IEEE Paper For AR Based Iot Switch [PDF]

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Augmented reality based iot switch using unity and blynk Name1, name2, name3, name4 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India. Mailid1, Mailid2, Mailid3, Mailid4

Abstract Augmented reality increases the interactive control of the devices and appliances with the users operating them. Now a days it is possible to communicate and control the appliances remotely with the emergence of smart devices. Many methods are used to control the appliances remotely but it becomes difficult for the users to use the smart devices because of the Graphical User Interface control. For this solution, we use augmented reality (AR) technology for easier operation of home appliances connected by home networks. AR technology can provide virtual graphics and apply additional information to specic areas through camera display. Keywords: Augmented reality, appliances, virtual graphics. Introduction The aim of the project is to make a virtual button using a target image.By using the blynk and Unity.Using blynk we will give the data to ESP32 and using unity we will make the apk application by giving the blynk data and target image.Downloading the apk file in any android mobile we can see the virtual buttons by the help of target image.As the technology is growing up day by day now we have iot based technology with which we can control applicances by the help of mobile applications.In future it way go to the augmented reality based technology.Making use of the technology of augmented reality and internet of things we are doing a virtual button. Augmented reality (AR) and the Internet of Things (IoT) have received significant attention as key enabling technologies for making spaces smarter and more interactive.AR is a type of interactive medium that provides a view of the real world augmented by spatially registering useful computergenerated information. It helps people to understand the world and amplifies their intelligence for solving problems and carrying out actual tasks. IoT refers to a network of physical devices and everyday objects embedded with minimal computing elements for sensing, collecting, communicating, and even interacting with the objects themselves. Such an infrastructure will provide the basis for smart environments through a

collective big data analysis and context- based services (e.g., real-time analytics and automation). Augmented reality (AR) is an approximation to the reality in which physical objects are linked to a virtual counterpart, with contextual computergenerated information. AR has come a long way from a science-fiction dream to a clearly established scientific discipline. Until recently, the cost of augmented reality made it somewhat prohibitive. Fortunately, the situation has changed, and AR can be implemented at a competitive cost in devices ranging from smartphones, tablets, smart-glasses, or even more complex (headsets) to become more realistic. Nowadays, mobile augmented reality (MAR) is in the technology hype cycle, which has attracted the interest of both research and industry. Thus, with the development of smart mobile technology, many applications, services, and content have proliferated. With the support of this type of computer tool, focused on expanding the perspective of the real world using mobile devices, virtual images are presented, which transcend the common perception and reveal a new universe to discover. Methodology Make the connections as per the circuit diagram(fig.1)using hardware components. Using Blynk App we can on and off the bulb. We need to make things controlling using blynk’s api. Using unity we can create a apk application by giving the target image and api links while creating. By install the apk application in the mobile.We can experience AR by the camera by opening the apk application installed and we are able to see the virtual buttons on the screen by targeting the target image.Through that we can control the bulb.


Experimental results Uploading code in ESP 32

Controlling using API API for ON : 6/update/V1?value=0 Making the circuit.

API for OFF : 6/update/V1?value=1

Controling the bulb by Blynk app

Targeting the image using camera to see the virtual buttons.

Testing virtual buttons by switching ON and OFF

Switching on and off by using the apk application

Conclusion Augmented reality is a technology that is increasingly present in many areas of our life. It helps us to create a more natural interface between humans and the physical world, minimizing the number of hardware devices we must carry with us. First, computers were used as means to visualize data generated by sensors to check the status of the physical world; nowadays, smartphones are everywhere and, in the very near future, instrumented glasses will be used to monitor the world around us, even with technology directly integrated with our eyes. In this work, a monitoring energy system based on augmented reality to visualize in real-time the PQ parameters and the energy consumption of home appliances in an easy way is presented; so easy, that end users only have to directly focus with their smartphones on the home appliance they are interested in to know its energy behavior. From an architectural point view, the system presents an IoT energy device developed by authors to obtain the energy information of the home appliances, then this information is uploaded to the cloud (ThingSpeak platform), and eventually the integration of this information with the augmented reality application when the frame captured by smartphone’s camera corresponds with an image target previously stored. The carried-out tests show

that the system easily detects the image targets and, most importantly, the response time to detect and overlap the energy information on the captured frame is negligible. The results show the use of Augmented reality to control the bulb. With the help of smart phone devices users will be able to switch on/off the bulb through internet or home network . This system will mainly help the disabled and elderly people to control the appliances giving them a real world experience with the help of Augmented reality. References 1. H. Bauer, M. Patel, and J. Veira, “The internet of things: Sizing up the opportunity,” McKinsey, 2014. 2. I. Lee and K. Lee, “The internet of things (iot): Applications, investments, and challenges for enterprises,” Business Horizons, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 431 – 440, 2015. 3. A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani, M. Mohammadi, M. Aledhari, and M. Ayyash, “Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications,” IEEE 4. J. Ploennigs, A. Ba, and M. Barry, “Materializing the promises of cognitive iot: How cognitive buildings are shaping the way,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2367– 2374, Aug 2018. 5. A. F. Abate, F. Narducci, and S. Ricciardi, “Mixed reality environment for mission critical systems servicing and repair,” in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Heidelberg, 2013, pp. 201–210. 6. G. White, V. Nallur, and S. Clarke, “Quality of service approaches in iot: A systematic mapping,” Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 132, pp. 186 – 203, 2017. [Online]. Available: S016412121730105X 7. G. White, A. Palade, and S. Clarke, “Forecasting qos attributes using lstm networks,” in 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2018. 8. “Apple inc. arkit.” 9. “Vuforia engine,” 10. J. A. Garc ́ıa-Mac ́ıas, J. Alvarez-Lozano, P. Estrada-Martinez, and E. Avil ́es-L ́opez, “Browsing the internet of things with sentient visors,” Computer, no. 5, pp. 46– 52, 17 2011. 11. D. Jo and G. J. Kim, “Ariot: scalable augmented reality framework for interacting with internet of things appliances everywhere,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer 12. S. Kasahara, V. Heun, A. S. Lee, and H. Ishii, “Second surface: multi-user spa-

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