Dragonlance - Shadow of The Dragon Queen Scan - Bookmark [PDF]

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CREDITS Project Lead: F. Wesley Schneider Art Director: Kate Irwin Writers: Justice Arman , Brian Cortijo, Kelly Digges, Dan

Dillon , Ari Levitch , Renee Knipe , Ben Petrisor, Mario Ortegon , Erin Roberts , James L. Sutter Rules Developer: Jeremy Crawford Editors: Sydney Adams, Judy Bauer, Janica Carter, Laura Hirsbrunner, Adrian Ng, Jason Tondro Senior Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum Graphic Designer: Matt Cole Cover Illustrators: Cynthia Sheppard, Chase Stone Cartographers: Francesca Baerald , Mike Schley Interior Illustrators: Mark Behm , Olivier Bernard , Zoltan Boros , Bruce Brenneise, Ekaterina Burm ak, Dawn Carlo s, Jedd Chevrier, CoupleOfKooks, Daarken , Kent Davis, Nikki Dawes, Olga Drebas, Caroline Garib a, Evyn Fo ng, Alexandre Honore, Ralph Horsley, Sam Keiser, Julian Kok, Katerin a Ladon , Linda Lithen , Andrew Mar, Robson Michel , Scott Murphy, David Auden Nash , Jessica Nguyen , Irina Nordsol , Chri s Rahn , Caio E Santos , David Sladek, Crystal Sully, Svetlin Velinov, Magali Villeneuve, Lauren Walsh , Shawn Wood , Zuzanna Wu zyk, Kieran Yanner Concept Art Directors: Richard Whitters , Shawn Wood Concept Artists: Ali x Branwyn , Tyler Jacobson , Chris Rahn , Magali Villeneuve, Shawn Wood Project Engineer: Cynda Call away Imaging Tech.nicians: Daniel Corona , Kevin Yee Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap


o&o STUDIO Executive Producer: Ray Winninger Director of Studio Operations: Kyle Brink Game Architects: Jeremy Crawford , Christopher Perkins Design Manager: Steve Scott Design Department: Justice Arman , Jud y Bauer, Eytan

Bernstein, Janica Carter, Makenzie De Arma s, Dan Dillon , Amanda Hamon, Adrian Ng, Ben Petrisor, F. Wesley Schneider, Jason Tondro, James Wyatt Art Department: Matt Cole, Trystan Falcone , Bree Heiss , Kate Irwin, Bob Jordan , Emi Tanji , Trish Yochum Senior Producers: Lisa Ohanian , Dan Tovar Producers: Bill Benham , Robert Hawkey, Lea Heleotis , Andy Smith Director of Product Management: Liz Schuh Product Managers: Natalie Egan , Chri s Lindsay, Hila ry Ross , Chris Tulach Special thanks to the original Dragon lance creative team and adventure designers , including Mike Breault, Michael Dobson, Larry Elmore, Ann e Gray, Michael Gray, Jeff Grubb, Bruce Heard , Laura Hickman , Tracy Hickman , Harold John son, Roger Moore, Bruce Nesmith , Douglas Niles, Elizabeth Riedel , Lisa Smedman , Carl Smith , Garry Spiegle, Margaret Wei s, Michael Williams, Janet Viall s, Peter Vialls , and many more! Additional thanks to the hundreds of playtesters whos e efforts made this a better book!




Dragons , draconians , and other servants of the Dragon Queen prep are for their invasion of Kalaman in this painting by Cynthia Sheppard.

The grim visage of the death knight Lord Soth , Knight of the Black Rose , glares from of a tangle of charred thorn s in this cove r by Chase Stone .

620D0992000001 EN ISBN: 978-0-7869-68 34- 3 First Printing: De cemb er 202 2

Disclaimer: The Dragon Armies cannot ensure that owners of this book will not have their lives repurposed in the service of the Dragon Queen's glorious will. Promises to the contrary should be considered best-case scenarios, not statements of certainty. Thank you for supporting the Dragon Armies and a cataclysmically bright future for all of Krynn.

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CONTENTS War Comes to Krynn ................................ 4 Using This Book .......................................... 4 History of Krynn ... ....................................... 5 The Dragon Armies .................................... 7 The War of the Lance ................................. 8 Life on Ansalon ............................................ 9 Kalaman Region ........................................ 11 Religion and the Gods .............................. 12 Gods of Good .............................................. 14 Paladine ................................................... 14 Branchala ................................................. 14 Habbakuk ................................................. 14 Kiri-Jolith ................................................. 14 Majere ............ ..... ...................................... 15 Mishakal. ...... :.......... :................................ 15 Solinari... ......................... ......................... 15 Gods of Neutrality ..................................... 16 Gilean ........................................................ l 6 Chislev ...................................................... 16 Lunitari ..................................................... 16 . Reorx ......................................................... 16 Shinare ........................... .......................... 17 Sirrion ...................................................... 17 Zivilyn ....................................................... 17 Gods of Evil... .............................................. 18 Takhisis .................................................... 18 Chemosh .... .............................................. 18 Hiddukel ....... ............................................ 18 Morgion .................................................... 18 Nuitari ...................... ................................. 19 Sargonnas ................................................ 19 Zeboim ...................................................... 19 Chapter 1: Character Creation ............ 20 Peoples of Krynn ....................................... 21 Dwarves ................................................... 21 Elves .......................................................... 22 Gnomes .................................................... 24 Humans ........................................ ............ 24 Race Option ................................................ 26 Kender ...................................................... 27 Organizations ............................................. 27 Knights of Solamnia ............................. 27 Mages of High Sorcery ......................... 29 Backgrounds ............................................... 30 Knight of Solamnia ............................... 30 Mage of High Sorcery ........................... 30 Feats ............................................................. 31 Sorcerer Subclass ..................................... 34 Chapter 2: Prelude to War ..................... 36 Overview ...................................................... 37 Running the Adventure ............................ 38 Adventure Flow .......................................... 38 Adventure Flowchart.. .............................. 39 The Dragon Queen's Threat ................... 40 Character Connections ............................ 41 Pronunciation Guide ................................. 42 Preludes .......................... ............................. 42 Broken Silence ....................................... 44 Eye in the Sky ................................ .. :...... 46 Scales of War .......................................... 48

Chapter 3: When Home Burns ............. 50 Running This Chapter. ............................. 51 Arriving in Vogler ... ................................... 52 Vogler Gazetteer ........................................ 52 Final Farewell .................................. .......... 55 Parting Gift ................................................. 58 The Kingfisher Festival ........................... 60 Betrayal at High Hill ................................. 62 Back in Vogle,r ............................................ 65 Sighting the Enemy................................... 66 A Fateful Morning ..................................... 67 Invasion of Vogler ...................................... 71 Chapter 4: Shadow of War..................... 76 Running This Chapter .............................. 77 Kalaman Gazetteer ............... .................... 78 A · · · K I 79 rnvmg m a aman................................. c as ti e Kalaman ......................................... 80 Message for a Mage .................................. 83 Reporting for Duty .................................... 84 The First Mission ...................................... 86 Missions for Kala man .............................. 88 Wheel watch Outpost ............................. ... 89 Battle at Steel Springs ........... .................. 93 The Lord's Arrival ..................................... 95 Raided Catacombs .................................... 98 Chapter 5: The Northern Wastes ...... 104 Running This Chapter. ........................... 105 Desperation in Kalaman ........................ 106 Into the Wastes ......................................... 107 Exploring the Wastes ............................. 111 A: Wrecker's Edge ................................ 111 B: Elven Encampment ............. ..... ...... 112 C: Blue Phoenix Shrine ...................... 113 D: Sunward Fortress....... .................... 116 E: Wakenreth ........................................ 120 F: Bluemaw Cave .................................. 123 G: Heart's Hollow .......... ....................... 126 H: Dragonnel Spire ............................. 128 I: Camp Carrionclay ............................ 129 J: Dread Wolf Cove ............................... 131 K. City of Lost Names ......................... 131 Chapter 6: City of Lost Names ........... 134 Running This Chapter ... ......................... 135 History of the City.................................... 136 Path of Memories .................................... 136 Test of High Sorcery ............................... 140 View of the City ....... ................................. 143 Exploring the City.................................... 143 Bastion of Takhisis .. ............... ................. 146 Occupied Mansion ................................. .. 146 Temple of Paladine .................................. 149 Threshold of the Heavens...................... 153 The City Rises .......................................... 158 Escaping the Enemy ............................... 159

Chapter 7: Siege ofKalaman .............. 160 Running This Chapter. ..... .................. .... 161 A Hasty Retreat... ..................................... 162 Return to Kalaman ................. ............ .... 163 Day of Dread .................. ........................... 164 Night of Terror. ......... ........................ ........ 165 Battle of Kalaman ................................... 167 The Flying Citadel... .................. .............. 171 Dragon Army Rout ..................................184 Kalaman Victorious ................................ 187 App. A: Gear and Magic Items ........... 188 Adventuring Gear .............................. ...... 188 Gnome Siege Weapons .. ...... ............ ...... 189 Magic Items .......................................... ..... 189 App. B: Friends and Foes .................... 191 Random Encounters ............... ............ .... 191 Anhkolox ............. ................. ...... ................ 192 C d 192 ara oc ..................................................... . Death Dragons ............... .......................... 194 Greater Death Dragon ........................ 194 Lesser Death Dragon ..................... ..... 194 Draconians ................................................ 196 Aurak Draconian .................................. 196 Baaz Draconian .................................... 197 Bozak Draconian ............. .................... 197 Kapak Draconian ............................... .. 197 Sivak Draconian ................................... 199 Dragon Army Troops ...... ..... ...... ............ 200 Dragonne_ls ................................................ 201 Dragon Army Dragonnel... ................. 201 Wasteland Dragonnel... ....................... 201 Istarian Drone .......................................... 202 Kalaman Soldier. ............... ......................202 Kansaldi Fire-Eyes ............. ..................... 203 Kender Skirmisher ....... .......................... 204 Lohezet ....................................... ............ ... 205 Lord Soth .................................... ............. 206 Red Ruin ................................................... 208 Skeletal Knight ........................... ............ 208 Wersten Kern ......................... .................. 209 App. C: Sidekicks ................................... 210 Allies at War ............................................. 210 Andir Valmakos .................................... 210 Ayik Ur .......................................... .......... 210 Hrigg Roundrook .................. ............... 212 Iriad ... ...................................................... 212 Levna Drakehorn ............. ...... .............. 212 Tern Temble ........................................... 212 Sidekick Levels ....................................... . 214 App. D: Story Concept Art .................. 220 App. E: Maps ....................................... ..... 223 The Kalaman Region and Northern Wastes .................................. 223 The Continent of Ansalon ................... ... 224


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Jo the (ounci(offae§oth: War is comin3-that truth 1 can no ran3er den3- j{ere in Sofamnia's eastern reaches, rumors swir(of human-fed armies on the march, their ran~ swe(fed hoGJobuns, minotaurs, O3res, and mJsterious hooded mercenaries, a(fseefif!'3 a share ofthe spoirs. Vur a(f!es infordmaar have fa(fen sifent, and desperate travefers Sa.!f the peopfe of7 17






The evil gods of Krynn embody power, vengeance, and other ideals that elevate self above community. They wish to rule the mortal world, believing only they are worthy of such dominion. They rely on temptation and subjugation to secure the service of lesser creatures. In every age, some mortals are willing to sell their souls for power, and the gods of evil are eager to oblige.

Chemosh is the god of undeath and false redemption, tempting his followers with the promise of immortality. Those who heed him find that while they may live forever, their bodies still decay and putrefy. Followers of Chemosh embrace his baleful reputation, dressing in white skull masks and black robes.



Takhisis, leader of Krynn's evil gods, is known as the Dragon Queen, the Queen of Darkness, andon other worlds- Tiamat. She is the god of power, pride, and control, as well as the queen of chromatic dragons. She tempts mortals to her service with offers of dominance over others. Barred from Krynn since before the Cataclysm, she found her chance to return in the ce nturies that followed. She sometimes appears as a powerful human warrior with gleaming armor and long black hair, but her true form is a five -headed dragon.

Hiddukel is the god of greed and treachery. He holds domain over all ill-gotten wealth in the world, and criminals and unscrupulous traders worship him in secret. While Hiddukel gladly accepts their worship, his true goal is the acquisition not of riches, but of souls.



MORGION Solitary and secretive, Morgion is the god of disease and decay. He doesn't consult or act in accord with the other gods, preferring to brood in his otherworldly fortress , the Bronze Tower, and pursue his own schemes. His worshipers follow his example, meeting in the dark and maintaining secrecy in all things.






Nuitari, the god of evil magic and darkness, is patron of the Mages of High Sorcery's Order of the Black Robes and other wicked mages. He encourages selfish and destructive magic. His power flows through the black moon that shares his name, which is visible only due to the stars it blocks in the sky.

SARGONNAS Sargonnas is the unpredictable god of flame, vengeance, and wrath. Though he's a consort to Takhisis, he schemes against her as often as he fights on her behalf. He is worshiped by those who seek retribution. His true form is that of a monstrous minotaur, and many minotaurs revere him under the name Sargas.

ZEBOIM Zeboim is the god of the ocean in its destructive aspect, including storms and dangerous sea creatures. She is a mercurial god, and even her followers aren't safe from her frequent bouts of rage. Most sailors pray to Habbakuk to keep Zeboim at bay, but some make offerings to Zeboim to allay her wrath.

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