Reign of The Dragon [PDF]

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Hero Kids Adventure

Adventure Overview

This adventure requires a copy of the Hero Kids RPG to play, and these extra materials are required: • Six-sided dice (d6s) • Pencil and eraser • Hero Cards for each player • Monster Cards for the monsters • Print-outs of the encounter maps • Stand-up minis for the heroes and monsters

In Reign of the Dragon, an injured dragon arrives in Rivenshore, pursued by mysterious enemies. When the heroes protect the dragon, it implores them to travel to the mountains, where its mate has been captured by cultists who wish to steal their hatchlings.

Background The heroes all live in the same village, Rivenshore, which is nestled in a tight valley beneath a towering mountain. A river runs past the village and flows into a small bay. Rivenshore would be a beautiful place to live, if it weren’t beset by an endless series of calamities.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Adventure Structure

Running This Adventure Duration Reign of the Dragon is a long adventure, and many younger children have trouble concentrating for extended periods. Consider splitting play into several sessions rather than trying to complete the adventure in one session.

Improvisation The structure of Reign of the Dragon means there are many opportunities for encounters to have unexpected outcomes, or for the players to take the story outside of the text. For example, the cultists might manage to abduct the dragon Drexanathon, the players might try to rescue the captured sheriff and militia, the heroes might disguise themselves as cultists, or they might team up with one of game characters in the story. In these situations, you may need to adjust the story to incorporate or remove characters, adjust the difficulty of combats, or improvise entirely new encounters that bring your players back to the story.

This adventure follows the kids’ journey which begins in Rivenshore, journeys through the forest, climbs the dragon’s lair high in the Druinhowe Mountains, and then returns to the village. Rivenshore encounters: • 1: Dragon Came to Dinner • 2: Defenders of the Beast • 3: Planning the Journey Forest encounters: • 4a: East Forest Road • 5a: East Forest Bridge

• 4b: Northern Woods • 5b: Northern Camp

Mountain encounters: • 6: Dragon Prince • 7: Mountain Foothills Dragon’s lair: • 8a: Dragon’s Hoard

• 8b: The Mountain’s Maw

• 9: Dragon Cultists • 10: Dragon Prince Battle • 11: Defenders of the Vale

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Adventure Intro Today’s trouble starts when Rivenshore’s festival is interrupted by the arrival of an injured dragon.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

You wake early on Sun’s day, excited to celebrate the annual festival to Ostara. Once your chores are finished, you hurry through the snow to the town square where the folk of Rivenshore are gathering. You spend hours in the square, visiting merchants’ tents, petting newborn animals, feasting, hunting for painted eggs, and chasing the town jester who is dressed as a hare. Footsore and stuffed with food, you’ve found a shady patch of grass to lie on when you’re startled by a great crash. You rush out from beneath the tree as a massive scaled creature bursts through a barn at the edge of town, reducing it to splinters and dust. The townsfolk scatter as the beast staggers into the festival square. It looms closer; you reel backwards as it crushes the tents under its clawed feet. Its shadow falls over you as the massive creature finally comes to a halt, it rears up and lets loose an earth-shaking roar. The creature lands with a thump and spins around, its tail swooshing over your head. You notice that its golden skin is marred with bloody wounds, broken spear-shafts stick from its body, and frayed ropes are strung around its wings and neck. A dragon has arrived in Rivenshore!

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He nudges with his scaly snout. You stumble forward a few steps and find yourself standing between the dragon and the black-robed humans. “You ssspeak for the people of the Vale,” Drexanathon whispers. He lifts his head back into the air, “Wretched humans,” his voice booms, “the people of the Brecken Vale are sworn to defend the mighty Drexanathon. Enter the town at your peril.” A murmur ripples through the crowd of townsfolk.

Encounter 1: Dragon Came to Dinner The encounter is a role-playing scene where the kids protect the dragon and repel its would-be captors.

Encounter Intro With the dragon’s arrival, roll into the first encounter: The dragon looks around at the town-folk who cringe before it. The beast works its jaws, and a deep rumble rises from its massive body. “People… of… the… Vale…” the words come slowly at first, then it finds its voice. “I am Drexanathon, protector of the Vale! My lair lies atop the highest peak. My domain extends from sssunrise to sssunset.” Shouts and cries interrupt the dragon. People point along the road towards the forest, where black horses pull a large wagon towards the town. Robed humans walk alongside the wagon as it approaches. The dragon snakes its neck down to look at you. “Child. Where is your sssheriff? Who ssspeaksss for the Brecken Vale?” You look around and see the sheriff lying under a nearby tree, snoring loudly. The dragon catches your glance, “I ssssseeee,” Drexanathon continues, “Please, children. I need your help, but I do not have time to explain. These evil humans have captured my mate, and our baby still in its egg. Please help me to rescue my family from these villains.” Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Role-Playing In this role-playing scene, the heroes can converse with the dragon Drexanathon and the leader of the black-robed humans. The goal of this scene is for the heroes to commit to protecting the dragon from the robed humans. The leader of the humans challenges the players directly with this prompt: One of the robed humans steps forward and pulls back his hood, revealing sharp features. He points to you, “Give the beast to us. Or do you protect this BEAST?” he spits. The heroes can turn away the intruders by either: • Committing verbally to protect the dragon • Succeeding an intimidation ability test (see below)

Justin Halliday

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There are a couple of options that the dragon himself cautions the players against: • If the players decide to try to fight the intruders, the dragon whispers that he is too weak to fight; “Stay your hand child. I am weaker than I look, and I fear they will prevail if we do battle.” • If the players decide to give up the dragon to the humans, the dragon Drexanathon threatens them;

Ability Tests If the kids choose to make an ability test to ward off the intruders, one hero attempts the test. Each other hero can contribute 1 Strength die to the test: • Strength (Talking/Intimidation) test at difficulty 5 to convince the intruders they protect the dragon.

Conclusion With the robed humans gone, the dragon tells its tale:

“Do not abandon me, youngling. Or my wrath will desolate the Vale for many generations to come.”

The black-robed figures disappear back into the western fringe of the Darkenwold Woods. You’re startled by a gurgling whine from behind you. You turn to see the great dragon slump to the ground as the last of his strength gives out.

Once the heroes commit to protect the dragon: As you declare your vow to protect Drexanathon, townsfolk push their way through the crowd and stand with you. They wield makeshift weapon; pitchforks, hoes, and scythes. The dragon Drexanathon gives a deep threatening rumble that shakes the ground beneath your feet. The robed figure weighs your numbers and his face darkens, “Very well.” He levels a finger at you, magical energy crackles around his hand. “We will meet again, I promise you that.” With that threat he signals to his band and they retreat, hauling their wagon back along the east road.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

The kids may attempt to help Drexanathon, perhaps healing it or bringing a cow or goat to eat, either way it is hurt and tired and quickly falls asleep. The sheriff, recovered from his stupor, appears: The sheriff approaches you, chastened, “I’m sorry I wasn’t – able – to protect the town, but I heard what you did. Although they’ve gone for the moment, we must take precautions in case they return.” Proceed to Encounter 2: Defenders of the Beast.

Justin Halliday

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Encounter 2: Defenders of the Beast The cultists have been repelled, but they return that night to attempt to capture the dragon.

Encounter Intro

If the heroes saw the enemies coming, then set up the encounter as indicated below. If the heroes were surprised, have one guard adjacent to each hero at the start of the encounter and grant them initiative.

The town-folk make plans to defend the dragon. The sheriff gathers together a group of villagers. “The kids have done well to drive off those strangers. But I fear they’ll try again to capture the dragon. So tonight we’ll stand watch over our – um – guest.” You settle in to sleep to the thunderous rumble of the dragon’s snores. In the dark of the night, you are woken for your turn to stand watch. You take position in the town square, near where the dragon sleeps next to a large statue. You peer out into the darkness, alert for movement.

Ability Tests The heroes may take an Intelligence (Perception) test at difficult 5 to notice cultists approaching. If they succeed, they detect the danger in time to act: You hear a twig crack, and then a scrape as something brushes against a thick bush. People are approaching. If they fail, cultists attack without warning:

Encounter Features This encounter area is Rivenshore’s town square. The squares containing the statue and the sleeping dragon are impassable.

Combat Intro Cultists scramble from the shadows, dragging heavy ropes towards the slumbering dragon.

Clouds drift in front of the half-moon, plunging the square into darkness. Moments later the clouds clear, revealing a snarling cultist as he leaps at you to attack!

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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This encounter features cultist guards.

The cultist guards are basic melee fighters. One cultist guard engages each of the heroes, while the remaining four guards throw ropes over the dragon and ‘drag’ it to the east (one square per turn). If the heroes attack the guards moving the dragon, then the spare guard takes over pulling the dragon. These four guards flee when the heroes defeat their enemies.

1 Hero:

5 x Cultist Guards

2 Heroes: 6 x Cultist Guards 3 Heroes: 7 x Cultist Guards 4 Heroes: 8 x Cultist Guards Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Guard

Failure It’s possible that the guards capture Drexanathon (by dragging him off the map or KOing the heroes). If this happens, you can improvise an encounter where the heroes rescue Drexanathon or have the sheriff and townsfolk rescue him instead while the heroes journey to rescue Algoxarth.

Conclusion When the heroes KO the cultist guards that have attacked them, the remaining four guards (who were trying to capture the dragon) flee into the woods. As you strike down the guards, the other raiders flee, crashing through the undergrowth as they disappear into the darkness. Somehow, Drexanathon has slept through the entire raid. Tired and bloodied, you are relieved by the next watch and slump into bed.

Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Guard

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

The heroes can take a long rest to remove all damage. Proceed to Encounter 3: Planning to Journey. Justin Halliday

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Encounter 3: Planning the Journey The next morning the dragon wakes and tells the townsfolk its story.

Encounter Intro After protecting the dragon physically it’s time to hear his story. You are woken early the next morning by a loud crunching sound. You follow the sound to the town square, where Drexanathon is happily devouring a cow. In the dawn light, the golden dragon tells his tale, “Town-folk, a great injustice has been done. An insult to Drexanathon and to my mate Algoxarth. Wicked people entered my lair, attacked me and captured Algoxarth, who was protecting our egg.” “I escaped those who would have me dead, but they have collapsed the entrance to my lair and I cannot return to rescue Algoxarth or my brood, which soon will hatch. You humans, who owe me your allegiance, I command you to rescue Algoxarth and my hatchling or I will lay waste to all that lives in my domain.” The dragon points out his lair, which lies at the top of the highest peak on the eastern range of the Druinhowe Mountains that fringe the Brecken Vale (I’ll give you a hint, it’s the one with the dragon wrapped around it).

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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The dragon growls approvingly, then curls himself around the statue in the town square and falls into a deep sleep.

The sheriff offers this: “I will take a contingent of townsfolk along the east road to drive these blaggards from the forest. With this distraction, perhaps a small group can slip through and reach the dragon’s mountain.”

If they choose the eastern road through the forest:

The kids must choose which route to take: • The eastern road through the Darkenwold Forest, which is faster but it’s more likely that they will encounter the black-robed cultist marauders. • The northern road around the Darkenwold Forest, which is the longer and more uncertain route.

The sheriff agrees with your choice, “We will take the east road at first light, you follow along later.” Proceed to Encounter 4a: East Forest Road. If they choose the northern road around the forest: The sheriff agrees with your choice, “Very well. We will travel the east road at first light. You head north around the woods, and then turn east to the mountains.” Proceed to Encounter 4b: Northern Woods.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Encounter 4a: East Forest Road The kids have chosen to take the east road through Darkenwold Forest, following behind the sheriff and a group of militia from the Rivenshore. The heroes encounter the remnants of the sheriff’s group, captured by the cultists. The cultists are holding the townsfolk in the back of their open wagon, which they are moving off the east-west road onto a track heading north. This encounter can resolve in a few ways: • The heroes hide and the wagon passes by • They attempt to hide and the cultists notice them • They hide then attempt to rescue the militia • They stand their ground against the cultists

Encounter Intro As the heroes set off along the east road, read this: The following morning you wake early to see off the townsfolk who’ve volunteered to take the road ahead of your group. You pass the dragon Drexanathon, still coiled tightly around the town statue, snoring deeply on a pile of freshly shattered bones. At the east road, amidst the wreckage of yesterday’s festival stalls, you find the sheriff and a group of nervous men and women.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

The sheriff greets you, “I will not wish you a good day, for blood will likely be spilt before it is done. We will take the road now. Wait until the sun is at its zenith, and then follow.” He pauses, “May the gods favor you. And us…” They set out along the road and you settle in to wait for the sun to complete its slow journey across the sky. Finally the time comes and you leave Rivenshore. You’re soon walking in the shade of the forest canopy, the songs of forest birds accompany each passing hour. Immediately have the heroes make the ability test.

Ability Tests Have the heroes roll an Intelligence (Perception) test at difficult 5 to notice something amiss. If they succeed, they detect the danger in time to act: First you notice that the birds have stopped singing. You look around, and see an arrow embedded in a tree trunk. And then, from further along the road, you hear the heavy squeak of a laden wagon, the grunting of horses, and clink of metal on metal. Something is coming along the track towards you, and it sounds like the black-robed cultists. If they fail, they come upon the cultists unexpectedly: Lost in thought, you don’t notice the squeal of wagon wheels nor the clink of metal until the first of the black robed cultists appear around the bend ahead of you.

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If the heroes noticed the cultists, they can hide without an ability test, otherwise each hero may make a Dexterity (Stealth) test at difficult 4 to hide or they are noticed by the cultists. If they are noticed, then the cultists attack. Continue to the Combat Introduction.

Combat Introduction If the heroes are noticed when attempting to hide or the heroes attack the cultists: The cultists spot you and immediately draw their weapons to attack.

Combat Map

If the heroes successfully hide: You manage to dive into the bushes before the wagon appears around the bed in the path. Black-robed cultists urge on the horses that pull the wagon. As it approaches, you see the sheriff and his militia tied up on the back of the wagon. If the heroes stay in their hiding spot, the wagon passes and pulls off the main east-west road and continues along a path to the north. The path continues to a clearing where the cultists are camped.

Encounter Features The east road runs across this encounter area. The wooded areas and the cultist’s open wagon are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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This encounter features cultists.

The cultist guards are basic melee fighters, while the acolytes have weak magic and attack from range. The cultist warrior is more powerful and dangerous.

1 Hero:

2 x Cultist Guards

2 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Acolyte 3 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 4 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 1 x Cultist Warrior Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Guard

Failure If the heroes are defeated, they are captured by the cultists, put on the wagon with the sheriff and militia, and then taken to their camp via the north path (encounter maps for the cultist camp are included in this adventure). From here you will need to improvise their escape from the cultist camp.

Conclusion If they hide and the cultists pass without incident: When the wagon disappears into the distance, you emerge from the undergrowth and continue to the east.

Cultist Guard

If they defeated the cultists: The cultists abandon their wagon in the middle of the road and flee along the north path. You quickly cut the ropes binding the sheriff and other townsfolk. “Well, this isn’t exactly the distraction we were planning,” says the sheriff, “now get going along the road while we take care of those miscreants…”

Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte Cultist Warrior

If the heroes were damaged in combat then they can take a short rest to remove damage. The next encounter is Encounter 5a: Forest Bridge. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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As the light fades, the track opens into a clearing surrounded by thick undergrowth. In the deep shadows you can make out the roofline and door of a wooden hut. Feathers, bones, sticks, bunches of flowers, and other charms hang from the thatched roof. You’re startled by a high-pitched squeal as the hovel’s door swings open.

Encounter 4b: Northern Woods Taking the north road, the heroes follow the path previously explored in Curse of the Shadow Walkers. Here they have the opportunity to meet Madge, the wise-woman from that adventure, and perhaps gather some valuable information.

Encounter Intro Read this introduction first: The next morning you wake early to see off the townsfolk who’ve volunteered to take the east road while your group travels to the north. You pass the dragon Drexanathon, still coiled tightly around the town statue, snoring deeply on a pile of freshly shattered bones. At the east road, amidst the wreckage of yesterday’s festival stalls, you find the sheriff and a group of nervous men and women. The sheriff greets you, “I will not wish you a good day, for blood will likely be spilt before it is done. We will take the east road now. I hope you find the northern route less treacherous.” You say your farewells, and then leave Rivenshore follow the road north. As the sun reaches its zenith, the road bends east and winds through thickets of trees. You pass a lonely farmstead, then the road becomes a path, the path becomes a trail, and finally the trail dwindles to a goat track through the undergrowth. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

The kids might have their heroes enter the hovel, or seek another place to camp for the night. If they do choose to camp in the forest, you could dissuade them with the distant howl of a wolf, or have their camp attacked by wolves in the night (monsters and an encounter map are included for this). Alternatively, just let them spend the night in the forest uneventfully.

Role-Playing The hovel is home to Madge, the wise-woman. If the heroes have played Curse of the Shadow Walkers, they know Madge, and she knows them. You enter the darkened door and find yourself in a room filled with a sweet-smelling smoke. From the shadows comes a croaking voice, “Well come young ones. Come to the forest have you? Come to visit Madge once more before father death catches up, eh? Or is it just a warm place to rest you seek.”

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If Madge recognizes the heroes: “Ah, back you’ve come. Did you find the cursed one? Find and cure him on the full moon you did, didn’t you?”

Conclusion The next morning: You wake the next morning to mouth-watering smells. “Aye there young-ones. Hungry?” Madge serves you up a bowl of steaming thick porridge, topped with a dollop of fresh honey. When you’ve finished, she ushers you from her home and back onto the track. “Time to go lovelies, time to go. You’ve got a dragon to rescue.”

Getting the conversation going: “Old Madge’s dreams are troubled. Been a long time since dragon kind ’as visited Madge. And now they stir, restless they are. I feel the rumbling in the mountains. They ain’t happy, got troubles up there.” Heading to the mountains: “You mean to go up the dragon peak? When I was a youngling like you we visited the dragons. Back when them and us was more friendly.” “We used to take a short-cut up in their caves. I wonder if it’s still there. Nothing like a cold wash in the spring-time…” Madge mumbles to herself, then rolls over in her bed and falls into a grumbling sleep.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Proceed to Encounter 5b: Northern Camp.

Justin Halliday

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• Dexterity (Swimming) test at difficult 4 to cross the river under the bridge. If the heroes fail this ability test they take 1 damage and are seen by the guards. • Dexterity (Swimming) test at difficult 5 to cross the river elsewhere. If the heroes fail this ability test they take 1 damage each time they fail, and may be seen by the guards.

Encounter 5a: East Forest Bridge In this encounter the heroes travelling the east road come to a bridge that is guarded by cultists. The heroes can fight or sneak across the river.

Encounter Intro Read this introduction first: Several hours further along the road, you hear the distant burbling of a river. Ahead of you, the road narrows as it reaches a narrow bridge across the river. Several black-robed cultists stand watch on the bridge. Above the bridge, the forest canopy is thick and choked with vines. Below, the river roils past sharp rocks.

Combat Introduction If the heroes are noticed when crossing the river or they attack the cultists:

The players have a lot of freedom for how they want to tackle this obstacle. They can try to sneak past the guards using an ability test, or they can move off the road and through the forest and use another ability test to find a place to cross the river, or they can simply attack the guards.

Your movement draws the attention of one of the cultists on the bridge. The cultist shouts in alarm, and the black-robed figures draw their weapons.

Combat Map

Ability Tests The heroes can perform these ability tests: • Dexterity (Hiding) test at difficult 4 to sneak closer to the bridge. • Strength (Climbing) test at difficulty 4 to climb across the underside of the bridge. • Intelligence (Tracking) test at difficulty 5 to find another place to cross the river.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Encounter Features

Monsters This encounter features cultists. 1 Hero:

2 x Cultist Guards

2 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Acolyte 3 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 4 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 2 x Cultist Guards Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Guard Cultist Guard

The bridge occupies most of this encounter area. The wooded areas and the steep banks down to the river are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered. The river water requires an ability test to swim or traverse.

Tactics The cultist guards are basic melee fighters, while the acolytes have weak magic and attack from range.

Failure If the heroes are defeated, they are captured by the cultists and taken back to their camp. From here you will need to improvise their escape from the cultist camp.

Conclusion Once they bypass the bridge or fight their way across: Leaving the bridge behind, you hurry along the road through the forest.

Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte

The heroes can take a short rest to remove damage. Proceed to Encounter 6: Dragon Prince.

Cultist Guard Cultist Guard

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Justin Halliday

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Encounter 5b: Northern Camp In this encounter the heroes travelling the north road come to a camp that is occupied by cultist scouts.

Encounter Intro

If the heroes sneak closer to the camp they discover the cultist scouts who are bringing reinforcements and a box of bombs to Rivenshore: You push closer to the camp, and see several cultists next to the campfire. “Hopefully the others will get here today, assuming they haven’t gotten themselves lost again.” The second cultist pulls a round black object from a straw-stuffed crate. “I wanna see whether these bombs change that dragon’s mind!” He hefts the bomb and tosses it from hand to hand.

Read this introduction first: In the crisp morning air, you follow the track as it skirts the northern reaches of the Darkenwold Woods.

Exploration Immediately have the heroes perform an ability test to notice the cultist’s campfire (the test is listed in the Ability Test section below). The heroes that succeed the test smell smoke:

Ability Tests

Cutting through the cold and clean morning air, you sniff the sweet smell of smoke from a campfire. Who could be camping out here in the woods? The heroes can investigate the cultist’s camp (Developments) or even try to sneak past the camp. If they fail the test, they come upon the cultist camp unprepared:

Immediately have the heroes perform this ability test: • Intelligence (Tracking) test at difficulty 5 to smell smoke. • Intelligence (Perception) test at difficulty 5 to see the box of bombs near the cultists. • Dexterity (Stealth) test at difficult 5 to sneak closer to the camp, or to sneak past the camp.

You continue on the track, and as you round a bend the track spreads into a narrow clearing. A campfire smolders in the middle of the clearing. Several robed cultists poke at the fire to coax it alight. Continue directly to the Combat Introduction.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Combat Introduction

This encounter features cultists.

If the cultists spot the heroes, or the heroes attack:

1 Hero:

The cultists see you, “So, more meddlers from the village. You’re gonna regret messing with us.” The cultists grab objects from the crate.

2 x Cultist Slingers

2 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Slingers 1 x Cultist Guards

The heroes start at the left of the clearing. However, if they have sneaked up on the camp, you might start them in the trees at the top-left, or elsewhere.

Combat Map

3 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Slingers 2 x Cultist Guards 4 Heroes: 2 x Cultist Slingers 2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Warrior Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Slinger Cultist Slinger Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Warrior

Encounter Features The camp clearing occupies the middle of this encounter area. The wooded areas, tent, and fire are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

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Combat Developments

Rewards and Treasure

If there are two or more heroes, then the combat starts with only the two cultist slingers on the map. These two cultist slingers call for help, and are joined by more cultists who appear from the right side of the map.

If the heroes defeat the cultists, they can take some of the bombs from the crate next to the fire. There is one bomb for each hero. After the monster cards and stand-ups you’ll find the Bomb item card for your heroes. Print it out and cut it like you would a Hero Card:

Tactics The cultist slingers are basic ranged attackers, and each of them starts with a bomb from the crate next to the fire (that can’t be safe!). These bombs are dangerous for closely-grouped parties of heroes, and for nearby enemies as well. The cultist guards and the cultist warrior are melee fighters. The cultist warrior is the leader, who gives orders to the other cultists.

Failure If the heroes are defeated, they are captured by the cultists and kept prisoner here in their camp. From here you will need to improvise their escape from the cultist camp.

Conclusion Once they bypass the camp or defeat the cultists: Leaving the camp behind, you hurry along the track through the forest. The heroes can take a short rest to remove damage. Proceed to Encounter 6: Dragon Prince. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

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Ability Tests

Encounter 6: Dragon Prince The sixth encounter brings the east and north paths together at the foothills of the dragon’s mountain. Our heroes meet the dragon prince, who seeks to control the dragons and take over the Brecken Vale. This encounter includes combat if the heroes confront the dragon prince, attack the cultists, or fail to sneak past the cultists.

Encounter Intro

The heroes can perform these ability tests: • Intelligence (Perception) at difficult 5 to hear the cultists complain of boredom and lack of action. • Intelligence (Stealth) at difficult 5 to sneak around the cultists on the road, or closer to the cultists.

Development When the heroes sneak past or approach closer, the dragon prince appears:

Read this introduction first: You emerge from the oppressive gloom of the forest into the rolling foothills of the Druinhowe mountains. There in the distance soars the smoldering peak of the dragon’s mountain lair. The road winds through the foothills, gradually rising as it takes you deeper and deeper into the mountains. The sound of distant gruff voices echoes off the rocky landscape, stopping you in your tracks. There are people on the road ahead. The heroes first hear these cultists talking. If they approach, or if they try to sneak around the cultists, the dragon prince arrives and chastises the cultists.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

You hear a piercing voice ring out, and see a young man like yourself, astride a huge horse. He wears black armor, decorated with draconic scales and teeth. “You there! What are you doing lazing about?!” The cultists scramble to their feet. “What do you think you’re doing! Gossiping when at any moment some filthy rabble from Rivenshore could be approaching along this very road.” The gruff voiced cultists, “Sorry my prince! Is the village not already under our control?” The dragon prince replies, “Barely under control. But soon enough the dragon hatchling will break free from its egg, and then I will have what I need to bring the Vale under the control of my family!”

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If the heroes decide to confront the dragon prince, he orders the cultists to take care of them:


The dragon prince stares at you from his horse. “Fools,” he turns to the cultists, “Teach them a lesson, and send them back to Rivenshore as an example...”

1 Hero:

2 x Cultist Guards

2 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Acolyte

3 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 1 x Cultist Slinger

4 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 2 x Cultist Acolytes 2 x Cultist Slingers

Otherwise the dragon prince takes the road up the mountain, leaving the cultists to guard the road.

Combat Introduction If the heroes are spotted by the cultists, or have tried to confront the dragon prince: The cultists draw their weapons and stand across the road to block your progress.

Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Guard

Combat Map

Cultist Guard Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte Cultist Slinger Cultist Slinger

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Justin Halliday

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Encounter Features


The road runs through the middle of this encounter area. The wooded areas are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered. These wooded areas also provide cover against ranged attacks from the plateau. The cultist slingers occupy the elevated plateau at the top-right of the map. Climbing up to this area is an action that requires an ability test (Strength or Dexterity at difficulty 4).

When they defeat the cultists or sneak past: Past the cultists, you follow the road higher and higher. The heroes can take a short rest to remove damage. Proceed to Encounter 7: Mountain Foothills.

Tactics The cultist guards are melee fighters, who attempt to block the road to stop the heroes pursuing the dragon prince. These guards use their defensive attack to block the road and keep the heroes in place for ranged attacks. The cultist acolytes stand behind the guards and use their standard magic attack against the heroes. If the heroes get past the guards, the acolytes can repel them with their arcane leash action. The cultist slingers are basic ranged attackers. They attack the heroes from the relative safety of the plateau. If a hero is in the trees, then the hero’s armor pool gains 1 extra die when defending the slinger’s attacks. If the players defeat the guards and acolytes, then the slingers will likely flee.

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Encounter 7: Mountain Foothills


The seventh encounter introduces our heroes to a belligerent ettin.

Encounter Intro Read this introduction first: The road gradually rises as it takes you deeper and deeper into the mountain range. Finally, a smaller path splits from the main road, and climbs northwards towards your destination. After a long hard climb into the mountains, you hear a distant sound of crashing water. A few more twists and turns of the path bring you to a small grotto, where a waterfall cascades into a deep pool. You immediately see a huge two-headed giant sitting on top of a fallen tree. The giant has metal shackles around each of its necks, and a chain runs from these shackles around the toppled tree trunk. The giant’s two heads are in the midst of a heated argument.

The ettin, called both Grund and Grub, is trapped by the tree trunk that has fallen on the chain that’s shackled to its neck. The ettin recently chopped down the tree with its massive axe, causing it to fall onto the chain. But then the argument broke out about whose fault it was that the ettin was trapped, and it threw the axe into the mountain pool. At this moment, the ettin’s two heads are mad at each other for getting trapped. They are hungry and cranky, and they are not in the mood to let anyone past them without a fight. There are many options for resolving this encounter: • Fight and defeat the ettin • Free the ettin by helping to lift the tree • Free the ettin by burning the tree • Free the ettin by recovering its axe from the pool • Sneak or run past the ettin

Ability Tests The heroes can perform these ability tests: • Intelligence (Perception) test at difficult 5 to see the axe in the pool. • Intelligence (Perception) test at difficult 6 to see the hidden cave behind the waterfall (heroes automatically make this test if they visited Madge).

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Combat Introduction

The ettin is a brutish melee fighter, who can attack several adjacent targets at a time. However, the chain may limit its movement.

If the heroes aggravate the ettin or try to run past it: The ettin tears a branch from the tree and roars!

Combat Map

Rewards and Treasure If the heroes free or defeat the ettin and they have used some healing potions already, he can offer them one or more healing potions that will prepare them for the final confrontations with the dragon cultists.

Conclusion If the heroes fight the ettin: The ferocious ettin topples like another fallen tree. Or if the heroes helped the ettin: You free the chain. The ettin gives a joyful howl. The heroes can take a short rest to remove damage.


If they visited Madge, or noticed the cave behind the waterfall, and want to head that way:

This encounter features the ettin. 1-4 Heroes:

1 x Ettin Giant

You carefully pick your way along the slippery path, and plunge through the freezing waterfall.

Use these health boxes to mark off damage:

Proceed to Encounter 8a: Dragon’s Hoard.

Ettin Giant

If they continue along the path to the dragon’s lair:

Encounter Features The water and tree are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

You continue your climb up the mountain, following glimpses of the charred entrance to the dragon’s lair. Proceed to Encounter 8b: Maw of the Mountain.

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This encounter is an exploration test for the players. Will they be tempted by the dragon’s hoard, or will they stay focused on their goal?

The dragon is Drexanathon, or an illusionary version of him anyway. The giant pile of gold, and the dragon atop it, are illusions. If the heroes take some of the gold, then these turn into worthless stones and pebbles when they leave the chamber.

Encounter Intro

Ability Tests

Encounter 8a: Dragon’s Hoard

When the heroes enter and pass through the waterfall: You emerge, drenched, from the freezing cascade of the waterfall. Behind the waterfall, a rough natural tunnel winds deeper into the mountain. Where you stand, the tunnel is barely lit by the light filtered through the waterfall. Ahead of you the tunnel plunges into darkness. But after a few moments, you notice a scintillating light play across the tunnel walls in the distance.

Conclusion When the heroes leave this cavern and venture deeper:

Exploration Assuming the heroes don’t immediately turn back and go back through the waterfall, they reach a large cave that contains the dragon’s decoy hoard. As you press deeper into the tunnel, the shimmering light grows stronger. After a few twists and turns, the tunnel opens into an enormous cave. The light here is overwhelming; the centre of the cave is filled with a towering pile of golden coins. Atop the pile is a huge gold dragon, slumbering deeply. Gold coins are scattered across the ground at your feet. The tunnel continues on the far side of this cave. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

If the players choose for their heroes to make an ability test to investigate the scene: • Intelligence (Lore) test at difficulty 5 to recognize the dragon as Drexanathon, and to remember that he is back in Rivenshore. • Intelligence (Perception) test at difficulty 6 to notice that the pile of coins is illusionary.

You sneak out of the cavern, leaving behind the deep rumble of the dragon. If they did take some of the coins: Safely out of the cavern, you pause a moment to check your spoils. You hold up the clinking coins in the meager light. As you look at them, their sparkle fades, their gold tarnishes, and you find yourself holding a handful of rocks. Proceed to Encounter 9: Dragon Cultists.

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Ability Tests

Encounter 8b: Maw of the Mountain This encounter brings the heroes to the collapsed entrance into the dragon’s lair. The cave into the dragon’s lair is at the top of the piles of rubble. The heroes’ task is to get inside; by force, guile, or stealth.

Encounter Intro When the heroes have climbed up the mountain: You climb higher and higher up the mountain, following a trail that dwindles to barely a dusty track. You round a bend in the track, and there in front of you is a huge pile of collapsed rubble. This must be the entrance to the dragon’s lair. From the cover of jagged rocks, you see a group of robed cultists clumsily lifting a metal cage up the pile of rocks towards a small dark entrance into the lair. When they disappear into the darkness, several cultists remain behind to guard the entrance to the lair. There are many options for resolving this encounter: • Attack and defeat the cultists • Sneak past the cultists into the cave entrance • Convince the cultists to let the heroes in • Distract the cultists and then enter the cave • Convince the ettin to help scare off the cultists

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

If the players choose to make an ability test: • Dexterity (Stealth) test at difficulty 6 to sneak past the guards and enter the dragon’s lair. • Intelligence (Talking/Disguise) test at difficulty 6 to convince the guards to let them past (the difficulty is reduced to 5 if the characters have an appropriate disguise). • Strength (Intimidation) test at difficulty 6 to threaten the guards (the difficulty is reduced to 4 if the characters have the ettin with them).

Role-Playing The cultists, especially the warrior, are loyal devotees of the dragon cult. If the heroes try to talk to them, they are dismissive of these ‘children’, and tell them to ‘hurry back home so the dragon has something to eat when it gets hungry’.

Combat Introduction If the heroes approach the cultists or are caught trying to sneak into the lair: “Intruders!” shouts one of the guards. “For the dragon prince!” they draw their weapons and attack!

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Combat Map

Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Warrior Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte

Encounter Features

Monsters 1 Hero:

2 x Cultist Guards

2 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Warrior

The rock piles are obstacles that require two squares of movement for each square entered to descend, and three squares for each square climbed.


3 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Warrior 1 x Cultist Acolyte

The cultists seek to stop the heroes from entering the dragon’s lair. The cultist acolytes can use their arcane leash to push the heroes back down the rubble.

4 Heroes:

2 x Cultist Guards 1 x Cultist Warrior 2 x Cultist Acolytes

Conclusion When they defeat the cultists: A wave of heat washes over you as you approach the cave entrance. The heroes can take a short rest to remove damage. Proceed to Encounter 9: Dragon Cultists.

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Ability Tests

Encounter 9: Dragon Cultists As we approach the climax, the two routes into the dragon’s lair converge. Here, the heroes face the dragon cult’s most powerful warlock, who protects the Dragon Prince.

Encounter Intro When the heroes enter the dragon’s lair: The air grows hot and thick as you continue. In the distance, red light illuminates the rough cave walls. You emerge from the winding cave into a vast cavern. On the far side of the cavern, a column of lava pours down the rocky wall into a bubbling pool of lava. You hear a deep rumbling sound, and near the base of the lava column you see a huge scaled creature curled around a giant egg; this must be Algoxarth. Before you can venture any further, a familiar voice echoes through the cavern. “Quickly, it is beginning! Get the cage into position before this egg hatches.”

If the players choose to make an ability test: • Dexterity (Stealth) test at difficulty 5 to sneak further into the cavern before being discovered. • Dexterity test at difficulty 4 to jump across 1 square of lava. The difficulty increases to 5 to jump across 2 squares of lava. If the heroes fail this test they take 1 damage but still make the jump.

Role-Playing The cultist warlock is the most powerful warlock of the dragon cult. If the heroes try to talk to the cultist warlock, he offers for them to join the ‘Devotees of the Dragon’. If they agree, it is soon revealed that their role in the organization will be as food for the hungry baby dragons.

Combat Introduction If the heroes approach the cultists or are caught trying to sneak into the lair:

The heroes enter from the left side of this area if they came from the Dragon’s Hoard or from the bottom if they came from the Maw of the Mountain. The heroes can try to sneak deeper into the cavern (see the Ability Test section below). If the players do sneak closer, then they can start the combat encounter somewhat deeper into the cave. This may not be a great idea. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

As you approach the Dragon Prince continues, “Oh, and get rid of those trouble-makers before they ruin this auspicious occasion.” From the heat-haze emerges a cultist. His hooded robe is decorated with dragon scales, his hands are shrouded in flames that burn with blue-hot intensity.

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Combat Map

Encounter Features This map, and the map from Encounter 10, form the entire cavern of the dragon’s lair. The lava pool flows through these two maps. This encounter should take place in the lower section of the map, while Encounter 10 occurs when the heroes move to the top section of the map. The rock pile across the corridor is an obstacle that requires two squares of movement for each square entered to descend, and three squares for each square entered to climb. The heroes can use the stepping stones to cross the lava, but each is an obstacle that requires two squares of movement for each square entered. Alternatively the heroes can jump across the lava using all of their action (see the Ability Test section).

Monsters 1 Hero:

1 x Cultist Warlock

2 Heroes:

1 x Cultist Warlock 2 x Cultist Warriors

3 Heroes:

1 x Cultist Warlock 2 x Cultist Warriors

4 Heroes:

1 x Cultist Warlock 2 x Cultist Warriors 2 x Cultist Acolytes

If the heroes are strong, you can add these guards: 2 x Cultist Guards Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

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Use these health boxes to mark off damage:

When the heroes defeat the cultists:

Cultist Warlock

Sticky from blood and sweat, you catch your breath for just a moment, then continue deeper into the dragon’s lair.

Cultist Warrior

There is no time to rest here. So if the heroes are low on health, you can have them find some potions on the cultist warlock. The heroes move immediately to the north end of the cavern. Proceed to Encounter 10: Dragon Prince Battle.

Cultist Warrior Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte Cultist Guard Cultist Guard

Tactics The cultists seek to stop the heroes from reaching deeper into the dragon’s lair. However, they also want to draw the heroes to the warlock. The cultist warlock hangs back until the heroes come closer to the lava pools. When they approach, he uses his Infernal Bolts against as many enemies as possible. The cultist guards and warriors engage in melee combat, and draw the heroes towards the warlock. The cultist acolytes can use their arcane leash to push the heroes towards the warlock. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

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Encounter 10: Dragon Prince Battle


The final battle with the Dragon Prince takes place in the north end of the dragon’s lair.

The Dragon Prince wants to control the dragons to expand his family’s empire. If the heroes try to talk to the cultist warlock, he offers for them to join the ‘Devotees of the Dragon’. If they agree, it is soon revealed that their role in the organization will be as food for the hungry baby dragons.

Encounter Intro When the heroes cross the lava to the island in the middle of the lava pool: As you draw closer to the sleeping dragon, you can see the egg nestled in the giant creature’s scaly tail. The Dragon Prince turns to face you. “Why do you keep interrupting?! Can’t you see that the egg is beginning to crack! And when it does, this little dragon hatchling will be mine to raise. Mine to command! Mine to control!” “And when I control a dragon, none will dare defy me. You, and your little village, will be nothing but bad memories.”

Combat Introduction The Dragon Prince stands, sighs, and utters a draconic incantation. He raises his hands, and a sword of burning magical flames appears in his grasp. “It’s a shame you won’t live to regret interfering with my plans. Oh well…” Additionally, if there is more than one hero, then we get bonus cultists:

The heroes should start encounter on the island.

Ability Tests The players can make a Dexterity test at difficulty 4 to jump across 1 square of lava. The difficulty increases to 5 to jump across 2 squares of lava. If the heroes fail, they take 1 damage but make the jump.

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Justin Halliday

The prince gestures. More cultists emerge from the thick choking smoke.

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Combat Map

Encounter Features This map covers the entire cavern of the dragon’s lair. The lava pool flows through these two maps. The rock pile across the corridor is an obstacle that requires two squares of movement for each square entered to descend, and three squares for each square entered to climb. The heroes can use the stepping stones to cross the lava, but each is an obstacle that requires two squares of movement for each square entered. Alternatively the heroes can jump across the lava using all of their action (see the Ability Test section).

Monsters 1 Hero:

1 x Dragon Prince

2 Heroes:

1 x Dragon Prince 2 x Cultist Slingers

3 Heroes:

1 x Dragon Prince 2 x Cultist Slingers

4 Heroes:

1 x Dragon Prince 2 x Cultist Slingers 2 x Cultist Guards

If the heroes are particularly strong, you can also add these acolytes: 3 x Cultist Acolytes

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Use these health boxes to mark off damage: Dragon Prince Cultist Slinger Cultist Slinger Cultist Guard Cultist Guard Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte Cultist Acolyte

Tactics Unless he is alone, the Dragon Prince hangs back until the heroes cross lava pools and approach his starting location. The cultist slingers use their ranged attacks attack the heroes. If there are no heroes with ranged attacks, these cultists can be replaced with guards. The cultist guards engage in melee combat as they cross the lava pool. The cultist acolytes can use their arcane leash to push the heroes into the lava pools, which deals 1 damage (and they have to use 2 squares of movement to climb out of the lava on their next turn).

Combat Developments When the Dragon Prince is Hurt, he may realize that he’s losing and turn his attention to attacking the dragon egg. You can also do this if it looks like the heroes are close to defeat. Additionally, try to position him next to the lava for a fiery demise…

Conclusion When the heroes defeat the Dragon Prince: Your attack strikes the prince, shattering his dragonscale armor. Its force sends him staggering backwards. The prince screams as he trips and plunges into the burning lava pool. Continue to Encounter 11: Defenders of the Vale.

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Encounter 11: Defenders of the Vale The final encounter completes the adventure.

Encounter Intro Directly after the Dragon Prince’s defeat, read this: Over the sound of the lava pool’s splashing, hisses and pops, you hear a sharp cracking sound. Up on the plateau, coiled in the tail of the slumbering dragon, the shell of the huge egg cracks. The great dragon Algoxarth stirs. Her tail uncurls from around the egg, and with a deep rumble, her huge head swings towards the egg. Carefully, she pries away the cracked shell pieces with her claw. As the pieces of shell fall away, a slimecovered form wriggles and stretches. Two tiny claws reach out of the shell and grip the broken edge of the shell. A small dragon face peeks over the top of the shell expectantly. Algoxarth leans down and nuzzles the little dragon, letting out a long low rumble. The little dragon keens and chirps back. It stretches up and rubs against its mother’s rough scaly nose. Algoxarth turns to face you. “Come closer, little ones.” “Let me introduce you to my baby. Today, you have proven yourself as a defender of the vale. And when my baby is grown, it will protect you.”

Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Role-Playing The great gold dragon Algoxarth is grateful to the heroes for rescuing her and the hatchling from the Dragon Prince. The young hatchling breaks free from its egg and scrambles around its mother and then, curious, it scampers up to the heroes and befriends them.

Developments Safe from the Dragon Prince, Algoxarth asks after Drexanathon. On learning that he is alive back in Rivenshore, she urges the hatchling and the heroes onto her back to fly out of the mountain lair. Algoxarth continues, “Drexanathon is alive. He worries for me so. And it makes him fierce.” “Quickly, brave children, climb onto my back. We will fly back into the Vale.” Algoxarth nudges you up onto her back pointing suitable hand and footholds. The hatchling scrambles up after you and attaches itself next to you. Like a boulder shifting, Algoxarth raises up onto her hind legs. Her muscles ripple, and her great wings spread out in across the cavern. “Hold on!” The dragon leaps into the air, her wings beat at the thick air, lifting you all towards the roof of the cavern, through the thick lava smoke, and into a tunnel up through the mountain.

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Continue: With strong wingbeats she surges towards distant daylight. You burst out of the smoky tunnel into the bright whiteness of clouds. She spreads her wings and banks into a glide that arcs over the soaring peaks of the Druinhowe Mountains. In the distance, through the scattered clouds, lays the vast spread of the vale. She swings her head back to talk to you. “The vale is home to many creatures, great and small. It is your home, but it is our domain. Generations of your folk have lived under our pledge protection. When the vale needs our protection, it is sworn to you. And in return, your folk are pledged back to us.” “But the folk of the vale have short lives and even shorter memories. It is easy for the small folk to forget the pledge that Rothgar made. And to forget the pledge that Frey made before him. And the pledge of Sif.” “All of your folk, back to the beginning, pledged to protect us, as we protect the vale. Today you children have honored that pledge.” The green tracts of the Darkwold Woods pass below you. In minutes you have covered ground that took you days to cover on foot. The edge of the forest passes beneath you, and there in the distance is Rivenshore. You feel the dragon’s muscles tighten, and she beats her wings faster. Hero Kids Adventure – Reign of the Dragon

Conclusion As you approach the village, Algoxarth lets out an earth shaking roar. She swoops low over the buildings, sweeping barely a few feet above the great hall. Expectantly, you scan the town square for the Drexanathon. The town square is filled with people looking up to see you on the dragon. Yet you see Drexanathon immediately, reared up on his hind legs, his neck stretched up into the air, bellowing a deafening roar! Algoxarth lands in the town square in a scraping skid. She quickly shakes you all to the ground. Drexanathon comes bounding up, and the two dragons crash into each other then curl to the ground in a roiling tussle of roars and growls of joy. The little hatchling scurries behind your legs as the townsfolk come crowding around you, babbling their congratulations and exaltations. They quiet and freeze and shrink back as a shadow falls over you. You look up, Drexanathon looms over you. He lowers his head to speak to you. “You are so small. Yet I owe you so much. My life. My love. And my sire. You held to the pledge. And you have earned our gratitude, forever. Thank you little ones…”

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