Listening Practice For National English Competition 1 [PDF]

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Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about ethical concerns with artificial intelligence and decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. People tend to be oblivious to the moral issues associated with artificial intelligence in the research stage. 2. Video tracking can be deployed to speed up recovery from injuries. 3. A handful of giants have become the dominant overlords in the realm of artificial intelligence. 4. Artificial intelligence is intended to harm human society as it does not share human values. 5. Machines are vulnerable to biases from the data introduced by their human makers. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a report on possible signs of life discovered on Venus and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. Where were the radio telescopes located? 7. How was the reaction of the first woman towards the discovery? 8. What have been launched to Venus several times? 9. How are the climatic conditions in the area between 50 and 60 km above the Venus’s surface described? 10. What is exemplified as a physical characteristic that helps microbes adapt to rigorous conditions? Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to an interview with someone who consulted a 'life coach' to improve her life and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1


11. Brigid says that she consulted a life coach because A she had read a great deal about them. B both her work and home life were getting worse. C other efforts to improve her life had failed. D the changes she wanted to make were only small ones. 12. What did Brigid's coach tell her about money? A It would be very easy for Brigid to get a lot of it. B Brigid's attitude towards it was uncharacteristic of her. C Brigid placed too much emphasis on it in her life. D Few people have the right attitude towards it. 13. What does Brigid say about her reaction to her coach's advice on money? A She felt silly repeating the words her coach gave her. B She tried to hide the fact that she found it ridiculous. C She felt a lot better as a result of following it. D She found it difficult to understand at first. 14. What does Brigid say happened during the other sessions? A She was told that most people's problems had the same cause. B Her powers of concentration improved. C Some things she was told to do proved harder than others. D She began to wonder why her problems had arisen in the first place. 15. What has Brigid concluded ? A The benefits of coaching do not compensate for the effort required. B She was too unselfish before she had coaching. C She came to expect too much of her coach. D It is best to limit the number of coaching sessions you have. Your answers 11. 12. 13. 14.


Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about pandemic diseases and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. 2


TOP 5 DEADLIEST PANDEMIC DISEASES 1. Smallpox • first emerged around 400BC • caused 16.______________________ all over the body • the only disease declared to be 17.______________________ 2. Bubonic Plague • also known as the 18.______________________ • caused by a bacterium spread by 19.______________________ • 20.______________________, called buboes, occurred in the body 3. The Spanish Flu • began and ended in a 21.______________________ • filled the lungs of patients with 22.______________________ 4. Malaria • categorized as a blood disease • caused by 23.______________________ • Anopheles mosquitoes would 24.______________________ infected blood and pass it on to the next person they bite 5. HIV/AIDS • often sexually transmitted • HIV 25.______________________ the immune system



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. TRUE 0.15 As artificial intelligence moves out of the research labs and into the real world, more and more people are becoming aware of some ethical concerns that kind of go along with some of these applications. 2. NOT GIVEN 0.37 We are using video tracking of people in healthcare settings to make sure they are recovering from an injury 3. TRUE 1.04 AI has to run on bigger and faster and more expensive machine, and the only people who can afford those machines are these big international companies which means that fewer and fewer people can control the destiny of Artificial Intelligence. 4. FALSE 1.29 it doesn’t necessarily share our values so the risk isn’t that you know AI will be malicious against us 5. TRUE 2.03 the AI might inherently adopt bias from whatever data it gathers so we need to figure out ways to limit that effect to make sure that the data we provide to the AI as it is free of bias as possible. Part 2 6. Chile and Hawaii 0.8 7. stunned 0.22 8. probes and landers 0.55 9. rough, windy and acidic 1.24 10. protective shell (of graphite) 1.48 Part 3 4


11. D 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. B Interviewer: My next guest is Brigid McConville, a journalist who decided to get herself a 'life coach'. Brigid, what made you do it and what is a 'life coach'? Brigid: Well, all was not entirely well with my life. Nothing drastic. I just felt 'stuck' and in need of change, both on the work front - too much to do, too little time - and at home - ditto, I wasn't miserable enough for therapy or counselling. I simply wanted to get a little more from life. Until recently, the options for someone in my situation would have been extremely limited. Now, however, legions of 'life coaches' are out there, ready and waiting to come to the aid of the frustrated and down-at-heart. For about £40 a session, your personal coach will telephone you once a week, and spend half an hour talking to you in an effort to help you sort your life out Interviewer: But isn't this just another self-improvement fad? Like all the self-help books and tapes? Brigid: Well, I was a bit dubious myself, but I decided to try it. I booked a course with Fiona Harrold, a leading British coach. She identified my anxieties almost immediately. Within half an hour of our first conversation, I found myself agreeing that the first thing I had to tackle was my deeply ambivalent relationship with money. Yes, of course it was rooted in childhood - but what could we actually do about it? Fiona is a passionate advocate of self-belief and, with her characteristic verve, she told me I had to carve out a whole new way of thinking about myself. I must see myself as 'a magnet for money', she said. And she told me: 'Consider yourself someone to whom cash flows effortlessly. Why shouldn't you have an easy life, an abundance of pleasure, leisure and luxury - and all without feeling any guilt?' Interviewer: How did you react to that? Brigid: Well, it seemed such a preposterous idea that I laughed out loud down the telephone. But, undeterred by my scepticism, Fiona told me to suspend my disbelief, and gave me a clutch of positive affirmations with which to brainwash myself into readiness for riches. She told me to repeat the following words whenever possible: 'I, Brigid, am now ready to have the ideal life that I deserve.' Doing this, I found, cheered me up no end. 5


Interviewer: What else did she tell you? Brigid: Well, subsequent sessions were more practical. First came the mandatory decluttering - she told me to throw out as much unnecessary jumble and rubbish as possible, clearing space for all the goodies to come - once the money started to roll in. Then we began trying to cure my personal finance phobia; I dutifully did my sums, and started saving something, however small, every month. My work also came under close scrutiny, too, as I made up my mind to concentrate on jobs that really interested me. Exactly which issues you tackle during coaching is up to you. According to Fiona, most people want to get organised at home and at work, make the most of their abilities and sort out money problems. She reckons that building up confidence is vital. She really does believe that people are capable of doing anything they want to do, and that all that stands in their way is childhood conditioning. Interviewer: So what did you get out of it all? And would you recommend it? Brigid: Well, coaching makes you get on and do all those things you've put off for so long, because there is the deadline of the next session. If you don't act in time, your coach probably won't want to speak to you. So coaching is hardly a soft option. But for me, it has provided a great boost. There have been no instant miracles, but things are looking up at work and financially, money and I are definitely on better terms. I still have my doubts about the 'me first' approach - but, then again, it is a healthy counterbalance to the `me last' way of thinking I am used to. Interviewer: Thanks, Brigid. Now, if you want to find out more about life coaches ... Part 4. 16. spotty bumps 0.50 17. completely eradicated 1.00 18. Black Death 1.05 19. fleas 1.09 20. egg-sized swellings 1.11 21. terrifying flash 1.48 22. fluid 1.54 23. protozoan parasites 2.05 24. suck up 2.10 25. decimates 2.30 6


Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about corporate social responsibility and decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. Corporate social responsibility refers to a type of business regulation required by law that aims to do some environmental or social good. 2. Corporate social responsibility could bring businesses both tangible and intangible benefits. 3. Opinions are divided over which strategy should be adopted to maximize profit. 4. Businesses generally embrace the implementation of corporate social initiatives. 5. Good Coffee Corp gives priority to both price and quality when choosing which country to import coffee. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a report on Siberian heat wave and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. How does the woman describe Yakutia? 7. What does the number of 1.7 million hectares temporarily burned out refer to? 8. What impact is mentioned as climate change alters the Gulf Stream current? 9. How did the river change in the aftermath of the diesel spill last month? 10. What was cited as the possible cause of the leakage of diesel? Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of a discussion in which two consultants, Abbie Dale and Ryan Richardson, are talking about two different small businesses that have achieved success and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11. What does the company Ryan has chosen encourage its customers to do? A buy every kit it produces B create new designs and submit them 7


C personalise their online purchases D tell others how good the products are 12. According to Abbie, the social clothing company's customers A like to draw attention to themselves. B are willing to help in publicity campaigns. C show creativity in the videos they send in. D have become fiercely loyal to the brand. 13. Ryan believes that the main difference between the two companies is A the number of employees they have taken on. B the way in which they have developed. C the variety of problems they have to solve. D the age range they cater for. 14. What does Abbie find most astonishing about the company she talks about? A its skill in collaborating with partners B the owner's ability to keep developments secret C the fact that it has grown so fast D the number of products it aims to launch 15. According to Ryan, people who buy and assemble the electronic kits A should start their own businesses. B are surprised by their simplicity. C find the experience rewarding. D aren't frightened of making mistakes. Your answers 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a report on heat wave in Japan and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. - An unprecedented heat wave in Japan has killed at least 65 people while over 30,000 people were admitted to hospital suffering from heat-related conditions such as heatstroke or 16.______________________. 8


- The whole country has sweltered in blistering heat in the last two weeks with scarcely a 17.______________________. - At Tokyo’s 18.______________________, ambulance calls are pouring in large numbers. - An intensifying heat 19.______________________ is cited as the cause of such scorching temperatures and there is no sign that it would 20.______________________ in the next two weeks. People cope with extreme heat by covering themselves with 21.______________________, splashing themselves with water and staying indoors. - 22.______________________ are mentioned as a new type of product that is marketed by some companies. - One of the 23.______________________ implemented by 2020 Olympics organisers is lining the marathon course and major roads with a kind of reflective surface. They are also planning to install big tents, cooling fans and 24.______________________ to keep people cool. - Japan is a 25.______________________, so extreme heat could impose a tremendous strain on medical services.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. FALSE 0.05 Corporate social responsibility refers to a code of conduct and action beyond what is required by laws, regulations and trade rules 2. TRUE 0.30 Besides creating goodwill, does social responsibilities help the corporation’s bottom line? Perhaps. 3. NOT GIVEN 4. TRUE 1.02 Most corporations have some form of corporate social responsibility as part of their operations. Many would agree that society tends to benefit from a kinder, gentler approach to social impact by major corporations 5. FALSE 1.52 They choose to only import the most expensive but responsibly sourced coffee from Fair Land. Part 2 6. (a) cold, wintry place 0.18 7. forest and tundra 0.30 8. propelling warmer air north 0.53 9. turned crimson 1.28 10. thawing permafrost 1.35 Part 3 11 C 12 A 13 D 14 D 15 C 10


Interviewer: Now, you've chosen businesses that seem worlds apart with regard to product and production and yet have startling similarities in terms of strategy. Could you tell us a little about these businesses created by young entrepreneurs? Abbie: Yes, I decided to go with a clothing company, or rather a social clothing company as the owner, Chris, prefers to call it. This particular online company functions more like a blog than a conventional web store, which allows it to utilise the input from the blogger communities and the news cycles directly. Then, the elements highlighted by the members of those communities are incorporated into its designs. So, social engagement is key to its success with the emphasis on listening to people rather than dictating to them. Ryan: Yes, it's definitely a case of having your finger on the public's pulse. And I believe the company I've selected does exactly that, but with an entirely different product - DIY electronic hardware kits. Not so long ago, consumers would demand their electronic gadgets ready-made and ready to use. Now, however, devoting time to assembling the gadgets is perfectly acceptable. The kits come with detailed instructions for assembly, but customers are actively encouraged to modify the product so that it matches their particular taste. Then, customers have the opportunity to embrace the culture of sharing online to feed off each other's creativity. Abbie: That's another similarity with the company I've chosen. Its customers don't just want to buy clothes; they want to be seen wearing them, too. After all, the target market is the younger generation whose social media profiles reflect the 'look at me' mentality. The company has taken this into account and now invites customers to submit photos or videos of themselves wearing the company's products. Not surprisingly, there has been an overwhelming response from which the company has dearly benefitted. Firstly, there is the publicity aspect, which allows the company to advertise without spending huge sums. Secondly, and more importantly, this initiative has given the company access to information only available on social media and that is the speed of change in what the customer wants. Then, it's just a case of keeping pace with that change. Ryan: I'm glad you brought up the element of speed and online companies having to adapt accordingly. Right from the outset, the founder, Limor, who did her master's at HIT, realised she would have to come up with new ideas all the time. As a result, she made sure she embarked on at least one new product per week mainly based on such technology as gyro metric sensors and solar panels. Nowadays, her products, developed with her troubleshooting team of three engineers, cover a much wider range of technologies that appeal to every generation. There are kits for primary schoolchildren who can build robotic arms through to grandmothers who can sew 11


clothes with working LED displays with conductive threads and washable hardware. This is probably the biggest difference between the two companies. Abbie: As you inferred, it's not only recognising the need for change but it's also adapting to it. At the moment, Chris's social clothing company aims to come up with three creations a week so as not to fall behind. Incredibly, he plans to increase this rate to a mind-boggling twenty a week at least, with about half designed through crowdsourcing and collaborations with outside designers. With this in mind, he has formed manufacturing partnerships that ensure new inventory arrive in a matter of weeks, not months. As for managing the online catalogue, he aims to develop it in keeping with what works online. So again there are going to be novel ways of presenting items, I'm not sure what novel ways he's referring to, but I'm certain they'll be as creative as his clothing. Ryan: And all this points to rapid development. Limor's company has sold over half a million kits in seven years, Over the same period, she has moved into a large warehouse that has enough space for storage and to accommodate equipment like laser engravers and mills. Therefore, every part can be manufactured on site. If you look at the business now, and think back to how it started - the notion of providing people with the opportunity to gain a sense of achievement from making something on their own, which they obviously do - you'll be amazed. But don't just stand there open-mouthed. Come up with your own idea and don't be afraid to go ahead with it. Abbie: I'd like to echo that sentiment and .... Part 4. 16. heat exhaustion 0.15 17. waft of wind 0.25 18. emergency dispatch center 1.00 19. dome 1.36 20. budge 1.42 21. parasols (and) umbrellas 2.20 22. suits with fans 2.51 23. heat countering measures 3.32 24. misting machines 4.02 25. rapidly aging country 4.31 12


Part 1. For questions 1-7, listen to a talk about the impact of the media and decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. The biological impact of storytelling makes it more difficult for the audience to shape their views of life. 2. Between 2006 and 2016, only a minority of actors in the UK were Black people. 3. The representation of Black actors is often associated with stereotypical themes or types of character. 4. The portrayal of the Mammy character in Gone With The Wind attempted to bridge the divided gap between races. 5. Colourism is depicted more in pop culture than in other areas of entertainment. 6. The perceived benefits of white proximity can be a driving force that prompts antiBlack views and behaviors. 7. The audience should try to learn to make objective observations about sources of information in the media. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part 2. For questions 8-14, listen to a report on a disaster in California and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 8. What is the name of the wildfire? 9. How is the vegetation in the wildfire area described? 10. What type of terrain may affect the firefighting effort? 11. What has been dropped on the area in an attempt to control the fire? 12. What has been opened by the Red Cross to shelter people? 13. Who reported that many of his firefighters were already burned out? 14. What is considered as an essential element of being a firefighter? Your answers 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



Part 3. For questions 15-19, listen to an interview with someone who reviews hotels. and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 15. What does Paddy say about some readers of her column? A They suspect that she enjoys criticising hotels. B Her attitude to hotels has changed because of their response. C Her comments match their experiences of hotels. D They prefer reading about hotels they would not want to visit. 16. What does Paddy say about some hotel-keepers? A They sometimes have to force themselves to have a sense of humour. B They would be more suited to a different profession. C They expect to receive negative comments about their hotels. D They are surprised that they become friends of hers. 17. Paddy says that some hotel-keepers she has contacted about the book have A realised that she does not really have an assistant called Emily. B corrected inaccuracies that were in her review of their hotels. C responded favourably despite criticisms she had made. D made her wonder whether her reviews of their hotels were unfair. 18. Paddy says that one hotel-keeper she spoke to told her that A other people are unlikely to be treated in the same way in hotels as she is. B he was unwilling to discuss some of the comments in her review. C her reviews did not have as much influence as she believed. D he no longer wanted his hotel to appear in the book. 19. The same owner also told her that A he had passed information about her to other hotels. B he resented her description of him in her review. C he did not understand why she wanted to put his hotel in her book. D there was nothing distinctive about her physical appearance. Your answers 15. 16. 17. 18.




Part 4. For questions 20-25, listen to a talk about the Great Green Wall of China and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS or NUMBERS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. The Great Green Wall project aims to plant around 20.______________________ of forests in a wall stretching about 3000 miles and as wide as 900 miles in some places. China has seen approximately 21.______________________ overtaken every year by the Gobi Desert. The “Yellow Dragon” refers to the sand storms that could sweep across China, choking its citizens with its 22.______________________. However, the situation is only getting worse as the encroaching Gobi has swallowed up villages and cities while 23.______________________ billions of dollars a year in economic losses. Corruption and poor management have been identified as the major causes of the 24.______________________ . Several major blunders have 25.______________________ and desertification is still a significant problem with far-reaching consequences .



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. FALSE 0.08 The stories that we are told ... build identities, determine behaviours and forge our dreams. ... Our brains need shortcuts to simplify and organize information about data constantly coming at us, they impact how we view the world and make meaning what we perceive 2. NOT GIVEN 0.51 roles not actors 3. TRUE 1.07 When Black people are represented, there are many reoccurring racialized tropes 4. FALSE 2.07....have been created by white American storytellers to distance themselves from the harsh reality of race relations in a post-slavery society 5. NOT GIVEN No comparison here 6. TRUE 3.11... increases their social standing, presumed likability and success further constructing and upholding racist perceptions 7. TRUE 3.35... ask yourself whose voice is telling this story and who is this trying to represent Part 2 8. Apple Fire 0.12 9. crispy 0.51 10. rugged/steep/hard-to-hike (terrain) 1.08 11. retardant 1.34 12. evacuation centers 2.02 13. a battalion chief 2.23 16


14. camaraderie 2.46 ARI SHAPIRO, HOST: A wildfire that is growing fast has already engulfed more than 26,000 acres east of Los Angeles. More than 7,000 people have been ordered to evacuate so far as the Apple Fire burns through the mountains of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Kate Kramer is with the U.S. Forest Service. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) KATE KRAMER: Because of where it's burning and the kind of terrain that it's burning in - very steep slopes that are pretty difficult to get to - that's what makes this fire kind of special and pretty dangerous. SHAPIRO: Here to tell us more is reporter Jacob Margolis of member station KPCC in Los Angeles. Hi, Jacob. JACOB MARGOLIS, BYLINE: Hey. SHAPIRO: So the fire started Friday afternoon and spread quickly over the weekend. What do things look like today? MARGOLIS: Yeah, it's definitely not contained. The area that it's moving through is mountainous, it's hot, and it is dry. And I can tell you that the vegetation in that area, which includes grass and brush and trees, it is all crispy. It is ready to burn. It has been ready to burn because it's been so hot and because of all the conditions we're seeing up there. And on top of the dryness, we're also seeing wind gusts up to 30 miles per hour, which is very concerning because those push the fire along and make it harder to fight. SHAPIRO: And, also, we just heard that Forest Service official Kate Kramer saying it is rugged terrain. How does that affect the firefighting effort? MARGOLIS: Yeah, the area that the fire is burning through is really steep. It's home to two of the highest peaks in Southern California. And when you have the fire charging through hard-to-hike terrain, it makes it hard for firefighters to literally get on the ground and dig a line around that fire and then have fire trucks pull up with water. So firefighters have been using a lot of air support, planes and helicopters, to drop retardant on the area. And another concerning factor is that the fire is working its way through an area that hasn't burned in recent history, meaning that there is a lot of fuel to burn. The good news is that it looks like it's kind of moving towards an area that burned in 2015, which may offer some sort of respite soon.



SHAPIRO: As we mentioned, thousands of people are evacuating. Where do they take shelter during a pandemic? MARGOLIS: Yeah, this is a conversation that's been going on since at least March. I know it's one that I've been having with folks. And the Red Cross has opened evacuation centers. It says they've fully staffed people up with PPE. And we've seen this move on other fires. They're actually working to get people into hotel rooms. That said, oftentimes at these fires, you know, a lot of people end up going to friends' houses or families' houses to hunker down. SHAPIRO: I know you've been talking to some firefighters. What are they telling you? How are they holding up? MARGOLIS: Yeah, I had a conversation with a battalion chief in Riverside, and he told me that many of his firefighters are already burned out. It's been an active fire season, and COVID's taken a toll. You know, they go out on these calls to help people. They're worried about getting sick themselves. Some of them are getting sick. There have been some clusters here and there amongst firefighters. Their families can't visit them at the station because they might bring COVID in. And a big part of being a firefighter is that camaraderie, that family you always feel you have around you. And I think a lot of them feel isolated and are having a hard time like the rest of us. So Riverside has brought in some mental health professionals to help them talk about these issues. And looking forward, things aren't going to get any easier. We've got a long wildfire season ahead of us, and things are really, really going to pick up probably in September. SHAPIRO: That is reporter Jacob Margolis of member station KPCC in Los Angeles covering the Apple Fire there in Southern California. Jacob, thank you very much for your reporting. MARGOLIS: Thank you. (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) Part 3 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 18


19. D Interviewer: I'm talking to Paddy Burt, who has a weekly hotel review column in a national newspaper and who has just compiled a collection of those reviews for a forthcoming book. Paddy, when you go to a hotel to review it, what's your attitude? Paddy: I always have high hopes - a 'bet this one's going to be good' feeling. But you never can tell. Hotels that look so idyllic in one of the guides can be a terrible letdown, which is why readers who say they enjoy the column invariably add 'particularly the bad ones'. For example, I recently got this letter from a reader, who says: 'It used to be every other week that you gave some poor hotelier a bashing. Now it's a rare treat to read about one you've been severely critical of, and that's a pity since I love it when you lay into a pretentious but bad one. Of course, it's helpful when you recommend a good hotel, but, for entertainment's sake, do try to find some awful ones, too. Interviewer: So are you always aiming to find fault? Are you glad when you find something you can be critical of? Paddy: I don't have to try. And while I'm always happy to slam into any pretentious hotel that doesn't come up to scratch, it's a different matter when the people are nice and their hotel isn't. I still have to write about it and sometimes it hurts. Hotel-keeping, it has been said, is akin to show business and, in the ones I like best, there is always a leading man or woman who is sometimes so good I think he or she has missed their true vocation. Such hoteliers usually have a sense of humour. They may not like what I have written about them, but will respond in a good-humoured way. They are professionals. Many of them have become friends. Interviewer: What kind of hotels do you prefer? Is it possible to generalise about that? Paddy: Well, I admit I have a penchant for owner-run hotels; they are more personal than the chains. With a few exceptions, I like the owners of small hotels. Which is why I've had such fun researching my book of review pieces that have appeared in the newspaper calling them if they haven't responded to the questionnaire I sent them and either telling them who I am or, if I think they're going to shout at me, pretending to be the assistant I haven't got, Emily. 'She didn't give us a very good review, did she?' some said, Well, no - but maybe they have since made improvements and would like people to know about them? Thus encouraged, the majority of these hoteliers have entered not just into the book but into the spirit and have contributed interesting behind-the-scenes stories. Interviewer: So some of the hotels you reviewed and wanted to put in the book haven't been included? 19


Paddy: That's right. There's one, for example, where the owner said - I recorded all the calls - 'After insulting us and lying in her article, there is no way we would help her perpetuate her grievances against the world in a publication.' To specify the lies, he pounced on a remark I had made expressing surprise on being served certain vegetables in his restaurant. 'She doesn't understand proper food,' he said. I was enthusiastic about it, actually, and if he wasn't being so disagreeable, I would have liked to include his hotel in the book. On and on he went. 'Since her visit, we've noticed that a lot of people read her articles and then cross hotels off their potential list as a result of what she's said. They then go to hotels where she's been fawned over and where they probably won't be fawned over. We've also noticed she prefers staying in hotels that are almost empty because that's when they have time to make a fuss of her.' Actually, being fawned over is the last thing that I want. Interviewer: So your column can provoke quite a reaction, then? Paddy: Oh, yes. In fact, the same owner also said 'After she stayed here, we had four hotels asking for her description. They wanted to know what car she was driving and what credit card she had. Unfortunately, we couldn't give a description because she's fairly nondescript.' But the peculiar thing is that when it finally clicked that being in the book wasn't going to cost him a penny, he said he wanted to be included. Maybe it was because he remembered that I had remarked on his resemblance to a much-loved comedian, sadly now dead. I declined his kind offer. Interviewer: I can see why. Paddy Burt, thanks for talking to me. Part 4. 20. 88 million acres 0.20 21. 2250 miles of grassland 0.58 22. swathe of grainy dust 1.16 23. racking up 2.01 24. anomaly 2.41 25. blighted the entire project 3.08



Part 1. For questions 1-6, listen to a talk about drugs and decide whether these statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. A report of the UN Office reveals that new drugs are replacing the traditional ones. 2. Cannabinoids produce stronger response than marijuana. 3. Between 2010 and 2012 seizures of older synthetic amphetamine increased dramatically. 4. Heroin addiction in Europe is diminishing thanks to a series of crackdowns implemented by European governments. 5. Cocaine has been sold with higher quality. 6. Ketamine is mainly used in surgical procedures for animals. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Part 2. For questions 7-12, listen to a talk about the smart grid and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 7. What happened throughout the northeastern United States and parts of Canada in 2003? 8. Which TWO adjectives does the speaker use to describe the current power grid infrastructure? 9. What does the local power plant has to do to power light? 10. What are the parties involved in the two-way communication that smart grid allows for? 11. What does the speaker call the electric power industry? 12. What does the speaker liken the convenience brought about by smart grid to? Your answers 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Part 3. For questions 13-17, listen to a discussion in which two people, Derek Grant and Lucy Wadham, talk about the current state of mass tourism and choose the answer



(A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 13. From the figures quoted by Lucy, it can be concluded that A most of the revenue generated from safari packages goes to the airline. B mass tourism inevitably leads to poverty. C hotels in developing countries do not have high standards. D there aren't sufficient local products to cater for tourists. 14. What does Derek say about governments whose countries are tourist destinations? A They are constantly trying to increase their profit margins. B They ignore the negative impacts of mass tourism. C They have very limited bargaining power. D They are unfamiliar with aspects of modern business methods. 15. Derek's example of excessive water consumption caused by mass tourism shows how A ineffective the laws are in developing countries. B local food production can be adversely affected by it. C difficult it is to find sources of pure water. D valuable a resource water has become in recent years. 16. Lucy says that when a resort loses its appeal, A the locals are left to fend for themselves. B money has to be spent on a new infrastructure. C the cost of package holidays falls considerably. D it becomes vulnerable to natural disasters. 17. According to Derek, tourism A does more harm than good in the long run. B is too big an industry to be tampered with. C is largely responsible for global inequality. D promotes cultural sensitivity most of the time. Your answers 13. 14. 15.





Part 4. For questions 18-25, listen to a report on new medical findings and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. Preliminary findings from the UK showed that dexamethasone, a 18.________________, could be lifesaving for COVID-19 patients on ventilators. Kirsten Lyke, who runs a coronavirus vaccine trial at the University of Maryland, believes that there are certain issues that need to be 19.________________. As the press release only gives the brief results, she is waiting for more in-depth information from the 20._______________. Also, it needs seven years to ascertain the patients get positive results as hasty release and unreliable intervention might 21.________________. In general, Lyke is 22.________________ about the outcome of the trial. Doctors got into trouble with 23.________________ such as hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, but Lyke believes this is not the case for dexamethasone, which doctors are familiar with. People are becoming 24.________________ with the government’s inconsistent guidelines on mandatory mask wearing. America's 25.________________ is an Achilles' Heel when it comes to saving lives in a pandemic.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. TRUE 0.24 The scene captures a global reality: in much of the world, traditional mood-altering substances such as cocaine and heroin are in decline. But a pharmacopoeia of synthetic drugs is rapidly taking their place. That is also the conclusion to be drawn from the latest report of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, published on May 20th. 2. FALSE 0.55 They include 110 synthetic cannabinoids (which are supposed to mimic the effects of smoking marijuana) and many more little-understood stimulants'. 3. TRUE 1.05 Between 2010 and 2012 seizures of older synthetic amphetamine-style drugs, mostly methamphetamine, or "crystal meth", doubled, largely because of demand in Africa, Asia and South America. 4. NOT GIVEN 5. FALSE 1.45 In Europe much cocaine is now laced with levamisole, a cattle-deworming' drug. Heroin, too, is pricier and of worse quality 6. NOT GIVEN Part 2 7. (a) cascading blackout 0.22 8. ad-hoc, jury-rigged 0.54 9. ramp up production 1.25 10. utility company, houses 2.02 11. trillion-dollar mess 2.41 12. crazy nerdy dream 3.30 Part 3. 13. D 24


From every 1 pound spent on a safari package, 20 pence goes to the travel agent, 40 pence goes to the airline, 23 pence goes to the hotel, 8 pence goes to the safari company and 9 pence ends up in the Kenyan government’s coffers. Of that 9 pence, 15% is used to pay off debts and the rest to import goods for those on safari. 14. C That 11% may seem like a pittance, but governments whose countries play host to hordes of foreign tourists are quick to emphasize the need for the foreign capital from the tourist industry to promote economic development. In other words, they are prepared to take what is offered rather than risk losing tourists if our operators decide to channel their customers to other countries so that they can maintain or even increase their profit margins. 15. B Benidorm is a case in point. This tourist destination has over 130 hotels and there are thousands of swimming pool across the resort. As this place relies on an underground water source, water has to be removed two or three times faster than it can be replenished to meet tourist demand. The result is that the levels in the aquifers drop, seawater seeps in and effectively poisons the surrounding farmland. 16. A Absolutely, and the upshot of this is that the locals have no choice but to satisfy tourist demand as their livelihoods literally depend on tourism. They are caught between the proverbial rock and hard place as when an area becomes tourist dependent and loses its potential to provide for tourists, it is abandoned, leaving the locals with no means of support. 17. B According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, travel and tourism employs 240 million people and generates 0.4% of global GDP. Add to that the indirect employment created through the multiplier effect and you have too many people dependent on tourism for it to undergo any immediate radical changes. Part 4. 18. low-cost steroid 0.11 19. unwound 0.52 20. peer-review paper 1.00 25


21. erode public trust 2.05 22. cautiously optimistic 2.19 23. new interventions 3.25 24. exasperated 4.02 25. individualism 4.31 Is dexamethasone good news in the treatment of coronavirus or another exaggerated or false hope? Doctors in the U.K. say that dexamethasone, a low-cost steroid, reduced deaths in COVID-19 patients on ventilators. But the findings are preliminary and come just as we've seen several other prominent revisions in the advice that scientists have offered around the coronavirus. Kirsten Lyke runs a coronavirus vaccine trial at the University of Maryland and joins us now. Thanks so much for being with us. KIRSTEN LYKE: Thank you for asking, Scott. SIMON: I gather this U.K. trial was led by a team at Oxford. They say using this steroid could save one life for every eight people on a ventilator. But as I don't have to tell you, Dr. Lyke, people want to hear, should I take it or not? LYKE: You know, it's an easy answer to say yes or no, but these are very complex things that need to be unwound. This is a press release, so they're going to basically give us sort of the bottom line. But many of us would like to see the peer-review paper to understand how these people were randomized, who was not randomized - that's important to know and, you know, a lot of other questions to give us a little bit more understanding as to the results. SIMON: If we were living in a world without a pandemic, how long would it take to get the results you need to be really confident about how to use this drug? LYKE: Yeah, interesting that you ask that question because this year, there was a groundbreaking publication that demonstrated if you start steroids early in the evolution of acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, that you can get some positive results. It took them seven years from... SIMON: Yeah. LYKE: ...Start to results. And so, you know, we're in unprecedented times, and people really want to get results out quickly. But at the same time, if things are released too early or there's harm that occurs from the intervention, that really erodes public trust.



SIMON: The researchers who led this trial, I gather, say that dexamethasone should immediately become standard care in patients with severe cases of COVID. It sounds like you're uncomfortable with that. LYKE: Well, I - you know, I'm cautiously optimistic. This study - it was only people who were on oxygen or people that were ventilated... SIMON: Yeah. LYKE: ...That got the significant improvement. And people that were not on oxygen actually tended towards some harm. SIMON: At the same time, Doctor, can you understand families who say, look; we have a loved one who is very sick, and we're willing to take that chance? LYKE: Yeah, I can totally understand that. And that's not just the patients; that's also the doctors. And early on in this pandemic, everyone wanted to have an intervention. Everyone wanted to do something. Sometimes doing something feels better... SIMON: Yeah. LYKE: ...Than just sitting back and waiting. And I think that's why we got into trouble with hydroxychloroquine and the concomitant drug, azithromycin, which is an antibiotic. You know, the two together really, probably, had a harmful effect, particularly with the conduction of the electrical waves in the heart. So we'll be able to unravel this in retrospect, but I think we just need to be extremely cautious when we implement any new interventions. Dexamethasone is not a new intervention, so we do have a lot of background with dexamethasone. I think we just need to know when's the best time to treat our patients and not induce harm. SIMON: I wonder if you can help us understand something, Dr. Lyke. Can you see why people get confused? At one point, we hear from the highest medical levels - I don't mean the White House - you know, the average person will not have to wear a mask, to just a few weeks later, everybody ought to wear a mask. Can you see how people begin to feel exasperated? LYKE: Yeah, it's frustrating. It's frustrating from our side, too. This is a completely new virus which is unprecedented. And it's true. Typically, we say that using a mask doesn't necessarily protect you; it protects other people. And I think that's the consistent message. When we're telling people to wear masks, it's really useless if you're the only one wearing it in a crowd. It has to be the entire crowd. You know, there's a lot of individualism in the United States, but the pandemic and the virus don't really respect the individualism. And I think we need to really be stepping up as a group and protecting each other. SIMON: Dr. Kirsten Lyke of the University of Maryland, thanks so much for being with us. LYKE: Thank you, Scott. 27


PRACTICE TEST 5 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about top five artificial intelligence colleges. What does the speaker say about each college? Choose five answer from the box and write the correct letter, A-J, in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. A. provides learners with multifarious courses and research prospects in its lab. B. first began its research into artificial intelligence around six decades ago. C. offers prominent graduates with enormous career opportunities right at home in South California. D. had its first artificial intelligence research center established in 2015. E. reigns supreme among all artificial intelligence colleges in the US and worldwide. F. has become an obvious option for those who desire to pursue a career in AI. G. includes more than two dozen faculty members and over a hundred graduate students. H. embraces a comprehensive programme which goes beyond technical aspects. I. is making waves in all technological disciplines. J. makes a name for itself as the most prominent lab worldwide. Colleges 1. Harvard University 2. University of California, Berkeley 3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4. Stanford University 5. Carnegie Mellon University Your answers 1.





Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about populism and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 28


6. How is the term “populist” generally perceived to be? 7. Besides superior individuals or groups in society, what do populists appeal the masses to attack on? 8. What is required in the process of the formulation and administration of public policy in a democratic society? 9. Instead of using evidence and argument, what do populists revel in? 10. In what way can populism become a real menace to society? Your answers 6.





Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a radio interview in which a choreographer, Alice Reynolds, discusses a dance programme and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11. How is the programme designed to help youngsters? A by getting them to talk about their feelings B by encouraging them to loosen up C by enabling them to convey their thoughts. D by giving them a way to entertain themselves 12. When talking about the nature of communication, Alice reveals that A teenagers are quick to react to a number of emotions. B people who learn to show how they feel can articulate better. C shy youngsters find the programme more useful than others. D young people have a lot of pent up negative emotions. 13. What aspect of the programme encourages teenagers to face their troubles? A the social side of dance B the freedom of the movement C the obligation to interact D the release of feelings 14. Alice contrasts professional and amateur dancers in order to 29


A highlight the usefulness of the programme. B emphasise the use of emotions in dance. C illustrate the difference between teaching styles. D explain the ability to recognise feelings. 15. What point does Alice make about the study into a person’s personality? A It found that certain types of people dance better than others. B Personality has a bearing on people’s willingness to participate. C Who people are can be recognised through their movements. D It revealed that most people try to hide their true nature. Your answers 11.





Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about how curry from India conquered Britain and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. Curry is the anglicized version of the Tamil word Kari, meaning a spiced sauce and was commonly used to describe any 16.______________________ originating from the Indian subcontinent. Although the first 17.______________________ of curry was in 1598, it was not until mid-18th century that the first known curry recipe was published in Britain. The first Indian restaurant in Britain, albeit 18.______________________, served a wide range of dishes. Chicken curry, which used 19.______________________.







At the early stage, the British curry stuck to Indian spices, blending meaty stews with a variety of ingredients but, nonetheless, without 20.______________________. In the 19th century, however, the British curry started to distance from the original recipe, with mango being replaced by 21.______________________ and ready-made spice mixed with 22.______________________. 30


Curry only boomed after the second World War when the 23.______________________ resulted in mass migration to Britain. In the 1970s, the dish was both 24.______________________, and catered to the tastes of British people. In 2001, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook 25.______________________ that chicken tikka masala, an Indian dish, was a true British national dish.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. H 1.08 Harvard is investing in both the technical side of AI to develop on the cutting edge but also on the ethics side to help shape sound policy regarding the use of AI. 2. A 1.28 In addition to research opportunities the AI lab offers seminars and courses … 3. F 2.13 With one of the most advanced robotics and research labs in the world MIT is a natural choice to take on this exciting career. 4. B 2.33 Stanford has been studying and developing artificial intelligence since the 1960s 5. E 2.55 Holding the number one spot is Carnegie Mellon University Part 2 6. pejorative 0.20 7. the status quo 0.49 8. disagreement and dissent 1.20 9. stirring hearts with rhetoric 1.33 10. morph into authoritarianism 1.59 Part 3 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C Interviewer: Good morning listeners and welcome to Window on the World. Today we’re continuing our segment on communication. Yesterday, we took a look at music and the way in which we express ourselves through song. Now, we’re going to delve into 32


something that’s very closely related and that is the medium of dance. With us in the studio is Alice Reynolds, a choreographer who has worked with the London Ballet and the Royal Ballet School and is running a project with the local youth centre to encourage teenagers to express themselves through dance. Welcome to the show. Alice: It’s a pleasure to be here. Interviewer: Why don’t you tell our listeners something about what it is you do? Alice: Well, as you said I’m a choreographer. I’ve worked with some amazing dancers through the years and it’s always struck me how well emotions can be portrayed through movement. Even when simply loosening up at a rehearsal, the dancers showed how they were feeling. Dance has been around for centuries. Human cultures have used it throughout that time as a means of communication in ceremonial rites and celebrations as well as entertainment. So we decided to put this unique ability to communicate to good use in helping young people express themselves. Interviewer: In what way? Alice: It can be difficult for people, especially young people and teenagers, to talk about how they feel. There can be a number of reasons for that, they may be shy or just simply not be able to find the appropriate words, but for those that can’t find their voice, dance offers a way of getting those feelings out. Whether they are feelings of anger, love, remorse, it doesn’t matter. Dance allows you to express these emotions in a positive way instead of keeping them locked away. And we’ve found that, once you can express yourself through movement, it’s easier to open up verbally. Interviewer: Mmm, teenagers are not exactly known for their communication skills. Alice: No, they can be quite socially awkward. But that’s another side to the dance programme we run, it forces them to interact and by the end of it they usually come out of their shells. Also, because we don’t suppress emotions, we let them loose, they’re forced to deal with whatever is ailing them, any anxieties they may have. It can be quite cathartic. It’s almost a form of therapy but without the therapist. It offers a level of freedom unlike anything else. Afterwards the children seem to be more emotionally well-balanced. Interviewer: So, do you think it would work for anyone? Alice: Of course. When I worked with professionals, I noted that, through their training, no matter what type, they had learnt to express their emotions but not betray their personalities. With the teenagers it was the opposite. We can already see their personalities but their emotions are suppressed. It was this insight that showed me how effective this venture could be. Our work with them is designed to bring those emotions out for all to see. And they’re recognisable emotions. Dancing conveys subtle messages about what people are thinking and feeling that other people can read. After all, communication is a two-way street. This ability to read these messages is an inherent human trait that has its roots in our evolutionary history. The power of movement to tell a story is quite exceptional. Interviewer: I suppose there are certain types of people, personalities, that take to dance. Find it easy to get up and let loose? 33


Alice: Actually, it’s not whether someone will dance or how well they dance that’s determined by their personality but rather how they dance. There was a study conducted to see if you could tell a person’s personality from the way they moved and the findings were emphatically yes. It seems we can’t hide who we are when we dance. Be we an extrovert, neurotic, conscientious, open-minded or agreeable, it all comes out on the dance floor. Having said that, certain personalities are better able to convey emotion without assistance. Interviewer: I wonder what my dancing would show. Probably just that I should really have some classes. Well, thank you for taking the time to come in and talk to us. Alice: Thank you for asking me. Interviewer: If that has got any of you wanting to put on your dance shoes, ... Part 4. 16. stew-like food 0.16 17. definite mention 0.27 18. short-lived 0.56 19. mainstream repertoire 1.23 20. British palates 1.27 21. pickled cucumbers 1.42 22. galore 1.46 23. partition of India 2.16 24. cheap and cheerful 2.30 25. declared boldly 2.37



PRACTICE TEST 6 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about five key global issues. What does the speaker say about each of the issues? Choose five answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-J, in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. A. Clashes between forces within a newly-formed country cause heavy death toll and looming starvation B. Under a new zero-tolerance policy, children were forced to work in cages C. A peace agreement was signed, ending years of civil war D. The authority is reportedly detaining populations of an ethnic group in a bid to reeducate them E. World powers help to resolve a civil conflict by backing Saudi Arabia’s campaign F. An inhumane policy faced immense public opposition and political pressure G. Military forces commit atrocities against a minority group, resulting in mass migration. H. The government attacks a religious minority group in an effort to crack down on freedom of speech I. Some countries place travel restrictions on civilians to prevent them from fleeing across borders J. A civil conflict broke out, followed by military intervention from neighbouring countries. Global issues 1. China’s internment camps 2. Rohingya crisis 3. South Sudan’s civil war 4. Conflict in Yemen 5. U.S. family separation Your answers 1.





Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about America’s most promising artificial intelligence companies and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FIVE 35


WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. Which technique is implemented by Sequoia to single out the top 100 best AI manufacturers? 7. According to the expert, what is the real definition of AI? 8. What is the prediction of optimum or correctness level mentioned to illustrate? 9. Which line of product does the company Nuro zero in on this year? 10. Besides customer satisfaction, what aspect of businesses would benefit from the widely selected development scheme? Your answers 6.





Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of an interview with Miriam Baker, a psychologist, about how social media has changed self-expression and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11. According to Miriam, what is the main reason people feel the need to create perfect images of their lives on social media? A They are hoping to attract more friends. B They want their lives to seem more exciting. C They are in need of validation. D They have very unhappy lives. 12. In Miriam's view, the average user of social media is A driven and only interested in self-gratification. B lonely and looking for meaningful connections. C curious and concerned with their surroundings. D volatile and confused about what they want. 13. When discussing her own experience with social media, Miriam reveals A her unexpected pleasure at the response. B her desire to engage with it more. C her worry of becoming addicted. 36


D her anxiety of not being accepted. 14. Miriam compares media in the past with social media today to A highlight the reduction in consumption. B focus on the differing subject matter. C explain the difference in the audience. D illustrate the variety of content. 15. What advice does Miriam give about combating `Digital Narcissism'? A Be true to who you really are. B Try to post more meaningful content. C Focus on others and not yourself. D Do things that increase your self-esteem Your answers 11.





Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about déjà vu and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. The feeling of living through the present situation once before is described as 16.______________________. Besides youngsters and movie fans, 17.______________________ are more likely to experience déjà vu than others. For a long time, this occurrence had been attributed to 18.______________________ disturbances before a 19.______________________ coined the French word déjà vu, literally meaning “already seen”. The first possible explanation for this illusion is 20.______________________ where a person experiences the current sensory twice successively. Another theory on the cause of déjà vu, dual processing, mentions 21.______________________ when two cognitive processes are uncoupled.


There are also some speculations that déjà vu results from errors around a major component of the brain called 22.______________________. However, this is refuted by 37


further research which claims that déjà vu involves the 23.______________________ of the brain. One suggested method of studying déjà vu is examining those suffering from 24.______________________. Another approach is looking at 25.______________________ as the origin of déjà vu could lie in the mysterious universe.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. D 0.35 China has been locking up the minority group in mass numbers for months, to politically indoctrinate them 2. G 1.17 Myanmar’s alleged state-sponsored violence against the ethnic and religious minority group has claimed the lives of at least 10,000 people and forced the over 700,000 others to flee across international borders for safety. A recent report by the UN Human Rights Council detailed systematic forms of violence perpetrated by security forces; including torture, imprisonment, mass rape, arson, and indiscriminate killing. The group accuses the state of committing genocide against the Rohingya. 3. A 2.05 South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, continues to be afflicted by civil war and violence. Since 2013, the war has killed well over 50,000 people... The South Sudanese not only face the threats of war, but also a food shortage that could put well over 1 million at risk of severe hunger. 4. J 2.55 The conflict has devastated what was already the poorest country in the Arab world... The civil conflict turned into an outright proxy war between regional ... 5. F 4.34 The Trump Administration’s policy has been criticized by multiple countries, human rights groups, and political leaders within the US. The UN Human Rights Council has even strongly condemned the U.S for the separation and detention of the families... Part 2 6. 0:58: proprietary algorithm 7. 1:45: a computational application of statistics 8. 1:50: probabilistic suggestions 9. 3:20: street-legal robotic vehicles 10. 3:45: bottom lines 39


Part 3 11 C 12 D 13 A 14 B 15 A Interviewer: Welcome back to the show. With me is Miriam Baker, a psychologist specialising in internet use and behaviour. Miriam, moving on, I'd like to talk about this explosion of selfies and self-adoring posts documenting almost everything we do in life on social media. What Is this all about? Miriam: I'm so glad you brought this up, We are definitely seeing a large volume of content from users about themselves. They thrive on how many likes they get. Social media is the perfect platform for bragging and showing off. It's effortless and even celebrated. But users don't post everything about themselves. Interviewer: Well, it sure seems that way sometimes. Miriam: I know, but seldom do we see the routine and boring parts of people's lives, like cleaning up the house or paying their bills. Users portray only the interesting and fun stuff. They even sometimes go so far as to stage content and posts that make their lives seem perfect; all in the pursuit of likes. It's the never-ending search for confirmation that they are worthy. Overall, they may have good lives with friends and so on but they are looking for reinforcement from others. This unlimited 'look at me, look at me' content is what we psychologists call digital narcissism and it's on the rise. Interviewer: So what's wrong? Why are we so self-obsessed? Miriam: It's the nature of the platform until it evolves into something more and it slowly will. Think about it; It provides endless opportunities to focus on oneself and less on others and what's going on in the world. This will definitely attract narcissists or bring out our narcissistic tendencies. We are more connected than ever but less interested in other people. That said, most social media users are not narcissistic necessarily but they tend to be unsure in what they are looking for from the medium, causing sometimes unpredictable online behaviour. Interviewer: I can relate to that. Sometimes I spend time scrolling and clicking on posts for no real reason except that I'm bored. 40


Miriam: We all know that feeling. When I joined a social network some years back, I never thought I would post much but when I did and got positive feedback, it was great. After some time, though, I realised that in order for that to last I needed to post more. I could see how one could get addicted or feel anxious about their posts. These are natural reactions but it's when we take it to another level and start obsessing about how we are perceived that we are in danger of becoming digital narcissists. Interviewer: So, it's really a digital phenomenon? Miriam: Basically, yes. Before social media, TV provided an escape from reality by giving us a glimpse into the lives of fictional characters on TV shows and films. Then came reality TV, turning everyday people into stars. As. online video and the first social media sites started popping up, consumers became the content themselves. We are still spending the same amount of time consuming and there is still lots to consume but what we are looking at has changed considerably. Interviewer: Well, we all know one of these narcissists or may even be one ourselves. Is there an end to this online behaviour? Miriam: You might expect me to say work on raising your self-esteem and that may help but the real issue at heart here is: are you representing yourself truthfully? I say this often to all forms of online engagement it’s important to focus on authenticity and just being yourself. It’s ok to share your passions with the world but always keep in mind your real self. Seek out others with similar interests and create more in-depth connections. Interviewer: That makes sense to me. Can you tell me about other forms of online. Part 4. 16. eerie, unsettling 0.05

17. globetrotters 0.26

18. paranormal 0.35

19. parapsychologist 0.43

20. divided perception 1.17

21. (moment of) delay 1.41

22. hippocampus 1.48

23. frontal areas 3.28

24. temporal lobe damage 2.03

25. quantum entanglement 3.48



TEST 7 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a report on how European countries are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and decide whether these statements are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 1. Under the full lockdown in Italy, all grocery stores must be shut down. 2. There is a ban on entry for people from Austria into Italy. 3. Angela Merkel warned that Coronavirus could infect up to 17% of Germany's population. 4. Public gatherings still take place in the UK. 5. According to the professor, although the UK is taking more drastic measures than Italy, its effectiveness is open to question. Your answers 1.





Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about how to prevent a food crisis and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. Which group of nations have auspiciously implemented feasible measures in the fight against the pandemic? 7. What have Peruvian and Brazilian governments increased in their cash-transfer program? 8. According to the ODI’s research, which aspects of life have been improved among cash-grant recipients? 9. What is the name of the method applied by corporations to grant financial aids for reduced working hours? 10. In addition to providing tax relief and access to retirement accounts, which step has also been taken to alleviate economic burden? Your answers 6.







Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a discussion between Belinda Phipps and Kate Andrews about Prime Minister David Cameron's pledge to close the gender pay gap by making large businesses publish their pay gap figures, and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11. Belinda Phipps suggests that the Equal Pay Act A. should be repealed by the government. B. allows equal pay claims to be brought. C. requires businesses to publish their pay gap figures. D. is too outdated to exert any effect on the gender wage gap. 12. Why does Kate Andrews mention the data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS)? A. To encourage women to opt out of the workforce B. To highlight overall imbalance in favour of women C. To make a point against the proposed legislation D. To demonstrate as evidence of gender discrimination in the workplace 13. What puts female workers at a disadvantage compared with their male counterparts? A. Inability to achieve a work-life balance B. Unwillingness to stay focused on one career path C. Mental strength to catch up after falling behind D. Ineptitude to deal with the harsh realities of working life 14. Belinda Phipps and Kate Andrews agree that A. whether to work overtime or not is of one’s own accord. B. gender pay gap is the result of social beliefs rather than employer discrimination. C. some women tend to be deprived of the right to make free choices related to their career. D. forcing businesses to publish their pay gap figures cannot solve the issue of income inequality by gender. 15. When the host cites possibilities about the promising future of women at work, Belinda Phipps A. implies that these have insignificant impact on whether gender pay gap will continue to exist or not. 43


B. asserts that more rigorous action need to be taken to turn these possibilities into realities. C. claims that such brighter prospects for women would be a turning point in the labor history. D. contends that such possibilities are baseless and unreliable. Your answers 11.





Part 4. Listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about films and do the tasks below. TASK ONE For questions 16-20, choose from the list (A-H) what unexpected aspect each speaker encountered while watching the film. A the versatility of the cast B the seamlessness of the images C the authenticity of the scenes D the film’s sense of humour E the feeling elicited F the scarcity of roles G the impact of the soundtrack H the intensity of the special effects

Speaker 1



Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5


__________ 44


TASK TWO For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) what each person sees as the role of special effects in films. A setting the scene B tricking the audience C shocking the viewer D augmenting the viewing experience E crafting new realities F affording harmony in the story G enhancing the characters H providing excitement

Speaker 1



Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5





KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. False 0.20 Italy is shutting down all shops except for grocery stores and pharmacies. 2. False 0.45 Austria has banned Italians from entering the country (should be from Italy into Austria) 3. False 0.54 Angela Markel said as many as 70% of Germans could catch the virus 4. True 1.02 In the UK no mass restrictions on events or crowds 5. False 1.32 The UK’s approach is laid-back compared to Italy Part 2 6. low and middle-income countries 0.10 7. the number of beneficiaries 1.06 8. dietary diversity (and) food security 1.53 9. job retention schemes 2.13 10. mandatory severance pay 2.32 Part 3 11. B 0.24 the Equal Pay Act would allow women to take a case over equal pay 12. C 0.55 but employers have nothing to do with that discrimination 13. B



1.55 women rightly or wrongly are deciding to do perhaps different types of jobs having a better work/life balance taking time out which could mean that they fall behind before they eventually catch up 14. C 3.25 you did bring up a really good point and I would agree that. I think there ‘re some women out there who don’t feel like they have a completely free choice. 15. A 4.20 And still two-thirds of the women are poor, they’ve had less of history to inherit for a start let alone. Part 4. Speaker 1



Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5



Speaker 1



Speaker 2



Speaker 3



Speaker 4



Speaker 5



Speaker 1 I think it’s important for films not to go overboard with their special effects. It can be tricky, but when crafted in the right way they can make the film. It’s a fine line but sometimes subtlety is the key. Special effects should add to and strengthen the film but not take it over. One film that used its effects well is Forrest Gump. You don’t usually think of it as a special effects film and that’s down to the way in which the effects were married so well with the rest of the film’s content. I was astounded by how smooth the scenes were, where Forrest met with past presidents. Speaker 2 47


Thor: Ragnarok was a bit of a surprise for me. While I was fully expecting to be blown away by the special effects, as has become the norm with all the superhero movies, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed on that score, I was really taken aback by how funny it was. I couldn’t help laughing out loud at some points. And it wasn’t pointless humour, it added to the story – gave a light-hearted contrast to the action, which there was plenty of. I especially loved the thrill of watching the action scenes. The effects were thrilling, as they should be, made even more breathtaking by the fantastic use of music as an accompaniment. Speaker 3 Special effects have become so commonplace now that they are, I think, being overused. It’s shocking how many films use them just because they can. To my mind, they should only be used when they need to be, such as laying the groundwork for fantasies or adventures in space like Gravity. The special effects in Gravity were excellent but they didn’t stand out, which meant the director was free to simply tell the story. And the way he did that was exceptional. I couldn’t believe how effective it was with only two main characters and for a lot of it there was only Sandra Bullock’s Dr Stone on the screen. Speaker 4 I love the Pirates of the Caribbean films. They’re so funny. I remember watching the first one. I knew it was going to make me laugh, and it did. And you know what, that was down to the actors. The character of Captain Jack especially was a revelation. I never would have thought that an actor could capture a role so completely but … And the special effects also lent to the humour. They were used at just the right time and at the right pace to allow the plot to flow. And that’s what effects should do, they should be in tune with the film, not go against the grain of it. Speaker 5 I love watching films as a way of escaping the everyday normality of my humdrum life. That’s why I enjoy science-fiction films and fantasies so much. To me that’s what these films are for. The special effects create other worlds for us to explore through the big screen instead of just showering us in huge explosions. One that definitely fits the bill is Avatar. It was amazing. I was so excited when I went to see it, but I didn’t realise how emotionally invested I would get in the characters. They were created on a computer screen yet I cared about what happened to them. I laughed and cried with and for them. It was very moving. 48


PRACTICE TEST 8 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a talk about the richest places in the world. What does the speaker say about these places? Choose five answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-J, in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. A. A crash in an industry is closely linked to foreign affairs. B. Social gaps still persist in the projected wealthiest place worldwide. C. According to the IMF, this country is following unsustainable development pathways. D. Authorities need to carefully study the market data and assess the external conditions and risks. E. The boom in a lucrative industry originated from a discovery made around 50 years ago. F. With GDP per capita at nearly $80,000, this country is the richest place in Europe. G. There is a dark side to the obsession with economic growth targets. H. Nearly 40 per cent of the total proven natural gas reserves globally are located in this place. I. This is a success story of a formula implemented to overthrow an autonomous regime. J. Foreign companies that are seeking asylum from large corporate taxation move to this tax haven. K. Holding the largest natural gas reserves, this country claims the first spot of the richest nation's ranking. Countries 1. Ireland 2. Singapore 3. Luxembourg 4. Macau 5. Qatar Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a report on how China successfully landed its rover on Mars and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. What challenge did the rover encounter before its touchdown on the Martian surface? 7. Besides parachute and rockets, what was used as a combination to carry out the mission to Mars? 49


8. What was Jurong? 9. In which field does this outstanding achievement consolidate the leading position of China? 10. What was the name of the U.S. rover which made a successful landing on Mars in February? Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a discussion in which two historians, Matt Thomas and Sue Wilkins, talk about a book they have written and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11. Sue says that A until recently amateur archaeologists weren't allowed to dig on the Thames foreshore. B official authorisation is needed to excavate along the river. C any finds must be reported to the Port of London Authority. D she had to be a member of a society to dig under any part of the Thames. 12. Matt says that, in the past, poverty-stricken children A would hunt for birds along the river banks. B used to try and sell things to people walking along the river. C would burn things they found by the river to keep warm. D discovered things in the mud at certain times of the day. 13. How did Sue use to feel about the Thames? A nostalgic because she visited the river with her parents B excited about finding rare jewellery and other treasures C repulsed by the appearance of the water D revolted by the thought that she would excavate in mud one day 14. Matt is intrigued by A what can be learnt from the artefacts they find. B the transport people used in the Middle Ages. C how London's inhabitants used to dispose of their rubbish. D the large expanses of mud which are exposed when the tide goes out. 50


15. What makes the discovery of the small-scale items so important? A their surprising ornamental use B what they reveal about family relationships C the fact that the mud has conserved them remarkably well D the fact that they confirm a widely held theory Your answers 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about a hidden fix for the gender pay gap problem and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. Many 16.______________________have already been made to ensure that the females receive equal pay for equal work with their male counterparts. However, less remuneration and promotion prospects can still be found among the former gender. The reason is their role as the 17.______________________, which forces them to sacrifice their working hours to family obligations, including after-school childcare and 18.______________________. That parents are in a predicament finding childcare around school hours 19.______________________ about assimilating work and school schedules. A discrepancy in those two schedules leads to a million fewer women with 20.______________________working, it is a real public issue. According to a CAP 2016 Report in the U.S, a staggering sum of $55 billion of work output was lost to 21.______________________. All too often, we tend to focus on these problems 22.______________________. Furthermore, many people positively regard aligning school and work schedules as 23.______________________ that is beneficial to both students and teachers. This can also 24.______________________ with the genuine demand of families, according to Chris Gabrieli- Chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education. Changing the school calendar, nevertheless, is not the hard-and-fast solution to gender pay gap; if fact, a 25.______________________ addressing various other issues is needed.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. G 1.37 According to the WEF, these high levels of inequality are a result of the country’s prioritization of economic growth, rather than social equity over the past decades. 2. D 2.20 but others say we should keep a close eye on the future of Singapore’s economy, due to slight dips in its domestic property market as well as external factors 3. J 2.49 Its central location in Europe as well as its corporate tax breaks, which has caused big companies to place their corporate headquarters there. 4. B 3.40 According to IMF projections, the autonomous region is slated to become richest place on earth by 2020. Despite its wealth, many of the region’s citizens struggle to make ends meet with basic necessities, like groceries becoming increasingly unaffordable. 5. E 4.10 The country discovered a massive natural gas field off its northeast coast in the 1970s. A. A crash in an industry is closely linked to foreign affairs. (no link) C. According to the IMF, this country is following unsustainable development pathways. (the WEF not the IMF) D. With GDP per capita at nearly $80,000, this country is the richest place in Europe. (Ireland has GDP per capita nearly $80,000 but Luxembourg is the richest place in Europe) H. Nearly 40 per cent of the total proven natural gas reserves globally are located in this place. (14% not 40%) I. This is a success story of a formula implemented to overthrow an autonomous regime. ( to support rather than overthrow) K. Holding the largest natural gas reserves, this country claims the first spot of the richest nation's ranking (the third largest) 52


Part 2 6. (the) treacherous descent 0.09 7. (a) protective capsule 0.35 8. six-wheeled landing craft 0.53 9. interplanetary exploration 1.27 10. Perseverance 1.33 Part 3 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B Interviewer: This week, we're talking to historians Matt Thomas and Sue Wilkins, who've recently published their book, Treasures of the Thames. Why did you and Matt decide to work together on this book, Sue? Sue: Well, I got to know Matt shortly after I became interested in the Thames and what a treasure trove it is. As many of your listeners will know, the Thames is a tidal river. Twice a day, when the tide goes out, large areas of mud are uncovered. In order to dig in these areas, called the river's foreshore, you must have a permit from the Port of London Authority. In fact, the only people allowed to dig along certain stretches are a group of amateur treasure hunters called the Society of Thames Mudlarks, so I became a member, and that's where I met Matt. Matt: I'd better explain to listeners that the word `mudlark', and we're not talking about the bird here, originally referred to the youngsters who would scavenge in the mud along the sides of the river in the 18th and 19th centuries. They'd search at low tide for anything that they could sell, like pieces of metal, old rope or coal, for example. Nowadays, our members comb the Thames foreshore, armed with metal detectors, and wearing overalls, gloves and rubber boots. Sue: Of course the river was very polluted years ago, and it can still be quite dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Matt has a lot more experience than I have in the field... 53


Matt: And Sue's a great writer, so we decided to join forces. By the way, the word 'treasures' in the title of the book doesn't refer to gold, silver or precious stones, which are seldom found. Treasures, true treasures, are the things that we find which teach us about the people who lived in London in the past. Sue: That's right, but valuable artefacts like gold necklaces or rings with precious stones in them do occasionally turn up. Of course, the society has to report all historical finds to the Museum of London... To be quite honest, when I was little and visited London with my parents, I'd look at the brown water of the Thames and the muddy foreshore and think, 'How disgusting!' I certainly wouldn't have dreamt of rummaging around in that filthy mud to look for archaeological artefacts. Of course, the Thames is still an awful colour most days, but it's not as dirty as it used to be. Matt: No ... And the thrill of discovering rare or really old objects helps us to overcome any squeamishness we might have ... What we're really interested in are artefacts that tell us about how people lived hundreds of years ago. The Thames flows through the very heart of London and, in the past, people relied on boats to travel up and down the river, and even across it. Accidents would happen and things would fall overboard; of course, people's rubbish would end up in the Thames, too. As much as seven metres of foreshore is exposed at low tide, and this is actually one of Britain's most important archaeological sites. Sue: Something we've covered in the book, and which I find very interesting, are small objects believed to be mediaeval toys. The 'Mudlarks' have found tiny cannons, metal figures and miniature household objects like jugs or stools made of pewter... Matt: That's an alloy of tin and lead, by the way. Sue: That's right, and ... and some of these objects date back to the 13th century. They're very rare, actually, because pewter corrodes quickly under normal conditions, but the thick mud of the Thames prevents corrosion and helps to preserve them. Some of these items are so beautifully made, they may even have been ornaments. But experts are sure that a lot of them were toys. Matt: This overturns some theories which suggest that people didn't get very attached to their children in the Middle Ages because they had so many and because a lot of them died. Sue: These discoveries suggest that, back then, parents cared just as much about their children as we do now, and went out of their way to provide them with toys. And we're finding these toys next to the River Thames, hundreds of years later.



Interviewer: Well, I'm sure... [FADE] [pause 10 seconds] Now you will hear Part 3 again. [repeat part 3] [pause 5 seconds] That is the end of Part 3. Part 4. 16.

0.17: legislative efforts


0.27: defacto family caregiver


0.34: parent-teacher meetings


1.20: begs the question


1.37: elementary school age children


2.08: misaligned school schedules


2.15: in silos


2.55: leveraging community resources


3.55: sync up perfectly


4.12: multi-layered approach



PRACTICE TEST 9 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to five short extracts in which people are talking about television programme. Choose from the list (A-H) the main reason why each speaker watches the programme and write the correct letter in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. A to appreciate nature at its best B to spy on a secret environment C to catch a glimpse of life in a different era D to witness the dark side of people E to observe those experiencing difficulties F to see the information unabridged G to learn about conservation H to marvel at a perceptive nature Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a talk about the world in 20 years' time and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. What is the stimulant behind Africa’s economic boom? 7. What will become heavily dependent on AI in Europe? 8. What have fossil fuels been labelled as in the Middle East? 9. What will stand in lieu of oil disputes in the future? 10. What will citizens across the globe become in order to fight cyber threat? Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to part of a radio interview with two academics, Anne Trowell and Jonathan Sims, on internet technology and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 11 Anne and Jonathan agree that people become anxious when technology A begins to control their children’s lives. B establishes unsustainable connections. C forces a redefinition of social relations. D introduces feelings of inadequacy. 12 What point is made about changes in our relationship with technology? A The changes will require creative thinking. B Technology will have to be more tightly controlled. C People must learn to trust technology. D The changes will involve more attention to detail. 13 When talking about internet search engines, the speakers agree that A they are improving social interaction. B much information is oversimplified. C they sometimes lead to confusion. D basic knowledge is widely available. 14 How does Jonathan define the problem of increased connectivity between people? A It facilitates the communication of false emotion. B It decreases the likelihood of agreement. C It allows only a few people to compete for attention. D It makes human interaction dependent on machines. 15 What does Anne find striking about international news in the digital age? A the limited focus of the public B the diversity of the media used C the risks involved in reporting D the need for sensitivity in editing Your answers 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about how pandemics are linked to climate change and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. The prevailing catastrophe is considered an (16) ______________________ with the outbreak of a nightmarish novel virus which has a tremendous level of (17) ______________________. Humanity has already witnessed the contribution that climate change has made to the rising likelihood of pandemics such as Zika, Ebola, SARS and recently, Covid-19. By forcing wild animals to (18) ______________________ and move nearer to human due to loss of habitat and inappropriate temperature, climate change has cleared the way for diseases to spread from these animals to our community. Deforestation for (19) ______________________, in fact, is the major culprit of so serious a situation. In addition, air pollution carries an alarming risk for (20) ______________________, which accounts for high lethality level among respiratory diseases like Covid-19. The immense population density in cosmopolitan areas worldwide also means frequent human-to-human contacts that ,in turn, increases the peril of (21) ______________________. Another drive behind the pandemic is civil aviation. The fact that only Chinese passengers were (22) ______________________ for coronavirus initially, for instance, caused other infected travellers to (23) ______________________ nationwide. To protect our planet from both the (24) ______________________ of climate disruption and Covid-19, it’s high time urgent action was taken. However, dangers can be expected from the pathogens as we necessarily remove (25) ______________________ of life on our planet.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1. G Speaker 1 I don't watch much TV, but I do enjoy nature programmes. - particularly enjoying Blue Planet II at the moment. It's a fantastic sequel to the first series and continues the exploration of the world's diverse ocean life. I'm fascinated by the many weird and wonderful creatures that they feature. The programme also highlights the issues that pose threat to these wonderful creatures and that's an important aspect of the programme. It helps to educate us on the plight of the planet's ocean life which makes it even more appealing to watch, as if the animals themselves weren't enough of a reason. 2. D Speaker 2 Reality shows seem to me to be trying to show people at their worst. They're kind of a window on life today. I've been watching the recent outing of Come Dine with Me. It's got a simple premise. Five strangers each host a dinner party for the other four and are scored on their efforts. The fact that the scoring is done in secret is what makes the show so enjoyable. You would think that, in polite British society, people would be more ... well ... polite, but the vindictiveness of some of the contestants makes it compulsive viewing. 3. H Speaker 3 I can't wait till Sunday nights right now. There's a new series of Endeavour on. It's the prequel to the highly successful Morse, which followed the investigations of Chief Inspector Morse as he solved cases in Oxford. The prequel is set in the 60s and we see Morse as a young detective. I love the attention to detail and the nostalgic look at the city in the 60s but most of all I love watching Morse figuring out who the culprit is. The character has such an astute mind that sees connections that others seem oblivious to. It's one of my favourite shows. 4. F Speaker 4 I find current affairs programmes really interesting. They're informative and take the time to explore the issues in detail. They cover topical stories that sometimes don't hold back and can shock the viewer, but that's why I like them. They don't sugar coat the issues, telling it like it is. It does sometime make for uncomfortable viewing, but it's important to know what's going on even if it's not exactly palatable. Otherwise, how is anything going to change? They cover a whole range of topics, from 59


detailing the plight of ecosystems caught up in ecological disasters to exposing tax havens and the rich and powerful elite who employ them. 5. C Speaker 5 Historical documentaries are my thing. I can't get enough of them. Whether they're about ancient civilisations or the music scene in the 60s it doesn't matter, I love them all. I particularly enjoy anything about the Victorian age. I'm fascinated by it. Especially seeing how people lived back then and the trials and tribulations the everyday folk went through. It actually makes me appreciate my own life. And I think it's really important to learn about our past and where we come from. It gives us a better perspective on where we are today. Part 2 6. (A) rapidly increasing population 0.18 7. Financial services and banking 1.08 8. (The) new forbidden fruit 1.47 9. Water wars 1.59 10. Data refuseniks 2.41 Part 3 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. A M: Hello, this is Future Net. Our topic in this week’s programme is the reach and influence of internet technology. With us to discuss it are two prominent internet scholars, Anne Trowell and Jonathan Sims. So Anne, what do you think about the way people will use and engage with technology in the next few years? A: When I think about the future reach of internet technology at a global level, I’m convinced that it is always going to be asymmetrical. Not that technology won’t be present everywhere but that it will be a layering effect. So imagining that patchiness is for me as a researcher actually what makes it an interesting world.



J: Another point, I think, is that many people feel a persistent anxiety about what it means to be constantly connected, whether it’s manifested in ‘my child has turned six, should I get them a mobile phone’, or ‘my grandchild knows how to use the laptop and I don’t and she’s three’. A: We worry about what people are connecting to, and to whom. But there is always a moral anxiety that accompanies technology… J: …because it threatens to rearrange the way we interact with other people. And any change like that worries people. A: Exactly. The accounts of when rock ‘n’ roll came along identify exactly the same current don’t they, a sort of moral panic, with phrases like ‘have you seen what the young people are doing?’ J: Yes. But for me, what’s interesting is the shift in our relationship with technology, this notion that we are moving from a world of technology that we have to do all the work for, to plug in, update, give passwords and networks … it’s just a lot of palaver looking after these machines. A: For me it’s about how we empower everyone. And for me that is not just about the technology, it’s about how we come up with the possibilities and imagine how it might be different, what we might become with technology as we move forward. M: Jonathan, you’ve been exploring the effect of search engines. J: Yes, I would argue if you look at the effect of search engines … in that sense of the internet putting out enormous amounts of human knowledge and making it accessible, we are growing up with a generation of people who’ll never have that experience of having a long conversation with their friends about how big is this, where is this … that won’t happen anymore. A: Right. On complicated issues, we’ve still got a way to go but as far as that sort of information goes, we’re there. But all the same, when you look back at the 1990s there was a sort of naïve belief that, because everyone could be on these networks, we would be connected to everybody on the planet and we would have this incredible wealth of deliberation. And I don’t think that’s happened. J: No, in fact, it turns out that being more connected to one another, more people have voices, probably makes it worse rather than making it better in terms of coming to a consensus. You’re trying to listen to everybody, everyone wants a turn to speak, all sorts of dynamics, whoever’s loudest, whoever’s the most passionate ends up having more power. That turns out to be a deeply human problem, not a technological problem. M: And what about the role of technology in providing us with news about the rest of the 61


world? A: What’s funny is that despite the fact that reporting on the rest of the world has got so quick and easy, we have less and less concern in what’s going on elsewhere compared with our own back yards. So historically, we got our knowledge of nternational affairs through a variety of edited media. And whether that was through newspaper, whether that was through television broadcast, someone went out and said here’s what’s out there and what’s important, and this was often a really difficult, expensive, dangerous thing to do. J: And then someone else edited it and rewrote it before it finally reached the public. But now that’s all so much easier, maybe as you say it’s taking us in ways we wouldn’t have predicted. M: Jonathan and Anne, thank you… [fade] Part 4. 16.

Unprecedented wake-up call 0.02


Transmissibility, morbidity (and) mortality 0.10


Congregate in ways 1.19


Agricultural purposes 1.49


Developing pneumonias 2.38


Any communicable disease 3.23


Screened upon entry 3.41


Spark infections 3.45


Existential threat 4.01


Pieces of the tapestry 4.41



PRACTICE TEST 10 Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to a report on Jupiter. What is said about Jupiter? Choose FIVE letters from A-H. Write the correct letter in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. Your answers can be written in any order. A. Jupiter is the only planet in the solar system born from primordial stardust B. The mass of other planets combined is half of that of Jupiter C. The leading position in the solar system has earned Jupiter the label “King” D. Jupiter’s enormous size and gravity have been accountable for the sizes of other planets in the solar system E. The Great Red Spot has been characteristic of Jupiter for over three centuries F. A solid center is not the feature of Jupiter G. Underneath the crusts of Calisto, Europa and Ganymede lies a huge amount of water H. The Galilean Satellites comprise the four largest moons that are least volcanically active. Your answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to a report on an ecological disaster in Sri Lanka and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 6. How is the condition of the ship when it is sinking off Sri Lanka’s west coast? 7. Who are ready to deal with possible risks? 8. What have waters been dirtied by? 9. What may cause plastic pellets to drift to Indonesia? 10. What is the name of the ill-fated ship? Your answers 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to a discussion in which two biologists, Ian Cartwright and Angela Sharpe, talk about conservation and the public's perception of it and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. 63


11 According to Ian, why aren't people easily convinced of the importance of protecting endangered species? A They find it difficult to understand the concept. B They are presented with information that is too vague. C They do not believe human activity causes extinction. D They think that conservationists are exaggerating the situation. 12 Angela says that eco-tourism has been successful because A it provides locals with a long-term source of income. B it has been properly managed by governments in developing countries. C it encourages people to have more respect for nature. D it is affordable for a large number of people from developed countries. 13 The story Ian tells about how economists determined the value of the environment highlights A what a complex subject economics can be. B the ease with which false promises are made. C why companies get away with polluting lakes. D how ignorant people are of the role nature plays in their lives. 14 What explanation does Angie give for people being indifferent to the destruction of the ecosystem? A They believe scientists will fix the problem. B The vast majority do not suffer too much when it happens. C They consider the exploitation of environmental resources necessary. D They think the cost of replacing unrecognised benefits has been overestimated. 15 The species Ian refers to A indicate how fast an ecosystem is likely to collapse. B only live in one specific ecosystem. C are extremely sensitive to environmental change. D appear to be in the greatest danger of extinction. Your answers 11.







Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about climate change adaptation and supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided. Climate change can exert a comprehensive impact on all aspects of life. In designing, therefore, environmental issues such as aggravated deforestation, water scarcity, and (16) ______________________ must also be considered besides architectural factors like built coast and housing. In addition to those forces, the designing disciplines also have to encounter intensified (17) _____________________ and (18) _____________________. Due to the multifarious weather events involved, the indiscernibility of climate makes it increasingly onerous to assume, to (19) ______________________, to respond, and to design for. To tackle climate change in vulnerable areas, choosing to stay and fix the problem, which is in fact required by (20) ______________________, economy, and policy, is far outperformed by deciding to move in terms of resilience. In this fight against climate change, designers serve an extraordinary role with their ability to serve both the land and the community in (21) ______________________. Location, elevation, and unremitting (22) ______________________ are among the factors that put Miami among the first sufferers from rising sea level. One architectural studio on climate change in this city have to deal with multiple issues, including social justice, politics, (23) ______________________ and climate justice because of such a reason. Another studio in Virginia also focuses on designing for farms to move inland due to the replacement of farming by (24) ______________________ and severe salt intrusion. The designing disciplines might spread optimism about climate change and collaborate with (25) ______________________ to figure out appropriate land-based practices for particular areas.



KEY AND EXPLANATION Part 1 1 – 5 (In any order): B – C – E – F – G B: At approximately 11 earths wide, Jupiter has twice the amount of mass as the other planets put together 0.26 C: Apart from the sun, Jupiter has become the dominant figure in the solar system, thereby earning its place at the top of the planetary heap as king 2.45 E: Probably the most iconic feature of Jupiter, is a crimson brown storm that's been raging for over 300 years, the Great Red Spot 1.18 F: But, unlike Earth, and the three other terrestrial worlds, Jupiter has no solid surface. It may not even have a traditionally solid core 0.34 G: Ganymede, the solar system's largest moon, even larger than the planet Mercury; and Callisto and Europa, which along with Ganymede, may contain oceans of liquid water underneath their crusts. 1.54 Part 2 6. Burnt-out 0.06 7. Oil dispersants and skimmers 0.32 8. A green film of chemicals 0.58 9. (The) southwest monsoon 1.44 10. (The) MV X-Press Pearl 1.54 Part 3 11 B 12 A 13 D 14 B 15 C Interviewer: Today, we'll be talking to two biologists, Ian Cartwright and Angela Sharpe, about conservation and the public's perception of it. Now, the message of how important it is to conserve biological diversity is one that has been passed on to the public through 66


education and the media for some time and yet very little seems to have changed, Do you think you are fighting a losing battle in trying to change the public's mindset, Ian? Ian: I wouldn't go that far. But I will admit that it's been an uphill struggle to convince people of the value of endangered species and what can happen if they become extinct because of human activity. You see, although we know that the loss of a single species can trigger a chain reaction, the impact of that loss is not always immediately apparent and can be unpredictable. As such, it's an imprecise science, which makes it difficult to provide the public with the kind of information they will be able to grasp and hopefully act on. Angela: I agree it is difficult, but not impossible as we've been able to witness through eco-tourism, which is particularly important in developing countries that cannot afford conservation programmes. Because of its direct link to economic and social development, eco-tourism allows local populations to see clearly the benefits of exploiting biological diversity to create a permanent source of wealth rather than destroying it to satisfy short-term needs. The success of eco-tourism shows that it is possible to conserve diversity when the benefits are clear and within reach. Ian: I think that's a fair point. Very often in the developed world, people who live in urban sprawls are too far removed from nature to be able to appreciate the extent to which we rely on what it has to offer. This was illustrated when economists were first requested to include the environmental factor in their complicated calculations to determine whether a project was economically feasible or not. To put a value on the environment, they visited some residents of a city with a lake nearby and informed them that a company was interested in purchasing land next to the lake to build a factory. They were also told the factory would probably pollute the lake and in doing so kill every living thing in it. Then, they were asked how much they were willing to give to prevent the company from building a factory and therefore conserve the area. The amounts were noted, but when the researchers returned to the households to tell the residents the company wanted to go ahead with the purchase, hardly anyone was prepared to pay the sum of money they had pledged. As a consequence, the economists concluded that the environment was virtually worthless and could not be factored into their analyses. Angela: That story ties in with public perception of what are aptly known as the unrecognised benefits of conserving biodiversity. These are the services we receive when ecosystems function normally. By that I mean such benefits as chemical cycling - the oxygen produced by rain forests for example, water purification and flood protection. These are the kinds of things we take for granted, so we tend not to consider them until an ecosystem together with its ability to provide these services is destroyed and we have to foot the bill to replace them. Naturally, you might expect that the high cost of fixing 67


such problems would be enough to make people sit up and heed the warnings about ecological disasters, but you would be wrong. This is because of the relatively low proportion of the population that is severely affected by such catastrophes. Ian: Yes, again it's a case of people not having to care unless they feel the full effect of an environmental malfunction. What they don't realise is that there is always a wider impact of any ecosystem collapse than just the localised one. So, keeping all ecosystems intact is obviously the primary aim of all conservation projects with the focus on prevention rather than cure. Fortunately, this can be achieved because within any single ecosystem there are species that act as indicators of environmental quality. The decline of bald eagles, for instance, told us of the dangers of DDT. And more recently, in Florida, largemouth bass have relayed the message that there is mercury contamination in freshwater ecosystems. Likewise, the disappearance of sawgrass in freshwater marshes has informed us of nutrient problems in the Everglades. Without such environmental monitors, we would not have realised there were contaminants until even more damage was done. Angela: So, in answer to your question, I think I can speak for both of us when I say that the key to putting the message across is to get people involved in conservation even if that just means visiting a reserve. Thank you both. Part 4. 16. Multi-species migration 0.26 17. Salinity 0.39 18. Acidification 0.40 19. Conceptualize 1.09 20. Regulatory environment 1.57 21. Stewardship and advocacy 2.05 22. Construction and speculation 2.25 23. Climate gentrification 2.40 24. Aquaculture 3.40 25. Governance 4.18