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while enumeration on \\fs01 share, found other directories, net view \\fs01 /all
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RASTA{ju1cy_1nf0_1n_0p3n_5h4r35} Also use powersploit scripts to enumerate, powershell -ep bypass Import-module ./PowerSploit.psd1 PS C:\users\bowen\gg> Get-NetShare \\fs01 Get-NetShare \\fs01 shi1_netname shi1_type shi1_remark ComputerName ------------ --------- ----------- -----------ADMIN$ 2147483648 Remote Admin \\fs01 C$ 2147483648 Default share \\fs01 finance 0 \\fs01 home$ 0 \\fs01 IPC$ 2147483651 R emote IPC \\fs01
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