Getting Into The Vortex Meditation User Guide [PDF]

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Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016

22 Abraham-Hicks Processes specifically designed and adapted

for Weight Loss and Eating Recovery

Elena Orchiday (

adapted to weight loss and eating recovery by

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016

Copyright Notice Copyright @2016 by Elena Orchiday The moral rights of the author have been asserted. The original 22 processes of Creation are the creation of Abraham-Hicks. ( All ownership and copyright for the original 22 processes of Creation goes to Abraham-Hicks. I have designed and adapted the 22 original and general Abraham-Hicks processes of creation, to weight loss and eating recovery. This version of Abraham-Hicks processess is my own version and creation. This copyright and ownership applies only to my own version and adaptations. I am not a Law Of Atraction (or Abraham's Teachings) teacher or a practicioner. I offer my version, perspective and intrerpretation of the teachings to inspire the reader. I am not responsible for any mis-interpretation of their teachings or for any mis-interpretation of my version of their teachings and processes. All rights reserved under all copyright conventions. No part or a portion of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical or electronic process, or by any other means, including photocopying, recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, without prior written permission of the author. You may not alter, transform, build upon this work, or use it for commercial purposes. This e-Book is offered as the FREE E-BOOK from and cannot be sold. You can share this book via ONLY!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016

Introduction As you chose to read this book, I assume that you are familiar with the Law Of Attraction and Abraham-Hicks materials already. This is great! In this case, you understand the vocabulary and you know the general 22 Abraham-Hicks Processes of Creation. I adapted them to weight loss and eating recovery. Have fun and enjoy them!

In case, you are not familiar with the Law Of Attraction or Abraham-Hicks Processes of Creation, I recommend you to read their books or watch their videos first. I am using their terminology and the Law Of Attraction language/vocabulary. I don't explain their vocabulary or their teachings in this book, so you might not understand some words and statements. There are plenty of resources online to learn more. Have fun, learn something new and enjoy!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Abraham's Processes on the Body, Eating and Weight Loss

Processes are excellent tools that can help you to feel better about your body, eating or any other subject and help you to make your focus on your dream body more powerful and consistent. Processes are written and mental, virtual exercises and mental games that will help you to shift your vibration, re-focus you on what you WANT and activate what you WANT instead of what you don't want.

They will change your attention from what is ( your not so ideal body shape or eating habits) and focus you on what you want and desire (slim body and eating freedom). As you observe what is (your current weight), every time you activate the vibration of what is (being overweight ), you create yourself as an overweight person over and over again. You are never stuck, you just create the same "fat person" vibrational grid, so your situation is staying the same. But in every NOW, you create NEW VERSION OF YOU! Take advantage of this processes, and create NOW the version of you that you WANT, based on what you WANT it to be, not on what currently is!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


They are powerful tools to activate and create the feeling within you (the vibrational grid) of your WANTED situation - the slim body and natural way of eating! Processes are the tools that will help you to get in the vortex – a “high frequency place” and stay there on a regular basis as that is essential to manifesting your slim body or anything! They will train you to feel as a slim person, eating naturally, living the dream life you want. Day by day, your old vibration of "fat" will become less and less dominant and will be replaced by "slim" vibration and it will manifest, it is law. You can use this processes in general to feel better on any subject and also on the subject of your desire - to be slim. I will explain the processes here in the way, that you can utilize them for feeling good about your body, weight loss journey and eating.

Using these processes can help you to

Create the body and eating habits and relationship with food that you desire!

The key important reminder is, that the point of doing the processes about your body, weight loss, writing them, playing them, IS in making you feel better or good!

When the processes does NOT work to your advantage The key is to do this processes for FEELING BETTER, about your life, your body, your weight loss journey NOW. To simply FEEL GOOD, be in that allowing frequency. It is always only NOW. When you feel good NOW, in every NOW, then you are always allowing! And manifestation or the end result - your slim body, eating freedom, will come very quickly and effortlessly.

The Law Of Atraction is a bit tricky. If you do it for the ulterior motive of "getting the thing you want", to manifest a slim body, for the END RESULT, you will sabotage yourself. Because it won't be fun but hard work and it will feel bad to do the processes, it will focus you on LACK of what you want! By doing that (to get the end result), you will be aware that you do this to have a slim body, not for feeling good, and it will activate within you the feeling of lack of slim body because you are not slim yet.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


When you do it for the pure reason of feeling great NOW, about your body, eating, food, your weight loss journey, there is no resistance. Do it for the “feeling better” reason! It is everything! When you feel better, or really good, that's all you need in order to allow your slim body and eating freedom. You have all the power in the NOW. And it is always NOW. So feel good NOW, in every NOW, make yourself, guide yourself to feel better.

Important Reminder You practiced having a resistance about your body, weight, food, and eating. So thinking about that at the beginning (very likely) makes you feel bad, anxious, uncomfortable. In this case, don't put attention to BODY subject, but choose a different subject to do this processes about. If focusing on your body weight does make you feel even worse, then you need to go general, off the subject of your BODY and find any subject that makes you feel good! And then, when you feel great about something, when you are in a great mood, vibration, on a high frequency, then start to practice to do the processes on your body as long as it feels good! Otherwise, you are, again, just creating the “not good feeling” body!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


WHY Do The Processes? AWARENESS: You are doing these processes in your life even without realizing that. Everything happens in your mind! You are doing them in a way that it is not beneficial for you you created your “out of the shape” body or/and eating disorder and you continue doing so! Now, you can use them to create your slim body now = feel good about your body NOW! NOW is the most important! All your creative power is in the NOW. NOW, feel better/good about your body, your looks, your eating etc. Law of Attraction is fair, (fortunately or unfortunately) and support you in anything you are creating, offering vibrationally, whether it is good or bad for you. So practice the vibration of being slim, comfortable, happy and free! For each process, I will give you an example and make you aware how you "miss-create" your reality = create being overweight over and over again or being stuck having the same eating issues!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Processes Overview 1. Process of “The Rampage of Appreciation Of Your Body/Food/Eating/Weight Loss Journey” Process 2. The “Slim Body/Eating Freedom Magical Creation Box” Process 3. The “Slim Body/Eating Freedom Creative Workshop” Process 4. The “Slim Body/Eating Freedom Virtual Reality” Process 5. The “Weight Release Game” Process 6. The “Meditation for Weight Loss/Eating Freedom” Process 7. The “Evaluating Your Dreams” (about body, food, eating) Process 8. The “Book of Positive Aspects About Your Body/Eating/Food/Weight Loss Journey” Process 9. The “Slim Body Scripting/New Story About Your Body and Eating” Process 10. The “Weight Loss/Eating Recovery To Do List” Process 11. The “Weight Loss/Eating Recovery Segment Intending” Process 12. The “Wouldn't That Be Nice To Be Slim/Eat What I Want” Process 13. The “Which Thought About My Body/Food/Eating/Weight Loss Journey Feels Better” Process 14. The “Clearing Clutter For Making Room For Slim Body/Eating Freedom/Weight Loss Makeover” Process 15. The “New Virtual Closet/Wardrobe/Pantry Building” Process 16. The “Pivoting From Weight Gain/Eating Disorder to Weight Release/Eating Freedom” Process 17. The “Focus Wheel On Body/Food/Weight Loss/Eating” Process 18. The “Finding The Feeling Place/Building Grid Of Being Slim/Having Eating Freedom” Process 19. The “Releasing Resistance To Be FREE From Emotional Debt/Weigh”t Process or The “Downstream Weight Loss” Process 20. The “Turning Your Weight Loss/Eating Recovery Over To Manager” Process 21. The “Reclaiming Your Natural Well-Being/Healthy Body Weight/Eating Freedom” Process 22. The “Moving UP The Emotional Scale For Body/Eating/Weight loss” Process

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Order of the processes: Number 1. process: to use when you feel very good and gradually decreasing numbers = to use when gradually feeling worse and worse. Number 22. process: to use when you feel really bad and low.

The worse you feel, the higher number of the process for you to use!

For more detailed information about Abraham-Hicks and their Processes and Teachings on how to apply them on any other subjects and situation, go and get Ask and It Is Given book (

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


1. The “Rampage Of Appreciation Of Your Body” (Food, Eating, Weight Loss Journey) Process

In this process, you write down anything that makes you feel appreciation about your body and what your body do for you, any parts of your body, clothes you wear, yourself, your efforts towards losing weight, eating, food or exercise. The key: The most important is -you must feel genuine appreciation and FEEL IT! If you can't find any, write: I want to find things about my body to appreciate! If you feel there is nothing to appreciate about your body, go to the different topic, something that you DO appreciate in your life. There is always something to appreciate even in the worst conditions that can exist! What this process will do for you: •

you will practice (over and over again) being in the vibration of appreciation of your body and you will be on the frequency of love and it is the most amazing state you can be, where you are connected fully to who you really are and to everything you want in a state of allowing, your body will morph into being slim as the Law of Attraction will bring you more and more things to appreciate about your body and then it will become your reality - you will live your life in appreciation of your body

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


When to do this process: • when you feel already good and want to amplify that feeling of being in the high frequency • when you want a better relationship with your body and food • when you want to change your mood to even better AWARENESS In your life as an overweight person, every time you felt you have nothing to appreciate about your body, you got more of "I have nothing to appreciate about my body". If you have a lot to hate or complain about, then you get more of that. You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, in your advantage! The universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


2. The “Slim Body-Eating Freedom Magical Creation” Box Process

It is a variation of a vision board. You get a box, on top of it, you write down: all in this box IS DONE. Then throughout the day you collect any data, pictures, things that you want your body to look like. You can write a note about how you wanna feel in your body, clothes you want to wear and you put them in your creation box. If you see a slim person that you wanna look like, put a note of that in your box! The key: It must feel fun and good to you to do it! What this process will do for you: •

• •

It will powerfully focus your MIND, your thoughts during the day on collecting the data about what kind of body you want, what feelings in your body you want , experience in your slim body, clothes, food you wanna eat, anything you associate with being slim. You give Universe one pure signal: this is what I want, send me more data that I can put in my creation box, so the Law of Attraction will bring you more and more data for you to create your slim life experience. Be excited to notice more and more “slim data” that you will find every single day. All in the box IS DONE. It means IT IS DONE DEAL! Guaranteed! The universe is ON IT! You don't need to take care of HOW it is going to happen. It is the Universe job! TRUST. Your job is to simply just tell universe WHAT you want and collect the data of what exactly

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


you want and have fun with it. When to do this process: • when you are in the mood to do something pleasing and fun and want to focus your energy in a way that will bring you slim body • when you want to give Universe clear signal and specifics about what slim body/experience you exactly want • when u feel good, optimistic about your weight loss or eating recovery AWARENESS In your life, you were doing this in the opposite way many times. Every time you “collected data” about how it is awful to be FAT, noticed that you were fat, felt bad in any way about your body, envied slim people, you sent this signal to Universe: I want more of that and you got it! You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, in your advantage! Collect the data that you want to experience and live in your life! The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


3. The “Slim Body-Eating Freedom Creative Workshop” Process

In this process, you write down WHAT you want and WHY you want it! Write pages and pages about what you want and why you want it. The key: the HOW should be completely left out. Only focus on WHAT and WHY. And it will feel fantastic! What this process will do for you: •

It will focus your mind, thoughts on what you want and why you want it, and it feels incredibly good because it is free of any doubts, worries, figuring out HOW it will happen, that always introduce some RESISTANCE. When you are resistance free in your asking, you are in the state of allowing, you are the cooperative component to Universe and you are allowing your body to become slim. And with consistency you are practicing this STATE of ALLOWING (resistance-free state) on a regular basis and it will become your dominant active vibrational offering.

When to do this process: • when you want to focus on what is the most important for you - being slim and have some power in your life • when you want to release resistance

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


when you feel good and optimistic

AWARENESS: In your life, you are doing creative “fat body workshop” every time you are saying that you don't want to be fat anymore and explaining WHY you don't want to be fat. When you are saying that you want to be thin, and why it is important for you, but then you offer resistance in the form of focusing on HOW it is going to happen - and you feel doubts, worry, discouragement that you don't know how = sabotage = RESISTANCE is born! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, in your advantage! The Universe is on your side. Make it work for you!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


4. The “Slim Body-Eating Freedom Virtual Reality” Process

In this process you imagine, dream, visualize some very relaxing, pleasing virtual reality during your day: you being on holiday and being slim in your bikini, playing, swimming, having fun or choose any other very pleasant, past memory or fantasy that will make you feel fantastic! Go there for a few minutes to get the feeling of that and come back to what you currently live right now with this new feeling signature brought from the visualization. What this process will do for you: • •

It will help you to practice the good feeling/vibration and set your mood and keep you on high frequency in a state of allowing during the day. It will relax and refresh you.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


When to do this process: • when you feel good and want to maintain that • when you remember something pleasant and want to savor it longer • when you are bored, standing in the line, want to use your time effectively by creating your slim body AWARENESS You've done the virtual "fat body" reality in your life million times when you remembered some unpleasant experience and stayed there. When you remembered how being fat affected you, how bad it felt on holiday to not be able to wear bikini etc. You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, to your advantage! Use your memory and imagination to feel good and create “slim body” reality for yourself! The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


5. The “Weight Release Game” Process

This process is based on the "Prosperity Game"! Learn more in Abraham-Hicks: Ask and it is Given book! Applied to weight loss: Depends on what is your weight, set how much weight you want to lose or better said - release every day (in your imagination and on the paper). If you need to lose 10 kg (cca 1st 8lb) , let's say you will play it for 20 days and every day you release 0,5 kg (cca 2lb). You write down every day how much you weight. Every day you release 0,5 kg (cca 2lb). So if you weight 70 kg (cca 11st), the first day you write that your weight is: 60,5 kg (cca 9st 8lb). Next day you have 60 kg (9st 6lb), etc. Write it down every day, imagine it on scales how the number is going down every day in the morning in your MIND, imagine how you feel having that weight, what u think, what you eat, what you wear and what activities you do, being that certain weight on that day! Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Play it as if it was real! Have fun with it! What this process will do for you: • • •

It helps you to enhance your imagination of how it is going to be once you will be slim and in the process of that, how you would feel, what you would think, wear, eat, do etc. It practices the vibration of being slim. It helps you to see, being more able to imagine your gradual weight loss – weight release- and prepare you for it. It's a great fun and it feels good and it empowers you to lose – release- weight, act like it is already happening! So that the Law of Attraction will respond to it!

When to do this process • when you are feeling good and want to play and deliberately create your slim body • when you are feeling stuck and discouraged about your weight loss • when you are putting on weight AWARENESS You play this “staying the same weight (putting on weight) game” every time when you notice your weight, when you weigh yourself on a scale and it is going up or staying the same or imagining you will put on weight and you feel, think, dress, eat, live according to that certain weight. You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, to your advantage! Play “releasing weight” game, not “being stuck in the same weight” or “putting on weight” game! The Universe is on your side. Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


6. The “Meditation for Weight Loss-Eating Freedom” Process

Meditation is a great way how to change your mood or vibration and get back to your well-being. You can just sit and focus on your breathing and quite your mind or you can listen to some guided mediation or be in a nature focusing on wind and trees without thinking any (especially negative) thoughts. What this process will do for you: • it will stop the negative thinking and soothe you instantly • it will calm you down and relax you • it will help you to break the identification with your eating disorder and your body and bring your awareness to that part of you that is more than just this body, mind and emotions • it will help you to practice and know the feeling of “high freqency” when you are without thoughts (pure consciousness) so that you can become familiar with this feeling and recognize it every time you will feel it during the day • it will be your emotional, mental and spiritual oasis in the middle of chaos When to use it: • when you want relief from negative thinking • when you want to stop the negative thoughts and have a new positive start • when you feel tired to do anything and you want just the passive process • when you want to feel your connection with your Inner Being (your Higher Self )

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


when you want to dis-identify from an eating disorder and be aware that you are more than just this body and eating disorder

AWARENESS: When you have eating or weight problems, you have constant mental chatter going on in the background. This disonnects you from your “Inner Being” and you feel like you and the eating and weight problems are YOU. It creates a strong identification with your body and your eating issues or eating disorder. This creates a state of suffering as you are forgetting who you really are. “The Source Energy” in this body. It makes the healing process difficult as the identification with the problem is very strong and there is no space between you and the problem. You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, to your advantage! Stop the negative momentum of your thoughts and start afresh. Meditate to connect with that part of you that is in well-being, pure, intact, not affected by eating and weight problems. Meditate to dis-identify with your eating disorder and your body. The Universe is on your side. Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


7. The “Evaluating Your Dreams” (about the body-food-eating) Process

Dreams are indicators of how we are doing vibrationally, what we are creating currently. In this process, you will set your intention to remember dreams that have to do with your body, weight loss, eating, and food. If you are fat in your dreams, or binging, etc, your vibration is still being about fat and binging. It is a sign that it is still active within you and you have a chance to change it now. When you start to have dreams that you are losing weight, or think as a slim person or any of that, it is a very good sign that you are in the process of creating your slim body. Continue! Dreams can give you great encouragement and awareness what your point of attraction is and how you are doing vibrationally. When you are losing weight and have a dream that you are fat again - be careful with your vibration, it is warning sign that you are going backward vibrationally. Shift your vibration! What this process will do for you: It is very useful when you are losing weight. It will tell you what direction you are heading before it's too late. Do processes to shift your vibration if that is what the dream is saying to you. You can now change what you are creating before it will manifest into your life!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Dreams are like previews of what is coming to manifest. But you still can change it. It's better to change something BEFORE it will manifest, because when it is manifested you have to observe it and it will be active in your vibration. When to use this process: • when you feel good and want assurance, awareness of how you are doing with your creating • when you feel bad, in despair, depressed, feel fear and you have a bad feeling dream AWARENESS: You dream every night and many times dreams were your indicators of what you are creating, but you didn't do anything to change this direction and it manifested! You binged, had a relapse and now after it is manifested, it is much more difficult to not SEE IT, not to focus on it, not to complain about it, not to feel bad about it and not to create more of it. You are a powerful creator and you have all the support of the Universe. Take advantage of what your dreams are telling you! The universe is on your side, even dreams are here to help you to get slim! Pay attention to your dreams. Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


8. The “Book of Positive Aspects About Your Body-Eating-FoodYour Weight Loss Journey” Process

In this process, you get the book/notebook where you will write pages and pages of positive aspects about your body, your weight loss situation, your clothes, your food, your eating habits. Positive aspects about yourself or about anything that is connected with your weight loss, being slim or achieving eating recovery. In case, you can't find any positive aspects about your body, eating or your weight loss journey, find any other positve aspects (about your life and you) that you can find so you can feel good. What this process will do for you: • •

It will focus you on wanted, on positive aspects and make you feel good and shift your vibration! It will help you to practice the high vibration that will keep you feeling encouraged and lead you to creating slim body consistently.

When to use this process: • when you want to feel even better about your body and weight loss • when you feel discouraged, frustrated, impatient, irritated about losing weight • when you notice that when you think of something regarding weight loss - body, food, eating, clothes and it makes you feel BAD and you want to change it, shift your feelings Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


about that to be resistance free when you feel bad and you want to give attention to what feels good

AWARENESS: You do this process every time when you see negative aspects about yourself, your body, your weight loss or weight gain situation, about food, eating, wearing clothes or anything for you connected to weight loss and eating. You are reinforcing the negative aspects and the Law of Attraction brings you more and more. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator. Ask now differently, to your advantage! Look for positive aspects, not negative ones! The Universe is on your side and gives you more of what you focus on! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


9. The “Slim Body Scripting (New Story About Your Body-Eating)” Process

In this process, you write a new story about your body. The story of how your life is going to be when being slim. You are the author of this novel - your life as a slim person. Write down how you want your life to be, from the moment you wake up, till you are going to bed. You can script about your day or some segment of your day or your life. You being slim on a holiday, going to work, shopping, waking up in the morning, socializing, being with your partner, doing some activity as a slim person. You are the designer, writer of your life story, so write it the way you want it to be. What this process will do for you: • •

It will help you practice ONE PURE VIBRATION OF BEING SLIM and focus you on your life as a slim person. You are in the process of creating what you want and you give Universe the exact specifics of your dream life! You are practicing the vibration of being slim.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


When to use this process: • when you feel good and want to be more specific about how amazing your life will be and will feel when slim • when you want to make the Law of Attraction works for you • when you feel passionate, hopeful about your new slim life • when you want to tell the Universe the way you want it to be

AWARENESS: You use this in your life every time you are telling your old story about you being fat, struggling with weight and eating for years to yourself in your mind or to your friends or others. When you explaining how your weight loss journey is and was difficult. When you share your story on forums, in chat rooms, blogs etc. If you tell it how it is, it will stay how it is! Tell it how you want it to be! Tell a new story of you getting slimmer or being slim. You asked and it was given. The story you are telling is the reality you are living. You are a powerful creator! Ask now differently, to your advantage! Tell the story of your new slim life and eating recovery! The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


10. The “Weight Loss-Eating Recovery To Do List” Process

This process is based on Abraham's Place Mat process. Learn more in Ask and It IS Given book! In this process, you write down “weight loss to do list” for yourself and for the UNIVERSE. It is a form of prayer, asking for the help of Universe, becoming aware that Universe is helping you and taking care of you! Write down 2 columns: 1. Things I will do today to become slim 2. Things I want Universe to do for my weight loss On your side: • Write down only to feel good and shift your vibration when needed. • Taking care of yourself emotionally • Being on a high frequency You can add more things to do for you if you want to, like some weight loss actions, but the point is to leave it on the UNIVERSE to deliver it to you! To bring you inspiration, ideas, people, circumstances.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


On Universe side write down: • Bring me people, circumstances, food, things to do, to wear, an inspiration to act upon, articles, programs, pictures, etc, anything that will help me to lose weight and become slim • You promise to keep your commitments - to keep yourself feeling high and Universe will keep its promise to you to deliver you the best way for you to lose weight today or for next months etc. What this process will do for you: • it will help you to trust the Universe and help you to look for evidence that Universe is helping you to lose weight • it will help you to take away all the struggle, hard work, so much to do for your weight loss from your shoulders and trust the Universe. • it will free you from resistance • it will focus you more on your only job - to feel good • When to do this process: • when you feel overwhelmed by so many things to do for your weight loss or with so many kilograms to still lose until you achieve your ideal weight • when you feel good and want to utilize the Law of Attraction • when you want your weight loss to be easy and effortless instead of difficult AWARENESS: You do this process when you plan your weight loss action plan and you don't rely on or want any help from the Universe. You want to do it on your own and feel overwhelmed and feel that it will take too much effort, to much time, too much sacrifice, too much willpower, too much of something. It makes you stressed out and resistant and keep you overweight and wanting you to gave up. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator. Ask Universe, Higher Power, God, Higher Self for help! Don't play on a superhuman! Use the Power that created the world! Ask now differently, to your advantage! The Universe is on your side. Be on yur side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


11. The “Weight Loss-Eating Recovery Segment Intending” Process

In this process, you divide your day into segments and become aware that there are many segments and that you can always start afresh TODAY and now to start a new segment. You can focus and plan your segments of eating breakfast and any food during your day! There are segments of dressing up, choosing clothes, the segment of exercise, segment of doing some activities for weight loss! You can write this segments down as you want them to play out so when the segment comes, you will remember what you have pre-planned and you will do it that way, instead of continuing your old habits. You can write down: In this segment I am : Place: in the kitchen, etc. Action (what you are doing): I am preparing and eating my breakfast, I eat mindfully, eat when hungry, stop when full, savor every mouthful! How you want to feel: I want to feel amazing and that I am in alignment with my weight loss plan, mindful eating. I want to feel in control, in appreciation of my food and powerful! What you want to be thinking: positive, encouraging thoughts

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


What you want toeat: I want to eat this specific food... What you want to wear: I want to wear this and feel good in my clothes and body, etc. Or you can say it to yourself every time before new segment starts: Example: In this segment, I am going to gym, I want to do this and that, I want to feel THIS way, I want to THINK these thoughts, etc. What this process will do for you: •

• •

It is a great tool for planning your day more mindfully! It is your BEING in the NOW tool, focusing your power in the now. You have only NOW and in the NOW you have your creating POWER. It focuses you and helps you to be more aware and more use, utilize your time the way you want it, instead of eating, dressing up, exercising etc on default, on an automatic pilot! It will give you more power, awareness to be the DELIBERATE CREATOR of your life and more control that you can create it more the way YOU want it to be!

It is “pre-paving” your day, eating, dressing, exercising. You feel in power because you prepared and when the time to eat the lunch comes, you remember that HOW YOU WANT TO BE EATING: Mindfully. What you want to buy, cook, choose to eat, etc. It gives you BACK your POWER for you to make THE BEST of every moment - especially the moments when your weight loss is happening and depending on. When to do it: • when you feel good, positive • when you feel overwhelmed by so many things to do • when you want to be more deliberately creating than creating by default (old habits) AWARENESS: You do this planning when you are negatively “pre-paving” your day (worry). When you think negatively and you are mindless while you eat, when you think you are going to binge and buy all the food that is not in alignment with your weight loss and go and do it, etc. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your eating and your body! Ask now differently, to your advantage! Pre-pave your segments the way you want it to be! The Universe is on your side.

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12. The “Wouldn't That Be Nice To Be Slim, Eat What I Want” Process

In this process you use statements like: “Wouldn't that be nice to be slim, to wear this clothes, to fit into these clothes, to eat and stay slim, to eat everything I want and lose weight, to be beautiful, sexy, free, happy, to move easily and with grace, to exercise, to love exercise and moving my body, to dance freely, to be free from self-consciousness about my body, to love my body, to be proud of my body?” You can write it down, or use it in your self-talk, or in a conversation with friends, or just think it, any time you want! This statements or thoughts are free from resistance! When you are thinking, saying, writing: I want to be slim, look like this, wear this clothes can easily feel that by saying that you feel that you still don't have it! I want to be slim (but you think and feel: but I am not yet!). It can focus you on the WHAT IS (lack of what you want and make you feel bad). By saying: “Wouldn't that be nice to be slim, to fit into this clothes, to eat whatever I want?”, you only focus on that image of how wonderful it would be to have that and it will leave you feeling very good, positive, optimistic, excited about that image of being slim and you can always answer: “Yes, that would be fantastic, so nice, so wonderful!” and it will leave you feeling good, in a high Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


vibration of the wanted experience! What this process will do for you: • •

It will soft the resistance that you have about wanting to be slim and focus you more on what you want rather than on what is NOW. It is a clever way how to use the Law of Attraction to your advantage, how to feel great while talking about what you want and don't fall into a trap of focusing on LACK of what you want. You will practice that good feeling/vibration of having a slim body, eating freedom and that you are in the process of creating your slim body and eating freedom!

When to do this process: • when you notice you are starting to be negative in your thinking or self-talk • when some conversations with your friends about weight loss is starting to go in a negative way and by this, you can direct your thoughts into WANTED direction • when you feel discouraged • when you feel great and you want to savor it and keep feeling great • when you want to deliberately create your slim body/eating freedom reality AWARENESS: You do this process every time when you think, say, how awful it would be to be FAT like that person, or even fatter, to look like that one, to be, act, have things that you don't want. When you are pointing out some bad scenarios in your mind and how awful it would be. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your eating and body! Ask now differently, to your advantage! Use wouldn't that be nice, not wouldn't that be sad, awful.... The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

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13. The “Which Thought ( about my body,food, eating, weight loss journey) Feels Better” Process

In this process, you will write down or think about in your mind, which thought feels better. Which thought feels better: • to go to the gym today or to go for a walk? • to eat half of a cake or all of it? • to listen to your body when is hungry or to eat at certain set times? • to eat this meal today or that meal? In this way, you can always guide yourself towards something that feels better and because of that, the result will feel better too. You can use this process as well when you feel strong negative emotions after you binged and now you feel bad and condemn yourself. It is a way to soothe yourself, to talk yourself out of negative thinking. Which thoughts feel better? • These thoughts: “I hate myself for binging again, or eating that cake again, or not going to gym, or I have no self-discipline, I can't do this, it is too difficult, I will always be fat, etc”. OR • These thoughts: “Ok, I binged, I ate that cake, it is done, I can't go back in time, so I can now just accept it, made peace with it. It is not that bad after all, my weight loss journey don't depend on this one action, I can start over or I will just continue, I am worthy and lovable person, I can love myself no matter what, I can love myself even if I will never lose Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


weight, or be slim, etc”. You need to find your own thoughts that feel better than the ones you are currently thinking and feeling bad about. What this process will do for you: • • •

It will give you your power back. Power to make yourself feel better and create your own reality more deliberately and can help you to get back on track or bounce back very quickly! It will train you to practice taking care of yourself emotionally! It will help you to take responsibility for your mood and your thoughts and be the one in control of how you feel (instead of letting the conditions dictate your feelings and mood)

When to do this process: • when you want to make some decisions what to eat, wear, what to do about weight loss or anything • when you want to guide, coach yourself to make the best choice, the decision about your weight loss and eating • when you feel strong negative emotions like anger, disappointment, frustration, rage • when you think negatively and feel bad AWARENESS: You do this every time when you feel bad and you start condemning yourself and use negative selftalk like: “How stupid it was to go to that party and eat that, how hopeless you are, how you will never lose weight, how you shouldn't do this and that!” By adding more and more negative thoughts you go down the emotional scale, it will spiral down, you feel worse and worse and end up in depression and powerlessness, in giving up your hope! Talk yourself into better feeling thoughts, don't sulk, savor feeling bad, don't wait till tomorrow to feel better, feel your power and control to go to the direction of “slim” even if you went for a while in the opposite direction! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your eating! You really are in control, practice it! Ask now differently, to your advantage! Talk yourself into better-feeling toughts! Go up not down. The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

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14. The “Clearing The Clutter For Making Room For Slim Body,Eating Freedom and Weight Loss” and “Make Over” Process

This process is based on Clearing the Clutter for Clarity. Read more about this process in Abraham-Hicks: Ask And It Is Given book! In this process, you will clear all the clutter at your home that has to do with your weight loss and if you want to, you can follow by “The weight loss, body, clothes, food and eating MAKEOVER”, too! You can clear your wardrobe and throw away (give to charity, etc) all the clothes you don't want to wear anymore and leave the space for new clothes that look good on you. You can also do a makeover and buy new clothes that will represent your new you - your new decision to lose weight – the fresh start! You can clear your fridge, throw away (give to charity, etc) all the food you don't like or is not compatible with the way you decided to eat. And also, you can do makeover - buy all the food that you LOVE and want to eat and is in alignment with your weight loss plan.

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Clear and clean your pantry and stock it with new foods! Buy a new set of tableware, cutlery for yourself, new plates as a symbol of starting a new slim life or a new way of eating! You can de-clutter your whole kitchen, re-organize it, do spring-cleaning, buy some new things that will represent your new way of eating - juicer, steamer etc. You can do your own appearance make-over. Go and have your hair done, buy new clothes, have your pictures or photoshoot done as a symbol of your new start of eating and body freedom.

You can do only clearing the clutter or both (makeover too) if you would like! What this process will do for you: •

Clearing the clutter is very effective for clarity, cluttered environment usually indicates cluttered mind. You will free your environment connected to weight loss, eating and your look from all the clutter and it will help you to clear the clutter of your mind (meditate – quite, clean your mind - by these actions). It is a symbol, signal to the Universe that you are letting go of OLD you and old eating habits and giving a SPACE and a ROOM to a NEW way of eating, it will refresh you, center you, clear your mind. The makeover will help you to make a new start, giving Universe, your subconscious mind the signal: “This is new ME, on my fresh new journey to slim body and natural way of eating!” It will unblock your cluttered energy and your energy will flow easily again! (State of nonresistance)

When to do this processes: • when stressed out, cluttered by so many things to do in order to achieve weight loss • when you want to feel refreshed • when you feel stuck • when you feel unmotivated, discouraged • when you feel angry that you are still not slim and you want to take action • when you want a fresh new start • when you procrastinate with weight loss • when you want to feel better and cheer yourself up AWARENESS: You do this process every time when you keep cluttering your environment, buy food that you should eat or like, but you don't, or the opposite, when your fridge and pantry is empty! When you wear the same old clothes, eat and buy the same old food, when you don't even know what is in your wardrobe, when you have a mess there and you don't care about your clothes, because you think nothing look good on you anyway. When you keep your clothes in your wardrobe for that one day you will fit into them, but you have never fitted! Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


When you don't take care of your look and appearance because “you are not pretty anyway”, or that you will do it WHEN you will be slim! The time is NOW - adjust your environment to your NEW YOU! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your eating! Ask now differently, to your advantage! De -clutter your closet, fridge, pantry, kitchen, appearance and get a makeover! The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



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15. The “New Virtual Closet, Wardrobe, Pantry Building” Process

This process is based on the Wallet Process! Learn more in Abraham-Hicks: Ask And It Is Given Book! In this process or a game, you mentally, virtually create/build your new closet or pantry. Imagine you are slim already and now you need new clothes, for you as a SLIM person. You go window shopping to shops and there you will imagine you are slim and buying all your clothes from scratch. You have nothing, so you need to buy everything. You go there and play a game that you are buying clothes. You choose the slim size, you can put them in your basket if you want, or just look and pretend that this is what you are taking, this one and that one. You have an unlimited debit card, you can buy anything, and you are slim and have no clothes to fit in. All your old clothes are too big for you now! You don't need to try them on because all of that clothes fit you perfectly. You can just go and choose. Look at them, touch them, imagine yourself how they will fit you perfectly and then go to another one. Have fun and enjoy the game! You can do the same with window shopping for food! Go to a great grocery store or your favorite supermarket and pretend you are shopping for food. Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Imagine you have complete eating freedom and you can eat anything and everything! All the food make you energized, keep your body slim or helping you lose weight! Go and play this game and it will help you to free your limited mind about what you could/could not eat or buy/wear! It will train you to feel more and more comfortable to see, eat all the foods that exist that you want but didn't allow yourself to eat without feeling guilty! Free your limited mind! It feels amazing to feel completely free to eat anything and feel good while doing that! And it is your imagination, so you are safe for now, but it will give the Universe purer and purer signal of your eating freedom instead of your eating bondage that you are living in. What this process will do for you: •

It will help you to imagine how it is to shop for “slim” clothes, to shop as a slim person with slim mentality. You shop and practice to feel good while shopping and choosing clothes, feel good that they fit you. You practice the vibration of being SLIM and behaving as a slim person. It will broaden your mind about food and help you to practice the vibration of eating freedom and not being scared to eat all the food you want!

Law of attraction responds to every thought, no matter if it is real or imagination. It is great fun and make you feel good and happy and prepare you to be slim, get you to be used to being slim and shop as a slim person. When to do this process: • when you feel good, hopeful, encouraged on your weight loss and eating freedom journey and want to have fun and practice the vibration of how it is to be slim • when you feel discouraged about your weight loss and eating recovery and need some boost • when you feel fat and stuck • when you want to deliberately create your slim body and use Law of Attraction to your advantage and have fun and feel fantastic AWARENESS: You do this process every time when you go shopping as a “fat person”. You go shopping, choose clothes for you as “out of shape” person. When you feel bad about the size you have to choose, feel worried if it's going to fit you, when you try it on and you look in the mirror and think how fat you are, or how this clothes makes you less visibly fat and cover the parts you want to cover, when you feel bad that clothes don't fit and you don't look good. When you feel scared and guilty to eat just about any food. When you have food you should and should not eat. Every time when you feel bad while thinking of food, shopping for food or while eating food! You asked and it was given! You are powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating Use this game/process to your advantage and give Universe the signal that you are becoming slim or that you are slim and having complete eating freedom The Universe is on your side. Be on your side, too! Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



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16. The “Pivoting From Weight Gain,Eating Disorder to Weight Release, Eating Freedom” Process

In this process, you can pivot from negative feelings, thoughts, experiences to positive ones in a few moments. In every moment when you know what you DON'T WANT, you know also what you DO WANT. So, let's say you look in the mirror and you feel bad that you are fat or look bad in your clothes. Instead of continuing feeling and thinking negatively, you can say: “Ok, I know what I don't want: I don't want to feel bad when I look in the mirror. I don't want to be fat anymore.” So you ask: “So, what is it that I do want?” I want to feel amazing and pleased when looking in the mirror, loving towards myself every time I look in the mirror and feel sexy in my clothes. And then you practice the feeling place of how nice it would be to feel pleased, loving and accepting when looking in the mirror. What this process will do for you: •

• •

It changes your mood, shifts your vibration and pivots your focus from unwanted to wanted in just a few seconds. It gives you the power to be in charge of your emotions, reactions and your life and the way you feel and what you create. It trains you to be aware when you are going backward and it gives you a chance to change it. It will teach you to feel and know the power of your thoughts and prevent lots of unwanted

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suffering When to do this process: • when you experience something negative • when you feel bad and want to feel good as soon as possible • when you want to use the contrast and bad things happening to YOUR advantage and make the best of it! AWARENESS: You do this every time you belittle yourself, your success and achievement. When you pivot from positive to negative. “I've come so far with my weight loss, but I am still not there, so it doesn't matter!” When you don't take compliments from other people: “You look amazing today in those clothes!” And you think: “Yes, but I could look better if I was slimmer!” or “He is just saying that, but doesn't mean it, he didn't see me naked, etc!” When someone appreciates you and pointing out on the good in you, but you pointing out on what is wrong and not good enough yet. Use this process to your advantage when negative things are happening and when you feel good, stay there, savor it, enjoy feeling good! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating! Ask now differently, to your advantage! Pivot from negative to postive, not the other way round. The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



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17. The “Focus Wheel On Body, Food, Weight Loss, Eating” Process

In this process, you write down a circle in the middle of the paper, and 12 little circles around that as a clock that are connected to the center circle. Like the sun with a sun rays:-) On the top of the paper, you write what is your unwanted situation/feeling. In the center circle, you write how you want the situation to be, or how you want to feel. And in each of the sun rays circles, you write some statements (thoughts, memories of how it was good before, other people's related experience, any evidence you know, anything) that will warm you up emotionally till you will fully believe and feel the essence of WANTED (that is in the center circle). See an example of a focus wheel:

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Example: Let's say: You feel powerless. You failed again with your eating goals and feel like you have no self-control, willpower and that you will never be slim. That is what is your current situation. You write it down on the top of the paper. Then, in the center circle, you write what you WANT. I want to be slim. Or I want to feel powerful and in control of my eating, in charge! In my power! So you know what you want! But you feel very far away from that center statement. So, now you need to find something that will lead you, warm you up, until you will evoke that feeling of being in power and in charge. You write ANYTHING that feels BETTER than now. Let's say, you write in the first of the twelve circles and go in the clockwise direction: • Many people were in the same place where I am now and they made it! • I don't need to do anything now, just relax and take care of myself emotionally. • I was in charge and control last week, and it felt amazing, I was so proud of myself. • I am very self-disciplined with my project at work. • I feel in power every time I did this or that. So, you fill in all the 12 circles and it must feel better and better, you must feel the increase of your encouragement and power coming back, as you chose your statements. If the statements do not make you feel better, you need to find some other ones that will!

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It is like a warm up until you are hot!:-) What this process will do for you: • • •

It helps you to shift your vibration/how you feel. It helps you to create your wanted outcome and reality - the way you feel about the subject. It will focus you on wanted, move you up the emotional scale, shift you quickly from the contrast to the positive experience.

The better it gets, the better it gets! The worse it gets, the worse it gets! When to use this process: • when you feel bad • when you live some unwanted, difficult situation or experience • when you are negative • when you feel and are aware that you have resistance (negative feelings) about something or someone and you want to release your resistance or clean your vibration and stop attracting it into your experience. AWARENESS: You do this every time when you spiral down in your negative thinking and feelings. When you remember all the negative experiences, past hurts, failures. When you talk to someone and point out how bad it is and it was in the past and talk about all that previous lack of success of yours or others. When you are collecting all the evidence of how bad it is now, how bad it was in the past and why. How many other people live the same, when you chat about that, talk about that, justify that, remember things about that! Use this focus wheel process to your advantage and give Universe a signal that you are collecting all ethe vidence of what you want and training your focus on what you desire! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating! Ask and focus now differently to your advantage! The Universe is on your side! Be on your side too!

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18. The “Finding The Feeling Place (Building Grid) Of Being Slim and Having Eating Freedom” Process

In this process you will find the “feeling place”, the “feeling signature” of being slim, wearing those skinny jeans, eating the natural way, eating anything you want and staying slim, feeling of releasing weight, feeling lighter and lighter etc. You imagine how it feels to be, do, have a slim body and eating freedom: and feel it, milk it, savor that feeling as long as you can! During the day re-activate it anytime as much as you can! Daydream about being slim and living your life as a slim person. What this process will do for you: • •

You practice your new vibration of a slim body, eating freedom. It makes you feel great and very enthusiastic, trusting in Universe.

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• •

It helps you to become the deliberate creator of your reality. It helps you to build the “vibrational grid” of your slim life and eating freedom!

When to do this process: • when you feel bad, pessimistic, angry • when you want better feeling body and life • when you want to feel good AWARENESS: You do this every time when you "enjoy" feeling miserable, imagining negative scenarios, remembering how bad it felt to wear that clothes, to talk to that person, to eat that much food, to stay home binging instead of going out with friends, etc, or when you feel bad now about your body, eating, weight loss journey and you stay in that mood and do nothing about feeling better. Use this process to your advantage and practice offering vibration of you being slim, emotionally safe, eating mindfully, moving your body with ease, etc! You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating! Ask now differently to your advantage! Daydream abour being slim and “escape” to feeling good scenarious instead of negative scenarios. The universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



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19. The “Releasing Resistance To Be FREE From Emotional Debt, Weight Debt“ Process or The “Downstream Weight Loss” Process

This process will help you to release resistance (blocked energy) to losing weight (eating recovery). In this process, you decide you are going to do certain small actions (that you believe you need to do in order to get a slim body, eating freedom) towards achieving your dream body or eating freedom! You make the decision, it was enough excuses and now you are ready to make a commitment and go for it. You write down, what small actions you can do now, or every day that will get you moving towards your weight loss. Because you feel strong split energy as you want to lose weight, but just can't do anything about that (because you think it will be hard work, so much to do, it takes too long, you can't bother, but on the other hand, you promised yourself to lose weight and you really want it too, so you now feel bad, that you are not doing anything).

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You are in emotional debt to yourself. You owe yourself to lose weight, but you are not doing anything. You are scared of failure, you don't trust in your ability to do it. This process will help you to kickstart and build your confidence, line up your energy so that your tug of war (I want to be slim, but I don't want to do anything) will stop. On the beginning, you chose the most easier things to do. Something that belongs to your category of things, that will lead you to weight loss. Something easy, that you don't feel resistance doing! Let's say you believe drinking plenty of water is one of the things you need to do in order to lose weight. So you chose that. It is easy, you can feel that you can drink 2 liters of water every day! You don't feel like it is any hard work. You can do it, you are confident, this you can do it! Let's say you are going to do it for one day, or for one week and you will keep this commitment! As you start doing that, it will give you more and more enthusiasm to do more and more. You will feel good because you are already doing something for your weight loss. You feel it is easy and your confidence in yourself to keep this commitment is restored. So then, you will naturally feel inspired to do more and more things from your “list of things to do” for your weight loss/eating recovery. And it feels easy and effortless and that you are having fun and enjoying it instead of forcing yourself to do some hard work. What this process will do for you: • • • •

It will get you in the flow again. It will get you moving towards weight loss and kick-start you to do some action that you believe you need to do (but were procrastinating to do). It will help you to release the resistance (the blocked energy, stuckness ) to do something about your body or eating situation. It will help you to go downstream instead of paddling upstream in your weight loss.

It aligns your split energy about weight loss and will help you to act in harmony with your beliefs that will end the tug of war and resistance. When to do this process: • when you feel resistance to doing anything towards weight loss • when you feel like losing weight is such a hard work and you are “lazy” or feel overwhelmed and blocked, stuck to do anything • when you need to kickstart your weight loss • when you feel depressed, discouraged to start losing weight, but feel powerless to do anything • when you are angry that you have no self-discipline and always sabotage yourself AWARENESS: You do this when you go upstream instead of downstream. When you act against your natural flow and force yourself to do something that is too difficult or too hard work, too big of a jump, but you push yourself to do it anyway. You are paddling upstream, instead of going with the flow and ease, downstream, where the power of the stream will take you naturally. You go against the natural

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stream, the flow of your life. When you say you are going to go to the gym every day + you are going to eat only vegetarian food + you are going to write all the processes and then because it is too much, you will fail. Paddling upstream will last only a few days or weeks, until you will be tired. So just turn around and go downstream, with the natural flow, trust that the power of the stream will take you. Start with the easiest thing that you can do and slowly. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU, your body and eating Don't paddle upstream when you can go downstream without paddling. Use this process to your advantage and let the Universe, the Stream, to take you to your desired destination. The universe is on your side! Don't act against your natural flow of life or against yourself and your body. Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



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20.The “Turning Your Weight Loss, Eating Recovery Over To Manager” Process

This process is similar to The Weight Loss/Eating Recovery To Do List. In this process, you imagine you have a manager that will do everything for you and take care of your (weight loss) business! This manager is the Law of Attraction and you can delegate everything to this manager. So let's say, you feel there are so many things to do in order for you to lose weight or you don't feel like you can do certain things so you turn it all over to your "manager". The Law of Attraction, bring me all the perfect food to eat, an inspiration to act, positive people, circumstances, articles, videos, blogs, programs, conversations that will lead to my weight loss and make it easy and fun. Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Thank you so much for taking care of this! And trust that it is taken care of and done! Feel the relief! What this process will do for you: • • • •

It will release your resistance, make you feel more relaxed and more trusting the Universe. It will shift "the hard work" thoughts from your mind and make you chill out! It will get you nice feeling that you are not alone, but fully and completely supported by the Universe. When you chill out, you are in the state of allowing your slim body and eating freedom will become your reality.

When to do this process: • when you feel it is too much to do in order to lose weight or it will take a long time • when you are impatient, frustrated, irritated, tired, angry that it is not going your way • when you want to feel better and release the tension and relax AWARENESS: You do it every time when you think, feel and act that you have to do everything on your own and have no support and when you feel that the Universe, life, etc is against you, not on your side supporting your desire to be slim and emotional eating free. You are not alone, we are all connected and co-creating more than you can ever comprehend.

The universe is on your side, use this knowledge to your advantage. Universe gave you what you asked vibrationally. You asked and it was given. You are a powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating. You created the YOU as you are now. You are not abandoned, forgotten and your desire will come true! You are supported more than you can ever know. Relax and let it happen! The Universe is on your side. Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


21. The “Reclaiming Your Natural Well-Being, Healthy Weight ,Body,Eating Freedom” Process

In this process, you will reclaim your natural state of being that is - the complete emotional, mental, physical, eating wellbeing. If you have an eating disorder or any issues with food, you might experience this: • your body is not healthy - is overweight, sick, ill, limited • you suffer emotionally - feel bad, frustrated, in despair, depressed, feel fear, grief, hate, anger • you suffer mentally - think pessimistic and negative toxic thoughts • your eating is out of order - you diet, yo-yo diet, starve yourself, fast, skip meals, binge eat, eat for emotional reasons, have anorexia, bulimia, you deprive yourself of food, you can't (don't allow yourself) eat a certain food, you overeat, have food addiction or any eatingrelated issues You can reclaim your natural state of being – the perfect well-being. Use and write down the statements like these: “It is natural for me to be well, physically, have a slim and healthy body, feel emotionally fine and happy, think positive, life giving thoughts, eat naturally when hungry, stop when satisfied, enjoy Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


every food and eat delicious and nutritious food, move my body with ease and enjoyment.” “I am a Source Energy (spiritual being) in this physical body and basis of my life is complete freedom and purpose of my life is joy! I deserve to be free and live joyful life experience and allow my full well-being.” “The only reason why I feel not well and my natural state of well-being is not lived by me now and is hindered is because of the resistance I feel. Because I didn't allow my natural well-being to flow through me.” “In the moment I release this resistance (any negative beliefs about me and food, eating, my body, thoughts, emotions, behaviors connected to eating disorder) and stop doing these things and I will instantly feel relief and allow my natural well-being.” “Any illness or disorder, problems can be healed by stopping offering the resistance and allowing our own natural state of well being.” “Every time I believe something about food, my body, myself, eating or anything and anyone else, that feels bad - I do not allow my well-being.” “Every time I think something negative (about food, my eating, my body, myself, my weight, life, anybody or anything) that feels bad - I do not allow my wellbeing.” “Every time I feel negative emotions (about food I eat, my way of eating, myself, my body, other people or life), I do not allow my well-being.” “Every time I act not in harmony with my current beliefs (about food, eating, health, body,) I am not allowing my well being. And I am OUT OF ALIGNMENT with who I really am. Allowing my natural well-being is NATURAL to me.” “All I need to do is to stop doing those things that deprive me of my wellbeing and my natural well being, eating freedom, slim and healthy body will be restored, allowed and lived by me. It is not natural to deprive myself of love, appreciation, joy, freedom.” “I am a Source Energy in this physical body and the "larger part" of me is in complete wellbeing calling and guiding me to come back into alignment with who I really am: I am love, pure positive energy, well-being, I am part of ALL THAT IS, right now in this moment in this physical body.” “My Inner Being thinks, feels only love, appreciation for me. Every time I think, feel not in harmony with my Inner Being ( the larger part of me) I feel the discord - bad feeling emotions.” “It is easy to allow my natural well-being, it is easy to allow my natural way of eating, my natural healthy weight, and my natural happy positive state of mind and feelings.” “My Inner Being is helping me right now. I feel safe and supported. I can do that. My body knows what to do. I can trust my body and its wisdom, my body will guide me back to natural way of eating: my body will tell me when to feed it, how to savour food, what food I enjoy, when to stop Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


eating, when and how to move, and my inner being will give me all the support and guidance to know when I am not allowing my natural well-being. Every time I feel bad, I know that I think, feel, act not in harmony with my Inner Being. I can breathe and stop doing that and turn back to allowing.” “Every time I feel RELIEF, I am moving back to well-being.” “Finding relief is the cure to any illness and discomfort.” “I can allow my wellbeing right now and right here. I will close my eyes, breathe deeply, focus on breathing and stop any thoughts. I can stop my thoughts, quite my mind, empty my mind of any thoughts right now, and as I do this I feel amazing relief and wellbeing already. I feel peace and ease. I can breathe away all my resistance and relaxed deeply. I will do this every time I feel in any physical, emotional, mental pain and will soothe myself and find relief, any relief I can. I will quite my mind, meditate and breathe. I will do anything to find relief in any way I can.” “Well-being is mine and I stop resisting it and will allow it fully, day by day! I will practice feeling of my well-being!” What this process will do for you: • •

It will bring you tremendous relief, healing, break the cycle of negative thinking, feelings and help you to learn how to allow what is natural for you. It will teach you that you are doing something that is not allowing your wellbeing and in the moment that you will start allowing it, you will be getting back to your natural way of eating, natural and healthy body weight, natural joy of eating, natural joy of moving your body and natural joy of life.

It is not natural for you to live on a low frequency, low vibration, in resistance, in deprivation of your connection to Source Energy You. It is natural to feel love, appreciation, excitement, peace, health, happiness in every moment of your life. Not just sometimes. It's easy to feel good. It's easy to come back to alignment with who you really are and your natural wellbeing. It is easy to think good feeling thoughts, to listen to your emotions and when feeling bad to find relief and feel better. How you will benefit by meditating, quieting your mind : It will give you an opportunity to feel, experience, know that spaciousness between your “eating disorder mind- feeling-eating behavior” and "who you really are" without that disorder (you are pure consciousness). It will separate you from that eating disorder state (that is an ego state) and gave you that experience and knowing that you are separated from that - it will break the identification with your “eating disorder mind-feeling-behaviour” and break the attachment to it. You will feel , know, experience, Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


that it is not YOU. That you – a consciousness (source energy) are separated from that. That it is only what you are offering (houghts-feelings-behaviours) but nor the REAL YOU who you are! It will give you FREEDOM from the attachment and identification with it and "eating disorder mind" - emotions-behaviour” will LOSE THE POWER over you! Go to that spaciousness often to connect with who you really are! It is natural to enjoy life to the full joy and freedom! When to do this process: • when you are feeling out of control • when it seems eating issues has you in control • when you are feeling in despair, powerless, depressed, upset, fearful • when you are not well • when you want to gain balance and relief AWARENESS: Every time you feel bad, you are not in a state of allowing your well-being. Your negative emotions are your guide to let you know that your thoughts are NOT in harmony with Source, your Inner Being. You have the power to change it, to find relief, feel better. You felt bad for so long! You were thinking thoughts that weren't supporting your wellbeing. Now it's the time to come back home to "who you really are" and why you came into this physical body. You learned by this experience a lot, your eating and body freedom is yours to claim now. Feeling bad will keep your energy from flowing and when your energy is split, all sorts of illness and suffering starts You asked and it was given! Allow your well-being! Soothe yourself into well-being. The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


22. The “Moving UP The Emotional Scale For Body, Eating, Weight Loss Process

In this process you are going to guide yourself to feel better. To move up the emotional scale. Everything is two side subject. Like the stick has two ends, on one side is joy, love, empowerment, on the other side is despair, powerlessness, depression. You can guide, coach yourself up the emotional scale gradually. If you feel strong negative emotions, like despair, you don't have access to feelings of joy and appreciation, so you need to move up the emotional scale gradually, in order to feel empowered, joyful, loving life, happy again. You identify how you feel, where you are on the scale and deliberately will write down or talk yourself to better-feeling statements. As you find better-feeling thoughts, you will feel relief and then you go higher and higher until you will feel aligned and empowered again. This can take from few minutes to few days, weeks or months, depends on how low you are feeling and how strong your negative emotions are! What this process will do for you: •

It will help you to feel good, have your life in your hands, be in charge of your life, well-

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


• •

being and how you feel. It will help you to get back into alignment with your natural state of being, high frequency, the state of allowing, connection to Source. It will help you to deal with your reaction to any crisis and bad things happening and get you very quickly back from out of balance to being in balance again.

When to do this process: • when some crisis happens, illness, death • when your eating disorder is extremely out of control: your physical health is lost, you had a bad relapse, you binged, purged again, get out of control etc. • when something really negative happens • when you are in strong fear, anger, despair, grief, powerlessness • people can be stuck in grief, fear, depression for years as an initial reaction to something bad happened to them. It is natural to feel distressed when some contrast is happening with you or around you and this can help you to regain balance as soon as it is good for you in a gradual, easy progress when you won't force more than you are able at any moment. AWARENESS: You move down the emotional scale, many times, it can take you minutes or months. You know that feeling when "suddenly" you are on the bottom. It didn't happen suddenly, it was your gradual process of thinking more and more negative thoughts and feeling worse and worse and letting it spiral down. If you can move down the emotional scale very successfully, know that you can move up the emotional scale very successfully too! It is the same amount of effort to think positive or negative thoughts! Only because you practiced thinking more negative thoughts than positive ones, it doesn't mean that it is not easy to think positive thoughts. Because you are still alive, you moved UP the emotional scale hundreds of times successfully too. Now you can do it more deliberately and even prevent going to the bottom. The Law of Attraction will bring you more and more negative thoughts and support you to go down every time! But the Law of Attraction will as well support you go UP every time , very quickly, if you offer thoughts that feel better and better and better. You asked and it was given! You are a powerful creator of YOU and your body and eating! The Universe is on your side, giving you all the support you asked for. Don't ask for going down. But even if you do, the Universe will support you and help you to go up, always. You are in more control of how you feel and how your life will feel as you can now comprehend. Exercise your power to feel better. The Universe is on your side! Be on your side, too!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


The Emotional Scale

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


Thank you for reading, gorgeous! I hope you enjoy the processess and will use them.

Would you like to watch: •

The extensive collection of 68+ Abraham-Hicks videos on food, body, weight loss and eating topic playlists of videos from other spiritual teachers and experts as

Teal Swan, Byron Katie, Paul McKenna, Marianne Williamson, Mooji, Ralph Smart, Kute Blackson, Eloheim, Eckhart Tolle, and more

YES! I want to watch them!

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016


About the Author:

Elena Orchiday is Eating Freedom Teacher and Coach. She is the founder of Eating and Body Freedom website ( She is passionate about helping women (or men) to "Achieve Eating Freedom and Slim Body For Life!" With her you "Lose Weight AND Eating Disorder Forever!" You can learn more about me here! She is the author of signature book, coaching and upcoming video training, workshop called "Lose Weight AND Eating Disorder Forever!"where she teaches 2 steps processs of how to get back to 1. Natural Way Of Eating and 2. Natural State Of Being You can access the book here!

She has struggled with an eating disorder and weight gain for more than 12 years. 4 years ago, she has achieved complete eating freedom and slim body for life. Since then she is on the mission to share her message and teach people how to do it too. You can read her personal eating disorder recovery story here! Watch her Before and After Eating Recovery Video Series here!

You can access her gifts and freebies here! Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



This minione off coaching won’t give you compete Eating Recovery ( as my book“Lose Weight AND Eating Disorder Forever” would) but it will help you to move towards it.

I will offer you a next logical step towards recovery, a stepping stone, a bridge that get you closer to Eating and Body Freedom. I will guide you closer to 1. Natural Way Of Eating and 2. Natural State Of Being. I will usually reply in 48 hours!

Ask me here! Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016



Content: All content on this book and on my website is individual opinion, for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional, psychiatric or medical advice of any kind. I am not a Law Of Atraction (or Abraham's Teachings) teacher or a practicioner. I offer my version and intrerpretation of the teachings to inspire the reader. I am not responsible for any mis-interpretation of their teachings or for any mis-interpretation of my version of their teachings and processes.

Language used and intention behind the vocabulary: Any language and eating disorder terms and words used here as “fat, big, heavy, overweight, thin, slim, skinny, eating disorder, binge eating, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, overeating, bulimia, anorexia, food addiction, compulsive overeating, binge eater, emotional eater, overeater, food addict, bulimic, anorexic etc ARE NEVER INTENDED to offend, label or degrade anyone or use in derogatory, disrespectful, rude,ridiculing or insulting way. This words and terms used here are for “communicating the message and describing the content and experience” purposes. I am using the Law Of Attraction and Abraham-Hicks language and vocabulary. Learn about them to understand the terminology better. Images used in this free e-book are free images from: www.

Copyright @Elena Orchiday 2016