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Holistic Analysis Fundamentals Maia Mechanics Advanced Imaging
Strategic Cognition
Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Ra Uru Hu
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Cover/Mau Cattaneo Transcribed/Patricia Balentine Proofed/Eileen Smith Layout/Becky Markley Statistical Graphing/Adrian Kobler
The Illustration Library contains all of the full-sized original course illustrations.
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From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO FROM THE LEFT .............................................................. vii
Lecture One ....................................................................................... 1 The Structure of the Left Personality ................................................................ 1 A Strategic Personality Must Have a Focus .................................................... 1 The Left Personality Does Not Take Everything In .......................................... 1 The Variable Table ..................................................................................... 2 The Focus Allows for Penetration .................................................................. 4 Three Kinds of Left Personality Cognition ...................................................... 4 The Extreme: All-Left ................................................................................ 5 The General Flow ....................................................................................... 5 The Strategic Personality Fills in the Details ................................................... 6 The Left is Not Here to Have a Surface Conceptualizing Process ....................... 6 The Focus Must Pull the Left Being ............................................................... 7 Strategic Conceptualizing Gains Power in the Correctness of its Focus .............. 8 The Mind Cannot be Trusted ........................................................................ 8 The Left are Masters of the Detail ................................................................ 9 PHS, Strategy and Authority, Environment .................................................... 9 We are Here to Express Outer Authority to the Other ................................... 11 The Left is Best When it has Something it Loves to Focus On ......................... 12 The Third Kind of Left-ness: Intersection.................................................... 13 The Right-Brain ....................................................................................... 14 Strategy and Authority Sets the Foundation ................................................ 15 The Left Penetrates the Surface When Focused ............................................ 15 The Strategic Gives the Maia its Depth........................................................ 16
Lecture Two..................................................................................... 19 Themes of Focus ......................................................................................... 19 The Themes of Conceptualizing .................................................................. 20 The Way Mind Organizes is Determined by Tone .......................................... 21 Three Conceptualizing Frames ................................................................... 21 The Splenic and Ajna Binaries .................................................................... 22 The 1st Tone ............................................................................................ 22 This Conceptualizing Needs Time ............................................................... 23 This Mind is Absorbed in Detail .................................................................. 24 The 2nd Tone ........................................................................................... 25 The 2nd Tone is the Instrument of Recognizing Evolution ............................... 25 Narrow Thinkers ...................................................................................... 27 A Concentrated, Absorbed Mind ................................................................. 27 The 3rd Tone, Ajna Binary .......................................................................... 28
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Keynotes: Action, Vision, Assessment ........................................................ 29 A Three-Dimensional Thinker ..................................................................... 30 Surrendering to the Form Principle ............................................................. 30 The Left-ness Can Become a Gateway of Outer Authority .............................. 31 The Personality Process ............................................................................ 32 The Throat Center and Communication ....................................................... 33 The Kinship with Right Beings .................................................................... 34
Lecture Three .................................................................................. 35 Variable Family 1: The First Quadrant ........................................................... 35 Variable: The Possibilities of the Consciousness Field ................................... 35 The Evolutionary Movement ...................................................................... 36 The Variable Root..................................................................................... 37 Provider of Strategic Tools for a Receptive Future ........................................ 39 The Rave Cannot Become Strategic ............................................................ 39 The Rave is Dependent on the Strategic Conscious Penta .............................. 40 We Need Access to Enormous Depths of Receptivity ..................................... 41 The Three Projector Examples ................................................................... 41 PLL/DLL: Pure Strategic .............................................................................. 43 Artificial Right-ness .................................................................................. 43 The Future Has Two Sets of Relationships ................................................... 45 The Survival of the All-Left and the All-Right Depends on Strategy ................. 46 An All-Right Human is Disruptive in Pentas .................................................. 46 The Human Storyline ................................................................................ 47 PLR/DLL: Sees How to take Advantage of the Right Future .............................. 48 The Cave Environment .............................................................................. 48 PLL/DLR: Seeing the Environment Into the Future .......................................... 49 Being More Right as a Human is Less Advantaged ........................................ 50 The Projector/Generator Relationship is Essential ......................................... 51 Each Person is Unique within the Quadrants ................................................ 52 PLR/DLR: A Difficult Zone ............................................................................ 52 Our Unique Roles, Our Crosses .................................................................. 53 Freeing Passenger Consciousness ............................................................... 53
Lecture Four .................................................................................... 55 Variable Family 2: The Second Quadrant ....................................................... 55 The Evolutionary Movement ...................................................................... 55 No Transitional Profiles in this Quadrant ...................................................... 56 The Convergence Zone of the Left-ness and the Right-ness ........................... 57 The Same Dependent Variable ................................................................... 58 The Right-Brain ....................................................................................... 59 PLL/DRL: Look at the Past to Find the Future ................................................. 59 PLL/DRR: Laid Back To Get Advantage From Focus ......................................... 60 PLR/DRR: Relax ......................................................................................... 61 Variable is about Cognition ........................................................................ 62
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT Table of Contents
This is about Seeing ................................................................................. 62 The Focused Mind Can Put Things into Context ............................................ 63 The Shock of the Next Age is Felt Here ....................................................... 63 The Significance of Transitional Profiles ....................................................... 63 This Quadrant has a Specific Capacity for Now ............................................. 64 Evolutionary Demands .............................................................................. 64 Incarnation/Reincarnation ......................................................................... 65 This Quadrant has to Find its Own Way ....................................................... 66 Signposts - Find Your Comfort Zone ........................................................... 66 Measuring Environmental Correctness ........................................................ 67 If You’re Environmentally Healthy Everything Else is Okay ............................ 67 Accepting Your Form ................................................................................ 68 The Environment Establishes the Right Frequency ........................................ 68 Honoring Strategy and Authority ................................................................ 69 Allowing Life to Come to You ..................................................................... 70 The Natural Order .................................................................................... 70 Dedication and Acceptance ........................................................................ 70
Lecture Five ..................................................................................... 73 The Intersection .......................................................................................... 73 The Intersection: Confusion...................................................................... 73 PLR/DLR: Allow Life To Establish Where To Be Strategic .................................. 75 Nodes Represent the Way We Interact With Others ...................................... 76 Possible Problems Breaking through the Confusion ....................................... 77 Strategy and Authority and PHS are Very Important to These Beings ............. 78 Dietary Regimen is the Foundation for Settling into Your Environment ............ 78 PLR/DRL: Dilemma between the Left and Right Sides of the Brain .................... 79 The Combination of Each Transformation Step Becomes Exceedingly Difficult .. 80 Environment is Very Important .................................................................. 80 PHS is Absolutely Essential ........................................................................ 81 The PLR/DRL Chart ................................................................................... 81 The PLR/DLR Chart ...................................................................................... 82 Following Only Strategy and Authority is Not Sufficient for These Variables ..... 82 Mental Dilemma and Confusion in These Beings ........................................... 83 All Variables are Here to Make a Contribution to the Awareness Field.............. 84 PHS Heals and Aligns the Brain System ...................................................... 84 Color Transference ................................................................................... 85 Comparing the PLR/DRR to the PLR/DRL ..................................................... 86 Communication between Variables ............................................................. 86 The All-Right Being .................................................................................. 87 Variables and Sexual Compatibility ............................................................. 88 The Strategic Mind and Inviting Communication ........................................... 89 PHS 6th Color ........................................................................................... 89 Variable and Frequency Flow ..................................................................... 90 Living Life and Taking the Steps to Awareness ............................................. 91
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Illustration Library .......................................................................... 93 Lecture 1: The Structure of the Left Personality ............................................. 93 Example Chart PLR/DRL ............................................................................ 93 The Variable Table ................................................................................... 94 The Extreme All-Left PLL/DLL .................................................................... 95 The Most Common Leftness ....................................................................... 96 Intersection Variable ................................................................................ 97 Lecture 2: Themes of Focus ......................................................................... 98 Left Cognition Sensors .............................................................................. 98 Lecture 3: Quadrant 1 Left-ness ................................................................... 99 The Upper Left Quadrant 1a ...................................................................... 99 The Upper Left Quadrant 1b .................................................................... 100 Variable Statistics for Projector Upper Left Quadrant .................................. 101 Example Chart PLL/DLL........................................................................... 102 Example Chart PLR/DLL .......................................................................... 103 Example Chart PLL/DLR .......................................................................... 104 Lecture 4: Quadrant 2 Left-ness ................................................................. 105 The Convergence Zone ........................................................................... 105 Example Chart PLR/DRR ......................................................................... 106 Lecture 5: Intersection.............................................................................. 107 Example Chart PLR/DRL .......................................................................... 108 Example Chart PLR/DLR .......................................................................... 109
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO FROM THE LEFT Strategic Cognition This is both a course and a clinic investigating Left Strategic Cognition. The live 5week course was open only to those with Personality Sun/Earth Left orientation. The perspective Ra gives the Left is their approach to what it means to have a strategic Personality as a learning process. Ra describes the structure of the Left Personality overall, the themes of the Left’s focus and all of the quadrants that carry the Left Personality, including the ―intersection.‖ When the course was completed, it was made available for audit by those who have a Personality Sun/Earth Right orientation. This course was originally taught in the Spring of 2009. All original illustrations are in the Illustration Library. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture One The Structure of the Left Personality Hello to all of you. Welcome to this From the Left and Strategic Cognition. I want to begin from a rather different perspective. The perspective I want to give you is your approach to this as a learning process, what it means to have a strategic Personality. We’re going to look at that in detail.
A Strategic Personality Must Have a Focus But the thing to recognize about a strategic Personality just from the simplest level is to understand it is about a conceptualizing process that must be focused. A conceptualizing process—this is what the Personality is all about—that must have a focus. Everything about the conceptualizing process is rooted to a focus. It doesn’t mean that the focus has to remain the same. There can be focuses in sort of the mechanical sense of one-after-the-other, but everything about the nature of the strategic Personality is that it is designed to focus. Think about the process of taking any kind of course if you have a Left Personality. I’m going to be speaking more or less for the next 60 minutes. Of the material that I’m going to cover in the next 60 minutes, somewhere along the line your focus is going to get locked in. And no matter what you think you’re listening to after that, even if you’re not aware that the focus is hooked in, and it has, the fact is there is a great deal of information I’m going to share with you today that is simply not going to be available to you. It just won’t, because you have a strategic Personality. Your strategic Personality based on your design is going to be attracted to this or that; it’s going to resonate to this or that. There is going to be some thing it’s going to resonate to in the course of this particular class, and that’s where it’s going to focus in. It’s the nature of what it is to be strategic. Everything about the power of the strategic is rooted in the depth of the focus.
The Left Personality Does Not Take Everything In One of the things about mastering any subject as somebody who is Left, as an example this particular class, I guarantee you being Left Personalities, that when you listen to this again, if you listen to this again, your focus will be someplace else.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
There is always something else that you can focus on, that you can go deep into, depending again on the nature of your particular configuration. This is what it’s about. So, don’t be concerned in this process about getting everything. Strategic Personalities are always trying to get everything. I guess it’s the influence of the fact that in terms of the way in which the evolutionary process is moving, we’re moving towards the Right. It’s sort of a way in which the Left is trying to pretend, in a sense, that it’s Right. We’re not about taking everything in. It is possible for us as strategic Personalities, and I say ―us‖ because I’m like you. That is, I have a strategic Personality. It is possible for us to cover a great deal of territory, one focus after the other. But never assume in any kind of situation, whether it is a formal learning situation or it’s a social interaction, that one is actually taking in all the information or all of the nuances. One is not. Again, when one is strategic, the way in which one is focused denies all kinds of other things. Ah, what a strange thing it is to be a human being. If you have a Strategy and Authority, the thing about that is that it gives you the perfect opportunity to be able to experience your strategic power instead of being held in slavery to its dreams, the not-self dreams, and the dysfunction that is out there and there is so much dysfunction. So remember something that is so important about taking in knowledge. You’re here to enjoy the flow of data, but you’re here to focus on something specific. And each point of focus is relative to where you are at any given moment. What you're going to focus on depends on whether you're emotional or not, depends on the kind of definition you have or not, depends on the kind of circuitry you have or not. So, don't get caught up in thinking that you need to take it all in. This is what the Right does. But the dilemma for the Right is it doesn't know what to do with it. Yes, it takes it all in. But it’s not equipped to do something with it. They are not strategic. Focus is everything for us and focus is what we have inherited.
The Variable Table
This is the all-Left [upper left]. This is the only link that there is to the past; the only link. Down here is the all-Right [lower right]. It is the link to the future. And it is along this line that we have our evolutionary movement. Now, what you're looking at is the variable table. Variable is a way for us to understand the potential of awareness in a human being.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
When you're looking at this construct, the first thing you're seeing is that you actually have two sets of information. The lower set of information is from your Nodes; your Personality Node, your Design Node. This is called the Independent Variable [green star]. Above that, you have on the Personality side and on the Design side the Dependent Variable [blue star].
Everybody in their design, through what is Advanced Imaging, this is the primary property [below, the 4 arrows circled in red]. Basically what variable provides us with is a pathway to trans– formation. But it also provides us with a deep understanding of the mechanics of the way in which both the form principle and the way in which the cognition principle ultimately operate, where the potential is for the Personality to be able to experience passenger consciousness; to be aware, in that sense. We're beginning with a single phenomenon in all of this, a single mechanical aspect in this. But of course, we have the dilemma that has always been there. Everything that is in black is what you have conscious access to. So, it’s something that you can consciously work with; it’s something that you are consciously connected to. What is over here on the Design side is unconscious; no access. So in beginning to look at the Personality and the conceptualizing of the Personality, it is part of who you think you are; you have access to this [right, indicated by orange star]. Whether that access is conscious and acute, or whether that access is subliminal, the access is there. And ultimately, it will allow you to begin to watch the way in which your Personality operates and to be able to hone it like that situation in which you're trying to remember everything instead of staying with your focus.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Focus Allows for Penetration One of the things about having a strategic Personality is that only when we focus do we get to see what mystically you could call The Plan. This is what focus brings us. The deeper we look at something, the more we understand how that something can be taken advantage of. Now, I don't mean that to sound negative. I say the same thing about the mechanics of Human Design. We’re blessed with the mechanics, and the mechanics allow us to take advantage of them. We take advantage of the mechanics by understanding the nature of the form principle. So, we have Strategy and Authority, that through taking advantage of the mechanics, betters our lives. It is something to see about the strategic process—after all, I am a strategic Personality who tells people to follow their Strategy. This is a fundamentally, strategic force. The whole thing about understanding the nature of this focus is that what this focus does is it allows you to penetrate. It allows you to get to its root. That’s why you see the vast diversification that has emerged in the secular world since the beginning of the Cross of Planning in 1615, the advent of modern science; and in modern science, the vast diversity of interests, the vast diversities of foci, all of these beings looking at these specific points of focus. It isn't necessarily an aspect of the nature of the strategic to be synthetic. It is much more in the nature of the strategic mind to find its focus and to root itself in a deep recognition of that, whether we want to call that knowing, understanding, or sensing, whatever the case may be.
Three Kinds of Left Personality Cognition When you're looking at the variable mat, the first thing to understand about the variable mat is that the variable mat is divided into two parts. Now, it can be divided in many ways, but this is a primary division. And it is a primary division that puts Left-ness on this side and puts Right-ness on the other side. And when we are looking at the nature of Left-ness, it is here. But what we're going to see is that there are three kinds of Left Personality cognition; three kinds.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
The Extreme: All-Left So, let’s look at the first one. This is the extreme. And everything about the nature of the extreme is that it operates differently than anything else. The same is true for the other side. That is, the same is true for the all-Right that is down here. In other words, neither the all-Left nor the all-Right operate in a way in which the rest of the variables operate. They are inherently different because of their extremeness. And the irony in all of this is that what binds them in their extremeness is an absolute need to adhere to strategy. And it doesn't matter whether that is the pure all-Left or the pure all-Right. That it is more important than understanding the very nature of the way in which they operate. Strategy and Authority is literally the grail for these beings.
The General Flow What you see here is the general flow. In other words, this is the most common, if I can put it that way, the most common Left-ness. And again, you can see here in the Left-ness, you can see the Left Personalities throughout here. But obviously, these Left Personalities are dealing with very different configurations on the other side, very different kinds of brain systems, as an example. For example, here you have two Left-brains [yellow stars] and at the bottom here you have three Right-brains [pink stars] and each of them in relationship to those Personalities. You’ll notice that I'm not going into the nature of the Independent Variable, the storyline where your Nodes are; we'll get to that in awhile. But I want you to be able to understand the complexity here. I want to focus on Personality in these two courses, both the Left and the Right, because this is a natural place to reach mind. This is mind’s world. This is what you're familiar with, this is your conceptualizing process, the way in which you maintain your connection to the maia that you live in, this is all mental. So, by dealing with the Personality and by understanding the way in which the Personality conceptualizes, you can begin to refine the way in which you are intended to be cognitive.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Strategic Personality Fills in the Details Think about it for a moment. Everything about being strategic is about being focused. Now, when you align that focus with Strategy and Authority, what you get is that you are setup to finally be able to realize your potential by being in the right place, by being able to see what you're here to see. And with the freedom of not being filled with mental anxiety, the freedom to be able to conceptualize as you are intended to. In other words, what you're carrying within you, what all of us carry within us that have this Personality conceptualizing, is that we are the ones that are here to fill in the detail. Think about the Right in any situation. Think about the Right taking this class. The Right takes this class, they take everything in. All they need to do is simply pay attention to the process. They take everything in. But there is no detail in that. There is a spectrum in that. Spectrum and detail are different things. You could say there is a great deal more information in the peripheral taking in; yet, there is no equivalent to the detail that is there in the focus. One of the things that is essential for the Left Personality to begin to grasp is that it is here to focus. Think about Generators. Seventy percent of humanity are Generators. Generators are the great quitters. The not-self Generator trying to manifest something, trying to create something, trying to do something, they end up with all of that frustration. They never, ever get to live out their potential because they don't ever get to put their energy to the focus that is correct for them. They don’t. They're blind because they don't know where it is, because they’re looking for it. This is true for so many human beings who carry strategic conceptualizing. They’re constantly going through all kinds of things trying to find something. It’s the Personality that is looking for the grail and awakening. It’s looking for all of these things. And yet, the truth is you find it in the focus. You'll find it up there somewhere. You find it in honing yourself to that focus, whatever it is.
The Left is Not Here to Have a Surface Conceptualizing Process Again, it’s not like the focus is an obsession with everything. There are many things that you can focus on, at many levels in your process. But the moment you move away from being focused, the moment you try to dabble, is the moment you're really going to get into trouble, because you're not here to have a surface conceptualizing process. Think about the Left and the Right and they’re sitting on a veranda in a vacation environment. The Right is looking out at the landscape around them. The Left has found their focus. And in that focus all kinds of detail. The focus can stimulate their
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
imagination. It can bring back memories. It can do all kinds of things. All of it becomes something that is a key for them the moment they would recall that. Think about the two of them weeks, months, whatever, later. The Right will remember the landscape. But it's a surface. Oh yes, it will remember many things within the landscape, but it will remember the surface, and only when the surface is drawn from it. But the Left, that will be totally lost in trying to remember the actual landscape, will remember the focus, will remember the whole line that they went through in that focus. It is something that is there in that landscape that the Right could never see. Now, this isn't to disparage the Right. That is, we’re dealing with a binary. There is a ―this and that‖ to both sides of the ledger. But in order for the modern Left, as opposed to the seven-centered Left, in order for the nine-centered Left to truly be able to fulfill its awareness potential, it has to have the focus.
The Focus Must Pull the Left Being Now, what does that mean in a practical way? What it means is that if it doesn't draw you, you can never be focused on it. If it doesn't pull you, you can never be focused on it; never. This is the thing. Again, it doesn't matter what it is. But it does matter the way in which you move to anything. The way that focus comes to you in your process. You can never separate the potential for cognitive transformation in a human being from the way in which they operate on the mundane plane. It’s one of those things to understand as a focused mind that you can only deal with one problem at a time. And don't try to see the big picture. This is not what the focus mind is about. It isn’t. Again, there are all kinds of circumstances that affect the way you will conceptualize. That’s why I’m going to work with your charts and I’m going to show uniquely for each of you how that varies in the way in which you operate. For example, in my case I am three parts Left and one part Right, and that one part Right is my Independent Variable on the Personality side, my Personality Node. That gives me a peripheral vision. So it gives me the possibility to conceptualize in a spectrum. And yet, that specializing in the spectrum is also a focus. You can see my focus. I focus it all through Human Design. Everything that I do intellectually is focused through the knowledge. But this is the only way that cognitively you find your mastery. At this level Human Design is already a very intellectual thing. From the moment you discover the form principle and you begin to align yourself to the way in which your body is supposed be treated, by Strategy and Authority and various other stages that you can enter into in this process, the big job is intellectual. The big job is coming to grips with the mind trip, how deep and pervasive its negative conditioning is, and how easy it is to pull us away as a result of that conditioning.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Strategic Conceptualizing Gains Power in the Correctness of its Focus Strategic conceptualizing gains power in the correctness of its focus. If you’re not focused on something that is correct for you, it brings nothing. It brings resistance. It brings out those aspects of your Type, whatever they may be, the anger, the frustration, the bitterness, the disappointment, those things that lie as not-self themes in your design. The mind cannot tell you. And this is the great joke. It's a wonderful joke. The mind cannot tell you. It can’t. It cannot tell you what to focus on. It cannot. It has no right to tell you what to focus on. It does not. The focus doesn't come from the mind looking. It comes from the thing that hooks you. We’re here to be hooked. This is what the strategic conceptualizing is all about. You know the hook. You can taste it in your connection to this knowledge. We’re here to be grabbed. It’s only when we’re grabbed, it’s only when we find something that we can focus on that we actually feel healthy mentally. It's when you feel healthy mentally. Think about all the thinking that you put into things that are simply not important, the fear mechanisms, the concerns about the tomorrow's and the consequences, and the ―this’s‖ and the ―that’s,‖ and all of those things floating around. No wonder you're going to be full of anxiety. But if you stay with your focus, everything will fall into place. It does. And when something is there that calls your attention, then you can give your strategic attention to it. But it’s got to pull you. It’s got to call you.
The Mind Cannot be Trusted What a waste of great minds who have strategic potential to conceptualize who have no idea how to find that focus. For us it’s everything. You can’t trust your mind to point it out to you. It’s always a lie. It’s always some kind of trick. The not-self is like that. ―Oh, I think that will be terrific. Oh, I’m going to look into that thing.‖ It’s why Strategy and Authority is the bedrock of this knowledge. It's why there is nothing else that is more important than that, the experiment in operating correctly. It begins to take the pressure away from the mind and its traps. It begins to open up a possibility that yes, there is for me a life, a life that is enriching. It comes with a focus. It doesn't matter what you’re focused on. You master the world through your focus. It doesn't matter whether you're focused on flowers, the person next door, whatever the case may be; the deeper the focus, the more profound the awareness, the detail, the little things, all those little things that add up to the mapping of nature, all those little things. All those millions and millions of explorers over hundreds of years who have detailed all those little things that give us the maia, that enrich our world, that we understand.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
You can really understand that we are the inheritors of the seven-centered strategic life. It’s one of the dilemmas for us. For the seven-centered being it was everything. And it was everything because it was the perfect environment for the development of mind. It’s in the seven-centered being that mind went wild, got its ego trip, found its vanity, decided that it was everything, and that it could rule.
The Left are Masters of the Detail The beauty of the nine-centered being is it’s just not what we're about. And yes, we carry Left-ness, but only the extreme is all-Left. All the rest of us have a little bit of this and that in the way in which our variable is constructed. We are not sevencentered at all. We’re here to be the masters of the detail. If we do not master the detail, it’s lost. Look at our strategic world. Go look around your house. Look at the machines that are in front of you. If they break down, you don't know what to do. You don’t; none of us do. Most human beings don't even know how the electricity works; they don't know how these things work. They just take it for granted, because it’s not their focus. Oh, the peripheral says it’s there. ―Hey look, all the streets are lit up.‖ But does anybody know how that works, how it's controlled, how it's maintained? This is all about focus. If the focus is not there, then the nature of the consciousness field, the depth of the consciousness field begins to shrink, because that’s what it does. The power of the consciousness field has been deeply, deeply limited for a long time. Because what you see in this world is homogenized focus. You see the way homogenized focus works. You can see that in any culture, in any society, the way you're oriented from the moment you come into the world, the way you're oriented to look for this thing or that thing, the way it's supposed to be, repeating over and over again points of homogenized focus, it’s not about uniqueness, it’s not about your potential. Mind is meant to be so busy that it really doesn't notice that it isn't needed anymore. It’s not needed. It's not needed to direct the life. It's not needed for that. The beauty of your mind is that it can focus. That means that what is there for you in this life has to be correct, because otherwise if you do not enter into those things correctly—think about not entering into a relationship correctly. And there you are with a strategic mind focusing on that. What do you think the details are going to reveal? You’re going to see it over and over again the things that aren’t right, that don't work, that you can’t fix.
PHS, Strategy and Authority, Environment So many human beings who have strategic Personalities who are in all kinds of occupations looking down that lens, and none of it feels good. And they're not necessarily good at it because of that, because it’s not the right focus. We have a
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
very complex construct, the nature of variable. It says you’ve got a brain system and you’ve got to look after it. You look after the brain system through dietary regimen; PHS. Everybody's here to differentiate. We differentiate through our diet. It is one of those things that frees us from a great deal of very profound conditioning that we've had since childhood. All of this is catalyzed by entering into the experiment of Strategy and Authority. The Strategy and Authority allows you to make those decisions bypassing the binary lack of awareness of the mind when it comes to those kinds decisions. And in the dietary regimen you begin to enhance the potential that you have for sensory acuity. We all have unique sensory capacities. Those sensory capacities have been deeply conditioned and overwhelmed. The senses we possess can be much more acute in the way in which they operate and of course that is going to benefit, ultimately, the way in which Personality consciousness is going work. From dietary regimen, we have environment. Every human being, every ninecentered being has a natural environment. It is an environment that protects and nourishes its aura. It is an environment that enhances the quality of life. And when one has entered into that correct environment and that correct environment is one’s nurturing force, then you can develop your perspective, a perspective that is here in the Personality Node; your view. We all have a unique view. And it is this combination of your brain system and where you are that leads to the perspective that you conceptualize with your strategic mind. It is quite a complex story. And you can see very clearly that here environment and perspective, what in variable studies is referred to as the storyline, where you live out your life, this is where your life is. Only through Strategy and Authority do you slowly but surely align yourself to what is correct for you so that conceptualizing that focus is finetuned. It’s one of the beautiful things about the design of a human being. When you look at the design of a being, what you get to see is that there are so many ways to be conditioned, to be lost. So many ways, not just simply the inherent potentials of conditioning that are here in this splitdefinition, the power of that 35 or that 12, as an example, to have enormous influence over the way in which this person is going to operate in their life bypassing all of the potential truly that is there.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
And it is something to understand because there are so many things, so many different ways, it’s what the Science of Differentiation reveals. The conditioning is everywhere. And the conditioning is both this and that. It is the dilemma when you are unaware. It is the wisdom when you are. And you only begin to get there by following the Strategy and Authority because nothing else knows how to navigate with this particular construct in the world. It’s inherent in you; this being with their emotional authority, this Projector with their emotional authority, the invi– tation that can only be accept– ed over time, the invitation that needs to be deeply focused on, an invitation that has to come because that is correctness. How well will that invitation be taken in? Are you taking in that invitation in the right place? And if you're taking it in, in the right place, then you're seeing something. You're seeing something in the other according to the way in which you’re designed. And this opens up the power that is so unique.
We are Here to Express Outer Authority to the Other We all have this. There’s always a Throat. It is the center of the graph. All roads, everything goes to the Throat. It is about not doing, but articulating. Eleven voices, how profound that Throat is, unlike anything else in the BodyGraph with eleven voices, one gland; 11 voices. It is what we're here to do. We are the transcendent spiral beyond the mammal that sits with the Moon full and howls. We have been able since the advent of the seven-centered being to communicate in ways that are extraordinary, that have transformed our potential as a specie on this planet.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
We are here to express ourselves to the other. It is what we're about. We're here to express ourselves to the other. And not your everyday chitchat bullshit; we’re here to express outer authority to the other. Think about us strategic conceptualizers. What is the future going to be if we don't have the right focus? Then the detail we’re able to bring into the world is just not there. It never comes into the world. It doesn't exist. I am an enormous admirer of the beauty of design that it opens up the possibility for a being to see that they are something truly transcendent, that they are far beyond anything they ever imagined. We’re passengers in these vehicles. All the things that we get to see in Design are the ways in which the passenger is offered a mechanism for filtering consciousness. It is not the passenger itself. It isn't. It is this holistic environment that we call us, our design. Everything about the fulfillment of awareness is gaining access to that passenger consciousness so that it can sit back and watch the beauty of the focused conceptualizing. How special these minds are. They’re special. They’re special because they can go where none can go. They can penetrate where no other can penetrate. They can go deeper than somebody who has already gone. It is what focus brings. The more profound the impact, the deeper the sense of being pulled and called by it, the more profound the depth that arises. It’s what we are about.
The Left is Best When it has Something it Loves to Focus On It's often seen as obsessional. The strategic mind tries to let everybody know—the not-self—that it has other interests; it's not just interested in whatever that thing happens to be. But this is what we are about. This is when you know you’re really at your best, when your mind has something that it loves to focus on. Would it rather do that than anything else? This is the great treat. So, it’s like as I mentioned at the very beginning when I started. Somewhere along the track in here there is a focus for you. There’s always a focus. There is this place that suddenly you go, ―yeah,‖ and there’s something that happens. There’s a place where you can go deeper, much deeper. It’s what we’re for. So, it all goes back to something that is deeply basic. It’s basic. If you don't follow your Strategy and Authority, there's no way you’re going to find your focus. You aren’t. And sooner or later, whatever the assumption is in any given situation, sooner or later that not being the true focus is going to affect you. Take the example of a Generator. A Generator is here to use their energy correctly. If you don’t use your energy correctly, it leaves physical problems. So, if you have a focus that is incorrect and you’re going to energize it out of your generative power, then you're going to see, obviously, that you're going to end up with all kinds of things that are going to go wrong in that, because it’s not what you’re about. It’s one of the things that I've always told people who have a dominance of individuality in their design: Don't do things you don't love to do. When you tell
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
somebody something like that, like me telling you, that you can only focus on what really pulls you, don't waste your focus, most people don't get that. They just don't get it. The only thing that's ever going to matter for us is if we have that focus. It’s the only thing that’s ever, ever, ever going to matter. Remember we live in a construct that’s created by our minds. If we give it its focus, then it’s going to be fulfilled. If the mind is fulfilled in its process, you no longer have a mind that is going to get lost in all the mundane decision making that most human beings think are so important. You begin to see that none of it is important. It's all okay. It all goes the way it goes. If you follow your Strategy and Authority, life just does its thing. This is what it does.
The Third Kind of Left-ness: Intersection Now, I don’t want to miss out on this one, so let me go back a step. This is the third kind of Left-ness. This third kind of Left-ness is part of what's called the intersection [the 4 in the middle]. That is, the area here is the intersection. I’m always careful when I say these kinds of things because people tend to jump to conclusions. This is a very difficult area. Less so here [PLR/DLR and PRL/DRL]; that is, you can see in this intersection where the barrier or the boundary between the Left and Right is crossed. So, this area in here, because it's part of the mechanism of the evolutionary movement, this area in here in the center is an area of a great deal of confusion. And it is less so in this case because what you're basically seeing here is the Left/Left above and the Right/Right below [PLR/DLR] and in this case you’ve got the Right/Right above and the Left/Left below [PRL/DRL]. But these two are very difficult [PRL/DLR, PLR/DRL]. They’re very difficult because everything is opposed. There isn't a continuity in the flows, which make a difference. When I start next week with looking at your individual charts, I will give you brief analyses of your particular variable so you understand its mechanism. Here you can see that everything is against everything. There is no flow in this. And so these are areas that can be quite difficult.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
In our particular case here in looking at just Left-ness, what we get to see are these two intersection variables. And this intersection variable [the green one] is our example. When I say that this is difficult, I have to put this in its proper context. If we're talking about somebody who is not-self, having this kind of variable is going to add to a lot of confusion in their life. It just is. And they’re not going to know why. In other words, they're going to feel uncomfortable in their skin. They just are.
The Right-Brain And it's always something to grasp about the not-self. These mechanisms between mind and brain particularly, the Dependent Variable, what we're looking at up here, this is the Dependent Variable [both sets of horizontal lines]. What you get to see immediately is that, for example here you have this Left cognitive potential [blue star], what we have been looking at, the need for the focus, but you have a Rightbrain [orange star]. And the Right-brain is going to operate quite differently; it is going to be very passive, which means that it's not going to have an enormous amount of energy for too much focus. So, it’s going to limit how much energy can be spent at any focus. This is something you get to experience, those of us who have this kind of strategic mind. You get into things. There’s a deep, deep focus and at some point, it loses its hold on you. At some point you’ve worked deep enough that you're not going any further and you lose that need or that involvement conceptually. This is something that is going to occur with a lot of frequency if you're going to have a Right-brain. If you're not-self, you don't really get that. Your mind is caught up in being turned on by things because you've got this strategic mind that wants to find its focus. But it’s your not-self mind that’s leading you. And it's leading you into things where you think you can focus on them, but your Rightbrain isn't going to give you the kind of background power that's going to make that possible.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
And because it’s a combination of not being the right focus, and the Right-brain in the background, it means these are beings who are very easily going to lose any sense of the focus that they had in whatever it was, either that being another person or a job or some kind of thing that they’re doing, whatever the case may be. For the not-self, all that can be very, very uncomfortable and confusing. If you’re correct, it isn't. It’s like anything else. That's the beauty of Strategy and Authority.
Strategy and Authority Sets the Foundation The beauty of Strategy and Authority is that there's no way that your mind can manage your life. It doesn't have the capacity to do that. You can't manage all this. You can't; nobody can. It’s not possible. It is what Strategy and Authority does. It says, ―Hey, okay, relax, relax, you don’t have to spend all that brain power on trying to figure out whether you should take the garbage out or not.‖ Strategy and Authority sets the foundation. It sets the foundation of getting the most important thing, if you have a conceptualizing mind that is strategic. The most important thing is you have the right focuses. They have to be there for you. As long as they're there, everything is okay. Are there those beings that you enjoy focusing on? And when I say that, what I'm really saying is that you enjoy them being in your aura, because they become the source of your focus. They demand your focus. And being a strategic being, you are focused. Is it the right being, the right associate, the right friend, the right lover? It’s all those things. It’s about everything that we do in our lives, because everything that stands before us demands our focus.
The Left Penetrates the Surface When Focused We’re not here to focus on things that are not for us. We're not. It’s a waste of the gift. Remember something so important about the nature of being strategic is that when you focus, you penetrate. You go beneath the surface. You find underlying themes. As a matter of fact, so many strategic minds in their focus, going into the depth, end up on branches that they focus on, things that emerge through that depth that open up new focuses for them. It's the way the strategic mind works.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
We can’t just live with some kind of chimera in front of us. And you see, if you don't have the focus, so many strategic minds don't have the focus, billions, then their mind becomes ruled so profoundly by the not-self; profoundly by the not-self, because these are strategic minds that are going to focus precisely on what isn’t good for them; precisely. It puts the Left into deep conditioning, deep conditioning. It’s a good thing that most of us have some kind of Right-ness in our design to give us the balance, to be able to allow us to have an enriched experience on this plane. But for us it begins with intellectual focus. It’s like that being in your life, they need to interest you. There has to be something to focus on. There has to be something that takes you deeper. There has to be.
The Strategic Gives the Maia its Depth When you have a strategic mind and you have somebody in your life a long time, you really know that you've worked your way through. It’s what the strategic mind does. It focuses and it goes as deep as it can go. You know that when you’re there. You know that, because the focus is delicious. It's what we’re about. We dot all the ―I’s,‖ we cross all the ―T’s.‖ We give the maia its depth. Without us, it’s a Potemkin village. We give it the depth. We give all these little bits and pieces of illusion their concreteness. It’s what we do. It’s what we’re here for. Of course, the beauty within the context of Human Design is that we’re here to fulfill uniquely our differentiation so that we can express our unique detail, our unique outer authority. There’s something magical about focus. Focus becomes a matrix. The moment you have found your focus, you see so many things, so many things. The moment you find your focus, no matter what it is, you learn so many things about the nature of the world. You do, through your focus, whatever it may be. It is the extraordinary thing about it. You don't miss anything out there in the diversity because you find its flavor is in your focus; the continuity that is there in the microcosm. If the future is going to be enriched in knowledge, then the detail has to be there. And the detail has to be alive, and it has to be correct. Otherwise, the same historical failures will repeat themselves. The opportunity that lies through correctness, through your process, is to be able to bring not so much a new detail, as your detail, this detail that you’re here for. It is so rare on this plane for anyone to really know what they're here for and to see out of that what it brings. It is what focus does. This is the contribution that the strategic mind makes. The level and the quality of the consciousness field is determined by this contribution. I assume that the mutation that is coming, the movement towards all-Right-ness, that this will not be a point. The conceptualizing mind will no longer be of value. We’re talking about something that isn't going to be interested in our details. So, in order for us to move forward, we need to bring the detail that is demanded, that is the detail that can be unraveled, revealed through the work of strategic minds that operate correctly.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE ONE The Structure of the Left Personality
Well, I hope you enjoyed that. Remember if you want me to use your charts in this program, please send .MMI charts. I’ll be more than happy to integrate them into the course. To all of you, nice that you’re here, and to those of you who are downloading, I hope you didn’t have problems trying to get in. We’ll see you next time. All of you, you take care, and bye for now. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Two Themes of Focus Hello and welcome to those who are here, and thank you for being here. There are an awful lot of you who are downloading. I just want to remind you that beginning with next week’s class I’m going to be incorporating charts of students. So, you might find that more interesting if you're here in the classroom. But anyway, welcome to all of you and to our look at strategic cognition. I’m going to get into this process of looking at individuals and the way in which they can take advantage of the strategic cognition, because that’s so much a part of what this is. Each and every one of us has a great many variations in the way in which Left Personality consciousness operates. Everything in this zone here, because it is ruled by above, is dealing with this Personality process, you're dealing with this combination of the Lefts. And here you see all these Personality Lefts. They're all there. The moment that you see that, you begin to see that our process together is really a generic approach, an overall, or overview approach. The fact is that the Left-ness as it functions here [circled in PLL/DLL] is very different from the Left-ness as it functions here [circled in PLR/DRR], because after all, none of these things operate in isolation. Theoretically I am deconstructing in this way so that I can bring focus to certain aspects, particularly in dealing with the Personality because this is who you think you are. So, in dealing with the Personality, the root of your profile, it's a way to begin this process of understanding Left-ness. Yet, please keep in mind that all this Left-ness is also relative to the rest of the configuration, whatever that happens to be. And it goes far beyond that. It goes to the Type and the profile, and many other things that are involved. So, just to keep in mind that what we’re really looking at is that we're looking at a larger thematic. What we're going to see beginning next week and the rest of this process together is
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
we’re going to see how you take advantage of that larger thematic of your Left-ness, but how that Left-ness is rooted in your design, what it’s really pointing to, in that sense.
The Themes of Conceptualizing What I want to deal with today are the themes of conceptualizing. It is one of those areas that is deeply, deeply fascinating, these arrows. It's almost gotten to a point where I've been working with variable long enough that I keep reminding myself what I'm looking at. And I keep reminding myself what I'm looking at because I find it so extraordinary. I’m looking at cognition. I'm looking at a cognitive map. One of the things that we see at the deeper levels of study in variable is its evolutionary process, and really understanding that this is a cognitive evolutionary map that has different flows to it. Yet, it is all about one thing and one thing only. It is about the cognitive process. It is what existence is about, the cognitive process. It is about potentially satisfying the possibility of the Personality crystal itself. That is, the purity of that crystal in its process of filtering the neutrino stream and how little interference can be present from a correct Personality, so that the real phenomena of experiencing existence is something that we get. On the mundane level, when we're dealing with the Left Personality, we’re dealing with an overview of the way in which the mind itself operates. And the way in which the mind itself operates in relationship to what we call conceptualizing, the way in which the neural data, for example, of the brain gets organized into an information base. This is cognition. The way in which our mind organizes things, the way in which we organize things conceptually so that we can build a concept out of them, and that building of the concept is something that leads us to a secondary level that we’re not going to look at here, but will look at in relationship to other people’s designs. Everybody has a different way inherently in their design on the surface as to the way in which they conceptualize. For example, I’m individual. I’ve got the 43/23. My conceptualizing is rooted in acoustics. It’s not visual; whereas, the collective process, the collective conceptualizing process, is visual.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
The Way Mind Organizes is Determined by Tone In other words, we're looking at another layer of the way in which there is a refinement in this cognitive process. But a thing to realize is that the way in which mind organizes is being determined here. And it's being determined by Tone. Those arrows, it's Tone. This is what it is all about. The thing that makes variable extraordinary is that it gives us the cognitive map. But here in this context, what we are looking at is the infrastructure to the way in which your Personality, being Left, that your Personality is going to conceptualize. Again, we’re dealing with generics. Yet, these generics begin to break things down. Everything about Design, particularly for those who have been involved in a long time, this revealing of layer after layer after layer after layer, all of these layers have a continuity. They have a deep, deep relationship to each other. Because it's a fascinating thing for me, when you think about the neutrino going through the crystal, the Base is a frequency on entering and the Color is a frequency on exiting. Fundamentally, the only place where the neutrino, in a sense, is really being controlled by the element is within the context of the crystal, inside the crystal, the structure of the interior of the crystal. This is the Tonal domain. This is what is uniquely differentiated in us. If you're looking for the core of differentiation, differentiation lies in cognition. And from the cognition outward a holistic form is built to be able to promote it, in that sense. Everything is about getting the Tone to the surface and getting the Tone to a surface that is ready to be able to live that process.
Three Conceptualizing Frames Okay, so let's just take it to the conceptualizing. What we're looking at are three different infrastructures for the conceptualizing process. Let’s refer to them as frames, the way things are framed in the conceptualizing. The moment you have a frame, you have a limitation. It's a limitation. The moment that we’re dealing with keynotes, and we have these keynotes that are here, we also see that the keynote represents a limitation. That limitation is our perfection. Everything about ultimately being able to be aware on this plane is about the perfection of your limitation, which means that you are honed specifically to it. And of course, what we know is that the real dilemma for most human beings is not in what the tonal cognition offers as a possibility, but the relationship of the exit frequency to the Monopole and the holistic being. Because if the frequency of a being isn’t correct, the so-called not-self, then the cognitive potential doesn't get to
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
the surface and doesn't get to create the right framework for the expression of the potential, for example, in dealing with the Personality of outer authority.
The Splenic and Ajna Binaries So let's look at these frames, and let's begin with a number of things. First of all, we're dealing with something that looks like a three, but in many ways it’s a binary. And it's a binary that is broken down in here. In a sense, you can consider this as a oneness if you just consider it through the binary itself, the Splenic binary, the Ajna binary. And they are very, very different from each other. And yet, just in looking at this here, that is, the Splenic binary and the Ajna binary, this gave us life. This gave us life that we could maintain, survive in. It’s one of the most extraordinary combinations in us. We see that in the relationship of the Splenic Center to the Ajna Center in the way in which circuitry operates. That is, the rudimentary or foundational awareness that is in the Spleen, that is, instinct and intuition and judgmentation, that these become conceptualizing tools in the Ajna Center and are the root of that. In fact, the true root is the 50th gate out of which all of our intelligence developed. So, with the Splenic binary, we're looking at something that is deeply, deeply fundamental to the survival of the species. In other words, this is being concentrated, and you can see the power of that keynote here, this is about being concentrated on conceptualizing within certain frames, this or this. This is what it’s all about. At the moment that that mind isn't conceptualizing within those frames, it’s the moment that the mind loses its cognitive acuity. In other words, it loses its intellectual power, and so forth and so on.
The 1st Tone So, let's begin. The 1st Tone on the Personality side; like all number 1s that you find in Human Design, whether it is 1st line or a 1st Color or a 1st Base, you're dealing with a foundation. You're dealing with the very basis of things. The very basis of things when it comes to life is the obvious: we die. It’s the first thing to grasp about life, is that life ends. It’s the first thing. The second thing to grasp about being alive is that you can always be somebody's breakfast, always. It’s just the nature of being on a plane of vast diversity and the reality is that this is a plane that is very threatening. And that being threatening
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
isn't just a matter of the primitive drive rooted in that you could be any of your neighbors’ breakfast, but what that leads to in terms of the way in which our civilizations, in the way in which we have evolved, seven- to nine-centered, but it still comes down to the same thing. This is all about what the 1st line ultimately tries to represent as a medium— investigation. But here you can see that this is the root of that. It is about taking care of business. That is, staying alive and making sure that you’re secure. Now, staying alive and making sure that you’re secure creates a certain kind of frame for conceptualizing. By the way, this is deeply, deeply, deeply strategic. This is numero uno. This is the number one strategic force. It always looks like it's the 3 because it has to do with the way in which we see the world to be strategic. But the fact is it begins with the 1. The 1 is not satisfied with being aware of insecurity, it wants to manage insecurity. Think about that extrapolated into the way in which dysfunctional Personalities that are notself operate. The world is nothing but fear. The not-self is a fear driven decision making entity. So, those beings who are going to carry this form of Left-ness, that the Left-ness demands focus, that this strategic concern about security, stability, protection, all of these things, this is what makes the conceptualizing of this being correct. We all have a natural way in which we specialize our differentiation in the way in which we conceptualize. These themes are deeply important for us, deeply. The assumption or the projection can be that to conceptualize through the influence of the 1, is a conceptualization that leads to paranoia and all kinds of other things. But this is a cognitive potential. It's a way in which your mind is designed to be able to bring together the necessary elements to release outer authority rooted in this, because not everybody has it. If you’re the 1, think about the 2 and the 3 as an example. They’re your strategic alumni on this plane. But they don't have what you have. They don't know what you know. They can’t. And of course, as you'll discover, you can’t know what they know, each with their strategic direction, each with their unique focus, because remember something as a strategic mind, no focus, no joy. It’s just like that: No focus, no joy.
This Conceptualizing Needs Time As we'll see as we move forward and we look at charts, this theme is going to reveal itself in the way in which the whole design operates. It’s going to lay a foundation
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
for being able to hone in on how important this is for that being, its connection to their cross, their profile, their definition, their openness, because this is what the frame is for them. Now, this is very, very conservative thinking. And what I mean by that is that this is the kind of conceptualizing that needs time. It needs time to really process, count all the beans, look at all the things, this is this kind of conceptualizing that you can't really rush. You can’t. The beauty of the 1 is that the 1 is trying to build the perfect defense, because that’s what it does. And the best defense is a good offense. Security is sometimes something that leads to conceptualizing that can lead to behavior that's quite nonsocial. There are so many areas that are covered in this kind of large frame. And yet, this is the focus. If you have this—the thing I enjoy most about mechanics is that mechanics are relieving. They take a burden away. They take a certain pressure away from assumptions about what things are supposed to be or how they're supposed to be or how you’re supposed to be.
This Mind is Absorbed in Detail This is a mind that is absorbed in detail. It’s a mind that needs to be absorbed in that detail. It needs to be able to dig into things. It needs to look at all kinds of things. It needs to be very clear about the other. It needs to have a deep sense of security within itself. These are all things that are going to run through this mind, that are going to frame the way it looks at things, when it's healthy, when it's correct. When it's not correct, you get dysfunction. And the dysfunction is not a pleasant thing because it means that you have a conceptualizing capacity that’s there to protect you and when it's not working it means you're not going to be protected. You’re not. These are really the navigators. I often talk about how as objects moving in space that everything about our existence is determined by the way that we navigate. But here lies the true navigation. It lies in the correctness of cognition, wherever that may be, wherever it is in the four aspects of variable. But this is what it's all about. And every time you become aware of a mechanism within yourself it opens up that possibility of recognizing it and in the recognition to begin to align yourself to what is correct for you. It is correct for you with this kind of theme to have those concerns about yourself, about tomorrow, about the other, about this and that, and all of that because that’s the way your mind works. And if you're correct that doesn't turn into paranoia. It doesn't turn into worrying. It turns into awareness. Your Strategy and Authority is going to move you correctly on this plane. Your security, in that sense, is genuinely ensured. But you have to know that, see that, live that, and be aware of that. And to see when your mind is operating within that frame you're okay. You've got your focus. If you have your concerns they’re legitimate; look at them. It doesn’t mean you’re going to act. That’s the beauty of being correct. It doesn't mean you’re going to
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
act. You get to see; seeing, seeing. This is the way you're here to see. This is the way you’re here to take in the world around you from the mental plane. And of course, we add to that as you’ll see as we move along, whatever your profile, your definition, all of these things happen to be, because they just give it its correct presence as the central aspect of your potential for awareness. When I began this before this semester in laying out what I was going to do for this semester, the one area that I have not been able to concentrate on is the Personality Sun. And concentrate in a way, not like I did many, many years ago which had to do with the Bases and the surface and all of those things. But after all these years to be able to get to a place where one can lay the foundation of the way in which awareness is framed uniquely for each of us; truly framed uniquely for each of us.
The 2nd Tone Let’s take a step. Now, I’m not somebody that has a lot of 2s of anything, but I have my share; a few of them. I’ve always been so deeply fascinated by the nature of the 2nd Tone. With my students over the course of the years now that I've been working at this level I always come back to the same wonder when I come to the 2 nd Tone. This is an extraordinary binary, this splenic binary. The thing that’s so beautiful about it is that it's about what is and what isn't. And it's really amazing that this is the way cognition is built. The ―what is,‖ is the 1. The 1 can only deal with what is. It can't deal with anything else. It’s not a mind that’s here to deal with anything other than what is. And when I say what is, what’s here in the world, what has been given a name, what is part of the maia. This is what they can deal with. And if you take it to a mundane level, you can see that these are often people, particularly when they're not correct, that are really cut off from things. They can be quite blind in the way in which they operate because they’re stuck. They can't see beyond their nose sometimes because they can't see that thing that they can't see because it's not part of their world. It’s not part of their understanding system. It’s not part of how they built their conceptual security in this life. It is about what is.
The 2nd Tone is the Instrument of Recognizing Evolution But, the moment you get to the 2 you get to what isn't, or what hasn't been. It's quite an extraordinary thing. The 2 understands something that no other Tone has.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
It is the instrument of recognizing evolution. It is something very special about it. And what I mean by that is that the 1 can only deal with what is there, but the 2 is always ready for what's new. It's always ready for what's different. It's always ready for that thing that isn't there yet. It's way ahead of the curve. Now remember that both of them together, our Splenic binary cognition, this is the core of our well-being system, protection from what is, defense in the face of the world that we know; but, never being at a loss for dealing with tomorrows. It is the magic that is there in this kind of conceptualizing. Now, think about these people that are going to have this 2nd Tone cognition and they're going to be correct. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. There’s going to be something about them that isn’t comforting conceptually. They’re often outside of what is to a point that what they think they can see they cannot relate. They can be well ahead of the curve. And not only can they be well ahead of the curve, but they can be dysfunctional in the sense that, that thing that they're waiting for is the only thing that they're going to wait for and they’re going to close themselves off to everything else. Now, think about the beauty of continuity. In the beauty of continuity, the 2 is the hermit with their barriers, blocking things off waiting for the call, waiting for that one thing that is going to come. And what they bring is this uncertainty. This is a mind that is here to deal with uncertainty. This is a mind that can feel the shifting of the sand. Again, if it’s not-self that's all going to lead to dilemmas. By the way, when you get to a Color level you get to the quality of hope, this hopefulness that there will be a better world. This comes from 2 nd Tone thinkers, this hopefulness that change is around the corner. This is the way they are. Think about the magic of that. One of the extraordinary elements that we have is that we've been able to concretize our intelligence through communication. It's why I put so much stress on outer authority, because ultimately the only thing that will change humanity is its outer authority, what we express to each other, the quality of it, and the uniqueness of it. This is the only thing that will make a difference. Now, think about the way in which this system is designed because it is so brilliant. Here you have inherent in this splenic binary both the ability to maintain one's integrity in the world, a living being in the world, and at the same time, always ready, always ready for anything. The moment that you step into this kind of conceptualizing frame you have those that have visionary capacity, you have those that can see around the corner, think about those places beyond there, often to the detriment of their life because if they don't really have their trip together, if they're not correct, it's going to be impossible for them to be able to bring true outer
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
authority and the quality explanation or expression of whatever their outer authority happens to be.
Narrow Thinkers The other thing is that these can end up being very narrow thinkers. And being a narrow thinker is both good and bad. If you're thinking about the right things it's terrific. If you're not thinking about the right things, it's a real problem. Again, there is no way to control this from the point of view of the Personality itself making a decision. It doesn't work that way. The whole thing about dealing with the Personality is bowing down to the form first; first and foremost. It is only when the form is correct that any of this can truly operate efficiently, correctly. And then in the correctness of getting the call, finding that thing, sensing that uncertainty, whatever the case may be. You can really see the difference in these two. Think about these Tones as they apply to the Design side, because it brings an important relationship here. 1st Tones on the Design side are nose breathers, and 2nd Tones are mouth breathers. The 1st Tone is all about smelling things out, sussing things out, sniffing things out, always, always, always being ready. But this 2, through that mouth, this is all about an incredible potential to sound the alarm. It’s the sounding of the alarm. It’s the warning bell. If you go back to its primitive nature, that's what it's designed for. It’s designed to say, look out, there’s something coming. It’s the ultimate Noah tone. It’s going to rain and I’m building an ark. And of course, given strategic focus, everybody survives. They’re very, very unusual minds, very unusual mindset; wait for the possibility of being able to express their strategic process.
A Concentrated, Absorbed Mind Now, I want you to think about one other thing in this. It’s concentrated. And by being concentrated, it brings a whole different level to focus. This is non-stop. These are minds that can be deeply, deeply absorbed. They can be minds that are so deeply absorbed it seems at times impossible to break into them. This is a concentrated focus, always alert, always calculating things relative to its frame. The 1 mind, as it’s moving through the world is constantly calculating. That’s what it does, it calculates. All of this is about calculation. It calculates. What are the risks? What's this? What's that? And those risks come at every level—am I
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
spending too much money, am I risking this, am I risking—every single level you can imagine. It’s constantly calculating; what’s safe, what's not safe, what’s okay, what isn’t okay? Is it a lie? Is it the truth? It goes on and on and on, all for that protection. Out of that is an enormous possibility for awareness. And on the other side is this uncertainty. This deep, concentrated focus on what's not there. It’s a sensory apparatus. It knows in the sense that there is always something coming. It is in the splenic system that you find the 32 nd gate: The only thing that endures is change.
The 3rd Tone, Ajna Binary The Ajna binary is a rather extraordinary thing, because this is where the great mutation of 1781 took place, the mutation that brought about us. That is, brought us into a process in which we were able to display both Left-ness and Rightness. And in displaying Left-ness and Rightness, that mutation took place specifically in the Ajna binary, in the Ajna Center, in fact, in the visual cortex, because this is all about physically seeing. The mutation in the visual cortex changed the way in which information came in visually. The way information has always operated, that is, as long as there's been a seven-centered being, is that that information came in, in a focus. And this transition here in the visual cortex is that the information comes in peripherally. It’s a totally different way in which data are taken in. But my purpose here is not to talk about the Right. The purpose here is to talk about the Left. Now, it is the Ajna binary that is the fulfillment of the Left process, as the Solar Plexus is the fulfillment of the Right process. The Ajna binary was the Holy Grail of the seven-centered being. Everything about the seven-centered being was the presence of a self-reflected consciousness. And in that self-reflected consciousness, the ability in that self-reflected consciousness to create a sustainable and constantly evolving maia. It is a visual plane. The emergence of the Ajna Center has taken enormous energy to the development of the brain
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
and the neo-cortex and the visual cortex to the expense of the immune system and its various components. It takes an enormous amount of energy to run that modern brain that we have.
Keynotes: Action, Vision, Assessment When we get here, we get to a place of vision. In terms of the PHS side we have outer vision on this side and inner vision on the other side. But the thing to grasp about this, because this is all visual and you can see here the keynote is action. This is about assessing circumstances, and assessing circumstances to take advantage of them. Now, we know that the 1 is always calculating. But it's only calculating relative to its security. But the 3 is doing something entirely different. It is assessing the environment, assessing it. And it's assessing the environment for anything it can take advantage of; anything. This is the nature of the strategic mind. And the whole thing about this strategic action is that the thing that made the sevencentered being so successful was here. Oh, yeah, it couldn't exist without the pillars that it stands on. It stands on the Splenic binary. It stands on this way in which the vehicle can protect itself and align itself mutatively. But this is something else. This is new. If you think about security, think about the way mammals deal with each other. If there is a threat, they scream and yell, and blah, blah, blah. They don't really hurt each other. They might bruise each other a little bit in a confrontation, but they certainly don't go out of their way to kill each other. It’s not something that they do. That's not number 1 cognition. It is, unfortunately, part of number 3, because number 3 is something else. Number 3 is assessing a circumstance in an environment and it's doing it all the time. It’s like imagining that life is a chess game and all you ever think about are those situations and potential moves. Because this is what this kind of mind is doing. It is deeply, deeply, deeply strategic and it led to the incredible vanity of the sevencentered being to the assumption that they were here to control the world. Not only that, they could in fact have the power to destroy their own kind. Their children, as a matter of fact, you name it, and all of it to take advantage of an environment and a circumstance. That seven-centered strategic being sitting in its perch wherever that may be, looking out at a particular situation, whatever it was, whether it had to do with game
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
it was hunting, or neighbors that concerned it, or whatever the case, it was constantly assessing all of that to see how it can take advantage.
A Three-Dimensional Thinker When you look at the 3 on the Design side, the 3 on the Design side is how we took advantage of binocular vision in order to be able to have this three-dimensional world that we work in. Well, this is a three-dimensional thinker. It's a very different kind of thinker. It’s a three-dimensional thinker that is working with all kinds of constructs in order to find ways to take advantage of any circumstance in any environment. The fundamental difference is that it’s periodic. It's not always on. These are not quiet minds. Now, when I say something like that, there’s always the potential projection that says, oh, that’s bad. It has nothing to do with that. If you're not intended to have a quiet mind and you’re correct, it's all perfect. It’s the way you’re supposed to be. And of course, you'll find that you have precisely the energy you need to be able to do that and so forth and so on. If you're focused on strategically what is correct for you, it’s a delicious process. Nothing is more delicious than the focus and beauty that can arise out of being aware of things, whatever they happen to be.
Surrendering to the Form Principle We're not seven-centered beings. We’re not. Every single one of us, if we look at our designs, if we look at that variable map from before, we all have, or most of us have some element of Right-ness in our variable, with the exception of those who are all-Left, which is only one of the 16 and one of the eight that are on the Personality Left side. It's only when we can surrender that we liberate ourselves from the seven-centered ghost. The seven-centered being was not into surrender. It wasn't. It was dog-eat-dog all the way, and surrender was weakness and pain and loss and failure. We’re not seven-centered beings. We’re nine-centered beings. And the only way in which we are going to rid ourselves of the negative aspects of Left-ness is by embracing the form principle. This is the thing that makes everything possible. The knowledge of Human Design when it came into the world, it came into the world to give those who have that possibility, that opportunity through grasping the mechanics, to be able to free themselves from the past. We are in transitus, we are
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
the transitional form. And form mastery is something that is there for all of us, no mystery required. Because once that it is in place, then the quality of your Left-ness represents a frame that operates for you so that you can take advantage of that in terms of outer authority, because it's the way that it works.
The Left-ness Can Become a Gateway of Outer Authority We have three different kinds of strategic minds. They’re different. They look inwardly to certain basic constructs in order to be able to bring about their outer authority. And the great difference between the Left-ness we see here and the Leftness of the seven-centered being is that we do not have to act on what we see. We do not have to act on what we are cognitive of. We do not. We’re not a sevencentered being, the 3rd Tone, who sees the situation, sees the possibility, and just goes ahead and does it. It's not what we’re about. It’s not the Left-ness that's a problem. It’s the way we operate fundamentally that's the problem. If we are operating correctly, our Left-ness becomes a gateway of our outer authority. It’s not simply a matter of, ―I'm so concerned about my security that everything I see I'm going to act on.‖ It’s ―this is what I see. Isn’t that interesting? You’re vulnerable here, and that's vulnerable there.‖ It’s an extraordinary outer authority; one-sixth of humanity, approximately, however the numbers work out. We’re all dependent on each other. Cognitively, if you're not carrying this or this or this, you need to get it from somewhere. What I find so extraordinary about the Ajna is that in the seven-centered being, in the transitions of the nine-centered being, you get to see the end of Left-ness. And for us, this is something that’s very important. We are really not those beings. We’re not. And the only way in which we can demonstrate that within ourselves is by this total surrender to what the seven-centered being could never surrender to. They could not. Everything was directed by mind. And of course, the moment everything is directed by mind, you can see the dilemmas that can arise out of these things. And there are dilemmas everywhere that can arise, not just up here. We’re not here to act on what our mind tells us to do. This is not what we’re here for. That’s primitive. And as long as anyone is acting according to the way in which their mind directs them, they are returning to this quality of Leftness that again we see in the world around us. And you just see it distorted. All of those corporations, governments, terrorist organizations, you name it, all of them trying to figure out strategically how to take advantage of an environment and a circumstance to make some kind of gain at somebody else's expense. All of those beings who are
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
unable to see what is in front of them because they think there's something else to see, all those beings who are so paranoid that they're unable in any way to be able to give of themselves, share, it goes on and on and on. It all becomes deeply distorted. It becomes the world we see around us, the world we’re so used to, a world where all this in the negative, in the distorted negative is taken for granted that this is the way things are, that everybody is fundamentally corrupt, that everybody has a price, that everybody can be taken advantage of. It goes on and on. And there is no way to leave that behind except as yourself, and as yourself through the form principle. There’s no other way, only the form principle frees you from this terrible, terrible, terrible old curse of letting your mind ruin your life. And I don't care if it makes you suffer, because it doesn’t matter. So many beings with all the stuff that’s running through their heads, da, da, da, da, da, wow; we're here to watch that. We’re not here to be embroiled in it. I look at these gifts, because they’re all gifts, I look at these gifts within the context of the nine-centered being and I think, yes, wow, so much to see, so much to see. Remember, it is here that the conceptualizing comes to the front. It is here that the root of what will be outer authority emerges. It’s what we need to hear about, but not in the distorted way—let's kill them before they kill us. Let's all take some Kool-Aid and disappear because the spaceships are coming. It goes on and on and on. We can't blame the Right for the sickness of the world that we live in. They are innocent. And I'm not saying that you can blame us, because I'm one of you. But we can certainly look at homogenized humanity and see it is responsible for carrying all of the garbage associated with this forward. To get to the other side, the pure cognition, the wisdom, the beauty, so much to share, so much to grasp. There are enormous numbers of positive elements that are rooted in all of this.
The Personality Process Part of what brings awareness mechanically into your life is recognition of Personality processes. Recognition of your Personality and the way it’s operating. So, if you’re a 3rd Tone Personality and you’re assessing the environment to take advantage and you have all these kinds of strategic angles that you want to work with, that's correct. But, it's not about that you've got all that conceptualizing in order to give you something to do, it isn’t. That’s the place where we stop being mundane creatures. It’s where you reach awareness.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE TWO Themes of Focus
It’s about understanding that this is what we're here for. We are first here to recognize the mechanism, and then to experience without prejudice, the filtering of consciousness through the mechanism holistically that we call ourselves, that is the holistic vehicle for this journey. But it is not us. And it's only when we can sit back in passenger consciousness and watch our conceptualizing unfold and witness it being expressed to the other and not being acted on.
The Throat Center and Communication It’s one of things about the Throat Center. Isn’t the Throat Center an incredible thing? It is to me. And this assumption always about the Throat Center that it's about doing things, you look at those 11 gates, you look and see how many actually can do anything. Most of them can't. Most of them aren’t connected to motors. The Throat isn't about that. Yes, it’s an aspect of it. The Throat is about communicating. It’s the only thing that makes us special. I tell you, the only thing that really makes us special is the depth of our communicating. It is what has made us successful as a species. It is what continues to make us successful, because we have this enormous capacity to be able to share the maia, which means that we are responsible for it and we can change it. Now, I’m not messianic. I know better. And I don't expect any of that to happen. But, it is clear to me that that is and will and can continue to happen to individuals. Now, to really settle into how extraordinary our gift is as strategic thinkers it is our thinking that lays the foundation for the well-being of others. It isn't intended to be that gain-the-world-and-lose-your-soul business of the seven-centered being. There is so much that the strategic has to offer. Think about those on the other side of the great divide. They have much that they can offer us, a huge and vast assortment of data. But it is only in us that there is a way to take advantage of that data for the benefit of both of us. If we are not strategically correct, if we cannot use our strategic conceptualizing in a way that is correct, we are not the only ones who are going to suffer. We are going to create a great deal of suffering in those who are dependent on our strategic conceptualizing. The Right, those who are Right conceptually, have suffered a great deal since the advent of the nine-centered being. They have been ignored, they've been overwhelmed by the Left-ness that is carried forward.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Kinship with Right Beings Well, all of that, at least step-by-step, being-by being can be truly changed. We have to see this kinship that we have with the other. Look at those beings in your life that have Right Personalities. Think about your relationship to them in an idealized sense. Those with the Right Personality are available for you for information, security information, new information, situational information, whatever the case may be. They hold a deep resource of that because of their peripheral conceptualizing, the way in which they simply store large amounts of data. The data has to be pulled out. The interests that are here in these various areas, not only can pull out that data, but because of the sophistication of the abilities that are here, to be able to strategically take advantage of that data for the benefit of both. This is what it’s about. This is what our future is about. Homo sapiens in Transitus, in order to survive and thrive even though evolution is not on our side anymore, in order for us to be able to have that, we need to have this relationship between the Left and the Right. It means that we are here to share, to empower, however you want to look at it, our strategic conceptualizing for the other, not so that we are looking for some benefit. If you're correct that is not your concern. It isn't. The concern is just simply the depth of your awareness of what it is and ultimately your ability to be able to pass that on to someone else. So here are themes of focus, these three themes. And as we move towards next week, and I'll begin using charts next week, I will show you how those themes of focus are so important in understanding yourself in terms of what your life or your form principle, the way in which it's honing this possibility for your Personality consciousness. Anyway, to all of you, thank you for being here. Anyway, to all of you, nice to share it with you; until next time, you take care. Bye for now. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Three Variable Family 1: The First Quadrant All right, here we are and we’ve come to a place that’s fascinating. We’re going to look at this in two parts, actually three parts, we’ll close with that. But the two main parts we're going to look at are the upper Left block, and then next week, we’re going to take a look at the lower Left block. So, I’m going to be working with charts that are relative to these. Ultimately, we will look uniquely at this configuration here [PLR/DLR and PLR/DRL], but we’ll get there.
Variable: The Possibilities of the Consciousness Field When we're looking at the variable grid, it is one of those things to grasp mechanically how elegant this is. We are looking at a grid that lays out the possibilities of the consciousness field as it can be expressed by human beings. It's our consciousness field. It is about the potential of awareness, and not simply the potential of awareness but the interconnectivity that is there, the interrelationships that are there, and so forth and so on. You can see already that even from this standard grid that you get to see of variable that there are already relationships. For example, the Color relationships that you see here, and these Color relationships are all rooted in the Design. They’re called cognitive families and it has to do with storyline. These four share the same storylines. And in terms of the nature of the way in which life operates that the storyline is something that is very important to us. It is what happens to us when we are in the right environment and we have the right perspective. It's when we begin to live out the possibilities of our story.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
You can see in this first cognitive family that all the storylines here are Left. And they’re storylines that are Left including those who are on the Right side. So there are different ways, because we are dealing with the phenomenon now of just this, there are different ways of looking at variable. I don't want, particularly those of you who don't have any variable background, to assume that it only works in one way. There are many ways in which one can work with the variable grid.
The Evolutionary Movement What’s significant for the work that we're doing is that if you divide this grid up into its logical four quarters, each of the four quarters represents a larger programming. It gives us something that we can work with in terms of understanding ultimately the direction of individual beings who are carrying these particular aspects. And in this context we’re looking at the evolutionary movement, this evolutionary movement that is moving from the upper all-Left and moving to the lower allRight. There’s something to grasp about the all-Left and the allRight. They are unique examples. And what I mean by that is that the all-Left is the only example that has no Right-ness and the all-Right is the only example that has absolutely no Left-ness. Everything else has some relationship within it to the Left/Right construct. So it's something to keep in mind about how unusual these extremes are. They are referred to as extremes. This is the evolutionary movement, from the extreme Left of strategic active all the way down here to this Right, what we're moving towards, the passive, the peripheral, the receptive, moving towards the mutation that is going to arise that is the ultimate presence of Rave. And everything having to do with these two quarters, that is, this quarter here and this
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
quarter here, is about the fact that all of these elements carry within them the potential to produce a mutation; in other words, to carry the possibility of producing a Rave mutation. That is not so for those who are born in these particular quarters. They have nothing to do with the genetic susceptibility to mutation that is there in this movement. Okay, that's the first thing. Now, what we know is that Leftness, that is, general Left-ness is on this side of this dividing line. And we know that is general Left-ness is divided into two parts. The first thing to recognize is that because this is the angle of the evolutionary movement that this here is out of the picture [circled]. In other words, it's not about where we're going and it's not providing anything for getting there. It isn’t. And I'll talk about that in more detail next week because we will be looking specifically at this zone.
The Variable Root When we are looking over here, we're looking at something else. That is, if you follow this, here is the root. This is the root. And I will explain to you today why this quarter is given this name. It’s the root [upper left]. I can call it the grand variable format. It’s the root. And out of this root comes two things, either the evolutionary movement to all-Right-ness, the ultimate Rave [lower left] or to the continuation of a dwindling, in terms of fertility, a dwindling human process [upper right].
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
So out of this root there are two possible directions. There is the direction of the future that is specifically oriented towards the mutation that's coming, and there is a direction for the future which is specifically about maintaining those of us who are going to remain human and those children that are going to be born as humans rather than Raves. Now, the cognitive material necessary for here and for here, rooted in this and this [upper right and lower right quadrants], is different. But the root, or the format of all this is the same. It’s here [upper left quadrant]. So, this takes on a special value. And when I say a special value, don't misread that, because it is my tendency to see that they're all special, which they are. It has a unique value different from the values of the others because it is the thing that was connected once to the past in the sense that this is the direct inheritance of the seven-centered being into the nine-centered mutation. Let’s think about this and basically without the presence of this [PLR/DLR], because in so many ways this is just a different case, and we'll talk about that when the time comes, let’s just look at these three. The other thing is that this is obviously a special case because it is the all-Left and as such there is no Right-ness. But I want you to think about the role that we have here in this quarter. And I can very easily use role, because again please understand that it all comes back to the fact that the way this works is that it operates through unique beings and through unique beings the Dependent Variable carries their role with them.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
Provider of Strategic Tools for a Receptive Future There is a super role that arises out of this particular quarter. And that super role is to provide strategic tools for a receptive future. In other words, there is a connection to the future, because again it is in this connective path, this line, this evolutionary line. But it’s carrying with it the responsibility to use strategic values or Left values in order to be able to prepare for a Right future. Now, let’s think about how that works. What the Right does is store information. And it stores information peripherally, which means that it can take in an enormous amount of data. The limitation of the Right is that, despite the fact that it can take in all that data, it has no way to initiate its usage; none. Remember that all-Right-ness is intended to be the mutative construct for Rave. And a Rave is really a component of a larger entity. That is, we are all in one way or another living our lives in and out of Pentas. But we live our lives in Pentas in which the Penta itself is not conscious. And we are not conscious of the Penta. It is simply a mechanism, a mechanism that so many human beings obviously are totally unaware of, a mechanism that really forms our basic relationships from the family outward. But, when we’re talking about the mutative future, that is, the way in which a Rave is going to operate, is that they are diametrically different than what we are. That is, we are designed to fulfill the potential of uniqueness and they are designed to fulfill the potential of being an aspect of a larger consciousness. It’s something that we know in spirituality, this concept, being part of a larger whole. The future is always present in the imagination of now. The whole thing about the nature of the Rave is that the Rave, given its deep receptivity, its deep capacity to be able to carry aware information is going to offer all of that to a conscious Penta.
The Rave Cannot Become Strategic In other words, the Rave itself, without some kind of mechanism, has no way of becoming strategic. Now, this is really interesting to think about. Every single thing that's ever been alive has had to develop some kind of strategic methodology. It doesn't matter whether eras have been dominated by Right-ness or Left-ness. If
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
you look carefully, you will see that there has to be some kind of presence of the two in order for survival to take place. It’s interesting to think about—I'm over here [PLR/DLL green] and Bill Gates is over here [PLR/DLR blue], and all the best programmers are over here [PLL/DLL orange]. Now, when you think about the nature of the Internet and the personal computer and the way in which all of that serves us, you're looking at the Left creating, beginning to create, artificial Rights. Let me give you an example. You can take a Right being, sit them down in a library and have them go through everything and take it all in. Now, it's going to be a relatively slow process. Most libraries they could not accomplish in their lifetime. But an interest of theirs, reading all the available books on certain aspects of Botany, as an example.
The Rave is Dependent on the Strategic Conscious Penta Now, this is a natural capacity in the Right. They are a natural storehouse of knowledge. So what does this zone do? It creates it artificially. Remember there are two futures. There’s a human future dwindling though it may be in its resources and in its power, but nonetheless still there. And there’s a Rave future. And both of them are dependent on the strategic. The Rave is dependent on the strategic conscious Penta. Now, nothing Human to me is scarier than that, because that's as strategic as anything can be. So, be careful about being confused with seeing absolutes here. What we have in this zone is that the consciousness Rave field is demanding a preparation for that future. One of the things that I described about the era of the Sleeping Phoenix, the cycle that will begin in 2027, by the time you get to about a hundred years into that cycle, the cycles are just about over four hundred years, by the time you get into about a hundred years into that cycle, the things that we rely on as artificial Right—can you grasp what I'm telling you. Everything about the modern world that we live in, everything that we
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
take advantage of has been a strategic development of artificial Right-ness. All that access to all that endless information. Think about the average television, and all the possibilities that are there in the modern era in terms of the different things that you can watch and that you can watch for nothing. And all of that is artificial Right-ness. This is why the Right has so much difficulty in trying to find its legitimate place in the world now and to have the world recognize it needs its own unique training and so forth and so on, because the Left is doing a great job at creating where evolution is taking us.
We Need Access to Enormous Depths of Receptivity In other words, in order for us to be successful now we need access to enormous depths of receptivity. I cannot do the work that I do without programming, the Internet, all of the information that's available, all of these tools that are there, that are simply aspects in which someone who is Left like me can take strategic advantage of all that Right-ness. And of course, those of us that are up here, particularly here, this line here, in the class right now I know that there's three of us [see below]. And I think one student has PLL/DLR as their variable. These two aspects have a unique Right-ness. Here it’s the environment [DLRs]. And so out of this cognitive force is going to come the development of receptive environments. Here in mine, the only Right-ness I have is the way in which I see, opening up the strategic possibility to the periphery. So I end up having the capacity, simply because of the variable, to actually be able to handle such a complex matrix as Human Design, because the vision is open up to all the possibilities.
The Three Projector Examples Now, it doesn't mean that all of this means that everybody who is carrying this is exalted because as we well know everybody’s basically not-self. But what's important to grasp is that there are fundamental roles here that impact the way in which our overall cognitive, our holistic awareness operates. Now obviously, they’re going to be different. Now, in the samples that I have for today, I have your three examples.
Ra & 2 others
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
What’s interesting about those three examples is that all three of you are Projectors which is why here you can see I have a variable Projector stat, because it's always fascinating to look at that. Now, these are the four different aspects that are there. So for example, here is someone with the all-Left and here the PLR/DLL which is another of you, and then PLL/DLR is the third person. The fascinating thing again is always keeping in mind the way in which we have population influence here. In other words, there are a lot more of these beings who are Projectors, who are coming into the world, a lot more of them carrying these variables. Now, there’s obviously the other side of that as well in the full spectrum. That is, over on the Right side because you have a dividing line here that runs between the Left-ness and the Right-ness.
But you can also see that there is a great deal of incarnative pressure on the importance of this in order to get to that future. I mean, this is much more developed intellectually, cognitively today than the lower Right-hand quadrant is because of course they’ve had very little opportunity to be able to develop their inherent Right-ness.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
PLL/DLL: Pure Strategic So, let's just take a look for a moment. I’ll come back to the diagrams in a minute, but I just want to briefly look at each of the charts. The first thing here about the all-Left is understanding how extreme that is. This is the pure strategic. And what's interesting about the pure strategic is that we have no future unless there's one area where there is pure strategic. It’s the joke. This is the root moving forward. Yet it's not in any way influenced by that Right-ness. It lays the foundation for the way in which things can operate. After all, you have to see the difference between the receptive and the strategic. The receptive is not going to try to figure out what to do with its stuff. The only receptive beings doing that have been conditioned to be strategic. You know that. This whole thing about understanding this evolutionary movement is that it is not about us. The Right-ness that is in our future is something that in essence is very uncomfortable for us as human beings. You wouldn’t want to be that. You wouldn’t want to give up your total uniqueness, all of your potential, all of the possibility of being able to experience existence through your own unique authority and perspective. The Rave is not about that. The Rave couldn't care less about that. It's not even in any way remotely designed to that. It won’t know that it is even missing all of that. It’s not interested. It’s simply there to have, so it can be used. The moment that three Raves come together a conscious strategic Penta will emerge, because Penta is the core of all strategy. It is the program’s mechanism. It's the program’s mechanism for being able to survive on the material plane. And though the individual Raves will be purely receptive, all-Right and deeply, deeply, deeply limited in any way to express strategies, that all of that will be the advantage of a trans-auric form that will run that process. That has nothing to do with us.
Artificial Right-ness So you see, this future that we’re moving towards needs to have its strategic values. And those strategic values are there. One of the most important contributions that
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
the all-Left makes is that because it has no Right-ness, it’s best equipped to create artificial Right-ness. The artificial Right-ness as I mentioned that we see in so many things around us. This is the way that the first inklings of Right-ness have begun to emerge on this plane. We’re all taking advantage of storehouses of information that were never, ever, ever available before. And of course, the thing about us as humans is that we have to see that though the evolutionary cognitive process is pointing us towards all of this receptivity and storage and teaching us how to take access, we can’t rely on the fact that the infrastructure that’s made all this possible is going to remain. It's not. The Cross of Planning is coming to an end. The human bargain infrastructure that has made all of this possible during this time from the beginning of the 1600s and the Industrial Revolution and all of the things, the secular science, all of these things that have been operating communally with deep talent, with skills, with dedication, all of that is going to disappear. These artificial Right zones that the strategic has taken an enormous advantage of, the moment that they're gone, they’re going to be lost. One of the most important things about our future is the ability of—this is what’s important to us. When I say ―us,‖ I don’t mean you and me personally. I really don’t. This is where the future is going. You have human children, they’re going to live in the next stage, and this is where their cognitive potential lies. This is what’s going to be important for them. This is how they are going to be able to operate successfully in terms of achieving the kind of life and awareness that is possible for them. It's a very important relationship despite the fact that all this movement is here as well. So what's going on here is not just that there is a strategic infrastructure that is being developed to assist this movement to Right-ness, because that's what's there. But, it's also something else. It's about finding ways strategically to develop a relationship with the Right. It is one of the things that I talk about. What happens when you're in an environment in which the artificial Right breaks down? Let's take the
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
example that you're in some third world country that manage to get certain access to globalization through all kinds of international funding and services, global companies, and so forth and so on and all of a sudden all that’s gone. And it goes very quickly, by the way; very quickly. The Left no longer has access to its information base. And when the Left doesn't have access to an information base, it becomes just very primitive. That is, all of its focus is simply rooted in the most mundane forms of survival. The variability of Left cognition to be intellectually profound, to be able to lay out the parameters of structure that all of that suddenly falls apart because the access to all of the research material, this is just artificial Right, all of this stored stuff is suddenly gone. What do you do?
The Future Has Two Sets of Relationships It’s one of my things about understanding the future. The future has to do with two sets of relationships: The relationship between Generators and Projectors and the relationship between the Left and the Right. The Left and the Right, particularly within any human context, are going to deeply need each other. The Right needs to understand how important it is for it to breathe in knowledge as a life. This is what they’re about; to breathe in data, to take it in, absorb it, hold it. And it is this communion, because again one of the most beautiful things to grasp about the nature of variable is that variable really points to the possibility of transcendent outer authority, the outer authority that is possible in an awake being and not something that is some sort of mystical hodgepodge, but just the practical possibilities out of the fulfillment of the mechanics. It is something so important to grasp that this relationship between the Left and the Right cannot be framed with the understanding of today’s social cultural tools. Those tools are going to disappear. And it is going to be so important for these relationships to develop. So, one of the things that we’re going to constantly see out of those that we will look at or map that come out of this zone is in one way or another, they’re involved in making sure that strategy is still there. It’s like my work here [PLR/DLL], or for that matter, two of you in class who work professionally with the knowledge. Basically what this is doing is it's establishing a viable strategy for anyone to be able to operate efficiently into the future. Again, it is coming from the strategic side. There I am with my three strategics, very Left. And yet, only the Left could possibly turn Human Design into a tool. Remember we’re talking about awareness, we’re talking about cognition, we’re talking about how we use our intelligence, the way we are intended to, and not in terms of what you are, but in terms of what's possible, what's possible when all the transformations that are inherent in this, that all of those can be realized, because it is about many things. It's obviously about Strategy and Authority, but it's about diet and environment, it’s about perspective, it's about awareness, it’s about passenger conscious, it’s about a great deal.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Survival of the All-Left and the All-Right Depends on Strategy But in terms of the all-Left, the all-Left survives like the all-Right. It was one of the things that I enjoyed so much in doing the 16 variable workshops. I think it was one of the most enlightening experiences that I've had in working with people, a great experience and wonderful jokes, at least from my perspective in the whole process. But, one of the jokes I found the most delicious is that the all-Left and the all-Right are really the same. They’re the same in the sense that there's only one absolute for them and it is Strategy and Authority. There isn't anything else. It is the purest form of mechanical survival for the all-Left and it is the only way to survive for an all-Right, the only way. The beauty of Strategy and Authority is that it allows you to navigate correctly along your storyline. This is the whole point. And whether it is the all-Left in their deep focus, or it is the all-Right in their deep receptivity, their survival depends on strategy. This is the great lesson in all of this. It's not about developing Left/Right pre– judices and all of this. It's simply about understanding life is rooted in certain strategies. The only time that we are not going to have any kind of strategy is when we are no longer a bio-form. It’s the only way that that's possible. As long as we are a bio-form, as long as we are in the thrall of a maia that is dominated by genetics we cannot survive without strategies. It is not possible. It is hardwired into what survival is. It’s because it comes from Penta and WA. They are purely strategic, because life is like that.
An All-Right Human is Disruptive in Pentas We are subtle aspects of a larger consciousness field. Within those differentiations we have all of these little ―this’s‖ and ―that’s.‖ But if you're an all-Right and you don't know how to make a decision, you're in big trouble. You have to be able to navigate on this plane, because as an all-Right Homo sapiens in Transitus, it’s not like there's a Penta that is going to look after you. It isn’t. It will not work that way. As a matter of fact, in Pentas as an all-Right human is that you’re going to be very disruptive in those Pentas. And very disruptive because you have absolutely nothing to offer except what they can take intellectually cognitively.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
Everything about the nature of being is that there are rules. I remember when I started with Human Design introducing the knowledge, and every once in a while somebody would say to me, ―Well, you're suggesting that this is an absolute.‖ And I would respond, No, I am not suggesting it's an absolute; it is an absolute. It’s the absolute of the maia.‖ And in that absolute of the maia, survival trumps everything. So, when you're looking at this movement, this whole movement, the burden of this movement is actually a burden that is laid in this quarter to provide the strategic recognition, the strategic awareness necessary. For the three of you here that are the charts that I’m using, as Projectors, how important that guidance becomes. Projectors in this particular quarter what they can recognize and then in turn put out as their outer authority in order to be able to set up certain standards, certain guides for the future. And the most important is human interaction.
The Human Storyline The human storyline is about our relationship to the other. We are not here alone. It’s one of the most significant things about all of this. It’s about outer authority. It is about understanding that each of us in our own way has the possibility of fulfilling a unique aspect of this whole movie. And what a contribution it can make. But just remember, no matter what the Left-ness and the Right-ness, the maia demands strategy or death; very profound. All-Right, here we come over and we can see that we have one aspect that is Right. When you're looking here, when you think about—let me take you back to the storyline because storyline is a very beautiful thing. It’s where we live our life. This is called the Independent Variable. This is really where we live our life. And it’s a mystery, by the way, this place where we live our life. It’s not where the crystals of consciousness are; they’re here. They’re part of the Dependent Variable. This is a line. It’s a movement. It’s the beauty of the Nodes that they are trajectory windows, in a way, the head and the tail of the dragon that points you in this movement through life. It’s this movement; this is what it’s doing. It’s moving you. We’re all moving. And this movement is your life. How you move through the maia determines your life. Where you are in the maia determines your life. Who you're with in the maia, and it’s all movement. It’s what our story is all about. Everything about the nature of what our story can be begins in our environment. It just does.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
PLR/DLL: Sees How to take Advantage of the Right Future The moment you have somebody who is in this quadrant and they've got these three Lefts, it means that there is a deeply strategic way in which they can take advantage of that broad receptive peripheral vision. They’re not here to see focused. So, they're not really Left, because what you see is the foundation of how you conceptualize. But this Right perspective allows them to see that Right future. It allows them to see how they can take advantage of that periphery that they see. But the beauty of this, and whatever its uniqueness is through its gates and all the other things, it goes back to environment. In your envi– ronment, being aware of your environment and taking ad– vantage of your environment, is a strategy, survival. You want to live? You live here. This is your storyline. This is where your life is. You screw this up and you screw up the potential you have physically in this life. You just do. And all the other things that go with it.
The Cave Environment This environment is cave. It’s very demanding. It says that in the cave you can see everything. How fascinating that is, to be able to see the microcosm and the macrocosm, to be able to see them at the same time, you can do that with Right vision and strategically take advantage of it. But you see, being strategic and being in the quarter that has a responsibility for tomorrow, one way or another, this perspective changes everything. It takes advantage of where the future is going, provides tools, insights for the future and in this particular case of a Projector, guidance, because you can see the Right world.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
PLL/DLR: Seeing the Environment Into the Future Here we have our three aspects of Left-ness and then we have our Right-ness and Right-ness is directly related to the environment. It is really something to understand about how important the environment in the future is going to be. If everybody understood what their environment was and had the opportunity to be able to live correctly within their environment, their life would obviously change, their wellbeing, their intellectual potential, all kinds of things. But it also means that environ– ment is many things. It is the architecture that is around us. It is the way in which we take advantage of whatever environments that we live in or that we create. And that the future con– stantly demands a shift. Let's take the example of being able to see environ– mentally into the future. These are the beings who are crying strategically that we’re devastating the earth and we've got to do this and that to save the atmosphere and the oceans. There is all of that stuff that is in here, as well. It's also about understanding that in a world that is going to lose its inherent bargain, in a world where everything is organized according to those inherent bargains that the way in which we have lived and the way in which we have provided ourselves with environments is going to have to radically change. What are you going to do with a 42-story building that has no electricity? What are human beings going to do? Half of the world population, for the first time in human history, now lives in urban areas; you take a city like Shanghai, with maybe 30 million people. We have developed a strategic architecture and a strategic architecture that was rooted in the seven-centered being. It has nothing to do with the nine-centered being, has nothing to do with the architecture of the future, or the needs that we will have, or the kinds of dwellings that will suit us, all of these kinds of things. And something to grasp when you're looking at any of the environments, any of the six environments, regardless of what they are, if you break those down, you can begin to see that they point to all kinds of directions in terms of being able to provide us with the framework that we need as we move into the next cycle. Every quadrant
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
has its process. This [upper left quadrant] is all about preparing the strategic tools for a future that may have very little strategic access. In other words, being able to set up structures, infrastructures, set up knowledge bases, set up ways in which beings can communicate to each other and prepare. One of the most important things about Human Design is it's preparing socially for the future [arrow pointing towards PRR], so Lefts and Rights understand each other, understand the responsibilities, and the advantages to each other. A Left being can keep a Right being alive; a Right being can give a Left being greater opportunities to do better for both of them, and so forth and so on, all of those kinds of things. So, here we have all of this Left being applied to the future, one way or another. Here in this zone of Left-ness that we'll get to next week, this has absolutely nothing to do with the future [lower left quadrant]. This is dropped out of the future. This is holding on and not in a bad sense, but an absolutely necessary sense genetically. This is holding onto the continuity of the past. It is holding onto everything from our myths, our religions, our ―this,‖ our ―that.‖ It is holding onto something and in holding onto it, maintains it, maintains its particular importance. Again, I’ll get to that when we look at it.
Being More Right as a Human is Less Advantaged When we’re looking over here it's clear [lower right quadrant]. And in many ways this is the most difficult of the four quadrants, because as you move deeper and deeper Right-ness as a human, you become less advantaged. Think about that. You become less advantaged; you're not a Rave, you're not going to be able to gain advantages in Penta, you’re not. You’re human. And if you don't have individual strategic tools, then you’re going to end up being deeply dependent and controlled. And depending on your design, you're going to end up being manipulated, used, whatever the case maybe. It's a totally different thing.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
And this quadrant over here [below, circled in purple, upper right quadrant], and again, remember we’re talking about cognition, awareness, the way the consciousness field is going to operate, each of these zones create propaganda. Each of the zones has the potential to fill the consciousness field with its stuff. And of course, when we get over here [upper right quadrant], what we're getting to are the real tools, the real development of ways to co-exist into the future; the diminishing Left, the increasing Right, but staying strictly human; in other words, the kinds of bonds and the kinds of relationships that are going to have to develop.
The Projector/Generator Relationship is Essential Right now, if you take a look at the [upper right quadrant]—this is a lower birth zone. It is going to be very important, the Generator/Projector relationships that are in here and the Generator/Projector relationships that are Left/Right related. This is something that is very interesting. It is something that I find fascinating. The Projector can play the perfect Left to the Generator’s perfect Right. It's so interesting to see how important these two relationships are, the Left and the Right, the Projector and the Generator and ultimately they will all fall in together. But, they're the ones that are going to make the difference. They continue to be the largest swath of the population, will be relatively speaking as much as we can see statistically into the future with little blips here and there, but they still will stay dominant. Their relationship is absolutely essential. I know that the Projector, that the Sleeping Phoenix era, is the beginning of Projector responsibility. Projector responsibility really hasn't started yet. There is not enough awareness amongst the Projector population at this point. It is something that is obviously growing. It's important to see intellectually how each of these areas, and obviously then down into the individual groups themselves so the individual zones themselves, how each of them are responsible for certain aspects of the development of overall consciousness. This thing is so important. It's like if you look here and you look at Bill Gates, he created the virtual environment, didn’t he, in that sense? The personal computer that became the virtual environment, here's where the virtual environment came from. And out of this you get to understand how to survive even if you're all-Right. All of this is preparation for this, all of it.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Each Person is Unique within the Quadrants So, it means intellectually that each of these aspects are going to carry those elements. And once you understand this, as you descend back down to the other properties that are there in the being, their Type and their profile and their cross and their definition and all of these things that we work with, then you can begin to see how all those ultimately will come back and realize the potential in their responsibility according to the quadrant they come from, because that's what it's about. This is where outer authority is intended to be expressed within this frame. So, we all have our unique departments, our unique tasks in the way in which it works it out. My example in taking the PLR/DLL that 2 of you and myself all have; yes there are similarities, we’re all involved in this. And we’ve known each other for a long time; in the case of one of you, a very long time. The fact is that we are very different beings, we are very different beings with very different designs, and with very different stories that emerge even though we have a similar life story. The nuances are there, all the different possibilities. In other words, there are thousands and thousands and thousands of nuances of this work in that preparation of the consciousness field. And all of us have in its fractal relationships the way in which the consciousness field expands in terms of these various areas that are being developed.
PLR/DLR: A Difficult Zone This is a difficult zone. This whole center aspect here is very difficult, particularly these two here [PRL/DLR, PLR/DRL]. This is where the two zones begin to merge and begin to meet each other. This is when the Left-ness/Right-ness is deeply accentuated, as you can see in this illustration. You have the all-Left Dependent Variable and you have the all-Right Inde– pendent Variable. You’ve got an allRight storyline. Here you have somebody whose whole process, their whole way of seeing, their whole way of taking in the world around them is Right. At the same time they’ve got this deeply, deeply, deeply strategic mind and brain. That's not an easy thing to deal with. And by the way, how do you deal with it? Well, with Strategy and Authority. I was laughing about it the other day. I think I've said that maybe half a million times. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that over and over and over again. No matter where you go, no matter how complex the knowledge, in the end
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE THREE The First Quadrant
it has to do with frequency. It just has to do with frequency. It has to do with being tuned. This is the beauty of all this.
Our Unique Roles, Our Crosses The moment that you come to yourself, is the moment you begin to realize your nature is the moment that you begin to be in tune with the consciousness field and your place in it. There is a role for each of us. It’s there in our crosses. You look at the variable that you share with somebody, but you can see right away the way that’s supposed to go is different. It’s a different story. I’m a Clarion. I shout all about it. I know Alok with his Cross of Consciousness, he just probes all of it intellectually, deeper and deeper and deeper looking. We all have our nuances. All those nuances are intended to result in a dense and sophisticated outer authority that lays the consciousness program for the future. Where do you think our consciousness program comes from that we’re all living with now? It’s recent. The consciousness field is constantly upgraded. It’s constantly upgraded relative to the times, the tools that we have available, the things that are going on, it's the turning of the wheel.
left quadrant]. cognitively.
We’re here with this knowledge to begin to upgrade at least at a personal level the way the consciousness field is being added to, because that’s what we do. We’re adding to the consciousness field. We’re putting out information into the consciousness field and we’re doing it from whatever, this place here or this place here or this place here [upper We all have this source in us. This is our source responsibility
Freeing Passenger Consciousness It says something else. I honor the form principle in order to free the passenger consciousness, because in the end that's what all this is about, is to be able to free the passenger consciousness. Each and every one of these are modes. They’re ways in which ultimately the Personality crystal can fulfill its purpose. What I like about Human Design having come into the world is that the answers are here. They're here. It gives us a very limited time, but an extraordinary time to take advantage of that knowledge and to pave the way for the future.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
When I teach my children or as I look forward to teaching my children's children the nature of being, I offer them a deeply strategic gift for their receptive future and for a world that will be oriented towards the receptive. It's an extraordinary thing to be able to do. None of us can escape the fact that we are all part of the evolutionary movement, whether we’re left out of it or not, or whether there are twists and turns in it. It’s all part of the program. It's all part of the larger field. The sad thing is that within the context of the world we live in this is all homogenized. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s deeply, deeply homogenized. Yes, all the movement is there and all these things are going on, but not with awareness, because evolution by itself is just pointing us blindly towards a world of helplessness. This is a world of helplessness, individual helplessness, unique helplessness. I've struggled lifetime after lifetime to establish the power of a single being. It is what we are here for. It’s what it means to be human. We are not here to give up ourselves. That's for a future that is not ours, will never be ours. The glory of what it is to be us is to stand firmly and perfectly in our correctness and to deliver our awareness outward to the other. It’s the only purpose. In the end, it is the only purpose, to acknowledge the presence of uniqueness and to share it. This isn't about anything other than the inherent genius in humanity. I look at all of these variables and I look at all the possibilities and I see how extraordinary we are. The potential, it’s blinding. It’s why it’s so beautiful when individuals can begin to grasp their power, begin to live with true Authority, begin to witness this life, and out of that begin to take on their responsibility wherever they happen to be in this grid; it doesn’t matter where they are. It’s the way in which I've always described how a cross works. When you're ready for your incarnation cross, it’s already taken you over. It runs your life. If your cross isn’t running your life, you're not there yet, you’ll get there. But your cross runs your life. Your variable runs your awareness program. Oh, when you’re correct it is extraordinary what you can witness within your own intellectual capacity, within your own frequency. And what a gift that is as something to deliver outward, not for the fact that the other is ready for that, accepts it, likes it, doesn’t like it. It’s never the point. It’s the beauty of being able to do that, to add to the purity of the consciousness field. Anyway, I wax poetic. To all of you, I hope you enjoyed that. And thank you for your charts. It was great. Written comment: Perhaps of interest ..."Frequency and being tuned" is my focus and my life's work to this point! [...via homeopathy and kingdom analysis] Ra: I was just reading your note. Yes, it’s interesting. Okay, guys, next week, see you then, take care. Bye for now. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Four Variable Family 2: The Second Quadrant Welcome to all of you. I don’t know what it is about the Left, but maybe they’re all right; I have no idea. But anyway, nice to see you here. We continue our look at strategic cognition. I want to review something just to make sure that this is really grasped. We have a real dividing line that is here. That is, a way in which you can look at the variable grid and see the variable grid broken up into four different quarters.
The Evolutionary Movement Now, the first thing is that it is here that is that we have either a Left-ness or a Right-ness. Everything moving in this direction is moving towards Right-ness. Everything in this direction is moving towards Left-ness. At the same time, we have an evolutionary movement, an evo– lutionary move–ment that is moving from the all-Left, which is the top Left-hand corner, going to the all-Right, which is the lower Right-hand corner. This is actually the movement of evolu– tion, moving towards what will be the allRight, that is, the emergence of the Rave. It means that this movement here [top right to bottom left] is something that is quite different. Ideally, the way to see this is that when you're looking at this evolutionary movement this midpoint here (), this is an option, two ways in which
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
the future is opening up to us in terms of the way in which we’re programmed for consciousness. That is, one way is into this upper right quadrant here, which has to do with Right-ness that is particularly important to the development of nine-centered humans, and Right-ness that is oriented towards ultimately the nine-centered Rave [lower right quadrant]. So, in that sense, two lines, evolutionary lines, moving forward. Obviously, it leaves this [lower left quadrant] out. And of course, this is where we are going to look today. When I say that it leaves it out, I want to be very careful about the way in which I expressed that so it's not misinterpreted. There is no question that the evolutionary movement is not about this [lower left quadrant]. It isn't. As a matter of fact, if you want to think about it in a very specific way, this is probably the most human quadrant we have, that is human, certainly as we understand it. This is the basic aspect of humanity that no longer is part of the fertility that is moving into the future. The other thing is that everything about this quadrant is about its relationship to the continuity of the past. In other words, not being in the evolutionary flow, being on the Left side, that everything about this is the connectivity of the human experience. So there is a quality inherent in these beings that isn't going to connect with where everything is going. It just isn't. And that can be something that is quite uncomfortable.
No Transitional Profiles in this Quadrant There's also something else that makes this quadrant [shown above] particularly unusual; that is, in terms of population statistics. What we know from the statistical material is that we know that if you are a transitional profile, that is, if you're 1/4, or a 2/5, a 3/6, a 4/1, a 5/2, a 6/3, any of those six transitional profiles you cannot be in this variable quadrant. Now, that is really quite an extraordinary thing. It means quite literally that not only is this [upper left to lower right diagonal] the evolutionary direction, but it's only in these three other quarters that the transitional profiles which are the linkage in the way in which all roles operate on this plane, that they are only associated with these zones.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
So, the first thing to recognize is that the only people that you’re going to find in this quadrant are going to be from foundation profiles. The larger population profiles to compensate in a way because there are no transitional profiles in here. Now, that’s something that is really interesting. And it says a great deal about why this doesn't fit in, because no matter where you are in this quadrant, and no matter what your profile is, whether you're a 1/3 or a 2/4, whatever the case may be, within the fractal of this there's no linkage. There is no transitional profile. There isn't. There is no movement. And when there is no movement, there is stasis and ultimately extinction.
The Convergence Zone of the Left-ness and the Right-ness Now, you’ll notice something about this particular illustration. You’ll notice that in this illustration that this element [PLR/DRL] is missing, so let me take you back for a moment. In the very center of the BodyGraph is the most difficult zone. After all, in understanding this dynamic we have this movement, a flow that is moving from the Left moving to the Right. And that Left-ness and this Right-ness has a place of convergence. Here inside this zone is where you get this convergence. And you have two aspects of this. That is, you have those elements within this inner quadrant, this central quadrant; you have those elements that are part of the evolutionary process. And you have those elements that are not. And these elements, all four of them, to one degree or another can be very problematic because this is a place where Left and Right comes together in uncomfortable ways. It just does. And one of the most difficult is right here [PLR/DRL]. Again, I'm really curious because I guess it's because so many of the people in this class must be Right because there are over twenty people subscribed to this. And I've had maybe six or seven charts that were sent in to me. It would be very nice, because I don't have from students, I don't have any charts for this particular element. So, if you're one of these people that's downloading and that happens to be your particular variable, it would be terrific—I don’t know if you’d like to send in your chart because next week I'm going to be looking at this zone and particularly at these two elements [PLR/DLR and PLR/DRL] within this zone.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
When you look at the general grid itself, there is the fundamental dividing line, which goes like that, there are the two extremes that are at either end here, you have the evolutionary movement that goes through, and you have the convergence that is here in this zone. So you have certain elements that are there. So, when we're looking at this, the extremes are actually different in the sense that everything for them is guided by strategy because it is the only thing ultimately that works for either one. And again, you can reference back to when I was describing that. The other side of that is what we would call the normal Left, both above and below. The normal Left above is basically these elements, because again this is an extreme. But the normal Right below is these elements, the three of them here. So, it's these elements that I'm looking at or focusing at today in terms of our discussions. And as I said, I will look at the remaining two elements next week.
The Same Dependent Variable Let’s look at a couple of things here in terms of the way in which strategic awareness is going to operate. You can see, first of all, that in all of these variables what we do have in common is basically the Dependent Variable; in other words, the Left-Right, brainmind system; Left-Right, Left-Right-brainmind system. Where you’re seeing the variations is that you've got the double Left here. You've got the Left and Right facing each other and then you've got the double Right here. So, on top, everything is the same. In other words, they all have the same Dependent Variable. So, let's think about that just for a moment. The way in which the brain serves mind—and everything about this is about grasping that this strategic Left is something that is so powerful. That is, this whole strategic brain system and the way that it works. The key though, here is that what we're looking at are beings who are on the Left side, who are carrying the Right-brain system for their Left-minds.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
The Right-Brain Now, think about this Right-brain. This Right-brain is not busy. It’s not meant to be busy. It's not meant to be used in the way in which you would use Google. You're not here to Google your brain system, because if you Google your brain system it’s going to drive you crazy because it’s not what it’s about. It isn't there to be active. It isn’t there to be busy doing things. It is there to be a still resource. What you get out of that still resource is the possibility for focus. Now, everything about being a Left being is about the need for focus. But, if you're going to have this combination, you have to be very careful about what you’re focusing on, because you can’t focus on a lot of things. You can’t. And you're not going to be able to focus on where everything is moving, because you're outside of that. In other words, it is not going to be easy for you to align yourself to the flow. And the easiest way for you to be confused is by trying to focus on many things and find your way into this flow, and this leads to psychological dilemmas. The most important thing in this, because of the nature of the Dependent Variable, is to make sure that you have the right focus. You have the right thing that you’re concentrating your intellectual power on. As long as you have that single thing that you can concentrate your intellectual power on, you’re going to be able to use the advantages that are there in your Right-brain system.
PLL/DRL: Look at the Past to Find the Future Now, in this particular case we have this combination of the three Lefts. So, what we have is we have a Left/Left storyline. Now, this is the variable that is most disconnected from where everything is going. It’s just not interested. All of this is a deeply Left focus. These are the kinds of beings who are going to look to the past in order to try to find something for the future. One of the inherent themes in this quadrant is this theme of being able to maintain the continuity of human awareness, human cognitive achievement. It’s why the presence of the Right-brain is something that’s very important in all of this. It means that there is this possibility for this kind of storage, the storage of what is inherently focused material.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
PLL/DRR: Laid Back To Get Advantage From Focus If we go over here, we see we get a slightly different storyline. We get a parallel to the way in which the mind system works. Here’s somebody whose body is all-Right. This is somebody who needs to have a quiet passive mind that needs to be passive in their environment. This is somebody who is here to be laidback. And what I mean by that is that this is somebody who, in their physical stillness, gets the best advantage out of their focus. You can see in this case that both the way in which they conceptualize and their view is Left. But it's this Right body that gives them this sense that there is a place for them. It is the other polarity to where the possibility is in terms of movement for humanity, not Raves, but for humanity. There is a sense of the advantages here of what the Right body can bring. And you’re going to see again the Right body here [PLR/DRR] and in this case we have a couple of charts so we’ll be able to look at it in that context. You can see the Right body here, the mix here. Everything about being able to have the Right body gives one an ability to be able to accommodate a world you don't necessarily fit into. You don’t. If you’re operating correctly, none of these things make any difference because after all, this is just about the development of awareness. But we live in a homogenized world. In a homogenized world everything that's going on in here is leading to a lot of dilemmas for the beings who are carrying these variables. The dilemma is that there's something inside of them that keeps on telling them that they’re just not quite fitting in. And in not quite fitting in and being not-self they can try to establish something that they can hold onto, that they can cling to, that they don't have to go where everybody else is going. A lot of counterculture comes out of this. A lot of resistance to where things are going, whether that is social, technological, or spiritual, whatever the case may be. In so many ways this is an anchor so that everything just doesn't fly off in all kinds of directions. And in that sense there is a human conservatism within the context of being human that is stored here and exalted here in this frame.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
PLR/DRR: Relax Now this is interesting. It’s in the Right/Right line. It's as Right as you can be on the Left side. It sits on the edge here of what is the deepest Right-ness. And yet it doesn't belong there. And it is three parts Right. This is a deeply, deeply Right being with a Right storyline. You can see that there are the three aspects of Right-ness. And of course, here is the inherent Left-ness that is there. Everything about a Right/Right storyline is about taking all of the tension and pressure out of your process. After all, having your kind of design where the definitions are unconscious, it's not easy to grasp where the core is of your being, yet you are a Keeper of Keys.
You are somebody who is here to be able to generate what is the fulfillment of the potential vision that lies within you. But it's something to grasp about how important it is for you to be in a body that is relaxed. Now, most bodies cannot be relaxed until they are free of essential fears. This relaxation, this settling into your Rightness is something that is going to provide you with the well-being that you need. But more importantly than that it's going to be able to show you what is there in front of you. It’s very interesting. I'm up like you in that sense. That is, on the Personality side I have a Left conceptualizing and I have a Right view. Now, I consider that a great
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
advantage in my life. Other than that I'm all-Left. So that Right view opens up a broad, broad periphery so that I am able to take in visually many, many things with a great deal of depth, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for focus. The same thing is true for you. And yet, for you it's clear that you have to see that in order to be able to take in what you need to take in, what is correct for you to take in, that you've got to relax and settle into your Right-ness.
Variable is about Cognition It’s so interesting thinking about variable and thinking that variable is all about cognition. This is what variable does. It opens up and defines for us the possibilities of how we can develop the kinds of awareness that is going to give us a transcendent perspective in this life. The most interesting thing about it is, though this is all related specifically to cognition, it’s all in continuity deeply connected to the vehicle itself, to the holistic vehicle, to the life itself. We are nothing but frequency. This is what we're all about. We are frequency beings. Now, the frequency of somebody who is three parts Right, this frequency for you is not something that can be cranked up. It’s not about that. Everything about being Right on the Design side is about settling into the passive perfection of your form. You’re a Generator, an unconscious Generator. So, you're here to receive. And you're here to wait for the response. The moment you get into or try to create activity, and again having a Left conceptualizing Personality Sun/Earth, it is very, very easy as not-self to get into conceptualizing about, ―Well, I need to do this and I need to do that and I need to do the other thing.‖ The moment that is going on is the moment you lose the potential that is there in the way in which you can be aware.
This is about Seeing Now it isn't about that this is about some kind of future. This is about seeing. The dilemma of being in this is really a dilemma that is only there for the not-self. That’s something that you really have to understand. It is only there for the not-self, for the not-self this is going to be different. And because there are no transitional profiles, it's going to feel different. There's no real development that takes place here. What that means is that each individual is really on their own. This is one of the most important things about the bedrock of this knowledge. This knowledge is about the development of your own unique authority. That’s what it’s about. And it’s only through the expression of that unique authority that as a frequency you're going to be correct. It doesn’t make any difference which variable you belong to, or how that variable particularly fits into any kind of evolutionary flow. You’re only going to live your life anyway. And you’re only going to live it in
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
the time that you have. And you can only live it according to what is or potentially is correct for you.
The Focused Mind Can Put Things into Context What's important about understanding the context is not to get caught. Not to get caught up in trying to be what your awareness is not about. This awareness is not about what's going on in the world and where all that's leading. It's not about that. It isn’t. It’s just about seeing. And it's about seeing within context. This is the great advantage of the focused mind. The focused mind can put things into context. This is why it has a gift. And this putting into context is an essential ingredient of how we as humans get to move forward. We will not have the blessing of the program. What we will require is knowledge, essential knowledge. It’s out of this quadrant that there is a deep curiosity about the past, about the knowledge of the past, however that takes its shaping, whether that is historical, spiritual, interests in myths, in this and that. All these kinds of things are elements that are always going to be there in terms of the way in which these beings are attracted to the human condition.
The Shock of the Next Age is Felt Here As I said, there is going to be in many cases a deep resistance to what is happening to the world. It's not so much that this is a Lao Tzu moment about fearing for the loss of the order and not wanting to be a part of where it's all going, and so forth and so on. It’s much more about that this is really where the shock of the next age is going to be most clearly felt. As we move forward, as we move into post 2027 as the global cycle changes, the background cycle changes, as we enter into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix era, as we enter into an era of deep, deep, deep individuality that where everything is going, is going to start moving very, very fast and very fast away from this.
The Significance of Transitional Profiles I think one of the most difficult things to grasp is the significance of transitional profiles. When you look at profiling, the 12 profiles we have, there's this incredible dance, the 1/3 to the 1/4, and the 1/4 to the 2/4. There is this constant movement between the Personality and the Design, this snaking along as it moves, that 2/4 to the 2/5, it leads to the 3/5, it leads to the 3/6, this movement. The movement that creates the 12 profiles, the 12 profiles are a direct byproduct of the distance between the birth and when the Personality crystal came into the
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
vehicle, 88° of the movement of the Sun. It’s this 88° of the movement of the Sun that creates the life program. If it was 90° everything would be frozen and nothing would be moved. And if it were 90°, it's very much like this, because the transitional profile is the life force of the whole profile system. It is the continuity. It is what makes the whole movement of life work. Without it there is no mutation, there is no growth, there is no true maturity; there aren’t any of those things.
This Quadrant has a Specific Capacity for Now And of course, it's not here. There is no transitional profile there. So, it means that those beings who are incarnating into this quadrant, they are in incarnating not with something to offer to tomorrow, but they're incarnating with specific capacity for now. In so many ways if I could sort of hierarchically list that, I would say that the advantages of being in this group in terms of the pressure to fulfill one's own potential, that it is much more powerful than any other place. In the other quadrants there is this natural evolutionary maturation that moves through all of the profiles, that slowly transforms all of the roles in relationship to each other, because after all that is what profile and the Dependent Variable represent, your cross, the costume you're going to wear, the way you're going to play out the movie. Here it's frozen. It’s like the 90°. It’s just locked in. There is no responsibility to that other. The responsibilities are entirely to oneself. And in so many ways the not-self phenomenon of feeling excluded from where everything is going or feeling not equipped to deal with where everything is going, that here is the perfect place to establish one's uniqueness, because there is no evolutionary pressure, none. In so many ways it's an extraordinary opportunity for anyone who incarnates here.
Evolutionary Demands The only disadvantage in this, if you could consider that a disadvantage, is that you're not capable of producing a Rave. No one who is born to one of these variables carries with them the necessary material to create an offspring that is actually a Rave. That comes from these two quadrants and this whole flow. It's not like there's an enormous difference. As I said, I don't want you to misunderstand this. I want you to see it clearly within its context. The beauty of this is what it means for you as a being. If you come into this part of Left-ness
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
[upper left quadrant], what we looked at last week, there is a constant responsibility, because everything is being processed through the whole profiling structure, this ongoing development. And of course, the fertility that is here that can lay the foundation for the emergence of Raves in the future. It’s very, very different. It is less difficult as not-self to break out. It would be very, very interesting. One of these days it’s a statistic that we really have to look at, because it is my assumption that these two areas, this area here and this one up here, that these are the areas where we're going to find the highest number percentage of people that end up following their Strategy and Authority, and blah, blah, blah and all that stuff that goes with it, because this is much more to the fulfillment of the possibility of the individual human being where all of this is carrying evolutionary demands. When you think about evolutionary demands, please understand something, they're operating through our genetics. Any even rudimentary understanding of Human Design shows you that what we don't have has the greatest conditioning force, greatest conditioning power over us. There is huge conditioning at work in the homogenized world in this movement that’s going this way, where everybody has to be integrated in that homogenized movie. Otherwise, you don't get the results at the other end. And obviously, most human beings will go along that way. It’s why this zone here, get your individual life together because this is the real opportunity.
Incarnation/Reincarnation Let’s talk about that for a moment. One of the things that I mention here in these classes is using the term ―incarnating.‖ And you’ll notice not ―reincarnating.‖ There’s something to grasp. According to Rave Cosmology a human being can't be disturbed for 72 hours after death. Otherwise, the chances are that they will not be picked up, return to their original bundle and have the potential to be able to reincarnate again. The vast majority of human beings on this planet who are coming into incarnation will not reincarnate. They won’t. Most societies on this planet get rid of the dead almost immediately. There’s very little opportunity in that. Even amongst those beings who are aware of Human Design there are circumstances where there is just nothing you can do about it, where the state health departments, the hospitals, whatever the case may be, refuse to comply with these kinds of requests in relationship to those who have recently died.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The reason that I bring this up is to put into perspective your own incarnation, and particularly when you think about this particular quadrant, to put it deeply into context. This incarnation means everything. It means everything because the chances are you may never get another one. It’s not like this is the lottery of Babylon. It isn’t. And here, this has to sink in very, very deeply. This is what’s going to make the difference. It is, in essence, what makes the difference for any one in terms of the knowledge.
This Quadrant has to Find its Own Way The Strategy and Authority that you follow, the uniqueness or differentiation that is established out of that, that it is an extraordinary reward for what it is to be us. If you’re in this quadrant, you’re not going to be able to depend on where everybody else is in order to be able to find your way. You’ve got to find your way on your own. And you'll find your way through many things from the past. The beauty of this particular quadrant is the potential for synthesis, the potential to take with the focus that is there conceptually to begin to see how in the continuity of humanity, to be able to see how things fit together, the way in which things have worked, what it means to be us, and to be able to have that and hold that to move that forward as examples. There’s a lot of Right-ness in this quadrant. Right-ness is always an indication of resource. It's about resource. Each of these beings who are able to operate correctly as themselves genuinely becomes a resource. After all, this is what Rightness is intended for. And in this particular case, it is a resource for those who are never going to participate in what is the evolutionary future. They won't. So, find your focus. Finding your focus is everything. And finding your focus is something that can only come one way. When you see the level of Right-ness that is here on the Design side, the only thing that you can do is surrender to your vehicle. You can't do anything but surrender to the vehicle; nothing.
Signposts - Find Your Comfort Zone It’s so fascinating to look at all the possibilities and all of the constructs that are here. It can teach you a lot of things. Most of all, it gives you a signpost, particularly in the case of these two [PLL/DRR and PLR/DRR]. If you’re not physically relaxed, if you’re not really at ease in your environment, there is something wrong. It’s what signposts are all about. The moment you feel you’re mentally under all kinds of pressure and there you are trying to work things through and process them; oh boy, trouble. This is not what you’re about. It’s only when you find that comfort zone that you begin to hone in on your ability to be able to see, and your deep capacity to be able to conceptualize what you see. But you can feel it in your body. It is different here obviously in the DRL, with the
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
PLL, because we're dealing with Left-ness here. This is the difference. These two, obviously, are both Right. This is all-Left.
Measuring Environmental Correctness Again, this is a being that if they step into an environment and suddenly feel a loss of energy and don't really feel like doing anything, boy are they in the wrong place. Your Left-ness and your Right-ness provide you with a way to measure whether or not environmentally you're correct. And when you’re environmentally correct, this is so healthy for you; healthy, healthy. And you can tell. It doesn't take a great deal of Human Design sophistication to be able to tell that if you’re Right/Right, if you’ve got a Right body and you've got a Right-mind, if you are not at ease, there's just a problem. It’s just like that. You just see it. And it doesn't mean that it is the end of the world. What it means is that it's there to hone your awareness. It’s there to say, ―Now, isn’t that interesting. Look at this; this is not right for me.‖ And what is? For all of us, when we are environmentally correct, it’s ideal. I have these three Lefts and I have this one Right. My environment has to promote activity. It has to promote active brain, all those things. The moment that I come into my studio is the moment that all of that just functions just perfectly. And I can tell the difference when I’m not in an environment that brings out the activity and the focus that I need. It’s just so clear. Of course, the moment that you have that, that clarity, the moment you have that signpost, the moment you have something to measure, you change. It’s the law of quantum. The observer and the observed, it changes. You change it by seeing it. It’s so important to understand why this information is useful. It's not about the obvious technical things, the four transformations and all of these things that are fascinating, starting with the PHS and the environment and the view and the perspective, all of that. All of that is part of the technical knowledge. And that technical knowledge is obviously something that is deeply useful in terms of health practitioners and psychologists.
If You’re Environmentally Healthy Everything Else is Okay But the real key in variable is that it’s telling you something about your body and your mind. There’s something very simple about them that you can watch, so that you can see whether or not you are environmentally healthy. If you're environmentally healthy everything else is okay. It’s just okay. So, if you're going to be three parts Right, you’d better be at ease in your environment, relaxed in your skin, because otherwise, you're not going to be able to focus on what is so correct for you to focus on. You won't. And you won’t be with
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
the right people. You won't have the right associations. You won't have all of those things that arise out of the way in which the Independent Variable operates. If this person is all laid-back, they’re not going to meet the people who are for them. They’re not going to interact with those beings correctly. It isn't going to bring an advantage for them. And we’re all sensitive in that way, after all. You can tell when an environment puts a thumb on you. You really can. It's really something.
Accepting Your Form Everything about being Right in this lower quadrant is just about being able to accept your form. Just accept it. It isn't something that you're going to work with. Really, it isn’t. It isn't something that is leading to the higher levels of the potentials that are inherent in the various levels of the Right-ness. This isn’t about that. It’s about coming to grips with what it means physically. Most people think that being aware, or awareness is about cognitive tools. Well, like anything else, yeah, but it’s all rooted in something else. It's rooted in whether physically your frequency is correct. Only when that frequency is correct, only when the frequency is correct are the processes going to be correct. The thing about looking at any combination in any variable is to see the simplest, simplest example of what it means for you; at the You’ve got a Left-brain, it means that this is something that's got to stuff. And it needs to be chewing on stuff all the time. It’s what chew, chew, chew, and give it stuff to work with.
it in context of simplest level. be chewing on it does, chew,
So, if you've got a Left-brain and you're not stimulated and you're not working with it, it’s your environment that is going to bring that out. It's the environment. It isn't about any kind of mental trip about how you think you can do these things. We are so susceptible to the environment. This is what variable really teaches. It says it’s so obvious, you can see very clearly.
The Environment Establishes the Right Frequency It doesn't matter what any of the other elements are, in the end it's your environment that is going to establish the right frequency. And then you can know. So, if you're running along that line where you've got a receptive environment, then live it. And if you can’t live it, change the place. Find the environment that works for you. Now, obviously there are values inherent in environment in terms of PHS. That is, there are six specific different kinds of environments, each of those environments has a binary variable depending on its Left-ness or its Right-ness. And those environments are things that are very important to become aware of.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
That combination of the environment and your own empirical experience of it is the thing that matters the most. The keynotes for environments are very, very broad. The fact is that it’s is necessary to sample variations of your environment to get the right feel. And that right feel is something you’re going to experience in your body. Whether your body is going to be relaxed or whether your body is going to be active and full of some level of tension, there are differences that you can sense immediately simply by seeing them within the context of the variable. The moment that you get that right, the moment that you get your environment right, everything is okay. It is the key. Everything else about the various aspects of transformation are fine-tuning keys; but the brute, the thing that aligns you the quickest is environmental. And again, variable tells you very, very simply, because it's the simple that’s so important. It says to you, look; like the examples today, here, it says, hey, you’re here to be passive, peripheral. You’re here to sit back and take it in. You’re here to have all of this move towards you. And as it moves towards you, you get to see. You get your strategic focus.
Honoring Strategy and Authority It’s just about coming to grips with the way you take knowledge like this, how you use it. One of the things that I'm most pleased about in terms of what I do is that it's not just a matter of elaborating on mechanics. Every time that you open up or deconstruct a mechanical process, you learn something, you gain something, you gain tools, you gain techniques, and you gain advantages. You have to see the advantages of simply understanding the way in which you’re intended to have the right frequency. That right frequency is that you need to take all of that active tension out of your life. And again, I'm referring to this aspect with the three parts Right. The only way that you can do that is if you're honoring your Strategy and Authority, because you’re not going to be able to do it any other way. You’re not, because only Strategy and Authority is going to disarm the basic fear mechanisms. As long as there are fear mechanisms, it’s very, very difficult to relax into your own trip. But that’s what you’re here to do—school of enlightened selfishness—it’s what you're here to do. So, it's very important for you. It’s interesting, for example, the three of you having the same variable. It doesn't mean you have the same environments, obviously. It doesn't mean you have the same way in which those environments are going to operate or whatever the other aspects are. But the overall process remains the same.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Allowing Life to Come to You The beauty of what it is to allow life to come to you, this is what you’re all about, and environments that nurture that in you. Because the moment your environment in which you're off and running, you're putting all kinds of pressure on your brain system, you're active in your environment, you're going after things, all of that leads to a lack of well-being; all of it. Again, it's not something that you can conceptually decide on. It has to be a byproduct of you being correct. This is the whole thing about variable anyway. It’s one of the dilemmas of teaching variable. Variable is something that is really intended for those who are deeply involved in their process in Human Design, because it's only then that you can even begin to think about taking advantage of the mechanics that are here. It is not an easy thing to say to somebody who is not-self who carries this variable [PLR/DRR], hey, cool it. They won’t cool it. They're trying to catch up with the flow. And they’ll never do that. They’re trying to figure out a way to get in there and they won’t get in there. They’re putting enormous pressure on themselves. And of course, none of that works to their benefit; none of it, obviously, works to their benefit, works to your benefit.
The Natural Order The natural order is right there. When you think about why we're here, that we are here to be purely cognitive, that we’re here to demonstrate passenger awareness, nothing gives you easier access to it than surrendering to what your variable determines. Surrendering to its PHS and its environment, surrendering to the awareness it takes to understand the nature of your own distraction and transference. All of that leads to an extraordinary awareness. It is what we're all about. And yet, having all been born conditioned with so much conditioning deep, deep, deep in our form principle it is a tremendous challenge, an obvious challenge for any human being just to break through the surface.
Dedication and Acceptance Variable is for those who have not just simply broken through the surface, but really want to get to the depths of their own uniqueness. So, as Left beings who are in this particular quadrant, it is something to understand that the gods have given you a
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FOUR The Second Quadrant
real gift. The gift is here. This is for you and you only. This incarnation in this place is for you and you only. It doesn't matter whether you're Left angle, Right angle, transpersonal, selfabsorbed, whatever the case may be. It doesn't matter whether you're a split or tribal or whatever it's going to be. Incarnating into this quadrant, there is only one pressure. It's just on you. And the greatest lesson that comes from this is that anything out there that is pulling you away from you, anything that is pulling you into the shared phenomena with the other is going to pull you away from your awareness. This is a place where what is possible for you is going to be up to you and it's going to require a great deal of dedication. And it's all about just accepting. It isn’t about anything else. To follow Strategy and Authority is surrendering to your mechanics. Being aware of the way in which your variable operates is a benefit to your awareness. You measure, you realize, you transcend. It’s the way it goes. I just want to mention again, any of you out there by the way who have either the PLR/DLR or the PLR/DRL, these two in here, and you’re in this program, please do send me your charts so that I can use them as examples next week. And to all of you, nice to share that with you, and thank you for your charts; until next time, all of you, you take care. Bye for now. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lecture Five The Intersection Hello and welcome to all of you. I must say, this is one of the most unusual classes I’ve ever had. I checked. About 80% of the registrations for this class are from people who are on the Right, and of course, they can’t attend. It just struck me as rather curious that—I don't know how many Lefts, I haven't checked, are registered for the Right. It just strikes me as interesting that the Right has more interest in the Left, than the Left has in itself, which I guess says something about the nature of things. And I think that a lot of people who are Left, particularly from the point of view of Personality, the assumption is that there is nothing to figure out in the sense that this is the same kind of strategy that was rooted in the seven-centered being. Well, obviously, it isn’t. It’s rather a different story. But anyway, it’s just a curious thing to watch. Okay, today we get to a place that's really very fascinating. By the way, today’s class is in two parts. The first part I’m going to take you through some material here to close out our look and given that it's the last class of this Left journey, in the end I'll open it up and perhaps we can have some discussion. But I think that you’ll find this rather fascinating. I don't know how fascinating it is for those who are a part of it, but that's another story.
The Intersection: Confusion The intersection; okay, here's the intersection [full sized illustration on the next page]. It is the dead center of the variable format and as you well know we've got this evolutionary movement, and the way in which this evolutionary movement is moving from the all-Left going down to the all-Right. And we've also seen that in this movement that there are certain aspects of this movement that have problems. That is, we know that this area here [lower left quadrant] is an area that is not part of this flow going forward. And at the same time, one of the things that is so important to grasp is how complex it is to be in this zone. Now, the first thing about
Advanced Mechanics III is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
this zone is that you really have three components. That is, you have the outside. In other words, this [PLR/DRL] does not belong to the flow of things. You have the continuity that is there, that is, the direct diagonal flow [PLR/DLR to PRL/DRL] moving towards the future. And then you have the third element [PRL/DLR], which is the element that is moving towards what is the potential for human in the future.
But all of these elements are caught in a dilemma; that is, because they are on the boundary, the above and below boundary, because they're on that boundary there is genuine confusion that is a byproduct of the way in which this variable is going to influence those obviously that carry it. And what we’re going to take a look at here because we're dealing with the Left side of this, we are going to deal with these two elements. And in dealing with these two elements, first we’re going to deal with the element that is in the flow [yellow, PLR/DLR], and then we're going to take a look at the variable that is outside of the flow [green, PLR/DRL]. Everything that I have been able to see in my work, that is, everything up until now—and again variable is something that is to some extent relatively new. That is, it is something that I've been elaborating upon ever since I started PHS and Rave Psychology and substructure, but it's only recently that there is a lot of experiential connection rather than theoretical connection to variable.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
One of those profound things for me was my experience in Ibiza this year being able to sit down in sixteen different workshops with the various groupings. There is no question that when you get to the intersection, you get to very strange frequencies. And it was evident for me as I was moving through the variable program how different the intersection really is.
PLR/DLR: Allow Life To Establish Where To Be Strategic So, let's begin with first of all just taking a look here at the one that’s in the flow. Here we have an element that is directly in the flow. But again, you can see the dilemma. When you're looking at the Dependent Variable, you’re looking at everything moving to the Left. And when you're looking at the Independent Variable, you're seeing everything moving to the Right. In other words, the storyline, the life itself, what the life is all about—let me put that another way. When we look at variable, we really divide them into two parts. That is, below we have the Independent Variable and above we have the Dependent Variable. The Dependent Variable doesn't seem like that would be right, at least for those who are first coming into this knowledge. The Dependent Variable is where you have your Sun/Earths. This is where 70% of the imprint is, so it seems like this shouldn't be dependent, but it is. What it’s dependent on is where the life goes. And when you're dealing with the Nodes, and of course this down here, the Independent Variable, is rooted in the Nodes of the Moon both on the Design side and the Personality side, that Dependent Variable what you're really looking at is that this is an orientation that is deeply, deeply, deeply to Independent Variable the Right. In other words, this is a Right life. Now, a Right life is a life in which—you can see the combinations here, the passive perspective, and the observer being peri– pheral. In other words, this is the way in which the movement in your life is going to work. We’re all dropped into a Nodal storyline. This is where our life is going to unfold. It’s going to unfold along the Nodal direction.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
And you can see right away that here is a life that is moving really way, way into the future, it's on the perfect diagonal, it’s geared towards that Right-ness. And yet at the same time, you can see that the Personality and the brain system, the way in which the Sun/Earths operate is that they are all deeply, deeply strategic. So, you end up with a very strategic brain, a very strategic mind stuck in a Right life. Now, this isn't necessarily something that is going to be easy. It isn't. And you can tell the moment that you meet these people, you can see that there is in them this conflict, because it is. There is a conflict in here. It is not an easy thing to settle into. You've got a completely Right life and everything about the way in which you're going to be able to interpret it consciously and unconsciously is that it's all rooted in the strategic. What we’re going to see is that leads to certain problems. Now, when I was working with this variable directly, one of the things that I cautioned them about was to allow their life, the Right-ness of their life, to naturally establish where they can be strategic. If you have a Right life, think about the nature of the Nodes. What do the Nodes do? In that sense, the Nodes establish for you where you’re going to live, where that living is going to take you, who you're going to meet along that way, who is going to be on that line for you, and the way in which you're going to take them in.
Nodes Represent the Way We Interact With Others One of the most important things that the Nodes represent is the way in which we are going to interact with the other in this life. And the way in which we can interact with the other in a way in which it is going to be successful for us and productive for us. Now, if you have a Right Independent Variable, as we have here, then you have a very, very set way in which your life needs to unfold. It needs to unfold against a background of passivity. And not in any negative sense, but in the sense that as the peripheral observer, because that's what this is, your life is something that you get to see unfold in front of you as it moves towards you, as you move through your life, but there is no need for you to take any kind of active steps in that. It means that those beings who are going to be important for you in your life are going to move towards you when you're in the right environment, moving in the right direction operating in the correct way. And yet at the same time, you've got a very, very strategic brain/mind. And that very strategic brain/mind does not want to just sit around and wait and watch. It doesn’t. It wants to focus on things. It wants to look directly into something. It wants to break it down. It wants to work out what it can do with it. And yet, this life does not support that. It doesn't.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
Possible Problems Breaking through the Confusion The only things you can focus on are those things that are going to come to you correctly in this way. What tends to happen in these beings is that there is confusion in the way in which this works. In other words, it is in the Dependent Variable, that the Dependent Variable struggles with this. We’re going to see a couple of examples and these are children of one of the participants. They give a classic representation of the dilemmas of this. And in this case [PLR/DLR], what we’re looking at is an example of somebody who is dyslexic. Now, think about that. I imagine that if you're looking at the intersection as a whole that what you'll find is that this [yellow, PLR/DLR] and this PRL/DLR PLR/DLR [orange, PRL/DRL] leads to those kinds of problems in which it’s very, very difficult to break through this confusion. You can see very clearly it is just not operating in a way that makes it easy. PLR/DRL PRL/DRL It just isn't. This is going this way [left pointing red arrow], this is going this way [right pointing red arrow]. So you have your life going in one direction, and you have your whole brain/mind system in a totally different direction. It means it's very difficult for them to be able to operate consistently or well together. Now, when you take this into the not-self realm, it’s automatically going to lead to problems. The moment the Dependent Variable tries to determine what the Independent Variable is going to be, you've got not-self. In other words, what you get out of a being like this is that because they have a strategic brain and they have a strategic mind and 99.99 times out of a hundred they're going to be not-self, that everything about them is oriented towards the strategic. They're not interested in peripheral vision, they’re not interested in sitting back and watching and taking things in and allowing things to come to them because they're going to be dominated as not-self by their minds. Because their mind system/brain system is Left, then everything about them is going to be pointed towards being strategic. And the moment they try to apply that strategy to the way in which they operate in the life, they're going to try to get this here [peripheral observer] to go in the other direction. In other words, they’re going to try to pretend that they're really strategic. This is one of the dilemmas for many beings who are Right, who have strong Leftness mentally. The tendency to want to reject their Right-ness, and to reject it
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
because it doesn't seem to be correct for them; that is, from the not-self perspective. You can see how easily this can be confusing.
Strategy and Authority and PHS are Very Important to These Beings Again, it comes back to very simple things. After all, everything about the nature of variable begins with the recognition that without Strategy and Authority that there is no way even to begin this process of transformation that's possible through being able to work through this process. And one of the most important things for a being like this is here. The Design side, the form principle is what makes the difference in our lives. If the form principle is correct, then everything else will flow naturally from that. And in dealing with these two aspects, we’re dealing with two things. Here we’re dealing with the PHS, a dietary regimen and here we are dealing with the necessary environment. When it comes to the intersection, it is something that is absolutely essential that these beings are encouraged and encouraged to get involved at this level. Again, it has to be correct for them, whatever their Strategy and Authority happens to be. But it is something to understand that because of the inherent confusion that is built in these areas, and it really is the four of them, is that the most important thing is to settle the body down. And the way you settle the body down is, and again, Strategy and Authority first, is first of all the dietary regimen, because the dietary regimen is going to allow this active Left-ness to operate in a way that is harmonious with its environment.
Dietary Regimen is the Foundation for Settling into Your Environment It’s one of the most important things about dietary regimen. Dietary regimen is the foundation for settling into your environment. If you look at the life of a ninecentered being, the first 30 years are about dietary regimen and Strategy and Authority. What follows is living out your real story, entering into your environment, in order to be able to perfect your perspective, that perspective that lies over here so that ultimately you can express awareness here. But for these beings who are caught in the intersection, there is such strain on their system. So, to work with them it's very, very important, if they are ready for it, if
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
they according to their Strategy and Authority can enter into such a thing, there is a need for them to get deeply into this, to enter into the dietary regimen. The moment that they begin to digest food correctly, the moment that they begin to nurture their brain correctly, what happens is that brain system is ready to accept its correct environment and to work with that correct environment. Now, I don’t want to get into how all of that works in detail because it’s quite complex. It has to do with things called Prime Nodes and the way in which the Prime Node relates to the brain itself. But the fact of the matter is that the moment that you enter into the PHS, you begin to align this Left-ness with the potential of this Right-ness, rather than having them in conflict or in confusion with each other. And I must say that this [PLR/DLR] is the easier one to deal with, in the same way with this one [PRL/DRL] over here on the Right side, because they are in the direct line.
PLR/DRL: Dilemma between the Left and Right Sides of the Brain Here is another story entirely. This by far is the most difficult. There is no question about it. Every way that I look at this, and even though there is a similar kind of counterpoint that is here, because this square [PRL/DLR* below] is part of some kind of future, it has a way to naturally align. But, this [PLR/DRL green] does not. And in the example that I have of these two children, the one that has this [PLR/DRL, green] is dyslexic and the one that has this [PLR/DLR, yellow] is dysphasic. That means that there is a dilemma between the Left side of the brain and the Right side of the brain. They don't coordinate. The moment you look at this configuration, you can see why. And not only is it a difficult configuration in that you have the way in which these are pulling or pushing towards each other. But at the same time, you have to see that this is in this quarter here [lower left quadrant outlined in purple], in this zone, and as we well know, this zone is out of the evolutionary flow. It's out of the flow. There is a disconnect. There is going to be a disconnect.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Of course, like anything else, I joked and called these two, the one on the left [PLR/DRL] and the right [PRL/DLR] when I was doing the workshops, I think I called them twisties, because they're very strange. And it is something that can be exceedingly difficult for the not-self to handle. And a lot of these beings are going to be very, very uncomfortable in the way in which they manifest in this life; in other words, the way in which ultimately their holistic presence comes forward. The first thing also to understand about this group over here [lower left quadrant] is that there are no transitional profiles; none. So, it’s limited to foundation profiles and it's limited to certain foundation profiles that are going to fit into this particular variable zone.
The Combination of Each Transformation Step Becomes Exceedingly Difficult Now, think about, again, the dilemma. If you look on the Design side, you have a passive brain and you have a passive brain that is in an active life. In an active life that leads to a passive perspective, that leads to an active mind. In other words, if you follow the way in which the transformation process works, the four steps of transformation that we have, you will see that each step in its combination with the other becomes exceedingly difficult. Let me put it this way. If you're only dealing with not-self, you’re going to have many, many problems here in people. Those beings that have been fortunate enough in terms of their fractals to actually be involved in Human Design and begin to operate according to Strategy and Authority as an experiment for them, it is an enormous salvation for these beings in the intersection, particularly. Strategy and Authority obviously is good for everyone. But please understand how profound a change this can be.
Environment is Very Important In this case, these children are fortunate in that they have a mother that's very much aware of what this knowledge is. And there can be a way in which for both of them that the dilemma of what it is in terms of the configuration and particularly here can be dealt with in a way which is physically going to be successful for them. It does begin with the same things. One of the most difficult things to do with children particularly that have difficult configurations is to get them into a way in which they will operate according to their Strategy and Authority and then to have the parents be able to guide them into a dietary regimen that aligns them environmentally to what's correct. Environment for these beings is always going to be so important for them. It is always in the form that we are stabilized. So the dilemma for these beings is form
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
principle, and it’s form principle in the extreme. In other words, they truly need to honor their form. When you're dealing with all the other variables that run around, the reality is that they don't necessarily have to do their PHS. They don't necessarily have to be deeply aware of their environment. Most human beings can do quite nicely just by following their Strategy and Authority and slowly deconditioning themselves and living a better life because they’re making decisions as themselves. But here because you're dealing with extremes, and you are, you're dealing with extremes here, that the only way that you can make this work is on the form side. Whatever is there on the Personality side, it will find its way if the form can be correct. And one of the most important things that you can do for these children, if you meet them as children, have them as children, is as quickly as you can orient them to what will be healthy for them.
PHS is Absolutely Essential In both of these cases, the PHS to begin with is absolutely essential. If you don't change the diet, if you don't change the dietary regimen, if you don't change the way the digestion is taking place, then you're not going to be able to ameliorate the damage that can be done by the confusion and conflicts that are inherent in this kind of variable. Children can suffer terribly from not being able to fit in or operate in the way that others do. The conditioning forces that these beings feel can make them feel very uncomfortable and really odd in terms of their relation to the other.
The PLR/DRL Chart I’ll just give you a quick view—I’ll come back—of the charts. So, here you can see the opposing. Here they’re going right at each other, here they're moving away. So, what you're looking at is this very, very difficult variable. The only way that this is going to work for this being begins with dietary regimen. This is caveman/cavewoman diet; one thing at a time. This is somebody who has a very, very, very primitive digestive system. This is somebody who really needs, in order to be able to operate correctly, in order to be able to align their brain so that the Left and the Right of
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
their brain system can work together, that the most important thing is the diet itself. If they're not following a caveman/cavewoman regimen, if they’re not eating one thing at a time, this is going to lead to all kinds of problems because they're not going to be able to, in a healthy way, find a way to make this relationship work, instead of it being a barrier.
The PLR/DLR Chart Ultimately that leads to what is going to be the right environment, what is going to be nurturing. But, it starts with the diet. So many human beings who are suffering on this plane, so much of their suffering can simply be ameliorated by diet. Now again, here you can see the other side of this, the in-the-flow dyslexic. Here we have the Left Dependent Variable, we’ve got the Right Independent Variable—but it goes back to the same thing. The most magnificent thing about this knowledge at the substructure level, at the variable level, is that you can really offer alignment to beings that is not based on the kind of ways in which both the allopathic and the home– opathic would approach such a being. Neither one of them are going to bring to them precisely what they need. Interesting that these are brothers and they share the same environment. It’s always interesting. I notice that with my sons. They share the same environment. I think it would be interesting to do family studies and to see how many offspring share similar environments, because it’s curious. It’s one of those things that I've noticed over the last several years there is quite a commonality in that.
Following Only Strategy and Authority is Not Sufficient for These Variables But, the real key is always the same. The moment that the diet is correct everything slowly but surely aligns itself. Slowly but surely, it just simply aligns itself. This is the thing to grasp about what we can do for anyone that is in any kind of situation in which they have to operate at a disadvantage in ignorance. As I said, most of the
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
variables, in terms of just being able to operate and have a decent life, that Strategy and Authority is sufficient. It’s not sufficient in the intersection, not unless we want people to suffer and not feel like they're really connected to the life process. Both of these beings need to be able to orient themselves to a life that is viable for them and it begins with the way they take nutrition into their system. The whole brain/mind dilemma of the Dependent Variables here can only be healed through the brain system itself being healed. And you can only align a brain through diet, through the correct digestion. As long as that correct digestion is there, then the brain system is not going to overreact, it is not going to become deeply dysfunctional. There will be the ability inherent in having the right diet to be able to align oneself to one's perfection. After all, this is not a curse, neither one of them. It’s just another configuration. It’s just another ―this and that.‖ But, it's another ―this and that‖ that within the context of being homogenized can be very, very difficult. But in the context of being correct it’s like anything else. It doesn't matter what variable you have, it doesn’t matter what any of the configurations in your design are. There truly is no good or bad design if one is correct. But if one is incorrect, if one is homogenized, if one is unaware then these things really stand out on their own and say, whoa, here we have something that is going to create a problem.
Mental Dilemma and Confusion in These Beings If you look at these configurations in children and you see them, if nothing is done you will see what the results will be. There is always going to be a great deal of mental dilemma in these beings’ lives and a lot of confusion, and it's not necessary. It isn’t. When I first began to elaborate on variable a couple years ago when I started doing the transformation lectures and talking about the way in which this whole business of the four transformations operate, there is no transformation without this [PHS, dietary regimen]. It’s where it all starts. And when I say that's where it all starts that’s taking in mind that the catalyst to all of this is Strategy and Authority. Without that there’s no place to go at all. But beyond the Strategy and Authority, this is what really makes the difference. It not only aligns the brain to what is correct, but in that alignment of the brain, in its alignment to being correct, it opens up the potential to begin to bring together the Dependent and Independent Variable into the wholeness of the potential of this being to ultimately be able to reach their special state of awareness.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
All Variables are Here to Make a Contribution to the Awareness Field And obviously, there is a deep contribution that is here to be made. All variables are here to make a contribution to the awareness field; all of them. They are all instruments of the order of awareness. Now, where the great distortion is on this plane now is that you can see that the whole center of the potential of the consciousness field is distorted. This is where the mental casualties can be in this process, because they're the ones that really need guidance. They’re the ones that need support. They’re the ones that need to be made aware. And most of all, they’re the ones that need deeply to begin to orient their brain system to what is correct for them. How important that is. For me it is one of those things to understand that—I've always been concerned about children. One of the most important things in my work is that this knowledge is for the future, it's for children. It offers the possibility for parents through awareness to be able to raise their children with awareness, with dignity, with grace. And the most important thing to recognize is that there is no bad variable. There is simply the ignorance. Yet, when you're dealing with this inner grouping, and particularly here on this left side, to see so clearly that if you want to help these beings, this is where you help them. It's not the end. It's the beginning. So often what you have with children like this, whether they display dyslexia or dysphasic complexes, whatever the case may be, the tendency is to create a kind of visual reference trainings for them to teach them how to play the game of overcoming it. But that’s not what they’re here for. They’re here to live out their variable. They’re here to live out the unusualness of their variable. It doesn't mean that they have to have problems. It just means that they have to embrace what they are. And the only way that you embrace what you are is that you begin with Strategy and Authority.
PHS Heals and Aligns the Brain System Now, if you're dealing with children, this is something that you encourage them, you treat them according to their nature. But as a parent of children like this in any of these areas in the intersection, the most important thing is their diet. It's their diet. If you align them to the correct diet you will see a miracle; truly, because this is the thing that's really fantastic. This is the thing that immediately will get rid of the most negative aspects of what this is. So, this area is an area that can be both a dilemma for the not-self, and at the same time offer some extraordinary potential in terms of the contribution that can be
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
made to the awareness field. But to align this, to heal this, you have to go to the basics of PHS. You have to make sure that the brain system is healed. Without aligning the brain system you cannot help these people. You can teach them things, you can get them to pretend. But that's not the same as being able to live out the beauty and the potential of what is their life according to their design. That comes with dedication to making sure that they take in nutrition in a way that's correct, because this is what's going to make the difference. Okay, obviously, a very fascinating subject and I want to thank the mother for providing these charts. I don’t think it’s necessary to reveal who this is. But I think that this is a classic example of the way in which knowledge can be so helpful, because if you take situations whether for example dyslexia, so many people try to deal with it in so many ways. There are so many different techniques. There are so many different ideas and concepts about how this works and how it should be fixed. Human Design is such a beautiful thing, because truth is simple. It begins with food. It begins with how you digest. If you take the right nutrition into your body you change the way your brain works. And even if it is an unusual brain, it’s not going to be dysfunctional. It’s going to operate correctly within its pure nature. As I said, this is our last Left together. We’ve got a little bit of time left and I want to open it up to all of you if you have questions or anything actually. So, that’s what I’m going to do.
Color Transference Question: Is the Left Personality more susceptible to Color transference than the Right one? Ra: It’s an interesting question. I don't really think so, frankly. I think it’s just different in the way in which that's going to work. Transference is transference and it’s a deeply powerful thing. I think there are nuances to it. But inherently transference affects all of us and in that sense it’s the great equalizer, because I think it truly deals with all this in some way. No strategic questions? Question: Ra, do you have my chart? We missed it last time. Ra: I have your chart. If I have it right, it’s DRR and PLR. Do you have a question about it?
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Comparing the PLR/DRR to the PLR/DRL Question: Yes, maybe in comparison to the one above it, the PLR/DRL because the only difference between them is the Observed and the Observer and yet, there’s a world of difference in how those two people experience the world, I think. Ra: Okay, in terms of your design this is your variable. That is, three parts Right and the one part Left. Which one were you comparing it to? Comment: The PLR/DRL, the one just above it, the green one. Ra: Oh yeah, but they’re very different from each other. The first thing about this is that here [PLR/DRR] you can see that there is an alignment, an immediate alignment in the Right-ness between the way in which the brain system operates in its connection to the life itself. All of that is integrated. So basically this is rather harmonious. Still, it is outside because it has this strategic view. In other words, it's in this zone. But, it doesn't have the same kind of dilemma that is inherent here [PLR/DRL]. You can see that dilemma very clearly. The fact is that at the Dependent level they look very much alike [passive strategic]. They look very similar to each other. But of course, the moment you get down here you see immediately where the dilemma is. You constantly are mixing here [PLR/DRL]. This is the most difficult square that you have. And you're not going to have dyslexic or dysphasic conditions when you have a brain system that is in line with its life. You just won't. There is a natural alignment that is there. So, in that sense, they’re extraordinarily different from each other.
Communication between Variables Question: I’m PLL/DLR and my eldest daughter is PRR/DRR and we seem to communicate very well – most of the time…but I was wondering if you would elaborate on the relationship of the right and the left…communicating and working together… Ra: Okay, let me see now. You’re PLL/DLR, which is over here. And your daughter is way over here. It’s always interesting about the nature of the way in which beings communicate with each other. The fact that you communicate well with each other has other things that are there. Obviously, it will relate to the nature of your designs, the way the designs integrate with each other, the way in which you are as beings in terms of your needs to communicate, your relationship to each other, so there are many things in there that really have nothing to do with variable. But, in terms of the relationship here in the variable, the most difficult thing is not for you, it's your daughter. That is, she's constantly under pressure to try to be Left.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
This is the most difficult thing. I think that whenever you're dealing with children who are all-Right they’ve been under enormous pressure throughout their entire career, their academic career, the scholastics they go through, all of those things. They’ve been under all of this pressure to be strategic. And of course, having a strategic mother, a deeply strategic mother as a role model means that there is a tremendous amount of strategic conditioning that is inherent in the relationship.
The All-Right Being The all-Right being is a fabulous communicator. All you have to do is ask them something. They’re great because that's what they're waiting for. They’re waiting for somebody to draw on them. They’re waiting for somebody to pull out those things from them. They’re not good at initiating. And of course, given the conditioning of a Left mother, the tendency would be to want to communicate in the sense of initiating the communication. To initiate communication you have to be strategic. This is the great dilemma for the Right. So, the communication that you have together you have to be very careful about the value in that communication. In other words, if your daughter is being pushed to strategically communicate with you, this is not going to benefit her in the long run. This is an all-Right being. It’s much more important that you know when to communicate with her. And by being able to communicate with her correctly, knowing what is the timing for all of that, it’s going to be much more successful in the sense that what she will then share with you can actually be very profound and very valuable for you. To have an all-Right child can be enormously beneficial, because after all they are a storehouse of information and it's always about being able to approach them correctly. In my reference to speaking about children earlier, I think it's very important to also recognize that for the all-Right child that to have a healthy brain system again, this is one of those things that is very, very important for them. The most important thing for the extremes, and of course I discussed that in the beginning when I was first laying that out for you, is that both extremes need to have a clear Strategy and Authority. The only thing that protects the all-Right is that they have a Strategy and Authority. So, one of the important things that you can do for your daughter is to encourage her to see the importance and the value of Strategy and Authority in her life because it's a way of compensating for the fact that as an all-Right being it is not naturally there. To have that Strategy and Authority for whatever Type and authority that she has is going to make it so much easier for her to be able to function. But again, it goes back to many things. It goes back to diet. It goes back to the way in which you communicate with her. There are all these, pardon the pun, variables that are built into that.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Variables and Sexual Compatibility Question: How about variables and sexual compatibility? I’ve noticed that my best lover ever has same variable PLR DRR and exact same Tones on both variables on body side – 6 and 5, neighbor Tones on both variables on personality side (me: 1, 6; him: 2, 5); second best also has same Tones on body dependent and personality dependent variable. Is there knowledge about that? Ra: All-Right, let me take a look at your question. Yeah, I don't know. I have never really thought about it in that way because variable ultimately is about awareness. It isn’t inherently about sexuality. However, as we well know one's relationship with the other, that is, any kind of intimacy with another human being that the level of awareness that can be shared is obviously something that can be deeply stimulating and certainly something that can enrich any relationship. There are fractal connections that we have variable to variable, as it were. But as to having any direct connection, I honestly don't know. That is, I've never looked at it from that point of view, because quite frankly the nine-centered being in terms of sexuality, that's not really the goal. It’s not at all. So, it isn't something that really fits into any way that I would naturally analyze that. When I'm looking for the sexual compatibility between beings, most of that has to do with combinations of Type, profile, body frequency as you’re pointing out, those kinds of things that are derived from the holistic design and the juxtaposition of the two beings coming together. Certainly there's going to be something to it because after all variable because it is a coordinating zone, tells us a lot about the relative awarenesses of people who are going to relate to each other. But I don't think that there is any direct sexual connection. Where you can find sexual compatibility in relationship to variable, and this is a higher level of the knowledge, is in terms of the lunar and planetary square. That is, in Maia Mechanics Advanced Imaging the way in which we look at the planets, the planets themselves are experiential. And they are the experiential source that we rely on in terms of the way in which the variable actually functions. The variable takes its material, the life material, from how we experience. There is a great deal of sexual compatibility or not inherent in the way in which we resonate to each other, the way bodies resonate to each other, the way personalities resonate to bodies and bodies resonate to personalities. And that's something that certainly can be explored at that level, but not directly at the variable level.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
The Strategic Mind and Inviting Communication Question: If only the mind is strategic is it still my part to invite communication? Ra: I didn’t see your question. If the mind is strategic, it’s what mind does. The strategic mind is here to communicate. And it’s here to communicate through its focus. However, again you cannot base it entirely just simply on the variable. It has to be seen within the context of the design of the being themselves. It has to do with whether one is designed—for example, if you have an open Throat, it doesn't matter whether or not you happen to have a strategic mind. The open Throat says don't initiate conversations, so you don’t initiate conversations. Again, variable is a super keynote. It is a larger frame for looking at things. But, when you come to these kinds of looking to lock this in based on just variable, you can't do that. It’s why I teach holistic analysis. That is, all of these things have to be seen within the context of the life itself. This program here, as the one that follows, is basically just the way to begin to introduce to everyone that is interested into the way in which the general values of variable operate. But again, any variable has to be seen within the context of the person’s Design. And more than that, variable cannot just simply be approached at this level. That is, it’s nice for being able to give overview descriptions of how one's unique awareness system may work, but the quality of that awareness system, what is the dietary regimen, what is the environment, what is the view, what is the way in which the mind conceptualizes, what kind of design is that, what's the profile, what's the cross; it goes on and on and on until you have a holistic frame in which layer by layer you truly get to see what's possible. So, when I make a comment about the strategic mind inviting the receptive, that is theoretical, that is just the surface. Again, it's not taking into consideration what the individual is and what the nature of their design is. That's where the story really is.
PHS 6th Color Question: Thanks, Ra. If you have the 6 Color (eating in dark) is it okay and healthy to eat during the day in the shadow? Ra: Eating in the day in the shadow—you can eat during the daytime, though it's not a good idea. But the only way you can do that is in an environment that is free of ultra violet light. A shadow doesn't help that. You can be sitting under an umbrella and the ultraviolet light is going to penetrate it.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The fact is that to be a nocturnal is really to be a nocturnal. It’s very difficult for adults to embrace that. It is quite a challenge and quite a step. But the only way that you can sort of cheat that is they have UV screens, ultraviolet light screens, the kinds of things that you can put on windows to block ultraviolet light from entering a room. So, if you block out the ultraviolet light and the room is relatively darkened, then yes, without damage you can take sustenance into your body. But cheating the clock is not going to do you any good because eating during the daytime, regardless of the conditions that you establish, even though they're not directly negative for you, are going to affect your digestion. Nocturnals are designed to sleep on their food. Something that's very, very important for them is to sleep on their food. If you're not sleeping on your food, you're not taking advantage of the kind of nutrition that is going to make a difference in terms of the way in which your brain system operates.
Variable and Frequency Flow Question: Is the variable, left or right, actually a direction of frequency flow, are they undercurrents in the main inward flow? Ra: Okay, let’s see; a direction of frequency flow? No, I wouldn’t say so. The thing to recognize about variable is what variable does is it just lays out all of the possibilities for awareness; period. It's an awareness grid. That’s what it is. It lays out all the potentials for the way in which awareness can be processed. The frequency itself doesn't come from the variable; it comes from the holistic being. You have to see the holistic being. There is, obviously, an evolutionary movement in all of this. There’s no question about that. But again, that evolutionary movement is not something that is isolated in the variable. It is the variable that lays the groundwork for what the individual process is. The real dilemma in all of this is understanding that most human beings will never ever, ever get to live out the essence of their variable. They just won’t. Because what the variable is based on is a transformation of the form principle. If you don't transform the form principle then there's no way to fulfill the awareness possibilities that are inherent in any variable. In that sense, by operating correctly in terms of the dietary regimen, the way in which you approach that dietary regimen, you are refining the frequency. But after all, the moment somebody operates according to their Strategy and Authority, they’re already changing the frequency of their vehicle. The more refined that frequency, the more that being is going to have the potential to be able to live out what is their particular awareness in this particular order. But, that's all it is.
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
LECTURE FIVE The Intersection
Living Life and Taking the Steps to Awareness After all, every single one of these things, whatever they may be, have to be lived through a life. They have to. And it’s a process because you cannot just master all of this. You have to grow through this. You have to develop through this. It’s why my comment earlier when we were looking at the intersection, how important it is that you get down to the basics. The right diet automatically will set beings on the right track. The great dysfunction of this planet is in the way in which we eat. It is the great dysfunction of the planet. It is where all of the deepest homogenization takes place. So, what we’re looking at here is basically just looking at the same way we would look at Type. Type says, okay, you're a Generator; well, alright. And it says if you respond you're going to get to live your life. But you have to do it. You have to live it. And it becomes an aspect of how do you do that? Are you an emotional Generator? Are you a Manifesting Generator? What’s this element? What's that element? Again, in deconstructing, which is what I do in these kinds of programs, it’s a real risk to get caught in that as a deconstruction and not understand that this is just the way to be able to illustrate what these values are so that they can be integrated into the holistic life. And it’s the holistic life that really matters. Wherever your variable happens to be, the attainment of that, the fulfillment of that, is all these little steps that are inherent in the knowledge—your Strategy and Authority, and from your Strategy and Authority to enter into your PHS, and from the PHS to define yourself through your environment that allows you to open up the possibilities of a perspective that you can recognize by a distraction, ultimately to a conceptualizing that you can recognize through a transference, that ultimately leads to the awareness; and all of that within the context of who you are, because it's different for a Manifestor, Generator, Projector and Reflector. There are all these nuances along the way. The most important thing is variable is just another way of saying each and every one of us has a potential to be genuinely unique, genuinely unique. And it provides us with roadmaps and signposts that help us align ourselves to that potential of a uniqueness. Well, thanks for your contribution. Good questions, by the way. I enjoyed them. And to all of you, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for participating in this program. And do take care. Until next time, bye for now. ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
~ The End of From The Left ~
The Illustration Library Follows
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
Illustration Library Illustrations that are new for each lecture are displayed. The page the illustration was originally introduced is indicated below the illustration.
Lecture 1: The Structure of the Left Personality Example Chart PLR/DRL
Pg. 3
Advanced Mechanics III is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Variable Table
Pg. 2
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The Extreme All-Left PLL/DLL
Pg. 5
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Most Common Leftness
Pg. 5
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Intersection Variable
Pg. 14
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Lecture 2: Themes of Focus Left Cognition Sensors
Pg. 20
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Lecture 3: Quadrant 1 Left-ness The Upper Left Quadrant 1a
Pg. 35
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
The Upper Left Quadrant 1b
Pg. 35
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Variable Statistics for Projector Upper Left Quadrant
Pg. 42
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Example Chart PLL/DLL
Pg. 43
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Example Chart PLR/DLL
Pg. 47
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Example Chart PLL/DLR
Pg. 49
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Lecture 4: Quadrant 2 Left-ness The Convergence Zone
Pg. 57
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Example Chart PLR/DRR
Pg. 61
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Lecture 5: Intersection
Pg. 74
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FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
Example Chart PLR/DRL
Pg. 81
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Example Chart PLR/DLR
Pg. 82
~ The End of the Illustration Library ~
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation
FROM THE LEFT: Strategic Cognition Personal and Trans-Personal Analytical Training
From the Left is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS) All-Rights Reserved. Copyright 2009 Jovian Archive Corporation