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Questions 1. 2.

They gave a(n)______performance. Many people regretted coming to see it. (MILL) Both Matt and I were happy to be riding to the less______path of Mostar, the birthplace of War Child and, therefore, one of the most significant places we would visit. (TREAD) 3. Eventually this became independent; now it produces______family shows to entertain the elderly and to raise funds for charity. (SEEK) 4. He called the young people shiftless, lazy and_______. (NOTHING) 5. I'm not afraid of that little______. Under no circumstances will he become skilled enough to beat me in a duel. (SQUEAK) 6. Watari's girlfriend accuses him of being a(n)______and having cheated on her. (TIME) 7. The basis is an inexpensive fresh or frozen______pizza consisting of a thick par-baked base with toppings already applied. (OVEN) 8. Kousei wasn't so wrapped up in his performance and his music became______after a while. (TONE) 9. This is no loosely knit group of______spouting off at meetings and gathering signatures on petitions. (ROUSE) 10. It was a(n)______moment for Kousei when he realized he wouldn't have been able to go on but for his friends' sincere encouragement. (BULB) run-of-the-mill two-timer well-trodden oven-ready sought-after monotonous good-for-nothing rabble-rousers pipsqueak light-bulb 11. This was initially______. You needn't have done this. (NEED) 12. Having participated in many plays, he will______be cast in the lead role of the upcoming one. (DOUBT) 13. Men tend to be expected to play the______role in the family. (BREAD) 14. Many roads in the village were terribly flooded and______following the heavy rainfall. (PASS) 15. You may accuse me of______as much as you wish, but I still wouldn't take sides in that fight. (COWARD) 16. Hikaru Nara is such a good and catchy song that I get______every time I listen to it. (GOOSE) 17. They threatened him with______from school, but it turned out to be a prank. (EXPEL) 18. Your Lie In April is a real______. Once you start watching it, you cannot stop. (PIECE) 19. Is it a falsehood that employees can have four different salads to choose from for lunch in the company______? (COFFEE) 20. I______it was a lie, but I couldn't help fall for it. (STAND) unnecessary (adj): không cần thiết goosebumps doubtless/undoubtedly/indubitably (adv): không cần expulsion bàn cãi, có khả năng cao sẽ xảy ra masterpiece breadwinner (n): trụ cột trong gia đình cafeteria impassable (adj): không đi qua được understood cowardice (n): sự hèn nhát 21. She's one of those______people, always putting her hand on your arm while she's talking to you. (FEEL) 22. He has earned the title of Britain's top______, after spending 57 years on the nation's railway platform. (SPOT) 23. Our______experts have once again picked up the top prizes in the gardening competition. (FINGER) 24. The text offers a neutral catalogue of ancient_______structures, prefiguring modern methods of classification by type used by scientific archaeology. (TYPE) 25. The media’s______desecration of the great man’s character assassination was completely unwarranted. (HUMUS) 26. It is a Pokémon that appears almost______for me. We are as thick as thieves. (MAKE) 27. When he said that he, a total newbie, would vanquish the master of dueling, I suspected it was______. (CHEEK) 28. He forsook me when I needed his helps most. Now I know he is a(n)______friend. (WEATHER) 29. Such an argument is misleading, if not wholly______. (FALSE) 30. Nurse Joy says it is______whether your Pokémon will be okay. So we can't say anything with certainty. (GO) touchy-feely (adj.) : kind and loving, especially by trainspotter (n.) : someone who enjoys trainspotting touching and holding people more than is usual, often in a (=watching trains and collecting their numbers) as a way that makes other people uncomfortable. Những hobby. Những người yêu thích xe lửa người thiên về cảm xúc, hay âu yếm và thể hiện tình cảm green-fingered (adj.) : having the ability to make plants với người khác bằng những hành động thân mật dễ khiến grow. Có tài trồng cây đối phương khá ngại/không thoải mái 1

archetypal (adj.) : typical of an original thing from which tongue-in-cheek: mỉa mai, đùa cợt others are copied.(Thuộc) Nguyên mẫu, nguyên hình fair-weather : phù thịnh (kiểu khi nào điều kiện bạn tốt posthumous (adj.) : happening after a person’s death. thì mới chơi với bạn) Xảy ra sau khi chết fallacious : lầm lạc tailor-made : phù hợp touch-and-go : khó thành công, không chắc được kết quả 31. Once the news of the assassination of their beloved leader reached the public,______broke out in streets throughout the country. (DEMON) 32. Customers were often confused after asking a question to the______new store clerk Richard because the clerk’s explanation never made any sense. (BRAIN) 33. Some______slowed down their vehicles with a view to peeking into the fatal accident. (NECK) 34. How can you stand living in this_______town? (GOD) 35. Typically, those concerned with protecting the earth and its resources have been dismissed and branded as overly emotional and irrational “______.” (HUG) 36. The Day-Care Couple needs to invest in______technologies in order to provide better conditions for their Pokémon. (CUT) 37. Years of extreme duelling have turned his hair______. (SALT) 38. This______Slowpoke Tail Curry was carefully prepared with the best of the best ingredients. (WATER) 39. Tristan is quite a(n)______guy. If you hang out with him, he will never foot the bill for luxurious food. (TIGHT) 40. Another prominent explanation of North Korea's behaviour is that its nuclear______is meant for a domestic audience. (RATTLE) pandemonium cutting-edge feather-brained/scatter-brained/rattle-brained salt-and-pepper/pepper-and-salt rubberneckers mouth-watering godforsaken/god-awful/...goddamn(ed) tight-fisted/tight-arsed/tight-assed tree-huggers sabre-rattling 41. You'll get to witness Egyptian Gods' descent______since Yugi and Kaiba always have a duel every two weeks. (NIGHT) 42. Mordecai and Rigby held a(n)______party last night and somehow their boss was unaware of it. (ROAR) 43. Téa is very______. She always manages to look good in photographs. (PHOTO) 44. James was originally______but he decided to leave his wealthy family and then joined Team Rocket. (BLOOD) 45. This______Bell Tower is particularly notable not only for its antique looking but it's also the only place connecting people with Ho-oh. (BOX) 46. ______is the activity of using the Internet to harm or frighten another person, especially by sending them unpleasant messages. (BULLY) 47. Ash's group decided to go for______rather than stay in a hotel or a Pokémon Center. (CATER) 48. The decision to catch this legendary Pokémon with Master Ball is a______. Just do it right away! (BRAIN) 49. Marik tried to______Joey by telling him it was a waste of time struggling to save Mai. (HEART) 50. Lavender Town is a real______at night. It is rumoured to be a ghosts' lair yet worth exploring. (CHILL) fortnightly cyberbullying uproarious Self-catering photogenic no-brainer blueblooded dishearten chocolate box spine-chiller 51. Yubel's feeble attack and defence stats are______by her overpowered effects. (BALANCE) 52. By constantly challenging himself, Ash Ketchum has exceeded his limits and eventually won the______championship. (DREAM) 53. If you're up to see the new Doraemon Movie, bring a pile of tissues with you - it's a real______. (JERK) 54. Team Rocket was caught______while trying to steal the Pokémon. (HAND) 55. To some, Joey's dueling style, such as his attempt at utilizing useless cards, appeared quite a(n)______one. (LAND) 56. Jaden Yuki is a reckless,______guy, but when it comes to dueling, he will always be ready to take the game on. (LUCK) 57. By the age of 16 Muto Yugi had possessed the three Egyptian God cards and reached the______of dueling skills and couldn't go any further in this field. (PIN) 58. I think Kaiba should quit being so______about his loss against Yugi. (DRAMA) 59. The overwhelming tension in this duel makes it a(n)______ready to ignite. (BOX) 60. A(n)______is someone who writes a book or article, etc. for another person to publish under his or her own name. (WRITE) 2

counterbalanced : đối trọng pinnacle (n): dink kout undreamt-of / undreamed-of = unbelievable : không melodramatic/overdramatic (adj): phản ứng thái quá, thể tưởng tượng được bi kịch hóa một điều gì đó tear-jerker : truyện/phim bi luỵ tinderbox (n): một tình huống mà có khả năng trở nên catch red-handed : bắt tận tay nguy hiểm outlandish / Alice-in-wonderland : kỳ quặc, khác thường ghostwriter (n): người viết sách thay cho người khác happy-go-lucky (adj): vô ưu vô lo, không bận tâm về tương lai 61. Team Rocket came up with an idea that by cultivating a(n)______appearance they can make an easy living out of a generous-hearted pedestrians. (GO) 62. Pink Panther lives in a(n)______house, which is a house that is joined to another similar house on only one side. (ATTACH) 63. Khang was a(n)______, overbearing tyrant, and he was not a last ruler we want to tangle with. (OPINION) 64. We can then expect these robot aircraft to have the capability of carrying scientific______and other experiments into the stratosphere. (PAY) 65. This young duelist is considered___a)___(COME) for having drawn up some most___b)___(KIND) and efficacious strategies. 66. To______ your Pokémon you can use Antidote, Full Restore, Full Heal or bring it to the nearest Pokémon Center. (TOXIC) 67. ______are an half-eaten apple used as an in-battle effect item that gradually restores the holder's HP. (LEAVE) 68. In Pokémon games, you will have to pay a fair to ruinous amount of money______you when failing in a battle against not only trainers but wild Pokémons as well. (POOR) 69. I have a bizarre______that I might not be capable of bringing down the Sinnoh-region champion's ace Pokémon. (BODE) 70. Friends that always stay by your side and support you, especially when you're______are your true friends. (OUT) woebegone (adj): trông rất pùn, thảm thương a) up-and-coming (adj): có triển vọng b) one-of-a-kind semi-detached (adj): chung tường, liền vách (thường (adj): độc đáo dùng nói về nhà) detoxicate/detoxify self-opionated (adj)/opinionated (adj): cả 2 từ đều là leftovers bảo thủ impoverishing payloads - payload (n): lượng chất nổ hoặc trọng tải foreboding (được chất trên phi thuyền, vệ tinh) down-and-out 71. I regret to inform you that authorizing your entry to the Hall of Fame is beyond my______. (JURY) 72. It is unpardonable for a trainer to inflict______punishment on their Pokémons. (DRAGON) 73. While Nicole is engaged with her______job, all her husband, Richard, ever does is staying at home and vegging out. (FIVE) 74. You can’t lose your temper with your Pokémon like that and then expecteverything to be______. (HUNK) 75. Loosing your Life Points in a Shadow Game will leave your body substantial damage and______agonies. (NIGHT) 76. Ninjask moves so fast that its______sometimes become unseeable. It also congregates around tree sap. (IMAGE) 77. Since my son's behavior is______, he might be grounded for a week. (CORRECT) 78. Overtraining your Pokémon may turn out______ and end up that Pokémon totally beat. (PRODUCT) 79. The belief in The Winged Dragon of Ra being the mightiest Egyptian God has been so______that it can hardly be changed. (ROOT) 80. This Pokéball really needs______(LIVE). You should start off with polishing it up with this______(HAND). jurisdiction (n): thẩm quyền, quyền hạn draconian (adj): hà khắc nine-to-five (adj): giờ hành chánh hunky-dory (adj): không có vấn đề gì cả và mọi người đều vui vẻ hong quạu nightmarish (adj): cực kỳ kinh khủng hoặc khó chịu after-images -after-image (n): dư ảnh

incorrigible (adj): dùng để nói về một cái điều mà ko thể nào sửa hay bù đắp được counter-productive (adj): phản tác dụng deep-rooted (adj): ăn sâu bắt rễ (thường dùng để nói về một quan niệm hay tục lệ) enlivening -enliven (v): làm cho hấp dẫn hơn, chấn hưng handkerchief (n): khăn mùi soa, khăn tay

81. Some people believe that if they reach the pinnacle of meditation, they can live a(n) ______life after death. (LAST) 82. Komurasaki, whose beauty can destabilize the whole country, is one of the most gorgeous and splendid______in Wanokuni. (COURT) 3

83. It is rumoured that drinking juice from Shuckle can______people's both beauty and strength. (JUVENILE) 84. On Halloween, American people are prone to decorating their houses with______, which is a large pumpkin with a face carved into it and the candle put inside to shine through the holes. (JACK) 85. An individual's______is another individual who looks or gestures exactly like them. (GANG) 86. A______is an arrangement which involves three people live together and have sexual relationships with each other. (TROIS) 87. They designed______academies that could ensure young duelists would meet state standards and their dueling needs, then calculated the costs of those facilities. (TYPE) 88. The______answered that it was an ill omen for it meant the destruction of the city and the death of many. (SAY) 89. Rare candies, which help increase your Pokémon's level, cannot be found in any PokéMarts nor in any other______. (CONFECT) 90. ______is a spray-type medicine for poisoning which can be used once to lift the effects of being poisoned from a Pokémon. (DOTE) everlasting (vĩnh hằng, trường tồn) ménage-à-trois (n): threesome courtesans (gái điếm hạng sang, ở đây còn có thể áp prototypical (adj): (thuộc) hình mẫu để dựa vào đó mà dụng cho các geisha) phát triển rejuvenate (làm trẻ lại, hồi xuân) soothsayer (n): tiên tri Jack-o'-lantern (bí ngô Halloween) confectioneries (n): cửa hàng bánh kẹo doppelganger (song trùng) Antidote (n): thuốc giải độc 91. Perry the platypus is a______, egg-laying mammal of action. (AQUA) 92. Behold! My plane-inator is my greatest invention which uses______navigation equipment. (ART) 93. The battle against the Elite Four has been long reckoned to be______. (DOG) 94. Kneel before the______of my god card! Descend, Obelisk the Tormentor! (SUPREME) 95. Despite being just the 3rd Gym leader in the Johnto region, Whitney is notorious for her ______, Milktank! (JUGGER) 96. He classed himself among the theosophists, and claimed to be a convinced and happy_____in a scientific age. (NATURE) 97. Melanie felt that it was important to know what every character was thinking, so she wrote her novel from an_____point of view. (SCIENCE) 98. My lecturer holds several advanced degrees and is the______of the ideal scholar. (BODY) 99. Many people will be exceedingly angry if what looks like a modest increase in money available turns out to be______. (MOON) 100. In earlier times,______and malformation were associated with evil. (FIGURE) semi-aquatic supernaturalist state-of-the-art omniscient dog-eat-dog embodiment supremacy moonshine juggernaut disfigurement 101. The beggars in the city also indicate that there are thieves, ..., robbers and the like lurking around. (PICK) 102. What sounded like a ... of wild rhinoceroses roused her from her sleep. (STAMP) 103. We are now seeing the resurgence of shoe polish brands in advertising, a practise few marketers could afford when cheap Chinese ... flooded the Continent a decade back. (BOOT) 104. Compulsive shopping also refers to compulsive buying or being a ..., and it is a serious problem that can have many implications. (SHOP) 105. Having your phone at the ready or tapping away constantly gives rise to what experts are calling ... (INFORMATION) 106. To preserve your eyesight, you should avoid looking directly at the...sun. (DESCEND) 107. It happened one morning - a boy with...powers awoke in bed transformed into KADABRA, a psychic type Pokémon. (SENSE) 108. The beach is safe for swimming and also popular for windsurfing and kite-surfing, with spectacular...for the spectators. (BAT) 109. Even though we were all different, we established a sense of...while taking a class together. (COMRADE) 110. During World War II battle, the soldier used his...to project a long stream of fire at his enemies. (THROW) PICKPOCKETS INFOMANIA STAMPEDE incandescent BOOTBACKS extrasensory SHOPAHOLIC aerobatics 4

comradery flamethrower 111. He was not a...player and tended to shun publicity. (FLAME) 112. Insurance companies with an almost...attitude call such events "Acts of God". (BLAME) 113. The sexual and emotional attraction to members of the opposite sex is called... (SEX) 114. You must turn the cap...to remove it. (CLOCK) 115. One interesting feature of...is its economy, and its emphasis on certainty rather than conceptual completeness. (PHRASE) 116. In the last few years, most of us - even instinctive ________ like me - have become practised in the dark art of surveillance. (TECHNOLOGY) 117. It was during ________ that someone suggested the film be in color and luckily it worked. (PRODUCE) 118. While journalists generally consider themselves ________ , working with numbers has become an inescapable part of their profession. (WORD) 119. There is a final ________ that strikes me as needlessly flashy. (THEATRE) 120. The leader of the quorum-calling ________ happened to be on the board the year that quorum was changed to 500 students. (NEVER) flamboyant blasphemous heterosexuality counterclockwise holophrasis technophobes (noun) people who fear, dislike, or avoid new technology -> người ghét công nghệ mới post-production (noun) work done on a film or recording after filming or recording has taken place-> sản xuất hậu kỳ (thuật ngữ trong ngành làm phim) wordsmiths (noun) skilled users of words->chuyên gia ngôn từ coup de théâtre (noun) a dramatically sudden action or turn of events, especially in a play-> biến cố (trong kịch) ne'er-do-wells (noun) people who are lazy and irresponsible-> bọn vô tích sự 121. ________ responses are effective, which reduces the rate at which hypothermia can be induced. (REGULATE) 122. They remain convinced the cause was ________ in sheep dip. (ORGANISE) 123. Another good news is that the ________ in the country is witnessing a measured shift in its upkeep. (PRISON) 124. A lot of emerging companies find themselves in a kind of ________ when it comes to financing their future growth. (LAND) 125. Those pictures later served as ________ for the decorative panels. (MEMORY) 126. James is such a/an _____ (FASHION) person. He knows all about the latest trends of fashions. 127. Kaito kid will be punished for all of his _____ (DO). 128. The log cabin beside the river looked very ______ (PICTURE). I can't wait to go back there next summer. 129. All the workers here are very _______ (INDUSTRY). They work all day very efficiently. 130. I wish you both health and _____ (LONG). thermoregulatory organophosphates prison-without-bars no man's land aides-memoires

Fashion-conscious: là 1 người luôn luôn bắt kịp được các xu hướng thời trang hiện tại Wrongdoings: những việc làm sai trái Picturesque: đẹp như 1 bức tranh Industrious: siêng năng Longevity: sự trường thọ 131. Do you see that light over there? I think it's one of those rare ______ (WORM). 132. There has been a ______ (SCUTTLE) about James cheating on Jessie with her best friend, Veronica. 133. Many fighters like to practice their skills before the match by _____ (BOX). 134. I really feel bad for people who are born with ______ (FORM). It's really just unfair for them. 135. My hobby is ______ (PONY). I like to ride on my horse around the countryside on a peaceful evening. 136. I have finished the weekly article, but I'm not sure if there are any typos, we need to go through a/an _______(READ) before publishing it. 137. Harry made a gesture of courtesy and extreme politeness, he cuddled Herminone's right hand and gave a/an ______(MAIN). 138. Even though we tried our best to accomplish this work, Maria didn't give a damn about it! In that lofty appearance, she must be a/an _______(FLIP), I swear. 5

139. After being placed in the oven and baked for 20 minutes, my two bread got the_______(KISS). 140. Hey dude, this concert is terrible and boring! I lack the _____(SIT) needed to keep staying in here till the eventide. Glow-worms: 1 loài ấu trùng phát ra ánh sáng ở đuôi Scuttlebutt: từ đồng nghĩa với gossip, nghĩa là tin đồn Shadow-boxing: boxing bằng cách tưởng tượng ra 1 đối thủ nhằm mục đích để tập luyện Deformities/Malformations: Sự dị dạng/ biến dạng của 1 người có từ bẩm sinh, tai nạn hoặc bênh tật Pony-trekking: Cưỡi ngựa đi vòng quanh các vùng quê proofreading (n): việc check text văn bản baisemain (n): = handkissing, cái hôn tay (baiser là hôn, main là tay theo tiếng pháp) flibbertigibbet (n): người láu cá, vô trách nhiệm, chỉ biết quan tâm bản thân, ** flip là root của flippant, fleipa (có gốc từ flip) + geipa (khoe khoang) = fleipra-geipa, flibbergib là biến thể của nó, flibbertigibbet để chỉ người nịnh hót, láu cá, vô trách nhiệm kissingcrust (n): phần bánh mì mà lúc nướng, vì để gần với một cái bánh khác nên nó thiếu nhiệt độ tại phần đó, thế nên lúc ra lò thì phần đó sẽ mềm hơn, ít cháy hơn. sitzfleisch (n): khả năng ngồi chịu đựng một thứ gì đó nhàm chán, nhạt nhẽo. 141. Harry, the trumpeter, waited awhile to join the ______(WAIT) for the solstice carols. 142. Fifty years ago, Professor Dumbledore was the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, he taught a student how to turn into a/an ________(DUMBLE). 143. My energetic walking buddies oblige me toward a pace of _________(DRIFT). 144. Hey girl, you should throw away the food you have taken and leave this forest now, or else the _____(DICK) will capture you! 145. Wow! They're using the ______(COCK) to catch those birds. 146. I'm irritated with John, he can't do anything, he's a/an ______(BOTTOM) in our company. 147. Giving someone a peek into the inner workings of your nightmares, that is ________(CRITIC). 148. Staying in the freezing weather, Ron continues to use his heavily encrusted sleeve as the _______(DROP) remover. 149. Tom chooses to invest his money in a right way rather than _________(CUM).Hint: Relate to money. 150. In the midnight, I see a/an _____(VINUM) man accosting a woman in front of a bar, his hand holds a costly bottle of wine, it must be Macallan. waits (n): những người đi vòng vòng thành thị, cầm nhạc cụ và biểu diễn, hát hò, thường là trong đêm giáng sinh dumbledore (n): con ong vò vẽ fluckadrift (n): sự mau vội, gấp gáp melsh-dick (n): là một con yêu tinh trong rừng chuyên canh giữ hạt dẻ, trẻ em thường là đối tượng bị hù dọa khi mà lén phén vào rừng hái lượm hoa quả, người lớn thường dùng câu đại loại như :"Melsh-dick 'll catch thee, lad !" để hù dọa trẻ em khi vào rừng cockshut (n): một loại lưới để bắt loài chim woodcock throttlebottom (n): kẻ vô dụng trong môi trường văn phòng oneirocriticism (n): nghệ thuật diễn giải giấc mơ meldrop (n): nước mũi quomodocunquizing (danh động từ): sự kiếm tiền bằng mọi cách có thể. động từ là quomodocunquize /kwoʊmoʊdɑkjunkwaɪz/: to make money in any possible way Từ "cum" là root "cumque" hoặc "cunque" nghĩa là "however, whenever, howsoever, whensoever" trong tiếng Latin. Từ "quomodo" là tiếng Anh bắt nguồn từ "quōmodo" trong Latin, nghĩa là "how". quomodocunque nghĩa là "in whatever way possible" Nguồn gốc của từ tiếng anh quomodocunquize bắt nguồn từ quomodocunque của Latin Vinomadefied (adj): cũng mang nghĩa là say rượu nhưng làm rõ hơn cái cảm giác đắm chìm vào rượu và thúc đẩy dục vọng trong người, tận hưởng cảm giác đó 151. As a/an _____(PLUVIUS), I always excited about unseasonal rains. 152. To fully preserve the shipwreck, it is vital that the team take measures, one of which is ______(sand). 153. I heard that inside the Artic _________(freeze) there exist many ancient viruses so if it actually melts, the pathogens will be released, posing a serious threat to mankind. 154. But for the _______(note) attached to the book, I wouldn’t have understood the whole meaning of the story. 155. World War II has witnessed some of the most notorious ________(grim) in the world. 6

156. During social distancing, I help my family by doing some _____(do) chores, such as sweeping the floor and washing the dishes. 157. To be honest, I belong to the ________(ware), scorpions and spiders always creep me out! 158. ______ who want to fund the restoration of a derelict arts centre in Cheltenham have pleaded with other bidders to let it become community-run (benefit) 159. These wonderful books ______ (capsule) moments in history in truly unforgettable ways 160. When Emma was widowed in 1879, she decided to leave her home in Koblenz, Germany, to start ______ (new) in Glasgow, and settled in the city by 1881. Pluviophile (n): người yêu thích mưa Sand-bagging: the act of surrounding something with sandbags to protect it. Permafrost: A subsurface layer, usually in the Artic areas, that remains frozen all year round. Annotatation(s): A note or a short explanation added to a text. Pogrom(s): A massacre, typically aiming at the Jewish people, done because of religious or racial purposes. Doable: Practical. Arachnid-wary: Arachnid: a group of animals including spiders, scorpions Wary: cautious, careful Sth-wary: you are cautious against sth. Benefactor(n): người quyên góp tiền, nhà hảo tâm Encapsulate(v): tóm lược, gói gọn (nội dung, cuốn sách, câu chuyện) Anew(adv): từ đầu/ làm lại việc gì đó theo 1 cách khác 161. The refugees slept in ______ (shift) tents at the side of the road 162. He has a(n) ________(can) knack of being able to see immediately where the problem lies 163. Most men behave(gain)........when they meet a beautiful girl. 164. Mr Garry(vote)..........other candidates in the general election. 165. When a person feels the vibration of his phone but it is not vibrating.It is call(cell,vibrate)....... 166. If you keep(hand)..........with the tasks I gave you,I will not sign a contract with you. 167. Ms Linh fell in love with a(wise)......... man,who used to be a notorious gangster of this market. 168. This game is very(proof)..........Even a child can play it. 169. Jenny arrived to the party as a(gate).........because I dis not invite her. 170. She is very(quiet)........because her son has been missing for 2 weeks. Makeshift(a): tạm thời behindhand Uncanny(a): lạ thường và khó giải thích worldly-wise ungainly foolproof outvoted gatecrasher pseudo-celluler vibrosis unquiet/disquiet 171. Peter is very generous and hard-working except for his(favour)......... 172. Being(toxic)...........by a romantic novel,the boy finds it hard to come back to reality. 173. You are very talented,but,you should respect to Mr Kim.Whatever happens,he is still your(run).......and. 174. ........(Thought),he threw a lighted cigarette into a waste basket,which leaded to a big fire yesterday. 175. Due to the(admin)..........of the manor,this city has become a terrible place for immigrants. 176. A degree of Chemistry is(require).........for any candidate who wants to pass the interview. 177. Lacking of good human resources is a(annual)..........issue of my company. 178. Most big companies usually have (conference)............so that the CEO can contact with all directors of subsidiary companies. 179. He is a big fan of (real)...........,which depicts odd and unreal things. 180. Despite their great effort,they have to accept the(reverse)...........of the current status. ill-favouredness prerequisite intoxicated perennial forerunner teleconference Unthinkingly surrealism maladministration irreversibly 181. That Mr Johnson established this plant is a big(stone)...........in his business career. 182. Our home team tried(tire)..................to have a good result against the away team but they were(success)......... 183. Last night,I celebrated a small party to serve my friends but I was very sad due to(arrive)........of Henry-my best friend. 184. Joana is(dexterity)...............She can work with her both hands without any problem. 185. Most women hate men who are too(forward)........... 7

186. This machine is covered with a (water)......... material so it can not be wet. 187. (Produce)..............is one of the wastes that usually happen at most manufacturing plants. 188. It is said that the life(expect).............of women is higher than men. 189. Laura’s children are very(neck)...............That’s why I don’t like to invite her family to any party. 190. Ancient Egyptians used(hour)..............to measure the(pass)........of time. milestone waterproof tirelessly/untiringly/unsuccessful overproduction non-arrival expectancy ambidextrous stiffnecked overforward(straightforward ha?huhm,cung tam hourglass;passage tam:)) 191. Most of the employees in my company admire the General Director so much because he is a(visible)..............leader. 192. This town is being(modern).............with upgraded important(structure)......... 193. I don’t take any side.I am always(road)........ 194. My family is(religion).............We don’t believe in god and (nature)...........beings. 195. Buddha’s teachings have been a great(light)...........for humankind for over 2500 years. 196. I am afraid that I can only give a(guide).....for you this time because I also have some training plan for the others. 197. The General Manager asked the purchasing team to buy a new(humid)................for Quality Control Room. 198. My father used to be a(kill).............He had had a lot of girlfriends before getting married with my mom. 199. The enemy claims that their fortress is(destroy)........ 200. (Mind)............... is really a stressful job unless you love children a lot. visionary pre-guidance modernized;infrastructure Dehumidifier middle-of-the-road Lady-killer nonreligious/supernatural indestructible/undestroyable Enlightenment Childminding 201. 3 days ago,a poor farmer was (thunder)...........while he was standing under a big tree. 202. (Cholesterol)..........will cause some serious cardiac disease,so you should not eat too much meat and fat. 203. She was arrested due to(false).........a lot of certificates. 204. You can use the(over)............. paint to decorate your room. 205. The victim’s(member)............body was found in a trunk. 206. When I watch TV,I can see that a lot of people in Africa are(nourish)............. 207. “Hey,why are these sugar particles not soluble anymore ?So strange!” Well,because the solution is(saturation)..... 208. The job advert notices that only(list)...............candidates are contacted for an interview. 209. Polyethylene and Polystyrene are examples of(plastic)................ 210. You have been absent for 20 days until now ,so I am afraid that our teacher will(register).............your name. thunderstroke Undernourished Cholesterolemia Saturated falsifying short-listed leftover thermoplastic dismembered deregister 211. The path was so slippery so I(balance).......... and fell onto the pond. 212. The poor boys looked(mouth)..........at the toys through the glass window. 213. The inspection equipment of my current company is very(day)............. 214. Tom(eat).........all members of his family.He can eat 5 loaves of bread for his breakfast. 215. Danny hit his brother last night when he knew the truth that his mother has been (treat)...........for several months. 216. My closest friend is living in a countryside.At this time,he is(winter).............the straw for the cattle to ear in winter. 217. I think It is bound to rain this afternoon.The weather forecast is quite(ground)........ 218. “ I wish I were strong enough to protect the(weak).......!the boy said. 219. An(economy)........... is the one who uses statistic and mathematics to study,model and predict economy principles and outcomes. 220. His(behave)...........of (sex)........(harass).......was a serious(base)...................in his life. overbalanced maltreated/mistreated open-mouthed-> ko xai mouthwatering vi toy khong winterizing phai food nhe! well-grounded outdated/new-day weaklings outeats econometrician 8

misbehaviour/sexual harassment/abasement 221. The(teeth).................of the wild animals are used to lacerate their preys’flesh. 222. The violent(wind)............ gave a lot of difficulties for the Herald Crew. 223. Last night’s Sir Victor’s presentation about his success(breath).............all audience. 224. The(move).................is the most important part of a train.Without it,the rest ones are useless. 225. Sergey Brin and Larry Page are(find).............of the huge Google Corp. 226. The public(bench).............of the new mobile phone models are really impressive. 227. Generally, in most action movies,the(hero)..............are usually very strong and maleficent. 228. (Elephant)............. is a dangerous disease which usually takes place in some African countries. 229. We have been close friends for a long time,so in our free time,we always try to(visit)...... 230. Helena’s classmates like her a lot due to her(society).................. eye-tooth benchmarks. dead-wind Anti-heroes inbreathed Elephantiasis locomotive Intervisit co-founders Sociability 231. Some(American).............newspapers always try to protect the image of the USA. 232. Tom’s father is very disappointed with his(achieve)............:.at his school. 233. I was impressed by my wife at the first time we met each other due to her(sheep)......smile 234. My husband is finding an experienced( baby).............. to take care of our babies at the present time. 235. Why did you quit your previous job? Well,because I don’t like my previous boss. He is very(nature)........and(content)......... 236. Sugar can be(solution)..........in water. 237. A dangerous criminal was(electric).............3 days ago. 238. In many countries,(marriage).........status is strictly(prohibition)........... 239. Our bodies produce(body).............to (act)............. diseases. 240. You must use a (extinguish).............to stamp out the fire then call (fight)...........to come as soon as possible. Pro-American soluble Under-achievements electrocuted sheepish extramarital-prohibited baby sitter antibodies-counteract ill-natured/self-contented. extinguisher-firefighters 241. We see that you can get angry all the time.Try to improve your(control)........... 242. Australia belongs to southern(sphere).............. 243. According to the Bible, Saint Michael is the(angel)...............who can control all junior angels to fight against evil spirits. 244. Tokyo is one of the biggest (city).......in the world with the population around 34 millions. 245. When the police came to the site,they saw an (pack).............suitcase and some bullets around it. 246. I like having (make)...........food to save time because I am very busy everyday. 247. You are very excellent but quite(temper).......That's why you can not be promoted to a manager. 248. You have to (wind)..........the clock so that everybody can know the exact time. 249. Last John's defeat(bitter)...................him so much. 250. Some VIPs of the (Govern)...............forces were arrested by the police yesterday. self-control ready-made hemisphere temperamental archangle Rewind: vặn đồng hồ lại-> Unwind ko đúng nhé các bạn. megacities Embittered: xài tiếp đầu ngữ Em-> tiếc là ko bạn nào giải ra. unpacked câu này anh tricky chút,các bạn xài Anti-government nhé:)) 251. My brother's company went to a (bank)................due to some bad investments on real estate. 252. (Curriculum)....................activities are very important for pupils to know about the surroundings. 253. The colonel ordered his army to make an (camp)..............near a lake. 254. These processed must be(standard)..............before being put into practice. 255. Pigs are (omnivore)..............They can eat anything except metals. 256. The government is propagandizing a movement of(popular)............... 257. It is a very(time)...............work.I think you can not finish it on your own if you want to meet the deadline. 258. You must keep the (type)................of the product in case the customers need them in the future. 259. The poor kid does not know that he has been being raised for 20 years with the(get)..........properties of his parents. 9

260. In Viet Nam, it is(legal)..............for a man to marry a girl who is under 18 years old. Bankruptcy cái này dễ ha Depopulation-> bạn nào popularity ko đúng nha. Extracurricular. Time-consuming Encamping hay encampment đều ok Prototypes(cái này bạn nào làm bên ngành xe hơi mới biết :)) Standardized. ill-gotten-> từ này rất hay,nghĩa là của cải phi nghĩa. Omnivorous illegal-> quá dễ 261. It is(deny)..................that Laura's husband is a very rich and arrogant guy. 262. "Where are you going?" Well, I am rushing to the(mother)....................ward to take care of my wife. 263. I think the soup that you cooked last night is (do)............so I am cooking it again now. 264. As a judge,you should not have any(favor)..........for anyone else. 265. This symbol in the drawing means(eccentric)...........and you can inspect it with a Coordinating Measuring Machine. 266. In feudal age,if a man was guilty of a serious sin,he would be(head).......... 267. (Tour)...................destinations are being developed in many remote areas at the present time in Viet Nam. 268. That I get bad marks in English (face)..........my father because he’s a famous English teacher. 269. (Lab)............ must be provided with protective equipment. 270. My mother keeps considering me as a(good).......... son because I can not do anything to help her. undeniable-> quá dễ luôn eccentricity Maternity ward: khoa sản trong bệnh viện nhé các beheaded Ecotourism(du lịch sinh thái):)) hehe bạn,có bạn xài motherland cũng rất hay nhé Defaces underdone thì mới nấu lại chứ overdone hay wellLaboratorians done thì nấu lại làm giề:)) good-for-nothing favouritism 271. Could you take 2(bucket)........of sand for me? 272. She (belief)............. in ghosts because she’s a scientist. 273. My brother wants to make a(continent)................journey with his sport 274. (Tropical)...........plants are the plants which can be found in Central America. 275. Sometimes,(critic)............may cause a stressful and disheartened feeling to a person. 276. A policeman said that my identity card was (identify).................... because of my(blur)........photo. 277. A(myth).......chimera can be considered as a(breeding)............between a Lion and a Snake. 278. The(appear)............of a white-haired man in the case (mystery)..................the police force. 279. (Violet).......... rays are the enemies of the skin. 280. The water in this bottle needs to be(pure)...........to remove(pure)............ bucketfults Unidentifiable; blurry disbelieves mythical; interbreeding transcontinental appearance; mystified Neotropical ultraviolet Hypercriticism PURIFIED(sau needs to be +V3; IMPURITIES(noun)->câu này đơn giản ha. 281. My boss has a(competence)..............management.All of the managers in the company must wait for her decisions. 282. In Greek mythology, Hercules is a(god).........who can do(ordinary)..................things 283. Don’t(add).........the(add)..........into the soup or we will have a(disaster)........dinner 284. We used to consider him as an(stand)......and(respect)............... professors until his achievements are(proof).............. 285. The(diagnose).........of the doctor was the cause of the girl’s death. 286. (Kinesis)............... is still considered as a(nature)...................power. 287. Jenny is working for a(nation)............company and she has a great chance to communicate with a lot of foreign colleagues from many countries in the world. 288. When we came to the forest,we saw a(use).............mine. 289. The house has been(occupy)..................for a long time since the host died. 290. The(expect)..........arrival of the guest gave us a difficulty in setting up the meeting. chúng ta có từ OMNI-COMPETENT(sử dụng tiền tố OMNI) có nghĩa là có quyền lực bao quát tất cả,vì thế tất cả quản lý trong công ty phải đợi quyết định của chị này là vậy. Bạn nào đọc thần thoại Hy Lạp sẽ biết Hẹc Quyn ko phải 1 vị thần ful dòng máu thần thánh mà chỉ là á thần,nên ta dùng từ DEMIGOD :)),kế tiếp là EXTRAORDINARY. chúng ta có 3 từ lần lượt là SUPERADD,ADDITIVES và DISASTROUS. OUTSTANDING; RESPECTABLE VÀ DISPROVEN...các bạn đều bị sai từ cuối:)) MISDIAGNOSE(từ này thi OLympic 30/4 rất hay ra). 10

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