogi rɔ. robbery bògi ɛɛ̀l.d. invasion boina alke sizziyɔ rɔ. triangle bojac rɔ. pupa boktac rɔ. Monday bolboliyaaboy; ɛɛ̀l.d. decompose 1 bole rɔ. boy Bolobolo(abɛba) rɔ. flower bon rɔ. halves; rɔ. part; rɔ. side (geometry) bon koon rɔ. half

bona sizziyana ... bona sizziyana ramangge yɛnɛyɛnɛ rɔ. isosceles bona wuc mi quadrilateral bonage gɔjɔyɛnɛ ɛliyanɔ rɔ. index bonasizzide anggiliyo ge ayayayay sizzi al teeki rɔ. scalene bonde ɛli-sabɔ kɔnnɛnɛɛ rɔ. title page bonde ɛliin indf an bonde gɔjɔyɛnɛ bhunde giinɔ masʼapigiyɔ rɔ. table of contents bonde kelun rɔ. period 1 bonde rɛɛunde iy bhogujɔ teekna shɔk giʼecce robhonjunɔyu rɔ. rib cage bonde saʼatiy wɔdɔ bhunde irɔrrɛ kel


boyeyteek bhɔgɛ... kɔmdayɔ rɔ. clock face boni mi.d in terms of bonkonga rɔmɔsi rɔ. semi-arid bonɔkɔngey tolɔ rɔ. half past bontʼi rɔ. disaster; rɔ. disturbance 1; rɔ. fault 1 bontʼiya mi disastrous boolua rɔ. bean bore mi big; mi larger; mi large-scale; mi significant borsa rɔ. bag botakayt rɔ. squash boydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. hold boyey teekbhuɔ teekyica mi underground boyeyteek bhɔgɛn(maʼadini), bhudɛn rɔ. extraction



boyo rɔ. earth; rɔ. ground; rɔ. land; rɔ. soil boyo bhunde bhɛllɛɛ iy tuntɔɔ rɔ. fault 1 boyo bhunde iy tuntɔɔ rɔ. crust; rɔ. topsoil boyo bhunde jɔynɛ rɛʼɛgede boyon tuntɔ oo bhuɔ digiriyo 23 teeki mi tropical 1 boyo bhunde tumu dhul teekɔ (gogolomde gngarsinɛ wodi sizziy) rɔ. peninsula boyo bhunde tuntoyɔ rɔ. earth's crust boyo keen rɔ. middle ground boyo oònynyɛɛ rɔ. erosion 1 boyo tɛbhɛn(lolomsi) rɔ. conservation boyode bhɔgun rɔ. farmland

budin boyode jɛngunɔ rɔ. cemetery boyode koykiyke lecɔ rɔ. desertification boyode muyɔ rɔ. loam boyode muyɔ kɔbhɔgɛy shɛʼɔ mi arable boyode shɛʼɔ ajinɛ amdaa pɔsinɛn rɔ. degradation boyode ulubhinɛ maayɔ rɔ. landmass boyode wok bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ rɔ. orient 2 bɔdɔl rɔ. impression bɔlɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. peel bɔrde dɛshinɛnɛ kɛna kabareyɔ rɔ. marmalade bɔrte abɛbay/samu rɔ. nectar brgude keenun mi medieval budegeeny mi abnormal budin rɔ. false; rɔ. lie



bulali rɔ. trouser bulang rɔ. conversation; rɔ. game bulangaaby ɛɛ̀l.d. play bulangatage olompikiyɔ rɔ. Olympic game bulangde isportiy rɔ. sportsmanship bulangde kɔɔsiude dɛshinɛnɛ punsʼuweyɔ rɔ. badminton bulangde kɔɔsiude zoo uguguny bhuwɔ kesɔ kɛnggiyɔ rɔ. bowling bulangde shoy rɔ. humor bultʼa rɔ. dust bulukʼu rɔ. blanket

buytini bunac teek bhunde joc kunɛ wadakɔ rɔ. rectum burcʼuko rɔ. glass 1 burtukani rɔ. orange burushi rɔ. brush 1 bùsi ɛɛ̀l.d. cut 2 buskuti rɔ. biscuit butulu mi dull (colour); mi dull buy madhdhak mi bulky buy shɛshshɛk mi enormous buytin rɔ. magnitude; mi main; rɔ. respect; rɔ. significance buytin ajɛn rɔ. respect buytini mi greater


bhɛllac (bhɛllɛ...

235 Bh bh

bhaasec rɔ. field; rɔ. level (flat); rɔ. plain bhaasecce paltangude iyke ganggireyde isportiy rɔ. arena bhacaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. squeeze bhadɛn rɔ. reflection bhadi mi glossy bhaduwa ɛɛ̀l.d. reflect bhajuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. push bhalakec rɔ. flap bhalakecce angkooni(okac) rɔ. cap bhangaa badda baddaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. list 2 bhangaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. pose; ɛɛ̀l.d. put; ɛɛ̀l.d. save bhanguwa dɛshage ɛɛ̀l.d. use bhanguwaa bhiic ɛɛ̀l.d. reserve

bhanguwaa jareccenɛna nen yɛmaa way kɛdɛshiyɛga ɛɛ̀l.d. represent bharung rɔ. affection bharungnɛ rɔ. acceptance bhaskiyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. examine bhaynɛ mi abundant; rɔ. rich bhaynɛn rɔ. prosperity bhec rɔ. axe bhellac rɔ. bell bhellac yikiti ɛɛ̀l.d. jingle bhendiri rɔ. lizard bhɛlaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. chop bhɛlɛn oo cɛgɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. operate bhɛlla rɔ. twin 2 bhɛllac rɔ. segment bhɛllac (bhɛllɛ) rɔ. rift

bhɛllɛdɔ bhɛllɛdɔ mi.d early bhɛwut it. only bhfkaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cultivate bhicbhic ɛɛ̀l.d. distinct bhiic iyɛn rɔ. variation bhilang mi lonely; it. only bhodasi mi lazy bhoguc rɔ. chest; rɔ. thorax bhonaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. can bhondac rɔ. production 1 bhondacce boyon rɔ. sum bhonɛsɛn rɔ. advantage; rɔ. benefit 1; rɔ. service; ɛɛ̀l.d. value 2 bhonɛsɛn iy teek mi beneficial bhonɛsɛn; rɔ. outcome bhonɛsɛndenɛ iye mi useful


bhoykoon bhonaa... bhoni mi adequate; rɔ. limit 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. qualify; mi sufficient bhoniy uwadɔ mi possible bhonong mi inadequate bhongay rɔ. bull bhoot rɔ. cave bhootte zoo nitiyɛɛ rɔ. tunnel bhore rɔ. environment; rɔ. surrounding bhorede gɛrɛmɛsɛɛ rɔ. settlement 1 bhorede gɛsaboyɔ kɛney oo Kolkungɔ) ulup rɔ. reforestation bhoregekoonɔ mi localized bhorey rɔ. locality bhoru rɔ. porridge bhoykoon bhonaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. happen

bhɔdɛn (bhɔdinɛ...


bhɔdɛn (bhɔdinɛnde kɛjɛn koyɛke dhɔjɛn ane debisi koyɛke ngarɛnɔ) rɔ. inverse 1 bhɔdinɛ mi reciprocal bhɔgɛn rɔ. agriculture; rɔ. cultivation bhɔktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. dig; ɛɛ̀l.d. plough 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. till bhɔrɔsidɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. scratch bhɔtaa taraboy ɛɛ̀l.d. convert bhudɛn rɔ. harvest bhuguwaa liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. remove 2 bhukaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. open bhuktac rɔ. fulcrum bhukut rɔ. elevation bhulec rɔ. hazard bhulɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. wear bhulɛsiyɛ teek ɛɛ̀l.d. put on bhunde boyo kalumɔ rɔ. land locked

bhunde hin ɛlɛl... bhunde shishiʼinɛy uwa mi possible bhunde angge gabun alɛɛ rɔ. garden 1 bhunde angge zoo dɛshiyɛ isportiyɔ alɛɛ rɔ. gymnasium bhunde angkon dhukenɛnɛɛ rɔ. source bhunde angkoon dhoyɛnɛɛ rɔ. root 1 bhunde caʼi koon bhonɔ rɔ. phenomenon (pl: phenomena) bhunde elektirikide jɔynɛnɛ maayɔ iyɛ mi hydroelectric bhunde ɛliyange hay walajɔɔ ititinsɛnɛ rɔ. studio bhunde gɛsi dɛshi rɔ. destruction bhunde hin ɛlɛliy rɔ. issue

bhunde ilan ga ... bhunde ilan ga dhɛmauboyɔ rɔ. custom bhunde iy bhiicɔ irɔr; rɔ. differentiation bhunde iy elege gande kaareyde iyke dekungi rɔ. foothill bhunde iy keenɔgena bhonɛsɛ zoo muuki mi average 2 bhunde iy maantege rɛnaki rɔ. fantasy bhunde iy tuntookɔ,ramatin rɔ. altitude bhunde iyɛre dhɛmaboyɔ rɔ. habit bhunde iyɛre sabbɔ iyɔɔ rɔ. background bhunde iyke kʼumecɔ rɔ. end point bhunde iyke mantiyɔ rɔ. significance bhunde iyke suutɔ; ɛɛ̀l.d. basis bhunde iyɔɔ mi existing


bhunde ɔdɛɛ bhunde kasay iy jiyaki rɔ. approximation bhunde kooni dhɔ.d with bhunde kooni iyɛn ke kɔnɔng rɔ. unity bhunde kʼajocce yedunɔ wɔdhɔngɛɛ rɔ. gill bhunde maa dhoyɛnɛɛ rɔ. spring 2 bhunde maa dhukenɛnɛɛ rɔ. reservoir bhunde maa gabiyɛɛ rɔ. reservoir bhunde maa ngesɛɛ rɔ. drainage bhunde mirɛge bhonɔ rɔ. forecast bhunde moyok ngunyɛɛ rɔ. sound effect bhunde orrɛnun rɔ. intersection country bhunde ɔdɛɛ mi primitive

bhunde susa cuw...


bhunde susa cuwɛnɛɛ cimtunok rɔ. northeast bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ rɔ. east; mi eastern, easterly bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ rɔ. west bhunde walacce wuru koyɛ teeki untɔɔ mi airtight bhunde woyage tʼiitaa icɔcɔnnɛnɛɛ rɔ. nursery bhunde wuru teek untɔɔ rɔ. vacuum bhunde wutʼtʼetiyoge uronɔ tallɛnɛɛ rɔ. dairy shop bhunde yellɛnɛ tɛbhɛni rɔ. responsibility bhunde yellɛnɛɛngi rɔ. illegal bhunde yeni ititinnɛnɛɛ rɔ. strait 2 bhunde yeni ngessɛ rɔ. streamline

bhutte oonyun bhunde zoo dɛshiyɛ isportiyɔ rɔ. gym bhunde zoo kʼamiyɛ kɛna debuwɔɔ rɔ. nursery bhunde zoo kʼamiyɛ woyage alke gayduwɔɔ rɔ. orphanage bhunkoon rɔ. side effect bhuruccɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. scratch bhushaaboy mi rub bhushkin rɔ. beauty bhushshi mi beautiful; mi clean 1; mi colourful; mi pretty bhushshide diʼu teek untɔy mi pure bhushshide many zoo taray mi attractive bhutaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. extract; ɛɛ̀l.d. remove 2 bhutte oonyun rɔ. bathroom

bhutte rɛmɛsun


cimm kare

bhutte rɛmɛsun rɔ. habitat

Cc caa rɔ. shoe caage ngamɔ rɔ. sandal cabhakaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. chew cakamde buytɔ rɔ. chair cakang rɔ. stool cancinɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. relax carti rɔ. chart caʼi rɔ. modern; mi new; mi raw cèm bhuɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. sit down cemke zegelit mi unwise cɛkaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. mend; ɛɛ̀l.d. sew cɛmaa loshaboy rɔ. arms (weapon)

cɛmaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. put on; ɛɛ̀l.d. wear cɛmɛn rɔ. equipment cɛmiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. get dressed cikali rɔ. cleat cim karak mi downward; rɔ. south cim karak dhɔjɛn rɔ. vertical addition cim kare bhunde wok hica susɔ wɔlɛɛ rɔ. southwest cim tunok rɔ. north cim tunɔ bonde woko bhunde bsusɔ wɔlɛɛ rɔ. northwest cimkarrey rɔ. southern cimm kare mi.d southerly



cimtonogi rɔ. northern codhiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. explore cokki rɔ. chalk cokkide ɛdunɔ rɔ. crayon com rɔ. obstacle comua bhuɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. sit copidac, sarecee iyke bɛtɔɔ rɔ. wall cɔkac (ge mɛrɔ cɔka) rɔ. wolf cɔki rɔ. wax cɔyɛɛ baa ɛɛ̀l.d. bounce cuccɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. beat 1 cucùki rɔ. movement cucukiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. manipulate cudit rɔ. ant 2 cukuraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. blend; ɛɛ̀l.d. combine 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. mix cukurrɛ mi miscible cukurta rɔ. mixture cukurtac rɔ. composition 1; rɔ. compound;

cʼik sakkul

rɔ. constituent 2; rɔ. integration cʼangki ɛɛ̀l.d. defecation; ɛɛ̀l.d. egestion; rɔ. excretion cʼarashɛt rɔ. knowledge; rɔ. means cʼarashɛt hinɛn mi educational cʼarashɛt oo dhadhalide girasinɛ dɛshi rɔ. feat cʼarashɛtte isportiy mi aesthetic 1 cʼarashɛtte kesiuge alke bɛnaa kenyjiin rɔ. architecture cʼarashɛtte sidon rɔ. craft cʼarrashi rɔ. wise cʼarrshi mi intelligent cʼɛbaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bind; ɛɛ̀l.d. tie up 1 cʼɛcʼɛbaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. join cʼik sakkul ɛɛ̀l.d. snigger



cʼiktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. laugh cʼimako rɔ. juice cʼɔbɔsh rɔ. depletion cʼɔbɔshshɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. absorb; ɛɛ̀l.d. suck 2 cʼɔdɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. melt cʼɔkaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. dip; ɛɛ̀l.d. soak cʼɔllɔ mi.d always 1; mi.d every day; mi.d repeatedly cʼɔllɔ bhangɛn rɔ. preservation cʼɔlɔc rɔ. gut; rɔ. intestine cʼɔlɔcce buytɔ rɔ. colon cʼɔlɔcce tʼinɔ rɔ. small intestine cʼɔrɛ rɔ. hair cʼɔrɛ oo putʼuwoge ersɛ ke sila cʼuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. molting cʼɔrɛ teek untɔɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. bald cʼɔrɛge kɔnnɛɛ rɔ. plait

cʼurtac cʼɔrɛge shishitʼinɛɛ mi curly cʼɔtaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. dissolve 1 cʼɔttɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. stir cʼua mi.d again cʼukukum rɔ. smile cʼulluk mi cold cʼullukaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cool cʼuncʼitte digiyɔ rɔ. mosquito cʼurbukaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. saturate; ɛɛ̀l.d. soak cʼurcʼuriyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. contract cʼuriwaa dhɛsh ɛɛ̀l.d. squeeze cʼuriyaa cʼurkageboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compress cʼuriyaa rɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. hang cʼurka rɔ. linen cʼurkaa rɔ. textile cʼurkaay rɔ. collage cʼurtac rɔ. remainder

cʼurtac(wutʼtʼe... cʼurtac(wutʼtʼetide kɔmda ramang


cʼurtac(wutʼtʼe... kɛckɛjinɛna ɔdinɛnɛ) rɔ. difference 1




Dd daana rɔ. winter dabbo rɔ. bread dabdabede mɛngkoonɔ rɔ. personal letter 1 dac mi.d directly dadabede enɛɛkooni rɔ. personal letter 2 daga rɔ. ceremony dagade partiy koonɔ de ane katasiyongna dɛshinɛ duluʼunɔ rɔ. surprise party dahadhalide girasinɛ mi difficult dambbi rɔ. rule dambi rɔ. culture; rɔ. system dambi dhoyongɔ rɔ. irregular dambide diʼu koyɛ rɛɛge liyokɔ rɔ. excretory system dambide gala ngunynyɛnɛ kɛngge

teekɔ rɔ. digestive system dambide suson (susɔ oo pilanetiyo) rɔ. solar system dambiy mi cultural dampu rɔ. cigarette; rɔ. tobacco dandansidac rɔ. layer 1 dandansinɛ (penuan ramang bhunde kooni) rɔ. overlap dandiri rɔ. storm 2 danut rɔ. youngster dangkʼarun mi muddy darica (boyode iy maay darmanɔy) rɔ. shore dariyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. touch darma rɔ. aspect darman rɔ. edge; rɔ. end; rɔ. margin; rɔ. point

darmanɔ wɔcʼi d... darmanɔ wɔcʼi darmanak dhɔ.d across dastɛri rɔ. duster daynyɛsɛt rɔ. authority daʼa rɔ. tail de ayay mi.d opportunistic; it. other de ayay akatang sa.e. what else de dari taray mi concerned de egisɔ mi cooked; mi mature de enga mushkiyoboyɔ) rɔ. solution 1 de hinnɛɛ tuntook mi surplus de iy jiyakɔ mi the nearest de iy keenage tuntookɔ rɔ. medium height


de sabbuniyɔ de iyca sabakɔ mi.d in front of de iyke rektanggiliyɔ rɔ. rectangular de iyke suutɔ mi basic de iyɔ de ayay rɔ. alternative de iʼac neni untɔ mi unique de koy dacɔ mi straight de kʼen sabbɔɔ rɔ. pioneer de kʼen sabɔɔ mi previous de kʼenɔ mi specialized de ngar ke yɛnɛɛ rɔ. common denominator de ngarɔ rɔ. divisor de ngarrɛɛ mi dividend de punɔ amɔ mi thirsty de rɛsɔ rɔ. victim de sabbuniyɔ mi primary

de shɔk wɔcʼɛnd...


de shɔk wɔcʼɛnde buytɔɔ rɔ. higher term de tacʼinɛ jarjakɔ rɔ. substitute de tatacʼinɛnɛɛ rɔ. substitute de tʼiinɔ mi smaller debisi rɔ. multiplication; ɛɛ̀l.d. reproduce 1 debisidac rɔ. multiple debisidage intijɛriyon mi integral multiples Debisinɛɛ dhɔ.d times 2 debisiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. multiply dedikʼa rɔ. minute/min degay sa. our 1 degey sa. our 2 degu sa. your dekung rɔ. hill demokirasi rɔ. democracy demokirasiy mi democratic

dɛshade boyo da... denɛ iye ha. he's denu sa. your denu(macɔ) sa. your denu(siʼidonɔ) sa. your desimetiri=de/met rɔ. decimeter deski rɔ. desk dɛɛɛ̀s hi mi found dɛgɛn rɔ. vibration dɛgiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. shake dɛptari rɔ. exercise book dɛrdi rɔ. fault 1 dɛseti(boyo bhunde maa kalumɛsɛ keenakɔ) rɔ. island dɛsha rɔ. construction 1; rɔ. job; ɛɛ̀l.d. make dɛsha buyɛsɛɔ mi busy dɛsha dɛshi rɔ. formation 2 dɛsha sudhɛn rɔ. achievement dɛshade ayay rɔ. role dɛshade boyo darmanun rɔ. perspective

dɛshade dɛshinɛ...


dɛshade dɛshinɛ tɔllɔɔ mi deliberate dɛshade engedinɛ tɔgilsɛt rɔ. feat dɛshade hisabiy rɔ. calculation; rɔ. operation dɛshade hitimɛtiy rɔ. typography dɛshade hubbaay rɔ. teamwork dɛshade isportiy rɔ. aesthetic 2 dɛshade iyɛre gayɔ rɔ. experience dɛshade shɔshɔʼinɛ oo bayolojiy rɔ. biological dɛshade ungojɔ ungojɔ dɛshinɛ rɔ. chore dɛshade warati kɔnun rɔ. literature dɛshade zoo wowoyna moynɛnɛ rɔ. tourism dɛshade zooge mɛrɔ rɔ. social service

dɛshiyaa hisaab... dɛshae tuwon rɔ. homework dɛshge mi practical dɛshi mi.d design 1; rɔ. manufacture 1; rɔ. mechanism; rɔ. process 2 dɛshi kitta ɛɛ̀l.d. fringe dɛɛ̀s hi, dɛsha rɔ. function dɛshidɔ mi functional dɛshina jɔyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. produce dɛshinɛn/ɛysɛn rɔ. usage dɛshinɛnɛ haphap ɛɛ̀l.d. misuse dɛshiua dɛshade bshɛɛʼi ɛɛ̀l.d. behave dɛshiwaa gala kegaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cook dɛshiwaa tudacce buytinonna,irɔriyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. set 1 1 dɛshiyaa hisaabiboy rɔ. calculate



dɛshiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. accomplish; ɛɛ̀l.d. do; ɛɛ̀l.d. implement; ɛɛ̀l.d. perform; ɛɛ̀l.d. produce; ɛɛ̀l.d. weave 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. work 1 dɛshiyaaboy, mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ rɔ. labor dɛshiyɛɛ komaccenɛ suut ɛɛ̀l.d. exert dɛshiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. succeed; ɛɛ̀l.d. use; ɛɛ̀l.d. utilize dɛshiyɛsɛn rɔ. service dɛshiyɛsiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. serve dibisi mi full digi rɔ. malaria digide iyke dupacɔ rɔ. yellow fever digiri rɔ. degree 1 digiride icɔcɔnun rɔ. degree 2 dijitali (ande dɛshi kɔmɛdɔy) mi digital

diyapirami dijiti (kɔmdage kɔnɛsɛ zero wɔcʼi saalɔ) rɔ. digit dikshinari rɔ. dictionary diktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. vibrate dinu rɔ. volcano dinggishac rɔ. potato dira mi dirty; rɔ. rubbish; rɔ. waste 2 dirama rɔ. drama dirgac rɔ. portion; rɔ. quotient; rɔ. share dirijiti rɔ. facility; rɔ. organization diski rɔ. disc dishiy mi brave 1 diya sa. this diya de ayay dhaallac mi additional diya tuntok rɔ. very diyany sa. my diyapirami rɔ. diaphragm

dizayni ( rɛɛde...


dizayni ( rɛɛde aan) mi.d design 1 dizayni/taside dɛshay rɔ. graphic diʼishiwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. pitch 2 1 diʼu rɔ. waste 1 diʼude kun kesse shɔruwan oo pabirkagiyɔ rɔ. effluent diʼuy mi dirty dobun rɔ. zebra doktori kɔnnɛ mɔʼɔnyakɔ rɔ. Dr. doktori(akumu) rɔ. doctor dono rɔ. tiger 1 doo rɔ. condensation 1 doogani! ɛl.o please 2 dɔlisiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. smudge 2 dɔlmɛ rɔ. frog dɔngɔ (ga aana ke zoo mɛʼɛnit kiyong) sa. it dɔngɔ tollɔ mi.d then dɔngɔ__ dhɔ.d than duki rɔ. disaster

dupac dukide koy girigiriyokɔ rɔ. infectious duldul rɔ. density 1; rɔ. fog duldulon mi foggy duluʼun rɔ. accident dumaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. hurt dumac rɔ. bangles dumidɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. beat 2 dun rɔ. deer dunkʼitte iyke wocʼɔɔ rɔ. larva dungkʼit rɔ. earthworm dungkʼitte kɛna kabarun rɔ. maggot dungkʼitte kun jojɔy mi faecal borne dungkʼitte rɛmɛs rɛɛgede zoon teeki rɔ. parasite dungkʼiyo rɔ. worm dungkʼiyoge tʼittaa rɔ. larvae dungkʼurac rɔ. bead dupac mi yellow



durɛn durɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. combat; rɔ. effort 1; rɔ. wrestling durɛn, kaman rɔ. struggle durrɛ giri rɔ. horizontal durrɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. wrestle durshi rɔ. diffusion duru mi empty; dhɔ.d without

duwa wa dɔngɔ sa. that duʼashac rɔ. onion duʼudɔde zoonɔ mi.d ethnically duʼuge mɛnde mɛcɔ (calla) rɔ. sperm duʼut rɔ. seed; rɔ. species duʼutte zoon mi ethnic; rɔ. mankind

Dh dh dha icɔcɔn ɛɛ̀l.d. learn dha zoo tara rɔ. attraction dhaalac mi more; it. other dhaalɛ silɛn rɔ. increase 1 dhaalɛ wodi ramang mi.d twice dhaali mi hard; mi severe; mi strong

dhaaliyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. add 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. enhance; ɛɛ̀l.d. extend; ɛɛ̀l.d. gain; ɛɛ̀l.d. raise 1 dhaaliyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. include dhaalla ɛɛ̀l.d. addends dhaallac rɔ. affix dhaallacce sabbuniyɔ rɔ. prefix dhadhal rɔ. endurance; rɔ. intensity;


rɔ. stamina; rɔ. strength dhadhalaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. condense; ɛɛ̀l.d. harden dhadhali mi solid 1; mi stiff; mi tough dhadhanaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. feel dhadhayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. coordinate; ɛɛ̀l.d. watch 2 dhaliyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. repeat dhallacce koy ɛlige pɔskajɔɔ rɔ. suffix dhana ɛɛ̀l.d. receive dhasaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. save dhauwa tasiboy ɛɛ̀l.d. divide dhauwaa tasi koonboy ɛɛ̀l.d. orient 1 dhawaa kiciyɔ liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. liberate dhawaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. take dhayɛɛ tool ɛɛ̀l.d. involve dhaynɛ rɔ. acceptance


dhɛmɛsɛt(icɔcɔn... dhaynɛ kiy tuktenɛ mi exact 2 dhayuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. travel dhdhayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. observe dheba kugo ɛɛ̀l.d. secrete dhedigissɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. sweat 1 dhedik rɔ. sweat 2 dhedik (Iʼac- a zoo dɛshi isportiyɔ) rɔ. perspiration dheldheli rɔ. distillation dheshɔ (mak teek) ɛɛ̀l.d. dive dheshshɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. dance; ɛɛ̀l.d. jump dheyde galay rɔ. nutrient dheyde gɛside iy dampuge teekide kunɛ kicina, uwa rɔ. nicotine dhɛmɛsɛt(icɔcɔn) rɔ. practice



dhiding rɔ. weight dhidingi, komajun mi heavy dhiduwa ɛɛ̀l.d. conduct dhidhing rɔ. mass 1 dhidhing gayɛn rɔ. balance 1 dhidhingi rɔ. harsh; mi tough dhodhonaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. touch dhodhoy ɛɛ̀l.d. attend dhodhoyɔ rɔ. order; rɔ. sequence dhok koyong mi incurable dhop rɔ. clay dhoydac rɔ. succession; rɔ. Tuesday dhoyodɔ dhɔ.d along 1 dhoyɔ dhɔ.d next (to) dhɔcaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. include dhɔjɛn(+) rɔ. addition dhɔjinɛɛ rɔ. total dhɔjua ɛɛ̀l.d. add 1

dhulɛsiyɛɛ dhɔjuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. add 2 dhɔlaabooy ɛɛ̀l.d. apply 1 dhɔlaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. express 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. point to; ɛɛ̀l.d. refer dhɔlɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. locate dhɔlɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. direct dhɔlɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. indicate dhɔluwana zoo kargiduga ɛɛ̀l.d. refer dhukendaaboy rɔ. vapor dhul tʼiini tedhdhekna kɔnɛsɛ warati kɔnɛn rɔ. indentation dhulaa ɛɛ̀l.d. arrive; ɛɛ̀l.d. come; ɛɛ̀l.d. emerge dhulaa masharaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. ensure dhulɛn rɔ. introduction dhulɛsiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. receive; ɛɛ̀l.d. solve; ɛɛ̀l.d. understand

dhulo sʼulla



dhulo sʼulla ɛɛ̀l.d. appear 1 dhuluaa ɛɛ̀l.d. reach dhuluwa pɔskajak ɛɛ̀l.d. succeed

dhuluwa teek ɛɛ̀l.d. pierce dhungdɔ ( dɔlmɛ) ɛɛ̀l.d. hibernate dhungi mi unwise

Ee Ec ay by edisi rɔ. HIV/AIDS ecit rɔ. pillow edaa sa. us 1; sa. we 1 ede sa. we 2 ede/edaa rɔ. personal pronoun edɛ sa. they; sa. us 2 edɛ girigiri rɔ. individual 1 edɛ guwa sa. those edɛ oo elektiriki ga shɔshɔʼinɛ mi electric, electrical edɛ oo jogirapi ga shɔshɔʼinɛ

mi geographic, geographical edɛ oo rɛʼɛde boyon ga shɔshɔʼnɛ mi equatorial edɛ oo yellɛn bhunde bkooni ha. with love from edɛ ooge wɔdunɔ gìtʼi tatac rɔ. foreign exchange edɛgiya sa. these edɛgɔngɔ sa. them ee mi.d yes 1 eèt ɛɛ̀l.d. counsel èet rɔ. warning egisi mi mature; mi ripe



ejaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. shoot 1 el rɔ. highland ele rɔ. mountain elektiriki rɔ. electricity elektironiki mi electronic enc(lɔʼey teek ga mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ) rɔ. subject 2 enɛ mi basic; mi central; mi original 1; mi primary; mi significant enɛ iye mi functional enɛde iyke suutɔ rɔ. feature 1 enɛde pashun rɔ. land owner enɛde suukʼiy rɔ. shop keeper enɛɛ rɔ. capital 1 enɛy denɛ mi private engedinɛn rɔ. accountability

erngeskacce ɛli... enget rɔ. problem; rɔ. question; ɛɛ̀l.d. request engette yɛnɛnu rɔ. linear equation engette kelun mi.d when 2 eres rɔ. transition eresun mi transitional ernreskacce ɛliude dɛshay rɔ. auxiliary verb erngenges rɔ. cooperation erngengesinɛdɔ rɔ. coordination ernges ɛɛ̀l.d. support erngesaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. help 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. relieve erngeskac rɔ. assistance; mi cooperative erngeskacce ɛliude dɛshayde irɔrrɛ bhunde iyca sabakɔɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. shall

erngeskacce mɛn...


erngeskacce mɛnde tallɛ suukʼigiyɔ rɔ. shop assistant

ɛli-komajɔ (lɔʼ... erngeskiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. unite erobiksi rɔ. aerobics

Ɛɛ ɛdina mɛri mi colourful ɛdinage ayay ayay oo cukurta rɔ. colour wheel ɛdinage ayayayayɔ kurrɛɛ rɔ. complementary colours ɛgɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. pressure; ɛɛ̀l.d. shed 1 ɛguwa ɛɛ̀l.d. push ɛguwa piric ɛɛ̀l.d. expel ɛlɛɛlliyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. discuss ɛlɛllɛn rɔ. discussion ɛlɛllɛnde hubbage rɔ. group discussion ɛlɛlliyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. receive ɛlɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. advertise; rɔ. expression 1

ɛlɛsɛn shɛshshɛk rɔ. explanation ɛlɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. announce ɛlɛsiyɛ shɛshshɛk ɛɛ̀l.d. convert ɛlɛsiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. describe ɛli rɔ. speech; rɔ. statement; rɔ. word ɛɛ̀l i rɔ. language ɛɛ̀l i kɔnɛn mɔʼɔyak rɔ. abbreviation ɛli maante mi right 1 ɛli maante sɔ mi reliable ɛlí shunɔ rɔ. you're welcome ɛli-komajɔ (lɔʼɔge iyke leliyɔ) rɔ. topic sentence

ɛli-sabɔ ɛli-sabɔ rɔ. heading; rɔ. title ɛɛ̀l i-tɛbhɛn rɔ. fulfilment ɛliange mɛrɔ rɔ. detail ɛlide marrɛɛ rɔ. antonym ɛlide de ɔysɛsɛn engedun mi sorry ɛlide dɛshay rɔ. verb ɛlide ɛlinɛ taarejɔɔ rɔ. poster ɛlide irɔrrɛ molle andukooniy rɔ. preposition ɛlide iyke enɛɛ rɔ. root word ɛɛ̀l ide iyke tʼoga rɔ. key word ɛlide marrɛnun mi negative 1 ɛlide ɔʼɛndenɛ dɛshinɛɛ rɔ. target language ɛlidɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. speak ɛlige rɔ. orally ɛliuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. show


ɛrsiyɛɛ zibutte... ɛliuwaa tasiyɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. reminisce ɛliyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. talk; ɛɛ̀l.d. tell ɛliyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. illustrate ɛliyan bɛrɛn rɔ. diction ɛliyan ramangge yɛnɛɛ ibhangnɛ milikitigede hisaabiyɔ (=) iʼac 4+5=9 rɔ. equation ɛliyange alke ititindaa rɔ. linking verb ɛliyange caʼidaa rɔ. vocabulary ɛliyange dɛshaade hisabiy rɔ. word problem ɛliyange irɔrrɛ gɔrɔde dɛshaukooniy rɔ. checklist ɛliyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. emerge ɛrɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. shed 1 ɛrsiyɛɛ zibutte rɛsunɔ teek ɛɛ̀l.d. poison 1



ɛruwa ɛɛ̀l.d. dump; ɛɛ̀l.d. splash; ɛɛ̀l.d. splatter ɛruwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. scatter ɛryɛ(kɛdɔ kabarec kɛdɔge ) ɛɛ̀l.d. fall ɛt rɔ. appearance; rɔ. colour; rɔ. feature 1; rɔ. form 1; rɔ. full stop; rɔ. hue ɛt untɔ rɔ. colourless ɛt/pidɛli (ɛrtac kɔnɔng oo zertac kɔnɔng tabhinɛna zerrɛɛ) rɔ. syllable

ɛyaaboy ɛtte caʼi mi green ɛtte dɛshi dɛshaage mɛrɔɔ rɔ. pastel ɛtte iy pakkaa rɔ. warm colour ɛtte iyke leliyɔ (trungkʼac/dupac rɔ. primary colour ɛtte koonɔ mi monochromatic ɛtte maan rɔ. water colour ɛtte shɛɛʼi rɔ. cool colour ɛyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. separate 1



ga kɔnɔsɔng

Gg ga ande eniy sshawi mi perishable ga ande humsɛ haphapi mi brittle ga ande jɔynɛ mi available 1 ga ande sosoyun mi brilliant ga ande tatacʼinɛ mi flexible 1 ga anyi ha. I'm (I am) ga arshiy mi happy ga bhoni mi.d efficient ga cʼurcʼurinɛ mi overcrowded ga denɛ(wunyjude siidonɔ) sa. her ga dʻiuy mi unhygienic ga edaa ha. we are 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. we're (= we are) ga ede ha. we are 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. we're (= we are)

ga edɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. are ga edɛgɔngɔ ha. they're; they are ga edu ha. you're ga gaynɛ mi recognizable 1; mi related ga gɛninɛ mi compact ga gɛsi mi dangerous ga gitʼiin mi commercial ga goy mi fresh ga hɔngɔ rɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. is ga icʼilishinɛ mi distilled ga inyu(de macɔ) ha. you're ga inyu(de siʼidonɔ ha. you're ga kamkami mi qualitative ga kɔnɔsɔ mi common ga kɔnɔsɔng rɔ. similarity

ga mɛnde dhul g...


ga mɛnde dhul gɛdamiyɔmɛnde dhul gɛdamiyɔ rɔ. monk ga mɛnde iy gaynɛsɛdɔ koonɔ teekɔ rɔ. member ga shɛɛi mi effective ga shɛɛʼi mi fine (work); rɔ. quality 1 ga shɔʼun mi comprisable ga tʼiini mi lower ga yellɛ rɔ. dear ga yɛbhun mi safe ga yɛnɛ mi equivalent; mi proportional ga yɛnɛyɛnɛ mi uniform 1 gaari rɔ. cart gaas gaas rɔ. circumference gaaszi (wuru) rɔ. gas gaba rɔ. market gabade jomuwɔ buytɔ rɔ. Thursday 2 gacit rɔ. teff

galade bhɛllɛdu... gade dɛshiyɔ mi functional gade gɛsɔ rɔ. impurity gade iyke enɛɛ mi fixed gade mettanunɔ mi contemporary gadenɛ(macɔ) sa. his gadi rɔ. November gadidac rɔ. obstacle gadike com ɛɛ̀l.d. dam 2 gagir mi coarse gala rɔ. diet; rɔ. food; rɔ. meal gala kelle ramatu bhangɛn rɔ. preservation gala ngunynyɛ kɛngge teek rɔ. digestion gala ngunynyɛ kɛngge teekna ajina ajinɛ bhonɛsɛn mi metabolic galade baalunɔ rɔ. lunch galade bhɛllɛdunɔ rɔ. breakfast

galade ippayɔ


galade ippayɔ rɔ. dinner gamɛn rɔ. marriage gamiyɛboy mi married gamiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. marry gandakkarey dhɔ.d under gande bhubhey dhɔ.d under gande kɛgun mi internal gande kɛngun rɔ. inside; mi interior gande ribhiyon dhɔ.d behind gandekarey mi.d down ganɛde iyke 1ɔ rɔ. first person ganggi rɔ. shock 1 garsina limɛn dhɔ.d mutilation gash rɔ. bush gay rɛɛna, gayna, mi.d knowingly gaydut rɔ. orphan gayɛn rɔ. emergence; ɛɛ̀l.d. research

gaynɛn gayɛn untan, babi rɔ. ignorance gayɛn zooy jɔɔn rɔ. recognition gayɛnde zeratajun/ande kʼenuwɔ tasi uwɛn/ rɔ. comprehension gaynɛ rɔ. prominent; mi specific; rɔ. standard gaynɛ (gaynɛnde jɔynɛnɛ nɛbhey untɔy gamɛdɔ/ngesɛdɔɔ) rɔ. relative 1 gaynɛde iyke ramangɔ rɔ. second person gaynɛde iyke sizziyɔ (nen edɛ) rɔ. third person gaynɛde kondomiy rɔ. sensation gaynɛde ocidon rɔ. fungi gaynɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. in relation gaynɛn rɔ. relation

gaynɛn, orrɛn gaynɛn, orrɛn rɔ. relationship gayong mi continuous gazetʼa rɔ. newspaper gazzaa limɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. scar 2; rɔ. tattoo ge erngesinɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. cooperate ge kʼenɔ (geeny) mi.d predominately ge mɛri rɔ. variety 2 ge mɛrɔ mi.d generally ge mɛrrɔ rɔ. majority ge ngangaynɛ mi miscible gedere mi cheeky geesho rɔ. hop 1 geluwac rɔ. chilli, green peper gensa rɔ. slave Genycishi rɔ. terrace gɛrgɛraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. feed gɛsaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. contaminate gɛsaboy mi deformed


girasidac gɛsi mi bad; mi disastrous; mi fatal; mi hard; mi harmful; rɔ. harsh; mi hazardous; mi horrible; mi naughty; mi ugly gɛskin, eni rɔ. pollution gɛtʼɛri rɔ. rural gibdu rɔ. net, netting gic tɛsɛn rɔ. stamina gidibi rɔ. dam 1 gilaloc rɔ. bead gilosɛri (ɛɛ̀l iyan ɔʼɛn mɔʼɔnyak) rɔ. glossary girami rɔ. gram girapi rɔ. graph girapide taarejun rɔ. picture graph girasi dɛshage ɛɛ̀l.d. exploit girasidac mi disastrous

girigiri ìsac girigiri ìsac ɛɛ̀l.d. spread girigiri woyt rɔ. expansion; rɔ. promotion girnguny mi nasal girɔng rɔ. nose girtʼi rɔ. overgrazing gitari rɔ. guitar gitʼi rɔ. trade gitʼiin mi commercial giʼage mɛde rɛsɔ rɔ. skeleton giʼage mɛndon ge kɛginyon ooge ayaymu) rɔ. fossil giʼay mi bony giʼec rɔ. bone giʼecce mɔdhɔsɔ rɔ. cartilage gogu rɔ. skin gogude rɛɛun rɔ. dermis goguy mi leathery gojin rɔ. partner; rɔ. peer


goode kʼpsinɛnɛ... gokte ramatuwɔ rɔ. gorge gomma rɔ. tire gomoyɔ wansageji mi sorry gonade biyoonɔ rɔ. plough 2 gontʼit rɔ. string gonggul tɛsɛɛ rɔ. harbor gonggulle borede koy tumugiyɔ rɔ. ship gonggulle koy tumugey) mi.d navigable gonggulle zoo kʼamiyɛ kʼajuwagw amunɔɔ rɔ. aquarium gonggulɔ aa cɔdhɛn rɔ. shipping goode am baa rɔ. forest fire; rɔ. wildfire goode kʼpsinɛnɛ pɛɛliyɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. smoulder



gooy rɔ. temperature; mi thermal gopso rɔ. barley goridɔ kiyongna rɔ. dotted sketch goridɔ kiyongna hɛnyɛ kɔtta kɔtta kɔnɛdɔ taarec ibhɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. stipple, stippling gorit rɔ. line goritte irɔrrɛ bhunde gal rɛnakna gomoyɔ iykede walac oo boyo ititisɛnɛgadɔɔy rɔ. horizon goritte iy bhaasejɔde kɔɔsiyɔna a kɔɔsi dariyoboyɔ iyɛ bulangɔ wadɔy rɔ. sideline goritte koy dac sabakɔ rɔ. ray goritte kɔmdaanɔ rɔ. number line goritte kɔmdaanɔ sabɔ lawun iyke launɔ rɔ. number ray

goriyoge yellɛn... goritte kun tuntɔ bak dacɔ mi vertical; mi.d vertically goritte sabɔ oo tolɔ dhɔngdhɔngɔ mi line segment goritte tasiinɔ ibha rɛɛ molɔde lɔngke girinwuciyɔ kɔnɛsɛ zeero digrigiyɔna marak bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛna, koy wok bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ rɔ. prime meridian gorittenɛ ngar kibbi kokke ramangɔ rɔ. diameter goriyo ramangge ititinsɛɛngna hay dacɔ mi parallel 1 goriyoge limatiyɔ rɔ. infrastructure goriyoge tʼittage nyɛbha woyɛ rɔ. capillary goriyoge yellɛnɛ tɛbhɛn dɛshagiyɔ rɔ. principle



gororokac mi blue gororokac) rɔ. primary colour gorte tanuʼoy rɔ. trench goshanec rɔ. young goshanec (bɛrgudenɛ kɔnɛ1-13ɔ) rɔ. teenager goshɛn rɔ. conflict; rɔ. punishment goshɛnde eedun rɔ. warning goy rɔ. heat; mi hot gòy rɔ. fever goyde cucukinɛ walajɔɔ rɔ. convection 1 goyde iy baa kumbulokɔ rɔ. global warming goynɛde keenun rɔ. sub-tropical gɔlɔnyi rɔ. primary colour gɔlɔngi mi red gɔm gule ɛɛ̀l.d. sing

gɔrɔde zoo zara... gɔrɔ rɔ. means; rɔ. path; rɔ. process 2; rɔ. road; rɔ. route; rɔ. street; rɔ. style gɔrɔ, gɔrte silun kɔnɔng rɔ. phase gɔrɔde maage diʼuyɔ/oonynyɛnɛɛ ngesɔ rɔ. sewage gɔrɔde wɔdhɔng wowoyɛ kʼɔrɔngge tunok oo karakɔ rɔ. trachea gɔrɔde zoo dhulɛ wadakɔ rɔ. exit gɔrɔde zoo kʼɛginɛnɛna dibisɛ baagiyɔ rɔ. reproductive system gɔrɔde zoo woyɛ jarjɔɔ rɔ. pathway gɔrɔde zoo zarakoon jɔyɛnɛ tomokɔ (ikonomi/gitʼi rɔ. sector

gɔrɔgede ayay


hak tumu gɔtinɛ rɔ. brother gɔtinɛde rɔ. uncle 2 gubbo rɔ. corruption guit rɔ. ostrich gulancʼiyo rɔ. tadpole gule rɔ. music; rɔ. song gulkosi rɔ. glucose gunyna moydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. revise gunyuwa bak ha. hang your head in shame gurit rɔ. thief (pl. thieves) gushurɔ rɔ. lion 1 gut rɔ. rain 2 guur rɔ. alligator; rɔ. crocodile guwo rɔ. fire

gɔrɔgede ayay mi indirect; mi.d indirectly gɔrɔgediya mi.d accordingly gɔrɔgedɔngɔ dhɔ.d by; rɔ. point of view gɔrtage woydaan rɔ. popcorn gɔrte baburuy rɔ. railway gɔrte baudinon, zibut rɔ. solution 2 gɔrte tanuʼoy rɔ. canal gɔrte tobhuwan rɔ. orbit gɔrte wuruy rɔ. air passage

Hh habhay rɔ. grass; rɔ. straw habhayde iyke pishaa rɔ. shrub 2

hacʼcʼanang rɔ. five hacʼcʼanangey mi fifth hagulu mi rude hak tumu ɛɛ̀l.d. swim

hakaa waajiboy


hakaa waajiboy ɛɛ̀l.d. announce hakaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. attack; ɛɛ̀l.d. hit; ɛɛ̀l.d. thresh hakasiyɛ bak ɛɛ̀l.d. plant 1 hakɛsɛ kɔdhɛna hakiyɛ baa ɛɛ̀l.d. tackle haktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. beat 1 hakuwaa baa ɛɛ̀l.d. fall halo ɛl.o hello hap pɔsɛn rɔ. wastage hatala rɔ. residue hatuwa (dashay kamanak) ɛɛ̀l.d. engage 1 hatuwake kɔnɔnsɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. unite hatʼiroc rɔ. pea haultide dɛshinɛ bɛtɔgiyɔ mi rock hewn hawulti rɔ. monument; rɔ. statue hawultiyo rɔ. antiquity hayaa rɔ. mother

higgide ɛliin hayaa oo babaa rɔ. parent haydirojin gaazi rɔ. hydrogen hayke gaynɛɛ mi relatively haykʼi rɔ. lake haynut mi ancient; mi primitive hektometiri rɔ. hectometer; rɔ. hm (hectometer) hica bhunde susɔ wɔlɛɛ mi.d westerly hica iyɛn rɔ. condition 2 hica tuntook mi top; dhɔ.d upward hica/kudhulɛsɛ/wɔcʼi dhɔ.d to hide sa.e. where hidho rɔ. cloud; rɔ. fog higgi rɔ. law; rɔ. rule; rɔ. system higgide manggisiy rɔ. charter higgide ɛliin rɔ. grammar

higgide ɛɛ̀l iin ...


higgide ɛɛ̀l iin gayɛn rɔ. linguistics higgide tʼɔgaan rɔ. punctuation hilikoptori rɔ. helicopter hinɛn rɔ. ambition; rɔ. demand; rɔ. interest; rɔ. need; rɔ. purpose; rɔ. sense hintʼinacce nyɛbhun rɔ. valve hiri rɔ. adult hisabi rɔ. mathematics hitt̕nacce wuru woyɛ rɔ. alveoli hitʼina rɔ. fiber 1

ibha rɛɛ kɔɔk hitʼinacce iy rɛɛge teekna nyɛbha woyɛ rɔ. vessel hitʼinacce tʼinɔ rɔ. sense hiyee mi.d yes 2 hospitali rɔ. hospital hoteli rɔ. hotel hubba rɔ. group 1; rɔ. team hubba hubba bhangɛn rɔ. rating hubbade polotikay rɔ. party (political) huma rɔ. chance; rɔ. mascot; rɔ. turn 1 humaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. produce humadɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. borrow humiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. break

Ii ìatay ɛɛ̀l.d. breed 1

ibha rɛɛ kɔɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. get up

ibhaa kɔɔk


ibhaa kɔɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. raise 1 ibhaa rɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. arise; ɛɛ̀l.d. wake up ibhaa rɛɛ (iwaa kɔɔk) ɛɛ̀l.d. stand up ibhaa taar ɛɛ̀l.d. paint ibhacaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. carve ibhajinɛ mi sharp ibhak rɔ. campaign ibhansiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. create ibhang ɛɛ̀l.d. sit down ibhɛn liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. removal 2 ibhɛsiyɛɛ kuya, tamariyɛɛboy, indiuwaaa kokke gɛsi ɛɛ̀l.d. aggravate ibhinɛnɛ yaa dhɔ.d according to 2 ibhɔbhɔris ɛɛ̀l.d. interpret ibhɔbhɔrisinɛ (bhɛrbhɛrida) mi sparse icɔcɔn rɔ. lesson

iisuwa wadak icɔɛ̀ c ɔn rɔ. chapter; mi educational icɔcɔn bak ɔysɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. drop out Icɔcɔndac rɔ. pupil 1 icɔcɔndɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. teach icʼilish rɔ. decantation icʼìlish rɔ. filtration 1 icʼilishaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. distil; ɛɛ̀l.d. filter idibisaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. complete; ɛɛ̀l.d. fulfil Idhaman rɔ. magic idhɛmis rɔ. domestication idhɛmisaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. domesticat ìgir ɛɛ̀l.d. tint iingdac rɔ. fulcrum iingɛn mi interdependent iìs rɔ. message iis (shɔktac) rɔ. theme iisuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. send iisuwa wadak ɛɛ̀l.d. export 1

ikʼidi ikʼidi rɔ. program Ikʼidi rɔ. plan ila‘ecce koy girigiriy rɔ. epidemic ilayc rɔ. handle; rɔ. hook ilaʼasna kiciyaboy rɔ. suffer ilaʼec rɔ. disease ilaʼecce matana mɛɛ rɛɛ kugo shoyii kokke dhungiy rɔ. depressant ilaʼecce pushɛsɛ lɔlsɛn hitʼinacce wɔdhɔngunɔy rɔ. bronchitis ilaʼic rɔ. illness ilaʼicce kun bakteriyagey koon rɔ. typhoid ilaʼicce shɔk zoo girigiriy ɛɛ̀l.d. transmit ilaʼsi rɔ. ill ilɛmɛnti rɔ. element 1 ililis rɔ. balance 1


ilotkac ilìlis mi.d consideration ililisɛn rɔ. ratio ililisiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. consider illɛ rɔ. six illɛy mi sixth ilobhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compete; ɛɛ̀l.d. examine; ɛɛ̀l.d. measure; ɛɛ̀l.d. test ilong ɛɛ̀l.d. store ilongaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. collect; ɛɛ̀l.d. deposit ilongec rɔ. heap ilongua ɛɛ̀l.d. accumulate ìlop rɔ. exam; rɔ. experiment ilot ɛɛ̀l.d. embellish; rɔ. joy ilotaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. decorate; ɛɛ̀l.d. enrich ilotkac mi proud



ilɔlɔly rɔ. exploration ilɔlɔny ɛɛ̀l.d. contrast ilɔɛ̀ l ɔny rɔ. comparison ilɔlɔnyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compare ilɔlɔnyiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compete ilɔlɔnynyɛɛ mi relatively imaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. establish 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. germinate; ɛɛ̀l.d. plant 1 ìmak rɔ. denial imɛn rɔ. establishment; rɔ. promotion imimaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. weave 2 imimɛn rɔ. structure imiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. deal with imɔdhis mi smooth imuw kɛtɛyu kɔɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. raise 1 indi zoo icʼilishɛ zɛyti rɔ. funnel

indiwaa katamar... indike mɔʼɔnyi rɔ. contraction indiuwa kokke gɛsi ɛɛ̀l.d. destroy 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. spoil 1 indiuwaa ke sholsholi ɛɛ̀l.d. relieve indiuwaa ke wɔkɔkɔli rɔ. relaxation indiuwaa kɔysɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. remove 1 indiuwaake mɔdhdhɔsi mi rub indiuwaake mɔʼɔnyi ɛɛ̀l.d. remove 1 indiuwake lɔtʼɔgu ɛɛ̀l.d. saturate indiwa ke tʼiini ɛɛ̀l.d. reduce indiwa kɛtɛyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. plant 1 indiwa kɔngɔdiyoboy ɛɛ̀l.d. evaporate indiwaa katamariyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. worsen

indiwaa ke shol...


indiwaa ke sholsholi ɛɛ̀l.d. overcome indiwaa kɛɛma ɛɛ̀l.d. regain indiwaa kɛtɛyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. stand indiwaa kiy kʼɔrjɔng kʼɔrjɔng ɛɛ̀l.d. warp indiwaa kiʼackiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. relate indiwaa kokke gɛsi ɛɛ̀l.d. damage 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. pollute Indiwaa kokke gɛsi ɛɛ̀l.d. smudge 1 indiwaake ramatu ɛɛ̀l.d. extend industiri mi industrial; rɔ. industry industiride kesiuge kingunɔ rɔ. cottage industry industiriy mi.d industrially indwa katashkiyoboy mi solvent iniuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. avoid 1

ip tartarec injinɛri rɔ. engineer insaykilopidiya (ande iykɔ bhunde dikshinary) rɔ. encyclopedia intijɛri (kɔmdage al zeeroge baakɔ rɔ. integer inzaymi rɔ. enzyme inyu rɔ. personal pronoun inyu iyí ya ha. here you are inyu saptenu(siʼidonɔ), inyu saptenu(macɔ), edu saptegu sa. yourself ingkar rɔ. mandate ìngkar rɔ. management 1 ingkarɛn mi administrative ingɔngɔl maay ɛɛ̀l.d. dilute 3 Ingɔɔlaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. mix ip tartarec ɛɛ̀l.d. draw

ip tartarec(ke ... ip tartarec(ke ɛliy ɛɛ̀l.d. illustrate ipage rɔ. yesterday ipirit mi sterile ippage rɔ. evening iraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. consume irebhenaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. condense irebhenecce yellɛnɛngɔ rɔ. obesity irebheni, kʼuda mi fat irijɛ rɔ. arrow 1 iriric rɔ. effort 1 iriric gic rɔ. dying iriric(ilop)na mi exhausted iririjuwa kɔmɔdhɔyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. exhaust 1 irkabide sigirɔyɔ rɔ. fulcrum irɔr ɛɛ̀l.d. direct ìrɔr ɛɛ̀l.d. demonstrate 1 irɔrɛsɛge ayayɔ jorɛnɔ rɔ. pace maker


isinit irɔrɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. indicate irɔrɛsiyɛɛ gɔrɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. lead to irɔriyɛ bhutte mɛstowatiy ɛɛ̀l.d. reflect irɔriyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. display; ɛɛ̀l.d. refer; ɛɛ̀l.d. show; ɛɛ̀l.d. spell irɔriyɛɛ dɛshage ɛɛ̀l.d. apply 2 irɔriyɛɛ tudac ɛɛ̀l.d. set 1 2 irɔrrɛ ɛli taarejɔ kiytɔp ɛɛ̀l.d. illustrate irɔrrɛ silɛn cʼua rɔ. progress irɔruwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. conduct; ɛɛ̀l.d. exhibit irrebhoni mi thick irsasi rɔ. pencil isaysi dhaaɛn rɔ. greeting isidhinɛ kal dhodhoyɔ rɔ. row 1 isinit rɔ. hive

isinyo cʼbɛn isinyo cʼbɛn rɔ. bee keeping isoʼiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. round off isponji rɔ. sponge isporti rɔ. gymnast; rɔ. sport isporti dɛshi rɔ. exercise; rɔ. workout isportide dhjinɛ oo jorɛn rɛy pilli oo dheshɛn bhunde kooiyɔ zeridenɛ rɔ. athletics isportide zoo cuynɛnɛ siney rɔ. boxing isportide zoo dɛshiɔ rɛɛy dcomashɛna, alɛ daci ɛɛ̀l.d. calisthenics issabɔ rɔ. seven issabɔy mi seventh isset rɔ. eight isshɔshɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. frame


itìtin istadiyɛmi (bhaasecce zoo bulangɛ kɔɔsiyɔ) rɔ. stadium ishashaʼaa iyɛnboy ɛɛ̀l.d. pave the way ishaʼaraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. listen (to) ishɔshɔaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. make ishɔshɔk rɔ. modification; ɛɛ̀l.d. tidy up 2 ishɔshɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. arrange; ɛɛ̀l.d. facilitate 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. improve; ɛɛ̀l.d. modernize; ɛɛ̀l.d. modify; ɛɛ̀l.d. process 1 ishɔshɔʼaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. coordinate; ɛɛ̀l.d. mend ishɔshʼaa irporti; ɛɛ̀l.d. compose itatay ɛɛ̀l.d. rear 1 2 itinaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. burn; mi link itìtin ɛɛ̀l.d. connect

ititinaaboy ititinaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. join ititinsɛ mi related ititinuwa katke gaynɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. relate Itopiya rɔ. Ethiopia itʼani rɔ. incense itʼi rɔ. gland iuwaa kɔɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. wake up iuwaa tuntook mi excessive 1 iwa bhiic ɛɛ̀l.d. differ iwa kɔɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. arise iwaa bhuɔ (ke ibha potoy/ke ip taarecci) ɛɛ̀l.d. pose iwaa cʼongng ɛɛ̀l.d. stay iwaa jiyyak ɛɛ̀l.d. near iy kɛngkɛng mi compact iy budegeeny mi complicated iy bunggurec ɛɛ̀l.d. tilt iy bhiic mi unique iy bhilang ɛɛ̀l.d. endemic


iy tuntookɔ iy bhoykoonɔ mi present iy bhuwɔ mi low iy cʼupcʼup mi sharp iy dac mi clear 2 iy ginicginic mi compact iy kɛngkɛng (bɛtɔ) mi solid 1 iy kipkip mi dense iy kipkip(kolkung rɔ. density 1 iy kucukucu mi.d quiet iy kucukucuy mi peaceful iy kʼatta mi.d proportionally iy lejɔ mi vulnerable iy nɛt mi flat iy pɛɛle rɔ. stability iy suut mi appropriate Iy suut mi precise iy tuntook mi high; rɔ. magnitude; rɔ. major iy tuntookɔ mi maximum

iy tuuntok


iy tuuntok rɔ. sovereign iy uwa watunt mi.d there iyaabkɔ mettiyɛnyɛɛ mi.d so 1 iye ɛɛ̀l.d. exist; ɛɛ̀l.d. has; ɛɛ̀l.d. have; ha. there is iye(shɔshɔʼinɛ oo iyɛn) ɛɛ̀l.d. is iyeno rɔ. presence iyɛn rɔ. aspect; rɔ. condition 1; rɔ. feature 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. live; rɔ. location; rɔ. panorama; rɔ. position 1; mi structural iyɛnde aan(irɔrrɛ mɔʼɔnyjin ramatin buytin tʼintʼin mɛrtin oo mict̕iktin mi quantitative iyɛnde boyon rɔ. geography;


rɔ. panorama; rɔ. topography iyɛnde boyon(rakec yeni ooge ayaymu) rɔ. landscape iyɛnde wuruy mi climatic 1; rɔ. weather iyɛnde wuruy tatacʼɛndenɛ rɔ. climatic changes iyɛre iyɔngɔ rɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. was iyɛre metta teek mi recent, recently iyɛremu gàllono ɛɛ̀l.d. were iyɛtaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. extend; mi stretch iyìke shɛɛʼi! rɔ. goodbye iyke com ɛɛ̀l.d. hinder iykɔ bhɔt shiniy mi ugly iyono ha. there was iyono bak mi less than iyong mi impossible



iyteek mi comprisable iywa dɛha duru ɛɛ̀l.d. vegetate iywaa kicige ɛɛ̀l.d. endanger iʼac rɔ. example iʼac (bhunde yellɛnɛ dhoyɛni) rɔ. model 1

jarjak tacʼɛsɛn iʼaccɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. look like iʼackac rɔ. symbolism iʼajinɛ rɔ. similarity iʼing ɛɛ̀l.d. support iʼɔngisi ketuk ɛɛ̀l.d. knock

Jj jaar hacʼcʼanang rɔ. fifty jaar illɛ rɔ. sixty jaar issabɔ rɔ. seventy jaar ramang rɔ. twenty jaar saal rɔ. ninety jaar sizzi rɔ. thirty jaar wuc rɔ. forty jaara dandasiyɔ cemɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. cross (legs) jaarage susonɔ rɔ. radiation jabani rɔ. kettle jaketi rɔ. jacket

jala rɔ. consumer; rɔ. customer jantʼila rɔ. umbrella jar isset rɔ. eighty 1 jaraec tara(de kɛginyonɔ) rɔ. paw jarec rɔ. feet; rɔ. foot / feet; rɔ. leg jarec kobhologitte buytɔ rɔ. toe jarecce tollunɔ rɔ. hind legs jarjak tacʼɛsɛn rɔ. representation

jarjɔ jarjɔ dhɔ.d on foot jarjɔ dhedhesh rɔ. footwork jarkide baukooni rɔ. national park jarut rɔ. root 2 jeneretɛri rɔ. generator jɛlba(gonggulle koy tumugede buytɔɔ) rɔ. boat jɛngiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bury jɛrmige kiy duru kaan rɔ. sterilization jimɛli rɔ. camel jingec rɔ. tomb jiʼometiriy rɔ. geometric jobit rɔ. dung; rɔ. manure 2 joc rɔ. faeces jogirapiy mi geographic, geographical jogɔi rɔ. salt jokki rɔ. jug jordɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. run


jɔyɛɛboy; jorɛnde maratoniy rɔ. marathon jorɛnde mɔʼɔnyi rɔ. sprint 1 jɔkɔkyna, koydɔ( gonggulle koy yedɔɔ) ɛɛ̀l.d. row 2 jɔmpac rɔ. December jɔnde sisoon rɔ. queen jɔra rɔ. waterfall jɔyaa ct̕ua ɛɛ̀l.d. regain jɔyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. derive; ɛɛ̀l.d. detect; ɛɛ̀l.d. earn; ɛɛ̀l.d. find; ɛɛ̀l.d. get jɔyaang rɔ. loss jɔydac rɔ. discovery; rɔ. finding; rɔ. production 1; rɔ. yield jɔydacce dɛshay rɔ. product jɔyɛɛboy; ɛɛ̀l.d. comprise



jɔyɛn rɔ. availability; ɛɛ̀l.d. contribute; mi found jɔyɛn yɔngɔ teek rɔ. participation jɔyɛnɛke mɛri rɔ. prevalence jɔynɛ isoʼɔ rɔ. approximate value jɔynɛ shaw mi accessible

kalumɛsiyɛ keen... jɔynɛke paltangu rɔ. prevalence jɔynɛnɛ komajɔde maanɔy rɔ. hydro jumtʼiyodɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. borrow jupa rɔ. wind jupa de buytɔ rɔ. storm 1 jupa koon rɔ. monsoon jupa ogiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. circulate juy rɔ. jar; rɔ. pot jyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. obtain

Kk kaan rɔ. prevention kaaroti rɔ. carrot kabara oo huma rɔ. face kabarec rɔ. eye; rɔ. surface kabatenyjɔ ɛl.o thank you kacca rɔ. airplane

kackaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. collide; ɛɛ̀l.d. fight kaka mi arid 1 kakar mi coarse; mi rough kalasɛt rɔ. statement kalsi rɔ. sock kalumɛsiyɛ keenak ɛɛ̀l.d. encircle



kaluʼoc rɔ. pit kaman rɔ. battle kaman kɔnɛdɔ shalɛn rɔ. victory kambilide buytɔ rɔ. bus kambiliyoge sholsholɔ rɔ. simple machine kambuli rɔ. car; rɔ. machine kambulide kʼurrɛɛ aa rɔ. cart kambulide tɛynɛɛ rɔ. lorry kamera rɔ. studio kamkami mi better; mi specialized kansɛri rɔ. cancer kanuwa mi cheeky; mi rude kangac rɔ. baboon; rɔ. monkey kangadi mi left (direction) karade isidhun rɔ. shelf karade ungoonɔ rɔ. bed

katama karade ungoonɔ iyɛɛ̀t ɛɛ̀l.d. make bed karade wunyjude tʼinɔ rɔ. cradle karak mi lower karbohaydireti rɔ. carbohydrates karbonday oksaydi (c0²) rɔ. carbon dioxide karboneti rɔ. carbonate kare (bona wuc) rɔ. square kariyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. catch karka rɔ. calabash karta rɔ. map kasara mi cheeky; mi rude kasay bhondɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. may kasu rɔ. deficiency; mi scarce; rɔ. shortage kashiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. chop katama rɔ. city; rɔ. town; rɔ. urban

katamade iyke e...


katamade iyke enɛɛ rɔ. capital 1 katamade zoo talɛ kʼajuwage yedunɔɔ rɔ. fishing town katte tʼinɔ rɔ. epiglottis; rɔ. uvula kawkawo(ande zoo dɛshiyɛ cokoletide amunɔy) rɔ. cocoa kaytide tomogun mi economic 1 kaʼojun mi hard ke bhoykoonmu kiyong rɔ. nothing ke edɛ kalong ɛɛ̀l.d. aren't ke lele mi.d primarily ke libɛwollɛdi kiyongɔ rɔ. nonfiction ke mɛnde komajun iyɛn mi energetic ke muy iyongɔ mi infertile ke tomogit iyong rɔ. non-metal

kell dɛshay ke yɛnɛ kalongi rɔ. inequality keele dɛshayɔ kʼenuwɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. does keen rɔ. centre; rɔ. mean (math) keenage dhɔ.d between keendac rɔ. Thursday 1 keende shikikiriin mi pivot keenɔge mi medium keenɔng mi central keese galay rɔ. kitchen keki rɔ. cake kekirosi (goritte tasiin rɔ. latitude kel rɔ. program; rɔ. season; rɔ. time kel (mettanunɔ de kʼenuɔ timbiti) rɔ. tense kel/bɛrgu rɔ. period 1 kele rɔ. rabbit kell dɛshay rɔ. term

kelle bɛrguyɔ t... kelle bɛrguyɔ tarsha oporcʼancncc rɔ. spring 3 kelle bhon niyɛy? sa.e. how long kelle dɛshay rɔ. timetable kelle ilobhun rɔ. time trial kelle kʼenɔ rɔ. past tense kelle kʼenuwɔ mi past kelun mi seasonal kemikali rɔ. chemical kemikalide zoo dɛshiyɛɛ washkade golajunɔ oo ɛti rɔ. acrylic kentirosi rɔ. longitude kenyji rɔ. construction 2 kenyjide aplay mi hand-woven kenyjiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. build; ɛɛ̀l.d. construct 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. establish 1


kesse koyɛ diʼu... kes rɔ. home; rɔ. house; rɔ. shelter kes kɛngɔ rɔ. floor Kes kɔmdacce tɔmmɔni mi tens kesi girigiri kenyji rɔ. settlement 2 kesse amun oo madun rɔ. bar kesse buskutiy rɔ. pastry shop kesse dirijitiy rɔ. institution 1 kesse galay rɔ. restaurant kesse icɔcɔnun rɔ. school kesse iyke bɛtɔ dsɛhi rɔ. structure kesse iyke habhayɔ rɔ. hut kesse komajun rɔ. power plant kesse koyɛ diʼu oo dira liyokɔ rɔ. sewage plant

kesse kɔmdaan (... kesse kɔmdaan (65 teek kesse 10 de shɔkɔ ga 6 kes 1 de shɔkɔ ga 5) rɔ. place value kesse lim penuwɔ rɔ. court kesse manggisiy rɔ. palace kesse manggisiyde kingunɔ sarrɛɛ rɔ. castle kesse masʼapiyon rɔ. library kesse postay rɔ. post office kesse rɛmɛsun rɔ. sitting room kesse rɔʼɔsɛdun rɔ. uterus kesse shojun rɔ. nest kesse shɔruwan rɔ. latrine; rɔ. toilet kesse tiyatiriy rɔ. theatre kesse tomogunɔ rɔ. bank 2


kɛdɔ kesse Tumon rɔ. temple kesse ungoon rɔ. bedroom kesse woya icɔcɔnnɛnɛɛ teek rɔ. classroom kesse zibbunɔ rɔ. pharmacy kesse zoo balshiyɛ dabbowɔ rɔ. bakery kesun mi domestic 1 ketuk rɔ. door kɛbhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. carve kɛcaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. detect; ɛɛ̀l.d. differentiate; ɛɛ̀l.d. identify; ɛɛ̀l.d. isolate; ɛɛ̀l.d. recognize; ɛɛ̀l.d. sort; ɛɛ̀l.d. subtract kɛckɛcaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. detach; ɛɛ̀l.d. separate 1 kɛckɛckiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. differ kɛdɔ rɔ. stick; rɔ. tree; rɔ. wood

kɛdɔ bhoguc kɛdɔ bhoguc rɔ. stem kɛdɔ debut ɛɛ̀l.d. seedling 1 kɛdɔ nyigec rɔ. branch 1 kɛdɔ nyigecce iyke dumdumitɔ rɔ. shoot 2 kɛdɔ salec rɔ. foliage kɛdɔ shumec rɔ. medulla kɛduny (dɛshinɛnɛ kɛney) mi wooden kɛggitte nis kɛginyana amɔ rɔ. predator kɛginyage giʼecce ribhiyonɔ iyɔɔ rɔ. vertebrate kɛginyage giʼecce ribhiyonɔ untɔɔ rɔ. invertebrate kɛginyage tatac rɛy kiʼajit bhunde edɛ rɛmɛsɛɛ rɔ. cold blooded kɛginyage toburonɔ rɔ. wild animal; rɔ. wildlife


kɛny kɛgit rɔ. animal kɛgitte ac wocʼɔ woditɔ rɔ. mammal kɛjcaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. deplete kɛjɛdɔ gayɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. distinguish kɛjɛn mi.d apart; ɛɛ̀l.d. decrease; rɔ. differentiation; rɔ. subtraction kɛjinɛ mi particular; mi recognizable 1 kɛjinɛde ayay mi specific kɛllac rɔ. September kɛmtisi rɔ. poem kɛna debisi rɔ. pollination kɛna kabara rɔ. fruit kɛna kabarge shuwa kʼaji toburɔɔ mi wild kɛnage caʼidaa rɔ. green plant kɛny rɔ. compost; rɔ. dung; rɔ. fertile 1; rɔ. manure 1

kɛnge ìtinun


kɛnge ìtinun rɔ. fire wood kɛngge kʼenɛdɔ irɔr mi transparent 2 kɛngɔ rɔ. abdomen; rɔ. stomach kɛngɔ gɛsi mi unkind kɛrɛmela rɔ. candy kɛrɛng rɔ. leopard; rɔ. tiger 2 kɛshoc rɔ. fiber 1 kɛtɛniy shɔk kʼajuwage oomu nis kɛginyage gashunɔ manggisi kaanɛɛ rɔ. poacher kɛtiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. contaminate kɛtte cemunɔ durrɛ giriyɔ rɔ. bench kɛtte koru rɔ. xerophyte kɛtte shabalide zoo iʼingɛ ribhiy rɔ. backboard kɛtte zoo hakɛ wutaa rɔ. axis 1 kt̕ɛynɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. graze 1

kililiy kibbi rɔ. circle kibbi bonkoon rɔ. arc kibbi bongkoon (ke muuk kiyongɔ) rɔ. semi-circle kici rɔ. accident; rɔ. affect 2; rɔ. crisis; mi danger; rɔ. disaster; rɔ. effect 2; rɔ. hazard; rɔ. injury; rɔ. problem; rɔ. side effect; rɔ. tension kici (baa bhunde gande bhubhey maa al teekɔ) rɔ. swamp kici kaan rɔ. protection kicide kunɔngɔ tolɔɔ rɔ. consequence kicige tɛbhɛn rɔ. protection; rɔ. security kiciyange al baa kumbulokɔ rɔ. ecological harm kilili rɔ. region kililiy mi regional



kiliniki rɔ. clinic kilo rɔ. kilo kilogirami rɔ. kilogram kilometiri rɔ. kilometer kilometiri (desi.metitiri/metiri /santimetiri/ rɔ. km/dm/m/cm/m m kilorini rɔ. chlorine kininiyo rɔ. pill kinni rɔ. arm kingun mi historical; mi previous kinguny mi ancient; mi oldest kipili rɔ. grade 1; rɔ. layer 1; rɔ. room kipilide iy keenagiyɔ rɔ. middle class kipilpayoge yɛnɛyɛnɛ rɔ. equivalent fraction kipli rɔ. class kirin rɔ. giraffe kisingaaboy (dole) ɛɛ̀l.d. put on

kobbi kiskisi ɛɛ̀l.d. wave kiskisinɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. vibrate kiskisiuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. blow kiskisiyaaboy rɔ. discharge kiskisuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. scatter kissi rɔ. pocket kiy bhuttenɛ mi exact 2 kiyɛ bhunkoon ɛɛ̀l.d. influence kiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. give; ɛɛ̀l.d. submit kiyɛɛ liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. frame kiyɛnyɛmuy it. but Kiykede de iyniyɛmuy mi any kiyong ha. isn't; mi.d no; mi.d not kiyubik metiri rɔ. cubic meter kiyubik santimetiri rɔ. cubic centimeter kobbi ɛɛ̀l.d. stamp 3

koboruwo de ane...


koboruwo de ane alke woyana al ɔrɔɔksɛdɔɔ rɔ. nymph kobut rɔ. hen kobhologit rɔ. claw kobhologitte sidonɔ rɔ. finger kobholokage sayde rɛɛunɔ ulubhɛsɛ baakɔ rɔ. webbed feet kobhonong ɛɛ̀l.d. fail kocaaboy( tudaace kɔnnɛ waratigiyɔ taarec) ɛɛ̀l.d. reproduce 1 kodhdhop kodhdhop ɛɛ̀l.d. take turns kokolo rɔ. tortoise; rɔ. turtle kokoo rɔ. grandfather; rɔ. grandparent; rɔ. uncle 1 kolka rɔ. cock kolku rɔ. charcoal 1 kolkung rɔ. forest

komedi (diramad... kolkung haphap limɛn rɔ. deforestation kolkungde jɔynɛ bhunde tuma hakɛ kɔp kɔpɔy rɔ. rainforest kolkyng, kɛna(tʼaula) rɔ. timber kolpi rɔ. cabbage komac rɔ. energy; rɔ. force 1; rɔ. intensity; rɔ. potential; rɔ. stamina komac uguwa dhook ɛɛ̀l.d. dilute 2 komacce maanɔ rɔ. power (hydro) komacce yɛmun rɔ. resultant force komajɔ dɛshi rɔ. exertion komajun mi extreme; rɔ. harsh; mi manual; mi severe komedi (diramade ajinɛ cʼɛgɛni) rɔ. comedy



komorut rɔ. master komorut kɔnɔsɔ yɛbhɛn rɔ. monotheism kompasi rɔ. compass kono rɔ. snake konggut rɔ. wing konggutte kʼajojun rɔ. fin kordi rɔ. chord korki rɔ. cork korngit rɔ. pond kt̕orshaa rɔ. money koru rɔ. low land kosilit limɛn rɔ. female genital mutilation kosologit rɔ. elbow kotti rɔ. coat kowaa ɛɛ̀l.d. bring; ɛɛ̀l.d. come; ɛɛ̀l.d. emerge koy dhook rɔ. wastage koy girigiri mi contagious koy pɛɛle ɛɛ̀l.d. slow koyde sa.e. where

kɔmdacce ajinɛɛ koydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. go koyɛ dhok rɔ. extinction koyɛ dhook(zeero) rɔ. cross off (zeros) koygirigiri rɔ. transmission kɔ komac bhun d uwaa rɔ. potential kɔbɔsɛɛng mi incomplete kɔkɔyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. stir kɔmaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. count kɔmaaboy (penuge koonɔ) ɛɛ̀l.d. consider kɔmdac rɔ. number kɔmdac (ahazi) rɔ. numeral kɔmdac kon nen saptenɛ debisinɛ wodi ramangɔ (4 2=4x4) rɔ. squared kɔmdacce ai debisinɛ wodi sɛʼɛni irɔrrɛɛ rɔ. exponent kɔmdacce ajinɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. given number

kɔmdacce ibhang...


kɔmdacce ibhangnɛ kiy kipilpaygey uwaa rɔ. rational number kɔmdacce iy kɔmdajɔ tuntɔɔ rɔ. power kɔmdacce iy muukɔ rɔ. whole number Kɔmdacce kaarey rɔ. denominator kɔmdage kɔmunyɔ rɔ. natural numbers kɔmdage ngangaynɛɛ rɔ. mixed number kɔmdage orrɛ kartagey (dɛshadegɛmuga ramatin maki oo dhidhing ililis) rɔ. scale (in drawing) kɔmdcce tuntey (7/8 teek issabɔ zerrɛ kɔmdacce tuntey) rɔ. numerator kɔmdiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. depend kɔmɛn tolak mi descend

kɔɔsi kɔmɛn(de mɛsʼetiy masʼapiy) moyok madhdhak oo pɛɛle rɔ. volume 2 kɔmɔnit rɔ. guest; mi.d rare kɔmɔnitte buytinon rɔ. guest of honor kɔnɛ- wɔcʼi rɔ. range kɔnɛ--wɔct̕i; dhɔ.d without kɔnɛn rɔ. battle; ɛɛ̀l.d. combat kɔnɛnde pidɛliyo shɔshɔʼinɛɛ mi cursive kɔnɛsɛdɔdenɛ mi.d primarily kɔnɛsɛnde tudac koon kɔnun rɔ. draft kɔnɔnɔng kɔnɔng it. every kɔnɔng rɔ. one kɔnɔng kɔnɔng mi each kɔnɔsɔng mi single kɔɔk ibhɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. lift kɔɔsi rɔ. ball

kɔɔsi ane iysɛ ...


kɔɔsi ane iysɛ walajɔkɔ hakɛn mi volley kɔɔsi uguguny(bulangɔde jarjunɔ) ɛɛ̀l.d. dribble kɔɔside gibduyɔ rɔ. volley ball kɔɔside jarjunɔ rɔ. football kɔɔside sidonɔ rɔ. handball kɔɔside zoo bulang ande iyke kantray rɔ. basketball kɔpkɔp mi.d frequently; mi.d repeatedly kɔrɔdin mi dark kɔrɔy mi black; rɔ. darkness 1 kɔsecce ramatuwɔ rɔ. quill kubhuusɛt rɔ. swelling kubhuyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. swell kucaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. swallow

kuriyec kucukucu mi empty; rɔ. security kudhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. croak kudhec rɔ. load kudhen rɔ. disturbance 1; rɔ. revolution 1 kudhende aduruy rɔ. miaow kul rɔ. drum kun bak dac rɔ. run off kun maay rɔ. water borne kunasa rɔ. dream kunɛ angkoon rɔ. supply 1 kunɛ bhoykoon rɔ. impact 1 kunɛ kici mi harmful kunɛ rɛsɛt mi fatal kuntaakey iye ha. there was kuntali rɔ. quintal kungkulɔ rɔ. mouse; rɔ. rat kuriyec rɔ. centre; rɔ. placenta




kurkurit/duput rɔ. moth kurɔ rɔ. anus kurutaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bind kusiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bend kushit teek untɔ mi normal kuttɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. shout kuura rɔ. donkey kuwaang ɛɛ̀l.d. fail kuys rɔ. summer kuysse buytɔ rɔ. drought kʼabanec rɔ. kidney kʼabas rɔ. sac kʼabbaley mi oldest kʼajac rɔ. calabash kʼaji rɔ. transmission kʼajiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. plant 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. sow kʼajocce andinɛɛ rɔ. ant 1 kʼajocce yedunɔ rɔ. fish kʼajuwage yedunɔ kʼami rɔ. fish farming kʼami rɔ. reproduction

kʼamidac rɔ. orphan kʼamiyaaboy rɔ. develop; ɛɛ̀l.d. raise 1 kʼamiyaaboy, indiwa ke ramatu ɛɛ̀l.d. elongate kʼapsiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. light 2

kʼarjumac rɔ. ring kʼaro rɔ. addiction kʼatiri rɔ. employment kʼaykin rɔ. pharynx kʼendac rɔ. Saturday kʼendac(kɔmdac) rɔ. predecessor kʼendɔ (>) mi greater than kʼenɛ kɛnggena irɔrrɛdɔ kiy tɔp rɔ. transparency kʼeniyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. transfer kʼeniyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. break kʼeniyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. shift kʼenuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. pass kʼer rɔ. agriculture; rɔ. farm



kʼɛgɛn rɔ. formation 1 kʼɛgɛnde cʼarashɛdun rɔ. philosophy kʼɛginɛnɛ enɛy rɔ. naturally kʼɛginɛnɛ enɛyɔ rɔ. nature; rɔ. physical 1 kʼɛkaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. create kʼɛkta mi natural kʼɛktac rɔ. physical 1 Kʼɛktac/tudacce kɔnnɛ waratigiyɔ rɔ. fiction kʼɛktage isok bhogjɔna ane alalngi rɔ. reptile kʼɛpidɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. kick kʼɛraa rɔ. horn kʼɛriyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. stamp 3 kʼɛriyaaboy, taside dɛshay, limaa ungocce dɛshayɔboy ɛɛ̀l.d. design 2 kʼɛrjɛ rɔ. horn kʼɛrjɛde Apirka rɔ. Horn of Africa

kʼɔrɔng kʼɛsi pɔs mi disgusting kʼɛsoc rɔ. fly 2; rɔ. January kʼɛyc rɔ. groin kʼɛysiri rɔ. beetroot kʼiki ɛɛ̀l.d. curve kʼikiyaaboy rɔ. twist kʼikiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bend kʼinnipi rɔ. bracket kʼirsi rɔ. heritage kʼirside buytini rɔ. monument kʼirtac rɔ. silt kʼopi ɛɛ̀l.d. estimate; rɔ. estimation; rɔ. rate 2 kʼòpi dhɔ.d about 2 kʼopiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. gauge kʼori rɔ. magic kʼorokʼoro rɔ. tin kʼorsha rɔ. birr kʼorsha salec rɔ. note 2 kʼɔmec rɔ. knee kʼɔrjɔngkʼɔrjɔng (gɔrɔ) mi rough kʼɔrɔng rɔ. neck



kʼɔrɔydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. scratch kʼɔsa rɔ. screen 1; rɔ. sieve; rɔ. winnowing basket Kʼɔsade zoo ngorɛ amday rɔ. basket kʼpsiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. burn kʼuccɔ; ɛɛ̀l.d. absorb kʼulpi rɔ rɔ. key kʼumec rɔ. access; mi causative; rɔ. dot; rɔ. point; rɔ. range kʼumec kɔnɔng rɔ. period 1 kʼumec kɔnɔng(.) rɔ. full stop kʼumecce yellɛnɛɛ rɔ. focal point kʼumecce cim tunogi rɔ. North Pole kʼumecce dhɔlagec bhut koonɔ rɔ. reference point kʼumecce goriyo ramang sabi ititinsɛnɛɛ rɔ. vertex (pl. vertices)

kʼuriyɛɛ kʼumecce ibhɛnɛ rɛɛ rɔ. initial point kʼumecce iy keenagiyɔ rɔ. middle point kʼumejanage goriyo ititinsɛnɛɛ rɔ. vertices (see: vertex) kʼumejaney tartarinya ibhɛn rɔ. dotted sketch kʼumi rɔ. particle; mi some; mi tiny kʼuptac rɔ. sample kʼurɛ rɛɛ guru ɛɛ̀l.d. slow kʼurɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. abduct; rɔ. kidnapping kʼurɛn (gontʼit kʼensɛɛ way kʼurɛn) ɛɛ̀l.d. strain kʼurɛnde elektirik maginetiy mi electromagnetic kʼuriyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. pull kʼuriyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. receive




Ll laboratori rɔ. laboratory labhbhisi rɔ. rubber 2 labhisi rɔ. eraser lastiki rɔ. rubber 1 layc rɔ. valley laʼun rɔ. arrow 2 lec kɛngɔ rɔ. desert lele rɔ. origin; mi original 1; rɔ. root 1; rɔ. source lɛbhɛng rɔ. June lɛcʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cover 1 lɛlɛc rɔ. exploration lɛshi mi sharp libɛwolɛdi rɔ. novel liliccɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. look for limaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. chop; ɛɛ̀l.d. cut 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. intersect; ɛɛ̀l.d. slaughter; ɛɛ̀l.d. slice limdac rɔ. piece

limɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. slaughter limi rɔ. determination; mi fatal limmɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. determine litori rɔ. bottle 1; rɔ. bottle 2; rɔ. liter liya usaaboy ha. hang your head in shame loguru kʼaji rɔ. July lontʼit rɔ. bud losaha rɔ. arms (weapon) losha rɔ. gun lɔct̕ɛn rɔ. punishment lɔcʼɛn rɔ. warning lɔkira rɔ. alligator lɔkte ingkarun rɔ. policy lɔlsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. cough lɔɔm cʼɔgɔsh mi angular lɔtʼɔgu mi damp; rɔ. moist; mi wet



lɔtʼɔktin rɔ. humidity; rɔ. moisture lɔtʼɔktin iy teek mi humid lɔʼec rɔ. sentence; rɔ. statement lɔʼec dɛshi rɔ. sentence structure lɔʼɔ gamkoon rɔ. phrase lɔʼɔ gamkoonge irɔrrɛ molle andukooniy rɔ. prepositional phrase lɔʼɔ ooge ayaymu) ɛɛ̀l.d. edit lɔʼɔ sʼuppa rɔ. paragraph lɔʼɔge alke engetɔ rɔ. interrogative sentence

maa ge gabiyɔ lɔʼɔge alke penu ajɛnɔ rɔ. declarative sentence lɔʼɔge kududusinɛ rɔ. complex sentence lɔʼɔge micʼindage kɔɔnɛ rɔ. article (writing) lɔʼɔge ungojunɔ rɔ. news lɔʼɔge ungojunɔ sabi rɔ. headline lɔʼɔndac rɔ. brain; rɔ. mind (brain) luc rɔ. ox lukuridon/yɛmɛsɛnde yellaun rɔ. peer review lukurit rɔ. partner luli rɔ. globe luwaydi mi grey

Mm maa rɔ. water

maa ge gabiyɔ mi stagnant

maa ge tɛsɔ


maa ge tɛsɔ mi stagnant maa ngessɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. drain maage al ande iyke gongguli rɔ. pool maage al boyey teekɔ rɔ. ground water maage bambayɔ rɔ. tap water maage bungkʼuliyɔ rɔ. rapid 2 maage mɛri al teek mi juicy maage ngesongɔ mi stagnant maage shɛɛʼɔ rɔ. tap water maante rɔ. true maay tuntɔ woyt rɔ. navigation macʼi rɔ. male macʼina rɔ. belt macʼinade astiroydiy rɔ. asteroid belt macʼinda rɔ. belt macʼiti rɔ. sickle macʼɔ rɔ. husband

mamaa madɛbɛriyade zoo ɛrsɛ amdaakɔ rɔ. fertilizer madɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. drink madhak rɔ. enzyme; rɔ. saliva madhuginɛde shɔʼinɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. interrelate magineti(tomogitte kʼurrɛ tomogiti) rɔ. magnet Mahibɛri rɔ. association maja/dungkʼura rɔ. necklace bead majac rɔ. bead makiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. feel; ɛɛ̀l.d. gauge; ɛɛ̀l.d. slice makteek dhulɛn rɔ. diving mala asay ɛɛ̀l.d. assume malmaliya rɔ. convection 1 maloc mi poor malosɛt rɔ. poverty maltay mi naughty mamaa rɔ. aunt 2

mantʼa mantʼa rɔ. wool mantʼidisac rɔ. spice many zoo tara ɛɛ̀l.d. attract manyɛn rɔ. robbery manggisi rɔ. government manggisiyey keenage rɔ. intergovernmental manggkiyade shaayon rɔ. tea spoon manggo rɔ. mango mangkiya rɔ. spoon maptide baage koonɔ rɛmɛsdun rɔ. naturalization maptide zoon rɔ. human right marakec rɔ. turn 1 marmacʼiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. contract marmarrɛn mi hostile marshi rɔ. gear marta wodi ramang rɔ. double negative martac mi opposite


mashini martacce dɛshay ɛɛ̀l.d. don't marzi rɔ. poison 2 masimɛriya rɔ. ruler 1 maskoti rɔ. window mastosi rɔ. mirror mastoti rɔ. lens masʼapi rɔ. book masʼapide icɔcɔndaan rɔ. textbook masʼapide shɔk ɛliyange ɔʼɛdɔdegɛ iyke kɔnɔngɔɔ rɔ. thesaurus masʼapide tartaarinyon rɔ. picture book masʼapide zoo tasina kɔnɔ rɔ. imagination mashi rɔ. threat 1 Mashinɛri (rɔngɔge angge ayay ayayɔ oo dɛshadegɛ zerrɛnɛ) rɔ. machinery mashini rɔ. machine

Mashinide uwa t...


Mashinide uwa tayɛn walajɔya rɔ. aircraft 1; rɔ. aircraft 2 mashiro rɔ. menstruation 1 mat dampu ɛɛ̀l.d. smoke 1 matoshade ungojun rɔ. diary mattɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. absorb matʼtʼakali mi sweet maun mi aquatic maʼasi rɔ. scissors maʼidini rɔ. mining maʼidini bhɔgɛn rɔ. mine maʼidiniyo (workʼiyo rɔ. mineral maʼirɛgi rɔ. rank medaliya rɔ. medal meregit rɔ. enemy meta rɔ. today meta gòre ha. let's meta ippage mi.d tonight metiri rɔ. meter

mɛnde ollisi k... metta mi.d now mettamu mi.d still mettanun mi scientific mɛdabi rɔ. copper mɛdabi) rɔ. mineral mɛdɛbɛriyade orka rɔ. mulch mɛdne iy pɛɛliyɔ mi stable mɛdosha rɔ. hammer mɛdhɛ rɔ. spider; rɔ. web (spider) mɛɛ oo kɛgitte shalɔ(isporti) rɔ. champion mɛɛ oo mokac rɔ. marriage mɛgarɛja rɔ. backdrop mɛgazɛni rɔ. storehouse mɛn mi constant mɛnde cʼarashɔ( ip tartarinyayecaa) rɔ. artist mɛnde ollisi kʼajuwaa rɔ. fisherman

mɛnde tasi bhu... mɛnde tasi bhunde shɛɛʼɔ mi thoughtful mɛnde ajinɛ aa rɔ. contributor 1 mɛnde baunɔ rɔ. dweller mɛnde bhaynɛ mi richest mɛnde bhɔginɛ rɔ. farmer mɛnde bhɔginɛɛ rɔ. peasant 1 mɛnde bhunde shɔʼaboyɔ ɔysɛɛngi mi firm mɛnde cik apalaa rɔ. tailor mɛnde cʼarash dɛshagede gazetʼayɔɔ rɔ. journalist mɛnde cʼarash kemistirigiyɔ rɔ. chemist mɛnde cʼarashɛdɔ oo ay muuk iy tuntookɔ rɔ. advance


mɛnde dɛshi kom... Mɛnde cʼarashna bhɔk angge kingunyɔ al boyyey teekɔna moyma gay rɔ. archaeologist mɛnde cʼarashɔ/cʼarashi rɔ. professional 1 mɛnde dɛshadenɛ ga wudɛni rɔ. cleaner mɛnde dɛshadenɛga ogoyɔ mi pastoral mɛnde dɛshadenɛga wudɛnɔ rɔ. rubbish collector mɛnde dɛshi bambaa rɔ. plumber mɛnde dɛshi bhunde yellɛnɛɛngɔɔ rɔ. criminal mɛnde dɛshi elektirikiyɔ rɔ. electrician mɛnde dɛshi kompitɛrigiyɔ rɔ. graphic artist

mɛnde dɛshinɛ b...


mɛnde dɛshinɛ biirogiyɔ rɔ. office worker mɛnde dɛshinɛɛ rɔ. producer mɛnde dobbay ɛɛ̀l.d. well-behaved mɛnde dha waratide lɔʼunɔɔ rɔ. receiver mɛnde dhaa ibha silki rɔ. receiver mɛnde dhabani mi firm mɛnde gay bhoy mi aware mɛnde gay isportiyoge mɛriyɔ rɔ. athlete mɛnde gitʼinɛɛ rɔ. merchant mɛnde gɔmɔ rɔ. singer mɛnde hak tumuwɔ koy teebhak teekɔ rɔ. diver mɛnde icɔcɔnnɛɛ rɔ. coach; rɔ. teacher mɛnde ilaʼasɔ rɔ. patient; mi sick

mɛnde iyke kʼɛs... mɛnde ilaʼecce kun posogiyɔ shɔʼɔ mi malnourished mɛnde inggkar kesse icɔcɔnunɔɔ rɔ. head teacher mɛnde ingkar baa rɔ. head of state mɛnde ingkar kʼɔmaage kesude tumonɔ rɔ. cardinal mɛnde ingkarrɛɛ rɔ. director mɛnde irɔrrɛ tokte mɛnde ayayɔɔ rɔ. character mɛnde ishaʼarrɛɛ(ishaʼar radiyo rɔ. audience 1 mɛnde iy tʼuratagiyɔ rɔ. retirement mɛnde iyke anasʼiyɔ rɔ. carpentry mɛnde iyke enɛde boyonɔ rɔ. land lord mɛnde iyke kʼɛsocɔ rɔ. priest

mɛnde iyke suka...


mɛnde iyke sukacɔ rɔ. diplomat mɛnde iyke suuti mi realistic mɛnde iykeabalide hubbaukooniyɔ rɔ. recruit mɛnde iyniyɛɛmu sa. anybody mɛnde iyniyɛmu sa. everybody mɛnde jorna rɔ. pace maker mɛnde kaanɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. protect; mi protective mɛnde kacʼarayongɔ mi primitive mɛnde kenyji apalaa rɔ. weaver mɛnde kenyji kesɔ rɔ. builder mɛnde koy baade iy keenagiyɔɔ mi inland mɛnde kɔn kamanɔ, wotadɛri rɔ. warrior

mɛnde moynɛɛ(mo... mɛnde kɔn masʼapiyɔ rɔ. author mɛnde kɔn waratiyɔ rɔ. secretary mɛnde kʼaroy rɔ. addict mɛnde kʼbleyɔ rɔ. elder mɛnde kʼɛka bhunde caʼina uwaa mi creative mɛnde macɔ kɔnɔng oode siidonɔ kɔnɔng gamnɛke mokac oo mɛɛ rɔ. monogamy mɛnde manggisige daynyɛsɛttenɛ iyɔɔ rɔ. state official mɛnde mari sabɔɔ rɔ. hairdresser mɛnde moy baa rɔ. tourist mɛnde moy wutʼtʼetiyɔ rɔ. scorekeeper mɛnde moynɛɛ(moy telebijini girama girama) rɔ. audience 2

mɛnde moyɔ


mɛnde moyɔ rɔ. spectator mɛnde murdiiyɔ rɔ. gatherer mɛnde nis guwɔ rɔ. fireman mɛnde nis kɛginyaa rɔ. hunter Mɛnde pende zooge ayayɔ dahaangɔ rɔ. opposition mɛnde perti tomokɔ mi economical mɛnde push kambilide buytɔɔ rɔ. bus driver mɛnde rɛmɛsɛ baagede ayayɔna wologɛsɛ badenɛwologɛsɛ rɔ. diplomat mɛnde saptenɛ uwaangɔ mi interdependent mɛnde sittenɛ cʼarashɔ rɔ. craftsman mɛnde sosoynɛ, badinɛ mi impressive

mɛnde tɛp gooli... mɛnde shaalɛɛ rɔ. loser mɛnde shalɔ rɔ. winner mɛnde shɛɛʼide zoo yɛbhi mi responsible mɛnde shinik kesiyɔ rɔ. cubist mɛnde tacʼinɛ jarjdkɔ mi representative mɛnde tal baa rɔ. ruler 1.1 mɛnde tal baade ayayɔ komajɔɔ rɔ. colonizer mɛnde tal zibutte gɛsɔ sakkulɔ rɔ. drugtrafficking mɛnde tasi gɛrɛɛ rɔ. villain mɛnde tasi mɔʼɔnyɔ mi narrow-minded mɛnde tasiy mi realistic; mi thoughtful mɛnde tɛp baa rɔ. defense mɛnde tɛp gooliyɔ(kɔɔsiegede

mɛnde tɛp gooli...


jarjunɔ) rɔ. goal keeper mɛnde tɛp saptenɛɛ mi precise mɛnde tɛsɔ rɛɛdenɛ iykɔde dɛshi isprtiyɔɔ mi athletic mɛnde tomogun mi richest mɛnde uwa ande caʼi kʼɛgɛnɔ rɔ. creativity mɛnde uwayaaw saptenɛboyɔ mi selfsufficient mɛnde uwɛnde bhonɔ iyɔ mi skilful mɛnde worgi acukkɔ rɔ. butcher mɛnde wuc tomokɔ rɔ. bank teller mɛnde wuc tomokɔ (dɛshinɛ bankige teekɔ) rɔ. teller mɛnde wuk caa rɔ. shoeshine boy mɛnde yel badenɛɛ rɔ. patriot

mɛnte baun mɛnde yel cemɛnɔ rɔ. sedentary mɛnde yel sabɔdenɛ sɔɔ mi selfish mɛnde yɛbhɛnde oo tasidenɛmu kusongɔ mi strict mɛnde yɛbhinɛɛ mi reliable mɛnde yɛp angge mɛriyɔ mi multi-faith mɛnde zikna rɔ. dependent mɛnde zoo bogiyo kamanɔɔ rɔ. prisoner of war Mɛnde zoo dɛshi bhunde gɛsɔna orɔmu moy kɔɔnɔngɔ mi.d opportunistic mɛnde zoo gay rɔ. fame mɛndɛri(bhore) rɔ. village mɛnte baude susɔ wɔlɛɛ rɔ. western mɛnte baun rɔ. citizen; rɔ. peasant 2

mɛntuwo mɛntuwo rɔ. twin 1 mɛngkorakori rɔ. wheel mɛngkɔnɔng rɔ. individual 1; rɔ. somebody mɛngkɔnɔngmu untɔ rɔ. nobody mɛpti rɔ. freedom mɛri rɔ. lot of; mi much; mi numerous 1; mi several mɛri ayay ayay mi various mɛri pɔs, paltangu mi vast mɛrkɛbi rɔ. ship mɛrkɛbige a cɔdhɛn rɔ. shipping mɛrtin mi abundant; rɔ. amount 1; mi quantity mɛrtinɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. holistic mɛrtinɔdegɛ jɔyɛnɛdɔ rɔ. prevalence mɛsino rɔ. irrigation


milikitide enge... mɛsinoge maa ajɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. irrigate mɛsʼeti rɔ. journal; rɔ. magazine mɛsʼetide tʼiini koon/de zoo issɔ rɔ. pamphlet mɛzgidi rɔ. mosque mɛʼɛnɛn rɔ. human being mɛʼɛnit rɔ. man micʼinda mi sparse miir shaw mi.d early miirɔge rɔ. morning milacʼcʼi rɔ. blade miligirami rɔ. milligram milikiti rɔ. cue; rɔ. indication; rɔ. mark; rɔ. sign; rɔ. spot; rɔ. symbol; rɔ. symptom; rɔ. warning milikiti(+/x) rɔ. cross 1 milikitide engedun rɔ. question mark

milikitide irɔr...


milikitide irɔrrɛ pidɛlide ɔdinɛ ɛligiyɔy rɔ. apostrophe 1 mililetiri rɔ. milliliter milimetiri rɔ. millimeter miliyoni rɔ. million miliyoniyo rɔ. millions millitiri litirige rɔ. ml/l mimtʼaa rɔ. chilli, green peper minen sa.e. when 1 minen oo hide rɔ. setting mirɛn, rɔ. tolerance miri mi serious 1 misimari rɔ. nail misiri rɔ. lentil miteni rɔ. methane mitʼa rɔ. adjective; rɔ. evidence mitʼade dɛshay rɔ. adverb miʼirɛge mi.d early

molle angkoon i... mnte bauɛde rɛniyɔ iy bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ mi oriental mokac rɔ. wife; rɔ. woman (pl. women) mokacce lɔɔmnɛɛ mi pregnant mol rɔ. place; rɔ. point; rɔ. position 1; rɔ. scene; rɔ. site; rɔ. stage molage kingunyɔ tudaanɔ rɔ. historical sites molage maan rɔ. water bodies molde eenga gɛsaboyɔ wudɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. tidy up 1 molɛkiyuli rɔ. molecule mollde iy dɛshagiyɔ rɔ. positive space molle /kesse tigiinɔ(nɛdajiy) (workʼiy) rɔ. refinery molle angkoon ibhɛnɛ rɛɛ rɔ. base 2

molle goriyoge ...


molle goriyoge hay dacɔ orrɛnɛɛngɔ rɔ. vanishing point Molle iy bhunde goriyo ramang ititinsɛnɛɛ keenagey rɔ. angle molle iy duruwa rɔ. space molle ngamɔ rɔ. negative space molle paltangu rɔ. salon monomiyali ( tɛrmidenɛ iyke kɔnɔsuwɔ) rɔ. monomial moy rɔ. investigate; rɔ. observation; rɔ. outlook; rɔ. treatment; rɔ. view mòy ɛɛ̀l.d. research; rɔ. views moyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. explore; ɛɛ̀l.d. look (at); ɛɛ̀l.d. observe; ɛɛ̀l.d. regulate;


ɛɛ̀l.d. test; ɛɛ̀l.d. tour; ɛɛ̀l.d. visit; ɛɛ̀l.d. watch 2 moyaaboy; ɛɛ̀l.d. deal with moyɛn rɔ. aspect moyna orɔ rɔ. spectator moyok rɔ. voice moyok ibhɛn rɔ. rhyme moyokke ɛrtaan rɔ. vowel sound moyokke tʼurumbayɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. bray moyuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. check moyuwaa shɛshshɛ mi concentrated moyuwaa shɛshshɛk ɛɛ̀l.d. focus 1 moʼu rɔ. fragment; rɔ. piece; rɔ. strip mɔdhaaboy mi exhausted; mi tired mɔdhdhɔsi mi fine; mi smooth; mi soft



mɔdhɔmɔdhɔsi mi glossy mɔdhɔsɛt rɔ. exhaustion; rɔ. stress mɔdhɔsi mi weak mɔktyɛɛboy rɔ. intercourse mɔʼɔnyi mi short mɔʼɔnyi pɔs mi shortest mɔʼɔnyide iy tɔpi rɔ. concise mudur rɔ. scar 1 mudhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. close; ɛɛ̀l.d. shut mujaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. decay 1 mujushka rɔ. compost mula (ge dɔlmɛy ooge ge kʼajojude yedunɔ) rɔ. spawn mula gòpi rɔ. incubation mulac rɔ. egg muliyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. lay mùmu ɛɛ̀l.d. organize

mushkiyong mumutkage rɛɛde aan rɔ. texture muni rɔ. muscle muniy mi muscular munuʼundit rɔ. fungus murale mi brave 2 murdi ɛɛ̀l.d. store mùrdi rɔ. concentration; rɔ. conference murdidage hitʼinuge tʼittaa rɔ. tissue Murdide zoo al sukkulke dɛshi bhunde gɛsi koonɔ oomu nyunyɛ kici koonɔ rɔ. plot murdiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. collect murdiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. garden 2 murdiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. concentrate 1 mushkidɔ mi soluble 2 mushkiyong mi insoluble



muuk mi.d entirely; mi.d generally; ɛɛ̀l.d. holistic; mi perfect;

nis kɛginya

mi.d properly 1; rɔ. total; rɔ. whole muy mi fertile 2 muziyɛmi rɔ. museum muzzu rɔ. banana Nn

naasi rɔ. bronze naptʼa rɔ. diesel narpi rɔ. needle naytireti rɔ. nitrate nen sa. he; rɔ. personal pronoun; sa. she nendɔngɔ sa. him netowrki (gibdude shɔshɔʼinɛde zoo oo boyowana ororrnɛ) rɔ. network nɛbha dhɔ.d about 1; it. because; mi causative; rɔ. factor 1 nɛbhade dɛrdiyɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. punish

nɛbhagediya mi.d so 2; mi.d therefore nɛbhay (ibhinɛnɛ nɛbhage) mi rational nɛdaji rɔ. fuel 1; mi inflammable nɛdaji idìbis ɛɛ̀l.d. fuel 2 nɛrsi (mɛnde oshkishi de ilaʼasɔɔ) rɔ. nurse nɛt (baa bhunde iy lɔpɔ) rɔ. plane nɛtʼibi rɔ. score nɛtʼibide asiriyoshi rɔ. decimal point nɛyɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. beg nis kɛginya ɛɛ̀l.d. hunt

nis kign ya nis kign ya ɛɛ̀l.d. hunting nissɔ rɔ. kill nitirojini rɔ. nitrogen niʼidacce ngɔrun rɔ. ivory

nyigecce hitʼin...


noon mi partial nukiliyɛri mi nuclear nʼidac rɔ. teeth; rɔ. tooth

Ny ny nyaagi mi ancient; mi old nyamany rɔ. people; rɔ. population nyamany tir koon rɔ. community nyanga ge mɛri (ge sisoon oodun oo ge ayaymu) rɔ. swarm nyɛbha rɔ. blood nyɛbha ngeyduwa rɔ. flow (of blood) nyɛbhage ane kicʼilishkɛɛngɔ mi deoxygenated

nyɛbhec rɔ. ear nyɛbhec bhunde tɛdhiyanɔ rɔ. lobe nyɛkaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. close; ɛɛ̀l.d. shut nyɛloc mi clever nyɛlosɛt rɔ. art nyɛlosɛtte warati kɔnun rɔ. calligraphy nyigecce hitʼinajude wɔdhɔngunɔde sabbunyiyɔ rɔ. bronchus

ngarngruwa kall...


nyigecce hitʼin...

Ng ng ngacce iy cim kariyɔ bhunde wok susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ rɔ. southeast ngadun rɔ. lion 2 ngamdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. yawn ngamec rɔ. gap ngamuwage rɛɛun (Iʻac rɔ. cavity 2 ngangaraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. decompose 1 ngangay rɔ. harmony ngangayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. combine 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. mix ngangaydac rɔ. compound; rɔ. constituent 2 ngangaydacce gor kabarjɔɔ mi heterogeneous ngangaydacce kabarjɔ goorongɔ mi homogeneous

ngappa rɔ. quarter to ngaraa ɛɛ̀l.d. divide ngaraaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. isolate; ɛɛ̀l.d. sort ngarec rɔ. boundary; rɔ. comma ngarec darman rɔ. intersection country ngarɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. divide by; rɔ. division ngàrngar rɔ. distribution 1 ngarngara badabadaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. categorize ngarngartage cukurrɛɛ (Iʼajɔ 5 1/6) rɔ. mixed fraction ngarngruwa kallo badda baddaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. classify

ngaroge tumuy


ogiyɛ girigiri ngirim tɛdɛn rɔ. facial expression ngonit rɔ. girl ngɔdɛrɛ rɔ. injury; rɔ. sore ngɔdɛrɛ dumsɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. injure ngɔɛ̀ d i rɔ. evaporation ngɔnɛ rɔ. sister ngɔnydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. grind ngɔngɔn kabarecna moydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. scan Ngɔr rɔ. elephant ngɔrɛ rɔ. butter ngɔt rɔ. smoke 2

ngaroge tumuy mi maritime ngarrɛ cʼurtac duru (iʼac 6 ÷2 ═ 3) mi divisible ngarua ke ramang ɛɛ̀l.d. bisect ngassi mi bright ngassɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. burn; mi light 1 ngeyaa ɛɛ̀l.d. flow ngeyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. marry nginynginyit rɔ. mosquito

Oo ocoloni rɔ. groundnut; rɔ. peanut ocu pende roshinɛ rɔ. mystery ogiya dhook ɛɛ̀l.d. destroy 2 ogiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. transfer

ogiyɛ dhook ɛɛ̀l.d. affect 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. eliminate; ɛɛ̀l.d. extinguish; ɛɛ̀l.d. spend ogiyɛ girigiri ɛɛ̀l.d. expand

ogiyɛ liyok


ogiyɛ liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. eliminate; rɔ. removal 1 ogiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. take ogiyɛɛ liyok rɔ. discharge ogoy ɛɛ̀l.d. rear 1 1 ògoy ɛɛ̀l.d. breed 1 ogoyaaboy dhaaliyɛ (kʼamiyaaboy) itatayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. raise 2 oguwa ɛɛ̀l.d. move; ɛɛ̀l.d. travel oguwa dhook ɛɛ̀l.d. miss 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. vanish oguwa girigiri ibhayɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. flourish oguwa ke bhore ɛɛ̀l.d. surround oguwa ke tʼiini ɛɛ̀l.d. reduce oguwa keenak ɛɛ̀l.d. interfere oguwa tuntook rɔ. mount

oot oguwaa bhoy muuk ɛɛ̀l.d. circulate oguwaa tʼuratay ɛɛ̀l.d. retire oguwake mɔʼɔnyi ɛɛ̀l.d. contract ok haray rɔ. distillation okac rɔ. hat oksaydi rɔ. oxide oksijini rɔ. oxygen oktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. boil olit rɔ. stalk olitte paranyjiy rɔ. sugar cane olitte woydajunɔ rɔ. corn stalk oo metta mi.d still oo wujjey rɔ. quarter after ooge ayaymu rɔ. antiquity ooladɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. borrow oona it. or oonyjɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. wash oot rɔ. nymph



opidɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. suck 1 organiki rɔ. organic organizimi (ande shun iy teekɔ) rɔ. organism orkac rɔ. shell 1 ororrɛn rɔ. communication; rɔ. relation orrɛ shɛshshɛk ɛɛ̀l.d. distinct orrɛ shɛshshɛk milikiti rɔ. landmark

ɔngɛn orrɛɛ mi relatively orrn ɛɛ̀l.d. contact oshkishi ɛɛ̀l.d. attend; rɔ. treatment oy tuk ɛɛ̀l.d. yawn oyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. open oyaaboy (kangayu) ɛɛ̀l.d. shine 2 oyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. wake up ozoni rɔ. ozone oʼol ɛɛ̀l.d. beg oʼolle yellɛn iy teekɔ ɛl.o please 1

Ɔɔ ɔ,ɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. interpret ɔdinɛn rɔ. absence; mi absent 1 ɔdinɛn (pu) mi absent 2 ɔdinɛndac rɔ. remainder ɔdiyɛ tollak ɛɛ̀l.d. ignore ɔdhɔdhɔsɛt rɔ. effort 1

ɔktac rɔ. Friday ɔlɔmɛ kalum susɔɔ rɔ. eclipses 1 ɔlɔmɛ kalum taʼisɔ rɔ. eclipses 1 ɔlɔmɛ kt̕uccɔ(susɔ rɔ. eclipses 2 ɔngɛn rɔ. odor; rɔ. smell



ɔngɔn ɛɛ̀l.d. away (take) ɔɔsaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. fry ɔrɔɔk rɔ. youngster ɔrɔɔksɛt rɔ. puberty 1 ɔssɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. bake ɔynɛ rɔ. liberation; ɛɛ̀l.d. relax ɔysɛɛ̀s ɛn rɔ. apology ɔysɛsɛn enget ɛɛ̀l.d. apologise ɔysiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. leave / left; ɛɛ̀l.d. retire ɔysiyɛ kike wɔkɔkɔli ɛɛ̀l.d. loose 2

paltangu iy nɛt ɔysiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. release ɔʼaa hɛnynyɛboy rɔ. relaxation ɔʼaa taside milikitiyɔboy ɛɛ̀l.d. decode ɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. release; ɛɛ̀l.d. solve ɔʼɛn rɔ. definition; ɛɛ̀l.d. mean ɔʼɛnde iy lɔʼejɔ teekɔ rɔ. context ɔʼɛnde yɛnɛɛ rɔ. synonym ɔʼɔccɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. lick

Pp paac rɔ. evening; rɔ. night Paasi rɔ. axe pabirka rɔ. factory pabirkade goganun rɔ. tannery pakko rɔ. packet

paltangin rɔ. area; rɔ. surface area paltangu mi enormous; mi extensive; mi wide paltangu iy nɛt mi broad 1

paltangu niyɛ?


paltangu niyɛ? sa.e. how wide paltangun mi.d generally paltngu mi large-scale panosi rɔ. lamp 1 panyji rɔ. mining pangngkʼa mi loose 1 papa rɔ. papaya paralelogirami rɔ. parallelogram parɛnjiyɛn mi English 1 parmasi rɔ. pharmacy pash rɔ. field pashini rɔ. mode pedali (ande zoo dok bishkilitigiyɔ) rɔ. pedal pende yellɛnɛ dɛshiy rɔ. affair penna rɔ. pen penna sabɔ rɔ. nib penu rɔ. mood penu ajɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. command; rɔ. presentation

pidɛliyeyge par... penu kabarejɔng rɔ. content penu koon rɔ. purpose penu limɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. condemn penu pɔskac rɔ. conclusion 1 pertiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. reserve pertiyɔ mi.d economically peshna mi continuous peshuke shɛɛʼi? rɔ. good afternoon pɛɛle mi.d slowly pɛɛlepɛɛle mi gradual pɛpɛʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. detach pɛrsntige bhangɛn rɔ. percentage pidɛli rɔ. alphabet pidɛliyeyge paranyjiyɛnunɔ bibidaa ane kɔtɔɔndɛɛngɔ (a,b,c) mi lowercase

pidɛliyo isit (...


pidɛliyo isit ( ke kuskusinɛ durɛɛ giriyok) rɔ. italic pidɛliyo kɔnɛn rɔ. lettering pidɛliyo waratige kɔnɛn rɔ. spelling pidɛliyoge bibidaa isittegɛ rɔ. capital letter pidɛliyoge enggilishiyɔ a yɛnɛke A B C a kɔnnɛɛ rɔ. uppercase pilaneti rɔ. planet pilastiki rɔ. plastic pilliwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. pitch 1 2 pilmi rɔ. film pilmi (de pootoy) rɔ. slide (photo) pilmide andenɛde zoo gayɛɛ iyɔɔ rɔ. genre pinsi sigirɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. ride pinsiuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. remove 1 pinsiwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. push piramidi ( ande ilanga kingi zukte gisʼi

poso kenyiyɛ jingoy rɔ. pyramid pirashi rɔ. mattress piriji (indi a katke cʼullugiy) rɔ. refrigerator pirima rɔ. signature pirizimi rɔ. prism pirotiraktɛri rɔ. protractor pirotozuwa rɔ. protozoa pistɛn rɔ. piston poli rɔ. throat polisi rɔ. policeman; rɔ. soldier polong rɔ. ditch polongde maanɔ rɔ. well polotikay mi political pookʼi rɔ. floor pootoribi rɔ. foreground pootuwaay rɔ. collage posetibi rɔ. positive poso rɔ. famine

poso amdɔ


poso amdɔ mi hungry poso usaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. starve pospeti rɔ. phosphate pota rɔ. powder potashiyɛmi rɔ. potash poto rɔ. photograph 1 poto ibhɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. photograph 2 potosintɛsisi rɔ. photosynthesis potukun rɔ. puncture potukunoge girɔngunɔ rɔ. nostril potung (de maa dhulɛ) rɔ. leak pɔpɔpɔ rɔ. lung pɔpɔsh rɔ. migration pɔs penu mitʼage rɔ. inference pɔsaa dɛshadenɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cover 3 pɔsaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. accomplish; ɛɛ̀l.d. close; ɛɛ̀l.d. complete; ɛɛ̀l.d. consume;

push kambili

ɛɛ̀l.d. deplete; ɛɛ̀l.d. finish; ɛɛ̀l.d. generalize; ɛɛ̀l.d. involve; ɛɛ̀l.d. realize; ɛɛ̀l.d. spend; ɛɛ̀l.d. sum up pɔskac rɔ. end; rɔ. ending; ɛɛ̀l.d. sum up; rɔ. summary pɔskaccenɛmu untɔ mi infinite pɔskajɔ puyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. sum up pɔskajɔ puyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. summarize pɔshɛɛ̀s ɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. connect protini rɔ. protein pudɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. escape pulangecce samunayɔ rɔ. lather punci rɔ. piece puncit rɔ. remains puntʼut rɔ. feather purang purang rɔ. odor push kambili ɛɛ̀l.d. drive



rɛɛ tʼiini

putaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. win 2

Rr radiyɛsi rɔ. radius radiyo rɔ. radio raji rɔ. x-ray rakac sabɔ yɔng rɔ. summit rakec rɔ. slope rakecce iy dacɔ(gok) rɔ. steep ramang rɔ. two ramangaey rɔ. second ramat madhdhak mi longest ramatin rɔ. height; rɔ. length ramatu mi long; mi tall ramatuwaaboy mi elongated ramtiyak sa. both rashaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. avoid 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. hide rat rɔ. swamp

rektanggili (de bonagenyɛ ga wucna al dacɔ) rɔ. rectangle renyjide zoo dɛshiyɛ gɔrɔɔ rɔ. tar rɛɛ rɔ. body; rɔ. form 1; rɔ. organ rɛɛ bɔlɔlɔyi rɔ. ecdysis rɛɛ bhunde shɔk giʼage robhonejunɔɔ rɔ. intercostal rɛɛ bhunde zoo kʼɛginɛnɛ rɔ. reproductive organ rɛɛ ga tt̕iini mi thinnest rɛɛ gogu bonde tunteyɔ rɔ. epidermis rɛɛ goy rɔ. animation rɛɛ tʼiini mi fine

rɛɛ wucucukiyɔ ...


rɛɛ wucucukiyɔ yɛʼɛn ajɛn rɔ. gesture rɛɛ zolayt rɔ. oval 1 rɛɛ, ɛt mi contour rɛɛ; rɔ. component rɛɛde aan rɔ. shape; mi structural rɛɛde aan gande wɔdun; rɔ. surface rɛɛde aandude dɛshinɛ rɔngugenyɛy pidɛligede iyke leliyɔ rɔ. monogram rɛɛde anggkooni rɔ. matter rɛɛde angguge kingi hay dhokna jɔynɛnɛɛ(Iʼac rɔ. fossil rɛɛde boyon rɔ. middle ground rɛɛde boyon lejɔ rɔ. land surface rɛɛde kambiliy rɔ. piston rɛɛde mɛnde rɛsɔ rɔ. remains

rɛsɛt rɛɛde ɔdinɛɛ rɔ. remains rɛɛun mi physical 2 rɛmɛsɛsɛ bak rɔ. sedentary rɛmɛsɛt rɔ. condition (living); rɔ. existence; rɔ. settlement 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. survival rɛmɛsɛt baage koonɔ rɔ. citizenship rɛmɛsɛt bau mi alive rɛmɛsɛt bhunde kooni mi social 2 rɛmɛsɛt ke ɔʼinɛ rɔ. independence rɛmɛsɛt uwɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. survive rɛmuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. exist rɛnak mi.d apart; mi far; mi remote rɛni rɔ. distance; rɔ. range rɛsɛt ɛɛ̀l.d. spoil 1

rɛtecce daʼa iy...


ruzi rɔ‘ɔniyɛboy mi born rɔmaaboy mi dry rɔmɔsi mi stiff rɔngige gɛsida ɛɛ̀l.d. stigmatize rɔngige sabbunyiyɔ rɔ. first name rɔngɔ rɔ. name rɔngɔge enɛy rɔ. proper noun rɔngɔge koonɔ rɔ. common noun rɔsɔ rɔ. dog rɔʼɔsɛndac mi surplus rɔʼɔsɛndage mɛri rɔ. excess rɔʼɔsɛt rɔ. birth; ɛɛ̀l.d. give birth 2; rɔ. reproduction rɔʼɔsɛt uwɛn rɔ. fertility ruydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. cry ruzi rɔ. rice

rɛtecce daʼa iy teekna zoo ɔɔsɛ acuki rɔ. pan rɛʼɛ rɔ. thorax rɛʼɛde boyon rɔ. equator ribhi rɔ. back; rɔ. rear 2 rir maja rɔ. beadwork rishidɔ wɔngɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. resting under shadow rishit ɛɛ̀l.d. shade 1; rɔ. shadow riʼin rɔ. fear riʼin ajɛn rɔ. threat 1 riʼineyec mi afraid rngi rɔ. noun robhbhonyjɔ mi adjacent robhonc (giʼage al bhogujɔɔ) rɔ. rib robhonjun mi lateral robhonuwa ga yɛnɛ mi equilateral




saal rɔ. nine saaley (9y) mi ninth saani rɔ. plate saanide kɛngɔ shoriyɔ rɔ. bowl saara rɔ. comb sabbɔ rɔ. preface; mi.d primarily sabbuni mi original 1; mi previous sabbunyi rɔ. formation 2 sabɔ rɔ. head; rɔ. mind (brain) sabɔ ngami rɔ. consciousness sabɔ wɔttɔ rɔ. headache sabɔ-bore rɔ. bigheaded sabɔde pɛʼisɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. bald sacʼuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. scatter sakutaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. tie up 2 sala oo boyo cukurrɛɛ ajinɛ rɔ. mulch

say salec rɔ. leaf; rɔ. rake salge kɛnun rɔ. vegetation salini rɔ. mat samuna rɔ. soap samunade iyke maayde aplaan rɔ. detergent santimetiri rɔ. centimeter saptenɛ rɔ. self saptenɛ uwɛdɔ sɔ rɛmɛsɛt rɔ. subsistence saptiyany sa. myself; rɔ. self sara rɔ. pronoun sarage enɛɛy rɔ. personal pronoun sarguwɔ rɔ. wheat satalayt rɔ. satellite satʼini rɔ. box satʼinide tɛs kɔɔkkɔ rɔ. cupboard 1 say rɔ. hide (skin); rɔ. leather

sayde kʼajojude...


sayde kʼajojude yedu rɔ. scale 1 sayde orudon rɔ. scale 2 saykili rɔ. bicycle saynsi de bhorey rɔ. environmental science saynsiy mi scientific saʼati mi.d o'clock se sɔlɔsɔlɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. shine 1 seeli rɔ. cell setiskuweri rɔ. setsquare sewa putang ɛɛ̀l.d. dash sewaa ɛɛ̀l.d. say sewaa Kuuu (jorɛnde mɔʼɔnyɔ) ɛɛ̀l.d. sprint 2 sɛdɛriya apalade iy gande kɛngunɔ rɔ. vest sɛleda rɔ. blackboard sɛledade gɔɔnɛ wutʼtʼetiyɔ(balgede zoo bagitʼinɛ

silɛn kɔɔsigede kantarayayɔ oode gibduyɔɔ) rɔ. scoreboard sɛlpɛri rɔ. sulphur sɛntʼade sidon rɔ. handbag sɛntʼɛrɛjide debisiin rɔ. multiplication table sɛntʼɛrɛjide tacʼun rɔ. conversion table sɛrtacce tomogidon rɔ. rust sɛʼati rɔ. clock; rɔ. hour (hr); rɔ. watch 1 sɛʼɛn? sa.e. how many sidi rɔ. CD sidon mi manual sigara rɔ. cigarette sigirɔ rɔ. horse sikirsikir rɔ. darkness 2 silaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. grow silɛn rɔ. civilization; rɔ. development 1; rɔ. growth;


rɔ. modernization; rɔ. promotion silɛn limati mi developmental silɛnde andukoonɔ cartige oomu kartage irɔr rɔ. plot (graph) simiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. wait sinima rɔ. cinema sinni rɔ. cup siraace wudinɛnɛɛ rɔ. rubbish sisoc rɔ. bee sit rɔ. hand sit tara rɔ. palm sitte kangadi mi.d on the left sitte ngɔrun rɔ. trunk (elephant) sitte sew dhɔ.d right (on the) siyɛnyɛ rɔ. quotation sizzi rɔ. three sizziyey mi third siʼidon rɔ. female socʼu rɔ. mucus


sukasɛt sokondi rɔ. second/sec solut rɔ. jelly; rɔ. spit Somaliya rɔ. Somalia soot rɔ. eagle sosoyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cheer sosoynɛ rɔ. fan sosoyun mi colourful; mi interesting sɔlɔksɔlɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. shun sɔng it. only sudahaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. conclude Sudani rɔ. Sudan sudhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. accomplish; ɛɛ̀l.d. achieve; ɛɛ̀l.d. complete; mi exhausted; ɛɛ̀l.d. fulfil; ɛɛ̀l.d. overcome sudhinɛ, gay suut mi certain sukari rɔ. sugar sukasɛt rɔ. mechanism; rɔ. method; rɔ. mode; rɔ. process 2; rɔ. strategy;




rɔ. style; rɔ. technique 1 sukasɛtte ororrɛnun rɔ. media sukasɛtte zoo kɔnɛ ɛli koon mɔʼɔnyak wartigiyɔ rɔ. short hand sulac rɔ. mechanism suson mi shiny; ɛɛ̀l.d. shun

suson (solari) mi solar 1 susɔ rɔ. sun suukʼi rɔ. shop suut mi exact 1; mi exact 2; rɔ. limit 1; mi normal; mi perfect; mi right 1 sʼɛp mi absolute; mi.d never; mi perfect

Sh sh shaalaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. defeat shaama rɔ. candle shaay rɔ. ambition; rɔ. tea shabalecce iy elege tuntɔy rɔ. plateau shadi rɔ. conversion shàdi rɔ. change shalaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. overcome; ɛɛ̀l.d. win 1 shalɛn rɔ. victory

shalɛn(isportige teek kɔnɔng) rɔ. championship shaliyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. lose shambata rɔ. week shambata kɔnɔng mi.d one week sharit rɔ. termite shau rɔ. consciousness shau bhonong mi late shaula rɔ. shirt

shayde yelun oo...


shayde yelun oode marun mi jealous shega rɔ. sand sheriyaa liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. expose 1 sheshi rɔ. hygiene; rɔ. sanitation sheshi rɛɛdenɛ mi hygienic shɛbshɛbi mi fine shɛɛʼi mi beautiful; mi favorable; mi nice; mi peaceful; mi reliable; mi suitable shɛkna kʼendɔ mi finest shɛktin rɔ. peace shɛpshɛbi mi thin shɛpshɛbi kepɔs mi thinnest shɛshshɛ rɔ. very shɛshshɛ gaynɛɛng mi.d rare shɛshshɛk mi.d properly 2; mi.d too

shiniyaaboy, wu... shɛshshɛk ɛlɛsɛn rɔ. detail shɛshshɛk ìrɔr ɛɛ̀l.d. highlight shɛtin rɔ. safety 1 shɛʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. improve shɛʼɛsɛn rɔ. convenience shɛʼi mi safe shɛʼongi mi deformed shibbo rɔ. wire shibida (angge nguny hica humagey) rɔ. spot shidee galy rɔ. appetite shikshikriyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. rotate shilimati rɔ. reward 1 shinac rɔ. telephone shini bhɛlsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. shock 2 shini cuynɛɛ rɔ. pulse shiniyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. tint shiniyaaboy, wudhinɛ, apala kènyji mi embroider



shiniyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. paint shinshi hini mi delighted shinshini rɔ. dress shinshinide mɔʼnyɔ rɔ. skirt shirut rɔ. weed shishi (molle zoo kɔn waratiyɔ ɔdinɛ darmanɔ darmanɔɔ) rɔ. margin shishik rɔ. agreement shishiktiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. persuade shishiynɛɛng rɔ. reverse shishiʼɛn rɔ. adaptations; rɔ. harmony; rɔ. interdependence; rɔ. tolerance shishiʼinɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. adapt; mi favorable; mi suitable shishiʼinɛdɔ, yellɛnɛdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. fit

shoshu shishiʼinɛɛng ɛɛ̀l.d. difference 2 shiw rɔ. thousand shiwo rɔ. thousands shiwo ballo rɔ. hundred thousands shiwo tɔmmɔn rɔ. ten thousands shoc rɔ. bird shocce iʼac geliyde wowoy maay tuntɔy rɔ. duck sholay rɔ. disadvantage; rɔ. effect 2 shòlay ɛɛ̀l.d. effect 1 sholayɛboy rɔ. victim sholsholi mi easy; mi light 1; mi minor shongku rɔ. echo shooy mi delicious shorbhaa rɔ. soup shoridage dɛshay rɔ. pattern shoshu rɔ. bladder

shoydinde moyok... shoydinde moyokun rɔ. tone shɔ‘ɛn rɔ. retention shɔʻaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. catch shɔkna kunɛdɔ rɔ. supply 1 shɔkna ogiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. lead to shɔktac rɔ. constituent 1 shɔktɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. consist 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. hold shɔliwaa kokke maa ɛɛ̀l.d. dilute 3 shɔruwa rɔ. urine shɔruwa shɔrɔshɛt rɔ. urination shɔshɔ,ɛn rɔ. combination shɔshɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. connect shɔshɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. combine 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. tie up 1 shɔshɔʼɛn rɔ. attachment


shubhunɛy shɔshɔʼinɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. interrelate; rɔ. union shɔʼaa muuk sittenɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. control 1 shɔʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. comprise; ɛɛ̀l.d. contain; ɛɛ̀l.d. embrace 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. get; ɛɛ̀l.d. include; ɛɛ̀l.d. pick; ɛɛ̀l.d. retain shɔʼɛn rɔ. volume 1 shɔʼɛn shɛshshɛk rɔ. treatment shɔʼɛsɛ baak ɛɛ̀l.d. paste shɔʼinɛɛng mi abstract shɔʼiyɛɛ dukigeboy rɔ. infection shɔʼiyɛɛ kicigeboy rɔ. suffer shɔʼɔɔboy ɛɛ̀l.d. occupy shɔʼuwaa sittenɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. control 2 shubhunɛ rɔ. father shubhunɛy rɔ. uncle 2



shuka rɔ. fork shukutiyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. hide shumushiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compress shun rɔ. life shun ingkar ɛɛ̀l.d. leading (life)

tacʼiyɛɛboy shurrɛ mi serious 1 shurrɛn mi hostile shuruba rɔ. sweater shushuʼaaboy mi rub shushuʼabooy ɛɛ̀l.d. stroke (pet)

Tt taarec rɔ. figure; rɔ. image; rɔ. painting; rɔ. picture; rɔ. sign taarecce nunnɛ rɔ. cartoon tabhangaa sina arshiyɔboy( tabhang aɛsɛ hubba oo zooge bulangɔ) ɛɛ̀l.d. cheer tabhangaa sinaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. clap tabhay girɔng ɛɛ̀l.d. bray tabhayaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. blow tabhisi rɔ. cause

tact̕ɛn rɔ. revolution 2 tacʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. shift tacʼaaboy, ɛliyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. modify tacʼɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. alter; rɔ. conversion; rɔ. substitution; rɔ. variety 1 tacʼɛnde aan kumbulok rɔ. metamorphosis tacʼɛsiyɛ jarjak ɛɛ̀l.d. replace tacʼinɛ jarjakɔ rɔ. successor tacʼiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. exchange 1



tadhangɔ rɔ. balance 1 taɛptɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. look after tagɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. notice Tagidu rɔ. advertisement takaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. learn; ɛɛ̀l.d. realize; ɛɛ̀l.d. recognize; ɛɛ̀l.d. understand takaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. know taksi rɔ. taxi tal wadak ɛɛ̀l.d. sell 1 talaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. buy talɛndenɛ ga wɔdhi mi expensive taluwa komajɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. dominate tambi rɔ. mistake; mi wrong tambinɛ mi wrong tamini rɔ. centime; rɔ. coin tantisa rɔ. complexity tanu,o rɔ. flood tap koma rɔ. coordination

tasi kʼumec tapna dɛshiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. synthesize tapta rɔ. pair taptage rɔ. pair of tara rɔ. liver tarshec rɔ. bush tartaarecce tasiin(sabun) rɔ. mental image tartarec rɔ. drawing; rɔ. illustration tasi rɔ. idea; rɔ. outlook; rɔ. perspective; rɔ. purpose; rɔ. stress; rɔ. threat 1; rɔ. view; rɔ. viewpoint tàsi rɔ. concentration Tǎsi rɔ. views tasi ajɛn rɔ. opinion tasi jarudɔng rɔ. concept tasi kɔnɛn rɔ. science fiction tasi kʼumec rɔ. goal

tasi wodi raman...


tasi wodi ramang rɔ. suspect 2 taside dɛshay mi.d design 1; rɔ. pattern; rɔ. sketch taside iy tudajɔde kɔnnɛ koonɔɔ penu bhunde iyke kabarec kabarecɔ rɔ. outline taside iyeca sabakɔ rɔ. aim taside iyke enɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. basis taside iyke zibuti rɔ. resolution taside pɔskajunɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. summarize taside shɛɛiy mi advisable taside tartarejun rɔ. diagram taside yellɛnɛ woshii rɔ. concern tasiy mi concerned tasiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. consider; ɛɛ̀l.d. feel; ɛɛ̀l.d. mean;

taysse baaroyɔ

ɛɛ̀l.d. realize; ɛɛ̀l.d. remember; ɛɛ̀l.d. retain; ɛɛ̀l.d. think tasiyange shishiʼinɛɛngɔ rɔ. diversity tasiyɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. notice tashkdac (de enga tashkiyoboyɔ rɔ. solution 1 tashkidɔ mi soluble 1 tatacʼaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. alternate 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. vary tatacʼɛn rɔ. fluctuation tatacʼinɛ mi variable tatanaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cling taydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. fly 1 taypige tudac kɔnɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. type tays rɔ. moon tays kɔnɔng rɔ. month tays) rɔ. eclipses 2 taysse baaroyɔ rɔ. April

taysse zoo kʼaj...


taysse zoo kʼajiyɛ libaa rɔ. August taʼaniyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. defend; ɛɛ̀l.d. prevent; ɛɛ̀l.d. resist taʼison rɔ. lunar teebak mi deep teebhak mi deep; rɔ. depth teek rɔ. roll teelaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. like teelaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. want teeluwa ɛɛ̀l.d. prefer teeu rɔ. fox tekinolojiy rɔ. technology telebijini rɔ. television telekominikeshini (silki paksi telebijini...ooge ayaymu) rɔ. telecommunicatio n teleskoppi rɔ. telescope tembiri rɔ. stamp 1 tenisi rɔ. tennis

tɛɛnuwa tengaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. involve tengiyɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. account for tengiyɛɛ eet ɛɛ̀l.d. consult tengua ɛɛ̀l.d. ask teptisi rɔ. offense teptisiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. facilitate 1 tershiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. sneeze tɛbhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. defend; ɛɛ̀l.d. prevent; ɛɛ̀l.d. regulate tɛbhaaboy(lolomsiyaa boy) ɛɛ̀l.d. conserve tɛbhɛn rɔ. preservation; rɔ. prevention tɛbhuwaa shɛshshɛk (Iʼajɔ kolkung) ɛɛ̀l.d. preserve tɛdɛn rɔ. retention tɛdhiyac rɔ. earring tɛɛnaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. like; ɛɛ̀l.d. want tɛɛnuwa ɛɛ̀l.d. require



tɛɛnuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. prefer tɛlɛcaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. explore tɛp gɔrɔ koskos ɛɛ̀l.d. look forward to tɛp saptenɛ mi careful; mi safe tɛpac rɔ. tip tɛptɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. maintain tɛrmi rɔ. term tɛs dac mi straight tɛs dac(goritte iy daci) rɔ. perpendicular tɛsɛn rɛɛ (rɛwun) rɔ. posture tɛtkac rɔ. loop tɛwa rɔ. grasshopper tɛydɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. carry tɛyuwaa dac ɛɛ̀l.d. stand tika rɔ. coffee tikaaydi mi brown timatimiyo rɔ. tomato tiraktɛri (kambuli de bhɔgunɔ) rɔ. tractor

tobhocce pillin... tirapiziyɛmi rɔ. trapezium tirecce boyo ititinon rɔ. pole tirecce durrɛ keenage cim giriyɔ rɔ. horizontal pillar tirisi mi rapid 1 tirit rɔ. Wednesday tishɛrti rɔ. t-shirt toburanage alke zibuwɔɔ rɔ. vegetation toburanage zoo indike zibuwɔ rɔ. herb toburde ginycʼayɔ rɔ. shrub 1 tobhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. burn tobhɛn rɔ. combustion tobhɛn kede ngesɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. melt tobhoc rɔ. star tobhocce daʼay rɔ. comet tobhocce pillinɛ walajɔy rɔ. meteor

tobhocce tʼinɔ


tobhocce tʼinɔ rɔ. dwarf planet tok rɔ. behavior; rɔ. characteristic 1; rɔ. property 1 tokte ibhɔbhɔrisun rɔ. distributive property tokte nɛrbiy rɔ. nervous system tokte shɔshɔʼun rɔ. associative property tollɔ mi.d after tomogit rɔ. iron; rɔ. metal; rɔ. resource; rɔ. wealth tomogitte iyke maginetiy mi magnetic tomogitte kusinɛde shɔk ande shikikirinɛ kooni rɔ. axle tomogitte ngangaynɛɛ rɔ. metalloid tomogitte zoo ipibhɛ aaycay rɔ. lever

totoyuwaa tomok rɔ. currency 1; rɔ. money tomok perti rɔ. economy tomokey oo angge ayaymu tartarec dɛshi rɔ. collage tomokke alke engguwɔ rɔ. capital 1 tomokke bhanggnɛɛ rɔ. account tomokke jɔyaa rɔ. income tomokke yicʼinɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. expense toni rɔ. ton tool rɔ. impression tortac rɔ. sample toshi mi noisy totoyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. tour; ɛɛ̀l.d. walk totoydiyɛɛboy rɔ. intercourse totoyuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. circulate

tɔgil tɔgil mi brave 1; mi clever; mi energetic tɔgil (tacʼinɛɛng) mi dynamic tɔkɔre (ɔysɛsɛn) ɛɛ̀l.d. excuse 1 tɔllɛ mi conscious tɔmmɔn rɔ. ten tɔmmɔn oo hacʼcʼanang rɔ. fifteen tɔmmɔn oo illɛ rɔ. sixteen tɔmmɔn oo issabɔ rɔ. seventeen tɔmmɔn oo issediyey mi eighth 1 tɔmmɔn oo isset rɔ. eighteen tɔmmɔn oo kɔnɔng rɔ. eleven tɔmmɔn oo kɔnɔngey mi eleventh 1 tɔmmɔn oo ramang rɔ. twelve


tɔɔnaa masʼapib... tɔmmɔn oo ramangey mi twelfth tɔmmɔn oo saal rɔ. nineteen tɔmmɔn oo sizzi rɔ. thirteen tɔmmɔn oo wuc rɔ. fourteen tɔmmɔney mi tenth tɔmɔntɔmɔn jaar isset rɔ. eighty 2 tɔngɔ rɔ. goat tɔngua dhook rɔ. loss tɔnguwa ɛɛ̀l.d. fall tɔnguwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. avoid 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. cast; ɛɛ̀l.d. expose 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. pitch 1 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. throw tɔnguwaa kiciyok ɛɛ̀l.d. endanger tɔɔlaa ɛɛ̀l.d. decline; ɛɛ̀l.d. fail tɔɔnaa masʼapiboy ɛɛ̀l.d. compose

tɔɔnaa tudac wa...


tɔɔnaa tudac waratigeboy ɛɛ̀l.d. write tɔɔnaa waratigeboy ɛɛ̀l.d. spell tɔɔnɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. start tɔp mi clear 2; mi transparent 1 tɔrusiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. infect tubbo rɔ. tubing tubhunaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. pierce tubhunsɛ rɔ. puncture tudac rɔ. fable; rɔ. fairy tale; rɔ. folktale; rɔ. history; rɔ. record 1; rɔ. story tudac waratige kɔnɛn rɔ. essay tudacce iy wratigiyɔ ishɔshɔk(ɛli ɛɛ̀l.d. edit tudacce iyke happi rɔ. myth tudacce kingun rɔ. legend

Tuma oʼol tudacce kɔnnɛ mɔʼɔnyak wartigiyɔ rɔ. short story tudacce kɔnnɛɛ rɔ. composition 1 tudacce kɔnnɛɛ iy waratigiyɔ rɔ. writing tudacce ramatu rɔ. tall tale tudacce tɔɔniyɛ waratigeboyɔ rɔ. text tude kooni rɔ. family tuk rɔ. mouth tukte kʼɛsojun (shishiyɔng) rɔ. proboscis tukte ngɔrun rɔ. proboscis tukte shojun rɔ. beak tuluk mi cold tuma rɔ. rain 1 Tuma badɛn rɔ. prayer Tuma goyni rɔ. prayer Tuma oʼol rɔ. prayer

tumade hak kuk...


tumade hak kukuraa rɔ. precipitation tumade bhatɔ rɔ. shaft tumade dhodhoyna rɔ. thunderstorm 1 tumade dhodhoyɔ rɔ. shaft tumade dhoyɔ rɔ. lightening tumade ngangaynɛ asidiyɔ rɔ. acid rain tumade toshiyɔ rɔ. thunder tumde hakɔ buytin rɔ. rainfall tumede bhatbhatɔ rɔ. thunderstorm 2 tumu rɔ. sea tumu bhunde sabɔ iyke tʼinide ucubhinɛna dhul boyoki rɔ. gulf tumu darman rɔ. beach; rɔ. coast tumu de kalum baa rɔ. ocean tuntey mi upper

tʼɛrbhezza tuntok oo bak ɛɛ̀l.d. pitch 1 1 tuntok ramatu niyɛ? sa.e. how high tuntɔ mi top; dhɔ.d up tuntɔ ga paltanguna kare ga tʼuttiyɔ rɔ. cone tungdiyɛ kɔ mɛɛ oo mokacboy ɛɛ̀l.d. mate tùngke shɛɛʼi! ha. good night tunguke shɛɛʼi? rɔ. good morning tuunguwaa giriyok ɛɛ̀l.d. slant tuy ɛt kotkot ɛɛ̀l.d. blot tuʼɔge enget rɔ. interview tuʼɔge ɛli rɔ. oral presentation tʼaniyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. bind tʼarmusi rɔ. bottle 1 tʼeksi rɔ. citation tʼeshkiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. sneeze tʼɛrbhezza rɔ. table



tʼɛwa rɔ. locust tʼiini mi little; mi minimum; mi minor; mi small; mi some; mi thin; mi tiny tʼiitide mɛdipiy rɔ. shell 2 tʼin pɔs mi smallest tʼintʼin rɔ. shortage

untan tʼintʼin oo buytin rɔ. size tʼitiy rɔ. aunt 1 tʼitta mi minor tʼoga rɔ. key tʼogiyaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. button tʼorogit rɔ. bush; rɔ. shrub 1 tʼɔsaaboy rɔ. suffer tʼɔsɛt rɔ. hazard tʼutiy mi narrow

Uu ubhiyɛ bak, tunguwa guma mi inverted uguwa girigiri ɛɛ̀l.d. diffuse uguwaa dhook mi scarce ulubhaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. cover 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. hide; ɛɛ̀l.d. occupy

umujushaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. saturate; ɛɛ̀l.d. soak umumulusinɛ mi solid 1 undiyde tudaan mi historical uninɛ mi dull untan ɛɛ̀l.d. lack untan rɔ. absence; rɔ. deficiency;



rɔ. scarcity; rɔ. shortage untɔ ha. isn't; mi.d no ungngojɔ ungngojɔ mi.d rare ungo rɔ. sleep ungoc rɔ. day ungocce iyke shambataa rɔ. Sunday ungojɔungojɔ mi.d daily ungus dongkurte zugunɔ rɔ. dependent ungus giri ɛɛ̀l.d. tilt uptac rɔ. roof urkumaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. garden 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. pick urɔ rɔ. milk uruga tuntok ɛɛ̀l.d. ascend

uʼum kʼɔmey uruguwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. climb usaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. eat; ɛɛ̀l.d. feed ushullɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. whistle uuguwaa rɔ. pitch 2 2 uwa ilaʼic mi immune uwa saptenɛ mi independent uwaang ɛɛ̀l.d. can't uwayaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. can uwɛn rɔ. ability; rɔ. adaptations; rɔ. capacity; rɔ. establishment; rɔ. quality 1; ɛɛ̀l.d. survival uwɛn bharungɛn mi quality 2 uwɛnde dɛshay rɔ. skill 1 uʼum kʼɔmey ɛɛ̀l.d. crawl




wa mi.d there wadaaɔng bhunde alɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. converge walac rɔ. sky walajɔ gande wɔdun rɔ. outer space walak mi cheap walta(zanggide tasiinde bhunde boyo shikirinɛnɛ tunɔ wɔcʼi kariyɔ) rɔ. meridian waltade iy cim kariyɔ rɔ. South Pole waltay mi polar wara rɔ. dagger; rɔ. knife warati rɔ. paper; rɔ. sheet (paper) waratide iy ke mitʼayde anggeny tallɛnɛ rɔ. bill waratide shɔk lɔʼɔge iisunɔɔ rɔ. letter waratide tasay rɔ. note 1

wocce wocʼɔyde ... waratide zoo bhangɛ waratiyoge lɔʼunɔɔ rɔ. envelope waratiyo zeri ɛɛ̀l.d. study waratiyoy rɔ. collage washaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. pick wɛcʼɛn rɔ. price woc dangkʼisi ɛɛ̀l.d. spoil 2 woc kɔnɔnsɔ rɔ. only child wocce batʼiyon oode oynɛy rɔ. cousin wocce gɔtinɛy oode ngɔnɛy de macɔ rɔ. nephew wocce gɔtinɛy oode ngɔnɛy de siidonɔ rɔ. niece wocce wocʼɔy rɔ. grandchild wocce wocʼɔyde macɔ rɔ. grandson wocce wocʼɔyde siʼidonɔ rɔ. granddaughter

wocʼandage kobu...


wocʼandage kobudon rɔ. chicken wodɛbi ( molle mɛrkɛbi rɔ. harbor wodi kɔnɔng mi.d once; rɔ. ones wodi kɔnɔng kɔnɔng mi.d sometimes wodi ramang mi double; mi.d twice wodi sɛʼɛn? sa.e. how often wodi tuntook rɔ. times 1 wodi ziizzi tunook ɛɛ̀l.d. tripled wodige mɛri mi.d often; mi.d usually wogiyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. promise wok bhunde susɔ cuwɛnɛɛ mi.d eastward wolac rɔ. neighbor workʼi rɔ. gold woropila rɔ. airplane

woyt woshi rɔ. facility; mi fast; mi.d quickly; rɔ. speed woshiy ɛɛ̀l.d. accelerate woshkut rɔ. February; rɔ. March woshshiy rɔ. agility Woshshiy mi active wowoyde nyɛbhun rɔ. circulation wowoyna ɛɛ̀l.d. explore woya ge tʼittaa rɔ. children woyage wocʼɔy rɔ. grandchildren woybhu rɔ. drum woyda humɛn rɔ. October woydac rɔ. corn woydage mɛmɛʼiyɔ rɔ. popcorn woyt ɛɛ̀l.d. away (take); ɛɛ̀l.d. go; rɔ. journey; rɔ. movement; rɔ. process 2; rɔ. voyage

woyt (anat) woyt (anat) rɔ. revolution 1 woyt liyok rɔ. emergence woytte elektirikiy rɔ. current 1 woytte goyun mi convectional woytte jarjun rɔ. hike woytte zoo wowoyna ac rɛɛdgɛ wɔngɛnɔ oomu oyɛ sabigegɛɛ rɔ. recreation wɔcʼɛn rɔ. cost; ɛɛ̀l.d. rate 1; rɔ. value 1 wɔcʼnde iyke suutɔ rɔ. exact value wɔdɛbi rɔ. port wɔdɔ mi.d out; mi.d outside wɔdun mi foreign wɔdhɔng rɔ. respiration wɔɛ̀ d hɔng rɔ. breath


wucucuki wɔdhɔng (ushullacce maa wɔdhɔngaa) rɔ. vapor wɔdhɔng kɛngak ɛɛ̀l.d. inhale wɔdhɔngaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. breathe wɔdhɔngde kunwadakɔ mi expired air wɔkkin rɔ. illness wɔkɔkɔli mi loose 1 wɔlɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. failure 1 wɔli mi white wɔllin rɔ. lamp 2 wɔllin kʼenɛɛng mi opaque wɔllinde batiriyɔ rɔ. flash light wɔngdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. sit wɔngɛn rɔ. interval; rɔ. rest wɔngɔn rɔ. relief wɔtkinde ngɔdɛrɛyɔ rɔ. pain wɔyisi mi.d again wucucuki rɔ. motion; ɛɛ̀l.d. wave



wucùcuki rɔ. activity wucucukide tʼiinide maan rɔ. ripple wucucukiuwaa ɛɛ̀l.d. shake wudɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. tidy up 3 wudu liyok ɛɛ̀l.d. clear 1 wuduwa ke sɛllɛju ɛɛ̀l.d. clean 2 wujjiyey rɔ. quarter wujjyey mi fourth wunyje macɔ rɔ. son wunyje siʼidonɔ rɔ. daughter wunyje tʼinɔ rɔ. infant wunyjetʼinɔ rɔ. baby wupa rɔ. menstruation 2 wuru rɔ. air; rɔ. climate wuru ajɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. aerate wurude goyɔ edɛ oo boyo bhunde jɔynɛ rɛʼɛgede boyon

wuʼut tuntɔ oo bhuɔ digiriyo 23 teekɔ ga shɔshɔʼinɛ mi tropical 2 wurude iy bhoregiyɔ rɔ. atmosphere 1; mi atmospheric wurude koy kɛngakɔ rɔ. inspired air wuta rɔ. cotton wuta hakɛn rɔ. thread wutaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. brush 2; ɛɛ̀l.d. shine 2 wutaaby mi rub wutʼtʼeti rɔ. effect 2; rɔ. outcome; rɔ. result; rɔ. score wutʼtʼetide uron mi dairy wuu rɔ. hyena wuuc rɔ. four wuʼaaboy, wutaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. polish wuʼec rɔ. lime wuʼut rɔ. broom




Yy yeca teek mi.d into yel shurrɛn mi angry yellac rɔ. friend; rɔ. partner yellacce iy hubbage koonɔɔ rɔ. teammate yellacce pennay mi pen pal yellɛnɛ mi essential; mi practical yellɛnɛdɔ mi appropriate; rɔ. importance; mi important; mi.d necessarily; mi necessary; rɔ. vital yellɛnɛdɔ suut rɔ. proper yellɛnɛdɔy ɛl.o of course yellɛnɛɛ mi basic yellɛnɛɛng mi impossible

yelyeellɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. cooperate yelyellɛn rɔ. convenient yeshishi rɔ. investigate yet rɔ. river yet boyo bhunde rɔmɔsɔ paltanguwɔ rɔ. main land yet darman rɔ. bank (river) yette buytɔ rɔ. stream yɛbhɛn rɔ. belief; rɔ. religion yɛbhɛn untan rɔ. corruption yɛbhɛnde jarut unatɔy rɔ. myth yɛbhinɛ mi faithful yɛbhiyɛɛboy ɛɛ̀l.d. depend yɛbhjnɛnɛ saptnɛ mi confident yɛcʼua ɛɛ̀l.d. splatter



yɛcʼuaa; ɛɛ̀l.d. splash yɛɛsɛdɔ ɛli ɛɛ̀l.d. retell yɛmɛsɛdɔ zeri ɛɛ̀l.d. reread yɛmɛsɛn ɛɛ̀l.d. revise yɛmɛɛ̀s ɛn mi.d again yɛmɛsiyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. check yɛmyɛmaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. fold yɛmyɛmɛn rɔ. cycle; mi.d then yɛnɛ mi equal; rɔ. halves; mi.d proportionally yɛnɛke girɔng, tuukɔ) rɔ. cavity 2 yɛnɛke kesi rɔ. antiquity yɛnɛnde angkon oo kon yɛnɛ rɛɛge buytinɔ oo tʼintʼinɔɔ rɔ. proportion yɛnɛyɛnɛ mi identical; rɔ. match; mi same; mi similar yɛnkʼidac rɔ. contender yɛngkʼidac mi rival

yɔngɔ sabbɔ yɛʼɛsɛn rɔ. answer yɛʼɛsɛnde dɛshay rɔ. reaction 1 yɛʼɛsɛnde hinɛnukoonɔ rɔ. reaction 1 yiirdɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. scratch yikiti sabɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. nod yirac rɔ. twig yllɛn rɔ. affection ynɛwaratide ishɔshɔʼinɛke dɛshi rɛɛde aanɔ rɔ. paper mache yng ajɛn (100%) rɔ. rate 2 yngɔ sabbɔ mi.d before yogo ɛɛ̀l.d. come yɔng, buytin rɔ. status yɔngɔ dhɔ.d at yɔngɔ gaasɔ mi adjacent; dhɔ.d by yɔngɔ jiyak guru mi.d soon yɔngɔ molɔdɔngɔ dhɔ.d from yɔngɔ sabbɔ mi.d ago

yɔngɔ shau guru


yɔngɔ shau guru mi.d soon yɔngɔ-ge dhɔ.d on yɔngɔbɛ(dɛshade shɛɛʼi koon dɛshinɛɛ) mi well done

zeride zooge jo... yɔngɔdenɛ ibhang rɔ. rating yɔngɔguru rɔ. consciousness yɔɔnɛsiyɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. begin

Zz zabiodɔ ɛɛ̀l.d. look after zagoli rɔ. shell 2 zàli ɛɛ̀l.d. dilute 1 zanggay rɔ. May zanggi rɔ. axis 1; rɔ. iron rod; rɔ. shaft zarade bhelliriy rɔ. salamander zarade dungkʼidon rɔ. helminthes zarade kambuliy rɔ. van zarade mɛdbɛriyay rɔ. urea zeero rɔ. zero

zeero oo kɔmdage gɔɛ̀ k ɔmnɛnɛɛ rɔ. integer zeeytide iyke rɔkaa rɔ. crude oil zeeytide nɛadajiyɔ rɔ. petroleum zeri masʼapi ɛɛ̀l.d. read zèride dagay rɔ. invitation zeride ɛliyanun rɔ. pronunciation zeride zooge jorɔ ooge dɛshi isporti bhaasejɔde isportiyɔɔ zerrɛnɛ rɔ. track and field



zeriyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. call zeriyɔ ishɔshɔk ɛɛ̀l.d. proofread zertac rɔ. passage (text) zeyti rɔ. oil zɛdhɛek zɛdhɛɛk ɛzɛgɔ woyt ɛɛ̀l.d. fumble zɛgɛn rɔ. migration zibut rɔ. drug; rɔ. medicine zibutte nis angge kabarjɔ gòorongɔɔ rɔ. insecticide zibutte nis angge t‘ittaa shunanunɔy rɔ. pesticide zibutte nis dungkʼiyoge am amdaa rɔ. disinfectant zigac rɔ. residue zigɛsɛn rɔ. dependency zirma rɔ. row 1; rɔ. sequence zirmage rɔ. column; mi.d in the queue

zooge all babak... zolayt mi oval 2 zoo rɔ. community; rɔ. people; rɔ. population; mi public zoo bharungi rɔ. acceptance; rɔ. favorite 1 Zoo duʼutte zoon rɔ. family tree zoo gay mi recognizable 2 zoo ge macʼidaa rɔ. men zoo ge ɔdinɛ tolɔɔ rɔ. backwardness zoo kɔnɔng kɔnɔng rɔ. individual 1 zoo taʼandiyɛ rɔ. ban zoo tir koon rɔ. class zoo yeli mi favorite 2 zooge ajinɛ erngesɔ rɔ. humanitarian zooge alke komortaa rɔ. tribal chiefs zooge all babakɔ rɔ. lower class

zooge baage koo... zooge baage koonɔ mi national zooge bulang sportiyɔ rɔ. player zooge gɔm guliyaa rɔ. musician zooge kɔn kamanɔ rɔ. army zooge mɛrɔ rɔ. density 1; mi social 1; rɔ. society zooge mɛrɔ tomok rɔ. socio-economic zooge siinɔ rɔ. women zooge tal baade zugunyɔ komajɔɔ mi colonial


zungkʼu wocʼɔ zooge zaysinɛɛ rɔ. lower class zooge zizik kɔkɔkkɔ rɔ. nomad zoomuuk sa. everybody zoon mi public zoon muuk mi common; mi communal zoriyɛɛ ɛɛ̀l.d. move zumburec rɔ. stripe zuniyaaboy ɛɛ̀l.d. poison 1 zungkʼu rɔ. sheep zungkʼu wocʼɔ rɔ. lamb