Etymological Dictionary of Greek (vols. 1 & 2) [Bilingual ed.] 9004174184, 9789004174184 [PDF]

Greek is among the most intensely and widely studied languages known. Since the publication of the last etymological dic

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English, Greek Pages 930 Year 2010

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Table of contents :
VOLUME ONE......Page 1
PREFACE......Page 3
A......Page 24
B......Page 118
Γ......Page 150
Δ......Page 171
E......Page 206
Z......Page 271
H......Page 277
Θ......Page 288
I......Page 309
K......Page 329
Λ......Page 432
VOLUME TWO......Page 467
M......Page 469
N......Page 522
Ξ......Page 542
O......Page 546
Π......Page 596
P......Page 660
Σ......Page 675
T......Page 747
Y......Page 787
Φ......Page 797
X......Page 828
Ψ......Page 854
Ω......Page 863
BIBLIOGRAPHY......Page 869
INDICES......Page 899
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Etymological Dictionary of Greek (vols. 1 & 2) [Bilingual ed.]
 9004174184, 9789004174184 [PDF]

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Leiden Indo-European

Etymological Dictionary of Greek

Etymological Dictionary Series By Edited by

Robert Beekes

Alexander Lubotsky With the assistance of

Lucien van Beek VOLUME 10/1






This publication has been made possible by the financial support of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). This book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data


Beekes, R. S. P. (Robert Stephen Paul) Etymological dictionary of Greek / by Robert Beekes ; with the assistance of Lucien van Beek.


p. cm. - (Leiden Indo-European etymological dictionary series; v. 1011-2) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-17418-4 (hardback: alk. paper) 1. Greek language- Etymology­




Dictionaries. 1. Beek, Lucien van. n. Title.

Pre-Greek loanwords in Greek

PA422.B44 201O



482.03-dc22 2009036652

Abbreviations and symbols............................................................................................... xlv The Greek etymological dictionary A-A


.................... .......................................................



The Greek etymological dictionary M-O' Bibliography Indices

ISSN: 1574-3586 ISBN Set: 978 90 04 17418 4 ISBN Volume One: 978 90 04 17420 7 Copyright 2009 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishing, mc Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS





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Whoever takes up the task of writing a new etymological dictionary of Greek, has to depart from the existing dictionaries. The present dictionary, too, owes a great deal to previous work in the field, especially to the excellent dictionaries of Hjalmar Frisk and Pierre Chantraine. Apart from compiling the first comprehensive etymological dictionary of Greek in the English language and incorporating the most recent scholarly literature on Greek etymology, there were a number of other reasons why a new dictionary seemed to be a desideratum. In the preface to his dictionary, Frisk expressed doubts on three points: 1. the laryngeal theory; 2. Mycenaean; and 3. the Pelasgian theory on the Greek substrate language. Ironically, it is precisely on these three points that substantial progress has been made in the last decades, so that we can now be much more confident in these areas. 1. Frisk felt uneasy about the laryngeals. In the preface (p. vi) he wrote: "Fur die griechische Etymologie fallt sowieso die Laryngaltheorie (... ) nicht schwer ins Gewicht". I have been acquainted with the problems of the laryngeal theory since the start of my academic career (see my dissertation, Beekes 1969), and I vividly remember how the chaotic spectrum of theories and hypotheses discouraged many people in the beginning. Since the 1980'S, the situation has changed dramatically. When Bammesberger's Die Laryngaltheorie appeared (Bammesberger (ed.) 1988), there had already been general consensus on the main rules of development of the laryngeals in Greek and in other Indo-European languages. It is absolutely clear now that the development of the laryngeals is essential for understanding Greek etymology. Chantraine's Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque (DELG) often does not give reconstructions with laryngeals either; as a consequence, many of the etymologies still defended in his dictionary are clearly untenable within the framework of the laryngeal theory. It must be admitted, however, that many of these deficiencies have been remedied in the Supplement (DELG Supp.), which often contains very helpful contributions. 2. The study of Mycenaean has by now become an integral part of Greek studies. The Mycenaean material was already accepted by Chantraine and incorporated into DELG. I have tried to include all Mycenaean data with a reasonably certain interpretation, provided that these data have a bearing on the etymological interpretation of classical Greek. Personal names are generally excluded from the discussion, as their interpretation is often too uncertain to base any conclusions on. The task of incorporating Mycenaean data was not too difficult, since we have the excellent Diccionario Micenico (1985-1993) by Aura Jorro at our disposal. Although




the Mycenaean material is limited, it is of great importance and should always be taken ito account. The exact attestations of the Mycenaean words are usually not cited, as they can easily be traced in Aura Jorro's dictionary.

The rigorous editing of the etymological sections of the dictionary was done by Lucien van Beek. He integrated my own views with traditional etymologies and recent insights. In those cases where a word can now be proven to be of Pre-Greek origin, part of the old reasoning has sometimes been retained in order to illustrate the flaws in the traditional approach, according to which practically every word is bound to have an Indo-European etymology.


3. It is now clear that the Pelasgian theory, which started from the assumption that there was an Indo-European substrate in Greek, has been a completely unfruitful and wrong approach. Although Frisk doubted this theory, he nevertheless conSistently referred to Pelasgian throughout the dictionary. This is a pity, because the theory has yielded no positive results. Chantraine often used the vague terms 'acheen' or 'mediterraneen', without clearly identifying Greek substrate words in this way. In the present dictionary, no reference to the Pelasgian theory is made anymore. Instead, I have extensively used Furnee's 1972 book, who meticulously studied the substrate material and concluded that we are dealing with loanwords from a single non-Indo-European language. Unfortunately, this work has been neglected or rejected by most scholars without due argumentation. In order to explain the principles of Furnee's work and to present his conclusions, as well as my own findings from recent years, I have written a special introduction to Pre-Greek (as I call the substrate language), see pp. xiii-xlii. Throughout the dictionary, much attention is paid to the Pre-Greek material, and one of my main goals was to generate a collection of substrate words which would be as complete as possible. I intend to publish a separate work, containing all certain or probable Pre-Greek etyma, in the coming years.

The dictionaries of Frisk and Chantraine are different in their orientation. Whereas Chantraine is more oriented towards the philological study of Greek (as follows from the subtitle Histoire des mots), Frisk focuses on the Indo-European side of Greek etymology. In fact, it may be fair to say that Frisk to some extent tried to produce not an etymological dictionary of Greek only, but of Greek and Indo­ European at the same time. The main focus of the present dictionary is also etymology, rather than philology. I started working on the project in 2002. At first, the idea was to produce an updated English translation of Frisk in the framework of the Indo-European Etymological Dictionary project. While largely maintaining the philological part of the entries, I modernized old reconstructions, added new ones from the literature, and rejected older etymologies in the light of the substrate theory. Furthermore, many new entries have been incorporated, most of them glosses by Hesychius, which were gleaned from DELG, from Furnee's book and from the new 2005 edition of Hesychius (part Ill, II-L:). Gradually, I have come to the conclusion that a much more rigorous approach was necessary: there is simply too much irrelevant and dated literature in Frisk's dictionary, and many of his pre-Iaryngealist reconstructions are now useless. Also, research interest in Indo-European studies has shifted considerably over the course of decades. It was therefore decided to completely reorganize the etymological treatment of the entries.

Structure of the entry

After the lemma, grammatical information is given between square brackets, for instance, 8UpOflaL [v.] 'to lament, bewail', or £YKUTU [] 'intestines'. If it is unknown (for instance, in a gloss), this may be indicated with a query. The grammatical information is followed by the meaning of the word. For most of the glosses, an English translation has been provided. Although this is a major break with tradition in Classical Studies, I consider it to be convenient for specialists in other Indo-European languages than Greek. Of course, in many cases a gloss can be ambiguous, but I hope to have been suffiCiently prudent in the translations. At the end of the first paragraph, I give the origin of the word (in abbreviated form) between two arrowheads. The abbreviations must be understood as follows: There is a good Indo-European (IE) etymology. The IE root is reconstructed, and in most cases also the formation represented by the Greek etymon. If there are no cognates, but the Greek word looks Indo­ European, a reconstruction has sometimes been proposed, too. b. Examples: Puauflvl-aTlle; / Puauv-lue;; KplflvOV / KPlVOV; flE8tflvoe; / F£8lflvoe;; alyuflvoe; / alyuvoe; (also alyuvvOe;). The evidence comprises 8 or 9 words in - flvoe;. It is found six times word-initially: e.g. fl�AOV / �AOV; flov8uA£UW / 6v8uA£UW; note flEpO\jl / Mpo\jl (e'lpo\jl), where the latter forms could continue *a-F£po\jl / *e-F£po\jl with a prothetic vowel. Note further Kuufloe; / KUflllXu, which perhaps continues *KuF-ufl-, *Kufl-llK-. 5.5 Stops interchanging with a(G), with stop +

a/T or with G + stop This kind of variation is quite complicated. I distinguished no less than 10 (or even 15) different types9• They may be represented as follows (C = consonant): l. C / Ct 2. C / Cs 3. C / sC 4. Ct ! Cs 5. Ct ! sC 6. Cs / sC 7. Cs / ss 8. sC / ss

a. labials n / nT n / \jI (n / an) m / \jI (\jI / an)

U aa

b. velars K / KT K / aK KT / � KT / aK (� / aK) aK / aa

9 Since the word 'i'LTn'tKLov / 7lLCnaKLOv 'pistachio' is probably an oriental loanword, there are no good examples for an interchange aa / aT.

8c. C / ss



. xxvii



There may have been series with three forms, with kt I ks, pt I ps and also k or p. I can only mention 'ApaXEloC; I Apu�'lC; next to 'Apayoc;, and perhaps, next to 8l


ava'\lll [f.] = auavT�, '�T]paVTlK� V000e;, atrophy' (Hp. gloss. XIX 86, 18 K) [not in LSJ] . � GR� .ETYM Concatenation of aiioe; 'dry' (auaLvw, auavT�), and a second element, cf. xop8a'\loe; 'disease in the great guts'. Connection with umw 'to fasten' may be doubted. aVYll [f.] 'light, glow, ray of light', e.g. of the sun (ll.). � IE? *h2eug- 'shine'� .COMP On fl£Aavauy�e;, dc., see DELG.


.DER auy�e[(.; 'clear-sighted' (Nie.), aUYlTllC; (AteOC;) name of a precious stone (Plin.); auylnc; plant name avayanlC; � cDOlVlK� (Ps.-Dsc.), see Redard 1949: 67, 70 and Stromberg 1940: 25). Denominative verbs: 1. auya(of.LaL (-a(w) 'to see clearly, lighten, shine upon' (ll., poet., LXX), verbal nouns auyao'f.La (LXX) and auyUO'f.Loc; (Placit.); auya(Y't£lpa 'lightening' (Orph.). 2. auy£w [v.] 'to illuminate' (LXX). Note ailyoc; (H.) as an explanation of �WC;; Auyw [f.] name of a bitch (X.) is probably a term of endearment. ETYM Probably an old verbal noun, cf. Alb. ag 'dawn' < *h2eug-, see Demiraj 1997. Perhaps further to OCS jug'b 'South, south wind'. Connection with the root *h2eug­ 'to increase, grow strong' seems plausible, in view of the limited distribution of the words meaning 'light'. =

aMq [f.] '(human) voice, sound, speech' (ll.). � IE *h2ued- 'speak'� VAR *ouo�eaaa is a suggestion of Aristotle for auo�waa, meant as 't111Y£lOC;'; on this see Beekes Spraehe 18 (1972): 127f. .DER auo�£lC; 'with (human) voice' (ll.); denominative verb auMw, aor. auo�aaL 'talk, speak, speak to' (ll.). (Chantraine's opposition of a god(dess) with a human voice, language as opposed to the language of the gods is wrong. It means 'having a voice [to speak with]', which may be 'human' or 'beautiful' as the context requires; see Beekes, l.e. l28 n.3.) .ETYM Mostly derived from a root *h2ued- that is assumed for � aelow, and with lengthened grade for a(F)llo-wv. An o-grade *h2uod- is assumed for the name 'Hal­ (F)OOOC; and in F086v (written y086v} YOllTa 'sorcerer', FOoav (written y-} KAal£lv 'to weep' (H.), but DELG considers the glosses unreliable. Note that this would presuppose the Saussure Effect (loss of tlIe initial laryngeal before o-grade of the root), which is not certain (see Van Beek 2009). The problem with this whole account is that an alternation *h2u-ed- beside *h2u-ei-d is suspicious, and that a long vowel in *h2u-ed- is not very probable either. There has also been discussion whether *h2ud- gave uo- (Beekes) or auo- (Peters 1980a: 65ff., 72). The zero grade is seen in �uo£w, cf. teapoc; < *h2idh-. Outside Greek, a root *(h2)ued(H)- is found in Skt. vadati 'speak', ptc. udita- and in OCS vaditi. A root-final laryngeal is improbable, as we would then expect aspiration of the stop in Sanskrit. Hitt. uttar 'word, thing, story, reason, ete.' is probably unrelated, while Lith. ISg. vadinu 'to call, name' points to *_dh_ on account of Winter's Law. See � allowv, � ouo�waa. •

auepuw =>tpuw. au8MllC;, -ec; [adj.] 'conceited, presumptuous, arrogant' (Hdt.). � GR� .DER Thence aUeao£la 'conceit, presumption' (Att., Hell.), also -la; aueaOtKOC; (Ar.). Denominative aueaol(of.LaL [v.] 'to be presumptuous, etc.' (Pl., Them.), aueaolaf.La (A.); also aUeaola(Of.LaL (J.) 'id.'. .ETYM From *auTo-FaollC;, a compound of aUToc; and the root of CtOelv < *swad- with crasis. A contracted Ionic form aUTwollC; is given by A. D. Pron. 74, 9 and H. See � Ctvoavw.

au8€V't'l U vAR Aor. aXeWe�VaL. .DER aXeoc; [n.] 'load', also metaph. 'burden, trouble' (ll.). Thence aXeELVOC; 'burdensome' (E., X.), and rare forms like axellpoc; (Antiph. 94, uncertain), aXe�ELC; (Marc. Sid. 96) , aXe�llwv (Man. 4, 501) . Denominative verb aXe[(w 'to load' (Babr.), perhaps aXe�aac; (for aXe[aac;?} Y0!lwaac;, �youv TCAllpwaac; 'stuffed, filled' (H.). axel18Wv, -OVOC; [f.] 'weight, burden' (A.); cf. aAYl18Wv. .ETYM Former comparisons (aXeOC; 'load' with ayw 'to carry'; axeOllaL 'to be grieved' with axollaL, axvullaL 'to be sad' were formally not very convincing (a verbal suffix -e- is not well represented) . One also compared � 6xetw, but this is more plausibly connected witlI £XeOllaL 'to be hated'. Risch IF 69 (1964) : 78 etymologically connected axeOllaL with Hitt. batV 'to shut, close, make tight', which would mean that we have to reconstruct *h2edh/-. Both Kloekhorst 2008 s.v. and Puhvel HED s.v. accept this etymology, noting that it is corroborated by the fact that neitlIer the -t- nor the -k- is ever spelled with a geminate in Hittite. The meaning 'to shut' in Hittite must have developed from 'to squeeze'. •

AXLAAEUC; [m.] the son ofPeleus and Thetis (ll.). � PG> .VAR Also AXLAEUC; (ll.). .DIAL Myc. a-ki-re-u, dat. a-ki-re-we. .DER AXLAA�"lOC; (Hdt.), Att. AX[AAELOC; (E.); also a plant. .ETYM The variation AA - A (like aa - a in '08ua(a) EUC;) is typical of Pre-Greek words, and probably points to a palatalized phoneme /IY/. Any metrical explanation of the origin of this interchange is vicious. I do not believe that the name is hypocoristic for an older compound, or that it belongs to � axoc; 'pain'. Holland Glotta 71 (1993) : 17-27 gives a new proposal for Achilles. He connects it again with axoc;, though he admits that it does not mean 'fear' as in Germanic: although he translates it as 'gri.ef in some passages, in Greek it means 'distress'. He cites instances where Homer mentions the axoc; of Achilles, but these can easily be

aXAUC;, -VOC; aXEVwv is tentatively interpreted as a participle built on an athematic present *aXEUfll (DELG) or aorist *� XEUa (Frisk). For ax£wv beside axoc;, one compares KpaT£wv to KpaTOC;. See Strunk 1967: 105ff., and cf. West ZPE 67 (1987): 17-19.

understood as folk-etymological explanations of the name. Holland explains the geminate as hypocoristic, and then assumes an element -lAO- for which he cites 6pYtAOC; 'inclined to anger', but here without any meaning; it contradicts his intepretation of the A as a remnant of Aaoc; 'army', for which there is no evidence. The most serious mistake is that he does not accept the evidence of Mycenaean, where we find a-ki-re-u = l\XlAAEVC;. Holland admits (19) that the word enjoyed a certain popularity, and that "the name was not invented for the Homeric hero". It shows that the name existed in this form centuries before Homer. The name can easily be understood as Pre-Greek: note the suffIx -EUC;, and the variaton between geminate and simple consonant (Fur.: 387). Holland sweeps this explanation away as "nebulous pre-Greek" (17), but this is no argument. In doing this, he takes us back to the period before we knew Mycenaean, and his interpretation must be fundamentally rejected. Achilles is clearly a hero taken over from other stories. The meaning of the name remains unknown, but this is unimportant.

"xpaMflUAa [?] · 6 KOXAtac; 'snail' (H.). � PG(S,v)� .VAR Cf. aKpaflvAa· KOXAtac;, TapaVTtVOlC; (H.); xpaflaooLAUl' XEAWVUl 'tortoises'. Kat at vw8poTaTUl TWV KUVWV 'the most hybridized of bitches'. ot Oe TOUC; KoxAiac; 'snails' (H.). Here the last explanation has clearly been added later, as the case forms do not agree. .ETYM As two forms have both 0 and fl, the syllable with 0 was probably lost in aKpaflvAa (either in reality or only graphically: in AI'1A?). Since two forms end in -fluAa, the original form will have been axpaoafluAa. Variation o ll U is well known in Pre-Greek words. The analysis will be *(a)krad-am-ul-a, with well-known Pre-Greek suffIxes. The word closely resembles the town KapoaflvAll (ll.), also on Chios; for the metathesis see Fur.: 392 (on T£Pfllv80C;1 TP£fll80c;).

"XAUC;, -VOC; [f.] 'mist, darkness' (ll.). � IE *h2etlu- 'mist, dark weather'� VAR Later -vc; . DER "XAUWOllC; 'hazy, murky' (Hp., Arist., Hell.); aXAuo£lC; 'cloudy, dark' (Epigr. apud Hdt., Hell., late epic). Denominative verbs: "XAVW [v.] 'to become (make) dark' (Od., epic), aXAumc; 'obfuscation' (Syn. Aleh.); aXAvvoflUl 'to become dark' (Q. S.); aXAu ooflUl 'to become dark', -OW 'to get dark' (Thphr.). aXAuoulv, 8pV1tTEa8Ul 'to break small' (H.) after the verbs for diseases in -laW (Schwyzer: 732), perhaps by contamination with XAlOUV (XAlOtaV). .ETYM Seems identical with OPr. aglo [n.] 'rain' (which need not be a u-stem); Arm. alja-m-ulj-k' [pl.] 'darkness' requires metathesis of -tl-, and subsequent palatalization of t to j. The reduplication is typical of Armenian.

"xpac;, -aSoc; [f.] 'the wild pear and its fruit, Pyrus amygdaliformis' (com., Arist.).

� PG(v)� .ETYM One connects � aXEpooc;. Acc. to Frisk and Chantraine, it is possibly a loanword; to my mind, it is Pre-Greek, with a-XEpo- beside a-xpao- , with metathesis and alE (cf. Fur.: 392 (JTEpytC; I aTpEYytc;). Admittedly, the alternation can also be

understood in lE terms, but such an origin is highly improbable for a word for 'pear'. DELG points out that -aC;, -6.00C; is frequent in plant names.

"XP£ioV [] not quite certain: axpdov iowv (B 269) ; axpELov 0' tY£AQ(JaE (a 163); axpdov KA6.(£lV (Theoc. 25, 72) . � GR� .COMP axp£lo -yEAwC; [adj.] (Cratin.); axp£lwc; YEAaV (APl.). .ETYM It may be the same word as axpdoc; 'useless, idle' (see � Xp�).

axvll [f.] 'foam, froth; chaff (ll., poet., Hp.). � PG(V)� .ETYM With a different velar, we find Lat. agna 'ear of corn' < *akna, Go. ahana 'chaff, etc., from the root *h2ek- 'sharp'. Connection with this root has been proposed for axvll too, assuming a suffIx -snh2-, but this seems ad hoc: the more obvious connection with � axupov 'chaff shows that it is a Pre-Greek word.

axpl, axplC; [adv., prep., conj.] 'to the uttermost; as far as, until, as long as' (ll.). � IE *me-/sri 'until'� .DER axpol (Corcyra; after the locatives in -01) . .ETYM This is the zero grade of � fl£XPI. On the variant with -c;, see Schwyzer: 404f., 650.

axvuflUl [v.] 'to grieve, lament for' (ll.). � IE *h2et- 'distress, fear'� .VAR Ptc. also aXEvwv, ax£wv (ll.; see below); aor. aKax£a8Ul, aKaxdv, aKax�aUl, perf. aKaXllflUl (aKllXEfl£vll metro cond. ?); thence a new pres. aKaXt(oflUl, -t(w; axo flUl occurs only twice (Od.). Rare presents are aKaxvvw (Antim.), aKaxo flUl (Q. S.) and aXVaaOllf.ll (Ale. 81) , a re-formation in -a(w from *axvllfll, * axvaflal. DER An old noun is axoc; [n.] 'sadness, pain' (ll.); axvvc;, -VOC; [f.] 'id.' (Call.) after axvuflUl. ETYM Although a difference in meaning exists, axoc; corresponds with the s-stem in Go. agis [n.] , OE ege [m.] 'fear'. Further, Gm. has a preterito-present Go. og 'to fear', and the Go. ptc. un-agands 'fearless' is thematic, like axoflUl. Further cognates are 0Ir. -agadar 'id.', and PIlr. *Hata- > Skt. agha- [adj.] 'evil, bad, dangerous' (RV+), YAv. aya- [adj.] 'bad, evil'.

axupa [] 'chaff (corn.). � PG(s,v)� .VAR Rarely sing. -ov; collective sing. axupoc; or axupoc; [m.] 'heap of chaff. Note axo pa· nl 1t tTUpa. £VlOl Oe KpaVtOV 'chaff, skull; head' (H.) . -COMP axup08�Kll (X.) . DER axupwollC; (Arist.), axvplvoC; (PIu.), etc.; axupwv, -WVOC; [m.] 'storehouse for chaff (Delos), axvpLOC; [m.] 'heap of chaff (Heraklea). Denominative verb axu po w [v.] 'to mix with chaff, etc. (Arist., Thphr.), whence axvpwmc; (Arist.). Remarkable is axu p fllat [] 'heap of chaff (E 502, AP 9, 384, 15), which is a form in -la from a noun in -flOC;. The form in -at is probably an old locative; see Diirbeck


_ I

liWTO�a(vw . �l�AO� =>�U�AOC;. �L�PWOKW [v.] 'to devour' (originally non-presentic; for the late present see below). -�ACt�T]. �Aa(Jnivw [v.] 'to bud, sprout, grow' (A.). TJfltw [v.] 'to speak profanely, slander' (Arist.). �UAAW.

�A(�W =>�MTU£e;.





.ETYM Cf. KAu�w, �OA�LTOV.


226 �oll�Ola [f.] � Koi\.ufl�a7t6� [adj.] 'hook-nosed, curved' (Pl.). � PG (v) � .DER YPU7tOTTj O£lO[aKOflaL. liTj6u => o�v. d'l·iuVElpa => o�·(o 8� . 61lw [v.] 'I shall find' (11.); the future mg. is based on the perfective aspect of the verb (Schwyzer 1950: 265). yavuflul. �lTJV£KI\I.; [adj.] 'uninterrupted, definite, exact' (11.; on the mg. Luther 1935: 64f.). v (PSI 8, 971, 17 [Ill-IVPl), of flax (Bd. Dioel. 28, 61). ETYM The second member is perhaps connected to AUCYlO, etc.). Details are included in Schwyzer: 607 and 402 and Schwyzer 1950: 193ff. A remarkable parallel is found in Phrygian: OPhr. ven avtun, NPhr. oe aULal.


tav6� 2 [adj.] of clothes (AuL, 1tbtAO K1JTOe;. typ�oow =>ey£lpw. fYX£AVe;, -Voe; [f.] 'eel' (ll.). e'LATj. t:lATJ 2 [f.] 'warmth, heat of the sun' (Ar. Ve. 772 [v.l. EATjl, Luc.). .VAR Also £'LATj, EATj; �EAa (=FEAa} �ALO018u. e'iOO!laL 2 =>e'i80flUl. e'ioo!laL 3 [v.fut.] 'set oneself in movement, hurry'. £Le;. •

£LTU [adv.] 'then, thereupon'. t�. £Ku£pyoe; [adj.] epithet of Apollo (ll.), also of Artemis (Ar. Th. 972 [lyr.l). £Kumou, *£KUe; np > £Kuonp, the other cases (like EKUOTOe;, etc.) were formed, along with the superlative in -lOTOe;. When EKUOTOe; was analyzed as EKU-OTOe;, this led to the creation of £KUT£pOe; (lA), F£KUT£pOe; (Gort., Delph.) 'each of both' (based on UT£pOe;, 1tOT£pOe;, etc.), with several adverbial derivatives like £KuTepw9ev, -W9l, -WOE (lA, etc.); note the form £KUT£p9£(v) 'on both •

397 sides' (11.), based on um:p8£v, Ev£p8£v, etc., for metrically awkward £KaTEpw8£v. See Schwyzer: 627f., Lejeune 1939: 223f., Mastrelli Stud. ital. fil. class. 27 (1956): 8, and Lazzeroni Ann. Pisa 2:25 (1956): 136ff.

Thieme 1952: 62ff., who translates it as 'winning a hundred cows' (scil. oa(c;). On the form, see Wackernagel IF 45 (1926): 319. After £KaTofl�1l was built the late (Jul.) XlAlOfl�T]·

'EKaT'l [f.] popular goddess originating from Anatolia (Hes. Th. 411ff.; h. Cer.), more specifically from Caria, and identified with Artemis (E. Supp. 676 [lyr.]); cf. Nilsson 1941: 722ff. � PG� DER 'EKaLaLoc; 'belonging to H.' (S., D.), also 'EKaT�moc; and 'EKanKoc; 'id.' (late); 'EKCtTaLOV [n.] effigy of Hecate, which was put up in front of houses or on three­ forked roads (Ar.), 'EKaT�mov 'id.' (PIu.), 'EKaT�ma [] festival in 'Cos. Several Anatolian PNs:'EKaLaLoc;;EKaT�vwp;EKaTiic;, etc. (BechteI 1917b: 150f.). .ETYM Originally an epithet, assumed to have resulted from a cross of � £KaT'l�oAoC; or � £K'l�OAOC;. However, I see no reason to assume that it had an initial digamma. More probably, of Pre-Greek origin.

EKaTov [num.] 'hundred'. � IE *dkmtom 'hundred'� .YAR Arc. £KOTOV . COMP As a first member in many compounds, like £KaTofl-n£ooc; 'measuring one hundred feet' ('¥ 164; see Sommer 1948: 28ff.); also £KaTOVTa- (after -KOVLa-), e.g. £KaTovTa-ETT]C; 'one hundred years old' (Pi.). .DER £KaToa-roc; 'the hundredth' (lA) with £KaToa-ruc; 'the hundred' (X.); £KaTo(JT� [f.] 'contribution of one percent' with £Ka-ro(JT-�pLOC;, -T]p(a, -laLoc;, -£uw (Att.). .ETYM Based on the comparison with Skt. satam, Av. satam, ToB kante, Lat. eentum, 0Ir. cet, Go. hund, Lith. sirhtas, and OCS S'bto, we arrive at lE *kmtom. It is likely, however, that this had an initial * d- because of the relationship with * dekm, etc. 'ten' (see � 8EKa), so properly *dkmtom. This *d- was a preglottalized stop (*ld_), which was reflected as £- in Gr. £KaTOV (on Arc. £KOTOV, see Schwyzer: 88, 344); see Kortlandt MSS 42 (1983): 97-104. The aspiration was then taken from £V 'one' (see � £�OOfl�KOVLa) .

EKaT'l�£AET'lC; [adj.] epithet of Apollo (A 75, Hes. Se. 100, h. Ap. 157; always in gen. -ETao). � GR� YAR After this £Kan1 �£AEnc; (Theol. Ar.). ETYM Either from the old full-grade aorist stem *gwelh,- of � �CtAAw, or (better) for older *£KaT'l-�£A�C;, with enlarging -T'lC; as in ai£l-y£vETllC;, for *ai£l-Y£V�C;, etc. after the example of cases like CtKaAa-pp£FE-T'lC; (> CtKaAapp£l-r'lC;), V£ *oy (De Vaan 2008). Cf. � £i6.(w, � ui6.(w and Schwyzer: 303. •



£Mdd.o� [adj.] epithet of places (since Od.), in the Od. almost only of Ithaca, also of Kp(a11 (h. Ap. 438), of the mountain KpOVLOV (Pi. 0. 1, 111) , etc. £KTjAOC;. eUKOAOe; =>ouaKoAoc;. eUKpalle; [adj.] 'temperate', epithet of T01lOL (Arist. Mete. 352a 7), of a1lP (Thphr. CP 1, 11, 6; 2, 3, 3), of epwc; (Opp. H. 4, 33); but also 'blowing well', of oiSpoc; and aV£Il0C; (A. R. 2, 1228; 4, 891); also v.l. for aKpa1lC; (� 299, Hes. Op. 594). aAo�. eUAll [f.] 'worm, maggot' (11.). £i5p'lKa) as lE *urh,-to-. lE *ureh,-t- has also been supposed in OCS ob-ret'b 'I found'. A full grade *uer- is seen in Arm. gerem (with secondary aorist geree'i) 'take prisoner'. Taillardat RPh. 34 (1960): 232-235 assumes *suer-, with *sesure > dipE.

evvouxoC; =>EVV�. euox90C; [adj.] epithet of oaiLEC; (B. Fr. 18, 4), �opa (E. Ion 1169), y� (Hom. Epigr. 7, 2), perhaps 'rich, luxuriant, fruitful'. 8uOXEp� � O£oe; 'fear'. The meaning 'like a god' (in late poets) arose from confusion with 8eo-ElO�e;. •

6t1lLuvoe; [adj.] . amoflEVOe; 'touching, [here:] set on fire' (H.). a(n uno). This group of words is often connected with � 8povo £lAtw 2.

£lAEw 1.


£lAEw 1.

tAUlVOV XWplOV, Kat TO o pOC;. Kat OlKOC;, Kat a TOUTOU Lat. eneaustum; the red purple with which the Roman emperors signed, from where Fr. enere); also lmOKUU-O'lKaA6e;. •

KaAov [n.] 'wood, logs (for burning), timber' (h. Mere. U2, Hes. Op. 427, Ion. trag., Call., Cyrene), also 'wood for ships' = 'ship' (Lacon. in Ar. Lys. 1253, X. HG 1, 1,23, PIu. Ale. 28.). 0 - u; see Fur.: 340. KaAUYEOXAOl. LlKEAOl (H.), not mentioned in Frisk or DELG, which is completely self-evident. The interchange K/ X proves Pre-Greek origin. Fur. doubts the appurtenance of Lat. cancer < *karkro-, and prefers to connect it with yayypatvu, yayyAlov. For KUPKlVOC;, he also adduces (op.cit. 130) the PN KEpKlVOC; and the HN KEPKlVEUC; (Thessaly), with *KEpKlV-. The suffix -lVO- can also be Pre­ Greek (Fur.: 12954; Pre-Greek: Sufftxes). KUPVTJ [f.] . (llfllu 'punishment' (H.). � ?� .VAR mhoKupvOC;· U1JTo(�fllOC; 'self-punished' (H.). .ETYM It has traditionally been compared with Lat. carinare 'insult, ridicule' (Enn., gramm.) and (without an n-sufftx) several Celtic, Germanic and Balto-Slavic words: OIr. caire 'blame', OHG harawen 'mock', Latv. karinat 'tease', Ru. kor 'insult, scoff; perhaps also ToAB kiirn"- probably 'to strike, afflict'. Note that KUpV- can hardly be explained in lE terms (*r would give pu), which means that the word may be Pre­ Greek. The word Kapuvvoc; hardly belongs here, although glossed as (llfllu by H. (cf. DELG), or *KUPUVl(ElV 'to behead' in KUpUVlOT�p, -T�C;, which is derived from Kapavov (see � Kapllvu). See � KEpTOflEW. KUpVOC; [?] . aKacpwp'l. KaXa.(w [v.] 'to laugh loudly' (lA, Theoc.). � IE *kha kha 'ha ha'� .VAR Also KaKXu(w, Kayxu(w (on the gemination and nasalization see Schwyzer: 315 and 647) , aor. KaXCtaaL, fut. Kaxa�w (Theoc.) . COMP Also with prefix, e.g. ava-, EK-. •


. �. ,I



.DER Kuxu aKeoavvufll. K£c')flum [] (Hp.); acc. to Gal., Erot. and H. = ut Xpovlw-repat Otu8Eaele; voawoele; 1tepL -ru lip8pu 'chronical limb-diseases'. � ?� .DER Keoflu-rwoTje; (Hp. apud Erot.; uncertain) . ETYM Connected with Keoaa(a) at 'to tear apart' by Prellwitz, but one would expect -Keoaaflum. The explanation is neither formally nor semantically satisfactory (DELG). •

KEc')v6c; [adj.] 'careful, trusty, cared for, noble, cherished, dear' (ll.). � IE? *keh2d-no­ 'cared for'� .DER KeovomJvTj (IG 3, 1370; metrical inscr., imperial times; cf. Wyss 1954: 64) . .ETYM A connection with K�OOflat, Dor. KaoOe;, epic KeKCtOWV < *k(e)h2d- has been considered impossible because of the -e-, but De Lambererie 1996 tries to revive this proposal in the light of Lubotsky's Law for Indo-Iranian: loss of a laryngeal before a glottalized PIE stop (*d, g, g, gW) plus a consonant. If this is true, a pre-form *keh2d­ no- lost its laryngeal before it colored the neighboring vowel to *a. Fur.: 195 compares aKe8p6e;. K£c')pOC; [f.] 'cedar-tree' (e 60) . � ?� .COMP Few compounds, e.g. Keop-EAatOV 'cedar oil' (Aet.) , 6�u-KeopOe; [f.] 'prickly cedar' (Thphr.; cf. Stromberg 1940: 35) . DER KeOpte; [f.] 'juniper-berry' (Hp., Ar.); KEOpOV [n.] 'id.' (inscr., EM, H.); KeOptU 'cedar oil' (Hdt., D. S.), also KeopEu (pap., medic.; after flTjAEU, aDKEU, etc.). KeOpt-rTje; (oIvoe;) 'wine with juniper flavouring'; KEoplVOe; 'of cedar-wood' (Hp., E., Arist.), also KeOptveoe; 'id.' (Nic.; metrical reshaping), KeopW-rOe; 'made of cedar-wood' (E. [lyr.]), Keopeane;, -lOOe; [f.] name of Artemis in Arcadian Orchomenos (Paus. 8, 13, 2; after Teyeane;, etc.). KEopwane;, -ewe; [f.] 'bryony' (Dsc. 4, 182; after liypwane;, s.v.). Denominative verb Keopow 'to lay in cedar resin, embalm' (Posidon., Str.). .ETYM Unknown. The similarity with Baltic names of the juniper (e.g. Lith. kadagys) is limited to the first syllable; connection with Ru. cad 'vapor', OCS kaditi 'smoke' is also quite hypothetical. Borrowed as Lat. eedrus. Acc. to Fohalle 1925: 157ff., a Mediterranean word for 'cedar', Lat. citrus 'Thuia articulata', and Gr. KEOpOe; would have been adapted to each other; doubtful. See also � Kt-rpOV, -Kt-rPlOV. •

KElflaL [v.] 'to lie, be somewhere, happen, etc.' (ll.). � IE *kei- 'lie, rest'� .VAR 3sg. KeiLat, 3Fl. KEU-r at (Att. KelV-rat), inf. Kela8at, etc. (further forms in Schwyzer: 679) . .DIAL The interpretation.of Myc. ke-ke-me-na is highly uncertain.



.COMP Very frequently with prefix in different mgs., uva-, KUTa-, 1tupa-, £y-, £K-, E1tI-, aUY-KElflUL, etc. DER 1. KOLTO KA£O KA£o Dor. Arc. KOLVUV, -iivoe; [m.] (Pi., Locris, Tegea), Att. KOLVEWV, -wvoe; [m.] (E. HF 149, 340), KOLVWV, -wvoe; [m.] (X. Cyr.) 'fellow traveler, companion', after KOLVWV£W, etc.; thence Dor. KOLVUV£W (Dor. treaty apud Th. 5, 79, 1; Argos, Delphi), Att. KOLVWV£W [v.] 'to be a participant, participate' (for *KOLVEWV£W), KOLvuvlu (PL), Att. KOLvwvlu 'community, share', KOLVWv6e; 'companion, etc.' (probably a back-formation, see Leumann 1950: 224); thence KOLVUVLK6e; (Archyt.), KOLVWVLK6e; (Att.) 'common, social'; KOLVWVLflalOe; 'regarding the community' (pap.; Chantraine 1933: 49); from KOLVWV£W also KOLvwvT]flu (Pl., Arist.). Further nominal derivations: 2. KOLV6TT]e; [f.] 'community, affability' (Att., Hell.); 3. KOLVElOV 'public hall, community, etc.' (inscr.); 4. KOLVUPLOV diminutive of KOLV6v (written cynarium CIL 13, 10021, 199). Denominative verb KOLV6w, -60flaL 'to make communal, share', also 'to make profane', med. 'to act as member of a community, participate, ask for advice' (lA), aor. KOLViiaaL (Pi.), KOlvwflu, -flunov 'joint, band' (Ph. Bel.), KOlvwme; 'intercourse' (PIu.). .ETYM The word KOLV6e; may be related to the preposition and prefix found in Lat. cum, com- (con-), Gaul. com- 'with, together with', Gm. ga-, from lE *kom 'together, with'. We have to assume that an adjective *kom-i6- > *konj6- was formed (see Rix 1976: 67). K6'l�, -"lKOC; [m.] a kind of palm, 'Hyphaene thebaica', and a basket made from its leaves (com., Thphr.). � PG?, LW Eg.?� .VAR K6'le; (Epich., BGU 972, 5). .DER KoTKLVOe; 'made of K.' (Str.). .ETYM Fraenkel Phil. 97 (1948): 170 thought that aKolKLOV 'vessel, receptacle' (Cyrene, Hell. pap.) was derived from this word, but it is improbable that the a- was taken from aKEUOe; or a7tuple;. This interchange alzero rather points to Pre-Greek origin. A


by-form is � KOVKl [n.] (pap., Plin.), which may point to Egyptian origin, see Hemmerdinger Glotta 46 (1968): 214.

Koiov [?] KW"iOV' £v£xupov 'pledge' (H.). - KOAOC;. KOAa�, -aKo� [m.] 'flatterer, fawner' (Att., HelL). � PG(s)� .COMP Often as a second member (com.), e.g. KVlao-KoAa�; see Risch IF 59 (1949): 277· .DER KOAaK£la (Democr., Pl.), KOAaKlC; [f.] (Clearch., PIu.), KOAaKlKoc; 'flattering' (PI.) and KOAaK£uw 'to flatter' (Att. HelL); KOAaK£ulla (X.) 'flattering', KOAaK£UTlKOC; 'id.' (Pl.), KOAaKwr�c; KOAa� (gloss.). .ETYM A word from Attic everyday language without established etymology. As the suffIx -aK- originates from Pre-Greek, the same probably holds for this word. :=:

KOAumw [v.] 'to peck (of birds), strike, carve, engrave' (lA, Aeol.) . � PG� VAR Aor. KoAu\lfal. .COMP Also with preflx, especially ev-, eK-. .DER eY-KoAa\lflC; 'inscription', eK- 'obliteration' (inscr., Arist.), eY-KoAalllla 'inscription' (LXX, Priene), (eY-)KoAamoc; 'carved out' (inscr., LXX); KOAam�p [m.] 'chisel' with ola-KOAaTtTTjPl�W 'to engrave with a chisel' (Lebadeia); also opu(0)­ KOAam- [T] TjC; 'woodpecker' (Ar., Arist.; see further � opUC;), a compound of 06pu and KOAamElV with suffIxal -TTjC;, similar Kpavo-KoAamTjC; name of a venomous spider (Philum.). ETYM Frisk and DELG assume that KOAamw derives from an lE root *kelh2-, and that it replaces a primary verb by adding -amw after verbs with similar meaning, like aKamw, oapoamw, Komw; the resultant form perhaps replaced a primary verb preserved in Lith. kdlti, ISg. kalit 'to forge, hammer', OCS klati, koljp 'a KOpU AUKUp'l· Mvopov n (H.) ETYM Unexplained.


AaK£cSalllWV, -OVO� [f.] town and country on the river Eurotas (ll.). � PG?� .DIAL Myc. ra-ke-da-mi-ni-jo ILakedaimniosl and [ra-lke-da-mo-ni-jo ILakedaimonios/, cf. Lejeune RPh. 68 (1994): 165-168. oDER AUKeOatll6vloAao 'regard as too great' > 'grudge'. See � flEya h. The masculine IlEyae;, -ay is immediately understandable as an innovation from IlEya; the other forms have an enlargement *-1-, the origin of which is unlear. This enlargement is also found in Go. mikils 'great' < PGm. *mekila- and in synonymous Lith. didelis 'great' (from didis 'id.'). See � uya-, � Ileyalpw. •

,"U:SEWV, -Eouau 'ruler'. =>IlE8w. IlESlllvoC; [m.] corn measure (lA), a "bushel" = 48 XOlvlKee;, which was about 52 1/2 liters in Athens. � PG� .VAR Older - lllvoe;; with dissimilation Fe8tllvoC; (Gortyn). .COMP As a second member in �IlE8lllvOV [n.] 'half-bushel', also -oe; [m.] (haplological for � lll-IlE8lllvov, originally a substantivized adj.). DER lle8lllv-laLOe; 'measuring one Il.' (Gortyn), -a1ov· IlETpOV 1l0810u (H.). ETYM Formally, IlE8q.lvoe; looks like IlEplllvU 'care, anxiety', ALllvT] 'harbor' (cf. AlllT]v), aLallvoe; 'wine-jar', etc. If we assume an enlarged mn-stem to the root *med­ (seen in Greek IlE80llUl 'to care', IlE8w 'to rule, govern', 1l�8w 'counsels, plans'). However, the - l- remains problematic. It is tempting to compare Lat. modius "bushel", derived from modus 'measure'. Because of the great number of loanwords in - Ilv-, Chantraine 1933: 216 considers the word to be of Mediterranean origin. To my mind, tlIe word must be Pre-Greek, in view of the suffIx -Ilv-. See Fur.: 2467'. •

IlESW [v.] 'to rule, govern' (Emp., trag.). � IE *med- 'measure'� .VAR Also -EW? Only present. .DER IlE8wv [ptc.] 'ruler' (Horn.), like apxwv, fern. -ouaa "ruling", name of one of the Gorgons (Hes.), also lle8£wv, -EOVTOe; 'id.' (ll., h. Mere.), fern. -Eouaa (h. Hom., Hes.); PN ME8wv, Aao-IlE8wv, etc., TN Me8ewv (Boeotia) in the sense "seat of government"(?). IlE80llUl [med.] 'to care for, think of, be prepared for' (ll.), only pres. except lle8�aollUl (I 650). Hence lle8LIl'P' �PWl 'hero' (H.), probably after Ku8l1l0e;, MKllloe;, etc. .ETYM In the sense of 'think of, be prepared for', IlE80llUl corresponds exactly to the Lat. frequentative meditor, -arl 'to reflect, meditate', beside which we find the primary verb medeor, -erl 'to heal' and tlIe primary noun modus 'measure', from

919 which modius, modestus and moderor are derived. Celtic has several cognates, e.g. OIr. mess 'iudicium' < *med-tu-, air-med 'measure'. The basic meaning 'measure' is found in Germanic as well: Go. mitan (also miton 'to consider'), OE metan, MoHG messen, etc. An old specialized meaning is found in Lat. medeor 'to heal' (originally 'to take measures' vel sim.?) and Av. vl-mad- 'healer, phYSician'. See � 1l�801lUl, which has been considered to show a lengthened grade of tlIe same root, but may also be from a different root *meh,(d)-. IlE�EU [] 'male genitals'. =>1l�8w. IlEaU [n.] 'entoxicating drink, wine' (ll.). � IE *medh u- n. 'honey, intoxicating drink'� .VAR Gen. -uoe; (Pl. Epigr., Nic.) . COMP As a first member in lle8u-TIA��, -yoe; 'hit by wine, drunk' (Call., AP1.), etc. .DER Denominative verbs: lle8u-aKollUl (lA) 'to intoxicate oneself, be(come) drunk', aor. lle8u-a8�vUl (Ale., lA); act. lle8u-aKw 'to intoxicate oneself (Pl., Hell.), aor. lle8u(a)-aUl, fut. lle8f>aw; lle8u-w (only present-stem) = -uaKollUl, often metaph. (Od.). Verbal nouns: 1. IlE8T] [f.] 'drunkenness, intoxication' (lA), back-formation from lle8uw after TIAT]8uw : TIA�8T]; 2. IlE8ume; 'intoxication' (Thgn.), after TI6me; (Porzig 1942: 190); 3· IlE8ualla 'intoxicating drink' (LXX, Ph.). 4. IlE8uaoe; (-aT]) [m., f.] 'drunkard' (Hecat., Ar.), first of women; also lle8uaT]e; 'id.' (Ath., Luc.); 5. lle8uaT�e; 'id.' (Arr., AP), -uaTpla [f.] (Theopomp. Corn.), -uaLae; (Trag. Adesp.). 6 . . lle8ua-rlK6e; 'dipsomaniac, intoxicating' (Pl., Arist.); 7. lle8umov· e180e; UIlTIEAOU 'kind of grapevine' (H.); 8. lle8ullvULOe; epithet of Dionysus (PIu.); playful transformation of MT]8ullvaLOe; (from M�8ullva), according to H. an epithet of Dionysus (Wackernagel 1916: 1313) . PNs, e.g. ME8wv, -unoe;, -uaKOe;. On � uIlE8uaTOe;, see s.v. .ETYM Old word for 'honey, mead', which was retained in most languages: Skt. madhu- [n.] 'honey', Av. maou- [n.] 'currant wine', OCS med'b 'honey', LitlI. medus 'id.', ON mjoor, OHG metu [m.] 'mead', OIr. mid 'id.', ToB mit 'honey'. The meaning 'honey' was limited in Greek to ilEAL, which was inherited as well; the archaic word IlE8u, which (unlike its derivatives) was soon given up, referred to wine only. •

Ilt:lyvulll [v.] 'to mix, bring togetlIer, connect', med. 'to intermingle, convene in battle' (ll.). � IE *meig/k- 'mix'� .VAR ll£LyV-uw (X., Arist.), Illayw (Horn., lA, etc.), ovellelxvu-ro (Sapph.), aor. lleL�Ul, med. IllKTO (epic), pass. Illy�VUl with fut. -�aoIlUl, ll(e)lx8�vUl with -�ao IlUl, fut. Ilel�w, -OIlUl, perf. med. IlEIl(e)lYllUl; act. IlElllXa (Hell.). .COMP Very often with prefix, e.g. auv-, em-, KaTU-, uva-. As a first member in governing compounds Il(e)l�(o)-, e.g. Ill�-En'lVee; [pl.] 'semi-Hellenes' (Hellanic., Hell.), ll(e)l�6-8pooe; 'mixing the crying, with mixed cries' (A.); also Illay-, especially in Illay-ayK£La [f.] 'place where vall�ys meet' (L1 453), from *lllay-ayK�e;. As a second member in TIall-, uva-, aull-Illy�e;, etc. (lA); thence Illy�e; (Nic.), uva-, em-Ill� [adv.] 'mixed' (ll.).


DER Few derivatives: 1. (Jl)Il-)Il£l�LU8vov. oiTo" [m.] 'fate of men, (unfortunate) destiny' (ll., trag. [lyr.l). � IE *h2oi-to- 'share'� -COMP As a second member in fley6.A-OlToe; 'burdened with a heavy fate, unhappy'

(Theoc.) and in PNs like 'Ex-oLTT]e; (Athens; Bechtel 1917b: 345); as a first member in OhO-AlVOe; [m.] "linos of fate" (Sapph. 140b, from Pamphos). -ETYM The derivation of OITOe; from the root of levat 'to go' as *h1oi-to- is formally possible. An identical formation is supposed in the Celto-Germanic word for 'oath', OIr. 6eth, Go. aips, OHG eid, if it originally denoted the walk to confirm an oath; c£ MoSw. edgang. As an alternative, consider Av. aeta- [m.] 'punishment, guilt', which was identified with OITOe; by Bartholomae IF 12 (1901): 139 under an original meaning 'part, share'. It cannot be separated from � alcra, � ahlOe;, ete., and may reflect an ablaut *h2ei / *h2oi. Thus, OITOe; may rather derive from *h2oi-to-, originally 'what has been granted'; this is semantically much more convincing.

o'(cpw [v.] 'futuo' (Thera, Gort., PIu. Pyrrh. 28). � IE *h3iebh -, *h3e-h3ibh - 'enter,

copulate'� -VAR Uncertain -ew (Mimn.). -COMP As a second member in owAeKpuvov. OAl�POV [adj.] o)uaS'lpov, A£lov, £1tlmpuAeKA�ponaAaLw. nUATJ 2 [f.] 'fine flour, fine dust' (Hp., medic., Pherecr.). Gr. nUAA-£/o- (with similar phonetics as in �UAAW), and a reduplicated aorist *pe­ plh,-e/o- > n£1tuA-£/o-. This analysis is possible in theory, but note that there is no independent evidence for nUAAw continuing a nasal present. Thus, everything remains uncertain. Alternatively, we could be dealing with a different, Proto-Greek stem *pal-, to which nUAuvw and nUAuaaw could belong as well. The appurtenance of nOA£llom:naflal.

nuamiA'l [f.] 'fine flour, etc.' = nal1to.A'l, no.A'l (Ar. V. 91 [metaphor for a very small measure] , H., Phot., Suid.). 1t£fl1tEAOe;, from the root for 'grey' seen in 1tEAlOVOe;, 1tEAlOe; (see also Blanc KZ 110 (1997): 233f.). 1tEfl1tW [v.] 'to send, dispatch, guide, accompany', med. (mostly with prefix) also 'to send for someone, fetch'. � ?� .VAR Aor. 1t£fl'\!Ul, fut. 1t£fl'\!w (Hom.), aor. pass. 1tEflCP8�VUl (Pi.), perf. 1t£1t0flcpu (lA), med. 1t£1tEflflUl (Att.). .COMP Very often with different prefixes, e.g. U1tO-, £K-, £1tl-, flElU-, 1tpo-. DER 1. 1t0fl1t� (uvu-, U1tO-, £K-, 1tpO-, etc.) [f.] 'conduct, escort, procession, pompa' (ll.). 2. 1tOfl1tOe; [m.] , also [f.] 'escort, messenger' (ll.), also adj. 'guiding, bringing a message' (A., Ael.); prefixed compounds, e.g. 1tP01tOfl1t-Oe; 'escort, escortess, guide (m./f.), guiding, escorting' (A., X.); as a second member in compounds, e.g. ,\!uxo 1tOfl1t-Oe; 'guide of souls' (E.). From 1. or 2. (not always discernable): a. 1tofl1t-aloe; 'guiding, leading' (Pi., trag.), U1tO- (LXX, Ph.); b. -lfloe; 'id.' (Pi., trag.), 'sent off (S.), also uvu-, OlU-, etc. (D. S., Luc.); c. -lKOe; 'belonging to the procession' (X., Hell. and late); d. -tOe; 'led' (Plot.); e. -iAOe; [m.] name of a fish that accompanies ships, 'Naucrates ductor' (Erinna, A. R.); f. 1tOfl1tEUW (1tpO-, oUfl-, £1tl-, OlU-) [v.] 'to escort, guide, partake in a procession' (ll.); thence 1t0fl1tW-1tlap. 1ttf.l1tA'lf.ll, -uf.lal [v.] 'to fill, make full', intr. 'to fill oneself, become or be full' (n.) . � IE *pleh,- 'fill'� .VAR -aVETaL [3sg.] (1 679), rare -aw, -EW (Hp.), also 1tA�8w (intr., late also tr.; n . , epic poet.). Aor. 1tA�-1tA£tWV. , 1tA£V!lWV, -ovonAdwv. 1tAEWC;; 'full'


VAR nA�ElontflnAllflL.

1tA'1yq =>nA�aaw. 1tA'1f1f1EAqC;; [adj.] 'out of tune, faulty' (Democr., Att.). � GR� .DER nAllflfleA-€w [v.] 'to fail, commit an offense', -£La [f. ] 'fault, offense, mistake' (Att.). .ETYM Compound of nA�v 'without' and fl€AO *-0- like in Go. sauil [ssil] 'sun' < *seh2u-el-), whence Go. , jlodus [m.] nver (�te.) 7he apparent lengthened grade is also found in Slavic, e.g. . OCS plavatt, Ru. plavat; to swim (to and fro)'. See � 1tA£W and � 1tAUVW. 1tV£U�WV 'lung'. =>1tAEUflwv. 1tV£W [v.] ':0 blm;, breathe, respire, smell' (ll.). Skt. cin6ti (Frisk, DELG), is rejected by LIV2. On the meaning of nOL£W and other verba faciendi, see Braun Stud. ital. fil. class.N. S. 15 (1938): 243ff.; also, Valesio Quaderni dell'Istituto di Glottologia (Bologna) 5 (1960): 97ff. •

nOlKlAo,,; [adj.] 'varicolored, wrought in many colors (stitched, knitted, woven), manifold, versatile, cunning' (11.). -1tWpop�yvufll. PTJ'TIVTJ [f.] 'resin, fir resin' (Hp., Arist., Thphr.), on the neuter gender cf. �OUTUpOV. a(a [f.] a large broad sword, used by the Thracians ace. to Phylarch. and PIu. Aem. 18 (LXX, NT, J., etc.); also = 'VUKTeptt:lpo flPE1tW. poucr�ew. (J�tVVUfll [v.] 'to quench, extinguish', pass. 'to be extinguished, become extinct' (lA). · cr[£] �Ecr£L .VAR LlP- (Att. vase-inscr.); see Kretschmer Glotta 10 (1920): 61f. Often pI. -�v£KT]KLe;, KT] KLW. OKEAAOflUl. OKVl1tOKVL,/,.

, " �' /




KOl�. TlKOV' Tteflflanov TtAaKOUVTOeLOEe;. aAAOl of: Ctyyeia OLUA(�ovTa NeLAWOV uowp 'small cake; vessels filtering water from the Nile' (H.). £1tl-aTaKT'le; [m.] 'woolen thread for oil­ dripping' (late medic.); maKTep(a (for -T'lp(a) [f.] 'bottle for myrrh oil' (pap. VI­ VIIP). aTay-o'lv 'drop by drop' (Hp., Aret.). Ini�ouaa [f.] source in Sicyon (Krahe Beitr. z. Namenforsch. 2 (1950-1951) : 230) . .ETYM The present ma�w reflects *maY-lw and forms the basis of the other forms. The form mayee; is probably a backformation from mayovee; (Schwyzer: 424) . Often connected to Lat. stagnum 'standing water, pool' and OBret. staer 'river, brook' < *stag-ra. The semantics of this etymology are not obvious, but the connection remains possible. •

0'-ra6epoc; =>ma9fl'l. 0'-ra6euw [v.] 'to scorch, roast, fry' (Ar., Arist., Thphr.). ·COMP uTtoma9fl'l (to UTtO- m�vaL) [f.] 'sediment, lees, foundation' (PI., Hp. et al.). ma9fl-ouxoe; [m.] 'owner of goods, etc.' (A. Fr. 226 = 376 M., Antiph., pap. et al.), £Tt(-ma9flOe; [m.] 'quartermaster' (Isoc.), 'military quartered on another' (pap.; Mayser 1906-1938, I: 3: 175) ; vau-a-ra9flov [n.] (Th.), secondary -oe; [m.] (Plb., D. S.,

PIu.) 'anchorage, fleet station, fleet'; originally a substantivized adjective like �ou­ aTa9flov. .DER ma9fl-aoflaL (Ion. -EOflaL) 'to measure (by the directive), estimate, gauge, weigh' (Pi., lA), also with ola-, £1tl-, CtVTl-; thence -'lfla, -'late;, -'lnKOe; (late). a-ra9fl­ (�w 'id.' (Aq., Sm.), also with 8ta-. a-ra9floe; [m.] 'location, stable, farmstead, night lodgings, travel stage, day's march; pillar, post, jamb; balance, weight, heaviness' (ll.); plur. also -fla [n.] (after TaAavTa, �uya), to which sing. -ov 'weight, balance' (lA), poet. also 'homestead, farmstead; jamb, etc.' (trag. et al.). aTa9fl-(ov [n.] 'balance, weight' (Hell. and late); -lKOe; 'of weighing' (GaL); -wo'le; 'rich in sediment' (Hp.), cf. uTtoaTa9fl'l; ma9fl-(�w 'to weigh', also with ola-, cruv-, etc.; hence -late; [f.] 'the weighing', -laT�e; [m.] 'weigher', -lm( [adv.] 'by weight', --lanKOe; 'for weighing' (late); a-ra9fl-euw 'to take up or have quarters, etc.', also with KaTa-, £1tl-; also -£la [f.] (late). .ETYM Formation like �a9floe;, ge9floe;, {m9floe;, etc. A derivative of the root of � lm'lfll, PIE *steh2-, with the suffixes -9- and -flo-. The suffIx -9- also appears in eu­ aTa9�e; 'standing firm, quiet' (Ion. Hell. and late since 11.), which was probably built on the aor. £aTa9'lv (Risch 1937: 82) . The synonymous and later attested form aTagepoe; (A. Fr. 276 = 479 M., etc.) may have been built from uaTaan6yyo�. 'smooth', and belong to Skt. gandhci- [m.] 'smell' (originally *'to stab, blow, cut'). No etymology. .

n:vOPlJSwv, -6vo� [f.] 'wasp, forest-bee' (Arist., Dsc.). T£lvw. TEpallva [] 'house, residence' (E., almost only lyr., also Artem.). [dat.] (Maiist. 12) . Here also T£pallvOL· oT£yavoL, oKLal, oK'lvwllaLa 'covered, shadowy place, tents' and T£pallvoe;· KU'i'£A'l 'vessel, chest, box' (H.). .ETYM Previously connected with an IE word for 'beam, building, habitation' found in several European languages, e.g. U tremnu 'tabernaculo', Lat. trabs 'beam' (with taberna 'shed, habitation' from older *trab-), OW treb 'living', Lith. traM 'house, building', to which probably also belong Gm. words like OS tharp, OHG darj 'village'. However, these words cannot be related to T£paflva, which would presuppose a pre-form *terh2b-na-, while the other languages point to a root *treb­ (thus De Vaan 2008 and MatasoviC 2009) . The form T£p£flva, often explained by progressive vowel assimilation, rather points to substrate origin. We should definitely compare 8£panv'l, which occurs both in the meaning 'servant, maid' and as 'house, residence' (see � 8epanwv). Because of the alternations a/e and 8IL, �/n, the word is Pre-Greek (likewise Fur.: 351) . n:pa!1wv, -ovoe; [adj.] 'soft by boiling', of pulse, ete. (Thphr., Phot.). TEpfllVSOe;. n:pEft'1C; [m.] a musical instrument in Egypt (BGU 1l25, 4) · � LW Eg.?� ETYM May be a loan from Egyptian. •

n:PET(�W [v.] 'to twitter, chirp, hum' (Phryn. Com., Arist., Thphr.). � ONOM� COMP Rarely with ouv-, U1tO-. .DER TEPET-lOfla [n.] (Arist., Hell.), - lofloe; [m.] (late) 'twittering, etc.'. .ETYM It is generally assumed that this word is onomatopoeic. •

TEpE'TpOV [n.] 'auger, borer' (Od., Att. inscr., J"XX, PIu.). � IE *terh,- 'bore'� .DER Diminutive -TPlOV (Thphr.). With a suffix -T]oov-: TEPT]OWV, -86voe; [f.] 'borer, caries' (Hp., Ar., Arist.), with -OOVl�OflaL [v.] 'be consumed by caries', -OovlOfloe; [m.] (Dsc.); cf. TEVSpT]owv, UAYT]OWV, and see Gil Fernandez 1959: 115· .ETYM A primary instrument noun formed with the suffix -TpO- from the disyllabic root *terh,- seen in TEPEOOEV' ETPWOEV, ETOPVWOE 'pierced' (H.), n:pEow (Eust.), zero grade TP�OaL. In the same meaning, we find Olr. tarathar < *-tro-, Lat. tere-bra < *-sr-. See � TElpaivw and � Tdpw. TEP'1V [adj.] 'tender' (ll., epic poet.). � IE *ter-n- 'tender, soft'� VAR Fem. -Elva, ntr. -EV. .COMP As a first member in TEPEVO-xpWe; 'with tender skin' (Anaxandr., Opp.). Comparative TEPEV-TEpOe; (Antun.), TEPEVW-TEpOe; (Lyr. Adesp.), fem. TEpElVO-TEpT] (AP) . ETYM An adjectival n-stem like EpOT]V, apoT]v, identical with Sabin. terenum 'soft' (ascribed to Favorinus by Macrobius [late 4th c. AD]) save for the thematic vowel. Lat. tener, -era, -erum 'tender' also belongs here, if transformed from *terenos after tenuis (see De Vaan 2008) . See � TEpUe; and � TEpuflwv, •

TEPOpEUOllaL [v.] 'to speak subtly' (D., Arist., PIu.). � ?� .DER TEpSp-da [f.] 'sophistic reasoning, hairsplitting' (Isoc., Phld., D. H.), also as military expression � mpaTda � EV TOle; flEpWlV KaAouflEvT] (Phot., Suid.; similarly EM 753, 5) , -Ev flam· 1'�V X£lPU TtpOC; TtPOUWTtU KaLElAll llllEv oC; U1'�Un (H.), but cf. Latte ad loc.; cf. EV-1'UTtOC; 'embossed, coined' (apyuploV Poll.), 'able to be impressed' (Phot.), £V1'UTtOOIlUl 'to be imprinted', -ow 'to imprint' (Arist., Hell. and late), £V1'£1'UTtUU1'Ul 'he is enshrouded' (Pisidia). With verbal reference Ttp01'UTt� C; 'pressing forward' (Plot.; H. R.); OP 01'UTtOC; 'beating the mountain' (uowp; A. Th. 85 [lyr.l), O P £ l- (o p£O -, O p O l-)1'UTtO l [pl.] 'mountain worker', and - Lu, -Lll (Hp., Thphr., Nic. et al.). Blanc RPh. 70 (1996) : 199-210 thinks that the first element comes from apEDC; 'mule', which were lashed on to make them advance. On � 1'UIlTtUVOV, see s.v. ETYM Built on PIE *(s)teup- 'to push, beat', as attested in Lat. stupeo 'to be (come) numb, amazed', stuprum 'dishonor', Albanian shtyp 'to crush', etc.; probably also � U1'UTtOC;. See LIV2 S.v. *(s)teyp-. •


Tt'ipavvo� [m.] 'absolute ruler, monarch, tyrant', rarely fem. 'lady, princess', also adj. 'dictatorial, imperious, ruling' (h. Mart., Pi., lA, etc.). � PG� .COMP Il lU01'U PUVVOC; 'hating tyrants' (lA), 1'U PUVVOK1'OVOC; [m., f.] 'killing tyrants' (late). .DER 1. 1'UpUVV-LC; (seil. apx�?) [f.] 'autocracy, despotism, tyranny' (Pi., lA since Archil.). 2. - LU [f.] 'id.' (Xenoph., late pap.). 3. -£lOV, often plur. -£lU 'residence of an autocrat' (Str., D. S., J., PIu., etc.). 4. -lKOC; 'of an autocrat, violent, tyrannical' (since A.). Verbs: 5. -EUW (after �umAEuw), -EW (rarely with auv- etc.) 'to be an autocrat, to , rule (absolutively) (lA). 6. desiderative -ll uELW 'to strive after tyranny' (Sol. apud D.

1520 L.). 7. -L