Lesson Plan Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research [PDF]

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Caraga Administrative Region Cabadbaran City Division CABADBARAN CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Code: (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1) LESSON PLAN IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 LESSON TITLE: I. OBJECTIVES:

Quantitative Research: Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses


Demonstrate understanding of the characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research Is able to decide on suitable quantitative research in different areas of interest.



Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses of quantitative research.

Nature of Inquiry and Research

Practical Research 2 by Esther L. Baraceros http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/quantitative https://www.interaction.org/resources/training/annex-1-strengths-andweaknesses-quant-evaluation-approaches

PROCEDURE PRE-ACTIVITY A. PRAYER B. CHECKING OF ATTENDANCE C. REVIEW Activity – Like or Dislike. Knowing Qualitative Research Directions: Raise thumbs-up if the sentence/statement is true, otherwise thumbs-down. 1. The aim of qualitative research is a complete, detailed description. 2. The process of collecting data in qualitative research is field-base and iterative. 3. Results and findings are expressed through numerals or statistics. (F - Verbal language – words, visuals, objects) 4. Researcher’s involvement of the study in a qualitative research is subjective. (Subjective – individuals’ interpretation of events is important e.g., uses participant observation, in-depth interviews, etc.; Researcher tends to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter.) 5. Research plan takes place as the research proceeds gradually. (The design emerges as the study unfolds.)  What is qualitative research? (A systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning.)  When do we use qualitative research? (When we seek to explore, explain and understand phenomena)  Qualitative research answers what kind of questions? (why, how, in what way)  Give an example of a situation where the researcher has to use qualitative methods in the study. (The researcher wants to know: the various reasons why students fail in mathematics; why people behave the way they do; how opinions and attitudes are formed; how people are affected by the events that go on around them; how and why cultures have developed; the difference between social groups.) D. MOTIVATION The teacher will flash a picture.

Question for Processing: 1. What ideas do you see in the picture? (Income, Health Insurance) 2. Is there a relationship between the two? 3. Formulate a research question or problem about the given picture. 4. Do you have any idea about the methods of research that we can use in these situations? LESSON PROPER Presentation The teacher will present the topic and the learning objective of the lesson. Topic: Quantitative Research Competency: Describes characteristics, strength, and weaknesses of quantitative research. A. ACTIVITY I Group Activity – Know My Attributes! Directions: Divide the class into four groups. Give each group a sample of research report to read and evaluate. Use the given checklist to evaluate the given samples. B. ANALYSIS Ask the following questions: 1. What are your important observations about the research sample? 2. How does researcher define their research questions? Is it broad? Will they collect information such as feelings or ideas of the respondents? 3. How can quantitative study be used? What is being investigated? What is the aim or purpose? 4. What approach quantitative study use? 5. How did the researcher gather their data? What instruments are being used? 6. How are results expressed or presented? C. DISCUSSION 1. Definition of Quantitative Research 2. Characteristics of Quantitative Research D. ACTIVITY II Group Activity – Strengths and Weaknesses! Directions: Use the same grouping in Activity I. Let each group discuss the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. Use checklist on aspects they may consider. E. DISCUSSION 1. Strength and Weaknesses. F. DEVELOPING MASTERY Directions: Raise right hand up if the statement is true or raise left hand up if it is false. 1. Verbal language is used to describe results in a quantitative research. (False) 2. Quantitative research focus on specific things. (True) 3. Quantitative research is use to describe and express relationship through numbers. (True) 4. Researchers in quantitative research use open-ended questions. (False) 5. The dominant aim of quantitative research is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models to explain what is observed. (True) 6. Policy makers and administrators may find quantitative data to be more credible, reliable and useful when making decisions. (True) 7. Quantitative data are easy to analyze. (True) 8. Quantitative research methods are flexible. (False) 9. Quantitative research study is expensive and time-consuming. (True) 10. The question, “What are the most important factors that influence the career choices of the students in Z University?, is a quantitative questions? G. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF CONCEPTS AND SKILLS IN DAILY LIVING Directions: Formulate a quantitative research questions about each of the following topic. 1. Public order and safety (labor strikes, crime, drug addiction, robbery, etc.) 2. Communication media ( TV, newspaper, cellphones, email, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) H. GENERALIZATION AND ABSTRACTIONS Directions: Describe the characteristics, strength and weaknesses of quantitative research either through song, pantomime, hot seat interview or poem. I. EVALUATING LEARNING Students will answer the evaluation test. Prepared by: ALMA R. VELASCO – Cabadbaran City National High School